Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, June 26, 1862, Image 4

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. lisense, and believing as I do that your
_ faction.
n a
¥ LY %
Are yuu sick. fuchle, and
vomplniniog? Are yeacutof
order, With your sistem de
ranged, and yo {ings ni
‘comfortable ce Fyne
tons are often the prelude to
serious luc, Same fit of
§ slokiess Is ere pn you,
and shioukd be ave Ly a
timely use of thy treme
edy. Take Ayers viils, and
cleans vut the disordered hue
wmors— purify the blood, and
let the fluids move on unob-
structed in health agai
They stimnlate the functions
of the body into vigorous as
: tivity, parify the system (rom
sat tlie obstructions which nuke
disease. A cold settles somewho re in the budy, and ob-
strocts ite natural functions. Thess, if not relieved,
react upon themselves aud the surrounding organs, pros
ducing general aggravation, suifciing aud disease,
‘Winle in this condition, oppressed Ly the derangemenis,
take Ayer’s Pills, and sce how directly they reatore the
watural action of the system, and with it the buoyant
feeling of health again, What is trae and so apparent in
this trivial and common complaint, is also true in many
of the deep-seated and dangerous distempers, The sand
purgative effect expels them. Caused by shinilur obstris
tions and derangements of the natural functions of tie
body, they are rapidly, and many of them suvely, cured
by the same means. None who kuow the virtues of these
Plils, will neglect to employ thew when suffering from
the disorders they cure.
Statements from leading physicians in some of the
principal cities, and from other well known public per-
oo a Forwarding Merchant of So Louds, Fb, 4, 15808,
Dr. Aver: Your Pills are the paragon of all thut is
reat in medicine, They have cured my little dunghter
£ ulcoroud sores upon her hands and feet that had proved
acurable for years, Hor mother his been long giiev-
usly afticted with blotches and pimples on lier ski
v ber hair. Alter our Ee cured, she also t
Pi ud they have cured hor.
As a Family Physic.
From Dr. Eo W. Cartwright, New Orleans,
Your Pills are the princo of purges. Their exc
¢ aalities surpuss any cathartic we posfess. The
a ld, but very certain and effectual in their action o
ole, which rakes them invaluable to us in the
treatment of diseasa.
Sleadache,SickHeadache,Foul Stomach.
From Dr. Lidward Boyd, Baltimore.
Dear Bro. Aven: Icannot answer you what con
1 have cured with your Pills better than to say «il
er or breat with a purgative medicire, 1 place great «
dence on an effectual cathartic in my daily conte
ts affurd us thy
Dest we huve, I of course valuo them highly. ¥
P1178BERG, Pa., May 1, 1605,
Fir: T Lave been repeatedly ¢
headucha any body ean have by a 0
of your Pills. It seems to arise from a foul sto
wihich they cleanse at onee,
Yours with great respect, ED. W. PREBLE,
(Terk of Steamer: Clarion,
Jilious Disorders — Liver Complaints,
Frome Dr. FPhoodore Betl, of New York Ci.
Not only are your Pills admivably sedupted to theic
1 su as an aperient, hut I find their heueficinl effects
tio Liver very mavked indeed # They have in mi
tice proved more effectual for the cure of &i
plaints than any one remedy i can mention. 1 gi
re vive that we hve at purgative which is o
tty the confidvuco of the “on aid the people,
Washington, D. C., Tih Feb, 1850, §
Cir 2 I have used your Fills in ny geberal and haspiial
T aclice ever since you made them, an y
Jay hey are the best cathartic we gapl
Inung action on the liver is quid aud de
quently they are an admivalile remedy for der
of that ergan. Indeed, 1 have soldo
« Jeoies disease so obstinate that it did
Shear. Fratecuadly you
Dysentery, Diarvhaa, Relax, Worms,
, Avon Dr J. GL Greer, of Cluengon-*
Tour Pidls have had a long trial in my pr
7 okt then in esteemn as one of ie best ug
or found, Their alterative elicet upon the
wn excellent remedy, when given in small Jd
ous dysentery and dior! Gheir sugar-eo
Kes them very acceptable aud couvenicat tur tho use
ul women aud childien,
Lyspepsia, Impugjty of the Blood,
Lhum Kev. Jo Vs Hines, Li of Adecit Chine’, Bo
va. Avi: I have used your Pills with «
my family and among those 1 a
1 #8. To regulate the «
rify the blood, th 0 (le very
w known, and © can confidently ro
A arieuds, Yours,
Winzaw, Wyoming Co, N. Y., Oct,
Yar Str: fam os ron Cath
© oe dnd find them an excellent pur
tenn and parviny the foratuing of
¢ anstipation, Costiveness, Rupnression,
flacumatisie, Gout, Neuralgia, Drojp-
ty, Paralysis, Fits, ete.
From Dr. J.P. Vaughn, Madre l, Cenada.
cannot bo said of your Piils for the cure of
ternity have found them
Too much
“tivenses, If others of our fi
« etifeacious aa I have, they sho Join we iu pro
i git for the benefit of then tudes who suf
© ut ecmplalut, which, althongh bad enough In
toe prozewtior of others that ave worse. | Lelivve c
= weness to originate in the liver, bat your Pills atlict that
id olive the disease.
Mie BL Stuart, Physic
I find one or two lu
roper time. are excellen pr
we when wholly or partial]
« fectnal to cleanse tho stom.
ro 50 much tho best physic we
o other to my patie
. vom the Rev. Dr. Hu
Purasgr Hover. Sa
HoNorrn Sut: 1 should
3 mr skill has brongtt me i 1 d
3 A cold settled in my
crating ew
Notwithstanding I had the
« ‘sease grow worse and worse, until 1
¢ teellent in Baltimore, Dr. Al
ois Their effects wero slow, but sure, 1
2 3 the ude of them, I am now cutively well.
8rxate CuaMeer, Baton Rov
Dr. Avge: I hava been entire
J heumatic Goul—a painful discis
T yeais.
25 Most of the Pills in murket contain Mercury,
% hich, although a valuable remedy in ul hands, is
« angerous in a public pill ful conse
« uenees that frequently foil 8 ition These
<mtain no mercury or mineral substance whe .
Price, 35 cents per Box, or 5 Boxes for $1.
'repared by Dr. J. ©. AYER & G0., Lowell, Mass,
For sale by J. Harris Bellefunte, and one dealer
n every village throughout the country
your Pi
netives of ¢
ped worms, They
ave tliat I recommend
dist Epis. Ch
The subscriber having leased the above
named Hotel in the borough of Lock Haven, Clin-
ton county, Pa., takes this method of informing the
public generally that he has made every necessn ry
preparation to entertain strangers and travelers in
the best possible manner.
His table will always ae tain the choicest lnx-
uries that the country wi' afford, and he is deter-
mined not to be surpassed in this dopartment by
any other Hotel along the West Brauch.
His Bar will contain the choicostaliquors that can |
be purchased in the ctty market.
areful and attentive Ostlers will constantly be |
on hand to take charge of horses aud seo that thoy |
are properly attended to.
