1 } A Se I So $6nny Merk, | Bait BELLEFONTE, PA. Friday Morning Aug. 2%, 1362. DEMOCRATIC STAT TICKET. POR AUDITO%. GENERAL, ISAAG SLENKER, OF UNION COUNTY. YOR SURVEYOR GENERAL. JAMES P. BARR, OF ALLEGHBNY COUNTY. COUNTY TICKET. © POR CONGRESS, WM. F. REYNOLDS. Sahjeet to the decision of the Democratic District Convention. “FOR ASSEMBLY, ROBERT F. BARRON. FOR COMMISSIONER, WILLIAM FUREY. POR DISTRICT ATTORNEY, WILLIAM H. BLAIR. ——e ries} BOE Be FOR AUDITOR, WILLIAM J. KEALSH. pe re een FOR DEPUTY SURVEYOR, ALEXANDER KERR. Think of ft. Das the public over reflected upon the oost of modern Republicanism? Have they ever thought whet must be actual con dition of things when itsavowed principles shall have reached their ultimate results? 15 they thoroughly comprehend when they ‘stand at the polls with a Republican ticket i their hend, to what depth of national degradation and misery and ruin they are paving theway Can they appreciate the position of Sumner, Wade, Levijoy Greddy and other leaders of that party 1 We lay nc claim to any faculty of mind which enables us to penetrate decper into ths philosophy of events than many thou sanda of our fellow citizens who seem to be drifting quietly and carelessly on a tide which leads to a maelsterm of horrors, to years of toil and sacrifice and Llood to des~ elation and pestilence and famine to a sub. verted Constitution and irreparrbly broken Uuion, sad finally to despotism, or what is worse, to anarchy, when the lax of might will be'the law of right, and the dove of peace will find no resting place in all the and. For what are we called upon to make this great sacrifico of national existence and individual happiness and prosperity ? For emancipation! For the impossibility of elevating the negro to a social and polite teal equality with the white man. That is the only reward which the republican party offers for a Constitution violated, a Union Zestroyed and all the unimaginable suffer~ ings and horrora that would follow the nc. eomplishment of 50 great a crime. —— ter) A A Acer wl The Ticket, The Democraiic County Convention meg in the Court House, on Tuesday evening lart, and placed in nomination the tickes which will be found at our mast lo day.— The proceedings throughout were harmonis ons, and as the nominees” are all strait- ent Democrats, the Democracy can rally enthusiastically to their support, We congratulate the Democrats of Jen- tre County on the unity and harmony that now prevaile in ourjanks. The signa are propitious, and if we give © a strong pull, = stoady pull and a pull altogether,” we can not fail to achieve a most glorious triumph. Thauk Heaven, there are no disorganizers in our ranks, and the firm resolve with Democrats from the least to the greatest, is to stand by the principles of our good oid’ party, and make one more tremendous if oit to maintain those Constitutional rights of the people, which are uow threatened to be taken away from us forever. In another column, we publish in full, the proceedings of the Convention, Let every Democrat be prepared to yield a hearty sup- port to the ticket, and to do all that lies in his power, for the service of the whole party throughout the State. Next week we will given more extended notice of our candidates, « a Wir Aner BE Arrestep ?—Henry Ward Beecher declares that, unless the Govern- ment policy should instantly change, the war.ought to ‘cease. Does not such lan guage discourage enlistments ? Garrison of the Boston Liberator, says, + jt 18 the duty of all Abolitionists ¢¢ to dis- rourege enlistments,” under the late call, aud to deny any support to the Govern. went. : Pillsbury, a Garrison Abolitionist, in a ate speech, advised his hearers to ‘ be shot down at home, and die like Christians, and have a descent burial, rather than div in the cause of the Union.” : Had a Democrat made use of such lan guage as:is quoted above he would be arres- ted. It18 altogather probable, however. that, as these {reayofisble “utteranges were wade by **desr "Al tonistd,'" arrosts ‘will be made. Wayne County Democrat. Ja ne i SR TN i gli ‘Our Candidates. Isanc Slenker, Esq., our candidate for Auditor-General, is a gentleman of distin. guished ability and spotless reputation, tle born of German parents, and who were til. lers of the soil. The early political course and well-trir.d integrity of Isaac Slenker is knewn to many of the people of Pennsylva- nia. In 1834 he was clected to represent Union and Northumberland counties in the Sonate of Pennsy vania ; and while too many Senators in that body yielded to the influences that were employed by the late Bank of the United States to obtain its char- ter from a Pennsylvania Legislatare, Isaac Slenker, with eleven others, as honest men, resisted these influences, and won the repu- tation of faithful among the faithless. He was upon the Jadiciary Commitiee of the Scnate, and took an actiye part in the revis gion of our civil code. At the expiration of ‘his Senatorial term, Mr. Slenker returned again to the - practice of his profession as a lawyer, and since then has been out of pub- lic position, except that in 1835 he was one of the Presidential Electors on the Demo. cratic ticket in this State.” Mr. Slenker