Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, July 10, 1862, Image 4

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    ETT RD
i. feoble, and
Ars yeu out of
Hugs um
hese Symp!
the predude to
Somo fit of
ranged, aad your
: Pai
Luke Ayer's 1 and
cleanga cut the sordored hu-
mors — purify the Lloed, nud
Jet the iluids nove on unvb-
structed in health again.
Tey stimulate the functions
of the body into vigorous
S thvity, purify the system froj
the obstructions which make
disease. A cold settles somiewhore in the budy, and ob-
stracts its natural fuuctions. These, if not relieved,
react upon themselves and the surrounding organs, pro-
tneing genernl aggravation, sullering, and disease,
‘While in this condition, oppressed by the dernugements;
take Ayer’s Pills, and see how directly they restore the
maturil fiction of the system, and with it the buoyant
foellii of health again: ~ What is true and so apparent in
this trivial and common complaint, is also rue in many
of Ni deopseated and dangerous distempers. The sang
rgative effact expels then. Caused by similar obstrug
in and derangements of the natural functions of the
body, they are rapidly, and many of them surely, cured
b ri same meant: None who kuew the virtues of theso
His, will neglect to emiploy thie when suffering fro
he disorders they cure. -
Statements from leading physicians in some of the
principal cltics, and from other well known public per-
rom a Forwarding Merchant of St. Lowis, Fb. 4, 1858,
i Dr. Aver: Your Ujlls gre the paragon of all that is
reat in medicine, oy have cured my little daughter
£ uloerota sores upon hor hands aud fect tat had proved
ocurible for years. Her mother has been long griev-
usly affliotcd with blotches und pimples on her skin and
1 her hair. eS By
sur Pille, and they have cured her.
As 2 Family Physic.
From Dr. Eo W. Cartiright, New Orleans.
« wlities surpuss any cathartic we possess. They arg
wild, but very certain and effectual in their action on tha
&owals, which mukes thom invaluable to us in the daily
#oealmaent of disense.
«leadache,SickHeadache,Foul Stomach.
From Dr. Edward Boyd, Baltimore,
1 XigaR ino. Aven: Icannot answer you what complaints
i have cured with your Pills better thun to say all thal we
ere treat with a purgative medicine.
deuce on an effectual cathartic in my daily contest with
disonse, and believing av I do that your Pills afford us the
bast we huve, I of conrse value them highly.
Pirrspwra, Pa., May 1, 1855.
Dr. J. CO. Aver. Sir: T have been repeatedly cnred of
worst hewdacin any body ean have by a dose or two
ef your Plils. It seems to rise from a fa! stomach,
vilsich they cleanse ut ones,
Yours with great respect, ED. W. PREBLT,
Clevk of Steamer Clarina, b2esire to please the public, will give him an ad- |
Zilious Disorder — Liver Comploingi,
From Dy. Theodore Bll, of New Fork Cty.
Not only are your Rillsaelinir ndupted to their pur-
= wa uk un aparient, but 1 find 1] beneficidd sects upon
Hu Liver very murked indoed. They have Fi my prac
fie proved nore effectual for the cure of bilious emi
plaints than any one remedy 1 can mention, 1 sincerely
o dq vive that we have at length a puigetive which is voi
thy she confideae of thepréfssion and the Louple,
branes or vis Tarenron, }
fhe] have o - ay goers und hospital
vncties wyer since you made them, and cannot hesitate to
uy they are the best cathurtic we emplog, Their =
Voting ction en the liver 12 Lo ang gocided, conce-
qronllg thoy are ah aliufalle remedy for derangements
«f that organ. Indeed, I have soldom found a cnso of
« bivus diseane so obstikate that it did not readily yield to
Jheas. Fraternally yours, ALONZO BALL, AL D.,
Lhysician af the Marine Hospital,
Dysentery, Diarrhoea, Relax, Worms,
From Dr. J. G. Green, of Chi
Your Pits have had a long trial in wy
Told diem in ester as one of the |
vor found, Their alterative effect
then vo excellent remedy, when giv
wtlans dysentery and dior! oa,
annkes them v
oF wenen and childeen,
Bynpepsin, Impuiity of the Blood.
Loom Neva Jo VL Himes, Pastor of Adve Chae’, Poston,
Be. Ayre: 1 have need your Piils with extraordin,
“acess in my fumily and among those | am eellod to visit
v distress. To vegulnte tho vrgans digestion und
fy the blood, they aro the very best pedy I have
r known, and I can confidently recommend them to
X7 hiunds, Yours, J. V HIMES.
Warsaw, Wyoming Co, N. Y., Oct, 24, 1855,
“yean Sis Iam using your Cathartic Pills in my prac-
2. wid find them nn excollent purgative to cleanse the
dem and powcify the fountains of ie bload,
santipation,Costiveness, Suppression,
Hhommnatisn, Gout, Neuralgia, Drop=
yy Paralysis, Fits, ete.
Fram Dr. J. 1% Vaughn, Jonteecl, Canada.
Too much cannot be said of your Pills for the cure of
€ diverse, Iothers of our fraternity have found them
ious us 1 have, they shold join me iv proclaim-
i for the bounofit of the multitudes who suffer from
© at complaint, which, although bad enough in itselt, is
Poo proyeuitor of others that are worse. | believe eos
nate in the liver, but your Pills afivet that
« ‘gan wud ours the disease,
Voom Meo E. Stuart, Physician and Midwife, Boston,
I tind on two largo doses of yon Pills. taken at the
voper time, are excellent promotives of the nabaoal secye-
em when wholly or partially “suppressed, and
« Wectunl to cleanse the stowach and eopel worms,
+ re so much the bast physic wo have that 1
1 0 other to wry paticnte,
- Yum the Rev. Dr. Waeles, of the 3h todist Fpis. Church.
Perasgi Hovke, Savannah. Gu. Jan, 6, 18,
Hivoryn Sin: 1 shonld be ungated for the relief
> mr skill has browehit ive if 1 did not veport my case to
some A cold settled in omy limbs and brought on exeru-
ciastng nawralgic parus, which ended in ehvauie shevma-
Lam. Notwithstanding Thad the hast of jf
« wenn grew worse and worse. amidil hy the « eof your
+ wellent agent in Baltimore, Dr. Mackenzie, 1 4 your
Me. Their effects wore slow, uit sx By pevsevering
2: the use of them, Tas now catively weld. ©
S[sxATE Cusyper, Baton Donze, Ta
rr. AYER: T have heen entirely or
" heumiiatic €oul =a painful disen
Dr yenrs VINCE
5 Dee. 1855.
1s, of
A= Most of the PIs in market contaln Mereary, |
iful hands, is
fnl conse-
+ hich, although a valuable remedy in &
« sugerour in a public pill, from jie
+ uences that frequently folly
tain no mereury or mineran a
Price, 23 cents per Box, or 5 Boxes for $1.
