Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, April 17, 1862, Image 1
to hear my speech to the fons of Mars, pre- 3 i VOL. 7. NO. 15. - — IMisgellangous. opti of Mags 37 the United FROM WASHINGTON. Enitor T. T.—Patriotism, my boy, is a very beautiful thing. The surgeon of a Western regiment hs analyzed a very nice case of it, and says that it is peculiar to this’ hemisphere. He says that it first breaks out in the mouth, and from thence extends to the heart, causing the latter to swell. — He says that it goes on raging until it reach- es the pocket, when it suddenly disappears, leaving the patient very Constitutional and conservative. ‘‘Bless me !” says the sur geon, intently regarding a spoon with a tumbler round it, “if a genuine American ever dies of patriotism, it will be because the Tax Bill hasn't been applied socom enough.” I beheve him, my boy ! On Monday morning, just as the sun was rising up like a big gold watch “put up” at soma celestial Simpson’s, the sentinels at Fort Corcoran were seized with horrible tremblings at & sight calculated to make perpendicular hair fashionable. As faras the eye could reach on every side of the Capital, the ground was bla ck with an approaching maltitgde, each man of whom wore large spectacles, and casried a serious carpet bag anda botlle-green umbrella. + Be jabers 1” says one of the sentinels, whose impertinent English frequently causes him to be taken for the Duc de Chartres, “its the whole Southern Confederacy coming to boord with us.” + Aigey, me boy,” says the other sentinel, straightening the barrel of is musket and holding it very straight to keep the fatal ball from rolling out, “its the sperets of all ‘our pravious descindants coming to ax us, was our grandmother the Saycretary of the Navy.” Right enward came the multitude, their spectacles glistening in the sun like so many exasperated young planets, and their um- brellas and carpet bags swinging like the pendulums of so many infgriated clocks. Pretty soon the advance guard, who was a chap in a white neck tie and a hat resem: bling a stoye pipe in reduced circumstances, poked a sentinel in the ribs with bis um: brella, and says he : +* Where’s Congress ?” «¢ Ig it Congress ye want ?" says the sen- tinel, Yessir!” says the chap. “Yessr.— These are friends of mine—ten thousand, six hundred and forty two free American citi- zens. We must see Congress. Yessir {— dammit. How about that tax bill? We come to protest against certain features in that bill,” + Murther ar turf !”’ says the sentinel. 4s it the taxes all them ould chaps is afther blaming 2” ix * Yessir 1” says the chap, hysterically, jamming his hat down over his forehead and stabbing himself madly under the arm with his umbrella, Taxes is a outrage. Not al’ taxes,” says the chap with sudden benigni ty, “but the taxes which falls upon us.— Why can’t they tax them as is able to pay, without oppressing us ministers, editors, merchants, lawyers, grocers, peddlers, and professors of religion 2” Here the chap turned very purple m the face, and his eyes | bulged greealy out, and says he: Congress isa ass.” « That’s thrue for you,” says the sentinel, «(they ought to eximpt the whole naytion and tax the rest of it.”’ 2 The multitude then swarmed into Wash- ington, my boy, and if they don’t smother the Tax Bill, it will be because Congress is case hardened.’ JN The remainder of the Mackeral Brigade being ordered to join the Conic’ Section at Accomae for au irresistible advance on Ma. nassas, 1' mounted my gothic steed Pegasus on Thursday morning. 5 Pegasus, py boy, has greatly improved gince I rubbed him down with Snobb’s Pats: ened Hair Invigorator, and his tail much less like & whisk broom than it did at first. It is now fully able to maintain itselfagzainst ail flies whatsoever. The genera] ‘of the Msckeral Brigade rode beside me on a spirit- ed black frame ; and says he : ot toit 1 + That funeral beast of yours is 8 mod ment of the home affections. Thunder! dys the general, shedding a small tear ther the color of Schiedam Schnadps, I never look at air horse without thinking of the time when I buried my first baby ; its head. is shaped so much like a coffin.” On reaching Accomac my boy, we found Captain Villism Brown at the head of the Conic Section of the Mackeral Brigade, dressed principally in a large ‘sword and brass buttons, and taxing the altitude of the sup with & glass instroment orerated by * Ans of a bottle. wi 8 ; “Ah,” says Villiam, “ you are just jn time’ ted States of America, ' Hereupon Villiam mounted a demijohn -| laid length wise and says'he : : “ Fellow Anacondas:—Having been in- weeks at Manassas, thatthe Southern Con- federacy has gone South for its health I have concluded that it is time to be offensive The great Anaconda having eluded Barnum, is about to move on the enemy's rear. . ¢ Rear aloft your peaks ye : mountings, Rearaloft your waves, QO sea! : Rear your sparkling crests ye fountings, tor my love's come tack to me.” The day of inaction'is past; and now the United States of America is about to swoop down like = exasperated Eagle, on the chickens left by the hawic. Are you ready my sagacious reptiles to spill a drop or so for your sinking country. ‘Are you ' readv to rose up as oné man— “The rose js red, The wi'lets blue, Sugar is sweet, and, Bully for you.” «¢ Ages to come will look down on this day:and say; they died young. The Present will reply; Idon’s see it ; but the presen? is just the last thing for us to think about.