cm. LOCA: NATIT mES, Harpware SroRe.—Messrs. Baxstrosset & Crist, have received a lot of new goods at their establighment on Main Street, nest docr to Taner & Steel, which they have already dnened, and now ofter for sale. — Their stoek consists of everything in the Hardware line, and our farmers and mechan- ics, and, in fact, all who are in want of any thing in their line of business, cannot pur- chase cheaper or better articles anywhere. — John ard Harry are both tip top fellows, and 80 good loosing, in fact, that it will pay just to go in and sce tiem. Ladies often visit there for no other purpose whatever. Read their Advertisement. : 0 BrownLow's Book.—We are pleased to fearn that our worthy friend, Mr. James B. Cook, has received the appointment of agent for this county, for the sale of Parson Brownlow’s new book, the manuscript of which is now in the hands of the printers. Mr. Cook requests us to state that he will be around in a few days for the purpose of soliciting subscriptions, and he hopes to see everybody ready to take at least one copy. We will give the book a more extended nos tice next weel. CouNry TREASURERS TARE Notice. —Joha MKerny., late Treasurer of the State of Michigan, was sentenced, on the 7th inst. to seven years imprisonment in the Penitens | tiary for embezzlement of the State monies! wmf) Ice Creax.—Mrs. Sourbeck having re- opened her Ice Cream Saloon, all lovers of this delightful beverage can now be aceom- | modated. Crowd in, ladies and gentlemen. VALLANDIGRAM. —The Republicans are very mueh out 6f humor with Vallan ligham. The reason is that he is in no wise wealy~ mouthed 1n denunc ations of the mgger poli. of. corruptions, &c. They charge him with being tho * leader of the Breckinridge De aoeracy He never wag a Breckinridge man. He was the personal friend and ~ham pion of Douglas, aul the leader of the Doug- lus Democracy in Ohio. In 1860 fi» receiv- ed in his district, for Congress, 11,052 votes while Breckinridge received less than 25) votes the same year, in the same district. — There is no Breckinridge or Douglas party 80W,—they are all Democrats and Vallan- digham is one of them, and that is the trou ble with the Republicans. — Lebanon Acver tiser. ie cas. ** Julius, why did Gen. Grant rest uncasy de night fore he took Fort Nonclson ? *“ Dunno, Massa Johnson : spose he didn’t feel sleepy.” ‘No, sah! ‘Twas case he Japesiad to get a Pillow and only got a ship. Plan Talk. Vallandigham answered a villainous at- tack made upon the Democratic party and himself, week before last, mn the proper way Wade, the Abolition Senator from Ohio, nad the unblushing impudence and assurance to make the following remarks : ¢T accuse them (the Democratic partyjof a deliberate purpose to assail, through the Judicial tribunal and through the Senate and the House of Representatives of the Uinted States and everywhere elge, and to overawe, intimidate, and trample under foot, if they can, the men who boldly stand furth in de fence of their country, now imperiled by. this gigantic rebellion. I have watched it long. I have seen it in secret. I have secn its movement ever since that party got tos fires with a colleague of mine in the other louse as chairman of the Committee on Resolutions—a man who never had any sympathy with this Republic, but whose ev. ery breath is devoted to its destruction, just 43 far ag his heart dare permit him to go.”? Vallandigham read the excract in the House, and replied to the insult on the Dem. ocratic party, as follows : ** Here, in my place in this House. and as a Representative, I denounce (and I speak it advisedly) the author of that speech as a liar, a scoundrel, and a coward! His name is Benjamin F, Wade.” The time is about past when disunion Ab- olition scamps can insult Democrats with impunity. It has been carried too far al- ready. The next day the Republicans at- tempted to pass a vote of censure on Val landingham for his very proper language in regard to Wade, but he out manceuvred them in parliamentary tactics, and the matter was dropped, The Union Men of Kentucky and