TTT i Fon i Miseellungous, | ' “and assuming a serious air. _ peared at the second story window. ST I sac Ol emocratic Gatchman, BELLEFONTE, THURSDAY 1ORNING, APRIL 10, 1862, The Disguised Lieutenant, INCIDENT OF THE REVOLUTION. It was while the American army was freezing and starving at Valley Forge, and the British army were rioting and luxuriat~ ing in Philadelphia, that a lame, dirty, beg. garly looking fellow, walking with a crutch, approached the northern outpost of the royal forces, and, with a simple, idiotic laugh and leer, announced his intention of entering the city, and taking the British General prison- er. ‘Indeed ! then I shall be under the ne- cessity of arresting you.” said a young sub altern, winking at some of “his companions, “He! hé! ho!” laughed the idiot ; “just you try it—that’s all.” *“ Why, my good fellow, what would you do ¥’ “Do !" exclaimed the other, drawing himself up with an air of defiance —*‘ why, I'd tell the great General Washington.” ** Then, I'm afraid to enter upon your ar- reat, 80 pass on ; you will probably find Qen, Howe prepared to receive you.” The 1diot suddenly looked troubled, glanc- ing bout him wearily and suspiciously, as if be feared he might meet the general he was 80 boldly going to capture, but finally hobbled off toward the city.” With some such silly dialogue he got past the diff-rent sentries, who seemed to give him no thonght beyond the amusement of the time. By night he was fairly within the town, and kept on his way sometimes humming snatch 8 of old songs, and, in general, not much noticed by any. Through one street after another, he continued to hobble forward, until he came to one of great length, con- taming a block of three story respectable looking houses, which might havo been oc~ cupied by persons in middle circumstances. This street was not lighted, and appeared deserted, so that when he stopped before one of the dwellings he was not perceived. He knocked at the door. A woman's head ap * Won't you give me something to eat, ma'am § I'm nearly starved,” said the idiot. © Yes, poorfellow I replied the woman, in a kindly tone ; “in a minute TI will band you soinething.’’ . Boon after a lower shutter was pushed back, and a hand containing some bread and meat was thrust out. ** Mother," said a low voice. ** Gracious Heaven !"” exclaimed the fe. male within, in au agitated tone. ** Hush returned the beggar in a guard- ed whisper. ‘A moment after the door was thrown open. * Yes, ma'am—thank you—don't care if [ do,” 88 if in answer to an invitation to come in, at the same time crossing tho threshhold with an appearance of deep humiliation. The moment the door closed behind him, the man dropped his crutch, and flang his arms around the other. fairly sobbing — © *“ Nother 1 dear, dear mother !” ¢ William I’ exclaimed the other, press« ing the ragged mendicant to her heart ; “oh, wy dear, dear William ! what is the mean. ing of all this ? and how is it that I find you 1 this sad plight 3”, + “1 have passed the British lines in this disguise, playing the fool to the sentries, — But tell me how you are dear mother and bow you fare in these troublesome times 2” {*Inditferently well, my son. The British are our misters hiére ; but so far I have lit~ tle to complain of in the way of personal treabment, Provisions are very scarcé and [if heis in your house, of which we are Major General McCiellin was visited at his "quarters, near Fairfax Seminary, Virginia, high, and only by the strictest economy shall | 1 be able to live through, if they continue to rotdin possession of the city any consider able time. Your sister Mary is at your wacle’s in Delaware. and will deeply regret that she has missed this opportunity of see- 10g you.” «Are you alone, mother 2’ “No ; two English gentlemen are board- ing with me.’ “Do they belong to the army 2" inquired- young man quickly, anxiously ; ‘and are they in the house 2” " “No. they appear to be private gentle men of some means, and neither is within at present. But you look troubled ; have you anything to fear, my son §’’ i 41 I'm detected, I nay be hung as a ” le wide ! “Good Heavens !” exclaimed the mother, in alarm ; “you terrify me, Are you here without permission ? without a pass + Yes—did Tuot say I played the fool to the seutries, and got past them “But I thought thay was for your own amusement. Oh, William if you should be iscovered. Why did you ventare in this dosperate manner 1 © %T could not got a pass, and I was so anxious to see you and Mary, that I resolved | $9 risk all.” : * Quick, then, come up stairs and leg me fixup a hiding place at once, before anything happens. Oh, William, I am so alarmed.” Both hastened