Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, May 01, 1862, Image 1

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VOL. 7.
+ Is she dead, then?”
« Yes, madame,” replied a little gentle-
man in a brown coat and short breeches.
+t And her will #”
4 Is going to be opened here immediately
by her solicitor.”
« 3hall we inherit anything 2”
«Tt must be supposed so; we have
« Who is this miserably dressed person~
age who intrudes herself here #7
¢ Qh, she,” said thelittle man sneeringly ;
« «she won’t have much in the will ; shes
sister to the deceased.”
« What! that Anne who wedded in 1812
» mah of nothing—an officer !’
+« Precisely so.”
t She must have no small amount of im-
pudence to present herself here, before a re-
spectable family,”
« The more 80 as sister Egerie, of noble
birth, had never forgiven her for that misal-
Anne moved at this time across the room
in which the family of the deceased were as-
sembled. She was pale; her fine eyes were
filled with tears, and her face was furrowed
by care with precocious wrinkles.
« What do you come here for #'" said, with
great haughtiness, Madame de Villeboys.
the lady who, a moment before, had been
wterrogating the little man who inherited
with her.
+ Madame,” the poor lady replied with
humility, * I do not come here to chim a
part of what does not belong to me; I came
solely to sce M. Dubois, my poor sister's S0-
heitor, to inquire if she spoke of me at her
last hour.”
+ What ! do you think people busy them
selves about you?’ arrogantly observed
Madame de Villeboys: ** the disgrace of a
‘great house—you, who wedded a man of
nothing, a soldier of Bonaparte!”
« Madame, my husband, although a child
of the people, was a brave soldier, and what
is better; afi honest man,” observed Anne.
At this moment a venerable personage,
the notary Dubois, made his appearence.
« Cease,” he said ** to reproach Anne with
a union whieh her sister bas forgiven her.—
Anne loved a generous, brave and good. mas, |
who had no other crime to reproach himself |
with than his poverty and obscurity of his
name. Nevertheless, had he lived, if his |
family had known him as I knew him, I, Ins
old Nicud, Anne would be at this time hap-
py and respected.”
« But why is this woman here 1
«+ Because it is her place to be here,” said,
the notary, gravely ; +¢I myself requested
her to attend here.”
M. Dubois then proceeded to open the
« T being sound in mind and heart, Egerie
de Damfremidg, retired as a border mn the
convent of the Sisters of the Sacred Heart of
Jesus, dictate the following wishes as the
expression of wy formal desire and princi:
ple clause of my testament:
« After my decease there will be found
two hundred thousand francs in money at
my notary’s, besides jewelry, clothes and
furniture, as also a chateau worth two hun.
dred thousand francs.
« in the convent where I have been resi
ding will be found my bool, ¢ Hieures de la
Vierge,’ holy volume, which remains as it
was when I took it with me at the time of
the emigration. 1 desire that these three
objects be divided into three lots.
« Phe first lot, the two hundred thousand
francs in money.
« The second lot, the chateau, furniture
and jewels.
« The third lot, my book, * Hieures de la
1 have pardoned my cister Anne the grief
which she has caused us, and I would have
comforted her sorrows, if I had known soon-
er of her return to France. I compromise
ber in my will.”
(Madame de Villeboys, my much beloved
cousin, shall have the first choice.”
<M, Vatry, my brother-in-law, shall
have the second choice.”
« Anne will take the remaining lot.”
«Ah!ah!” said Vatry, ‘sister Egerie
was a good one; that is rather clever or
her part.” :
« Anne will only have the Prayer-book !"’
exclaimed Madame de Villeboys, laughing
aloud, !
The notary interrupted her jocularly.
« Madam’ he said ‘ which lot do you
choose #2”
+« The two hundred thousand francs in
+ Have you quite made up your mind ?”
«t Perfectly so.”
The man of law addressing himself then
to the good feelings of the lady, said :
« Madame, you are rich and Anne has
nothing, Could you rot leave this lot, and
take the book of prayers which the eccen-
tricity of the deceased has placed on a par
with the other lots?”
