Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, March 27, 1862, Image 2

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    The Td atchman,
JOE W. FUREY, ! Editors.
BELLEFONTE, March 27th, 1862.
A meeting of the Democratic Standing
Committee of Centre county will be held mn
the Court House, in Bellefonte, on Tuesday
evening, of the April Court, to select Dele-
gates to attend the State Convention, at
Harrisburg, on the 4th day of July next.
S. T Shugert, Bellefonte. Henry Noll,
Spring. Alex. Sample, Eerguson. John
Poorman, Boggs. Joseph Roller, Benner.
Joseph McCloskey, Curtin. R. M. Foster,
Miles. D. 0, Cower, Haines, Dr. J. M.
Bush, Patton. John Divens, Walker. Jared
B. Fisher, Gregg. Geo. L. Peters, Union.—-
W. W. White, Harris. John Garbrich,
Marion. John Copenhaven, Taylor. Eb-
enezer Records. Huston, Daniel Fleisher,
Petter. Jacob Pottsgrove, Halfmoon I.
Buffington, Milesburg. John Smith, Penn.
Wm. Holt, Snowshoe. C. Munson Rush. —
John M. Holt, Burnside. S. B. Leathers,
A ‘Short Biography.
Short biography of the political history of
the editor of the Central Press :
In 1856, a professed Democrat, traveling
. around selling the lifc of James Buchanan.
Ja 1857, he went before the Democratic
Convention of thig Conwty and claimed the
nomination for Register, cu account of his
_ missionary services. The Colvention sus-
pected his Democracy was of a ve¥y puri
ous kind, and didn’t give lif the nowina-
The Know Nothing Convention mot the
next night, and behold, George had alrean
taken the oath to disfrauchise his “pap,”
and was before them as a candidate for the
nomination for the office of Register. But
his qualifications, cven before this corrupt
body, were deemed insufficient, and he was
charged with having sold the life of James
Buchanan— a great political offence with
virtuous Know Nothingism -and he didn’t
get the nomination, (Poor fellow.)
But indefatigable Georg: was determined
not ta be outdone, and to give expression of
hig spite at Know Not Lingism or the ill
‘treatment he had received at their hands,
sourh* to re.urn to his old love, and tried to
spurchase the Pemncratic Watchman. He
represented to the owners that Seely and
Barnhart were not supporting Buchanan's
Administration as strougly ag they should,
as an argument to induce them to sell to
him, ' © thev suspected bis treachery, and
he didn’t get it. .
The poor fellow anpeared to be a cast out
tirom all political parties ; but not to be out-
«done, he was ba 4 to have a ney rspaper, to
ilearn them bor", he said, because ¢hey had
+50 illy used him, and in 1858 he became
«connected with the Central Press, \vhich, at
ithe time, claimed to be neutral in po Jities.—
In 1859, it claimed te be the organ of the
People’s party. In 1860, of 'e Peoples
Republican party. In 1861, it turned “its at-
tention to the advecacy of mob law, the des
struction of the freedom of the Demo vratic
Press, (particularly the Watchman) the
hanging of all Democrats without tral by
jury, the overthrow of the Constitution of
our fathers, and the higher law doctrine t hat
a negro and an abolitionist is 2 good deal
deal better than a white man. In 1862. it
follows up the same “u iness with a great
deal of zeal, and is determined that the old
Democratic Watchman, that he once wanted
to buy, must be driven tc the wall.
A beautiful record for a man to make in
six years truly, yet ke talks about focofocos
—changing their politics, &c. He must
have a sort of dowbie acting, double geared,
self adjusting acc modating conscience, that
suits itself Lo any emergency.
eet APP
The Democratic editors of the Watchman
are beginning to espouse the defunct doc
trines of Know Nothingism. Now that
thousands upon thousands of forcigners are
offering their lives for the preservation of
this Union and its Constitution, the scrubby
dastacdly defenders of Breckinridge, and of
traitors generally, assail that element for the
reason that in every case where a German or
an Inshwan gees into the waras a Demo.
erat he eomes out, perfectly renovated and
an Abolttionist. The Germans and Irish of
Céntre county should bear this fact in mind,
that while their countrymen hold this coun-
try and government as too precious to be
destroyed, and volunteer to defend them, the
pettifogging scriblers of the Watchman en~
deavor to charge them with incompetency to
judge for themselves, and sueeringly allude
to their birth in a foreign clime. We do not
know that a man's birth place constitutes an
objection prejudicial to the liberty of any
naturalized foreigner to entertain constitu-
tional views.—Central Press.
