Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, May 01, 1862, Image 2

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    C. T. ALEXAND;
JOE W. FUREY, | ‘Editors,
BELIGFONTE, May Ist, 1862.
The League to Testroy the Union.
Since the commencement of this war. we
have repeatedly alluded to the fact, that se~
cession and abolitionism were twin broth
ers, leagued together in the hellish wor of
destroying the freest and best human gov.
ernment in the world ; and we have not yet
been convinced that we have done either of
them any injustice in classifying them to
, gether as the common enemy of the govern-
While it is true that abolitionisin has not
taken up arms to overthrow the government
by force, yet, nevertheless, 1t is equally true
that every act, every word, uttered by them
1s an effort to undermine the very principles
upon which the government i8 based. 'Fhey
do not, like the rebels, declare openly their
parpose, that all men way see their designs,
and the true friends and lovers of this free
government be thereby put upon their
guard, to arrest the stroke, but as hypo
critical and insidious as the Deyil, their
who squat like a toad close by the ear of Eve,”
(led as.ray ihe sleeping nother of our race)
they profess to be friends, and atempt |
by cloquent eulogies upon the sin of a long
established and permanently fixed instita:
tion of our country and by appealing in the
name of humanity to the sensibihties of the |
people, to gain the confilence of the people,
ouly to get nearer the nation’s heart, that
when the final blow is struck it may fall
with deadly effect upon its unsuspecting vic-
tim. Their object is yet the same that it
was years ago, when they proclaimed the
intention “to either destroy the institution
of slavery. or if they failed in that ¢o dis.
solve the Union,” and they care not! which.
That Constitution, cmbalmed with the tod
of the martyrs of the revolution, which our
fathers handed down to us with the injune
tion that we keep it sacred, is the great ob
stacle to the accomplishment of their pur
This they have sought for years to disans
null by placing thereon falie constructions,
but having become tmpacient of their slow |
progress, they now, in the very face of its |
sacred teaching, attempt with ruthless and |
violent hands, to tear it to atoms, that it |
may no-longer retard their progress while |
marching to their negro paradise. |
Secession is 1ts counterpart, gotten up by i
a few Southern disunion fanaties, who, with |
the pretext furnished them by the abolition
ists of the North, have inflamed the South: |
crn wind by the false teachings of their ins |
cendiary doctrines to such an extent that!
at length it culminated in this rebeilion.— |
The abolitionists now seek to discharge |
themselves from the responsibility of the
past, and make the rebellion a pretext for |
the course they are pursuing. |
They proclaim slavery to be the cause of |
the war, and that it must therefore be abol i
ished, and to this end have occupied nearly |
the whole session of the present
with their confiscation and emancipation
bills. The leaders of the rebellion in the
Nouth told the Southern pesple that when |
abolitionism once succevded in clecting a |
President, that they would be demed their
rights under the Constitution, and have thus
led them into rebellion, they now iu vindica-
tion of their course, poiut them to the con-
fiscation and emancipation bills and the in
flammatory speeches made in Congress ii
favor of these revolutionary measu
The secessionists and the abolitionists
look upon cach other however, as friends in
a common cause, as the teachings and ac.
tions of each gives life and strength to each
other. In the outset of the secessin agita-
tion, we find the rebel Ex-Governor Adams,
of South Carolina, holding the following lan-
guage © ‘The abolitionists are our best
friends. Thank God for what they have al-
ready done ; and for the inestimable bless-
ings they were about to confer, they were
<ntitled to our warmest gratitude. Their
assaults have been unceasing, but all for
our good. They have furnished us with a
justification for dissolving our connexion
with them.” With equal unction and sincer-
ity Wendatl Phillips, in his speech delivered
n Washington City, retur ied thanks to God
that be bad created General Beauregard,
who fired on Fort Sumter that first gun,
whose reverberations became the signal of
our present civil war.”
These sentim:nts show the feelings of the
one toward the otler. The secessionists de-
light in the fact that the Abnolitionists who
have control of the present Congress, are
making every effort within their power to
pass a genera! confiscation bill, so - broad in
its reading that 1t will reach the property
of the loyal man as well as the rebel. They
read the speeches of Sumner, Lovejoy, and
of all the lesser lights with evident satisfac
tion to their deluded followers, and say,
there, did we not tell you that the object of
these men was to deprive us of our consti
tutional rights 2 By this means they justify
their course in the eyes of the Southern peo
ple and convert all the Union sentiment that
i left to their cause.
Abolitionism again in its turn, makes the
violation of the Constitution on the part of
the rebels, the pretext for its violation on
their part, and thus they progress toward
the accomplishment of their common pur-
pose, viz: the destruction of the Constitution
of the best government in the world. Which
then, is the worst traitor--the open rebel
| me to thank such for their Kind
| not a candidate for this office
followers in arms to destroy the government,
or the abolitionist who gives him aid and
comfort by giving him a plausible justifica
tion of hie course, and who, in addition, as-
sau'ts the Constitution at every turn, calling
it “a covenant with death &nd a league with
hell,” so that their flagrant violations of it
may be justified in the eyes of the world. —
Who is the worst traitor 2 For our part, we
:an see no difference ; both seck to destroy
the government, and rejoice that each other
Woe betide us unhappy people, shou'd
these two encmies succeed in their common
purpose. A worse fate than that of dis«
membered Greece or Rome would be ours.