is a gentleman of commanding abilitiés ; highly exemplary in his habits of life ; of great in- dustry and purity of character. Col. James P. Barr, our candidate for Surveyor General, is the editor and proprie- tor of the Pittsburg Post, a newspaper that since Mr. Barr's connection witk it has ever been the advocate of sound National princi~ ples. During the present civil war the Post has auly advocated the prosecution of the war for the suppression of the rebellion, and the preservation of the Constitution 2nd the Union. At the same time it has been un | sparing in its hostility to that disloyal party or combination that has sought to prostilute such war to the mere purpose of negro emancipation. and to that policy in condact- ing 1t that necessarily tends to make dis- anion perpetual, and to permanently destroy our republican form of Government. Mr. Barr, like Mr. Slenker, is a Pennsylvanian by birth, born in the county of \Westmore- land—is a practical printer— has raised him self to a proud political and business posi- tion by his industry and energetic character, and is a gentleman of promptoess and integ- rity in all his private and political relations. While our candidates have great reason to entertain a just pride that they have been selected as the standard bearers of a great ‘national party, struggling to maintain the Uuion and Constitution agamst dangerous and ins dious assaults of their enemies, still that party may well congratulate itself that it is so worthily represented in its standard. bearers.— Democratic Address. The Government and the Citizen. Whether the allegiance of the Citizen is due to his State or to the United States, or to beth combined, 1t is not at all material to our present purpose to discuss. The time when such a discuss'on wouid have been proper or profitable has passed + way and has aot yet returned. We ure much too busily engaged at present in cutting each other's throats and reducing each other to rain to attend to anything else, and least of all to attend to disquisitions involving the Cons!is tutional relations which the Siates and the Union sustain to each other. War, bitter ard unrelenting, is rioting throughout the land, and the calin reasoning adapted to happier times is now altogether out of place. But to whichever power the allegiance of the Citizen 18 dus—whether to the individ~ ual State, or to the United Siates—it i° clear that the Government of neither can rightfully claim our obedience, unless it re- spects and obeys itself the fundamental law which has created it. The Citizen is bound to obey the Constitution of his State, the Constitution of the United States, and the laws made in putsusnes thereof, whether sivil or military, and he is bound to obey none other. If our rulers, without our conv sent, appropriate to themselves and exer Cige an authority opposed to and outside of the law of the land, which is a rule to them as well ag to ourselves, we are not only not bound to obey them, but it is oar right and duty to resist them in any and in all man- rer that resistance can be made effectual. — And it is not the Citizen, in a case like this, who is the rebel but the ruler. We are not his slaves to do this or to undo that, but he i our servant, clothed by us with authority to exccute our will, embodied in the funda- mental law. It is the gross mistake of 1g- norance or the lame diversion of time sery- ing dishonesty, to cry out, that all who op- pose Lincoln, Seward and Stanton are giving aid and comfort to the enemy and warring upon the ¢“ best of Governments.” Admins istered according to the spirit and letter of the Jaw, ours is certainly the noblest system of Government which has ever existed among men. Administered as Mr. Lincoln is ad miristering it, and it combives the very worst elements of French anarchy and Turk. ish despotism. Under the nex ukase of the Secretary of War, the life and liberty of over twenty millions of people are taken out of the protection of the Constitution and Laws 80 far as he can take them, and placed at the absolute mercy of the Government. The new Grand Vizier * by authority,” not of the people, but ‘of the President, has for. mally, and for aught any man knows to the contrary, indefinitely suspended the writ of Habeas Corpus. and the will of Stanton and Company is now made the supreme law of the land, anything in the Constitution of any State to the contrary notwithstanding. We cannot and we wil not believe that men who have drawn their ideas of liberty and representative Government from the teachings of Sidney and Jefferson will much Jonger endure the upstart aud vulgar despo. tise which dares to aftront the majesty of a proud and free people by such acts as these. —8t. Mary's Beacon. =” ¢ You cannot fight always, and when sfier much loss on bothsides, and no gain on either, you cease fighting, the identical question as to terms of intercourse are again upon you,’'—4braham Lincoln's Message. Lleol nd RR! ia a native of York county, Pennsylvania— | Democratic County Convention, The Domocratic Delegates of the several townships of Centre county, met in County Convention on Tuesday evening, the 26th inst., in pursuance of the call of the Stand. ing Committee. Hon. Samuel Strohecker was gppointed Chairman, and James Foress man and J. P. Gephart Sccrotaries. The following Delegates presented thei credentials, aud took their seats as members of the Convention : Bellefonte—John T. Hoover, and Henry Cabello. 