to the third story, and af- | ter considering several places, decided that the loft, close under the roof, might be the best place for concealment, as the trap door leading te it could be fastened underneath, which would tend to blind the search ;— while the young mau, if pressed, could es- cape to the roof, and by means of a long rope, fastened to the chimney. could lower himself either into the street or yard. This would not insure his escape, but it was the begt plan the two could think of, and served to render both less fearful of detection and th= serious consequences. Having provided the rope, the mother hastened to bring up large quantities of food, which he soon be-~ gan to devour with ravenous appetite, which showed he had told no untruth when in the character of a beggar, he had declared him self in a state bordering on starvation. While he was eating, his mother plied him with questions concerning the army at Val- ley Forge, in which he bad a leatenant’s commission, and which he had left on a fur lough, and the answers of the young soldier depicted a state of destitution and suffering that caused his hearer to weep for very sym- pathy. Three thousand sofdiers were down on the sick list at one time. and without the common necessaries of life, had perished by hundreds ; while of those capable of doing daty, scarcely any had a blanket to ®over him at night, or food erough to keep soul and body together. Pale emaciated, ragged and dirty, mady with their bare feet upon the frozen earth, they walked shivering through the camp by day, and crowded themselves together by night, to get what little warmth they could from each other's bodies—the most forlorn and wretched set of beings that ever a nation called to arms. * God help us !” ejaculated the mother. in a dejected tone. “I suppose, after all our hardships. we shall be compelled to snc cumb to our tyrannical foes.” “Never !” cried the young offizcr, “while there is a thousand men left 1n oar country to make a desperate stand. We ean only be conquered by ann bilation ; and if it is God's will that a tyrant should rule over this broad continent, not a single true heart will live to feel the oppression and disgrace, Ere that time, dear wother, I shall be be yond the reach of earthly monarchs !" “ God bless you William !”' cried the mother, enthusiastically grasping his hand. * Your father’s spirit speaks in you. He died ou the battle field with those sentiments in his heart ; and I freely give you—my son and hope—to the glorious cause whieh his blood and that of thousands of others has hallowed.” For several days the intrepid young offi cer remained beneath his mother's roof, sup posing his presence to ba known only to themsevs. But, one day at the end ofhis fur~ lough, when he was beginning to think about preparing for his secret departure, an officer and six men appeared at the door. and said he had orders to arrest one William Ruggles, supposed to be somewhere in the dwelling. + Why, that 18 my son,’ said the widow y "{in great trepidation. “So much more likely that he ghoald be here, then,” was the unfeeling reply. ‘“ And for what would you arrest him, and what will be done with him if found 2” ‘ We shall take “him for a spy, and if found guilty, he will bs hing. of course, as every cursed rebel should be. Here you Bent and Waltres, begin the search: and you, Jones and John son remain where you are. Sharp, now all of you ! Let the fellow be taken alive, if possible—but, alive or dead, let him be taken. Now, good women strongly assured, let him appear. and save yourself much trouble ; otherwise, the con- sequence be on your own head.” If you think my son is in the house, search to your heart's content!” returned the mother, externally calm, internally suff ering. : And forthwith the seqreh began. Meantime. the young lieatenant, who had heard enough to comprehend his danger, had set about effecting his escape, but not alto gether in the manner first intended. —H, went on the roof, it is true, and ‘tied the long rope to the chimney casting one end of it down toward the street. but this only for a blind. He had seen that the bricks of the dividing wall between the houses occa pied by his mother, and one or two adjoin- ing buildings, had been loosely put up under the ridge-pole, and his present design was to remeve a few of these, crowd through in to the loft of the other house and then re. place them. This purpose he effected be fore the soldiers searching for him came up near enough to hear the litle noise he was compelled to make. The open trap door of the roof, and the rope around the chimney, Served to mislead them as he had hoped, and it was with intense