•orii attinnan. 7, Ikon Vanity •Iltaty: • hiterview_between a Coats*l)&24 '• ~you •b'long to de . army, Mara'r asked the intelligent contraband uneasily. Yes. That is—l am—yes ; I ans. with the army, air, .replied :'the' Tribune correitpondenr, and I would like, Sir, to aslk• you a ,----few—qaestiens,# Wherels_ Beau - : regard, at Corinth or at Rich • vinendff Mars'r, Trib.—Whpre, at Rich In nd.? Trib.—And low many , men has he 7 —Niggers, Mari i'4. Trib.—NO---Soldiers. Sixty t'ousand, 1 ' specs. Trib.---What ? Are ycm sure 7 Aren't you mistaken.? Trib.---Well, when did he ar- ELMS' ¶frib.--Yon mean week's;-Ajont you. Marsr Trib.---Dr you think the rebels will evacuate Richmond ? Int.--0, Yis Mars ; deyll fight like de debbil ! Trib.--Yoii dont under:stand the, -Air. I mean. will they zt -away. Marsr, they oilers run away. Trib —But if Meelel4mt—had attacked thVeity three weeks ago, he could have killed them all, couldnt he ? ; he killed eth I spec: --I got under a fence and he'didrrt saw me. • I========l lh( se slave were 'you?'" as ked The 91rresponde.it after a pouce. Int. Con--‘Mars'r Davis's' .„ Trb. --What, Davis •?. Int, Con.-Yis, Mars'r. Cor.-And be treated you with great brutality no doubt. Cort Wig Mars'r treat me lust rate. Trib. Cor.-But you want your flieclorti don't you. T Col .-O Yis Mars'r. Trib.--:Rous , , would you like to go north ? In.—Putty col&norf, aint it ? Tijb.-0 no, Hirer been North Ins Mars'r. Int.—To Florida Ma 'r. Trib.—Florida ! Int.—Yia, Marb'r. De oA, gemman lib dar. Trib.—Wliat, your master ? Int,---lis Mars'r. Trjb.--Why, did Jeff Davis ever - live in Flos ida ? int,---0 ; he lib dar some forty or fifty 3 ears I speet.— The evidently untrustworthy nature of the replies of this . man and brother began to strike the correspondent at about this junc tiire,,and he shut up hi:; note book and retired. Zhe Man and. brother gazed after his re.- craten. trea'in , fornrvith interest, and "' c> 0J) tie upper corners ot the murnmred gently : - filets will be the denominatichn in a niStey sassy feller.--- white figures on 11, dark ground. Specs he is a fool ! with which I lic lives Will lame in t* ten skeedaddled, leaving our--.S.pe- tre the five cent Jwsture *amps, cial in much doubt . Nvllether thed w i th a "5" _iv geometrical, lath- I • • . wOrse •ice 'ibileaiAa btand would be if he endeav raored to fin(' perfect freth'oin by following the North Star. '..ASS CRICIMOMINT HISTORY.- The{ hickahomu river, all know from the reperts.of Gen. Mccjel lans' operations, to be a • stream in 'the: vieinity "of WO . n4rontiovhich broadens and deep ens graanally in its course.— Some time before it reaches the James river, into which it ernp -ties thirty-seven miles above For . tress Monroe, it is affected by the tides, and'at the mouth is, as it appears from the James between two and three miles wide. The Cldekattominy is .the stream which Capt. 'John Smith .was exploring when he was eaptaired by the warriors of Powhattan.— It is believed he was captived :somewhere near the scene of battle. It will be rememebered • :that its hanks wera in the days of . John Smith, as new, noted for =halm • Smith was mired in the, twamps iihenlhe savages pointed upon him. I deseriptiou of Congess. The Syracuse [N. Y.] Couner' • in noticing the nAlkkurnment of • ra.v. the followin, mirable picture of the proceed hip in that body. It says : "With violations of the Con stitution innumerable ; with plun derings• and stealingi beyond measure ; wit'h unbxampled de votion-to the black, and unequa led neglect of the interests of the white man; with unsurpassed sub serviency to the lash of Abolition faraticism; with a relentless hate, unrivled. ni AV.annals of history, orthe white citizens of the South; with - treason to the Constitution in their hearts . ; with a fell spirit of disimienism -in all their acts; with a noisy Profession of devotion to liberty on their, lips. but in fact a real support of evry act of tyranny, they .