— Richmond is; before us, and ther left it be. We shall take it in a few years : It might be for years and it may be forever, Then why art thou silent, O pride of me heart? which is poicry. I hereby divide this here splendid army into one corps dammee, and take command of it.? 4 At the conclusion of this thrilliug oration my bey, the corps damme formed itself into a hollow square, in the centre of which ap- peared a mail clad ambulance. + “Tell me my gay Achilles, what you car- ry in that? morning, says Villiam, sagaciously, I dis- covered six Repeaters among my men. Each of them voted six times last election day and I’ve put them where they can’t be killed.— Ah says Villiam softly, the Democratic par- ty can’t afford to lose them Repeaters.” Here a rather rusty-looking chap stepped out of the ranks and says he: * Captain, I'm a Repeater too. I voted: tour times last election.” «It takes six to make 2 reliable Repeat- er tenys Falliaw. 4-50 “Yes,” says the chap ; “ but I voted for different coves— twice for the Republican and twice for the Democrat.” “ Ha!” says Villiam, ¢ you're 3 man of intelleck. Here, sargeant,” says Villiam, imperiously, ‘* put this cherubim ir the am- bulance.”’ ¢¢ And, sargeant,” says Villiam, thought fully, ¢ give him the front seat,” And now, my boy, the march for Manas- sas commenced, being timed by the soft mu- sic of the band, This band, wy boy, is sui generis. Its chief artist is an ardent admi rer of Rossini, who performs with great ac- curacy upon 2° night key, pressed closely against the lower lip, the strains being much like those emitted by a cart-wheel in want of grease. Then comes a gifted musician from Germary, whose. instrument is a fine tooth-comb wrapped in paper, and blown upon through the vibratory covering. The remainder of the band is composed chiefly of drums, though the second base acheives some fine ‘effects with a superannuawed ac- | cordeon. ’ : ee Onward moved the magnificent pageant toward the plains of Manassas, the anitomi cal<Davalry being in advance, and the Mack- erel Brigade following after. hat ‘Arriving on’ the noted battle field, we found no thing but a scene of desolation’; the Rebels gone; the masked batteries gone; and aothing left but a sohtary daughter ‘of the sunny South, who cursed us for invading the peaceful homes of Virginia, and tried to gell us stale.milk at six shillings a ‘quart. ' When Captain Villiam Brown surveyed this spectacle, my boy, his brows knit with portectious anger, aad says he; ra «So much for wasting so much time.— Ah!” says Villian, clutching convulsively at his canteen, “we have met the enemy, and they are hours—ahead of us.” Time, my boy, cuts down all, both great and Small ; and when we keep too much of it on hand, it eats us down, like so much hay, for every ass to nibble at. Yours, bazily. Orraevs C. Kear. i TAR. § PostMasTER GENERAL BLAIR. —This mem. ber of the Cabinet, in a letterito the Aboli- tion meeting held in New York, on ‘the 6th inst., says: i bie wld i 2 t q 1 do not concur in the proposition that certain States have been ‘recently overturn ed, and wholly subverted as mem! ers of the Federal Upion,’ upon which the call is based This is, in substance, what the Confederates themselves claim, and the fact that secession is maintained by the authors of this call for a different purpose, does not make it more constitutional, or prevent them from being ACTUALLY AIDERS.AND ABETTORS OF THE CON- FEDERATES !"” a ree BP Peres 157 To have tarts for tea—let yonr wife see you kissing the waiting mad. Sure vious to the capture of Manassas by the Uni- | formed by a gertleman who has spent two ¢ Ha!” sags Villiam, balancing himself ? | on one leg, ‘* them’s my Repeaters, This A Fortunate Kiss. The following pretty little story is narra- ted by Frederika Bremer, who vouches for itd truthfulness : ! In the University of Upsula, in Sweeden, hed 4 young student, ainoble youth, with a great love for studies, but without the means of pursuing them. ' He was poor and without cohnections. Still he studied, | liy- ing in great poverty, but keeping a cheerful heart, and trying