Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, April 17, 1862, Image 2

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    The Watchman,
Sof W FUREY" | Editors
* BELLEFONTE, April 17th, 1862.
Ameeting of the Democratic Standing
. Committee of Centre county will be held
the Court House, in Bellefonte, on Tuesday
evening, of the April Court, to select Dele
gates to attend the State Convention, at
Harnsburg, on the 4th day of July next.
S. T Shugert, Bellefonte. Henry Noll,
Spring. Alex. Sample, Eerguson. John
Poorman, Boggs. Joseph Roller, Benner.
Joseph McCloskey, Curtin. R. M. Foster,
Miles. D. O, Cower, Haines, Dr. J. M.
Bush, Patton. John Divens, Walker. Jared
B. Fisher. Gregg. Geo. L. Peters, Union.—
W. W. White, Harris. John Garbrich.
Marion. John Copenhaven, Taylor. Eb-
enezer Records. Huston, Daniel Fleisher,
Potter. Jacob Pottsgrove, Halfmoon I.
Buffington, Milesburg. John Smith. Peon.
Wm. Holt, Snowshoe. 0. Munson Rush.—
John M. Holt, Burnside. S. B. Leathers,
Emancipation is Revolution. .
While our country is being tossed to and
fro upon the billows of civil strife, and
whilst the rebellion, although apparently
beginning to wane, is still formidable in its
proportions, the true Union men—the lovers
of liberty and free institutions—are watch:
ing, with sleepless eyes, the movements of
a certain Northern faction, in and out of
Congress, whose every endeavor, in fact,
whose every desire, as manifested by their
acts, appears to be the overthrow of the
Oonstitution made by our Revolutionary
fathers, and the substitution in its stead of
one of their own making. It is hardly
credible that any American citizen, who
looks upon the resplendent achievements of
his fathers in establishing, upon this conti-
nent, the purest, the happiest, the most
prosperous and most powerful Government
on the face of the globe, should so far be
fed astray by the teachings of a poor, mis-
erable, false philanthropy, as to desire the
change ot a single item, either the dotting
ofan '¥ or the crossing of a ‘t’ in the
wording or the spirit of that Constitution,
whick the vencrable men of ¢ '76” cstab-
lished as the inviolable charter of the rights
of the pegple of this great Government.—
Yet, however incredible it may scem, it is.
nevertheless, true, that there is a great
body of men in the North in those States
which profess to be loyal to this Govera-
ment and which have manifested their de-
vorion te their country and her institutions
by sending their best blood to be spilled
upon the battle field in the contest with
our erring brethern of the South, who open
ly advocate the violation, yea, even the de-
struction of the Constitution and the old
Government, in order that their false philan-
thropy for the negro, whom the Almighty
created an inferior being, fitted for no other
condition than that of being held in subor~
dination to the noble Caucasian, may be
gratified. Those whom God has made un
- equal they would make equal by placing the
negro upon an equality with the white nan,
and granting unto him liberties and privile
ges which he does not understand how to
use nor how to appreciate. Insane and crim
inal in the sight of Heaven as are their ef
forts in thus attempting to overrule their
God 10 his immutable decrees, and treasona-
ble to the Government as is their every ef-
fort to effect emancipation and the conse-
quent overthrow of the Government, some
unaccountable leniency or sympathy in
those having the authority to stop their
treasonable and blasphemous mouths. per
mits them to persevere in their unholy efforts
to effect their cherished purpose. Emanci~
pation is Revolution. It is admitted that
in times of peace the General Government
hae no power to interfere with the rights of
the States, but emancipation is urged a war
measure as a means of subduing the rebel.
lion. If the preservation of the Union de~
pended upon the abolition of slavery, we
would cheerfully grant them the right, but
every sane man cannot fail to see that it
doesnot. On the contrary, even the agita
tion of the question will drive many men in
the border States into the Confederate ranks
and the passage of an emancipation bill by
the present Congress, would, to a man, unite
the entire South in the cause of the Confed-
erate States. This is certainly not the true
policy for our Government to pursue in these
trying times. © The object should be to
weaken the rebellion in every possible way.