Trusting that he may receiye a portion of the
patronage of the traveling public, he hopes hy
elose attention to be able to rendoe r general salis
June 6, '61.-tf PROPRIETOR
espectfully informs the citizens of Belle
{onte that Le still continues to carry on tha
fMailoring and Clothing business at his old stand
in Brokerhoff’s Row, on Main street, where be is
prepared to make to order, all kinds of Clothing
in the neatest and most fashionable style.
He koeps on hand a general variety
of the latest and most Arbioved patterns.
Ready made Clothing of all kinds which Le is
selling at reduced prices. He feels thankful for
the very liberal
hopes to merit a continuance of the same,
re Jan. 5th, 1860,-1y.
Letters testamentary on the Es-
tate of John M. Lucas, late of Curtin township,
deceased, dated Feb. 19th, 1862, having ‘been
i to N. J. Mitchell and D. W. Hall, of
oward township, all persons indebted to said
Estate are requested tomate immediate payment
and those having claims against it are required to
present them, duly authenticated, for settlement,
Feb. 27—6t.
Letters Testamentary on the Es
“tate.of Hyaginth B. ‘Treziyulny, dec’d, late of
Bellefonte, Pa, have Leen granted to the Sub
soriber, reg n Lock Haven, Pa., to whom al]
) ag 2 Estate must be presented for
settlement; and all persons knowing themselves
indebted thereto, are sijusset to make immedi-
April 10, 1862.—6t- Ezecutriz,
‘Ayer’s Cherry Pectoral.
pport heretofore extended, and |
D. W. HALL Adm’s. |
Cle Democratic Watchman,
ALEXANDER & FUREY, Publishers.
Per annum, (invariably in advanee) $1 50
i No paper diseontivued until all back sabserip-
i tions ate paid, and a failure to notify » 1iseontin-
| nance at the end of the time subseri for will
; be eonsidercd a new engagement
i 1 insertion. 2 do. 3 do.
| Four lines or Jess, 25 § 3148 50
{ One square—12iinas 75 100
Two squares—24 lines 100 150 200
Three squares—36lines FT 50 200 250
8 mos. 6 mos. 12 mos.
| Bix lines or losa, $1/0 83608500
| One square 2 50 400 700
i Two squares, 4 00 8 60 10 00
| Three squares, 5 00 800 12 G0
| Four squares, 4 00 10 0¢ 14 00
! Ralf a column, 10 00 14 00 20 00
| One columa, 16.00 22 00 40 00
| Over thres weeks and less than thres mouths,
i 25 cents for each insertion.
| Advertisements not marked with the number of
| insertions desired, wiil ba continued till forbid-
| den and charged ascording to these terms.
Fire, political and misceHaneous notises charg-
ed according to the above rates.
Business notices, five cents per line for every
No reports, resolutions or proceedings of
corporation, ety or a:3«ciation, and 1
i munication des attention to any a1
ter of limi cd or individual interest, can be insert.
, ed unless paid for a2 an advertisement. .
Ohitu notices exceeding six lines, fifty cents
| & square,
{Communications recommending persons for of-
ice, inserted ut ten cents a line; and the pay
any the communication.
| ET aving purchased the stock of Clocks,
£3. Watches and Jewelry lately owned by Bible
& Mor. g made large additions to tte
f0ine, re ites the attention ofthe pub-
lic to his sto, sting now in part of Gold and
+ Silver W Gold Guard and Fob Chains,
acles, Braceleis, Gents Gold
Cases. Silver Peucils,
Breast Pins. Gold Pen-
e eel Bags, Silver Plated
, Ware, &o. Also, Eight-doy and thirty-hour
Clocks, at the very lowea¢ prices. John Moran
ors th 1s to the public,conviuced that they
h satistaion. Ie i3 determined
of neither an inferior article, or offer for
ing in his line but what he can war.
iderable experience in business, and a
e the public, will give him an ad-
h he tends to use to the utmost.
lv ing the attention of the la-
f Rings and Bracelets,
And he also in-
aning promptiy attend
_Bellefunte, Jun. 5, 1800 fF a
| 7 oe
lo dims
$35, 00
AYS the entire cost for Tuition in the
most popular and successful Commercial
bool in the country. Upward of Twelve Hun
dred young men from twenty-eight different States
have beerreducated for business here within the
past three years, some of whom have been employ-
ed as Book Keepers at salaries of
$2000,00 Per Annum!
Iiwmediately upon graduating, who knew nothing
counts when they entered the College.
linisters sons half price. Students enter
time, and review when they please, with-
ctra charge.
Por eatalogae of 88 pages, Specimens of Prof.
Cowley's Business and Ornamental Penmanship,
and a Engraving of the College, enclose
outs in Postage stamps to the Princi-
JENKINS & SMITH, Pittsburg, Pa.
21, 1801.
Whereas, the County is deeply in
debt, and interest annually accruing thereon, and
whereas, the int amount of outstanding tax-
es. is at least $20,000. which, if collected and paid
into the Treasury, would enable us to pay off a
large portion of our debt and stop interest there-
| on, therefore
rR ved:
! March,
the County Treasurer and
rney be are hereby instrust-
anding taxes previous to the
ter giving the Collectors of
several tcwnships reasonable notice : and
Lat 30 days {rom this date shall be deemed suffi-
:nt time for such nctice. And the afvresnid
Treasurer and Commissioners’ Attorney shall. in
like manner, proceed to collect all outstanding
tixes for the year A. D., 1861, immediately after
the Anguse Court of A. D., 1862.
Attest, Co. Comin’ra.
M. Irwix, Clerk.
Commissioners Office, >
Bellefonte, March 20. §
£1 Having just returned from Philadelphia
“#% with a new and splendid assortient o
of the latest styles and fashion, we feel prepard to
please all, both young and old. grave and gay, who
may see proper to give usa call. Our stock con-
in part of
' and all other articles generally keptin a Millinery
{7&7 We have procured the services of one of the
most experienced Milliners in the city. Store on
Bishop streot, next door to the old stand.
Beliefonte, May 3,61. MARY SOURBECK.
3ellefonte and viemity, are respectfully informed
that classes will be opened for the study of ths
| above beautiful
Art of Writing,
in this place, and will continue for two months.
A FREE LECTURE will be given on the sub-
ject, in the Arbitration-room of tho County Court
House. on dataurday evening, the 79th inst., com-
1g at 8 o'clock, where particulats -will be
on aud classes opened.
s Professor of Phonography.
N. B.—Private instructions given if requir d.
Bellefonte, March 27th, 1862 D. P.P
R. COFFEE. — This pieparation, made
| fram the best Java Coffee, is strongly recommen.
[ded by physicians as a superior NUTRITIOUS
| BEVERAGE for @eneral Debility, Dyspepsia,
1 and all Bilious disorders.
| Thousands who have been reluctant!y compelled
! to abandon the use of Coffee, will find they can
| use tnis eowbination without any of the injurign#
| effects they formerly experienced.
