Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, August 15, 1862, Image 1
I • P el - r , •ri , i' Z.., '' VOL: , _* - ttliftt 4 titrOrt. Mee .step. Ii =1 Sweet, thou but trod on • heart, Pam ! therel a world full of man; And woman an fair as thou art Must &Inch letup now and than. Thou only bast stepped unaware,— : Mauna.- no one can Impute; And why should a heart hare bean then; In the way of a fair woman's foot? It was pot a stone that could trip, . Nor wan It a thorn that oeuld.rand; _p u t up tby proud under f . ,f+! 'Twas merely the heart of a fitend' ind yet, peradventure one day , • Thou, Hitting alone at the glen, • . . Where the smile le its dimplement .441 arpAn Amin . _rain . From heindrods that flattered before, Suet a lord as "Oh, not in the mein o I hold Oise leas preolougilbat more" Moult sigh, very like, op thy part— "Ofall I have known or aan kno*, , I wish I had only that heart I trod upon ages ago !" 1 4 11 .1: 11 4 .1 t),Acs..zi 7.2./ 1217.7 . : . - -- * Blindfold ➢carriage The elite of the .cdurt of Louis XIV, the Jgreat monarch of France, ewe assembled in the chapel of the great trianon, to witness the nuptio Is of Louis, Count of ' Franchc Compte natural son of the King—with Lydonio, Duchess de BaliTerne, a worthy heiress. • The f.ingul sr feature of the ceremony, was that the bridegroom's eyes were bandsged with a white‘,lutndkerchief. ''Phis circumstance excited the wonder of all. had the bride been old and ugly, they wohid not have been surprised. On the contrary, she *as young and pretty, - The king alone understood this strange freak of the bridegroom, and, though much enraged., ho _prudently held his peace and .suffered the ceremony to proceed. A few words will exelain the inBfl4e3 of tharidegroom. - When Lbuis XI V came back frora his great campaign id the Palatinate. ho deter. Wined to unite his son, whose valor • and daring in he war had greatly pleased him. • to moat the wealthy wards of the crown. lie proposed the union to the young Duch ,Atlis of Baliverve, and found her favorably inclined. She had just come to court, having but recently emerged from the convent where she bad com*ted her education. She had seep the COnnt Oren, though he had never knew ho WWI brave and noble, and thought him handsome. The barsiiiister in his es cutcheon was no objection. Unfortunately, Louis of Frapche Cotrite ho, like his father, was aomething of a reprobaW, would not accept her. ' My ton.' said the great King, 'I harp, re- Solved that you shall marry.' My worthy sire ..rid most excellent ta, ther,' returned the Countr'l have resolved to do no such ` ping.' r . The King frowned. • He was not in the habit of being contradicted. •' I have mane a formal proposition, in ,yournaine, for the hand of the Duchess of Baliverne, and she had accepted you,' said he, gravely. . ' Doubtless,' sneered the young scape• vase, 'her taste, is excellent, and how could she refuse me I Perhaps it would-have beer as well to have consulted toy inclinations in ibis f it atter. I'd° not wish to marry.' ).-, `' yob in love with any one.' Then love my Duehes. She is noble And -- .WWWOTow Xl9 ye. spoke, and the ' ug smiled at the compliment ;. and the ews trust me—what could I do with any more geld T' • Shpfs the prettiest woman iir my court.' `l'm tired Of pretty women ; .thert're al. ways (eels.' .• Could you but see ber,, you would be tore tO Ellin love with hei.' I will never sec her," answered ho de _ - tervoinedly. ' See her orpot, you shall marry her cried the King in.a rage. . If I db I'll marry her with my oyesstua returned the Count... The King grew p iiple with passion. _ Yea:tope -alb obedience as subject and• as son. It is piny will that ,you bestow yourltand a'pon the puchcas de ;fhe•wedding shall take place this day fortnight. lilobgtit to any will with good grate, and I will create you a Duke on yourwedding day. Dare to disobey me, ;end I will strip you of pita title and the lands you hold Iron? nut, and cant ynn into: a hostile.