en - * - . . . . 5 : T “ _— _— a tyrener—— = - = = . ; : ; a 5 do 891] Tro, woos NEWS FROM THE SEAT OF WAR. TED 405 Ul SimonGrata, do 178 John Such, a 8 LF ASURERS SALE OF UNSEATED 1 M4 Jmmows, & i'78 Joan Black, 4 5 RESTORATIVE CORDIAL, om he ts of Joseph Wellg d 89 HER R N. & LAND. — Agreeably to several acts o 859. 60 Henry Ar do 3.66 Toph ails, % 41 AND ANOT . . WORTHY OF ANY CONFIDENCE FOR assembly, Siresiiog ne ode of selling Snzested 110 he ary 4 aris, do 1 To Wer. - soll 5 =. sae ., The ! 2 s RESTORING THE BALD AND GRAY Ee hier: 8 Soiine 2 0s I Be, od 118 jug Jamin, do 1216 BLOOD RENOVATOR.| , npavy IMPORTATION OF — rn : i ] —_—— gd Maxy, vince the great discovery of Prof. Wood. : 4 JrEls of unseated hi What it 5] 2 Pose r Cjamet, a 19 John Miller, ’ do 3.26 | Is precisely what its name indicates, r, ‘ Sb Burp mem bend ih Sh SS Aah (8 pid £0 fie boa li HARDWARE 1d but profess to have discovered somethin that i that day at the Court 1.08 uel Show exhilarating, and strengthening © vi- iil produce results identical ; but Bor have . BARST.of dius. Be in hd oY = 2 of Jou Kida, EL 25.98 Robert King. : do 278 tal rears It also revivifies, 0 yy all como and gone, being ourried away by the OU 433 183 Jpo. Wheeland do 25.28 _ John Hawbright, do 13.84 and renews the bloed in all its original pu- : i. wonderful results of Prof. Weod’s preparation, | Acres pe. Warrantoe. Twp. Taxes 433 163 - Jno, Rollington, do 25 28 Sharp Delaney, Snowshoe, 7.99 rity. and thus restores and renders the rys- FOR THE FIRM OF 3 and have been forsed to leave the field to its ro. 180. 00 Jno. Mercer, = Gregg, 8 4.841508 10 James Baxier, do 17.48 +m. McPherson, do 7,99 tem invulnerable to attacks of disease. ' It ; 2 sistless sway. Read the following : 130 00 Robt. Askey, “ $2 [30 1 Lames ate Mites, 3.88 Bd. Moyston, do 3 u is the only preparation ever offered to the BAXTRESSER & CRIST, haa a [hw SRE wo FES WE Ge CR 38 Fencioion. do dog PP orld ns popelr orm ee te hl IE : ha 00 as. Pucker, Jr. . i tz, do + ‘01 | the reach of all. 1. SRE art Pa nt ¢ ae Ae 130 00 David Johnston, 8.21 19 0 Simons Sie do 348 Jusper Maylan, do 10.01 | 44 fully combined as to be the most powerfal. Who have just opened, in the Store Room on the J wsote i nd och ok itd a 310 00 Lud Kanacher, Union. 4824 [108 141 Simeon Gratz. do 4.36 Benjamin West, do Ba i H tonic, and yet, £0 perfectly adapated to as | N. W. corner of the Diamond, in Bellefonte, for- Tobi ey To RE Las es rise to] 190 08 Sen. Vandy te; Enowsiog, a 3 483 163 David Beverage, Baa, 5 3 ¥itjiam eglrum, do 3 i | = apt in perfect Secordane ee wl he laws merly occupied by uy Erol, their large iri i 00 Rich Jones, er . ’Connel, do » of nature he th nd splendid assortment a ou hemdire tla RU mS Re 8 Moo Ker, pao, $140 [10 6 MREGELST oh prieien b 0 B dn | a a To Be stated in the er 42 00 James Mcore, Potter, 8.791435 163 Geo. Latimer, do 5,91 Ed Seott, do J Hl | and allay all nervous and other irritation. P tion a an therein contained ; third: | 100 00 Geo. Markley, Taylor, 26.85 433 163 Ed. Moyston, do 591 Paul Cox, do 35.01 | it is also perfertly exhilaratingin its effects, POCKET AND TABLE CUTTLERY facend, hair still continue to be in good orderand [434 00 John Miller, Rush, 1013 320 10 And Armstrong, do 524 Wm. Lewis Lawyer, do 8.0! and yet it is never followed by lassitude or of every variety and price. a Eon rm HEE: 2 sepa wat) Simeon, Koh Cuppa”) onosd Son IL nh Sriram exis \ Y ir i% ev: i 3 0 John Lamb, aylor 10 ? h , do 5 er y y tirely of vegetables t of the best manu TO. THON aN Yariabiy Tol pi il Due any Nd i 2 Thos, Grant, Rush, 10.13 20 3 i in do 13.8% Felix Brunt, 4 or | pd combining powerful tonic and soothing kad RIFLES, PISTOLS, SHOT GUNS, AND LOCKS od ener colored ; the ‘same {8 true of wy [434 00 Jno. Sherick, Taylor, 33° Ww TE D. Pyle, Halfmoon, 336 Thomas L. hinpes, > 709 properties. atu consequently can foverln of every description and the best quality. Briers, = then ue why ld |) 0 Dolly Mikwew, Sal 20 00 i CR Some Mong do TON ure x diderarom by he ‘medion wore. by, | MORTIOR AND 1% LORS aac daally. he SubSiense 0 olly Ma ; E 0, 0 ; , 95 Tobe; » medical wor 2 ; : om Sn gon ni EE aepoTy) i 00 Fok Williams, oH 5.75 30 o Grraoleus Bishop, Gregg, 2,08 George Campbell, do Lh } both by the thoroughly skilled in maiiee 1B of different kinds. 