Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, August 22, 1862, Image 2

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iiiday Morning Aug. 22,1862:
- ,:. -. _
Ileums* Con.q ConVention
• - order, oLlaw-Sintadingi Committee, the Dem.
°cretin Convention of Centre County will meat
el ibe Coca? Hover it the Borough of BELLE
-11011211 On TOOL*? OF the Vith of August at 1
o'clock, P' r. Meetings for the selection of del.
egoist to said convention will he held is the, eev.
places of holding elections on SAVA DA Y 3dl
doe of Auguar
• Chairman
James P, Barr, r, q
- That gentleman, late-Demerratte:tvotriurce
fil Surveyor General, is a man of whom the
Democracy may well be proud- -an •• Israel
iie indeed. in whom there is no guile."—
Bold and fearless in his advocacy of the
rights of the people, he has always been an
acknowledged leader of the Democratic hosts
- 14 - Priamtylvat la.
and withal ors highly practical tura of
mind, he is just the man to fill the arduous
and most important post of Surveyor tiencr
•l of Pennsylvania. ' - itt - present, and having
been, fur years the editor of the Pats' urg
Post, pile of the ablest and must influential
Detoopatic journals iii the Milted States,
he thoroughly understands all the political
questions of the day, and has always proved
himself a hero in the defence of his country
and his party.
Caned to the position he now occupies, as
ono of the chosen standaribteeaterai of the
-.Democracy, by the unanimous voice of his
party ; and _without any cfrort of his own ; he
becomes stne.of the shining, Itglitic of the
country, iu these - times of national •peri i l,
about whom it is the duty of the people to
rally, if they would sane themselves and
thirainstitutiona from the awful pit of de
ttniction which now yawns to engulf this
cnce happy land.
Democritalhhe election is fast approach
ing: The enemy ate marshalling their fore
es for a desperate struggle. Everything that
lying and misrepresentation can do, will be
done to defeat our noble and upright candi,
dates. De not seduced from your afiggi
anCe to the pi inciples of Democracy by the
tautening and contemptible cry of 'ticces
sienast,r' "traitor," &c., fin we can assure
you that this cry will be used. liemember
your country demands that you be firm in
elsego, you adhere boldly and enthusiasti•
eally to die principles of that good old par
ty, which have heretofore covered this land
with glory, and which, but for the mad out
pouring of sectional - treason and feeling,
would t..)-day Lave our, count* in their holy
keeping, safe from all tte ills and calamities
that now beset us on every side.
The gentleman whose name head's this ar
ticle, is a patriot., true and tried. Let us
rally to bis support, and roll , up fur him
MA a majority as will astonish those who
are in the habit of saying that the Demo
critic party in Pennsylvania is dead. Our
votes cannot be cast for a better man, and
certainly his efforts in the past have earned
for him the distinguished position fur
betas been nominated, and to which,
'Mg hope and believe, he will be most tny
umpheintli elected.
Believe not a "word to the discrelit of
JANIS P. Bette. Ile is a mair l in — ititotri
there is no deceit—no h)pocrisy. Honest,
teitelligent, faithful end upright; he, will
grace the office to which he aspires.
Delegsta '&lv:dor.
- -
onvent on will, .o eld thrbugbout the
County on Saturday. It is important tit , t
good, honest, faithful and intelligent men
buelected to fill these important positions.
sod that they come hare with the detertni
thin to work harmoniously together for the
good of the whole party. IA there be no
strife or contention. The times demand, a
6►ity of heart and a unity of purpose.—
Come here with the resolve-to vote for those
ho will best 'secure the support of the
whole party, and let individual preferences
and prejudices be cast aside. -, We want
Oat honest men nominated for our County
and District offices this fall, and to -effect
this, We - must haveconcert of action. Let
our delegates work not for the interest of
soy on - eh:lan, nor for the interest of any set
~of meojut for the gold of the masses sod
tor the krinciplea of. the good old party.—
With these objects in View, we cannot go
astray, and may anticipate a glorious tri
umph on the second Tuesday of October..
Zr this be"
li tL i terkeat of all the dark days in
elsOnnotry's " u " Ocesimional" , has it, it
Ana be 4toclasiosed ithe shodew of ,the alreigh
inkier which the epubliegna have threat ho
mey* ois issid the ahn of oar preeperity. Ws trust
tie people *ill dethrone the black dell at' the
. Nixtalectiou. .
For i shave sad isUt Itiutflusi hair.
go to Billy klattlins, just bclow the i•lrou
Front." 'fry him sod if he dou't fix j,ou up
right, Well "cal.)."
44'Word to I)enlocrata
We understand that, an effort — is beiog
made by the Abolitionists and few quad.
i'ooll Democrats in this nay, to form a
4 •Union".partyo This, like all °flier efforts
_of the °Operation to eru: . •
will meet witikthe failure it so richly mer
its; and webau - tell the poor contemptible
Jimmie/ who preteud to be advocates of
Democratic principles, yet for the sake of
popularity and self aggrandizement, would
sell theirplity, that they are known and
tpotted. Their "no party" plea may carry
'off a few weak and timid as themselves.—
Their cries of "secession" and "traitors,"
will rot frighten the true and honest to fol.
