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My first mate died, and-theAtecond Mate became so reduced by disease that be resolved..not to go dot with me. The filter had settled oh his lungs, and be made hie way as coon as possible 'to his home in Near England. Three weeks . had lark idle, with my ship all ready fors/allot and X mould wait no ltinger, even if 1 exiled ehort•hsnded. Seamen we;eseeree in the gulf porie. I had knit Biz of my orewogbe _ aides my two mates, and as yet I had but * them knew anything of navigation: Sly third mate was wits me, and I resolved that officer. One morning, just as I Was getting ready to leave myfibip for the purpose of going-up-into town L a mei- came-ow -board who wished to speak , with the captain. I told him Iwns that individual. He said his" name was Oilbert Carboy. lie was it,e6arnan by profession, and had commanded a ship. lle belonged to New York State, but had for the past two years, • ids-Twee; eagagtd - irrgrape oatture. A Phititer, - srho'had bead with' bin; Ili - the Labium", decamped with all the money, and he wes - ho'or Forded to soak a livelyhord at his _old profession.' ifs bad been inTorm'ed that wanted an diver, and lie would likt the 'situation. Carboy was about forty years of mkt, s tall and slim, but yet quite muscular, buck hair and large black eyes, his face some what too pale for robust health, • and with features of sidgular beauty. I conducted him to my cabin, where i examined him in the various , departments of our profession, and all as thoroughly acquainted with all the principles of seamanship and navy f gation es I, m a ke i rk yß e le. I was fully assured that he Was as competent to sail the ship as any officer could be, and Let I hesitated tout engaging him. Therettas something in his lookwient-manner that led me to die- (runt him, but why it was eo I could not tell There was, at times, a sort of wandering oneortain look in his - eye, and I farmied that he started Moe in awhile, as though some thing *Waned him: In short, be appeared to be ill at ease with himself, and I finally intimated that I feared that all waea not eight. There was, another start as I said this, and I could see that he - trembled. lie gated a few moments into-any face and then said: " Captain, I know what you mean. You see something odd in my behavior. I don't 'blame vou—l can feel it mysnlf•___,Lknow that I act strangely sometimel, and I try to avoid it. However , , it will soon wear off when I once get upon salt water again. It must appear strange, but I assure you there is nothing to fear. You think I ant peculi arly. Perhaps you might act the same if you wore in_my place. -I am too sensitive, —perhaps too sensitive. it does not agree with me to have a friend, whom I have trust ed as a brother, run away with all my mon . cy, leaving to meet debts to the amount of twenty thousand dollars. flow would you feel, captain, if you timid not appear abroad in daylight without fearing the approach of a creditor every Step How would yod feel if you expected every minute to find the hand of the sheriff clapped upon your should. er ? Egad, I don't believe you would be particularly 'distinguished for a bearing of manly independence." I frankly confess that I should not, ." No, sir," be resumed ; " end you would want to get away from the curse ; and if ever there could be a moment when your heart would expose its anxiety, it would be when - the opportunity of wear was at hand, but not secured • a man to help you .ail, your ship. lam that man. I have been unfortunate, but, mercy do you immagine my misfortunes of the post cim r; it .n .e runut I finally resolved to take the man, and run the risk. I gave him the birth of my aunt mate, and forthwith prepared for see. Tie entered at once upon the discharge • of his duties, and was not long in proving him self a thorough seaman. Within sis.hours from the time of installing Gilbert darboy into his ofnee n my ship had passed Mobile Point, Ind was dashing through the waters of the Gulf before a fair Wind. For s-week I overlooked my metal; move- smuts pretty narrowly, but saw nothing di wreetly out of the way. I never knew a bet ter seaman, or a