4 Burnside—B. Phedelpher, Boggs—Wm. Marks and H. L. Barnhart. Benner—John Roan, and A. B. Rishel. Ferguson—James O'Brien, J. Buttorf, J. G. Mitchell. Gregg—Gen, Geo. Buchanan, John Grove, J. Goodheart. Haines —John Hosterman, J. A. Fry. Howard—Henry Dopp. Husten—John Campbell, Halfmoon—John A. Hunter. Herris—Samuel Gilliland, Philip Moyer. Marion—Wm. Allison, John Garbrick. Milesburg—dJames D. Glenn. Miles--Samual Strohecker. Potter—Geo. Hoffer, Poter Neft, D, Fleish er, Wm. Love. Penn—Wm, L. Musser, J. P. Gephart, J Smith. Patton—George Gray. Snowshoe ~ James Foresman. Spring—John Hoy, J. A. Mallory, Taylor--Joln Copenhaven, Union—John C. Hall. Unionville—Johr Bing. * Walker—Samuel Pettit, D, D. McKean. Worth—John H. Holt. On motion, John T. Hoover, John Copen- haven, and John Garbrick, were appointed 4 commiltee to report a preamble and reso- lutions for the consideration of the Conven- tion. The Convention then proceeded to the nomination of candidates for the several offi- ces, which resulted in the choice of the fol- lowing ticket, viz : Assembly ——TRobert F. Barron. Commissioner— William Furey. District Attorney — William H. Blair, Auaitor—William J. Kealsh. Deputy Surveyor —Alexander Kerr. The Congressional Conferees were then unanimously instructed to vote in conference for the nomination of Col. WM. F. REY« NOLDS, as the Democratic candidate for Congress, and John T, Hoover, Jared B. Fisher, and C. T. Alexander were chosen said Conferees. | The Comwittee appointed to prepare res- olutions for the consideration of the Conven- tion, reported the following which were unanimously adopted : Wiugreas, The Democracy of Centre county. in pursuance of ancient custom, and in the exercise of the lawful and indefatiga ble right of all Awerican citizens. this day met in County Convention, to select proper persons to he placed ia nomination for the different offices. And whereas, it is the duty, as it is the right, of the prop'e to meet together in their primary assemblages to exercise thei jidgment upon the men and measures to be passed upon at the coming election—to express those views and those sentiments which to them may seem proper, and to advocate thms) measures which to them may best ealculrted to avert the dan- gers which threaten and environ our common country ; therefore Resolved, That it is the first da'y of ev- ery patriotic citizen to support, protect, and defend the Constitution and the Union of this great Confederacy from all foes, wheth- ev foraign or domestic—to frown apon every measure whatever, that would tend to weak- en the obligation of the citizen to the Gov. ernment of the country, or to umpair its effi- ciency to accomplish the great end for which Providence deigned it, aud which our fathers fought to establish. Resolved, That we will uphold, maintain, defend, and preserve in all its intugrity, per- fect and uninjured in all its parts and pro- visions, in i's form and ir. its ess ence, the venerated Constitution of our fathers, ins scribing uron our barners the broad plat- form of the Constitution as it is. and the Union as tt was.” Resolved, That the Democratic citizens of Centre county, who are ever loyal to duty. hereby pledge themselves to yield a cheerful and hearty support to the Government of our Country in its fearful struggle to suppress the wicked and unwarranted rebellion by which the Southern people seck to establish a separate Government and subvert tho au- thority of the United States. I Resolved. That we heartily adopt the ac. tion of our late Democratic State’ Conven- tion, believing that the sentiments promulg. ed by that body to be based upon true Dem- ocratic principles, and that its nowinees-- Messrs. Slenker and Burr—are, eminently honest and competent to represent the inter ests of the people in the offices for which they are designated. Resolved, That we view with alarm the practice of the administration in sending bod ies of armed soldiers to the very capital of our State, and seizing peaceable citizens and imprisoning them beyond the ~ontines of the State, for alleged acts, which if criminal at all, are hut violations of State, and not of Federal laws, and that we recognize in such practice, not only an outrage upon the rights of our citizens, but an insult to our loyal Commonwealth. On motion, John T. Hoover was appointed Representative Delegate to the next Demo- cratic State Convention ; and Samuel Gilli: land recommended for Senatorial Delegate. and Wm. L. Musser, ani Wm. Alison ap- pointed Senatorial Confereces. P. Moyer presented the fellowing resolu- tion, which was considered and adopted : Resolved, That hereafter the Delegate Convention of this County, shall he held in the borough of Bellefonte, on Tuesday of the August Court, at 1 o'clock, P. M., with open doors. For the present year, the following gen tlemen were appointed as the Standing Com- mittee : Bellefonte—J. D, Shugert. Barnside—J. 1. Holt. Boggs —Philip