£7 One can contains the strength of two pounds
| of ordinary Coffee.
| For sale by all Druggists and Grocers, and by
| the Manufacturer, corner of BROAD and CHEST-
| NUT Strects, and by JOS. B.BUSSIER & Co.,
| 108'and 110, S WHARVES.
Price 25 cents.
Mareh 6th 1862—1y.
All persons are hereby cautioned
against purchasirg or meddling with the following
property, to wit: One three-year old Colt, one
Cow, and one two-horse Wagon, nowin the pos-
| session of Frederick Dale, as the same belong to
; me and have only been left with him on loan.
Rush township, March 20, 1862—3t.
3. 3. LINGLE,
is now prepared to wait upon all who may desire
his professional services.
Rooms at his residence on Spring street.
Foundry, 100 tons of old metal, in ex.
change for ploughs, stoves or anything in the
founury line.
A HAUPT, & Co.,
) © May 15-62 3t
| selection
BROT". Tvoos
: © AND :
Is precisely what its name ivdicates, r,
» While pleasant to the taste, it is revivifying,
exhilarating, ard strengthening to the vi-
tal powers, It also revivifies, reinstates
and renews the blced in all its original pu-
rity, and thus restores and renders the sys.
tem invulnerable to attacks of disease. “It
is thie only preparation ever cfiored to the
world in a popular form =o as to be within
the reach of all. 8o chemically and skill-
fully combined as to be the most powerful
tonie, and yet, 0 perfectly adapated to as
to act in perfect accordance with the laws
of nature, and hence soothe the weakest
stomach, and tone up the digestive organs,
and allay all nervous and other irritation.
1tis also perfertly exhilaratingin its effects,
and yet it is never followed by lassitude or
depression of spirits. It is composed en.
tirely of vegetables and those thoroughly
combining powerful tonic and soothing
properties, ana consequently can never in
jure. Such a remedy haslong been folit
to be a disderatum in the medical world
both by the thoroughly skilled in medical
science, and also by all who huve suffered
from debility ; for it needs no medical
kill or knowledge even to see that dobili-
ty follows all attacks of disease, and lays
the unguarded system open to the attacks
of many ofthe most dangerous to which
pror bumani'y is consiantiy reliable. Such
fi 1c, as the folloy + Consump-
te :
Il ti on, Dyspepsia.
fe of Apy SE
: p! , Nervous Ip-
ritability. Neuralgia.
pitation of the
Heart, Me'aucholy. Hypocondria, Night
Swentd, Lavguor Giddiness, and all that
class of cases, so fearfully fatal if unattend-
ed to in time. called Female weatness and
Irregularitic Also, Liver Der.
# ad 8 hgement
i . or Torpidity, and Liver Complaints, Dis-
#5 pas the Kidneys, Scalding or Ineon-,
tinue of the tirine general de-
Urinar, sans, Pain in
between the: Should-
crs, predisposition to Slight Colds, Haekine
and Continued Cough, Emaciation, Diffi-
culty of Breathing, and indeed we might
epumerata manly o still. but we have
space only to say, it will not only cure the
debility following Chills and Fever, but
prevent all attacks arising from Miasmatic
Influences, and cure the disenses at once,
if y attacked. And as it acts di-
istently upon the b
emont of ti
: J Y
system, arousing the Liver to action, pro-
moting, in fact, all the exeretions and se-
cretions of the system, 1t will infalli
prevent any deliterious consequence
lowing upon change of climat
hence sll travelers should have a bottle
with them. and all should take a table
spoonful at Jeast belore eating. As it pre-
vents costi
persons of sedentary habits, students, min-
1sters, literary men, And alliiladies not
accustomed to much out door exercise, '
should always useit. If they will they
will find an agreeable, pleasant, and effi
cient remedy agai those ills which rob
i them of their be ; for beauty cannot
exist without health, and health cannot ox-
gularit :onlinue,
the Cordial is a perfeet Moth-
Taken a month or two Lefore
she will pass tho dreadful
act ense and safety. TV
bout tt, thisQordial is &
atl we clavm for it. DMothers. try it JL
And to you we arpesl to deteat the illness &
@ or decline not only of your daugters before
the final t
period with pe
is no mistake
pd it be too tate, hut also your sous and hus.
bands, for while the former, from false del-
icaey, often goes down to a premature
33 grave rather than let their condition be
known in time, the later ara often so mix-
ed up with the excitement of business tha
if it we:e not fur you they would travel 81
th me downward path. until too late oy
beir fatal fall. But the motlier ug
unt, and to you we confident
; for we are sure your never
failing affection will unerringly point you
to Prof. Wood's Restorative Ccrdial ans
i k, und 114, Market street, st
Louis, Mo, and sold by all good Drug-
Price One Dollar per Bottle. E
John Harris & Co., Ag’t, Bellofonte, Pa.
0 \
Messrs, Hoffer Brothers,
and full supply of Spring and Summer
Goods, which, for variety, have never heen equal-
try. Having purchased the stock of goods on
hand of Mr. George Jackson, they will continue
o 2 7
No. 2, Reynolds's Arcade.
Their stock cor
, Proprietor, 444 Broadway
July, 18, '61-1y.
i i $1E Subscribers have just received a new
ei by any establishment in this section of eoun
the business at the old stand,
Dry Goads,
s of a general assortmet ‘on
Groceries. Hardware, Queensware
and Glassware,
ineluding n host ot other artiglos in their
13 which can be found an extensive and varie:
such as
Ducals, Persian Cloths, Debeigi
Cuashriores, Delaines, Al
French Merinoes, Pla
Their gentlemen's wear consists of a large as
sortment of Casimeres, Cloths, Satine Satin,
Vesting. Tweeds. Hats and Caps And exten-
i rtment of Boots and Shoes for Ladies and
men and Children, with almost every other
aiticle that may he necessary to supply the wants
of thecommunity.
The pressure of the morey market having. had
the effect of reducing the price of many articles
of merchandise. the undersigned have been ena-
bled to buy their stock at such rares that they can
sell goods at prices to suit the timewny And as they
intend to do their best to pléase their customers,
both in the quality of goods, and prices, they
hope to receive a reasonab’e share of patronage,
All in want of goods will please call and exami «
their stock.
¥. B.—They will keep constantly on hand, EX
TRA FLOUR, which they will sell at the lowest
cash price
£357 Country produce of all kinds taken in ex
change for goods.
Dricd Lumber and Shingles constan
hund and for sule.
, Coburgs,
tly on
ito, March 23, 1861. —1y.
Our citizens have for many years been
in the habit of going to distant cities for their
Bugics and Carriages, thus depreciating discoun-
tenancing our home manufuctories, and giving
to foreign establishments the patronage that should
properly be extended to our own. The neatness
. the foreign gave it the preference, over the
home manufactured vehicle, and little atten‘ion
was paid to their durability. I have just opened
a manufactury on Penn street near Bishop, hav
ing had an extensive and varied expereance at
Coach makingin all its departments, feel confi-
dent that I ean turnout work combining with a
finisirequal-to that of any city establishment a
degree of durability never found in city work I
respectfully invite inspection of my work by per-
sons desirous to purchase.
