Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, July 25, 1862, Image 1
* a — . - CERO ha, gam The Democratic Watchman, VOL. 7. BELLEFONTE, FRIDAY MORNING, JULY, 25 1862. Original Poetry, To one Arr BY PETER PEEP. There's a voice comes from the valley, O’er the mountain and the lea ; And it calleth “Honest Abram’ — Calleth loudly unto thee Now for aid Better listen to its wailing, Better hearken to its plaint, For it cometh full of sorrow, From a “‘never sleepy saint— 0 "tis said. One that’s grown go weary watching By life’s pathway dark and damp, For the ‘‘good times’’ that were promised, When he wore cap, cape and lamp Filled with ¢ile’’ ; That he’s going, ‘Honest Abram,’’ From this world I know not where ; In thy bosom, ‘Honest Abram,’ Let him rest from toil and care For awhile. The homes once for the homeless How all quickly disappeared ; And the houses for the I All has fallen, it is feared On the shelf, And his lamp is lost or broken; Cap and cape have fore to grass ; While the people say he’s nothing But a stupid, silly Ass Like yourself! BELLEFONTE, PA, ~ PMisellangous, My Hospital Experience. BY A LADY. * What shall I do to pass my time pleas- antly and useful 2’ was the question | put to myself after the last ‘good bye’ had been spoken, the last kiss exchanged. and the parting words of my husband had died out of the new desolate room, leaving a linger-~ ing echo in my heart which sounded like desolation. ‘It will never do to sit here idly, and brood in vain regret his absence ; and surely, if he thought I'should do noth- ing but pine and grieve for him, it would add a heavier weight than now ‘rests upon his mind, for then very sore causes for trou- ble would rest upon him. Itis enough, to feel that our dear country calls for him in affliction, and God go w:th him in her cause. 1 should blush for him if he held aloof now, aor proffered himself in the full vigor and pride of his young life, as a shield against the arrows of destruction which threaten her, and which have already severed some of the brightest links which united our be- loved nation. And while he has gone forth brave in defence of right and truth, shall T sit down and cry like a miserable, selfish child, because it cannot have the toy it loves best always in its hand ? No, no. That will never do! I should never claim to be 4 daughter of my proud, beautiful mother, America, could I for one moment be guilty of such a selfish weakness. So ran my thoughts as L stood beside the window, listening to the last clang and clatter of the bell on the boat which bore him away. Slowly it put oft from the wharf, and then up to God went as deep and fervent a pray. er as ever wife breathed, for guidance and safety. His last kiss was warm upon my fips—his last words are ringing in my ears —and soon, perhaps, that voice, with ite foving tones, might be forever hushed, and the warm lips cold and mute, under the icy seal of death ! Yet not for one moment would I have recalled him, even while I grew sick at heart, and a heavy dread strove to creep into my brain, driving away its usually hopeful and pleasing fancies, “It 1s right and just,’ I murmured. as I turned away, ‘and God will go with him. I know what I shall do. I shall go and take care of the poor sick boys up at the hospi- tal.’ To think with me is to act. Ina moment my bonnet and cloax were donned, and I was on my way with a light heart. Are there any wives, mothers or sisters, who will wonder how I could feel light hearted, when [ had just sent my husband away to battle, perhaps never to see his dear face again ? I will tell you why. 1 trusted in God and was yielding to an impulse to good deeds. 1 say good, because I was animated solely by the desire to render assistance and relieve suffering, and not for what other peo- ple think or say of me. On entering the hospital, I found the at. tending physician, Dr. L —, there, and in- troduced myself. *I have nothing to do,’ J said, ‘and want you to employ me. Can I render assistance in any way ?’ ¢ Yes, madam,’ was his prompt response, ‘If You will core in sometimes and prepare something nourishing, and talk to them, to 5 them in good spirits, we shall be very % ’ & * I shall certainly do so. Iam glad if I can be of use.’ I 1aid aside my bonnet and cloak, without further ceremony, and went to the sickest -man I saw. : « How do you feel 3 I asked, bending over him. * Weak—ill—nigh unte death,’ he replied, in a tone so pitiful aud full of despair, that 1 felt tears spring to my eyes. I sent them back to their source. however, and spoke in a full, firm, yet kind voice, ‘Oh, no. You are not near death. You areill, but you will not die. Uncle Sam has use for, you yet, and in a few days you'll be up and ready to shoulder your musket again. Don’t you think so 2’ His eyes sparkled n their deep sockets, and a momentary flush rose to his pale cheek. «Oh, if I could only think so! But the time drags so slowly, and here I lie useless, helpless, keeping those who could fight away to take care of me.’ 0, well, you need a little rest any way,’ I said cheerfully. ‘Now I want to do some- thing to cure you. Do you want your face bathed ¥’ ‘Yes, if it is not too much trouble,” he said eagerly. Not a bit. Now be easy, and I'll soon have you feeling nicely.’ I got a basin of water, combs, brushes, sponge and soap, and came back to him.— His large dark eyes rested with child like pleasure on my face, as I carefully bathed his face and hands. He had grown so fee- ble that he could scarcely connect a sentence without pausing, and lay panting on his pil- low from the slighest exertion. After bath- ing his face, [took the comb and straighten ed out the snarled masses of long black hair that grew thickly over his brow. I soon found that illness had made him childish, though I at first started at his childish blang- ness. ‘ You're mighty purty,’ he said suddenly, and for a moment I did not know what to say, but then I thought ‘that I may seem so to him, poor fellow,’ and only smiled in reply. ¢ What's your name 2’ he next asked. ¢S—,* I replied. * You ain't married are you 7’ - * Yes, and my husband's gone to fight as you did at Fort Donelson.’ ‘Oh dear,’ he said fretfully, ‘I'm so sor~ ry. What did you get married for 2 Never mind, I will put a spider in his dumpling when I get well.’ . With the last words, a mischievous light broke over his face, and his black eyes twinkled. I laughed merrily at him, and he seemed to enjoy it hugely. Poor fellow ! little enough amusement he had. If he could amuse himself at my expense, I wonld have no objections. My next patient was an orphan boy, six- teen years of age. Frank B— belonged to Birg’s Sharpshooters, and a braver heart never beat in the bosom of mortal than that which throbbed in his. While bathing his face, I asked him what induced him to leave his home in Nebraska, to come away and peril his life at such an early age. His reply is worthy to be writ- ten by that of a noble Nathan Hale, who re- gretted having but ‘one life to offer to his country.” He said: ‘I joined the army be- cause 1 was young and strong. I have but one life, and that would be worth nothing to me if not offered to my country.’ Noble boy ! How many more like him h-ve fallen willing sacrifices ! The next day [ carried a basket of ap ples, oranges, pies, tea, §¢,, to the hospital. As [ went in, several of the men lifted their heads, and nodded pleasantly. ‘I'm glad you have come back,’ said one and another thought, ‘it looked so home like to see a woman amongst them.’ My ‘admirer’ with the black eyes clasp- ed my hand when I offered him an orange, and kissed it gratefully. ‘If T live, he said, ‘I'll always pray God to bless you. If I die, I'll watch over you from Heaven.’ Poor fellow! I wonder that if from that Heaven to whish his spirit has flown, he is watching over me to-night as I pen these lines ? Frankie's blue eyes greeted me with a glac smile before I was near enough to speak to him. When I bent over and asked how he felt, he answered me cheerfully, saying he hoped to be able soon to return to his regiment. I bathed his face, gave him a cup of hot tea, with some toast, and left him sleeping sweetly, Those who have never visited the hospi tals cannot conceive of the wretched condi- tion m which the men are brought into them, That day twenty eight were brought in from Donelson and Savannah, and such objects I never saw. Their faces and hands were stiff with coal dust, and burning with fever. Their hair long and matted, beard uncut and full of dirt. It was a serious task to attempt render- ing them comfortable, but I did not shrink from it. On the contrary, I felt grieved at my ability to serve more than one at a time. Oh how I longed for the power to stir some of my own sex, who in that town passed the days in