more accomplished oScer; and yet there were times when I did not feel wholly easy,- There were times when hie Carboy seemed wandering and lost, as though mimedread incubus bupg spon.itim, The longer I was with' him, and the more I matched him, the utpre cooraineed did I be oome that sequctitipg more then the memory of meditora weighbil 4Pc4 his,ioiod. One day, as rankest in the cabin alone, I tricots to bloc upon. the subject. • ; Carboy,.' eatd.l, " you want a friend." Re started, and looked eagerly into my face. • " You have some seoret upod your mind thatormt had betterentostitd-ta-the ke'aigo& of o second party," I resumed. • eAukatipaltfasdeakLand_gritsped the edge ofthe table to steady himself. !' A secret 1" be whispered. " How do you know that I baKit'a secret 7" Because I can see it in your looks and actions," I replied, "Come Carboy,—you need ; not (her to trust r_.e. There was some thing beside debt. Am I not right 1" , ./- ' There was a cittiVe.e o f the frame— eon 'vuleive effort,—and then my mate as calm and quiet , 7 -ailittle pal& than sual, and with with more of the strange •loolt in his large black eye ;--bat still eajd. Then he laugh. ed, and said : " My dear Captain, you are entirely mie taken. - . Mortaftnan °mad' not be more eo. There is nereecret--none, I Ramie you,— none auila tue you imagine. What bave I dotuLainoiL.r.ame.on—Loard - year- »him otend yob ?" "Nothing," answered:him. " And in what have I failed to cliotie of " In nothing." " Id Wilat4lllT an n_,.....)lA• , guiLmn= ed, have I diaagyainted you ?" Again I had to answer him— EIS " Then," fluid he," I pray you trust sue. Let,no peculiaritiof my disposition trouble you. When I fail in my duty, or when I iirtLymicause.of offence r tlien- let me-know At this point we were interrupten by the entrance of a third person, and the coriver , Baden *Mt dropped. From that tithe until are 'deleted this Mediterranean I said ne - MOre to my mate upon the subject of hie secret; but yet I was not easy. Therb were times wh I re ally feared to trust Carboy on the etch; and when I asked Myself feared I could not tell. It was c rious—tery curl ons.—lt was, I thought, foolish ; but I could not help it. I Could see that he tried to please me—that he even discommoded Mtn self to accomidate me.—lfehever hesitated to move when I spoke' and never questioned any 'of my opinions. This was the more strange because touch was evidently not his nature. lie was naturally proud and inde pendent, and impatient of restraint; and it was not a legitimate conclusion that some powerful motive lel him to restrain him self BO wondefully before me? But the secret was coming to the surface; On the °reran, ef,the-feurth day after leaving Gibraltar, the suns went down in a leaden cloud, and before eight o'clock the wind was blowing furiously from the south west; but I did not apprehend any trouble, as we took it very near astern, with plenty of open sea ahead. At midnight I called Otlliert Carboy, and gave the ship . into his charge. The course to be kept through the nigh was east-north-east The main-sail was ur o , an. a .ou o-rec in tle ore sail, with close-reefed topsails I remarked to my mate after I had given him all need ed directions, that we should pass tho Bel eerie Isles before morning; or, at any rate, thaqsroahould be well up with them. Be said he had supposed so; and with this ho turned to the binnacle, and I wont below, I sat for half an hour at my table. looking over my chart, and then I started to goo on deck again ;-but I did not go Half way up the ladder I stopped, and finally turned back What started me up I cannot tell; but I went back because I. feared that my mate might think I Mistrusted him if I went on deck. At length I turned in my cot ; and I think I lay there tmother half hour before I went to sleep. How tong I bad slept I cannot tell; but was awakened from an uneasy slumber by the . peouliar mosion of the ship. I started ,npon my elbow to observe and think. Tb. ship bad a heavy list to the starboard, and was laboridg with the sea. I detected at . ones that the wind was abeam. Was it 004' bible that the wind had hauled around from, the northward? I could not