Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, April 17, 1862, Image 3

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Tag Rear Isso. —The Detroit Free Press
thinks the time hag cowe when the Repub-
lican party must cast oft Abolition disunion-
ism—when it must declare for the Constitu-
tion or against it. “Until it does so the Dea
mocracy Lave a right to hold it responsible
for all that Abolition bas done to produce
rebellion. A political warfare against the
rebels is no longer necessary. It is simple
nonsense—wastg of ink and paper. The
army fights them. The only political fight
which remains for the North is under this
very issue— Abolition or Union, treason or
‘loyalty, the Constitution or no Constitution.
"This is the real issue : and the first and holi-
est duty of every citizen is to tear the mask
of patriotism from the faces of the _extrem-
ists and to expose them to infamy as co-
operators with Davis and Floyd ; as the
aathors of schemes which, if successful, will
extirpate liberty from this contineat,
W. W. Browx, Esq., having given bail
in the sum of six thousand doliars for his
appearance at Court, was last week, re
leased from ‘* durance vile,” and is now at
liberty. As we said last week, we hope
the Captain may succeed in clearing up his
wecord, and thus reestablish his reputation
a8 an honest man.
Although bitterly opposed to the Captain
in politics, and although he, in the palmy
«days of the Centre Democrat, endeavored to
convict ue of the crime of treason to our
«country and of sympathy lo its enemies,
we have no desire to see him convicted of
the offence with which he stands charged,
For Mes. ParmiNeTON.—A countryman
was sitting in Jerry Butts’ Hotel in this
splace, the other day, reading the Philadel-
phis Inquirer, when he suddenly jumped
from his seat and exclaimed to a gentleman
near him, «* Why, I didn’t know General’
Banks was dead !”’
The gentleman addressed not having heard
auch news remarked that he guessed he was
+ Why yes,” says the intelligent reader,
“don’t you see, this column is headed
«News from General Bank's Corps.”
The effect was electrical ‘on those in the
oom, and we concluded at once to send the
‘neident #0 Mrs. Partington.
17 Those of our subscribers who have
changed their place of residence since the
1st inst.,.shouid notify us of the fact in or
r that their papers may reach them regu-
arly. We can’t be supposed to know every-
thing. . ?
A Teoser Beav.—4 lady last night was
walking briskly down Chestnut St., evident
{iy upen business. ‘A magnificent and
white Newioundlantler waked by her side
ilaving no arm to give ker, he held one end
«of her handkerchief by way of substitute,
in his teeth. ZIlekept an ¢ye and a half up
on his ¢harge, and used tke other upon the
* sidewalk loafers who scanned the lady as
she passed. At Eighth and Chestnut Streets
where gamblers often congregate in the ov
<ning to ** sopé inl” greenhorns to a crib in
AValnut street, near Eleventh, 2 two legged
puppy wide toward thelady, when doggy
showed a set.of ivories that caused the loater
ito turn his baek at sudden notice. As the
quadraped walked along he seemed proud
of the charge. while the lady, we opine, felt
«quite as safe as if leamng upon the arm of a
husband. —Phsladelphia North American.
Don’t Trusr.—Fifty years ago Grant
Thorburn twas standing behind his counter
in his little grocery on Broad streot. Mew
ork, when a mah entered a little the worse
and called for something to drink, saying
at the same time that he would pay to mor-
“ My raeié Héver to trust,” ssid Mr
« I'll pay you certain,” exclaimed the
¢ here’ no nseof ‘croaking. 1 ean't
freak my rule,” replied the imperturbable
" dittle Scotchman.
« Well, if you ain't willing to trust me
bera’s a Bible for security,” said the aan
takipg from his pocket « beautifully gilted
bible. : a
44 I take nothing for security but cash, sir’
replied Mr. Thornburn.
The gaan gazed at the diminutive form of
che Jittlé trader in astonishment and then
turning left the store. exelaining :
“ Well, yer little dried up mackr’l, if yer
esn't take my word or. the word of God, yer
ean go to the devil and take him.”’
Know. Normineisu SuiLL ALwve.—1n the
Rhode Island House of Assembly, a propo
sition to extend to adopted citizens, equa
rights with natives, was recently rejected,
every vote against il coming from Republ:-
cans. Know Nothingirm + still lives.” —
Foreign born citizens are earnestly called
Tae First ar Manassas. —Our attention
has been called to the fact, that credit 18 giv~
en to a New Jersey regiment as being the
first at Manassas, whereas the credit is due
to the 81st Pennsylvania, commanded by
Col. James Miller, an acknowledged hero of
Chapultepec. The 81st was on picket a9z
towards Fairfax Court House from the 4ti
to the 8th of March. On the 6th Capt. A.
