company. LOCAL AND OTHER MATTERS. Axoraer Fies. —Last Sunday night, about ten o'clock, our citizens were alarmed by the ery of “fire !” and! on repairing to the spot, found the hogse of Jane Butler, an old colored woman, living in Bishop street, in flames. The conflagration is supposed to have originated tiough carelessness on the “part of the occupant of the house, in piacing a candle too neur her bed, when she retired for the night. = The house was burned to the ground, together with everything in it, save a few articles of trifling value. For some time considerable anxiety was felt for the house next above 1t, but as the building on fire was but a small- one, it seon burned «down, and thus relieved its neighbor of all danger. : As usual, there was nothing on hand t, put the fire out with, even had the building been worth saving We believe there is an engine in town some where, but we wunder- stand it is not in working order. Wo hear that there is now some talk of raising a fire This would be a good idea, but we suppose it will all end in talk, as is gen- erally the case after the excitement caused by the immediate danger of fire has abated. However, we hope the young men will go to work and raise a good “Fire Company,” and get the old engine in working order once more. o RerurNenp Hone. —Ira O. Mitchell, Esq., after an absence of nearly eight months, has returned to his office and resumed his pros fessional duties. Mr. Mitchell has been en gaged in the recruiting service, and during fast fall and winter was in charge of Camp Crossman, at Huntingdon, Penna, which was established by him. The 84th and 110th Regiments, that did such gallant work among the rebels at Winchester recently, were re «cruited and organized under his auspices. — “The numerous clients and friends of Mr, M, will be glad to welcome him again to our " mnidst, AE 077 We learn that there was quite a nice Gittle muss kicked up on the corner of Alle- gheny and Bishop street, (generally known as strychnige corner) the other night, be- tween a couple of ‘‘covies,”” both about “three sheets in the wind.” in which there was some fancy sparring and swearing done, to the infinite gratification of a small crowd of lookers on. These little exhibitions are becoming quite frequent of late, and are Her iron sides The balls defied Which at her ribs did knock ; They would rebound With rattling sound. Like brickbats from a rock. But to attack The Merrimac The Monitor came out ; The hard shells too {n minutes few The rebels did rout. Thus ships are best Iniron dressed ; But men who broadcioth wear Should make a call At A. Sternberg & Co's Hall, To view one of the largest Spring stocks there, Ever brought to this town. It will be sold at Wholesale and Retail, from thirty to forty per cent cheaper than any other house ean sell ~it.— Suits made to order ; then we are dircetly connec ted with a City Clothing Manufactory, and able to give the bargains we promise. : A, STERNBERG & Co.. Diamond Square, Seeond door east of Livingston's | Book store FC Offers his se public asa | ECRIVENER & CONVEYANCER. ceeds. Mortgages, Bonds %o | neatly executed. | i The Acco Adminis’ mtors, Executors, | BE | Guardi rastees stated. March i C UTION. - \ll personsare hereby cautioned agaivst purchiasis g or meddling with the following | property, tov Ons three-year old Colt, one i Cow; and one two-horse Wagon. nowin the pos- | session of Frederick Dale. us the same belong to | me and have only been left with him on loan. SAMUELDALE. 20. 1362—3t Rush township, Ma Ie COLLECTORS. i Whereas, the County is deeply in | debt, and interest annually aceruing thereon, and | whereas, the present amount of outstanding tax- | es. is at leagt $20,000. which, if collected and paid { into the Treasury, would enable us to pay off a large portion of our debt and stop interest there- on. therefore Resolved : That | Commissioners’ Att the County Treasurer and ney be are he instruct. 