II. Barahart, Ferguson—dJames O'Brien. Potter —John Shannon, Gregg—John Grove, Penn—J. P. Gephart, Haines —Fred. Karta, Walker -A. ©. Geary. Marion—Simon Yarger. Howard —Jacksaon (iardner. Snow Shoe — William Holts Union—Henry Gates. Huston— Wm. Myers. Patton—Reuben H. Meek. Halfmoon—Joha L. Gray. ¥ ’ Weddin ARR Rai. Ws ail Taylor—William McCoy, Worth—John H. C ok, Benner—B. F. Hunter, Spring-~John Hoy. Milesburg—John Pownell Union—T". J. Geary. Harms— Edward Kreamer. Miles—Reuben Kreamer. Resolved, That the proceedings of this Convention be signed by the officers and published in the Democratic papers. SAM'L STROHECKER, President. Jas. FORRSMAN, - J. P. GepHART. Secrefaries. Peoples’ County Convention, In pursuance of the call of the Chairman of the County Committee the Peoples Con- vention met in the Court House on Wednes- day evening August 27th 1862, and organ- ized by calling John Tonner to the chair, and R. II. Duncan and Wm. Shortlidge Secretaries. The following delegates pre- sented their credentials, and were admitted : Bellefonte Borough—John Tonner, Geo. IH. Weaver, John Brackbill. Milesburg Borough—H. P. Treziyulny, Danie! P. Shope, Joshua Mitchell. Unionville Borough—R. T. Downing, A. N. Russell. Benner—John Way, Joseph Marshall, Thomas Purdue. Boggs—J. M. McCoy, Austin Brew, Wim. Campbell. ! Burnside.—~Geo. Michaels, James Mar- shall, Robt, C. Ross. Curtin.—~J. W. Packer. Ferguson. — Greyg.—R. 1. Daucan, A. B. Erhard, R. F. Vanvalzah. Huines.—Jas. P, Coburn, Half Moon.—D. H. Burket, A. KR. Barlow Harris.—Moses Thompson, John Hassun, John S. Foster, George Jack. Howard.—J. F., Riddle, Wm, Hannon. Huston.—John Adams, John J, Thomp- son. Liberty.~—Daniel Koons, John Ligget, Ar- thur Foreman. 3 Marion.~Wm. Swanzey, Samuel Me Kean, John McCa'mont, Miles. — Pation.— Penn.—~Wm. C. Duncas, P. F. Musser, Jas. M. Duncan. Potter.~James M. Thompson. Rush.—Jas. C, Williams, D. J. M'Cana. Snow Shoe.—F. P. Hurxthall, John As- key, Richard Miles. Spring. —Wm. Shortlidge, Mord. Waddle, John R. Tate. Tuylor -~Wm. Adams, Wm. R. Plamber. Union.—Jo=eph Hoover, John Alexauder. Walker.—Col. Greze, T. B. Rapert. Worth. —Robt. Camphell, Geo. W, Smith. Messrs D. J. M Cann, Col. Andrew Grege nnd Robert Campbell, being appoint. ed a committee on resolutions, reported the followic g which were adopted unanimous. ly Resolved, that this convention cordially approve and re-affirm the resolutions adopt. ed by the People’s State Convention at Harrisburg on the Teh day of July 1862. Resolved, that we also desire to express our confi lence in the patriotism of the Hon. James T. Hale our Represenrutive in Cone gress and our approval of his uniformiy consistent course in the Nativoal Legisla- ture. The convention then proceeded to hallot for candidates for the respective offices, BALLOT FOR LEGISLATURE. Wm. Harris, Esq., was chosen by acela- mation, BALLOT FOR COMMISSIONER. 1st ballot. 2d ballot. Jas. Glenn, of Ilarris, 11 12 Ira Fisher, of Boggs, 24 14 Lewis [less, of Potter, 14 30 D. B. Pletcher, of Howard, 7 withdrawn. T. B. Rupert, of Walker, withdrawn. P. B. Waddle, of Patton, withdrawn. “ Lewis ITess having received a majority of the votes was declared nominated, BALLOT FOL DISTRICT ATTORNEY. Capt. Wn. I. Blair, 52 votes for to 4 against. BALLOT FOR SURVEYOR. II. P. Trezigulny was chosen by acelama- tion. BALLOT FOR AUDITOR. James Glenn, of Harris, 40 ‘Thomas Dale, do 16 BALLOT FOR CONGRESSMAN, Wm. I. Armstrong, 52 B. Rush Petriken, 4 Mr. Armstrong was declared nominated, and on motion was acthorized to choose his own conferees. R. I. Duncan, Moses Thompson and Jno. M’Calmont were appointed committee to call on Mr. Armstrong to address the Con- vention, On motion Wm. Shortlidge, A. 0. Furst and John Irwin were appointed a committee to issue an address to the peo- ple of Centre’ county. Wm. C. Duncan, D. J. M’Cann and. G .Kurtz,were appointed Congressional Con- ferees. On motion the Chairman of the Conven- tion was authorized to appoint a County Executive Committe for the ensuing year. Mr. Armstrong appeared amid the ap- plause of the Convention. He thanked them for the honor . conferred, said he would be pleased to give his views to the people of Centre county at length on the great question of the day, and would do so, at any time they might desire, whether he shoald be nominated for Congress or not. (Applause.) Adjourned sine dic. : ore The Toronto Leader states that at every po nt upon our Caiahan frontier, to le reached either by steamboat or rail, large numbers of the citizens of the Northern States sre reported to have arrived within the past few days. 17 This being Court week we have been unable to attend the Editorial Columns of the Watchman as we should like to have done. Next week however we shall try and be up to to the ~Mak,” rane eisai 07" No. 29 of the Watchman has been gtolen from our files. Will some one of our subscribers have the kindness to return us their paper of that number. lA ee 177”No news of importance this week. The Prayer of Twenty Millions, To Asranau Lincous, President of the Uni- ted States: Dear Sir:—I de not intruds to tell you—for you must know already—that a great proportion of those who triumphed in your election, and