» @he TWlaichman, LOCAL MATTERS. YraGer's CoNCERT. — In accordance with the announcement made by the bills and pro grammes, as printed and stuck np all over town, Yeager's grand concert, came of! ai the Court House on Tuesday evening 'ast.— And certainly, it has been some time since m.the spacious room of that fine building was filled to the extent it was on that occasion. Everybody and all their friends were there, and from the deep &ttention which was paid to the exercises, it must be inferred that the entire audience were greatly pleased with the several performances. In getting up this Concert, Mr. Yeager has certainly manifested considerable taste and a great des! of encizy; and we are happy to be able to state that, to his credit, it was en- ‘tively successful. Mr. Y. evidently under stands music. and we are glad to see that his efforts to impart to the young !adies and gentlemen of Bellefonte, a knowledge of this beatiful art, have been so highly ap preciated by our citizens. Music, next to religion, perhaps, is the most sacredly beau tiful thing on eafth, and there can be noth- ing more delightful to the refiréd ear, than to hear the street notes warbled by the har- monious voices of a ** bevy of laughing girls and boys,” as was donc on the occasion above alluded to. Now, were we a regular Jenkins,” we might go on and describe how the voung ladies were dressed, who was considered the handsomest girl in the room, &ec. But as we are simple country editors. not versed ina knowledge of those nameless little things which go to make up the grand whole of a lady's apparel, we will only say that, mn our opinion, they were all dressed very tastefully, and presented a most interesting and attractive appearance. That the young ladies and gentlemen all performed their parts creditably, doing honor to ther teach- ¢r, we, as well as all who were there, are very willing to testify. Where all did so well, it would be invidious to menti | » any one in particular, and, consequently we give no names. The representation of the 34 States of the Union, by the little boys and girls, was quite a pretty affair, and gave very general satisfaction. On the whole the Concert was a decided sugoess, and establishes Mr, Yeager's rep- utation ae a teacher of music, beyond dis- pute. We are glad that he has been so well rewarded for his pains. By request the Concert was repeated on Wednesday night. 0 10 Post Masters —Complaints are con- stantly reaching us from different parts of the County, that certain Post-masters re fuse to give out our paper to subscribers when called for. There is one case in pars ticular, in which our paper has been return: ed from the Post Office as, ‘not lifted” several times, when the subscriber has in formed us that he never ordered the paper stopped, and that whea he called for 1t the patriotic Post-master informed him that no paper had come for him. when at the same time, according to evidenee laid before us. a full half bushel of eur papers lay upon the floor in the corner of the Post Office. The nome and character of this Post~master and others that lave done similar acts, we are acquainted with. and we now warn them fol this the first and the lust time, to desist from this practice which has given us considera- ble annoyance, as we shall institute proceed- ings that will put a stop to it. "Any Post inaster whose partisan feelings and preju li- ces lead him t2 such mean contemptible acts in violation of his cath of office. is too mean a cur to breathe the pure air which gives him life, and too contemptible a wretch to enjoy the free light of Heaven—and unless this dirty business is stopped, and that imwmedi- ately, their names shall be made public and steps taken to bring about their justly mer ited pénishment. Hereafter, when any of our subscribers fail to get their paper at the usual time, they will please acquaint us with the fact, the date when called for, name of Post master, &e. o- 17” During our absence last week, the senior very kindly advertised us, as follows : ApseNnt—the Junior. We judge on a courting expedition. Hope he may bring home the flounces he runs after. If any of our editorial brethren about Jersey Shore should happen to see him, we trust they will take good care of him and keep him out of bad company. We hope we werein good company. In fact, we know we were—no thanks, howev er, to '* our editorial brethren about Jersey Shore” for the gratifying circumstance, for 4 editorial brethren” are exceedingly scarce there just now. ‘I'he National Vedelte, a Republican paper, and the only one that has 0 &n published there for the last two years, gave up the ghost last fall, unable to exist upon Kepublican pap, and the town is now entirely destitute of a paper. This, for Jersey Shore, which used to support three papers, is bad mdeod. We wera not, however, as was cutely sur- mised by our very witty associate, on a «¢ courting expedition’’—nor did we bring home any * flounces” at least, not in the way he means, although there are some «¢ flounces” down there that we shouldn't have any objections to bringing home if — they'd come! Will our friends of the Har- nsburg Patriot and Union, who have been joking us, please ‘make a note on’t” as Captain Bunsby would say. mip MusicAL CONVENTION.