4) by wiping the face in close conneetion with | 434 00 Polly Williams, ~~ © 381400 0 Joru Porter, 4“ 2,08 Erancis West, do 2 20 science, and algo by all who have suffered CUPBOARD, CHEST BOX. AND TILL LOCKS, the Tron the same result will follow as the |434 00 Hugh Hamilton, © 8,31 1900 00 Wm Taggart “ 1.68 W. H. West, do 1 g from debility; for it needs no medical and large and small PAD LOCKS. huir. I have been in the receipt of a great num. 1217 00 Saish Bonham, Puma, 12 5 400 00 Jucob Markley, “ 208 fobs Ne ozhets Lb 3 44 shill ae knowiedge on on ae debi HAND, BACK. GRAFTING Lx PANNEL . ® 134 Wm Miles les, i id Taggart “ 4 v ) WE ty follows all attach S€888, 3 H S4WS, Broad, Hand an opping # . bs rs Fein Re i 308 2 Walter Stewart, Burnside, 10.66 400 » Won Sp anss: he 2,08 |: John M. Nesbit, do 13 61 2] bie ungunrded system open to the attacks BUTCHERS OLEAVERS AND CHOPPERS, a Lal BE A NR EE BE a ar el By LET i 0 ind 31 this, i 123 00 ohn Vaughn, 1 00 Isa ichardson $ , ; rar . poor A ie x : r Dimi iat 8 I ee (RR Se He 0 mit, ih gyri ho hl be Smet | wax kui AD ae ADIN PKs oon i 2 i 7 [i] D. Montgomery i s . Frick, jr., otter bi ) pul] tien, Bronchitis, i 5 5 . = a em 37 Shainin 352 ® Rovertlyon, LR nN Berard Bu By, oa 2.26 Samuel Dobson, Hl 1085 Loss of Appetite, Faintness, Nervous Ir: SADDLERS’ HARDWARE, any account for some months, and yet my hairis | 252 00 Fzikiel Lyon, ot 1. 118 10 Chrigtph’r Derring James Jobugen, preg 2 00 riteblligy. Nearnigia, Painiiation ge B A general assortment, and 50 per cent a8 good as ever, and hundreds have okam ined it i 2 Jer) omer . ou 400 00 Jen} atergan, 3; Won Wits do 1000 i Soars Sse] asters, nt lower than any place else. f i ise. 6 3 old a 55 na. Me > 5 0 anderslice, * Vm. son, I Sweats, I, y ih fiopslse. ssf on Jon kins 325 00 Wm. MeGalley, . a 1 0 A re Eleanor Johnson, do I 30 | siamof oes, Py Suty fatal Funston. OA ERS TOOL whi AINGS CARPEN . i I 1 9 hai 3 350 00 Jona. Walker, » 0 Samwuel Scott, . . James Smith, do 0.721 ed to in time, o “em ! i rato ik Evo ken off a 00 Hannah Primi, " 73 1% 0 pi Soott, H Thos Jot on do 10 88 Irregularities. Also, Liver Derangement VICES, ILS, DRILLS, SCREW ates: Haim men ili 8 Glendon 6 ges demos. do tose nn ud tv prin Bi wi) VOPR GRRE, SORAYA 3 itt v friend; thereby i 124 00 Jno Kennady, 00 80 Geo Swinelord, #110. M0! Ba Ad Sb: Chey «ages eys, > ’ % : S A it, a Hi ES ey infu 128 00 Jas Dennady, i 61 su 60 Adam Bolnide H John Wilson, do 10 00 tinuence of the t rine, or any general 2 STEEL SPRINGS, TRON AXELTREES, BENT trial and then purchased and used it with univer {131 00 Jas. Hepburn, af 841 400 60 Albright Swineford, John Johuston, do 1047 rangement of the Urinary Organs, Pain in FELLOWS, HAMES, &¢. © sal uccese. I will ask as o favor. that you send [131 90 John Cowden, “ S00100 00 Tino nen ¢ James Long, Union, 13 38 the Buck, Side, and betwoen the Should- PAINTS. OILS, GLASS AND PUTTY, COA Restorative, sid by many; § nan fad Inthe [138 09 Tas. Aruton, Bogs, 1090400 00 Mary Jenks % John MeRissan, do’. 13 36 | ff} ure, predisposition to Sligne €old, Hacking OIL AND LAMPS, VARNISH, FLUID. ive, so i - {433 : 03. ) 8 a 1 : N : e yo . A i boi author ie 1% Thos. Gr-aves, Snowshoe, 32.01 30 o Thames favs, Hes Henry Beck, do 13 38 a culty of Breathing, and indeed we might OIL OLOTHs 2 ATEN LEATHER, ROPE AND and I believe where gaod effuote do not follow. the | 150 00 Rich Miles, Boggs, S90 ir 02 George Fox, se War Uni lisle, do 133% enumerate manly more still, but we Jove 0 IRE of every size in abundance. fuilure is caused by the impure article, which cure. | 433 183. Jous. Hervey, Taal 12 407 92 Kearny Wharton, 4 Chass, Wilson do 1128 space only. to say, Theil MY Sus ’ SHOEMAKER’S TOOLS, We cs the inveutor of the good. I deem it my duty, [421 43 John Burgh, Ha foioon, 400. 