Anything that would have a’ tendency to
convince the deluded masses of the South
that it is not the intention of the Northern
people to overthrow any of their State insti-
tutions would create a strong, healthy Un-
, ion sentiment there, that would, in course
of time, of itself overthrow rebellion. But
a8 long as abolitionists in Congress are per-
mitted to talk their treason and threaten
the destruction of the Constitution and the
rights of the loyal Southern man, making
no distinction between him and the willing
traitor, just so long will the Union senti-
went in the South be smothered and the
bands of treason strengthened. Emancipa-
tion is revolution in that it effects a radical
change in our syatem of Government with-
out the sanction of the people and in dero-
gation of their rights.
et A Beant
057 The rebels who lately occupied por-
tions of Kentucky ought to feel a deep inter-
est in our State. The thieving raseals took
8 vast amount of stock in it. — Prentice.
One would suppose that in these perilous
times, when the country 18 heaving and
shaking with the agitations of the most for-
midable rebellion the world has ever known,
that our National Legislature would find
enough to occupy their time in devising
ways and means for the subjugation of y®
rebels and providing for the wants of the
six hundred thousand volunteer soldiers now
risking their lives in defence of the Consti
tution which makes us one ‘people. But it
seems that such is not the case, and that
these necessary measures are but secondary
considerations with our Solons at Washing-
ton. The present, when, on account of re.
bellion, many of the slave-holding States
are unrepresented in our Senate and House
of Representatives, is deemed by the aboli-
tion fanatics of the North as a most suitable
and opportune time to legislate on the sub-
ject of slavery, and when the slaveholders’
interest (we speak for loyalty only), has no
power to resist encroachments upon its con-
stitutional rights in the Legislative Halls,
men who, all their lives, have been busy
sowing the seeds of dissension and civil
war, eagerly embrace the opportunity pre-
sented to place their peculiar views upon
the Statute-Book of the Nation. The prin-
cipal acts of the present session of Congress
—those which have occupied most time—
are the expuision of Jesse D. Bright
from the Senate, the passage of a Bill to
abolish Slavery in the District of Columbia
without a vote of the people thereof, and an
Act to confiscate all the negroes in the South
and turn them free and helpless upon the
country. Now, while some of these objects
may in themselves, if wisely framed into a
Bill, in ordinary times, be unobjectionable,
(and it is not our purpose to discuss their
merits) this is certainly a bad season at
which to agitate them. It is well known
that the formation of a sectional party,
based on a platform the main feature of
which was hostility to the institution of
slavery, and the election of a President
thereon by a portion of the Union, regard-
less of the wishes or sentiments of the
other portion, constituted the pretext by
which wicked and ambitious Southern
leaders have led the people of the South into
rebellion and arrayed them in arms against
our beloved country. Now, when thous:
ands of the fathers, husbands, sons and
brothers of this land, are risking and sacn-
ficing their lives in the camp and upon the
battle-field to preserve the Constitution as
it is and to restore the Union as it was
mn the days of prosperity and of peace—
now, when a mountain of debt (which the
loyal men of this land will cheerfully pay).
is rolling over our country—now, when the
the civilized nations of the world are look-
ing, wjth horror, on the spectacle of men of
the same race and same blood slaughtering
each other by thousands, it should be the
tobject of the Representatives of the people
to do all in their power to allay the bitter
passions which have been aroused by sec~
tional conflict, and to re-establish, with the
march of our advancing snd triumphant
army, a heartfelt and devoted loyalty in ev
ery Southern State. If the people of the
South have been deceived by their political
leaders, into the belief that the party which
clected Mr. Lincoln would, by a sectional
administration, deprive them of their con-
stitutional rights, it would seem to be the
duty of all patriotic members of that party
as fast as the Southern ear is . pened by the
Federal bayonets, to attempt to undeceive
them, and by every honorable act to endeav
or to convince them that the fanaticism of
the North has not yet subverted that mag.
nanimity of mind which comprehends th«
whole Union and accords to every individu-
al the rights provided for him by our fun-
damental law. The masses of the South
are not more fond of war than are we—they
have no desire to see their country devasga.
ted—their homes destroyed—their fortugbs
wasted and their fields turned into a deso-
late Golgotha But, as with us, to them
liberty and honor are sweeter theft life it
self ; and, as we have already seen .. demonn
strated, when wicked and designing leaders
get them to believe that the party in power
are despots who intend their subjugation
and conquest, parents surrender their sons.
