Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, August 08, 1862, Image 2
JOE W. FOREY, 1 5. P.GRAY MEEK, | Editors BELLEFONTE, PA. Friday Morning Aug. 8, 1862. DEMOCRATIC STATE TICKET. FOR AUDITOR GENERAL, ISAAC SLENKER, OF UNION COUNTY. FUR SURVEYOR GENERAL. JAMES P. BARR, OF ALLEGHENY COUNTY. Bemocratic County Convention. By order ¢f the Standing'Cummittee, the Dem- ograiic Convention of Centro ‘County will meet at the Cevrr House in the Borough of BELLE- FONTR on Muesduy the 2th of August ati o'elock, P. ». Mcetings for the ‘selection of dol- egates to eaid convention will be held in the sey- eral townships and borsughs, at their res ceive places of holding elections on SATURDAY eke 234 day of August: S. T. SHUGERT, Chairman. le Dr Hox. Jas. T. Hats, and IL N. Medruts TER, Esq., addressed the *“War meeting” on Saturday last, urging men to volunteer. — Now, this is all right and proper, but we would suggest to these gentlemen, that they enroll themselves as volunteers, and thus set the example. That would be true patriot ism, and would be proof positive that they were in earnest. To be sure this communi- ty would miss them a little, but then, con. sidering the cause they were engaged in, it wouid try and reconcile itself to their de. parture. Of course, they arc prominent men here, but that is the very reason why they should volunteer !' It would have a good effect. — Other men have gone to war as good by na- ture as Jas. T. Iale and 1. N. McAllister. Why should not they go and spill some of thew blood, if need be, for the country which they profess to love so well. Cer- tainly they are 2hundan ly able to go— their families would not suffer in their absence. — Besides all this, they would get a bounty, month’s pay, &e. Certainly their country needs them. We can spare them about as well as anybody else in town, and, in view of the great crisis which is now upon us, we cannot conceive how, in the name of Heaven, a couple of such staut, «bio vied men as they, can stay at home! Go, James T. Hale and 11. N, McAlister, go, for God’s sake. go! i SNS yee all 05=By a recent order of General Pope, imo private property will hereafter be pro- tected along the line of operations sf his Di- vision. We presume, therefore, that his sol- diers, it they be so disposed, will have full liberty to rifle every house they come across, and in mere wantonness to destroy every thing that they cannot take away with them. At least this would seem to bo the meaning + of this, if not infamous, at least very injudi- cious order. It we mistake not, the cause of Gen. Mitchell's arrcs¢ in Alabama, was the {act that his soldiers were permitted, with out reproof, to plunder private residences, ravish the women, destroy property, and do other actions equally unworthy of the char- acter of gentlemen or soldiers. We cannot bat regret this order of General Pope's, as tending to create a spirit of lust and plunder among the troops, which will no doubt bring ‘upon fhicw, the tenfold hatred of the Souths ern people, and which, if carried out, will <ertainly be no honer to them or their braver but wistaken leader. Let us lope that ur troops possess too much honor to indulge in ~ such excesses, or to wantonly destroy pris vate properly. A Draft Qrdered. By rélerencerto sur news columa, it will *be seen that a draft has at last been srdered for 300,000 militia, 10 be cdiled immediately iuto the service of the ‘United States, to serve for nine months, unless sooner dise charged. Besides the draft of the 300, ‘000 militia, drafting will also be resorted to in order to fill up the first call for three hundred thousand me, previded it is not filled by the 15th of thug mensth. Thus it will be seen that six ‘hundred thousand meu have been called for by the government, to “crush gut the rebellion’. Al who now wish to receive the liberal bounty offered by the government, will have to en- list prior to the 15th inst. ———eee— aL Dean oF tag Trarron TwiGus.—The Richmond papers of the 18thiinst., announce the death, at Augusta, Georgia, on the 15th, of the rebel Major General Bavid E. Twiggs, whose name was stricken by President Bu- «chanan from the rolls of the 'U, S, Army as a ‘‘coward and a traitor,’ for his infamous «conduct in surrendering the U. §. troops -and military postsmader ‘his command in ‘Texas, at the timo of the breaking out of the rebellion. The stain which that act left on his memory, has blotted out all the reputation he had previously won as a loyal soldier mn the war of 1812, and the hard fought battles of Mexico. The honorable testimonials which he received from his country fell into the hands of Gen. Butler, when Twiggs ran away from New Orleans, and have been returned by that officer to Washington. One is a sword presented by Congress for good conduct at Monterey ; another, a sword from the State of Georgia for gallantry in Mexico, at various battles ; and a third, a sword from the city of Aug- usta for good conduct in the samo cam- paign. a ER RR Sais = A Reminiscence, Oa the Fourth of July onc year ago, when public excitement in regard to the war was at the highest pitch, a meeting was held the Court House to celebrate the day, at which a number of speeches were made, and