00 Rechard Parker, re Samuel Phillips do 10.29 debility following Chills and Fever, bu And all other kinds of Goods usually kept as horetafore, vo keep you apprised of the contin- 1433 183 And. Somue's, Boggs, 190 412 124 Thomas Parker, o Tato Black ’ do 13.88 Jrwant all Sitgohe arising fons Miawdtie in a well regulated Hardware Store. ued cifoet on my hair, ‘as 1 assuse all who enquire [433 163 Thos. P_Hale, Curtin, 750 [400 00 Wm. Harrison, ’ SILTID 00 ga do. Z16] A 1 0uenes, Er ney aa! Their stock isan entirely new one, comprising of me of my uushaken opinion of its valuable re. |433 183 Garret Cottinger, a "121433 153 Robt. Rainey, Snowshoe, 5941 U aohn Usoper, 0 if already attacked. And as 8 di- all the leading articles connected with the Hard sults. I remain, dear sir, yours, 80 T.P. Wharton, a 313 125 153 John Hayes, Mies, LTLi333 00 John Dunwoody, do 1029 rectly and persistently upon ihe biliary ware trade, and their facilities for purchasing A. C. RAYMOND. Jonstglans Poses, lim 15 0B atl Moved, IROL 05 960. Re Mamollan do 124 i She Liver sion pie: 00ds not being excelled by any Giber establish. FRR, acker , . C. Weld i Vion shi frei ¥ ! tact, an Be. s able 80) Aaroxs Koy, Kv., Nov. 30, 1838 Murg'c Butler, oo 410 A Harris, : 970200 00 John lrvin, ge A a system, it will infallibly PRAT IooR feria Shomsiiver able Sao Paap, 0.0 30rs Tus, Kv, Yovody, sertain. Jno. Cochran, « anil BLD iii « 1290 200 00 J: Taylor 31 80 prevent any deliterious consequences fol- a iy ous hu in the. eountry, oud favity ly be doing you r great injustice mot to muke Wm. Russell, 4 10.16 { Yo 2... A.D Harris, ’ 5011200 00 do 10,60 lowing upon change of sive and Ratoes Farmers, Mechanics, and all other in need of - Known to the world, ihe wonderful, as woll as the Thos. Russel, DAIS 0 Ta Harris, Re 749 i367 04 1 g do 126.23 hence all travelers should have a bottle Hardware, to call and satisfy themselves of the unexpected result I have experienced from using | 4: Luke Misnor, Suowshoe, 7,97 35 146 Wm. A Thomas, 4 4.951100 00 chael Weidner, do 5.30 with them and all should take a table truth of tho assertion. ONE bottle of your Hair Restorative After using [412 44 David Cargeadon, I 23 406 40 Peter Leitzel, Liberty, 14.08 | \ > Michal Weldno da 5.30 spoonful at least before eating. As it pre- July 18, 1880 Srery Kind’ of Restoratives oucnt. Wit wie rals iit “ “ 15,23 $15. 40° John Jacko, o 1806! 160 00 Michael Weidner, do "0k vents costiveness, strengthens the digest- y 13, § i sucess, and finding wy head nearly destitute of | 287 86 3 7.40 430 00 Christan Smith, £€ 14.80 1 117 00 Bovee Davis, Union, 29 ive organs, it should dele tie hands of all THE CHEAP CASH STORE OF hair, I was finally icdiced to try a bottle of your [400 00 4 Boggs, 1940 429 103 Robert Irvin, ; 6681 50 00 Boyce Davis, do 7.74 eysosd of Sodeniary a] he Stu Tin : I ; Hair Regtorative. Now, eandor and justice aom. | 430 32 te i” 159 198 10 John Potter, Yo TRL we Thos, Burnside, do 271 Iotewy, : itl Mn ont door exercise, Messrs Hoffer Brothers, pelime to announce to whoever may read this, that [ 200 120 > Carly, 439 [483 120 Alex. Hunter, Howat: 70 50 00 B. Pyle & Co.. Walker, 29 A whait. If they will they ! ? J pow possess a new and beautiful head of hair. |113 3 “ “ 13.16 [433 120 John Buyers, « Ji4400 00 Jeremiah Parker, do. S407 Osi siwars ahest) If they wit offi HE Subscribers have just received a new wich § pronaince richer and bandsomer than the [390 37 495 [433 120 Sami Young, « 701! 