« You must be joking, M. Dubois,” ex~
claimed Madame de Villeboys ; ** you must
«1 conclude that she iniended to intimate
to her sister that repentance ond prayer were
the only help that she had to expect in ihis
As she finished these words, Madame de
Villeboys made a definate selection of the
ready money for her share. Monsieur Va.
try, as nay be casily imagined, selected the
chateau, furniture and jewels as his lot.
« Monsieur Vatry,”” said M, Dubois to that
gentlemen, ‘“ even suppose it had been the
intention of the deceased to punish her sis-
ter, it would be ncble on your part, million-
aire, as you are, to give up at least a por-
tion of your share to Anne, wiro wants it so
« Thanks for your kind advice, dear sir,”
replied Vatry ; the mansion 18 situated on
the very confines of my woods, and suits me
admirably, all the more sohat it is ready
furnished. As to the jewels of sister Egerie
they are reminiscences which one eught nev-
er to part with.”
« Since it is 80,” said the notary, *‘ my
poor Madame Anne, here is the Prayer-book
that remains to you.”
Anne, attended by her son, a handsome
boy with blue eyes, took her sister’s old
Prayer-book, and making her son kiss it
after her, she said:
+ Hector, kiss this book, which belonged
to your poor aunt, who is dead, but who
would have loved you well, had she known
you, When you have learned to read, you
will pray to heaven to make you .wise and
good as your father was, and happier than
your unfortunate mother,”
The eyes of those who are present were
filled with tears, notwithstanding their eft
orts to preserve an appearance of indiffer
The child embraced the old book with
boyish fervor, and opening it afterward--
«Oh! mamma,” he said, * what pretty
pictures !”’
« Indeed !” said the mother happy in the
gladness of her boy.
«Yes. The good Virgin, in a4 red dress
holding the infant Jesus in her aims. But
why, mamma, has silk paper been put up:
on the pictures 27
¢* So that they might not be injured, my
* But mamma, why are there ten silk pa-
pers to each engraving 1"
The mother looked and attering a sudde
shrick, she fell into the arms of M. Dubois,
the notary. who addressing those present,
said: {
«¢ Leave her alone, it won't be much; peo- |
ple don't die of these shocks; as for you little |
one,” addressing Hector, *‘give me that
prayer-book ; you will tear the engra
The inheritors withdrew, making various
conjectures as to the cause of Anne’s sud-
den illness, and the interest which the notwa-
ry took in her. A month afterwards, they
met Anne and her son, exceedingly well yet
not extravagantly dressed. taking an airing
in a barouche. This led them to make in-
quiries. and they ascertained that Madame
Anne had recently purchased a hotel for one
hundred and eighty thousand francs, and
that she was giving a first rate education to
her son. The news came like a thunder-
bolt upon them. Madame de Villcboys and
M. de Vatry hastened to call upon the nota-
ry to ask for explanations. The good Dus
bois was working at his desk. :
«¢ Perhaps we are disturbing you ?’ said
the arrogant old lady.
« No matter. 1 was in the act of settling
a purchase in the state funds for Madame
¢ What !” exclaimed Vatry, ‘after pur
chasing house and equipages, she has still
money to invest 2”
«¢ Undoubtedly so.”
« But where did the money come from ?”
« What ! did you not see? ”
* When ?”
* When she shrieked upon seeing what
the Prayer book contained which she ins
« We observed nothing.”
«Oh! I thoughc you saw it,” said the
sarcastic notary. “That prayer book con-
tained sixty engravings, and each engraving
was covered by ten notes of a thousand
frances each.”
«¢ Good heavens !” exclaimed Vatry,
thunder struck.
«If I had only known it !” shouted Ma~
dame de Villeboys.
“and I myself urged you to take the prayer,
bouk, but you refused.”
«“ But who could have expected to find a
fortune in a breviary.”
The two baffled old egotists withdrew,
their hearts swollen with passionate envy.