quite ‘a patriotic spirit was exhibited. — ‘The principal orator on that occasion was a clever young lawyer of this place. whose smoothly-written and wdll-delivered addres seemed to please the audience very ruch. — ‘We were presesit on that occasion and heard the gentieman’s remarks, and we remémber well how, after he had got under full head « way and his bosom was swelling with pas triotism, he exclaimed, with impassioned earnestness, speaking in regard to the “Belleforte Fencibles,” who were then ‘in the army, but were shortly expented to res turn home, “And when they come back, WE will go!” This outburst brought ‘down the house,” and the young gentleman ‘wus loudly applauded. Well, the *Fencibles” cathe ‘back, and more men were needed. Bat did ‘we go ? No—“ee” didn’t ! Instead of that, ‘ee’ is still in town, practising law and writing cditorials, calling Demodrats “secessionists’’ aud “traitors,” for the Contial Press. But, perhaps, when he said we will go, he meant not himself, but somchody else. We do not know how this may be, but until such loud mouthed boasters set the example, can it be wondered at that men are so slow to volunteer ¥ We dislike to hvar men advis- ing ard coaxing at others to join the army while they lic back at their ease and cry, “good God” or “good Devil,” as the case way be. And we would state, for the ben- cfit of those who are, apparently, nat aware of the fact, that whenever a certain set of nabobs around this town, who imagine they are made of better clay than their poorer neighbors, can be coaxed to volunteer, there will not be half so much difficulty in getting soldiers, and there will be very little need of a bounty. ! These broadcloath gentry, however, se em to think that if they make the speeches at Fourth of July and War mectings, and loan the County money for bounty at 7 per cent. interest, their duty is done, and somebody clse ought to do the fighting. We despise such men as much as we honor the brave heart who shoulders his musket and mareh- es away to the bate ficld to defend his country from her enemies for the sake of the love he bears her, and without the hope of reward. The time for speech-making has gone by, and if the men who have hitherto talked so leudly about their patiotism, wish to establish their reputation for courage and consistency, let them buckle on their sword aud keep step to the music of the cannon. “eee The Central Press on Secession The followmg article, which we copy from the Central Press, of December Gth 1860, contains, probably, the Lest secession doctrine we have ever seen, and certainly it is the very doctrine for which the South 18 now contending. The editors of the Walch man have been called ¢ traitors” sccession- ists 7” and all the most infamous epithets in the vocabulary, buat not one of our cnemics can point out an instance where the Wares man ever advocated such a doctrine ag the following article contains. Let those who are now se busy inciting the mob spirit of this community against the Watchmau office, tell us whether any threats of violence wer, over made against the Press for the publi- oation of this rank secession editorial, The article is entitled Disunion,” and we ask men of all parties to give ita candid peru- sat. * Disunion.” We are tired of this prating about disun- ion. If South Carolina wants to go out of the Union, we say GOD SPEED HER, with all ber cotton, debts and negroes. If any of the other States want to go, LET THEM Gi. We love the Union ; we love it for its sacred memories, its blessed recollections. — We love it for our present prosperity, our increasing greatness. We love the bond, for it is scaled with tne blood of our fore fathers. Dut should any State wish to break that seal, WE CAN SEE NO WAY TO PREVENT HER. FEDERAL COER. CION WILL NOT DO. A Conquered peo- ple never make good citizens. Equality is gur motto, and between the conquered and conguerces no equality exists, Even if the Latter do not feel the pride of their triumph, the other will feel the basencss of their sub- jugation. {f South Carolina wishes to se~ cede. WHY SHOULD }EDERAL POW. ER BE RAISED 10 PREVENT HER? For over cighty years she has been a member of the Union. She has had time enough to learn what are its advantages, and disad- vantages, and now, if she thinks that she can get along better without ns, IT WERE UNFAIR TO HINDER HER. For years she has threatened, but never fulfilled. — Why should money be spent, and blood spilt, to keep her, when she ig of no earthly advantage tous. We, in pari, feed her population, and pay the postage of the very "letters that so vehemently call for secession. Ve pass fugitive slave laws to catch her ne- «grocs, and yet.when we ask for a taviff they threaten nullification. They talk and act as if we had all, and they nothing to Jose.