* • • ‘• • This was 'wbat,had brought the Count o Franclie (lowlife blindfolded to be mars ribd. The.Kiog mulled grimly, but said noth ..r . •`"" • The Count ptigd the ring upon , the fin ger of big bride, but he did not salute her ; and, when the ceremony was over he turned .11 ...1. lEEE I=l= Whit& lipid Tier," - foor the fno~kernhief from oft his eyen„ and walked out of die cha• pel. LYdonlfrpouted ber pretty lips, and- was almost ready to cry for vexation. The King took her in charge, escorted her to her carriese, and they were conveyed to the ko tel her husband occupied. ' Bare you are. my dear,' said the Kiln s , conducting her through the apartments ho had expressly (tarnished for her reception 'here you are, •at home. f • ' But where's my husband l' said ty- - donie. . _ ' Silly boy !' muttered the King, looking very *much annoyed. 'Never mind, my deer; he is your husband ; the rest will come in-time.' What is the 'we of having a husband, if he will not look- , au i' poste U , 110 shall look sitt you, o I'll send him to the Bastilli.' v Oh„'_ no,' cried hy ante, o not force him to look at me. If he has not •enriosity enough to see what kincrof a wife he has gqi, I'm sure I do not wish to oblige him to look at me. I see how it is,' she continued, a sad expresstowateattngWr her Counte nance. 'Sire, you hofe forced the Count into this union P The King coughed analoked guilty, never loved me, then —ho never will love Why should you care ?' 'Because I love him,' ansgered Lydouie, inoooetil ly Love him !' 'Oh ! so_ dear:3? ; that is why I monied him. I had loved him from the moment I first beheld him. And now lam his wife he will'not feed( at me.' Lydonie burst into a flood of Oars,. and sank upon a sofa. Cho King pitied her sincerely, but what could he do ? Ile had forced his On to marry her, but he could not force Lim to foie her. • Ue thought of .it would not make him love his wife to send him there. ' Well, well.' he said, 'you are his wife. I will make him a 'duke, and I dare say you'll find him home before morning. , With these word.; the King withdrew. Lys - lonic' was left alone with her sorrow. But ghe was not one to droop I mg. She soon dried her team - and looked all tho bet ter, like a rose after a shower. her old nurse came in, and together they inspected her new hoine, winch Lydonie found entirely to her satisfmution. The Count did not come home that night. A week pasied by, and ho did not make h 4. appearanco. Lydonie came to the conchi awn he would never conic. Shii knew it was useless to appeal to the Kin gy Ile had made French() Compte a duk, do nothing for her. She idelarmined tb as certain what her husband was .*hout. She tlispatcheda trusty servant for intel ligence. and, I e all wives who place a spy upon their sband's movements, she was net at please.' with the ales she receiv- Jibe Duke was plungink into ap kinds of dissipation. lie was man* love to all the etty, -Lhangiiters of the shopkeepers in the Rue St. AntAVne. liitaCtfir a newly mar ried pale; his co n d uot To leave me to rdn after such tnaille !' ex , :laimed Lydonie. She pauseesuddenly. An ideptAati en tered her brain. She deterininal to set upon It. • - While she is meditaticig upon it, /et us see what the Dukeo about. One nigh sight eight dap after•his mar riage, the Duke, plainly. attilvd4l ;nutted in a Cloak, roamed through l e tut fattbusg Antoiny, as %As his wont in 4ueat ofstdeop• ~ ter ~ As be tuenaelathe corner or_ dna of those narrow lanes that_ inte;socted tt4t quarter at that period, a piertirtg •shrick, out