satisfaction that he heard them announce the manner of his es- cape. lmmediately after the whole party left in haste, first threa tening Mrs. Ruggles with subsequent vengeance. for harboring concealing and conniving at the escape of a | rebel spy, even though the man were her son. When fully satisfied that the soldiers had gone young Ruggles had attempted to re. | turn into his mother’s dwelling by the way he had left, but in again displacing the | bricks for this purpose, one of them slipped ‘and went down through an open trap door, ‘upon the floor below, waking a loud noise. Immediately after, a light flashed up through | the opening, and a t:mid female voice de | manded who was there 2 Here was a dilemma. Should the young soldier reply, he would be exposed; and should he keep silence, a search would be | made, which might prove more serious in its "consequences. Whet was to be done? a sudden inspiration.seized him. It was a woman's voice, and women are seldom steel- ed to pity. He would m ke kimself known to her, appeal to her sympathies, and throw himself upon her mercy. ¢ Lady,” he began in a gentle tone, cal- culated to reassure his fair hearer, « ke not alarmed. 1am a friend in distress, the son of your next n-ighbor. Iam hunted as a spy by the British soldiers, and if found my life will be forfeited. If you cannot pity me for God's sake pity my poor mother, and assist me for her sake!” He presen ed himself at the opening to the loft and boldly descended the loft leading down from it directly before the lady, a sweet beautiful girl of eighteen, who stood with a light in her hand. and seemed dumb and motionless, with a commingling of fear, surprise and curiosity. The young man continued to speak as he descended, and hurriedly went on to narrate all that had occarred, concluding with the search of the soldiers, and his escape into the loft above. “ Thank God, it is in my power to aid you, sir!” were the first words of the girl, spoken with a look and feeling of sympathy that made the heart of the young soldier bound with strange emotions. She went on to tell him, that a cousin from New Jersy, about his size and build, looking not unlike him, was then on a visit to the family, hav. ing a pass from General Howe. This pass she had been looking at, and, by accident, it was in her possession; the cousin having gone out with the rest of the family and forgotten it. * Take it and fly, and way God preserve you,” she suid; ** [ cau arrange it with my kinsman, I can have lost it, and he can easily procure another.” @rigiual Pogtry. Dad’s Mistake. Written for the Watchman. ] They say that we ve go the tariff, John ! Hurrah, for the good old times, That our party has promised so long, John, That will fill our pockets with dimes ! "You know that they told us we'd dine, John, On dainties—our tables would shine With dishes of silver and gold, John, Our drinks should be nothing but wine. Now, go to the stable quick.John— And saddle the old gray mare, And gallop away to town, John, And ask of the prices there. I know that the price of grain, John, Is higher than ever before, And stgro goods are jiSt as cheap, ‘John, Zounds! cheaper—are things in the store. This tariff will bring their goods, John, Way down to nothing at all ! And our grain the highest price, John, When we go to sell it this fall. Ride fast—don’t stay very long, John— Speed on like a flying cloud — I’m anxious to gee if those speakers, John, Who yelled so thunderin’ loud ; I’m anxious !o see if they told the truth— I'll deglare I have had my doubts ; It would make such fools of us all, John, Who answered their yells with shouts. They told us such splendid things, Johu, And said itin such a voioe, With outstretched arms and flashing eyes, They said we should take our choize. “Now choose ye the good old Tariff, men, With Linco'n to steer your bark; And Hamlin to work the wheel, men, Then down goes the Douglas ark ; They never can raiso her up, men— Her planks are rotted away ; She lies fifty fathoms deep, men, The billows will haste hor decay.’’ * * * * » * * * Why, I see you are back very soon, John ! Now what is the news in town ? Pray, tell me very quick, John, Is grain going up or down ? ‘“ A very few words will serve, Dad, To tell you the news of the day ; I had hardly got in the store, Dad, E'er I heard the store-keeper cay : ‘Now, clerks, put a tax on the sugar— Then clap a tax on the tea : And don’t you forget the coffes, For that is the highest, you seo. The molasses we’) tax right smart, boys, It's something our customers use, That they nevercould do without, boys— Now, a heavy tax on the shoes. ¢ We'll be sure and put on enough, boys— She hurried him down stairs, throwing a clo ‘k on his shoulders on the way, which she insisted upon his wear «, saymg thatit had belonged toa deceased brother and he | conld return it at any future time. She then hastened to get the pass, which she placed in his hand and urged him to go at once ment,” he said. + No, no —leave all to me—I will explain all to her—go while you can, before it is too late.” + God in Heaven bless you, sweet lady I? he said, impulsively seizing her hand, and touching it to his lips ; “I will never forget you.” The, next minute he was gone. He esca- ped. And true to his declaration, he never did forget the sweet girl who befriended him | in his hour of peril. Years after, the hon- | orable wife of General Ruggles was many a time heard to tell of her first romantic meet- | ing with him then a hunted fugitive from the Continental army. seit SERENADE 10, GENERAL MCLELLAN — fon Friday night last, by the entire Ninety fifth Regiment, Pennsylvania Volunteers, "under command of Colonel Gosline. The occasion was enlivened by the music of the band, and also from a glee club belonging to the regiment. After the serenade, the Gen- | eral appeared and addressed the regiment as his comrades, adding that he thanked ‘hem for three things : —one in the past, one in | the present, and one in the future. ln the past, for the superior discipline and military skill displayed on every occasion when he had been permitte | to witness them on the field ; in the present for the smilmg confi “dence which shone in the faces which he wag able to see in the dim light, and mn the fu- | ture for the assurance that in them he could {rely to help him, to fight for him, and, if | necessary to die with him. tan I not? — | At this a thousand voices answered Yes, | yes. every time.” Ue then said he did not | think this last would be necessary ; that he hoped to subdue the rebellion without re- sorting to such sacrifice. With * three times three,” and a huge tiger, they b de , the General ** good night.” nearly every man as they passed him insisted upon giving him a hearty shake by the hand. The General's wife, who was present, seemed fully imbued | with the enthusiasm of those around her. “If I could but see mother fora mo- > We must come out safe and sound ; For it takes the greatest watching, boys, To keep these taxes down.’ “Then a stranger 'rose in the store, Dad, «And he read a piece aloud, Which said they were taxing the grain, Dad, Before our land was plowed ! ‘“ This tariff must bo a bad thing, Dad, It’s somothing I doc’t unlerstand ; For it taxes the sma lest things, Dad, With every foot of our land. I think the wrong story you got, Dad, When you wished that the tariff was found ; For the taxes are going up. Dad, And our grain is « coming down BeLLeroxte, Pa. Porpyneap Tea. —Some years ago a well known botanical doctor was 2alled in to pre- scribe for a man who kept for sale all kinds of dogs. The patient was a great believer in herbs and botanical productions, and in- deed very ill. The doctor felt his pulse and as he was leaving the room. said : * Oh cheer up Mr. Jones I'll send yousome herb medicine that will put you all right again. T want to find your wife.” To the latter who met him on the stars, he said, Mrs. Jones, I'll be back here shortly, and meantime make your husband a large bow] of poppyhead tea The wife of the sick man, was a German woman, and didn’t under stand what was ordered. As soon 8s the doctor was gone she went into the yard and took from a litter of Newfoundland puppies five specimens, cut their heads off and boiled them down, and gave her husband a part of the tea. In the evening, when the doctor re- turned, he asked : Well, Mrs. Jones, have you done as 1 or- dered you to do ? ¢ To be sure 1 have doctor, Well, and how does it operate ? Operate, sir I cant tell, but I am sure Sam will kill me when he gets well. tow. kill you ? What should he kill you for good woman ? Because, doctor, he’s been offered five 1ol- ars apiece for them puppies, and I know he wants the money. Puppies. woman ! replied the astomshed doctor. What have you been giving your husband ? Puppy head tea ! replied the woman. Puppy head tea ! [ told you poppy head tea! and the doctor sloped for his patient, who by the way got well, and after a while forgave his wife, but never the doctor, and bas eschewed botanical medicine ever since. . NO. 14. The Coming Battle. From the Chicago Tribune, March 29. The next great battle will be at Corinth, Miss., which shail decide, if not the issue of the war, at least tho fate of the Mississippi Valley. Coriathis in the extreme north. eastern corner of Mississippi, at the junc tion of the Mobile and