— TTT BELLEFONTE, FRIDAY MORNING, AUGUST, 2 1862. Original Pastry. The Lament. BY PETER PERP. “Is night on the mountais, 'Tis night on the lea; A maid sitteth lonely Down by the sea— And the winds from the valleys are flying past, As whe mingles her sighs with the walling blast: And her cheeks with tears are wet. “ My joys have departed, My happiness fled— The hopes in my bosom Are withered and dead ; Pes I've dreamed of a bliss—have dreamed—snd awoke But to ses the cup at the fountain broke, And others its swoets receive. *-Asdark ss the midnight My ature appears— As bitter as wormwood Come tears upon tears, Wor the blight on my heart has fallen deep, And the love once his I shall keep—shall keop Though e fearful thing it be . Ld “Leaves of the forest, When Summer is o'er, Waves of the ocean That break on the shore— Symbols of frailty that quickly depart, Yo're emblems of hopes that once glad'ned my heart When I live but to love. +¢01d Time has no power Lost love to restore ; The heart that's ones broken Is healed nevermore ; Then haste ye—oh, haste ye—fly fast, Time, fast, There's rest for thé weary when death is past In the cold, eold grove.” BaLLeronts, Pa. coment iiiniti my PMiseallangous, [Prom the Washington, Pa. Review: THR PAST AND FUTURE OF THE DEMOCRATIC PARTY. if “History is Philosophy teaching by ex. ample," have we not a right to augur for the Democratic party a brilliant and tri- umphant future 7 In looking back from the present standpoint and eontemplating the wany glorious achievements it has won in its flerce encounters with hostile forces from time to time io the history of the past, in arder to shape the destinies of the country and make {ts impress upon the present age of progress and reform, who that has watch- od its course can fail to deduce a lesson at onoe instructive and significant ? Taking the Constitution for its guide and chart, and having in view in ali it8 movements the wel- fare of the people, and the whole people, knowing no North. no South, no Est, no West, the march of this great party has been onward and upward, the reverses and checks which it has occasionally encounter- +d, only more clearly and conclusively prov ing to the friends of our common country its sscendency and its policy essential and in dispensable to the harmonious workings of our institutions, and to the ttue illustration of the grand ideas of the Fathers of the Re- public. The secret of the success which has erowned the labors of the Democratic party from the foundation of the government is its nationality —sand the fact that its nationality aprings from its strict adherence both to the letter and spirit of the Coustitution, the on ly charter of our liberties, bearing it aloft in every conflict and preserving it from the power of those who from time to time have waged war against it, and who have said that a union under such a compact was not worth preserving, that it was a league with the devil, and 8 compact with hell. Al- though, in their conflicts with it, other par ties have laid claim to conservatism, it is, after all, the only conservative party of the country, because it would preserve intact the fundamental law of the land, and would not submit to, nor countenance any loose or visionary implication of constitutional guar sntees through which the rights of the peo- people and the sovereignty of the States might be frittered away and trodden under foot. Thus when the immortal Jackson startled the country with those great truths which he urged against the re-chartes of the U. 8, Bank, and for which he was assailed with the most remorseless calumny and maligni- ty, he was but a bold and fearless conserva- tive leader, vindicating the letter and spirit of the Constitution, and, like a hero that he was, throwing himself into the breach to protect the people from the vandal hands of those who would have soiled and destroyed the great charter of their rights and their liberties, And it was a glorious and’ cheer ing sight— and many are still living to re- member it—to see with what unanimity the honest yeomanry of the country rallied around their chief in that trying hour and _ imminent crisis, and sustained him against tiie rude shock of the demagogues who sought to fasten upon our institutions a vast woney power unknown to the Constitution, and pregnant with a thousand evils—a mon- ster, whose many and stalwart arms, might in an ungnarded moment, hug our boasted jiberties to death. So, too, in