What singular changes do sometimes oc.
The “Press” Once More.
The editor of the Central Press (we mean
George Kuriz. the nominal editor. not the
man who docs the scribling) has returned
not only from the caucus of Republican ed
itors that assembled last week in Harris
burg, but also te his old favorite policy of
bellowing treason, traitor, Breckinridge
Democracy, &c., at every body who does
not agree with him in his higher law doc-
trine {hat a negro is a good deal better than
a white man. He had almost ceased his
cant upon this subjeet, seeing, as he did,
that the Douglas and Breckinridge Democ
racy had furnished all the fighting Generals
and nearly all—three fourths at least—of the
rank and file of the army of the Union.
Almost every day brings us news of some
great victory won by some Douglas or Breck
inridge Democratic General, with a Demo
cratic army, which,. notwithstanding the oft
repeated charges of disloyalty preferred
against them by the Central Press and other
papers in the State like it, has convinced
every body except a few abolitionists, that
the Democracy is the great and only consti-
tutional Union party in existence, and that
the charges of disloyalty preferred against
them by the Press, are the basest libels that
a diseased brain and a guilty conscience
could, in its anxiety to screen itself, prefer
against another.
When a man’s heart becomes besotted and
blackened with crime, and when, after the
perpetration of a huge offence, suspicion be-
gins to turn upon himself, he is generally the
one that calls loudest, ‘‘catch the thief !”—
The good people of this County have, from
reading the lies, the falsehoeds, the libels,
and the slanders against the army battling
home, who are holding the revolutionary
doctrine of the abolitionists in check, that
week after week find vent in the columns of
the Press, began to very seriously question
the nionisin of the Press cditor, and as
they, av after day, withdraw their support.
Consistent George begins to feel as though
his self importa2't popularity Was wang,
and that suspicion -strong convincing Sus-
picion—was hurling its fiery darts at him.
and while they pierce his £onscience to MS
rotten core, it upbraids him for his guilt.
and he cries lustily, “catch the thief!” —
Catch the thicf—you are shooting the wrong
man—Dbehold the editor of the Wate/unan,
the Breckinridge Democracy —they are the
guilty men.
The people don’t scem to believe hint. |
however, as our support is almost daily on
the increase, and although the grand jury, |
according to a pre-arranged existing plan,
fitted up expressly for partizan cffect at the |
last fall election, did present this paper as |
being, in their holy abolition opinion, in!
sympathy with the rebellion ; yet the peo.
ple, in their better unprejudiced judgment, |
thought better of us, as is evidenced from
the fact that they elected the whole ticket
tion that by a resolution endorsed us.
tended, made many votes for it at the last
election, and is now, as it 1s being recurred
the Democratic ranks.
The turning of the machinery of justice
into an engine of party, was an act of so
gross a nature that all honest people shru:ik
back in horro= from it. Proscription for
opinicn’s sake is contrary to the spirii and
stance, uses the power which by a system
of false pretences it had gained to muzzle
the press and close the mouths of the people
ol.ations of the Constitution, and their damn.
ing frauds upon the people. it presents a
state of atfiirs truly alarming.
The Republican party, dating its proscrip-
tive policy back to the days of Know Noth
ingism, when men were to be proscribed on
account of their birth and religion, has fol
lowed it up assiduously, until we were pre-
sented, nod on account of birth and religion,
but because our political opinions differed
with those o.f the party in power. Even in
the days of 1¥now Nohningism, when the
people saw pro scription carried to such an
extent that a man would proscribe hs own
father, as did the editor of the Press, they
became justly alarmed and cast the unholy
thing from them. Now, when the same in-
tolerant spirit still stalks abroad and has as
sumed a wider field, the moral sense of the
people 1s shocked with its impudence. and the
lovers of liberty, although deecived into the
support of the party for a while that tolerat-
ed and fostered this spirit. have, tpon the
commission of this glaring act, left it, and
cur in & very short period. For the last
four years the editor of the Central Press
has been, week after week, endeavoring to
advance the cause of Know -Nothingism.—
Yet, when that preposterous doctrine has
become too unpalatable to be longer espous-
ed, he secks to conceal his own guilt by
charging us with lus crime. :
He professes great veneration for the Ger-
mans and the Irish, whom, as his record
proves, he would disfranchise if he could. —
Yet he charges us ** with endeavoring to
charge them with incompetency to judge for
‘ themselves by sneeringly alluding to their :
irth in a foreign clime.” .