11 out ious to the 1861; after giving the Collectors of tcwnships reasenable notice : and 8 from this date shall be deemed suffi- it time for such notice. And the aforesaid casurer and Commissioners’ Attorney shall, in like manner, prosved to eollest all outstanding xes for the yew AD, 1861. immediately after i the August Coart of A D., #362 > | 1RA FISHER, | JOHN MecUALMONT, AMOS ALEXANDER, Co. Comm’rs. Attest, 8. M. Inwiyx, Clerk. Commissioners Office, 4t. Beilefonte, March 20. PETITIONS FOR LICENSES. : Notice is hereby given that the following named persons have filed their petitions, and intend making application to the next Court of Quarter Sessions, for license to sell liquors, viz : H. B. Mussina, Tavern, Haines Twp., Jonas A. Fry, do do Christian Hubler, do do John Russell, do do Peirsol Lytle do Ferguson Twp., John Spangler, do Potter Twp,, George Foust, do do Daniel D. Guldia, ao do Jno DD. MeGirk, do Rush Twp., D. B. Etner. do Halfmoon Twp., Daniel Kuues do Liberty Twp., J. Q. Williams, do 0 Edward Brown, do Bellefonte Boro’, George Taylor, do Unionville do W. W. MéKin do Worth Twp , Samuel Boyer, do Walker do James Furey do Howard, J. W. Gardner, do Howard, iienry Shaler do Miles Twp, Margaret Wolf. do Boalsburg, Martin Murphy. do Burnside wp, Sarah Corman do Spring Twp. Daniel Boileau, do Milesburg. J. H Gahlor. & Co., do Rush Twp . Adam Baum, Store, Bellefonte Boro’, Robert Loyd, Tavern, Rush Twp, Wm. Myers, do do R A Rittevhouse, do Boalsburg, Adam M. Stover, do Miles Twp, Daniel Kreamer, do do Wm. Musser, do Gregg, Jno. H. Morrison, do Spring, Geo. Miller, do Potter, John Hewes, do do T, M. Hall, do Milesburg Boro’, Benjamin Walker, do Boggs Twp, Martin Dolan, do do Tobias Wetzel, do Walker, J. B. Ettell & C. Neff, Store Bellefonte Boro’, May & Loeb, do do Jno, McMonigol, Tavern Bellefonte, Daniel Garman, de do Jeremiah Butts, do do Abraham Sussman, Store Bellefonte, John Copenhaver, Tavarn, Taylor Twp. Wm. Myers, do, Rush Twp. JOHN T. JOHNSON, Clerk of Sessions. | Bellefonte, March 27th, 1862. | ee ee | PHONOGRAPHIC SHORT HAND. | JADIES AND GEN (LEMEN OF lellefonte and viewity, are respectfully informed that classes will be opened for the study of the above beautiful Ari of Writing, ! in this place. and will continue for two months. |, AFREE LECTURE will be given on the suh- | Jeet. in the Arbitration-room of the County Court House. on Saturday evening, the 29th inst, com- meuncing at 8 o'clock, where particulars will be given and classes opened. DAVID P. FRANCES, Y Professor of Phonography. N. B.—Private instructions given if required. Bellefonte, March 27th, 1862 D. B. F BR. Z. W. THOMAS, PHYSICIAN AND SURGLON, MILESBURG, CENTRE CO., PA, Respectfully offers his services to his friends and the public. Office on Mill Street, opposite the National Iotel. Drs. J. M. McCoy, ‘8. Tuompsoxn, sil 8ST, Or TaoNAs. Murch 20, 1862-=1y Refers to - Notice to | tate of Hywointh B. Treziyulny, deo’d, late of | er the present Principal. will | License Applicants. In order that there may be no misunder- 3 standing as (0 the terms upon which appli TRAL PRESS and DEMOCRATC WATOU- MAN for the future, the undersigned pub lishers hereby give timely notice that they will strictly adhere to the following : Resolved, That we will. from the date hereof, refuse to publish any application for tavern license unless the sum of one dollar for every such ap- | plication be paid in advance to each pub isher. | KURTZ & STOVER | ALEXANDER & FUREY. Bellefonte Feb. 13th, 1862. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Letters of Administration on the Estate of Jacob Weaver, deceased. late of Gregg township. having been granted t+ the undersign ed, all persons knowing themselves indebted to said estate, are requested to make immediate | payment, and those having claims against said | Estate are required to present them, duly authen | ticated, for settlement. JOHN SHANNON. | D. W. WEAVER, ! March 13, 1862-—6t. Adm’rs. ; ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Letters of Administration, Com Testamento Annexo, on the Estate of Jacob Rocky, deceased, having been granted to the un- dersi med, all persens knowing themselves in- debted to said Estate ave requested to make im- mediate payment, and those having claims; agaiast it are required to presout them duly au- | thenticated, for settlement. GEO. SHAEFFER, Adw’y. March 