thoughtless idleness, to action, if ouly for an hour, to assist in bringing those poor sufferers to a comfort- able condition. From morning till noon I toiled faithfully glad from my heart, and thanful for the im- pulse that had sent me there. I went home and dined, and feeling tired, wanted to lie down to rest. But then I had promised to bring some fruit to the boys 1n the afternoon, and I could not feel satisfied till I had done so, that I could rest any time, while they lay tossing in pain and fe- ver, perhaps longing for a cool draught they could not get. 1t was four o’clock before I got away again, and then I was really tired. So days merged into weeks, and it became a regular routine. From eight till ten or eleven, and from half past one till four, I took pleasure amongst them, even while pain stirred my heart to sec their sufferings. One by one I could see them fading. No care or skill could save them. They had offered their lives to their country, and she had accepted the sacrifice. Poor little Frank B. daily grew weaker.— Nothing could tempt him to eat, and his cough grew worse, while his face hecame thin and pale. He never lost his joyous spirit, but always seemed hopeful, even when too ill to rise from his berth. One afternoon I was startled on entering by the most piteous cries, and that they came from my little favorite, generally so brave and patient. ¢ Why Frankie, what’s the matter!” | asked, bending over him. ‘Oh, you have come ! | did wish for you so much. Oh, I'shall die, and I wanted Somebody by who seemed to care for me a little. You do ike me ; don’t you, dear Mrs. S.——? You've been so kind to me. Oh, this pain !—I can’t stand it long ! His hand grasped mine nervously, and ev- ery fibre of his frame quivered with pain.— I saw that the dews of death were standing thickly already on the broad, beautiful fore- head over which the fair hair clustered so prettily, and my eyes filled with tears of sorrow deeper than words could express.— T stooped to kiss him, and a glad cry escaped the poor blue lips of the dying boy. ¢ Oh, kiss me again, won't you ?—That is like my sister. Do kiss me once more ; I feel better. Oh, I would’nt mind to die if my sisters were here to tell me they loved me. You do love me a little, don’t you ? ‘ Yes, a great deal Frankie ; as much as if I was your sister. Don’t you think so ? I’m sure your'e a good boy, and I am sorry to see you suffer so.’ Ie drew me down toward him, and press- ed his face close to my arms. I could en- dure no more. The poor boy’s mute appeal for tenderness and sympathy in his dying hour, far from home, breathing out his young life amid strangers, unnerved me. I drew that young bright head to my bosom, and my tears fell fast upon its sunny curls. Did the gentle sister he loved, have one thought of the scene that was transpiring on that night, while perchance they sat and talk ed of him, their only and petted brother, in their far off home in Nebraska ? ¢ You will stay with me to-night, won't you ¥ he pleaded again. ‘Oh, you won't leave me to dic alone * No, Frankie, I will stay with you.’ He was comforted and became more quiet as I clasped his hands and tried to soothe him. Gradually a purple hue overspread his face. Now his lips became whiter, and the large clear eyes plead for some token of endearment, and each time that 1 pressed a kiss upon his forehead, a look of deep and earnest gratitude softened the suffering ex. pression of his face. About nine o’clock he breathed his last, and now every time I look down at my hand and see the little ring of mine be wore be- fore died, 1 seem to see the parting look of his great eyes ere they fixed in death. How sad the task to brush back the damp locks {rom the cold brow, and compose the blue linbs in their last repose ! That night I wept and prayed for the sister as I had nev er wept and prayed for myself, for he was all they had. A few days after this, anether of my pa- tients, who was fast recovering, 1 thought, had a relapse, and was again confined to his berth. There had been a storm that dashed in the windows, and he got wet. On Friday, he asked me to write some letters to his brother, sister and his betroth- ed. 1did so, while he dictated, and he had a rich vein of mirth and sentiment pervading his nature. This I soon discovered in his dictations, and was much interested. He showed me the miniatures of his friends, and talked of soon returning home. Bade me say to his sister that he was coming soon — if he couldn’t get a furlough he would make one, &c. Saturday found me almost blind from in. flamation of the eyes, and I did not get to the hospital until Monday morning, Sad faces greeted me. Matron, physicians and nurses, wore serious faces, and the Ste ward quiecly placed letters, miniatures and de- scription rollin my hands, I looked to. wards Fred’s place, it was vacant! Oh, that was a sad task I had to perform ! To sit down, three days after writing those pleasant, hopeful letters, and tell them that heart that dictated them was still forever .