i ha not our language, Mr. Editor, it
was only you we charged with incompeten
cy to judge for and set up your own dicta
for the government of others, not on account
of your birth in a foreign clime of itself, but
because you had sold your birth right for a
mess of pottage, and turned traitor to your-
zelf, to nature and your God.
may be found now, and we trust forever,
hereafter battling against proscription. and
Lin favor of the Constitution and widite men’s
| rights, in the ranks of the Democratic party.
That presentment opened the eyes of a blind-
folded people.
Many of those in the bark Hepublican,
! which they were drifting, and have left it
in sufficient nuapbérs to insure us 2 large
Democratic majority in this County for many
years te come. But the editor of the Press
|is still the same intolerant proseriptive
! wretch hic was when a Know Nothing, whea
| he sold his birthright and voted to pro
scribe his own old grey headed father.—
“Dirty is the bird that fouls 1ts own nest,”
is a lesson that he would do well to learn
from the brute creation. :
| This ix the man who sets himself vp as
for the Union and the conservative men at |
j coming up the yoad driving an oid rickety
that was put in nomination by the Conven |
The |
unholy proceeding of that very presentment, | tion, concerning James Buchanan's ten cent
which was partly forced upon the jury by
an outside pressure, instead of killing us ally, and [ am just going around selling a
and the party we represent, as it was in- | book that corrects and entirely refutes all
to weekly by the Press, bringing many of | chanan.”’ He then went off in elegant style,
{he best men in the Republican party into | with a long exposition of the perfidy of s\b-
first principles of Republican government, | bargain in it at that.
and when a political party as in thie in |
| service—and we believed him. We read our
from speaking of their usurpations, their vi- | book, and, behold! it was good, All doubt
| as for whom we should vote was now dis
pelled. We learned to love the principles of
| the old Democracy. and we at once fell into
| the moving coluron, right ‘by the old land
! the -¢ Little Giant” slide
bave seen the shoals .and breakers upon |
the paragon of vyoue and pairiotism, and
weekly hurls charges of treasen at men
whose patriotism is as far above his as the
heavens are above the earth. The mark of
Cain is stamped upon his forehead, and he
will carry 1t down with him to the grave.
The last issue of the Central Press has
two columns appropriated to a recount of the
political sins of the Senior. We were much
pleased with the novelty of the charges pre-
ferred against us by Consistent George, who
if sinned we have, 18 responsible for them
all. A little scrap of history may serve to
enlighten the people, and fasten our guilt—
if guilt it be—upon Consistent George, the
political colporteur.
In the summer of 1856, when we were
young, (before we cast our first vote) at
home on the farm, unsophisticated as we
were, not having been identified with any
politica] party, and only desiring that when
we should be permitted to vote, that it
should be on the right side—on the side
of our country, and in favgr of the interests
of the whole people of this government, we
naturally tried to get all the information we
could of political men and measures. We
think it was just after harvest, while plow:
ing in a field adjoining a public road, about
the middle of the afternoon, that we had
stopped our team fo rest, and seated ours
selves upon the fence under the shade of a
large oak tree. We were in a thoughtful
mood at the time, as the political contest of
that year had began to warm into a more
vigorous life. The election was fast ap-
proaching, and we wanted to cast. our vote
in such a way that we should never have oc.
casion to regret it.
i Our knowludge respecting the character of
the different candidates was limited, and we
were trying to fix up in our mind, from the
tittle knowledge we had on the subject,
whieh was the best man—ten cent Jimmy,
as they called him—Fremont, or Fillmore.