--hate sulli! el --the freemitu's tight - of habeas corpus to be denied him; they have encouraged unreason, ble searches and seizures; they 1444~ t• • '. • • tity of the freeman-is home; they have trampled' opinion, free speech and a free press; they - stave encouraga-the-se-i-zure, mid imprionment of free white citize ns accitsed of no offens and guilty of no crime; they have sufferd free horn white citizens to languish week's and months in .Northern bastiles without investi gat-OlUthey-have cinmoreti about the confinement of black men sanctioned by law and custom— in the. District of Columbia ; they have created inquisitorial courts unknown to the laws, called coin missions to hold or discharge per sons-without trial by thier _ peers; they have expelled, and sought to expel, the qualified representa tives of Northern Sovereign states under various pretenses, but rea'- ly, because, of their Constitutional emoc racy they have maligned our soldiers mild denounced our lenerals ; they - have divided up military departments only to make room for partisan favorites, they have; in order to inittife the success of their abolition schemes; embarrassed and produced the defeat of our Cenertds in the field; they have sanctioned every out rage, submitted to every usurpa tion, aid are responsible for eery disaster. By their 'Artisan tar iff they wall nigh have ruined the commercial interests of the country, and by their wild and crude schemes of finance and IRM currency, ley hate iiu u r the triumph of shinplasters." I ' II E NEW POSTAGE STAIIP3.—The design for the postage stamps to be used as a currency have been adopted, and are now in the hands of the engraver. They are to be of dour del ofnnations, viz: five, ten, tm enty-five and fifty cents.— All will he printed on bank note paper, and the five and tens will he two and five-eights incheg, and he twenty-figs and fifties th ree 'belies in length; and all are one and three-quarter inched wide. The fives and twenty-fives will 1e brown, the tens and fillies NV} 111 V( Cif een mu), wit "10" on each side, The twenty-(fives will have live cent .starros, partly over .lapping from left to right; and the fifties five ten-cent Stpmps, similarly disposed. ()var. : the designs as above 'd4 seri:oo44in be the wcrds, "Pos 7 ta*Stamps furnished by , the As sistant Treasurers and deign ted depositaries of the Unitsd States,"-find underlhem,"Recei vable.for 'postage stamps at any post , oiliQel" In the mid,dle of the lower partof :the notes will b_e in large letters. Large ogal-es in lathe-work denoting the denomiaation\ will be in the, centre of the back of each .stamp" or "note" surroun ded by the words "Fachangable for United States notes by.any Assistant • Treasury.,: or designa ted United States Demitary, in sums not less than five .4eCeivaMe in payment .of all dues to the ,United States less than five - doilara.. ,Act approved July .17, 1E412," Aki ENGLISH VIEW.—In a, long article on The PosSittion of the Negro in ,America ,the London Tines arives at at the foHowirrg conclusion: • a• - Notwit g a t on behalf of the negro, his real pos . tion is very simple. He is the denizen of a country 8,000, 000 of the inhabitants of which are willing to allow him to exist there in the capacity of a slave and 18,000,000 are unwilling to allow him to exist there at all. The Sotith forces him to labor, but gives hitn food, clothing, and a home. The. North insists that he shall no longer be forced to labor, but refuses him a home in the land of his birth, and while ernalicipating-him from shivery, denies him all the privi eges of freednin. The opinion of R uses sin has decided that emancipation of the seffs carries with it the ne cessity granthig, them a .por-_ Lion of the land for their' subsis tence. • No such idea is maiutaiik. ed in America. L . The black must .• .n.tiar-vneslipote step between forced labor and expulsion. The opinion that would protect him against the first is silent, and, could It speak,_ is powerless to protect him againSt the second. For him no middle state between the tWo is possible. The desperate precipitation of the South, maltheinst for domin ion of the North, have hurled on matters-to- a-prailit no possibilitY Of dealing gratin al I y and temperately with this terri ble question. Popular passions have been 'evoked and excited, and it may yet turn out that the only point on which the two Con federacies who are pouring forth each others blood like water, may be able to agree, will be the de struction or expulsion, of that un happy r:tce which has servedas the pretext for theirxiirrel Vallitridingliam Two weeks ago we had the proud satisfaction of publishing the great speech of this sterling