Stiles, of Company B. with his brave men
alone, was, by some misunderstanding in
the order given, thrown three miles beyond
the regular pickets. As soon as Brigadier
General Howard heard of the misunderstand
ing he sent messengers after them; but
Capt. Stiles and his men had already sue
ded in making the first route of the ene-
my’s pickets. On the night of the 6th they
occupied the ground the enemy did in the
morning. - It was not until the morning of
+he 8th that the 81st was relicved by the
New Jersey 3d.
hip me
ate Post Office Committee have reported
and recommended the passage of 8 bill in
Congress, allowing the United States mails
to be carried by negroes. This is one of
Sumner’s bills, and 1s backed up by all the
Abolitionists and most of the Republicans
in Congress. This is what is called pro-
gress by the anti. Democratic parties.
Charles Sumner’s Ditty.
John Brown's soulis marching on
Glory Hallelujah !
Put the constitution down
Glory Hallelujah!
We'll march in blood up to the knee
Glory Hallelujah ! i
But what we'll have the niggers free
Oh Glory Hallelujah !
157A writer in a New York paper recom
mends that the beds in 8 manus house be
taxed for the support of the war. The home-
stead bill may be weil enough but we don’t
want a headstead mill. — Prentice.
77° The rebels say that their armies, if
defeated. will retire for defence to some
mountain faziness. We have been admiring
their fastness for some time. —Preulice.
(I77Pilow is reported to have said that he
wiil shoot Fioyd at sight. May thetwo take
dead aim at each others heads and shoot
the same instant. — Prentice.
On the 8th inst., by Esquire Caldwell MR.
‘tHos. K. BAvrer to Miss. Lypia Euias.
ANNA VI, consort of WiLLiax J. Steiv,
born, 1830-—died. April 1st, 1862.
{77 Taylor has thus truthfully and beau~
tifully observed, that * Life 13 a mighty
change that is made by the death of every
person ; it is visible to us who are alive.”
It is, at best, but a fleeting shadow—a grain
of sand from the hour-glass of time— to-day
animated with health and vigor —to- morrow
emaciated —wither:d—dying.
The deceased was a trae christian, a ten
der and devoted wife, an affectionate daugh
ter and a loving and contiding sister.
Truly, she was the ¢danghter of afflic.
tion,” having lingered for years with that
terrible digease~-Uonsumption —at times un-
dergoing the most intense suffering, yet
bearing 1p with the caim resignation of a
true christian having tail confidence in Him
and whose wys are inscru able and full of
wisdom. Death the * Kiog of Terrors,”
had no terror for her. She passed away
calmly and (eac:iully, in the noontide of a
life well spent. to that bright land above,
leaving behind a large namver of relatives
and friends to mourn her early death,
Yes, Maggie—t hy soul hath left this tenement
of elay,
For a brighter sphere, where shines eternal day;
Thou wonldst notalways live or: this cold earth ;
Ah! thou hast semething now of priceless
worth !
A seat in Heaven!
Thou art gone, yet we wisn thee not back
A few minutes previous to her dissolution
when esked if she would have a supof cold
water, she replied : **I will wait till I sup in
Hegven.”” She desired that her thoughts
might not be drawn from Heaven. Her ac-
tions seemed to say—
“ Vain world, farewell to you—
Heaven is ny native air ;
I bid my friends a short adien,
Impatient to be there.
I feel my powers released
From their old fleshy clod ;
Fair guardiavs, bear me up in haste,
And set me near my God.”
~ Bollefonte Market.
( Corrected weekly by Hoffer Brothers.)
And for the speedy cure of the following complaints:
Serofula and Scrofulous Affections,such
as Tumors, Ulcers, Sores, Eruptions,
Pimples, Pustules, Blotches, Boils,
Blains, and all Skin Diseases.
OARLAKD, Inde, Oth June, 1859,
J. C. Aver & Co. Gents: I fuel it my duty to ac-
knowledge what your Sarsaparilla has done for me.
Having inherited a Scrofulous iufection, I have suffered
from it in various ways for years. Sonotines it burst
out in Ulcers on my and arms; sometimes it
turned inward and distressed me at the stomach, Two
years ago it broke out on my head and covered my scalp
and ears with one sore. which was painful and loathsome
beyond description. 1 tried many medicines and several
ysicians, but without much reliei from any thing. In
, the disorder grew worse. At length 1 was iced
to read in the Gospel Messenger that yon had prepared
an alterative (Sarsaparilla), for 1 knew from your reputa-
tion that any thing you made must be good. I sent to
QOincinnati and got it, and used it till it cured me. 1 took
it, as you advise, in small doses of a teaspoonful over a
month, and used almost three bottles, New and healthy
skin soon began to form under the scab, which after a
while fell off. My skin is now clear, and I know by my
feelings that the disease has Sots from my system. You
cen well believe that I feel what I am eaying when I tell
you, that I hold you to be onc of the aposties of the age,
and remain ever gratefully. Yours,
St. Anthony's Fire, Rose or Erysipelas
Tetter and Salt Rheum Scald ficaa,
gworm, Sore Eyes, Dropsy.