'repared by Dr. J. 7. AYER & £0., Lowoll, Mass,
For sale by J. Harrie Bellefonte, and one dealer
n every village throughont the country.
The subscriber haying leased the above
named Hotel in the borough ¢f Lock Haven, Clin-
ton county, Pa., tukes this wethod of informing the
public generally that he has nade every necessary
preparation to entertain glean gese end fravele
the best possible manner.
His table will always so tain ths choicest lux
uries that the country wi’ afford, and he ig deter-
mined not to be surpassed in this department by
RApOter Hotel along she West Branch.
is Bar will contain the choicest liquors that gan
be purchased in the cfty saarket.
areful and attentive Ostlers vill constantly be
on hand to take charge of horses ang see thot thoy
are properly attended to.
Trusting that he may receive a portion of the |
p-ironage of the traveling public, he hopes by
rlose attention to be able to rende r general satis
faction. ALFRED MANN,
June 8, '61.~tf ProprieTOR
Roe informs the citizens of Belle
5 {onto that Le still continue to carry on tha
Tailoring and Clothing business at his old stand
in Brokerhofi’s Kow, on Main street, where he is
repared to make to order, all kinds of Clothing
n the neatest and most fashionable style.
He keeps on hand a general variety o
(of the latest and most approved patterns.
Ready made Clothing of ail kinds which he is
selling at reduced prices. He feels thankful for
the very liberal support heretofore extended, and
hopes to merit a continuance of the sama,
ellefonte, Jan. 6th, 1860,-1y.
Letters testamentary on the Es-
tate of Johu M. Lucas, late of Curtin township,
deceased, dated Feb. 19th, 1862, having been
fried to N. J. Mitchell and D. W. all, of
[oward township, all persons indebted to said
Estate are requested to make immediate payment
and those having claims against it are required to
present them, duly authenticated, for settlement.
Feb. 27—6t. D. W. HALL Adm’'s.
Letters Testamentary on the Hs-
tate of Hyacinth B. Tresiyulny, dee'd, late of
Bellefonte, Pa., have been granted to the Bub
eoriber, residing in Lock Haven, Pa., to whom all
claims against eid Estate must be presented for
settlement; and all persons knowing themselves
indebted thereto, are quested to make ii di
April 10, 1862.— 6t- Ezecutriz.
Ayer’s Cathartic Pills.
After our child was cured, she also tried |
Your Pida are the prince of purges. Their excellont |
I place great depen- |
4 | the several towns
ns, the |
| Che Bemocratic Watchman,
| ALEXANDER & FUREY, Publishers.
Per annum, (invariably in sdvanoe) $1 50
No paper discontinued until all baek subserip-
tions are paid, and a failure to notify » liscontin-
| nance at the end of the timo subseri’- for will
| be considered a new engagement
i 1 insertion, 2do. 3 do.
.| Four lines or Jess, $ 25 § 3148 50
| One square—I12 lines 50 75 100
Two rer a lines 100 15 200
| Three sjunres—36 lives I 50 200 3 50
3 mos. 6 mos. 12 mos.
Six linea or less, $150 $30085¢00
| One equare 2 50 400 700
| Two squares, 4 00 600 10 00
| Three squares, 5 00 800 12 00
Four squares, 00 10 00 14 00
| Half a column, 10 00 14 00 20 00
{ One column; 16 00 22 00 40 00
Over three weeks and less than three months,
| 25 cents for each insertion.
| Advertisements not marked with tho number of
| insertions desired, wiil be continued till forbid-
| den and charged according to these terms.
| Fire, political and miscollaneous notiees charg-
| ed according tothe above rates.
| Business notices, five cents per line for every
insertion 3 Ey
| No repofts, resolutiond cr proceedings of
| corporation, society or asscciation, and it
| munication designed to call attention to any a1
| ter of limi ed or individual intercst, can be insert.
| ed unless paid for as an advertisement.
| Obituary notices exceeding six lines, fifty cents
a square.
Communications recommending persons for of-
| fice, inserted ut ten cents a line; and the pay
must, accompany th cc 1
aving purchased the stock of Clocks,
Watches and Jewelry lately owned by Bible
& Moran, and having made large additions to tre
some, respectfully invites the attention of the pub-
lic to his stock, consisting now in part of Gold and
Bilyer Watches, Gold Guard and Fob Chains,
| Gold & silver Spectacles, Bracelets, Gents’ Gold
| studs, Watch Keys, Card Cas Iver Pencils,
| Finger Rings, Kar Rings, Breast Pins. Gold Pen-
| cils and Pens, Gogales. Steel Bags, Silver Plated
Ware, Xe. Also, Eight-day aud thirty-hour
Clocks, at the very lowes: prices. John Moran
| offers these gouds to the public,convinced that they
| will meet with satisfaction. -He is determined
| 80 digpose of neither an inferior article. oroffer for
| sale anything in his line but what he can war-
rant. Considessble experience in business, and a
+ vagdage, which he intends to use to the utmost,
| Hep nlarly invites the aitention of the la-
| dies to hig wicch of Pins,
| which are of ihe latest styles. And he also in-
| vites the gentlemen to examine a very fino lot of
Watches now offered for sale,
| $3 Repairing and oleanirg proiliptly attend
Bellefonte, J
| Mt
/ Se : an
i AA en)? /7) fo .
| iri ApH
. (Zr : Yr
1360. tf.
. a
BP YS the entire cost for Tuition in the
most popular and successful Commercial
School in the country. Upward of Twelve Hun-
! dred young men from twenty-eight different States
- | have heen educated for business here within the
pnit three yoars, some of whom have been employ-
ed 28 Book Keepers at salaries of
| $2000,00 Per Annum!
| Lizmediately upon graduating, who knew nothing
| vf aecounts when they entered the College.
| §3% Ministers sons half price. Students enter
| at any time, and review when they please, with-
| out extra charge.
| For catalogue of 86 pages, Epecimens of Prof.
{ Cowley's Business and Ornamental Peumanchip,
| and “a large Engraving of the College, enclose
| tventy-five cents in Postage stamps to the Prinei-
1 pals,
JENKINS & SMITH, Pittsburg, Pa.
March, 21, 1861.