- I wrote to the lady he would have made his wife, and returned her letters. I had rather have performed any other task on earth ,— The poor father and mother, whose bent forms were fagt tottering to the grave—the bright, sweet-faced sister—the loving broth - er! To all these I must convey tidings that would sting the hardest heart. Yet, such is the fortune of war. These are but few of the many instances of the kind which might be given to the public, Every day for three or four weeks I witnes- sed such scenes, performed such tasks as those I have named. Since that, however, fortune has called me to scenes of more startling nature. I have scene where the conflict raged, the forms of the dead and dying, and amongst those who yet lived, such suffering as the heart could not concewe without the eye having witnessed it. Forms mangled, crushed —to live and suffer for a fow days, anc then to die in the most horrible agony. Oh, God! when will it cease? When will the hand of the father fall listless, as he attemps to cleave the son to the earth, and brothers cease to regard each other as foes ? Will peace ever be restored ? Shall we ever again be united ? Alas! will we ever love each other again, or give room in our hearts for other than revengful, bitter feelings 2 HORRIBLE AFFAIR--ANOTHER NE- GRO OUTRAGE. On Wednesday morning two negroes, Ja- cob and Reuben Long, from Allegheny coun- ty, were committed to jail charged before Justice Hunter of West Newton, with having forcibly outraged the person of Mrs. Mary Ann Faulkner, a very respectable lady, re- siding in Rostraver Tp., this county. The facts of this case as related to us, are of a most revolting nature. Mr. Faulkner is a market pedler, and left home with his horse and wagon, on th: morning of the day on which the outrage was committed. He 1esided on the turnpike, near the Allegheny line. Mrs. F. had retired to bed with her infant ; no other person being about the house, About 11 o'clock, she was aroused by a knocking at the door. She enquired who was there. She was answered that her husband had met with a ‘ disaster “—upset and broke his wagon—was badly hort, and had sent his horse home by “us” and to tell her to put it in the pasture. She got up —put or: a skirt, and placing her frock over her shoulders, opened the door ; discovered a horse hitched near, but could see nothing of the men. Suspecting nothing, she took the horse and led him towards the pasture when looking around she discovered that the horse had a white spot on his face, which her husband's had not, and the bridle, also was pot his. She immediately became aware of danger and dropping the reins, ran for the house, when two men sprang from their concealment, seized her arms, threw her violently on her back, with her skirt pulled over her face, confining her arms as in a vice, and partially smothering her, and while in this situation, onc of the fiends vio lated her person, then held her until. the other perpetrated the same outrage, when they ran off and left her. As soon as she was able, she went into the house, took her child, and made her way to a neighbor's house, where she told the story of her wrong. The night was dark, and she coujd only tell that they were Negroes from their well known voices, and by the horse, which she knew belonged to the father of the accused, who lives farther along the road. It was several days before she had them arrested. Her convictions of their identity is strength ened by the fact that the accused left West Newton at a late hour that night with the horse she identifies, and had about time to reach her house at the hour she charges the outrage to have been committed, Thus is but a foreshadowing of the scenes that will be enacted if Mr. Lincoln is per- mitted to consummate his abolition schemes —Let him beware, or somebody will ¢ be hurt ”—at the next election. When the swarms of slaves now within the lines of our armies are let loose upon the North we shall havea surfeit of such negro outrages.