Madame Anne is still in Paris. If you
pass by the Rue Lafitte ona fine Summer
evemng, you will see a charming picture on
the first floor, illuminated by the pale re.
flection of wax candles.
A lady who has joined the two fair|
{ bands of her son, and a fair child of six!
years of age, in prayer before an old book of
‘Heures de Vierge,” and for which a case,
of gold has been made. |
* Pray for me, child,” said the mother. |
¢ And for who else ¢’ ingired the child. |
** For your father, your dear father, who
really be dull not to see the intention of
gister Egerie i his... cous-
perished without knowing you, without be~
« You had the choice,” added the notary,
« What is the name of that saint, mam-
ma dear ¢’
The mother, then watering the fair child’s
head with her tears, answered :
« Her name is—sister Egerie.”
The White House Ball.
I hev run on so about politics and so forth
that I eenamost forgot to ~tell about Mrs.
Linkin's party. I've scen a good many big
things in that way sisce 1 was a boy, but
this was a leetle ahead of all. The sofers,
and the wimmin, and the cabbynet, and the
forren Ministers Pennitenshery, with their
Seckretaries of Litegashiy, were all ther.—
The tables were all kivered over with sagar
frost, eenamost as white as a Maine snow
bank. and Mrs. Linkin luked like a young
gal jest ont of schule. The way she did 10-
tertane kumpany was a caushin to peepul
who don’t know the ropes. Insine Stebbins,
of the Downingville Insensibles, was ther.
and if ther is a smart fellerin the army, the
Insine is one. He kin write poetry almost
equal to Longfeller, and as for singin’ the
Italian band ditty can’t begin with him, —
Wen the kumpany were sot down to the
table, Deacon Jenkins was kalled on to say |
grace, and wen they got thru the hull kum-
pany kalled on Insine Stebbins to sing a
paradox which he had kumposed specially
for the occashun :
From Varwmount’s icy mountains,
From licker hatin’Maine,
Where streams of goldin whisky
Go strate agin the grane :
From menny a country cawkis,
From menny a country shop,
We cum to greet thee, Linkin,
At this ere Linkin hop!
Wot tho’ the Nor’ West breezes
Blow sum o'er Georgetown hulls,
And likwise as it freezes x
The troops at Turner’s Mill,
Wat tho” the army hosses
. Die off for want of food,
We'll drink Old Rye with Abram,
Because Old Rye is good.
Wat tho’ the Yankee nashun
Pores out the warlike flud,
And sojers of all stachin
Are stashined in the mud ?
Wat tho’ the sly contractors
Defrand us right and left,
Ant Uncle Sam's old stockin’
Of «ll bis cash is reft?
Wot tho’ the taxis plague us,
And heeps of corn must spile,
While poor folks three times over
Their coffe grounds must ble ?
Does not great Dr. Cheever,
(And shall he speak in vain ?)
Command us to deliver
The land from slavery’s chane ?
Shall we whose hearts are litened
With Rye and cake. and wine,
Stall we to Cuff and Dinah
Give nought but erust and rine
Abolition ! Abolition!
The joyful sound proclame,
Till each remotese niyger
Has learned the Linkin name!
‘Amen! scel-er!” yelled out Deacon
Jenkins, at the very tip-top of his voice
wile nigh about the hull kumpany seemed
to be highly uckled except Linkin and his
wife and me. I was so mad that I eeny
Insine and ses I. «* Iusine Stebbin, I
knowed you and Deacon Senkins was both
red hot Abolitionists, but I tho’t all the folks
in Downingville had kommon sense, and
wood know better than to intruduce polly-
ticks on a festive occasion, specially eny
thing faverable to Cheever and Greely and
kumpany, who are the hull time abusin
Linkin and Mrs. Linkin.” Then the Insine
sed that Sumnure had helped him rite the
paradox jest on purpose to how Linken
woodhke it. * Wal,’ I told him, ‘that
was jest as much sence as well as manners
as [ shud expect from Sumnure. Then
Deacon Sedkins cum up and sed somthing
and I lit on him for hollerin, ** Amen’’ rite
atore the hull diplomatic core, jest as if he'd
been at a prayer wmeetin in the Downingville
schule house. Mrs. Linkin was much
pleased at the way I laid down the law to
the Deacon.