— They are traitors, overy one of them, and DESERVE TO BE KICKED OR HUNG OUT OF THE UNION. Her Senators and Congressmen are a set of bombasts, who in their wild fancies, imagine themselves an- cient knights, created to avenge wrongs (of their own make) and to guard the whole South, while nine-tenths of the people, view ing them dn thew proper lights, set them down as a pack of arrant fools. Their ‘meaningless bluster may frighten the timid ‘but only exaites the scorn of the sober min- ded. Dear as is the Umon to our heart, fondly as we love it forthe sake of the great names who made it, if disunion must come, LET IT COME NOW. We deem it wrong, a great evil, but if the evil'must be met. we can see no reason for putting it off any long- er. If South Qarolina thinks we are pliant masses, casily pressed into any shape, the sooner her wind is disabused the botter,-=— We have soothed and coaxed until we are tired of it. We would again say stay you will do well by us,” - but if after this she wants to secede, we say «“ GO AND STAND NOT ON TUE ORDER OF THY GOING.” [77 There has been many an instance in ‘which a rebel guerilla has aided in the mur- der of loyal troops stationed for the protec. tion of his own property. a 027" The Philadelphia & Reading Railroad Company have subscribed $25,000 to the Volunteer Fund of Philadelphia Oily ChE RR The Bounty. No doubt bat the ‘war meeting” held in this place on Saturday last, the full pro- ceedings of which are to be sien in another part of to-day’s paper, will be looked upen, and especially by these who ware particu- larly interested ih 1t, as quite a patiotic ef. fort on their part to ‘sustain the Govern- ment’ and “suppress the rebellion.” Now we do not wish to cavil or find fault with the proceedings of the mich who took an ac tive part in the meeting, but simply to glance at the motives which #ctuated theth, dd show tv the public the patriotism of a certain class of men who cry war, war, and stigmatize as “traitors” all who do not join ‘in the bloody echo with them. The meeting was called for ‘the phrpose ‘of raising money to be given as botinty to those enlisting under the new call—and here let us ‘ask, why a bounty is not provided for the then who are already in the army 2 If those who are now going must, receive fifty dollars extra, Why hot givs the ones who went at the first call 1 equal bounty ?— "Have they not shown themselves worthy tho kind consideration of those whose liber ality prompts them to hold out extra induce- ments for volunteers at this date 2 1s” jt right, just or fair that men enlisting now for nine months, should receive more pay than those gone for the war? Tt was gener: ally believed that the cxtra bounty would be raised by denation—by free-will offs r- ings of the wealthy men of our couuty —but no, that would be too much of a sacrifice for them. The poor laborer, in their estima- tion, could do the figating and pay their oten bounty ; but they would LOAN them the moncy, provided the best of security was given, an. the highest rate of interest paid for its use. This was agrecd to by the Commissioners, and another debt of over $13,000 fastened to the backs of the labora ers of this county. The money which these “last cent and last drop of blood” men should have given with a willing hand and cheerful heart, could only be had by giving the bonds of Uentre county as security for its payment — and not only this, but the interest on this money must be paid annually for five years, whach, if computed closely, will amount to almost 6% per cent. or ! per cent more than lawful interest. The custom of landlords in this county, is to make their tenants pay all taxes ; so it can casily be seen who foots the bills. The laboring man who rents a farm, and he who owns a litle hut, and works by the day for subsistence for himself and family, though they enlist and receive the bounty now of- fered, will pay more of that bounty them- selves than the aristocratic lordiings whose wealth is counted by thousands, and whose farms are stretched in every part of the county. Let us hear no more now of the patriotism otism of those who pretend to repre- sent the “people of the county.” Their gnooonado and homo guard demonstrations will pass no longer for ““love of country’’— their vain boasting and silly balderdash will be understood hereafter and appreciated ae- cordingly. Their “last cent and last drop of blood” will no doubt be sacrificed, but it will be in trying to rob the honest laborer of his hard carned mite. 1s it just or right that the poor, hard fisted working man—the farmer and mechanic— should pay the taxes and do the fighting, while a set of broadcloth pettifogzers—mon- ied nabobs— and abolition preachers are per- mitted to remain at home, and cry on, on ? Gezeral Halleck, By a recent order of the President, Major General lenry W. Halleck, has been made Commander-in Chief of ali the land forces of the United Stats. This appointment was made by the advice of Generals Scott and McClellan, and we have no doubt will result in much good to the army and the country. We believe the position was first offered to McClellan, bat he, preferring to remain in active service with the army of the Potomac, reccommended Halleck as the most suitable man for the post. Gen, Halleck thus be-~ comes Generalissimo of all our forces, and to him the country will now look as the prime director of all their movements. Our armies thus being under the control of one head, will be enabled to act more m concert and to move more wigorously.