of ail who desire the un- qualified suppression of the rebellion now desolating our country, ave sorely disap- pointed and de:ply pained by the policy you seem to be pursuing with regard to the slaves of rebels, I write onlv to set sac- cinetly and unmistakably before you what we require, what we think we have a right tu expect, and of what we eomplain, I. We require of you, as the first ser- yant of the Republic, charged especially and pre-eminently with this duty, that you EXEcuzE THE LAWS. Most emphatically do we demand that such laws as have been re- cently enacted, which therefore may fairly be presumed to embody the present will and to ba dictated by the present needs of the Republic, and which alter due consideration have received your personal sanction, shall by you be earried into full effect, and that you publicly and decisively instruct your subordinates that such laws exist, that they are binding on all functionaries and citizens, dan that they are to be obeyed to the letter, II. We think you are strangely and dis- astrously remiss in the discharge of your official and imperative duty with regard to the emauncipating provisions of the new Con- fiscation Act. Tlose provisions were de- signed to fight Slavery with Liberty. They prescribe that men loyal to the Union, and willing to shed their blood in her behalf, shall no longer be held, with the Nation's consent, in bondage to persistent, malignant traitors, who for twenty years have been plotting and for sixteen months ‘have: been fighting to divide and destroy our eountry. Why these traitors should be treated with tenderness by you, to the prejudice of the dearest rights of loyal men, we cannot con- ceive. IIL. We think you are unduly influenc- ed by the counsels, the representations, the menaces, of certain fuseil politicinns hailing from the Border Slave States. Knowing well that the heartily, unconditionally loyal portion of the white citizens of those States do not expect nor desire that slavery shall be uphald to the prejudice of the Union— (for the truth f which we appeal not only to every Republican residing in those States, but to such eminent loyalists as H. Winter Davis, Parson Brownlow, the Union Central Committee of Baltimore, and to the Nashville Union)—we ask you to consider that slavery is everywhere the inciting cause and sustaining base of treason ; the most slaveholding sections of Maryland and Delaware being this day, thoush under the Union flag, in full sympathy with the rebal. lion, while the frec-labor portions of Tenn- essen and of Texas, though writhing under the bloody heel of treason, are uncongnera- bly loyal to the Union. So emphatically is this the case, that « most intelligent Unton banker of Baltimore recently avowed his confident belief that a majority of the pres- ent Legislature of Maryland, though elected as and still professing to be Unionists, are at heart desirous of the triumph of the Jeff. Davis conspiracy; and when asked how they could be won buck ts loyalty, replied ——* Quly by the complete nholition of slav ery.” It seems to us the most obvions trath, that whatever strengthens or fortifies slavery in the Border Sintes strengthens also treason, and drives homo the wedge in- tended to divide the Union. Had you from the first re used to recognize in those States, as here, aay other than uncon titi mal lovals ty—that which stands fur the Union, what. ever may become of alavery—those States would have been, and would be, far more helpful and less troublesome to the defend- era of the Union than they have been or now are. 1V. Woe think timid counsels in suelt a crisis ealealated to prove perilous, and probably disastrous, It is the duty of a Government 80 wantonly, wickedly assailed hy rebellion as ours has been to oppose forea to furee in a defiant, dountless spirit. [t cannot afford to temperize with traitors nor with semi-traitors, Itmust not bribe them to behave themselves, nor make them fair promises in the hope of disarming their causeless hostility, Repsosenting a brave and high-spivited peuple, it can nilord to forfeit anything else better than its own salf-respect, or their admiring confidence. For our Government even to seek, after war has been mada on it, to dispel the af fected apprehensions of armed traitors that their cherished privileges may be assailed by it, is to invite insult and encourage hopes of its awn downfall. The rush to arms of Ohio, Indiana, and 1llinais is the true answer at once to the rebel raids of John Morgan and the traitorous sophistries of Beriah Magoflin, V. We complain that the Union causa bas suffered, and is now suffering immensely from mistaken deference to rchel slavery. Had you, Sir in your Inaugural Address, unmistakably given notice that, in case the rebellion already commenced was persisted in, and your efforts to. preserve the Union and enforce the laws should be resisted by armed force, yar would recognize no loyal person as righlfully keld in slavery oy a traitor, we believe the rebellion would therein have received a staggering if not fu- tal blow. At that moment, according to the returns of the most recent election, the Unionists were a large majority of the voters of the slave