wives their husbands, and men their lives
in defence of what they believe to be their
manhood and their freedom. There are
many intelligent people in the South, ani
mated by good motives, who. deceived by
Representatives in whom they confided.
have been plunged into this tarrible and
wicked rebellion. All they need to induce
them to return to loyalty is to be convinced
that they bave been deceived, and that the
Government will continue to be the same
kind and impartial parent in the future
which it has been in the past. This we
cannot do by the agitation of the very sub-
ject upon which their minds have been in
flamed. We cannot culm the ocean by in-
creasing the storm that lifts its waves and
rolls them with destructive force against the
old ship. Let our Congressmen and Sena.
tors look to an early and permanent resto-
ration of the Union ; and to do this every
sound that reaches the Southern ear from
our National Capital, should be * The Con-
stitution made by our fathers and cemented
with their blood.”
If slavery ought to be abolished in the
district of Columbia, we would do it when
the slave-holding States are all represented,
and if rebellion is to be punished by confis
cation, we would provide for that when the
rebels fall into our power.
Our article is becoming too long, and we
will defer further remarks on this . subject
until next week.
From the Phil y of April 10th)
Ihe Great Battle a nrg anding.
To those who have learned s+ gacity by the
experience of this war, there was evidently
something in the Rebel despatch which came
from Norfolk, uid Mobile, of a great battle
near Corinth, and which was generally pro-
nced a canard, designed to keep up the
i ey spirite of their troops.
But the true version of the story has now
reached us, and we areable to present our
readers with a connected summary of the
rincipal events in the giant battle fought at
Pittaburg Landing on Sunday and Monda
last—not less remarkable for the bravery of
our t10ops and the admirable conduct of our
Generals, than forthe great results whch
must ensue from it.
The concentration of the Rebel army at
Corinth seems to have been determined upon
several grounds. It is the junction of two
important railroads — the Memphis and
Charleston and the Mobile and Ohio : 1t com
municates directly with Mewphis. it covers
New Orleans; it offers great facilities for the
transportation and collection of supplies; it
is near the frontiers of Tennessee, Alabam
and Missssippi ; and the hilly narure of the
surrounding country renders works of de.
fence easy of construction. Here the Rebel
generals had concentrated an army of from
seventy to eighty thousand men; and here
it seemed their dete mination to await the
atta-k of Grant and Buell, in the hope 1hat
behind their entrenchments. they could de
feat the Union Generals, and perhaps retrieve
the fortunes of the war.
But finding Grant’s command, of McCler-
nand’s: Sherman’s and Hurlburt’s Divisions
at Pittsburg Landing. the temptation was
strong to march upon them and overpower
them. and if possible, drive them into the
river before Buell’s expecred reinforcements
could arrive. To thissend, the Rebel General.
Johnson, moved forward in two heavy col
umns, each about thirty thousand strong
the left one directed upon Purdy, a smal
town on the Corinth and Columbus Railroad
and the other on Hamburg, a village a short
distance towards the Northeast. Between
these two lay Pittsburg Landing, on the
Tennessee ; and thus their plans were laid
to enclose Grant’s Army on both flanks, and
make 2 Western Ball's Bluff.
Their generalship was excellent, ag their
fighting was afterwards proved to be, yet
both were defeated, and their fortunes are
ten times as deaperate as before.
Our troops occupied the field just beyend
Pittghurg Landing. on a line of fiom two to
three miles, hardly expecting the Rebel at-
tack, but ready, upon Buell’s arrival, to ad
vance upon Corinth.
At day break of Sunday, the 6th, however
the Rebels were discovered in advance on
our left, when Gen. Prentiss sent three hun
dred men to drive in what he supposed to
be their advanced pickets, hut what in re-
ality was their vanguard ; and thus the bat-
tle began. Prentiss was, for the time, over.
powered By the storm of shell, grape and
canister which opened upon him. “Grant for:
med his line with McClernand on the left,
W. T. Sherman in the centre, and Hurlburt
on the right. The tactics of the Rebel Gen
eral were soon obvious; he made a strong
effort to pierce the Union centre. designing.
a8 800n as the wings were attracted ta its
support to throw his masses apon both flanks
and push Graot into the river.