Whereas, the County is deeply in
debt, and interest annually aceruing thereon, and
| es. is at least $20,000. which, if collected and paid
| into the Treasury, would enable us to pay off a
| large portion of our debt and stop interest there-
{ on, therefore
Resolved : That the
County Treasurer and
| Commissioners’ Attorney be are hereby instruct. |
| ed to collect all outstanding taxes previousto the
year A. D., 1861, : ving the Collectors of
sonable notice : and
that 30 days from this date shall be deemed suffi-
| cient time for such notice. ‘And the aforesaid
| Treasurer and Commissioners’ Attorney shall, in
| like manner, proceed to collect all outstanding
| taxes for the year A. D., 1861. immediately after
| the Angust Court of A. D., 18€2.
Co. Comm'rs.
| Attest,
S. M. Irwiy, Clerk.
Commisgioners Office, | 4t.
{ Bellefonte, March 20. §
|7 TTR
> | Having just returned from Philadelphia |
He with a new and splendid assortment o
of the Iatest styles and fashion, we feel prepard to
| please all, both young and id. grave and gay, who
| may see proper to give usa call. Qur stock con-
sists in part of
and all other articles generally keptin a Millinery
| Btore. :
| most experienced Milliners in the city. Store on
| Bishop stroet, next door to the old stand.
| Bellefonte. May 3,61.
ad vicinity, are respectfully informed
ov wRrL ese
irl of Writing,
vd wil continue for two months.
URE will be given on the sub-
ration-room of the County Court
evening, the 29th inst., com-
, where particulars will be
in this pi
meucing at 3 o'
1 given and ela
Professor of Phonography.
N.B te instructions given if requir da
Bellefunte, March 27th, 1852 D. PB
COFFEE. — T'his Peeparation,
| from the bes a Coffee, is strongly recommen.
| ded by physicians as a supericr NUTRITIO
BEVERAGY for Gen Bebility, Dyspepsia,
and all Bilious disorders.
Thousands who have been reluctant’y compelled
to abandon the use of Coffee, will find they gean
use tnis combination without any of the injurious
effects they formerly expericuged
of ordinary Coffee
| NUT Streets, and by JON.
| 108 and 110, 8 WHARVES.
Price 25 cents.
March 6th 1862—1y.
All persons are hereby cautioned
against purchasing or meddling with the following.
property, to wit: One three-year old Colt, one
Cow, and one two-horse Wagon. now in the pos-
session of Frederick Dale, as the same belong to
me and have only been left with him on loan.
Rush township, March 20, 1862—3¢.
is now prepared to wait upon all who may dosire
his professional services.
Rooms athis residence on Spring street.
Town of DeLains, Shepards and Mo
hair Plaids, all of which will be sold at the very
lowes! rates, can be seen at the Store of
Rings ad Bracelets, |
| whereas, the present amount of outstanding tax- |
f° We have To the services of one of the |
vill be opened for’ the study of the |
made |
ots op i.
[5% One ¢aun contains the strength of two pounds |
| Forsale by all Druggists and Grocers, and by |
| the Manufacturer, corner of BROAD and CHEST- |
Te precisely what its name indicates, r,
« While pleasant to the taste, it is revivifying, -
exhilarating, ard strengthening to the vi-
tal powers. It also revivifies, reinstates
and renews the bloed in all its original pu-
rity, and thus restores and rerders the sys.
5 tein invulnerable to attacks of disease. It
is the only preparation ever cffered to the
world in a popular form #3 &5 to be within 0
the reach of all. Be chemically and skill-
I] fully combined as to be the most powerful
tonic, aud yet, 20 perfectly adapated to as
to act ix perfect accordance with the laws
of nature, and hence soothe the weakest
stomach, and tone up the digestive organs,
apd allay all nervous and other irritation.
‘g1£38 also perfertly exhilarating in its effects,
Hi and jot it is never followed by lassitude or
depression of spirits. It is composed en.
tirely of vegetables and those thoroughly
combining powerful tonic and soothing
roperties, ana consequently ean
x Such & remedy haslong been felt
to be a disderatum in the medical world
~ both by the thoroughly skilled in medical
science, and also by all who have suffered
from debility; for it needs no medical
skill or knowledge even to see that debili-
ty follows all attacks of disease, and lays
the unguarded system open to the attacks H
of many of the most dangerous to which
oor humanity is constantly reliable. Such
or example, 48 the fullowing : Consump-
0 tion, Bronchitis, Indigestion, Dyspepsia,
Loss of Appetite, Faintness, Nervous Ir-
ritability, Neuralgia. Palpitation of the
Heart, Meancholy, Hypocondria, Night
Swoats, Languor. Giddiness, and all that
class of cases, so fearfully fatal if unattend-
ed to in time, called Female weal ness and
Irregularities. Also, Liver Derangement
if or Torpidity, and Liver Complaints, Dis- i
eases of the Kidneys, Scalding or Incon-
tinuence of the Urine or any general de-
rangement of the Urinary Organs, Pain in
the Back, Side. and between the Should-
ers, predisposition to Slight Colds, Hacking
and Continued Cough, Emaciation, Diff.
nn Culty of Breathing, and indeed we ntight
enumerate manly more still. but we have
space only to say, it will not only cure the 0
debility following Chills and Fever, but
Jaren all attacks arising from Miasmatie
nfluences, and cure the diseases at once,
if already attacked. And as it acts di.
rectly and persistently upon the biliary
systew, arousing the Liver to action, pro-
0 moting, in fact, all the excretions and ses
prevent any deliterious consequences fol-
lowing upon change of climate and water ;
hence all travelers should have a bottle
with them, and all should take a table
spoonful at least bolore eating. As it pre-
vents costiveness, strengthens the digest.
cretions of the system, 1t will om i
ive organs, it should be iu the hands of al
persons of sedentary habits, students, win- i
isters, Kterary men. And all ladies not
accustomed 10 muck out door exercise,
should always useit. If they will they
will ind an agreeable, pleasant. and effi
3 lant raw ly against those ills which rob
*™ them of their beauty ; for beauty cannot
exist without health, and health cannot ox-
ist while tho above irregularities continue. put
0 Then again, tho Cordial is a perfect Moth»
er's Relief. Taken a month or two before
the final trial she will pass the dreadful
0 period with perfect ease and safety. 1%ere
is no mistake about it, this Qordial is
all we clavin for it. Mothers. try it!
And to you we appeal to detect the illness *
or decline not only of your daugters befyre
it be too late, hut alo your sons and hua-
bands, for while the former, from false del-
ieacy, often goes down to a premature
grave rather than let their condition be
known in time, the later are often so mix-
ed up with the excitement of business that
if it we:e not for you they would travel §1
the same dcwnward path, until too late oy
arrest their fatal fall. But the mother uy
| always vigilant, and to you we confident-
ly appeal ; for we are sure your never
| 0 failing affection will unerringly point you
to Prof. Wood’s Restorative Ccrdial and
Blood Renovator as the remedy which
should always he on hand in time of neel,
0. J. WOOD, Proprietor. 444 Broadway,
New York, und 114, Market street, St.