TOW ihilii7nribe --- ig eat heart of Democ
racy is right, and no threats, and no intimi
dations cata_forne it te beat. in unison with
the rotten and corrupt heart of Abolitionism.
• The party shore principles is the founda
tioq upon which our • goyernment is bet—
a:at cape outdfst long and (earful contest,
so gloriously under the lead of the immortal
Jefferson—that carried us successfully thr'o
the war of 1812—that vihdicited the honor
of the Stara and Stripes, and gatited..ther
triurphantly en the glittering towers Ilf in- .
solent Mexico—that Maintained the fugitive
slave lad in 1850, and beat back the hordes
of Know Nothing proscriptionists in 1855
that-eaved the Union in 1856 with the
wounds of -bleeding Kansas" gaping at it ,
from every side, and would have saved it
again in 1860 had its voice of warning been
heeded- will not yield to tho present "pies
" nerior.dika nu_
walks" for fear of being called a "Secesaion
party" Epithets and harsh names •on
the !ipso( its opponents amount to very
,tithe;—*Therwill, to day as ever before,
pass by unnoticed and encored for. They
'are the same weapons dist have been used
ro demprish Democratic . men and Democrat•
is measures, ever since the formation of par
ty os the American Continent.
Scarcely a yeer has passed away since,
-Union saver" was as despicable in their
asii as "secessionist" isuow, and who can!
trelLahrtit k before another_vear_ rollairnttud r
secessionist will be as popular with them ae
as Union sever is to day.
Ilave they ever met. us in open, manly
discussion on the issues at atake. No, nei.
O'er will they now. Their only hope of suc
cess is in appeals to the passrins and preju•
dices of men, in vows made t be token,
and promises, male never to be fulfilled. it
there are any who dealt the truth of thi s
assertion we ask you, whore are th'e homes
promised for the homeless during the cam.
taiga of 1860 ? Letitia unmarked gloves of
thousands of your own, citizens, and the
blew.dung bones of your own brothers on . the
battle fields of the South answer ! Where
is the prosperity and
_happiness promised
you then ? Let the bitter tears of widows
and orphans,- the starving wivos and chit.
dren of those who have fallen in battle an.
ewer ! Where is the !speech and
of the press, then so'toudly proclaimed ?
Let the ruins of Democratic journals and a
voicafroto the loathsome bastilds 91 the
North answer that.
And pow, we ask of you, honest, patriotic,
truth loving citizens of Pennsylvania, is this
opposition party entitled to any more credit
new for honesty and sincerity 'than it ever
was 4 Is there any evidence in the fact of
its having done all it could to destroy the
Union, and then with civil war -around us,
set up an intolerable howl for the Union and
the Constitution, at the same time tramp•
ling upon the ono and sundering forever the
. ?Is thr.e oly cv-". rho Ara
its having preached "freedom of ape; and
of the press," and then as soon as en pow'er ,
imprisoning men for exercising them 1 We
think not, and would entreat Democrats to
consider well what they do. If the princi,
ples for which we are contending, prospered
our country and gave it the peace and hap.
piness heretofore enjoyed, they are doubly
valuable now, and when we meet in Conven
tion on Tuesday evening next, let us cling
to those principles and lay a four datim for
the future strong and well. Let its remeni•
ber that temporary success 'is nothing.—
—Men are but the creatures of a day, while ate eternal." Let us not yield
to the madness, folly or fanaticism of the
hour, or cower for tear of being called
cessionists," but openki and - Manly do what
, we believe to be our duty to our Clod, ou r
country and our party. If we believe
that the principles of the Demobratic party
ara right , ret us say so. if we believe that
the principles of the pasty 'with which we
arc now battlinrare wrong, and have bro't
about our present troubles, let us say so .—L
1 we believe that this war will not restore
he Union as it was let us say so• If we
r. , ies _e, e us
say so. If we are opposed tfilthe ,violation of
the Constitution and imprisonment or men
for exercising the rght of freedom of opinion
let us say so. If we are oppesed to taxing the
laboring white man of the North for theben
etlt of runaway negroee, let" us say so. If
we believe that the war has thus far been
carried on more for the purpose of giving
freedom to all human beings than for the
restoration of the Union and preservation of
the Constitution, let us say so. If we be
lieve that this Union was formed by coat
promise, and designed to be belil together
by peaceful measures, let us say so. 1f we
believe this war will only result -in feuds,
jealousies; heavy taxes, a national debt,
poverty, distress, the destruction of bah
sections anarchy and lespothun, let us say
so. If we believ'e the only remaining hope
of restoring the Union is by compromise and
the forcing backthe passions and prejudices
of icon, and destroying the thirst- for blood
that is now &gelatins our land, let us say
so. If we believe that the "pride" which
would take a brother's life make his wife a
widow, his children orstitso, be wicked and
tunjustiftsble, let us *Lee,
Let na view the present and look into the
uture with unclouded eyes and unprejudiced
understandings, and speak what we think
and feel, without "fear. favor or affection."
