Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, August 02, 1862, Image 2

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‘reached their deetination.
The Td atchman, |
Friday Morning Aung. 1, 1862.
Democratic County Convention.
By order of the Standing Cummittee, the Dem-
ceratie Convention of Centre County will meet
at the Corrt House in the Borough of BELLE-
FONTE on Tuesday the 26th of August at?
o'clock, P. nm. Meetings for the selection of del-
egates to raid convention will be held in the sev-
eral townships and boroughs, at their res) ective
places of holding elections on Saturpay the 23 th
€ry of August’
a =
Democrats Don’t Knuckle.
Not a Republican paper that we have read
since the commencement of this war, but
has been constantly hurling the charge of
treason at the Democratic party, and even
on our streets, the contemtible cravens who
were too cowardly to enlist, stand up and
charge henest Democrats with being ‘trai
tors’’ and “‘secessionists.” tis high time |
that this libelous talk was stopped, and
these Abolition disunionists should not be
permitted to shield their heads from the
just retribution of an cutiaged people, and
justify their own damnabie treason, by char
ging Demo:rats with disloyalty. No: af |
they have sunk so low ito the depths of!
human d g:adation, that their past history |
dees not rebuke them, the determined front |
of Democr vey should. This is no ume for
men of honest principle to knuckle and give
under. It is not the time for men of no® |
ble purposes to cower. The sword and |
puree are in the hands of a cabinet which |
has proven itself capable of using them only
to trample upon the rights of Americar cit.
From Mason and Dixon's line, to the
Northur Loundary of Maine, and from the
Atlantic to the Pacific, there is not the
least record of any Democrat being in favor
of “letting the Union slide,” and we defy
any of these Abolition editors or street hare
anguers to show us & line or a single sen.
tense, wherein a Northern Democrat has
been, or is now, in favor of a dissolution of
tte Union, while the written record of the
Abolition disunionists of the North stands
as a living monument to testify to the guilt
of the party, and the impartial historian
will hand down to future generations, as an
object of scorn snd contempt, their infamous
heresies that have done so much to dismem-
ber the American Government.
esos ar
Let the people remember that Cochran and
Ross are the candidates of the Abolition
party, which seeks to reduce the wages of
laboring white men by placing their work
in competition with the negroes of the South.
Let them remember that the Convention
which nominated these men, was composed
of the representatives of the seventy million
plunder party and renegade democrats who
were refused office by the democratic party
on account of their corruption. :
Let them remember that these men were
placed on the ticket by a Convention which
endorsed the red mouthed Abolitionist,
Davy Wilmot and repudiated the course of
the honest and able Cowan because he op -
pored the frecing of the negroes.
Let them remember that if they vote for
Cochran and Ross they arc endorsing men
of the Wendell Phillips school who says ho
has “labored for nineteen years to take
nineteen States out of the Union.”
I'72 If you want a paper that advocates
the rights of white men —that speaks out
plain and emphatic on all subjects that per-
tain to the welfare of the people—that 1s
unintimidated by the threats of Abolition
mobocrats, and fears not the gloomy portals
of modern bastiles—that is working - earn«
estly working for the overthrow of abolition-
«ism, the cause of all cur tooubles, sub.
scribe and pey for the Watchman--we are
laboring for wour ‘benefit white men ot Cen-
‘tre covnly. Why not help us in the great
cause {
Tt was heralded long since, that the *¢re-
bellion” was about ‘* played out, ” but from
the ‘latest int lligence to this part of the
country, we have come to the conclusion that
its “ back bone ' is not yet ¢ broken; ’ that
The True Principles of the Opposition:
The following infamous resolutions were
passed at a late meeting of the American ant;
slavery Society, in New York. Wendell
Phillips, William Loyd Garrison, Cheever:
Parker, Pillsbury, and other leaders of the
Red-mouthed Abolition Black Republicin-
People’s Union party were present :
Resolved, That a political union in any
form between a slaveholding and a free com-
munity must neccessarily involve: the latter
in the gulf of slavery ; therefore,
Resolved. That secession from the Unitel
States Government is the duty of every Ab.-
litionist, since no one can take offize or de-
posit a vote under its Constitution without
violating his anti slavery principles, and
rendering himself an abettor to the slave-
holder in his sin.
Resolvcd That thirty two years of war-
fare against the slave power have convinced
us that every act done in support of the
American Union rivets the chains of the
slave- that the only exodus to the slave to
freedom, unless it be oue of blood, must be
over the remains of the present American
Church and the grave of the present Union,
Resolved, That the Abolitionists of this
country should make it one of primary oh
jects of this agitation to desolve the Ameri:
can Union.
