Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, March 27, 1862, Image 3

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The Watchman.
For the Watchman.]
BeLLeroNTE March 25.1862 |
Messrs Epitors :—T send you a list of |
monies received by Roland Curtin from Co's |
A, and D, 45th Reg. P.V., now at Port Roy- |
the Border States,
| standing as to the termes upon winch appli
cations for license will be published in CEN
{From the Louisville Journal]
The abolitionists hate the Border
as good people hate the Devil, This i
| Malignity of the Abolitiouists Toward Notice io License Applicants,
| Tn order that there may be no misunder~ |
| In approacaing the Public who have heretofore
{80 generally encouraged tho
Clothing Emporinm
bid al, S. C., which I request you to publish, so | ifest enough. As an amusing illustration of | TRAL PARES sn DENOCRATC WATCH ye
: tus ry : monies sent | the fact. a very distinguish d member of the ! MAN for the future. the undersigned pub A. STERNBERG & (0. a. ’
f° RE/BNYINEISON Who hay hae i Kentucky Legislature, who visited Washing | lishers hereby give timely notice that they ranged, and your fotings
them, can call at Eagle Works and get what
is due. I am, &c.,
ton several weeks ago, tells us that the ab
olitionist Cheever, in his Abolition discourse
will strictly adhere to the following :
Resolved, That we will, from the date hereof,
We take pleasure in informing them that thee |
have gw received a full stogk of |
comfortable? hese symp
tous are often the pralude to
serious iliness, Sone fit of
sickness Is ore
t , at the Capitol reserved his “particular thun- is jeati So sug npen you,
A Gy der” for Te communities iy with a re Sine ht i ANT GENTLENINT FURNISHING (00DS i Sr hy
s r I. esther, Co 4 $2000 nus strong reminiscence of his native Down East | plication be paid in advauce to each pub isher. f hua 30003, os Bilis, nud
: Joba San er, Pon Jno. Fultz, | be styled the * B-a-rde-r States,” and KURTZ & STOV ER. ! : After ui oxpesionss uf inaiy goa. ibe. publet | Sass ou 3 dure bi
*< "LOCAL AND OTHER MATTERS. T. Leathers, * 3500 Mrs. J. Ants. | which he served up for the delectation of his ALEXANDER & FUREY. general consent, ave dseldad. the shove to let the finids move on wnob-
23 by 5 4 Wm, 8 s » X P -cclallo B be 0
: : Wm. Roeder, “20,0 wife. | mainly abolition audience with a_reckless cllefonte, Feb. 13th, 1862. sractod in Balin aan.
For the Watehmen.] Yiohy Watker, ogee H Walker | bungency nou surpassed even by that which, : bY Sat Bn ne
“aps x ie pag i [gab Messe, uo. Ge F thoy. | in the days of + Deacon Giles’s Distillery,” DMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. iL tivity, purify tho kystent from
M#3sks Eprors : —To get at rest all stor- | John Heverly, 20,00 ather. ys ey % z | the obstructions which nuke
% oN ? i « Father. | won for this libeller -a cel 1n the jail off Sa } . Letters of Administration on the - hor. toand ob
ies and reports in regard to the late disas~ Ab'rm Emmerhiser, 20.00 2 ; : Jai o i 5 | disense. A cold settles somewhere in tho body, and ob
Hi P Diyega 8 2 Geo. A. Young, “20.00 D. Weaver. | lem. Mr. Cheever, hereinit least, is a fair Estate of Jacob Weaver, decéased, late of Gregg FOR CLOTHING AND GREAT BARGAINS | strocts ite natural functions. These, if not relieved,
trous affiir in our regiment which resulted | Descartus Knoll, “38,00 Mother. representative of his class. They all hate township, having been granted to the undersign : + | react upon themselves and the surrounding organs. pro-
i M. C. J ison. 15,00 Father. ) > with 8 ed. all persgys knowing themselves indebted to | And their patronage has consequently been such | jucing general aggravation, suffering, and :
in the death of Capt. BE N. Y. Rumbo and W. Kunes, ! «10.00 Wife. he $ Beary er States mit I & Tancor Un- | said estate, are requested to make immediate | 2S fa jaiity he Draprighoy in i Stains to ex- | While in this gonition, cppisied hy thé does foo i,
’ i Wife. | checke honesty or truth. x ayment, and those having elaims against said | ceed even themselves. in providing for their cns- take Ayers Pills, and see how directly they ristory the