Demo © cratic Victories in the North. The staunch and reliable Union men of Kentucky bail with peculiar pleasure the victories the Democracy are achieving in the local and municipal elections in the North. Hear what their able and reliable organ, the Louisville Democrat, says in a late number : ‘ We rejoice to see that throughout the North the Democrats or Conservatives are winning victories no less important to the peace of the country those gained by bloody battles in the South. The triumph, therc- fore, of the Northern Democracy is itself a triumph of the Constitution. Itis a guar- ~atee to the people in the revolted States Jat their rights and immunities will be preserved. Instead of threatening them with the domination of a powerlul section, mad with insane ideas, it offers, under the shelter of the Constitution, peace, Justice and security.” * Eventually the ultras of each section will be compelled to compromise upon this basis. Each will learn, through blood and suffer- ing, that their vain theories cannot be car- ried out. The two antagonisms must be conquered, or an eternity of battles cannot give peace.” ** Just at present, when it would be false to deny the darkness of our political condi- tion, as shown in the acts of the President the calmer fecling in the people comes with pecul’ iF gratefuluess. Iu strengthens us in the belief that whatever polution there may be in the streams, still the great fountain of Self Conetitated Vigilance Committee in the HMnnds of the Law, In the Oourt of Quarter Sessions of Cum. berland connty, Pa., last week. Richard Os- wald. A. J. Kaufman, Jr, and Levi Eberly, all of Mechanicsburg, were found guilty of arresting and holding ia confinement a man named John Kenedy. [It appears that Mr, Alvey, a prominent lawyer of Hagerstown, Md., was arrested by military authority, in June last on a charge of disloyalty, and was brought to Mechanicsburg, en route for Fort Layfayette. Kennedy who claimed to be a Union man, on seeing Mr. Alvey in custody, denounced his arrest as an ouirage, where upon it is alleged he was taken intocustody by the defendants; who, after giving him a mock tnal, released him. Soon after he ws again arrested by them, and an attempt was made to compel him to take the oath of allegiance. This he refused to do and was finally released. The Carlisle Volunteer says — The case created considerable interest and a great many witnesses as well as Spectators, were In court durmg the protracted trial. [It was the first case of the kind, perhaps ever tried in this country, and it wus to decide the question whether a set of fanatical partizans can withl wpurity and whenever they please, arrest and msult men who happeu to differ with them political y, It was to test the question whether a seif- constituted and unlawful committee of stay at home patriots dare set the laws and con- stitution at defiance at pleasure. The convicted parties were sentenced to pay a fine of $20 cach, and the costs of pros ecution. A suit for damages brought by Kennedy against the same defendants and several others, was tried in the Cumberland Court of Common Pleas last week. The jary found $900 damages for plaintiff. —— a Oe Emancipation and its Consequences. ee bers arc flocking to the army for protection. The recent army order prohibiting the re- ters, converts the army into a nursery for loose negroes. They must be fed and pro= tected until such tis when they can make | their way Northward, and distribute them. clves over the surfi: of Nor hern Society. | | Houth, but turn their faces tow :xds the Abo ition land of prom As the army advances Southwsrd, and | under the emancipation policy, lets Jaose a continuous and constantly augmenting stream of contrabands to {lw into the Northern States, the question arises, what are weto do with them ¥ Syme of the Western S.ates have adopted harsh meas. ures to relicve themselves fron their share . Indiana has a law prohibit- wigration of negroes in that State. Lllinois is about to put a similar pronibition into her Coustitdtion. Oho and Pennsylva- via, in