J / Dh Watchman, LOCAL & OTHER MATTERS. Notice to License Applicants, € tn order that there may be no misunder~ standing as to the terms upon which appli- cations for license will be published in CEN. TRAL PRESS and DEMOCRATC WATCH. MAN for the future, the undersigned pub Tishers hereby give timely notice that they will strictly adhere to the following : Resolved, That we will, from the date hereof, refuse to publish any application for tavern license unless the sum of one dollar for every such ap- plication be paid in advance to each pub isher. KURTZ & STOVER - ALEXANDER & FUREY. Bellefonte. Feb. 13th. 1862. : TBE ANNIVERSARY, — We are happy to be able to state that the Sunday School Anni- versary, held at the Methodist Church, last Friday evening, was quite a success; so much so, in fact. that the performances were repeated on Saturday night by request, Our citizens turned out in good numbers, and quite filled the church on beth evenings.— We learn that the proceeds of the first night amounted to about thirty dollars, and that the sum total of the second night's exhibi- tion fell but little short of that amount—be ing in all about twenty-five dollars—making the full amount of the proceeds of both eve- nings abot fifty-five dollars. This was well done, and we should think would be sufficient to furnish the school with a first rate library, to which purpose, we under- stand, it is the intention to devote the mon- ey. Good as this was, however, it was not all; for we understand that on Sunday afternoon last, the school succeeded in raising twenty- five dollars more, by subscription. The friends of the school, will, no doubt feel re- joiced at such omens, and be encouraged to redouble - their eiforts in the good cause. — Considering the extreme yoath of a large number of the performers at the Anniversa.. ry, the exhibition was quite’ creditable af fair, and we hope it may not be the last one we shall witness during the coming Spring and Summer. 0 Trg ILLUMINATION. —In our last issue, in our published account of the proceedings of the 22d ult., we forgot to mention the illu mination which took place in the evening. and which was truly a brilliant affair. All the principal buildingsin town were bril- liantly lighted np and presented a beautiful appearance. All of the buildings on Main 4treet were illuminated, besides many others in other parts of the town. The * Conrad House” presented about the finest display of ny in town, which is no surprise, when we consider that “Jerry” always excels in whatever he undertakes. The ¢‘Pennsylva. aia’ alsn looked well. Mr. MeAlister's house was also beautifully lighted up, as was # also Reynolds's fron Front, Mrs. Beaner's, residence, the Arcade, &c. The brilliant display of light, together with the jirgling of bells, the bonfire in the Diamond, and the crowds of people in the streets, lent an air of bustle and joyousness which we have not seen in Bellefonte for a long time. Eee a Mr. YEaGER.—The vocal and instrumen- tal wusic furnished at tha Anniversary, on 41st Friday and Siturday nights, by Mr, Wil law Yeagerand his class was a most pleas ing feature of the exhibition. Mr. Yeager is certainly a young man of fine musical tal- «nt, and his performance of that most besu- tiful song—* A Shout for the Banner,” was excellent. It seemed to stir the patriotic feelings of the entire audience, which show - human face divine ” on the hill just back of the Court House. Taylor is an adept in his profession, takes all sorts of pictures of all sorts and sizes, and at all sorts of prizes. “Card