13, 1862 —6t. J& OLLOCK'S IMPROVED DANDELION COFFEE. This pieparation, made from the best Java Coffee, is strongly recommen- {ded by physicians as a superior NUTRITIOUS | BEVERAGE for General Debility. Dyspepsia, | and all Bilious disorders. Thousands who have been reluctantly compelled to abandon the use of Coffee, will find they can use tnis combination without any of ths injurious effects they formerly experienced. : [37 One can contains the strength of two pounds of ordinary Coffee For sale by all Druggisis and Grocers, and by the Manufacturer, corner of BROAD and CHEST- NUT Streets, and by JOS. B. BUSSIER & CO., 108 and 110, S WHAR GES. . Price nts March 6th I] ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTIC. » Letters testamentary on the Es- | tate of John M. Lueas, late of Curtin township, | dece 1, dated Feb. 18th, 1862, having been {granted to N. J. Mitchell and D. W. Hall, of rd township. all persons indebted to said ¢ are requested tomal e immediate payment ar sc having claims against it are required to present them, duly authenticated, for sett!ement. N. J. MITCHELL, D. W. HALL, Ad's. A N. ALLISTER. JAMES A. BEAVER MPALLEST IR & BEAVER, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, DRELLEFONTE, PENN’A. Feb. 27T—6t, J. D. SHUGERT, ATTORNEY AT LAW, BELLEFONTE, PENN" _ Office in the Court House, with the Treasurer. : JAMIES HI. RANKIN, ATTORNEY AT LAW, . BELLEFONTE, PENNA Office, on the. Diamond, one door west of the Post Office. BDMUND BLANCHARD. E. M. BLANCHARD E.&0 BE BLANCHAR D, ATTORNEY AT LAW, BELLEFONTE, PEN'NA Office formerly occupied by Curtin & Blanchard on Main street, INGLE, SURGEON DENTIST, YELLEFONTE, CENTRE C€O., PA. 1s now prepared to wait upon all who may desire ais professional services. Rooms at his residence on Spring street. DR. J. B, MITCHELL, POYSICIAT & SURGEON, BELLEFONTE, CENTRECO., PA. Will attend to professional calls as heretofore; he respectfully offers his services to his friends ana the public. Office next door to his residenca on Spring street. Oct 28-58-tf. IRA C. MITCHELL, CYRUS T, ALEXANDER, BEYCHELL & ALEXANDER, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, BELEFONTE. PENN‘A Office in Reynolds’ Arcade on the Diamond Ira ©. Mitchell has associated C, T. Alexander with bim in the practice of law, and they will give prompt attention to all business entrusted to them in Centre, _Mifilin, Clinton and Clearfield counties, oy A. 0. FURST, ATTORNEY AT LAW, BELLEFONTE, PA. \ ILL practice in the several Courts ¢ Centre and Clinton counties. All leg: I isiness entrusted to his care will receiye pron; a tention OF FICE—~On the North-west corner of the Die amond. P.M THATS, SURVEYOR, JacrsonviLLe, CeNTRE Co., Pa. Has recently located in Jacksonville, Cencre county. Pa., and would hereby inform the public generally that he is prepared to do all kinds of Surveying acearately, also tofill out Deeds, make Plots, &e., of Lands upon the shortest notice.— His charges are very reasonable Give him a "Ootober 1. W10w, Gollection Offices. DG RUSH, BELLEFONTE, Centre Co., Pexya. BUSH & McCULLOUGH, (tr. J. M'cuLLovan.) CLEARFIELD, Clearfield Co , Pa. BUSH & McCORMICK, (Cc. 8 M’CORMICK,) LOCK HAVEN, Clinton Co., Pa., BUSH & ALLEN, (R. P. ALLEN,) WILLIAMSPORT, Lycoming Co., Pa. REFERENCES :—Drexel & Co., Phil’a, Mason & Co, Phil’a, Smith, Bowen & Co., Philadelphia Shields & Brother, Philadelphia, T. Conrow, Philadelphia, Sower, Barnes £ Co., Philadelphia Hon. J. 0. Hale, Bellefonte, Hon. J. W. Maynard, Williamspoet. J. Tome, Port Deposit, Md. Feb. 21, 1862—1y. BANKING HOUSE, a me (YR WM. F. REYNOLDS & CO., BELLEFONTE, CENTRE C0., PA, Bills of exchange and Notes discounted. Col. lections made and procecds promptly remitted. — | cations for license will be published in CEN i i peer art rg —— AYER’S a CATHARTIC PILLS. Are yon sitk, foeble, and complaining? Are you out of order, with you system de ranged, and you feciings amr comfortable? Ti toms we often py, Serious iliness, 4 some At of creeping pen you, 1 be averied by a mors ~ purify the blood, nud let the fluids move on nnob- structed in hewith asain, 2 They stimulate the functions of the body ito vigoieus