We didn’t hike Buchanan. They told us he
favored the reduetion of ihe wages of labor
to ten cents a day. We never believed this
altogether ; bat it had its effect upon our
. mind. “nd rather gave us a sort of prejudice
| against the old man. We didn’t like til-|
more, on account of his Know Nothingism.
; We didn’t like Fremont, cn account of his
| Abolitionism. We were ina brown study,
: trying to fix up some sort of compromise be-
| tween them, when our attention was at-
| tracted by the merry whistling of a man
'pedlar’s wagon, We supposed it was some
ow pedlar, or sume wandering Egyptian,
ana relapsed again into a political study.—
[t wa. not long, however, until our supposed
Jew. w.ith a loud whoa, brought his old
horse “up stannin’ 7 right behind us. We
Jooked arowmd, expecting to be accosted
with, “do yon Want to buy any jewelry,
finger rings,” &*- 3 but imagine our sur.
prise, when the fh 6! question was : “Young
man, have you a vove this fall #7 We re
plied ves. + Well,” said he, * there has
been a great many slanu'ers put in circula-
policy, and the Democratic party gener
those base charges gotten up by th Know
Nothings and Abolitionists, to defext Bu-
17 Variable—'1he weather.
17 Coming—¢ All Fools" day.
(7 Plentv—- Walking uniforms.
== Venomous—The Press editor.
17= Gone to ‘ashington—Hon. S. T.
(7 Hard to take—Island No 10. and
some of the brandy in Bellefonte.
[= On hand again—Our correspondent
“ Roanoke.”
7 Our devil thinks the Bellefonte girls
are hard to beat. Well, no wonder,
I= Gives us thunder~-The Central Press.
Well no matter—barking dogs never bite.
7" In town on Monday and Tuesday—
Our friend and former editor of the Watch-
man, P. Gray Meek, Esq.
I= When a woman wishes to be very af-
fectionate to her lover she calls him a naugh-
ty man.
17 * Pitchy darkness” has been so imn-
proved in af ter times as to vead ¢* bitumin~
ous obscurity.”
77 The idle man is the devil’s hireling,
whose living is rags, and whose diet and va.
ges are famine and disgrace.
(= Soft soap in some shape pleases all,
and generally the more /ye you put in the
17" He thay is good will become better,
and he that is bad worse ; for virtue, vice,
and time never stop.
07 Sarah Hogg, of Philadelphia, died
from the effects of whiskey. She lived a Hogg
and died a hog !
>= Do you believe, sir that the dead ever
walk after death 2 *“ No doubt of it mad-
am ; I have heard the Dead March.”
0 It is wise and well to look om the
cloud of sorrow as though we expected it to
turn into a rainbow.
7 The Press man calls us traitors Well
if we are, we have never yet gone so far as
to attempt to betray our own daddies.
177 Why is a vain young lady like a con-
firmed drunkard ? Because neither of them
is satisfied with the moderate use of the
{7 The Press thinks we are secession-
ists. Well, we would sooner be secession:
ists than Abolitionists— rather be admirers
of Jefferson Davis than of Wendell Phillips.
= Wadsworth cautions a studious friend
against ¢ growing double,” but the girls
think it is the best thing a nice young man
can do. .
777 Young Giles who is just beginning to
learn French, wants to know how it is, if
they have no w in their language, that them
chaps spell wagon 2
77 The West Chester Jeffersonian says
that two hogs were recently slaughtered in
that county, which weighed, when dressed.
1146 1bs. They were three days short of
thirteen months old.
077 In ipstructing others, we improve
ourselves, He who is engaged inthe tuition
of others acquires a proficiency in his at.
tainments of which he was not previously
77 The Democratic standing Committee
of this Couniy, will meet at the Court House
on Tuesday evening of April Court. It is
hoped that all the members will be in atten-
(7 A dispatch to the €incinnat1 Gazelze
says that Gen. Grant has turned over his
command te Gen. Smith. and agks to be re
lieved of his command. What is the troub~
17 A Secessionist says that the rebel
general must have been out of his mind to
neglect Fort Henry. This is quite a mistake,
it wasonly some of his men that were
= Parson Cheever was hissed im the
streets of Jersey City, N. J,, last Sunday,
after leaving the church where he had pro
fancd the sabbath by denouncing Washing
ton and McClellan and lauding abolition.
olitionism. and the proscriptive policy 0)
Know Nothingism, and enlarged upon the
Leauties of democracy. We bought his book
- the life of James Buchanan-—a twenty
five cent book, which be induced us to Luy
at a dollar. and telling us that we had a
He looked like a devout man—at least
his old crooked kneed horse looked as though
he had spent a life time in a colporteur’s
| line, and have marched on ever since with
i marks pointed out in the Cincinnati plat-
| form —a copy of which was in our book.