_ Repairing of «il kinds done on the shortest no
May 30, 1861. S. A. M’QUISTION.
Pr Has fitted up the shop
on {he northwest corner
_~} 27 of Allegheny and Bishop
streets, and is now prepared to manufacture Sad-
dles, Bridles, Harness, Trunks, Valises, Whips,
&e., &e., in a style superior to any manufacturer
in Central Pennsylvania His work is made of tho
best materials that oun be procured, and for neat-
ness and durability is second to none, with the de-
termination to put his work up according to order,
and sell lower than any manufacturers in Centre
county .He politely asks a share of the public pa
August 8, 61-1y.
All persons are hereby against pur-
chasing a Note given to James Clark of Centro
Ha 1 for 818,00 by James Kennelly and the sub-
sciber as I have given value tosaid Clark for the
Hue and am determined not to pay it a second
April24 62. tf Gm
ks 5
pore E _—_ : - — EEE CT in ;
REA } J 433 120 Alex Uunter How. ,
"pay SURERS SALE 0B UNSEAT 2 i tn Join Barer. id 3 NEWS FROM THE SEAT OF WAR. A YER’ 2, s
T & am’ oun, |
Suentbiv: Soci Ul die bf salting ynseated | G5 10 Bo Tenis “ 701| ANOTHER REQUISITION. omy !
lanes, for taxes due, &, The Treaserer of Contre 433 120 Thos, Hamilte - ’ >
County gives nofice that on the following describ | {1 0 ra Weid n, 7.01 Fe a i 1 a
ed tracts SE Svein land iyo yours of more of lim oo 33 re nels » ny A HEAVY IMPORTATION OF
taxes are dus and nmpaid. at unless said rE x id :
taxes with legal cost, are paid before the 2nd £9 5) Jo 3 Magnes, Liberty $40 FOR PURIFYING THE BLOOD.
Monday of June. he will on that day at the Court 200 00 5 ia oy Mari ,13 Y ¥ | Aud for the speedy curs of the following complaint:
House in Bellefonte sel} the same. so In Meio, arjon, 480 | Serofulaand Serofulony Affections,suckh
: : . M, McKinney, : 980 i. ¥% | as Tumors, Ulcers, Sores, Eruptio
Acres pa. Warrantee. Twp. Taxes = 00 Joreipish Synter, Miles 232% | Pimples Fustules, Blotches, Bo,
130 ~ 00 Jno. Merear, Gregg, 8 464 0 00 obt. Brady, £t 5.19 " ains, and all Skin Diseases.
130 00 Robt Askey, ey 8,21 0 2 Jnneli Brady, 4 $04 FOR THE FIRM OF ! Ae aR, de mit ane, 1850.
; 3, 3 J obt. Gra, 0 % i . C. Aver 0, Gents: my duty to ac.
190 : obs Joh Dashed . Silios 00 rer doen do sis | BAXTRESSER § CRIST, | kpovite wine your Sarcoparilla los doue for me.
1 28. Packer, Jr. 8.21 - 3, y OE] it « : z
iF 125 00 3 es Whart d 31 > Having inlierited & Serofulous infection, I have suffered
130 00 David Johnston, 8.21 ) Z3o0re Wharton, 40 from it in various ways for years. Sometimes it burst
310 00 Lud Kanacher, Union, 48 24 3 00 Jeremiah Parker, Walker, 3.58 Who : 3 3 | out in Ulcers on my hands and ere; somstlnes it
190 08 Hoi Vandyks, Snowshos, 75 | 91 00 Richard Parker, ol 3.58 0 have just opened, in the Store Room on the | twuned Inward and distressed me of the stomach, ‘Two
162 09 Rich Jones, a 2 Win. Cook, Penn, 73 | N. W. corner of the Diamond, in Bellefonte, for- | years ago it broke out on my head and covered my scalp
388 40 Mary Kanacher, Uuion, Metts Slough, Bass, 6.91 merly occupied by Wilson Brothers, their large | Po opy Eb Nag pati and Joatheeny
B00 Jamis thorn: Bote Alex Soot 2 Ba | and olondit scormoutof Self Hardware, Howse | Por dusrition, 1 ie nats elicons and ern
00 Geo. Manley, Taylor, Mi ey » $ o Trimmings of every dsseription. | fuct, the disorder grow worse, At ren lint
John Miller, Rush, Mie! 55, -) ¢ y ; Gospel 3 gor 3 prepa
2diEs Richard Malone, do 491 | POCKET AND TABLE CUTLERY | RAR aie Miser tor so md grid
00 JohnLamb, Taylor Isaac Britches, do 6,91 of every variety and price. tion that any thing you made et En 1 to
00 Thos. Grant, Rush Ch'’n. Ebler, do 6,91 | CROSS CUT, MILL AND CIRCULAR SAWS | Cincinuatiand got it, and used it till it cured mo, I took
s AWS Lor:
00 Juv: Sherlock. Taylor, Jacob Deller, dy 6.91 of the best manufacture. | 335 Pousdvise dn sl] donpasy a toleporhfy) Sere
i Netra Y Sa Tan i 3 9 Rn 0 a: ost three bottles, Ne
00 Hen. Mel wen, 2 : Bosh a9 RIFLES, PISTOLS, SHOT GUNS, AND LOCKS | skin soon began to form under the aca wich ry
Poy 3 : : Tors ri a 6.01 of every deseription and the best quality. | while fell off. My skin Is now clear, and I know by my
Jo i ¢ @ , 3 ST iver : | L :
Polly Wil « Martin Ehler, do 12/49 MORO nanD RIM LOCKS AND LATCHES | Relings that the tor fom ty wwe, ro
Hugh Hamilton, « Josiah Mell . do 13.70 of J erent ings, : | you, that hold you to bo one of the apostles of the ago,
Sai onha Vi erguson Wellvain, do , 8 WD, ad A. AD LLLOCKS, | ead remain ever gratefully, ours,
Sarah Bonham, -Howard, Fer v1 d 13,86 | CUPBOARD, CHEST BOX. AND TILL : d i tefull 0
Wm Mites Miles, Philip Eberman, do ’6 and large and small PAD LOCKS. ! ALFRED B. TALLEY.