0 Richard Parker,’ do 240] [f; tin ind an agreeabl ane a a nT and full supply of = Fall and Winter original wes. T will therefore take ogoagionto re- | 43834 00 Moses Hood, Boggs, 94 ]438 120 Benj. Young, | 400 0! 1c kl arker, 0 ; elen bie ly 22 tv 3 for Deans a ds, which, for variety, have never heen equal. commend. his Invaluable remedy to ALL who may | 433 , 120 Hobs Jvay, Lassies, Sze 433 120 Thos. Humilton, . hi [23300 Wm 8. Shipper. Worth, 15 34 Hien oh oe 20d heal i Magid Gong Lm this section of coun. je oki shah is 120 ye a do pile FE per. i 2,04 | 21 141 John Mifflin, do gs Hirth Li the above irregularities continue. try. as purchased the stock of goods on I remain Tepe IT LLENBROCK. hi 120 Jas. Towers, d 9.28 189 2 7 Liogle “ 6.35 129 00 uo. Beanwisk, 3 in 2 0 Then again, the Cordial ha Perfost Moth hand of Mr. Sarg Juehiss, they will continue P. 8.—This teelimonial of my approbation for | 433 120 Fm dey, ; 2 2 189 347 John Harris, i . a i 5 Toe Dawivom, de 15 SE Ree SE or wo before the business at the old stand, : bi «8 12 16 1 3h 0 5 itzel; y . {rause, tberty 76. EF a 4 he 7 your valutbie modisiie. {2s you are aware of) ia 37 o aR oh; 3 8.70 iss 9 ru ral dl] £33 153 Tas Revi do 1730 period with perost eat wed Ci LH No. 2, Reynolds s Arcade. nsolicited (— out 0. a pince F alld . Ik > 2 ! + ). 5 Ce y 2 7s vs hat among the rest Se if you wish; if not RN 415 00 Jes J. Walldce, 2 4 50 00 Jumes MoGhee, 2 $42 430 00 J. M. M’Kinney, Marion. 9 60 0 Is 0 sta a Ww Miron aa i Their stock consists of a general assortinet on v und say nothing: Yours, REV.S. A.B, i 12 Ya ° op d Ea 0 goby Quay, Marion, Te 617 00 Ann Dale, Boggs, 7.07 edgy ga os: to detect the illness Dry Goods, Groceries. Hardware, Queensware ; \ . Yo | oh : ; y The Restorative iz put in bottles of three sizes 423 120 Wm. P. Brady, do 9.23 Go 00 IM McKinney, “960 433 163 Thomas Hall, Curtin, 11 33 or decline not only of your daugters before va net nd Slagwate 1B. thelr line, viz : large, medina and small ; the small hold ; g Henry Shuffer, do 9,28 5 ron Sigfried Miles, 3,03 413 46 Wm. Hood Boggs, 19 10 it be too late, hut also vor sons and hus- including a hos ; fod i i Say 3 : 28{252 00 Dan’ Sigfried. ? 32 | m: yeod, 8! ; ile the fi from false de)- among which oan be found an extensive and varie half a pint and retails for one dollar per bottle ; 433 120 Joo. Housel, do 9.28 192 00 Joremiah Warder, 2.32 433 150 Samuel Seott, Curun, 808 bands, for while t H ormery irom fa t selection of the medinms hold at Jeast twenty por cemt. more | ;3n 13 Jolin Lyon, do 9381 9% 00 Jeremih Parker, Walker, 3.58 104 00 Jac. Sigfried Miles 60 loacy, often goes down to a pistoatnte Qs DRESS GOOD, In proportion than the small, retails for two dollars 413 120 Charles Goben, do 928 91 0) =" Hishntl Parker, “ 358 10 ac. Sigfried, 1 y d grave rather than let their condition be LADIES a bottle , the large holds 3quars; forty per cent [533 135 Thos, Grant, © dv 2231018 00. Jobs Uowmden, Miles, 242° 75 00 Jos. Harrison. ~~ Rush, 3 5 known atime, Sho Jaiter ase Chow so ix. such as more in proportion and retails for thres dotinrs a 433 12 Jobn Brady, do 9 28 424 00 Benj Calhoun, 4 242 103 00 Jno. Harrison, . do 4 ed up Wit he an gia a S10 travel Duals, Persian Cloths, Debeiges, Coburgs, figieia siREan dl 8 EEE, EEE 8 Eiohn CT fw gate MAR for grey Soe amb dy s A Siree b. 2 Jane. 3 olds ** ) p Sid andl noes, hs, Foney Gooda Dealers. 5 2 . Donnelle do 9.2 5 3 in, “ 266 495 157 abt. Rhainey, always vigilant, and to you we confident- = . ’s wear consists of a large as fona Harris & Co., Apert, Bellefoute, Pa. in on fon ot do 9 28 i 9 ND « 242 400 00 John Friend, Huston, 23 40 ly appeal ; for we are ‘sure your never ate geptisiua's we "Cloths, Satinets, Btn, Bellefonte, July 11, '81-1y. . 