Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, July 10, 1862, Image 1

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VOL. 7.
heen rete re rsa Cer mer A Ae
Lizzie Madworth’s Trial.
In the Spring of 1841, I was called to| informed you ®
Jackson, Alabama, to attend court, having
been engaged to defend a young man who
bad been acaused of robbing the mail. I {Luther took her place. She came up witha
arrived early in the morning, and immedi-
ately had a long conference with my cliert.
The stolen mailbag had been recovered, as|
well as the leiters from which the money
bad been rifled. These let'ers were given
we for examination, and 1 returned them to
the prosecuting Attorney. Having got
‘through my private preliminaries about
noon, and as the case would not come off
‘before the next day, I went into the court
in the afternoon to see what was going on.
‘he first cause that come up was one of
thef, and the prisoner was a young girl
sot more than seventeen years of age, nam
ed Elizabeth Madworth. She was very
vretty. and bore that mild, innocent look,
which you seldom find in a culprit. She
had been weeping profusely, but as ghe
found 0 many eyes upon her, she become
too frightened to weep more.
The complaint against her set forth that
stic had stolen a hundred dollars from a
Mrs. Naseby, and as the case went on, 1
found that thig Mrs. Naseby, a wealthy wid-
ow living in town, was the giil’s mistress.
The poor girl declared her innocence in the
wildest terms, but circumstances were hard
against her. A handred dollars in bank
votes had been stolen from her mistress’s
jouw, and she was the only onc tht had ac~
cess there.
At this juncture, when the witness was on
the stand, 2 young m1n caught mo by the
wr. le was a fine looking young man,
and big tears stood in his eyes.
* They tell me you are a good lawyer,’ he
whispered. :
‘lama lawyer,’ I answered.
* Then do save her. You certainly can do
it, for she is innocent.’
- Is she your sister ¢'
t No, sir,” he added ; ‘but—but’—here he
+ Has she no counsel 2° I asked.
‘ None that's good for anything nobody
that will do anything for her. Ob, save
er, and I'll give yeu all [ve got. 1 can’t
give you much, Lut I ¢an raise you some
I reflected a moment. 1 cast my eyes
toward the prisoner, and she was at that
moment looking at me. She caught my eye
un | the volume of humble entreaty I read in
hier glance reso ved me in a
arose and went to the girl and asked her if
she wished me to defend her. She said yes.
I then informed the court that I was ready
10 enter into the case, and was admitted at
once, The loud murmur of satisfaction that
"gan quickly through the room told me where
the sympathies of the people were I asked
for a moments cessation that [ might speak
with my client. I went and gat down by
her side and asked her to state candidly the
whole case. She told me that she had lived
with Mrs. Naseby two years a~d never had
any trouble Lefore. About two weeks ago,
she said her mistress had lost a hundred
do lars.
* She missed it from her drawer,’ the gin
8aid to me, ‘and asked me about it. I said
1 knew nothing about it. “That evening I
know Nancy Luther told Mrs. Naseby that
ghe saw me Luke the money from the drawer
~ that she watched me through the key
nole. They went to my trunk. and found
twenty-five collars of the missing money
there. But, sir, I never took it, and some-
body must have put it there.’
T then asked her if she suspected any
one, .
¢ 1.don’t know,’ she said. ‘who could have
done it but Nancy. She hasnever hiked me
because she thought [ was better treated
than her. She is the cook. I wag the
chambermaid.’ E
She pointed Nancy Luther out to me.—
Bhe was 2 stout, bold faced girl, somewhere
about five and twenty years old, with a low
forehead, sigall gray eyes, a pug nose, and
thick lips. I caught her glance at once, as
it rested on the fair young prisoner, and the
moment I detected the look of hatred which
1 read there, I was convinced that she was
the rogue.
* Nancy Luther did yo) say that girl's
yame was ¥ I asked, for a new light broke
upon me,
* Yes, sir,’
1 left the court room and went to the
prosecuting attorney and asked him for the
letters I had handed him—the ones that had
been stolen from the mailbag. He gave
«nem to me, and having selected one, I re
turned the rest, and told him I would see
he had the one that I kept before night. T
then returned to the court room, and the
case went on.