in an instant. Ile was brave to raeh. nein. Without a moment's 'thought he planged into the lane. Ile beheld a female struggling in the grap of a mail. The man fled prerapitatelyat his approtieh and the girl kia*.iittp his_arms, eonvusively exclaiming : 'Pepe ine ! oh save me !' • The Duke sheathed his Sword and en. deavored to calm her fears. lie led her be neath the lamp that swung al ills corner. Why, you are a perfect, little fieanty4: 4 he cried rapturously, and in surprise. The girl Gut down her eyes andl34rih A deeply, sod the Duke felt tho little halfd that rested.upen his armAinnble. Bet she Totittern - dipploased De you reside in 'Orris V ' Yes : but vie hare only been bore # abort ,timo. We came frotii Belleiille—nlo • thor and I.' 'Fr.= the country, eh 3 Where do you live, my . pretty blossom It „ ' In the rue St. Helene.' - 4 "‘: • •,Why,' that ja some distance from h - • Will you permit We to escort you tiome These streets are dabgerous,• you have found, to on so beantiful as you . are.' • 1 would very muoh like to have you see me-home She pugs sod apOaterl onntinied. Tf what LsAed Nipti eagerly. Ir you would only, la so *nod —as .td proqise not to —to —try , -40-,kina`ve again BELLEFONTE, FRIDAY qVIORNINO, AUGUST . 15, 1862. el you please, sir,' replied the girl, ipno• cently. The Duke wa4 charme d . There was a simplicity, a freshness about this hung girlie/hied pleased him. = 4 I give you toy word as a gentleman,' he said fran kly,,'that no action of mine shall displease you, ifyou accept my escort ' She came to his'side and took his arm with*Coufldance. • '1 am atof afraid.of you.' she said with sweet. simplicity ; know yod are 100 good to injure me.' ' The Duke blushed for thd first time In— be could not remember how malty years ; he knew he was receiving a batter character than he deserved.. What is your name?' he asked: as they proceeded - oil their way. gerrap she • What s pretty name ! And so you'Aive here in Paris, alin'one with your mother.", ' I dare say you have plenty of sweet hearts ?' ' No ; 1 havn't one.' . What—,no ono that loves you V' ' None,' "replied Bergeronette, quite ead . Would you not like a sweetheart T' ' Perhaps.' IYou4sitast-be- T partiretriaricrilfalfe.: - urytstnfouid have had a sweetheart before now : Whatidad.of—ti ono would-you-hket-, Maw r Then aparicllnatiy eyes were lifted to his for a roontent. would like One, if you pleikee, -like Like what ?' Like you!' tt !Phew !' thought the Duke, •1 am get ting ou here. - ,Wow,.is thi; cunning-, or is it simplicity.' ` - They walked elrsoine time in silence.— Bergertmette checked the Duke before a lit tic cottage, with a gardea-in front. There wairrenall wicket ,gate leading into the • garden. • • Here is where I live,' she said. She took a key frointer girdle and unlocked the gate. — ' Will she. invite ioe'to carter f' tlw the Duke-- tiud the thought was A r to wish. 'Good night, sir, said 13erkrXionette, 'and [pany thanks fur your kindness.' - 'She is a Dian Avis the Duke's mental ..., refit coon, )' ' Shall Inc,vizt haVe the pleasure of ica'ing you agative said the Duke. ' Do'iau . vvish it 1' She said, earnestly. /Most nrdently ' I'll oa k my mother.' An oath rose to the Duke's lips, but he prudently checked it. ' Will 3on receive me to. morrow' ?' - ji____l ll u__yua l Lr A x iu44 - 11 . n , t 1-41-- my mintier is . 444441"1"ed—bri"-"E" willing ' ' I shall be sure.' •Ydu will have forgotten me to•Morrow.' I shall never forget you !' ' I have heard my mother say the men al ways protest more tsn they mean.' ' Your mother is' the Duke paused, and bit Mg bp.' What is she ?' asked Bergeronetto !Sim right. But I mean what I say. As sure as tho morrow comes, so will Come. tiood•night.' She turned from him, and was ibnirt to enter the garden. Bergerodette,' he said quickly, 'one kiss before I go. Surely my forbearance do serves it. She made no anaiver 7 but sho-hlChned tier head gent,ly toward him. For a moment sisitingesield4o-his arms.