pic- tures, which are very convenient for sending in a letter, are taken at the rate of six for one dollar. Photographs, Ambrotypes, Me- lainotypes, Ferrocypes, &c., &e,, taken in the best style of the art. Call and sce. 0 177 The army letter signed ** Roanoke,” which we publish this week. is from our friend Adjutant D. P. Bible, of the 51st Reg- iment P. V. Read it. We have received another letter from the Adjutant, but, as it is too long for this issue, we have omitted it until next week. and 9 Caprary Brown. — We learn that Captain W. W. Brown, of this place, who recruited # company of men for the Volunteer service, has resigned his commission. and is succeed ed by Lieut. James H. Rankin. We have not learned (he cause of his resignation. 0 Snow. —8ince our last 1ssue snow has fal- len to the depth of two or three inches, and ig still falling at present writing. which again renews the sleighing. and the jingle of the bells is once more heard in our stree's, DIED. In Unionville, on the 20th of Feb. Mary JANE GEARY, wife of T. J. Geary, in the 39h year of her age. 'ANTED IMMEDIATELY. A BLACKSMITH, SADDLER, and TAILOR, to go as workmen in Captain J 8. Brisbin’s Cavalry Company, Kegular Army. Pay $15 per month, with a chance to make $45. Feb. 27, ’62-tf. ; Ayers Cherry Pectoral. obliged during ! Such | Mr. | Bsllefonte Market. (Corrected weekty by Hoffer Brothers.) Wheat. white. 31,10 do, Red. 1.05 Rye. 50 Corn. 45 Oats. 25 Barley. 50 Cloverseed. 4,50 Lard. 08 Butter. 123 Eegs, 124 Tallow. 10 Plaster—ground. 10 00 GENTRE COUNTY 1861 : W. W. BROWN, Esq., TREASURER, | In account with Centre County, from January ! 7th, 1861, til January 7th, 1862. DR. FoR THE YEAR Jan. 7 —To amount received from Collectors and other sources, $26949 06 JC OLLOCK'S IMPROVEDDANDELION COFFEE. This pieparation, made from the best Java Coffee, is strongly recommen- ded by physicians as a superior NUTRITIOUS BEVERAGE for General, Debility. Dyspepsia, and all Bilious disorders. Thousands who have been reluctantly compelled to abandon the use of Coffee, will find they can use tms combination without any of the injurious effects they formerly experienced. $25 One can contains the strength of two pounds of ordinary Coffee For sale by all Druggists and Grocers, and by the Manufacturer, corner of BROAD and CHEST- | NUT Streets, and _hy JOS. B. BUSSIEK & CO, 108 and 110, S WHARVES. Price 25 eents March 6th 1862—1y. AUDITOR'S NOTICE. The Unacrsigned. an Auditor ap pointed by the Orphans’ Court of entre county, to make distribution of the money in the ha ds of Richard Young, administrator of John 1. Young. dec’d, will attend to the duties of his said appoint- ment, atthe Court t.cuse. in the borough of Bell- fonte, on Friday, the 28th day of March next. when all persons interested may attend if they think proper J D SHUGERT, Feb. 2 t Auditor. A UDITOR’S NOTICE. The undersigned, an Auditor aps pointed by the Court of Common Pleas, of Centre County, to distribute the money in the hands of Thos. Harper, assignee of Jacob Wolf, will attend te the duties of his said appointment at the Court House, in the Bor. of Bellefonte, on Saturday. the 29th day of March next when all persons interes ted may attend if they think proper J.D. SHUGERT. Feb. 2T—4t Auditor. A DMINISTRATOR'S NOTIC:. Letters testamentary on the Es- tate of John M. Lueas, late of Curtin township, deceased, dated Feh. 19th, 1862, having been granted to N. J. Mitchell and D. W. Hall, of Howard township, all persons indebted to said Estate are requested to mak o immediate payment and those having claims st it are required to present them, duly authenticated, for settlement. N. J. MITCHELL, Feb. 27—6t. D. W. HALL, Adm’s. [REGULAR ARMY !LAST CHANCE! 