from Sibert, 1 ask on . Pie oa, 2 Jou 1.0 sue | Tana the reasons plain We ve al | Bomte ais required to present them, duly authen | tomers a stock of FAil AND WINTER ural ction of tho syste, wud with id the buiyurs
8 official repor me, whic e re i , Vife. i iti ticated, for settlement. OHN SHANNON. >» Such as has never before beon «; ollug ol . ainl Jo y ¥
eats me to bass published in your pEDer. | Aa nm me | a at L : WEAVER, | lored ot wey suiabbsbraont n ths ov aches | S50, kd ei mp lo Si ny
e pu y paper. J. 3. Canigbelt “20,00 Wifi mpstitahon, and would gladly vg the non {March 13, 1862—6t. Adm'rs. [towns by an enormous outlay They are pre ar- pnrgative effect expels then. Causod by similar obstire,
1 am yours respectfully, W. Funk phos « 15.00 Wife. | flide rather than have 1ts preservation atten-'| == ed to exhibit un assortment which. for quality, tions and derangements of the natural functions of tis
: AUSTIN CURTIN. |G. Funk, «1500 Wife. | ded by the preservation of the Constitution! § DMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Yaristy, sxcelloncs of iaiesial, dntabliy, bij ad, toy ass Sapidly, sud wing of Hho) enterss ced
B. Mercer «20,00 Wife. | likewise. "They want to abolish the Consti- | £ Letters of Administration, Com. | Workmanship cannot be excelled. Sd ET
8 ! Wife 1 y They take this opportunity to return their | Pills, will neglect to coploy them when & 4
Heap Quarters Fort DRAYTON T. Taylor, “20,00 Vife, | tion, regardless of consequence, under the | Testamento Annezo, on the Estate of Jacob RITES for EAVDEs Bette fort Satelit eae the disorders they curc. SE :
3 TAY G. McElhoe, «20,00 Wife: text of savi he Uni The Border | Rocky, deceased, having been granted to the un- 5 tix bre sup here. | “ero fements fron lending physicians in some of the
: Orrer Istanp S. C W. Flack «20.00 PT. Flack. | Pretext of saving the Lmon. e Border i A in. | Dy reassure the public iu goneral that the confi- | yiincinal cities, and from ether well known public pic
ER z oT - Klac, 0, . "| Seat th ¢ t he Un- dersi ned, all persens knowing themselves in- dunce with whieh they have here rviraas BF nal cities, and from of ° Wil} i
_. March 15th, 1862. J: Strunk, «95.00 B. Strunk. | Sta a on the a, want to i] e py | debted to said Estate are requested to muke im- ii Wi LY eh toy a Rorgtaie favored | sons.
; ISI! C. C- Cook, «20,00 Father. | ion by saving the Constitution, which they 1 oriate payment the Luring lai em will be me: in the future. Took cording Merchant of St. Louis, Bib. 4. 1536,
q : u 0 i i : fe payment, an ose having claims : Yon a Forwarding Merchant of
orm gh F. Bunions, D 2h 5 SE Soe bi AY sienitial method pases Spang it 2 egal to present them duly au- OBSERVE THE STAND, ! mo Avis, re Tite ane i pagon of a0 that 1s
. . 3 , . ‘he tate: ping 4 Bh enticat sent. mroat i edicine. Thay have cured my littie danchte
details of an ubfortupate occurrence which | W. Swarts, 3 oat WW. Danas. th Tic tl er i 1 to td GEO. SHAEFFER, |Inthe DIAMOND, near the Court Efonse | es on iar: Wards And fast that h A
took place on the morning of the 13th inst., [ J. D. Thompson, ~~ © 15,00 Father. 510 109, 1 uy sorhy ing eal ob IG) Mevstif2) 126754 Adm’r. | all and you may rely upon itthat every articly incurable for y Her mother en :
ox main la nd ‘at the plantation of a Mr L.C. Fillodk, 2 = Bjork a bedy of pistons hy Pally aronnd the em am st rere te ree eee on purchase, will prove to he precisely Ww i Sasly ified wi Potion id a fl
1 Bn fine Toy © | M. Riddle, ) i. Riddle ministration that declares «nd carries out | g~ 2 represented. Tho bargains “onunot be heat. Iu her hair. eriour ehisl yas sued
+ resulting in the death of E. Y Rambo | 5 pipe A 15,00 G. Cline A .| JC OLLOCK'S IMPROVED DANDELION | (Presented. | hho bargains ouinol be heat — | your Pills, and they lave cured ir. oo
rime Chobe EEL 3 5 “Sane | the policy in dean of abolitionism every | GORRRE TLC b coninn avons | Coe me wad il and give thom a cxl. Tove | As orp.