the bitter warfare which. the Democratic party was forced to wage against their political foes, involving the question of ' the revenue laws, preceding the establish- ment of the revenue laws or tariff of 1846 ; it involved the great and indisputable tiuth that ‘Congress has no right to tax one por- tion of the people or one section of the coun- try for the benefit of arother seztion or an« other class of citizens—and proclaimed such proceedings a wrong 8nd an outrage having no warrant™n the Constitution,jand hostile to every dictate of justice and of magnanim- ity. Though bitterly assailed for the posi tion then assumed, and nearly overthrown in the shock of opposing factions, it came triumphant and unscathed from the smoke of battle with ranks unbroken and banners floating proudly. Time, which mages all things even, Bas proven the correctness of the doctrines then advanced, and the opposi- tion became disarmed of its hostility, and acquiesced in that particular policy ; al though during agitation, political soothsay- ers predicted that if the measure was cor- ried, ships would rot at our wharves, com ~ merce would be prostrated and ruined, and our maratime cities become a_howling deso~ Tation ! * Another crowning feature of our great old party, attd one which goes far to constitute its glory, ‘consists in the fact that it wars upon no section nor upon any class of citi- zens on account of birth place or of religion. Believing the Constitution strong enough and broad enough to embrace every citizen of the republic it would throw the protect. ing mantle of that”greal palladium arcund all. It would embrace the rich and the poor ; the proud and the humble, within the folds of that great instrument, adhered to with’a fidelity amounting’to_a religious de- votion, that makes the Democrat:c party in. vincible, and makes every page of it8 histo- ry thus far luminous with bright deeds and with splendid triumphs, with an occasional exception which has enabled it to spurn ev. ery enemy from its pathway, and to live down detraction and abuse. To preserve its high position, 1t has but to be true to its an cient allegiance--true to the faith of the fa- thers of the Hepublic—true to the great principles of the Constitution, which have given it vitality and constituted its strength —trite to tHe Mission of human reform and advancement with «hich it seems to bave been entrusted hy Providence —and it may, with confidence, anticipate 4 future still more brilliant and gsucéessfit] than the past. Around the taltstiani¢ word Democracy cluster associations of the loftiest and most sacred patriotisti. It was the influence evoked by such assotiations that induced the great actors in the drama 5f our colonial existence to press forward in the course of justice and right, it was the gefirus of De- mocracy that secured the liberties and bless- ings we now enjoy. When European dess potism had extended its baneful paralysi® over the prosperous advancements of our manufacturing and agricultural interests— when the plough was arrested in’ the fur row, and the mechanic's implements were ordered to remain inoperative—when the spirit of industry. perseverence and progress was checked by monarchial usurpation— when our rude manufactories were complled by kingly dictation to stand idle unproduc- tive ; then it was that Democracy, ike the polar star of the night, cast its benign radi- ance on the darkness of the prospect, di* recting the people in the maintenance of ther rights, and led them through to the eventful period of the Revolution, to the achievement offan independence which has ever since been respected by all nations of the earth, Democracy and popular freedom are syn- onymous. Its powerful arm beate back from our land the paid hirelihgs of despot- ism—it raised its magic sceptre ovet a people struggling to be free, and said to the waves of encroaching royalty and power, thus far shalt thou come and no farther. It seized the sword of ‘‘equal rights” and went forth to battle and to victory. The good Democ~ racy has accomplished for our young and growing nation. was of such a character that it could not fail to be immortal. The ptin- ciples it evoked and established were destin- ed to become & panacea for political civils of divers kinds, and nobly has it performed its mission. Whenever sectionalism has at. tempted to litt its Briareous artis to sever the ties of aniity and fraternity that bind us together in one