Sept,, 1850, that he has cured an inveterate case of
Dropsy, which threatened to terminate fatally, by the
pel g ne or our 5 ita, sug als a dang
pelas by large doses of the same; says
he cures the common Eruptions by it constantly.
Bronchocele, Goitre or Swelled Neck.
Zebulon Sloan of Prospect, Texas, writes : “Three bot-
tles of your Sarsaparilla cured me from a Goilre — a hid-
eous swelling on the neck, which I had suffered from
over two years.”
Leucorrheee or Whites, Ovarian Tumor,
Uterine Ulceration, Female Diseases.
DPr.J. B.S. Channing, of New York City, writes; “I
most cheerfully comply with the request of your agent in
saying T have found your Sarsaparilla a most excellent
alterative in the numerous complaints for which wo
employ such a remedy, but especially in Female Diseases
of the Scrofulous diathesis. 1 have cured many inveter-
ate cases of Leucorrheea by it, and some where the com-
plaint was caused by ulceration of the uferus, The ulcer-
ation itself was scon cured, Nothing within my knowl-
ergs aula it for these female derangements.”
ward 8, Marrow, of Newbury, Ala., writes, “ A dan-
gerous avarian tumor on one of the females in my family,
which had defied all the remedies we could employ. has
at length been completely cured by your Extract of Sar-
saparilla, Our physician thought nothing but extirpa-
tion could afford relief, but he advised the trial of your
parilla as the last resort before cutting, and it
proved effectual. After taking your remedy eight weeks
Do symptom of the disease remains.”
Syphilis and Mercurial Disease.
New ORLEANS, 26th August, 1850,
Dr. J.C. Aver: Sir, I cheerfully comply with the re-
Joo of your agent, and r t to you some of the eftects
have realized with Fo arsaparilia.
I have cured with it, in my practice, moat of the com-
plaints for which it is recommended, and have found its
effects truly wonderful in the cure of Venereal and Mer-
curiul Disease. One of my patients had Syphilitic ulcers
in. his throat, which were consuming his palate and the
top of his mouth. Your Sarsaparilla, steadily taken,
curad him in five weeks. Another was attacked by sec-
ondary symptoms in his nose, and the ulceration had
eaten away a considerable of it, so that I believe the
disorder would soon reach his brain and kill him. But it
yielded to my administration of your Sarsaparilla; the
ulcers healed, and he is well again, not of course without
some disfiguration to Lis face. A woman who bad been
treated for the same disorder by mercury was suffering
from this poison in her bones. They had become go sen-
sitive to the weather that on a damp day she suffered ex-
eruciating pain in her joints and bones. She, too, was
cured entirely by your Sarsaparilla in a fow weeks, I
know from its formula, which your agent gave me, that
this Preparation from your laboratory must be a
remedy ; consequently, these truly remarkable results
with it have not surprised me.
Fraternally yours, @G.V.LARIMER, M.D.
Rheumatism, Gout, Liver Comnlaint.
INDEPENDENCE, Preston Co., Va., 6th J ly, 1869.
Dr. J. C. Aven: Sir, I have been afflicted ~ ith a pain.
ful chronic Rheumatism for a long time, whicl baffled the
skill of physicians, and stuck to me in spit. of all the
remedies 1 could find, until I tried your Sarcaparilla. Ono
bottle cured me in two weeks, and restored my general
health sc mut® *bat ¥ am ‘ar better than befors * was
attacsec. tox. s WOBGGK ius medi iL wants ML
Juies Y. Getchell, of St. Louis, writes: “T have neen
afflicted for years with an affection of the Liver, which
destroyed my health. Itried every thing, and every thing
ed to relieve me; and I have been a broken-down man
some years from no other cause than derangement of
the Liver. My beloved pastor, the Rev. Mr. spy, advised
me to try your Barsaparilla, because he said he krew yon,
and an, thing you made was worth trying. By the bless-
ing of God it has cured me, and has so purified my blood
as to make a new man of me. I feel young again. The
best that can be said of you is not half good enough.”
Schirrus,Cancer Tumors, Enlargement,
Ulceration, Caries and Exfoliation of
the Bones.
A great variety of cases have been reported to us where
* cures of these formidable complaints have resulted from
who + tempers the winl to the shorn lamb? |
the use of this remedy, but our space here will not admit
them. Some of them may be found in our American
, Almanac, which the agents below named are pl
furnish gratis to all who call for them.