100 Young Men Wanted Im mediately for the 6th formerly the 3d Regiment of United “tates Cavalry ! The term of enlist- men; has been reduced from five to to three years Men enlisting in this regiment will receive One Hundred Dollars Bounty, at the end of the term of enlistment | The pay varies from $14 to $27 per month, ac | cording to the rank and capacity of the soldier.— ! In addition to pay an abundance of good and com- fortable clothing, fiod. quarters and medical at | tendanee will be furnished. free of charze, to- ! gether with horses and accoutrements The men will be uniformed immediately. PAY commences from date of enlistment. As soon as a man en- lists he will be fur: ished with board and lodging charge, and will go into camp in a few ply immediately at oflee, BELLE- RE COUNT 2A! 5. BRISBIN, 6th Cavalry, uiting Officer. COUNTY NOTILE, LHEREAS, at a meeting of the Board | of Relief, held in the Commissioners’ « Office, at Bellefonte, for the county of Ceutre, we | have found it necessary to make a reduction of | former rates allowed to those who have heen the | recipients of its benefits. © And whereas the funds | assessed for that purpose have been expended, | and several thousand dollars over, therefore ow- | in to the state of the finances of the county. we | have fourd ourselves compelled to pass the follow- ing Resolutions : | Ata regular meeting of the Board of Reli f, | hell Feb. 25th, 1862, at the Commissioners Offlce | in Bellefonte, the following proceedings were had, to wit. Resolved, That the Board of Relief refuse sup- port to all applicants who have not been heads of | families and their actual supporters previous to their enlistmeng in the service of the United States ; and that they vill not consider any claims for the beenfit of sons of fathersexcept where such { fathers are known to be sick or erippled. | Resolved, That after the first day of, April next | the present rates of soldiers’ fumilies shall be re- | We are? queed tothe following rates to wit: | For a wifg, 4 and one child, 1 £ and two children. ) | and for all other children 25 cents per week each, | for every child under 14 years old | Resolved, That these proceedings be signed by | the Board aud be published in all the papers in | the County. { JOHN 8. PROUDFOOT, 8. STROHFCKER Associ ite Judes. FISJ ER | | IRA JOHN | A ALE) WER County Commissioners. Attest S M. Irwin, Clerk Feb. 27. 62 3¢ ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. LETTERS OF ADMINISTRA i ION COM. Testamento annexo on the Es ate of Anthony Gaitens late of the Bor. of Bellefonte Centre County deceased, having been granted to the subscriber, those knowing themseives in- debted to said Estate are requested to make immediate payment and those having claims to present them duly authenticated for set- tlement, GEO. LIVINGSTON. AUDITOR’ NOTICE. THE UNDERSIGNED, AN AUDITOR appointed by the Court of Common Pleas of Centre County, 10 make and report distrib ution of the money. in the hands of Geo. Alexander Esq, High Sheriffof the County of Centre, rising from the sale of the real Estate of Wm. Riddle of Spring Township, will attend to the duties of his appointment on Saturday the 15th day of March next, at 10 o'clock, A. M., of said day, at his of- fice in Bellefonte, when and where all per- sons interested are requested to attend and present their claims or be forever debaired frow coming in on said fand. ADAM HOY. Feb. 20.