Mrs. Nascby resumed her testimony.—
She said she entrusted the roow to the pris-
oner’s care, and that no one had access there
save herself. Then she described about mis-
ging the money, and closed by telling how
she had found twenty-five dollars of it in the
prisoner's trunk, She could swear it was
the identical money she had lost, in two
tens and a five dollar nete.
* Mrs. Naseby,’ said I, ‘when you first
missed the money, bad you any reason to
laoment. |
believe that the prisoner had taken it ?
* No, sir,’ she answered. .
Had you ever before detected her in any
dishonesty #’
* No, sir’
¢ Should ot have thought of searching her
trunk, had not Nancy Luther advised and
five dollars you sent in your letter to your
sister in Summers ¥ :
The witness started as though a volcano
Had Burst at her feet. She turned. pale as
death, and every limb shook Fiolently. 1
waited until the people could have an op.
portunity to see her motions, and then re~
NO. 26.
* Americans are an inquisitive people, yet — : THE NORTH, .
: : from the very necessity which this engen- We have stated on several occasions, in ; ———
A BEAUTIFUL PICTURE, ders, there is no person better understands | noting the growing conspiracy in Congress, It will have been noticed as a singular
The following touching stanzas are from
the ballad of the «Old Chapel Bell,’ by
the art of parrying and baffling inquisitive
ness in another, than the Yankee. We were
feature of the American quarrel that no i. «
tervention is thought probable or practica-
among the extreme Abolitionists, to control
the Administration that the Pres dent would
Naseby’s room and shut the door after her’
it in her pocket,
and picked up the lamp, and as 1 saw she
was coming out I hurried away."
the prisoner had access to your room,’ I
said. ‘Now, could Nancy Luther have en-
tered the room if she wished ?’
had any right there.’
a hard woman, was somewhat moved by
poor Elizabeth's misery.
means in your knowledge, where your mon-
ey was ?
room while I was there, and I have often
given her money to buy provisions of mar
ket men who happened to come along with
their wagons.”
of the prisoner having used any meny since
this was stolen ¥
¢ No, sir.’
Mrs. Naseby left the stand, and Nancy
bold look, upon me she cast a defiant glance,
as if to say ‘trap me if you can.’
She gave the evidence as follows :
Sne said that on the night the money was
taker. she saw the prisoner going up stairs,
and from the sly manner in which she went
up she suspected all was not right. She
followed her up. Elizabeth went to Mrs
I stooped down and looked through the key
ole, and saw her take out money and pit
Then she stooped down
I called Mrs. Naseby to the stand.
* You said that no one save yourselt and
¢ Certainly, sir ; [ mean that no one else
[ saw that Mrs. Naseby, though naturally
¢ Could your cook have known, by any
‘ Yes, sir ; for she has often come to my
* One more question. Have you known
! No, sir}
[ called Nancy Luther back, and she be-
livin soul about this dont want nobody to no |
peated the question.
* I—never--sent any,’ she gasped.
‘ You did !’ I thundered, for 1 was excited
¢[—I didn’t,’ she faintly muttured, grasp
ing the railing by her side for support.
‘ May it please your Lonor and gentlemen
of the jury,’ I sa1d, as soon as I had looked
the witness out of countenance, ‘I came
here to defend a man who was arrested for
robbing the mail, and in the course of my
preliminary examinations I had access to
the letters which had been torn open and
robbed of money. When I entered upon
this case, and heard the name of this wit~
ness pronounced, I went out and got this
letter which I now hold, for I remembered
having seen one bearing the signature of
Nancy Luther.
the mailbag,
dollars, and by looking at the postmark you
will observe that it was mailed the day after
the hundred dollars were
Naseby’s drawer. I will read it to you, if
you please.’
The letter was taken from
and it contained seventy. five
taken from Mrs.