Democrat, delivered recently be fore the Ohio State -Convention, through the columns of the Col umbia Democrat. We were in hopes that sonic of • the - Union Savers and Abolitionists, would detect treason in Mr. VaHand igham's speech, or at least find Some tangible object ion to it, but in this we were . dissappointed, excepting a Riot squeak -from a w-r'f tho rot tpnostikilltLEaterl Legyo worshipping , lawdefying and Constitution breaking small fry papers of the country. And not one of these, so far .as we have seen, has ventured to call Mr. V. a "Breekinridger ." flur ry up boys. Don't tell your readers, that lie said in that Speech, that on the day of the election he traveled several hun dred miles to vote for Stephen A. Douglas. ' , B,—What has become of the - late -rumor, that papers had been found upvn a traitor preach ex implicating Mr. Vallanding ham. Hunt up your "rumor," boys, swear to it, and keep run ning the "rumor." through your machines* and possibly you may raise an excitement against the friend of his country and the foe of disunion. We will cheer -Thfl-y publish if you establish, rnent or infiaelity to the Consti tution. AN INFAiSOUg AVOWAL. The Toledo Nide admits the passage of the Crittenden Coppromise by, th,e last Congress would have Pre served the peace of the country end mail tained the Union inta4; t a6y,0400404at the Kepublicans could not support that Conpromi se kqeause it would have bepu 'buy .off the South with new con -cession; ' tq have done which, says the Blade, would have been de grading to the Republicans,-lac, This is a precious confession, ,The Republican leaders re f use .to pass the Crittenden Com. promise, not because its terms were unfair or unjust to .either section of the. Union ; not'because it conceded to the Smith' more than she was entitled to wader the constitution—but simply be cofii4 it conflicted with doc trines-sof the %Oilicago .11a.tform, and to s yield Ono jptior - tittile of that, platform waidd degya ded Abe RepUbliaan,i)arf7. ) . Had -the Crittenden Compromise been adopted, we would not to-da_i have a dissevered Union and g, civil war. But the Republican ' But the Republican leaders alibi d , not afford '.t.b .ritlee. Thv a i oi. ,nr - t - ii3 ,c, said, let the dissolution conit;4 , - ; the country may go to the devil— bnt the Chicago platform, that 'holy of holies,' must be preserv ed.—North West. EMI Is FRENIONT A PATRIOT. he remembered that when John-' ston reinforced Beauregard at Manassas, thus contributed to our Bull Run defeat, .great indigna tion was expressed at the blunder A similar, but more aggravating case has lately occurred. When. Stonewall Jackson . mode his rai in the Shenandoah Valley, the President ordered Freniont to , cross the mountain at a certain pass so as to cut off Jacksons' re treat. But Fremont, vain in his own conceit' disobeyed orders, too,a diffeient. rout, do as to:ga. "behind the enemy and — let — hifn esc. e to hel attack and perhaps desrrOY-' :11 • a irTrr! ' And when the ,President zollects the yarons stragling .forces, and orders them on to McClellan, Fremont refuses to fight, tl rows iiow it his, t'sword,, and with his staff, comes North to' dabble in politics, and foment strife----yet still drawing his rare pay. Meantime, the rebels can beat us for all he cares. And for theFe .things Abolitionists woship him. paErtoWaill . . GEN. NELSON MADE TO MARK A r, respondent of the I onton (Ohio) relates the following ns haring oe .orrrd it Camp Joe II tit The ramp guards after night are initrae t. , .1110 W Mille to r),14:4 in or cut without gi':og a countersign, and to retain ea prie m,m, tho4o o a come from the °Mettle to Ow Ine %%idiom it,. Gen. Nehon came to one of 'the guilltis one Opening, jug, after 1 the cohntet , ign bad been given out, and I bald something like the folio-dog convene- IME if: it ! Who comes tterel General—l am Gen. Nelson, commanding 1 (lionnl— this army nuardLl don't care ft d—n ; mark time, marA. Corp , ,ral of the guard, No. I, (e.,•king Isis piece ) Gimernl—(Comowneing to mark time Blom ly ) —You d—L fool, I'l hale you pun- nLcd hku Ilun't care a il—n ; it M'Clel- Liu was.,here withi,ut the counten4ign, he .Imohl mark time till the corporal coney. gold( t hive, march. GeHernl—(Swenring and went ing.) —Let me rent. Guard—Nii ; nun(. li n e? hy this time thil i News