Falter Stew. i Thomas Grant do PAN AD ARTING inp, St. Anthony’s Five, Rose or It 1
Fair siinn, Bia, Poem fee yon erro oe su | Spleen ise Si
J Vaughn, “« John Ebsrman do bi = Del ngworm, Sore Eyes, Dropsy.
i i Ports Joha Hubler. do | LUTCHERS’ CLEAVERS AND CHOPPERS, | _ Dr. Robert M. Preble writes from Salem, N. Y., 12th
D Montgomery, 2 “ Daniel Wiimer, do | Drawing Knives, Hatchots, Chisels & Adzes Sips 1 et he Say Jove an Sve oss of
. 0 ’ Data : Y lnxv Rit AND & ry TATT sr ee | vopsy, which threat terminate fatal
Robert 1 yon. ‘ Peter Bruizm ui, % | SAVMANURE ANDSPADING FORKS, EDGE | £00 Pooh thisstoned do srmiane fifully, by. 159
Falhiel Lyon, : Rott Tas ’ 24 { TOOLS) of oy ory d ble variety. Aatimy Erysipelas by large rene of the same; says
enj Lyon, $ Foss Onin, | SADDLERS’ 2 ” ) © cures the common Pruptions by it constantly.
Juno, MeCalley, Thos Hamilton, do 1 20 HAT DW ABE, hv + | Bronchocele, Goitre or Swolled Neck.
Wor MeOalice 0 Thos. Grant do | A general assortment, and 50 per cent | 3 :
3 i] c Talley, 3 os. Ronan do ower than any. place else : alton Sloan of Freepec; Janse; writés 3 ¢ Thea
no. Kennady, ’ ha g ® 1 Sarsapari Ure — d-
Jas Demuady, John Graff do | CARRIAGE MAKERS TRIMMING S,CARPEN | cous swelling on the wat iets A. Gotre 3 hia.
Jas. Hepburn, i John q udager, do | TERS’ TOOL> which cannot be surpassed | Over two years.”
John Cowden, “ eo. Sens do | VICES, ANVILS, DRILLS. SOREW PLATES, Leucorrhea or Whites, Ovarian Tumor,
Jas. Armstrong, “ Jno. amright. do FIL RASPS, PIPE SKEIN & WAGON | Uterine Ulceration, Female Diseases:
Thos. Greaves, Boggs, Jokn Median : do 20 * BOXES. 4 SY Dry J IS Channing, of Foy York City, writes 10k
Thos. Gr ave Snowshoe, {ho ison 2 W2 | apmny apn Tac 7A dibs aye | MO8E cheerfully comply with the request of your agent in
ho Bes Suwshoe Di id, ’ do 21.16 ST PRL STAIN S, IRON AXELTREES, BENT saying I have found your roe a Ee I
Po hd oB8% Prod Dorsh i 1425 | uf ELLOW , HAMES, &o. | Slienaite i the numerous complaints for which we
John Burgh, Ha fmoon, Mich] Gudager, ao 13.86 | PAINTS, OILS, GL ASS AND PUTTY, COAL ! ee Sh a Pesetss
And. somners, Boggs, Paal Zantzinger, do 21.69 OIL AND LAMPS, VARNISH, FLUID. ate cases of Yencortian by it, and some iota ive com-
Thos. P Hale, Curtin, Rich. Atherton, do 5 638 OIL CLOTHS, PATENT LEATHER, ROPE AND plaint was caused by ulceration of the wlerus. The ulcer-
Garret Cottinger, “ organ Philips, du., 19,32 WIRE of every size in abundance. | Hom itself was soon cured, Nothing within my kuowl-
T.P. Wharton, = ai do 29) SHOEMAKER'S TOOLY, | Ne Fy Serangemente?
Josiah [aines, Te Wits Ji 1 as And all other kinds of Goods usually kept | gerous ovarian tumor on ono of the females in my family, .
Patty Sates, Boggs, Ino. Lowden 35 6 96 ina well regulated Hardware Store, i Za hoa defied a the remedies we conld employ, has
. Cochran it rr has y i : 4 tat at length been completely cured by your Extract of Sar-
David Carseadon, Snowshoe Chuist. Hair, do 31.45 Their stock isan entirely new one, COMprising gaparifla, Our rey ERE Aoi Tet. fon
0 30 ) Jacob Steke, do 15.79 | all the leading articles connected with the Hard. | tion could afford relief, hut he advised the trial of your
“ i“ Christ. Hair Jr. do 97,26 | ware trade, and their facilities for pur ch iz | Sarsopurilla as the last resort before cutting, and it
i Bogus Geo. Slouzh, do 5,31 | goods not being excelled by any other establish- | proved effectual. After taking your remedy oight weoks
i 55% Andrew Schenck, + do 27.69 | nend, they here declare themselves able to soll | BO Symptom of the disease remains.” . ¥
6 Curtin David Hair, do 27.69 | rom fifty to one hundred per cont. lower than any ! Syphilis and Mercurial Disease.
“ eo Alex Scott, de 5.96 | ther establishment in the counttry, and invite NEW ORLzaNs, 25th August, 1660.
“ . 5 Mich. Schenck, do 1384 oe ers, Mechanics, and all others in need of Dm a Ant Shsstiniy comply ih Hey ie
5 i a s Shristian Schenc 07 ac ard ware, and aatidfy themselves of th quest of your agent, and report to you some of the eftec
Jno. Donnelley, Buiuside Soran Benes I ie | truth He ea) and =tidy thmgives of ithe I have realized with your Sarsaparilla.
Samed Sth, 9 ky 30 13 34 - dy I Y 360. te 1 Treen ni i in my pragtives Dost oie Sots
Juo. T. Hoover. do 3 0,3 A * pizints for which it is recommended, and have found its
Jos, Morris Hi 5 do oh =r ONI oN DIS Av Ree ne truly wonder in rs cure of FPenereul and Mer-
. . ( A do £ | J XY curial Ii ne of my patients had Syphilitic ulcers
al 29 154 James Allison, do 27.69 = L COV ERY in his thr which ere i ih Taint and the
Moors Wharton, Showshoe, 153 4 of Jno. Louden, do 3.451 WORTHY OF ANY CONFIDENCE FOR So Sil funth, ow Serratia Sadr a,
4 ne ATs t 5 > og © 1 n ave weeks. nother was attacl y sec-
Wm. Parker, do 0 Soy aes 2 i RERTORING THE BALD AND GRAY ondary symptoms in his nose, and the Ny had
Rebecca Waln. do 2 heny. Aus, 0 $ = ard) eaten away a considerable part of it, so that I believe the
Benj. H. Tallman, do 153 Chr do "13,54 eo ths og oh of disorder would goon reach his brain and kill kim. Dut it
Eliz. Wharton, do 153 Seb astian Graff, do 13,84 ed Jo yielded to my administration of your Sursaparilla: the
AS. Valentino do 153 Jacob Myers, do 13.84 Tot ie er ian SEE ulcers healed, and he is well again, not of eourse without
a os > 2 163 Paul Bush, do 6.01 a Waly S Aik gi : Soins Seioaslion to bis i i woman who Td tigen
43 !. M. ] sin, ;: ; oil q VO ce results identical ; buy v have | treated fur the same disorder by mercury was suflerin
x N. J. Mitchell, ’ do i Daal fre, de 5 all come and gone, being carried Ly the | from this poiso her bones. They Sd Donate SO —
190 90 John Hall, Burnside 163 15 B vis 1 Ds wonderful results of Prof Weod's preparation eitive to the weather that on a damp day she suffered ex-
233 ai Jumes Hall, do 03 ohn Boreland. do, 6.91 and havo been forced to leave the field Lo its To. cruciating pain in her joints and bones. fhe, too, was
; Charles Hall, do 163 John Ko ’ do 6.91 sistless sway, Read the followin: * , cured entirely by your Sarsaparila in a fow weeks. 1
David Lewis, do 163 John Bu sh, do 601 J in X Ba by know from its formula, which your agent gave me, that
Hh 3 163 John Such do 6.91 Barn, Maine, April 18th, 1839. this Preparation from your laboratory must be a great
John Shym. do | ’ ! | y 1
Richard Waln, do Joan Black, do 6,91 ' Pror 0.J. Woon & Co: Gents:—The letter TON cna, thoes sly Femurule results
Joveph Waln, A Joseph W is do 6.9! | Dwrote yeu in 1856, concerning your valuable ra a Y. LARTMER, MM. D.