their exposed border positions, must necessarily become the paradise of conira bands. The advance guard of the approach: ing host is already upon us. They will swarm into the State like the locusts of Eg yp, getting wmto our kneading troughs and consuming our substance. We cannot but pity them in their destitute ¢oun dition. while pity for the poor creatures is mingled with indignation towards the authors of their aud our troubles. What can we do with them ? They are not needed among us. Free blick labor 1g opposed to free white labor. White citizons do not want their labor to be brougnt ito competition with that of negroes. Iu is un~ | just and degrading to the white freeman. ~ Certain mock philanthropists of the Abolis tion siripe have undertaken to provide the contrabiands throws upon the city of Phila. delphia with employment, and have offered their services to farmers of the neighboring counties at the low price of twenty five cents per day. Upon this swall pittance negroes can manage to subsist, but white men cannot—and every negro who works at this price necessarily displaces a white man. This is only a foretaste of what is to come. The evil is daily growing mn tragnitude, — The policy of emancipation which the Abo- litionists have forced upon the Government is at direct war with the interests of the Northern people, and a fatal blow at free white labor. [It adds fmmeasuradly to the public burdens. It increases taxation, strikes at the dignity of labor, interferes with private rights. and throws upon the charities of the Northern States a degraded and wevvile population. These are sce of the penalties the Northern people must Pay for entrusting Abolitionists with power, and placing them in positions where th 'y are enabled w work out their radical ant de structive theories. Congress appropriated a million of dollars for the emancipation of 3 000 slaves in the District of Columbia, and one hundred thou sand dollars for their colonization. It the same policy is pursued with regud to the four millions of slaves in the S$ uthern States, the total 20st to the Goverament would exceed thirteen handred mitlions of dollars. But as the Abolitionists are opposed to gencral system of colomzation. and in favor of the army lotting loose the siaves as it advances into the rebel territory, these negroes, instead of being deported abroad, would remain in the country—no: as free laborers upon the plantations of their late masters, as recent events show, but as a burden upon such Northern States us toler ate their presence, Atrer their itheration they would not and could not rewain in States where they woull be linhle to re-en slavement after the restoration of the Un- ion. The question, what shall we do with the large surplus negro population which the Abolitionists are casting upon the country ¢ is a serious one for every wan in Pennsylva- nia who pays taxes or earns wages Strict Justice to white and blaci requires that they should be billetted upon the Abolitionists : but we know enough of abolition philan- thropy to know that they will contribute the least, and consider their part of the work finished in securing the slave the boon of idle and thriftless freedom. The evil mast work its own cure—how, we cannot tell — But this we do know, that if this war had been conducted with an eye single to the suppression of rebellion and the restoration of the Union, and had those in power turned 8 deaf ear Lo the Abolitionists we should not now be threatened with a negro invasion. and the prospect of a speedy restoration of the old harmonious Union would be much more immediate than it is, i DI D. On the 29th ult., in Indiana County Pa., of Erysipelas, Sarah, infant daughter of Hen- ry A aad Martha Barnheart, aged 10 months and 9 days. At Pleasant Gap, on Saturday, the 10th inst., Ildegerta, infant daughter of David and Elizabeth Furey, aged about 10 months, Ww ANTED AT THE BELLEFONTE Foundry. 