— 3t. Auditor. H. N. M’ALLISTER, A. @. CURTIN. DEPOSIT BaNK, —OF — i HUMES, McALLISTER, HALE & CO. i BELLEFONTE. CENTRE CO., PA. Deposits Received— Bills of Exchange and No Discounted —Interest Paid on Special Deposits— Collections Made, and Proceeds Remitted rompt- y—HBxchange en the Fast consti ntly on hand: &. C. HUMES. J. T. HALE. BANKING HOUSE, —OF — WM. F. REYNOLDS & CO., BELLEFONTE, CENTRE CO., PA. Bills of exchange and Notes discounted. Col- lections made and proceeds promptly remitted. — Interest paid on special deposits. Exchangein the eastern cities constantly on band for sale. Depos- ils recelvea To balance due Treasurer, 5442.71 32391,77 CR. Jan 7—By am’t of Commis sioners’ orders lifted, $31094,07 Jy am’t of [reus’r’s com- ission on $25754,07, 1287,70 By am’t postage & stat’ry, 10,00 32301.77 By balance due Treasurer, 544271 W.W. BROWN, Esq., TREASURER, In aceount with Centre County Military Relief Fund, for the year 1861. DR. Jan. 7—Te am’t received from Coll-ctors & other sources, To balance due Treasurer, $3285,79 2247.11 $10532.90 By balance due Co. Treoe’r, 2247.11 GEO. ALEXANDER. isq., Hien 8 Tn weeount with Centre County, fort : R. Jan. 7—To amount of fines & fees To am’t of County orders, $415.50 134 $340.92 JRERORT OF THE AUDITORS OF f COUNTY PRINTING. | Am’t paid J. J. Brisbin, for Coun- ty Priuting, $100.00 Ditto Seely & Barohart for pub. Aud’s report, 40.60 Ditto Kurts & Stover, ditto, 40 00 Ditto J. J. Brisbin, ditto, 40.00 Ditto Fred. Kurtz, ditto, 40 00 Ditto Kurtz & Stover for assess warrants, 15.00 Ditto Kurtz & Stover for extra erders, &e, 20,00 Ditto Kurtz & Stover for print. relief report, 8,00 Ditto Fred. Kurtz, pub. notice to collectors, 4,50 | Ditto J. J. Brisbin, ditto, 10,00 PREMIUMS ON SCALPS. Am'’t paid for scalps of foxes, wild cats, panther, wolves, &o. SI57.75 INQUISITIONS ON | quisition on dead body, $7.12 Ditto Phil Sheneberger, dite, 10.59 Ditto Jona. Eckard, ditto. 13,7: body, Ditto ¥. B Co. ordor, Ditto, D uffman, not Ditto Dan’! ride, note. ¢, ! terson, ditio, 90,00 r, Ditto Ms Ditto Da borrow 361 00 To balance due County, $ 54.71 CR By bill for boarding and washing for prisoners, 314,58 By bill sunaries furnish- ed for prisoners, 21,63 By bill summoning jurors 119,00 By bill guarding prisoners, Court Proctamation, snd re-arresting prisoners, 97.00 By bill fees & fines uncollected 243 00 ¢ ** balance due County, 54.71 ty, havin Brown, T Coun lexander, Sheriff. find them stated, and allow them to be pres according to law Witness our hands at the Commissioners’ Office at Bellefonte, this10th day of January, 1562, JEREMIAU MAYES AMES C. WILLIAMS, RGE BUCHANAN, N, Clerk, Auditors. Attest, Geo. Inving Receipts and Expenditures of Centre County for the year I861. W. , the Commissioners of Centre county, agree- ably to an Act of Assembly, entitled an’ ** Act to Raise County Rates and Levies” requiring the Commissioners of the severa! eounties of this Commonweaiih to publish annually a statement of the Receipts aud Expenditnres of their respective counties, do report the following, viz: from the 7th day of January, 1861. till the 7th day of Jan- nary, 1862. ; LECEIPTS. To an.’t from County collect- ors and other sources, $26949,06 FXPENDITURES. By am’t paid W. W. Brown, Treas’r’s com on 25754 07 S1287,50 By am’t Commirsioners’ or- ders lifted, 31094,07 By am’t’ paid for postage, sta- tionary, &c., for Treas. Office, 10,00 = 32301,77 COUNTY AUDITORS. ’t paid Benj Schrock as County auditor, 312,00 Ditto Jere. Mayes 12.00 Ditto Jas. C. Williams, 12,00 Ditto Geo. Livingston as Aud iturs clerk, 