Jesse Waln, do Hush Hamiiton, do | 1216 | Hair Restorative. and which you hove published 4 ERR eh
John Burros, do aL wh, 9 a in this vicini: 2d else i Rheumatism, Gout, Liver, Comulalnt.
Eli Camby . ohn Miller, do ,28 | numerous ene i INpepenpeNcr, Preston Co., Va, 6th J ly, 1850.
Thon 5 5 Randolph Kelkor, do 12.56 | The enqui 1 Dr. J.C. \ven: Sir, T have been afllicted © «ith a pniy-
Molly Wa do Samuel Showers, do 13.84 | tion and nam g ful chronic Rheumatism for a long time, whicl baffled the
oy ba Robert Kine 278 | con ta tt ad i T skill of physicians, and stuck to me in pits of all the
Robert Waters, Snowshoe, ae ge Eng, a. do = 7S | sec ond. 8 it trug § ther in contained ; third; | remedies could find, until I tried your Sarsaparilla. One
Lenj. RB Morgan, do . ye sy Bo773i08, Lo | dees my bair in continue to be in good orderand | bottle cured mo in two weeks, and restored my general
Valentine Myers, Curtin, an. X0RA0T80N, “0 7,99 | ofnaturaleolor 2 To ali [ can and do answor iu- | health so musk that I am far Laltor than befors ¥ wag
. FE El py do 16.01 T variably 3 My ha is even better thanin any | 8HACKEG. ItGIDK «a WORGEru meGi ne, . »ahAM,
. rat} do do 16 01 fe for 40 years more soft, th Juies Y, Getchell, of St. Louis, writes: “1 have been
00 Jas. T. Hale, Snowshoe, do 30.19 | colored ; the © i3 true of my | afflicted for years with an affection of the Liver, which
00 Jus. MeManous do do 18,01 | 1 the ovly cause why it is not gener. | destroyed my health. I tried every thing, ngd every thing
nar td H do 33.60 | hat the 's is washed of | failed to relieve me; and 1 have Leen a broken-down man
00 nel Linn 1c 0 that the su wee is washed off b
4 L Hy 00%. Yin Banh % | op a yr H DY | for some years from no other cause than dean ement of
; Hiam Benhao d 16.01 4
163 bur Whartoa, Curtin, i am, hg 6.0 ution of the face, when. if care were I My beloved pastor, the Rev. Mr. Ls dviced
Dates ; i James Hawthorn, do 16.01 the f: Ti8e. CORBET on with AEN ay Seioved pastor, the Rev, Mr. Iisny,adyis
00 Peter Hahn, do ADL b se connection with + try your Sursaparilla, becange hie said he krew yen,
00 Susan Hahn, do Blair McLanahan, do 16.01 ult will follow ¢ ny thing you made was worth trying. By the bless.
00 Jos. Thomas, do 7a son, 2 134) i ; i seeipt of ag {od it has cured me, and bas so purified my bat
( sob Waln 1 aul Cox, do 6.01 | bor of letter { ’ © a new man of me. TI feel young again. ie
2 2 inks # x ¥ mw. Lewis Lawyer, do 16.01 | ing me if my ds 2 +L Lint can be said of you is not half good enough.”
00 do Thomas Catbbert, do 7.90 ure and | Schivrus,Cancer Tumors, Enlargement
00 do do 16.01 | i, it hug, | Ulceration, Caries and Exfolintion of
00 do do 7.49 ed and beenused, not | the Bones.
00 do 9 16 2 | t. but to absolute in | A grent variety of cases have heen raported Io Tx where
0 0 7.99] Lany of yo Rest v s+ cures of these formidable compluints have resul
o Lindley Coates to 3 do 7.99 | a . any Soy ny the use of this remedy, but our space here will not admit
hrs . ViLact: 2 5 do 7.99 ‘0 d handreds or : them. Soma of them may be found in our American
hh 2 Y Pui do 5 i) 16.00 | wor. an ! hundre yf have e . Lit | Anmanac, which the agents below named are pleased to
407 of Caleb Lawns, do 7.72 D yas 130,25 1 now 0. yo ROY & | furnish gratis to all who call for them
20 sane " 7.72 do 16 00 | hair in my } 1 or or ; ¢ 8. :
Qs 3 Eh Bough, go 32 = John West, do 16 06 fact, { send — ny 2 AL | Dyspepsia, Iieart Disense, Fits, Epllep~
425 00 Heury Toland a 2 19 D H. Cunningham, do 16.00 | nk. v ror of two g t | sy, Melancholy, Neuralgia.
4 ry ang, Miles, 2,42 Jolin M. Nesbit, = 3 an 1 Fol Iwo quart Many remarkable cures of these affections have heen
25 00 Samael Norton, do 2.54 I hn 1 Nesvit, C9 13 fit lies sustsumine M1 Very grate. | made by the alterative power of this medicine. lt stimu-
% 0 Dan’l Williams, do 2,64 RIHes Giililand do 0.91 i Lgove it tom hereby induced | lates the vital functions into vigorous action, and thus
00 Wm. Brady, do 2,42 Kearney Wharton, . do 15.60 nto try it, many ical until after | overcomes disorders which would be supposéd beyond ita
00 Rich. Parker, 12 James Johnston, Spring, 10 838 al and then purchased and used it with univer reach. Such a remedy has long heen required by the ne-
3 do 2,42
00 Jer. Purker, do 2,42 Thomas Arthurs, do 10.00 ueccess.. [ will ask us a favor. that you send | cessities of the people, and we are confident that this will
163 Bird-Wiison, Snowshoe, 16.00 Wim. Wilson, do 10.00 t y Fah [can discover fraud in the | 90 for them all that medicine can do.