‘45th Regt. Pennsylvania Volunteers, and |T. Evers “ 2a x & Evers igs from the host Java Coffee. ia Strongly recommen. | Oot. 10, 81-1. A STERNBERG & C0 As w Femity Bloyute,
‘wounding of several others, Privates in [G. W Williams, ¢ 20 00 - Williams, 3 1518. | ded by physicians as a superior N US| -— re mre Le From Dr. E. W. Curtwright, New Orleans.
te Wounds g 455 e ore oh Ee has soe | M. Hartigan, Yer Poin Father The very head and front of their offending BEVERAGE for General Debility. Dyspepsia, THE FRANKLIN HOUSE. Your Pills aro the prince of purges. Their excoliont
4 mpany, : C. Baker, “10,00 Father. Hath this extent, no more. and all Bilious disorders. THIS LONG ESTABLISHE , : | qualities surpass any cathartio we possess, They ars
died from the effects of his wounds. start | 5 gp) «10.00 Wife. | [ts for this, and nothing else, that they | Thousands who have been roluctantly compelled G ESTABLISHED AND WeLL | wild, but very cortain and effectual in their action on the
g ix : 3 a 3 y Pp
ed on the morning of the 12th inst., with | R Logan, «90.00 Wife. | are denounced, decried, derided and defamed | to abandon tho use of Coffee, will find they can | known Hotel, situated on the Southeast corner of | bowdls, which makes them invaluablo to us in the dafly
"parts of three companies of the 45th Regt. | R. Cheesman, A 50,00 Self. | hy gyery abolition spouter and scribler in | US® tms combination without any of the injurious | the Diamond, opposite the Court House, having | treatment of disease.
V. for the purpose of reconnoitering the —— h " effects they formerly exporionced. been purebesed by the undersigned, he announce. | Headache,SickHeadache,FonT Stomach.
et B E $853.00 the country, 37> One aan contains the strongth of two pounds | ©5 to the former patrons of this establishment und | From Dr. Edward Boyd, Baitimowe.
north bank of Mosquito Creek, which has,
heretofore, been occupied by small parties of
, rebels. With two negro guides, we proceed-
“ed through the entire length of the creek,
lauding occasionally at important points and
anoking observations in the vicinity, and
danding, in the evening, at the plantation of
© Mr. Michael Seabrook. Our negio guides,
ad formerly belonged to Mr. Mattis and
had esceped from his plantation, but a night
“or two previous. [examined them seper-
_ ately, and finding that they agreed in their
* estimate of the number and station of the
“Rebel Pickets, it was agreed after consulta
tion with the officers, which accompanied
* .mie, to endeavor to capturé them the next
morning before daylight. For this purpose
I divided the force, under my command in
. to three parts, directing Capt Scheflelin,
wth one of the negro guides, to proceed by
‘a circuitous rout to the rear of the house in
which it was supposed the guards were
quartered, The countersign was given aud
Takes Bis DEPARTURE. —Rev. S. L. Bow-
man, who has officiated as one of the pas-
tors in charge of the Methodist Episcopal
church, of this place, for the past two years.
takes his departure from our midst this
morning, having preached his last sermon
on the Sunday evening previous. Bellefonte
Centre county, has been assigned him, as
the field of his future labors. Mr Bowman's
departure will be deeply regretted by the
congregation. in this place, as we learn he
has made a faithful, efficient. and impartial
psstor. Their best wishes attend him.
Berwick Gazette. :
The recipient of the above compliment, is
the gentleman appointed by conference to
take charge of the M. E. Church at this
place. Coming so well recommended he will
be gladly received, and we have no doubt but
that he will find the associations of the
In a word the abolitionists and secession~
ists hate the Border States for the same rea
son in diflerent aspects. The abolitionists
Late the Border States, because they stand
vy the Constitution, just as the secessionists
hate the Border States. because they stand
by the Union. The Border States as the
steadfast upholders of both the Union and
the Constitution are the equal and common
enemies of both the abolitionists and the
secessionists. And in this twosfo d enmity
every true patrfot must share. Let the true
patriots of the North bear in mind this ex-
planation, and the venomous railing of the
abolitionists acainst the Border States in
general and Kentucky in particular, if it
shouid be kept up, will do good rather than
hurt. We hope it is doing no great hurt as
the case is.
B:llefonte Market.
(Corrected weekly by Hoffer Brothers.)
of ordinary Coffee
For sale by all Druggiste and Grocers, and by
the Manufacturer, corner of BROAD and CHEST.
NUT Streets, and by JOS. B. BUSSIER & CO.
108 and 110, S WHARVES.
Price 25 cents.
March 6th 1862 —1y.
The Undersigned, an Auditor ap-
pointed by the Orphans’ Court of ‘entre county,
to make distribution of the money in the hands of
Richard Young, administrator of John T. Young.
dec’d, will‘attend to the duties of his said appoint-
ment, atthe Court i.cuse. in the borough of Bell-
fonte, on Friday, the 23th day of March next,
when all persons interested may attend if they
think proper. J D SHUGERT,
Feb. 27—4t Auditor.