— We have printed bills for a ‘* Grand Musical Convention’ to be held at Sprucetowu uear Poiter’s Mills, commencing on Monday next, and to con- tinue till Saturday night, The teacher is Ayr. Solomon Meyer, - NerFr’'s PATENT ReaPER. —We are happy to announce to the furmers of Centre and ad- joining cdunties, that Wm. Neff, of Centre Hall, has now made such arrangements in reference to his lately patented Reaper and Mower, that the wants of the farming com munity can after this season be supplied with this useful and valuable machine. Many as have been the improvements heretofore made in harvesting machines, they still lack the essential points that com. stitute a machine adapted to all Kinds of work that they are generally expected to verform. Mr, Neff, according to the opin fon of many reliable tsrmers, has at length succeeded in getting up a machine combin ing more good qualities than any machine that has ever before been offered to the pub lic. The parties now having the matter intend having manufactured for the present harvest fifteen or twenty machines which will be distributed as widely as possible over the County, so that the pecple may sce and gudge of 1ts good qualities. Immediately afler the coming harvest an establishment will be crected either at this place or in Milesburg, to manufacture the said ma. chine in large quantities. We also under- stand that he intends earrying on a general manufacture of all kinds of agricultural im- plements in connection with it. We are really glud to hear this, as it 1s the first sign of the reviving spirit of enter- prise, which has so long laid dormant in this community. Centre county has all the facilities for making herself the rickest and most popu- lous County in the State, and now, when ths spirit of enterprise is about to manifest it self in a new fleld, we do hope thar it will receive adequate encouragement from the people who will Le enabled to get all kinds of agricultural implements that they may want, and of the very best article, and at the same time keep ther meney within our county. ene £) merece MegniNG or tne County CoMMITTes.—In pursuance of the eall of its Ch an, the Democratic Standing Committee of Centre county, met on Tuesday avening, April 20th 1862, in the Arbitration room of the Court House. On motion, Major Jared B. Fisher, of Gregg township, was called to the Chair and Jacob Pottsgrove, Esq., of Halfmoon, was elected Secretary. The names of the Committee were called, there piesent an swering. On motion, Ira C. Mitchell, Esq, was se lected as Representative Delegate to the Democratic State Convention, to be held at Harrisburg, on the 4th day July next, and John V. Forster, Esq, of Penn, and Dr, John M. Bush, of Patton, were appointed Conferees to meet similar Conferees for the purpose of selecting a Senatorial Delegate to said Convention, and were instructed to support Ilon. Samuel T. Shugert, for the same. On motion. adjourned. JARED B. FISHER, Chairman. Jacos PorisGrove, See. —-—0 IN Towx. —Our good looking fri nd and cotemporary. Fred Kuariz of the Bericher Fred says the Democracy are flourishing like a green bay tree. down in his locality, and will give a good account of themselves next fall. Hope they will. Fred, and we can as- sure you that the + unterrified ** up in this end of the county will second their efforts for the overthrow of the present pary in power, with a hearty good will. Gie th. ¢ Pubs +< particular thunder 7’ in the Ber ichter Fred, like you have been doing for they deserve it, and by the time the lection cowes round, we will be able to route them t+ horse, foot and dragoons.” min Mgrs PARTINGTON AGAIN.— likey —La, mother, what do they keep poor, laine General McDowell in the army so long for ? Mrs. P..—Lame. Ikey! Why. la. he aint lame, Dont you see by the pa ‘ers that he’s all the time travelling back and forward be tween his Camp and Washington 2 He aint lame at all, Ikey, or he could’ nt come to sce the President so often. Ikey— Yes, but he is lame, Mother. Dont L often hear the mien reading and talking about General McDowell's staff ? Mrs. P.—Oh! yes, yes, I did'nt think of | that —but how in the world does he tr vei so fast ? OQ eee. [= The trial of Mary A. Lucas, charged with the crime of Infanticide and con cealirg death of bastard child. was brought | to a close on Wednesday evening, and re | sulted in the konorable acquittal of the pris- oner. The trial was conducted. on the part of the commonwealth. by Messrs. James Macmanus W. P. Macmanus and W. P. Wilson. and on the part of the defendant, by Messrs, Mitchell, Alexander, assisted hy Messrs Swoope and Orvis. The case ex citel much interest. a] DepicaTioN.