00 Rebecca Kelso, Curtin 14,07 Eleanor Johnson, do 1050 sold by many, I fear, without author. | BR.
80 Robt Twin, @% 1ieh James Smith, de 10.72 A pure astisle will fusare success, | Ayers Cherry Pectoral,
12 Ste’n Stephenson, Liberty, 6 S7 es dos : BD i ee ¢ where good effects do not follow. the ! i X
120 Jno. Dunwoody, o 6 308: dohnson 0 { = ised bir the impure article, which curs- FOR THE RAPID CURE OF
120 Ebu'zr. Bonham, do 6. Jno. MeComing, do 10.32 veutor of tha - Ideom it my duty, Coughs, Colds, Infinenza, Hoarsenoss,
43 Philip Myers, Curtin, 15 John Wilson, do 10.00 | a7 horetofore, 10 keep you apprised of the contin- Croup, Bronchitis, incipient Con
00 Simeon Myers, do John Johnston, do 10.47 | ved eficet on my hai asauro all who enquire | sumption, and for the Relief
43 Valentine Myers, do James Long, Un 13.3 , | of me of my uushaken o of its vaiualle re- of Comnsumptive Patients
48 Miehnel Myers, AES Mung Hon, 16,08 | sults. I rémain, dear sir, yours | in advanced Stages
ol airelyers John MeKisson do 13.38 “eae ravyoxD Of tho Disessty
00 nar Ww gto a Henry Beck, do 13.38 LE hea This 18 a remedy so uuiversaliy known to surpass a
asper Wister, do TTA Te 2.00 . ck Tus Fv Nr other for tho cure of throat and lung complaints, that it
00 Alex. McDonald, Gregs, Wm. Carlisle, do 133% Aaroxs Rex, Kv., Nov. 30, 1858, | fo uscless here to publish tho avidonos of Its virtues.” Ite
60 © Wm. Cook. Billi, Chaz, Wilson do 11.28 |, Pror. C.J. Woop : Dear sir. —T would certein- | unrivalled excellence for coughs and colds, and its tral:
00 Thos. Hamil on, do Samuel Phillips 1 ‘oq | 1y bedoing you a great injustice not to make wonderful cures of pulmonary disease, have made ft
on Sharia fi wamine | Phillips, do 10.29 known to the world, the wonderful, as well as the | known throughont the civilized nations of the emrtk
0 Jon Cowden © do Cy da 1388 unonpented yesoit] Bava oxpeviented from wiing | Sow als tio cmnslii oe ven ies ariony tite
00 Jas. Hepburn lo John Cooper, do 2.16 | o¥ t your fair Restorative. After using p 3 : i
00 Jas, ir oo John Daawoody, do 1029 | every kind of Restoratives extant, but without | I
00 John Kennady, do R. Mulholland do 124 | §uceess, and finding my head nearly destitute of | As all know ths dreadful fatality of these disorders, and
00 And. Kenna(y, do Jon Ire; 3 in r, [was finally induced to try a bottle of your | as they know, too, the effects of this remedy, we need not
00 Christ. Deriinz, Gre oni irvin, 40 2.48 | §Taic Restorative. Now, eandor and justice com- | do more than to assure them that it has now all the vir-
00 CharlesIan = rong, Jacob Vanpool, Taylor 31.80 | pel me to announce to whoever may read this, that | tues that it did have when making the cures which have
31 Wu. Hepburn do Christ. Vanpool do 10 L now possess a new and beautiful head of hair, | WOR 80 strongly upon the confidence of mankind.
129 John Cowden, : do Richard Downing do 126 which I pronounce richer and handsomer than the | Prepared by Dr. J.C. AYER & CO0,, Lowell, Mass.
127 ‘And. Carson, i> Michael Weibin or = 20 original wg 1 Bi Shaisfuc ings ion to re- |
Sod. ; Michs ei y 9:0Y | commind this invaluable remedy to ALL who muy | ’
4 To i J Waly Riche Weidner, do 530 ta the necessity of it. y ny GARMAN S HOTEL.
: atz, y : a - ain 1 :
141 Simon Gratz, do oyce Davis, Union 74 remain respectfully yours, J ANKLIN
i Tien sO B. Pyle ® Co. Walker, 20 : REV. 8. ALLENBROCK. ; (LATE THE FRANKLIN HOUSE.)
00 Henry Antis, do Jeremiah Parl, er, do 240 PS 2 -This testimonial of my approbation for | Opposite the Court House, Bellefonte, Pa
110 00 flepburn & Harris, do Rickard Parker. do 240 | Your valuable medicine (as you are aware of) is DANIEL GARMAN, Proprietor.
422 gan Dike, do Wm S Sivees Worth 15.34 Inala Ths if you think it worthy a place |
TE Te . whipper, i, 5 among the rest, insert if you wish; if not destroy | » J
Fi Cramer, do id Js, do 86 | and say nothing. Yours, REV. S. AB, y k 3 ae So WHEL oa et
Wm. Mackey, d no. Swanwick, d 5.1: . orate; i 3 | known Hotel, situated on the Southeast corner of
ye g nskey o ang, San £ lo 5 13 The Restorative is put in bottles of three sizes | the Diamond, opposite the Court House, having
Swineford, do Thos. Hawthorn, do 1215 | viz : large, medium and small ; the small hold | P i >
of John Kidd, do EAT n half a pint and retails for one d . | been purchased by the undersigned, he announo-
J Jasper Maylan do 13.19 P ils for one dollar per bottle bl d
Jobo Prive. st LU he medt hold : > | es td the former patrons of this establishment an
/ 5 Jas. Hawtho do 17.30 mediums hold at least twenty per cent. more h cell li Hy, that he intend
Jno. Wheeland do as. 1iawlhom, 0 14.80 | 3; proportion than th ils | to the traveling puplio generally, that he intends
J ’ oe , » proy the small, retails for two dollars 3} 1 d
Jno. Rollington, do J. M. M Kinney, Marion, 9.60 a bottle , the large holds a qnart forty per cent. | Tefliting is thoroug ly, and is prepared to render
366 10 James Baxter, do Ann Dale, baggs, 7,07 | more in proportion and retails for threo dollaren | the most satisfactory. accomm.dation to all who
130 123 Simon Gratz Miles A 5 Bia, 32 | bottle TO! D! X | may favor him with their patronage. No pains
123 BF Swede. a Toman Hall, Cavin, T10% [hutin, O 4, 8 York and 111 aopeiiorss 18: | will bo cpared on bis part todd to" tho conven.
2 § ; ; roadway, Now | gt. | :
19 01 Simeon Grataz, do 3 Hood, Boggs, 19.10 Louis, Mo, HS sold war dapat Srieet oe ['ence archmeort of ‘his guests. All who! stop with
196 2 Simeon Gratz, do Samuel Scott, Cuarun, 8,08 Fancy Goods Dealers. ee {: him will find or
136 141 Simeon Gratz, do Jac. Siglried, Miles, | 60 John Harris & Co., Agent, Bellefonte, Pa. i EXS CABLE
3 4 David Poe, Tush, Jos. Harrison, Rush, 416 | Bellefonte, July 11, ’61-1y. : | abundantly supplied with the most sumptuous fare
bn os pom Gomme 4D Jno. [arrison, do 36 | Oy “WORTID ATT AD (iT 1 the market will afford, done up in style, by the
£313 Jus Glstworty, 5 HEA oa TO THE WORLD AT LARGE! 2! Darton thot 5 TRI FAS HAR Wala
Bh Bb eon, Li nr 2 3 aE wt ai
433 163 Ed. Moyston, do Blinor Stddons, do 6.91 ox could § YRS contain :
329 10 And. Armstrong, do Ront. Rainey, do 691 BOALSBURG & VICINITY IN PARTICULAR. | The Choicest of Liquors.