— Probably the greatest piece of folly that has been committed since this war commenced, was the relieving of General McClellan from the supreme command of the army, and its assumption by the, President and’ Secictary of war. Since that time, with the excep. tion of Gen. McClellan’s own Division, where he commanded in person, scarcely anything but disaster has attended our arms —all owing to the fact that a brilliant mili- tary genius had been removed from the head of the army, and his place filled by a couple of civilians, who, no matter how high their political positions or how worthy and patriotic they may otherwise have been, were, beyond a doubt, totally unfitted for the tremendous responsibility which, by this action, they thus arrogated to themselves. That General Halleck is fit for the high position to which he has been called, we think there can be no doubt. By his cam- paign ire the West, he has proven himself an officer and soldier of the first class, and we hope that he may be equally as successful in his new sphere of duty, and that under him, the Aimcrican army may loose none of the laurels which if won and wore under the leadership of the illustrious and immortal Scorr. ter pre tftp peri eeerrs IZ We can tell the contemptible pups pies who have been trying to injure us, by circulating the report that One Iundred copies of the Watchman had been returned after our last issue, that their lies have added to our subscription list thirty-eight newnames. Bu t two papers have been diss continued, since Mr. Alexander's retires ment, and our books will show an increase of over cue hundred, 10 LL 177 "Read Vallandisgbam’s speech on the outside of to day's paper. What They Think of Us. The following roticcs, copied from & num- ber of eur exchanges, we give as a matter of curiesity, in order to sow the difference in the opinions entertainell of us by our cotemporaries. Jtwill be seen that we catch ¢ particular thunder’® from some of them, while others are disposed to deal more leniently with us. Our FrieNps iv BELEEFONTE were doubt- less as much amused as we were ourselves, on reading the bitierness with which the Democratic Watchman, in its last issue, as. sails the proprietor of the TeLEGRAPI. This surprise, ¢n our part, is increased by the fact that neither of the young gentlemen ?) ‘whose names appear as the ostensible edi- tors of that journal, have ever had any bu- siness or social intercouse with the proprie- tor and editor of this journal, so that they speak in regard to matters which are basely false, and venturean opinion in respest to one whom, we venture to assert, neither Furey or Meck have ever scen. But what will the democratic friends of - Mr. Furey think, when we state that he actually ap- plied for employment as a writer for the col- umns of the TereGrapn? Doubtless his failure to get into the confidence of Mr. Berg- ner has had much to do with the insolence and slang with which he assails that gentle- man, and, therefore, we contemn, pity and scorn the man who would thus appeal for the recognition of a gentleman, and make his failure to succeed to that, the motive for unmanly and cowardly assault. If Furey and Meck progress in their present course, they will soon become ornaments of ¢ough- faccism and slander, fit for service in more extensive fields of treason and falsehood, than those afforded amid the vales and foun- tains of the loyal portion of Centre county. Men who thus utter personal slang, have stomach for that treason which gives an .in- ceniive to all their political differences. — Harristurg Telegraph, = The Bellefonte Watchman, a « Democrat ic'” organ, copies an article from a semi re bel newspaper in Tennessee, in which the writer says that the shortest way to end the war would be to place President Lincornx his Cabinct and both Houses of Uongress in one line. and Jeft Davis. his Cabinet and Congress in another, and put in their hands pen, ink, paper, powder and bullets, then invite them either to sign a treaty of peace, or shoot at cach other until all the parties would lie dead upon the field. : Such a writer deserves the gallows, and any one who copies and endorses such ar ticles deserves to be drawn and quartered. Such men cught to preach moderation to Abolitionists, and lay treason at the door of him who desires to tear up this rebellion by the roots.— Holluiayshurr Whig. “ Dogs, delight to bark and bite,” w hén they have teeth. Jones of the Patriot & Union, and two other filthy curs connected with the Bellefonte Watchman can bark un til they get tired of the amusement. They will not disturb us in the least. Their mas ters may receiveour attenti on,— Hunting- don Globe. Evrroriar Covrrrsies,— Within the past two weeks our sanctum has been honored with tke presence of J. B, Bratton, Esq., of the Carlisle Volunteer and P, Gray Meck Esq, of the Bellefonte Watchman. They are good fellows, both of them, and publish spirited papers and we are rejoiced to know that their incomes will warrant the recrea- tions in which they were indulging. — Lewis town Dem. 3 027A first class notice—The Bellefonte Watchman’s notice of the Huntingdon Globe.