—The new German Reformed Churzh. in Boalsburg, will be dedicated to Almighty Ged, on the 18th inst. All friends of the Christian Religion are cordially invited to be present on the occa sion. PHILIP MOYER, B. STEMS, JACO 3 MOYER. Building Committee. May 1st, 1862. ee (J me ee Court is ir session this week, snd quite 4 large number of people are in town. Our Senior is up to his eyes in law business and we expect it will be hard work for him to keep from cheating somebody. He is nat araily an hon.st, good sort of a fellow. - but: we wont hold ourself responsible for what he does when he gets under full headway at his profession. ny WANTED. —A few loads of good oak and day. April pine wood, on subscription. at this office. — Somebody who wants to pay the printer in | this way can now have an opportunity. Spare THE Birps.—B ys. we saw a num- ber of you with your guns shouldered on Saturday, making time for the woods and meadows. Now we hope you didn’t go out to shoot the poor little blue birds, that are not fit to eat—nor even to send the murder ous shot through the vitals of little robin red breast, whose beautifu! song awakes vou in the morning. Spare the birds —the rob ins, the larks. and the blue bird§s—=their mn trinsic value 1s nothing-—-but we would’u: give the morning sg of either of them for all the bird pot-pi¢g ever made. You way shoot bull frogs, who poke their ugly snouts ont of the edges of ponds, and sing © more rum,” but let the birds alone. [i is no only a sign of viciousness to wantonly kill the birds we have enumerated, but the law inflicts a penalty for so doing, and some of you, hefore you know what you are about may find yourselves in trouble for setting the law at defiance. — Patriot and Union. ¢ CIRCUM-TANCES ALTER C(CASgs.”—The Abholitionists had great respects for the rights of the people during the * Bleeding Kansas” controversy. They considered i Border R fianism to adopt a Constitution without submitting it to the people. But how changed! A few days ago. when the bill to abolish slavery in the Dis trict of Columbia was brought ap m the Sen ate, Mr. Willev of Virginia. moved to so amend the bill as to allow the neople of the District to vote upon the subject But the whole aboli 10n clan opposed and di feated it and at once passed the bill without having any respect for the rights or property of these people. 177 Father, said a young gay sport to his rever nd parient, ¢ they say trout will bite now ’ ¢ Well. Well,” was the consoling reply mind your work, and then you may be sare they won't bite vou.’ B:llefonte Market. (Corrected weekly by Hoffer Brothers.) W Lieat. white. 381.05 do, Red. 100 Rye, 40 Corn. 45 Oats. 25 Barley. 50 NHoverseed, 4 ol Laid. 08 Butter. 124 Drs 12 gS, Tallow. 10 Plaster— ground. 1H Gu - IE SID. Af the recidenee of her Father on Tues 20h. Mrs, Ann Showalter, danch ter of Jos, S. and Mary Parsons. in the 2st year of her age. OMMISSIONERS'S APPEALS -- Notice 18 hereby given that the Commissioners will hold Appeals in the various Townships of ihe County. atthe times aud pla ces below mentioned : Miles Monday, May 19 Haines, May 20 Peun, May 2] Gregg, , May 22 Potter. iday May 23 Bellefonte. Saturday May 24 Har is. Monday, Muy 26. Fergus mm, Tuesd May 2a. Halfmoon, Wedn: sday May 23 Patton, Thursday, May 29 Benner, Friday May 30 Spring. Saturday, Muy 31 Walker, Monday, June 9 Marion, Te y June. 3 Liberty, June. 4 Howard, June, 5 Curtin, Eriday, June, G Mileghurg, Halurday, June, 7 Bogs Monday, June 9 Union Twp't & Boiro’ Tues’ June, 10 Huston, Wed lay June, 11: Worth, Thu y, June, 13 Taylor, Friday. June 13 Rush, waturday, June, 14 | Burnside, © Mo «day, June, 6 Snowshoe, T y June, tT, An appeal tor unseated Lauds will be held at the Commissioners office at Bell: font: Juve 18th IR A FISHER, J0 N McCALMONT; A ALEXANDER: County Commissioners. a May Ist, 62 5t AR DMINISTRALIOR'S NOTICE £ Leiter- of Admmstranion on the Estate of Joseph MecElbutten. late of Ferguson ip dee’d, having been grunted to the sub- atl persons knowin z themselves indebted id Estate are required to make ‘mmedi- ate payment. and all having claims against the Estate arc required to present thera duly authen- ticuted, for settlement. CHRISTOPHER GATES, Aduwinistrator. May I. 1862—6t { DMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE — £ Le ters of Administration on the Estate of Martin Long, Jr., dee’d. having been granted to the undersigned. all persons knowing themselves indebted to the said Kstate, are re- quested to mage immediate payment, and those having claims against the Estate are required to