Let our resolutions be plain And pointed as
English language can make admitting
of but one construction, and if.we are to tn•
numb this fall, let it be on a platform of
rsatictmo, Dot policy. -
Traitors ih• thii Camp—Ho Eamon
• Assault), just ou the 'eve of our County
Convention.guts , are being mode, by the
,milk and vrort..NWern of both Forties, to get
13P a so-called Union'tickat, 'and to effect an
elements in the County. The Republicans,
alarmed at the gathering, rtrength of the
Deinocritoy,4and fearing •• confasion wore
eenfountled'a in their own ranks, , lf they al:
low themselves to be defeated, have made
overtures of notion with thi3 . ,Dernocratt
which,._ we ape very sorry to learn, some of
our party are disposed to accept.
The plan appear! to be, so far as we eau
learn, to divide the ofilles equally between
the two patio*, and thus, as our Republl•
can friends way, salje'the
feeling of a
_apolitigal contest.' This; howev
er, is mere subterfuge; and is only resorted
to by the Republicans, lasi/. was last' fill,
to save them fiom utter annihilation and
defeat. This game has been played before; .
acrd Democrats awakening frths the illusion,
fond that they/rave been badly sold, the
men elected being almost universally
al Republicans, or, at least, DPl:Petrels or
the basest material. Witness John Rowe,
the late Speaker of the House of Represen
tallies, and James Chatham, one of the As.
semrilymen froM Clinton county, and a nu.
snerouS host of others all "tarred with the
same stick."
Will the Democracy of Centre county suf
fer themselves to be gulled in this manner
again r Will they now consent to affiliate
with - t ee wirer' lralqi em
“rebels" and ' , traitors" ever since the com
mencement of this unhappy war f - Will
they smoke the pipe of pease with men
whose only ob j ect is the spoils of office, and
who, when nothing is to be made by pursu•-
inc_ a elllerent_course. are -- continually - railj
ing at them as syuip tthisers with t he South
ern rebellion and enemies of this Goveili.
ment i %VIII they meekly kneel and kiss
the rod that bullies them, and cry, 'llos3n•
'nab- great is the Clod of 'the Republicans 1'
Opt on the knave and traitor_ to thtusrinci
pletrof-tiztrpsrtyv--'ilk-I).i-c-onseWs to hum
ble himself in the dust of Abolitionism !-
No Democrat is be, nur ever was. Nintit
bat the
Poor puny puke,
Whoa pnouiples are purobased
Fur a shilliag
No, Democrats, this thing must not be
done. We must retain our own organize. I
lion, make our own nominations, and then
Support them with the whole strength of '
the party. if sonic of the Democrats be so
weak in the knees as to have anything to do l i
with thUas„tud moyement, let them do it;
but let the Democracy,cemember them here
after 1 We want no union with the Repub•
beans. Let then-make their own nomina
tions, and we'll make ours. Let as then try ll i
our strength at the - polls, peaceably and
honorably. If they bedefeatcd we will re
joice over it ; but AI we should be conquered
we will submit as gritCeti - illy as poseible.—
But under all circumstances, let us retain
our own organization. If politicians and of
flee seekers plot and plan to overthrow the
party for the spoils, let them go:to the d—l ;
well uphold the time honored principles of
our noble old party.
As 'far as the Watchman is concerned, it
will support no bastard ticAet,,nor any man
nominated upon such ticket, we care not
who he may be, nor what may have been
his political antecedents. We will stittiport
-nothing but a straightout Democratic ticket,
and if the Convention which assembles here
, fstlstD glvo us a straiglitout
ticket— If they put any woolly-heads upon
it, or amalgamate in any way with the pres
ent party in power, why then, it and iis
nomineor may look to some other organ less
devoted to Democratic principles than the
Watchman, to support it or its illigitanato
oftwi mg.
We clip tho fullowiug from tho Inquirer
of tho 14th mg. -
BOSTON. Aug. 13.- -Govthrithl- Andrew has
issued instructions to the Assesons of the
State, tasking their duty to include col
eyed citizens in the enrolment of persons
subject to draft.
"'This is not the first time that the At)Of it •
tionistt have , toldly avowed their determina
tion to place votilte sclthers a upon a level
with negroes or beneath , them. We have
seen the efforts made by the ' Rail Split
ors " subinderies, from Hunter down to the
lowest New England officer, to carry out
this leyeliug system, and we have seen theso
efforts Winked at, but never before openly
- endorsed by the Administration. What will
the poor contemptible Journals that have
rl iTfrATe7"iiiitYCO - lirc;'tf
Ment of Gov. Andrews new order s Wilt
they still try to cover up his Abolition prin,
eiples by saying that he adt•tscd Froinout
to modify his proclamation ; and. to/4 Liun•
ter that the power to free the iisroeS of
the South did not belong to a subordinate
officer in the.arrny 0 , Or will they come out
honorably and acknonletlgo.thct thw havo
been disanNinted or have fried to ihseive
the people (or the benefit of this black
backed Abolition Adnunistration ?