The political missionary, who sold us the
twenty-five cent book for a dollar, was
George Kurtz, the man who now turns the
crank of the nigger machine down street.
Incredible as it may seem, this ram-
pant Abolitionist did once claim to bea
Demncrat, and traveled as a missionary,
| selling twenty-five cent hooks for a dollar. —
| If we have erred in adhering to the Demo~
| cratic party. and if it be treason to be a
Dewocrat, then we plead guilty : but how
ungracious in the editor of the Press after
cheating us in that took, out of which we
learned our Democracy. to denounce us as a
reitor to our country for adhering to that
purty. O, the ungracious man ! not satisfi-
| ed with the seventysfive cents clear profit
that he made on that book, he now wants
to get us hung or sent oft to Fort Warren, so
that he can get to publish the unseated land
hist Bah!
——— ee ——————
But a few days before the election, we know
| that the present senior editor of thai sheet—a pro-
fessed and rampant Douglasite—wheeled right
about face—turned his back like a southern cow-
ard, against Douglas and smiled most compia-
cently at his friend Breckinridge. This was his
peculiar Domocratio policy, beeczzs he knew it
was impossible to defeat Lincoln unless he left
We do uot wish to
east opprobrious epithets upon the Democratic par-
ty, but it is evident from the evolutions of this ed-
itor that he is emphatically a locofoen. This is
the true character of the senior editor of the Wateh-
man. —Central Press
“A fow days before the election we
koow,” &c. You do know, do you? We
question your word very much, when you
say you know what you state. If you mean
to say that you know what you state to be
false, then we admit it: but it you state it
for truth, then we know, positively know, !
be states is false,
that the editor of the Press knows that what |
7 Some genius has conceived tho bril-
lant idea of putting all lawyers into. the
mlitary service because their charges are
so great no one could stand them.
17" The editors of the two Fibunes—
New Yerk and Chicago—are quarreling, and
calling exch other linrs, scoundrels, and
«+ everythmg what they be.” «- When
rogues fall gut,” &e.
7 According to letters found at Roanoke
after its capture, the rebels are building,
somewhere, one hundred gunboats. They
are to be ready for service about the first of
7 The Press editor says he didn’t get
into bad cowpany during his recent visit to
the city. He must have had a terribly
lonesome time of it then.
I The editor of the Press thinks the
Union and the Constitution will be preserv-
ed. We hope they may—but if they are,
there will be no thanks due such men as
177 The work of gun making is crowded
to such an extent at the Springfield Mass.
Armory now, that all the daylight there
between sun and sun is used, and over $5.
000 worth of gas per quarter.
7 It is stated that the sound of the can-
nonading at Fort Donelson was heard 2 huan-
dred miles. Singular as it may appear, the
shock was felt at a much greater distance.—
Tt is represented to have been terrific as far
as Richmond.
17 A disconsolate widower, seemng the
remains of his late wife lowered into the
grave, exclaimed with tears in his cyes :—*
Well I've lost hogs,‘and I've lost cows, but
I never had anything that cut me up like
this 1’
17 Connecticut sends from her two Dem-
ocratic districts (represented by Democrats
in Congress) more than three fourths of the
volunteer forces rom that State. The two
Republican distriets send less by 200 than
one fourth : but they make up by sending
officers and contractors.
7 How,” said a country court judge
to a witness, do you kno wthe prisoner was in~
toxicated on the evening refered to 2° ¢- Be
cause I saw him a few minutes after supe
per, trying to pull off his trousers with a
boot jack.” Verdict for defendant.
77 A Frenchman was recently seen bar-
gaining for a dozen sheep. What are you
about 2 said a friend. I have heard say, re-
plicd mousieur, that if you want to make
money. you must buy sheep and sell deer.—
tT shall buy the sheep and sell de veni-
son !”’
