Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, May 29, 1862, Image 4

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Are you sick. feeble, und
complaining? Are you out of
order, With your systew de
ranged, aud your feelings wir
toms are often the prelude to
serious illuess, Some fit of
sickness is creeping upon you,
and should Le sveric
timely use of tl
edy. Take Ayers ills,
eleanga out the disordered
mora— purify the bloud, and
Jet the fluids move on unob-
structed iu health again,
#8 They stimulate the functions
w= of the body into vigorous ac-
a = 5. tivity, purify the system from
2 — ‘the i nns which make
disense. A cold settles somewhere In the buddy, and cb
structs Ite natural fanctions. These, if not relieved,
react upon themselves and the snrrounding organs, pro-
ducing general aggravation, suffering, and disease.
While in this condition, oppressed by the derangements,
take Ayer’s Pills, and see how directly they restore the
natural action of the system, and with it the buoyant
feeling of health again, What is true and so apparent in
this trivial and common complaint, is also true in many
of the deep-seated and dangerous distempers.
purgative effect expels them. Caused by similar obstrug
tions and derangemens of the
body, they are rapidly, and many of them surely, cured
by the same means. None who know the virtues of these
Pills, will neglect to employ them when suffering from
the disorders titey cure.
Statements from leading physicians in some of the
principal cities, and from other well known public per-
From a Forwarding Merchant of St. 12 Fb. 4. 1836,
Dr. Aven: Your Pills are the paragon of all thi
‘roat im medicine, ‘They have cured my little daughter
f ulcerous Sores upon her hands and feet that had proved
scurable for years. [Ter mother has been tong griov-
usly afflicted with blotches and pimples on her skin and
2 her hair. After our child was cured, she also triwl
our Pills, and they have cured her.
As a Family Physic.
From Di. E. We Cartwright, New Orleans.
Your Pills ara the prince of purges. Their excellent
¢ wmlities surpass any cathartic we possess. They ara
3 iid, but very certain and effectual in their action on tha
t »wels, which nm s them invaluable to us in the duily
ticatment of disease.
Eleadache,SickIHeadache, Foul Stomach.
From Dr. Ldwuwrd Boyd, Ballimore.
Dear Bro. Aven: Icannot answer you what complaints
7 Lave cured with your Pills better than to say oll that we
ever treat with a pirgative medicine. 1 place great depen:
dence on an effectual cathartic in my daily contest with
disease, and believing as 1 do that your Pills afford us the
Best we have, 1 of course value them highly.
Pirespena, Pa, May 1, 1855.
T have been repeatedly cured of
body ean have by a dose or {wa
Dr. J.C. Aven. Sir:
wn worst headuchn
of your Pills. Tt se
which they cleanse at once.
Yours with great respect,
Clerl: of Steamer Clarion,
Pilious Disorders — Liver Complaints,
Fron Drv Theodore Bell, of New York City.
Not only are your Pills admirably adapted to their pur-
as an aperiont, Imt 1 find eneficial effects upon
the Liver very marked in wy have in my prac-
{ice proved more effectu: ov the cure of bilious
ils than any one remedy 1 can mention. 1 sincervly
Laie that we have ab length a purgative which is wor
thy the confidence of the profussiv d the people.
Washington, D. C., ith Feb, 1856. §
Smt 1 have used your Pills in my general and hospital
peactice ever since you made them, and cannot hesitate to
tay they aro the best cathartic we employ. Their rego-
Jating action on the liver is quick and decide
grently they are an admirable remedy for dering
of that organ. Indeed, I have sclidom found
« Jivus disease so obstinate that it did not rewdil
“hem, Fratervally yows, ALONZO BALL, ALD,
Dysentery, Diarrhea, Relax, Woimns.
From Dr. J. G. Green, of Cliicogn,
Your Pills have had a long trial in m)
Told them in em as one of the best its 1 have
ever found, lect upon the liver mak
“fem an excelle given in small
L Their sag
ice, and 1
y acceptable aud conveuicut
Dyspepsia, Impurity of the Blood.
oa Leva J. Vo Hawes, Dustin
Br, Aver: 1 hinve used your
ills with extraord
-1ocess in my fauiily and am 1 aun called to vi
1 distress. To regulate the of digestion and
+ rify the blowd, they ave the beat remedy 1 have
+r knows, and I can confide scounend them to
1, dricnds, Yous, J. V HIMES,
Winsaw, Wyowing Co, N. Y
ar Sm: 1 am using your Catha
+ and find them an excellent pur
tem and purify the fountatis of
mstipation, Costiveness, Suppression,
Blhenwmatism, Gout, Neuralgia, Drop=
vy, Paralysis, Fits, etc.
From Dr. J. I. Vauglo, Montreol, Canada.
Too much cannot be guid of your Pills for the cure of
¢ “liveness. 1f others of our fraternity 1
efficacions us I have, they shonld
© rit for the benefit of the multit
1 me in proclaim-
who safer from
¢ xt casmplaint, which, although bad enongh in itself, is
wo pravenitor of others that are worse. 1 believe cos-
ss towriginate in the liver, but your Pills affect that
« and cure the disease,
From Mrs, BE. Sear, {
1 find one or two la
Taper time, are exc
‘on when wholly ar partial
« flectual to cleanse the sto
: ve 80 much the bes
© other to my pati
vom the Rev. Dr. Hwles. of Ue Motiiodist Epis
fre and Midwife, Boston.
of your Pills, taken at the
sotivesof the salural se
ppressed, and also v
nd expel worms, The
v live that 1 recommen
. Church,
Prraski Hous mini. Ga.
TToxomrn Sm: 1 should be nnerateful 1
5 our skill has brought me if 1 did not report my case to
Ton, coll settled in my limbs and brought on excru-
g nearalyic puins, which ended ily chron
Notwithstanding I liad the best of pl
« o grew worse and worse, until hy the advice p
ent agent in Baltimore, Dr. Mackenzie, 1 tried your
ills, Their effects were slow, but sure. By persescring
3 the use of thew, I am now entirely well,
SENATE CHAMBER, Baton Rt 5 Dec. 1805.
+ I have been entirely your Pills, of
Gout— a painful disease th i afflicted me
23 Most of the Pills in murket contain Mercury,
+ hich, although a valuable remedy in skilful hands, is
« angerous in a public pill, from the dreadful conse-
+ qiences that frequently follow its incantious use. These
« 3ntain no mercury or mineral substance whatever.
Price, 25 cents per Box, or 5 Boxes for $1.
“‘repared by Dr. J. ©. AYER & C0., Lowell, Mass.
_ For sale by J. Harris Bellefonte, and one dealer
in every village throughout the country.
The subscriber having leased the above
oxmed Hotel in the borough of Lock Haven, Clin
ton eeunty, Pa., takes this method of informing the
srablic generally that he has made every necessary
reparation to entertain strangers and travelers in
the best possible manner.
His table will always co in the choicest. lux-
aries that the country wi’ afford, and he is deter-
smined nottoke surpassed in this department by
any ether tote] aleng the West Branch.
#3 Bar will contain the choicest liquors that can
be purchased in the city market.
Careful and attentive Ostlers will constantly be
on hand to take charge of horsesand see thut they
are properly attended to.*
Trusting that he may receive a portion of the
patronage of the traveling public, he hopes by
close attention to be able to rende r general satis
faction, ALFRED MANN,
June 6, '61.-tf Proerieton
espectfully informs the citizens of Belle
fonte that he still continues to carry on tha
Tailoring and Clothing business at his old stand
én Brokerhof’s Kow, on Main street, where he is
prepared to make to order, all kinds of Clothing
an the neatest and most fashionable style. .