The nndervigned, itor ar
pointed by the Court 1
County, to disui ute
Thog. Harper, gs
te the duties of is
to the traveling puplic generally, that he intends !
refitting it thoroughly, and is propared to render
the most satisfactory ascomm dation to all who
may favor him with their patronage. No pains
will be spared on hie part to add to the oconveui-
ence or comfort of his guests. Allwho stop with
him will find .
abundantly supplied with the most sumptuous fare
the market will afford, done up in style, by the |
most experienced cooks ; while HIS BAR will ul.
ways contain
The Choicest of Liquors.
is Stabling ia best in town, and will always be |
tenon by the most trustworthy and attentive
host lers.
un aeall, one and ull, and he feels con-
will be satisfied with their accom- |
vstablishment, which strangers
abroad will ficd greatly to their advantage.
. 9, 1862 |
Dean Bro. Aven: Icannot answor yon wal complaints
I have cured with your Pills better than to say all tht ws
ever treat with a purgative medicine, ¥ place great depen-
dence on an affuctnal cathartic in my drify contest with
diseaso, and believing as [ do that yonr Phifs aflord us the
best we have, I of course value them highly.
Prrrenere, Pa, May 1, #354.
Pr. J.C. Aver. Sir: I have been ion cared of
the worst headaches any body can have by a dose or {wo
of your Pilis, It seems to arise from a foul stomach,
which they cleanse at vice,
Yours with great respect, ED. W. PREBLE,
(Perl of Steamer Clarion,
Bilious Disorders — Liver Complaints,
From Dr. Theodore Bll, of New York City.
Not only are your Pills admirably adapted to their pmr-
poke as an aperient, but I find their beneficial effects upon
the Liver very marked indeed. They have in my prac
tice proved mo ffectual for the cure of bilio:
paints than any one remedy 1 enn mention. 1 gi
rejoice thal we have at length a jrgative which is wore
thy the confidence of the profession and the people.
Washington, D. C., Tih Feb, 1856, J
Sir: I have used your Pills in my goneral and | tal
practice ever since you made them, and cannot hesitate to
say they are the best cathartic we employ. Their regn-
| lating action en the liver is quick aud decided, comse-
quently they are an adinirable remedy for dera
8 i J 8 : 5 ) vhite 2 Hoease, in tae f Beilafont u Saturday. the PIALLISTFR & BEAVER of that ergan. Indee have seldom foun
A £538) Breed pon, a1 Which Came. ry church here equally as pleasant as those Ww Peas, hires 2 3 Wh lin £M i" xt whe n all 2 a Al TORN EYS AT LA - 2 Linas sin 80 phim Sire not i
Tus A f . :/ > i o i . «0, ¢ . ay attend Ree Ihink DrOPat. S iy them. ‘Taternally yours, ALONZO BAL
ound the house, and, if possible, secure the | 70 Which he has so recentl: taken his de Rye, 45 nny ten Thin DS CQERT. iy BELLEFONTE, PENNA. Ligsician of the Marine Hnsps
inmates. If he failed in this and the rebels | parture. Corn. 45 Feb. 27 4t Auditor. J. D. SHUGERT, Dysentery, Diarrhaa, Relax, Worms.
retreated, Capt. Scheffelin was ordered to S m———0 : Oats. 25 ee ATTORNEY AT LAW, From Dr. J. G. Green, of Chieajon
cut oft their retreat in the direction of Wills 177 The Supreme Court of the State of Barley. 50 A DMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE Sire ak ; Your Pills Tne had a long on in my practice, nnd 1
x s . ih - 5 > * ‘LLEFONTE, PENN 0) g . p of the bes erie '
town. The third part of the force was held | New York have issued a perpetual injunc- | Cloverseed. 450 | & Letters testamentary on the Bs. oo + Toure, with the Tee ee a ae ri gi Rives
asa reserve at the boats, waiting some twen- | tion against Eaton and Jenkins for counter | Lid. 08 | tate of Johu M Lucas late of Curtin township, 10 font Houde, With the Treasurer. | them un excellent remedy, when given bi sunll doses for
ty minutes after Capt. Sheftelin had started f e Avor's Cail Pills. 1 Butter 124 deceased, dated Feh. 19th. 1862. having been | ppyrND BLANCHARD. E. M. BLANCHARD Site gn and Sve. 4 Re
¥ 3 . \ tire 2 s C i s. ino S . “3 ante N. J. Mitchell 7 Siw fiati, of ; 8 ai makes them very acceptable and convenivnt tor the uss
ihe DRC isin die a A B&R BLANCHARD, Fi
ing first thrown out two scouts with instruc responsible for the crac jmpesiting in what | yoy. 10 Estate are requested to mal e immediate payment ATTORNEY AT LAW, Dyspepsia, Impurity of the Blood.
tions to overpower the sentinel at the door, | they have done and restraining them from | Plaster—ground. 10-00 {and those having claims againsc it are required to BELLEFONTE, PENNA. From Kev. J. Vo Himes, Pastor of Advent Churehy Boston.
a3 soon as the signal to advance was given.