Louis, Mo., and sold by all good Drug-
gists Price One Dollar per Bottle.
f John Harris & Co., Ag't, Bellefonte, Pa.
July, 18, '61-1y.
Messrs, Hoffer Brothers,
HE Subscribers have just received a new
and full supply of Spring and Summer
| Goods, whieh, for variety, have never been equal-
eda by any establishment in this section of coun
try. Iaving purchased the stock of goods on
hand of Mr. George Jackson, they will coutinue
the business at the old stand,
No. 2, Reynolds's Arcade.
Their stock co
Dry Goods, Gr
TY © FH TF 5
of a general aszortmet on
es. Hardware, Queensware
and Glassware,
including a host ot other articles in their line,
among whieh can be found un extensive and varied
selection of
such as
Ducals, Persian Cloths, Debeiges, Coburgs,
Cashmeres, Delaines, Alpacas, k
French Merinocs, Plaids.
Their gentlemen’s wear consists of a large as
| sortment of Casimeres, Cloths, Satinets, Satin,
| Vesting, Tweeds. Hats and Caps And an exten.
sive assortment of Boots and Shoes for Ladies and
| Gentlemen and Children, with almost every other
article that may be necessary to supply the wants
| of thecommunity.
{ The pressure of the morey market having had
the effet of reducing the price of many articles
of merchandise. the undersigned: have been ena-
| bled to buy their stock at such rates that they can
| sell goods at prices to suit the times And as they
| intend to do their best to please their customers,
both in the quality of goods. and prices, they
hope to receive a reasonab’e share of patronaga.
All in want of goods will please call and exami, «
their steek.
L, B.—They will keep constantly on hand, EX
TRA FLOUR, which they will sell at the lowest
cash price
£27 Country produce ot ull kinds taken in ex
change for goods.
Dried Lumber and Shingles constantly on
hand and for syle.
Bellefonte, March 28, i861. —1y.
! Our citizens have for many years been
!in the habit of going to distant eities for their
| Bugies and Carriages, thus depreciating discoun-
| tenancing our home manufuctories, and giving
to foreign establishments the patronage that should
| properly be extended to our own. Tho ™neatness
| the foreign gave it the preference, over the
i home manufactured vehicle, and little attention
{ was paid to their durability. I have just opened
| a manufactury on Penn street near Bishop, hav
| ing iad an extensive and varied expereance at
| Coach makiugin all its departments, feel conii-
| dent that I can turn out work combining with a
finish equal to that of any city establishment a
degree of durability never found in city work I
respectfully invite inspectionot my work by per-
| sons desirous to purchase.
| Repairing of all kinds done on the shortest no
May, 1801, S. A. M'QUISTION.
HE a
) Has fltted up the shop
on the northwest corner
02 _ of Allegheny and Bishop
streets, and is now prepared to manufacture Sad-
dles, Bridles, HArness, Trunks, Valises, Whips,
&c., &c., in a style superior to any manufacturer
in Central Pennsylvania. His work is made of the
best materials that can be procured, and for neat-
ness and durability is second to none, with the de-
| termination to put his work up according to order,
and sell lower than any manufacturers in Centre
county He politely asks a share of the public pa
August 8, 61-1y.
All p are hereby cautioned against pur-
ohnsing a Note given to James Clark of Centre
Hall for $18,00 by James Kennelly and the sub-
sciber as I have given valuo tosaid Clark for the
Note and am determined not to pay it a second
April24 62 tf Gr
Acres pa.
130 00
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136 00
310 00
190 08
162 00
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434 00
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368 92
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433 163
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2074 00
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398 50
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372 31
382 128
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That unless said
Warrantee, Twp.
Jno. Mercer, Gregg,
Robt. Askey, fe
Job Packer, te
Jas. Packer, Jr. “
David Johnston, “
Lud Kanacher, Union.
Hen. Vandyke, Snowshoe,
Rich Jones, , _ «
Mary Kanacher, Union,
James Mgore, Potter,
Geo. Markiey, Taylor,
John Milder, Rush,
has. Lucas, es,
ohn Lamb, Taylor
Thos. Grant, Rush,
Jno. Sherick, Taylor,
Hen. McEwen, a
Polly McEwen, £€
Josh. Williams, gt
Polly Williams, 3)
Hugh Hamilton, “
Sa: ah Bonbam, Howard,
Wm Miles Miles,
Walter Stewart, Burnside,
Paul Cox,
John Vaughn,
W. Montgomery, Penn.
D. Montgomery,
Robert 1 yon,
Ezikiel Lyon, Los
Benj. Lyon, 4
Jno, McCalley,
Wm. McCalley, $e
Jno. Kennady, “
Jas Dennady, u“
Jas. Hepburn, it
John Cowden, "
as. Armstrong, i
Thos. Greaves, Boggs,
Thos. Groaves, Snowshoe,
Rich Miles, Boggs,
Jona. Hervey, “
John Burgh, Ha fmoon,
And. Somners, Boggs,
Thos, P Hale, Curtin,
Garret Cottinger, ¢¢
T. P. Wharton, £6
Josiah Haines, 3
Packer & Lucas, Boggs,
Jno. Cochran, s
David Carscadon, Snowshoe,
“ . 1
“ “
* Boggs,
i Curtin,
“ “
Jno. Donnelley,
Bamuel Beott, do
Juno. T. Hoover, do
Jos, Morris, do
Alex. (reves, do
George Eddy, do
Moore Wharton, Showshoe,
Wm. Parker, 0
Rebecca Waln, do
Benj. H. Tallman, do
Eliz. Wharton, do
A 8. Valentine, do
T. M. Milikin, do
N. J. Mitchell, do
John Hall, Burniide
James Hall, do
Charles Hall, do
David Lewis, do
John Shym, do
Richard Waln, do
Joseph Waln, do
Jesse Waln, do
John Barrou, do
Eli Camby, do
John Rugg, . do
"Molly Wharton, do
Robert Waters, Snowshoe,
Benj. R. Morgan, do
Valentine Myers, Curtin,
Caleb Lawns, do
Isaac Longstreth, do
Jas. T. Hales, Snowshoe,
Jas. MeMannus, do
Samuel Linn, do
Fishburo Wharton, Curtin,
Peter Hahn, do
Susan Huhn, do
Jos. Thomas, do
Jacob Waln, do
Nathaniel Levy, do
Thos. Humpkins do
Robert Gray, do
Wm. Gray, do
Wm. Yardley, do
Joseph Kelso, do
Lindley Coates, do
Wm. Gilbert, do
4 of Culeh Lawns, do
# Isaac Longstreth, do
James White, do
Heury Toland, Miles
#amuel Norton, do
Dan'l Williams, do
Wm. Brady, do
Rich. Parker, do
Jer. Parker. do
Bira Wilson, Suowshoe,
Rebecca Kelso, Curtin,
Robt Irwin, = go
Ste’n Stephenson, Liberty,
Jno. Dunwoody, do
Ebn'zr. Benham, do
Philip Myers, Curtin,
Simeon Myers, do
Valentine Myers, do
Michael Myers, do
Escher Eddy, do
Casper Wister, do
Alex. McDonald, Gregg,
Wm. Cook, Penn,
Thos. Hamil on, do,
Jas. Armstrong, do
John Cowden, do
Jas. Hepburn, do
Jus. Kennady, do
John Kennady, do
2 Konnady, do
Christ. Dering, Greg
Charles ILutl, ~ dooS
Wu. Hepburn, do
John Cowden, . do
And. Carson, do
Bernard Hubly, do
Michael Gratz, Haines,
Simon Gratz, do
John Simpsen, do
Henry Antis, do
LAND. —Agreeably to several acts of
assembly, directing the mode of selling unseated
lands, for taxes due, &., The Treasurer of Centre
County gives notice thaton the following deserib-
ed tracts of unseated land two years or more of
taxes are due and nnpaid.