Dyspepsia, Heart Disease, Fits, Epilep~
yap 2 Melancholy, Neuralgia Pp
Many remarkable cures of these affections have been
made by the alterative power of this medicine. It stimu-
lates the vital functions into vigorous action, and thus
overcomes disorders which would be supposed beyond its
reach. Such a remedy has long been required by the ne-
cessities of the people, and we are confident that this will
do for them all that medicine can do.
Ayer's Cherry Pectoral,
Coughs, Colds, Influenza, Hoarseness,
Croup, Bronchitis, incipient Cone
sumption, and for the Relief
of Consumptiv=~ Patients
in advanced Stages.
of the Disease.
This is a remedy so anivers ny known to surpass any
other for the cure of throat and lung complaints. that
is useless here to publish the evidence of its virtues. Its
unrivalled excellence for coughs and colds. and its truly
wonderful cures of pulmonary disease, have made it
known throughout the civilized nations of the earth
Few are the communities, or even families, among them
who have not some personal experience of its effects —
some living trophy in their midst of its victory over the
subtle and dangerous disorders of the throat and lungs.
As all know the dreadful fatality of these disorders, and
as they know, too. the effects of this remedy, we need not
do more than to assure them that it has now all the vir-
tues that it did have when making the cures which have
won so strongly upon the confidence of mankind.
Prepared by Dr. J. C. AYER & C0., Lowell, Mass,
FONTE, March 3ist 1852.
Arnold, Miss Margaret Kelley. Michael
Breon, George Lee, William
Cauffman, Jacob Long. Mrs. Margaret
Cronoble, Miss Rebecca Morris, Wm.
Coan, Bridget Mingle. Catharine
Wheat. white. - $1.06 | Couter, Charles Michael William A
do, Red. . 1.00 Divens, heary Martin. Jacob
Rve 40 Dougherty, Mary Ann [Oyer, Matin
Caen 46 Dorsey, Hampton an. George
. 25 Duncan, A C. Pennock. C. 0.
Oats. Fisher, Amelia Pugh, Samue’
Barley. . 50 | Fish, Joseph Read, Levi D 2
Cloverseed. A ray, Wa | ors, Miss Cecilia
3 450 | Gray, Edward Rodgers, Miss Ceoili
Lard. 08 Greenawalt Henry A. Ross, Maria C.
But: 12} Goldsmith, Mr. Meier |Swope, Emanuel
ad Glenn, Miss Sue Smith, Jacob
Kees, 128 | Garton, Joseph Sizer William
Tallow. 10 Hagens, Join, Tanyer, AD
Plaster—ground. everly, Saral 'arman, Hayes
g 10 00 Hackenb Mary M. 2!Wodderd Sarah
spectfolly inform bis frien 8 and the
public in general, that he has opened a new s tore
at Fillmore, Cen ire county, Pa., where he will
k on hand at all times, a general assortment
of Dry (toods, Groceries, Queensware, Hardware,
Hats. Bounets, Shoes, Stationery, &e., all of
which he will sell &t low rates for cash. Please
ive mo a call before pu NEaejnp elsewhere. as IT
| confident that my goods an Prices will give
shtisfaction to al. PETER KERLIN, Sr.
Fillmore. Pa.. April 17. 1862
d A meeting of the Centre County
Agricultural Society will be held in the Court
apen to enlist to fight in defence of our in- | House, in ths Borough of Bellefonte, on Tuesda
atightions, but the Republicans refuse Lo {sveniag, Aye]
rt GA re
IC Beautiful-—The Weather,
+ them the rights they ask them to fight Owe, for the o nsuin
inat., (Court Week). A full
attendance is degi= ed, ag the annual election for,
year. will take place.
y order of the
April 16, 1862.--2
James. George Workman. George
Johnson, Mr. D P. Weakler, Henry
Jones, Mrs. Rache' M.|Wrigth. Brnest
Persons calling for letters in the above list, will
please say thatthe, are advertised.
April 10, 1862. WM.COOK.P. M
Assigned Evates of A. H, & J.
Shock. Ab’m Shucls and Ab'm & Joho Shock
The und rsigned, appointed Auditor to distr ib-
ute among those entitled thereto. the balances
remaining 1: the hands of B. F. Hiestand and
| John Kline. Assiguees for the benefit of the ored-
| itors of the Estate above named, will sit for that
purpose, on Saturday, the 3d day of May roxt,
at 2o’clock, P. M., in the Library room of tho
Conrt House, in the city of Lancaster
Leanoaster, April 11th, 1862
Ayer’s Cathartic Pills.