' ‘Passing through a gateway, I stopped to
‘ “post two sentinelsand give them their in.
“structions. I regained the main body just
“a8 1t received a volley of musketry, result-
ing a8 I'have already stated. This volley
“proved to have came from the party in
<harge of Capt, Sheffelin, who explains it by
3 Sayibg thet he came to a broken bridge,
which he fixed in order to cross—that after
he had crossed he observed two men ap
‘proaching, thathe challenged, and they,
instead of answering, turned around. He
then directed his men to fire. The scouts
who were in advance say that they heard no
«<hallenge. They are both wounded and
from the position of their wounds would
seem to have had their backs to the fire.
¥ am, Captain, very respectfully your
most obedient servant,
further like injury to the puolic. If any
class of our people more than another needs
the interposition of law to shield them from
imposture, itis the sick and suffering who
are unable to protect themselyes. A reme-
dy so universally employad as Ayers Pills
by all classes, both to cure and prevent dis
ease, should as it does have every security
the law can afford it, from counterfeit and
imitation.— Cabinet Schenectady.
—0 .
Tie FRANKLIN House. — Mr. Garman the
proprietor of this hotel, has been making
some great improvements on his premises. —
The old floor of the bar room has heen torn
up and a new one laid, and the walls of
both bar room and dining room have been
tellefonte and victiity, are respectfully informed
that classes will be opened for the study of the
above beautiful
Art of Writing,
in this place, and will continue for two months
A FREE LECTURE will be given on the sub-
ject. in the Arbitration-room of the County Court
House. on Saturday evening, the 29th ivst.. com
mencing ar 8 o'clock, where particulirs will be
given and classes opened.
Professor of Phonography
N. B.—Private instractions given if requir d.
Bellefonte, March 27th, 18562 DPE
Notice 1s hereby given that the
following named persons have filed their petitions,
and intend making application to the next Court
of Quarter Sessions. for license to sell liquors. viz :
present them. duly authenticated, for settlement.
eb. D. W. HALL, Adm’'s.
100 Young Men Wanted Im
mediately for the 8th formerly the 3d Regiment
of United tates Cavalry! The term of enlist-
men has been reduced from five to to three years.
Men enlisting in this regiment wiil roceive
One Hundred Dollars Bounty,
at the end of the term of
Th pay varies from $
SRE em a te - -
t to $27 per month, ac
cording to tha rank : rity of the soldier.—
In addition to pay an a’ ce of good and com-
fortable clothing food. quarters and medical at-
tenance will be furnished. free of charge, to-
gether with horses and accoutrements The men
will be uniformed immediately. PAY eommences
from date of enlistment. As soon as a man en-
lists he will be furrished with board and lodging
free of charge. and will go into eamp in a few
days. Apply immediately at office, BELLI-
Office formerly occupied by Curtin & Blanchard |
on Main street. |
1s now prepared to wait upon all who may desire
ais professional services.
Rooms at his residence on Spring street.
Will attend to professional calls as heretofore, he |
the public. Office next door to his residence on |
Oct 28-58-tf. |
Office in Reynolds’ Arcade on the Diamond
respectfully offers his services to his friends and | §
Dr. Aver: I have used yonr Pills with extraordinary
| success in my family and among those I am called to vieit
in distress. To regulate the organs of digestion and
purify the blood, they are the very best remedy I bave
ever known, and 1 can confidently recommend them: to
my friends. Yours, J. V HIMES,
Warsaw, Wyoming Co., N. Y., Oet. 24, 1355.
Dear Sir: 1 am nsing your Catha 'ills in my prac-
tice, and find them an excellent purgative to cleanse the
system aud purify the fountains of the blood.
vy, Paralysis, Fits, ete.
From Dr. J. I. Vaughn, Montreal, Canada.
Too much cannot he said of your Pills for the cure of
costir 5. If others of our fraternity lave found
ous as T have, they should join me in pr
ing it for the benefit of the multitudes who sufle
that complaint, which. althongh bad ¢ in i
the pro itor of others that are wor
tiveness to originate in the liver, but your I
organ and cure the disease.
s, Suppression,
uralgia, Drop-
ills affect that
From Mrs. E. Steart, Physician end 3bidwife, Boston.
I find one or two large doses of your Pills, taken at th
preper time, are excellent promotives of the nature. -
Lieut. Col. 45th Regt. P. V. |handsomely papered, The bar-room hasal | H. B Mussina, Tavern, Haines Twp., Foy IN Pa. Ot Cova Sane ny sie . x Aiesanaes | Ils or sally nie oad ale
: : AMES 8. SBIN. th Cavalry, / i : e | effec vanse the stoma pel worms. ?