406 00 Jno. T..Hoover. do 2368 130 00 Robt. Brady, “ 5,19 405 147 Jacob Rush, Rush. 1294 0 failing affection will unerringly point you Vesting, Tweeds, Hate and Ca nd an, exten, HORTAD Haron ih 8 Tain Parker, 9 PA1410 00 Hunn Brady, do 191497 aq. Toho Weidman, do 1348| Win Als Resumiive pe 3 ng sive assortment of Boots and hous for Ludios anit CONRAD HOUSE, lig si- Ale Green, dn 9348 W Kobt Gray, do BLS ARE Fic Weidmn, do 2302) Food Rowvaor 1a His emedy mich Sontlensen 2ud Chitdren, with atmos every other BELLEFONTE, PENNA 1 00 George Eddy, | do Lr " 00 To Ra do. © 480 433 153 Jacob Dentler, do 1384 0. J. WOOD, Proprietor. 444 Brondway, i] a a Agee). supply ths WBpoN? gn 2 3 17 Meee wWinion, Showsboe, 11.5 S00. 00 Wm.darker, do . 242 433 153 Daniel Brenner, 2 2 5 New York, avg Hi a BE ean The pressure of the morey market heviap bad - ET ke 453 153 Wm. Parker, 9 y 112 0 John Dorsey 49 a2 433 163 Edward Bryan, 0 Hy Louis Mo., and sold by a : e the effect of reducing the price of many arlicles F AS THE PLEASURE OF ANNCUNC 133 153 Rebecca waln, do 11.84 328 % Hone Wharton, do 35 1 153 a rs Jr, do 13 84 gists Price One Dollar’ per Sa » of merchandise, The Dorel have: been: ena- ing to his friends and the public in gen- [433 153 Beoj. H. Tallman, do I0800 1005. 00 © Poa Hove! do 258 270 00. Hugh MeIntrre do 16.37 & Jobin Harris & Co., Ag't, Bellefonte; Pa. bled to buy their stock at such raves that they can eral that he has taken charge of this wei] known | 438 183 Eliz. Wharton, do BU %8 00 Wm Parker, do 6L =H h ugh Mel , 01 July, 18. '61-1y. *¥ | sell goods at prices to suit the times. And as they lately under the supervision of J. IT. More. | 438 133 A. 8. Valentine, do TI0195 00 Moore Wherton, do 3 433 00 Adam Reighart, do 6 TTT TT TTT Te | S please their customers, som, and is fully propared to accommodate the |433 153 T. M. Milikin, do nH 0 We Conk, Penn, 73 415 00 Richard Wain, do 763 both in the quality of 8, and prices, they traveling publi= ina siyle and manner commensu- [200 00 N. J. Mitchell, do. 1384 433 153 Mar ha Slough, Rush, 891 250 00 Clem’t Beckwith. Tavlor 23.84 Cc) 2 " hone to receive a reasonable share of patronage. rite with the progressive #pirit of tho times, 73 = 0 Jonny Wheels, Faenatie, i 433 123 Aes Saotk, 4 \ Sa | J. B. MITCHELL. 4 ly /, dite va of goods will please eall an examit a Heisi ssession of all tho modern impr ve- (100 00 John all, s 433 15¢ Jehn Lowden, 0 : : 362. Trea: 5 their stock. . ; 5 ait x Seat I as to sleeping To 438 98 Jumes jai bo 3 193 153 Michael Ross, i Se Bellefonte, April 3 186 Treasurer ¥. B—They will keep constantly on Bund, BE ments, and has supplied hislarder with the choices! a 2) Thuiles Hall, wo 5.46 7 Ji Richard Matooe, 5° gor’ pi ti Fn t TRA TLOER, which they will sell a he : eat |-3 a y sy ’ . o ! vo g ihe miarkete afford, and his Bar with the purest 415 u Jos Shy, . do 8 433 15 Chin, Bbler, 2 as oh he ~ tmocratie d thman, : Country produce of all kinds taken in ex With the most extensivestabling ncoommodations | 358 0 ichard Waln, noi laga : Jacob Deller, a : change for goods. : and into ekilful ostlera together with as | 415 00 Josoph Wain, ds oy 433 153 Sethiss Shousk, Rush, i] ALEXANDER & FUREY, Publishers. $35, 00 Pati in the Dried Lumber and Shingles constantly on . tiduous attention to business, Le {sols justified ir [415 00 Jesse Waln, : 507433 153 Sum I Rankin, Su : —— AYS the entire cost for Tuition in I hand and for seule. SRS. goliciting a shure of patronage and the -support {415 00 John Barrow, do 597 (433 153 Henry] Stout, 3 1949 Per annum, | invariably in Adyunse) 81 22 4 most popular and successful Commercial HOFFER BROTHES| . his friends. 433 80 EH Camby, is 6,21 453 1% Hern Buls o do 18.70 - . i 2 paid Tin 3 Tenis, 2 50 School in the country. Upward of Twelve Hun- Bellofonte, March 28, 1861.