— Greensburg Argus. AMERICAN WoMeN IN mie Cars,—The woman as she enters drags after her a mis. shapen, dirty mass of battered wireworks, which she calls her crinoline, and which add as much to her grace and comfort as a log of woad does to a monkey when tied to the animal’s leg in a paddock. Of this she takes much heed, not mana ging it so that it may be conveyed up the carriage with some decency, but striking it about against men’s legs, and heaving it with violence over peo ple’s knees. The touch ofa real woman’s dress is itself Celicate ; but these blows from a harpys fin ate loathsome. If there be two of them they talic loudly together, having a theory that modesty has been put out of court by womans rights. But though not modest the woman I de. scribe is ferocious in her propriety. She ignores the whole world around her, as she sits with raised chin and face flattened by affectation ; she pretends to declare aloud that she is positively not awarethat any man is even near her. * ¥ % % But every twist of her body and every tone of her voice is an unsuccess - falsehood. She looks square at you in the face, and you rise to give her your seat,— You rise from a deference to your own old conviction and from that courtesy which you have ever paid toa woman’s dress, let it ever be worn with ever such hideous defor- mities. She'takes the place from which you have moved without a word or a bow. She twists herself round, banging your shins with her wires, while her chinis still flat- tered, and she directs her friend’s attention to another seated man, as theugh that place were also vacant, and necessarily at her disposal. Perhaps the man opposite has his own ideas about chivalry.—4;Trol~ lope, th lA MA ee {077 A Prediction.—If theso infernal fan~ atics and Abolitionist ever get power in their hands, they will override the Constitu- tion, set the Supreme Court at defiance, change and make laws to suit themselves, lay violent hands on those who differ with them in their opinion or dare question their infallibility ; and finally bankrupt the coun- try and deluge it with blood. Daxter WEBSTER. "2 TERRIBLE EXAMPLE. If this “ War for the Union ” is unhap pily protracted much longer, it is certain that the negro will be forced into it. Every day we witness the increased efforts of men like Sumner and others, who have ** wrongs to avenge,” to force Mr.’ Lincoln into the employment of the ¢ slaves’ in the army and navy and the logic of their *¢ principles drive them to this result, If the negro be naturall entitled to the freedom of the white man ; if he was designed by ‘he founders of this government to be included in our po- litical society, and a party formed to secure ¢* impartial freedom ”’ for the negroes is a legitimate constitutional party ; in short if the Federal Government can make Ameri~ can citizens out of ‘“ negro slaves,”’ then not only has it the nght, but it is the duty of the Government to set these negroes to fighting for that very thing surely for which the party in question was organized, and for nothing else, viz : to secure impartial freedom” for these negroes. This is to obvious and logical to be disputed by any sensible or honest mind, and therefore we repeat, the negro will, sooner or later, be forced into this conflict for “freedom and humanity,” as Mr. Seward termsit, but which Mr. Toombs would say, was a conflict to degrade and destroy the liberty of the white man by amalgamation with negroes. That a terrible result must follow any such attempt, is obvious to those who understand the spirit and necessities of Southern socie- ty. In all the ¢ slave ”’ States, we believe, it is a capital offence for a negro to raise his hand-to-a-white person. This, even if it be too severe, is'in accord with the higher law aud safety of society, for absolute, unresist- ing obedience of the grosser animal nature the negro, is vital to the security ot the higher organism of the physically feeble white woman. child, &. In view of this— this gross, sensual subject Negro in juxta- position with the elaborate and highly or~ gamzed Caucasian—what a monstrous and wicked conception to reverse the order of nature and impel the