The above are the TRUE PRINCIPLES, 8po-
ken in plain English, of the present Aboli~
tion or “People’s Party’’—a party whose
first platform was the “Blue laws” of Con-
necticut, and it first acts the burning of
witches and hanging of Quakers on account
of their ‘‘peculiar belief’”’—a party that re-
ceived strength and nourishment from the
«alien and sedition” laws’ of Adam's time,
and grew rich on the property stolen from
the wives and children of those who were
violently arrested and left to rot in the
loathsome vaults of dark prisons—a party
that burned ¢ blue lights” on the shore of
the Atlantic ‘during the war of 1812, as
signals, to guide British ecmissaries im
then fiendish work of murdering American
citizens, and would have seceded from the
Union under the Admimstration of President
Polk, because of the annexation of Texas
and purchase of California, had it not
been that the long faced puritanic Yankees
were afraid of starving to death in the rocky
gorges of New England — a party that would
not raise a single regiment to “support the
Goverr ment” when in a war with a Foreign
enemy and refused te send supplies to ou
soldiers on the plains of Mexico. The same
party that a few years ago proscribed white
men on account of their birthplace, and
would have permitted the negro to stand side
by side with them at the polls— a party that
has twisted and turned, endorsed and sup
ported all the hellish doctrines that wicked
and corrupt minds could originate, until at
last it has culminated in red mouthed aboli-
tionism, labeled on its black back the “Peo-
ple’s Union Party,” which is sworn to EX
This needs no more proof than is alicady
on the record of the past. The policy of
this administration—the course pursued by
their members in Congress —the endorse~
ment of that old traitor and corrupt dema.-
gogue, Davy Wilmot—and the repudiation
of Cowan by their State Convention, speaks
too plainly to be misunderstoud.
We have said from the first, thal this
administration was laboring for the ex
termination of slavery and NOT FOR THE
Is there any with unbiassed mind, or under-
ingstand that will deny it 2 If so, let them
remember that “actions speak louder than
words.” Let them show us an act or a
wove made by the “powers that be,” that
has not been in that direction. Lot them
show us if they can a “People’s Union par:
ty” paper that has not directly or indirectly
endorsed the same doctrine set forth in the
resolutions above, which declares that the
slave must be freed, though it be at the EX-
10N. Let them show us a word, a sentence,
or a single resolution in the whole catalogue
of proceedings of this party, no matter
whether in this State or any other, that de-
nounces the principles contained in these
resoiutions. It they do this, we will begin
to believe that this war is for other purpos~
es than the equality of the races : but unti
that time we sha 1 have our#®wn ideas about
the real objects in view by these enthusias-
tic patriots.
—— A em
07 The Watchman is the WHITE man’s
paper, and all those believing that this gov.
ernment was established by the white man
for the benefit of white men, should subs
scribe for and support ir.
work for the interest of the laboring white
men of this county, by aiding to overthrow
{he hellish doctrines of abolitionism, which
geoks to place the labor of the Southern ne.
groes in competition with theirs.
We inteni to
ree ti Bee
77> Our kind friend up the country will
please accept our most sincere thanks, for
the fine list of subseribers sent us.
lieve in such Democracy as his, and shall
consider ourselves under lasting obligations
to him for ¢ remembering the printer.”
We be-
—— tape a
¢BuLLy ror Us.” —Another list of new
subscribers. Well B——, we shall remem-
ber you in our prayers, which we know will
be of more benefit to you than a great many
the * death blow ” has not yet been given ; | other things we might do in the way of
that the anaconda has’nt done its *‘ crushing
out.” as prognosticate, nor the ¢ slaves ?’
risen and slaughtered the women and
children. Strange, is'nt it 2
TO NATE Bay ve,
George Bergner the notorious scoundrel, the
contemptible Abolitionist and lying Hessian pub-
lieher of the Harrisharg Telegraph, bas sued the
editors and publishers of the Patriot § Union for
libel. This man Borgner is Post-master at Har-
risburg, and a great many letters containing
money mailed to, and at that Office have never
The Patriot & Union
ealled attention to this fact, for which Bergner had
them grrested Now if he, (Berguer,) is so? guil-
of appropriating other peoples money to his own
use would he not ask an investigation? y
77 Sound foundation for the currency of
8 great Repuldic—Oxn CeNt TREASURY
Notes! Bah! let us hear no more of Con-
federale scrip.
compensation for your kindness.
———— Oem
Cuance or PusLioarioNn Dav.—We have
the date of our paper to Friday morning in”
stead of Thursday, as heretofore.
arangement best suits the mails, and will
This ar
be equally as satisfactory to our subscribers:
A a
[7 We shall publish in our next issuo
the great speech of that ‘‘chivalric” Demo«
crat, Hon. C. L. Vallandighim. It is a
master effort in defence of Democratic prin-
7 A sound discretion is not so much in-
dicated by never making a mistake as by
never repeating one.
rte A rn
1-7 Ex President Van Buren is dead. He
breathed his last at Kinderhook, N. Y., on
Thursday the 24th inst, ’
Purchased Patriotism, -
From different parts of the country we
have news of ‘‘tremendous war meetings,”
generally made up of the “last cert and last
drop of blo>d” men, who let off the over
charge of home guard patriotism, in mak-
ing speeches, yel'ing flinging hats, and five
dollar subscriptions, which is supposed will
arouse the patrioic spirit of the people and
fill Mr. Lincoln's late requisition for 300,000
men. So far as we can learn, these “mighty
mass meetings,” have proved complete fail-
ures m the way of getting recruits.