to look atthe future, which looked so grimly at him. His good humor and excellent qualities made him beloved by his young comrades. One day he was stand- ing with some of them in the great square of Upsala, prattling away an hour of leisure arrested by a young and elegant lady, who at the side of an elderly one, was slowly walking over the place. It was the only daughter of the Governor ‘of Upsula, living in the city, and the lady with her was the governess. She was generally known for her goodness and géntleness of ‘character, and looked upon with admiration by all the students. As ‘the young men stood gazing at her, as she passed on, like a graceful vis- ion, one of them suddenly exclaimed : + Well, it would be worth something to have a kiss from such 2 mouth! "The poor student, the hero of our story, who looked on that pure, angelic face, ex claimed, as if by inspiration— ¢ Well, I think TI could have it !”’ , “ What!” cried his friends in chorus, ‘‘ar you crazy ? . Do you know her 2 ! ¢ Not af all!” he answered: “but T think she would kiss me now if I asked her.” : re * What ! in this place, before all. our cyes 2” ! “Yes, in this place, before your eyes.” Freely 2” ** Freely.” ’ « Well, if she will give you a kiss in that manner, I will give you‘a thousand doligrs !” exclaimed. one of the party, “And I,”’—and I,” exclaimed three or four others ; for it so happened that several rich young men were in the group, and the bets ran high on so improbable an event.— The challenge was made and received mn less time than we take to tell it. : Our hero {my author tells not whether EL ‘was handsome or plain : I have my peculiar ideas for believing that he was rather plain, but singularly good looking at the same time,) immediately walked off to the young lady, and said : * Mine frolen, my fortune is now in your hands.” She looked at him in astonishment. but arrested her steps, He proceeded to state his name and condition, his aspirations, and related, simply and truly, what had just oc- curred between him and his companions. ‘The young lady listened attentively, and at his ceasing to speak, she said blushingly, but with great sweetness : «If by so little a thing so much good can be effected, it would be foolish for me to re fuse your request ;”’ and. publiciy in the oven square, she kissed him, . Next day the student was sent; for by the Governor. He wanted to see the man who had dared to seek a kiss from his daughter in that way, and whom she had consented to kiss so. He received him with a scfutin izing bow, but, after an hour’s conversation was 50 pleased with him that he ordered him to dine at his table . during his studies at Upsala, Our young man pursued his studies in a manner which soon made him regarded as the most p.omising student in the Universi- 1... sq o Three years were now passed since the day of the first kiss, when the young man was allowed to give a second one to the daughter of the Governor, as his intend bride. ' He became later, one of the greatest scholars in Sweden, and as much respected for his acquirements as for his character.— dis works will endure while time" lasts,’ among the works of science ; and from this happy union sprang a family well known in Sweden even af the present time, and whose wealth and high positions in society are re~ garded as trifies ‘in comparison with its wealth of goodness and love. : V 177A patriotic landlady, patronized by | one of our exchanges, in her desire to emu- the generosity of city governments and oth- er corporations in continuing the wages of absent soldiers, has given notice, that if any their board to run right on, all the’ time.— Qan the spirit of generous devotion to the interests of the country go any further than 1his 2 3 § 17> The following notice was found pasted on the bulletin . of a Western Post Office, up Nick Whiffles way i. ~~... ** Lost—a red kaf. = He had a white ‘spot on of bis legs. He was a heifer kaf. I will give thie dolers to_evrribodi wut will thing. bring hy hum, * when the attention of the young men became | | before they left the place in such confusion. with troops, and regiment after regiment, of her boarders will enlist, she will allow |’ | . . Army Correspondence. | “Chr Won, 4 Near NasaviLLe, TENN., { .,. March 31,1862 Mesons: Epirors i—My last letter was written and mailed at * Munfordsville, a few | minutes before we received orders to march | for this place. . We left thero at. 8 o'clock, | A. M., the 11th inst., and made that ‘day a mareh of ‘about sevefiteen miles, and en- camped near the Mammoth Cave, Ky. Ow- ing to a few miles of the turnpike not being macadamized, we had to ieave it and take a blind road through ‘the wood, which ‘we found very hilly and muddy ; the distance, however, was only about twelve miles, until ‘we again; reached