The exact details of the battle tactics on
either side cannot be given until we receive
fuller reports. The struggle was tremendous
and doubtful from nine o'clock on Sunday
morning until night. Late in the afternoon
was the critical time for our arms. Buell’s
reinforcements momentarily expecacted had
no: arrived: the men worn out, faint and
hungry; the losses had been very great;
throughout the day they had been conten-
ding against tremendous odds, 38,000 to 60,
000, and their retrea;r was eidangered, if
not cut off.
Under these appalling array of circum-
stances, the noble leaders did not blanch for
an instant. Colonel Webster. Chief of Grants
staff, with remarkable activity and energy,
got a number of heavy guns to bear upon
their right. and did great execution upon
their ranks, while the gun-hoats, Tyler and
Lexington. poured in the'r shells with tre
meandous effect. Thus the matter stood on
Sunday night; it was evident that a second
hattle vas to be fought the next day; and
that fresh troops would decide it, by estab
lishing something like an equality in num
bers. Just then came the welcome intelli
gence that Buell was on the opposite side
of the Tennessee in force, and that a strong
column was also coming up the river from
The troops who had fought so nobly, and
yet had not been able, against overpowering
numbers, to achieve a victory, .rested on
their arms during the night, whi e Buell got
hig fresh troops across the river and into po-
sition, and awaited the dawn. At last it
came and with it the battle began anew.—
Wallace rernforced the right; Wilson took
post on the left, supported by Nelson. = The
{fresh troops bore the rrunt of the battle of
Monday, while the veterans of the day before
who had already won laurels at Fort Donel
son. although worn out with fatigue also
accomplished wonders. The Rebe's fought
desperately, as if the fate of their cause was
at stake,
Like the battle of Sunday, the renewed
fight swayed backwards and forwards—now
with a thundering advance of solid Rebel
masses. aod anon with the crashing of the
Union artillery. dissipating and scattering
them like chaff before the wind. Buell, when
he perceived their successful advance at a
point on their left, threw regiment after re-
giment of fresh troops upon them. under
Genera.s Wood and Thomas. in a most Na
poleonic style he was at once and by intui-
tion *‘ master of the position.”
At length, at half past five o'clock, Gen.
Grant riding to the lefs, found the itebel
troops waver nz and. dividing his bodv-guard
into five parts, he sent them to head five re
gimen's, which he led in person in an im-
petuous and decisive charge. With a suc
cession of yells. which added to the disso-
nance of the batile, they moved forward at
tae point of the layonet, and the panic
struck Rebel host fled in dismay towards
Corinth. pursued by the cavalry, and thus
the day was ours.
This battle will be long remembered by
the casualties which'occured and the dan-
gers to which Generals were exposed. Gen.
A. 8. Johnson is said to be killed ; Beaure
gard to be badly wounded—an arm shot off,
and. on our side. Sherman had two horses
killed and was wounded in the hand. while
MecClernand and Hurlburt each received balls
through the clothes. General W. H. Wallace
was killed, as were also a number of acting
Brigadiers, Grant and Smith were both
wounded. although they seem to bear a char
med life, movine through both days, amid
showers of sh ¢ and shell.
Confederacy i out of season — Prentice.
Y | ing, we simp!
‘Toe Great Battle at Pittsburg Landing.
The Pittsburg, Tennessee, coirespondent
of the Gazette says: The sum and sub.
stance of the , is, that on Sunday we
were pushed from disaster to disaster till we
lost division camp we had, and were
driven within a half mile of the landing,
when the approach of night, the timely ar-
rival and aid of the gun-boats, the tremend
ous efforts of our artillerists and Gen. Bueli’s
approach saved us.
On Monday, after nine hours hard - fight-
regained what we had lost
on Sunday, Not s division advanced half
a mile beyond our old camps on Monday.
except Gen. Lew Wallace's command.
The lowest estimates place our loss in
killed and wounded at 3 000. and in prison
ers trom 3 000 to 4,000. The rebel loss in
killed and wounded was probably 10.000. —
The rebels in their retreat left acres covered
with their dead, whom they had carried to
the rear. They destroyed the heavy supply
trains which they had brought up.
The Times’ special correspondent says :
—The re sponsitility of the surprise rests
with the commanding officer. On Friday a
large force of rebel cavalry appeared in sight
of our line and remained there, but Gen.