—r0 ; 80 been neatly wainscoted, and presents an Jonas i 1 a Fob. 27. 1862, ap give prompt attention to all business a to | wre so much the Lest physic we lave that I recommend
05" The following are the appointments entirely different and much handsowmer ap- any Sry o ° Si phi a Hi ah Hin Centre, Mifflin, Clinton and Clearfield | “° other to my patients. ;
al " : J Sel), C: eS I Fre eR He 2 Methods! is. i
nade by the Baltimore Conference for this | pearance. Mr. Garman is bound to make | Peirsol Lytle do Ferguson Twp., COUNTY NOTICE. A Se a i Towa:
S : ” , 8 J a 4 ah A . TAS 0K . Jan. 6, 1856.
District. It will be seen that Mr. Sherlock, the ¢ Franklin ” worthy of its old reputation I Maen a9 Patter 2 wp HEREAS, at a meeting of the Board A. 0. FURST, Hoxoren Sm: I should be ungratefyl for the relief
ae : : ” » i 3 361 ’g ATT A roa - rour ski 5 broug if 1 did not repor aoe fo
the lute Minister at this place, is transferred | nq to this end will spare no pains to make | Daniel D_Guidin, do do ¥ of Relief. held in the Commissioners’ ATTORNEY AT LAW, You ph a Sidi
to J Sh Nile Mr. Bo ol sp Pp Jno D. McGirk, do Rush Twp.. Office at Bellefonte, for the county of Centre, we BELLEFONTE, PA. ciating neuralgic pains, which ended in ehranie vhenma-
0 srsey. ore, while Dr. wman, olf hig guests comfortable and happy. D.B Finer. “io Halfmoon Twp. have found it necessary to make a reduction of | ILL practice in the several Court ¢:| tim. Notwithstanding T had the best of physicians, the
Berwick, Columbia county, comes here : 0- Daniel Kuhn do Liberty Twp. Thee Youd, io iints Who havy heen ne Centre and Clinton counties. All legs: Discs row Wolsey Sat oy the savin of yo
mp i es » Oni Le od | J. Q. Williams. d rec its benefits And whereas the funds ; } : i - xcellent agent in Baltimore, Dr. Mackenzie,
BerieroNTE Distiicr--B.. B. Hamlin, | Fire. —Quite an oxen Wag, censed ! ame. > toilet ts Boro’, | assessed for that’ purpose Fave been expended, : ra tothe a tans will revsive pony Pilla. Their effects were slow, but sure. By perse
Presiding Elder. * Bellefonte Station—S. L. | in town on Tuesday morning, by the break- | Gaorze Taylor, i Unisuville qo | and several thousand dollars over, therefore 0w- t OFFICE—On Hin Worthwast do rmepul P the uso of them, I um now entirely weil.
. Bowman. Bellefonte Circuit--T. H. Switz [ing out of two fires, one directly after the W.W. McKinney, do Worth Twp , into tho state of the finances of the county. we |, pong. NT igen SENATE CHAMBER, Baton Rouge, La
or, H, Li Port Matild: W.H.S 5 2 | Samuel Boyer, do Walker do have found ourselves compelled to pass the follow- | 1 = x = Dr. AYER: T have been entirely cured,
er, tH. Lynn. Port Matilda—W. H. Stevens. | other. The first one occurred in the house | James Fier 1 Rotem, ing Resolutions : : 7 TEATS | Rhewnatic Gout—u painful discise that |
- Warrior's Mark—G, Guyer, J. B. Poisgrove. | evi oo Ancirone. on the hill above | J. W. Gardner, To He Ata regular meeting of the Board of Reli.f. iy , for years. VINCE
Pennsvalley- -G. Warren, J. F. Craig.— 2 = % 4 tienry Shaeffer, do Miles Twp , hell Feb. 25th, 1862, at the Commissioners Office SURVEYOR, B= Most of the Pills in market « y
Lock Hayen—L. M. Gardner. Salona—J. the Court House, and the other in the Cath- Margaret Wolf, do Boalsburg, i Bellefints, the following proceedings were had, JACKSONVILLE, CENTRE Co., Pa. | an Sa ii on »
.... Hunter. Clinton—J. Y. Rothrock, J. M.|olic Church, on Bishop street. Both were Yortly Murphy. 9 paras Jp ) Resolved; That the Board of Relief rofuss sup-| Has recently located in Jacksonville, Cencre quences that frequer ; ©
: Akers. Great Island—J. A. Demoyer, Jer- however, extinguished without much dam- Da any 40 nil 2D port to all applicants who have not been heads of § €0unty, Pa., and would hereby inform the public = Contain no mercuiy « Rte
, 14 Price, 25 cents per Box, or 5 Boxes for $1.