Patriotisin i3 not to be purchased, nor the
feelings of the people aroused by bombastic
demonstrations and long contributions.
This thing of setting a price on men’s
lives and promising te pay for patriots, will
not meet with public approbation and en-
courage enlistments, hike pursuing an hon-
orable and proper course in all eur departs
ments of government. Americans are nel
Hessians, and the offer of so much per head
for soldiers will be looked upon as an sult
to the nation, and with contempt by all
who pride themselves as American citizens.
If those who are too cowardly to go them
selves, and others who are crippled and not
able to perform military duty, wish to show
their liberality, let them do it by bestowing
their money on the families of men who
have the courage to enlist without the prom-
ise of bounty. A man that goes to war be-
cause there is 8 large reward offered him»
is not a patriot, but is actuated by mercena-
ry or scllish mot'ves, and not by love cf
country. There are plenty of men in our
midst that say this war is just and right,
and nothing but the entire subjugation of
the South will restore peace to our country.
These are the men who should now be will-
ing to go— they are the men that were op-
posed to compromising the difficulties be-
tween the two scctions—the men that cried
war, war, and would be satisfied with noth-
ing but ruthless, relentless, bloody war—
they arc the men that got us into the trous
ble, and are the ones that should get us out.
If they are waiting to receive bounties, they
are no patriots. If they hope to see their
neighbors drafted and themselves permitted
to remain at home, they will miss it sadly,
and perhaps mourn the day with bitter
hearts that they first raised their cowardly
voices in favor of coercion. lad the Presi.
dent and his Cabinet, the Senate and Con-
gress acted in such a way that the people
would believe now, as a great many of them
did at the commencement of hostilities, that
the war was for the preservation of the Con-
stitution and the Unisn, there would be no
trouble to-day in raising any amount of vol-
unteers. Every department of the war
would be beleagured with men ready to sus
tain the government as given to us by Wash-
ington ; but when the “powers that be”
have shown by their every act that they are
prosccuting the war more for the overthrow
of the institutions of the South, and fill
the spacious pockets of plundering specula~
tors, than to restore peace and unity to our
bleeding and distracted conntry, it is no
wonder that the honest masses turn
from it in disgust, and that large re-
wards have to be offered as inducements for
men to risk their lives south of the Potomac.
An Administration that commenced a war,
as we were told, to maintain the Constitus
tion and enforce the laws, and carry it on
in such a manner and for such purposes that
the people beeome perfectly sick of it, and
men have to be purchased to fill the places
of their dead brothers, is certainly too idiot-
ic and imbecile to conduct affairs in times
like these, and should be watched by the
people and remembered at the polls at the
next election.
Wide Awakes who were so willing to fight
for old Abe” in 1860 —Aboli ionists, Re-
publicans, and war men generally, should
go, and go immediately.
EE ree
Where the ‘ Responsibility” Rests,
Many of the Republican papers kept as
standing matter in their columns, the Union
sentiments of Hon. S. A. Douglas and other
Democrats, because their own party leaders
have always advocated disunion, and never
uttered a Union sentiment in all their lives
not even since the commencement of hostil«
ities , therefore they bave to build their new
born ‘devotion to the Union, upon the sen-
timents of men whom for years they have
slandered and abused, and while they are
heralding the praise and loyalty of Demo
crats, we shall keep before the people, the
infamous sentiments of heur leaders, and
show the perple from the speeches of some
of the very men whom they now so loudly
applaud, where the responsibility for the
war rests | If Judge Douglas is good au
thority in one case, he certainly should be
in another. In the speech that he made on
the 3d of January 1861, in the U. S. Senate,
he said in speaking of his Comprom’se :
«I beheve this to be a fair basis of amica
ble adjustment. If you of the Republican
side are not willing to accept this, nor the
proposition of the Senator from Kentucky,
(Mr. Crittenden, ) pray tell us what you are
willing to do.
** I address the inquiry to Republicans
alone, for the reason that in the Committee
of Thirteen, a few days ago, EVERY MEM.
BER FROM THE SOUTH including those
from Cotton States, (Messers. Davis and
Toombs, ) expressed their readiness to ac-
cept the proposition of wy venerable friend
from Kentucky, (Mr. Crittenden) as a final
settlement of the controversy if intended
and sustained by the Repablican mem.
‘Hence the whole responsibility,” urark
the language, ‘of our disagreement, and the
only difficulty in the way of amicable adjust
1 YY. -
The Governor calls for men.
What has become of those chaps
whose blood boiled one year ago?
They wasted a great deal of oil,
they ought now to waste some of
their blood.