The court nodded assent, and I read the
following, which was without date, save
that made by the postmaster upon the out
I give it verbatim :
* Ah! well I mind me of a child,
A gleesome, happy maid,
Who came with constant step to church,
In comely garb: arrayed,
And knelt her down full solemnly,
And penitently prayed.
And oft, when church was done, I marked
That little maiden near
This pleasant spot, with book in hand,
As you are sitting here—
She read the story of the Cross,
And wept with grief sincere.
Years rolled away—and I beheld
The child to woman grown ;
ier cheek was fairer, and her eye
With brighter lustre shoae ;
But childhood’s truth and innocenee
Were still the maiden’s own.
I never rang a merrier peal
Than when a joyous bride,
She stood beneath the sacred porch,
A noble youth beside,
And plighted him her maiden troth,
In maiden love and pride.
I never tolled a deeper knell,
Than when in after years,
They Jaid her mn the church-yard here,
« Where this low mound appears—
(The very grave, my boy, that you
* Sister Dorcus : —1 send yu hear seven
ty five dolers which [ want vou to cepe for |
me Lll'T cum T can’t cepe it cos im afeered |
it will git stole don’t speek wun word to a!
ive got eny mony, you wont now wil you.— |
I am fust rate hear unly that gude for noth-
ing snipe of lis madworth is hear yet—but |
i hop to get over now.
her giv my luv to al inquiring fren.
18 from yur sister till deth.
yu no i rote yu be 1t
this |
‘NaNcy Lurngr.’ |
¢ Now, your honor,’ I said, as I gave him |
* Yes, sir.’
¢ Where did she place the lamp when she
did so ¥
* On the bureau.’
* In your testimony you said she stooped
down when she picked 1t up, What do you
wean by that ?’
The girl hesitated, and finally shg said
she did not mean anything, only she took up
the lamp.
* Very well,” said I, ‘how long have yon
gan to tremble a little, though her look was
as bold aud detiant as ever.
* Miss Luther,” said I, ‘why did you not
inform your mistress of what you had seen
withott waiting for her to ask about the lost
money ¥
* Because I could not at once make up my
mind to expose the poor girl,” she answered
* You say you looked through the keyhole
and saw her take the money ¥
the letter, and also the receipts, ‘you will!
sec that the letter is directed to Dorcas Lu-
ther, Sumers, Montgomery county. And {
you will observe that one hand wrote the |
fetter and signed the receipts, and the jury |
will a’so observe, And now I will only add, |
it is plain to see how the hundred dollars |
was disposed of. Seventy-five dollars were |
sent off for safe keeping, while the remain. |
ing twenty-five where placed in the prisoner's
trunk for the purpose of covering the real
criminal. Of the tone of parts of thet letter |
you must judge. [now leave my ciient’s |
cause in your hands.’
The case was given to the jury immedi
ately following their examination of the let
ter. They had heard from the witness’ own i
mouth that she had no money of her own,
and without leaving their seats they retarn-
ed the verdict of— Not guiity.’ t
I will not describe the scene that follow- |
ed ; but if Nancy Luther bad not been im. |
mediately arrested for theft, she would have
Are wattering now with tears!)
It 1s thy mother ! gentle boy,
That claims this tale of mine—
Thon art a flower whose fatal birth
Destroyed the parent vine !
A precious fiower thou art my child—
One was thy sainted mother’s, when
. She gave thee mortal birth ;
And one on thy Saviour’s, when in death,
He shook the solid earth ;
Go! boy, and live as may befit
Thy life's exceeding worth!”
The boy awoke, as from a dream,
And thoughtful looked around
Bat nothing saw, save at his fest,
His mother’s lowly mound,
And by his side that ancient bell
* Half hidden in the ground !
z owe it
Reper EsriMare oF GeNERAL Burner. —
Bombastes Furioso and his myrmidong are
now in possession of New Orleans, and if
anything could add to our sympathy with
the generous and warm hearted people of
that city, it is that such a specimen of Yan-
keedom should be their military Governor. —
1 A more polished and chivalric population
cannot be found on this continent, and eve-
ry instinct of their nature must revolt at
| the goss vulgar too! of Yankee tyranny who |
{is now lording it over a community who |
I have never before seen such a being outside |
the guard house.