Rally then, friends of your country, and
while our Union army is dealing death blows
at the point of the bayonet to secession,
throttle its twin brother abolition before it
grows too strong.
Capture of New Orleans.
Despatches received at Washington, yes
terday, from Generals Wool and McDowell,
convey the important and exhilarating in-
{ formation that the city of New Orleans has
fallen into the possession of the Union
troops, and is once again under the domin-
ion of the United States Government. The
Petersburg Express, of Saturday last, and
the Richmond Examiner, ot the same day,
| announge that at an carly hour on Thursday
| morning our troops passed Fort Jackson en
route for Rew Orleans. The advance cre-
I ated the most intense excitement and con-
| steruation, and business was entirely sus-
| pended, The torch of the incendiary was
| applied to al} the cotton in the city and vi
| ¢inity, and such of the stcamboarsas were
not required for the transportation of am-~
{ munition and coin were also destroyed.
| The information, although emanating
I from Rebel sources, and without detail, can
| doubtless be telied upon. Cur latest au
| thentic advices from Ship stand (April 6th)
| miorm us that Gen. Butler was, at that
| time, busily at work preparing his forces for
{the advance upon New Orleans, As usual
with such lurge expeditions, some mistakes
had been made in rezard to supplies, which
were being rectified with all possible alacris
Fhe force under Gen. Butler was about
fifteen thousand strong. He was also accom-
pained by the mortar fleet. under command
of Commander Davia D. Porter, United
States Navy, comprising thirty vessels and
| two thousand men.
One by one the cities of the Seuth are being
compelled to acknowledge the supremacy of
the United States Government; and the
capture of no locality in the Rebel realm
could tend so much to demoralize their army
and to show them the utter Jopelessness of
success as that of the ‘Crescent City.”
— Philadelphia Enquirer.
Declines Being a Causdidate
Puicaverraia April 15, 1862.
Editors Patriot & Union :
’ NTLEMEN :—Some of the newspapers of-
this State. among which was your journal
were pleased to mention my name in con-
nection with the Democratic nomination for
Auditor General of Pennsylvania. Allow
ButT must say, I am not a candidate for
that office, and you are auth nized so to
staic. In my judgment. there is no donbt
of the success of the Democratic party atthe
next election. if prudent and populir nom-
inations be made for rhe offices,
Very truly yours. &c.,
By the above, says the Patriot & Union
it will be scen that Mr. Quiggle, who has
been named for the Democratic nomination
for Auditor General, has at an early day in
the campaign authorized us to say that he is
Mr Quiggle
has located in the city of Philadelphia
which place he intends to make his future
residence, and we presume with a view to
an entire business relation; and we doubt
much whether he would bestow much atten-
tion to politics other than to be a warm and
devoted friend and advocate of the Demo
cratic party. We must say for Mr Q . that
with ull his success in political life, it grew
out of a spontaneos friendship for the man
—for his noble qualities of heart. his un
impeachable integrity, and a steadiness of
the purpose of his mind. Few young men
of his age have risen from humble life to the
proud position he now occupies in his nan
tive State as a man of tact, business qualfi
cations, and perseverance, and as a poli-
tician. :
We have not a doubt but what his nu
merous personal and political friends in
Philadelphia, as well as throughout the
Commouwealth, will regret this determina-
Nucro Worsaip. —¢ Old Grimes—that
good old soul” —Grimes R publizan Sena-
tor from Eowa. wants the United S:ates ports
in the South garrisoned by negroes and
commanded by white men. :
The Republican Senators aro also desir
ous of having our diplomatic corpsat Wash
ington adorned with the presence of a
couple of buck darkeys—DMinisters Pleni-
potentiary, respectively, from Hayti and Li
What a magnificent sight it will be when
we can see negroes luxuriating at Presiden~
tial levees and receptions! Oh! when will
the people of this country arouse to the im-
portance of preserving the distinction of ra-
ces in this free Republican Government 2 —
When will they condemn and subvert those
fanatics who would'destroy society and pros-
titute the institutions founded by our fath-
ers ?
T7Gen. Shields was wounded at the bat
am of no further use to my country you
are. Lay me down and let me die ; 1 might
as well die here as to be be 'aken offio die.
You are all strong. able bodied men, able
to do your country some service. Tor God's
sake lay me down and do your duty.”
: eee ;
Jissing it is said. was an ancient expedient
leader cheering an the host of his deluded
bathe them ia wine.
| rebelhons, unul at last the pohey would cul
tle of Cerro Gordo, and was being raised up.
by bis comrades, when he said : « Men, T|
jokeit was a malicious invention, inwended
ong kinemen to discover who ot tie fair ¢
circle had been drinking. as it was congid- | tary Seward for giving a moment's credence
ered a profanation of ther beautifu! lips to |
Prentice on Greeley,
Prentice, of the Louisville Journal, says,
that Horace Greeley’s pablie letter to Gar
rett Davis is not distinguished by profound-
ness or compass of thought. Rather the
contriry. To be entirely frank. the letter
18 a marvel of shallowness and narrowness
It is empiricism run to secd
The letter is devoted to the establishment
of two points. the first of which is that the
Union cannot be restored as it was. and the
second of wichis that if the Union could
be réstored as it was, the loysl men of the
South wotild rae the restotution. In other
words, Mr. Greeley does M-. {avis the jus
tice to acknowledge that the latter is lanvor
Ing to restore the Union as it was and - rites
the letter under notice tor the benevolent
purpose of showing Mr. Davis that he is la-
bormg to achicve an impossibility, which, if
he could achieve it, nould prove destructive
to him and to others like mm The onject
of the letter appears to be to scare Mr. Da-
vis into abolitionism.