-antl-them tore he sell tram ins embrace. and passed quickly through the gate. The puke determined to foliose. When he placed Ida hand against the gate he feund.itneedrely fusOned. Ber• ,Zoroflulta had prudently locked it after her. _...---___:::_-.:•:.. - 77 , • naehetor apar tnenta , 1* wedding dlriiiko dream of perger,onette. The next datlaevrent-to the cottage in Rne HeLe• ua. Ito wits received by Bergeronette and introduced by her lo her irAther, a line, matronly dame, who sat quietly spinning in the corner r , tudellnwed the young rotiple to rove abiitit the garden at will. The Duke thought she was a very sensi. blo old woman. The Duke departed at the end of the three hours, &fife in love than ever. lle came 'very day for a fertnight, and every day be .. 6ilessed hiptfait. But there was on ly one way in which itergeronette could be , wow an bonoralkurtarriage..._ The Duke was in despair and at his wit's end. Ile had a stormy scone with the King who threatened to send him to the Bastile if be did not return to 'the Duchess So he came to Bergeropette, on the fourteenth clay to make a final effort to obtain her. Thty were alone togetherec Hear me, Bergeremetie," he tried, when he bad exhausted every argument, and round leer still firm " I swear, to you wore" Mas i this Instant would t Wed you. t vilitlikkigess all to you. I 'have tot you that I int:a Duke, but my Vow you shall Now all. am the Tate 'do honcho Oompte, and , -1 am already mar ried !" ELS 9 -"Marria r , eshciedlfirrienialte with a • smothered spreisM. =1 EMZEI =I " I Was forced into 'this union by the king's conansad. Ido het love my wife. ',brute never even seen her face. I left her at-the attseiToot, andvre - have never met since. dhe'possmees my title, bat you alone posams . my besot. Fly with me. In !onto distant land we may dwell in happi• nese, blessed -with each bthei % society.— Time ma; remove the obktaeles to our union death may beftlend us, a 1 divorce may be obtained, and then I swel.r,So you, by every saint iu Ileaven, you ./ htll become my Duchess !" Were ritt free, woullyou really make me your wife _ pledged you 4 word.' -1 1 believe you,': 4 You will fly with me; will. • she clutlittur - e - r — riTTo :he had. taught her to call I , lm, • I also have something to impart to jou, My name-lie not liurgOnette, and I to not what you take me to be.' t do you . mean . __ .1 have &lath equal7too - rrortywtr' •, • Then this old woman ?' 4 Is not my muther.htti my nurse.' • ' And the man who tut:milted you I' Was my lackey instrlicted for the intr. MS • And like you,' pho ctuinued, atu ' out your husbands throat,' esclninr ed the Duke wildly. dop'lthink you will whoa you know him.' .11 ho is he ikep,.elidAvatlCT are you ?' ' I am Lydonie, Clialess le Frturohe Corapte, and i romaro The Duke was thundiOstruelc.- Lydonte knelt at his feet.; ' FOrgive me this littl4 Pot.' ttivb pleaded, it was to gain your lovi; h 7 it. has sue. ceedcd I am happy—if as failed, with my own lips I will sue to the King fur, our divorce.' i.. 67 -• “Up—u rr. y heart,' cried the Duke, joyfullyYas he caught her in-lailvairms ; you have - insured our mutual ha_ppiness._ are so blind as those who will not see. Little did I think when I stood blindfolded by your side at the altar that I was re jecting such a treasure.' They passed there honeymoon at tlut lit tle cottage, and the Duke was not sent, to the Beattie. &AMR IT A LITTLIC—A little girl and her brother'-were on their ray to the groceP'd the other morning. The roots of the houses and the grass on the common were white with frost, and the wind was very \ sharp.