former into conflict with the natural and inherent supremacy of the latter ? When the Sepoys revolted against the white Europeans, they blew them into atoms from the muzzles of their cannon—a frightful, but perhaps just pun- ishment, for the ordinary forms of punish- ment were to feeble to be felt by the apa- thetic Mongol. But 4f the relatively superi- or Mongol reqired such punishment as this to make a proper impression on him, what should be the punishment inflicted on the grossly organized and semi-animalized ne- gro when he raises his hand against the lite of the master race ? This can only be con- jectured of course ; but those who compre hend Southern society, and the great natu~ ral laws of that society, know that if the lu- natics of the day impel their miserable vic~ tims into an impious and monst@gs revolt against their natural guardians, the whole world will shiver with awe at the conse- quences.— Caucasian. * Tag SvrLE SecrRET.—Twenty clerks in a store. Twenty ‘young men in a village.— All want to get along ini the world, and all expect to do so. One of the clerks will rise to be a partner, and make a fortune. One of the compositors will own a newspaper, and become an influential and prosperous citizen. One of the apprentices will be come a master builder. One of the villagers will get a farm and live like a patriarch.— But which is destined to be the Incky indi~ vidual? Lucky! Thereis no luck about it. The thing is almostas certain as the Rule of Three, The young fellow will dis. tance his competitors is he who masters his business, who preserves his integrity, who livesclearly and purely,who never gets in debt, who gains friends by deserving them, and puts his money in a savings bank.— Therc are some ways to fortune that look shorter than this old highway. But the staunch men of the community, the men who achieve something really worth having —good fortune— good name—and and a serene old age—all go this road. A Seconp Moses.—A Iarrisburg paper states that during the recent terrible freshet a cradle was seen coming down the rushing waters near Manadville, and being suspec- ted of containing something, it was watched by several persons for three or four miles, expectiug it would at some point of its jour. ney come near enough tothe shore that it would be safe in venturing after it in a boat At last, at a bend in the swollen stream, the cradle came sufficiently near that it was secured, when lo! and behold upon lifting up a light covering, a beautiful babe looked up and smiled! We remember of reading in that book of old, of a time when the daughter of one of Egypt’s proud rulers went to bathe, when something was seen in the distance, to bring which, one of the maids was sent, when upon opening a babe was seen, which looked up and smiled.— The above incident brought this ancient one up to mind. A kind person took the little one in charge and although a week has elapged, and inquiry has been made, no cluc to the little stanger has been discovered. [T= ¢ Why, dear me, Mr, Longshallow,”’ said a good lady, “ how you can drink a quart of that hard cider at a single draught?” As soon as the man could breathe again he replied, ‘I beg pardon, madam it was so hard I couldn’t bite it off.” JOHN BECKWIN'S DREAM, Rough John Beckwin, a Mississippi fer« ryman, tied his boat to a post, and plodded wet and weary, to his little house. Having thrown himself, witk an oath, into a chair, be lighted his pipe, and pufted the smoke up the chimney, while he dried his feet at the fire. Presently his] little daughter “came in, Jeading her younger brother, and walking to her mother said, with a grieved expression, ‘Mother little bub swore ; little bub can’t have any wings when he dics to fliy up to the good place. Poor little bub !" and the little girl began to cry. But the bey looked up to his mother’s and said, “But father swore too. Can’t he have any wings when he dies 2"? The mother did uot answer, for sk.e feared the stern man who sat smoking his pipe by the fire. But the iron had eutered John Beckwin’s soul. That night Le dreamed; and as he stood before the cottage, looking at the stars and moon, there was a sound of a trumpet above, that made the world tremble, an ex- ceeding glory in the sky, and from the midst of the glory a voice calling to the judgment And immediately the air was full of white souls, whose eyes turned upward with a steady gaze, while their hands were clasped over their breasts. . And the voice called again, ‘Come ye blessed.”” Then the white souls were given wings full of stars and shining like silver, which flashed back the glory from above, as they calmly floated upward, While he stood wondering and terrified, he heard a sharp ery of pain at his side.