Sherman. who occupied the advance had | een
ordered not to bring on an engagement, con-
sequently he sent out no corresponding force
10 meet them. They remained in that po-
sition until Sunday morning, and served as
a screen behind which Beauregard formed
his troops in line of battle undiscovered —
When the attack was first made, the Fifty-
third, Fifty-seventh, Seventy-first, and
Seventy-seventh. Ohio regiments displaye
inexcusable inefficency. The latter fled
without firing a gun ; others fired one or
two rounds, then fled. The cowardice of
these regiments left that point undefended.
The enemy immediately closed in and sur-
rounded the more advanced regiments.
He also stated, that the Eighteenth Wis
consin, and Sixteenth Iowa, fled alter firing
two or three rounds. When the enemy
fled they burned their wagons and left their
wounded behind, all of whom are prisoners.
W aterhouse’s battery lost one killed and
sixteen wounded, Willard’s Chicago bat~
tery five killed and thirty wounded.
One New Orleans regiment, the Louisiana
Tigors, were almost entirely left on the bat~
tle field, killed or wounded. They were
nearly all weaithy men, dressed in Zouave
Gen. Prentiss escaped on Tuesday and
came into camp alone. In the coafusion of
the retreat he managed to elude the rebel
Beauregard intended to make his attack
two dnys previously, but extraordinary
rains impeded his progress, and delayed his
arrival. Had the attack been made at the
time intended, Buell could not possibly
fave reached in time to save us from de-
Huntsville, Ala., Occupied by the Fed
eral Troops.
WasniNGroN, April 12.
The Secretary of War, has received infor-
mation that Huntsville, Ala., was occupied
yesterday, by Gen. Mitchell, without much
resistance being offered. Two bund ed
prisoners were taken and fifteen locomotives
and a large amount of rolling stock was cap
tured, Huntsville is on the Memphis and
Charleston railroad, about fifteen miles
south of the Tennessee boundary and forty-
five miles east-of Florence.
Ex. President Piereoand Secretary Sew-
On the 20th of last November a certain
Guy S. Hopkins. of Detroit, was arrested on
suspicion of some imaginary off:nce against
the government, and thrown into Fort La-
fayette, to gratify the spite of some political
enemy. While there he wrote an anony-
mous letter giving a pretended account of
an organization in the North, rejoicing in the
initial title of K. G. C. S. The ohject of
this new, and wonderful secret association
was, to overturn the present government,
and play various most fantastic tricks. The
initisls of a number of leading Northern
Democrats were given as among those hear.
tily engaged in the work. Awong other ab-
surd things was the following, ** President
P. has in his passage drawn many brave and
influential men to the league.” The letter
was intended #8 a hoax on the Detroit pa-
pers, and was so full of ridiculous absurdi-
ties that any editor of moderate capacity
would have refused to be sold by it. Bat,
instead of finding its way into the Detroit
papers, it got info the hands of the remarka
bly astute*S:cretary of State. Wm. H. Sew
ard is & right smart Yankee, but he was
completely Guyed this time. He thought
he had a sure hold on one of the most hon
ored, and honorable men of the Democratic
party. Accordingly he deputes his werthy
son, and private Secretary. to address a note
to the Ex President ; ard just such a note
as might have been expecied was sent. It
was addressed to Franklin Pierce, Esq., was
insulting in manner, and assumed the guiit
of the party without further inquiry.
To this insulting document, Ex-President
Pierce replied in a very sharp, and most ad-
mirable letter, concluding as follows :
* Love for our whole country, respect for
the reserved rights of the States, reverence
for the Constitution and devotion to the no-
ble Union, which, for ro many years repo:
sed securely upon that sacred instrument
have been interwoven with my best hopes
for civil iberty—my deepest emotions and
wy sternest purposes, from youth to age.- -
If [ have failed to illustrate this in official
station, in private life, aud under all circum-
stances when it became me to speak or act,
I have labored under a singnlar delusion.
consciousness of which would embitter mare
than anything else, the present hour and
such remaining nours or years as may be in
reserve for me.”
To this admirable and patriotical letter
Mr. Seward was not the man to make
the reply which one gentleman would have
been entitled to receive from another ; but
mean contemptible, cowardly trickster, that
he is. he creeps out of the affair, by one of
despise more than any other, that man is
Wn. H
any other man in the land. He never was
a statesman, and, by tl
to bs = gentleman. — Fulton Democrat.