Dr. Robert M, Preble writes from Salem, N. Y., 12th |
o or i
Letters Testamentary on the Es-
tate of Hyacinth B. Treziyulny dec’d, late of
Bellefonte, Pa., have been granted to the Sub-
soriber, residing in Lock Haven. Pa ; to whom al 1
|-claims dgainst said Estate must be pres-nted for
settlement; and all persons knowing themselves
indebted thereto, are requested to make immedi-
April 10, 1862.—6t- Ezeeutriz,
IRARY.- J.E. THOMAS, A. M. Prin-
cipal The Twenty-First semi-annual session, and
the Fourteenth under the present Principal. will
open, a og
Wednesday April 23d,
and’continue five months. Torms, $45 per session.
Pine Grove April 3d—3t.
~The Monitor and Merrimac.
A ship cntrol'ed
us revels hold—
The Merrimac by name—
Came out to meet
The Yankee fleet,
Unchecked by fear or shame.
Her iron sid s
The balls dofiel
Which ar her ibs dig knosk ;
Tavy would reboun i
With raitiing sound,
Like brickbats from a rock
But to attack
The Merrimac
The Monitor came out ;
The hard shells too
In minutes few
: The rebels did rout.
Thus ships are best
Iniron dressed ;
But men who broadeioth wear
Should make a call
At A. Sternberg & Cqia Hall,
To view une of the largest
Spring stocks there,
Ever brought to this town. It will be soid at
Wholesale and Retail, from thirty to forty per
cent cheaper than any other house can sell it.—
Suits made to order ; then we are directly connec
ted with a City: Ciothing Manufactory, and able
10 give the bargains we promise.
{ Diamond Square, Seoond door east of Livingston’s
Book store.
April 3, 1862-tf. Bellefonte Pa
Offers his servicesto the public asa
Deeds, Mortgages, Bonds. &e., neatly executed.
The Accounts of Administrators, Executors,
Guardians. and Trustees stated.
March 27, 1862-3t.
All personsare hereby cantioned
against purchasirg or meddling with the following
i property, to wit: One three-year old Colt, one
! Cow. and ono two-horse Wagon. nowin the pos-
i session of Frederick Dale. as the same belong to
| me and have on'y been left with him on loan.
Kush township, March 20. 1862—3t.
\ Whereas, the County is deeply in
| debt, and interest annually accruing thereon, and
whereas, the present amount of outstanding tax-
| es. is at least 20,000. which, if collected and paid
{ into the Treusury. wonld enable us to pay off a
\ large portion of our debt and stop interest there-
on, therefore
Resolved : That the County Treasurer and
| Commussioners’ Attorney be arc hereby instruct-
! ed to collect all outstanding taxes previous to the
{ year A. D., 1861, after giving the Collectors of
! the several tcwnships reasonable notico : and
| that 30 days from this date shall be deemed suffi:
cient time for such notice. And the afores-id
Treasurer and Commissioners’ Attormey shall, in
; like manner, proceed to collect all outstanding
t exes for the yoar A D., 1861 immediately after
| the August Court of A D.. 1862
Co. Comm'rs.
8S. M. Irwin, Clerk.
Commissioners Uffice, 4t.
Bellefonte, March 20
Notiee is hereby given that the
| following named persons havo filed their petitions,
and iutend making application to the next Court
of Quarter Sessions. for license to soll liquors, via :
H. B. Musgina, Tavern, Haines Twp.,
Jonas A. Fry, do do
Christian Ifubler, do do
John Russell, do do
Peirsol Lytle do Ferguson Twp.,
John Spangler, do Potter Twp,,
George Foust, do do
Daniel D Guldin, do do
Jno D. McGirk, do Rush Twp.,
| D. B. Etner. do Halfmoon Twp.,
Daniel Kunes, do Liberty Twp.,
J. Q. Williams, do do
Edward Brown, do Bellefonte Boro’,
(George Taylor, do Unionville do
W. Ww. MuKinovey, do Worth Twp ,
Samuel! Buyer do
James Furoy Ri 1
I W Garner, 1 H¢ i
enry Sha er lo Miles Twp ,
Margarets olf do Boalshiueg.
Martin Mu phy do “uruside wp,
Sarah Corman do Spring Twh.
Daniel Boileau, do Milesburg
J.H Gahlor, & Co., do Rush Twp .
Adam Baum, Store, Bellefonte Boro’,
Robert Loyd, Tavern, Rush Twp,
Wm. Myers do de
R A. Rittenhouse, do Buoalsonr:,
Adam M. Stover, do Miles Twp,
: Daniel Kreamer, do do
{ Wm. Musser, do Gregg.
Jno. H. Morrison, do Spring,
Geo. Miller, do Potter,
do do |
do Milesbrrg Boru”,
Benjamin Walker, do Boges Twp,
Martin Dolan, da do
Tobias Wetzel, do Walker,
J. B. Ettell & C. Neff, Store Bellefonte Boro’,
May & Loeb, do do
D M. Wagrer, do do
Jno. MeMonigol, Tavern Bellefonte,
Daniel Garman, de do
Jeremiah Butts, do do
Abraham Sussman, Store Bellefonte,
John Copenhaver, Tavarn, Taylor Twp.