believe it , In a my aetridennoe "1" a. thus without moderating. As quickly as pos sible I drew on niy 4rowsers and hurried on deok. The plight was still dark, and eye into the binnacle, and saer%-ttat the ship was heading due norh / I asked the helmsman what Phut went. He said it wad Mr Carboy's order, Where is Mr Carboy? Re was forward. I bad started to go in search (Amy mate, when I met him coming aft. " In mercy's name, Mr. Carboy / wont dies this mean?" I cried. " What?" 413. acid. - - "'This change of oouree'air." - "0, that is nothing, Captain," he replied with a light laugh. "Doak get excited:- I'm after a great aunt of mine that ran away with my uncla.--She carried - oir all my money, sir.—Egad, bat catch her yeti 110, ho I pow, ye winds t Blow and orack.t..-Don't b. alarmed, Captain.' going ashore. I'll be blessed if I stay here any longer !". I cannot remember all he said; but I can very distinctly remember that I didpot take time just then to make him any reply ifor, willed was yet 'trading aghast with the conviction dashing upon me that my mate was a raving manta*, the loud, startling ory came from forward.. " Breakers! Breakers! BOeks, , d/u - 4-rushed-la the-bows and - lonkedaver, and for a moment my heart e up into my 'mouth. Direetly-a , and-sonar that-I, could'see the ph oreacent glare ,of the breaking foam *ea reeky cost. The roar of the eras' g sea was loud and deep, and the destrfou jaws were wide open fur me I It a not a time for thought. In a very - • minutes, if I kept on, we should be dashed upon the rooks, andl knew that no man of.the crew would endive snob*. shock. In a single instant all the clianeeetad pass ed before my judgement. Another moment of hesitation must be fatal. If I attempted to luff, M the eye of euoh a wind, and in such a Sea, fity ship might miss her stays, and be lost —There was but one course to pursue.- I sprang oft, thundering at the top of my voice : Up with the helot Up with it !. Hard . • rt-1- 4 1krtheriencsa7my—tite617 - ficifffe braces •I Quick ! Quick I • Off to leeward ! ease off! Round in the brited I reaoheil the poop just,ill semen to nee 0 my. du- lot oj , noo tie elTsmao down with an iron /beislifig-pini=eised the wheel thialrit me over two seconds to relieve my mate from hie sudden trick at the wheel. struck him under the ear with my fist, and as he staggered back I.grasped the whirling spokes, and put the helm up. Fortunately my men were on hued ; aid more fortunate -still,they-oheyetkene-- promptly, -- Thersbitr turned her bead steadily, iiveepitig in a harrow arch, and as she came to her old course, still wearing, I felt a shook—quiver —a grating of the keel upon a ruck.—attcl a shelter of spray f.otit the surge came rain ing over me. :Again my heart was in my mouth ; but I hoWed my head and held the wheel with aftrin hand. Quivtirq quiver! Orate! grate—a groan as of some mikiity throe, and all was over. As the ship took the wind upon the star board quarter, I east my eyes over my left ehodlde'r; avid saw a bilge, bliok Matt of rook towering above me. " Ili cloth- But not yet did I dare to breathe freely- I stool:Neill] my bead bent, and my heart hushed, fore bobte Ill6mente. more—ateca, guiding my ship through the sea, and pray ing to God for deliverance. At lenght, whetrl Ina* that all was sitre2—ween the rooks bad been left all astern—l gave the order for belaying, and called a man to re lieve me. My nest attention was directed to my mate, found him lying upon deck, gasp ing as though in a spasm.—l took him be tow, and for four days he' lay in hip cot, sometimes raving madly, and sometimes apparently insensible. When we reached Naples he wait able to pit up and talk ; and he then confessed to me his secret. It has a periodical insanity which he had inherit ed from his father! Several times before had he been thus attacked while on dut at sea ; and it had at length become so general ly known in the northern seaports that ho could not obtain a berth on shipboard. " But " said he, " when I came to you in Mobile, I hoped that I should he , troubled no more. I thought I might make a vova • in aaftty. Iliad not had an attack for over two years, and I wished to