present theny, duly authenticated, for settlement. MARTIN LONG Sr, Viay 1,1862—6t Administrator A DMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. — ‘ Letters of Sdministr.tion on the Estate of Samuel Runkle, late f Potter township dce'd, having been granted to the Undersized, all persons knowing themselves indebted to the said Estate are requested to make immediate pay- ment; and all having claims against the Estate are require i to present them duly authenticated for settlement. ROBERT LEE, Administrator. May 1 1862 —6t J. D. WINGATE, DENTIST. Office and Residence directly Nowth of the Court rouse portico, At his ofiize except (wo weeks in each mouth, beginning with the first M nday of the month Bolictoute, May 1st, 1862. —[y. T HE LARGEST AS"ORTMEN! IN - Town ot Deliins. Siepards and Mo hair Plaids, all of which will be sold at the very lowest rates, ean be sean at the Stoe of HOFFER } YIHERS, TO THI PUBLIC! PETES KuRLIN, S., WOULD RE spectfully informa his frien 8 and the public in general, that he has opened a new s tore at Fillmore, Centre county. Pa., whore he wil] keep on hand at all times a general assortment of Dry Goods. @roceries, Queenswire, Hats. Bonnets. Shoes. Stati which he will sell at low r: give me a call before ure T ing el feel confident that my gouds and prices will give satisfaction to all. PETER KERLIN, Sr Fillmore. Pa.. April 17 1862 AGRICULTURAL ME TING A meeting of tue Centre ) A srieultural Society will be held in the Coart House. in th. Borough of Be lefonte. on Tassday County evening, April 29th inst.. (Court Week). A full attendance is desi-ed, a8 the annual election for. Officers. for the ¢nsuing year. will take place. By order of the President JNO. T. JOHNSTON Sio'y. April 16, 1862 —2i . CAUTION, All persons aro hereby cautioned against pur- chasing a Note given to James Clark of C.ntre Ha | for $18,00 by James Kennellv anl the sub soiber as [ have given value to said Clark for th Note and am determined not to pay it a second time. April 24 62. tf Gro Brnroy. n I I t J V - NEWS FROM THE MORTICE SHOEMAKER’S TOOL all the leading artietes ware trade, aud their fucilities for purchasing goods not being excelled by any other establish. ment, they here dectare themselves able to sell (rom fifty to one hundred per cont. lower than any other est: FIETITIONS FOR LI following « R A Rittenhouse, do Benjamin Walker, do Abraham Sussman John Copenhaver, Ever brought to this town. Wholesale aud Retail, from thirty to forty per cent cheaper than any other house can sell Suits made to order ; then wo are directly connec ted with a City Clot Diamond Square, Book may favor him with will be pared ence or comfort of his rus 5 him will find most ways contain SEAT OF WAR. ANOTHER RtQUISITION. A HEAVY IMPORTATION OF HARDWARE !1 FOR THE FIRM OF BAXTRESSER § CRIST, Who have just opened. in the Store Room on the N W. cor +f the Pinmond, in Bellefonte, for- ner.y ceeapied by Wiison Brothers their large and splendid assortment of Shelf Hardware, House Trimmings of every description. POCKET AND TABLE CUTTLERY of every variety and price CROSS CUT. MILL AND CILCULAR SAWS of the best manufacture. RIFLES. PISTOLS. SHOT GUNS. AND LOCKS of every description and the best quality. ND R'M LOCKS AND LATCHES of different kinds CUPBOARD, CHEST BOX AND TILL LOCKS. and large and small PAD LOCKS tAND. B CK. GRAFTING AND PANNEL SAWS, Broad. Hand and Chopping AXES. UTCHERS® CLEAVERS AND CHOPPERS, Drawing Knives Hatchets Chisels & Adzes {AY MANURE AND SPADING FORKS, EDGE TOOLS of every desirable variety. SADDLERS’ HARDWARE, A general assortment, and 50 per ceut tower than any place else. CARRIAGE MAKERS TRIMMING ~,CARPEN TERS’ TOOL> which cannot be surpassed VICES. ANVILS. DRILLS, SCREW PLAT iS. FILES. RASPS, PIPE SKEIN & WAGON BOXES STEEL SPRINGS, IRON AXELTREES, BENT FELLOWS, HAMES, &ec. PAINTS. OILS. GLASS AND PUTTY. COAL OIL AND LAMPS VARNISH. FLUID. JIL CLOTHS. PATENT LEATHER, ROPE AND WIRE of ever ein abundance. And all otlier kinds of Goods usually kept ina well regulated Hardware Store. Their stock isan entirely new one, comprising ected with the Hard- and invite in need of inselves of the ublishment in the country, 1 rath of the ass July 18. 