Wm. Myers, do Rush Twp.
Clerk of Sessions.
Bellefonte, March 27th, 1862
lellefonte and viewnity, are respectfully informed
that classes will be opened for the study of the
above beautiful
Art of Writing,
in this place, and will continue for two months.
A FREE LECTURE will be given on the sub-
t, in the Arbitration-room of the County Court
ouse. on Saturday uvening, the 29th inst., com-
| inenving at 8 o'clock, where particulars will be
givon and classes opened. 2
Professor of Phonography.
N B.—Private instructions given if Fog da
Bellefonte, March 27th, 1862 D. P.M
Respeotfully offer his services to his friends
and the publio. Office on Mill Street, opposiie
the National Hotel.
Refersto ~~ Drs. J. M. McCoy,
“8. ToowrsoN,
¢ T.C. Toouas.
March 20. 1862—1y
Ayer’s Cherry Pectoral.
Notice to Lieemse Applicants,
In order that there may be no misunder~
standing as to the terms upon which appli-
cations for license will he published in CEN -
MAN for the future, the undersigned pub
lishers hereby give timely notice that they
will strictly adhere to the following :
Resolved, That we will, from the date hereof,
refuse to publish any application for tavern license
unless the sum of one dollar for every such ap-
plication be paid in advance to each pub isher.
Bellefonte Feb. 13th. 1862.
Letters of Administratjon on the
Estate of Jacob Weaver, deceased late of Gregg
township. having been granted t the undersign
ed, all persons knowing themsaiver jadebted to |
said estate, are requested to make immediate
ayment, and those having claims agniust said y
state are required to present them. duiy anthen |
ticated, for settlement. JOHN SHANNON. |
March 13. 1862—6t. Admrs. |
Letiers of Administraiion. Com.
Testamento Annezo, on Estate of Jacob
Rocky, deceased, having Been granted to the un- |
dersi ned. all perscns knowing themselves in-
debted to said Estate are requested to make im- |
mediate payment, and those having claims!
against it are required to present them duly au-
thenticated, for settlement.
March 13, 1862—6t. Adm’r.
Are you sick, feeble, and
complaining? Ave you out of
order, with your system de
ranged, and your feelings us
comfortable? These symp-
toms are often the prelude to
serious illness, Home Ht of
sickness is creping pen yog,
and sleul! be averiel by &
timely nse of the ris
edy. Takeo A
leer out the Wisurusied- ams
NOTE — pir fie blood, and
jet the weve eu nnob-
structed health asun,
BS. of the hody iuto vigorous. fie.
25 tivity, purify the system om
the Shecewsions which Hike
1d settles somewlere in vy ah
Aon These, If not "rollaved,
sructa ite natural functions.
react upon themselves and the surrounding organs, pro-
ducing gens pgravation, suffering, aud disease.
While in this condition, oppressed by the derangetments,
take Ayer's Pills, and see how directly they restore the
natural action of the system, and with it the buoyant
feeling of health again, = What is true aud so apparent in
this trivial and CORIRON Souiglainty 38 als true 2 any
of the deep-seated an ngerous mpare, 0
effect expels hare Caused by similay obstrog.
: tions and derangements of the natural functions of the
idly, and many of them surety, curod
a oni en Nora who ow the virtues of these
Pills, will neglect to employ them when suffering from
the disorders they cure.
Statements from leading physicians in some of the
principal cities, and frew other well known public per
From a Forwarding Merchant of St. Eowis, Feb. 4, 1856.
Dr. Aver: Your Pills eve the paragon of all that is
great in medicine, They Lave cured little daughter
of ulcerous sores upon her hands and feef. that bad proved
COEFEE. This pieparation. made
st Java Coffee. i3 strongly recommen-
iang as a superior NUTRITIOUS
BL for General Debility. Dyspepsiz,
lious disorders.
Thousands who hove been reluctantly compelled
to abandon the use of Coffee, will find they can
use ims combination without any of the injurious
effeots they formerly experienced.
f=” One can contains che strength of two pounds
of ordinary Coffee
For sale by all Druggists and Grocers, and by
the Manufacturer. corner of BROAD and CHEST-
NUT Streets, and by JOS. B. BUSSIER & CO.,
108 aud 110, S WHARVES.
Price 25 cents.
March 6th 1862-
Letters testamentary on the Es-
tate of John M. Lucas, late of Curtin township,
deccused, dated Feb. 19th. 1862, having heen
granted to N. J. Mitchell and D. W. Hall, of
Howard township, all persons indebted to said
Estate are requested to mal e immediate paymout
and those having claims against it are required to
present them, duly authenticated, for settlemont
Feb. 27—6t. D. W. HALL, Adm s.
i Offico in the Court House, with the Treasurer.