This object, exceedingly ridiculous in it
self, is rendered supremely ridiculous by the
argument of the letter which is. in the first
place, that the Union cannot be restored as
it was, because, as the rebellion is confined
to the slave States and is there most formi
dalle in the great slaveholding districts, sla
very is the rval and only cause of the rebel-
lion, and, therctore. must be abolished in or-
der to put an end 10 ihe rebellion. and, in
the second place, that if the Union could be
restored as it was, without the abolition of
slavery; the loyal men of the South would
Fue the event. because the slaveholders un
der the restored Union would proseribe and
mob and hunt down and drive out snch men
for helping the conservatives of the Norih to
restore the Union with slavery instead of
helping the abolitionists to make a Union
without slavery ! Surely the force of non
sense coud no further go.
Mr. Greeley’s notion tat slavery is the
cause of the rebellion because the reve lion
is confined to.the slave States 1s a very fl
grant instance of the stud and val, fal-
lacy cum hoc ergo propter hoc. The rebel
lion is confined to the slave S ates because |
it springs from a belief that the free States |
meditate the abolition of slavery m the
States 3+ but this belief has been wrought
simply by the joint action of the aboation
ists and disunowsts for the last quarter of
a century and upwards. This criminal ac— |
tron in relation to slavery iiseit 1s the cause
of thre rebellion,
Slavery as a lawful institution is not res !
spensible for the unwarrantable assaults of |
the aholitionists upon it or for the treaso =
able use to which the disunionists of the
slave States have been able to put such as-
saults. Any other lawful institution of the
like accidental relations might have been
the subject of the like assaults and of the
like arufices with the like result. This fac: |
is illustrated clyarly by the rebellious move- |
went of New England on behalf of commerce |
10 1814, and stl more clearly by the rebel |
lious movement of a poriion of the South on |
behaif of free trade in 1832 of which latter
movement the present revellion is on ali
sides acknowledged to be the legitimate de
velopment. Slavery 1s no more responsible
now than free trade was responsible in 1832
Slavery 18 no more responsiole for the South:
ern Confederacy than commerce wis respon.
sible for the Hartford Convendon.
The idea of abolishing slavery m order to!
put down the rebellion 18 thus a stupendous
absurdity as stupendous a one as would
have been the idea of abolishing comme ree
for the purpose of crushing nulhtication in
New England, or the wea of perpetually in
terdicting tree rade for the purpose of crush
ing nulification in South Caro inu. The
principle 1s that every lawful 1usuintion on |
bebnlf of which demagogu s and fanatics |
may contrive to erect the standard of rebel
lion ought to be abolished summarily or
otherwise. A nation that should act on |
this principle would soon have no institu~
vons left. Oue party after another world
abolish institutions by way of suppressiag
minate 1 the avolition of hberty itself, — |
Such a nation would be mn the situation of
the 0 d lover with two mistresses, the youuz-
er of whom pulled out ail his griy hairs.
and the elder all his blac ones, leaving him
as bald as a pumpkin, The thing is really
too absurd for suber contutation,
As to Mr. Gre-iey’s other urilliant notion,
that, if the Union is restored as it was. and |
nor as he would have it. the Union men of |
the Svuth will be proscribed and persecuted |
by the rebels who shall have returned to |
their allegiance and received the pardon of
the nation. we need say nothmyg. It pro
claims its own absurdity. if, alter the Ua-
100 sLall be restored as it wag, the Union men
of the South with the vlory of this restora.
tionrencircling their brows, could not hold
their own against the vanquished and penis
tent rebels, in their crown of thorns, the
Union men of the Suuth would deserve to be
proscribed and persecuted. Mr Greeley’s
suggestion 1s an insult to them as well as an
cutrage upon the fitness of things. The
idea of the Union restored as it was with the
misguided men who: sought to destroy it
hunting down the men who restored it in
the very hour of (heir victory 1s self conira-
dictory in a deuree fairly nidiculons. The
ascendancy of loyalty is the essential cou.
dition of the restoration whieh Mr Greeley
so disloyally and so absur ily deprecates —
The consequence be predicts is impossiole
from the nature of the case he supposes.
But there 18 a case in which hus prediction
would hold good. Tt isthe esse which he |
is secking to bring about. Let the Union |
be restored as he would have at af such a |
mutilation could be called a restoration, aud
the Union men of the Svuth, wnat there
might then be left of them. would indeed be
hunted down. Nothing short of a standing
army could protect them or assert in other
respects the authority of the govern. &nt —
Overwhelming force alone could keep down
the revelhon. This would not be restoration
but subjugation and destruction Mr Gree-
ley, if he is honesi. errs—. ris sivangely and
fearfully. The Union, laying aside of course
the material damages inseparable from this
unhappy strife, must be restored’ as 1L was,
or it cannot be restored at all. This is a
great and solema truth. We ask Mr. Gree-
ley and his iriends to weigh it as dispas
sionately as they can.