[From the New York Herald.| ]
Gen. Halleck's Opinion of Gen. McClellan.
Our Oairo Correspondence.
Caro, Ill., April 4, 1862.
The Dearth of News about Cairo—Interest-
‘ing Conversation with Gen. Halleck—His
Opinion of Gen. McClellan—The Reasons
that Influence Success in this War— The
Careful Strategy of McClellan-The Deeds
of the Army of the West— Halleck and
McClellan, Agreed in Principle— Present
Desolate Appearence of Cairo— Heath of
the Town —Music of the Bullfrogs, &c.
The dearth of news from hereabout is get-
ting truly deplorable. No fights, no ad-
vances, nn retreats, no nothmng to vary the
dull monotony of camp and shipboard life.
In conversation with a geutleman from
St. Lows last night, T learned some things
that 1 must confess were new to me, and as
1 think the ides will be new to the public
generally, and as in presenting it I shall
not transcend the rules laid down for the
government of the press. T will endeavor to
jot it down. The gentlemen referred to I
know to be a warm personal friend to Gene-
ral Halleck. and shares much of that ster
ling office1’s favor and confidence. Hence a
weight will be attached to what he says,
such as does not accrue to the sayings of or-
dinary men. I wonld like to give his name,
that the public might the more readily com-
prehend the reason why I assign so much
paper to the chronicling of his ideas, The
conversation turned upon the operations of
the army and elsewhere. 1 asked —
¢ What is General Halleck's opinion of
General McClellan 2”
¢¢ Sir,” said my friend, “I have heard
General Halleck say, in substance, repeated-
ly, that he considered the military skill,
science and penet: ation of General McClel~
lan as second to that of no man living, that
whatever had been done in the West and
elsewhere was but the carrying out of
McClellan’s great plan of the war ; that the
general idea of each and every of these move-
ments was the frait of his foresight and
knowledge of war and its appliances, and
that McClellan had rough hewn the whole
work and only left the finishing touches to
the department and division commanders.”
This coming so direct from General Hal-
leck, led me to push my inquiries sull fur-
ther, I asked :—** Can you give any reas-
onable solution of the mystery that hangs so
heavily over the operations of the army on
the Potomac 2”
He replied :—I cannot explain anything ;
but I may advance an idea to you that I re-
ceived from General Halleck not a month
ago. In conversation with him I made near-
ly the same interrogatory you have just pros
pounded to me, and the General’s answer to
me must be yours It is this, as near in his
own words as I can repeat them :—¢ This is
8 war in which success rests upon consider-
ations that do not generally enter into men’s
calcalations, You are aware that the revol-
ted States occupy a vastly different geo-
graphical position from the loyal ones.—
Health, incident to climate, food, water,
habits, &c., is as different in the two sec-
tions as could be conceived of that of two
distinct nations. Certain Hygienic princis
ples are to be studied in carrying on a cam
paign as well as the more extermal appliances
of war ; else disaster and defeat will follow.
An army must be sound physically as well
as patriotic. Enervation, prostration and
climatic maladies must be avoided if possi
ble Now the seceded States are eminently
unheslthy during a certain portion of the
year. The months of August. September
and October a. e those during which the trop-
ical diseases rage, which so fearfully deci~
mate even the native population, and the
more generally carry of those habituated to
a different clime. The yellow fever rages
through the South periodically every two or
three years, and as that walady has not ap-
peared during the last two seasons it may
naturaily be expected this year. In view of
this state of well established facts, a far
seeing general would try to devise means to
avoid the consequences. Ifa Northernarmy
should be marched southward to the Gulf
shore during the sickly months. and should
there be attacked by a maladiac foe and cut
«ft by sickness and tropical ennui. the exe
crations of a nation would be vented upon a
general who would thus expese his troops.
Hence it becomes necessary to do what bas
to be done in the extreme South early in the
ear. The Southern Atlantic coast, the Gulf
rates and the Southwest must be overrun
daring a season of comparative healthful:
ness. Rebellion must be crushed out and
rebel troops driven back to the cooler re
gma of the mountains of North Carolina,
estern Tennessee and Southern Virginia
during that season when nature is in favor
of, instead of against, an exotic army ; then
once hemmed in by an overpowering force,
the enemy must fall—it is inevitable. Now
under these circumstances, it is not hard to
see why a skillful Commander in-chief should
exert himself to retain the bulk of anenemy’s
army in a position where he can at the prop-
er time strike a death blow the more surely.