He keeps on hand a general variety o
of the latest and most approved patterns.
Ready made Clothing of all kinds which he is
selling at reduced prices. He feels thankful for
the very liberal support heretofore extended, and
hie to merit a continuance of the same,
ellefonte, Jan. 5th. 1860,-1y.
Letters testamentary on the Es-
tate of John M. Lucas, late of Curtin township,
deceased, dated Feb. 19th, 1862, having been
granted to N. J. Mitchell and D. W. Hall, of
Tloward township, all persons indebted to said
Estate are requested to make immediate payment
and those having claims against it are required to
present them, duly aihestisued; for settlement.
Feb, 27—6t. D. W. HALL Adm's.
Letters of Administration on the
Hstate of Samuel Runkle, late of Potter township
dec’d, having been granted to the undersigned,
all percong knowing themselves indebted to the
said Estate are requested to make immediate pay-
ment; and all having claims against the Estate are
required to present thems duly authenticated for
ROBERT LEE, Administrator.
May 1 1862 —6t
- Ayer’s Cherry Pectoral.
err rier heared rrr Aah er or rreereremere=
} tions are paid, and a failure to notify # liscontin-
These Kympe |
The same |
natural functions of the |
« Obituary notices exceeding six lines, fifty cents
ms to arise from a feul stomach, |
Liysician af the Murine Hospital, |
of Advent Chores, Boston, |
| Che Democratic Watchman,
| ALEXAKDER & FUREY, Publishers.
Per annum, (invariably in advance.) $1 50
| No paper discontinued until all back subserip-
uance atthe end of the time subscrivs for will
"be considered a new engagement
1 insertion. £do. 3 do.
Four lines or less, $ 2 374 8 50
50 ¥5 1.00
One square—12 lines 5
. Two squares—214 lines I 00 150 200
Three squares—36 lines 15 20 250
3 mos. 6 mos. 12 mos.
| Six lines or less, $150 $3008500
One square 2 50 400 700
' Two squares, 4 00 600 1009
| Three squares, 5 00 8 00 12 00
Four squares, 6 00 10 00 14 00
| Half a column, 10 00 14 00 20 00
i One column, 18 00 22 00 40 00
Over three weeks and less than three wmenths,
! 25 cents for each insertion.
Advertisements not marked with the number of
insertions desired, wiil be continned till forbid-
den and charged according to these terms.
Fire, political and miscellaneous notices charg.
ed according to the above rates.
Business notices, five cents per line for every
| No reports, resolutions or proceedings of
corporation, society or ass. ciation, and ny: ¥
munication designed to call attention to any at
ter of limi‘ed or individual interest, can be insert.
ed unless paid for as an advertisement
iP square.
Communications recommending persons for of-
fice. inserted at ten cents a live; and the pay
must accompany the communication.
Erune purchased the stock of Clocks,
4. Watchesand Jewelry lately owned by Bible
& Moran, and having made large additions to tte
some, respectfully invites the attention of the pub-
lic to his consisting now in part of Gold and
Silver V s, Gold Guard and Fob Chains,
Gold & silver Spectacles, Bracelets. Gents’ Gold
studs, Watch Keys, Card Cases, Silver Pencils,
Finger Rings, Ear Rings, Breast Pins, 4 old Pen-
cils and Pens, Goggles. Steel Bags. Silver Plated
| Ware. &c. Also, Eight-day and thirty-hour
Clocks, at the very lowesi prices. John Moran
offers these goods to the public convinced that they
will meet with satisfaction. Ie is determined
80 dispose of neither an inferior article, or offer for
sale anything in his line bat what he can war.
Tr Considerable experience in business, and a
desire to please the public, will give him an ad-
vautage, which he mtends to use to the utmost.
He particularly invites the attention of the la-
| dies to his stock of Pins, Rings and Bracelets,
| which are of the latest styles. And he also in-
| vites the gentlemen to examine a very fine lot of
| Watches now offered for sale.
£27 Repairing and cleaning promptly attend
| Bellefonte, Jan. 5, 1860. —tf. ]
| $35, 00
| 3A YS the entire cost for Tuition in the
most popular and successful Commercial
hool in the country. Upward of Twelve Hun-
| dred young men from twenty-eight different States
| have been educated for business here within the
| paat three years, some of whom have been employ-
ed as Pook Keepers at salaries of
$2000,00 Per Annum!
| Tinmediately upon graduating. who knew nothing
| of accounts when they entered the College.
| gg Ministers sons half price, Students enter
| at any time, and review when they please, wilh-
| out extra charge.
| For catalogue of 86 pages, f
| Cowley's Business and Ornamental Penmanship,
and a large Engraving of the College, enclose
twenty-five cents in Postage stamps to the Princi-
Paix JENKINS & SMITH, Pittsburg, Pa.
March, 21, 1861.
Whereas, the County is deeply in
debt, and interest annually accruing thereon, and
whereas, the present amount of outstanding tax-
es, is at least $50 000. which, if collected and paid
into the Treasury, would enable us to pay off a
large portion of our debt and stop interest there-
on, therefore
Resolved : That the County Treasurer and
Commissioners’ Attorney be are hereby instruct-
ed to eollect all outstanding taxes previous to the
year A. D., 1861, after giving the Collectors of
the several tcwnships reasonable notice : and
that 30 days from this date shall be deemed suffi-
cient time for such notice. And the aforesaid
Treasurer and Commissioners’ Attorney shall, in
like manner, proceed to collect all outstanding
taxes for the year A. D., 1861, immediately after
the Angust Court of A. D., 1862.
Co. Comm’rs.
Specimens of Prof.
8. M. Irwiy, Clerk.
Commissioners Office, |
Bellefonte, March 20. §
isticimle, Man SMS
Having just returned from Philadelphia
with a new and splendid assortment o
of the latest styles and fashion, we feel gronad to
please all, both young and old, grave and gay, who
Our stock con-
nay see proper {o give us a call.
sists in part of
and all other articles generally keptin a Millinery
[35~ We have procured the services of one of the
most experienced Milliners in the city. Store on
Bishop street, next door to the old stand. .
Bellefonte. May 3,61. MARY SOURBECK.
Bellefonte and vicinity, are respectfully informed
that classes will be opened for the study of the
above beautiful
Art of Writing,
in this piace, and will continue for two months.
A FREE LECTURE will be given on the sub-
| jeet, in the Arbitration-room of the County Court
House. on Saturday evening, the 20th inst., com-
meneing at 8 o'clock, where particulars will be
given and classes opened. .
Professor of Phonography.
N. B.—Private instructions given if requir d.
Bellefonte, Mareh 27th, 1862 Dp. P. PF:
COFFEE.— This p:eparation, made
from the best Java Coffee, is strongly . recommen-
ded by physicians as a superior NUTRITIOUS
BEVERAGE for General Debility, Dyspepsia,
and all Bilious disorders.
Thousands who have been reluctantly compelled
to abandon the use of Coffee, will find they can
use tnis combination without any of the injurious
effects they formerly experienced.
25° One can contains the strength of two pounds
| of ordinary Coffee
| For gale by all Druggiste and Grocers, and by
| the Manufacturer, corner of BROAD and CHEST-
NUT Streets, and by JOS. B. BUSSIER & CO,
108 and 110, S WHARVES.