KniGars op mee GoLbeN Ass.—The Chi-
cago Tunes says :
‘* A cotemporary makes a sensible sug
gestion Tt is, that Dr. Hopkins, the hero
of the Kaigiits of the Golden Circle practi
cal julse, shalt proceed to the organization of
a new ‘cirele.’ to be called the Knights of
the Golden Ass, and that Senator Chandler,
of Michizan, be made the Grand High Priest
of the Oider. Tt was Ch ndier who in the
Senate, gave credence to the existence of
the Golden Circle Order in Michigap, and
asserted that it had put a good many ot iis
men into the army, ‘to his certain kuowl
eage ’ As an ass he is unsurpassed,”
The Dr, Hopkins above alluded to as the
hero of the Kaights of the Golden Uirele
‘practical j ke,” got himself Fort Warren
for his pains. Instead of being a practical
to destroy the characters of some of leading
men in the country. Ex-President Pierce
showed up this ‘practical joke” in its true
light, and extorded an apology from Secre-
to so improbable a story.--Patriot & Un.
ton. i
i the change that had been wa
| far from a thousand
, the
Ap_ortiormen: Bill,
The biil districting the State into Con-
gressional districts, passed the House in the
same shape as it had passed the Senate. -
The Governor has approved the bill, and it
is therefore the law of the land. 1t18 a very
unair bill and was arranged for the express
purpose of deferting the voice of the people
in the selection of their Congres men But,
such is Republicanism —snch the means re
sorted to by a demoralized and shameless
Abolition faction of disuaionists te hold on
to their ill gotten power. llere is the bili
itself :
AN ACT to reorgavize the Congression:)
disiriets of Pennsylvania, in accordance
with ihe act of Congress approved March
4 h. 1862.
SECTION 1 Be if enacted. &e. That for
the purpose ot electing representatives of
the people of Pennsylvania, to serve in the
House of lepresentaives, in the Congress
of the United S ates. this State shall he dis
vided into twenty four disticts, as follows,
viz! .
I. Second third, fourth, fifth, sixth and
cleventh wards of the city of Philadelphia.
2 First seventh, eighth. ninth and tenth
wards in the city of Philadelphia.
3. Twelfth, thirteenth, sixteenth, eigh~
teenth and nineteenth wards in the city of
Philadelphia. :
4. Fourteenth. fifteenth, twentieth, twen-
ty-first and twenty-tourth wards in the city
of Philadelphia.
5 Twenty-second, twentysthird and
twenty fifth wards in the city of Philadel~
phia and the county of Bucks.
6 Montgomery and Lehigh counties.
7. Chester and Delaware counties.
8. Berks county.
9. Lancaster county.
10 Schuylkill and Lebanon counties.
11 Nerthampion, Carvon, Monroe, Pike
and Wayne counties
12 Luzerne ad Su-quehauna counties.
13 Bradford. Wyoming. Sullivan, Column
bia and Montour countiss.
14 Northumberland, Union, Sayder, Ju
uata and Dauphin couatios
15. Cumberland York and Perry coun
16 Adams. Franklin Ful on, Bedford and
S merset counties. |
17 Cambria, Blair, Huntingdon and Mif-
flin counties
18 Centre. Ciiton. Lycoming, Tioga and
Portier counties. ? |
19 Erie Warren, McKean, Forest, Eik,
Cameron, Jefferson and Clearfi-ld eoun-
20 Crawford. Venango, Mercer and Clar
ion counties.
21. Indiana, Westmoreland and Fayette
22 Allegheny county south of
and Allegheny rivers, including
23 Allegheny county north of the Ohio,
and Allegheny rivers, and Butler and Arm-
Strong counties
24. Lawrence, Beaver. Washington and
Green counties.
The Tax
A special Washington despatch in tlie
North American states that the prospec s for
the passage of the tas bili are remote as ey-
er, and there are not a few who predict that
it will be finally turned over, as will the
bankrupt bill until the next session, The |
Senate committee hasso diss: ected the Hor se |
bill that a long discassion must follow ere it |
15 put to a vote; and even shoald it go!
through that body, it is exceeding doubtial
whether the House would agree to sanction
the Ohio
Newil Is
Bill in
Congress has been mn sesst over five
months: we are spending money at the rate
of three anllions a day, every dollar of which
is borrowed : our national debt cannot be |
millions of dollars
aud yet no measures have been adopted to
Fa S€ mo sey enough to pay tha jn.erest of |
act umalating debt and defray the ord
y expenses of Government, While Con.
| uress has betrayed culpable neghgence in
{ augmenting the revenue, in 1s has wasios
fully ex ravagant in exp ndicure. It has
refused 0 adopt the sweeping measure of |
retrencement §O imperatively demanded by
the condition of the public finances, and
has appropiated a million +f dollars for the
purchase of slaves in the district of Colum
The five months during which Congress !
has heen in session ha e been worse than
wasted in agitating the negro qu. stion in
some one of ‘ts phases. -emancipaiion co fis
cation, colonization, &e. while the real bu-
siness of the session is put off from time to
time for the accommodation of windy ah
stractionists, until at last we are told that it
is doubtful wnether the tax bill, which
should have been passed three months ago,
will be agreed upon this session.