100 tons of old metal, in ex change for ploughs, stoves or anything in the founnry ‘ine. A. HAUPT, & Co., May 15-82 3t TREAD POWER, THRESHING MA chines for one or two horses; also 4 horse 8wesp power, and machines with overshot cylen- der; the least now in use, manufactared and for sale at the Bollefunte Foundry. All new work authority runa pure and clear,’ 3 i t seems that contrabands in large num- V {hey have no intention of remaining in the | © warranted May 15-82, 3t A. HAUPT £ Co, Bsllefonte Market. (Corrected weekly by Hoffer Brothers.) Wheat. white. 81.05 do, Red. 1 00- Rye, 50 Corn. 45 Oats. 25 Barley. 50 Cloverseed. 4.50 Lard. 08 Batter. 12} Eggs, 10 Tallow. 10 Plaster—ground. 10 00 AU DITOR'S NOTICE In the matter of the Dstate of Brice C. Brishin, des’d : W J Kealsh. the Auditor appointed at an Or phans Court in and for Centre County to make distribution of the proceeds of the Rea! estate of Brice C. Brisbin, dec., remaining in the hands of the Administrators, to and amongst those legally entitled thereto, will attend to the duties of his appointment on Saturday. che 7th day of June, A.D. 1862, at 10 o'clock. A. M., at his office, in Centre Hall, wher. and where all persons interest- ed may attend. W. J. KEALSH, May 15th, 1862. Audit or, W. W. Wii, SURGEON DENTIST, Respestfully informs the public that he is per- manently located in Boalsburg, Centre sounty, Pa, and is well prepared to practice all the vari- ous branches of his profession in the most improv- ed manner. All operations warranted to give perfect satisfaction or no charge will be made. Boalsburg. May 15.1862 —Jy. WILLIAM A. WALLACE, ATTOR} EY AT LAW, CLEARFIELD, PrNN'a. Will visit Bellefonte professionally when speci ally retained in connection with resident Counsel. May 15th 1862. —~1y Important to the Public! JOULD INFORM THE CITIZENS of Bellefonte and vicinity, that they have just received and opened a turn of these fugitives even to loyal Ti) EW STOCK OF FRESH (00DS, inthe Room formerly ocoupied by Mr. Stone, con- | sisting in part as follows; DRY GOODS, Notions, Clothing. Groceries, Quecnsware, Earth- nware, BOOTS AND SHOES, Hats and Caps, Hardware, Wooden and Willow Ware, Fish, Salt. Paints, Glass, Putty, ete ete And, in fact. overything usually kept in a country storo, all of which they will eell 1t Jow prices for CASH or PRODUCE. feeling satisfied that they can offer superior iuducements to cash buy- ers. BROWN & COOKE. Bellef inte, May Sth, 1862-6. A DHMIXISTRATOR'S NOTICE. £3 Letters of Administration on the stato of Joseph MeElhutten, late of Ferguson township. dec’d, having been granted to the sub- gerther, all persons knowing themsolves indebted to the said state are required to make ‘mmedi- ate payment, and all having claims agsiust the lstate are required to present thera duly authen- ticuted, for settlement. CHRISTOPHER GATES, May 1, 1362--6¢ Administrutor. A DHINISTRATOR'S NOTICE — Lecters of Administration on the Estate of Martin Long, Jr., des’d, having been granted to the undersigned. all persons knowing themselves indebiod to the said Estate, are re- quested to mage immediate payment, and those having claims against the Estate are required to present them, duly authenticated, for settlement. MARTIN LONG. Sr., May 1, 1862—6t Administrator. Fhe Monitor and Merrimac. BY THE CLOTHING EMPORIUM. A ship o~ntrolled By rebels bold— The Merrimac by name Came out to mest, The Yankee fleet, Unchecked by fear or shame Her iron sides The balls defied Whish at her ribe did knock : They would rebounti With rattling sonud, Like brickbats from a rock. But to attack The Merrimac The Monitor came out ; The hard shells too In minutes few The rebels did rout. Thus hips are beat Iniron dressed; But men who broadcloth wear Should make a call At A. Sternberg & Co’s Hall, To view one of the largest Spring stocks there, Ever brought to this town. It will be sold at Wholesale und Retail, from thirty to forty per cent cheaper thin any other house oan sell it.