but he looked daggers out of his 1ze. and
be seemed nigh about as cross as a cross
cut saw all the rest of the evenin’. ‘I'he
baw] howsomever went offin all other res
pees in furst rate style and Mrs. Linkin is
now regarded as the asleet of faghion.
i Ee We
Strange Logic.—The Republicans are
willing to reccive an Abolitionist who by
his declarations, declares he has labored
nincteen years to take nincteen States out of
the Union; but will not accept a uniform
record of loyalty from those of their politi-
cal opponents who before the rebellion broke
out supported men that now are active trai-
tors. They aiso call the Democrats dis-
loyal who were gent by Government to Fed
eral forts when a majority of them have
been declared innocent of the least shadow
of guilt-—and mention the Abolition perso-
nages with the omission of disloyal when
speaking of their actions. Democrats are
censured for expressing a thought that
cast reflections upon the Goveinment, and
their support of Lincoln in what they cone
sidered right is of no avail unless they
think he could do no wrong. that he
was incapable of a single political miss
077 Why are two young ladies kissing
other an emblem of Christiamty 2 Be
they are ging wuto each other as they
d men should do unto them,
| 10 cents a line,
The Kurnul didn’t say much |
most burstmy biler, T went strate up to the 0ents per dozen ; with molasses on, 5 cents
!loping any child over tea years of age, 25
a The Federal Tax Bill.
As almost everybody and everything is
taxed in the Bill now before Congress fork
raising a War tax, it is no wonder that
members are constantly batton-holed on
the subject whenever they show themselves
in the streets in Washington. Almost every
trade or profession has its committee or |
agent down there, who are working like bea-
vers to get some particalar in the Bill modi-
fied. In consequence of this state of things
the Committee of the louse of Representa
tives resolved, some time ago. to suppress
from the public eye all ned features which
they might introduce. When the suppress-
ed items come to be known. and the Bill is
presented to the people in all its length and
breadth, it will doubtless open some folks’
eyes ‘‘as big assarcers.” A correspondent
of the Sunday Mercury sends to that paper
what purports to be some of the supposed
features of the Bill, which he intimates, the
censor of the press has thus far regarded as
«contraband.” We certainly have seen
nothing of the kind in the telegraphic report
from Washington ; and if the Bill really
contains the astahishing items which he
gives, there is no doubt that it will'prodace
a profound sensation in every well regulated
family :
For smoking a 3 cent cizar, 6 cents ; oth-
er Havannas in proportion.
Smoking a meerschsum pipe, 8 cents ; if
colored, 16 cents.
For every quid of tobacco, 3 cents ;
begged from a friend, 6 cents.
Dinners at Delmonico’s 5% cents 5 at a
Fulton street saloon, 18 cents.
Picking one’s tecth in private, 3 cents ; in
front of the Astor House, 10 cents.
Sixth Ward liquor, 12 cents a glass ; —
common liquor in proportion.
Jersey champagne, 10 cents a bottle,
(that being its full value ;) other foreign
wines 122 proportion.
Calling for a drink, 5 cents ;
permint init, 3 cents extra.
Riding in-a city railroad car, 8 cents ; il
compelled to stand, 10 cents.
For weaving dollar jewelry, $2 each arti-
Boot blacks, 5 cents each job,
speech of a Congressman,
and three months’ 1mpriss
with pep
Reading the
Attending church, 50 cents an hour : if a
At Beecher's the;
to be the same as at first cless thea:
On mupister’s
member. 25 cents.
attending t matches,
+ if enthusiastically received, twice that
sum. and drinks for the party.
For smiling the Sabbath day, 23
cents for the first one, and 50 cents for each |
following one.
For bowing to a lady in the st-ect, 10
All unmarried ladies, $25 per year ; Cal-
ifornia widows, $50 ver year.