It was bad enough that they should be
given over without a blow io the hands of
quite amused recently by an account given
by a eity friend of a colloquy which came
off in a country village through which he
was traveling, between himself and one of
the natives, who manifested an itching cu.
riosty to pry into his affairs.
“ How do you do 2” exclaimed the latter,
Lustling up to him as he alighted for a
few moments at a hotel. ‘ReckonT've seen
you afore now ?’
“Oh yes,” was the answer, *‘no doubt; 1
have been there. often-in my life.”
‘‘Spose you're going to——"’ (expecting
the name of the place to be supplied.)
“Just so—I go there regularly once a
‘And you've come from—"' :
“Exactly sir; you're exactly right; that's
my place of residence.”
“Really now, dew tell ; I ’spose you're a
lawyer, or maybe a trader, or perhaps some
other perfeshun or calling 2’
"Yes I have always pursued some one of
these professions.” '
*‘Got business in the country, eh ¥’
“Yes, I am at this time engaged in trav
“I see by your trunk that you are from
Boston. Anything stiriing in Boston #”’
“Yes ; men, women, horses and carriages.
and 2 furious northeaster.””
“You don’t say so? Well, I declare,
now youare tarpal cute. What do you
think they will do with Sims 2"
“Why it is my opinion that they will
either deliver him up to the claimant, or let
him go free.”
“You've had a monstrous sight of rain in
Boston—did an awful sighs of duwage I
“Yes, it wet all the buildings. and made
the streets very damp—very damp in
*Didn,t old Fanm! Hall get a soaking ?”
*No. They hauled it on* the Common,
under the Liberty tree.’
“You are a circus chap [ guess, you are
kinder foolin. Pray Mister, if its a civil
question, what might your name be 2”
“It might be Smith or Brown, but it
not by a long shot. ‘lhe fact is sir, I never
had a name. When I was born, my mother
was so busy that ghe forgot to name me,
and soon after I was swapped away by mis.
take for another boy, and am now just ep-
plying to the Legislature for a name. When
I get it, I will send you my card. Good
m-rning sir.”
Aud so saying, the speaker jumped into
the carriage and drove off, leaving the Paul
Pry of the place scratching his head in be
wilderment, and apparently in more per-
plexity than ere he had commenced his cat-
be compelled to cut loose from them entire
ly or they would control hin to suit their
disunion purposes. Every day developes
this more clearly The last resource of
Sumner, however, to circumvent the Presi-
dent, is almost incredible. Having failed
in us efforts to induce the President to
adopt » sweeping policy of confiscation and
emancipation, forbidden by the Qomstilution;
after having failed to dragoon the Adminis.
tration into the policy of reducing the South.
ern States to the condition of conquered
provinces, after having stript the loyal as
well as rebels of their substance, this pesti-
lent agitator from Massachusetts steps
forward, the champion of the Constitution,
accusing the President of having assumed
authority not granted to hin by that in-
strument. Does this Senator interpose the
Constitution to preserve loyal citizens from
unlawful arrests and imprisonment 2? Not
at all; quite differently. Does he throw
himsell into the branch (0 sustain habeas
corpus ; the freedom of the press and of the
tongus* Nota bit of it; his new born
zeal for the Constitution arises from a desire
to take from the President the appointment
ulready made, men were selected whose
principal anxiety is not the freedom of foul
millions of slaves, but the re~union of thirty-
four sister States.
On Friday 1ast, Mr Sumner offered to the
Senate bis views upon this subject ; after a
preamble condemning the President's ap
pointment of and instructions to Mr. Stan
ley, he offered the following resolution :
** Resolved, That any such letter, assu-
ming to create any person military governor
of a State, is without sanction in the Can
stitution and laws ; that i's effect is to sub-
ordinate the civil te the military authority,
contrary to the spirit of the power of Con-
gress, which, where u State government
falls into the hands of traitors, ean be the
only legitimate authority, except in martial
law.” .