Price 25 cents.
March 6th 1862—1y.
All persons are hereby cautioned
against purchasivg or meddling with the following
property, to wit: One three-year old Colt, one
Cow, and one two-horse Wagon, now in the pos-
session of Frederick Dale, as the same belong to
me and have only been left with him on loan.
Rush township, March 20, 1862—3t.
is now prepared to wait upon all who may desire
his professional services.
Rooms athis residence on Spring street.
Town of DeLains, Shepards and Mo-
hair Plaids, all of which will be sold at the very
lowest rates, can be seen at the Store of
PT pre
Is precisely what its name indicates, r,
¢ while pleasant to the taste, it is revivifying,
exhilarating, ard strengthening to the vi-
tal powers. It also revivifies, reinstates
and renews the bloed in all its original pu-
rity, and thus restores and renders the sys-
q tirely of vegetables and those thoroughly
combining powerful tonic and soothing
t properties, and cuasequently can never in *
tem invulnerable to attacks of disease. It
ure. Such a remedy has long been felt
stomach, and tone up the digestive organs,
and allay all nervous and other irritation.
1t i¢ also perfertly exhilarating in its effects,
and yet it is never followed by lassitude or
depression of spirits. It is composed en
is the only preparation ever cftered to the
world in Ae form eo as to be within
the reach of all. So chemically and skill-
fully combined a8 to be the most powerful
tonic, aud yet, so perfectly adapated to as
to act in perfect actordance with the laws
of nature, and hence soothe the weakest
to be a disderatum in the medical world
both by the thoroughly skilled in medical
science, and also by all who have suffered
from debility; for it needs no medical
skill or knowledge even to see that debili-
ty follows all attacks of disease, and lays
the unguarded system open to the attacks
of many of the most dangerous to which
poor humanity is constantly reliable. Such
for example, as the following : Consump-
0 tion, Bronchitis, Indigestion, Dyspepsia,
Loss of Spee; Faintness, Nervous Ir-
ritability, Neuralgia. DPalpitation of the
Heart, Me'ancholy, Hypocondria, Night
Sweats, Languor. Giddiness, and all that
class of cases, so fearfully fatal if unattend-
ed to in time, called Female weakness and
Irregularities. Also, Liver Derangement
or Torpidity, and t.iver Complaints, Dis-
eases of the Kidneys, Scalding or Incon-
tinuence of the Urine, or any general de-
rangement of the Urinary Organs, Pain in
the Back, Side. and between the Should-
ers, predisposition to Slight Colds, Hackiag
and Continued Cough, Emaciation, Diffi-
culty of Breathing, and indeed we might
enumerate manly more etill, but we have
space only to say, it will not only cure the
debility following Chills and Fever, but
prevent all attacks arising from Miasmatic
Influences, and cure the diseases at once,
if already attacked. And as it acts di-
rectly and persistently upon the biliary
system, arousing the Liver to action, pro-
moting, in fact, all the excretions and se-
Dn of the system, it will infallibly
prevent any deliterious consequences fol-
lowing upon change of climate and water ;
hence all travelers should have a bottle
with them. and all should take a table
spoonful at least belore eating. As it pre-
vents costiveness, strengthens the digest-
ive organ, it should be in the hands of all
persons of sedentary habits, students, min-
isters, literary men. And all ladies not
accustomed to much out door exercise,
should always useit. If they will they
will find an agreeable, pleasant. and effi-
cient remedy against those ills which rob
them of their beauty ; for beauty cannot
exist without health, and health cannot ex-
ist while the above irregularities continue.
0 Then again, the Cordial is a perfect Moth-
er’s Relief. Taken a month or two before
the final trial she will pass the dreadful
period with perfectease and safety. Tiere
0 is no mistake about it , this Qordial is
all we clarm for it. Mothers. try it!
And to you we appeal to detect the illness
or decline not only of your daugters before
0 it be too late, hut alo your sons and hus:
bands, for while the former, from false del- 4
icacy, often goes down to a premature
rave rather than let their condition be
Jd in time, the laiter are often 0 mix-
ed up with the excitement of business that
if it weze not for you they would travel si
k the same dcwnward path, until too late oy
arrest their fatal fall. But the mother uy
always vigilant, and to you we confident-
ly appeal ; for we are sure your never
0 civ affection will unerringly point you
to Prof. Wood's Restorative Cordial and
Blood Renovator as the remedy which
should always be on hand in time of need. 0
0. J. WOOD, Proprietor, 444 Broadway,
New York, and 114, Market street, St.
Louis, Mo., and sold by all good Drug-
gists. Price One Dollar per Bottle.
John Harris & Co., Ag’t, Bellefonte, Pa.
July, 18, '61-1y.
Messrs, Hoffer Brothers,
Te Subscribers have just received a new
and full supply of Spring and Summer
Goods, which, for variety, have never been equal-
ed by any establishment in this section of coun
try. Having purchased the stock of goods on
hand of Mr. George Jackson, they will continue
the business at the old stand,
No. 2, Reynolds's Arcade.
Their stock consists of a general assortmet on
Dry Goods, Groceries. Hardware, Queensware
and Glassware,
including a host ot other articles in their line,
among which can be found an extensive and varied
selection of
such as
Ducals, Persian Cloths, Debeiges, Coburgs,
Cashmeres, Delaines, Alpacas,
French Merinoes, Plaids.
Their gentlemen’s wear congists of a large as
sortment of Casimeres, Cloths, Satinets, Satin,
Vesting, Tweeds, Hats and Caps And an exten-
sive assortment of Boots and Shoes for Ladies and
Gentlemen and Children, with almost every other
article that may be necessary to supply the wants
of thecommunity.
The pressure of the morey market having had
the éffect of reducing the price of many articles
of merchandise, the undersigned have been ena-
bled to buy their stock at such rates that they can
soll goods at prices to suit the times. And as they
intend to do their best to please their customers,
both in the quality of goods, and prices, they
hope to receive a reasonable share of patronage.
All in want of goods will please call and examir«
thair stock.
X. B.—They will keep constantly on hand, EX
TRA FLOUR, which they will sell at the lowest
cash price
{5% Country produce of all kinds taken in ex
change for goods. -
Dried Lumber and Shingles constantly on
hand and for sule
Bellefonte, March 28; 1861.—1y.
Our citizens have for many years been
in the habit of going to distant cities for their
Bugies and Carriages, thus depreciating discoun-
tenancing our home manufactories, and givin
to foreign establishments the patronage that Sik
properly be extended to our own. The neatness
. the foreign gave it the preferonce, over the
home manufactured vehicle, and little atten‘ion
was paid to their durability. I have just opened
a manufactury on Penn street near Bishop, hav
ing had an extensive and varied expereance at
Coach making in all its departments, feel confi-
dent that I can turn out work combining with a
finish equal to that of any eity establishment a
degree of durability never found in eity work I
respectfully invite inspection of my work by per-
sons desirous to purchase.
Repairing of all kinds done on the shortest no
May 30, 1807, 8.4. MOUISTION,
Has fitted up the shop
on the northwest corner
# of Allegheny and Bishop
streets, and is now prepared to manufacture Sad-
dles, Bridles, Harness, Trunks, Valises, Whips,
&o., &eo., in a style superior to any manufacturer
in Central Pennsylvania. His work is made of the
best materials that can be procured, and for neat-
ness and durability is second to none, with the de-
termination to put his work up according to order,
and sell lower than any manufacturers in Centre
county .He politely asks ashare of the public pa.
tronage. X
8, 61-1y.