the! turnpike. Many of} our teams did not arrive in camp till about twelve o'clock the next’ day, where we were impatiently waiting for them, Af- ter the teams were fed, we again took up our line of “march, and continued it till ‘about’8 o'clock that night, whén we en- camped in a beautifal orchard, using the apple trees for pusts to fasten the picket rope, to which we tie our horses. We were ‘ordered to be ready to march at four o'clock he next morning, and at the appointed hour the whole rolumn was moving toward Bowling Green, where we arrived about ten o'clock, A. M., making a march of nineteen miles. When daylight made its appear- ance, we found we were traveling through a beautiful country, the land rich and well improved ; but as we neared Bowling Green the marks of the army became more visible. Many large brick farm houses stood door~ less, windowless and cheeriess, where all around but a few months ago was gaety, mirth and happiness. The timber and fenc es for miles around Bowling Green have been destroyed by the soldiers who were encamped there ® Bowling Green, no doubt, has been quite a business place, and is beautifully located ; but when we passed through, it was almost depopulated, the streets and alleys were filled with dirt and filth’ af every kind.’ The town has every appearance of, at one time, being well fortified ; . the , breastworks and batteries still stand in bold defiance to be closely scrutinized by the Federal soldiers, as they pass by. e had an opportunity of entering the batteries and walking. along their ‘breast- works. which seemed qt ite a curiosity to many of the regiment, Both the railroad and turnpike bridges being consu / by fire about the time the enemy evacuated the town, we were obliged to cross the river on a pontoo \ bridge, which we did with safety. On the atfernoon of the 14th inst., weagain took up our line of march. and took ‘up our quarters about dark in a large chuch which stood near the pike, traveling a distance of | twelve miles through a heavy * rain. The church being two stories high, nearly the whole regiment took shelter in it from the drenching rain. The next morning we be gan to move at an early hour, and arrived at Mitchellville, Tenn., about the middle of the afternoon, where we encamped for ‘the night, on an old camp ground of the cne~ my’s. The remaining part of our way to Nash ville we found good road and had pleasant weather—the distance from Bowling Green seventy miles. * Here, also, we found the bridges burned, and. ¢rossed, the Cumber land river on a steam ferry boat. Here we were gratified with a sight of one of the gun boats that was engaged in the battle of Fort Donelson. * Slie was viewed with interest from the ferry boat. Thirteen heavy guns were visible. There are no signs of any fortifications having heen erected near the city, which, I think, is evidence that they never dreamed it would fall into our hands, till a few days There are many splendid residences, and costly structures erected in and around Nashville, but I ne¢d-not attempt to describe them, as it has already been done by an abler pen, in your pumber of the 20th uit., | but I would say here, that business is dull at present, but many who had: left are re~ turning. Very, many houses and places of business are yet closed, and perhaps will re- main so until this war terminates. A number of steam loats arrive daily brigade after brigade are moving on South- ward in the direction of Columbia, Tenn,— Gen. Buell and body guard left here last Monday for the some place. His headquar- ters areas yet at Nashville. We have just learned with regret of the dedth of Corporal Thaddeus Longwell. He was unwell when we left Munfordeville, but had no desire to be left behind, and succeed ed in riding his horse until we. reached Bowling Green, when he was compelled to give up and ‘was conveyed the remaining part of the way in an ‘ambulance. He was sent from camp to one of the many hospitals in Nashville, where he died on the 26th inst. As a non-commissioned officer he was obe~ dient and dutiful, always willing to dis- charge the duties entrusted to him. Kind and social with bis fellow soldiers, he had gained the esteem of all. His tent.mates, in fact, the whole company are stricken :down in sorrow at losing one so courteous and agreeable ; but he has been called from time to eternity while in the discharge of his duties, by a higher power than any on earth, and by one who doeth all things well—therefore we should not mourn, but apply the admonition to ourselves : Be ye also ready. id T stated; in a former letter, that our regi- ment had been divided into three battalions. Each is now occupying different points.