great confederation. De- mocracy has thrown itself “into the breach’’ and quickly disarmed the hand that aimed the blow. Personating in itself the great principles of Human Progress, 1t has had the inherent vitality to become the guardian of our institutions, and the sole custodian of our liberties. Factions have sprung up in opposition to the Constitution, &nd “strat- ted their brief hour” upon the political stage; but Democracy and the party that represents it, true and faithful to their - mission, have religiously guarded that instfument fiom desecration anid the spoiler. The black hand of disudion has held the falchion of fanati- cism uplifted ready to cut assunder our Un. ion bonds of friendship, love and truth, but the ever watchful eye of Democracy has heretofore averted the blow. Spoilsmen in Congress snd out of Congress, in higa and in Jowly places; under all’ circumstances, have arisen as midnight conspirators and dark lantern plotters against the people's right to govern themselves—associations for partizan purposes havé been organized, bas- ed upon the principles inimical’ to'the safe- ty of our institution—but it Has been the mission of Democracy to dissipate the power of djing evil. Thus from the commence. ment of our national existence, through all the vicissitudes of political and popular ex- citements, the Democratic banner hss been upraised in defence of {reedom. It has been tho watchful guardian of the ballot box, when that safeguard of the Jpeople’s rights has been assailed ; and when partizanship attempted to proscribe a respectable portion of our citizens from exercising the rights of franchise, the Democracy of the ii pre- vented the ontrage. Like the influences of the press, the mis sion of Democracy is universal. Wherever there is a wrong to be adjusted, an error to be corrected. 4 principle to Be ‘established, the cause of humanity to be advanced, there arc found the great workings of the nationa) Democracy. Its mission is to pall down ar- istocratie pretensions, to combat assumed nobility, to defend constititional law, to es- tablish institutions promotive of the “‘great- est good to the greatest number, ” and to preserve the government from partizan bias and influence. With these objects as the fundamuntal bias of its action, it cannot fail of complete success. With such principles emblazoned én its banner, it must overcome all sectiénalism, whether founded on southern secession or northern abolitionism, and strengthen more effectually the bonds of our confederated Union. DEMOCRAT. A BEAUTIFUL INCIDENT. Six years ago a young man just enteriug manhotd, under the influence of rum com- mitted a crithe against society, wi tried, convicted and sent to Warpin. He served out his time behind prison walls. Before his trial a fair girl had promised co link Yer fortunes to his, and cruel was the blow to her. All throtgh the six years did ste wait for the day of release. With a true woman's heart she believed him innocent—ifinocent at least before God —and like the magnet, she held on her steady way, her heart poins ting over to the future. Long were the hours to him. Slowly passed the hours— seconds were minutes, minutes were hours, hours days—days weeks—weeks months years—years ages. Every tolling of the prison bell struck deep into his heart; and overy sunset took another thread from his long skein, Nor were the hours less weav ry to her. Hope, that blessed angel, was beside her by day, and responded to her by night. Some there were tho laughed at her holy love—who sneered meanly at ber love—a pfisoner miles away. Bat little mattered it to her. Others might sneer— she remained true to the heart and him.— Others might point to a nan in prision garb toiling away from morn to night, but with one star to guide himon. Shesaw but the honest soul that might be saved or lost ; and she had nerved herself to bear "the gibes and jeers. Blessed words came to him iti bis lonely cell ~wordsof love, of heart of her wl.o was truly a better angel watching over his broken nature. Each counted the houts 4s they slowly went by, abd longer gréw tHe day on which liberty was to come. Meri visited him; Znd with careless or speaking eye, threw into his cells maddéning thoughts on which his soul must feed, ind tremblingly shritk to the darkest corner of its temple. Then a letter from her would dash aside he cur- tains, and beckon him on to a spot of sums shine, outside and beyond his present reach. So