077 What is the Latin dialogue that usnal-
ly occurs between a shoemaker and a pair
of old hoots? Shoemaker says—‘‘ Bute
Imendu,” to which boot replies —¢ Solus !’’
1s Read! Read!
In 1810 the expe nses of the Federal Gov«
roment were only $5,311,082. In fifty
years we have become somewhat lavish in
our expeeditures as a Government. The
coming year we shall foot up, for the sup-
port of one of the most corrupt administra -
tions which ever cursed a country, attended-
also with a wicked and needless'war, some-
thing aboat as follows, shou'd the abolition
programme be carried oat, and, unless Di
vine Providence interposes, that programme
will thus take cftect :
First, cost of a war, $2 000,000,000. —
Cost of negro emancipation, should it take
place, puachase of4,000,000 slaves, $600,
000,000, at only $150 ahead. After their
freedom the loss to the country in labor,
$1,200,000,000. The loss to their masters
in property, §600,0600,000, at only $150 a
head. After their freedom, the loss to the
country in labor, $1,200,000, 000. The loss
to their masters, in p operty,$600,000,000,
allowing that the slaves were worth $300,
each. Expeuse of colonization $100 per
head, (Government is now paying at the
rate of $150 a head,) $800,000,000: and
army protection at $20.000,000 for the two
years. In gross, about $5,620,000,000, ard
the annual expense of the government, $150,
000,000, to be added.
Let the tax paycrs ponder. Four per
cent on the war debt and the emancipation
scheme, together with the annual governs
ment expenses, will make the snug little
sum of $373,000,000, per year for taxes;
and the South, the great producer of cotton
tobacco, rice, naval stores. &c., utterly rain:
ed. The North which sold the South one
half of our 800,009,000 manufacturers loses
that item ; whose ships carried six sevenths
of the southern freight, loses that item;
whose insurance agents, shippers, brokers,
commission houses lose these 1tems forever ;
and the millions of per year paid hotels and
watering places, need not be alluded to.
Now, with the South ruined by the eman-
cipation scheme, and the North about as
good as ruined by the chaos which nigger
freedom will produce, commercually, all over
the country, with the cost of all this, a ;sum
the yearly interest of which, added to the
yearly government expenditures, read
$374,000,000, Will some Solon tell us how
the principal is ever to be wiped out ? and
what will becomes of us if this terrible tax is
a permanent one ?
Who really pay taxes? The producing
classes. Who, in past years, have been
taxed the heaviest, and carried those bur-
dens which the North will soon have so
large a share of ? The South; for, being,
largely agricultural, has bad no protection ;
but her money has gone to protect northern
manufacturing interests, in the shape of
heavy duties, upou all she consumed. In
1859 the total exports of the United Staies,
exclusive of coin and bullion, were, $278,
000, of which $,281,000 were the products
of free S.ates, $188,602,000 the products of
the slave States, $84,417,000 free and slave
conjoiutly. 1f we credit one quarter of this
latter sum to the slave States, it would
make their share of the years exports. (bully
ion excepted,) $209,905,000 while the free
States furnished but $68,596,000. We there
fore in the Nortk have never yet really known
much of taxation.
To return to the great tax of $370,000,
000 per year. Labor, productive labor,
pays it all in the end, no matter what jug
gle may be practiced to befog the laborer.—
The importing merchant has but an errand
boy’s interest in taxes on imports ; the great
real estate or stock owner, the large ‘manus
facturer, arc but middle men in the matter;
it goes down link by link, from the capital-
ist to his tenant, or moncy barower, or cap
ital user in any shape, till it reaches the
man of hard hand and sweating brow, and
he, he alone, digs out the four, five or six
per cent which capital, demands for its
The present war debt of the Us S. is a
peculiar one. Debt, in the commercial
world, is the exchanging of a real and un.
mistakable ‘value for a promise to pay said
value. A man who buys a cow on credit’
and agrees the sum of $20 in one year, res
celves a consideration, which does not im-
poverish him to the extent of his obligation
Iie has the means to pay the debt in the
consideration received. Heis no poorer by
his premise to pay than he was before.—
Not so with this war debt; 500,000 men
have been taken from occupations which
would have added to the wealth of the coun
try, and have been destroying the produc~
tions of'labor ; and in addition to the des-
truction which war entails, the world must
pay largely for thelabor of those whose
trade it was thus to destroy. For this we
are taxed : the wealth of the world has been
lessened, and we must nevertheless, pay
for its destruction, whilst this very destruc-
tion takes away the means of paying.
Were we to pay for a railroad from the
Atlantic to the Pacific, or the land upon its
borders, or the widening or deepening of
its lakes and rivers for commercial purposes
or for anything whereby humanity is bene-
fitved, this tax would be borne cheerfully
but to plunge the country into 2 war osten~
sibly to 83 ve the Union, but in reality to
carry out the schemes of Abolition traitors
and for such purpose to tax the country
$350,000,000 per year is an outrage which
patriotism may well rebel against.