— The first battalion is at Frankfort, twenty miles distant. The third thirty miles dis- tant at Lebanon, Penn.. and the second (to which we belong) is encamped three miles south of Nashville. ' The Colonel and all the regimental officers are with the second battalion. We are now furnished with North’s Pat- ent Revolver, which 1s considered a good ar- ticle. Upon a fair trial made’ the other day by seme of the officers, they proved to do good exectition at a distance of one hundred yards.: Why we are not furnished with the regular cavalry carbines, I am unable to say, as we returned the guns as unfit for service, that were issued to us at Camp Crittenden, Indiana. I hope we may get them soon. As my letter is getting some. what lengthy, I will close with my respects to all. Yours truly, J.P. H. a A Morner's Grave.—Earth has some sa- cred spots, where we feel 1ke loosing our shoes from our feet, and treading with rev erence ; where common words of social con- verse seem rude, and friendship’s hands have lingered iu each other, where vows have been plighted, prayers offered, and tears of parting shed , Ob! how. thoughts hover unmeasured space to visit them! But of of all spots on this green earth, none is so sacred as that where rests, waiting the res- urrection, those we have once loved and cher- ished—our brothers, or our children. Hence in all ages, the better part of mankind have chosen and loved spots of the dead, and on these spots they have loved to wander®at eventide and meditate. Dut of all, even in the charnel houses of the dead.,none is so sacred as a mothers grave. There sleeps the nurse of infancy, the guide of our youth, the counsellor of our riper years, our friend when others deserted us ; she whose heart was a stranger to every other feeling but love —there she sleeps, and we love the very earth for her sake. a SE Jal etivanl “Ir you PLEASE.” —When the Dake of Wellington was sick, the last he took was a little tea, On hie servant handing it to him in a saucer, and ‘asking him if he would have it, he replied, ¢* Yes if you please.” These were his last words. How much kindness and courtesy are express by them. He who had commanded the greatest armies in’ Eu- rope, and was long accustomed to the tone of authority, did not despise or overlook the small courtesies of life. Ah how many boys do. What's rude tone of command they often use to their little brothers and sisters and sometimes to their mothers. They or- der so. This is ill bred and unchristian, and shows & eoarse nature and hard heart, In all youthome talk remember, if you please” Among your playmates don’t forget, « If you please.” To gll who wait upon or serve ‘you believe that «¢if you please” will make you better served than all the cross or or- dering words in the dictionary, Don’t for- get these little words, * If you please.” ——— re A Boy PrisoNen.—A §*. Louis orrespon- dent relates the following incident in the prison hospital at St. Louis : ~ A little drum mer boy was evidently dying. A lady spoke to him, asking if-he wanted anything. ¢No" was the feeble answer, but with a wistful look at the kind face over him, he said his mother had sent him from Mississippi to fight and defend her home. He did not re gret it, but wanted to see his mother. He gave hisname and his mothers address still looking wistfully, as if there was something on his mind. At last hesaid : * My moth~ er is a good woman, tou. She would treat a poor sick prisoner kindly, and if she were with your son, she would kiss him. I will kiss you my dear boy for your mother.” said she. She kissed him, and 1n a few minutes he died. li ay I ——— on ‘Who Plans the Vietories? A Washington cor respondent of the Spring field Republican gives the following. inter- estirg bit of testimony, which concurs with a multitude of others, to show that: our re- cent course of vietories has not been the result of chance or impulse : ‘+ The subject was under discussion at a dinner table where Gen. Banks was present; and he, who, by the way, stands by Gen. McOlellan most loyally, quietly remarked that while in consultation with Gen. McClel- lan last November or December, the latter incidently took down a’ wap, and pointed out to him upon it overy movement that has gince been made by our armies ; and as to Manassas, he said that we should either drive the rebels from it in a successful battle or hey would evacuate it of their own ac- cord. The Glorious Rattle Fields Concealed in the Near Euture. Whether the war to crush the Rebellion is. to be indefimtely prolonged or to be practis, cally ended by midsummer next. according, to the expressed belief of Secretary Chase, would seem now to depend upon two mo~ mentous battles, one apparertly impending in Virgima, and one on the ‘Tennessee bor- ders of the Cotton States. Concealed bes hind tke veil which hides the near future are two names, now as obscure and homely as were “Pea Ridge,” «Mill Creek,” and “Is- land No. 10,” a few months ago, but names which are hereafter to shine like day-stars in the histery of ‘the Republic. = What se- clnded hamlets, what little streams, or what insignificant ranges of hills are to furnish these {wo names it is forbidden ‘us now to know ; but before the spring months are over we feel the deepest confidence thev will be upon all our lips, and will be ranked born to’ die.” In the Southwest the fast gathering and formidable hosts of the Rebels surround the brave companions with profound interest.