All persons are hereby cautioned against pur-
chasing a Note given to James Clark of Centre
Hall for $18,00 by James Kennelly and the sub-
sciber as I have given value to said Clark for the
Note and am determined not to pay it a second
April24 62. tf
Gro Bruox
£ LAND.—Agreeably to several acts of
assembly, directing the mode of selling unseated
lands, for taxes due, &., The Treasurer of Centre
County gives notice that on the following deserib-
ed tracts of unseated land two years or more of
taxes are due and nnpaid. That unless said
taxes with legal cost, are paid before the 2nd
Monday of June, he-will on that day at the Court
House in Bellefonte sell the same.
Acres ps. Warrantee. Twp. Taxes
130 00 Jno. Mercer, Gregg, $ 4.64
130 00 Robt. Askey, € 8,21
130 00 Job Packer, £4 8,21
130 00 Jas. Packer, Jr, " 8,21
130 00 David Johnston, i 8,21
310 00 Lud Kanacher, Union, 48 24
190 08 Hen. Vandyke, Snowshoe, 2275
162 00 Rich Jones, = 24,61
3 40 Mary Kanacher, Union, 33.43
42 00 James Moore, Potter, 8,79
100 00 Geo. Markley, Taylor, 26.85
434 00 John Miller, Rush, 10,13
434 00 Chas. Lucas, “ 10,13
434 00 John Lamb, Taylor 11,53
434 00 Thos. Grant, Rush, 10,13
434 00 Jno. Sherick, Taylor, 8,31
431 00 Hen. McEwen, “ 8.31
434 00 Polly McEwen, “ 8.31
217 0 Josh. Williams, “* 5,75
434 00 Polly Williams, 4d 8,31
434 00 Hugh Hamilton, “« 8,31
217 00 Sarah Bonhafn, Howard, 269
402 13% Wm Miles Miles, 12,98
368 92 Walter Stewart, Burnside, 10,66
420 68 Paul Cox, “ 6,05
123 00 John Vaughn, # 8,70
308 00 W. Montgomery, Penn. 1.77
378 00 D. Montgomery, $x 1,92
252 00 Robert 1 yon, te 1,77
B2 00 Ezikiel Lyon, $e 1,77
352 00 Benj. Lyon, £4 1,77
355 00 Jno, McCalley, 14 1,77
325 00 Wm. McCalley, 88 1,77
350 00 Jona. Walker, i 1,84
348 00 Hannah Primm, *¢ 73
122 0) And Kennady, $% 64
124 O00 Jno. Kennady, £2 64
128 00 Jas Dennady, ¥ 64
131 00 Jas. Hepburn, id 64
131 00 John Cowden, £4 65
136 00 Jas. Armstrong, 8 41
433 163 Thos. Greaves, Boggs, 19.90
433 163 Thos. Greaves, Snowshoe, 32,01
150 00 Rich. Miles, Boggs, 6,90
433 163 Jona. Hervey, $e 9 490
421 43 John Burgh, Ha fmoon, 3.78
433 163 And. Somners, Boggs, 19,90
433 163 Thos. P_Hale, Curtin, 18,75
433 163 Garret Cottinger, 7,50
424 80 T. P. Wharton, ft 28.12
411 00 Josiah Haines, £8 15,38
196 00 Packer & Lucas, Boggs, 9,20
433 120 Marg’t Butler, is 4.95
305 112 Jno. Cochran, £6 6,99
458 80 Wm. Russell, $1 10,16
433% 00 Thos. Russel, gs 9,91
433 120 Luke Misner, Snowshoe, 7,97
412 44 David Carscadon, 523
412 4 i = 15,23
287 86 ££ i 7,40
400 00 * Boggs, 18,40
430 32 i > 19.76
200 120 5 Curtin, 7,50
113 4 4 *4 4,20
390 27 " hid 13,16
4334 00 Moses Hood, Boggs, 4.9
433 120 Robt. Gray, Burnside, 9,28
433 120 Wm. Dewart, ee 9,28
433 120 Jno. Dewart do 9,28
433 120 Jas. Towers, do 9,28
433 120 Wm. Gray, do. 9,28
415 00 John Weitzel, do 8,70
410 00 James Black, do 8.70
415 00 Jos J. Wallace, do 8.70
433 120 Wm. Cok, do 9.28
433 120 Jno Cowden, do 9.28
433 120 Wm. P. Brady, do 9,28
433 120 Henry Shaffer, do 28
433 120 Jno. Housel, do 9,28
433 120 John Lyon, do 9,28
443 120 Charles Goben, do Q.98
433 120 Thos. Grant, do 9,28
433 120 John Brady, do 9,28
433 120 John Kidd. do 9,28
433 120 Hen. Diupelley do 9,28
433 120 Robt Brady, do 9,28
433 120 Jno. Donnelley, do 9,28
433 120 Samuel Scott, do 0,28
406 00 Jno. I. Hoover, do. 23,68
108 83 4 of Jer. Parker, do 2.11
433 163 Jos. Morris, do 9.98
433 1563 Alex. Greves, do 9.38
415 90 George Eddy, do 928
433 153 Moore Wharton, Showshos, 11,84
433 153 Wm. Parker, 0 11,84
433 153 Rebecca Waln, do 11,84
433 153 Benj, H. Tallman, do 16,00
433 152 Eliz. Wharton, do 16,00
433 163 A. 8. Valentine, do 7.99
433 153 T. M. Milikin, do 7,99
200 00 N.J. Mitchell, do 5,34
73 00 Menry Wheeler, Burnside, 4,14
190 John Hall, do 3,95
388 9 James llall, do 8,41
433 151 Charles Hall, do 9,30
397 00 David Lewis, do 5,46
415 00 John Shym, do 5,97
383 00 Richard Waln, do 5,51
415 00 Joseph Waln, do 5,97
415 00 Jesse Waln, do 5,97
415 00 John Barrow, do 5,97
433 00 Eli Camby, do 5,97
433 163 John Rugg, do 6,21
415 00 Molly Wharton, do 2,98
433 163 Robert Waters, Snowshoe, 3,70
433 163 Benj. R. Morgan, do 3,70
433 120 Alex Bell, Curtin, 16,21
433 120 Charles Hall, do 16,21
415 00 Valentine Myers, do 23,27
100 08 ° J.W.&L C. Packer do 7.25
2074 00 Caleb Lawns, do 7,85
2074 00 Isaac Longstreth, /o 7,85
383 00 Jas. T. Hale, snowshoe, 5.20
433 00 Jas. McMannus, do 6.00
433 00 Samuel Linn, do 7,99
433 163 Fishburn Wharton, Curtin, 40,67
415 00 Peter Hahn, do 1,11
415 00 Susan Hahn, do 14,07
415 00 Jos. Thumas, lo 18,90
415 00 Jacob Waln, do 18,90
415 00 Nathaniel Levy, do 14,53
415 00 Thos. Humpkins, do 46,66
45 00 Robert Gray, do 14.53
15 00 Wm. Gray, do 14,53
461 00 Wm. Yardley, do L424
476 00 Samuel Baird, do 24,04
333 163 Phoebe Waln, do 16,00
433 163 Sam’lM Fisher, do 16,00
433 163 Sam’l M. Fox, do 7,99
4i5 00 Sarah M. Taliman, do 7,63
433 163 Jas. C. Fisher, do 7,99
488% 00 Joseph Kelso, do 39,36
237 00 Lindley Coates, do 18,36
315 00 Wm. Gilbert, do 31 95
407% 00 4 of Caleb Lawns, do 7,72
2074 00 4 Isaac Longstreth, do 7,72
233 163 James White, do 32,36