had eprehd like wild lire through tauup that one of the marking thine, and half of :he regiment was collected on that Nide enjoying the joke I hugely. The eorpnral was sery slow in coning, and every time Nelson would edaekeu speed the guard would cock hi 4 gun :tin) command—mark time_ I By the time of the arrival of the Oorpo al, the (:enentl's rage had so far subsided that he toe began to nee the humeroub si le of the j,Ace• There has been over lour them and in erea- , e in the population of ebiewAo the yenr. Over two tbouquil new henget; have been built. (o , ..Sleep ts called ‘• death's counterh it." and this is a ease in which the countierfeit:lB generally preferred to the genuine.. ii_For one half of th humeri race, Ra3s Mrs. Reed, the highest end of civilization is to cling like a weed to a wall.) THE CHEAP CASH STORE OF MesSrs. Hoffer Brothers, TIIE Subscribers hare just received a new and full supply of Spring and Summer try Having liurchnsed the stook of goods cn hand of Mr. George Jnektloti,. they will eontinrte the business at the old stand. No. 2, Reynolds's Arcade Their stook con:data of a general iussortznot on Dry Groeeries Hardware, Queonaware and 114asawaro. including a host or other nrtiolee in their linp, utnung which oan be found an extensive and varlad molection of ingEtSfi IDREgII4O DS, r p y chLa lltidals, ?ocean Cloths, Debeigos, Clobarge, Cashmeres, Detainee, Alpacas, Yrench Murinnos, Plaids. Ae. ) Their gentlemen's wear consists of a large as • sortment of Caeirneres, Clothe, Satinets, Satin, Vesting, Tweeds. lists and Caps And an exten sive Assortment of Boots and Shoes for Ladiee anti Gentleman and Children, with almost every other artists tbetmay be necessary to supply the wants of the community The premiers of the moray market baying had the effect of reducing the prim of many 'Mole, of rueretrandieo. the undersigned have been ena . bled `to b o rtt.itstoch at such rates that they clan cell goals at priests tomtit the times. And as they intend to do their best to please their customers, I both In the quality of goodat and prices, they hope to receive a reasonable sham of patronage. j All in want of goods will plea:mean and examti their stook. D.—They wfil keep constantly on hand, EX Tild FLOUR., which they will sell at the lowest cash prise LIAPP ()centre produce et all kinds taken in ex change for goods. Dried Basieskter sad constantly on hand, and for sale. LifOPPlift DROtHEBRS Bellefonte, idarah,lB, 101.—Iy• FINp amp awaants FOR SALE - ,low.by . E:OVirN lc COOK. Aier's Cathartic Pills. TIME_ •.. e lured to esecuto all orders in the Am. hn.typo, 0 ogrnp t, end, y po, any of the customary branches of the Heliograph ic Art His Photographs will be of the hAttur:T tifZE ever taken in the intetior of this State Card Pictures, and altinutk. an endless variety of common and Finley unapt, are offered at prices which vary from Of the Boeetgradeon liana July 19, 1962. THE LARGEST ASSORTMENT IN Town of Delmins, Shepard' and Mb hair Plaid', all of which will be sold a% the very °VFW rates, can be seen at the Btore of ' - 110FIBR BICOTHRREI. Cligoe and Reshienne direotly .Narth of the Clowrt Louse portion. Al his ofgoe exoept - two weeks In sash month. beginning with the first 110 inlay of the month Balitakts, May ist;ll36l-11. glentocatu attnunc,. • PVREI & liCVE7rablishers Per mutual, (twariplaly in advsnao,) Si btl Nn paper disoontlnued until an badk :attbaortp tipna are .std, and a failure to notify r tinoontin • • into aubsorfr , far grit' be to r nsiiiereW ini7r—erigagement ?IMO OF ADYIIII7/ .0/6. / insertion. 2 tlo. 11 do. Four lines or lam. $ 25 1 371 = 50 One square -12 lines 50 75 100 Two stillftFOlP-24. Hiles tOO 150 200 Three squares-3A lines 150 -8-00 250 3/mos. 6 moo. 12 mos. $,150 $ 9 001 5 00 t 2.50 400 r 00' 400 0 00 10 00 00 8 00 12 00 00 10 Du 14 00 10 00 14 00 20 011 . 