taxes with legal cost, are paid before the 2nd
Monday of June. he will on that day at the Court
House in Bellefonte sell the same.
Hepburn & Harris, do
John Mackey, do"
Benj. Young «+ do -
Peter Cramer, do
Wm. Mackey. do
Peter Swineford, do
of John Kidd, do
John Price, Huston,
Jno. Wheeland, do
Jno. Rollington, do
James Baxter, do
Simeon Gratz, Miles,
Simeon Gratz, do
Simeon Gratz, do
Simeon Grats, do
Simeon Gratz, do
David Beverage, Rush,
Martha M’Connel, do
Jas. Glentworth, do
tteo. Latimer, do 5,
Ed. Moyston, do
And. Armstrong, do
Sharp Delany, do
Wm. McPherson, do
Nha 3 Yiativers do
Robert Gray, Gregg, -
John md a
Cornelius Bishop, Gregg,
John Porter, 8 2,
Wm Taggart gx
Jacob Markley, a
David Taggart, i
Wm. Logue, Af
Daniel Reese “
Isanc Richardson, +
Michael Zeigler, st
Jno. Frick, jr., Potter,
Bernard Hubly, LA 2,
Christph’r Derzing « 3,
Benj. Patterson, 4 2,
Henry Vanderslice,
Alex. Hunter,
Samuel Scott,
ram Scott,
Christian Devling, Harris
Geo. Swineford,
Adam Bolinder,
Albright Swineford,
James Row
Mary Jenks
Thomas Barr,
J. C. Fisher,
Kearny Wharton,
C. B. Welch,
Wm. C. Welch
A. D. Harris,
A. D. Harris,
A.D. Harris,
Jos. Harris,
Wm. A. Thomas,
Peter Leitzel,
John Jackson,
Christan Smith,
Robert Irvin,
John Potter,
483 120 Alex Hunter, 7.01
433 120 John Buyers, 7,01
433 120 8am’l Young, “ 7,01
433 120 Benj. Young, “ 7,01
433 120 Thos. Hamilton, oe 7,01
415 00 Jacob Weidner, is 7.01
130 00 J.J. Lingle, “ 2,04
50 00 James McGhee, Liberty 3.40
17 00 John Quay, u* 1.13
200 09 Robt. Young, Marion, 4 80
80 00 J. M, McKinney, , 9.60
192 00 Jeremiah Warder, Milet 232
430 . 00 Robt. Brady, - " 5,19
410 00 Hannah Brady, do 4,94
429 00 Robt. Gray, do ~ 5.18
402 00 Thos. Grant, do 5,18
125 00 Moore Wharton, do 34
92 00 Jeremiah Parker, Walker, 3,58
1 00 Richard Parker, ot 3,58
100 00 Wm. Cook, Penn, + 13
433 153 Martha Slough, Rush, 8,91
433 158 Alex. Scott, . do 6,91
433 153 John Lowden, do 6 01
193 153 Michael Ross, do 3,07
433 153 Richard Malone, do 6,91
433 153 Isaac Britches, do 6.91
433 153 Ch’n. Ehler, do 6,91
433 153 Jacob Deller, do 6.91
433 153 Mathias Slough, Rush, 6.91
433 153 Sara’l Rankin, do 6.91
433 153 Henry Stout, do 6,01
433 153 Martin Ehier, do 12.49
433 153 Josiah McIlvain do, 13,70
433 163 Ferguson Mellvain, do 13,86
258 146 Philip Eberman, . do 17,66
350 153 Thomas Grant, do 10,89
186 59 Jaoob Stout, do 5,13
oor, 71 John Eberman, do 23,35
383 153 John Hubler, do 23,95
433 153 Daniel Witmer, do 13,86
433 153 Peter Brutzman, do 6,91
433 153 Thos. Edward, do 6,91
433 153 Robt. irwin, do 6,91
433 153 Thos. Hamilton, do 6,91
433 153 Thos. Grant, do 8 91
433 153 Thos Reese, do 13,86
433 153 John Graff, do 27.69 |
433 153 John Gudager, do 27.69
433 158 Geo. Slough, do 13,88 |
433 153 Jno. Hamright. do 27.69 |
433 153 John McClam, 69
355 153 Thos. Allison,
381 153 Davis 01d,
233 153 Fred. Dorsh,
433 1583 Mich’ Gudager,
433 153 Paul Zantzinger,
95 102 Rich. Atherton,
302 76 Hargman Philips,
13 12 Robt. King,
John Moyer,
313 106 Jno. Witmer Jr
313 106 Jno. Lowden
433 153 Christ. Hair,
241 10 Jacob Steke,
426 164 Christ. Hair Jr.
167 7 Geo. Sloygh,
433 152 Andrew Schenck,
133 1563 David Hair,
219 12 Alex Scot,
433 153 Mich. Schenck,
433 153 Christian Schenck,
John Hand,
433 153 Clary Campbell,
John Allison,
Wm. Aliison,
James Allison,
433 153 $of Jno. Louden,
153 Thos. Grant,
J Benj. Rush,
Christian Rohrer.
Seb astian Graff,
Jacob Myers,
Paul Bush,
Paul Black,
Paul Such,
John Boreland.