— Suits made to order ; then we are direetly connec ted witha City Clothing Manufactory, and able 10 give the bargains we promise. A. STERNBERG & Co.. Diamond Square, Second door east of Livingston's Book store. April 3, 1862-tf Bellefonte Pa. NEWS FROM TEE SEAT OF WAR, ANOTHER REQUISITION. A HEAVY IMPORTATION OF HARDWARE !! FOR THE FIRM OF BAXTRESSER & CRIST, Who have just opened. in the Store Room on the NW. corner of the Diamond, in Bellefonte, for- merly occupied by Wilson Brothers, their large and eplendid assortment of Shelf Hardware. House Trimmings of every description. POCKET AND TABLE CUTTLERY of every variety and price CROSS CUT, MILL AND CIRCULAR SAWS of the best manufacture. RIFLES, PISTOLS, SHOT GUNS, AND LOCKS of every description and the best quality. MORTICE AND RIM LOCKS AND LATCHES of different kinds. CUPBOARD, CHEST BOX. AND TILL LOCKS, and large and small PAD LOCKS. HAND, BACK, GRAFTING AND PANNEL SAWS, Broad, Hand and Chopping AXES. LUTCHERS’ CLEAVERS AND CHOPPERS, Drawing Knives. Hatchots Chisels & Adzes. HAY MANURE AND SPADING FORKS, EDGE TOOLS of every desirable variety. SADDLERS’ HARDWARE, A geveral assortment, and 50 per ceut lower than any place else. CARRIAGE MAKERS TRIMMINGS, CARPEN TERS’ TOOL> which cannot be surpassed VICES, ANVILS, DRILLS. SCREW PLATES. FILFS. RASPS, PIPE SKEIN & WAGON BOXES STEEL SPRINGS, IRON AXELTREES, BENT FELLOWS, HAMES, &o. PAINTS, OILS, GLASS AND PUTTY, COAL OIL AND LAMPS, VARNISH, FLUID. OIL CLOTHS,PATENT LEATHER, ROPE AND WIRE of every size in abundance. SHOEMAKER’S TOOLS, And al? other kinds of Goods usually kept in a well regulated Hardware Store. Their stock isan entirely new one, comprising all the leading artioles connected with the Hard. ware trade, and their facilities for pur chasing goods not being excelled by any other establish: meng, they here declare themselves able to sell from fifty to one hundred per cent. lower than any other establishment in the country, and invite Farm ers, Mechanios, and all others in need of Hard ware, to call and satisfy themselves of the truth of the assertion. July 18, 1860, = girs > x (COM MIBSIONERS'S APPEALS — Notice is hereby given that the Commissioners will hold Appeals in the various Townships of the County, atthe times and pla cee below mentioned. at the place of helding the election in each respective township : rente gioners oflce at Bellefonte Juue 15th IRA FISHER, JO iN MeCALMONT; A. ALEX ANDER; County Commissioneys. the Commis May 1st, 62. 3t A UDITOR’S NOTICE. Assigned Estates of A. H, & J. Shock, Ab’m Shock, and Ab’'m & Joha Shock. The undersigued, appointed Auditor to distri ute among those entlied thereto. the balance remaining in the hands of B. F. Hiestand anc John Kline, Assignees for the benefit of the cred- itors of the Estate above named. will sit for that purpose, on Saturday, the 31 day of May next, at 2o’closk, P. M.. in the Library room of the Conrt House, in the city of Lane : A SLAYMAKE Lancaster, Apri! 11th, 1862 BER. Z. W. THOMAS, PHYSICIAN AND SURGLON, MILESOURG, CENTRE €O., PA, Reapeoifully offers his services to his friends and the public Office on Mill Street, opposive the National Hotel Nefers to Drs. J. M McCoy, 4 8. TuoMrsoy, * 9.0.Tnowss Murch 20. 1882—1y ter R, Auditor. JAMES A. BEAVER & BEAVER, AT LAV, LLEFONTE, PENN'A, M’ALLISTER. MALLIST 3 N. “J.D. SHUGERT, ATTORNEY AT LAW, BELLEFONTE, PENN" Office in the Court I{ouse. with the Treasurer. JAMES HE. BANKIN, ATTORNEY AT LAW, BELLEFONTE, PENN’A Office, on the Dimond, ous door west of the Post Office. EDMUND BLANCHARD. E. M. BLANCH/ E.& E BLANCH SRO, ATTORNEY AT LAW, BELLEFONTE, PEN'NA Office formerly cocupied by Curtin & Blanchard on Main street. BR.S I, or, PHYSICIAR & SURGEON, BELLEFONTE, CENTRECO., Will attend to professional calls as h respectfully offers his services to his f the public. Office next door to his re Spring street. Oct tofore, he ends and dence on 28-58-tf. 4. PD. WINGATE, DENTIST, Office and Residenca direetly North of tho Court Louse portico. At his office except two Wocks in each month, beginning with the first Munday of tho month Bollefout e, May Ist, 1862. —Iy. A. 0. FURST, ATTORNEY AT LAW, BELLEFONTE, I). BLL practice in the several Courts ¢ Contre and Clinton counties. Al lego! 1 isiness entrusted to Lis care will receive promp a. tention OFFICE~On