77 An old negro takenon board one of
the vessels at Port Royal, the other day, was
overheard praying vigoursly that « de Lord
would bress dese d—d Yankees.’ Poor
Sambo had never heard his friends designa-
ted by any other title, and unconsciously
Army Correspondence.
March 7th 1862,
Eprrors WarcaMAN : —We are again em
barked on board ‘he steamer Cossack, and
expected ere this to have arrived at our
point of destination. Butit is now blow.
ing, and has been since last night, a perfect
gale, and to attempt to sail now would be
but to launch our steady old bark upon the
shore or shoals. The small cutters, which
can mount almost any waves, even in heavy
seas, would swamp to-day were they to at-
temot to make the shore. So, we are just
now a little world within ourselves, cut off
from all outside communication, for the time
being, with the waves dashing their spray
against the sides of our staunch old boat in
wild confusion.
We are having the variations of march to
a dead certainty. [It seems to matter but
little whether one is basking in the sun of
a tropical climate, or sleighing over the
mountains and through the valleys of the
old Keystone, the same feelings are awak-
ened when the name of blustering March is
announced. The cold chills naturally be-
gin to be felt, and you look for all the chan-
ges peculiar to Spring, Summer, Autumn
and Winter.
pleasant weather since we landed upon the
soil of North Carolina—there having been
but one frost, and but one time ice percept-
ible upon the edges of the little pools of
water near our quarters-—that we had al.
most began to think blustering March would
pass and we would not have to experience
any of her fretful moods ; but now we aie
satisfied that her debut is the swme the
world over.
Yesterday we were fanned by a breeze as
balmy as in May, with as lovely a sunset as
when the foliage of your mountain trees are
clothed in all of their autumnal beauty, and
the waters of the Croatan were as calm and
placid as when an August sun warms the
waters of Springor Logan creeks. Night
settled down so peacefully, spreading her
broad mantle so gradually and gently over
us, studding the blue sky with a myriad of
twinkling stars to keep her wigils, that it
seemed tous as though we were wrapped
in an Elysian dream, floating down the Mis-
sissippi or the Gulf Stream, when every-
' where peace and prosperity claimed their
wonted sway. We retired to our berths,
soon to be wrapped in peaceful slumber, to
dream of home and friends,—*‘ maids,” as
Pollock says, *‘a dew drop pure and fair,
our souls with grandeur filled.” We were
however, soon awakened, not by a gentle
whisper or the pleasant call to breakfast,
but by the sound of the dark sea’s moan,
and our head coming in contact with the
bullwarks of our old ship, legs out of berth
520 the confused noise of & general scramb
* What's the matter 2”
* The slat of your berth has slipped and
peo broke my nose,” says some one be~
** Off me quicker than lightning, or the
devil’s to pay,” says another.
¢ Don’t upset my trunk ; it has two bot.
tles of brandy init,” cries a thud, whose
relish for brandy never ceased amid storms.
«“ When you bave two, cast ope out on the
waters,” says a fourth.
+ What in thunder are you sea sick for?
What's up now ?’ says one who had steam
ed many a storm. A wag from the corner
birth, says: ¢ March has put on a few airs,
having been aroused from. a peaceful sleep,
and the sea's putting on a few swells—have
seen as heavy a squall on the Pennsylvania
Canal—have doubled the Capes ana gone
around the Horn—1 could take in a Aorn to
night, and this is but a pleasant breeze—so
turn in and tke your rest.”” The last words
had not more than fallen from his lips, when
a heavy sea strikes the ship and sends Mr.
Wag out on the floor. *¢ Doubling the
Capes ? taking a tour around the Horn, or
on the Pennsylvania Canal ? burst from the
lips of half-a-dozen. * No,” says he, ‘‘l
was trying to get some beef steak from the
Yull-warks, when the ship heaves too; 1
thought I would get ene when my
slipped, as you see.”” The scene closes and:
the wind.rises, and another episode in the
life of a soldier en the ** oceam wave'” is fin-
Al great many writers have dwelt with
much stress. upon the pleasures of a life on
the ¢* ocean wave.” We don’t think they
were ever ina gale off Cape Hatteras, on
the North Carolina coast. Et settles all the
ideal fancy, and & great deal of the reality
of those fancy sketches about Mother Ocean
We have traveled upon the Father of Waters,
and find him always gentle. The old Lady
is too impetuous, and swells too often for
many of us. .