try if I could not do my duty in the ship. I knew I was deesiAng you ; and feared that you might detect the truth ; and I think that the con stant fear which I suffered from this letter cause had much to do with bringing the madness back upon me." There is no need that I should tell how I talked to him. I was not harsh, nor unfor giving ; but I could not exonerate him. I blamed him severely and promised that - all ship-masters of my aCquaintanbe should have the benefit of my knowledge, ~ .3. On toy return homeward Ilsasseilie 'eland of Formbntera, and'atikgaie upon the huge black rocks whic t their sea beaten front over the surge, upon the south ern coast of that isle, my heart felt some thing of that old shook ; for those were the - • e- 414 Issta ha dismal lA , kit irr Tell me angelici' host, ye messengers of love, shall et vrindled printers-here help w . , . 'hereirining - . • beef rplied :''To us is knowledge given ; delinquents on the printers' book can never enter heaven. 10 - " I. have a - good ear, a wonilerrur said a conceited musician in the MUMS of cooversition. "So bas a jackass !" replied a bystander Ty-The cut of patience is carved by an• gelic bands, Set round with diamonds from the mines of Edon, andAilled at an eternal fount of goodness. IrrA smile may be bright while the tfoirt is sad. The ruinboir is beautiful iu, the sir, .while beneath is the moaning of the sea. tl:7 l Talue•thit friendship of him who et►nds by you in' the storm; swarms of in sects will sarroond yon in' the sunshine. ►7Ae that is good will beoomo better, and be that is bad, worse, for virtise, vice, and time never atop. 17:7-Wise anger is like fire from a flint, therelAgreakado to get it, and when it does come is gone inginediately. Mrs. Morton WAS a widow—a youtF . pret, ty, rirdt-widols . L-when. - DenEcii , Cha'rlen Stn• ban made her acquaintance. -She wait _poor but very handsome when ' Morton marritul her„ and 'itt his ctift‘fi, two years af ter becaine fide poi, on her widow l s weeds and pocketed her deceased busbadd's gold at the same time.' , Mtidam Rumor baid . lhat poOr old Morton never enjoyed a single hour after, be mar ried her ; but how should &Wain Rumor know 'I Of one thing, however, I can give my readers reliable information. Mrs.,Mor ton had riot Vein a widow tvvelve months erb she twelve& with seeming pleasure, very decided attentions from Dr. ambito. Do you int/Ohl) who Dr. - Stiahin PuT Well, he studied medicine, and had the title of M. D conferred upon him, which he took . ' c an - a fatting to' Ms - name with a great fl rich, But it is asserted that 'he never had half a dozen patients in as map" years. 'He was dr prepossessin :!piearance Tire Tidy talker dim any su iject, and -ogas, in fact, Hist rate coinpany, lle playl the Auta.rtarlsieng—was-a-geed-daneer;-smi - arF excellent partner at whist : besides,- he had some literary reputation. lie wrote poetry and two column sketches for the Weekly Leveller. and last, though not least. he dressed in good taste and in the height of fashion ; how he did it no one knew, but .Iheniterasno_oneBtuleli• as Butt m 1 Vet allowed to correct one ru mor which bad gaired considerable preys knee, to the elect that he supported himself by his literary jabore ; an ordinary scribblei• could bunny afford Strahan's wardrobe. . Old Squye Morton had been dead tint w little ever a year when Dr. Stratum, iytapite 011 the gossippers.cduld say, marrie3 widow and her fortune. The fact was he wanted a rioh wife—as to het, she was anxious to leave her weeds and go into so' ciety again, and she could divine no readier way to accomplish these pu'rposes than by it :tarrying. When any one spoke to the doctot' about her being a shrew, he merely remarried that he Amid take pleasure in taming a WS*. For three mbnths they lived hakely to gather, for it was in the height of the season and bbtWe'en Cape May, Newport, Saratoga and the White Mountains, they were • alone with each other scarce three hours out of twenty-four ; consequently it was impossi ble for thent to disagree. But the season was soon over and they returned to their quiet hOme—the place of all others to study it wife or husband. There is