— ported there from Pensacola, Van Dorn 18 licoffer, Buckner. Pillow and Floyd, and the raw levies from Mississippi and Alabama, and it is elear that a pitched battle of a des cisive character is to be fought near ‘where our side the tried and victorious men of ‘“Somerset,”” *‘Henry,” and *‘Donelson,’ are there, so gallantly and efficiently generaled, so well organized and disciplined. so power- fully supported and so inspired by their ve- cent triumphs, as to justify full “confidence in a signal victory, whether they are the as- salants or tiie assailed, ; Bat in the Army of the Potomac, now moving through and occupying the country so long and so insolently Leld by the enes my. and so near to the National Capital as well as to ourselves, our people feel a more profound interest. Somewhere in this re- || gion, between the Rappahannock and the around such placss, and travel back through James, lies one of the Gelds which is to fur- nish one of the now unknown but soon to be immortal names to which we have refer- red. "Poward this point is gravitating, by prov gressive steps, one of the finest armies the world has ever seen. The leader is Mc- Clellan. While we hear but little through our own press of the movements of this ar- my, enough is known, evea through Rebel sources, to assure us that it is moving irre= sistibly on. Where its different corps and divisions are, and just where they are tend ilig, it would be imprudent even to conjec- ture. It is sufficient now to state that the fullest confidence is felt by the Government in its numbers and in the high discipline to: which it has been brought by its gallant leader ; and that that leader, so long the subject of unmerited reproach, is held in the highest favor by the Government, and an march is a march to assured victory.—Phil- adelphia Inquirer. A CorresroNpeNT of a Cincinnati paper, speaking ofthe capture of Fort Donelson says: *‘Coloael Kinney, of the Fifty sixth Ohio, related to me one of those strange and wel ancholy incidents which the fortunes of war sometimes bring to pass. As he was riding. along the breastworks a day or two after the surrender, and while many of the dead were: still unburied, he observed before him a pri- vate in his regiment named Bowman, strole lingalong. As he came up he noticed the latter suddenly start back, as if transfixed ing him, the Colonel asked him what sur- prised him, and added that he supposed he would have become accustomed to seeing dead bodies by this time. Turning to his inquirer, with an expression on his face such as only a discovery like this could pro- “ Colonel, that is my brother I’ His broth- 4 er had been a resident of Tennessee, and had joined the rebel army, but he had no kuowledge of his whereabouts, or thought of his being one of the victims ot the bldody conflict, until he thus accidentally stumbled: across his dead body. Procuringa blanket, and the assistance of some. comrades, he wrapped him in it and buried him in the spot where he had fallen.” : FRANKLIN ASKING FOR WORK. — When a printing-office, and inquired whether he could get employment. *¢ Where are you from 2” asked the fore- man. ‘ America,” was the reply. Ah!” said the foreman, “from America ? A lad from America’ seeking employment as a printer? Well do you really understand the art of printing? Can you really set type 3! H . Franklin stepped up to one of the cases, and in & very brief space of time set up the following passage from the first chapter of John. : : ** Nathaniel said unto him, can any good: thing come out of Nazareth 2 Phillip. saith unto him, Come and see.” It was done so quickly, so accupately, and contained a delicate reproof so appropriate : character and standing with all in the office, ‘among “the inmortal names that were not: position of Buell. Grant, Smith and their Men's eyes are turned in that direction with deep anxiety. Bragg and his forces are re~ called from Arkansas, Beauregard is there, ’ with the debris of the beaten artnies of Zol- these forces are now concentrating. But on equal confidence is felt that his present: at the sight of a body before him. Approach. duce, and pointing to the body, he replied . youth, Franklin went to London, entered a ‘and powerful, that it at once gave him. a: