Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, July 18, 1862, Image 2

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    @he TW atchnan,
A Yer re
Thursday Morning July, 18, 1862.
The Ticket.
Now that the Democracy have made their
nominations and the campaign has been
fairly inaugurated, it may be proper to say
a few words in regard to the men who have
been chosen as the Democratic standard
tearers mn the great political contest so nea r
at hand, and which is to decide whether or
no the people of Pennsylvania are willing to
submit longer to the reckles and uaprinci
pled course of the present party in power.
Isaac SLENKER, our candidate for Auditor
General, is a gentleman against whose char-
acter, both politically and morally, no man
can utter a word. _ An honest, faithful. con-
scientious Democrat and an upright mane
his name is the very one to inspire the great
heart of the Democracy of Pernsylvania
with that determination to win the vistory
which will overturn all obstacles ad place
him in the Auditor General's chairamid the
glad huzzas of the joyful thousands who will
rejrice to see the reins of Government once
more returning to the hands of that great
party, to whose wise and lib1al policy in
days not long gone by, this country is in
debted for all of its past and prospeciive
greatness, prosperity and glory.
Mr. Slenker was, for some years, a mem
ber of the Senate of this State, and proved
himself an able man, reflecting great credit
on the constituency who sent him there ;
and the recent large vote which he received
in the Union county District for President
Judge, shows that he is very popular where
ho is best known. That he can be triumph
antly elected, we have no doubt, and we
therefore cali upon all Democrats, who love
the time honored principles of the glorious
old party of our fathers, to rally enthusias-
tically to his support.
For Surveyor General, we have Jayes P.
Bag, of Pittsburg, a veteran Democrat and
«an Israclite indeed, in whom there is no
guile.” Mr. Barr has been, for a long time,
editor of that sterling and incorruptible guar
dian of the rights of the pcople—the Pitts-
barg Post, and his election will b: but a
just complunent, not only to the man him.
self, but to the great principles which he has
80 long and so ably espoused and advocated
to the great benefit of that hitherto triumph
ant party, which is but too proud to claim
him as one of its brightest ornaments and
most efficient members.
With these gentlemen as our candidates,
we cannot fail to te successful, if tie proper
cfforts be made. We, therefore, call upon
the Democracy to organize, and be prepared
to meet the relentless and embittered hosts
of abslitionism, who will be ujon us wilh
all the fury and despair which rage within
the besotns of the poor, delude! and miser-
able followers of that great tunis fuluus
which is only alluring thew to their own
HE Lael E
07 The new requisition for three hundred
thousand more troops to fill up the ranks of
the Union armies, appears to be causing
little or no excitement in this county. Not
a man that we have heard of has rarsed a
foot or made a movement to show his read
iness to serve in the ranks of our “country’s
difenders,” and. fom present appearances,
there is little or no probability of a compa-
ay being raised in this locality, Pennsyl
vania’s quota of this late requisition will be
atout 50,000 men, making Centre county's
share somewhere in the ndghborhod of
500 soldiers. The question is beginning ‘o
be asked “where are these men to come
fiom The answer is yet in the fulure.—
From other sections of the counry we have
pews of “great uprisings” and of men en-
‘hsting by the hundred, but here all is quict
and nebody seems to be in the least con.
cerned. We presume, however, that an ef-
fort will be made after harvest to raise the
complement of men for this county, when
We may again expect to hear the martial
sound of the fife and drum. In another col-
umn we publish the Governor's Proclama
tion, together with “General Order, No. 28”
and ‘orders from the War Department,” to
which we call the attention of our readers.
Joux M. Baus, editor of the Lewisturg
Argus, died in that place recently. Mr.
Baum was a writer of more than ordinary
ability, and his loss will be most severely fel;
by the Democracy of Union county. Mr.
Winnegardner, the local editor passes a
most beautiful and just tribute to his em-
cry, and we may exclaim with him, ‘Peace
to his ashes.”
J The tide of battle seems to have turns
ed, the Confederates arc having a “run of
luck ;’ during the past week they have cap
tured Bator. Rouge, and Murfreshorro, ta~
kiug about three thousand prisoners. Tt is
also said that they have so strengthened
Fort Dowling. that it will be almost ims
possible to take it.
tre ene
No important news from Gez McClelan‘s
army this week.
Is it Not So ?
Had we ever believed that the present ad-
ministration was carrying on this war for
the preservation of the Constitution and the
perpetuation of the Union, that belief would
now be scattered to the four winds of hea-
ven. Its recent acts of abolishing slavery
in the District of Columbia, the recognition
of Hay and Liberia, (negro republics) and
the prohitntion of slavery in the Territories,
are enough to convice the most doubtful of
the real objects of the war. Hide it 2s we
may—guise it under what name we please,
the course pursued by those in power shows
plainly that it is nothing more nor less
than a war for the extermination of slavery
and the equality of the races.
Did not Mr. Stevens, a member of Con
gress {rom our own State, and a man high
in the estimation of the administration, say,
in his debate with Mr. Wickliffe, on the 5h
of July, 1802, that he was for ‘arming the
slave population of the South in this war for
FREEDOM,” that the “South could not be
conquered so long as slaves were permitted
to till their soil,” that he was for ‘raising
a hundred thousand of them to-morrow,’
that he would “seize every foot of land and
dollar of property and apply it to the use of
this army,”” and would “plant in the South
military colonies and sell the land lo these
soldiers of FREEDOM, holding the heritage
of traitors, and building up institutions
without the recognition of slavery.
Was not Wendell Phillips, the noted dis-
union Abolition Kepublican, who has de-
clared time and again, that he has labored
for nineteen years to destroy the Union, and
that rather than see slavery perpetuated, he
would *-burn the Constitution and let the
Union be eternally broken up,’ feasted and
flattered by the whole administration party ?
Was he net metin thehalls of the United
States Senate and warmly welcomed by the
Vice President himself.
Ins not that “¢owardly squirt from the
red republican ¢espools of infidel Europe,’
Cal Schurz, repeatedly asserted that our
Constitution was a “wooden nutmeg,” and
a “Yankee trick,” lately been appointed
Brigadier General in the ¢ Union army,”
and when taking command of his brigade,
did he not declare thet if Jeft Davis and
his army surrendered and repented at the
foot of Capital ilill in sack cloth and ashes
that it (the Union) should never be restored
with slavery.’
These are not the only men who speak
thus, Congress has dozens of them —the
Senate is full of them, and they are in the
Cabinet of the United States. Men express-
ing the same sentiment are promoted to
high offices in the army. Men advocating
the tame doctrine are filling offices through
out the North, and yet some people would
close their eyes to the real danger and say
these men are abolitionists and do not 1ep-
resent the administration or the teelings of
conservative Republicans. If not, why are
they appointed to fill high stations and per~
mitted thus to misrepresent the true chavac-
ter of the war?
For our part we can sce no difference be-
tween a Republican and an Abolitionist —
one advances ar. idea, the other upholds it,
Not a single resolution brought up before
Congress by the abolitionists, no matter how
radical, infamous or unconstitutional, but
(with a very few honorable exceptions) re-
ceived the support and was endorsed by the
whole party. Tsit notso? Has not the
J ast. and does not the present course of the
‘powers that be,” prove conclusively that
this is not a war for the preservation of the
Cousitution and the perpetuation of the Un-
Where will it all End ?
Such is the question daily asked by thou
sands of patriotic Union loving hearts, and
who is there among us that can answer it ?
Never, since the Pilgrim Fathers set foot on
Plymo'h rock —never, since the voice of the
white man was heard echoing in the wild
woods of America—has the future loomed
up us black and dreary as it does today. —
We have looked, we h-ve longed in vain for
aray of light to break in upon the gloomy
prospects of our beloved country. We have
hoped, we lave prayed that the Union, ce~
mented by the blood of our ancestors, would
be perpetuated, and peace, with its balmy
wings, again hover over us ; but that hope
has died out, and we can sce ahead nothing
but war, anarchy and oppression. Could
we bulieve as others pretend to, that one
portion of the American people can be held
willing subjects to another—that the spirit
which wor us our independence was buried
and the love of liberty no longer buras with-
in the hearts of Jur citizens—then could we
look for an end to the present war, and ex
pect soon to welcome to their now loneiy
homes, those of our friends who are braving
the toils and dangers of the battle field ;
but no such hope beams forth on our path-
way—and we will not delude ourselves with
the vain idea that war, under the present
cucumstances, wiil restore peace and bring
back prosperity.
We may raise nen and lavish money un-
til the army of the North numbers millions,
and its victorious legions march m triumph
over the untilled fields and desolated homes
of our Southern “encmies’’—our victorious
ships may “‘ride the waters” of their broad
lakes and mighty rivers—we may plant the
stars ard stripes upon every housetop and
garrison every city, town, and hamlet south
of the Potomac, with an armed soldiery—-
but will all this restore the glorious old Un-
ton given us by our forefathers to perpetuate
and defend a Union whose foundation was
laid in the affections of the people and in
the fraternal attachments that the citizens
of all the States bear to one another as
members comprising one great family.—
Will it guarantee *‘equal and ex act justice
to all men 2 Will it bring us back our fors
mer prosperity and greatness 2 Will it
make our country the home of the oppressed
the asylum for the down trodden of other
nations ? No ; it will be but a Union held
together by force of arms—a military des-
potism supported by cnormous taxation-
where political priests and partisan dema
gogues will ride on the backs of people and
the laboring American will be trampled un-
der foot worse than the serfs of Russia or
the white slaves of England.
Li By Their Fruits Ye Shall Kno W Them »
Congress has at last passed the confisca-
tion bill. The conservative (?) Republicans
such as our Representative Jas. 1. Hale
voting Aye. Such bills will surely be hails
ed with greatjoy by the thousands of Union
men in the South of whom we heard so
much last summer ! No difference whether
they were impressed into the Confederate
service, or took up arms willingly, the for-
feiture of a// their property, imprisoament
of ten years, a inc not exceeding ten thou-
sand dollars, is to be their reward. Not
only do these hegto worshipping abolition”
1sts in Congress legislate against the Union
men of the South. but against you, laborer
of the North. They have declared, “ All
slaves of persons hereafter engaged in the
rebellion, or who shall in any way give aid
and comfort thereto, escaping to and taking
refuge within the lines of our army, and all
slaves deserted by their masters and coming
under the control of the Government of the
United States, and ALL SLAVES FOUND AT
PLACES occupied by rebel forces and after
wards by the United States troops, shall be
held to be captives of war, AND FOREVER FREE
What think you of that, poor white men
—ye who earn your bread by the sweat of
your brow ? This Black Republican Aboli-
tion negro worshipping Congress would
place you side by side with the lagy negrocs
of the South ; in fact, they hace dene it,—
Their work is to come into competition with
yours. You will be forced to labor for the
same wages that these worthless thieving
“‘niggers’’ will. They have cut down your
wages to twenty five cents a day in different
parts of our wi State already, and what
will be the fect When all the slaves where-
ever our tidops arg quartered be turned
loose. 1s this legislation for white men 2
Isit “homes for the homeless” and money
for the poor ?
And here we come to another clause of the
bill, which we place side by side with the
latter part of Scetion 24, Article 4th of the
Constitution of the United States :
“ No person held ‘to “ No slave escaping
servitude or labor in one | from one State to an-
State under the laws | other shall be delivered
thereof, escaping into | up, e xcept for crime or
another, shall in con- | some offence against
sequence of any law or | the law, unless the
regulation’ there:n, be | claimant first make oath
discharged from such | as tohis lawful owne;-
service or labor, but | ship, and has not born
SHALL BE DELIVERED | arms in the present re-
ar on claim of the par- | bellion, or “given aid
ty to whom such servi-| and comfort thereto.”
ces or labor may be
due.—Section 2d, "Art.
4th of the Constitution.
‘Have not these men oa ths registered in
Heaven, to preserve INVIOLATE the Consti-
tution which they have thus trampled ujo +
Lovers of the Constitution of our forefath .
ers look at it. Are such men capabls of
controlling affairs in a crisis like this? Are
taey the men to bring peace and prosperity
back to our bleeding couniry 2 Were they
sent as representatives to trample upon the
Constitution or to violate their oaths and
legislate for the benefit of the negro at your
expense ¢ If not, give ther such a rebuk
at the polls this fall, as they shail not fail to
Ye Breckinridgers.
We wish to warn the country, and espe-
cially the young girls and good old grand.
mothers of the nation against what the ser.
vile truckling tools of abolitionism cal
Breckinridgers. The ** Breckinridgers,
when analized are curious animals. First,
they consist ot such men as Vallandigham,
Richardson and all the personal and politi
cal friends of Judge Douglas; second, of
the former friends of Breckinridge and Bell ;
third. of thase in this State who voted the
Reading ticket ; fourth, of all who seek to
restore the Union as it was and preserve the
Constitution as it is; fifth, of all who de~
mand free speech, free press, obedience to
the civil authorities and the right of a trial
by a jury of their countrymen; sixth, of all
who denounce the stupendous stealings of
this administration and its army of plunder-
secking contractors, horse jockeys and li-
censed robbers ; seventh, of those who be-
lieve that the laboring man is better than a
nigger, and go in for protecting his labor
from unjust and humiliating negro competi-
tion ; eighth, of thousands and tens of thou-
ands who are swelling the ranks of our ar
my or slumbering iu the green graves of ou
battle fields ; ninth, gll the conservative
men of the country who voted for Lincoln
but now declare themselves nn favor of a
constitutional government and go in with
the Democratic party to maintain the inals
ienable rights of the people to restore the
Union and protect the treasury and gnain
tain the credit of the nation. It will thus
be seen that what the Abolitionists call
Breckinridgers are bad fellows. They tell
the people that the Chicago platform is not
the Constitution ; that the negro is not as
good as the white laboring man, and that
the Abolitionists formed a sectional party
and made the North hate the South, until
disunion followed ; and a host of other things
which the mobites call treasonable. It is
possible that some of these chaps have horns
upon the top of their heads and it is believ-
that many of them haunt the bed chambers
of thieving officials, patriotic quartermasters
and contractors, and it may be possible that
they have in some cases even made babies
cry at midnight. We woull warn our
friends against what the abolitionists call
“Breckinridgers.”’ — Northumberland Demo-
{IZ “If anything could excel in infamy,”
says the Mississippian, ‘the brutal and di-
abolical order of the miscreant Batler, in
New Orleans,” it is a prayer which has been
“offered in a New England church” beseech-
ing “famine in the South, and the perpetual
barrenncss of every Southern woman's
womb !”
[7 Late Ricmond papers contain a prec-
lamation of Gov. Letcher, requiring the peo-
ple to close their stores, and suspend their
business every afternoon to drill in the rebel
nt i —— to
Sure to be elected —Slenker and Barr.
ons iid .
Cost of the Negroes.
The President ana the Congress of the Un-
ited States have solemnly pledged the Amer-
ican people to buy of their owners, if they
will sell them, the four millions of slaves
now held in bondage in the South. This
emancipation policy is now part and parcel
of the policy and financial programme of the
present Administration. Under the influ.
ence of that policy the slaves of the District
of Columbia have already cost one million
of dollars, for which appropriation has been
made by Congress,
Mr, Goodloe, an Abolitionist, and office -
holder under the General Government at
Washington, has written a pamphlet inten-
ded to ¢laborate and expound the views of
the present Administration on this engross
ing subject. Here is an extract: .
“I have shown what the compensation to
the Boarder States would be at two different
rates of payment per capita for the slaves,
and it will have been seen that I have favcr-
ed the more liberal scale. I now proceed to
show what would be the cost of redeeming
tie whole slave population of the Union at
the same rates.
¢* By the census of last year there were
3,052, 801 slaves in thc United States and
Territories. I have already shown that 454,-
441, which belonged to the Border States,
would be worth, at $250 each, $113,610,250
and at $300 cach, $136,332;300. There
remains to be disposed of, therefore, 3,498, -
380 slaves, embraced in the country sabject
to the rebels, but including, of course, large
numhérs belonging to the friends of the Un-
ion, who have been constrained into obedi-
ence to the rebel authorities against their
wills. At the lowest estimaied average val-
uc of $250, thase slaves of the rebels would
be worth $874,590,000, and adding the com-
pensation to the Borrder States on the same
terms, the aggregate cost to the Govern-
ment would be $988,200,250. At the high-
er rate of $300, the glaves mm the rebel
States would be worth $1,049,508,000 ; and
adding the cost of compensation to the Bor
der States, at the same rate, the aggregate
expense of emancipation would be $1,186,~
840,300. Or for the convenience of round
numbers, the cost of emancipationjwould be
at $250 per head, $1,000,000,000, and at
$300 per head, the cost would be $1,200,~
Thus it appears by Mr. Goodloe’s calcu
:ation that the slaves of the South will cost
the white men of the North $1.200,000,000
and as the money for this purchase must be
borrowed. it follows that, at six per cent,
the interest or annual tax paid for this phils
anthropic purpose will be seventy two mil-
lions of dollars ! Now, as the interest upon
the public debt at the expiration of the war
cannot be less than one hundred millions,
the annual appropriations for the support of
the Government, including the support of
the army and navy, at least one hundred
and fifty millions ; pensions for the support
of our wounded and maimed volunteers, for
the widbws and orphans of the brave men
who have been killed in battle or who have
fallen a prey to disease, not less than one
hundred millions; for the multitudinous
claims againsc the Government arising from
the contingencies of the war and the expen®
ses of a vast system of negro colonization,
at least one hundred millions of dollars, it
follows that ere long the annual appropria-
tions required to be made by Congress, and
to be extracted from the pockets of the peo~
ple, to pay for the expenses of a war fomen-
ted by Northern negro-worshippers and de
clared by Sccession negro owners, will
amount to upwards of FIVE HUNDRED
MILLIONS OF DOLLARS! and this enor-
mous amount of annual taxation, not inclu-
ding one penny for a sinking fund to reduce
this monstrous incubus upon the industry
and energy of the people.
The population of Pennsylvania is one.
tenth of the entire population of the United
States ; therefore, according to the above
calculation. which time will prove to have
been underated, the direct and Indirect’ an-
nual lax, payable by the people of this State
to the National Government, will amount,
at the expiration of the war, to FIFTY MIL
LIOXS OF DOLLARS, being about ene hun-
dred dollars to each voter! Surely this is
paying rather dear for the whistle of eman-
cipation, which has, for years past. been
blown into the cars of the people by the
Northern Abolitionists | Greensburg Dem-
Flow the Taxes nre to be Colleelod.
To carry into effect the tax bill passed by
Congress, a small army of officers will be
appointed, over whom a Commissioner of In.
ternal Revenue is to be placed. The salary.
of this official is fixed at $4000 per annum.
The officers under his direction, and the'r
duties will be, in brief, as follows, viz :
First.—A Collector for each Collection
District, to be appointed by the President,
with the consent of the Senate, whose duties
will be to collect for the Government the
taxes to be paid m said District. The com-
pensation of his services is in the form of
commissions on the amount collected.
Second.—An Assessor for each Assess-
ment District, to be also appointed by the
President, whose duty it will be to furnish
the Collector with a list of the persons to
be taxed and the articles on which the taxes
are to be levied. is salary is to be $3 per
diem when engaged in preparation, and $5
when in actual performance of his duties as
Assessor, He is also to receive a commis-
sion of $1 for each hundred names on the
tax list.
Third, —Deputy Collectors to be paid by
Collectors. Their duties aro to act as Assis-
Fourth. —Assis(an® Assessors to be ap-
pointed by Assessors. Their salary is fixed
at $3 per day, in addition to which they will
receive the same Commission as Assessors.
Fifth.—Inspectors of hquors &c., to be
appointed by Collectors, whose duties will
be to measure and examine the proof of
liquors removed for sale, from which they
are (o receive fees from the owner thereof,
the extent of which is to be fixed by the
Commissioner of internal Revenue.
The officers above classified are to carry into
effect the provisions of the bill, and are to be
held strictly accountable for their actions —
Collectors through whose hands must pass
very large sums of money, will be required
to give heavy bonds for an honest perform -
ance of their duties. In some districts it is
probable that bonds to the extent of $200,
000 or $300,000 will be required.
The First Regiment of South Carolina
The title of this regiment would, at the
first blush, appear to be an anomaly in the
army of the United States. The supposi-
tion that one thousand citizens of the nullify-
ing, rebellious State of South “arolina could
be found to muster under the * Star Spang-
led Banner,” 1s one so far remote from the
range of probabilities, that the bewildered
reader may pause in doubt, after reading
the caption of this article. Gentle reader,
although there is such a corps as ¢ The
First Regiment of South Carolina Volun-
teers,” we do not desire to mystify you—
we will expiain,
Gen. Hunter has organized, at Port Roy-
al, a regiment, composed of runaway slaves
mostly pressed into the U.S. service, who
are armed and equipped at the cost of the
United States. This negro regiment is offi-
cered by non-commissioned officers taken
from the Pennsylvania and New York regi-
ments, and who have been promoted for
that purpose by Gen. Hunter, to the rank
of captains, and first and second lieutenants,
The regiment is commanded by Col. Fessen-
den, of the State of Maine.
At first the negroes, like children fond of
toys, were pleased with the ‘‘poinp and
cir¢umstance of glotious war.” But when
they were brought down to the drill, their
unconquerable dislike of all labor, got the
better of their love of glory, and so, on all’
favorable opportunities, they ran away !—
This valient regiment, originally consists
ing ot some nine hundred men, has already
dwindled down to three hundred! The uns
tiring efforts of Colonel Fessenden and of the
white gentlemen 1n command, have sigaally
failed before the vis inertiae of the black
rank and file. The First Regiment of South
Carolina Volunteers is afilicted with the
galloping consumption, and before an official
report can be had of General Hunter of its
existence, it will be ** non est.” The phil
anthropic efforts of the Massachusetts school
masters who repaired to Port Royal with
primmer, slate and pencil ip hand, to teach
the black idea how to shoot in the South as
vigorously asin the New England.States,
and to draw fat salaries for the same, have
met with as little success in teaching the
arts of peace as our officers 1n their attempt
to teach the art of war.
‘I'hese combined efforts on the part of the
civil and military power, to raise the blacks
to the level of the whites, are sad failures. —
The white officers of the black regiment are
disgusted and may well exclaim, with Fal
staft : «If IT be not ashamed of uy soldiers
I am a soused gurnet.’’ “Ill not march
through Coventry with them, that’s fat.’ —
Althougk: they may ‘not march througy
Coventry with them,” they have already
got themselves into Coventry on their ac
count ; for the soldiers of the white regi~
ments hold them in such contempt that they
hail them in derision as Captain Cuffee,
Licut. Sambo, and such like vile epithets.
As regards the New England philanthrop
1c teachers ; supported as they were, by all
the tenacity of Yankee perseverance, they
have succumbed before the insuperable re-
sistance of negro stupidity. They reluctant-
ly admit their defeat, and take the first boat
to the genial climes of New England, where
they will resume the manufacture of wooden
nutmegs, or of fine spun theories of Utopi
an philanthropy.
The summing up of all these facts shows
that there are some 5,000 runaway negroes
at Port Royal and viemity, who, with praise-
worthy appetite, eat up Uncic Sam's rations
and in return, bask io all the luxury of Af-
rican laziness in the rays of the broiling
sun. But when these dearly beloved objects
of Abolition’s most tender cares are asked
to drill, or work. or learn, they skedaddle
to the swamps, and, ungratcfully, leave their
benefactors to raminate over these practical
results of Abohtion theory.
In this late disastrous experiment of ou’
Abolition friends at Port Royal, the impossi-
bility of raising the blacks to the level of the
whites having become apparent, there is’
nothing left for them but to attempt to pull
the whites down to the level of the blacks, —
With the view to the accomplishment of
this laudable object, we would advise the
immediate resignation of Colonel Fessenden
and of the Yankee Superintendent of negro
schools, and the appointment, in their places
respectively, of the Hessian proprietor of
the Telegraph and his renegade editor who
have long since reached the moral level cal
culated to qualify them for the satisfactory
realization of this new. experiment,—Patri-
ot and Union.
AN ApoLiTioN SENATOR BrouGiT 10 A St-
LENT Har. —A private letter to the Chicago
Times from Washington says :
The excitable and spiritual Senator from
Michigan is said to have been brought up all
standing. a few evenings since at Willards,
while ¢enouncing most bitterly and ungener-
ously Gen. McClellan. Sturgis, whose:a-
reer in Missouri prove him to bea worthy offi-
cer, was near, and heard the remarks made,
and stepping up to this ungenious civilian re-
marked, **I do not know you, sir, but you
are a liar, scoundrel and coward. My name
is Sturgis, Brigadier General in the United
States army. Whether this was strictly
parliamentary or not,T leave others to decide
but the resuit was a moving adjournment
sine die.
This Chandler is the fellow who wrote to
the Governor of Michigan, telling him that a
little blood-letting would be necessary to
settle the difficulty between the North and
the South. Iles very liberal of other peos
ple’s blood, but spares enough of his own,
0 Turkey owes $207,000,000, ¢ sick
man’’ as he is, and a large portion to Eng-
lish capitalists. Russia owes $412,000,000.
Italy, $420,000,000. Austria owes $1,500,«
000,000. France, $1,960,000,000. Eng:
land, now lecturing this country upon the
korrors of national obligation, owes $4,237,
000,000. The debt of this country in July
will not be far from $850,000,000.
177 A Mr. Miller, of Circleville, Ohio, has
recovered a judgement for $500 against a
Miss Beldon for a breach of promise. This
is the first case we have heard of where a
man has recovered anything from a lady for
a breach of promise. Should the principle
be established the fair sex would be in much
Ohio Democracy.
The Democracy of Ohio also held their
State Convention on the Fourth of July. The
proceedings were cqually harmonious and
enthusiastic with those of our own State, —
Every county in the State was represented,
and wany of them by immense delegations,
and the nominations and resolutions met
with the unanimous sanction of the Conven-
tion. The following State ticket was nomi
nated : Judge of Supreme Court, Rufus P,
Ranney, of Cuyakoga ; Sucretary of State
William W. Armstrong, of Scnaca ; Attor-
ney General, Lyman R. Criichfield, of
Holmes ; School Commissioners, Charles
W. H, Catheart, of Montgomery ; Member
of the Board of Public Works, James Gam
ble of Coshocton.
The resolutions are preceded by a stirring
address to the people of Ohio. From the
resolutions we select the following :
1. Resolved, That we are,as we ever
have been. the devoted friends of the Con
stitution and the Union, and we have no
sympathy with the enemies of either.
2. That every dictate of patriotism re-
quires that, in the terrible struggle in which
we are engaged for the preservation of the
Government, the loyal people of the Union
should present an unbroken front.
* * * * *
7. That we are opposed to being taxed
to purchase the freedom of negro slaves.
8. That the unparalleled frauds and pec-
ulations upon the Government, revealed by
the investigating committee, and otherwise,
demand the sternest condemnation of (vory
honest man aud friend of the country, and
call for the severest punishment prescribed
by the laws.
9. That the patriotism, courage and skill
manifested by our armies has never been
exceeded in the history of the world, and de-
serves and reccives our highest admiration
and gratitude.
* * x - *
13. That we view with indignation and
alarm the illegal and unconstitutional seizure
and imprisonment, for alleged political of-
fences, of our citizens without judical pro
cess in States where such process is unob-
structed, but by Executive order by tele-
graph or otherwise, and call upon all who
uphold the Union, the Constitution and the
laws, to unite with us in denouncing and
repelling such flagrant violant of the State
‘and Federal Constitutiors and tyrannical in
fraction of the rights and liberties of Amer-
ican citizens ; and that the people of this
State cannot safely and will not submit to
have the ficedom of speech and freedom of
the press, the two great and essential bui-
warks of civil liberty put dower by unwar
ranted and despotic exertion of power.
As to the address and resolutions, the
Ohio Statesman says, they are just what the
times and occasion demand. They are able,
forcible and true.
—— ———
Keep it Before the People.
The Republican editors, unable to defend
the Abolition actions of their leaders in Con.
gress—indeed, driven to the wall at all
points- -seek to shift the responsibility for
the present state of things, with its vast
expense of blood and treasure, from their
own to the shoulders of the Demncratic par
ty. But no seasible man can be cheated by
any such transparent dodge. Look ata few
items in the record :
The Democratic party was unanimously
m favor of settling our national difficulties
upon that fair and honorable plan. the Crit-
tenden Compromise. The leaders of che
Republican party opposed this, and having
a majority in Congress, DEFEATED IT.—
Why ? Because such a settlement would
have finally arranged the slavery question—
removed it from the arena of politics—and
in the language of Governor Andrew, of
Massachusetts, “would have broken the
back-bone of the Republican body,” which
they considered ‘‘ a greater calamity than
cil war I”
This was in the beginning of the troubles.
What followed ? Corruption of the most
stupendous character. The Fremonts, the
Cummingses the Morgans, and hosts of
other Republican clans, put their arms
shoulder deep, into the public treasury, and
millions corruptly disappeared !
In the first year of a Republican Ad-
ministration, which came nto power upon
professions of reform and retrenchment:
there as indubitable cvidence abroad in the
land that somebody has plundered the public
treasury well nigh in that single year as
much as the entire current yearly expenses
of the Government during the administra:
tion which the people hurled from power be-
cause ofits corruption.” ls the language of
a member of their own party, (Mr. Dawes,)
whose sworn duty it became to investigate
these frauds.
The present Republican Congress voted
LARS for the negro in the Distriot of Col-
umbia, besides other appropriations for his
beaefit in quantity yet unknown. Then it
is estimated that ONE HUNDRED THOUS-
AND blacks are in the aggregate supported
by the Government, at various points, in al«
most total idleness. Saying nothing of the
clothing, the *¢ rations ’’ of this number, at
2 cost of twenty cents each, amount to
twenty thousand dollars a day, or over
num !
We could add count after count of the
same character. For all of these enormi-
ties the Repnhhean party is responsiole,
and its leaders know and fee: it. They may
seek to hide their heads from the frowns of
honest and patriotic men, by giving their
organizalion new names—:* ¢ Union party ”
—¢ People’s party "-—or anything else but
its true title : yet there is no escaping the
righteous condemnation which the people
have in store for them. In the language of
Senator Wright, of indiana, * radicalism
must be abjured,” AND IT WILL BE ! — Gettys-
burg Compiler,
- oo ® Oo
Tue Bexicrta Boy.—John 0. Heenan is
cutting quite a swell in England. He is
with Howe’s American Circus, at a salary of
$500 per week. le gives exhibitions in the
ring of the art of self defence, with Linsey.
the *¢ Lancashire Sampsan,” Mr. Howe has
recently purchased the Duchess of Kent’
carriage, at a cost of five hundred guineas,
to convey the renowned John to and from
his hotel to the circus. Four carriages and
two liveried footmen are attached to the
‘What Does This Mean ?
Thurlow Weed the publisher and Editor
of the Albany Evening Journal, is known
as the intimate, personal, and political @
friend and partizan of Wm. H. Sewaad,
President Lincoln’s Secretary of State.—
The following is from a recent editorial of
the Journal. What does it mean ?
From The Albany Evening Journal.
The Chief Architects of Rebellion, - before
1t broke out, were aided in their infernal
designs by the ultra - Abolitionists of the
North. Tus was too true for without such
aid the South could never have been united
against the Union. Bur For THe INCEN«
BRAND, North Carolina could not have been
Jorced out of the Union. And even now,
the ultra Abolition press and speech makers
Leaders of the Rebellion are keeping down
the Unron men of the South and rendering
reunion difficult, if not IMPOSSIBLE.