It will be seen that this resolution does
nov only apply to Governor Stanley, but to
Governor Johnson, of Tennessee; in fact
the idea is to take from the President the
appoinments referred {o, because he has not
so far, selected Abolitionists to £11 these im-
portant positions. From this it will be seen
t hat the hostility of ths Summers to the
President’s policy is working to the surface
and will cortrol him or do everything that
fanaticism can suggest to embarrass his ad-
ministration. This cold conspirator, Sum-
ner, who, when he first entered the S-nate
of the United States, took the oath to sup
port the Constitution with a reservation;
and who. ever since, has been laboring for a
dissolution of the Uiion, now, with a sub-
limity of impudence which none but pulse
less Sypoeriey can command, steps = forward
ble, except in favor ofthe South. Mediation
‘in whatever form or under whatever name it
is to be offered, is universally taken to imply
some movement in behalf of the Confeder-
ates. 8» completely indeed, are the belig-
ligerents themselves impressed with this
idea, that the Sou h casts it into our teeth
as a scandal and a blunder that no European
arbitration has been yet interposed; whi.
the President of the Northern States, actual
ly proclaims a day of thanksgiting for the
deliverance of the country from foreign in-
tervention, which he identities with nothing
less than invasion. The instincts of ti ®
combatants have undoubtedly led them (0.
correct decisions orf this point but the fac
is not a little carious,
We need not dissemble the truth about
certain pre possessions current mn Europe.
Tt is beyond doubt that in spite of the sli~
‘very question, the Southerners have been
rather the favorites, partly as the weaker
side, partly as conguerers against odds, and
partly because their demand for indepen-
dence was thought too natural to be resisted
at the sword’s point by a Government founs
ded on the right of insurrection.
It happens that the intervention so anx-
iously deprecated by the Federals must be
if exerted at all, be exerted to their preju-
dice. Intervention on behalf of the North
is an impossibility, Not if all the recour-
ces of thiscountry were at the disposal of
Mr. Bright and his friends, and all our pow
er were thrown into the Northern scale;
could we add to the strength ar the chances
of the Federals in this singular contest. We
Tight send them ships, bat they have got
as many as they want. They have already
possesion of the seas, and the whole British
navy could give them nothing more. We
might lend them 130 ngy, but of this too, in
some form or other, they have got enough to
allow of a present expenditure of £800,000
a day. Ei
As to sending them nen, all the effective
troops now serving in England might be
lanled at New York without causing any
perceptible increase in the fabulus numb.r
of the Norchern armics. We might send
them three times as many soldiers a3 we
sent to Canada without adding 5 per ceilt
te their forces in the field. No ruler in thé
world, even the First Napoleon, evér dis.
posed of so many men, or so. much mongy
as Abraham Lincoln. He has fully 650,000
troops now under armg, and it is boasted
that Le could double that number. Ilig fi-
nances may rest on a less staple foundation
but he Las at any rate enouih and to spare
for the time. In no political or military op:
erations have the Federals ever been haw.
ered by want of men or roney, and if
they had te spend’ some time in tarning cit-
been with Mrs. Maseby 2’
+ Not quite a year, sir.’
* How much does she pay you a week ?/
¢ A dollar and three quarters.’
¢ Have you taken any of your pay smce
you have been here 2’ :
* Yes, sir.’
¢ How much ¢
<T don’t know.’
* Why don’t you know 2’
¢ How should I ? T have taken it at dif-
ferent times just as I wanted it, and kept no
‘Now if you had wished to harm the
prisoner, could you have raised twenty five
dollars to put in her trunk ?’
¢ No, sir,” she replied with seeming indig-
* Then you have not laid up any money
since you have been there ?’
No, sir ; and what’s more, the money
{ound in the girl's trunk was the money
Mrs. Naseby lost. You might have known
that if you’d remembered what you asked
her.’ .