425 00 Henry Toland, Miles, 2,42
425 00 Samuel Norton, do 2,54
425 00 Dan’l Williams, do 2,64
452 00 Wm. Brady, do 2,42
424 00 Rich. Parker, do 2,42
331 00 Jer. Parker, do 2,42
333 163 Bird Wilson, Snowshoe, 16,00
442 00 Samuel Hall, Curtin, 1,54
433 163 Obijah Davis, do 6,18
433 163 « Joseph Bighee, do 4,04
290 00 Ruth Elliott, do 10,85
380 00 Jos Roberts, do 12,00
415 00 Rebecca Kelso, do 14,07
308 80 Robt Irwin, do 14,69
406 120 Ste’n Stephenson, Liberty, 6,87
406 120 Jno. Dunwoody, do 87
406 120 Ebn’zr. Benham, do 6,87
60 00 of Wm. Packer, Curtin, 78
25 00 of Jacob Baker, 0 41
72 00 John Brady, do 10,79
50 00 Dan’l Pletcher, Liberty, - 3,90
147 00 Jesse Hall, *, Curtin, 27,62
420 48 Philip Myers, do” 15,75
215 00 Simeon Myers, do 8,02
420 48 Valentine Myers, do 11,60
420 48 Michael Myers, do 10 05
415 00 Esther Eddy, do 15,53
415 00 Casper Wister, do 11,60
330 00 Alex. McDonald, Gregg, 1,68
283 00 Wm. Cook, Penn, 73
283 00 Thos. Hamil on, do 64
263 00 Jas. Armstrong, do 61
266 00 John Cowden, do 65
260 00 Jas. Hepburn, do 85
372 00 Jas. Kennady, do 65
216 00 John Kennady, do (5)
278 00 And.Kennady, do 65
302 00 Christ. Derring, Gregg, 12.43
3564 00 Charles Hall, do ,69
372 31 Wm. Hepburn, do 83
382 120 John Cowden, do 3,93
408 127 And. Carson, do 4,26
380 00 Bernard Hubly, do 4,69
406 89 Michael Gratz, Haines, 1,78
405 141 Simon Grats, do 1,78
436 00 John Simpson, do 1,78
359 00 Henry Antis, do 3,56
110 00 Ilepburn & Harris, do 93
422 116 John Mackey, do 3.56
156 80 Benj. Young do 1,18
329 00 Peter Cramer, do 2,64
228 150 Wm. Mackey, do 1,98
277 86 Peter Swineford, do 2,64
185 00 of John Kidd, do 1,08
433 163 John Price, Huston, 25,28
433 163 Jno. Wheeland, do 25,28
433 163 Jno.Rollington, do 25,28
266 10 James Baxter, do 17,48
130 123 Simon Gratz, Miles, 3,88
123 47 Bimeon Gratz, do 1,46
195 01 Simeon Gratz, do" 3,88
196 42 Simeon Grats, do 3,4!
136 141 Simeon Gratz, do 4,36
163. David Beverage, Rush, 5.91 133 Mary M. Wharton do 3,70 2
163 Martha M’Comnel, do 01433 153 James P. Morris, = do 370 AXYEHER
163 Jus. Glentworth, do 591 | 433 163 Kearney Wharton, do 15.60 ‘ 3
163 Geo. Latimer, = do 591 | 43¢ 00 Samuel Dobson, o 16,00 .
163 Ed. Moyston, do 591 | 435 00 James Johuston, Spring, 10.88 a I Sa aril a
di SEER © GR © Waowien do 1000 =
elany, do ] m. Wilson, do 10.00 FoR 2U. =
= Pes Moblefeon) a» 22 421 00 Eleanor Johnson, do 10,50 | , "oF URIFYING 1 : :
90 J. &D Pyle. Half 339 | 426 110 James Smith, do 1072] Av o> speedy, cure of the fell fmplaints :
, Pyle, alfmoon, 3 ) Scrofula and Scrofulons A ions, such
00 RobertGray, Gregg, 255 | 433 153 Thos. Johnson do 1088! as Tumors, Ulcers, Sores, Exuptions
00 John Carson, do 227413 73 Joo. McComing, do 10.32 Pimples, Pustules, Blotches, .
9 id Bishop, Gregg, 2,081400 00 John Wilson do 10.00 Bla and all Skin Diseases. =
« ’ E i i - :
» Wa at “ 68 419 10 John Johnston, do 1047| J. ciAxem & Co. i re
Sewell, crm 43158 Jameelonp Union, 1338) bane nm Sun Semi he Eh ben
avid Taggart, “ ,68 | 4< ohn McKisson ) 38 er Scroia ous infection, 4 ave sulle:
00 Wm. Logue, “ TEi30 158 Hen Bok de TREE ee Be ee a Sn rE
00 Daniel Reese * 1,98 | 333 153 Wm. Carlisle d 133 turned inward and distressed me Hora oo
00 Isaac Richardson, 1,98 36 Toes by ’ D 2 years ago it broke out on my head and covered iny scalp
00 Michael Zeigler, - 1.97 4 00 Chas. Wilson do 11,28 | and ears with one sore, which wits painful aud loathsome
o Jno. Frick, rs Potter, 203 1 LL Samuel Phillips, do 10,29 beyond Jesoriptions 1 feist nary nedejoey and several
ernar ubly, “ 2 physicians, but without much relief from any thing. Iu
10 Chrigtph’r Derring ¢* 296 | 1 40 00 Jane Black, go pe Suh a Saojlee grew worse. At length a ragoiced
00 Benj. Patterson, “ 226 | 5 per, 0 ¥ 0 read in the Gospel Messenger that you had prepared
2 333 00 John Dunwood d 1029 | an» alterative (Sarsaparilla), for 1 knew from your reputa-
00 Henry Vanderslice, 54 Y» 0 , ot th EN > ¥
3. Seny Vanderstion, 31] 95200 R. Mulholland = do 1,24 | Coacinnatiamgos fb and used it tl it cubed hos book
00 Samuel Soft, “ 54200 00 John Irvin Qo 2.28] Ho you aiviee ane Tr cates ty Louk
00 Abram Scott, “ {200 00 Teeoh Vanpook, Taylor bgp | Smt mused elme thier Tier. Too snd vail
60 Christian Devling, Harris 2.64 200 00 Christ. Va 1 y 10) sein soon began to form under the scab, which after a
20 - Geo Swett, | Penn, $5 397 94 Ri La eo, 1000 feohn i a ae 00 kaow by Jay
60 Adam Bolnider, Haines, 1,30 ichard Downing do 126,23 Sotle [ion my sysan | You
x 4 J: can well believe that I feel what I am saying when I tell
60 Albright Swineford, 1,27 | 100 00 Michael Weidner, do 5,30 | you, that I hold you to be one of the aposties of tho age,
00 James Row “ 1,78 | 100 00 Michael Weidner, do 5.30 | ond remain ever gratefully. ‘ours, 2
00 Mary Jenks se 1781117 00 Boyce Davis, Union, 18.08 ALFRED B. TALLEY.
60 Thomas Barr, £6 L781 50 00 Bo Davis. hion, 19, St. Anthony’s Fire, Rose or sipelas,
3 C. Fisher, Harris, 2,24 44 82 Toe B Ye o 1% Totter and Salt Rheum, Scala Head,
2 eorge Fox, “ 2,52 . Burnside, 0 i ngworm, Sore Eyes, Dropsy.