passed the years. The sin was long since more than atoned for, and at last the little spot of sunshine crept into his cell, and en~ tering by the keyhole of the door, let him forth into the bright rays of liferty. He was conducted to the office of the prison by Mr. M’Graw, and a citizen's dress instead of a prison suit given him, and into an inner room, where stood she who years before had promised befo.e God to be his. What a meeting! ‘Tis not for us to speak of it. On the ¢vening train the iwd arrived at Milwaukee, and were joined in marriage. — We were a witness to the ceremony and shall never forget it—never the eye mois- ened with tears of happiness, nor the throb bings of the heart that had so long waited and trusted. Saved, saved! May the fu. ture be all the brighter for the dark cloud that so long hung over it, and true friends be ever ready to lend a helping hard. We believe in woman's love—in woman's devo- tion—the more after knowing the fact above stated; God bless the heart wherever i may be found. How If Gor mme CounrsrstGN.—One night after the countersign was on, the quartermaster of one of the Peunsylvania regiments, endeavoring to enter the lines was challenged by an irish sentinel. “Halt! Who goes there 2” “A friend without the couhtersign.” Well, what y'de want 7"! “} ant the quarterriaster, and 1 want to get into my regiment, and not knowing the countersign, I suppose [ shall have to go back and get it.” “Igthat all? An’be japers, what's to prevint me givin’ ye the countersign 2 “Nothing I suppose.” The sentinel gave hitn' the countersign, and the quartermaster entered the lines witk a'beaming face to tell his story to'a dirclk of laughing comrades: ‘I= Maids want nothing but husbands, then they want everything, hope, of kindness, and strongly grew the’ SURE AN® DOUBTFUL. We feel sure that few can read the fol lowing anecdote without profit. 1t contains the substance of a sermon, one hour anda half in length : A celebrated Judge in Virginia Was in his earlier years skeptical 3s {0 the truth. of the Bible, and especially as to the Teality of experimental religion. He had a favor ‘ite slave who accompanied him round in hi8 curcuit. As they passed from court house to court house they frequently conversed on the subject ‘of religion ; the servant, Harry, venturing at times to remonstrate with his master agefast his infidelity. As the Judge had confidence in Htry’s honesty and sine cerity, be asked him a great many questions as to how he felt and what he thought on various points. Among other things Harry told his mas. ter that he was often sorely tempted "with the devil. The Judge asked Ilarry to ex~ plain to him how it happened that the devil attacked him, who was so piousa man, so sorely, whi’st he allowed himself, who was an infide] and a sinner, to pass unnoticed and untempted. [Jarry asked, “Are you right sure, master that he does let you pass without troubling you some ?’ “Yes quite stire.” « Well,” replied tarry, © T know that ther's a devil, and that he tries me sorely at times.” A day or two afterwards, the Judge con- cluded to goon a hunt for wild ducks in one of the streams that lay across his road homewards. Harry accompanied him. As they approached the river they espied a flock of ducksdquictly floating on its surface The Judge stealthily crept up the bank and fired wpon them, killing two or three, and wounding as many oihers. He at once threw dotn his giiti and made strenuous efforts with the aid of clubs and stones, to secure the wounded duck, while he permit ted the dead ones to float, for the time uns noticed by him. Harry sat on the seat watching his mas ter's movement's with deep interest, and when he returned said to him: « Massa, whilst you was a splashing in the water after. them wounded ducks, atid lettin’ the dead ones float on, it just comes into my wind why it 1s that the devil troub. les me so much whilst he lets you alone 2’ « Explain.” ¢* You are the dead ducks, he's sure he’s got you safe, I’m like the wouned ducks trying to get away from him, and he’s afraid [Ml do it; so he“muakes all the tuss after me, and just lets you float on,” ees rr re tt # - THE BUELL ANY MITCHELL QUAR- TheCincinnati Times thus all udes to "the quarrel between Generals Buell and Mitchell It is now stated that the cause of Gen. Mits chell’s visit to Washington was a dissagree- ment between hima and Buell. Ile tendered his resignation and was at once ordered to report at