Gov. Midrows, be it remembered, is ono
of the " Bail Splitters " right hand men ;
be is au acknowledged leader of the Aboli
tionor so called " Peoples party. , ' lie has
issued instructions to ootonsp—eitiz
zens in the enrolment of persons subject to
draft, thus tflacing the lac) loafing niggers
of Massachdisetts upon an'equalitY with the
ivitite soldiers of Pennsylvania. Are time
people of the " old Keystone" going to sub
mit to such an 'insult ? Are they willing
that their brethren now in the field shall be
degraded to the levtl of the Negro? Are .
they going to stand silently by and see this
outrage committed on Weir own, .brothers?
What, white soldiers of Pennsylvania and
Degrees of Massachusetts placed side by
side in camp, and standing shoulder to
shoulder on the battle-Held? The very
thought is an Insult -to humanity? If the
cause for whichNour whac so:diery of Penn
sylvania is battling lias become so desper-
ate, and the success of their arms can April) ,
be scoured byy, their faun degradatiotef We
say let it stink, NslysweNEVEß wilL we bo
willing to see our eltizeneStuta insulted, end
degraded by the puritanical rod mouthed
, Abolitionists of New England,
tleneral M'Clenan
_ Republica are sometimes ungrateful, but
the great body of the Anterioan people will, I
ne are persuaded, not be ungrateful to one
who has aeryed them as Getirge B;hrtnellan
sition in priinte life, remsrktv the Journal 0 -
Comma ce, which left him nothing to desire,
into the service of 44 government, to a war
where Ito was destined to undergo, the
sharpest ornichieetulthe most severe or
deal of petit:lcal oppLltion, ho gave up more
than has, been told, more than has been im.
agined, fOr the ditty tio . whlch ho felt himself
subjected, and took the field as one of the
defande7l-the-thitorrr — T ha
tun der vv 'clt he received the calrnd Erg.
wered it, may not be written jest now,- _
They wilt form part of his history in future
years,_vrhen aR impartial geographelr, shall
give to the soldiers of the American army
the weed of praise which can be givnti only
when, the voice of malice or of political par
tizanship is silenced in the presence of death
and when it is no longer the interest of any
ti) falsify orconceal. lle was au accomplish
ed'soldiewarittpatriotic citizen. lle had no
private ends to serve, but every wish and
plan, and desire and efleccion, to sacrifice,
and he - sacrificed them ;Ai-alacrity, That
he was moved wholly by a solemn sense of
duly, it is impossible for one moment to
doubt. Hit were not an insult to his no
bleness, it might be worth while to say
whet private and pecuniary 8106th:el he
made when he accepted service in the Union
atmy. In 4 position of Tnlenoc ran'lc To
won praise from all sources.. Ile had not
then become the object of political malevo •
lenceruor did he sifted in the way of pat ti
zen purposes. ,We have now before us ex
travagant praises of M'Clellan in the New
Yorrriffstrity; and other p - gpergeor S , -
political chiacter, which were abundantly
lavished on lam nt.the Ilya of his compara
five inferiority of position. There tins no
man in America better fitted to he called to
the command of her armies, when the brave
teleran aco.t,t...thia-po&ti--hia—litict-
km long and so faithfully occupied. But 'the
elevation produced in the young commander
no ambitous plans, no new t eitpira lions. Ile
still seems to have been moved by the sim
ple dictates' of patriotism : By the calm•.and
7arpost desire to be lustrumen tal m the
• tiOn of thal Union which was his govern-
..ent and which he loved as the child of.
Washington. The record el what he then
accomplished may not be writteu in a news
paper article. Itt will hereafter ha the sub•
ject of,volunum. lie first saved the nation•
at Capital 14 the rapid and skillful construe-
Lion of ti orbs around it, before which the
enemy . , paused whii . o their toil itary - force
was vas , ly greater than the force of, the
government. This accomplished, ho pro
ceeded to !veldt ready fur the war which
was entrusted tti his care. fie found a mob
and he made it an army. He had iio arms,
and he waited patiently till they were ready.
llis labor was herculean, Slid ten-told great
er for the political storm that began to 'rise
around him. Ile swept its eye from time
to time over the vast field of the rebellion,
he informed himself of Its strength, he cal
culated the power that would be required to
overcome It, kleLpeoubinations that
,were es
sential to victory, and he went calmly to
I work to prepare fui."*,,,great contest.—
While men said lie loitered, he labored.—
No man outside of the army dreamed of
, the
vast work-he accomplished. Out of confu
sion grew order. Out of chaos, tinder his
„guiding rtira grew rook*
Up to the month of March, 1862. some of
his finest regiments around Washington
were unprovided with arms, and while the
politicians were fiercely denouncing his
suppiness, le, unmoved by their ignorance
an'a folly, was arming his forces for the con
-B.ct on which they . were about to enter.
During thatwinter the young General sul
fured a trial of courage, of endurance, such
as no. Ainerimui soldier ever hefolii . under-
Arent. But no provocation of malice, no in.
cult of an insane political press, induced
from bitn,one word of defence, one complaint
or reply. His silence was verily golden.—
In all the war againsi hire , no word of-his
can be found sw,-tth which to reproact him,
and, the fury of his enemies wasted itself on
the air, while he worked in the .path el duty.