433 163 Sharp Delany, do John Friend, Huston, 23 40 he subscribers having taken the Store | yrig Stabling is best in town, and will always be
200 00 Wu. McPherson, do 9 Tacoh Rush Rush 12.94 formerly occupied by Messrs Johnston & Kel attended by the most trustworthy and attentive
435 163 Wn. Gr. Latimer, do 13. 7 v i 0 nw 3 ler, beg to say tothe people of Boalsburg and vi- | hostlers
Ji 40 Dobos Gray, Gregg, 5 an a ana, - a cinity that they will continue the Give him acall, one and all, and he feels con-
201 ohn Carson, do 5 ac. Weidman, 0 12 - 3 i : % 3 i
300 00 Comnolins Bishop, Gregg, Jacob Daler do 13.81 DRY GOODS AND GROCERY BUSINES: Dudant Hat ull will be satisfied with their accom
400 00 John Porter, “« 2°08 Daniel Hire ties ‘gq | in its various branches, and will spare no pains tc | Wodation. y
00 00 Wm Tagenrt “« Led aniel Brenner, do 6.91 keep up a full assortment of everything usually | i AN EXCELLENT LIVERY
400 00 Juco Markley, « 2°08 A, Reighart, Jr, do 13.84 | kept in any country store, and will sell at prices#™is attached to this establishment, which strangers
400 00 David Taggart « 168 Hugh Melntrre, do 16,37 | which we trust will solicit a share at'loast of your | from abroad will find greatly to their advantage.
400 00 Wm, Logue, 2.68 Adam Reighart do. 6,9] | patronage DANIEL GARMAN.
191 00 TelaEnn 198 Richard Waln , 2 763 All kinds of cbuntry produce taken at full mar- Bellefonte, Jan. 9, 1862.
199 00 Isaac Richardson, 198 hescthi aul, , on’; | ket prices in exchange torgoods. Bring along your | — mmm oe eee
100. <0) Pont pen « Lye Clem’t Beckwith, Taylor, 23,84 | Grain, your Bacon, your Butter, your Eggs your CONRAD HOUSE,
9 00 Jno. Frick, jr., = Potter, 203 ; J. B. MITCHELL, Rags, your Tgilow, your Lard, =r Hard Soap, .
177 00 Bernard Hubly, « 2.26 | Bellefonte, April 3, 1862. Treasurer | your Bees Wax, your Feathers, aud in caso you BELLEFONTE, PENN'A. :
18 10 Christph’r Derring © 2,26 “0 THE PUBLICT Lk be wil yi pnd h J. B. BUTTS :
400 00 Benj. Patterson a“ 22 ; refused. i: BLER & CO » Ri
150 00 rv Vandersice, “ ol UBLIC Boalsburg, April 20, 1860—tf. ? AS THE PLEASURE OF ANNOUNC-
100 00 Alex. Hunter, “ 54 ETER KeRLIN, Sr, WOULD RE-| —— — —— ——— ing to his friends and the public in gen«
100 00 Samuel Scott, “ 54 spectfully inform his friends and the 0.0 KE 8S TOR & ral that he has taken charge of this well known
100 00 Abraw Scott, | 54 | public in general, that he has opened a new store GEORGE LIVINGSTON, otel, lately under the supervision of J. H. Morri-
400 60 Christian Devling, Harris 2.64 | at Fillmore, Centre county, Pa., where he wiil | at his well known stand on ¢he North-eastern onr- on, and is fully prepared to accommodate the
400 60 Geo. Swineford, Penn, 2,05 | keep on hand at all times, a general assortment | ner of the public square, Bellefonts, keeps raveling publiz in a style and manner commensu-
400 60 Adam Bolinder, Haines, 1,30 | of Dry Goods, Groceries, Queensware, Hardware, | stantly on hand a large assortment of ute with the progressive spirit of the times.
2 y s ¥ 8 prog
400 60 Albright Swineford, 1,27 | Hats,” Bonnets, * Shoes, Stationery, &e., all of THEOLOGICAL He is in possession of all the modern improve-
400 60 Jumes Row “ 1,78 | which he will sell at low rates for cash. Please CLASSICAL BOOKS ments and conveniences, as t¢ sleeping appart-
400 00 Mary Jenks t 1.78 | give me a call before purchasing elsewhere, as I MISCELLANEOUS : mes t, and has supplied hislarder with the choicest
400 60 Thomas Barr, “ 1,78 | feel confident that my goods and prices will give AND SCHOOL ~ 3 the markets afford, and his Bar with the purest
“84 25 J. C. Iisher, Harris, 2.24 | satisfaction to all, PETER KERLIN, Sr. Algo, a large variety of . Wines. % ?
407 92 Kearny Wharton, it 2,52 | Fillmore, Pa., April 17. 186 ‘BLANK BOOKS AND STATIONERY With the most exteusivestabling accommodations
109 15 C. B. Welch, Howard, 1201 | 8 of the best tif and attentive and skilful ostlers, together with as
299 1000 Wm. C. Welch “ 9.70 READ POWER, THRESHING MA MATHEMATICAL INSTRUMENTS, siduous attention to business, he feels justified ir
17 98 A.D. Haris, 5) 9,70 chines for one or two horses; also 4 horse PORT FOLIOS, &e. &e. soliciting a share of patronage and the -support
209 51 A.D. Harris, dt 12,90 | swesp power, and machines with overshot cylen- IF Books brought to order at a small advance | hie friends.
186 92 A.D. Harris, " 6.01 | der; the least now in use, manufactured and for | on tke city prices. Bellefonte, Oct. 8-'57-42-tf.
242 97" Jos. Harris, “ 7,49 | sale at the Bellofonte Foundry. All new work | une28-tf.8. GEO. LIVINGSTON. :
35 146 Wm. A. Thomas, ib 4,55 | warranted J. D. SHUGERT,
406 40 Poter Leitzel, Liberty, 14.08 | May (5-62. 3t A. HAUPT & Co., JAMES H. RANKIN, ATTORNEY AT LAW,
413 40 John Jackson, 1! 8.00.1 — TTT ATTORNEY AT LAW, Site
430 00 Christan Smith, “ 14,80 ) 3ELLEFONTE, PENN
ho 9 x 3 ay - . BELLEFONTE, PENN'A. J
10: Robert Irvin, “ 8,68 Ayer 8 Cathartic Pills Office, ou the Diamond, one door west of the | Office in the Court Houge, with the Treasurer.
108 10 John Potter, u 8,71 7 ® Post Office. X ‘ pDMUND BLANCHARD. E. ¥. BLANCHARD.