tho North-west corner of the Dia amond. tr (RA C. MITCHELL. ‘RUS T. ALEXANDER, BIICHYLEL & XANDER, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, BELEFONTE, PENN‘A Office in Reynolds’ Arcade on the Diamond Particular atte given to the collecti military claims againgt the State or the 3 v, I'e ance of Ve teers are provided for by law, and hay ing re ablo and experienced correspondents in Hux burg and Washington we are prepared to obtein an allowance of such claims iu the sho. test possi- bie time. Mercantile and other colluc prompt- v attended to in Centre Clinton, C etd and Mifflin ‘Counties 0 wEams, SURVEYOR, JacksoNviLLE, CeNTRE CO., Pa. Has recently located in Jacksonville, Cencure county. Pa., and would hereby inform the public generally that he is prepared to do all kinds ot Surveying accurately, wizo to fill out Deeds, make Plots, &o., of Lands upon the shortest notice.—— Hia charges are very reasouuble Give him a call October 17, *61-6m. Collection Offices, DG BUSH, EELLEFON'IE, Centre Co., Pexy,A. BUSH & McCULLOUGH, (T. J M’CULLOUGH.) CLEARFIELD, Clearfield Co, Pa BUSH & McCORMICK, (C. 8 M’CORMICK,) LOCK HAVEN, Clinton Co., Pr. BUSH & ALLEN, (R- P. ALLEN) WILLIAMSPORT, Lycoming Co., Pa RerereNCES :—Drexel & Co., Phil’a, Mason & Co, Phil's, Smith, Bowen & Co., Philadelphia Shields & Brother, Philadelphia, T. Conrow, Philadelphia, Sower. Barnes & Co., Philadelphia Hon. J. T. Hale, Bellefonte, Hon. J. W. Maynard, Williamsport, J. Tome, Port Depos d Feb. 21, 1862—1 BANKING HOUSE, abet WM. F. REYNOLDS & CO., BELLEFONTE, CENTRE C0., PA. Bills of exchange and Notes dizcounted. Col. ‘ections made and proceeds promptly remitted. — Interest paid on special deposits. Exchangein the aastern cities constantly on hand for sale. Depos- its receivea BE. C. HUMES. HU. N. WALLIRTER. J.T. HALE A. G. CURTIN. DEPOSIT BANK, —OF-— HUMES, McALLISTER, HALE & CO. BELLEFONTE. CENTRE CO., PA. Deposits Received —Billsof Exchange und No Discounted —Intorest Paid on Special Deposits Collections Made, and Proceeds Remitted Prowpt- y—Exchange on the East constsntly on band* J. J. LINGLE, SURGEON DENTIST, BELLEFONTE, CENTRE (0., PA. is now prepared to wait upon all who may desire his professional services. Rooms at his residence on Spring street. CAUTION, = All persons are hereby cautioned against pur- chasing a Note given to James Clark of Centre Ha | for $18,00 by James Kennelly and the sub- soiber as I have given value to suid Clark for the Note and am determined not to pay it a second ALEXARDER & FUREY, Publishers. Per annum (invariably in advance) $1 50 No paper diseontinned until all bok #ubserip- tions are paid, and a failure to notify # lissontin- nance atthe end of the tima aubsor for will be considered a new engagement TERMS GP ADVERT’ _(%G. 1 insertion. 2do. 3do. @he Democratic TWatchman, Four lines or less, ® 2 6 37:8 50 Une square—12 lines a 7% 100 Two squarea—21 lines 100 150 200 Three squares—33lines 150 200 250 Miles Monday, May 19. Hainee, Tuesday, May 20. Penn, Wednesday, May 21. Gregg, Thursday, May 22, Potter, Friday, May 23 Bellefonte, Raturday, May 24. Haris, Monday. May 28. Ferguson, Tuesday. May 27. Halfmoon, Wednesday, May 23. Patton, Thursday, May 29. Bennet, Friday. May 30 Spring, Satorday, May 31 Walker, Monday, Jane 2 Marion, Teusday, June, 3. Liberty, Wednesday. June, 4, Howard, Toursday, June, 5. Curtin, Friday, duane, 6 Mileaburg. Saturday, June, 7 0gus Monday, June 9 Union Twp’'t & Borro’ Tue June, io Huston, Wednesday Jue, i: Worth, Thursday, Inne, 12 y Friday. June, 33. J We have procured the sorvi aie’ Mili Bishop streot, next door t nd Bellefonte, May 3.61. MARY SOURBECK. FPHONOGRAPHIC SHORT HAND LADIE lellefonte and vicinity. are respectfully infyr.ied | that clasces will be opened for the stady of tae above beautiful Art of Writing, in this place. and will contione for two montis. A FREE LECTURE will be givon on the sub- ject, in the Arbitration-room of the County Court House. on daturday evening, the 29th inst., com- méncing at 8 o'ulock, where particulars will be given and clasges opened. DAVID P. FRANCES, Professor of Phonography. N. B.