1560. ge or i Daniel D Go i Jno DM do Rush Twp D. B. Bt d il lfmoon Twp., Daniel Kunes, do Livery Twp 4. Q. WHE me, do Edward Brown, do / do y do Samuel Boyer, do Fames Furey do Jw do : enrv Sha er do Twp , Margaret olf. do Goalsharg, Martin Mu phy do Barnside wp, Sarah Corian do Spring Twp Daniel Boile in. do Mileshurg J H Gahlor &Cu.. do R Twp i Store, liefonte Boro’, Tavern Rush Twp, do do Bunlshurg, Adam M. Stover, do Miles Twp, Daniel Ke do do Wm Muss do Gregz. Jno. H. Aeris do Spring, Geo. Miller, do Potter, lohin Hewes, do do T M Hall, do Mileshurg Boro’, Boggs Twp, Martin Bolan, do fo Tohing Wetzel, do Walker, J B. Etteli & C. Neff. Store Bellefoute Boro’, Mav & Loch, do do Warner, do do z0l Tavern Lellefonte, 1 ! de do evemiah Di do Bellefonte. Taylor Twp. do Rush Twp. JOHN T JOHNSON, Clerk of Sessions. Bellefonte, March 27th, 1562 Tavarn, Vm. Myers, The Monitor and Merrimac. DY THE CLOTHING EMPORIUM. A ship ¢ u rolied By rebels bold— The Merrimac by name— Can.e out to meet The Yinkee floet. Unchecked by fear or shame. Her iron sides The balls defied Which at her ribs did knock ; They would rebound With rattling sound. Like brickbats from a rock But to attack The Merrimac The Monitor came out ; The hard shells too In minutes few Fhe rebels did ront. Thus ships are hest Iniron dressed ; But men who brondel oth wear Should make a call ern erg & Co's Hall, To view one of the largest Spring stocks there, It will be sold at it.— ug Manufactory, and able promise. ‘ A. STERNBERG & Co.. ud duor cast of Livingston's ve o give the barg: Ap FRANKLIN THIS LONG ESTABI i known Hotel, sicuated on the Dia ite ti been purer tk ie es he fore 0 ihe traveling oF refi ting it thorough the most saistac p wiih PA - SLES LABLE abundanily supplied wiih the most sumptuous fare be mar will utfrd. done up in style, by the experienced cooks ; while HIS BAR will al- The Choicest of Liquo s. His Stabling is best in town, and will always be atiended by the most trustworthy and attentive hostlers. Give him aeall, one ard all, and Le feels con- fident that all will be satisfied with their accom- modation AN EXCELLENT LIVER ¢ ig attached to this estab h=hwent, which strangers from abroad will ind greatly to their advantage DANIEL GARMAN Bellefonte, Jan. 9, 1862 JC XECUTRIX'S NOLICE | Liters Tosiamentary on the Es tate of Hyacinth B. Troziyn.ny, dec’d, late of Bellefonte, Pa., have een. ranted to the Sub seriber, residing in Lock Haven Pa, to whom al! claiins agains: snid Estate must be presented for settl ment; and al! persons knowing themselves indebted thereto, are requested to mike imwmedi- at payment. CATHAGINE A. CAMPBELL April 10, 1862. —6t- Executriz. J 1-7 OF LITTERS REMAINING TN | L4 THE PO-T OFFICE AT BELLE | FONTE, Mach 3ist 1852. Arnold. Miss Margaret Kelley. Michael Breon, George Lee, William Cauffman. Jacob Long. Mrs Margaret Cronoble, Miss Rebecoa Morris. Wm. C an, Pridget Mingle. Catharine Courter. Charles Michael William A Divens. henry Martin. Jacob Dougherty Mary Arn [Oyer. Ma tin Dorsey. Hanipton Osman. Georgo Dunean. 4 C.. Pennock. C. 0. Fishe:. Amelie Pugh. Samue’ | Fish. Joseph | Read. LeviD 2 Gray, Bdward . |Rodgers, Miss Cecilia (Greenawal. Henr? A aly. Emanuel toldsmith. Mr Maier Glenn Miss Sue Smith. Jacob (Garton, Joseph Stizer ; William tagerty. John Tan | Heverly. Surah Farm | Hackeuberg, Mary M. 2iWodderd | Sarah | James. George Workman. George Johnson, Mr. DP. Weakler. Henry i 3. Mrs. Rache’ M !Wrigth Ernest Persons ealling for letters in the above list, will please say that tl are advertised. April 10, 1862 WM.COOK. P. M Notice to License Applicants, Tn order that there may be no misunder standing as to the terms upon which appli cations for license will be published in CEN TRAL PLESS and DEMOCRATC WATCH- MAN for the future, the undoisigned pub. lishers hereby give timely not ce that they | will strictlv adhere to the following : Resolved, That we will. from the date h r refuse to publish any application for tavern lio: unless the sum of one dollar for every such ap- plication be paid in advance ti each pub isher. KURTZ & STOVER A! EX ANDER & FUREY. Bellefonte Feb 13th. 1862 v AUDITORS N TICE, Assigned Estates of A I, & J Shock. Ab’m Shosk. ad Ab'm & John Shock The undersized. a)pointed Auditor to distrib. ute among those entltied thereto the balances remaining in hands of B. F Hiestand and John Kiine. Assignees for the benefit of the ered- itors of the Estate above named. will sit for that purpose, on Saturday. the day of May next, at 20’cloek. P. M._ in the Lib v room of the Court House, in the city of Lancaster : A SLAYMAKER Lancaster, April ilth 1852 DE. Z. W. THOMAS, PHYSICIAN AND SURGON, MILESBURG. CENTRE CO, PA, Auditor. | fully offers his services to his friends public Ofice on Mill Street, opposie ational ffotel. ; Refers to Dre. J. M MeCoy, “8S. Trosr 2 1.0. Thnonas. Mirch 20. 