Eighteen contrabands came down: tor the
Island on yesterday and report that the en-
emy are concentrating a heavy force at
Wilmington, and that every man in the
State able to carry a shot-gun or arifte, had
been compelled to come out and. guard the
Railroads. The possession of the Railroads
at Gaston or Suffulls, would enable us to cut
off ull communication from Richmond. Nor-
folk. Wilmington and other points of like
importance, from South Carolina and much
of North Carolina, Fhe way the expedi-
tion would have tw accomplish it, would be
to sail to Winton, the farthest point paviga~
ble on the Chowar river for vessels of large
size, and there disembark the troops, and
march from thence to the point where the
Roads to the places named form a junction.
The attack being expected at Wilmington or
Newbern, their forces would be compara-
tively small to guard the Railroads, and the
distavce to march would not exceed sixty
miles. The destruction of that point would
give us undisputed control over much of
the State, and would constitute one of the
most brilliant victories yet achieved. The
Roads run through the richest and most fer-
tile parts of North Carolina. If the army
were stationed at that pont, it would form
a (central) nucleus around which the Union-
ists might gather, and it would soon be
known whether the strong Union feeling so
much spoken of, does really exist. The
Chowan and other rivers are navigable for
small schooners and light draft boats, there-
by affording transportation for our baggage,
commissary and general stores, to points
easy of access, and in close proximity to our
field operations.
Whether the Expedition saiis to that point,
remains to be seen.
March 8th, 1862.
The gale has subside 1, and the Sound is
rather calm. Considerable activity prevails
among the small craft to-day. The cutters
and surf-boats are skimming around from
vessel to vessel, apparently doing a big bus-
iness on a small scale. The tugs are steam
ing up and down the Sound, towing small
and large schooners. The large black trans
| used it even in his prayer.
ports change positions, and ¢e take a look
We have experienced so much | oq
from one end of the fleet fo the ,othér; the
same commotion prevails. The old Cossack
is being thoroughly polished, and looks as
neat and clean as a new pin. Now the Jow-
er guards are lined wiih soldiers washing,
and the upper decks are lined with them
basking in the sunshine. At the time we
were on board the Cossack before, on a day
like this, one could see the soldier boy seat-
ed with his old “Harper's Ferry’’ on his
knee, cleaning it in every part and putting
it in good order for the approaching conflict.
Since then the old + Harper's Ferry’ have
been exchanged for the Enfield-rifie,~ 8 neat
gun of nearly’ the ¥avde calibre. Jena
are bronzed, rendesi mu to
sight. The bop sa ehh the
exchange, though they took a long. last
look at the old guns as they ixid them Bown
in the new box to be closed up and gént to
shore in chaige of the Quartermsiter’s De-
partment, v3 Es
. Some sickness prevails atnong the men
just now. Surgeon Hassack, of our ‘Regi-
ment, is sick, now being taken ashore
to the general hospital. ‘ ais
Departure of the Naval Force and First -
Brigade.—The gun-boats have just started,
followed by the 1st Brigade, and are round-
icg the point of the Island. The direction
indicates Norfolk or Winton. "The last
chance to send this to the Island to be mail-
to you, is now. Adreun. Yours,
Official Dispatch from Gen. Burnside:
WasniNGToN, March 19.
Gen. Burnside, in his official report says :
I must defer for want of time, a detailed gc.
count of the action. It is enough to gy.