States. But they were composed in good part of the aged, the {ee- ble, the: wealthy. the timid—the young, the reckless, the aspiring, the adventurous, had alveady been Jurizely lured by the gam- biers and negro-traders, the politicians hy trade and the conspirators by. instinct, into the toils of treason. IIad you then pro- claimed that rebellion would strike the shackles from the slaves of every traitor, the wealthy and the cautivus would have been supplied with a powerful inducement to remain loyal. As it was, every coward in the South soon became a traitor from fear; for loyalty was perilous, while trea- son seemed comparatively safe. Ience the boasted unanimity of the South—a uranimity based on rebel terrorism and the fact that immunity and safety were found on that side, danger and proktable death on ours. The rebels from the first have been eager to confiscate, imprison, scourge and kill: we have foucht wolves with the de- vices of sheep. The result is just what might have been expected. Tere of thous- ands are fighting in the reliel ranks to-day whose original bias and natural leanings wonld have led them into ours. VI. We complain that the Confiscation act which you approved is habitually disre- garded by your Generals. and that no word of rebuke for them from yon has yet reach- the public ear. Fremont’s proclamat on and Hunter's Ocder favoring emancipation were promptly annulled by you; while flalleck’s No. 3. forbidding fugitives from slavery to reliels to come within his lines— an order as unmilitary as inhuman, and which received the hearty approbation of every traitor in Amorica—with scores of like tendency, lave never provoked eve: your remonstrance. We complain tha the officers of your armies have habitually repelled rather han invited the approach of slaves who would have gladly taken the risks of escaping from their rebel masters to our camps, bringing intelligence often of inestimable value to the Union cause. We complain that those who have escaped thuz to us, avowing a willingness to do for us 1 OPvLD a] | serving rebels whatever might be required, have heen brutally and madly repulsed, and often aur rendered to be seourged, maimed sod ter- tared by the ruffian traitors, who pretend to ywn them, We complain that a largs proportion of our regular army officers with many of the Volanteers, evinces fur more solicitude to uphold slavery than to put duwn the rebellion, And finally, we com- plain that you, Mr. President, elected as a Republican, knowing well what an shomi- nation slavery is, and how emphatically it is the cure and essence of this atrocious re- bellion, seem never to interfere with these atrocities, and never give a direction to your military subordinates, which does not ap- pear to have been conceived in the interest of slavery rather thaa of Freedow. Vil. Let me call your attention to tha recent tragedy in New-Orleans, whereof the facts are obtained entirely through Pro- Slavery channels. A considerablo body of resclute, able-bodied men, held in Slavery by two rebel sugarplanters in defiance of the Confiscation Act which you have approved, left plantations thirty miles distant and i made their way to the great mart of the South-West, which they knew to be in tha undisputed possession of the Union forces. They made their way safely and quietly through thirty miles of rebel territory, ex- pecting to find freedom under the protec- tion of cur flag. Whether they had or had { not heard of the passage of the Confiscation | Act, they reasone logically that we Could not kill them for deserting the service of sheir life long opvressors, who had through treason become our implacallo enemies. They came to us for liberty and protection for which they were willing to render their best service: they met with hostility. capa- city, and murder. The barking of tha base cars of Slavery in this quarter deceives n one-—even themselves, They say, indeed, New-Orleans armed (with their implements of daily labor in the cane-field) ; but no one doubts that they would gladly Lave laid these down if assured that they should be free. They were set upon maimed, cap- tured and kilted, becausa they sought the benefit of that act of Congress which they may not specifically have heard of, Lut which was none tho lass the law of the land —which they had a clear right to the beue- fit of—which it was somebody’s duty to pub’ lish far and wide, in order that so many as possible should be impelled to desist from and the rebellion and com over to the side of the Union. They souy! their liberty in strict accordance with the law of the land—they were butchered ori reenslaved for so doing by the help of U soldiers enlisted to fight against Slavel ing Treason, y's fuuit that they wera som others shall here- after suffer in like manner, in default of ox- plicit and public direction to your generals that thay are to recognize and obey the Con- fiseation Act, the world will lay the blame on you. Whether you will choose to hear it through future History and at the bar of God, I will not judge. 