. sey Shore—T. Sherlock. Liberty Valley—
‘J.T. Wilson. Newberry—H, Wilson, G.
Leidy. English Centre—P. B. Ruch. Nip~
* 'ipsburg—S8. Creightion, J. G.Moore. Cur-
age having been done.
Wendell Phillips.
J. H. Gaylor, & Co., Store,
Rush Twp
Adam Baum,
Bellefonte Boro’ 3
Whereas, the County is deeply in
families and their actual supporters previous to
their enlistment in the service of the United
States ; and that they vill not consider any claims
duced tothe following rates to wit :
generally that he is prepared to do all kinds of
Surveying accurately, also to fill out Deeds. make
Plots, &c., of Lands upon the shortest notice.——
Callection Offices.
Prepared by Dr. J. ©. AYER & C0, Lowell, Mass.
fn pe A : 15> We call attention to the card of Mr. o Beul for the beenfit of s : +h | His charges are’ very reasonable Give him a| For sale by J. Harris & Co.. Bellefonte. and oun
penose—. . A —d. lerk of Sessions. r the beenfit of sons of fathers except where such 8 3: y E
feose s g Mac, Sanemaloning 4 John Tonner, in another column of toxday’s | Bellefonte, March 27th, 1862. 3 fathers are known to be sick or erippled. 1 hor 17. 01.0 dealer in every village throughout the connty.
» ' pen—dJ. Kk, Ring. Caledonma— Resolved, That after the first day of; April next tober 17.,01.0m, =
HB. M.Ash. * Karthus—J. F. Brown. Phil. paper. the present ratesof soldiers’ fumilies shall bere-| ~~ oo 7 Sin —_—
Che Democratic Watchman.
winsville and TD. : : ! For a wi 5 5
New Washngton-—A. J. Beaden. JV. Of. WaDes Patuutes will deliver an_abobe EA IT el 0 ALEXANDER & F7REY, Publishars.
wine. Glen Hope-- J. 8. Lee. C. H. Kit- | tion lecture mn the Senate Chamber this cven | oq is at least $20.000. which, if collected and paid o and two children, 1,78 in ably SE 50
, Shen.
."_W. A. Snively transferred to Pittsburg
_ Conference.
‘Samuel Barnes transferred to Western
Virginia Conference
ing, it having been surrendered to his use by
the majority of that body. What great ser-
vice has Wendell Phillips rendered to his
country to entitle him to this special mark
of respect from the Senate of Pensylvania ?
One would imagine that he was an illustrious
patriot who had devoted his best years to the |
into the Treasury, would enable us to pay off a
large portion of our debt and stop interest there-
on, therefore
Resolved : That the County Treasurer and
Commissioners’ Attorney be are hereby instruct-
ed to collect all outstanding taxes previous to the
year A. D., 1861, after giving the Collectors of
the several tcwnships reasonable notice : and
that 30 days from this date shall be deemed suffi-
and for all other children 25 cents per week cach,
for every child under 14 years old
Resolved, That these proceedings be signed by
the Board and be published in all the papers in
the County.
Associate Judges.
CLEARFIELD, Clearfield Co., Pa.
Pex annum, (invariably in advances.)
£4, if not paid within 6 months, 2 00
if not paid until yearis out; 2 50
No paper discontinued untib all back subserip-
tious are paid, and a failure to notify » iiseontin-
uanco at the end of tho timo subsp {op with
be considered a new engagement
1 insertion.
< . id : S 5 Sm 5 2 do.
“ni P. Frances, a gentlemen from Philadelphia Afeaniapy of us GavenBen, Instead oF cient time for such nctice. And the aforesaid HH Me Cans L, LOCK HAVEN, Clinton Co., Pa. Four lines or less, 5 2% 8 a7
ig'now in Bellefonte, and proposes © id ng the ac y we ave 1s own Words. | proasurer and Commissioners’ Attorney shall, in . ALE: AN SR. : BUSH & ALLEN One square—12tines 30.
ow ’ as well as notorious history for it, that he like manner, proceed to collect all outstanding County Commussioners. Ny Two squares—24 lines 1:00 :
struct 8 clase of ladies and gentlemen in the
has devoted thirty years to the diabolical
taxes for the year A D., 1861, immediately after
Attest 8. M. Irwin, Clerf.
Feb. 27.