— There stood his little boy, with ragzed and soil stained coat, and his hand stretched pit eously up towards the flying host- + Oh. my father !”’ exclaimed he, “why did you teach me to do wrong ? The dear Lord just now beckoned me to come, but 1 had no wings and no cloak of siver; and he looked grieved at me, and turned away. — Oh father, why did you teach me to do wrong 2" There was a sound as of thunder -a crash of the universe —and the old man found him self in a long train of souls, with heads hw ed and tears ranning from their eyes, walk" ing down a black, narrow archway, where he could look only before him, and see bes yond the great train of weeping ones, an open gate from which came firé. But he heeds them not, for behind him he heard the patter of little feet, and ever and anon, amidst sobs and moans, the voice of a child, «Oh father ! why did you teach me to do wron , #’ John Beckwin awoke, and heard hig little boy quietly breathing’in the cot besideshim. He never swore again. {= It is an ascertained fact that it is cheaper to steal negroes than to buy them. Those that want negro labor in the North have elucidated this to their entire satisfac tion. Those that have conscientious scru~ ples about stealing, favor ‘¢ compensation,” that is, for the Government to engage in the slave trade, buy negroes at its price, and send them North, where each one can pick out a nigger to his own liking, at no expense to themselves, but at the expense of their neighbors, who arc obliged to help to pay for him in the shape of taxes. The Govern- ment buys the negroes, the people pay for them, and those that want them will then be enabled to get them free gratis for noth. ing. That’s very convenient, fellow- citi zens, is itnot 2? The above may be thought by many to be ¢ jocular,” but it contains much of the essence of Abolitionism.-= Leb anon Advertiser. (IZ A Louisiana Congressmen still for the Union.— An officer of the Massachusetts 31st writes from New Orleans as follows : +* Last night the officer of the guard at the St. Charles was accosted by a gentleman whom he found to be Boulingny, one of the last representatives whom Louisiana sent to Congress, and who held out for the Union long after his State had seceded. Since that time that man has fought no less than seven duels—solely on account of his Union Senti- ments. He is now a maimed man, his left hand shattered and his left arm paralyzea, and one or both of his feet injured. This is itterally ¢ standing up for the Union,” and he says be is still as strong a Union man as ever. All houor to him 4nd all like him.— May there be many.” IZ= An Excellent Sentiment.—1In the late Democratic Convention in Fairfield county, Ohio, Dr. Olds offered the following resolu- tion, which was enthusiastically adopted ; — ¢¢ Resolved, That we are in favor of the Union as it was, the Constitation as it is, and the Negroes where they are,” This is the sentiment of national patriot~ ic men everywhere. (= Senator Wade thinks ‘ the Constitn- tion is suspended for the present,” ¥f Sen- ator Wade, and a few like him, had been ¢ suspended 7 themselves years ‘ago, ther would have been no trouble in the nation now.—Carlisle Volunteer. {7 Gen. Fremont—a path finder who al- ways misses the track; a statesman who never made a speech ; a general who never won a battle ; and a millionaire with ** nary red.” 077 With most men charity begins at home and ends there, NO. 28. A WONDERFUL ARCHITECT. Do yott know the type setter is an archi. tect? You see those bits of lead and zinc lying over, across and against each other, like the tangled braids of a mermaids hair And yet they form an army more powerfitl than ever fought on tented field. Yesterday they stood up ¢ form’ —truly ina thousand forms. You may Jook upon the little bits with a smile on your lips, but you little dream they are stronger and wiser’ than you —they will speak when you are dead end forgotten. They have sotnetimes mide you smile and sometimes shudder. ¢ Stocks !s Isn’t there something in that ‘word ? Hawn’ you been head and heels in them for years, and don’t your feeling rise and fall with them alternately ? A little further on yoit come to the ‘married’ Ah!I thought that would make you smile. |saw you kiss a baby then. and that word unraveled it all. —« You havn’t forgotten the day you went cour ting, have you? Then there was magic 1n the utterance. You stood at the altar on the strength of the happiness you felt, and if yout had not always loved the girl as you ought to, there is no one vou love so well. Yon secretly bless the day when the single word ‘Married’ was wreathed like a sacred archway over the joys of you and yours.