Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, February 27, 1862, Image 3
-— s jos oF A ~ The WH atchman, LOCAL § OTHER MATTERS. Notice to License Applicants. In order that there may be no misunder- 8 to the terms upon which appli- eations for license will be published in CEN TRAL PRESS and DEMOCRATIC WATCH- MAN for the future, the undersigned pub. lishers hereby give timely notice that they will strictly adhere to the following : , That we will, from the date hereof, refuse to publish any for tavern license a HET of Sue iar pig Hh - 4 KURTZ & STOVER . ALEXANDER & FUREY. Bellefonte. Feb. 13th, 1862. {> The extreme length of Mr. Cox’s specch has crowded out our usual variety, but it is well worth the room it takes to print it, and we hope our friends will all read it. remteinee. () rattan. (C= We refer our readers to Capt. Jas S. Brisbin’s advertisement in another column of to day’s paper. Our friend the Captain, after having been absent for a long time in the army has returned to Bellefonte on a re- cruiting mission, and has opened an office in Reynolds Iron Front, directly opposite the Watchman office. Capt. Brisbin looks as hearty as a buck, and his old friends will be pleased to see him once more among them. 0 Sampath SoR0OL ANNIVERSARY. We are requested to give notice that the Methodist Episcopal Sabbath School. have made ar- rangements to give an entertainment, on to-morrow evening, in the audience room of their church edifice. A great deal of pains have been taken by teachers and scholars to make the proposed exhibition a success and a rare treat may be anticipated. The price of admission being only ten cents, there is scarcely a man, woman or child, in town who will not feel able to attend. The pro- gramme consists of speeches, dialogues, music, &c., and we have no doubt they will be well worth the price of admission. The proceeds are to be applied to the benefit of the Sabbath School. The public are re- spectfully invited to attend— at 10 cents per head. rm ree Qe Washington's Birthday Aniversary The public notice which had been given, calling for the celebration of Washington's Birthday. was responded to on the 22d, by a large and respectable audience in the Court House. The day having been designated as one, not only for properly commemorating the birth of Washington, but for publicly rejoicing over the success ot our Army and Navy in their late victorious achievinents at Fort Henry, Roanozke [sland and FortiDon= alison, the feeling manifested was one that evinced Patriotism in fervor and spirit.— ‘The booming of cannon and . the ringing of bells, in the forenoon, inspired our citizens, with a joyous exuberance of feeling, and induced them to hasten at the hour appoin~ ted to particpated in the excreises. The meeting was organized by calling Maj. James Armor to the chair. Jas. Mac- menus Esq., Wm. Baird Jr.., Bartram Gal- braith, Jos. Schnell, Doct. Smith, and Mr. Alexander were appointed Vice Presidents. The following Secretaries were then elect- #d. J. 8. Barnhart and Edward Hames Esq. The Bellefonte Brass Band being in atten- ance exécuted some of their best music, af ter which Mr. George Livingston from the Committee of arrangements introduced the order of exercises. The opening prayer was made by the Rev. James Linn. The Farewell Address of Gen Washington was then read by the Rev. John Tonner.