433 163 John Kelley,
433 163 John Bush,
433 163 John Suck,
100 00 Jonn Black,
312 00 Joseph Wells,
216 80 Huzh Hamilton,
433 153 Jacob Slungh,
433 163 John Miller,
303 163 Kandolph Kelker,
433 153 Samuel Showers,
50 00 Robert King,
433 153 Sharp Delaney, 3» a
433 153 Vm. McPherson, do, 7.99
433 153 Ed. Moyston, do, 16,01
433 153 William Lewis, do, 16 01
433 153 Francis West, do 30.19
133 103 Jasper Maylan, do 16,01
433 153 Benjamin West, do 33,60
433 153 William Benham, do 16.01
433 153 James Hawthorn, do 16.01
153 Blair McLanakan, do 16.01
153 Ed Seott, do 16.01
Paul Cox,
Wm. Lowis Lawyer, do
Thomas Cathbert, do 7,99
Robert Morris, do 16,01
Felix Brunt, do 7,49
Thomas LL. Shippen, do 16 01
Thomas Hawthorn, do 7.99
George Mead, do 7.99
George Campbell, do 7.99
Krancis West, do 16.00
W. H. West, do 16 00
John Weat, do 16.00
DH. Cunningham; do 16.00
3 John M. Nesbit, ao 13,61
: James Gilliland do 9,91
31 Kearney Wharton, do* 15.60
435 00 James Johnston, Spring, 10.88
408 00 Thomas Arthurs, do 10,00
400 00 Wm. Wilson, do 10.00
421 00 Eleanor Johnson, do 10.50
426 110 James Smith, do 10,72
433 153 Thos Johnson do 1083
413 73 Jno. McComing, do, 10.32
100 00 John Wilson, do 10.00
419 10 John Johnston, do 10.47
433 153 James Long, Union, 13.38
433 153 John McKisson, do 13.3%
433 153 Henry Beck, do 1338
333 153 Wm. Carlisle, do 13.38
364 00 Chas. Wilson do 11.28
333 153 Samuel Phillips, do 10.29
433 153 Jane Black, do 13.88
140 00 John Cooper, do 216
333 00 John Dunwoody, do 10.29
95 200 R. Mulholland do 1.24
200 0 John [rvin, do 248
200 00. Jacob Vanpool. Taylor 31,80
200 00 Christ: Vanpool do 10,60
397 O04 Richard Downing do 126.23
100 00 Michael! Weidner, do 5.30
100 00 Michael Weidner, do 530
50 00 Boyce Davis, Union 7.74
50 00 B. Pyle & Co., Walker, 29
400 €0 Jeremiah Parier, do 240
400 00 Richard Parser, do 240
233 00 Wm 8S. Shipper. Worth, 15.34
21 141 John Mifflin, do 86
129 00 Jno. Swanwick, do ' 5.13
300 00 Thos. Hawthorn, do 1215
330 00 Jasper Maylan do 13.19
433 153 Jas. Hawthorn, do 17.30
430 00 J. M. M’Kinney, Marion, 9.60
617 00 Ann Dale, boggs, T.07
433 163 Thomas Hall, (Cartin, 11.33
413 46 Wm. Hood, Boggs, 19,10
433 150 Samuel Scott, Curun, 8,08
104 00 Jac. Sigfried, Niles, 60
500 Jos. Harrison, Rush, 416
103 00 Jno. Harrison, do 8.36
433 153 Thos. Hamilton, do 1429
433 153 Elinor Siddons, do 691
433 153 Robt. Rainey, do 6.91
400 00 John Friend, Huston, 23 40
405 147 Jacob Rush, Rush, 12,94
422 44 John Weidman, do 13.48
402 116 Jac. Weidman, do 2592
433 153 Jacob Dentler, do 13.84
433 153 Daniel Brenner, do 691
433 153 A, Reighart, Jr, do 13,84
270 00 Hugh Mclntrre, do 16.37
433 00 Adam Reighart, do 6.91
415 00 Richard Waln, do 7.63
250 00 Clem’t Beckwith, Taylor, 23,84
Bellefonte, April 3, 1862. Treasurer
spectfully inform his friends and the
public in general, that he has opened a new store
at Fillmore, Centre county, Pa, where he will
keep on hand at all times, a general assortment
of Dry Goods, Groceries, Queensware, Hardware,
Hats, Bonnets, Shoes, Stationery, &c., all of
which he will cll at low ratgs. for cash. Please
ive me a call before purchasing elsewhere, as 1
cel confident that my” goods and prices will give
satisfaction to all. PETER KERLIN, Sr.
Fillmore, Pa.;"April 17, 1862.
chines for one or two horses; also 4 horse
8weap power, and machines with overshot cylen-
der; the least now in use, manufactured and for
sale at the Bellefonte Foundry. All new work
May 15-62. 3t A. HAUPT & Co.,
Ayer’s Cherry Pectoral.
Yoo have just opened, in the Store Room on the
- W. corner of the Diamond, in Bellefonte, for- |
merly occupied by Wilson Brothers, their large
and splendid assortment of Shelf Hardware. House
Trimmings of every description.
of every variety and price.
of the best manufacture.
of every description and the best quality.
of different kinds. !
and large and small PAD LOCKS. i
SAWS, Broad, Hand and Chopping AXES.
Drawing Knives, Hatchets.Chisels & Adzes.
TOOLS of every desirable variety.
general assortment, and 50 per cent
lower than any place else.
TERS’ TOOL> which cannot be surg ed |
WIRE of every size in abundance.
And all other kinds of Goods usually kept
ina well regulated Hardware Store.
Their stock isan entirely new one, comprising
all the leading articles connected with the Hard.
ware trade, and their facilities for pm chasing
goods not being excelled by any other establish.
neng, they here declare themselves able to sell
rom fifty to one hundred per cent. lower than any
ither establishment in the country, and invite
arm ers, Mechanics, and all others in need of
ard ware, to call and satisfy themselves of the
truth of the assertion.
July I8, 1860.