that after an engagement of four hours, Twe
succeeded in carrying a continuous line of
field works of over a mile in length, protect-
ed on the river flank by a battery of thirteen
heavy guns, and on the opposite Bank by’ a
line of redoubt of over a half & mile in length
for riftemen and field pieces, in the midst of
swamps and dense forests, which line of
works was defended by eight regiments of
infantry ; 500 cavalry, and three batteries
of field artillery of six guns each,
The position was finally carried by =
most gallant charge of our men, which ena-
bled us to gain the rear of all the batteries
between this point and Newbern, which was
done by the rapid advance of the entire force
up the main road and railroad. The. naval
fleet meantime was pushing its way up the
river, throwing their shot into the forts, in
front of us. the enemy retreating in great
confusion, throwing away blankets, knap-
sacks, arms, &c., across the railroad bridge
and country road bridge. They burned the
former and destroyed the draw of the latter,
thus preventing further pursuit and: causing
a detention in occupying the town by our
military forge ~but the naval force had ar-
rived at the wharves and'commanded: it by
their guns. :
I at once advanced Gen. Foster's brigade
to take possession of the town by means of
the naval vessels, which Com. Rowan had
kindly volunteered for the purpose. The
city was set on fire by the retreating rebels
in many places, but owing to the exertions
of the naval officers the remaimng citizens
were induced to aid in extinguishing the
flames so that but little harm was done.—
Many of the citizens are now returning and
we are now in quiet poss-ssion of the city.
We have captured the printing press and
shall at once issue a daily sheet. ~~ . .
By this victory our cembined forces . have
captured eight batteries, containing forty-six
heavy guns, three batteries of hight artillery
of six guns each, making in all sisty~four
guns, two steamboats, and a number of sail-
ing vessels, horses. a large quantity of am-
unition, commissary and quartermastes
stores, forage, and the entire camp equipage
of the rebel troops : a large quantity of rosin
turpentine, cotton, &c., and over 200. prison -
ers. Our loss thus far aseertained will
amount to 21 killed and 466: wounded, many
of them mortally ; among these are some of
our most gallant officers and men. The
rebel logs is severe, but not so great as. our
own, having been effectually covered. ly
their works. a
I bez to say to the General Commanding
the army, that I have endeavored to carry
out the very minute instructions. given. me
by him before leaving Annapolis, and thus
far events have been singularly ccincidens
with his anticipations. [ only hope that we
may in future carry out in detail the remain.
ing plans.of the campaign. The enly thing
I bave to regret is the delay caused by the
elements. . 5
From: Washington. ;
WasrINGTON, March 19:
The tug Leslie, which arrived here late
last night, reports that when she passedi Ac<
quia Creek, the buildings and wharses were
on fire. The supposition being at the
rebels had evacuated and tsken
them. 2 er
The town of St. Augustine was surrender-
ed withous a fight. The town authorities
receiving Commander Rogers in the town
hall, and after haying been assured that. he
would protect the loyal citizens, they raised
the flag with their own. hands; The rebel
troops evacuated the night before ‘the. ap.
pearance of the gun boats, | This is the, sec-
ond of the old Government forts that bas
been taken by Com. Dupent.
el A te or
The 5st Pennsylvania Regiment.
NorrisTowN Pa , March 19.
We have glorious news from the Fifty-first.
regiment, Pennsylvania Volunteers, .Coloned
J.P. Harirauft_jon in service in Burnside’s.
expedition. 0 regiment 18 roajn m~
ed of officers and men of the 0 Fourth
ennsylvania, of the three months’ term.—
Sergeant Major C. Jones Iredell, of that reg-
iment, writes home that the Fin 3. after
taking the enemy’s battery on the Jeff of the
defences of Newbern with the bayonet, was
the first regiment to plant its celors, along
with the flag presented by the ladies of Nor-
ristown to the old Fourth, (three months”
regiment,) in the encmy’s entrenchments,—
Thus their gallantry at the redaction of New~
bern fully vindicates the fame of the old
regiment, and does honor to the Old Key.
rel lp pee
7 Keep out of debt—out of quarrels—
out of law—out of politics—out of idleness
—out of thin shoes —out of damp clothes—
out of the reach of brandy—out of public
office—out of matrimony, unless you are i
love, or there is mo«ey in the bargain—and
keep clear of the monstrous sin of . cheating
the printer out of his just dues.
y mre Gf renner
07 Twe lrishmern Were Going to fire off
a cannon, just for fun ; but being of an econ-
omical turn of mind, they did ‘not wish |
10s¢ the ball, so one took an iron kettle §
his hand to catch it ip, and stationing’ hii.
gelf in front of the loaded gol, he exclhim -
ed to the other who stood behind holding
lighted torch, — ¢¢ Touch it eisy, Pat