—Hollidayshdrg Standard. The Bellefonte Watchman, one of the most contemptible Jeff Davis truckling sheets with which we have ever defiled our fingers, says ;— From other scctions of the country wo have news of great uprisings’ and of men enlisting by the hundreds, but here all is quiet and nobody seems to be in the least concerned.” We. cannot believe that there is a township or town in the loyal States wherein the people are unconcerned as to the fate of the country, unless per» chance, there should be a locality habited by such truth perverters and treason abet- tors as the men who edit the Watchman. Nor would they be unconcerned. Their con cern however, would not be for the perpes tuity of the Union, but for the success of the Southern Confederacy. If the people of Bellefonte or Centre County, are at all imbued with the sentiments promulgated by the Watchman, we do not: wonder that they are unconcerned, and that they ‘are willing to ict the Union slide. These conelusions are deduced from editorials which appeared inthe last number of that paper.,— Altoona Tribunc, : IZ=The Bellefonte Watchman— after ap unexplained absence of several weeks—is again on our table, enlarged to its former size, and under the control of Messers. J, W. Furey and P. Gray Meek. ‘The Watch. man is a live paper, and from the: tone of this number, we should think the Democra- cy of Mother Centre are bound to make Brown Abolitiomsm and shoddy patriotism go under” in that county.—Clearficld Republican. i [77 We neglected to mention * last week, that our young and talented friend, P. Gray Meck, has again become one of the editors of the Watchman. Gray is a ready and spirited writer, and an uncompromising Democrat. = We are pleased to have Mr. Meck connected with the Democratic press of this county, as his services will be of val= ue to the party. —Centre Berichter [Z=Mr. Alexander retires from (he Belle fonte Watchman, and P. Gray Meck again assumgs his former position. The firm now is Furey & Moek and we expect to sec the paper conducted Meckly Fureyous or Fue reyously Meck !— Selinsgrove Times. Sacrirics oF SoutnerN UNioN MEN.—A correspondent of the Mobile Adusrtiser says that the family of Hon. Mr. Wicklifte, the M, C. from Kentucky, has entirely deserted him on account of his adhercnce to the Union cause, Three of his sons arc in the rebel army, his two danghters, one married to Judge Merrick, formerly of Washington, and the other to Senator Yulee, have given him up, and even his wife declares that she cannot side with him, and will never’ again cross the Ohio. That is what the border State patriots have to suffer, and yet the | craven abolition radicais at Washington— inand out of Congress—cooly contemn him and tarn a deaf ear to their warnings and entreaties. err GP 7 Minister Cameron has arrived at St. Petorsburg and has had an interview with the Emperor. According to strict etiquette audiences are not granted to Ministers till some time after their arrival, but in this case it was almost immediately. granted. — The Czar showed a clear knowledze of American atlairs, and exprossed a desire for the permanency of the Amcrican Goverus nent Congressman. In these days of National trouble, * the office should seck the man, not the man the office.” While the Democracy would seem to have but little chance of selecting the man to represent this district in Congress, it is still proper that they should present a man eminently fit for the place, in whose integ- rity, ability aud patriotism cvery man in {he district would have full confidence. We firmly believe that upon the Democratic party, and upon such action of the party as indicated above, depends the salvation of toe nation. After finding men of the qual. ification described the next inquiry of Dem- ocratsis fairly as to availibility. With these views, the judgement of many in this coun. ty, is that 8. T. SnuGarr, Esq., of Bellefonte should be the nominee, In this we fully concur, but ashe has not been consulted we feel unwilling to announce him as a can- didate. He has had much experience in the Government as an officer of the Patent De- Department at Washington, in which ' he displayed so much ability that, appointed by Van Buren, he continued in it up to the advent of the Lincoln administration, and is still appealed to ih important casés of difs ficulty. Born and raised in Centre County, the people know him well as ant onest and able man, modest and unasuming, but firm as the Allegheny mountains. In these times of no-party patriotism, so loudly professed by the Republican, be ought to réccive the support of all parties, for ke was trusted and confided in by the Democracy of the pe riod of '30 to 40, by the Whigs of 40 to ’44, by the Democrats of '52 to 60, and he was always faithful to his trust and the con fidence reposed in him. At all times firmly and truly a Democrat, his worth as a man and his efliciency as an officer have defied party rancor aud kept bun for. an unusual period in high official position under all par- ties. Heisa man of the purests morals and most studious habits, and in every res. pect unobjectionable, The greedy office hunters of the Republi- can party are almost t caring cach other’s eyes out to obtain the Congressional nom- ination on their side. Tf they nominate some who aspire to the position, we be'ieve there would be a chance of clecting such an eminently fit and trustworthy manas My. Shugert, and we therefore ‘read ily comply with the request of many Democrats and present his name.