The President's Message,
WasninNgroN, Apnl 16,
The following message was received by
the House of Representatives, to-day, from
the President: :
Fellow-citezens of the Senate and House of
Representatives : :
The act entitled ** An act for the release
of certain persons neld to service or labop
in the District of Columta bas this day |
been approved and signed I have never |
doubted the Constitutional authority of Con
gress to abolish slavery in this District. and
I have every desire ‘o see ‘he National Cap-
ta’ freed fron the institation m some satis
faciory way hence there has never been, in
mv mind, any guestion. upon the savject,
rxcopt the ene of expediency, arising ia
view ofall tne circumstances,
If there be matters within and about this
act which might have tak na coarse or shape
more saisf ctory to my juicment, I do not
attennt to speeify them. 1 am graiified
that the two principles of combensation and
colbnizition are botk regarded and practi.
cally applied in the act. In the matter of
compensation it 1s provided thai claws may
be presented ninety davs fro n the passage
of the act, but not thereaflt vr, and there is |
no sav ug for mmors, fe me covert, sane,
or absent persons. I presume that this is
an omission hy mere oversight, and I recom
mend that 1t be supplied by an amendatory |
or supplemental aet >
April 16 1862.
Said Heary Clay of the Abolitionists,
twenty years ago : t
* With them the rights of property are
nothing ; the deficiency of the powers of the
General is nothing ; the acknowledzed and
incontestible powers of the States are noth
ing : civil war. a dissolution of the Union,
and the overthrow of a government in which
are concenirated the fondest hopes of the
civilized world are n thing. A single idea
has taken possession of their minds, and on-
ward they pursue it. overlooking all barri-
ers. reckless and regardless of all conse-
rt et Bf grenoiess
Viscount S. once mer M. de V. and
said to hun : Is it true sir, that in a house
where I am thought to be witty you said |
that I had no wic at all 2
M de V. answered : ¢ My lord there is
not a word of trath in all the matter. 1
never was in a house where you were
thought witty, and I never had oecasion 0 |
teil anybody vou had no wit at ail.’ !
- veuuve Committee of the city of Harrisburg
i vania the atrempt now being made, by cer
“| tain Republicans.
| seribed in secret conclave
[interview with the old patriot, in the course
| of which he remarked that ke was now fast |
* Ltrast that the Almghiv will spare me to
| Lean read and write as well as when in wy
{ said :
| ty. presented a petition to the Legislature
do not feel at ease at the prospest of having
of their lives.
Extract from the Minutes of the
D.mocratic Executive Commitee.
HaRrRI-BURG. £ pril 23 1862
On motion of Wm. F. Osler, seconded
by Wm. Hamilton. the following preamble
and reso'utions were unanimously adopted :
Werks, This Committee is in posses
sion of indnbitable proofs of the cxistence
of secret political sucieties in various parts
of this Commonwealth. to wit : (ne in Lu-
zerne county of which Hosea Carpenter is
President ; one composed of Republican
members and officers of the Legislature, of
which E. W. Capron 18 President, and H. V.
wall. Secretary ; one in Dauphin county,
of which Dvr Mumma is President and
Gen Bergaer. Secreiary ; and
Whereas, The aforesaid Hosea Carpenter
is au noriz-d by the ‘ Luzerne County Loy-
al Union League,” to organize a County
Council of (he League in every county of
the State of Pennsylvania ; and
Whereas. The said Hosea Carpenter did.
in the month of March last. arrive in the
city of Uarrisburg, and there organized the
Legislative Loyal Union organization and
Druvhin County Loyal Unio League ; and
Whereas. The aforesaid societies are se-
cret organizations, the members of which
are bound by extra judicial oaths. whose
object is to elect candidates by means un
recogniz:d by the Constitution and the laws
of Pennsylvania ; and
Whereas, The article'in the constitutions
of the secret societies afuresaid, which pro
vides that the ticket, agreed upon by a
comn.ittee {seven, shall not be revealed un
til the morning of the elect rn ; and the ar-
ticle which. under oath. restrains a brother
Jrom revealing the name if any member of
the Councal. or the existence of any such or
ganization except to a known brother. are
ample evidence that the objects of the secret
organizations aforesaid are illegal and aim
a deadly blow ai the elective franchise and
the liberties of the people ; and
Whereas, The name and titleof the se
cret societies aforesaid, however specious
and high sounding, are but a cloak to hide
the sinister proceedings of mdnight conspir-
ators ; therefore
Resolved, That ihe City Democratic Ex.
hereby denounce to the people of Pennsyl
to organize in every
county of this Commonwealt 1, secret politi
cal cocieties, in close imitation of the dark
lan!ern organizations of the past the pur
puse of which is to control township, ward,
county aud State nomiuations for the espe-
cial Lehoof and benefit of the members
thereof ; to take a snap judgment upon the
people at the pools. and to screen from the
light of day, the dark machinations against
the liberties of the people, which may be de
by men whose
oaths of sccresy place them, as they imag-
ine, beyond the reach of the law.
Rosolved, That we recommend to the
Dewocranc newspapers of this Common
wealth, the publication of the above pream
ble and resolutions, to the end that the peo
plein their respective counties may be put
upon their guard against the sccret operas
tions of the organizations aforesaid
A. E RuMFORT, Pres’t.
Levi WoLFINGER, Sec'y.