12.00 ASSESSORS By amt paid township and boro’ A ors for 4 ments ind returns, 189,00 COMMISSIONE 'S’ OFFICE. Am’t paid Thos. Hutehinson for 8 rvice as Commissioner, Aw’t paid [ra Fisher, ditto, ‘do do John M’Calmont, do do Amos Alexander, do do S.M. Irwin as clerk to Commissioners do do S M. Irwin for trans- oribing & correcting Ticasurer’s U.S. 1. Book, Am’t paid 8. M. Irwin for earry- ing out U. S. 1. Tax 50,00 Am’t paid ssme extraserv. as clk. 20.67 Am’t paid Jas. H. Rankin for col- lecting and for five suits in court 224,82 Am’t pd same as counsel to $267,50 210.00 27400 10,00 275,00 50,00 Commissioners, 25,00 Am’t paid George Livingston for blank books and stationary, 152,85 Ditto for making corrected copy of unseated lands for twp. use. 50,00 Am’t pd. Wm. Cook for postage and box ront, 14,09 1623,93 COURTS. Am’t paid John Hoffer, Proth’ys foos. &e $ 109,00 \m't paid W. Hl. Longwell cor recting & transe. Ad Am’t pd Grand & Tr Am’t pd for Comn’t Am’t paid John T. Johnsson, Proth’ys fees, &o 159 33 Am’t pd Ed. Blanchard for aua- iting docket & Proth’ys Register, 35,00 Am’t pd. J. S. Parsons as Tip- st. ff. 50.00 Am’t pd. And. White as Court crier. 49,50 Am’t pd. D. G. Bush for Rules of Court, 9,00 Am’t George Alexander for sum moning jurors, 50 00 : $3121,21 CCURT HOUSE. Am’t pd. J. 8. Parsons as Court House Janitor. $150,00 Am’t pd. Wm. Ickhoff for coal for Court House, 115,00 Ditto F. ©. Green for aleohol for metre, 4.50 Ditto John Yager for painting, 15,00 Ditto Lyco. Ins. Co. for C. H 14.00 Ditto 8. D. Ti den, for Co. Maps, 10,00 Ditto B. Galbraith for repairing C. H. fouce, 7,25 Ditto John Brackbill for mend- ing chairs, 2,00 Ditto N. Hillibish for bill furn- ished Co. 4,75 Ditto Daniel Derr keys for C. H,, 1,00 Ditto J 8. Parsons bill furnish- ed Co. 8,07 Ditto J. D Turner water tax, 21,78 Ditto Felix Mu'len for hauling scaffolding, 1,50 Ditto Beilefonte Gas Co. for as bills, 53,20 Ditto sweeping C. H. chimneys, 5,00 $413,05 COUNTY JAIL. Am’t pd. Geo. Alexander for boarding prisoners, $363.18 Ditto Potter & Mitehell at tending prisoners, 12,50 Ditto Wilson & Bro. merch- andise for jail, 208,00 Ditto furnace, repairs. mate- rial painting, white- washing &o., for jail, 745,32 Ditto John Montgomery, elothing for prisoners 6,00 Ditto J. S. Parsons for guarding prisoners, 22,00 Ditto D. Z Kline, Mayes & Pur- due wood for jail, 85,50 1442,50 Dit note, 24,46 Ditto Jacob Brumgsrd, money leaned Co. Ditto Win. Irvin, interest 206,76 order, 3,20 Ditto John Dauberman, interest on note, 208 00 Ditto Juceh Pottsgrove, interest on order, 4,75 Ditto Rebecca Boggs, money loaned county, 283.93 Ditto M. Waddle, int. on money loaned county, §1,29 Ditto Abraham Sussman, inter. on odder, 63 Dito J. IL. McClure, interest on on order, Ditto J. L. Test., in. onorder. ROAD VIEWS, Am’t paid for road views, views of Township lines & views to as- sess damages R157.90 CONSTABLE RETURNS. Am’t pd. Constables for re- turns & mileage, $ 84.76 ELECTIONS. Amount paid election oflicers, judges, constables and assessors, for putting up Lists, and attending elections, &e., $1173.71 Amount paid Geo. Livingston i for commission due him T, $400.00 1 John A. Wier, for insane pups, Amt paid Isane Baffington un. current funds Am’t paid view of State Road, from Lock-liaven to Snowshoe turnpike, 3 awm’t paid J. J. Lingle ¢ 902,54 80,00 af collection: Ditto we Baflington freight on soldiers’ ¢lothes. 