1862—1y FEIT TEOININ AER | rvicesto the public as n TINDER & CONVEYANCER. Is Mor gaged. Bonds %: . neatly executed. | ¢ Accounts of Admi ators, Executors, innit and Trustees staed. arch 27 1862-3t. ge aN MALLISTER. JAMKS A. BEAVER. M'ALLISTER & BRAVE, AITOKNEYS AT LAW, BELLEFONTE, PENN'A. J.D sRIGE ATIORNEY AT LAW, BELLEFONTE, PENN Office in the Court House with thé Treasurer JAMES ¥E. BRANNEN, = ATTORNEY AT LAW, BELLEFONTE, PENN’A Office. on the Dinmond, one door west of the | Post Office EDMUND BLANCHARD E M BLANCHARD E.8 EF BLANCHAR » ATTORNEY AT LAW, BELLEFONTE. PEN'NA Office formerly occupied by Curtin & Blanchard on Muin street, DR.J B.M PHYSICIAJ & SU BELLEFONTE, CENTRECO., PA. Will attend to professional ealls as heretofore. he respectfully offers his services to his friends and ‘he public. Office next door to his reside on | Ipring street. ct 28-58-tf | peer A 0. FURST, ATIOPNEY AT LAW, BELLEFONTE, PA. A 7 LLL practice in the several Courts « Centre and Clinton couutics. All leg I isiness entrusted to his care will receive promj. | a tention | OK : FCE—0n the North-west corner of the De | a nond. ERA C. MITCHELL. CYRUS T, ALEXANDER, MECH LL & ALEXANDER ATTORNEYS AT LAW, BELEFONTE PENN‘A Office in Reynolds’ Arcade on the Dinmond Particular attention given to the collection of military claims i ate or the United States, Bounty. | of pay. claims for recruiting servi ence of Voluu- :s and subs teers are ull provided for by law. and having reli- Hn ris able and experienced cor spondents in burg and Washington we are prepared au allowance of sneh claims in th t ble time Mercantile and othe v attended to in Centre Clinton, C Mifflin Counties. io rompt- riieid aud | P.M TRAPS, SURVEYOR. JACKSONVILLE, CENTRE Co., Pa. Iias recently located in Jacksonville, Centre county. Pa., and would hereby inform the public generally that he is orepared to do Surveying accurately. also tofill out | Plots, &c., of Lands upon the shor His charges are very reasouabie call Oetober 17, "61-6m. him a Give Collection Offices. B.G BUSH; BELLEFONI'E, Centre Co, Pexy,a. BUSH & McCULLOUJH, (T. J M'CULLOUGH.) CLEARFIELD, Clcarficld Co , Pa BUCH & McCUORMICK, (C. 8 M'CORMICK,) LOCK ITAVEN, Clinton Co. Pa., BUSH & ALLEN, (R. P. ALLEN,) Wi LLIAMSPORT, Lycoming Co., Pa Hep moNers i—Drexel & Co., Phil’a, Mason & Co Phii’a, Smith Bowen & Co, Phuadelphia Shields & Brother, Philadelphia, T. Conrow, Phitadelphin, Sower Barnes & Co., Philadelpnia ton. J. TF. Hale, Bellefonte, Hon. J. W. Maynard, Williamsport. J. Tome, Port Deposit, Md. Feb. 31, 1862—1y. BANKING HOUSE, + = OF — WM F REYNOLDS & Co., . BRILEFONTE. CENTRE Co.. PA. Bills of exelimge and Notes discounted. * Col- ections made and proceeds promptly remitted. — Interest paid on special deposits. E schavgein the or ies constantly on hand for sale. Depos J.T. BALE, H. N. M'ALLISTER, A. G. CURTIN. DEPOSIT B «NIK, — OF — . HUMES, MCALLISTER. HALE & 00. ; BELLEFONTE. CENTRE CO., PA. Deposits Received—Bills of Exchange and No Discounted —Interest Paid on Speciil Deposits— Colleotions Made, and Proceeds Reriittod Prompt- y—lixchange on the East const: ntly on hand" ®C HUMES. | disaase A cold settles somewhere in the budy | react upon themselves and the sur t ' have found it n y ke 1 Ayer’s Cathartic Pills gil AYER’S nT CATIARTIC 5 tT 1 1 > Ii J 3, - Are you sick, fiotle, aud complaiuing? Ars §ououto! order, with your system de Ta 1, and your feelings up comiforfuble?” These symps toms are of the prelude to serious ill Some fit of sicliness 12 creeping upon you, and should be averted by a timely use of th rem: edy. Take Ayers Pili, and elesusa out the disordered hu- mors — purify the biood, and et the {inids move un unob- structed in health again, of the body into vigoious ae tivity, purify the system from the obstructions whith make e, if not uding organs, pro« ducing general aggeavation, suffering, and disease, While in this condition, oppressed bysthe deranzemonts, take Ayer’s Pills, and see Low directly they restore the uatural actlon of the system, and i feeling of health again, What is this trivial and common complain of the desp-sented and dangerous ¢ purgative ¢ els them. Caw tions and nents of the natu hody, they pidly, and many of them s Ly tho same means, None who kuow the virt Pills, will’ neglect to employ them when sul the disorders they cure. Statements from leading physicians in some of the principal cities, and from other will known public per sons. From a Forwarding Merchant of St. Londs, #60. 4, 1856. Dn. Aven: ur Pills ave the paragon of al) that is reat in medi . They have curved my little diughter: f ulcerons so 1pon her hands and fect that had proved acurable for y Her mother has been long grieve usly afficted with blotches aud pimples on hor skin and 1 her hair. Aft child was cured, she also tried our Pills, wad they have caved her. . ASA MORGRIDGE. .As a Famlly Phyzic. From Dr. EW. Cavticright, New Orleans, Your Pilla are the prince of pu Their excellent wlities surpass any eatharti PSS. ild, but very certain and effected iu their action on the swels, which makes them invaluable to us in the daily tieatment of discuse. 5 . 3 Headache,SickHeadache, Foul Stomach. From Dr. Edward Boyd, Baltimore. Dear Bro. Aven: 1canuot answer vou what complaints 1 have cured with yor Pills bettor than t y all tht we evar treat with a purgative medicine, 1 ple reat depen dence on an effectual cathartic in my daily contest with disease, and believing as 1 do that your best wo have, I of course value them highty. Pirrssurg, Pa, May 1, 1855. Dr. J.C. Aver. Sf: T have hoon atedly eared of a worst headache any hody can ha a dose or two structs ite natural functions. 