—1y." Bellofonte, Oct. 8-°57-42-tf 433 163 ohn Rugg, : 433 153 os n Mo 3 3.86 L pad until y > ip | @red young men from twenty-eight different States # p . in AE en Tero [118 0) Mody Wiarton, 2 2.08 | ha 153 Ferguson Mcllvain, do 13.8 No paper discontinued until all back subscrip have been educated for business here within the CESSATION oF WAR PREPARATIONS! LINTON HOUSE, LOCKHAVEN, PA [133 163 Robert Waters, Snowshoe S73 258 145 Philip Eberman, o I 2 tions are paid, and a failure to notify Hyoontins past three years, some of whom have been employ. \ ii A LIU Ye The subscriber having leased the above | 433 163 Benj. R Morgan, do "01 1350 133 Thomas Grant, do 3 uance at the end of the time subseriv for will o 28 Bonk Knepereat salaries of —_— * nimed Hotel in the borough of Lock Haven, Clin- |483 120 Alex Bell, Curtin, 18.41 1156 “59 Jmaob Stout, do 313 be considered a new engagement PEACE TERMS PROPOSED! ton An Pa., takes Er orticg of informing the as 120 pe 30 1031 on I John Hberman, 2 2333 TERMS OF ADVEBT _.NG. $2000,00 Per Annum! Eh, eM public generally that he has mado every nooessary RSLLInG 4 Jers 7°95 | 353 oun ) ors 13.86 1 insertion. 2do. 3 do. idl the " AS RErE Prine to entertain strangers and travelers in io i] A £9 Dae Th 3 1% Dist mer, i 6,91 | Four lines or less, $ 32 $ ik 8 fa Tisdintely apo graluaing, Sting J; NCOURAGE EY »ssihle manne EL 2 Y S —121i 0 of accounts when tere . v ur citizens hav 1 ars Tae he cen las [308 0. Ios Lugsiett, 0 ve. DE |4ite 1m Tos Biv, Ee a vy 300 | LE Ministers sour half prion. Students enter) fib, uit or mee distant cities. for thelr uries that the country wi' afford, and he is doter. ie 2 Jus mm dv * 16.00 in 388 Thor, Hanon do 6,91" Three squares—36 lines 1 50 200 250 at ahy tine, and review when they please, wit) Jugios and or hu mide thd Sve wlned not tobe surpassed in this department by 433 00 Sammiibe ds 7.991 55: t do 6 91 . 3 mos. 6 mos. 12 mos, | out extra charge. ads tenancing cur home ries, : V ex ; i 433 153 Thos. Grant For catalogue of 86 pages, Bpeoimens of Prof tthe that Say silier Hotel sing the Wout Brune, sthatoan [433 163 Fishburn Wharton, Curtin, 40,67 (135 13 Thos Rose, do. 13.38 giv tines or loss, 8 LE 0 ge | po: Spas) Penmanship, oforeignpsiaphuk mints ey . b je Rin nh este li Tw Peter Hahn, $0 Tor [433 138 Jon Graf P FH One fquare 330.4 1.00. 2.00. 4 oF large Engraving of the College, enclose | Prope rots gave it the preference, over the ‘ ts and RE adies Ostlers will constantly be [419 00 Susan Hab, 3 i John Suds oh > 13,66 | Jo squares, $0 : » % " swenty-five conts In Postage stamps to the Prinoi-| home wanufuotured vehicle, and‘ little attention on hand to take aharge of Lborsesand see that they i 3 Jor. Toumas, % Sen. eh, P oe Foren pias 3 2 : oa 8 to frais JRNTINS & SMITH. Fhbarg. Fd was paid to their durabili yh have ust cpenod 5 EK ’ . he < Ey dmdsd ty, tion of the [415 00 Nathaniel Levy, do Join MeGlam, * | do | 20.80 put Ares, 1000 1400 2608 | oy. JESKL : Bs exporoanco at Rf amy sie Le br 415 00 Thos. Humpkins do Thos Alfivn, go u » One column, 16 00 22 00 40 Oy os i man i, fool cond biden on to be able to rende r general satis 8 “ fe any, 3 Desi 99 » 14°25 2 Over hres wots ar los than three menths, TOTTI MEOETLAN, dent that I oan ri O84 ork so lata y eS ee 8, ‘a1 LE Se x 461 id pn Yusajoy; Mies) Guinger = 3 » i with the number of DEALER IN oi ota oo oy by work. 3X Ae ee a riper = | 37 0 unite! Baird, fu dantzinger, insertions desired, wiil be o forbid y respectfully invite insp tion of my 7 v UT : 433 163 Phoebe Waln do Rich. Atherton, do ih i P y Spettiono i JOHN MONTGOMERY 153 163 Sawol M Fisher, do Hargman Philips, do CLOCKS, WATCHES AND JEWELRY, EE Se on the b espeetfully informs the citizens of Belle [433 163 Sam'l M. Fox, do Bon! i Bo Fj rvvs purchased the stock of Clocks, He ee Rox that he still continues to carry on the [419 i Soren M. Zalman, id Joon Moyer, 1e do i i Watches and Jewelry lately owned by Bible May 30, 1861. Tailoring and Clothing business at his old stand 1s 16 Jos h Kole oh Se ced BH & Moran, and having made large additions to ine : : ; in Brokerliof's Law, on Main street. wher he is | #881 00 = Josesh Kelso, heist. Hal do ? some, respectfully invites the attention ofthe pu CABINET AND UPHO ’ prepared fo make to order, all kinds of Clothing ow 3 EA Coates 3 ons Ju do r ag ciation, and ay: ! lic to his stock, consisting Ndi ao a STERING ESTABLISHMENT. — Js in the neatest and most fasuionable style. 