— They were both poorly clad bw, the little girl had a sort tot a coat over her which she seemed to have outgrown. her little companion canto up to her, saying Come under my coat, Julunny.` 'lt isn't big enough for both of us,' he rcplirci • I guess I can stretch it a little,' she said. and they were soon as-dlose togetlier‘and as ;vim as two birds in the same nest.. how many shivering bodies and heavy hearts and weeping eyes there arc in the world, just becaute People do not stretch their comforts a jj_ttlo beyond themselves, CD"The Richmond Dispatch says. Our Western exchanges come to us full of mys terioughiah.of SeiSkttloilitany .operation of glorious promise. The Jackson Mississip pian of the sth inst.., says : ' we e're m con fidentia I possession of a bit of news that is (as far it goes) as good as.. the thrashing out of NrClellan. It will not be long, we POOO ktolUto_sre will to chroni cle eilotliCr glorious and crushing victory over the invaders.' rrA soldier was sentenced, for deserting to have his ears cut ptl. After undergoing the brutal ordeal, he was oscorted oat of march.' HS then,,tamedond in mock dig. nity . thus addressed the masiciani) . Gentleman I thank you, but .1 have no cars for music." 1 1:7 4 4 say Rod, did jOu collect .that bill?' • • 'Which one sir 'TEe one against Mr. (loer !'. 'tin sit I ai44}l , collect, cage - why, he's not Mr. •Goer :'Wbst,do you mead?' 'Why you see, sir, Mr. Goer left yester day—and now lies Mr. Gooe'er.• R;ZBill, spell eat, rat, hat, bat. fat, with cUll pone letter_for_each`word It can't •be did. • , What! you pelf .ready to report verbatim, phonetically, and can't do that ! Just look here, U 80 cat, It 80 rat: 11 80 hat, B SO bat 8" 80 fat. 17:7A Dentist presenter a trill for the tenth time to a riot' skinflint. "It Mrlkis me isaid the latter, gist this is 'a pretty round bill) ) "Yes," replied the dentist, 'l'm sent It round often enough to make it appear so and t hale came now to get it sipared)' 1:1:74ks peoilq. usually aprittkle the 'floors before they. sweep them. !Mrs in old .bache lor, eo sow ladies sprinkle their husbands' with tears in order that they may sweep the cash from their pockets. •„ ' COLONEL CHICIELEY'S HORSE I-have never been able to ascertain the mom of the; quarrel between the Grickley's and the Drakes. They have lived within a Mile of each other in Illinois tor five years : and from their first aeguaintance - . there had been a mutual dislike tuti-ten the do fam., ilies.. One evening 'Mr, Drake, the elder, wits .returning home, with his "pocket, full of rooks" from Chic +go, whither he had bee n to dispose of -a load of gram., Snin Barston was with him on the wagon. and 'as they approsehed• the glove which Intervened be. tween•thetn-and Mr. NlXeshouse, he ob.. served to his companion What a,beahtilulshot Col. Crickley's oli igen is over yondel7?" The horse was stantling:unalt,,soino- traes about twelve rod.; trail the road. Involuntary, Drake stopped Ills team. Ile glarteed furtively around, then with a quo_er snadulhe eld_hunter-took-up-his—rig from the bottom of the wagon.; ^and raisin it to his shoulder, drew a sight on the Col onel's horse "Beautitul!" muttered s Drake, lowerin his rifts with the airofa man resisting roan so easy." . 'X suggested Bain, who loveript in urig shape. nn,:twouldn't cl‘Ti," said old ter, glancing cautiously aro him again. won't m, '• Wall, I woiii,.stfint this time. any way. tell, or no ter The hare is too -nigh. If he w . liity rods off instead of - twelve, so er'd Vri. bare possibility of mistaking him for a deed, , I'd let fly. As it is I'd give the Colonel five dollars" ier a shot." At that moment the Colonel himself step, ped from behind. a pig oak, not half a dozen paces distant, and stood before Or. MIT! 'Will; why don'e:you shoot V' The old man stammered out some words n confusion 'That's you Colonel! I—l n•as teripted to,l,deelare ! And as I said, 191 give ~you a ' N't for one ;'Say an 'X' and its a bingain ?" • Drake felt his rifle add looked at the old roan. "How much i, the bursa wuth 3" he muttered in yam's eer. "About flny dollars " "Gad, 'Johmel, 11l (ID it. Here's your X !” The Colonel took nod pocketed the money muttering—Ranged if I thought take mu up, With high glee the old hunter [nit a fresh cap on his rifle, stood up in his wagon, and vtun chuckled. Ihe Colonel put his hands before hisf.ce, and chucklud-tutt7 "Crack !" went t h e rifle. The Wilier tore out n horrid oath, which' I will not r twat. Sam was astonished. The Colonel laughed. Old roan never stirred. Drake - stared at his rifle with a' AlCe ,a 8 black as Othello's. "What's the matter with you, hey?" Fust tinio you over served iut, sueles I swan." And Drake loaded the piece a ith great indignation and wrath. _ "People said you . d lost your knack of shooting," observed the Onlonel; in a cutting tone of satire; ' "Who said so, I It's a lie !" thundered Drake, "I can shoot"— "A horse at ten' rods ! ha ! ha!" Drake was livid: nlrok hero Coton4 I can't stand that he began. ."Never mind, the horw can, sneered the Colonel. 'l'll risk yom" Grinding his teeth, Drake produced an other ten dollar bill. _ way. "Crack away," said,the Colonel, pocket ing the note. Drake did creek away—with ,deadly aim too—but the horse did. not mind-the bullet the least:" To die 'pge. end unut. cralfle astonishment' of the bunter, old roan looked him right in the face, as if he rather liked the fun. "Drake," cried Sam, "you're drunk ! A horse at a dozen hle— oh my eyii!" "Just shut your mouth, or Ulf shoot you, *thundered the excited Drake. 'The bullet was hollow, 111 sweall-L The man lice that sopa can't shoot, letat week I cut on a - goose's bead'. at Ofty you Can laugh, but I'll bet now, thirty dollars, I cso . hringold roan deanp at one shot." The wager was readAy_Eszsepted, Th e stakes were placed in Babe's hands. tilted with the idea or winning back his two tens and making a ten in the bargain, Make carefully selected 4 perfect ball, and even buckskin patch, Ord beaded the It was now mutely dirt butt ttrti old 'bun ter boiiited beibg able' to shoot a bat on . the 0110 y Starlight; and tiitboitt. broils.. lion be drew a °kir sight onoldroan's head. A minute Into, Dra cq Was drug throng the grove, `-tfie maareliraged, the moat 'dela perste of amity. Ilia_ritityinneeent victim of ire, lay with broketantook in the ;bottom .of the wagerr.: Sam BirStOUP".lllllB . l.l)Cr riinoh frightened to laugh. Morn While the tratiti ed .Co!one! Was rolling on the ground con • vulsed with mirth, land old Reunites _stein ding undistui•bed under the trees. When Drake reached, home. his two sons discovering his ill humor, and the mutilated condition of his rifle stock, hastened "to arouse his spirits with news, which they , were sub? would make I.lm dance with joy. • Clear out !" growled the old man, '•I• don't wsnt to hear any news get, away or shall knock ono of you down !•' "Jot father, it's such a trick on the (Jul • onel !" •• On - the thilonel I" cited the - Ord man, beginning to be Interested. o•Ulad if you played the Colonel a _Oink, -kt ti!l heat it." old trake. "so it wont out for doer—' "`lbuleille_detr—uome—to ,l , •Couldn't find any deer, but thought w. must shoot something . 60 Jed hanged ,kway st the Ouloneri old -roan—shat__OM "b - ac k. with 4taterd, and-left-him -stand luiink . der the tree just as if he was alive. Illa . ha,! Finer the Colonel going to catch him ! Llo ho! wan% it a joe ?" - Old-Drezd's h4 l / 2 fell on his break Ile felt of his empty pocket books and looked at his rifle. Then a rueful 'tone he whis pered to the boy— ' a joke ! Dot if you over tell of it —orlf you do Sam Barsten—l'll skin you eliva l're been' . shooting at• that der'd horse linlf in__ hour for ten dollars a At that moment Sam (Altai" the glitit 4 r Sam had laughed himself almost to death Is it sought to end the %tar by the North CI ushing the South I For said, a pitrpose no _adequate exertiim has yet tiben made. If chat is the game, the call for Poly three hundred thousand more soldiers, 'as in commensurate as was the call sixteen tii , nths ago, for screnty.five thousand, to whip the South and retake the forts. We leave aside thuplestion whether any united and de termined people numbering two: ve or as is the fashion now to compute it, eight mil lions can be crushed on their own soil. It was by Irish aid that Ireland was subjuga ted to England.' „Selguita. stands there with her Hee millions, more, populous, and more independent, than ever before— tt •aa Is n the theatre of the most famous butt les of Europe, century after -century.— try - ;witzetlind, with less thin three millions of people, Las successfully defhd the „Iggion _ary - hosts of Austria, of Loraine, of Burgun dy, and or France. Portugal, ‘,Pith less than f m,,r millions, has always su!ikeeded iu resisting the o ,ttempts of Spain, in the proud est days of the latter, to absorb her, by her prermderating power, It seems to be one of the axioms of Bonaparte which time_ awhetionsits profoundly true, that, A pee, - flu to be free of another, has but to wit it If the United-States are to prove an unsound' axiom; it must be by a far diffi t•• ent display of power (row anything yet et hibited. Voluytisering must be abandoned, and drafting cesorted to, It is no three hundred Alio:wand mop, but a miThop, that the instant necessitips of the case call To•. Hitherto the partisans that originated this .pestiferous quarrel-the - and" Chases, and Sewardi, and Giddings, and Sumners, and Chandlers, in Congress, ,or the Beechera; and Cheevers, ni,d -three thousand preachers' of New Elighina, in in but Greeley's Weekly 7 4 1liblilt—have as a rule, & the war that ,haa-resoltra. to be fought out by the' very lien at the North who have denounced and 'Acpr c cAted Wickettmlapiracies.. II at:tilt meet , ' the war is to be' kept * up. The lin have, thus far, suffered for the guilty, the guilty will have to Suffer, in their, persons, the horrors of war. if the force principle he to be carried ovt.""t be a war in which enough of subs! cannot befound: A year ago those wlio phisd, , .. -1 for' pi were called • secesslonisis,'traitors,' Then, the plea Was that the kr was free the qaion loving p - rop,:e of the So , - from-the gripe rita'satesiTtniTain: we pleaded for pii4 on the very gu that there still at the SoUth such t timent, and it Only required peals to op if. „3V° pleaded that rtlar 'mot k it—that only pef4e could dire it oppol ty. 'that f 4 all Wt., We say yet nearer or more remote, the only /dope on on;.00 the old, noble, gritud.idess forefiTterfi, must dati the IligimtlilF-F0 wOrk for efaliiititin, in the 'est!Nifin t o an hormrable;pea'iof .414;0* Seymour,rtle3OyerOplr, nneetiout„ in •hig'lettii:latiofed bry •-tionstrodk fallitsy ' 1:1!, 4 mitigates,' ail t . rtiSC: Smith ' by , tiie§ivoili Qe s s ltnnm . , ; 9l ion., Tip Onion that masted our as frionain, was a 170jon bijiee twain the States. The violation of that or, Jed and I' this afternoon THE WAY OF PEACYi.. • % I; • FM fund4rat aard, thousands m -inment,tiat bse ea ere in the loyil ".