—Clinton Demuérat. ————— ee et) rrr [From the Caucausian. The Stick- Plaster Currency. “A thing of heanty is a joy forever.” Thus wrote the delicate Keats, but Keats never knew the luxury of a stick plaster currency. Postage stamps, gummed with the best adhesive, sticking to sweaty fingers were unknown in his primitive age. If Congress had not adjourned it is believed that it would have made molasses candy » legal tender by this time. Tt seemed to be trying to invent a currency that would stick to peo: ple. It is such a general complaint that money can not be kept, that it was evident ly the bright idea of this congress to give the people srmething that would stick to them. Just think, too, how delightful this currency is for my business! With hands all wet from compounding drinks, I am just prepared to finger postage stamps! How they do stick though ! By the way why not make plug tobacco a legal tender 2— Have it put up in “cuds” from one cent up wards in price—it would he just the thing That would not stick. Those who use snuff might put 1tin envelopas, after the fashion of postage stamps, If the war is to: contin< ue a year or two longer I go infor the “le. gal tender cuds.” Away with the post age stamp nuisance. It has caused more profan- ity since its adoption than can be atoned for in a twelve month, If it is not speedily’ abolished, I shall begin to . think seriously about retiring from ¢ BrmNp tne Counrsr. Not Two of Them Alike: 1t i3 curious to flotice the captions. or headings the opposition papers place over their State ticket. We have balf a dozen Repultican papers on our table before us. Wo will take them up one at a time, and Jot down the words used by cach as a head ang for their ticket. No. 1 hoists the ticket and places over 1t ‘the caption, “Republican State Ticket.” *' No. 2 heads ijt “People’s State Ticket.” No, 3 Union Republican State Ticket.” No. 4 “Peoples Union State Ticket.” No. 5 “State Ticket.” No. 6, ““Upion State Ticket.” “7 ' = * It is evident therefore, that our utterly unprincipled opponents are at a loss fo know under what name they are again to cheatthe. people. They have sailed under so many names, and have professed so many different creeds, that at present they are without cither name or creed. Each one appears to Lave concluded to go: upon: his own hook, and practice a guerrilla warfare against the. Democracy. But, they are doomed men : burnt brandy cannot save them. They are bound to Bo under on the second Tuesday of October, and all the ali. asses they fight under willonly exhibit, their dishonesty and increase the majority against them. The people thank God, have at last got their eyes open to the real designs of the desperate Abolition faction, and are pan- ting for the day to arrive, that will afford them an opportunity to express, their detes- tation of the mischief makers at the ballot box. The 8th of October will tell the tale, Messers. Republican Secessionists, and you may as well prepare for the swift retribu- tion that will on that day overtake you.— Carlisle Vol. [77 One might think that the rebels would be very willing to fight. If they are killed, they go where there are even more rebels thax they leave behind them. : Our anaconda, feeling a little ill, and being advised to “take | soniething” “is about ‘to ‘take Richmond. — Prentice. bo ST a THRE , Qommunities arc made up of, andividuals, and Sometimes become as nad 48 the: indi. vidual man ; and some future time, when society is better systemized and improved, wars, which are usually mere paroxysms of national madness, may be prevented by *‘in tervention,’’ just as his neighbors are foreed to intervene to take care of the individual madman in their midst. * That one half of the American people ere absolutely mad, ut- terly lunatic ac this moment, will be as clear to the next gencration as that two and two make four, and indeed is as absolutely demonstrable to the reason of those whose intellects are now in a healthy state, as any other phenomenon susceptible of positive proof, And the causes of this madness’ are 50 pawpable, thai the disease itself admitg of no doubt er dispute—for those under its influence are not only mad, but necessarily mad, and will of course continue mad until the causes in question are removed or ex- ploded.. The anti-slavery party of the North mistake the negro for a being like them- selves, and all their acts. being based on this foundation falsehood, of course such acts must be equally false, perverse and abnor- wal, They have the machinery of govern- ment in their hands, and strive to wield it as an instrument for forcing the people of the South to change their relations to their negroes and into the same freedom, as they term it. With their diseased perceptions of the negro, and endowing him, in their perverse fancies, with the nature and wants of the white man, they revel in a world of hobgoblins and “visions dire,” and thus while they really believe themselves 1.form- crs and progressives, they are simply encv mics of society, and at war with all that is vital and valuable in American civilization as well as Républican