We say his enemies, foyt is to be recorded
that be had them, althodgh no one of them
can assign a reason fur the enmity. But
the desire of politicians to place in hill osi"
tion some political General who could be
used for partizan purposes, originated the
enmity, He witi not a politiciap. No my
coil d tell how 1141. 1110:10ted. l e was pro.
roundly silent on all political questions. He
his a'aifverire:
OF. efB~
there wag found no inclination to one or,_
another view of the negro question, the
great political questieli of the day. lie was
not knOwn as a Democrat or a Republican,
and thetnly reason fOr knowing that he
wagnit altadical, was that he was not
guilty let any folly. But this A , 901 not the
sort of,itsnan that radical politicians delight
ed in.;if i llinservative men of all political par-
Repiehlidan end Democrat, honored and
loved the young commander, and the army,
the beat judge of his military ability, almost
worshipped-him They gave him a nick:
.411 grams' have such names for
their -Generals,-and it-would , -fare iht to-dap
with any one who would speak diarespect‘ ,
fully Of '" f,leorge " to a soldier of the Pole
mac army./
When the time came, under tho. Skillful
direction, the great armies of theNast drove
back the rebellion to the shores of gulf,
and then he 'Mok the 041 in persoti: to di ire
the Eastern rebels to the wall, The secret
history of the, campaigns is forbidden to
putairilew, and, we,cannot now state ,those
facts which will hereafter be read as the
proof of his noble character. It is known
that when( he left Washington, the change
of aft military matters was assumed by the
ExeCutive there, and that the Ent general
orders cut up his department 4 1 0 reduced
his position. lie did not resign because of
a reduction of his honor, but went on with
bis work. He was no er able to cont 114 4.bolitiOnists oat 111 Favor 'of Mini* I • iallVport of Gen Pdpo
bib •
plays, but with the ar y whizhAns had,' mon.
ai drove superior numbers before' drim to • )•1 I 4 V
Les Wallin! Mein
Wendell Phillips has , bon making i Cumin 1410timalli A1%03 1S 2, SP.M. •
the rebefiumitil, and there the resources
hitch he had reason to expect, failed him, speech in which he rivrhews the policy of , To Major General Ilalleck Geo: in Chu
the Administratrinwilid objects to it for . lharsday morning, the enemy cross..
tis no juirt of our object to cast the blame
s aoh I'IS-744"wPithwritr'i*mIwutrit ford, in beat'
in '•God's name fora dise• force, and advanced strongly on the road t
Culpepper and Madison Court House.
Union.", • I had establishedmy whole tirce on th.'
swing is an extract flow his turnpike between 0411 pepper and Sperry
ready to moncelittato at either' place a
soon as thr;_enettry' plans were develop
Lincoln is as good a& the people of the
/Orth want him In years gone by. ' ll e . d. Rarly otiek
iday it beca me parent Ito
yonder grove the, the Whigs fired cannons the move on Madison.(h.lis mere'*Y
to smother the *Mewl fromfrom the stand then r feint, to detain the armyecorois of LlenS
then occupied by the speaker, and what is
gel at SpreryVille, and that the main attac
the result ? The eons of those Whigs now o f the enemy would be at Oullpipper,
114re:ream Cnickahomius swamps. Lei i wh i ch _ m. l Au t t h rov il atar ,4 4.4 . l , 4 _ 6
be-dissolved. on tiore.rwame; arid • Bank's a nd M'Dowell's core
the corner stone of a new one be laid. ea
. 1 Sri . Gen.
.Bayard withpari - (A r e rea.
ichich shat•di s e eagraat dfotetierrL utesrsumrpelfMrsiteett, ralle
in a political 'sense, To; 4 every oihn_ario 11 1,
n pidan, felljalOirty-beck delayit
born into „the worlelv. • t and embarrassing the enemy's' ordnance
Nothing short of a proclamation of Un far as possible and captnring sOme of t
conditional emancipation Will suit Phillips,
though Mr. Lincoln keeps allthe time tell.
tog those who urge this Open bird, that an
open and avowed policy of that 'nature
would loose bite the Border States and 50,
000 soldiers. The Daily Tunes . 9iinkk Mr.
Phillips very unreasonable, as he has_ lobe
stantielly the same thing nos: in a dillerefil,
form. It says ,—'Be (Phillips) is furious
against the policy of the Government on
slevery—though it provides for emancipa
tion of all slaves of rebels and /00;te ti., the
ultimate estanctiolt of slavery all over the
country. Surely Phillips seems to Stand in
his own light; yet we must do him 'the
cradii to - sak that he so — despises
togs that as much as he hates "slavery,"
we believe he would not have it abolished
if he had to resort . to deception and hype
ridy to aczomplish it. Whatever tray be
of Phillips, he has always been con.