• . .. _., ~_ _ • ncea tomb as ; tbefgrifiSitd . ,. tided by onr onscienee—the Isers.ndAtP , riptvoitbs‘ mitt. a imente of the mentFAtt.,,,,,:---: ' I. CanSti i (Won- - not knowing Pat,, r Publish" ng them, some clerk 'lb' ' tfie' Det. ;art men'. May order ,iiibilliiiiiiii agent, ',by be hands ofTlottiftfiecitSlNWilti Whir& Co he dingy salltiofilagislhatilifini r V (. ; , : is • The ..I;nion loving pedl44iiii* irked , . tates !' 'Who ate they , , 1 1 1,:31)►11 ''.'.- ' expondenee of tie .Ife4 . 4.''',,, ,Trig one those ,organefor 4 a* -,.: 7 1 1 ; .11..' . . tells us,•lriog as • ttilltlt:l4o; 7 44 negro sinies. e Hershi . stild s.L. qlloo"*. ;7 ' 7 -respondent,siell us, ete. • cl*Nt is element !eh In kleyr Orrins, n'Sleuiphts, in Virginia. - in loltiott Osrolina in those ally chinsinadtAidialgTit. it might Union armairCiiitiefiWin eXtbip , nt op - n glimmer Or on ee!ing I before been thokiii4 are we then to locileitairja44o . 7 - .rnianenf •:`' trot' 'tag l itdabinip t on, ig to be kniiii4l4,s4: 4 blimp metrafßinratti_ a. - 7 1 i v ii : edy reolult: Tite4:. rtgstlfjpr zi pspir • - crafs ho donsiier it the iktiff!4 ; OP &claim pg, SI ichi of o of its tiCsompit: • t.entlllll:ilt*,;44: t aili or tD. !_i „ grave of Black ,: -..4,--* i t solicitude'! Thel'esre,,.7 k AV i lg i l ...!. '• ' . that William U. &Wart Ktk.,.. ' _,.. ' ");,, t . 4 from the Cabinet iat.l ' mt? to ' s o : .4 - 0..,... , 4n i . - b , of the ackitowitlgmeritoM, A , r,.,.; . - work. licalagle4aa" attempt , 1 , j,•,. 1.44 ri , " : For our part t permisnSfrAmils idea' to which we catafifft i‘ x,,M ,40.".21 1 , K g -for 1t is the knell ciel i vfl , ,4l;fertf ! _ 44'41 0 411 othir liberties, on thif cogtiiijac-4#41.4bP " haap4jpger of . huge atan,'ciliatis c e r.... 41 1" Ingo, maration, of trid4sl.77 . optirtst4. .1 . 0.1 if reoples. crusheth--- pteit , L is already freightiug latandathiperwit,tir-. icancitiz , ns, renontiainiattvand fleeing with what titty4soilarkaLthei-F7-efti) feats. It is an idea thirwigfastAtastli, ft fame to secat—batt*+otivia4?t ! to rest edy it, our first need 'ls- pelages. ~,,.,:.‘,,.. , . What is Ma wavy orpiyitial,' ~.--:,,,,:,,, Tha: way ot peso. 4o r : promise. There ill:IM r 9 - ,Solomon died, the Teo T i ft. lirr i rtigrit of , erect to complain to his is:f:a . ~, _ . 1.4, , yoke of his father's govavarra, 7 4 01 0 1 19114 - ed them. The wiseitt ` ilcsfu-setteld Ho t% Imam to speak sohlf. • -.2 .-AitH ifi-` ` Oad W . arquiesce in' their Milk 44 1 314 t: Aim. i they would cler -- d''''' ;l '-k . • ' 17 ,'he ignorant men of i li s e l ' l " I ' 4- 4"gitktr i e % vise hind to refuse ' totakt, ' ' ' ''' 'tters ' 4, -.4 rd : , .Ir, arms in their tinnily ! " fier ' tike.,etkroo- - : of the fools, and bruit:4J „tii,l %pm, ' his own bouse r and *l'44" ''' *lir : - • Ills'ory Is fill of the liite'•'::r. '''.l . ot long since we cited tl - *' tki;it, Il ' 7 ,..,,,_ .., Xl. of France, who byelk - w i t; 1 , ..- arse with big powerfuliet)ig:. -. pile'r.:._,, . 4 armtd ifteT, and thug myti„:e "r api l • . comninilitked,,ona united,-e ' .' .7-9 . -...- Treat - with - rebels - *lir • 14 4 Tirti I,. liantla-P- Su exclailme j lt' io`. l • - ' ► . Englatiler -who knOWs twithili :6 fiks' t ioo, . not even that of his owtrcortier,tiotehk;4o. l . : ' ~,,, tialit. In that comer, hide* j(eqdetpt , ; has never,been - practiceil. 'tut. *iii, ., and haughty kingdom, of ropy t' L . ,It t _s,t; Eurorte, is there that hai'liti' tetit , %ike ' ' rebels 'w.ij,h arms jn f tbiaik liiiih4l.!' ' CIA the housiyof Cherie ...' witirrOteteir - Did the tilifroj I'M the Dapipurghs4itii 8. .' .?' __.tti (AEI 1 Some such stun vita eitet by the trots° of gtoMpl i dir t ..,,, Pijiiiit, them lent ite iffekesi heid:loeiiiiii4'or : • 'them • i 1.... 4 also, that the Bourbons • , I: , I' 1. . ' - ' 1 same ideas, and tbii 114 liiiti! 8 r 2 grand proof that tber are 2 ta• • A ~ .i 1 - 4. af - TT reign over men. cxitt sudratrawei; MI liberties • to 403- • EU