Any such assertions or intimations as
these would, very lately have been denoun-
ced ‘treason’ if uttered by a Democratic
press, but coming from the source it does,
the faithful followers of the ‘irrepressible
conflict” champion will take it as all right.
But is there not a meaning in the article
not apparent at first glance 2 May not this
idea of the impossibility of a restoration of
the Union, be thrown out by the organ of
the wily Sccretary as a feeler to prepare the
public mind for something more open and
in the same direction 2
We presume it is not treasonable to pro-
pound those questions. They force thems
selves upon us, especially when we take the
Journals article in connection with the ru-~
mored apprehension that France and En-
gland are on the point of tendering their
mediation with a view to a termination of
the war.
The fact that the President calls for 300.-
000 more troops, is without force, as against
the interpretation of the Journal's language,
which we have ventured to suggest. Scc-
retary S ward prides himself on his shrewd.
ness and ‘Old Abe” claims to be smart;
and we all know that the history of our
country is not without instances of Admin-
istrations doing, very suddenly, that to
which they had professed to be unalterably
opposed. anl which was not all anticipated
by the public. Government policy at times
becomes mighty uncertain. — West Chests
Four Oratiors in a Nut Shell.
Our fellow citizens who own and till the
soil. who drive milk carts and mills, and
hammer out their own iron and leather on
their own anvils and lapstones, may like to
hear what Waslungton and Jackson have
said touching scedonalism :
in contemplating the causes which may
disturb our Union,” said Washington, *1t
occurs as a matter of s:rious congern that
any ground shenld have been fu nished for
characteriza pariics by ogrphical dis-
criminations —Northern and Southern, At-
lantic and Western —whence designing men
may end avor to excite a belief that there is
areal difference of local interests and views.”?
We make no appication of this language »
but tun ww Gen. Jackson, who declares
* Every Stato must be the sole judge of
the wessure proper to secure the safety of
its citz ns and promote their happiness
and all efforts on the part of the people of
other States to cast odium upon their insti-
tutions, and all measures calculated to dis
turb their rights of property, or to put in
Jeopardy their peace and internal tranquility
are in direct opposition to the spirit in
which the Union was formed, and must en
danger its safety.”
This is what Gen. Jackson said. P.rhaps
the gentlemen who pound paving stones,
and others, would like to hear what Web-
ster said of disunion and its consequences :
“ Gentlemen,” said he, ‘if these columns
fall, they will be raised not aga. Like the
Coliseum and the Parthenon, they will be
destined to a mournful, a melancholy ime
mortality. Bitterer tears however, will fom
over them, than we ever shed over the mon.
uments of Roman or Grecian art ; for the:
will be the remnants of a more glorious edi-
fice than Greece or Rome ever saw—the ed-
ifice of Constitutional American liberty.” —
Perhaps all classes,-~including Massachu -
setts members of Congress, who refuse to
compromise our national troubles- will bo
pleased to hear Choate once more. Turn to
his great oration in 1858. (n that wonder-
ful far-sceing speech, he says: ¢ There ia
another condition of our nationality of which
1 must say something, and that is that 1t
rests on compromise. America, the Con.
stitution, practicable policy, all of it are a
compromise. Our public is possible—it can
draw its breath for a day—only by compro-
mise ” We command these sentences from
these great and illustrious Americans to the
people of the United States.—Boston Cou-
What Has Been Proven.
The events of the past year have proven
with other facts, the following: «
That the election of the Republican ean-
didates, in November, 1860, was the direst
calamity which could have befallen the na-.
That the Democracy were right in their
predictions that the triamph of sectionalism
would create civil war.
That the Republican party is the natural
enemy of a free press and a free speech.
That the Republican Congress 1s incaps +
Ula of legislating for the interests of tha
people. Mog. i
That a Republican cabinet “is... the most
corrupt of any which has ever assembled ir
Washington ;
That the Constitution may be suspended
by a Republican President, with the appro-
val of his party constitutents :
That the greater the thief, the greater hig
reward at the handsof a Republican Presi-
That the army could not have been sue
cessfully led except by Democratic Gener
That the Republicans desire the subju.
gation of the Slave holding States, and not
the restoration of the Union.
That the party in power would substi.
tute negro labor for white labor, wherever
the opportunity is favorable for so doing.
That the public Treasury is not safe ia
the hands of the present administration.
That New England manufactures rule th -
party mn power. ‘
That so long as the Republican party c 3
tinues in power, the people must be “ent
mously taxed, and the laboring populati
must bear the bulk of the burden