For being poor, $10 a month.
White shirts, 10 cts. a month §
ones, $1.
Buckwheat cakes are to pay a taxof
per dozen,
For using an auger, 30 cents a month.
For using a cork screw, 45 cents per
Deviled kidneys, 4 cents a doz:n.
For looking over a fence, 10 cents.
Liceuse to drive your cow to pasture, 50
cents ; if over a mile, 75 cents,
For licking your wife, 10 cents
time ; spanking the baby, 10 cents ;
License to boil the tea kettle, 25 cents.
For scolding the servant girl. 50 cents.
For license to catch bullheads, 5; to
catch eels, $0 ; shad, salmon and sturgeon,
£8. .
To open oysters, $5 ; clams. 3,50.
For privilege to sit on the dock and catch
shiners, $1 per month ; if you lean against
a pole, $1 50.
Salt mackeiel, if caught in a fresh water
stream, 3 cents each.
To sit on the curb stone and peddle ap«
ples, $8 a month.
For the privilege of gathering peach: pits,
$8 a month.
License to peddle peanuts, $25 a year.
Snuff boxes are to pay a tax of $1 per
For every pinch of snuff givea to a friend,
3 cents.
For asking a friend to drink, 35 cents.
For playing billiards, 25 cents.
For license to kill skuuks, $5 a vear and
one fourth of the perfume.
Tax on Mustaches, $2 a month —if dyed,
the tax is to be doubled.
On whiskers, other than those
to cats and dogs, $3 a month,
For blowing your nose in
streets, 75 cents ; in country roads,
"To shoot marbles, $1 ; if ‘China Alleys”
are used, a further tax of 40 cents.
To play euchre, $1.50 ; if the two bow-
ers of trumps are held, a further tax of 50
Hurdey gurdies are to psy a tax of $1 a
Mocking birds, 75 cents.
To sneeze in the public highway, 15
cents ; if accompanied with unusu-l noise,
25 cents. :
Suorting 20 cents ; if at an evening meets
the public
~~ @he Democratic Aatchm
License to peddle fire wood, $1 pep
month. .
License to beg cold victuals, $2.
License to gather bones, $2.
Every person taking an affidavit shall be
assessed 25 cents.
Ordinary cursing and sweating to pay
five cents an oath, and swearing to be meas
uted by a Cursometer to be furnished by the
Secretary of the Treasury.
ieee a
Tit for Tat,
Dobbs was up and doing. April Fools Day.
A singular phenomenon was to be seen in
the vicimty of his place of business. Dobbs
went home from his store the last evening
in March, and while taking tea, remarked to
his wife, that hiscolored porter had been
blessed with an increase of family.
« Why,” said Mrs. 1., *¢that makes
nine 1’
+¢ Exactly” said he ; ¢ but the siigularity
about this new comer is, that one half of its
face is black.”
« Dear me!” exclaimed Mrs. D., ‘that
is smgular, indeed, How s‘range! What
can be the cause of such disfigurement
« Can't say,” said Dobbs; ‘* bat it is a
curiosity worth seeing to say the least of
it »
¢ So I should think,” returned his better
half. ¢ I will go down in the morning. and
take such delicacies as the woman unecds,
and see the child at the same time.”
Dobbs knew she would, so he went out to
smoke a cigar, and the subject was dropped
for the evening. Next morning afler he
went to his store. the kind-hearted
made up a hiasket of nice things, dnd taking
mother, and see the singular child. @When
Dobbs came home to dinner, his wife look
ed surprised. Before he had time to seat
himself, she said : { ‘
+ Have you seen cousin John 2 Ile
here this morning, to pay you the money
you lQancd him,and as he could not wait
for you, and must leave town to day, i told
him you would be at the store at half past
¢ ow fortunate !”’ said he ; © Tnced just
that ameunt to take up a note to morrow. —
Just two, now,” said Dobbs looking at his
wath, «IT will go down at once, for fear of
the servant zirl, went down to cheer up
missing him. .