2075 00 4 of Caloh Lawns, do Christ. Hair Jr. do 3 £0 anit atientiogity boinsert. | Silver Watches, Gold Guard and Fob Chains, The subsoriber respectfully informs! ri , § o vid ~ 3 lets, Gents’ Gold ; ; He keeps on hand a general “variety of 2074 00 4 Isaac Longstreth, do Geo. Siough, do 1 pr lividual interest, eanbeinsert. | old & silver Spectacles, Bracelets, ils, | his friends and tho public that he has commenced vos a MPR AND VERT ING Pi : Doug, dd for as an advertisement studs, Wateh Keys, Card Cases, Silver Penci Ls ad a Istering business mn all its CLOTHS, CASSIMERES, AND VESTINGS 33 16: hit, 0 Andrew Schenck. do p Fa ser uas, Wa 3 > ? | the Cabinet an Upho! ring busine; 1 8 i HERS Say appro CINE Ek LE David Hair : guy Es Sites " *asding Sia Viney, ¥57 sen Fluger Rings, EN po Dal) Yeu rious branchos, au will bo Jatt fo ! 3 ALS : .. {426 00 camael Norton, do Alex Scott, de PR ilatlony ror andl f 5 ) ies 3 thicty-bour | work that will compare with: in the hest Ready male Clon oral Winds wiih Jot | 53 10 Samed Norio, do Que hoe, Sh Be) pn I DIE Pn | Ware bo ATE Saivany "Si ion | vor tht wil compe ih ge make a ln ae De ey fouls tnanbtel for] gin op Fata do Christian Schenck, do 2769 fos in ny the communiontion. i public,convinged tha they | oxperisacs in every branshof bu That will bo Boyar to merit orbLinaun bf toe seiner “0 [20 00 Rick. Parker a Tet hen a will moot with. satisfucsion. Ho 18 détompiney traning work to him will bo wsmured that hopes to merit a continuance of the same, 331 00 Jer. Parker o lary Campbell, 138 Hi = me \ ) ? ticle, or offer for | done in a satisfac wii dig AW pa Bellofunte. J an. bth. 1860.-1y. 433 163 Bird Wilson, Sioushos, Jone Alison, 2 2 S8 FHE FRANKLIN HOUSE. fae thything Sher Be TE bei . IFTREPAIRING ppm atinded to. on . BA RY 42 00° Samuel Hall, urtin, on fuse, a 27.69 Y rant. Coamsiderable experience in business, and a | te, in the shop former] ! 1433 163 Ohijah Davis do 3 Tames Allison, do oS ¥ on the Southonst o ; Mo, will pee Ih | Allegheny street, Bellefonte, in Pp formerly MODE AND RARAESS BMDORRM, |i& 1 Saha ho fw h amsden., R40. ran Raving Ses He tho pubs wil give i'd Alloghny See Seifnte,in th hop ose 200 00 Ruth Elicit ¥ 0 s 433 LT) entler, y 3 > Ry S if " id . NH i itn hear hoy coe [HB woes dB de REE G0 gn LUAU OL in ne | EC ny rs i When at 10 NEW Has fitted up the shop jh [415 00 Rebecca Kelso, 0 07 | 4 artholomew | y the 52 ihe Tories pais 7. thot ho TRionin| asin his stock of P ES ooasge an], Bracelets, | : 808 80 Robt Irwin do 567 [42 00. Richard Morris, do 691 whe Hn is prepared i tlemen to examine a very fine lot of RAT IUS Thiasis iA THY oF Alogheny ana Bistiop 8 fe 120 Stn Sephenson, Liberty, 987433 153 Thomas as, ily. eee tingly aos dation to ah me | ens Sontlomen do exumise & vory JR ESPEGTRULLY informs the citizens of ireots; and is now prepared to manufacture Sad- | 406 120 $7, Dustwondy ; do 6,87 o> 3 Fuser § Sore do 1381 muy favor him with their patronage. No pains 157 Repairing and cleaning promptly attend Bellefonte and vioinity that she has just re- ’ dles, Bridles, Harness Trunks, Valises, Whips, | 408 120 Ebn’zr. Benham, 0 we 43: b Isaac W. Mq y 3 27.00. wil) heparan on bis part to add tothe gonyeni-| to. ) ceived from Philadelphia a lotof &c., &o., in a syle superior to avy tnuatashifes o a “© ra, Racker, Quin, 44 is 33 Lashens Ootlindy @ “691. once or cymfore of his guests. Allwho stop with| Bellefonte, Jan. 5, 1860.—tf, ; H : J Ei, i 1P lvania His work is made ofthe | 24 y h Sau 73 hi il find’ 4 i | | Re Fe can be procured, and for neat- | 72 00 John Brady, do . 