If the flower of the rebel army be coaxed to
remain at Manassas or north of Richmond,
so as much of its strength is wasted ; our
armies in the West and South have the less
to contend against and our victories are the
more certain. The Western army clears
the great Valley of the Mississippi of scces
sion ; The Gulf squadron re-establishes the
coastitution in the popular cities of the South
the Roanoke and Beaufort forces are push~
ed inward and norihward ; aod next autumn
when the sickly season approaches, all, con-
jointly, are driving the rebels back to the
locality where a fresh army of loya! wen
are waiting to receive them, in & country
where Southron has no advantage over
Northman. Then comes the great decisive
action of the campaign. The Union troops
flushed with constant victory, meet those
dispirited by constant reverses. Who can
doubt the result ? Un the other hand, we
will suppose that the commanding General
and the War Department yield to the ‘clam«
or of those who only seek for carnage regard-
less of consequences, and order an advance
upon Manassas or Richmond. The result
would be simply to dri. e the rebels away to
his Yankee dodges. He apologizes to be second stand, and a third or 3 fourth, each
sure, but not inan honest, manly, gentle-! time leading the federal troops farther and
manly way. He shows his dirty spite, and | i
narrowness of soul through the whole affair. | climation, and into more sure sud terrible
He cowers under the lish like a whipped: mortality. No; let McClellan work. Let
hound, but he snaps maliciously «8 soon as | him keep the rebels concentrated as far
he can do so without danger. If there iS one
man in this country whom the people should .
Seward. A dishonest politician, a | come which will justify the present appar
corrupt schemer a cowardly and unprinci- ent inactivity of the army of the Potomac. —
. pled man, he h 8 done more to bring about
‘ the prege t unhappy state of affairs than!
5 ; rrespondence be
07 There is no salt in the Soyth. The |fore us, he shows that he does not know how |
some other point, where thcy would make a
farther away from the localities of their ac-
North as possible, and so keep rebel forces
from coming farther south, and next summer
or early in the autumn a denouement will
If the enemy shall retreat, let General
MeUlellan advance to their positions ; if not
let him remain in ‘statu quo, until he is
Tribune-ated indiciduals and ues —who
wil a i. and at
puilosophy, sneer at its humanaty, and affect
fo doubt resto ableness ; aad will
howl at every breath for an * advance upon
’* though it cost the life of every
Union aow in Virginia. But, thsok
God, their number is sul, and their cali~
bre easily measured. Theyre of the genus
*¢ negriphobi,”’ properly defined by Webster
—people who shed great tears of sorrow
over the wrongs of antiquated Afrique, in-
flicted by the juvenile Americus ; men who
not sacrifice the chivalry of the nation upoa
the altar of their negro mania. 1 suppose:
you have a few such people at the East.
Cairo begins to wear a sort of Neapolitan
look, anything but agreeable to ‘the eye,
and the odors that salute the olfactories are
not as fascinating as nitrous oxide. About
one half of the entire surface of the town
plot is now under water; the streets are
impassable except for boats: the wooden.
sidewalks are floating around in a sort of
free and easy style ; the steam pumps lull us
to sleep at night witn their puff, puff, puff-
ing, while ten thousand bullfrogs and aquat-
ic songsters keep us awake all night with
elng: Still, strange to say, the health of
the town remains good, or rather is getting,
better, and it is not impossible now to obiain_
well people enough to nurse the sick. The
prevailing malady here is dysentery —regu~
noxious miasmas that can be conceized of,
and more than ever were named ox claysi-
A Cool Letter.
Col. John Morgan, the notorieus maraud-
er, is an enthusiastic admires of General
Buckner, late of Fort Donelson, now of Fort
Warren, So, as Buckner wrote to us from
Fort Warren, Morgan, after bis late exploit
in seizing the railroad cars at Gallatin, Ten-
nessee, thought he must right to us too.—
There is no telling how extensive a rebel
correspondence we shall soon get to have. —'
We snnex Morgan's epistolary . performance
premising that we vin nothing about
Robert 0. Wood, Jr.,”’ whose name is uni-.
ted with that of the more famous land-
GaLLamiN, TeNN., March 17, 1862. *
&. D. Prentice Esg.. Louisville :
Sin: We beg to express our disappointment
in not meeting you here as we had anticipated,
and to assure you that we feel confident that bet-
ter luck will crown our efforts at some future
We trust you will not long delay your promised
trip to Nashville, as this would put us Ay in-
convenience of visiting Louisville. :
All well in Dixie, and send their kindest re-
gards 4
“ ROBERT C. WOOD, Jr., C. 8, A.