1 can only hope. VII. On the faco of this wide earth, Me. President, there is not one disinterested, de- termined, intelligent champion of the Union cause who dues not {eel that all attempts to put down the rebellion and ut the same tima uphold iis inciting cause are prejistarous and futile—that the rebellion, if crushed oat tomorrow, would be renewed within a year if Slavery were left in full vigor that Army ofacers whe, remain to this day devoted to slavery can at best he but ball way loyel to the Univn-—and that every hour of deference to slavery is ap hour of added and deepened peril to the Union, 1 appeal to the testimony of your Embusen- dors in Europe. It is freely ac your service, not at mine, Ask them to tell you candid ly whether the seeming subservieuey of your policy w the slavebotding, slavery-uphold- ing interest, is not the perplexity, the dos- pair of statesmen of all parties, and be ad- monished by the general answer | 1X. If 1 close as I began with the atate- ment that what an immense mujority of the Loyal Mitliuna of your coun en require f you is a frank, declured, ung d, un- grudging execution of the Jaws of the land, mora especinily of the Confiscation Act. That Act gives freed im to the slaves of reb- ols coming within our lines, or whom those lines may at any time incloge—we ask you ty render it due obedience by publicly re- quiring all your subordinates to recognize and obey it. The rebels are everywhere using the late anti-nagro riots in the North, as they have long used your officer's treat ment of negroes in tho Sovuth, tu convince the slaves that they have nothing to hope from a Union suecess—that we mean in that case to sell them into a bitter bondage to defray the cost of tha war. Let them ime prose this as a trath on the great mass of their ignorant and credulous bondmes, and the Union will never be restored—never. We cannot conguer Tea Miliions of People united in solid phalanx against vs, power- erfully aided by Northern sympathizers and European allies, We guides, spies, cooks, teamsters, diggers snd choppers from the Blacks of the South, whether we allow them to fight for us or not, or we shall be baffied and repelled. As ona of the millions who would gladiy have aveid- ed. this strugazle at any sacrifice but that of Prineiple ard Honor, but who now feel that the triumph of the Union is indispensable not only to the existence of dur country but to the well-being of mankind, I entreat you to render a hearty and unequivocal obedi- ence to the law of the land. Yours, HORACE GREELY. New York, August 19, 1862. Letter from the President. In a recent number of his paper, the New York Zribune, Horac: Greeley, addressed a letter to the President, taking him to task for his policy in regard to negro slavery as connected with the present war. In his res ply the President says that his policy is to save the Union wilh or without slavery — that his object is neither to save nor destroy that institution. As the letter is about as much one way as it is the other, we give 1t for what it is worth, and leave our readers to draw their own inferences ; : Executive MANSIUN, VW ASTINGTON, August 22, 1862. Honorable Horace Greeley : Dear Sir :—I have just read yours of the 10h. addressed to myself through the New York Tribune. if there be in it any state- wents or assumptions of fact, which I may know to be ertoneous, [ do not now and here controvert them. [If there be in it any ferences which [ may believe to be fulsely drawn, I do not now and here argue against them. If there be perceptible in it an im- patient and Giceatorial tone, I waive it in deference to an old friend whose heart 1 have always supposed fo be rizht. x As to the policy | “seem to be pursuing.” as you say. | have not meant to leave any one mm aoubr. fi, : I would save the Union. T would save it the shortest way under the Constitu jon. — The sooner the rauonal authority can be restored, the nearer the Union will be “the Union as 1t was.” Ifthere be those who wou'd not save the Union unless they could at the same time seve slavery, Ido not agree with them. If there be those who would not save the Union unless they could et the same time destroy slavery, T do not mgreas : | weight, and unless the black be taken oft- that the negroes had no right to appear in| must have scouts, | with them, My paramonnt object in this atruggle 8 to save the Union, and is mas either tg save or to Soul slavery, JI X could save the Union without freeing’ on: slave. I wou d do it ; and Af 1 could axve by frecing all the slaves. § would do ic ; sand if 1.could save it by freeing some and leaw ing others alone, [ would also do that.= What I do about slavery and the oolorcd this Union ; and what I forbear, I forbear because I do not believe 1t” would “help save the Union. I shall do Yess whenever | cause, and [ shall do more whenever I shall i shall try to correct errors, and I shall adopt true views. I have here stated my purpose fending to my view of oficial duty ; snd 1 en | no medification of my oft~expreased personal { wish that all men everywhere could be free. Yours, LixooLN. Rights of White Labor over Black { ! The historic misfortunes of America comn | menced whea Abolitionism broke the shell ; i they will not have disappeared until the | blind virtue itself, its champions and 1ts 0b- jects. be driven from the soil. Our country | is now on the verge of lasting ruin, chiefly | from mad philanthrophy for the African.