Gen. Scorr,— This veteran patriot and
hero last week paid a visit to his home res-
idence rt Elizabethtown, N. J.. where he
was received with every dem ustration of
love and gratitude by the people of Jersey.
I'he assemblies of the Presbyterian charches
were in session. and a very interesting scene
was witnessed in the introduction of the
members to the old chief” One of tho. re-
porters of a New York journal obtained an
caring down under the scenes and trials of |
76 years.
* Alihough,” said General Scott, ** my
bodily ailments press severely upon me. yet
I thank God that I enjoy excellent health.
My hinbs are fast giving way. and this frame
must soon yield to the call of nature. Yet
sce our coun'ry once more restored to its
{former greatness and its poiitical grandeur.
younger years, and’ my faculties are no way
impaired 7’
The word of God lies nearest to him upon
the library table, and he takes great satis-
facdon in perasing it. In speaking of Gens
crals McClellan and Halleck the General
** There are two men who can be depended
upon under all circumstances and in every
emergency —I mean General McClellan and
Genera, Halleck. There is no doubt they
must take things as they meet then —and
they have great opposiiion to contend with ;
but McClellan is, at this moment, at the
very work his heart loves, which will call
forth all the abilities of his powerful mind —
that of trenching, engineering and besieging.
And in regard to General Halleck he will do
his work like a soldier. There can be no
fear of these two able soldiers doing any
base ordisloyal act. They are honest to
the core, and will never betray their coun
Ourcry Against THE NkGRo INVASION
FROM THE SouTd —Our Albany correspons |
dent, savsthe N Y. Herald states that on!
Monday last. Mr Fisher of Chenango: eonn-
asking that the laws in force in some of the
Western Siates against the immigration of
negroes be adopted in this State ; and there
are several other petitions of the same kind
from the interior of the State a vaiting an op-
portunity to be presented. There 1° evi
dently in the rural districts a vast amount
of anxiety lest the S ate should he overrun
with the emancipated blacks. and the feel
ing 18 particularly strong among the labor-
ing classes, Such are the oractical recults
of the agitation of the abolitionists. They
have sown the wind and now they are
reaping the whirlwind They little knew
what would be the eft ct of their morbid |
philanthrophy for the nigger. It is now!
coming home to themselves and deep and |
bitter will be the surses heaped upon their |
heads for disturbing’ the white man’s free
labor by an inundation of blacks, who, if
they work at all. will be willing to work
for next to nothing. The neople have also
a natural antipathy to amalgamation. and
their pure Caucasian blood tainted by ad.
imixture with that of the negro. Such are
the complicated’ ills with which the country
as threatened in consequence of the tempor-
ary success of the fanatics —a success how-
ever, which will cost them dear for the rest
No Heart IN 11 — Che corraspond:nt of
the Boston Traveller writes of the surren -
der of Pu laski :
The guns of the fort were poorly worked;
Both. in accuracy and quickness and the
reason. therefor has been made apparent
since the occupation of it by our troops. —
Upon delivering up the fort and the garrison
as prisoners of war srveral of the Re hel off
cers remarke i that wo had got the fo rt. but
should have to fizht lefore getting Savan-
nah. The Rehels acknowledge that a large
majority of the garrison were impressed
into th service and had'no heart to fight
most of them finally refusing to work the
guns in 1g defence. They were mostly
Trish and German citizens of Savannah:
Hon Theodore Frelinghnveen died, at
two o'clock P. M., on the 12h at his resi
dence in New Brunswick, N. J., at the ad
vanced age of seventy five. As he has oc
cupied a peculiar position among the leading
political men of the age. his death will nat
urally call forth more lenghty articles than
would be justified by the simple fact that he
has occupied important offices.
He was born in Millstown. Somerset co.,
New Jersey, March 28, 1787 : graduated at
Princeton College, Nassan Hall, in 1805 ;
studied law and was admitted to the bar in
1808 : was Attorney General of New Jersey
from 1818 to 1829 and a Senator in Con-
gress, from New Jersey, from 1829 to 835.
Ie was Chancellor of the Umversity of New
York. from 835 to 1850, and while in that
position’ was the candidate of the Whig par-
ty for Vice President upon the ticket with
Henry Clay. Tn 1850. he was clected Pres-
ident of Rutgers College, where he officiated
till near the time of his death. devoting much
of his leisure to the benevolent and educa
tional interests of his native State and of |
the Union.
For many years this excellent old man |
has been che model held up to public men’
hy religious people. He has probably been
président of more religious and benevolent
institutions than any other man inthe coun-
try. A lavorite sketch in religious papers
has been that of the noble old man acting
as United Siates Senator through the week,
and teaching Satibath School on- Sunday.
The influence of this unique character on
college students was very great, Vast
numbers of our prominent men can trace the
final fixing of their noblest principles to the
time when his low, earnest, pleading, al-
most mournful tones fell on their ears in
words of admonition, a they sat in the cha-
pels and grand halls«gf the New York Uni-
versity. On Saturdays he used to gather
such as chose to come for a prayer meeting.
He was cxceedingly beloved by the young
men under his care. His death will produce
a more thoughtful sorrow among many
classes of our countrymen than that of any
other public man who has died since the
great Henry Clay himself.— Philadelphia
Evening Bulletin.