1 by similar obstrus. al functions of ths rely, cvred fo) which they cleanse at once, Yours with great respect, ED. WW, PREBLE, ‘ Steamor Clarion, Zilious Disorders— Li From Dr. Theodare Bell, of Not only are yoar Pls admirably 3¢ ud an gperient, hat I {ind the neficiul effects upon the Liver very maiked indeed. They have in my prace tice proved more effectual for the cro of bilicys come vi tuts than any one remedy T can mention. vg vice that we have at le | a purgative w fs shy the confidence of the ession aud the people. Complaints, York City. duped fo {heir pur- DEPARTMENT OF Tue INTERIGR, - » Washington, D. (., 7th Feb, 1806, § tr: 1 have used your Pills in ny gen and hospital ice ever gince you made them, and cannot hesitate to they are the besy cathartic we Their regnu- % action on the liver is quick and decided, tcutly they ate an admirable remedy for dexavizements that organ. Indeed, I have seldom fo i Ciao Of lions disease $0 obstinute that it did uot r ly yield to Lem praterually yous, ALONZO BALL, AL D,, Lhysician of the Marine Hospital, Dysentery, Diarrhoea, Relax, Worns, Lom Dr. J. 6. Green, of Clcagn. Vour Pills have had a long trial in my practice, and T il them in est the best aperients [ have we found, Their allerative effect upon the liver makes wm an excel 1 doses for lous dysent car-conting shes them very acceptable aud convenient for the use t women and childeen. Dyspepsia, Impurity of the Blood. best remedy I havo commend them to V HIMES. known, and I can confidently iriends, Yours, J. Warsaw, Wyoming Ct Jean Sin: 1am using your Ci coand find them an excellent pirsative tes and purify the fomntosns of JOUN GL MI snstipation, Costivencss, Si ppression, Bo cumatism, Gout, Neuralgia, Drop= +3, Paralysis, Fits, ete, From Dr. J. I. Vaughn, Moutrecl, Too much cannot Le satd of your If othe 3 al nada, nate in the diver, nt you 3 and eure the di : From Mrs. I. Stuart, Ph 1 find one or two lary roper time, ave exc wn when wholly or ffectual to eleanse the re so much the 0 other to my wing newralyic pains, which ent are Notwithstanding T had the of sease grew worse and worse, until by th lent agent in Baltimor ills Their effects were slow, + the use of them, 1 ax new entirely ATE CHAMBER, Paton 1 + T have heen ent lenmatic Gout=2a painful dis that had afi I years. VINCENT SLIDEL B= Most of the Pills in muket contain Mercury, Lich, although a valualle remedy in skilful hands, ig ingerous in a public pill. from the dreadful conse. uences that frequently £11 nitions 7 Do mercury or mites Price, 25 cents per Box, or 5 Boxes for $1. « lms L. tunes whatev ‘repared by Dr. J. ©. AYER & C0, Lowell, Mass. | 1s & Co. throughout the county. For sic uy J lan lealer in every village COUNTY NOTICE. ¥ VUEREAS, at a meeting of the Board of Relief held in the Commissioners Office at Bellefunte, forthe cour g 1c losved to those who have he benefits purp Auld whereas th linve been ey; "thousand dollars over. tl rn estate of the finances of th © fourd ourselves compelled top ing Resolutions : ¢ fullow- Ata vegular meeiing ow the Board of Reli f. | hell Feb. 25th, 1862, at the Commissioners Ofilce in Bellefontd, the following proceedings were had to wit . ed, Bhat the Board of Relief refuse sup- fcants who have not been heads of tual supporters provi to their enlistment in the service of the Unitel States ; and that they 811 nét consider any claims for the beenfit of sons of fatliers except where such fathers are known to be sick or grippled Resolved. That after the first day of April next the present ratesot soldiers’ 5 shall Le re- duced tothe following rates For a wife, £5 and one child. £ and two children. and for all other children 25 conta per week cach, for every child under 14 years old Lesolved, That these proceedings be signed by the Board and be published in all the papers in the County. th JOHN 8. PROUDFOOT, S. STROHECKER. Associate Judges. IRA FISHER, JOHN McCALMONT, A. ALEXANDER . County Commessioners. M. Inwiy, Clerk. : Attest S ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Levers of Administration. Con. Testemento dunero, on the Estate of Jacob Rocky, decensed, having boen granted to the un- dersi ned. all persons knowing themselves in- debted to said Estate are requested to make im- mediate payment. and those having claims against it are required to present them duly au- thenticated, for settloment. . GLO. SHAEFFER, 1862-6t, March 1 ™NAUTION. All persons are hereby cautioned against purchasirg or meddling with the following property, to wit: One three-year. old Colt, one Cow. ond one two-horo Wagon. now in the pos- seagion of Frederick Dale. as the same belong to me and have on'y been left with him on loan. SAMUEL DALE. 1982 Ruli township, March 2 They stimulute the functions | p They are | Pills afford us thy ¥ s ur Pills. It seems to arise from a foul stomach, ' pelleton’ el ana one | . hy . x ’ Che Democratic Iatehman: | ALEXANDER & FUREY, Publishers. i Per annum (invariably in advance) $1 50 > | No paper discontinued until all back subserip- tious are paid, and « failure to notify ¢ liscontin- uance atthe end of the time subscrice for will be considered a new engazement TERMS OF ADVERT! .NG. 1 insertion. 