Washington. He will not return to the Army of the Ohio, and his division will likely be placed in command of the gallant Rousseau. Buell and Mitchel! rre¥- er did agree, With all his virtues dnd gréit merits, Mitchell i§ stfongly tinctured with vanity, and does nat like to play second fid- dle to any one. In Kentucky he was eon- stantly making ‘suggestions’ to his com mander, 4nd was ill at ease unless charged with a special expedition, when he was free to act wpot his own responsibility. © A story is told wkich illustrates the teel- ing between the two Generals. When the army cf the Ohio was in Kentucky, Mitchell called upon Buell and remarked ; * General I have always been in the Habit of thinking very much. Tam restless unless my mind is occupied. I should like to - know some- thing of the plans of the campaign, that I may occiipy thy thought wiih it.” ‘‘Gener. al,” cooly replied Buell, “you can think about the thanagement of yolir own division.’ And that ended the conversation. How 10 Ger Repose IN Onp Age.--Lord. Brougham says: “I strongly recommend you to the analogy of the body in seeking the refreshments of the mind. Everybody knows that both #ian and Hofges are very much relieved and rested, if, 10stead ot ‘ly: ing down and falling asleep, or endeaving to fall asleep, he changes the muscles he puts in operation ; if instead of level ground, hé goes up and down hill, itis a rest both to man walking, and the horse which'he rides a different set of muscles i§ called into’ Gpera- tion. So, I say, call into &etion a different class of factltics, apply your minds to other objects of wholesouie food to yourselves as well as of good to others, and depend upon 1t, this is true mode of getting repose in old age. Do not overwork yourselves ; do ev. ery thing in moderation.” AN editor in the village of Mitchill, 0. W says: ‘‘One little garden patch of ours was very profitable last geason., Tie snails eat up the cucumbers ; the chickens eat up the snails, the neighbor's cats eat up the chickens, and now, if we can get hold of something that will eat up the cats we will try again.” Sveeessor or GrN. MgOALL.—Gen. iéaiah Seymour’ has béen promoted, by Gen. Mc~ Clellan'to the comimahd of the division of the captured Gen. McCall. erp etl Aetna. [I= It were base first to raise s conflis dence and then deceive it. AFEARFUL SCENE, During the late exhibitich 9f Van Am- burgh's menageric At Monongahela City, a fearful and exciting scene occured. It appears that shortly after the audience had assembled, a terrific storm arose which tore the canvas into rags, and threatened serious injury to the spectators. While the Storm King roared and reveled, one of the huge |! tigers got out of his cage, which added new terror to the scene. The vast assembly swayed from side to side, firSt to that part which had been blown oft, and then to the main entrance. Some jumped from the top of the seats out through the opening between the top and the circular enclosure 3 others cut themselves a passage th Foukh the canvas, and al! rushed with alarm for any place of escape, preferring to brave the storm to taking their chance of life athid the crashing tiribers and furious wild beasts. Woman shrieked for help and children cried, strong men looked pale, and taking the con- fusion of the multitude and the raging of the storm, the scene was fearful and appal- ling. The keepers of the animals stood by the cagesof these wild denizens of the woods and jungles, with anxious looks. The man who kept the elephant Hanmbal, stood in front of the huge brute, with his hands on his tusks, as pale as a corpse. One of the lions had partaken of the excitement, and his glaring eyeballs, efect posture, and ex tended and flowing mane, gave an idea of how he looks in his native forest. The ti- ger which had escaped from his cage, was driven back by Mr. Van Amburgh into the same cage with this lion, and the king of the wcods had put his huge paw upon him, and was holding him tight ¥*6 the floér.