— There 1s evidently a misapp chension in
the public mind in reference to the circum
stances connected with the death of Albert
Sidney Johnson. The writ'r of this para-
graph was on the battle field of Shiloh, on
Sunday, the 13th instant. and was sd highly
favored as to form one of a party who were
conducted over the battle field by Generals
McCook and Crittenden on that day. Gen.
McCook was very communicative on the oc-
casion, and pointed out many interesting lo
calities as the party rode over the ground. —
On the route General McCook halted us at
the precise point at which Governor George
W. Johaston, of ‘Kentucky, was mortally
wounded. General McCook was the first
Federal officer who met the rebel Provisional
Governor after he had fallen. He apuroach-
ed Mr. Johnston, and taking hiny up in his
arms as he lay npon the ground, asked him
his name. Mr. Johnston told him that he
was George W. Johnson. of Kentucky, and
asked of General McCook his name. He
then asked General McCook if he was a Ma
son. the General replying in the affirmative.
Mr. Johnston then asked to be permitted to
have a private interview with the General,
which was granted. Subsequently an ams
bulance containing the body of Albert Sid
ney Johnson was driven by, the vehicle haw
ing been abandoned by the Rebs, and
Governor Johnston after the mspection, in-
formed General MeCook that the body was
that of Albert Sidney Johnston. General
| Johnston received but a single wound, which
was from a musket ball and near the right
eye. General McCook didinet state whether
the body was buried on the battle field or
restored to the rebel army ander a flag of
truce. The above, however, is a correct re~
port of the statement made by General Mc-
Cook 1m the presence of several gentlemen.
General Johnston may have been wounded
early in the tight on Sunday ; he may have
died in Col. Preston's arms; and his body
may have beew sent South for interment;
but his remains were in the hands of the
Federal troops on Monday, the 7th inst..
andiit is the writer's opinion that they were
buried upon the tield of Shiloh by the Fed-
eral troops. — Louisville Journal 1st.
Diath of Major-Gen. Smith.
26. —Major General C. ¥. Smith died at Sa-
vannah, Tenn., on the 26th. at 4. P. M.
He was taken sick with dysentery shortly
after the occupation of Savannah by the
forces under him. and it will be remembered
was prevented from actively participating
in the baitie of Shiloh. He hid been suff
ering and sin ng slowly for some weeks,
though his condition was not thought dan
gerous until last week.
His family had been notified and are on
their way to Savanah.
Pressure LaNpiNGg, April 27.—To the
Hon. E. M. SrantoN, Secretary of War: —
Major General C. F. Smith died at 4 a'clock
P M. on the 25th. His remains have been
sent to St Louis, where they will be buried
with military honors. He 1s a great loss to
this army. .
E have not directed military honors to be
paid to his memory here, but will wait your
The enemy has been strongly reinforced
since the la-t battle.
(Signed) H. W. HarLeck. Major General.
WAR DEPARTMENT, April 27, 1862. —This
Department has learned with deep regret
that the gallant Major General €. F. Smith,
whose: patriotic valor and military skill was
signally exhibited at the capture of Fort
Denelson, died at Savannah. in Tennessee,
at the hour of 4 o’clock, on the 25th of this
month, and it is ordered that the customary
military honors be paid to his memory.
(Signed) Epwin M. SranToN, Sec. of War:
Frere NeGroEs IN New York. A New
York letter dated April 21, says:
The town is in a broad grin to day ower
the petitions the Syracuse people are delu
ging the Sate Legislature with asking that
a law be passed prohibiting negro emigra
sion into this State. Syracuse, you know,
is the great abolition haadquarters of the
Empwe State. 1t is there where the Blooms
er woman most do congregate, and where
young Africa always uttered the loudest
shricks. For Syracuse to be protesting now
against a po:sible irruption-of contrabands
then is not the hendsome thing. [It Savors
of base hypocrisy, if not something even
worse. i
ror Ati
No Go:—An Allentown correspondent
says the proposition of old to tax peo
ple to buy niggers. will never go down with
the people of Lehigh. Ho adds: ¢ The
idea of appropiriating millions of the peo
ple’s money, to buy niggers and set them
free! He might as well recommend the
purchase of muskrate. [It would be no more
a violation of the Constitution. If this
won't give the death blow to the old, spav-
aed abolition party. 1 don’t know what
Death of Theodore Frelinghuysen.
New Orleans Captured !
log. Edwin M. Stanton, Secretary of War »
A fugitive black just arrived from Ports-
mouth brings the Petersburg Lzpress of
vesterday. which contains the following dis-
patch: ;
Mone. April 25.—The cnemy passed
Fort Jackson at 4 o'clock yesterday mcrning.
When the news reached New Bd the
excitement was boundless, martial law was
put in firth force, and business was com~
pletely suspended, All the cotton and steam
boats, excepting such 83 were necessary to
transport corn. ammunition, &c., were de-
At one o'clock to day the operators bade
us good bye, saying that the enemy had ap-
pearad before the city This isall we know
regarding the fall. We will send tho par-
ticulars as soon as they can be had.
The negro bringing the above, reporty
that the rebels have two iron.clad steamers
nearly completed, and that itis believed
that the Merrimac will be out to morrow,
(Signed) Jonn E. Woor, Headquarters.