92 Kearny Wharton, “ 252| 80 00 B. Pyle & Co., 1 Dr. Robert M. Preble writes Ve Y
00 i Parker, “ 20 | 400 00 rein Parker. Waker 5 Sept., 1859, that he has iio Dom I Ti
124 homas Parker, “ 29 400 00 Richard Park ’ » Dropsy, which threatened to terminate futally, by the
00 Wm. Harrison, Ie 80 | 5 ard Parker, do 2,40 | persevering use of our Sarsaparilla, and also a dangerous
153 Robt. Rainey, Snowshoe, 5,94 233 00 Wm S. Shipper, Worth, 15,34 a large doses of the same; says
By Rawimenh St SH SLI John Millio, Go S| hcumohecete Geter Sweden Neck
2 ’ , .
22 9.2 5 a Howard, 105 2 0 S08 Spenvik do 51s ebulon Sloan of Prospect, Texas, writes : ‘Three bot-
98 A. D. Harris, 5s 9,70 330 00 J or ora, do. 1200 en Pa fern pg.
51 A.D. Harris, $e 12,90 aspet Maylan do 13.19 over two years.” ’
92 A.D. Harris, “ 601 | 433 153 Jas. Hawthorn, do 17.30 | pemcorrhea or Whites, Ovarian T
97 Jos. Harris, “ 7,99 | 430 00 J. M. M’Kinaey, Marion, 9.60 | Uterine Ulceration, hh a phe aig
146 Wm. A. Thomas, i 4,5 | 617 00 Ann Dale boggs, 7,07 Dr. J. B. 8. Channing, of Rew York City, writes; “T
40 Peter Leitzel, Liberty, 14,08 | 433 163 Thomas Hall C BES; s | most cheerfully comply with the request of your agent In
40 John Jackson, ot 18,06 413 46 OInRS inl artin, 11,33 | saying I have found your Sarsaparilla a most excellent
00 Christan Smith, “ 14,89 Wm. Hood, Boggs, 19,10 | alterative in the numerous complaints for which we
103 Hebert Irvin, « 68 1% 150 Samuel Scott, Curtin, 8,08 | Snloy Suck a remedy; but es] Rei ly in Teale 1 i ase
10 John Potter, “ 6.71 Jac. Sigfried Mi | linthes| ave cured many inveter-
120 Alex. Hunter, Howard, 7.01 75 00 Jos. Ree: Biles, 4 » | a Jor 5 Where 3 Som”
it 3 3 | :
120 John Buyers, 701 103 00 J y Harri ap | ation itself spe By Nothing within m; oy
120 Sam’l Young, “ 7,01] 40 «10, i arrson, do 8.36 | edge equals it for these fomalo derangements.” z
120 Benj. Young, “ 7.01 | 433 153 Thos. Hamilton, do 1429 | Edward 8. Marrow, of Newbury, Ala., writes, “ 4 dan-
120 Thos. Hamilton, “ 7.01 | 433 153 Elinor Siddons, do 6,91 | gerous ovarian tumor on one of the females in my family,
rs Jacob Weidner, “ 7.01 | 433 153 Robt. Rainey do 601 i wn hind defied all the remedies we could employ, has
80 J.J. Lingle, « 2,04 | 400 00 Yohn Friend ’ H an] a ens beer) sompliisly ee by your Extract of Sar-
49 1.5 Furst i 6.33 riend, uston, 93 40 | eaperilla. Our physician thought nothing Lut extirpa-
ur! » 405 147 | tion could afford relief, but he advised the trial of your
137 John Harris, “ 4,60 Jacob Rush, Rush, 1294 gyaparilla as the last resort before cutting, and it
00 Dan’l Krause, Liberty, 76,70 | 422 44 John Weidman, do 1348 | proved effectual. After taking your remedy eight weeks.
00 Longbottom, “ 1,36 | 402 116 Jac. Weidman do 2592 no symptom of the disease remains.”
00 James McGhee, Bb 3.40 | 433 153 Jacob Dentler d 13.84 Syphilis and Mercurial Disease.
00 John Quay, tt 113| 233 753 Daniel Brenucs 9 NEW ORLEANS, 25th August, 1850.
9 Robt. Young, Marion, 480 aniel Brenner, do 6.91 pr J.C. Aven: Sir, I cheerfully comply with the re-
00 J. M. McKinney, of 9.60 | 433 163 Edward Bryan, do 6.911 gest of your agent, and report to you some of the effects
00 Dau’l Sigfried, Miles, 3,03|433 153 A, Reighart. Jr, do. 18.84 | Lijuws reatisel with your darsapastlle,
0 Joremiah Warder, _ © 232/270 00 Hugh Melntvre, do 16.37 | plinis for whieh it is retommendeds ind hava found is
6) Jeremiah Parker, Walker, 3,58 | 433 (0 Adam Reighart y do 6.91 | effects truly iy 2 he at 2 Tonerent dont dhe
00 Richard Parker, ot 3,58 415 00 Rich V r vo | curial Disease. One of ny patients had Syphilitic ulcers
00 John Cowden, Miles, 943 1.210 ichard Waln, do 7.63 in his throat, which were consuming his palate and the
00 Benj. Calhoun, “ 2.42 | 260 00 Clem’t Beckwith, Taylor. 23,84 | top of his mouth. Your Sarsaparilla, steadily taken,
00 John Sigfried, Li 2.42 J. B. MITCHELL | cured him in five weeks. Another was attacked by sec-
% Sronseby & Reynolds, I Bellefonte, April 3, 1862. Treasurer | a ¥ pil] een Id
m. ner, : OY mmr i}
MRA 0 i) THE ONLY DISCOVERY | fii sbumin ios eran
01m a rant, i8 kL ulcers healed, and he is we ain, not of course without
00 Robt. Brady, 5 3,19 WORTHY OF ANY COX Sr | some disfiguration to his ty A woman who had been
Bi bh Barr Ean
00 Robt. Gray, do 5.18 a n Tr bones. They ome So ken-
hoi 2 AD A | ue
00 Jno. Reese. do 4 80 Many, since the great discovery of Prof. Wood. | cured irs by your Sarsaparille ny fow ens I
00 Wm. Farker, do 2,42 | have attempted net only to imitate his restorative. | know from its formula, which your agent gave me, {hat
00 John Dorsey. ao 35 | but profess to have discovered something that | this Preparation from your laboratory must be a great
00 Moore Wharton, do 35 | would produce results identical ; but they have | remedy; consequently, ‘these truly remarkable results
00 Peter Housel, do 2.58 | all come and gone, being carried away by the | With it hate not surprised mes |
00 Wm. Parker, do 61 | wonderful results of Prof. Wood's preparation, | Praternally yours, 6. V. LARIMER, M.D,
% Jicors Whatton na n and Bars been foroen to leave the field to its to. | Rheumatism, Gout, Liver Complaint.
m. Cook, enn, 3 | sistless sway ead the following : { INDEPENDENCE, Preston Co., Va., 6th J ly, 1850.