— During the reading of this address, the aud- ience was deeply impressed with the wisdom of that illustrious Hero, who seemed to pen- ctrate the far off pages of the future, and with an eye as it were upon the very trou bles that now beset us, protested in such golemn warnings against sectional agitation or sectional strife. The occasion—the address—and the manner in which it wags read —rendered the whole character of the proceedings deeply impressive. After the Band had enlivened the meeting by playing *¢ Hail Columbia,’’ jn the « ppint and with the understar ding,” H. N. McAllister Chairman of the Committe on resolutions introduced his report with appropriate remarks. The resolutions were left open for discussion—five minutes being allowed to each speaker. After several speskers had referred to them briefly among whom was Mr. A. O. Furst they were adopted without & dissenting vote. The following are the Committee and Resolu- tions. Committee—H. N. McAllister, Geo. Liv- ingston, S, T. Shugert, Jno. Baxtresser, Jno. Hoffer. RESOLUTIONS. Resolved, That oyr warmest thanks are ue to the officers aud soldiers of the and Navy of the United States for thr gallant conduct in the series of victor- 5 ram By their bravery and skill, in Vir inis, North Carolina, South Carolina, orgis, Missouri, Kentucky and Pennes- see , Resolyed, That in these gloriogs achievments, recognizing the hand of God and the leadings of his Providence, it be hooves ps to return thanks for his goodness snd his mercy. 8d, Resolved, That the Spasay suppres- gion of the most formidable Rebellion the world has ever witnessed, of ‘which these series of brilliant victories afford us assu rence, demonstrating the ability of Repub- lice to sustain themselves sgainst domestic rection, will do more to insure us re. pest at home and abroad—more to seeuo the perpetuity of our Government and to spread Republican Institutions over the earth—more to advance the rights of man and promote human progress, than any event which history has recorded since we uired national existence. th, Resolved, That we here notice with Jatsodie ride the conspicuous and honora- le part, borne by the 51st Pennsylvania Regiment of which our neighbors and friends our husbands, sons and brothers, compose 8 part, in the battle fought and the glorious victory achieved at Roanoke Island. A motion was now made for the Rev, Mr, Barnard to address the meeting. This gen- of at te w. fr : . : in a fa tleman spoke with much earnest fueling upon Tx 3 » li Sas ofice, BELLE. the subject, deploring the evils of war, but | FONTE, RF COUNTY, PA eloquently portraying the happy consequence REGULAR ARMY !LAST CHANCE! mediately for the 6th formerly the 3d Regiment ment hag been reduced ‘Men enlisting in this regiment will receive One Hundred Dollars Bounty, cord! In addition to pay an abs fortable elothing, food, quarters and medical at- gether with horaea and accoutrements lists he will be furrished with board and lodging 100 Young Men Wanted Im he term of enlist m five to to three years. United - tates Cavalry ! the end of the term of enlistment. The pay varies from $14 to $27 per month, ao to the rank and capacity of the soldier.— ance of good and eom- e furnished, free of charge, to- The men ill be uniformed immediately. PAY commences As 8008 83 a man en- ndanee will om date of enlistment. JAMES 8. BRFSBIN, Capt 6th Cavalry, Feb. 27, 1862. ecruiting Officer. morally and physically that must follow the suppression of this wicked Rebellion. The Rev. Mr. Fields responded to a call of the meeting. He spoke with a heart in what he said, very appropriate to the occa sion. H. N. McAlbster being called upon deliv- ered a few remarks, full of the fires of that inherent liberty, with which the great God of Nature has so bountifully blessed him. The ‘Star Spangled Banner’ was then sang by Messrs Blanchard, Johnston, Mont- gomery and others —the whole audience par- ticipatfng in the chorus. After music by the Band, and a request that the proceedings be published, having received tha sanction of the audience, the meeting was adjourned with prayer by the Rev. Thos. Sherlock. 5 Signed by the Officers. The Late Judge Douglas. Correspondence between Mrs. Stephen A. Douglas and the President of the 1li- nois Constitutional Convention. F Frou THE CHI0ACO (ILL.) Post, 14th. the County. JOHN &. PROUDEONT The following correspondence between the 8. STROHECKER, 2 President of the Convention and Mrs. Dou- Associate Judges. glas was read : IRA FISHER, SeriNGFIELD, Tllinois, Jan. 22. 