ono unnatural excitement— no fashionable Mrs. A. to out • dress, no profligate Mr. B. to outdo in. squandering money ; no ono to see, to please but the • other half.' After a season of long continued lately there necessarily follows one of extreme dullness ; and when one is dull one ie eaa were both remarkabiy dull, and ae a matter of course; both were greatly displeased. It was their third da at home upon which their first-quarto) 4ommenced. How it commenced reither could clearly tell. It is oply knotrh - that Strahan expressed a de- Sire to dine upon roast beef, upon which Mrs. S. said she abominated beef, and would have roast turkey and oyster sauce. He'd have beef or nothing.' She'd have turkey, and thus coninutnced the war of the Sus hans. One ordered the Butler not to have fowl, the other gave strict instructions not to have beef, while Mre. S. visited her friends and partook of turkey. . After supper Dr. S. gave a wine supper fri the room vehichhe dignified .Lby-the name of study, a sort of variety store in Which he kept his library, wilting desk, anilspitVon. Hero'also late tted'glldsti cases, one of whisk. contaltsed a skeleton firing do wire ; in the other was en Egyptain mummy. The walls were hung with bpriosities ; among them a Cline from a tree which grow; over Washington's grave, a snuff ,box from the wood of the Gusher Oak,, a chip from _ ittstinttititi. thin- I re corn, enormous sized fruits cud _vegetubles, cases of dried intim to Ind pick- led reptiles. Stuffed birds were perched lithographs and portraits of dtsttuguishcd personaged were hung promiscuously on the walls ; a long reading table, arm-chairs, a prescription case, a mammoth bell-mettle pestle and mortar completed the furniture of the study.' During the same evening Afro. S. bad a whist pm ty in the parlor. 4 ds Wine held her retailed; in bondage long er than cards, Mrs. baddismissed her par ty and retired hours before her liege lord came ,to hie ()hunter, and when he did pone the door locked himself without, and her within. In vain' he called' to her r" she would not hear, and• he was compelled find a bed elsewhere, whiclrhe did,. mutter, ing to himself: " ' Flltitinilher yet.' tie nigbaformlng a' plate to bring her to submission. lArthe morning he asked her to walk in the study; sad , there they renewed their tierce quatirer, dining which Mrs. S: called her hasbertut a' heartice, brainless fellow who martiaher for menu To which the doctor replied by aiding her a low, vulgar women, who was poly to' glad to marry s professional -gentleman and author...lle enable her to enter better society. he_Wlfe,•Taider. • fter r ithictudia toyed with• • her fen, nay rallied the bell cord, and ordered the illornkot•who ItaeWered it to bring' her car• riage to the door. • Where are you going ?' demanded the doctor. To ride, sir,' replied the amiable Are Oltiahan. • I - silt go with you. il•yau please.' 'But I do not please.' Then I choose to go." • Ve{y well, then go alone. I cannot pleat you.' " 41 4 : ltdu. cannot go antzea I go With you, madani,' • • I 'Ofrinftt r . . . • Oeuph ‘ t, *dam.' , ' We will ado.' • Welt. wo Ilan gee.' • The, doctor walked out of the' room,. lock e_d_ttlS duo L ths-keyilbitilfsiteteiret left the house. She did not set down and burst into a flood of tears, but waited patient'y for the siumant—to.sistusn, whom she had sent'for the carriage. When he returned, sbe told him, thin* the_key_Aolr,_to, _reti/Sll_ horse tutip stable, and place a ladder against the study window. The ladder was placed according to directions, and a turkey with oysters and pastry was bro't up to her. The ladder was - then removed, and everything was prepared for the reappeitr once of her husband. e.ninkme of-tfie - afternoon - ttnnisc7 for returned home. stepped softly through the halt towards the door. and peeped through the key hole, expecting tones striking picture of--humility an 1 con trition. Judge of his surprise, then, when he saw Mrs. S. sitting before hi; long 'reading to ble ; on her right hand his bell metal mor tar, in which she was roasting his mam moth specimen apples, sweet pi,tatoes, and her turkey. Near her stood Isis water bath, in which she