This was said very sarcastically, and was
intended for a crusher upon the idea that
she should have put the money in the pris
oner’s trunk. However, I was not overcome
been obliged to seck protection of the offi-
cers, or the excited people would have maim-
ed her at least, if they had not done more. |
The next morning I received a note, hand. |
somely written, in which I wag told that the
within was but a slight token of the grati-
tude due me for the efforts in behalf of the
poor defenceless maiden. Jt was sigred by
‘Several Citizens,’ and contained one hun
dred dollars.
Shortly afterward the youth who first beg-
ged me to take up the case, called upon me
with all the money he could” raise, but 1
showed him that J had already been paid, |
and refused his hard earnings. Before I !
left town I was a guest at his wedding —my |
fair client being the happy bride. |
2 a i
073 Why don’t you go into business?
aid a prosperous merchant to an old school
mate, who was down in the world and '
couldn't get a situation as a bookkeeper. |
“I suppose you know what I commenced |
on,” resumed the merchant, with something |
of sternness in his tone and air.
“Yes, next to nothing.”
“Well, why can’t you do the same?”
I'don’t know why, but I can’t.”
“Did you try 2”
entirely. 5 | “No, TI thought it was no use.”
¢ Will you tell me if you belong to this{ «That’sit. Just one half of the unfor
State 2’ E «| tunate people in this world think it is no
“I do, sir.’ # %ss¢0 lusetotry. The whole of one’s success
‘In what town 2’ es oF
She hesitated, and for an instant“the bold
look forscok her. But she finally answered,
‘1 belong to Sumers, Montgomery county.
I next turned to Mrs. Naseby,
‘Do you ever take a receipt from your
girls when you pay them ¥’
¢ Always, sir.’
‘Can you send and get one of them for
me 22 =. "ar
¢ She has told you the truth, sir, about
the payment,’ said Mrs. Naseby.
¢ 0, 1 don’t doubt it,” I replied ; particu-
lar proof is the thing for the court room.—
So if you can, 1 wish you would ‘procure the
She said she would willingly go if the
court said so. The court said so, and she
went. Her dwelling was not far off, and
she returned and handed me four receipts,
which § took and examined. They were
signed in a strange staggering hand by the
¢ Now, Nancy Luther,’ I said turning to
the witness and speaking in a quick start-
ling tone, at the same time looking her
sternly in the eye, ‘please tel! the court and
centers in the act of trying to succeed,
“Never give up the ship ”
Hoop Skirts AND THE SourmEsN LAbIEs.
—The sutlers in North Carolina are doing a
good business. People come forty miles
even from the Island to buy goods of them.
One firm also sold $1,500 worth of hoop
skirts and calico to North Carolina women
in one day. Strange to say, the goods were’
paid for in good gold, silver and government
notes, which must have been hidden in socks
and cracked teapots all the while the com-
mon shinplasters have been going their
rounds, !
1Z7kt is told of Charles Lamb, that one
afternoon, having taken a seat in a crowded
omnibus, a stout gentleman looked in and
politely asked:
“All full inside 2” .
“1 don’t know how it may be with other
passsengers,’” answered Lamb, ¢¢ but
that lagt piece of oyster pie, did the work
for me!’ *
[7A sound discretion is not so much
indicated by never making a mistake as by
‘be put in command of the forsaken city is
, cessively warm.
| sun.
Jury, and me, where you got the seventy- | never repeating one.
TR it echisings.
the enemy, that thar fortifications should
be abandoned and blown up, their army ta-
ken away, and their own private arms tax
ken with them ; but that B. F. Butler should | yent his
the last drop in the bitter cup of humiliation
and shame. Of all the Yankee Generals, he
has the least pretentions to the qualities of
the soldier and the gentleman. A verier
hombug in a military point of view, was
never created. The battle of Bethel, at
which he took good care not to De present:
--is the only battle with which he-ever had
the remote. t connection. He uever so much
ag lauded at Hatteras till the guns of the
shipping had silenced the fire of the fortifi-
cations, and he is not heard of at New Or
leans till the gunboats had achieved their
bloodless victory.