Many, since the great discovery of Prof. Wood.
have attempted not only to imitate his ses i
but profess to have discovered some thing that
would produce results identical ; but they have
all come and gone, being carried away by the
wonderful results of Prof Wood's preparation,
and have been forced to leave the field to its ro.
sistless sway. Read the following :
Barn, Marxe, April 18th, 1953,
J. Woon & C
Pror 0
[Ewrote you in 1836, concerning your v
Hair Restorative, and which you HI .ve publ
in this vicinity and elzewt has given rise to
numerous enquiries tonehing the n the ease,
‘Lhe enquiries are, flist. isit a fact -
tion and name, as stated in the comm
second. is it true of all ther in contained ;
dees my hair still continue to be in good order
of patugaleolor 2 To all T can and do arswer in-
variably yes. My ha is even better thanin :
stage of my life for 40 years past, more soft, th
ty, and bette colored § the same is true of my
whi and the only cause why it is not gener-
is that the substanee is washed off by
frequent abolution of the face. when if caro were
used lay wiping the face in close connection with
the whiskers, the same result will follow as the |
hair. I have been in the receipt of a great n mn.
ber of letters from all parls of New England, ask-
ing me if my hair still continues to be good ; as
there is 30 much fraud in the manufacture and
sale of various compounds as well. as this, it has,
no doubt been basely imitated and been used. not
only without any goed effect, but to absolute in |
jury. I have not used any of your Restorative of
any account for some months, and yet my hair is
a8 good as ever, and hundreds have exam ined it
with surprise, as I am now 61 years o!'d ahd not a
gray hair in my head or on my face ; and to prove
this fact, I send you a lock of my hair taken off
the past week. 1 received your favor of two quart
hottles last summer, for which I am very grate-
ful; I gave it to my friends and thereby induced
them to try it, many were skeptical until after
trial and then purchased and used it with univer
sal uccess. I will ask as a favor, that you send
me a test by which I can discover fraud in the
Restorative, sold by many, I fear, without author-
tty from you. A pure article will insure success,
and I believe where good effects do not follow. the
failure is caused by tke impure article, which eurs-
es the inveutor of the good.
of me of my uushaken opinion of its valuable re-
sults. I remain, dear sir, yours,
Aaross Ron, Ky., Nov. 30, 1858.
Pror. 0. J. Woon :
known to the world, the wonderful, as well as the
unexpected result I have experienced from using
ONE bottle of your Hair Restorative. After ns ng
kind of Restorutives extant. but without
and finding my bead nearly destitute of
Hair Restorative.
which I pronounce richer and handsomer than the
original wes. T will therefore take occasion to re-
commend this invaluable remedy to ALL Who muy
feel the necessity of it.
I remain respectfully yours,
P. §.—This testimonial of my approbation for |
your valuable medicine (as you are aware of) is
unsolicited :
among the rest, insert if you wish ;
aud say nothing. Yours, REV.S.A.B.
The Restorative is put in bottles of three sizes
viz : large, medium and small 3 the small hold
half a pint and retails for one dollar per bottles
the mediums hold at least twenty per cent. more
in proportion than the small, retails for two dollars |
a bottle , the large holds a gnart, forty per cent. |
more in prepares and retails for three dollars a
bottle. 0.J. WOOD,
Broadway, New York and 114 Market Street St.
Louis, Mo. And sold by all gbod Druggists and
Fancy Goods Dealers.
John Harris & Co., Agent, Bellefonte, Pa.
Bellefonte, July 11, '61-1y.
TPs subscribers having taken the Store |
formerly occupied by Messrs Johnston & Kel
ler, beg to say to the people of Boalsburg and vi
cinity that they will continue the
in its various branches, and will spare no pains tc |
keep up a full assortment of everything usually |
kept in any country store, and will gell at prices |
which we trust will solicit a hare at least of your
All kinds of country prodvce taken at full mar- |
ket prices in exchange for goods. Bring along your
Grain, your Bacon, your Butter, your Eggs your
Rags, your Tallow, your Lard, =sur' Hard Soap,
your Bees Wax, your Feathers, and in case you
have nothiig of this kind your cash will never b
refused.. JOUN H1BLER & CO,
Boalsburg, April 20, 1860—tf
at his well known stand on che North-eastern cor- |
ner of the public square, Bellefonte, keeps
stantly on hand a large assortment of
Also, a large variety of
of the beat quality
PORT FOLIOS, &e. &e.
LF Books brought to order at a small advance
on the
city prices.
une28-tf-8. GEO. LIVINGSTON.
Cflice, on the Diamond, one door west of the |
Post Office.
; I deem it my duty, |
as horetofore, 10 keep you apprised of the contin. |
ued effect on my hair, as I assure all who enquire |
! Dear sir.—I would certain- |
ly be doing you a great injustice not to make |
was finally induced to try a bottle of your |
Now, candor and justice com- |
pel me to announce to whoever may read this, that |
1 now possess a new and Leautiful head of hair, |
but if you think it worthy a piace |
t. if not destroy
& €O., Proprietors, 144, |
Sarsap arilla
And for the speedy cure of tho following complaints
_Scrofuls and Scrofnlony Hi¥ections, such
as Tumors, Ulcers, Sores, Firuvptiogs,
Plinples, Pustules, Blotches; Bol,
tains, and all Skin Diseasos.
0ARLAND, Ind., 6th Jutie, 1850,
J. C. Aven & Co, Gents: I feel it my duty to acs
knowledge what your Sarsaparilla has done for me.
Having inkerited a Scrofuloss infection, I bave suffered
from it in various ways for . Sometimes it burst
out in Ulers on my hands and arms; sometimes it
turned joward and distressed me at the stomach. Two
years ago it byvke out on my head and covered my #alp
and ears with one sore, which was painful and loathsome
beyond description. I-tried many medicines and several
physicians, but without much relief from any thing. In
fact, the disorder grew worse, At length I was rejojced
to read in the Gospel Messenger that you bad prepared
aun alterative (Sarsupavilla), for I knew from your reputa<
tion that any thing you made must be goed, Treat go
Cincinnati and got it, and used it tii) iz cared me. I tool
it, as you adrise, in smull doses of a teaspoonful over of
month, and used almost three bottles. New and healthy
skin soon began to form under the scab, which after &
while fell off. My skin is now clear, and I know by my
feelings that the disease has gone from my system. You
can well believe thut I feel what I ai saying when I tel}
you, that I hold you to be one of the apostles of the age,
and remain ever gratefully. Yours,
St. Anthony’s Fire, Rose or Erysi olas,
Tetter and Salt Rheum, Scald Head,
Ringworm, Sore Eyes, Dropsy.
Dr. Robert M. Preble writes from Salem, N.Y, 12th
Sept., 1859, that he has cured an inveterate case
Dropsy, which threatened to terminate fatally, by the
persevering use of our Sarsaparilla, and also a dangerous
Malignant Erysipelas by large doses of the same; says
he cures the common Eruptions by it constantly.
Bronchocele, Goitre or Swelled Nook.
Zebulon Sloan of Prospect, Texas, writes : “ Three bot~
ties of your Sarsaparilla cured me from a Guilre — a hid~
eous swelling on the neck, which I had suifered from:
over two years.”
Leucorrhea or Whites, Ovarian Tumor,
Uterine Ulceration, Female Diseases.