1579 400 00 Rathiniel Mufjooks 9 2) At WAL Ro IS CABLE r x GE t| of all kinds Sand a superiorlot of 0? a et nm with thotlen | 2 0 DulPlaiten, . ioarty, 702/335 159 don Rie do 143 bundandy supplied with the most sumptuonsture| LO THI WORLD AT LARGE! SKELET KIRTS, ination to put his work up secording to order, 4 se Hall, ’ Ba 0 ng. 1.42 tbundantly su § : ig aul tl ower (hum any mas utatens fh Cord Ri fmipn alg Tei a ye ssnutss VICINITY IN PARTICULAR. | Os i aay je tha aetention of the lads. unt; He politely asks ashare of the public pa [215 00 Simeon Myers, 5 3¢ onry - a 1384 Wost experienced cooks ; while will al- 4 ] b ay 86), 1y, Set) Grn vi as P 420 48 ¥iisne. Myers, jo 3:50 43% 133 Sarisiiy n Stoner, do 1331 Ways contain The subscribers having taken the Store TOT. SER : , 420 48 Michael Myers 0 34 J John Stoner, oi : Johtiston ¥ Fel : E L ui Be IL pcp tit. 1 8 Esther Eddy, ' do log [438 153 Chustian Hess. Moi Topy The Choicest of Luyuars. lor er ce ptt Es kusend vi Having just returned from Philadelphia 0 0 K 8 T0R B 415 00 Casper Wisfer, do 11681433 153 Bonj. F. Morgan, 4 691 | Mis Stabling is best in town, and will always be rity that they will continuo the Li Fn a new and splendid agsortmento GEORGE LIVINGSTON, 830 00 Alex. MoDonald, Gregg, 1.58 133 153 FR Rood, Y 3,45 attended by the most trustworthy and attentive DRY GOODS AND GROCERY BUSINES: | | INTRY ONDE at his well known stand on the North-eastern cor- 283 00 Win. Oak, i Peng, % 2 15850 750] edlon, 3 3.45 hostlers. : he ] RY tire le BUS = vs MILLINERY GOODS, TaN ner of the public square, Bellefonte, keeps 283 00 Thos. i amil on, i 61 1334 153 Ton. Grant, 5 692 Give him Seni), one and all, and he feels con- | in its var one] os an route ry of Uno Tatesh st3708 aud on; we Took] ard do d a large assortmont of 263 00 Jus. Armstrong, do ug 10 a Rh 1384 fident that all will be satisfied with their accom- keep up a full assortm erything hide fash 95; a foal foi stantly on hand alarg 26 00 John Cowden, do 851433 158 Christian Rolf¥er, do modation. kept in any country store, and will sell ‘at prices | please all, bo young and old, Our Sock oon asioales OOKE ©1269 0 00 Jas. Hepham go 95 i% 138 Jotustinn Graff, * 1384 AN EXCELLENT LIVERY which we trust will solicit a share at least of your may 0 proper togiveusa ul. Our 74 B . : Jas. Ke 0 : 0 | 4 5 acoh Myers, oq 3 tronage par) pt BQ 7 «ov ¢ MisopLLANEOUS ‘ 0 29 a Ea do 631433 158 Robert Irvin, do on is attached to gh A Lol Steiger Pr Fagor soley produce taken at full mar- | SILK AND STRAW BORNE 3 IR G oF AND ono : 278° 00 And. Keunady, do 651433 153 John Musser, do 24:20 from abroad will find gre: he GARMAN. | ket prices in oxchange or goods. Bring along your PLAIN AND Fada: ar NG Ale RK Hoos AND STATIONERY 322 00 Christ. Dering. Gregg, 12 2 123 153 Hida Peters, $4 32 | Bellefonte, Jan. 9. 1862, Grain, your Daves, your Dune, your Nags oe ue all ether articles generally pt piel € Dogs | ; ¥ 54 00 Charles Hall do 12,69 1433 163 aul Bush, ! Renan? ! Rags, your Tallow, you: Lard, your Hard Soap, re. : ro Be. | EMATICAL INSTR ar ulity ia 31 Wm. Hopi do. 3831433 163 Paul Black, do 5a | oe Baos Wax, your Feathers, and in oase you We have Jrazured or love of one of the i MATHEMA Sol dn, 382 129 - John Cowden do 303 433 163 Paul Such do eo 4d nothing of this kind your ezsk will never Bb | most experienced Milliners in Wha dic i PORT FOLIOS, &e. &e. Wl Siri Ie a hy CoWded, = 1201437 108 Jone Dartand, pH 6.91 9 Catharti Pil refusod. JOUN HIBLER & CO, | Bishop street, next door to theold: a 3 BE hare ordor at a small advance 38 69 Berard Liubiy, do 4,60 | 433 163 John Kelley, a 3 | yer S GC 1 2S. Boalsburg, April 20, 1880—tf, Bellsfonte. May 3,61. MARY . 98 Lio elty brio 400 #9 Michael Gratz, Hains 1,781 433 163° John Bush, Se : Junel8-ti:8. REQ. LIVINGSTON y , sa aa SE