xistontllfilfreril=e7and glieri - eigeiiii — dr. me Caress e
'an honest fanaticism in his wicked career, I The artillery of tho enemy opened earl
untilnt ti
nearlys f afternoon, o h o
o n ;oi b o u o t h he
at ' , slo th
o ad a v a t r i o c
It is no wonder therefore that the policy of I
the Admiuistrataion is exceedingly distaste , . skirmishers were thrown forward en sac
fat to him. side u.ider cover of the heavy woods
But here a most important inquiry 'Bug ; -which his for" was,concealed. The anent
geshritsolt -- Why is it ttiat nrrbilTh r ear r;
gil t ru ta is ci i , ers, ‘ I 9M• Batiks . 'alarancei
ips, and other a holitioniste May fo to
preach up a dissolution 'of the Union, and The engagement did not fairly open unt,
o'clock. and for one and a half hours wa
disceur age enlistments while Demoerais,
fur . l giumttil
who e xpress the slightest objection to the
r o h u ro s u en d
hich a
war, are sent to Von Layfayetto f There is first was desultory and direete/l mainl
no man of all the Democrats who beep been against the envslry. I had eontineed to re'
arrested, who has ever expressed a wish for I ceive reports from lien. Banks thap no 'at
tack was apprehended, and that consid
disunion as Phillips has, They' may have
erable infantry force of the rebels had corn, differed with Mr. Li ocoln as to the mode of trirward yt.t. •
preserving the Uniop, but nothing more.— Towards evening the increase in ar
Yet these men arc thrust into cella like eem i tillery tcrine having satisfied Ms that an, it
mon Moils, Mule traitorous Abolii at hand though- tie
l d e _ i y tinlikel
are allowed , to toile disunion tferyn rendere
to advance icket's di
Why is this ? Itre ass again, u/iy t Ban , lied" direc
Are Denlocrats dogs Art they more de- led Sigel to bring his me 6. the gromd ar,
ficient in manliness than Abolitioniats I— soon as possible.
I arrived personally on the field at 7 o'
Is Mr. I . ,ineoln afraid to arrest • Wendell chnLk_yai , auk /found the action raigul
Phillips ! D'epend upon it, the people will t . furiously. ,
clue alay demand to know- why favoritism t The infantry taro was incessant - mid ac
is shown to the Abolitionists. Let it be un. 1 vere. 7 ,
derstood that no Democrat has advocated
I (Liana Danes holding . the poattiOn hr
to early i n the mormirg. The .ease
disuivain.or sought to accomplish dieuniort ere heavy.
They have ber u arrested and imprisoned . Rickett's divrsion was immediately pus
solely for not endorsing Mr. Lincoln's policy 141 forward and occupied the right of Bank
but Wendell Phillips openly advocates dis T he Brigades of :Jrawford and Girden beint
IA 111011, and hence labors to effect
directed to change their position from the
n right to mass themselves in thereentre.
Before this change could be effected, it
An faospient2eitroot was quite dark, though the artillery lire
continued at short range without intermtes
The artillery fire was continued at night
by the Second and Filth Maine batteries in
Rickett's division.
Their the was most, destruetaia as was
readily observable next mominejo the dead
men and horses, and broken gunearriages
kwy_ I of,Lhe enemy's hattnrinct 9 +14. i•-•
on any one: et us suppose that Wise
counsels peril:it-tied bins to bo overwhelmed
with numbers. inh , compelled him to save
his army as beat he caul* Hersaved it, by
a brilliant movement. unparellelled for skill
in battle histories, and left fhb rebel capital
a vast hospital, and its fields a blerial place
of thousands of the rebel dead. The - -srmy
with one great universal voice of acclaiha •
lion, thank him. and on the last day of the
Tag hattleirlitillreiWitl we Eiji% Ware
written, dying soldiers. in ar7icitlo mortis,
waxed their feehlaiuusde above their heads
and joined the cheers fur " George P' as he
rude by under a storm of shot and shell from
the enemy's batteries.
The fearful work accomplished. he re%
mains in the field, the servant of the nation.
His inferior is appointed his commander.•
but he rejoices in the appointment, in place
of following the example set him by another
high officer and retiring- from the command
because of personal dignity irfringed. lie
has much to remember with deep feelings
that-no one can describe. but which he gives
no utteiiime. lie cannot but recall the sol
emn truth that when he and the nation he
was working for, needed a hundred thous
and men, the chairman of the Winn com
mittee in the Senate, a radical politician,
'reduced, and that it haa 150,000 too many
soldiers already ! There were certainly of
ten abundant reasons to jostify
_the resig
nation of 111'Clellan, had he believed it con
sistent with Ins duty or the interests of the
countyz to offer it.
11 e have written thin much solely hecaus ,
it is the duty of grateful Americans at this
moment to thank tho young General with
voi-ie and heart, and pllt to shame the poll•
ticians who are seizing the hour of public
depression to injure hirnin the
tiiiittien, — iimTio keep from him'that praise
which is-tile patriotic soldier's best reward
We are persuaded that no temptation howev
er strong, would induce 51"Clellan to become
a politician or a political candidate, if he
should ever bo forced into pilch a position,
history would give the highest promises for
his disifiterested faithfulness. But if we
judge the numbyllis silence as well as by
his deeds, he is a soldier worthy the highest
admiration, and an American citizen who
desires solely to serve his country faithfully
and then, when his work is done, bo per.
nutted to retire to the quiet life he best
lovesoalid to the Ileum tilfectionb from which
his duty now separates him. This much it
is proper to add, that the secret history of
the e ar remains to he written, but if it were
permitted now to be made piLtdie
_what is
for the piesent -prohibited, every Mats -of
reasonable mind in America would be con
vinced not only that General M Cidflan irs
one of the greatest Generals but that he is
a patriot of the pattern of Washington, and
that he has been willing to sacrifice self even
to the loss of that which a soldier holds
most dear, for the service of his country and
the victory of the truiou.