Office, on the Diamond, one door west of the
Post. Office.
Office formerly occupied by Curtin & Blan
on Main streer.
Is now prepared to wait upon all who may desire
his professional services.
Rooms at his residence on Spring street.
Will attend’ to professional calls as heretofore, he
respectfully offers his services to his friends ang
the public. Ofiice next door to his reside
Spring street. Oct 28-58
Office in Reynolds’ Arcade on the Dinmond
Ira C. Mitchell has associated C. 7. Alexander
with him in the practice of law, and they will
ive prompt attention to 211 business entrusted to
them in Centre, Mifilin, Clinton and Clearfield
iE 7ILL practice in the several Courts ¢
| ¥% Centre and Clinton counties. All lege’
' siness entrusted to his care will receive promp
{1 tention
Or FECE—On the North-west corner of the Di-
eg et tm en |
JacxsonviLLe, Cente Co., Pa.
Tas peeently located in Jacksonville, Cencre
ty. Pa, and would hereby inform the public
lly that he is prepared to do all kinds of
ying accurately, also tofill out Deeds, make
s, &u of Lands upon the shortest notice. —
harges are very reasonable Give him a
Gotober 17. '61-6m.
Gollufion Ofies,
(T. J. ¥’cULLOVGH.)
CLEARFIELD, Clearfield Co., Pa. |
LOCK HAVEN, Clinton Co., Pa.,
(R. P, ALLEN,)
WILLIAMSPORT, Lycoming Co., Pa
RerereNcCES :—Drexel & Co., Phil’a, Mason
& Co, Phil’a, Smith, Bowen & Co., Philadelphia
Shields & Brother, Philadelphia, T. Conrow,
Philadelphia, Bower. Barnes & Co., Philadelphia
Hon. J. T. Hale, Bellefonte, Hon. J. W. Maynard,
Williamsport, J. Tome, Port Deposit, Md.
Feb. 21, 1862—1y. i
Bills of exchange and Notes discounted. Col-
leotions made and procesds promptly remitted. —
Interest paid on special deposits. Exchangein the
eastern cities constantly on hand for sale. Depos- |
its receivea
Deposits Received—Billa of Exchange nad No
Discounted-—Interest Paid on’ Special Deposito— |
Collsotions Made, and Proceeds Remitted Prompt- i
y—Hzchange on ths Fast eopgtently on hand”
E. C. HUMES. J.T. HAL pg,
for years. Her mother has beon ong Sen
ously afBicfed with blotches and pimplda on her skill and
in her hair. After Sox child Kite cured, she also tried
ills, aud they have cured her.
Your Ei um tay ASA MORGRIDGE.
As a Family Physic.
From Dr. E. W. Cartwright, New Orleans.
Your Pills are the Vrjnie 9 purges. Their itent
pass rtic We possess. ey are
qn. ily ay a atu) A action . the
bowels, which makes them invaluable to us in the daily
treatment of disease.
Headache, Sic k™Iendache, Foul Stomach.
From Pr. Edward Boyd, Baltimore. .
Dean Bro. Aven: Ieannot answer you what complaints
1 have cured with your Pills better tha.. to say all thot we
ever treat with a purgative medicine. 1 place great Jdepen-
deuce on an effectual cathartic in my daf'y contest with
disease, and believing as I do that your Pills afford us the
Test we have, I of course valuo them highly.
Pirtsnena, Pa, May 1, 1855.
DRr.J.C. Aver. Sir: I have been repeatedly cured of
the worst headachn any body can have by a doso or two
of your Pills. Tt seems to arise from a foul stomach,
which they cleanse at once.
Yours with great respect, ED. W. PREBLE,
Clerk of Steamer Clarior.
Bilious Disorders — Liver Complaints.
From Dr. Theodore Bll, of New York City.
Not only are your Pilly admirably adapted to their pur-
pose ag an aperient, but 1 find their beneficial effects upon
the Liver very marked indeed. 'Chey have in my prac-
tice proved more effectual for the cure of bilicus com~
plaints than any one remedy 1 can mention. I sincerely
rejoice that we have at length a purgative which is wor-
thy the confidence of the profession and the people.
Washington, D. C., Tth Feb., 1856, §
81: I have used your Pills in my general aud hospital
practiee ever since you made then, and cannot hesitate tor
gay they are the best cathartic we employ, Their jopu-
lating action on tho liver is quick and decided, codse-
quently they are an admirable remedy for derangemente
of that organ. Indeed, I have ecldom found a case of
bilious disease 80 obstinate that it did not readily yield to
them. Fraternally yours, ALONZO BALL, M.D.