16 00 22 00 40 00 Six linos or less, One square Two squares, Three squared. Four squares, half a column, One column, . Over throrsploefi and less then three menthe, 25 onnte for each insertion. . . ,Advortlsements not marked witiktime number or InsertionsidekireiN will UM 'motioned. tills thrisid deo and charged according to these Mims.. Fire, political and miscellaneous notices obarg ed according to tho above rates Business mottoes, five oonts par Ilhe for every insertion No reports, resolutions or prommlings of corporation, society or atstoiation, and t, munication designed to mild attention to any a t er of limi•ed or individual interest, can be insert.. ed unless paid for so an advertisement Obituary notions exceeding six lines, fifty Cents a square. Communieations reoeminending persons for- of fice, inserted at ten cents, a, Use; and the pay must, accompany the ffmnmunication NEWS FROM E SEAT OF WAR ANOTHER .A.EQUISITION A HEAVY IMPORTATION OF RA - RDWA FOR THE FIRM OF lAXTRESS PR _IRIS?' Who have just opened. in the Store Room on the N IV korner of the Diamond, in Bellefonte, for merly one upi ed by Wilson Brothers, tlisi r li ti largo and splendid assortment of Shelf ilarilivitte, !mire Trimmings of ev•ry description,. POCK ET AND TABLE CUTTLERY of every variety and prise CROSS CUT, MILL AND OrksCULAR SAWS of the best manufacture. IiIRI.i S, PI,SITiLSIiTI.TrrinINS. AND LIIcKS of 01017 description anutthe beet iitivaiij: "- MORTICE AND RIM LOCKS AND LATCHES of dilterent kinds. CUPBOARD, CHEST BOX AND TILL LOCKS. and largo and small PAD LOCKS. iI AND, 13 k CK, GRAFTING AND PANNL SAWS, Broad, Hand and Chopping AXES. IAJTCHERS' CLEAVERS AND CliOpplißs, Drawing Knivealletchets,Chise:s Adzes 11 AY,M A NITRE AND SPADING FORKS, EDGE TODLS of evory,desirable variety. SADDLERS' HARDWARE, A general assortment, and 50 per sent lower than any pine° else oARRI AG E MAKERS TKIMZINGS,C ARP EN TEES' TOOLS which cannot be surpassed VICES, ANVILS, DRILLS, SCREW PLATES. FILES, RASPS, PIPE SE EIN WAGON BOXES. STEEL SPELNDS, IRON AXELTREES, BENT FELLOWS, lIAMES, ho PAINTS OILS, -0-LASS AND POTTY, COAL OIL AND LAMPS, VARNISif, Y L('rlr - OIL CLOTIIS,PAT ENT LEATHER, ROPE AND WIRE of every size in abundance._ .SHOEMAKER'S TOOLs, - And all other kinds of Minds nenally kept inn well regulated Hardware Store Their stork lean entirely new one, comprising, ell the loading articles connected with the ware trade, ned their facilities for pus chasing goods not being excelled by any other estalklish. mord, they here declare theineelyee able to sell rowfifty to one hundred per cent lower than any taller Ostablishinent in - the country, and invite Gangers, Meehanics, anti all others in need of Iferdware, to call 'and satiety thcto4elees of the truth of the aseertion duly 18, 1880. N W PICTURE GALLERY. MR. J. BARNHART, HAVING innui A now and splendid SICV-LIGUT PICTeRICGA Elf 25 CENTS TO 25. DOLLARS ! Tnat ruetionc gis en null hppartus furnished upon reasonable terms This Gldlery is located on Ihq hill tumid° the Court house, near Garman's 110- 22, '(32.1 - - - NEW GOODS 1 NEW GOODS I A fresh arrtval of all kinds of new goods. just received, which will be closed out at vary low prices for- cash or country Tiroduce. BROWN & CODICE July 10 1002 TRUE EVERY WORD OF 1- . If you went to be shaved without siiiraping, If you wish your hair cut smooth and quiok, Just go down the street to Bill Ilardings, 110'11 fix you up ever so slick " At hisold stand on Allegheny St , just above Tolima Sadler shop, Another Requisition !!! 600, 000 DEN WANTED !!! To purchase their Wines and Munro at the NATECO:I,ZBALE VI , 1)E & LIQUOR STOR E ULU 'd.3 BMW 131 REE; BEUNFONTE, TWO I,ObICS WEST OF LOSS'S MEAT MAR KET Foreign and _ Domestic Liquors, Snob no • OLD NECTAR; OLD RYE, & MONON GAHALrt ,14WIST EY , COGNAC 44N D COMMON BRANDIES,. PORT 4ND .IL4D RIA W INB 3,SCOTC If AND HOLLAND GIN, NEW ENG. LAND RUM, And all grades of Liquors found in the Eastern Ci ies, sold as low aa in Philadelphia and New York. „„ All Liquors warranted to give Satisfirtion. Confident they can please purchasers, they TO apbotfully solicit a share of public patronage. Bold by ths-quart barrel or tierce. Also ► large lot of BOTTLED LIQUOR*, . .. WINGIATIC, DENTIST. 