1862.— JOIN MoOA LOND. Madame :—On the 16th Jay of this month County Commussioners. the preamble and resolutions which are| AttestS. NM lamy, Clerk. herewith transmitted, were unanimously Office, at Bellefonte, for the connty of Centre, we have found it necessary to make a reduction of former rates allowed to those who have heen the recipients of its benefits. And whereas the funds assessed for that purpose have been expended, and several thousand dollars over, therefore ow- in to the state of the finances of the any; we have found ourselves compelled to pass the fol ing Resolutions : held Feb. 25th, 1862, at the Commissioners Office in Bellefonte, the following proceedings were had, to wit : pos to all applicants who have not been heads of amilies and their actual sup their enlistment in the service of the United States ; and that they sill not consider any claims for the beenfit of sons of fathers except where such fathers are known to be sick or crippled. the present rates of soldiers’ families shall be re- duced tothe following ratesto wit: and for all other children 25 cents per week each, for eve the Board and be published in all the papers in COUNTY NOTICE. HEREAS, at a meeting of the Board of Relief, held in the Commissioners’ llow- At a regular meeting of the Board of Reli f, Resolved, That the Board of Relief refuse sup- rters previous to Resolved, That after the first day of, April next $75 or a wife, “ 1,25 and one child, a and two children. child under 14 years old. Resolved, That these proceedings be signed by Feb. 27. '62.3t adopted by the Constitutional Convention of Illinois, now in session in this city, and as President of that Convention, the honor has been conferred upon me of communicating the same to the familyes of the illustrious |G subject of the action in question. The pre- amble and resolutions were passed with an entire unanimity of opinion on the part of | @ the delegates, and with a sincerity of grief almost if not altogether, without a parallel ; and although it was felt that such an ex |i pression of sympathy. could aflord bat lite tle consolation to those sitting in shadow of a great affliction, yel the Convention believed itdue to the people of Illinois that this evi- dence of the affection of that people for their departed Senator should be given. In performance of the duty devolving upon | ¢ me, [trust that a long personal acquaintance | y with Senator Douglas, in addition to aknow- ledge of his life and character so universal among the people of this country, will bea part, while acting as the medium of the offf cial communication of my individual and concurrence in the sentiments of these res- | fi olutions. and my profound regret, in com mon with my (ellow citizens, at the occasion which has calied for this manifestation ot Testamento annexo on the Es ate of Anthony County deceased. having been granted to the subscriber, immediate payment and those having claims to present them duly authenticated for set- ement, GEO. LIVINGSTON. Feb. 20.—6t. ® appointed by the Court of Common Pleas af Alexander Esq., High Sheriffof the Opynty of Centre, arising from the sale of the real ng f Estate of Wm. Riddle of Spring Township, sufficient apology for the expression on my | will attend to the duties of his appointment {on Saturday the 15thday of March next, at 10 o'clock. A. M., of said day, at his of sons interested are requested to attend and present their claims or be forever debarred | from coming in on said fund. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. LETTERS OF ADMINISTRA i [ON COM aitens late of the Bor. of Bellefonte Centre those knowing themselves in- ebted to said Estate are requested to make AUDITOR’: NOTICE. THE UNDERSIGNED, AN AUDITOR entre County, to make and report distrib tion of the money, in the hands of Geo. ce in Bellefonte, when and where all per. public sorrow* 1 am, Madam, your obedi- ADAM HOY. ent servant, Wu A. HACKER, Feb. 20.