153 Martha Slough, ~~ Rush, 6.01 ean te AT Uah dass. ll DRAG en 0h, Shag Tn wie
153 Alex. Scott, do 6.91 P 0.1. W % eh ay Pp oul, 1599. 1m) chronic Jheumatism for a long time, whicl baffled the
153 John Lowden, 0 691 c par ). J. oun & Co: Gents: —The letter skill of physicians, and stuck to me in spit: of all the
153 Michael Ross, do 3,07 Dae 3 i 06, SopasTAing your valuable | fonsgiss] could gn until Iineq your Sarsaparilla. One
he Rene, do 8b) | Hair Retiorative, and which you livve published | bol cared me Jn foo mec; ant rl iy gp
153 Isaac Britches, do 6.91 | in this vieinity and elsewhere, has given rise to | attacked. I thini iia WODGeriu. medioie. «. <asAM
153 Ch’n. Ehler, do 6,91 Simons spusies touching the facts in the case. ules ¥. Getchell, of Bt. Tonle, writes? » I Lave thes
153 Jueob Deller, To 6.91 | Lhe enquiries are, first. isit a fact of my lLabita- | aited 15 Til i i hich
a } a 8 3 tion and name, as stated in the communicatio r years with an affection of lie Liver, wl
153 Mathias Slough, Rush, 6.91 ios fall therel munication, | gegtroyed my health. I tried every thing, agd every thing
153 Sam’l Rankin, do 6.91 en : ont ee all therein contained ; third; | fajled to relieve me; and I have been a brakon-down man
153 Heary; Stout, do 6.01 gos my Au ) continue to be ingood orderand | fr some years from no other cauee than derangement of
153 Martin Ehler, do 12.49 | © DRL color? To all I can and do answer in- + Liver. My beloved pastor, the Rev. Mr. Espy, advised
153 Josiah MoIlvain do > 1R%y] vaslaiy ses, My Luss is oven peter thauts son! EO a ee a
153 Ferguson Mollvain, do 13.86 | stage ay ife for 40 years past, move Soft, thril- | Cron Te fon atte yh Rul Has 50 Prifioy Shad
145 Philip Eberman. do 17,68 17, on elie colored ; the same is trae of my + make & new man of me. I feel young again. The
153 Thomas Grant, do 10,89 ik ors, oe the only cause why it is not gener- | (liut can be said of you is not half good enough.”
59 Jaoob Stout, do 5.13 i y trus, i. 3 at the substaoe is washed off by | ¢ 44g Cancer Tumors, Enlargement,
Tt John Eberman, do 23,35 Yoon abolution of the face. when if care were |“) (EWC Cav ies and ‘Exfoliation of
55 bade dn Br | wed busing feo tn de comeetion tl Sauer:
153 Daniel Witmer, 0 13,86 2 % i L will lollow as the |
155 Péter Braivmuy 1 6.01 Bute, ¢ i Jisvs heen in the receipt of a great n m. | a Svar of Sues os where
153 Thos. Edward, do 6.91 | ber © 2 ers fom all paris of New England, ask- | the use of this remedy, but our space here will not admit
153 Robt. Irwin, do 6.91 ng me if my hair still continues to be good ; as | them. Some of them may be found in our American
153 Thos. Hamilton, do 6.91 there is £0 much fraud in the manufacture and | Ahnanac, which the agents below named are pleased to
153 Thos. Grant, do 691 | 52 : 0 ions ati ponnis as well as this, it has, | furnish gratis to all who call for them.
153 Thos Reese, do 13,86 id ob) eeu basely imitated ‘and been used, not | Dyspepsia, Heart Disease, Fits, Epllep=
153 John Graff, ih 27°69 | only wih bus any good effect, but to absolute in | sy, Melancholy, Neuralgia.
153 John Gudager, do 97 69 | Jury. I have not used any of your Restorative of | Many remarkable cures of these affections have been
153 Geo. Slough, do 13.86 any. Saban for some months, and yet my hair is | made by the alterative power of this medicine. It seis
153 Jno. Hamright. do 97.69 Sy gua as ever, and hundreds have exam ined it | lates the ia fineticss mis Naess Seiiny Sue. 4) i
153 John McClam, do 27,69 | ee as} am now 61 years old and nota a ach a remedy ins long been by tho ne-
153 Thos. Allison, do 11,95 gh gl my head or on my face ; and to prove | egsities of the people, and we are confident that this wil)
153 Davis Old, do 21,16 buts ast send you a lock of my hair taken off | go for them all that medicine can do.
153 Fred. Dorsh, do 1425 J : pas week. I received your favor of two quart
153 Mich’! Gudager, ao 13.86 4 t 2 last summer, for which I am very grate- A ers Che Pectoral
153 2a Lundinger, so 27,69 ol Sooty i om) ons od fasshy 2 ned 3)
102 ich. Atherton, 0 5.68 p y plical until after |
76 Hargman Philips, do 19.32 trial and then purchased and used it with univer | FOR THE RAPID CURE OF
3 q sal uccess. I will ask as a favor. that y d Coughs, Colds, Influenza, Hoarseness,
12 Robt. King, do 2,9 tod by whi : at you send | “group, Bronchitis, Incipient Con=
153 John Moyer, do 24,92 BE y Thr Ioan discover fraud in the sumption, and for the Relief
106 Jno. Witmer Jr do 24,49 py ve, 80 y many, I fear, without author- Comm ntive Patients
106 Jno. Lowden do 6.96 | 1 Th you. A pure article will insure success, | in advanced Stages
153 Christ. Hair, do 31.4% a believe where good effects do not follow. the of the Disease.
10 Jacob Steke, do 15.79 aliure 18 caused by the impure article, which curs- | This is a remedy 50 universally known to Supe any
164 Christ. Hair Jr. do 27,26 | 8 ¢ ° Jnesstor of the good. I deem it my duty, | other for the cure of thos el Jung Spa, Shap
To GoaSingh Wb an | ne heiilee one you srprindal the con | BSAA fe couse cou a sl
153 Andrew Schenck, do 27.69 2 : on my hair, as _ assure all who enquire | Wonderful cures of pulmonary d have made it
153 David Hair, do 27,69 | © es of my uushaken opinion of its valuable re- | ynown thronghout the civilized nations of the earth
120 iy Hookt, . 3e ou sults. I remain, dear sir, yo RAYMOND Few are the communities, S¥ Sten fausies, ons them
153 Mich. Schenck, 0 3.84 sie . | who have not some personal experience effects —
153 Christian Sehenck do 27,69 — | some living trophy in their midst of its victory over the
Bogner WB), 0 Amann Yrs, | dele Sr
153 Clary Campbell, do 13841, od 23. Foon Deatslro 1 wound cerale: ath know too, the effects ort is remedy, we need not
153 John Allison, do “i 2anl ly heed you a great injustice not to make | GRUNT HET Poo them that it hins now all the vir-
00 Wm. Alison, #do | mown . he word, the wonderful, as well as the | {05 that it did have when mak! 3g the cures which have
154 4 ames Jim, 20 7 bani ra 1 have ssperienced Sibi using | won so strongly upon the confidence of mankind.
153 asper Lawrence, 0 3 o + 2 Vs er usin ared YER Mass.