~— | The dhqater part in the cause of the seo. { cursed rotellion of the Sich issued directly {from it; and wien the rebellion is trampled | to death in blood and hye, the integrity of | tho Republic will be yet in jeopardy. unless { Abolitionism be made to feel its militaz® i to the climate intended for him by nature. | To expel the negro, and to shut down the i race of fanatic men whom he has bewitched | are indispensable remedies for & permanent | restoration of the Union. While they are {in the land we shall have tumult and sedie tion. After the war-~which is the first conse quence of Abolitionism—we have already upon us bloody contention bstween white and black labor—the second issue of thas | insanity. | with refugee negroes from the South. Thess | wretches zrowd our cities, end by overstocks ing the marke: of labor do incalenlable ia. jury te white hands. 1a Cincinnati, em ployers along the wharves have taken the negro by the arm and given him the place of the white man. The result has been 8 terrible riot. The evil 1s incressing. Phil- adelphia, New York, and Boston, may secon follow the example of the Western metraps olis. In fact, it is a certainty that the exo- dus of plantation blacks now going on wil lead to the mist unfortunate excesses ia tha Northern cities. - What is to ba duns? That which sho State of [lliuo1s has very sagacionsly dona, namely, made a stringent law forbidding Blacks to cross its hound rice. This is pro-emicently just. Ths negro indeed ia unfortunrte, and the creature has the com. mon rights of humanity living in his breast : but, in the country of the whites where the labor of the whites has done everything, but hig nothing, acd where the whites flad it difficult to carn & subgistence, what right has the negro either to preference ur squsit- ty, or to admission 1 ic is the suonger that should prevail: lor it hag the wore resson--without which thers can ba no right —to support it, * Wilat" haa the African dons for America 7 "What great or even decent work has his head coneutrad,. or his handy exzcuted 2 We pity his cons ditivn: but it is unjust ta put him in tha balance with the whie laborer. To white toil this nation owes everything: but te black, nothing. Furthermore, there is dee to the white. Therefore, has Illinois done a jost and prudent piecé of legislation. It hes saved itself from much tumult, and hae done cowypnon justice to its own members. « If the other States of the North bs trus they will imitate illinois. The perpetuity of it may be messured by the circumstances of its chief props—it white laborers in brain and hand. The con- | dition of tha negro — whether he be in iude- | pendence or misery, can have no effeey: whatever, on the continuance of the Repub lic: neither himself nor bis children can ae- er constitute a true part of the State, But such is not the case with the white laborer. He ix a citizen, Presidency before them with ag much cere tainty, and with greater probability than the descendents of the rich. It is they, | more than the offspring of more fortunate | parents, that wll increase the populatien and coustitute the soldiers and magistrates race, [do because I believe it helps to save new views so fast as they shall appear to ba. The North 13 becoming black cided unnaturainesstin preferring the negro © to themselves, and. just to their mbabitant® © tis the Whites = that made and are to perpetuste this nation. lis descondania have the. ! shal believe what I am doing hurts the | believe doing more will help the camse. I. When rights coflide, Fal {of America. Now the national value of. | those descendents greatly depends on the condition of the parent. The better paid he | is for his toil, the better the culture he gives | his offspring. And the Letter they sre cui | tured, the better for the futuraof America. ! This is incontestible. No one calls it inte = 1 | doubt, So that improving the condition of i the white laborer, no matter what the means may be, cannot but have bad consequence | on the future greatiess of the Empire, | Will our Northern Legislatures act with ! just and patriotic wisdom ? But we prefer appealing to ¢/t the white operatives—the people—the bone and sinew of the nation.— This country is their exclusively. It will belong exclusively to the generations that succeed them. Ag they are now, so will those generations be-—so will their grand country be in the future. 'Fherefore., by justice, and by patriotism they have both right and duty to resist this black curren condition. Abolition, and away from the eertainty 0 can. ' We counsel no tumult. The Black fe loaded with misery. But the author of the greatness of the country, he who owns, the country and who perpetuates it best with members and with brain and muscle, must be preferred to him, As he 18 treated so will the country be. Let no man employ a black whils he can get a white. lal orer.— ie who prefers the black to the white may yet find his own injured by the cboice-~ Boetor Pilot. that 18 invading them, for it willinjire thein.. So without violence, down with « | injuring the white laborer, with the Afriar-. » x