—Private instructions given if requir d. Bellefonte, March 27th, 1862 np. JE OLLOCK S IMPROVED DANDELION COFFEE. - This preparation, made from the best Java Coffee. i8 strongly recommen- ded by physicians as a superier NUTRITIOUS BEVERAGE for General Debility, Dyspepsia, and all Bilious disorders. Thousands who have been reluctantly compelled | to wbandon the use of Coffee, will ind they can use tnis combination without any of the injurious effects they formerly experienced. $57” One can contains the strength of two pounds of ordinary Coffee . For sale by all Druggists and Grocers, and by the Manufacturer, corner of BROAD and CHEST- NUT Streets, and hy JOS. B. BUSSIER & C0, 108 aud 110, 8 WHARVES. Price 25 eents. March 6th 1862-—1y. TO THE PUBLIC! PETER KERLIN, Sr, WOULD RE- spectfolly inform his friends and the public in general, that he has oponed a now store at Fillmore, Cen:re county, Pa where ho will | keep on hand at all times. al assortment | of Dry Goods, Groser: e, Hardware, Bonnets, Shoes, &e., all of | ch he will sell at low rates for cash. Please | give me u call before purchasing elsewhern, us I | feel confident that my goods and prices will give | satisfaction to all. PETER EERLIN, Sr. Fillmore. Pa.. April 17. 1362 T E LARGEST ASSORTMENT IN Town of DeLains, Shepards and Mo | hair Plaids, all of which will be sold at the very lowest rates, can be ged at the Store of HOFFER BROTHERS, of one of the Store on | i | time. April24 82. if Gro Bazon ful Commercial | ° | proms 3 AND GENTLEMEN OF i | dee’d, haviog beep | THE CHFAP CAfH STORE OF Messrs, Hoffer Brothers, FEnir Mhiibers have justreceived a new and full supply of Fall snd Winter | Goods, which, for variety, have naver been equal- | oa by any cstablishment in thin seorion of coun | try. Having purchared the stock of goode on | hand of Mr. George Jackson, they will vontinue | the businoesa at the old atund, No. 2, Reynolds's Arcade. Their stosk eonsiats of # general sesortmet on i Dry doods, Groceries. Hardware, Queensware : and Glassware. | i | including a host of other articles in their line, | araong which oan be found &n extensive and variad seledtion of | LADIES’ DRESS GOODS, such as Ducals, Persian Cloths, Debeimes, Cobirgs, | Cushrueres, Delaines ne a3 Yrevch Merinoes &e. Their gentlemen's wear consists of a 1 ; : { f Casime lot ceds. § and Caps went of Boots and Shoes for La n and Children, with a) e Lecessary Gentle arti cle of theo } market having had of muny articies sued have been enn- : that t the efit of red of merchandise bied to buy ti aall goods at y intend to do their both in the g hope to Teceive Allin want of their stock EF 21s taken in ex ried Lumber aud $hingles ¢ matantly on | id and for vule. Bellefonte, March 23,1 SATION OF WAR ¥ REPARATIONS POSED! | ZINCCURAGYE HOME INDUSTRY. Sud Gur ci*ise J in the habit of gol: tugies snd Carrie he preference. o y and little a it us to purely of all kind done on the shortestno i , 1854 | 8. A. M'QUISTION th tne de- | to order, | % in Centro | the public pa | | | | old where er, all kinds of Clothing [azhiionable sty a general AND} Clothin WY, ¥ HOUSE, LOUKHAVEN. © subscriber having leas pubiic ; in the choicost lux- {. and he is deter- | rreling reful hand t id tak t they | * 2 portion of the e# hy! : cd is | EY MANN, Ju PRILTOR COREAD BOGU 3.13, ! BELLEFONTE, PENNA. J. B. NUTTYTS TEAS THE PLEASURE OF 0 ing to his friends aud tl 6, ‘61 tf ANNOUNG | Hs eomimensy- | h the pr ties i He is in pos he ¢ the ch the Withthe mostex sivostabling aceom and attentive and vkiiful ostlers, togetl eidn 2 to business, be feels justified ir sul re of patronage and the -support | . GLECRGE LIVINGSTON, iy al his well known stand on che North-csstern oor- to ner of the public square, Bellefonte, heops stantly oo hand a large assortment of | Tarorogican : Crassicarn MISCELLANEOUS AND Scioor Also, a large variety of BLANK BOOKS AND STATIONERY of the heat yuulity © MATHEMATICAL INSTRUMENTS, PORT FOLIOS, &e. &e. IF Books brought to order at a small advance | on tle city prices. Junc2f-tf.8. GEO. LIVINGSTON. TO THE WORLD AT LARGE! ] AND | BOALSBURG & VICINITY IN PARTICULAR. | he subseribers having taken the Store | formerly ocoupied by Messrs Johnston & Kel y ler, beg to say to the peoples of Boalsburg and vie cinity that they will continue the DRY GOODS AND GROCERY BUSING 3 in its various branches, aad will 8pare uo pad goons keop up a full assortmwont of everything wr ie kept iu any conatry store. aud will sell up pri A | vhich we trust will solicit u share at le ic which we trust will solicit u share at leasy of your | patronage All kinda of ge ket prices i Grato, your Bacon, your Butter, yoo Raga. your Tallow, r Lard, = your Bees Wax, your Feathers bave nothing of this kind your HE, ! Sots, 5 JOUN wh = Boalsburg, April 20, 1860--t8 | ists + €0, DMINISTRATORS “yofyom = L Letters of 2 ministrtion on the Hstate of Samuel Ruv’ granted to the undersigned, all pereons know’ dois d nid Batata ar ANB themselves indebted to the ment; and) having claims against the Fstnto are Tay Ee 1 to present thom duly authenticatdl for | 13 attached to this ec Ayers Cathartic Pills, |“¥e=o Moy 7 1580 ROBANT LEE, Admicistrator | 1 have cured with y {evar treat with a ynurgpeliee ne | dence on an effect: {CAUTION ° | session of Frederic i indebted ic | to tho traveling pu Soap, | sbundantly supplied with the gn, ® you the market will uflurd, dope akle, late of Potter township | bostlers. 2 requested to make immediate pay. | modation. | from abroad will fod greatly to their f'n To AYER’S : x CATHARTIC : PILLS. Are you sick. ia complaining? Ar order, with your ay other to my rom th, Perasy 0. 6, 1856. Hoxowrn 8 + ¢ ul for the relief me skill hos tama iF Tatid not report wy caso to i Ac in my fimbsand brought on excrge ating which ended in eheanic vhenmas cm. Notwithstand Dr. Mackenzie, I {riod yo s were slow, but By perseicring well, onr Pilly, of iad afflicted mo NCENT SLIDELL. 25= Most of the Pills in market contain Mercury, Lich, although a vuly » remedy in skilful hands, is sagerous in a publis , from the dreadful conse unnces that fr low its incantions use. These tain po wer ‘rid eubstance whatever. Price, 25 cents per Box, or 5 Boxes for $11. red by Dr. J. ©. AYER & €0., Lowell, Masse, by J. Harris Bellefunta, and ous desig; a th SCs vi 'repa vuzheut the country. Letters of Administration, @ 1 -Bt. AEFFER. Adw'r. All persons are, p me and have on'y be gf 2. a8 the samo belong to left with him on foan. SAMUEL DALE. Rush township, Mis 3e ch 29, 1382—3¢. MXECUTR g z JOXHURY NorE tate of Hywgiy TS Testamentary on the KE: Bollefonte, Py th B. Treziyulny, ‘dead, Tato af geribier, resid have been ranted to tha Sub claims agaly Ing in Look Haven, Py, to whom al ¥ sottlemaeny St gid Estate must be presented for 5 and all persons knowing themselves ute pr thereto, are requested to make immed A ent. CATHAWINE A. © J A yi 110, 1862, Bt» % SANPERLL: Rr le THE FRANKLIN HOUSE. THIS LONG ESTABLISHED AND weer known Hotel, situated on the Sonthonst co ror | the Diamond, opposite the Court ons a 5 of | been purchased by the undersigned, bo E | es tothe former patrons of this Oetub lishment sot plic gene a inte; | refitting it Dosraty. pi pe ue Bie the most sutisfactory gccommi dation fo ag) x 4 may favor him with their patronsgs. N hyisoy will be epared on his part to add to the | ence or cowlort of his guess. Alf who stop with | bim will fod | RES LPABLE 08k Bum ptuous faze 2p 31 siylo, hw the | most ox porienced cooks ; whily HIS BAR wail gl. Ways coniain The Choicast of Liquors, His Stabling i abest i Hl Yeas attended by. t 0 town, and wily always ba © most trustworthy and attentive Give bim acall, one aud all, und he foe! fdent that ull wiil be satisfied with the Ee ir wecom- AN EXCELLENT LIVER? stublishment, whish drapgere savantage nit NIEL QARM aN 'RATORS NOTICE, = = tro, on tho Estate afr J Ne ving been granted ies acob Ss knowiuz themed 9 UD. re requested tg, @ 795 in. those haya ko im- present tiem 3 claims sottioment. duly uu. GIRO, 39 ereby cautioned :3 with the fillowing v your old Cult, one 4301, now in the pog- u-