He 1s now in his element, sporting laurels
which do not belong to him—an ass in a li"
on’s skin. We predict that General Butler
will leave before the weather becomes ex-
His oleaginous courage
will evacuate speedily before the burning
The yellow fever will betore long put
an end, in one way or another, to the do-
niinion of bombastes, and open batteries up-
on his forces generally which can neither be
resisted by power nor paralyzed by treason.
If M'Clellan’s forces are already seriously
affected by our comparatively salubrious
swamps 1n Virginia, what must become of
those who have undertaken to ** hold occu-
py and possess” the death-brgeding waters
of the Mississippi 2—Richmond Dispatch,
May 9.
call attent
titter thro
rea the
unto Lot ’
a slumber
to church
you know
twice ?"’
est face, ¢
ed" that «
place to M
A Lareu ON10N,--‘Do you call them
large turnips ?’
¢ Why yes they arc considerable large.”
“They may be so for turnips, but they
are nothing to an’ onion I saw the other
day.” -
‘And how large was the onion ?"
#0, a monster, it weighed forty pounds’?
“Forty pounds!" :
Yes; and we took oft the Inyers, and the
sixteenth layer went completely round a
demijohn that held four gallons !"
“What a whopper ?’
“You don’t say I lie 2”
++ 0, no, whata whopper of an onion I
praise of
wife of th
from cour
church ;
eet hi
[> A pious youth was asked what in-
ference he could draw from the text: —¢ And
the asses snuffed up the east wind,” * Well,’
he replied, * the only inference I can think
of is, that it would be along time before they
would get fat upon it.’
church. Even when reading the text, he
used to break off an unfinished sentence
ing his somnolent nods, and winks in a dis | another compound of fanaticism,
tant corner. On one occasion he so mingled | hypocrisy and poliroonery does not occupy
077 A few weeks ago a baby was taken |
er was present daring that rite.
ing his ablations and dressing, the little]
brother asked mamma if she
carry Willy to be christened,
++ Why, no,”” said his mother ;
** What," returned the young reasoner, |
with the utmost astonishment in his earn
177 Among the :
a N. Orleans correspondent, are the State A Useror CoNTrABAND.—A lady in|
and the residence of John Slidell, At the | made application at the headquarters of
latter place Mrs. Beauregard and wother | the contrabands, on Capitol Hill, when the
were found in occupation, and I am inform- | following colloquy ensued between herself
land. Cen. Butler speaks in terms of warm
treated the officer and soldiers who took
possession of the house. As soon as the | ¢poked.
General learned that Mrs. Beauregard was
living in the house, he withdrew the guard
and woe be to the man—whether rebel or | {fo chambers.
Union—who dares to offer her the slightest HL
insult or molestation.
0>°Two Lawyers in Lowell, returning |
other; ‘I've a notion to joir. Rev. Mr.
What do you think of it ¥’
‘Wouldn’t do it.
‘Well why 2’
‘Because it'll do you no possible good,
while it would be of great injury to the
izens into soldivrs their enemies were undor
reese to save the Constitution from innbvation, by
Tue CuarLaiN’s Sorterurs.—The chap | Abiaham Lincoln. This cold blooded trai- | the same obligation.
lain of the Reserves did all he could to pre- | tor, whose efforts are alone directed to ele. | Lntervention therefore, on behalf of the
North, would be simply a nullity, for no
alliwnce could add to'its power, or promotes
its ends. * * * Thealarms therefore,
soldiers from falling asleep at|vate the negro and degrade the “white, has
the andacity to cloak one of his accursed
to schemes with a hypocritical aflectation for es
ion to some tired blue coat enjoy | the sacredugss of Such | % the Federals, and the hopes of the Cons
treachery, | federates, on the score of intervention, are
oy | €quully natural. One party has all to, lose,
The and the other all to gain by such a copitina
the Constitution.
with the in imation that th: ludic- {any public
position in the couniry.
rous association gave rise to an irrepressible | people have not yet seen the dep'h of his lyency, and both understand their position.