aes tivity, purify the sy« 3 the obstructions which make disease, A cold suttles somewhere in the body, and ob- strnets ite natural functions. These, if not relieved, sacl tipen themselves and the surronuding organs, pro. general aggvavation, sulioring, and d . While in this condition, oppressed by the deran, take Ayer's Pills, and” sce how divectly they res natural action of the system, and with it the haoyay feeling of health again. What is true and so apparent in this trivial and common complaint, is also true in many of the d ented and dangerous distempers, Tle samo purgative effect expels them. Cansed by similuy obstruz tions and derangements of the natural functions of the body, they are rapidly, and many of them surely, cured by the same means. None who know the virtues of these Pills, will neglect to employ them when suficring from the disorders they cure. : Statements from leading physicians in come of the principal cities, and from other well Known public per- sons. From a Forwarding Merchant of 8, Louis, Fil 4 Dr. Aven: Your Pills ave the paragon of nil that iy groat in medicine. They have cared my little danghtor of ulcerous sores upon her hands and fest itt laud proved incarable for years, Her mother has been tou evs icted with blotches und pimples on her skin and in her hair. After our child was cured, she also tried Pills, and they have cured her. i yan ASA MORGRIDGE. As a Family Physic. From Dr. E. Wa Cartwright, New Orl-ans, Your Pills are the prince of purges. Their excellont qualities surpass any eathartic we possess. They are mild, but very certain and effectual in their action on the bowels, which makes them invaluable to us in the daily treatment of disease. Headache,SickIleadache, Foul Stomheh. From Dr. Edwird Boyd, Baltimore, Dear Bro. Aven: Icannot answer you what complaints T have cured with your Pills better than to say all tut we ever treat with a purgative medicine. 1 place great depen- dence on an effoctunl cathartic in my daily contest with diseaso, and believing as T do that yonr Pills afford us the best wo have, I of course value them highly. Prrrssera, Pa, May 1, 1855. Dr. J.C. Aver. Sir: T have heen repeatedly eared of the worst headuchn any body ean have hy a dose or {wa of yomr Pills, It seems to arise from a foul stomach, which they cleanse at onee., Yours with great respect, ED. W, PREBLE, Cleric of Steamer Clarion. Bilious Disorders — Liver Complaints. From Dr. Theodore Bell, of New York Cty. Not only are your Pills ndmirs adapted to their pny- pose as an aperient, but T find their honeficinl effects upon the Liver very mavked indeed. They have in my prac- tice proved more effectual for the cure of bilions com plaints than any one remedy 1 can mention, 1 sincerely rejoice that we have at length a pirgative which is wore thy the confidence of the profession and the paople. y general and hospital practice ever since you made then, wad cannot hesitate to say they are the best cathartic we employ. Their regu- lating action on the liver is quick aud decided, conse- quently they are an admirable remedy for ders ments of that ergan. Indeed, I have seldom found a case of bilious disease so obstinate that it did not readily yield toe them. Fraternally yours, ALONZO BALL, 3M. bb, Liysician of the Martie Hozpilol. Dysentery, Diarrheen, Relax, Worms. From Dr. J. G. Green, of Chicago Your Pills have had a long trial in my practice, and 1 hold them in estoem as one of the Lest apericuts 1 u ever found. Their alterative effect upon the liver mnkes them an excellent remedy, when given in smnll doses for Lilious dysentery and divrisa. Their sogar-conting makes them very acceptable and convenient for the use of women and ehildren. Dyspepsia, Impurity of the Blood. Lom Leva J. V. limes, Pastor of ddvent Church, Boston, Dr. A¥er: I Lave used your Pills with extraordinmry success in my family and among those Lam called to visi in distress. Wo regulate the organs of digestion and purify the blood, they are the very bost remedy I have ever known, and I can confidently recommend them to my friends. ; is. Yours, J. V HIMES Warsaw, Wyoming Co., N. Y,, Oct. 24, 1835, % Pills in my pr ive to cle i system and purify the fountains of te blaod, JULIN G. MEACHAM, M.D. Constipation, Costiveness, Suppression, Riacumatism, Gont, Sara Drop- £y, Paralysis, Fits, ete. From Or. J. I. Yang, Montreol, Conada. Too much cannot 1 id of your Pills for the eure of costiveness. If others of our fraternity have fand the as efficacious us 1 have, they should join me in proctiin- ing it for the benefit of tho titudes who suffer fiom that complaint, which, aithongh bad enongh in itself, is the progenitor of others that are worse. 