institutions. The react ion of such a party on the South called into existence a faction almost as ex treme as themselves, whose only cure for the Abolition lunacy was to run away from it, to abandon the whole. history of the past, and all the prestige and grandeur of the great Republic for a “Southern Confed~ craay,”’ that is, not éven without several de- grees of the South ! But this reactionary movement would have cured itself, if left alone, for the great majority of the Souths ern people would have actually laughed the Yanceys and Rhetts out of their illogical and rash ¢ capade of secession, if in an evil hour, northern madness had not resorted to the old barbaric method of force, and thus driving the entire southern people into mak- ing common cause with the extremists. — The Government in the hands of the anti- slaveryits, those who construe the Federal Constitution as equally including negroes, and who stand pledged to use its prestige for revolutionizing our system, and the de~ struction of the civilization of half of the States of the Federation, and that utterly refused to compromise or give any standing ground whatever for Union men in the South except negroes, which its organs daily de- clare are the only ““Union’’ men in that sec. tion—such a party, and such an utter per version of the Federal Government necessa- rily drove all southern men into resistance, for negro citizenship or free negroism is for. ever incompatible and forever impossible in the South. The Mexicans, the Brazilians, the Mestizoes of Central America, &c;, of course grant ‘impartial freedom to negroes, for they are all tainted with negro blood, and, indeed, are all mongrels of some sort ; but the pure, unadulterated and clevated master race of the South will die first, its cight millions of white men and women ut« terly perish from the earth, before it will amalgamate its freedom with negroes, or before it will submit to a party pledged to “impartial freedom’ wilh the subject race. This tremendous truth should be brought ‘home to every man in the North, and thus permit every one to know exactly what! the anti: slaveryites have undertaken to aceom- plish when they falk so flippantly and fool- ishly about *‘crushing out ‘the rebels’ and giving “freedom to their slaves.” In their ignorance and lunacy they desire union— union with four millions of negroes, ang consequent disunion with the eight millions of white people of the South, and as ‘*crush- ing out rebellion’ involves the utter exter. mination of the latter, they have engaged in the most stupendous undertaking ever known in the whole history of human folly, crime and msanity. By Of course they will succeed or they will fail—they will exterminate the white people of the South and form a union with their ne- | groes, or they will destroy the Union of 1788-1860, and divide the great American people into separate ‘communities. One or the other of these things must happen, un~ less a great Union party rises up in the North and erushes out anti slaveryism * for- ever, and restores the Union as it existed before this mixed party came into power.— The negro is in his normal condition at the South, and the man or the party that seeks to force him from this condition into the status of the white man, and to degrade and destroy American liberty by poisoning it with free negroism, is a traitor to his blood as well as country, And when this is un- derstood, and recognized, and settled forev er, we shall have peace, unity and fratermty with all sections of our great country, and then, too, will the Union be restored—-that Union of white men, and none others, which for eighty years past, has secured such boundless blessings to all men — to the sub. ordinate negro as well ag the white citizen ship. — Caucasian, Tip GOVERNMENT Dunt.—The exact amount of the indebtedness of the Govern« ment, at the close of « the last fiscal year, June 30th, has not been announced; probably not known, for there are doubtless millions on millions of oulstanding indebt« edness not yet presented to the Departments at Washington. - The appropriations’ made by. Congress and approved by the President, for the present fiscal year, commencing on the first of July, amount, according to an authorized report, to the sum of ELEVEN HUNDRED AND SEVENTY-SIX M1L- LIONS OF DOLLARS. From this, the tax payers of the country way make, some kind of a guess or estimate of the enormous. debt that has been, and is bemg, rapidly! fastened upon the country by the ‘party in power.