ughout the congregation. Thug | hatred against the institutions of his country So hopeless injeed In this respect are ths
in | Prospects of the North that when the New
{ York papers found themselves under the
| pap
| necessity of accounting in seme agreeabls
| way, for the visit of M. Mercier to Kich-
mond, they could only suggest that he had
| gone to persuade President Davis tojsubmit
chaplain; ‘And Abraham said | Should he find encouragement suffi sient
' (a pause, the parson pointing to | this last encounter with the President
er.) ‘ that man's asleep !”’
j will tind him showing himself in his true
fcolors. He is a disunionist now, always
was one, and the only feeling or interest
i he has in this war is the freedom of the ; ; :
On the | ,. a et | outright to President Lincoln. “With any
biacks and the annihilation of the South.— | eg i = 4
undergo- | 11. has . le: ie (anes. | purpose short of this the mission of the
2" | He has no love for this Union cr its Consti- |} No. :
pe ; on +t. Ereach Minister must needs have been ob-
| tution ; Lis politivs are altogether English; |
intende J . + noxious in Federal eyes.
intended to | wile talking poetry about the sad condition | "°% = :
An armistice'must place the Southerners
i of the slave he votes enormous taxes to be Lis rediato possenaion ofall tl tend
i“ ¥ [mn mmm 5 53€58 ey. 13h
dont | gathered from white labor, and like your | Dosen bf hy sonishd
» Wy son, people are not baptized | true English aristocrat and tory, he is all fou, gud weal int Years thom, When ter
I : . d, e ready to sur e y
profession and sympathy for some impracti ded, mors Tooty lo Tender. thay : before
3 : : A compromise must mean a partition «f
cable and cheap theory, while all his acts . rt
: 5 : : territory, more or less favorable to this
| show him to be insensible to genuine char- | ta
the first |. ts : x side or that. A peace if concluded at pre,
j ity and unfeeling to true philanthrophy. — i old probably imi dl Yes
Pitts Post sent, would probably im)! y the recogniticn
Ee ! er | of Southern independence. Thus thé South
most recent seizures, says mm {has a dozen strings to its bow. It would
| gain immensely by recognition or interven
tion, whatever form that intervention took.
It would gain by a peace by a truce, by a
transaction, or by a convention of any kind.
Oa the other hand, the North could gam
only by an event which no power professing
to mediate could hope to bring about, and
which no European observers pretend to
think probable—the unconditional submis.
sion, or total subjugation of the Confederate
How 10. UARRY RATIONS, —General Banks
army, upon arriving at Martinsburg, Had
had nothing to eat for twenty four hours
and no sleep for forty-eight. Finding =
quantity of crackers, left by thé Mdine reg-
iment, at a poiit upon the road, they were
distributed to the men, who having left
their haversacks and knapsacks behind,
near Middletown, resorted to a novel expe-
dient as a substitute; Taking off their pants
and tying the ends of each leg with d string
they filled them with crackers, and rogeed.-
ed in their underclothing, with them ® penal "
haversacks bestriding their shoulders; upon
the road to the Potomac. i GR
{~~ A woman in Quebec died recently
| on hearing pleasant tidings in a Jeter the:
joy killed her.
to be baptized, and his little broth-
Sunday when baby was
‘not if it don’t take
filled with ordoance stores, | Washington desiring to procure a ‘help’ |
that fellow ** Slidell presected the | anda female contraband who had escaped
Irs. B. on his departure for Hug- | from service in Virginia : —
Lady-—Well Dinah, you say you want
the dignified manner in which the , place. What can yeu do? Can you
¢ brave.but misguided commander cook
| Contraband —No, m'm mammy always
Lady— Are you a good chambermaid.
Contraband —Sister sally, she allays did
Lady—Can you wait in the dining room
and attend the door ?
Contraband—La, no m’m; Jim that’s his
work. .
Lady Can you wash and iron ?
Contraband —Well you see m'm, Aunt
| Becky she allays washed.
| Lady—Can yon sew ?
Cantraband-—Charity she she allays sew-
Lady—Then what in the woald did you
t the other day, one said to the|
8 |
been debating the matter for some
Contraband — Why, I allays kep the flies
| off Mistis !