IL a ppears that Gov. Andrews, of Massa
chusetts', has ordered tho. persons engaged
in making out the enrollment of drat Suite;
to put, down whites and blacks indiscrind
natelyilhe slime thin_ •ea ,
private source, is being done in the 44ioT
Rhode Island." In the latter State, newer.
one riots have occurred in consegnetico of
this attempt to amalgamate the Yederal ar
While this is going on, and while liens.
Hunter, Phelps, and ot,Wer Abolition Geller •
als in the field arc en'gaged in 'the same ne•
Carious business of raising negro brigades,
we arc pomponsly told by the administra
tion telegraph, that Old Ate will not accept
'negro-regiments. No ! Old Abe won't
bacciept . : negro regiments, but at the same
time his subordinates can rake negro cook
panics, regiments, or brigades, to their
hearts' content and subsist them on the
public treasury, arm them from the public
arsenals, and send them in the field to light
along side of our white soldiers, and it is
all right. Old Abe, like the famous admi,
ral of England, shuts his eyes and " don't
me it."
We imagine that the soldiers of Rhode
Island and Massachusetts will be proud of
their native States when they reflect that
they were compelled to call upon a servile
and ulterior race to tight their battles for
••• tt: • : rt: I 011
its boasted vrV!.l,t4„.,.aed its 'e•asted
cannot fi nd within its limits brave MD
enough to fill its quota of 300,000 men,
without calling upon its lager) population !.
Oh, wonderful greatness ! terrific valor !
We are to understand that Massachusetts
has degenerated to a levo ith brutish ne•
grocs. That its citizonnave grown t o be
cowards, and dare not shoulder a musket to
fight their own battleP, but will descend to
the low alternative of 'impelling negroes to
do their fighting for them. Where is your
chivalry ; where ie your valor. 0, men of
Massachusetts and Rhode Island..? Where
are the shades of your forefathers who
fought on Breeds Hill, it Germaptown, at
Prideitori and at - nrktfiten 1 *t
We think we cam tell you where they are.
They have been steeped in Now England.
treason until their livers,haredeown white,
and their hearts and heads have 111*nketr .
and diminished. For generarns they have
been sapped by the difiintegrating effects of
fanatical creeds, and have degenerated, un
til now they feel honored. by black oompan.
ionsbip ; until they can take the , . negro to
their bosoms, embrace, and call , him “bro
ther." Talk to us of the intelligence and
enlightenment of Massachusetts ! A people
or a state, that loves the African Vetter than
their Government—hatter. Aliso their own
welfare—have no claim hiked the civilise.
tion of any land. And we only regret that
Abraham Lincoln who claims to represent
the whole of the'States of this Bolen can so
far forget his obligations as to permit these
things to be dime beneath htia rery nose,
and take no measures to prevent ft.—Carbon
Democrat. •
Mask Soldiers
alto. boldly ca,
olution of t
The fu,
11'e gruar. amid the ruins of a system that
we loved, and dhort w.. 1 worthy of our love.
MI over this once fair land arbitrary power
has usurps -the place of cenititutioual and
equal la . The club of the Proviisi. Mar
shal s shivered the mete-wand of the
winch freemen used,' proudly, and
Ur r ee m - ore, as indho violence ' of barbaric
'days silent !eats enter artna : he clash
of arms has Cushod the pleadings of law."
The press that is loyal to law—loyal to
liberty--loyal to the_ people and to the
country—has but one mission lett. fins to
utge fortittitle It is to invoke %petienee
now, in view of a brighter future hereafter.
'Tflritorto cannot last forever, and the
more violently it rubes the sooner it will be
spent. \Ye must nut, basal.* the -hope -of
tosioik constitutional freedom on the
whale of this scil of the late United States.
Look at it with. calm courage, and the
task Is not ailhard—at least not so inipossi.
hie—in ascii. Ihe chief discouragement is
that God has, for our sins, deprived the
whole country of public men poss:ssing the
spirit of eunuch! and of wisdom. Oh, if we
but had such in places whence their voice
could reach the people. Poor people ! They
have been like little children. They have
enjoyed without understanding or appieci•
Ming the blessings of the grand old Union,
just as children uthe words-o.ounit appreci
ating their' definite import. Adversity IS
giving education to the people. While the
generation is still upon the Stage that lived
under the old Union, itis not too late to
hope for their tesipiscence mid return.
Here beloved readers of the Yftssaiati is
your work and ours. You and we must
work together a• •• Brotherhood of the
Peace of- - to -
lteatkOf cbarii„..tliat R requisite, and, either
we, or those wbo will come after us to own
pinto what we thus nobly undertake, will
acciomplisb`this grand work.