¢ Won't you have dinner first 2” asked his
wife, “you will be in time.”
t No.” said he, +1 want that money and
would not like to miss him, so I will go at
¢* By the by.”’ said the lady, ** how came
you to tell me such a story about one side of
that child's face being white 27
+ No. no,’ said he, as he put on his hat,
«you are mistaken. I said one
black. You did not ask me about the other
side ; that was black, too. First of April,
my dear, first of April, you know.”
Dobbs departed in haste, and not not return
again until tea time, and then looked
‘+ What 1s the matter ivy dear,” said Mrs.
* Why, I missed cousin John, anl[ nee
ded the thousand dollars to take up a note
And every one 1s so short, 1
cannot raise it.”
« 0! is that all 2" returned she, ¢ then it
is all right. Cousin John paid me the money
and said you could send him a receipt by
« But,” said Dobbs, “ why couldn’t you
tell me so at dinner ume, and not say he
would be at the store to pay nic, at half past
two, and to send me off without my dinuer,
be~ides causing me so much axicty for noth
«1 am very sorry you have had so mach
anxiety and trouble,” returned his wife,
*¢ but you are mistaken in supposing I told
you he would be at the store at that time,
1 said I 4o0ld him you would be there at half
past two, and knowing you were in want of
that money, 1 knew you ould not fail.-—
First of April, my dear, first of April you
Dobbs caved in; he acknowledged the
corn, and Mr. and Mrs. Dobbs enjoyed a
pleasant supper.
Tue GARDENS OF Romi. —The gardens of
Rome are very happily daguerreotyped in a
late number of the Cornhill Magazine: —
+ All round about Rome there are ancient
par lens lying basking in the sun. Gardens
and villas built long since by dead cardinals
and popes ; terraces with fleeting shadows
with honeysuckels in desolate luxuriance ;
roses flowering and fading and falling in
showers on the pathways ; and terraces and
marble steps yellow with age. Lonely foun-
as splash in their basins ; statues of fawns
and slender nymphs stand out against the
sole horizon of blue hills and crimson-
side was
streaked sky 3 of cypress trees and cedars | qupling 2 said a savey lover binding his
with the sunset showing through their
stems. Athome 1 lead a very busy anxious
life—and the beauty and peace of these Ital
ian villas fill me with incxpressible satisfac-
tion and gratitude towards those mouldering
pontiffs whose magnificent liberality has se
cured such placid resting places for genera~
tions of weary men.”
17° Wife, T thought you said you were
going to have a goose for dinner #'
‘So I did; and I've kept my word.’
« Where is it #’
¢ Why, my dear, aint you here ? .
Smith couldp’t ces the point of that
ing, 25 cegts ; in church, $1.
Rules for Home Education.
The following are worthy of being printed
in letters of gold, and being placed in a con-
spicuous place in every household :
1. From your children’s earliest infancy
inculcate the necessity of instant obedience.
2. Unite firmness with geatleness. Let
your children always understand that you
mean exactly what you say.
3. Never promise them any thing unless
you are sure you can give them what you
4. If you tell a child to do anything, show
him how te do it, and sce that it is done.
5. Always punish your children for wilful-
ly disobeying you, but never punish in an-
6. Never let them perceive that they can
vex you, or make you lose your self-com
7. If they give way to *petulance and
temper, wait till they are cali, and then
gently reason with them on the impropriety
of their conduct. .
8. Remember that a little gentle punish,
tent when the occasion ari much
more cflectual than the threatening of a
greater punishment should the fault be re-
8. Never give your children anything be-
cause they ery for it.
10. On noaccount allow them to do at one
time what you have at another time, under
the same circumstances, forbidden.
1i. Teach them that the only sure and
easy way to appear good is to be good.
12. Accuastom them to making their-little
recitals the perfect truth.
13. Never allow of tale bearing.
14. Teach them that self denis}, not self
indulgence is the appointed and sure meth
le wea
A Hine ro Yousa Lapres.—Loveliness !