was cooking oysters, and she occasionally stirred them with his spat ula ; on the table stood one of the bottles of wmewhickthe lady for the want of a cham Wei opener,had deprived of its neck with a wedge wood pestle, and using a four ounpe graduate for a wine glass; she had out up champaign baskets for fire wood with an Indian tomahawk. On the left stood the doctor's writing desk, which she had t roken open, and scattered on the desk were ten der missives of his earlier love flames, man uscript pages of tale's and sketches, unpub lishnd odes, and unpaid tailor bills, while the lady sat Leading first a sweet late lette r then an ode to Napoleon, and so on, throw ing theta [age after page into the fire.— Thus the husband's brain work and the wooden'clirioSities were made to cook the dinner. . The doctor looked eittintiy on as long as he hould tliktng the key from his utcket he unloc ' •• •. bolted on the inside. .Mrs. S!' he shouted. • . ' Well, sir l' ' Open the door.' I am very busy just now, and ean't v be disturbed.' C . Dpeu this dobr immedititely.' 6 . I am busy, I tell you.' ' ',l'll burst the door is, it you do not itl• stanSly opee-it., Do as you please, air ; blot your thatilmy add giant's skeleton are placed against the door, se; be co:refill and not break theru.' The doctor was foiled. For a few mck. manta he stood and thought what course it was best to pursue. Suddenly recollecting the ladder, he hatitened through' the hall out of doors, leaving the door unlocked and the gay in it. His footsteps had scarce died away on the EII4IIB, beltirehis wife had removed both Oases from - Wel:lgor, drew the bolt and stood in the entry. It was but the Work of a moment to throw the remain.. log letters, poems and manuseripts into toe ttre, reniove tha wine and eatables, lock the d'uoi upon the outside, arid mit the key in hel t pocket. eiii"whi!o, the doctor . ;ite . ttO raisi ha. got it placed and ascended half its length his wife .and a favorite man servant wor e watching him from a lower window. s le. cMt w wow au. jumped . in ; the, tuutaritf.jump'ed out of the lower window a4d tidied down the ladder. In an Instant the doctor saw that the bird hadilown, find he rattled back to the win dow just as the ladder reached, the ground. Put that ladder back again shouted the doctor. Let it be where it ie,'oried the wife from the lower wrodow, Put it up here instantly, or I'll discharge .you,' hollowed he out of the upper window: ~ , L et it alone and I'll double your wages,' cried the lower window,: (.119 as I tegfact r hlookhead,' yelled the dot**. ' Otimo into the house, John,' said the lady. coolly, . Put up that braider, you rillian,! ted the wrathy MIX ; Jobb, db'stri t erect' yob,' ctitoptabiintlY commanded And JOhn swot lath' the lipase, litagnk the medical earilevien heaping curstiii upon everybody in the vicinity, itrailuding his wire lied Bernet: : ' - ' All eightlOng the dodtor wai kept • prise oder. Jung hototetie wife retired, she.. put her Ilpo to the key hole abti'whispered • --• WeIL - doctor,' Whit your eucceiti in taming a shrew 1' • .No answer. • Good night, doctor.' -The-next morning she eche , to the door and callbd • Doeto‘'. • 'No knstritr..• • • ..fl i n tp a ir m • Wofild you like some breakfast !' • 1 sin ndt Vmrtisplar.' • 'There is cola turkey .left, if you won like it, sir.' The doctor deigned no reply, sod the lady again left laiin sionin - During the afternoon !die again sopped at the door and called . Doctor.' Well, my door r'lleiy humbly. , shodld.' 'Will cold turkey do roiyou Anything, my dear.' If I lot you out will you promise to look me. up again r t I will.' e _ . And never object to my citing turkey when I, wish it P ' Never ' And not attempt to tame a shrew again P ' Never.' Then—you- -may—come—out.' Md. _the.