444.105e,• 111 Q Tin nuts or ADANI STAM, LATE OF PbTTICII TOWNSHIP, DECD. To Rillaboth,Stam, widow of Adam Siam Into of Potter township, deooltimd, Jacob Stara, John Stem, Geoygettem, Alitabtoth, intermarried with Joint Meiribadh, Rebeooa, ititermarriod with' Mi chael Rowley, Maria, Intermatried with William Spongier, ZaCharing Sittinglex. trinity Bintrtglor, Peter Spangief, Admit Spangle 7 Sarah - It - angler, Annie Spengler intermarried' with Rebecca Sphngler Sohn Hoffer, Jinn AO wax of Catharine; SI!. angler. John Spangler, William Spangler and Samuel Spongier Widen' of Catharine Slam, donned, who woe intermarried with John Spangler, Mary 'Ronirter, -- .Angel'ine Runkle intermarried with Alfrial Flash er, Amelia Runkle Intermarried with William River, John Runkle, John Hoffer, 111111X111611 Lb LlTtg, of Marla Runkle, Snub Runkle and Elisabeth Runkle, chit. dren of Susan Stam, dc&d, who was intermarried with Jacob Runkle, licurs Stam, Daniel Stam. Csrollna Stott!, intermarried with John iifuitser, John P. itunkla, Quardian. of Wil ham Stara, and Dante (1 rem •Uttardlan or Leah 1341 m, InSermorriett with the said Daniel tfrove,'Ohildren Williaffil3tAtn, don't!, ail heirs and leg,d representatives of the said Admit Slam difeened. _ TAKE NOTICE that by virtue of A Writ of Par• tition and Valuation issued out of the Orphan's Court of Centre County, an inquest of partition and valuation will be held on the real estate of the said Adam Stain, deceased-, situate in Potter township, Centre County, Pennsylvania, and in the said Writ of Partition fully deaeribeff, on Ft i day the 11th day of August next, on the pten hies, when and whore you may attend if you see prop er. 140. ALEXANDER. Sheriff. Sheriff's Office, Bellefonte, May 22, 1862 Legal Notice To the • Heirs of Casper , Peters, --late of Union towns ID'l)ee Tn S. C. Peters. Not ty Peters' intermartieli With Goo Hoover John F. Peter:saint Eliza Peters in °marl:ie. tel t minas " pp , ;Ttc MIISCIRT - leibit4-401148414416{Fy. Ellen Mason who are min ors „and th? children of Hester Ann Mason, dee'd, who was interim:it:tied with, Harry Patton, viz : John Patton, Wm Pat ton, ornetist Patton and Mnry Patton, Who are minors, all heirs and legal reprosontatives of Ma ry Peters dee'd, who was intermarried with Win Mason Ada!ine Itlttoin who is intertnatrietl with ENJ And Oscar Marill thdtirn and legal represonta lives of Hannah Pot rl?, (ICOOIIIIO4, who woe inter inarried nith Wit tinm Merin, all heirs and legal reptesentatives of Casper Peters doe'd. TAKE NOTICE that by Virttie of: a Writ of Partition and Valuation issued out of the Or pbait's Court of Centro rowdy, an tiVeu•et of partition and valuation will be hold on the real estate of said Casper Peters, d causal, situate in Union Township, Centre County, Pennsykanid, and in the said writ of petition fully described, on . Troarny: - A ngurt7ther — htt rest. - , 111- 4-he Ind where pin may attend of yeti save pearl.- er: UEO ALEKANDER, Sheriff BANK NOTICE. IN PURSUANCR O' TIM 2511 Section, First Article of the amended Constitu lkm of the State of Pennsylvania, and the First Secilmi of the Act of the General Assembly, pass cd th`e First-Jay of Juno, 1:339, the undersigned, citimins iit the (loininol wealth of Pennsylvania, hereby give notice that they intend to make - itp• plieatiou to the Legislature of said State, at its next stwiiiii, commencing the first Tuesday of January, 1803, for tho charter of a Bank, to be located iu the borough of liellefonto, In the ooun• ly of Centre, and Slots n foresaid, to be celled the “IIEELEFONTE BANK ,"the repel stock there• of to be Ono Hundred Thousaod I/0110a, with the Kit Sego of IRCIORMI lig i.t to Tee Hundred Thous. and Ihdlers : and the opecitle object for whioh the propqsed Corporation is to be char tered raid DebB - usual and legitimate business of a lank orTssue, Discount. Deposit and Exchange II BROCK FIRIIOFF, C T ALEXANDER, 4011 N IRVIN, J r , ED TILAN'OnAItD, IV.FTRET - 013 - )LDS, I) O. 1111SIL 0 M ELDER, WAONER, MAY A 1,0E13, HTIO W. JACKSON, W. A. THOMAS. 1t.11.11 UNCAN, HOFFER BROTHERS, SAM sTimiEctuit. M'COY, JINN k, co , A It BARLOW, THOMPSON, LINN CO , HARVEY MANN, DANIEL RHOADS, P. P HIJIIXTHAL, CEO BOAI., JOHN. P HARRIS, C. A. JCrltTEsi, VALENTINES A CO Bellefonte, Juno 211, 111112.