-- Nature grand and terrible was on exhibition at this show. After some moments of fears ful confusion the storin ceased, and the aud. ience seperated, but not until several had been injured frow being trampled and bruis~ ed in the general confusion which prevailed. The editor of the Republican, from whom we get the above account, fixes the damage done to bonnets and dresses alone, at two thousand dellata. A SET TO BETWEEN BLIND MEN. The following good &tory is told by the ‘local’ of the Courier des Etats Unis * A few &. since a poor blind man hav. ing on his Hat a playcard stating his infirm ity, and carrying a box with confectionar stood on the corner of Broadway and Rector street. At the same time another blind man with the words ‘1 am blind’ on his hat, was coming down the street in another di- rection. A little case containing cakes and confectionery hung suspended from his neck. | Suddenly a cry of distress arrested the pas- ser-by, and turning, they beheld the two blindmen on the ground, struggling in a mixture of candies, cakes aad boutons. Tc add to the confusion, the two mer, ease perated at the disaster, were hurling at each othet epithets more forcible than po- lite, and had it tot been for the interference of some gentlemen, they would Have come toblows. ¢ You blockhead,’ said one, ¢ why didn't you gét iit of my way? «How could 1, when I am blind? You blind 2— So am 1. In short, this explanation was followed by a good understanding between both parties, and the good understandiiig by a touching recognition. * What is your name ¥ asked one. Ottis Bush,—And yours 2’ *Thecbald ilarvey.” ‘Theobald!’ ‘Ottis I” ¢ My dear comrade! +My old friend” And the two companions in mis~ fortune warmly embraced each other. Their story is short. The men werd natives of Ireland —had come together to America, and were companions in arms in Mexico. One had lost his sight by a wound, and the other by di explosion in a mie. They had been separated for a long while, and afier a lapse of years met 1 the singular manner above related. In Washington the powers take the chur ces of the people for hospitals, aud deprive the church going persons ofa place of public worship : But they rent and pay for a block of fine brick buildings to keep emancipated slaves in. Is this what the abolitionists mean by thie eclectioneering trick of free home. I~ Mr. Wadswosth, a membet of Con- gos from Kentucky, stated on’ the floor of ongress ‘that it appears by the assessors books of the State of Kentucky that over 80 per cent. of the slaves of that State are owned by Union men, whose blood has been shed upon every battle-field since Kentucky entered this war.” ONE of the rebel flags captured by Gen. Curtis’ troops near Grand Glaize, ic Arkan- sas, bore the following pleasant mottoes : “ Run, nigger, run ! or Lincoln will catch ou.” ¢ War to the knife, and the knife to the hilt.” “Death to home traitors.” 7~ We canriot escape the evils of life, by shrinking from its duties. {= If life ymaproves the character, death will improve the condition. 7" Injury must never provoke a good man to do wrong. 0= Learning i§ preferable to riches, vit tu to’ both. (7 Most men die bafore they have Jears’ ed’ to live. . From the Philadelphia Evening Journal. THE “PEOPLES * STATE CONVEN- TION. The ¢ People’s (Republican) Party’ Con- vention came oft at Harrisburg on the 17th, and its proceedings have been made public. It is quite amiusidg to ‘tead the speeches, resolutions and general Proceedings, in view of the *no party’ tempted to be kept in the foreground of the picture! The ¢ call’ for the convertion was directed to ¢ the People of Pennsylvania ’— the temporary chairman, Mr. Thomas A. Marshall, of Allegheny; protests that ¢ party 1ssees gre dead ;’ the permanent chairman, Judge Knox, declaims against * party ;’ the redolutions ¢laim to be the expression of ¢ the loyal citizens of Pennsylvania, irre: spective of party ;* Forney, while expreasing gratitude ¢ that Gop, in His Providence, al- lowed a Republican President to be elected in 1860,” speaks for a* * no party’ Conven tion! Henry D. Moore stigtatiZes a ma- jority of the Democrats as traitors, and swears that ail traitors are Democrats whil® he speaks for ‘no party ;' a man by! the name of Schreiner follows in the same stra. Wi liam H. Armstrongaof Lycoming. abu- ses the Democratic party roundly, averring that * Democrats sympathize with treason as far as public sentiment will allow,’ while he declares that * the times now should swal- low up all party issues ; and Thomas Murs shall brings up the rear by endorsing Fre mont and his policy; in the nate of no par tyism! More partizan malighity could nét have been cxpressed, in the same length of tipe, than this ¢ no party / Convention expressed There was nothing said or done that could possibly tend to conciliate and! concentrate the people as they should be concentrated to meet the pressing exigencies