- lady forthwith- Volotkra and To this day Dr. Straban bas never at tempted to dictate to his wife what abi shall eat, or when she shall ride, and has never been beard to boast again of taming a shrew-.' THE NODE OF DE.AFTING GENERAL ORDERS N 0.99 Regulations for the enrollment arid draft of three hundred thousand militia. in pursu ance of an order by the President of the United States, bearing date Aug. 4th, 1862, whereby it is provided that a draft of three hundred thousand militia ne immediately called into the service of theArited States, to serve for nine months unless sooner dis charged, and that the Secretary of War shall assign the quotas to the Stater; and establish regulations for the draft,! Also, that if any o State shalt not by,the tilf teenth of August furnish its quota of the additional three hundred thousand velur tors authorized by law the• 4cliciency of volunteers m that State shalllilso be made up by special draft from the militia,, and that the Secretary of War shall establish regulstons for this purpose. It iq ordered FIRST, the Governors of the respective States will proceed forthwith to furnish their respective, quotas of the 309,- 000 militia called for to the 'President. dated the fourth day of August, 1862, which ors respecttively by communications from this department, of this date, according to the regulations herein set fort's. • Second. The Goveri.ors of the several States are hereby requested forthwith to designate rendezvous (or the drafted malt ! , of said Stales, and to appoint 'commandant and it is important that the rel'idesvou should be few-In number, sad located with a view to convenience of transportation. TAird. The Governors of the respective States will cause an enrollment to be made forthwith by the assessors of the several counties or by aoy othsF officers, to be ap pointed by such Governors of all -able bo died male citizens between the ages of 18 and 45 within the respectivecounties,giving the name, age and occupation of each, to gather with remarks showing whether he is the setivice of the United States &0., and in Whit capacity, or any other facts which tha-ydetermine his exemption from military duty. All reasonable and proper expenses riffled' enrollment and of. the graft herefilafter proVided,,will bo reimbur sed by the United States, upon vouchers perfor.. f/T1 Fourth ; Where no ?rerision is made by law in any ,State for carrying, Wei tifeet the draft hereby obleredi of' Whife 'lath .ro- vie ons n any manner ; defective, such draft shall be conducted u follows : First. ImmediatelZ Upon oolopietion of the enrollinent. the lists of enrolled propos shall be filed io the officio of tke..shends of the counties in which such enrolled persons reside. - Second. The Governors' of tho several States shall'appoi 'a_ commissioner for each county of their respective States, whOse du ty nt shall bo to superiotendend tfii drafting and hear and dote w e Tees of persons claiming to be '" e=emp deny. Such commissioners shalt reedy° • minim sation'of four dollars ,ger diet" for each day he may Ins actually employed in the dis charge of his duties as Pooh commissions Cr. Third. The enrolitseolhbor stMll Imme, distal'', upon the Ong' CT the enrollment lists, notify said occiitnisttiotier their said lists hartf been so filed, and. the Commission eishall thereupon girt notion by handball. Petite& latch township of his oo0t:' of the time and pluts - at which claims of ezmipt. ion will be ktkeived and determined him, and ehe»l4. the tterie-to - bin !Pained is . thit ordir &foretold; within ton days of the filing' of the enrollment at which the droll Shell be" made, and all persona alypl (rpm ininunviitty. ,"" emption before sEi>y co found sufficient, his niiiiesiti , tll, be :itileken from the list by a red liner tiiimi tbrough.it; ' leaving it still legible. ' " :".1 ; ' " 1--. Fourth. The cemenilv:o - per iffiall "t iv tike manner strike from the lists the 'names Of 'all pinions' now in the voilitstreirrirloss of the United States. All telegroph oletinsik6!.. and cbneructorsimtnally. enfaikad tin the fifth day - of August, 1862t111 enzinimis- ,- fir locomotives on railroads, - theifiellf*Oklent of the United. Statai.ibt&gffiliefftif±jetifcfsl and executive of the Govertammt oohs th# 4te , tel States, the members i lk Nth I#' ' sof Cong eis mid their reitpective : all custom house o ffi cers, and thek '2, 4 all ' post officers and stage d,dvers Jr bo-44111, , mmi. ployed in the earirand conveyar.ce of. tI 0 mail of the Post office of the United &atm , all ferryman vr ho are