—tf. LOOK HERE. CENTR k: fIArL POUADRI SHANNON PAINIs, Prroenrxronv. Thu andentignotl, having oseorintud themselves together in the Foundry Business, bog leave to call the attention of the eitttena of Centre county and of the public generally, to the tat that they intend t tunnufacture all kinds of ---- STOVES AND I 1 the Wt.rts improve d Plow, and several oWury cf Ike most approved styles, shirk are warranted to give sat olactiun. at the lowest rates for each air prompt pay, ur at fair rates for trade full kinds CM:OO O 32C errtl:=1 1 1710 suitable for eith coal or wood Also Nino-plate and Egg stoves, awl Parlor stoves of the hand somest patter. A PLOW-SHEAR Inf all kkals constantly on hand Also the Ot hot Threshing Machines with Stinkers attache , . Fled , and Sleigh soles, 11'agon Boxes and Kettles always on hand BRANNON d; PANE Centre hall, May 22,'62-3m. CIPXZEW I= CLACKS, WATCHES AND JEWELRY. Htoying purchased the stock of Clocks Watches and Jewelry lately owned by Bible & Moran, anti baring made large additions to fre some, respectfully fuvites the attention of the pub lic to his stock, consisting now in part of Gold and Silver Watches, Gold Guard and Fob • Chains, Gold & silver Bpeotaeles, Bracelets, Gents' Gold Studs, Watch Keys, Card Oases, Silver Pencils, Finger Kin gsasir Rings, Aretuit„Pina, Gold Pen cils and Pons, ogglea, Stcel Bags, Silver Plated Ware, Ac. Also, Eight day geld thirty-hour Clocks, at the veryt lowest priaoh John Mosan offers these sodas to Om publte,coneineed that they will most with satisfaction. Re is determined so dispose of neither en inferior article, or offer for sale anything in his lino but mina be can war rant. Considerable experience in business, and n • • • • • , • ••• re him n ad- - _ lie parnoular y invites the' attentstoß 6I — ti dies to his stock of Pies, Rings- and Pracelets, which are of the latest styles Awl he also in vites the gonllemenlo examine a very fine lot o Watches now offered for sale. BollefoaLo Jan, 5, 1860.—U% HOD ASSOCIATION. PHILADELPHIA. Rothis-Rottet of the Sick and Distressed tiillicied with virulent and Chronic DNS • lases. and especially for the Cure of Dis eases of the Serurl Orons. EDILIAL ADVICE given ghats by the Acting Surgeon„ VALUABLE REPORTS on Spormatorrhoon or Seminal Weakness, and other diseases of the Sex ual Organs. and ou the NEW REMEDIES .am ployori in the Dispensary, sent to the afflicted in Euieled letter envelopes. free of charge. Two or throe SioniPti for postsge-itittemeeptable ,Ad dross DR. J. SHILLON HOUGHTON, Acting Surgeon, Howard Assoolation, No. 2 South Ninth Street, Philadelphia, Pa. June 12, 1862-Iy. • „- BOOX STORE GEORGE L/VINGSTON, at hls well known stand on dui North-eastern cor ner of the publio egra,--Dellefonto, keeps deafly on bantiAlgWassortment of THHOLOGICAL CLASSICAL Mtscr.LLAsuotra LCD &Boob }BOORS. Also, p large variety of BLANK. BOOKS AND STATIONER q Y of the beat - MATIIEMATIOAL INbTRUMENTuaIity PORT POLIOS, &n. &o. onifßooks brought to order at a small advance e oily prises unalß -11.8 6.yer's Peptond. Imporiant to the Public ! ..1133St.CrOiriNT eite acid:nix:can I VV °I24ZI I "" alt a t '7l4 * .eni2 " l of , Bellefrio and vroinily, that they bate just reeelved and opened a In tbss loom torrnerl) oaleplod by Mr. Stone, oon riming In par , ne follow : - x) - 1: 7 1:w; Gc Noi ions, Clothirg, droceriea, ueenswere, Enrtb r on Ware, - 1360 TS Hats and Caps it traware. Wooden a nd Willow Ware, rieti. Salt, Paints, MANN Patt y, eta eta, And. In Net. everything usually kept In a amotry six°, all of which they will sell it low prioes for CAM or PRODUCE. feeling satisfied thlit they can otter superior inducements to Dash buy err. nROWN 4000 KB. Belief nte, May Bth, 1862-Bm. .GAIMAN'S HOTEL. (CATR TIIR FRANKLIN /201.1811, Opposite the Court Home, Bellefimte, Pe DANA I. GARMAN, Proprietor. THIS LONG EaTABLISIIED AND 'CraLl.-. kntwn Hotel, situated Gotha Southeast corner of the Diamond, opposite the Court Xl9llllO, having been 'pip-chimed by the undersigned, he• am:mum : es to the former patrons of this establishment and to the traveling poplin generally, that be intends refitting it thoroughly, and is prepared to render the most satisfactory ROOOMM 'dation to all who may favor him with their patronage. No pales triple spared on his part to add to the oonveni enoe or comfort of his guests. All who .atop with him will find 37C.X, s , r.eart,m abundantl# , trupplied with the most -sumptuous fare the market will afford, done up In style. by the most experienced cooks; while HIS BAR will &I -wo?? median ._ %) Choicest - or ft is Stabling Is best In town, and will always be attended by the most trustworthy and attentive bovtiora 11.00 him a call, one and all, and he feels con fident that all will be satisfied etch their accent- AN EXCEL E' rLI LEE jeattaebed to atilt satabludonent, whlah atrangera from abroad will lied greatly to -their advantage. DANIEL BARMAN. Roller to, Jan 9, 1882. .7.A.S.IIIEPERASLIIIE_OEANN.Q.IIIU7 -11- !Tyr,- to his- friends and the public in gen rid that ho has taken charge:Let this well known utel, lately under the mapervi. on of .3. 