April 27.1862 §
4 the Hon. E. M. Stanton, Secretary of
I have just returned from the camp oppo-
site Fredericksburg . I was told the Rich-
mond Examiner, of the 26th, had been re-
ceived in town, announcing as follows :—
«New Orleans taken. Great destruction of
property —Cottony and steamboats, Not
enough boats saved to take away the am-
munition. Great consternation of the ins
habitants.” Irvin M'DowEeLL.
Major General.
The Laborer’s Prospects.
4 Philadelphia paper says that 300 ne:
groes in a drove have come to that city, and
that 300 more are expected. They brought
their children and their grandmothers with:
them to become a burthen upon a people
that have no use for them, The abolitionists
are trying to secure them employment in
the arsenals and Navy yards! “Pleasant
prospects for the Irish, German and Ameri-
can laborer! Sambo to get all the work ;
poor white men to be thrown out of employ
to room for niggers, and to be well
taxed to make up Sambo’s pay. @lorious
prospects, ahead.
What do our mechanics and laboring men
particularly those who voted to put the Re-
publican party in power, think of this state
of attaws * Dbes not this prove the Demo-
erats were right, when they conitended that
the effect of abolition principles, would re -
suit in having the whole North overrun with:
worthless negroes, to come into competitior
with white labor ?
This is but the beginning. They are now
coming by the hundred, and if abolitionism
is not put down, by the important influence
of the ballot box, after a while they will
come by the thousand! As these blacks
arc willing to work cheaper than white men,
our white laborers will, as a matter of course
be thrown out of employment to the extent
that these people are introduced into our
The Democratic party is in favor of lettia:
these negroes remain in the South and: eara
their hving on the plantations where thew
have been reared. We do not want them
here, to throw our white laboring population
out of employment, to steal from our furm-
ers and to fill our poor-houses and prisons.
ro soe——
Wat Awwep FrexoNr a1 St. Lous. But
you have yet to learn my boy, what was the
great reason for sending tremont to the
everlasting hillss On Tuesday [ asked a
knowing veteran: at Williard’s what ie
really was. He looked at me for a moment
in immovable silence ; thea he softly placed
his spoon gymnasium on a table looked
cantiously in ail directions, crept up to my
car on tiptoe, and says he:
+ Kerridges !”
« Son of a bottle!’ says I, your infor-
mation isabout as intelligible as the ardina-
ry remarks of Ralph Waldo Emerson.”
The hnotving veteran suftered his nose to
take a steam tath fora moment, and then:
says he :
** Kerridges! Kerridges with six horses and
the American flag flying out of the back
window. Fremont’s great’ mistake
was kerridges —and six horses. Did he
wish to buy some shoe strings: for his babes
—Capt. Pehoyowski, says -he to his cham-
berlain, order the second steward to tell the
scarlet and grey groom'to send the kere
ridge’ and’ siz horses to the door witha full
band on the box. Did he wish to make a
call on the next block and obtain some Bath
note paper—General Nockmynoseoff) says
he to his first esquire in writing, issue a
proclamation to my Master in Chhncery to:
instantly command the Master of the Horse
to get ready the kerridge with six horses,
and send the .ife guard to clear the way.—
In fact says the knowing veteran, frowning
mysteriously, it is rumored that when he
came home from DeBar’s theatre one night
and found the front door of his headquarters
accidentally locked he instantly ordered up
the kerridge and six horses to take him
around to the back entrance.’ :
+ Now, says the’knowing veteran; sudden
striking the table a glass blow that splash.
ed and assuming an air of embittered argu.
meut—they’ve send him to the mountains
to suppress his kerridge.
This explanrtion my boy, may be all a
fiction; but certain it is, that Gen. Fremont
has not the carriage he had six months ago.
—Patriot & Union b
{77 Old Granny Greely is catching ¢ Jes -
sie” in all quarters for his vile abuse of
McClellan. Harper's Weekly, has a capita)
“drive ” at him. It represents the old cod-
ger dressed in female clothes, with a cap on
bis head, and a copy of the Tribune for an
apron. The dress is gaudily ornamented
with ¢ contrabands ” of all sorts and sizes.
At a table close by sits Gen. McClellan,
thoughtful’ and composed, and. seeming
sternly bent on his duty,—his left hand
holding a cory of the order for the attack on
Newburn. Granny Greely tightens her fists
and grits her teeth at him while she ex-
claims :—* Oh. you! (the old lady uses ex-
pressions not fit to repeat) you !—something
vlse! C-a-nn’t you 5.a-y something. Say
nigger. Free Love or something, o-r-r I'll
bust !”’
mel AI A
Extent or THE UNION LINES. —A Seces-
sionist of rather an amiable turn of mind,
accosted a United States officer lately at
Nashville, and in a jovial manner interro-
gated him as to how far the Union lice ex.
tended. ‘To the North Pole,’ replied Stars
and Stripes, ‘and when I left there were
two regiments there waiting for arms.”
Protests, —The Union men of Kentucky
have commenced sending protests to the:
Presideat, against runnicg off their chattels.
into Ohio, by military power. The Presi-
dent has the matter under consideration:
CENSORSHIP OF THE Paess:—It appears
that Cameron white Secretary of War, ex~
empted the New York: Tribune from the
censorsnip enforced against other v
This lact has been established: by testimony
, befere the Investigating Committe.