It is not your costly dress, ladies, your ex
pensive shawl, or gold laden fingers. [ion
of good Itis
your character they study--your deporte
sense look far beyond these.
1f vou are trif and loose in yonr
conversation no matter if yon are as beau
tiful as an angel, you have no attractions for
them. 1fat is the loveliness of nature that
| attracts the first attention it is the moral
and mental excellence and cult n that
ain ti
ies sad
wing and continu 3 |
labor to improve their outward looks, whil
they bes‘ow little or. no thought on their
minds and hearts. Fools may be won by
the heart. Young t who
but the wise, the prpdent and substantial
are never caught by stich traps. Let mod
esty ahd virtue be your dress. Use
ant and truthful language, study to do good,
and though you may not be courted by the
| fop, the truly great wilt love to linger an
your steps,
7 Park Goodwin was deliveri
ture in Indiana, when taking up a glass of
water to drink, as lecturers will, *he bottom
of the tumbler dropped out and let the water
upon the manuseript.
dismayed, und the audience began to titter
Instantly recovering his wits,
ga lec.
The lecturer looked
he said.
“Whatever fanlt may be found with my
lecture, it can’t be ealled a dry one.”
This happy turn extricated him from the
del emo
17 The Providence Press avs that one
night lately, when the streets wera a glue
of ice, a citizen was accosted by an Irishman
who desired to be put on the road to Woon
« Woonsocket I" said the astonished gen
tlethan, ¢ whom do you want to sec in
Woonsocket in this kind of going 2?
«An faith,” says Pat, its meself 1
want {0 see there, sure.”
Pat received the necessary directions.
777 When a person is very ill,
“Ged has «ftlicted me 3” but it he feels very
Lappy, and very well, how rarely does he
say, ‘God has made me happy.” How
prone are we t¢ think God is at burials, but
not at bridals § how prone to think Ged is in
all that is dark, sepulchral and gloomy, but
not 1m the midst of all that is bright, giving
it greater brightness, and in sll that is joy-
ful, adding to its intensity dnd its purity.
he says,
Tae Beavrirur.—Beautiful things are
suggestive of a purer and a higher life and
fills us with mingled love and fear. They
have a graciousness that wins us, and an ex-
| cellence to which we involuntarily do rever-
ence. If you are poor, yet modestly aspir.
ing, kecp a vase of flowers on your table,
and they will help to maintain your dignity,
and sccuro for you consideration and deli-
cacy of behavior.
05> Why are you hike on annual, my
arm around Harriet's waist.
“1 ean't any. Why?
¢« Because you are handsomly bound.”
“Indeed! Why, then am I like a law
book ¢”
¢ Really I can’t tell.”
“Because I am bound 1 calf I”
rest A se
15 A gentleman once said to his son, who
used to stay in bed late in the morning .—
“Your brother got up this morning at five
o'clock, and found on the sidewalle a purse
of gold.” “Very well,” replied the lazy
young wan, ‘if the poor fellow to whom it
belongs bad remained in bed till ten, he
{From the Cinsignati Eoquife)-~«
‘Which Bu'l Gored the 0x 2:
We were somewhat surprised to see yes-
terday tn our Republican cotempcraries sugh
was offered to Wende!l Phillips, and tvhicl
broke up his lectiire at Pike's Uperd House
on Monday night. We thought, and the
community chought, that they were in, fax
vor of mobs and opposed to the freedom of
speech and the press. . va
Last summer, when Democtatic papers
were mobbed all over the North and threat-
ened with destruction in every City town sy
village in the free States - when Democrat
citezens of high standing were ridden on
rails and tarred and feathered by fiendish
mobs. -when no Democratic elector could
open his mouth upon the exciting political
questions of the day, o1 a Democratic press
give ils views on it without personal danget
—these presses were either silent or openly
engiged in the assaults, arid cheered on thog®
who were destroying liberty of speech of
hberty of the press. Oue of these emphat-
ica'ly approved and justified mabbing Dems
ocratic papers and Democratic editors if the¥
did not agree in sentiment. with it in regard
gewgaws, and fashionable showy dresses, |
gewg )
to the war. [It was almost equivalent to a
(victory over the rebels, and wasa glorious
| feat to moh a Democrat and to tear down
| his printing office in the estimation of Hy
partj ans of Mr. Phuilips’ school and his per-
sona admirers, They had any quantity of
sophistry and casuistry to excuse and pal.