87% Ditto Thomas M'Coy part bal- ance at settlement 1000,00 Ditto A. B. Hutchinson trans- cribing U. S. T. books, 85,00 Ditto Elijah Hughes for dupli- cates, 6.00 Ditto Jas. H. Rankin trauserib- ing Relief accounts, 6,50 Ditto Ira Fisher, time and ex- penses to Phil’a on Co. bus. 25,60 Ditto H. N. M’Allister dam- age in moving road, 45,00 Ditto D. Z Kline do do 51,00 RELIEF FUND. Am’t of Relief orders drawn 3 for 1861, 3 57 Amw’t of Relief orders lifted, 10031,34 do do do out- standing. 3545,23 The Board of Relief has given orders § , embracing about 1,250 persons of January, 1362, find themsclis tute of funds, and compelied ci fuse Relief any further, or to issue o thoy have no immediate mesns of rede LIST OF OUTSTANDING TAX Mark G , 4 I{uston, Worth, Ferguson, Williams, 1855, i My hoe, 1837, 1 Will ams aylor, Willa mith, Union, £1 Dante! Beckdol, Snowshoe, 1858, B. V. Drisbin, Union, £ William Marshall, Benner, 1859, « “ « “ Snowshoe, ** Spring; Ab Union, “ Walk “ Worth 4 Benner, 1860 Greg “ Har ¢ fo ¢ 2% Wiltiam Swanzy, Marion, James S. Kent, Milesburg, * P. T. Musser, Penn, “ James Barber, Potter, 2 James Test, Rush, 4 John Graham, Snowshoe, ** Rob. Thompson, Spring, te John Copenhaven, Taylor, Elijah Fisher, Union, 3 Unionville, Worth, :) Thomas Parsons, Elias Turner, J. H. McClure, Bellefonte, 1861 William Irvin, Benner, $e Chauncy Jones, Boggs. “ Martin Long, Burnside, Jacob Mann, Curtin, 4 Samuel . Stover, Ferguson, © * William Rarick, Gregg, Lid Andrew Bell, Haines, # Abednego Stephens, Halfmoon, * George BB. Wasson, Harris, “ J. Nelson Askey, William Steel, Christian Beckdol, Howard, it Husto.; i Liberty, te DEAD BOD | Am’t paid Wm. MeClosky, in- i854, 8 $317.50 na IES. £06.38 | ANS AND INTEREST ON LOANS. S1813,99 MISCELLANEOUS PAYMENTS. to 425 9 ,04 11 county d. hereby certify that the foregoing is = full and correct statsment of the Receipts ani Expenditu tho suid county for the year A. D, 1851. » | Witness our hands at the Commissioners Office, in Bellefonte, this 20th day of January, A. D., 1862 IRA FUSAER, JOHN McCALMOUT, AMOS ALEXANDER, Attest 8, M Irwin, Olerk Com’rs, Bellefonte. Feb. 6, '62-4t ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE, LETTERS OF ADMINISTRATION ON THE Estate of H. M. Lucas. late of Snowshoe town- sip, deceased, having lately been Register to the Under igned, alt ed to the said Estate a me 29, 1862 TO THE PUBLIC! RESOLVED, That we, the undersigned. Merchants of Centre county, believing that a change in our present mode of doing busit is 7. therefore propose to eur friends and the foliowing terms, which we believe will prove advantageous to Loth buyea and seller, to wit: a CREDIT OF SIX MONTHS neible = 1 on all running sc : 8 not to settled for at the expira. | tion ef the time specified, INTEREST WIl1, BE CHARGED Toall of which we hereby pledge ourselves strictly to adhere. THOMAS WOLF & SON, Wolf's Store, SAMUEL FRAUCK, Reb Hosterman & Harper, do; BR. IJ. Fors tre Mills ; J. & D. Shaffer, Madisonburg H. Shaffer. John C Mota, Woodward ; » D. 0. Bower. Aaronshurg; 3, ditto; Gross & Yearrick. do; , Miltheim ; Jehn V. Forster, A. Rhul, ditto ; J. B Fisher, Centre- H. Dunean. Spring Mi Adam Figh- cr, Farmer's Mills ; Willian Wolf, Centre Hall Reuben Keller, Centre Hill; Wm. J. Thompson | & Bro. Pottor’ 3: Em’l. Swope, Sinking Creek Mill Seitzel, ditto; Daniel Hees, Linden Hall; Kerlin, & Son, Chdrchville ; kk, Boalshurg ; John Hibler & Co, do : ! 3 Dale, Dale's Mills; Alexander Sample & Co. , Pine Grove Mills ; Henry Bridge, ditto, Adsm Rankin, Baileyville. z F Dec. 5, 1861.