Bin a dust conditionrof success Must
thtrittandorim - ent of everything savoring, of
the "study of revenge." As Christians, the
formal precepts of our Divine Master forbids
it. As rational men, enlightened by the
Faith, sound sense equally repudiates ven
geance, as a weakness of feeble minds.—
What is the life of any man here below I--
lt is but a span long ! The best and the
basest aro but for a moment, and eternity, In
which all accounts aro balanced, is close at
hand. There, - the worth of inspiration
teach us, fools who have thrust themselves
into seats of Judgment they_canmot fllLwill
"horribly and splendidly appear before
(Md." and 'm most severe judgmentlshall be
for them that have borne rule.[' A mag
nanimous mind cannot out desphie imbecil
ity to execute unjust purpoies by
violence, as "the lust of a eunuch deflower •
Mg a young maiden." But the contempt
that cannot be controlled, forbids anything
like retaliation.
.Exce'pt we rise above paltry people, and,
at the same time. above paltry motives, we
will not be the men to work • deliverance
for our country. God is using paltry people
to humble the excessive arrogance of our
country, and to ponesll4 its sins. We must
accept the chastisement as from Bun, not
from them--and, bitter as it is, we mdst
take it. The storm that is raised we have
. no present power to assuage. We must en
dure it manfully, till the wrath passes over.
nd we must keep within us the hearts of
men,,to speak and to act, when reason wilt
once more be heard.—Frerman's Journal.
men, , -
The force of, Benic i a add Sigel, and one
the divisions of lid'rlowells corps were rept.
ly concentrated at Culpepper during Pride
and Friday night.' Bank's corps hot
pushed forward five miles south of Cull
pepper, with Ricket's Division of
s corps three miles in his rear. '
The corps 0( Sigel, which had " marche
all night, was halted in Culpeppet to re
for a few hours.
Ota Saturday the enemy advanced rapt
ly to Cedar Mountain, the side of which the
occupied in heavy force.
lien. Bank's was instructed to take u
his position on the ground occupied
Orawfold's brigade of his command, whic
had been thrown out'the day previous
He was directed not to advance beyond
that point, and if attacked by the enem.
to defend his position and setAbaek tintel]
It, was my desire to hav# time to givie the
corps of Sigel all the rest potialolo afte
their forced march, and to bring forward a
tom- t Wiriftpter 1. • • .
advanced agains t it.
Our troops rested on their arras during
the night, in ,line of battle, the heavy shell
ing being kept up on both sides uutil mid
.. . ..
At daylight the next motning the enemy
tell back two miles from our front, and still
higher up the mountain. Our pickets at
onco advanced and occupied the ground.—
The fatigue of the troops from long nfarcims
am! exceasiv,e.heat made it impossible for
either side to resume the action op Sen. ay.
The men were allowed to rest and reml
the whole day. Our only active operations
being of cavalry On the 'enemy's flank
and rear. •
Monday was spent in burying the •dead,
and in getting off the wounded. The .aught
er wia.sevcre - On both, sides, moat pi the
-fighting being hand to hand.
The dead bodies of both armies were
found mingled together in masses over the
whole ground of the conflict.
The burying of the dead was not corn
p'eted until dark on Monday, the beat being
so terrible that severe work was not , possi
On Monday night the enemy fled from the
field, leaving inani*thelr dead ueburied
and his wounded on the ground and . along
the road to Ovtnge Court House, as Will be
teen froixi - Gen, Buford's dispatch.
A cavalry and ertitterrinrce under , Gent
Buford, was hubediately thrown forward In
• . er "an-
__ .. _ p . , .. ' . ~
.... ....._.„
gua . . oa *a in . in — Orai.: - e
Pfrts of infantry foilowed, the rtatmooder
were sent forward in the reornint,
The behavior Of 71stqc's cops ark& the
action was very. tine. '
-Ne-greater-gollantryland daring'caidd be
exhibited by any troops . , •
1-cannot speak too highly of the fntre
pedity okGen Banks during the whole of the
engagement. •
lie was in the front and exposed as much
as any min in his command. His example
was of the greatest benefit to his troops,
and he merits and stiotild recieve the com -
mendation °lbis Government.
Gene. Williams, Augur, Gordon, Craw
ford, Prince, Green and Geary behaved with
conspicuous gallantry.
-v Auger-dud Gamy we reraerevely -'rounded
and Prince by losing his way in the dark
while passing from one Hank to &nether fell
-into the eirany'd hands. • ,
I desire pnbliory to express my
ation ofthe prompt and skillful insurer in
which Generals hl'Dowell sad Sigel .brought
forward their restive commands and
established them on the field and of their
cheerful and hearty - co.operation with me
from beginning to end. ,
Our loss in killed, wounded and missing
was about 1,000 of whom 200 wero taken
As might bo expected from the charms ter
of the enpgernent, a very large pilikdrtien
efthoserefere killed. The egemylsillas in
billed wounded and prisonert, we
satisfied, is muds in exams to envenom,.
A full list o . the midsaltles wilthe s tries.
=Medea soon is possible, together Will a
detailed report , , in which I ihall'endeavor to
do full Justice to all. Jens Pore,.
Major General Commanding.