But how futile after all, may be our strug
gles against the machinations of the wicked
party who are doing every thing in their
power to split up this Union forever by ma-
king the war not.only one for the destruc~
tion of slavery, but by their peculiur method
of managing provoking a costly foreign war
which will complete if it takes place, the
destruction of the Union rand pecuniarily
wipe us out. Should France and England
in consequence of the politiacl party hue of
the contest now being waged, see fit to med
dle with it, from motives of 50 called human
ity, the Union is gone ; and the debt we
shall owe can scarcely, when such a war is
ended, be computed in figures. It need not
be said that such a debt can never be paid
nor could even a year’s taxes be raised. It
would swamp us beyond the slightest chance
of recovery, if, added to our present troub- |
les, the combined powers of the two_strong-
est nations of Europe are to enter the [ists
against us. See, then men of toil you who
are to pay the cost of tke present war, that
the money you are to expend as interest, is
for a debt to bind the Union, and not to
sever it, by a Constitution destroying strife.
re GA
[For the Watchman.
Col. W. H. Irwin:
We understand there is a movement on
foot by prominent citizens of Huntingdon,
Miffiin, and Juniata counties, to raise a
Brigade of four Regiments, to be command-
ed by that gallant soldier, Col. W. H. Ir-
win, of the 49th Regiment, P. V.— provided
tis Excellency, Gov. Curtin, will accept
their services.
The appointment of “Col. Trwin to this
command will be asked for and pressed be-
cause of his known capacity to command
and unswerving loyalty. His services in
the Mexican war were such as any man
might be proud of. Having commanded in
three battles, viz : Contreras, Churubusco,
and Molino del Rey (in the latter was se-
verely wounded) was brevetted for gallant
and meritorious conduct. Ie volunteered
asa private soldier immediately on the
breaking out of the present war, and march-
ed with the first troops to Washington. [Te
also commanded the 7th Regiment, P. V. in
the three months service, and is now com-
manding the 49th Regiment, P. V., in Han-
cock’s celebrated Brigade, where among the
bravest of the brave, he enjoys a high repu-
tation for courage and ability. :
No man, certainly; has been more faithful
to his country, or mor: successful with his
command. He is a strict disciplinarian,—
His camps have been highly commended for
their cleanliness—and he has always taken
the best care of his men. [IIis Regiment is
acknowled in the Army of the Potomac as
one of the best disciplined in the service, —
Ie has been most highly complimented by
that brave and gallant soldier—Gen. Han.
cock—in all his official reports, and will
again (which I have from reliable authority)
receive high commendation for his conduct
and gallantry in the late batiles before Rich-
The propriety and necessity of calling ex.
perienced and skillful officers —natives of
Pennsylvania—to command Pennsylvania
troops, is manifest to every one, and it is an
outrage to assign strangers to their com.
mand. Who is there in our State with more
experience in the field and knowledge of the
profession of arms than Col. Irwin 2 Does
not every other State promote its best sol
diers ? Why not the old Keyst,ne promote
her gallant sons ?
The command of a Brigade tendered Col.
Irwin, is justly due him, and but a fair re-
ward for his cmminent services—and we
hope that Governer Curtin will do justice to
a gallant soldier, and concur in this move.
July 30th, 1862. 1t.
Gen. 0, M. Mitchell.
7 We find the following in the Cincinnati
Commercial of a recent date :
GeN. 0. M. Mrrcnern.— We learn with
much regret that charges of a very serious
character are made agaist Gen. Mitchell by
officers of the Division in Northern Alabama
which be commanded until within a few
days. Some of these are so positively af-
firmed by those not likely to be mistaken or
to misrepresent, that it is difficult 'to dis-
credit them, as we would be glad to do. It
is alleged that he has suffered a portion of
his command to be guilty of conduct tow-
ards the people among whom they: were
posted, utterly unwarranted, and that his
personal conduct has been erratic and uns
soldierlike. Col. Turchin. one of his bri-
gade commanders, was at last accounts be-
ing tried at Huntsville, We are informed
that upon the arrival of Gen. Buell at [Tunts-
ville, he expressed his disapprobation Zof
Gen. Mitchell's proceedings in such strong
terms that the latter resigned. Upon noti-
fication of his resignation reaching Wash-
ington, he was summoned to that place.
The charges against Gen. M, are not
merely floating 1umors. They are formally
made, and the testimony has been reduced
to writing and forwarded to Washington. —
Officers who have served under Gen. M, ex~
press in the strongest terms their want of
confidence in him as a military commander,
and their opinion that i the administsation
of the civil affairs of his department he has
been most unfortunate.