Ohio with the Mem- plus and Charleston railroads. It is about twenty miles distant from Pittsburg Land- ing on the Tennessee river, where General Grant's army is centered. Beauregard com- mands the Rebel army, said to be sixty thousand or seventy thousand strong. Al. ready the pickets of the two armies are with- in hailing distance of each other. General Grant has a large force —the heroes of Don- elson, and the esprit du corps is said to be admtrable. } Three divisions of General Buell’s army —Nelson’s, Thomas’ and McCook’s —have probably joined him by this time. as they bad, at last accounts, made half the disfatce by march from Nashville. When the battle is given, therefore, there will be no great How Political Preaching was Cured. The Hartford Times relates the follow- ing : Ma A Congregational Church in a neighboring State, got so. completely enlisted in one of the Presidential contests, that little atten. tion was given to religious questions. = The minister was constantly preaching and pray- ing upon the political issues, and his dea- cons and laymen followed suit at the prayer and conference meetings. Finally, a worthy old farmer, one of the staunchest and best members of the church, and a firm, unde- viating Democrat, was called upon to offer a prayer. “0 Lord,” said he, “uphold the Demo- cratic party, which has received thy support ever since the great Jeffersonian struggle, — | Continue to bless that party which has, un- der thy protection and providence, brought disparity in numcers. We have on our side such names as Grant, Smith, McOlernand, Sherman, Thomas, McCook, Nelson, Lewis, Wallace and Hurlbut ; while the rebels have Beauregard, Polk, Cheatham, &e. A | victory at Corinth gives us Memphis (eighty miles distant), for all the fighting men of Memphis have come here to make the last determined effori. Memphis in our hands Island No. 10, falls by itsown weight, We shall take Island No. 10, therefore, by this | movement on Memphis, leaving the brave Commodore Foote to hoist the flag and bring away the prisoners. re eee A Bit of Romance. A correspondent of the Salem Gazette writing from Beverly, concerning the shoe business and shops where girls are employ- ed, says: There is a young lady in one of the shops, | whose history would well illustrate the idea that + tr uth is stranger than fiction.” She is a foreigner by birth, having been in this country only a few years. She moved high circles in her early life, and waltzedand flir- ted with some of the Ruyal family. She left her castle house with false impressions, and learned when too late, that she was regard - ed as dependant on, if not the menial of one by whom her confidence was betrayed. — Though unused to a life of self dependence and to labor, she preferred to be the archi- tect of her own fortune,” though toil might await her. She was well = educated in her uative land, and in addition to her native | tongue, she speaks fluently the Norwegian, Sweedish, Danish and Eoglish languages — the latter the least so—and has some know]- edge of the French. Her letters from home are written in some three or four of the languiges, to which she replies with ease and facility. Uiasuming as she is very few know of her attainments, while she seems content to remain for the present in the humble position in which her sad reverses have plunged her, | rt ps Human Lire. —Men seldom think of ihe great event of death until the across their own path, hiding forever from their eyes the t aces of loved ones whose living smiles were the sunlight of their ex 1stence. Death is the great antagonist of life, and the cold thought of the tomb is the skeleton of all foasts. We do not want to 80 through the dark valley, although its pas- sage way lead to paradise ; and with Charles Lamb, we do not want to lie down in the muddy grave. even with kings and princes - for our bed-fellows. Buc the fiat of nature is inexorable. There is no appeal from the great law which dooms us to the dust. We flourish and we fade as the leaves of the forest; and the flowers that bloom and wither 1n a day have not a frailer hope up on life than the mightiest monarch that ever shook the earth with his footsteps. Gener- ations of men appear and vanish as the grass and the countless multitude which fills the world to-day, will to-morrow disdppear, as the footsteps on the shore. ———eee— A SrraNGE CrEATURE.—A traveller stop~ ped to see a friund, leaving his horse hitch- ed in the road, but found on his return that | great blessings upon this Republic. If it bo thy pleasure, and I believe it will be, 0, car- [ry that party through this struggle to a | competent triumph. 