It was the condition of
the country, it was ** military necessity," it
was the enormity of the sentin.ents uttered
by Democratic speakers and Demderatie
presses, they being the judges which, in theif
estimation, rightly deprived them of being
heard bysthe community. All this non-
sense, 1n the shape of argument, which leads
| to the most perfect despotism, can be urged
tin the case of Mr Phillips against his speak:
ing. .
An immense proportion of the wealth and
the intellect of the North, for months wdd
isilenced by mobs, and a large portion of the
press mozzled by the same disreputable
: They were: not
liate the villians,
oad rascally proceedings.
that committed these outrages,
| the result of organized consy
They weré
racies, hatched
tion of Hin secret lodges and societies, and did the
!bidding of more respectable, but more cows
{ardly persons who were behind the scenéd.
They were nstigated too, by Abolition pas:
sand Abolition orators, who did nothing
but pubhsh their Democratic cotemporaries;
and to point out as proper subjects for mob
gainst these outrages we lifted up cur
voice at the time, and we denounce thew
now, when the victim is Wendell Phillips
who is the antipode of us in political senti-
ment. We have ever been consistent asthe
champion of free speech and a free pross.—
Not so with many of Mr. Phillib's friends —
When the mad bull gores their ox they cry
out lustily, but they have themselves willing
to go to the furthest extreme of mob Vie:
lence against their opponents. This incon-
consistency is generally remarked by the
put lict who cannot see why Wendell Phill:
ips, who openly declares that he has spent
10 years to take 10 States out of the Union
and rejoices over the fact, is allowed by. the
admiuistration (0 perambulate the countrys
while hundreds of others, for an inconceivs
ably less political ofenc; huve been arrested
and confined in prisons. :
We are glad that Mr. Phillips has not
been arrested by the Government ; but stili
he ought to be treated as others have been
or those others should be discharged. It
will not do to make fish of one and flesh of
another. According to the rule laid dows
by Mr. Phillips’ friends to Democrats; Me:
Phillips bimself1s a proper person to send
to Fort Warren. As for us, .we repudiate
least, we have supposed it was and shalt
try to make it so in the future, Nothing ig
ever gained by playing the tyrant in pubhc
opinion, and exciting mobs to suppress free
dom of speech, or freedom of the press.—
As in «ll cases where sound principles are
violated where justice and equity gra outid<
ged, the perpetrators do not escape justices
which frequently commends its poisoned
chalice to their own lips. Do right, what«
ever may be the consequences, though the
heavens may fall, is the ouly proper rule of
ation, We bel eved last summer tht miny
of thos who were cheering on mobs to as-
sail those who differed with thew in opinion
would see the time when they would regret
it, and when their conscience would res
proach thew for the deed.
erie i pees
7377 Ma, I want some liquid geoerosity
on my brea and butter.” o
+ Some what my child 27
¢ Some liquid generosity !"
by liquid genercsity ?
¢ Gosh wam don't you know ?
molasses to be sure.”
+¢ Here Bridget spank this boy and put
him to bed,”
{7 Saxe the jo.t, sage. that Vermont ia
famous for four staples, ** tvev women, ma-
ple sugar and horses,” and the: * the first
are strong, the last are fleet, the second and
Whas is it wy
Why ‘ti
probeby would not have Jost it.’
commonly hard to beat.’
mobs either, in the proper sense of the word,
“* What in the world does the bey mead
vigorous denunciations of mob violence that 4
the whole business of political arrests {8c
opition’s sake, and we would say to My: Se i
Philips and to any as long as you do. not >
be molested. This is a free country, or, at k
third are Rh and all are gn: #