The Louisville Journal, speaks of this
matter in the following extravagant terms :
GEN. MircHELL.—There seems, unhappi-
ly, to be no room for doubt that the course
of this officer in North Alabama has been
marked by conduct not only injurious to
the Government, but d sgraceful to humani-
ty. We are assured of this fact on author-
ity we do not doubt and cannot doubt. The
fact is thoroughly attested, We believe it,
and belleving it we proclaim it. We pro-
claim it with emphasis. Gen Mitchell and
a portion of his command have perpetrated
in North Alabama deeds of cruelty and of
guilt, the bare narration of which makes
the heart sick. The particulars of the case
will be laid before the authorities at Wash
ington, in the course of a few days, when,
we take it, the honor of the nation and the
welfare ot the national cause will be prompt-
ly vindicated. The case will not brook de-
lay. It cries out for investigation and de«
termination. Let it be investigatod and de
termined at once. We at present forbear to
go into the heart-sickening particulars of
the case, but. if necessary, we will not hesi-
tate to do so hereafter. Meanwhile, we in-
voke the authorities as they value the na
tional honor and cherish the national cause,
to visit swift justice upon the epauletted
miscreant who has recklessly set both at
defiance. Gen. Mitchel 1s now in Washing-
ton, and can answer the charges against him,
if they are answerable, without delay. We
hope, for the country’s sake, there will be in
the matter no delay, and no clemency. The
matter justly admits of neither: Feeling
deeply, we speak strongly, but certainly not
without the keenest sorrow. Gen. Mitchell's
villainous misconduct is a national calamity.
Lt must pierce with sorrow the heart of ev
ery patriot as of every man.
re en
[7 It is estimated that there are now on
furlough fifty thousand enlisted men, 1nost
of whom are in a condition to rejoin their
ee A A WB ree
17. The schools of this place are now all
closed for the summer vacation. They will
"177 Democracy will and must trinmph
next fall,
What are the Alternatives?
There is great confusion, widespread and
universal confusion, in the public mind, and
until something like order is brought out of
this miserable disorder, it isimpossib e, in a
system of government like ours, resting on
opinion, that there can be any settlement or
restoration of peace. It will not do to say
that the Constitution should be the testand’
standard to appea! to, for opinion in respect
to that is a part of the general confusion ; in-
deed, it is widely and in fact utterly antagon-
istic views of the Constitution that are at the
bottom of all our difficulties. For example —
If the men who framed this Constitution had
declared in direct, unmistakable terms, that
it was made for White Men only, and that ne-
groes, or persons of negro decent, were no
portion of our political society, then the pre-
sent generation would have escaped from all
these calamities, for no party based on the
idea of “impartial freedom ”’ could have ex-
isted at all. That they did mean this is ob
vious to all thinking minds; but having ne-
glected to express it in terms, we have a
great party at the North, whose leaders, ig-
norant of the negro and of southern society,
perhaps delude themselves as much as they
do the people, and getting possession of the
government, blindly go to work to carry
out this “idea,” which, could it be carried
out, would ruin and desolate society in half
of the States, and finally drag down the lih-
erty and civilization of the remainder into a
common destruction. This partly helds that
the negro is naturally entitled to the freedom
or rights of the white man, and it desires to
reduce this to practice, not by any immedi-
ate interference in the States, but gradually,
+“ through the Constitution,” and in some
unknown and mysterious way, unknown to.
themselves. They think it should be done,
and can be done, but they themselves would
start back in horror, if they knew, or could
know, the consequences of their blind and
indeed devilish policy. They think they
would only *« place the government on the
side of freedom "—that is, in sonfliet with
every white man in the South—and a time
would come, when * slavery ’’ would be so
unprofitable, ¢ that the States themselves
would abolish it ’—that is, the white citi-
zenship would become so debauched and! ut-
terly degraded as in Mexico, Central Ameri
ca, &c.—they would affiliate with, and no
longer exercise supremacy over the nagroes.
This they do not know, for they know noth-
ing, worse than nothing, for assuming the
negro to be a man like themselves except in
color, all that the €hases, Sumners, &c., be-
lieve, think, do or dream of, is equally false
moistrous and deplorable.
But coming back to the starting point—the
leaders of this party assume that negroes are
equally entitled to freedom, and th re mis
sion i3 to reduce this idea to practice, They
therefore form a party, which, getting oon
trol of the Central Government, proposes to
use that for compelling of the people of the
South to change the relations to these ne
groes and give them ¢ impartial freedom.”
They hoped to do this peacefully and grad~
ually, without disturbance, ‘¢ through the
Constitution,” and would be content to
merely institute a policy that soma future
day would bring it about.