—3m. THE FRANKLIN HOUSE. THIS LONG ESTABLISHED AND wiLL- | known Hotel, situated on the Southeast corner of” Jie Diamond. opposite the Court House, having been purchased by the undersigned. he announe- es to the former patrons of this establishmegt and’ to the traveling puplic generally, that he igends refitiing it thoroughly, and is prepared to Bo the most satisfactory accomm dation to all’ who muy favor him with theic patronage. No pains will be spared on his part to add to the conveni- ence or comfort of his gues's. All who gtop with him will find XXXS ABBY abundantly supplied with the most sumptuous fars the market will afford, done up in style, by the most experienced cooks ; while HIS BAR will al- ways contain The Choicest of Liquors. His Stabling is best in town, and will alwaye be attonded by the most trustworthy aud attentive hostlers. Give him acail, on fideut that xl will be modation. AN r 1 all, and he feels con- ied with their accom- CELLENT LIVERY is attached to this estabhshment, which strangers from abroad will find greatly to their advantage. DANTEL GARMAN. Bellefonte, Jan. 9, 1862. 1 N. MALLISTER JAMES A. BEAVER: Ma TEB & BEAVER, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, BELLEFONTE, P J. BD. SHUGER'T, ATTORNEY AT LAW, BE Office in the Court House, WH. J RK ATTORNEY AT LAW, BELLEFONTE, BENN 's. Office in the Arcade, second floor. EDMUND BLANCHARD. E. M. BLANCHARD. E.& KE BLANCIBARD, ATTORNEY AT LAW, BELLEFONTE, PENNA. Office formerly occupied by Curtin & Blanchard on Main street, SURGEON DENT BELLEFONT DE. J.B, MITCHELL, PHYSICIAN & SURGEON, BELLEFONTE, CENTRECO., PA. tend to professional calls as heretofore, he r fully offers his services to his friends and | the public. Office next door to his residences on | Spring street. Oct 28-58-tf. IRA C. MITCH CYRUS T. ALEXAND MEVCHELEL & ALEXANDER ATTORNEYS AT LAW, BELEFONTE, PENN‘A Office in Reynolds’ Areade on the Diamond Ira C. Mitchell has associated C. T. Alexander with him in the practice of law, and they will give prompt attention to all business entrusted to them in Centre, Mifilin, Clinton und Clearfield counties. A. 0. FURST, ATTORNEY AT LAW, BELLEFONTE, PA. iB 7 ILL practice in the several Courts cf Centre and Clinton counties. Al legai t asiness entrusted to his care will receive prompt attention OFFICE—On the North-west corner of the Dia amond. PM TEATS, SURVEYOR, JacksoNvViILLE, CextRE CO., PA. Has recently located in Jacksonville, Cencre 9 {county Pa.. and would hereby inform the public generally that he is prepared to do all kinds of Surveying accurately. also to fill out Deeds, make Plots, &e., of Lands upon the shortest notice. — His charges are very reasonabie (ive him a call October 17, *61-6m. Collection Offices. © BUSH, BELLEFONY'E, Centre Co., PRNN,A. BUSH & McCULLOUGH, ; (T. J. 'CULLOUGH.) CLEARFIELD, Clearfield Co, Pa. James McCullough, Marion, J H.P. Treziynlny, = Milesburg, ° BUSH & McCORMICK, B. F. Winter, Mes $ (€. 8 MCORMICK,) Jacob Gray, atton, 4, i Pa o o 5 an, Pen, ot LOCK HAVEN, Clinton Co., Pa., Geo. C. Zettle, otter, & x. James A Nelson, Rush, tt RUSH & ALLEN, Wm. G. Haslett, Snowshoe, *¢ {R. P. ALLEN,) Joseph Conly, Spring, £f WILLIAMSPORT, Lycoming Co, Pa. William McCoy. Taylor, £ 124,07 is g Menry J ‘ead, Union, 2 150.84 | Regrerences :—Drexol & Co., Phi Mason Tanob Peters, Unionville, 91.73 | & Co, Phil's, Smith, Bowen & Co., telphia T. Rupert, Walker, 875.93 | Shields & Brother, Philadelphia, T. Conrow, Rlias Turner, Worth, te 164.87 | Philadelphia, Sower, Barnes & Co., Philadelphia : —. | Hon. J. I. Hale, Bellefonte, Hon. J. W. Maynard, Total am’t of outstanding taxes, $1805v, Williamsport. J. Towe, Port Dapesi®, Md. We the undersigeel Commirsonere of Centr | Peb. 21, 1863—1y.