153 Jory Dontier, 1 13.84 | every kind 0, Restoratives extant, but withows Prep: byDr. J.C. A & C0., Lowell,
153 Daniel Brenner, do 91 ry an : ning my head Zegely destitute of | >
39 Bartholomew Wister, do 5,52 an hes snally Togused io iy a hip your | THE FRANKLIN HOUSE.
Ric 5 i F ye . > an ustice com- 3
on Risa saris : 29 aa pel me to announce to whoever may A this, that ! THIS LONG ESTABLISHED AND WweLL-
153 Casper W. Morris, do 6.91 X Jo% pores a new and beautiful head of hair, | known Hotel, situated on the Southeast corner of
153 Tsane W. Morris, do 13.84 | Whic L ponding sive and handsomer than tho | the Diamond, Opposite the Court House, having
153 Zacheus Collins, do 27,69 | origina — T will therefore take occasion to re- | been urchased by the undersigned, he announo-
153 Wm. Beach, do 6.9% sone this invaluable remedy to ALL who may = es tothe former patrons of this establishment and
00 Nathaniel Matlock, do 6.73 ed] © necessity of it. | to the traveling paplis generally, that he intends
00 Josiah Matlock, Xo 11.19 remain respectfully Fons 3 | refitting it thoroughly, and is prepared to render
153 . John Bing, do 9 60 : REV. S. ALLENBROCK. | the most satisfactory accommodation to all who
152 Wm. M’Coy, do 142] P.S.—This testimonial of my approbation for | MAY favor him with their patronage. No pains
153 Henry Hoss. do 13.84 | your valuable medicine (as you are aware of) is will be spared on his part to add to the conyeni~
i Cinigien Stoner, tb 13,84 SH —but yon think it worthy a place gas iy of his guests. Allwho stop with
15: John Stoner, 0 13,84 | among the rost, insert if you wish; if not des wil
ho Sinisiiun Hess, 4 12.54 and say nothing. ai RE 8. Jory ~XYS PABLE
153 enj. F. Morgan, 0 71 The Restorative i i i ied wi fa
153 Robert Reed, do 6.91 | via : large, avi hig LR i i ik pe i hg on oF oe
153 sof Jno. Louden, do 3,45 | half a pint and retails for one dollar per bottle ; | most experienced cooks ; while HIS BAR will al
2 Hat. qr, 4 a the masifine bot af least twenty per cent. more ways contain
J » y ,92 | in proportion than i i
DE Dir. be EAL ToS for #0 dollars The Choicest of Liquors.
153 Sebastian Graff, do 13,84 | more in proportion and Tov for re Seles a| His Stabling is best in town, and will always be
153 Jacob Myers, do 13,84 | bottle. O. P WOOD, & CO., Proprietors, 144, | attended by the most trustworthy and attentive
163 Robert Irvin do 24.20 | Broadway, Now York, and 14 Maret Street St, | hostlers.
s ) ouis, Mo. i 3 i
153 Richard Peters, do 24,20 | Fanoy aa By ol) good Deruggists sud ah = gost, gue and sd), 3k ke fesly eons
153 Fay) Dal 3 9 J olin Haris & Co., Agent, Bellefonte, Pa. ht Am yaw r o
g > A o 281. a +
WOMMES BO WORLD AT LARGE suisse otha sister, vic
ohn Borelan 0 91 is attaol o this establishment, which strangers
163 John Kelloy, do 6,91 AND ARGE! from abroad will find greativle theis advaitage.
1 John Bush do 6,91 g
163 John Such, & 6.91 BOALSBURG & VICINITY IN PARTICULAR. Bellefonte, Jan. 9, 1862.
2% John Brak: gs ail TT subscribers having taken the Store
oseph Wells, do . formerly occupied
1563 + John Willson, do 6,91 | ler, beg to A ha hh hii CONRAD HOUSE,
163 Henry Witmer, do 6,91 | cinity that they will continue the E » y
80 Hugh Hamilon, do 121% | DRY GOODS AND GROCERY BUSINES: a
a 0
163 104 Milo ? 9 in its various branches, and will spare no pains % : 2: Be BUTTS
163 Kandolph Helker, do 12.56 keep up a full assortmont of everything usually HA THE PLEASURE OF ANNOUNC-
153 Samuel Showers, io 13.84 | kept in any country store, and will sell at prices ing to his friends and the public in gen-
00 Robert King, do 2,78 which we trust will solicit a share at least of your | ral that he has taken charge of this well known
153 John Hambright, do 3,84 paloma? otel, lately under the supervision of J. H. Morri-
13 Sharp Dejuney, Srowdhon 1% hot prices Shei 14 Todas sajoy at fa mar- | 00, and is july Drepared Jo accommodate the
g m. McPherson, 0 i or goods. Bring along your | raveling public in a style and manner commensu-
153 Ed. Moyston, do 16,01 | Grain, your Bacon, your Butter, er wto with the progressive spat of the times.
153 William Lewis, do 16°01 | Rags, your Tallow, your Lard, “ur Hard Soap, | Heis in possossion of all the modern improve
153 Francis West, do 30,19 | your Bees Wax, your Feathers, aud in case you | mentsand conveniences, . as to sleeping appart:
153 Jasper Maylan, do 16,01 | have nothing of this kind your cask will never b ments, and has supplied hislarder with the choioest
153 Benjamin West, do 43.60 | refused. g JOUN HIBLER & CO, | the marketeafford, and his Bar with the purest
153 William Benham, do 16,01 | Boalsburg, April 20, 1860—tf. Wines.
153 James Hawthorn, do 16.01 : With the most oxtensivestabling accommodations
153 Blair McLanahan, do 16,01 0.0K 8S TORE and attentive and skilful ostlers, together with as-
163 Ed Scott, do 16,01 GEORGE LIVINGSTON, siduous attention to busingss, he feels justified ir
1563 Paul Cox, do 16.01 | at his woll known stand on che North-eastern cor- | Soliciting a share of patronage and the -sapport
153 Wm. Lewis Lawyer, do 16,01 | ner of the public square, Bellefonte, keeps hie friends. !
13 Thomas Jatin, 2 i stantly on hand a large assortmont of Bellefonte, Oot. 8-’57-42-tf
obert Morris, 0 16, THEOLOGICAL
153 Felix Brunt, do 7,99 CLASBICAL y
153 Thomas L. Shippen, do 16,01 Miscenransous (BOOKS. JCXECUTRIX S NOTICE.
153 Thomas Hawthorn, do ’ AND SCHOOL Letters Testamentary on the Es-
1563 George Mead, do 7,99 Also, a 1 variety of tate of Hyacinth B. Treziyulny, deo’d, late of
157 Course Campbell do. 789 BLANK BOOKS AND STATIONERY Bollofonte, Pa., have boen granted to the Sub
153 Francis West, do 16,00 of the best quality | seriber, residing in Lock Haven, Pa., to whom al 1
163 W.H. West, do 16,00 MATHEMATICAL INSTRUMENTS. olaims against said Estate must be presented for
153 John West, do 16,00 PORT FOLIOS, &c. &c. sottlement ; and all persons knowing themselves
153 ~~ D H. Cunningham, do 16,00 Books brought to order at a small advance | indebted thereto, are Yeyuestay to make immedi.
71 John M. Nesbit, do 13,61 | on the city prices. ate payment. CATHARINE A. CAMP3ELL,
134 James Gilliland do 9,91 * June2§-tf-8. AE0. LIVINGSTO. . Apxil 10, 1862. - 6L- 45 er,