Physician. of the Muyiie 4 pital
Dysentery, Diarrhea, Relax, Worms.
From Dr. J. 4. Oreen, af Chigagn.
Your Pills have Lad a long trial in my practice, and T
hold them in esteem as one of the best aperients I have
ever found. ir alterative effect upon the liver makes
them an excellent remedy, when given iu svinll dgses for
biligus dysentery and rier Their sugar-conting
makes them very acceptable and convenient for the use
of women and children.
Dyspepsia, Impurity of the Blood.
From Kev. J. V. Himes, Pustor of Advent Church, Boston.
DR. Aver: I have need yonr Pills with extraordiaary
success in my family and among those I am called io visis
in distress. To regulute the organs of digestion and
purify the blohd, they aso bie very best remedy I have
ever Toi and 1 can confidently recommend them to
my friends. Yeurs, J.V HIMES.
Warsaw, Wyoming Co., 2¥. T., Oct. 24, 1855.
Dear $r: I an using your Cusbartic Pills In my prac.
tice, and find them an excellent purgative to cleanse the
system aud purify the fountains of the bl
Constipation, Costivemess, Suppression,
Rueumantisin, Gout, Neuralgia, Drop~
£5, Paralysis, Fits, etc. %
Irom Dy. J. F. Vaughn, Montrecl, Cinada.
Too much cannot be said of your Pills for the cure of
costiveness. Xf others of our fraternity have found
er from
slaint, which, although bad enough in itself. fx
‘nitor of others that are worse. I believe cog-
tg originate in the liver, but your Fills affect that
u end enve the disease.
Prom Mrs. E. Stuart, Physician end Midwife, Boston,
T find ane or two large doses of your Pills, taken at the
proper time. are excellent promotives of the nutiral secre-
lien when wholly or partially suppressed, and also very
effectual to cleanse the stomach aud ewpel worms, They
are 50 much the best physic we have that I recommend
no other to my patients.
From the Rev. Dv. Hawkes, of the Methodist Bpis, Church.
Puraskr House. Savannah, Ga., Jan, 8, 1856.
. Honoxep Sir: I should be ungrateful for the relief
your skill bas Mronght mo if I did not report my case to
you, A cold settled in my limbs and brought on excru-
cating neuralgic pains, which ended in ehronic rhenma-
tism. Notwithstanding T had the best of physiciape, the
disease grow worse und worse, until by tiv advice of your
excellent agent in Baltimore, Rr. Mackenzie, I tried your
Pills. Their effects were slow, but sure. By persevering
in the use of them, I am now entirely well.
SENATE CHAMBER, Baton Rouge, La., 5 Dee. 1855.
Dr. Aver: I have been entirely cured, by your Pills, of
Rheumatic Gout— a painful disease that had afflicted me
for years, . VINCENT SLIDELL.
29 Most of the Pills in market contain Mercury,
which, although a valuable remedy in skilful hands,
dangerous in a public pill, from the dreadfnl conse-
quences that frequently follow its incautious use, These
contain no mercury or mineral substance whatever.
Price, 25 cents per Box, or 5 Boxes for $1.
Prepared by Dr. J. C. AYER ou €0., Lowell, Mass.
For sale by J. Harris & Co.. Bellefonte, and one
dealer in every village throughout the county.
HEREAS, at a meeting of the Board
of Relief. held in the Uomwissioners’
Office, at Bellefonte, forthe county of Centre, we
have found it necessary to make a reduction of
former rates allowed to those who have heen the
recipients of its benefits. And whereasthe funds
assessed for that purpose have been expended,
and several thousand dollars over, therefore ow-
in to the state of the finances of the county, woe
have found ourselves compelled to pass the follow-
ing Resolutions * . :
Ata regular meeting of the Board of Relirf,
held Feb. 25th, 1862, at the Commissioners Office
in Bellefonte, the following proceedings were had,
to wit . 3
Resolved, That the Board of Relief refuse sup-
i port to all applicants who have not been heads of
amilies and their actual supporters. previous to
their enlistment in the tervice of {he United
States ; and that they ill not consider any claima
for the beenfit of sons of fathers egcept wherg such
fathers ave known to be sick or ae os
Resolved, That after the fivst day of. Aneit next
the present rates of soldiers’ famil’ qu “hull be ve-
duced tothe following ratosto w 4"
For a wife, E
| Ld and one child, a ¢
"we and two 0% \1dren. 1,7
! and for a! other claildren 25 cents per week vag,
for every child andor 14 years old
Resolved, That these prooaedings ba sighed hy
the Boar 'and be published in all the papers ih
the Cov, aty,
Associate Judges
ow ommiisiinge.
Attest 5. M. Irwiw, Chord. Re iad
Feb. 27. '82-3t +3
Ayers Cherry Pactora 1