1 believe eos tiveness to o tain the Hyer, but your Pills aftect that organ and cute the discase, From Mrs, E. Swart, Ph sician and Midwife, Boston. wes of your Pills, taken at the tives of the natural secre- 2 ad also very . ! I worms, They ¢ have that I recommend proper time, tien when wholly or partial effectual to cleanse the sto are #o much the best physic no other to my pationts, From the Rev. Dr. Huwlies, of the Methodist Epis. Clawrch, Preiser Hous vannah, Ga.. Jan, 6, 1836. Hoxorrn Sin: I should be ungratedul for the valief your skill has brought we if 1 did not report my case to you. A cold settled in my linbs and bronght on excrn- clating newralyic pains, which ended in chronic rheuma- tism. Notwithstanding T had the best of physicians, the disease grew worse and worse, untii by the advice of yonr excellent agent In Baltimore, Dr. Mackenzie, I tried your Pills. Their effocts were slow, but sure. By persevering in the use of them, T am now entirely well. SENATE Ciamprr, Baton Rouge, Lau, 6 Dee. 1853. Di. AvER: T have been entirely cared, by your Pills, of Rhewnatic Gout— a painful disenso that had afiicted me for years. VINCENT SLIDELL. A of the Pills in market contain Mercury, which, although a valuable remedy in skilful hands, is dangerous in a public pill, from the dreadful couse- quences that frequently follow its incantions use. Those contain no mercury oramineral substance whatever. Price, 25 cents per Box, or 5 Boxes for $1. Prepared by Dr. J. ©. AYER & CO0., Lowell, Mass, For sale by J. Harris & Co.. Bellefonte. a1d ous dealer in every village throughout the county. COUNTY NOTICE. HEREAS, at a meeting of the Board of Relief, held in the Comunssioners’ Office, at Bellefonte, forthe county of Centre, we have found it necessary to make a reduction of former rates allowed to those who have heen tha recipients of its benefits. And whereas the funds assessed for that purpose have been expended, and several thousand dollars over, therefore aw- in to the state of the finances of the county, we have found ourselves compelled to passthe follow- ing Resolutions : At a regular meeting of the Board of Reli f. hell Feb. 25th, 1862, at the Commissioners Office in Telefunte, the following proceedings were had, to wit: Resolved, That the Board of Relief refuse sup; port to all applicants who have not been heads of families and their actual supporters previous to their enlistment in the service of the United States ; and that they will not consider any cluims for the beenfit of sons of fathers except where sueh fathers are known to be gick or srippled. ; Resolved, That after the first day of April next the present rates of soldiers’ fumilies shall be re- duced tothe following rates to wit : For a wife, S$ $6 and one child, 1.25 £8 and two children. 1,75 and for all other children 25 cents per weck cach, for every child under 14 years old. Resolved, "That these proceedings be signed hy the Board and be published in all the papers in Interest paid on gpecial deposits. Exchange in the eastern cities constantly on hand for sale. Depos- | it8 receivea i : ete HL Nad B.C. HUMES. H.N. MALLISTER. J. 1. mae | A. G. CURTIN. DEPOSIT BANK, Ayer’s Cherry Pectoral. . BELLEFONTE, CENTRE CO., PA. Deposits Received —Billsof Exchange and No Discounted —Interost Paid on Special Deposits— Collections Made, and Procesds Remitted rompt- y—Ezchange on the East constontly on hand | —P | HUMES, McALLISTER, HALE & CO. | the County. JOIN 8. PROUDTOOT, S. STROHECKER, Associate Judges. IRA FISHER, JOUN McCALMONT, A. ALEXANDER 5 County Commassioners. Attest 5. M. Inwiy, Clerk. Feb. 27. 62 3t nh Ayer’s Cherry Pectoral.