32do. 3 do. - ! Tour lines or less, 8 & 374 8 bo | One square—12 lines 50 5 Loo | Two squares—24 linea 100 150 260 Three squares—36lines 150 200 2:50 3 mos. 6 mos. T2 mos. | Six lines or less, S150 S30085 C0 ! Que square 2 50 400 700 WO squares. 4 00 600 10 00! Three squares, 5 00 8 00 12 00 | Four squares, 6 00 10 Oy 14 00 - Half a column, 10 00 11400 20 0¢ | Oue coiuinn, 16.00, 2209 40 0v | _ Over three weeks and less thon three monthe, | “© 25 cents for each insertion) * "> ’ hed with thé pember of inped tid forbid- Advertisements not mar] | insertions desired, wii den and charged accor Fire, political andr ed according to the above rates: 9 Business notices, five cents pov line for every insertion fine No reports, corporation, manieation de tor of limi od « ed unless paid Obituary notic a square. Communications recomm nding persons for of: fice. inserted at ten cents a line; and the pay must aocowmpany the communication. to thede terra. eltanéots uotives oheng- lutions or proceedings of Yy or a-8- ciation, and ny: ¢ gued to call attention to any a4 individual interest, can be insert. s an advertisement sceeding six lines, fifty cents TOIIN MORAN. CEALER IN CLOCKS; WATCHES AND JEWELRY, ly z mada lures add 40nate 0 6, respoctficl! ites thio atfantion 6¥ the pub 0 bis stock, consisting row in part of Gold and Silver Watches, ¢old Guard and Fob Chainy; told & silver Spectacles, Braceleds, Gonts' (od studs, Watch Koys. Card Cases, Silver Peucils, ' Fingor Rings. Ear Rings, Breast Pins. Gok Pen: cils and Pous, Gogales Steel Bags, Silver Plated Ware, &e. Also, Kight-day and thirty-hour ks, at tho very lowesc prices. John Moran these goods to the public, convinced that they meet with satisfaction. Ile is determined dispose of neither an inferior article. or offer for n big line but what he ean war. rience in business 4 0 J Lh lw 0 ' an’ ad viautage, which Le intends to use to the utmost. 11e particularly invites the attention of the la- Udies to his stock of Ping, Rings and Bracelets, k b are of the latest styles. And he also in- gentlemen to exuwmine a very fino lot of s now offered for sale. ‘ £2 Repairing and cleaning promptly attend to. | Bellefonte, Jan. 5, 1860.—tf. «835,00 a AYS the entire cost for Tuition in tis most popular and successful Commercial School in the country, Upward of Twelve MHun- dred young wen from tuenty-vicht different Stated | have been educated for business here within the | past three years, some of whom have been employ- | cd as Rook Keepers at salaries of $2000,00 Per Anmiim | Immediately upon graduating. who knew nothing ceounts whew they entered the College. : of a Le” Ministers sons Lylf price. - Students enter at wuy tive, and review when they please, with I Hpeeitiens of Prof, nd Ornamental: Penmanship, A wing of the College, enclose. five cents in Postage stamps to the Princi- twenty ! pals, ie JENKINS & SMITH, Pittsburg, Pa. March, 21, 1361. ; 1 COLLECTORS. Whereas, the County is décply fn t, and interest nunually aceiuing therbon, and i t amount of outstanding tax- ). which, if collected and paid’ u ould enable us to pay off a | large portion of our debt and stop interest” there on. therefore | : That the County Treasurer and rs’ Attorney be are hereby struct. all outstanding taxes previous to the: -. 1861, after giving the Collectors of hips reasonable nofige : and this date shall be dsemed sufi- t time for such notice. And the aforebaid wuper and Commissionerd™ Attorney shall, iu uv wanner. proceed to collect all outstanding sforthe year A D., 1861 immediately after’ ugnist Court of A. D., 1862. IRA FISHER, ! JOHN McCALMONT, AMOS ALEXANDER, Co. Comm’re. 4. Attest SM. Inwiy, Clerk. Commissioners 0 i) Bellefl "IO THL IADIRY. JAlaving just returned from Philadelphia fi with a new and splendid assortment MILLINERY GOODS, | © latest attention of the ladies. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICZ, . Letters testamentary on the Ril’ tate of John M. Lueus, late of Curtin townalip deceased; dated Fob, 10th, 1862, having Leen granted to N. J. Mitchell and D. W. all, of. Howard township, wll persons indebted: to said Estate are requested to mal o immediate payment and those having clits against it are reqfiiced to present them, duly autheutioated, for settlemont. . J. MITCUELL, PW HALL Adm'e ol, OF Gt .