ureployed at any ierry on post road, all pilots. all mariners actual' ' "no ji - e - r --- ' ra4-Of--- emplofed in th e sca . or merchant of the UnitedAaies, an O4gi, . . ri r rf repsierel - or .paensed steamboats and stesroshipl; and sll petrans exeMpted by the liwa- -a the - resPeothre States from military duty ts.,,entß4llo 6 t 6S idence or on his personal know that . said perwont belong to 4 iflAsaid Masses, whither the ,izeutti)tionz .16./130h114—- by then) Of WeriipLiqn will 1001 be ' nent character as to render the person pnlit for service for a period of more than thirty days, to be certified by IL shrgeon appoibtad by the Governor to each county for tbiartpur hi . Fifth. At the time Heed as be l' u 4 videit by the Commistiioner fbe making, Mb draft, the Sheriffor the county, dr 'in hiti absence. Mich ptrson as the Ckinarbesioner 4 may appoint, shall. in the prefiehoe of, vaid Commissioner publicly place in a wheel fol. box of like character to such as siv used fol. drawing jurors, sehatslely folded ballots condining the names of all ponidnirelpsio7 ing on said enrollment diets not _ alricktri till. as before provided, end a.pfopst appointed by ihe Commissionet„ and folded, shall thereupon draw &MO hid tot Us wheels number Of ballots bitual- to- the cumber ct drafted , Vie. adder nor of oath Suite as the Timm Amnia of such county. Sixth. A printed or iftitteri &dice abbe enrollment andAraft, stid.rit iJible , glitter of rendezvous al the • drafted Military fbrce; shall thereupon be served liy43rersot (41 he appointed by the gommisslot e r, Upon each person so drafted',"entter ;kering gm same in person, or by leaving hat hii list known place of residence._ - Serenth. Any person so drafted may otr er a substitute at the time ofkhe rendez vous of the drafted mil ts'fereettnil " anon substitute if he be an zele % bodiett man s bet Ween the ages o from eigliteim nsl Arty, age years and t•fttlt ennui:it mste , AIM the consent of hi parent orituitdian, if a minor to eubjeet hinnielf to lha datiniand obligations to which hie. principal nortmid have been subject hail lia,„pergan. s h a ll h e aces pted in lieu Of Owl Burk h. The .era' • .l: assemb elf t e County seat of thesicirispec -1 tive counties within live s lifer' &Unit whence tr nvortation si Pe *Ts old them by the Governor. ill I e riesersiV i rt es to the plaCe of rendefvouit .„ Ninth% As soon as the„draft bat Aid made and the names marited•ort‘ths eastedik: moot bet, the commissioner ,will , ssodi, a copy of the draft to the cotnotrandant:o( PIS rendezvous, and another oily * .tibo- i f igod to the adjutant General of t - Stine, 44 *a will junto diately organnae into companies to each register/4 o,lolK try, by assigning one hundnett owenit to each company, and ten obtainielr l td. each regiment, and atwd astqty Wregor - ganizetion to the Utditmandadt ;ilk cialtid deacons. __ D . ~_• ~,. arc + , Tenth, At the eipitatiolilif the Ulm ~pi 4 lowed for the drafted men to Megaton- . deacons, the ikmarandent'Obalt . 10' ou i complete the organisation of elis - 090 lea end regiments by PrObkindott I vur 4 the regimental comuisa shall be designated in acs ordith ',..• ''f laws of the respective Ststeir:j•themastiNier—: and grade being the Same as inp . qat:' telnn4 sirg t oirps tear service, and in cue 110,, Sou strati provide fat. ad iileel giptil ems, 'they she& bc elected tinder Ws s d on, et the Commandant of the randesvddli ..stmi fel, ported forthwith to the atmerviorr. =di States in order that they mejf,kle eo • EtcveniA, As 4pan'•4 the rl l 4O-4, Tompaplea apd reghPerita as a ne the tphater F O llO shah be r the dinar-don of ductld..biendene tered into thesertioe.ol44 01 0, 4 4,A t m" by the tnuateting fifteen' aptillistedAt ea pury ose. . Twelfth. In States whereallitmilist.Wd been made by • municipalities...and, 110Wies.. instead ofoounties, the tiortintigis efilittatt &ales are authorized to apply rules of draft to ,stiohl town instead of 1011 - 1141.66.• 1 • •,`• • .0 Firm ted by States tbrreot deseety ~ ted peraoi plaoes r Strts the firti addity__ heirs coiled oad der dered, be - caught Governor' additional gide& to be to be w. 0,79p141 be r and ad , Vane Meats. I =