Such was the ** situation ”’ when Mr. Lin-
coln, as the exponent, chief and apostle of
this party, with less than a third of the pop-
ular vote, and through a fatal defect ofour
electoral machinery, came into power. The
design, the idea, the mission of his party
was ‘ impartial freedom *’ for negroes, and
nothing cise, for neither the liberty nor the
interests of one man, woman or child at the
North were or could be disturbed or injured
by the so called slavery of the South. It
bad the one, simple, defined purpose, to
force their ** idea ’’ on the South, to compel
the white citizenship to change their rela-
tions to, and grant ** impartial freedom ” to
their negroes. The South, or seven States
most deeply threatened by such a party
with the common government in its hands,
seceded, fell back on State sovereignty to
protect society from a party whose fundas
mental idea necessarily involved their de
struction, and when Mr, Lincoln sought to
goerce these States into submigsion to his
administration, four more, whose interests
were vitally affected, seceded and made
common cause with their Confederates.—
Now at this juncture had Mr. Lincoln come
out with a proclamation pledging himself
to stand by the Constitution as interpreted
by the Supreme Court, as admitted by eve-
ry admimstration from Washington to Bux
chanan, or pledging himself to construe the
Constitution as only designed for white men
and utterly excluding the negro element
from our political society, then, even then,
a vast majority of the people of the South,
would have rallied around him, and them-
selves put down the secessionists without
the aid of a single man of the North.
But instead of this, it was clamorously
proclaimed by the supporters of Mr. Lincoln
that neither the Crittendon nor any other
compromise would be listened to a moment,
and the Union men of the South, left with~
out a foot ef standing ground, were forced,
by the pressure of the extreme men, iato
secession and a separate Confederacy. —
There are no Union men, nor can there be
any Union men at the South, while the gov-
ernment is in the hands of those who con-
stiue the Constitition as equally designed
for ¢¢ all men,” and who stand before the
world pledged to wield its prestige and pow-
er for reducing this to practice, or, as its
organs express it, to secure ‘‘impartial
freedom ’’ for the negroes of the South.
The effort to coerce southern people into
submission to an ¢ anti-slavery ” policy,
has now lasted a year, and at a sacrifice of
blood and treasure that is truly appalling.
The people of the South will not, for they
cannot, and preserve their civilization, sub-
mit to an ** anti-slavery ’’ construction of
the Constitution. Their best vlood is freely
poured out, and will be poured out to their
last drop, for what would life be worth to
them or thelr children, if forced into amal-
gamation or ¢* impartial freedom ” with four
millions of negroes? Massachusetts, with
its ten thousand negroes, may indulge its
hideous theories of ‘impartial freedom,”
and only destroy these wretched. negroes ;
but Mississippi, with its three hundred
thousand negroes, had better have the earth
open and swallow up its entire population,
than even attempt ¢ impartial freedom.’
In view of this great truth, it should be
clear to all rational minds that though the
South may be destroyed, utterly obliterated
if there be force enough in the North, it wilk
not submit to an ¢ anti slavery ” party, or
an ¢ anti-slavery 7’ policy, for that would
be worse than total extinction, But a sep
erate Confederacy 1s certainly distasteful to
the northern mind—indeed, no true Amer-
ican Democrat can think of such a thing for
a moment, for aside from the great commer-
cial and pecuniary interests, certain to. be
ruined by such a contingency, the Demo-
cratic masses would be left at the mercy of
the Federal and Abolition leaders ot the
North. ; :
1t has been the Jeffersons and Jacksons,
and Tylers, and Polks of the South, who
have ught the battles and defended the in~
terests of the working classes of the North
against the. Adamses, Sewards and Lincolns,
&ec., and the Union divided, the Northern
Democracy left single-handed and alone to
battle with the paper money and tariff in-
terests of the northern States, would be
powerless to resist these influences, and
though the external forms might remain,
the spirit of liberty would be dead, and the
condition of t he toiling millions but little
better than in England and other
king-ridden lands. But we do not despair
of our country or the great and glorious
cause of Democracy. We trust that s
mighty reaction in the northern mind will
soon show itself, and restore peace, frater-
nity and prosperity to our whole country. —
The mad fanaticism of the hour has dcubt-
less spent its force, and just as fast ss it
coliapses, the spirit of union and fraternity -
will rise among us, both North and South. —
We of the North have only to guarantee in
all’ coming t'me, and in distinct terms, that
this shall be a Government of White Men,
in which Negroes, Indians, Chinese, &c., ©
can never be ciuzens, or included in the peo-
litieal system, to satisfy our bretaren of the
South that their liberty and civilization will
be safe from ignorance and fanaticism for.
ever, and the work will be done, the majes-
ty and power of thejgreat Kepublic restored
and more glorious than ever.— Caucasian.
debt and
LiNcoLNisy. —President Lincoln must
have his joke. Talking on the gravest sub-
ject; he cannot refrain from telling his story
or cracking his jest. The New York Com.
mercial Advertiser relates the following :
There is reason to believe that the Presi-
dent receives no small amount of advice fraxm:
politicians, who intrude upon him with théyr °
opinions, and who are sometimes rathem
‘more emphatic than courteous. “I tell you, *
Mr. President,” said a Senator one day,
“less a proposition for emancipation is adop-
ted by the Government, we will all go to the
d—I. Ac this moment we are'not over one
mile from he—I1.” «Perhaps not,” replied:
the President, ‘as I believe that is about the:
distanc. from here to the Capitol, where you:
gentlemen are is session.”’