—JefFersonian hid ‘somewhere in the Western cou —— «+ General McClellan. There is an increased disposition in cere tain quarters, and which we are wiry to see, to make war upon: General MeClallan,— It must be evident to every man who pos. scsses a grain of common sense that this de- straction ficm the merits, and abuse of our military commanders who sre leading our armics against the common enemy. will not assist to put down the rebellion. In the case of General McClellan there is more ty complain of than any other. He was called to the chief command of our armies last Summer, at a period when acloud as dark as midnight enveloped the whole country. — Lis appointment yas hailed with delight by every. loyal mad. © He immediately set to work with energy and unceasing wigilance of which he is.the acknowledged possessor, and in a short time had powerful armies ors ganized in different sections of the country. Is very coming, together with what ener- gy and ability he displayed, gave confidence to the nation, and made loyal hearts beat with joy. Tt soon became apparent that if he was permitted to carry out his masterly programe the rebellion would be quickly crushed, and he become the idolized benee factor of a restored Union. This begat a jealousy on the part of the politicians, who feared he would exhibit himselt a greater man than the Almighty attended he should be, and from that time they began to lay plans to work his destruction. They com- menced early last fali, and have been une ceasing from that time to the present. Even when protecting Congress and the Federal Capital, sume of the members were busy working out his destruc.ion. They harras- sed him in every possible way. They first had him removed from the supremo coma mand of the armies, the better to take from him the credit of the general management of the war. They seemed to disregard our success, provided they could destroy McClel- lan, They made the most bitter possible attacks upon him last. winter, because he would not move his army upon Manassas, at a time when the mud was so deep that it took four mules to haul one barrel of pork ; roads were utterly impassable for artillery, and not only would it have Leen impossible to transport the material of war, but the men even could not have marched. When he opened the campaign new obstructions to fuccess were placed in his way, as though there was a scitled determinatien to harrass him at every movement. ~ He was shorn of part of his command, and compelled to op-s crate against Richmond upon‘a line that did not meat his own approbation. The troops under Lis command have always been large. ly overrated. HE NEVER HAD 100,000 EFFECTIVE MEN OX THE, PENINSULA, and has repeatedly asked for reinforcements. But for the conduct of his enemies ho would never have seen the banks of the Chickahor;iny, and because he has extrica- ted his gallant army from that position by the most skillful manouvres, when they sie lently prayed for his destruction, his ene- mies are stung to madness. They have bg- come so embittered in their hostility, that a Senator rises in his place in that chamber and pours upon him the foulest abuse and calumny ; language which, if used by a Demoerat weuld justly cost him a residence in Fort Warren. This warfare upon Gens eral McClellan, among ‘a certain portion of the Republican party, is as firmly waged by captains of tens and twenties, as by the leaders at the Federal Capital. Even in this town one of this former class has been heard to declare he would be willing to lay down his own life if it would take that of MoClellan, This of course is treason ; and an editor in Ohio, a short time since lost hig liberty for making usc'of a'lss serious. expression. z Some good and loyal mar, ‘we ‘have no deubt, consider McClellan to have operated too slowly on the Peninsula. Such pers sons have a faint conception of the moves ment of large armies. Men can march with considerable rapidity in the pursuit of an enemy, but no prudent General would allow them to outstrip their supply trains and ar« tillery. * From Yorktown to the hicahoms iny the roads are execrable, ani worse can- net be found. What will cur readers think of fiftcen or twenty Borst cing necessary to draw 2 single _cannon, and wagons: for miles sinking into mad up to the hubs, and a constant doubling of teams to draw them out of one hole into another? Time and again troops would march all day long through mud halfleg deep. Repeatedly the wagons had to be sent to the York and Pamunkey rivers for supplics, which delay- ed the march of the troops, for men could not move forward without rations, nor the horses without forage. is It is unnecessary to mention more at length the numerous obstacles thatlie in the way of a rapid movement of a large army in an enemy's country, as it must be appar. ent to every one who can at all appreciate military operations. Joined to these may: be added the obstacles thrown in’ McClel - lan’s way by his cniemies, on both ‘sides of the Potomac, which have made his task an herculean one. Of course, under the most adverse circumstances, he is expected al- ways to be successful, and if any reverse overtakes him, this howling pack at his heels cry out, -*Crucify him—cructfy him I" This has not been the course towards other. military commanders when they Hive failed to win victories. They havelbeen commen ded for their bravery, and received the credit of having done the best they could under the circumstances. We camo exs pect onr-officers to win successes witit they receive propper moral support at home, and wufficient physical support in the “field. — Doylestown Démocrat.”" an x §-Ata printer's Festival “reco following sentiment was offered gon second only fo the press in the disSemina- tion of news.” a tid gt i ® aii —sesea im (7~An old batchelor who edits 8. paper ua y, P Lits % EAT a i “Melancholly Accidents’ sy head for the marriages in his paper. Be