JNO. H. MORGAN, Com’g Squadron.
The precious pair of bandits profess to.
have felt great disappointment at not find-
ing us on the cars seized by them and their
accomplices. at Gallatin. Unquestionably
they would be very glad to get us, thinking
no doubt that they conld readily exchange
us for Buckner and his army, but we don’t
believe they had the least thought of encoun-
tering us on the cars they captured. We
have reason to think that they took very .
particular pains to satisfy themselves that
we were not on the train before they ventur-
ed to attack it. We won't call them cow~"
is not equal to. They didn't like with,
their small band, to seek a combat with the
man, who armed only with pocket pistol and;
jack~knife, had crossed Green river at an,
appointed day and boldly and successfally
defied Buckner and his whole army in what
was claimed as their own territory.
Wood and Morgan express the hope that
we shall not long delay our promised trip to.
Nashville, and they promise themselves ‘bet
ter luck next time.” Out upon their poor
and pitiful hypoerisy. If they had wanted
us to go soon to Nashwille that they might
try their hands on us, they would have left
the road in a condition to be travelled, but,
instead of that, they tore it up for a great
distance between Gallatin and Franklin.—
Yes, the rascals destroy the road so that the.
trains can’t run upon it, and then indite a
brave letter, professing a hope that we shall
immediately set out upon it because they
are impatient and chafing to meet us!
These two wandering robbers say that if
we don’t make a speedy trip upon the road
they have torn up, they may be put to * the
meonvenience of visiting Louisville.” Ah,
that’s a thing, if we remember aright, that
their master, General Buckner, seriously:
contemplated a few months ago. Indeed it
was a darling project of his, He fixed the.
feeding day, and had his dinner ordered at
the Galt 4
guests invited. The day arrived, and the.
bat che dinner wasn't. M and Wood,
may soon dine with their idol, but not in
If they want so much to visit
our city, one would think they had better
have taken an opportunity when their heads
quarters were at Bowli en ot
rive, or, nearer still, at Nolin, instead of
waiting to be driven, as they have been, one
would thus bave saved themselves a long:
ride ; but perhaps they consider that the
longer their trip the more plunder they can
gather up in making it.
We do wonder how such fellows as Mor»
gan and Wood feel in view of their own deeds
them. They may congratulate themselves
nately for them, they have necks, and
nooses. ‘We have no doubt that the
shockingly nervous and catch their breath
the apparition of everything be
Siightast resemblance i: two up-righta and a
cross-piece. 4,
We can tell them for their comfort that
this morning we selected the tree that we
in their 1gst moments, and several enterprig-
ing young men out of business have alr :
applied to us for the privilege of turning a
penny in these hard times, by cutting blocks
and boughs from it to Suscdiate upon as
James B. Clay did upon his father’s house.
We have no objection to sending one good
stick to Morgan and Wood, for they deserve
We are not disposed to close without ad.
ding, that if Morgan and Wood will pledge
to us their knightly word (there may be
honor among robbers as well as among
thieves) to attempt in person to take us dug-
ing our trip to Nashville, we will, as soon
a8 the mischief wrought by them to the rails
road shall have been repaired, name the day
when they may expect us. What say you
Rebel ¥— Lowwsville Journal. ron
ready to'make every shot tell its most against
’ n.'’
There are those at the West—certain
(7 Fort Pulaski has been captured by
the Federal troops.
preach long homilies upon humanity and’ -
curse a general for a fool because he will
their infernal and intolerable nocturnal rev~
lar Cairo dyrentery—aggravated by all the °
ards, but there are some things their courage
louse, and his. male and female
assembled guests were ‘* down in the mouth,’:
reen or on Green
hundred and fifty miles further off. They
and the startling events going on around /
that they have no consciences, but, unfortu- : 2
at the sight of a rope-walk, and shudder at: |.
bearing. the
shall use our influence to have them grace .