0, bless the opponents | of Democracy personally, but utterly de- | stroy their fanatical and injurious schemes, i if it be thy will to do so, as I verily believe lit is. De on the side of the Democracy, 0, | Lord, as thou hast been, and in their peace. | ful pursuits, instead of warring wickedly, {man against brother. And, oh, T beseech | thee especially to free the Christian Church | es from political strife and bitterness which {are rending them asunder, destroying their | usefulness and turning them unhappily into mere political associations. Let ws hear something of thy word, and .mercy on the | Sabbath. We have already been plied to fullness with political fanaticism, and our winister has become a stump ciator against | the good party which thou, 1n thy wisdom, | has upheld so long, and so repeatedly guid- ed to victory, and sustained in the estab | lishment of sound measures. Oh, turn his mind from these things, and direct his at tention to his legitimate religious duties, or turn him over directly into the hands of the | Federal or Abolition party, and let them | take care of him, and provide us a true Min- ister of the Gospel. At any rate, the pres- ent state of things cannot last. If politics | are to rule, I shall claim one half the time 10 behalf of the Democratic party, so that there may be a fair discussion within these i walls, Amen," This was a stumper. It was the first prayer ever publicly offered in that church for the suecess of the Demosratic party and its nominees, though hundreds of prayers ; and exhortations had been made against that | party. When the old man finished there was a silence for half an hour, and the meet- ing then adjourned, And thus ended the political preaching in that church. From that time forward the minister attended to his gospel duties, and left all political ques- tions to be settled by the people outside of the church. Again tne society prospered, | shadows fall jane there was a better feeling among its { members—more christian charity, and more brotherly love. The old man’s earnest prayer was answered in more respeets’ than one. Too Much vor TRE LaAwrER. —Some fif- teen years ago the coming Christmas. a few Irish boys hired horses from a livery stable in the town of G——and determined to have a good time generally. One of the horses -never recovered from the effects of the ride, and the livery man sued the rider for the value of him. The lawyer for the plaintiff Ing an ex-Judge. He was a good lawyer, ut fond of his toddy. He was trying to prove by one of the witnesses that all hands were drank, and commenced by asking him. ¢ Where did you stop first after leaving the livery stable.” > + Westopped at Mike N- "5" “Did you take a horn there?’ asked (h: Judge. ¢ Yes. = +* Where did you stop next?” “At the——Gardens.”’ ‘Did you take a horn there 2" he had slipped his bridle ; going off in quest of him he met a pedestrian on the road, of | whom he inquired if he had seen a ‘strange | creature’ with a saddle on. *‘ Sare an’ I have,” was the reply. ¢* Where 2? ‘Just yondther.” “ Will you show me where 2’ ¢ That T wiil,” said the man, approaching a small wood of young timber—* and here he is sure.” The traveler looking up answers, * I do not see him.” v ‘Just but come here—" ‘ Hang it,” replied the traveler, ** that’s a turtle, not a horse.” ‘* A horse !” replied the son of Hiberaia, with surprise, ‘Sure a horse a 13 no strange erature, (pointing to 1t) with saddle on and you may bridle him for I will not.” ——— IZ McCall's Pensylvania Reserves are in McDowell's Division. - r— BG fieerseeerer 15" The Pennsylvania Legislature will adjonrn sine die on the 11th of April | Yes,” * Where did you stop next 2’ ‘¢ At the Four Mile house.” « Did you take a horn there?” By this time the witness began to smell a rat. Horh! says he, T want to kvow what a hora has got to do with this case. I suppose because you are a drinking kind of a fellow yourself, you think that every body is drunk. You ought to have heard that sbook the court room. did not ask the witness any ions, the explosion The ex . Judge mor: quest- TT SS Sd Dox’ Like A SoLpisn ¥ok a SoN 1x Law —A few years since, Gen® MoClellan offered. his hand in marriage to Miss Ellen Marey, a beautiful and acc-plished daughter of Col. Marey of the U. 8. A. Col. Mare objected to the union, on the sole ground tha: he could not.consent to the marriage of, his daughter to any gentleman belonging to the armv. McClellan at once resigned hig come mission, and accepted the plice of € jf Engineer upon the Illinois Central Railroad, at a salary of $8,000 a year and thre, years since he was married to Miss Mircy,” an2 now, having re entered the army, is General Commanding in Chief