— Don’t you nemember fittle Minnie—she whom you loved so well —she with the blue eyes and auburn curls? When Death’s dark Angel foided her litt'e delicate hands over her snowy bosom, and sealed her loves ly eyes with its icyjfingers, don’t you res member how the great tide of sorrow came o'er your smitten heart ? You little thought the other day when sou picked ap the pa- per— that the word *Died,’ of only four let- ters --which you laughed at as they lay dusty®and dirtygin their square § homes— would make you - weep—would make you think of her whom God hath taken. If you come to this offi:e to morrow the printer will show you how to distribute knowledge. He will pull to pieces tough wiry arguments that yesterday defied the world. Those pretty palaces which the po- et wrought will have to come down, and their golden fancies become to morrow the integuments of the politician’s prose. In they go —those metalic dwarfs, scattered breadeast like good seed, which shall bring forth sixty, aye an bundred fold. ‘Sixty lives lost’ and Prentice’s last joke march in together, and the printer whistles Yankee Doodle as carelessly as if human life was below par, any soit is. This is the print. er’s life and business. A Printing Office is a great bowling alley, The printer scts up pins—the world keeps tally, the editor puts the balls in motion, and away it goes, carrying death and des. truction in its front, settding a pin here and a pin there, while a noisy rabble always stand by to cheerand hiss down the players. Some play for money ; and a few —a precious few—do it to patronize the boss and bless mankind. Nomatter what the balls are - made of or how they go if they only hit the mark. The crowd pocket the spoils and the honors are lelt to the proprietor, who goes behind the scenes and starves in his shirt sleeves. And such is life. When the printer dies, the world just gets a glimpse of his value as his coat tails van-- ish into glory, and then it looks very bad, rubs its head a little, calls hin a clever fe]. low—says only fault was in being poor, and then the world shoves his sympathy out of sigktinto that idiom the human heart, and on rolls the Juggernaut as though noth ing had happened. : Some day the people will wake mp and find a screw lost in the jagged machine of human progress. If you do, don’t waste more sympathy than possible on those my theological fellows who print your beoks and papers. Quite a number of years ago there lived in the town of G—, Androscoggin County, Maine, a man by the name of L.—.Ilo was farmer, stage-driver; and hotel-keeper, and was blessod with a large family of boys. Among them was the hero of our yarn. Ide was the name he was best known by. He was lean; long, lank; and scrawny. Always on hand to run of errands and do chores generally. One very hot day in July, Ide was sent off about three miles to a mill with a large lot of grain to be ground. Unlueki- ly for him there was quite a quantity in be- fore he got there, so that it was late in the afternoon before the miller got to work upon Ides lot. Tne water was low, conse- quently the mill-stones revolved rather slow. Ido was hungry, and his inner man got up- roasious, and looking up to the miller(Uncls Reub), he says, “Uncle Reub, I'can eat that meal fastor than you grind it.” ““ Ah, my boy,” said Uncle Reub, “how long could you do it 2” “ Why, till I starve to death” said Ide. Uncle Beub says that he never got such’ a shot before. ——————a [= What is the differencn beiwcen a Republican and an Abolitiomst. Pickles says :—dJust the same difference there is be- twaen a tadpole and frog.” —_——— ee 07 «- My son what would you do if your dear father was suddely taken away from you.” ‘Swear and chaw tobacker.” 05 The right man in the right placs { husband at home in the evening.