of the times ; the vilest slanders were heaped upon a par- ty embracing a majority, perhaps, of the ¢ people of Pennsylvania,” in whose uname the call for this Cénvention was professedly issucd, and a party which, beyond question, has furnished a majority of the Pennsylva nia men in the field, in the Government hog pital, and inthe grave ! Is this the way to unite our people to meet the great crisis now upon us? Afiother proof of the bitter partisan ma- lighity of this Conveation, is furnished in the fact that it"passed a resolution warmly cemmending the coursa of that unmitigated abolitionist and enemy of the Constitutio=, Senator Wilmot, without saying a word in approval of the sound, conservative course of Senator Cowan. The resolution endors ing Wilmot, was as follows: “t Resolved, That the course of the Hon. David Wilmot, of the United States Senate, is manly, consistent and eminently patriotic and we hefeby endorse him as a true dhd faithful representative of the loyal people of the State. This was e¥idemtly. interided to convey the ides th&t MF, Cowan's course has not been ¢ manly, consistert and patriotic,’ and that he is not * a true and faithful representa~ tive of the loyal people of the State’ of Pefitisylvania ; and it follows of couse. that all the friends of Mr. Cowan were deem ed by this Convention as unmanly and un patriotic —otherwise disloyal, We have here anGther point in the plan of the * Peo. ple’s’ Convention for uniting the * people of Pennsylvania ’ in the present crisis ! This cowardly stab at Cowan was, per- haps, the meanest act of the Convention, thotigh certain individuals connected with it may have exceeded this action in malignity and cowardliness. Forney's attack upon his old friend Buchanan, to whom he owes everything but his base nature, was somes whit atiead cf ariythifng the Convention asa body could have io for, whatever may be Buchanan's official sins, (and, it is well known that while Forney was his advocate, we were, as we now are, Buchanan's oppo-~ nent, ) no one acquainted with the facts. will or can deny that he wss, so long as a degent self respect would possibly permit, as kind 8g a father to Forney. During sorte twen- ty years at least, Forney was intimate with Buchanan, and with every ingredient in his personal and political character, and during all that time, he lauded him above all other living men, and it was only when Mr. Bua - chanan refused to give Forney a seat in his Cabinet, or a first class, foreign mission, that the latter discovered in his long-tried and always truc friend anything to cansure. Since that time, the unprincipled ingrate has abused the old man as roundly as, for twenty years, he praised him. In his speech at this Convention, it would seem from the published report of it, he did nothing but heap the vilest vituperation upon the tinye whitened head of the man who took hint by the hand, when he was young and poor, and lifted him from tue gutter to a position in which he might have, been umversally re- spected, but for his own base and treacher- ous nature. Therefore, we admit that For ney’s meanness and malignity in his speech exceeded the mc anneds snd malignity of the Convention, in its cowardly freatment of Senator Cowan. In that small portion of his gpeéch which was not devoted to the vilification of Bu- chanan, Forney went the whole Teng! b of Abolitionism, including the arming of the Southern slaves, and the enlistment of ue gro soldiers generally ; 3 se he declared that before leaving Washington, the President had assured him that in future there should We * no restriction in the employment .of all idea Bo BStudictisly at | men to put down the redellion—no more doubting about confiscation slang need the Northern people be fiightened with the cry of negro equality arid emancipation,’ &c. If this be true, Mr. Lincoln has resolved to out-Sumner Sumner in behalf of the negro; bnt we trust this, like most of Forney’s ut- terances, is false. Tt is amusing to real Forney's denuncia- tions of the democratic party, when we re- flect that he has professed, himself, to be A Democrat aliaost up to the very day of this Convention ! Since he has publicly given in his adhesion to the Repnblican party, he ought to have a be'ter opinion of the party he has just left. Undoubtedly the remains ing members of that party will corsider it vastly improved by his absence. Judge Knox, in his speech, said ‘efforts have been made By certain sympathizers with this rebellion, to exalt one of the Gen- erals 1n the arty and to depress the Secre, tary of War.” This Plaitly ie 4n$ that tho friends of General M'Clellan are * 5% mpathi- zers with this rebellion !’ and, if ‘a man is to be gudgad by his company,’ or .y his friends, it follows, of course, that Gea. M'Clellan, himself, is a * Sympathizor with this rebellion!” We very much doubt whether this is such an expression as * the People of Pennsylvania * would desire one of their ‘ representatives,” which Knox pros fessed to be, to make, especially in a Uon- vention professedly called to unite all the * People.’ Knox and Forney were particularly con- spicuous in this no party Convention, and George Laumsan was also a member of it.— The * no party,’ disinterested character of these gentlemen, in political matters, in pretty well understood in this S:ate, sod their love of country is pretty thouroughly appreciated By the ‘People of Pennsylva. nia.’ ; The Republicans, by adopting these men and raising them to positions in their para ty, for the purpose of toping in men whe once had confidence in them, have resorte to a species of political financiering that will not be likely to * pay.’ The conservative true men of the State, of whatever party, are too well acquainted with the political character and motives of these men, to be. duped by this trapsparent trick. Forney has been bought and paid for, and the oth. ers have been bouglit * od time '—~they arg to be paid for hereafter—when the Hepub~ lican party carry the State! We confess their faith is what the phrenologists would term ‘large,’ but, we presume, the promised price 1s also, Torge, But we desire dot meddle with these pfivite wattérs. In view of the public features and prot. able result of the ‘little transaction,’ we would advise the leaders of tke Republidan can party to keep an eye on Forney —elsé he will soon becotiie their party captain,— He is as + stiiart * 25 He is unscrujules and ungfateful, and the first thing the MeMichs eacls, the Mersin and the old leaders know, Forney will have tiem harnessed to his car aud be driving them, a8 some of the ga rbagesgatherets drive dogs, in harness, in the perfortutinte of very dirty, and very doubtfu; dufies! orney hag edtered the Republican party to rule it, in Pennsylvas nia, and, if the old stagers do Hot watoh him closely, he ill be to those bad sinners what the old * man of the tduntain’ was to Sinbad and quite as hard to shake from their shoulders. if the dodge of terming this a ¢ People’ s Converiticn ” of no party men were not 80 ridiculots, we should term it wretchedly hy por? ftical. Mr. McAuley, of Allegheny, in some remarks, on the political character of the Contention, with an | honesty of heart that gavs evident alarm to the managers, denounced all the talk of meters as to thie na pa arty charagter of. the concern as ¢ twaddle * and added: *T came 8s a ®Ree publican and two thirds of ths Convention came as Republicans I” Mr. McAuley was dotibtless right: the Convention was a Re- publican Convention, and a very dark one at that—rendered peculiarly dark, if not abs golutely black, by the infusion of the Knoxs Foruey clement, for these apostates are dow ing their best to outshine Sum‘iev and Stes vens, Lovejoy and Lane. area are AAA fame me me Vanity FAIR is severe on Fremont. Tt says: With the foe most formidable and, active all around thoi, this Major General throws up his command and comes to New York, his excuse being that the appoint- ment of Gen. Pope ‘degrades him” .— But he dosn't resign. It is understood that be is still a Major General in the army, drawing his pay the same 3 ever; and it is whispered i in certain quarters that anoth- ef department will oe given him, Very good. Butletit bea department in Fort Warren, for the General who deserts his command and his conutry upon so flimsy an excuse as Fremont gives, ought to be shut up. [In some countries he would be shot We resbectfuily suggest to Mr, Secro= tary Stanton thatifit be right to keep. Gen, Stone in close confinement all this’ time without letting that officer or the. public Enow what earthly reason thers is’ for his incarceration, that the imprisonment of John C. Fremont, who as everybody knows has proved a precious humbug might not be entirely improper. We are sick of Fremont. He is the worst in the business. Sr— A ets et y {7 When men try to get more good than comes from well doing, they alwayé get less.