Dr. J. B. 8. Channing, of New York City, writes 3.40
most cheerfully comply with the regnest of your agent io.
saying I have found your Sarsaparilla a most bxcellent
alterative in the numerons complaints for which we
employ such a remedy, but especially in Diseases
of the Scrofulous dinihesis. I have cured many invotor-
ute cases of Leucorrheea by it, and some where the com-
plaint was cansed by ulceration of the uterur. The ulcer-
ation itself was soon cured, Nothing within my knowl
edge equals it for these female derangements.”
Edward 8, Marrow, of Newlnry, Ala., writes, © 4 dan-
gerous ovarian tumor on one of the females in my family,
which had defied all the remedies we conld employ, hae
at length been completely cured by your Extract of &
saparilla. Our physician thought nothing Lut extirja-
tion could affexd relief, hut he advised the trin) of your,
Sarsaparilla as the last resort before cutting, and iy
proved effectual. After taking your remedy eizht weeks
no symptom of the disease remains.”
Syphilis and Mercurial Discase,
NEW Onrrreans, 25th Augnet, 1850,
Dr. J.C. Aven: Sir, I cheerfully comply with the re-
quest of your agent, and report u some of the cflucts
I have realized with year Surs a
I have cured with it, in my practice, most of the com-
plaints for which it is recommended, and have found its
effocts truly wonderful in the care of Fewereol and Mer
eurial Is One of my patients had Syphilitic ulcers
in his throat, which were consuming his palate and the
top of his mouth. Your Sarsaparilla, stead
cured him in five weeks. Another was attack.
ondary symptoms in his nose, and the ule
eaten away a cougiderable part of it, go thet I heliey
disorder would soon reach Lis brain and kill him. But it
yielded to my administration of your Sarsapurilla: the
ulcers healed. and he is well again, not of course without,
some disfignration to his face.” A woman who had heen
treated f ie same disorder by mercury was suffering
from this poison in her bones. They lad become so ene
sitive to the weather that on a damp day she suffered ex-.
cruciating pain in her joints and bones. She, too, was
cured entirely by your Rarsaparille in a few weeks. I
know from its formula, which your agent gave me, that
this Preparation’ from your Juboratory must be a groat,
remedy; consequently, these truly remarkable results
with it have not=arprised me,
Fraternally yous, G. V. LARIMER, M. D.
Rheumatism, Gout, Liver Comulaint,
INDEPENDENCE, Ureston Co., Vin, 6th 3 ly, 1850.
ER: Slr, 1 have een afllicted t «ith a pain-
atism for a long time, whicl bafiled the,
skill of phy ans, and stuck to me in epite of all the
remedies I conld find, until I tried your Sarcapwrilla. One
bottle cured me in two weeks, and yestored my general
health so mush that J bettor than befors 1 was
attacked. © WOLG ru ve anh,
Julies Y. Getchell, of St. L write: “1 have beers
afflicted for years with an agliction of the Liver, which!
destroyed my health. tried every thing, agd every thing
failed to reli me; and I have been a brofen-down man
for sc from no other cause than derangement of:
7; My beloved or, the Rev. Mr. Espy, advised
our Sarsapari eeansge lio said he krew yon,
3 Bg you mado was worth trying. By the bl
{Gad it bas cured ne, and bas so purified my blood,
+ ake nnew man of me. 1 feel young again. The
++ that can be said of you is not half good enongh*
Schirrus,Cancer Tumors, Enlargement
Ulceration, Caries and Exfoliation eo
the Bones.
A great variety of eases have heen reported to us where.
cures of theso formidalie complaints have resulted from
the use of this remedy, but space here will not admis
them. Some of them may be found in our American
Almanac, which the agents below named are pleased te,
| furnish gratis to all who eull for them.
Dyspepsia, Heart Disense, Fits, Epllcp=
sy, Melancholy, Neuralgia
Many remarkable cures of these uficctions have been
made by the alterative power of this medicine. It stimu-
lates the vital functions into vigorous action, and thus
overcomes disorders which would be supposed beyond its
reach. Such a remedy has long Legn required by the ne-
cessities of the people, and we are confident that this will
do for them all that medicine can do.
Ayer’s Cherry Pectoral,
Conghs, Colds, Influenza, Hoarseness,
Croup, Bronchitis, Incipient Con-
sumption, and for the Relief
on Inti Patients
in advanced Stages
of the Disense. .
This is a remedy so Lu known to surpass any
other for the cure of throat and lung complaints, that it
is useless here to publish the evidence of its virtues. Its
unrivalled excellence for coughs and colds, aud its truly
wonderful cures of Pimonacy disease, have made it
known throughout the civilized nations of the earth
Few are the communities, or even families, among them
who have not somo personal experience of its effets —
some living trophy in their midst of its victory over the
subtle and dangerous disorders of the throat and lungs.
As all know the dreadful fatality of these disorders, and,
as they know, too, the effects of this remedy, we need not
do more than to assure them that it has now all the vir
tues that it did have when making the cures which have,
won so strongly upon the confidence of mankind.
Prepared by Dr. J.C. AYER & CO. ; Lowell, Mass,
] Opposite the Court House, Bellefonte, Pa
DANIEL GARMAN, Proprietor.
known Hotel, situated on the Southeast corner of:
the Diamond, opposite the Court HBuse, having
| been purchased by the undersigned, he announc-
es to the former patrons of this establishment and
to the traveling puplic generally, that he intends
refitting it thoroughly, and is prepared to render.
the most satisfactory accomnn dation to all who
may favor him with their patronage. No pains,
will be spared on his part to add to the eonveni-
ence or comfort of his guests. All who stop with,
him will find
abundantly supplied with the most surmptusie fare
the market will afford, done up in style, by the
most experienced cooks ; while HIS BAR will al-
ways contain
The Choicest of Liquors.
His Stabling is best in town, and will always bas
attended by the mest trustworthy and attentive
Give him acall, one and all, and he feels con-
fident that ull will be satisfied with their accom-
ig attached to this establishment, which strangers
| from abroad will find greatly to their advantage.
Bellefonte, Jan. 9, 1862.
ing to his friends and the public ingen
| ral that he has taken charge of this well known
| otel, [ately under the supervision of J. H. Morri-
on, and is fully prepared to accommodate the
| raveling publizina style and manner commensu-
vto with the progressive spirit of the times.
He is in posseséion of all the modern improve
ments and conveniences, as to Sleeping appart-
mets, and has supplied hislarder with the choicest
the markets afford, and his Bar with the purest
Wines. . -
With the most extensive stabling accommodations
| and attentive and skilful ostlers, together with as-
siduous attention to business, he feels Justified ir
goliciting a share of patronage and the -support
hie friends.
Bellefonte, Oct. 8-’57-42-tf
Office in the Court House, with the Treasure?