- 3t
(R. P. ALLEN,)
Three squares—36 lines: 1 50+
above highly useful and beautiful art. To york of breaking up the Union. And yet | the August Court of A. I HUE RR WILLIAMSPORT, Lycoming Co., Pa. : 3 mos, 6 moa. 12 hes
this end he will give a free lecture by Way i Sassy fem JOHN MoCALMONT, ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Revenexces —Droxol & Co. Phil's, Mason | ors snes Si sina
of introduction, in the Arbitration room of | gitional at that.) i ; hh disy AMOS ALEXANDER, LETTERS OF ADMINISTRATION COM. | & Co, Phil’a, Smith, Bowen & Co., Philadelphia | Two squares, £00 600 10 00
i | iat.) is received with distin. | Attest, Co. Comm’rs. | py { wi he Estate of Anth Shields & Brother, Philadelphia, T. Conrow, | Three squares 5 00 800 12 00
the Court House, on Saturday evening next. | guished consideration at Washington by the 8. M. Irwry, Clerk. Rak 0 wily Sf Bellefonte Centre, | Philadelphia, Sower, Barnes & Co., Philadelphia Ba 600 10 0v 11 00
The ladies and gentlemen of this place are | Vice President of the United States, feted a as) 4t. bE ~ ate of 2 07 Sn ee ag ro Hon. J. T. Hale, Bollofonte, Hon. J. W. Maynard, | Half a solums, 1000 14 00 20 00
most respectfully invited to attend, ani he | 20d courted aud honored by the whole Abol | _Z°leionte, dinreh 20. at pA ne g A Se oy Witiansvks J: Tome, Pait Depots, Md. One column, 16,00 2200 40 00
. § Serrher, 108¢ now EINSCL Lz
ition fraternity, and at last permitted to use
Feb. 21, 1862
Over three weeks and less than threo months,
: : DR. Z. W. THOMAS, 1 8 y : i Baia s and
hopes that the importance of the subject | tha Hall of the Senate of Pensylvania. The PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, i 1 bied 0 said Entare an rogues dl to mh BANKING HOUSE, 25 cents for each insertion.
which he intends to press upon their atten- | House of Representatives showed its self- ymemiale wo ' SVR CL Advertisements not marked with the nuasher of
"tion, will be a sufficient inducement to them
_ to turn out in goodly numbers. After the
lecture, classes will be formed of all those
* ‘who desire to learn phonography. Read
the advertigement in another place.
respect and regard for common propriety by
voting down a similar proposition. It is cer-
tainly an evidence of progression in some di-
rection when a Disunionist of thirty years is
received with open arms in the Capital of
Pennsylvania. If we continue to go ahead at
quires or one token of * paper, in shirty-siz
5 minutes! Thigis the fastest pressing we
now of, and if any of our cotemporaries
0° beat it, we should like to hear from them.
incidents of the Grea t Rebellion. He need |
not dispair of pardon after Wendell Phillips. |
We are in favor of free speech but opposed
to conferring special marks of respect upon
avowed enemies of the Conatiution and the
Respeetfully offers his services to his friends
and the public. Office on Mill Street, « posi:
the National Hotel.
Refers to Drs. J. M McCoy,
& T.C. Tuomas.
All persons are hereby canton d
against purchasii g or meddling with the following
property, to wit: One three-year oid Colt, one
Cow, and one two-horse Wagon. now in the pos-
session of Frederick Dale. as the sume belong to
we and have only been left with him on loan.
The Ascounts of Adminis rators.
inar tins, anl Tras ees sta ted.
March 27. 1862-3t.
BExeentors, |
Jills of exchange and Notes discounted. Col-
| ‘ections made and proceeds promptly remitted.—
. Interest paid on special deposits. Exchangein the
| eastern cities constanfly on hand for eale. Depos-
| its receivea
OP =
Deposits Received —Billsof Exchange and No
| Discounted —Interest Paid on Special Deposite—
emitted Prompt.
insertions desired, wiil be continued till forbid-
den and charged according to theso terms.
Fire, political and miscellaneous notices charg-
ed according to the above rates.
Buviness notices, five conts per line for every
No reports, rezolutions or proede lings of any
corporation, socioty or a-s¢ ciation; and no come
0 this rate it may not be long before Jeff Davis | as Offtus uly serviceyy ths piblisass |g. c. nuns. Ho N. WAtiisTE®. 3.7. min | munication derigubd to call attention to any mai-
% a, YORK. —0U of our hands, Mr. Sam- | appears among us as a traveling lecturer to (CAUTION. SCR VENER & CONVEYANCER. gore Srbeli pi ~ | ter of limited or individual interest, can bo insert.
- uel B. Cook, last Thursday pressed off ten Narrate the history and recant the stirring | Deads Mortgages Bonds, &3., neatly executed. ! ed unless paid for us an advertisenent
* Obituary notices exosading six lines, fifty cents
a Bguare.
Commuuications recommending persons {0
fice, inserted at tan cents a live; und tho
must accompany the communication.
- i ) sof the ( yon Paar, | JOB PRINTING KXECUTED AT THIS
Bam against the world. ! Union, — Patriot, & Union. Rush township, March 20, 1862—3t. bots en on the Fast pins on hand: J OFFICE.
, Ayer’s Cherry Pectorai.
. ~