11. Morn-- on, and is folly prepared to accommodate the raveling In a style and manlier tommenea ate with the progressive spirit of the tunes_ _ lie is in possession of all the modern improve= menu and conveniences, as tt. &Peeping apparl monte. supplied his larder with the choicest the markets afford, and hi& Bar with the parcel WI nee • With the moat extetniivestabiingacteounnotintions end attentive and skilful ostler:l, together whit as siduous attention to business, he feels justified. In soliciting a there of patronage end the euprort of his friends., Oet.ll-'57.42-tf ftLINTON NOUSE, LOCIEILtITNN.PA- The subscriber flaying leased the above named Hotel in the borough of Look Haven, Clin ton county, Pa , takes this method of informing the phblie generally that he has made every risoluary preparation to entertain strangers and travelers in the liket possible manner. Tfirt ante WTI always ar.tain the cherieest tum mies that the country wi' offer& and be is deist wined not to be surpassed in this department by any otherilotel_along_the _Weetl3reach, life Bar will contain the choloest liquors ibatean be,purchated_in the otty market. Careful and attentive Ostlers will - Constantly be on hand to take charge of horses and see that they ere properly attended to. Trusting that he may relative a portion of the patronage of the traveling piddle, he by dose attention to be able to-rende r general satis faction. ALFRED MANN, June 6, '6l.—tt Pleasant Gap Hotel IS NOW KEPT 'RY THE UNDKRSIGNED where he *ill be bnppy t duct on Nw travolins publie generally June 41.11 18111-1 y JOHN H. NGIIRISON. K OLLOCK'SINFROVEDDANDELION "-a- COFFEE. This p. cpa ration , made front the best J ass Coffee, is strong' recommen awn, BEVERAGE for General Debility, Dyspepsia, alla all Bilious disorders. Thousands who have boen reluctantly eompelled to ahandon the uso of Coffee, will find they eon use Otis combination without any of tho Injution effoote they formerly exporieuood. Ono can contains tho strength of two pounds of ordinary Coffee Forintle by nil Druggists and Grocery, and by tho Manufacturer, corner of BBOAThind CHEST• NUT Stroote, and by JOB. B BUBBIESI •,C0 108. and, HO, S 1111.ARVBS. Prtoo 25 cents. March 6111 1862-Iy. JOHN MONTGOMERY Respectfolly informs tho citizens of f(l6le - (unto that he still condones to oerryon tho Tailoring and Clothing holiness at , his old 'Mad in Brokerholrs Row. on Main street, where he Is prepared to make to ordbr, all kinds o 9 Olothing in the neatest and most tmiltionahle style. Me hoops on hand a general variety o CLOTHS, c A SSIMEREB, AND VESTIIIOI3, of the [nit at and most approved patterns. I ALSO Ready made Clothing of all kinds which he is selling at reduced 'prices. fie Cede thankful for the very liberal support heretofore extended, and hopes to merit a continuanee of the same. • Ifellisfonte, Jgh. TO THE. LADIES. cirt Ilivringlust returned from Philadelphia, are with a ;Lew and splendid assortment Of MILLINERY GOODS, attic latest et lee and faahicatore feel .repard to fiats in part of SILK AND STRAW BONNETS, PLAIN AND PANO YTR IMMINGS, and all other artiolee generally keptin a Millinery Store. We have procured the servioes of one of the moat experienced Milliners in the oily. Store on Bishop street, next door to the old stand. . Bellefonte. May 8,431. MARY SOURBE6II. But Yankee Freedom will now show. Swett Where been mistaken ; Though of necessity he's their foe . Until they right again aeriken. ' Then Seoul/ the tone will and Was turned Au short ae this While turning to the Clothing Store ' Which we don't went yowl* wIM !• A. STEIRIfia#W k $3O. nte, Jane 6th , 188 Z GEO LIVINGSTON' iwg AMORE. ANDARRRING JUST , RR /••• mired and for silo by • BRON ' & COOL CONRAD HOUSE, BE]LEFONTE, PENNA. J. B. HUTTO STKRABF:fiG AHEAD I . Yankee Freedom is e t Ind. Aod Union is his sister • Uncle tient he Is their da d And he'll give encash. a twister. For they said Mrs. Sant she aitur— We always railed her But you, Search, indeekhavo 'red, And now he's going to hire& yam Yonkem and bin sister, too; Are bound on retribution; For our mother they said they knew, Died of a broken Constitution. tiji'