I McClellan's army was to: capitulate, it
would remind our jovial President of some
“fellow” out in Illinois who, while doing
some service for a friend, was caught in a
man-trap on his friend’s premises. If Stone-
wall Jackson should throw himself suddenly
on Pope and cut bis command to pieces, or
should be seen one bright morning in Balti.
more, or before Washington, with 100,000
men, the merry Lincol: would pause to tell
a story of some digagreeable *‘chap’’ who.
uscd always to “turn up” when and. where
be was least expected.
The other day, a distinguished public of-
ficer of this State was at Washington, and,
in an interview with the President, intros
duced the question of slavery emancipation.
upon which the Administration long:
been playing fast and loose. “Well, you.
see,” said Mr. Lincoln, “we've got to be
mighty cautious how we manage the negro:
question. If we're not, we shall be like the
barber in Illinois, who was shaving a fellow:
with a hatchet face and lantern jaws like
mime. The barber stuck his finger in his
customer’s mouth to make his cheek stick
out ; but, while shaving away, he cut th'ro
the fellow’s cheek and «ut off his own fin-
gerl If we don’t play mighty smart about
the nigger, we shall do as the barber did. —
Albany (N. XY.) Atlas and ‘Argus.
elf entre ase)
A Bure Flan to Secure Recruits:
The Newark Journal says: It is under
serious discussiun at the War Department
to deal out rations of gunpowder ani whis«
key, to the “Wide Awakes,” of the last cam.
paign, to stimulate courage up to the stick.
ing point of enlisting for the war. We think:
this has the advantage of most of the plans:
of that Department, as it must be success.
ful. According to reports, whiskey and
gunpowder drove the rebels pell mell upon:
our batteries, “until in their fancy,” says
one correspondent, *they seemed to be per-
fectly oblivious to the fact that cannon are:
loaded* willy deadly shot and shell.” If
you can get our Wide Awakes and Home-
Greards into that fine frenzy so that they are:
perfectly oblivious to the fact that cannon
shoot shot and shell, then there may be
some hope of their enlistment—not before
We approve of this plan and hope it may at
last be tried. The only thing that uow
prevent our Wide Awakes, Home Guards
and Reserves from going to war, is
the prevailihg impression that cannon. are.
dangerous. Remove that idea, and you will,
secure a large proportion of the men of the
lamp and of the cape, and of the . patriots.
who have been piaying soldier as Ilome.
Guards, Gray Reserves, &c.
*¢ 1 Dio 11. — Abraham Lincoln has always:
at his tongue’s end an unanswerable excuse
and apology for the rascalities committed by
his understrappers, and the greater the thiet
is, the more spirited 18 the Presidential in.
terference. Witness the devotion of His
Excellency to the interests of Simon Camer-.
on. When that distinguished: despot wag
arrested at. the instance: of Rigree Butler.
for false imprisonment, aud there was a
probability that Simon would suffer, it was
enough in the ys of the law for Abraham,
to assume the dignity of an Oriental Satrap,
and say * I did it,” and the illustrious prise
oner goes free. Wik
No ordinary man would have dared to,
share the notoriety of the financial exploits,
of Simon Cameron. The whole country was.
shocked and amazed at his peculations and
frauds, which were of such gigantic propor.
tions as to call forth even from a Republican
House of Representatives, a resolution of
censure. Abraham Lincoln dares to share.
the fame of Simon Cameron. In his late.
special message he, by insinuation,
Congress for its censure, saying, sub-
stance. ‘* Yoa werejwrong in censuring Cam.
eron. It was me—1 did it—now what will
you do?” . ; 1g
“ I1didit!” What supenciljous insolence.
coming from such a man as Abe Lincoln,
who occupies by chance a position once held
by George Washington. did it! So that
is to be the way the American people must
be answered when they become uneasy over
frauds and violations cf their liberties. 1,
Abraham Lincoln—I did it—is the Presiden -
tial ukase which is to stop the mouths of
the American freemen complaining of ops
pression. win
To such a
Wiio,Foors rae Bint. ?—If tho tax-pay-
ers of the county wish to kuow how their
money is spent in these flush times, we need
only refer them to the following extract from
he N. Y. Herald, of the 18th ult.
«To-day a long ling. of four horse wags
ons conveyed through the city a large num-,
ber of contrabands, They were conducted.
toa few asylum Poeided id fieg a he
northern sybugbg of the eity ; but at shor
be borne in mind: by the people that for. every
contraband that is employed in the army. up=
on wages, the Government has to support
something like half a dozen women, chvldren
and old and infirm persons ; so that if Gree-
ley’s idea of employing a hundred thousand
negroes in the army of Gen. McClellan
could ba carried out, there would ‘be half a
million in the shape of families to be fod,
and clothed and educated at (overnment
expense. Tc use the language of Mr. Camp.
bell, of Pennsylvania, ,*¢ What is to he done
pass have we come at last.—
with them?"