— 3t. Auditor. President of the Con. My Dear Sir :—The resolution you inclo- 1 sed me, from the Constitutional Convention, Enllection Offices, are deeply gratifying as a noble and just tri D. 6G. BUSH Sd . @, / bute to my beloved husband’s memory. I thank you sincerely for your own express ion of sympathy, and with smcere regards, I am very truly yours, ApsLe DoueLas. Hon. Win. A, Hacker, Springfield 1llinois. On Sunday, the 16th inst., by the Rev. C. G. Rywan Mr. John Hite and Miss Phoebe Shadle both of Benner Township. On Thursday, the 20ih inst., by the same Mr. Constance Barger, and Miss Elizabeth Taylor, at the residence of the Brides father in Boggs Township. On the 10th 1nst., by the Rev.’ W. H. Groh Mr. Thomas M. Allen and Miss Ellen B.|p Koach, both of Hirris Township, & Co., Phil’a, Smith, Bowen & Co., Philadelphia Shields & Brother, Eillafeipia, T. Hon. J. Williamsport, J. Tome, Port Deposit, Md. BELLEFONTE, Cextre Ca., PeyN,a. BUSH & McCULLOUGH, (T. J. M’CULLOUGH.) CLEARFIELD, Clearfield Co , Pa. BUSH & McCORMICK, (C. 8s M’CORMICK,) LOCK HAVEN, Clinton Co., Pa., BUSH & ALLEN, (R. P. ALLEN,) WILLIAMSPORT, Lycoming Co., Pa. REFERENCES :—Drexel & Co., Phil’a, Mason Conrow hHae ia, Sower, Barnes & Co., Philadelphia . Hale, Bellefonte, Hon. J. W. Maynard, Bellefonte Market. (Corrected weekty by Hoffer Brothers.) 8 ip, deceased, having latel Register to the U eat mediate payment, and those having claims or de- mands against the Estate of the said Decedent, will present the same, Sy suthentiestid, for set- tlement. ADMINISTRATUR'S NOTICE. . LETTERS OF ADMINISTRATION ON THE state of H M. Lucas, late of Snowshoe town- been granted by the all persons indebt- to the said Estate are requested to make im- ARY A. LUCAS, Jan. 29, 1862.—6t. Admibpistratrix. Wheat. white. S110 [E do, Red. 1.05 Rye, 50 |ed Corn. 45 Oats. 25 Barley. 50 Cloverseed. 4,50 Lard. 08 Butter. 12% Eggs, 124 Tallow. 10 Plaster—ground. 10 00 AUDITOR'S NOTICE. L The Unaersigned, an Auditor ap- pointed by the Orphans’ Court of entre county, to make distribution of the Taney in the hands of Richard Young, admicistrator of John T. Young, dec’d, will attend to the duties of his said appoint- ment, atthe Court louse. in the borough of Bell- fonte, on Friday, the 28th day of March next, when all persone interested may attend if they think proper. J D SHUGERT, Feb. 27—4t Auditor. AUDITOR'S NOTICE. : The undersigned, an Auditor ap» pointed by the Court, of Common Pleas, of Centre D ountyy to distribute the money in the hands of Thos. Harper, assiguee of inh Wolf, will attend to the duties of his said appointment at the Court House, in the Bor. of Bellefonte, on Saturday, the 29th day of March next when all persons interes- ted may attend if they think proper J.D. SHUGERT. Feb. 27—4t Auditor. ANTED IMMEDIATELY, A BLACKSMITH, SADDLER, and TAILOR, to go as workmen in Captain J S. Brisbin’s Cavalry Company, Regular Army. Pay $15 per month, with a chance to make $45. w Feb. 27, '62-tf. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. ters testamentary on the Es- tate of John M. Luens, late of Curtin township, deceasad, dated Feb. 19th, 1862, having been ranted to N. J. Mitchell and D. ali, of 80 generally encouraged the Clothing Emporium have now received a full stock o FALL & WINTER CLOTHING, by general consent, have decided the above to © | Bead Quarters FOR CLOTHING AND GREAT BARGAINS. | THIS WAY OR BARGAINS. In approaching the Public who have heretofore A. STERNBERG & CO. Wo take pleasure in informing them that thee AND GENTLEMENS’ FURNISHING GOODS. After an experience of many years, the puble, 1861 : Jan. 7 —To amount received from Fund, fox f= year 1861. Jan. 7—Te am'’t received from Collectors & other sources, $8285,79 To balance #8 Treasurer, 2247.11 By balance due Co. Trevs’r, 2247,11 Jan. 7—To amount of fines & eos $415.50 To. am’t of County orders, 434,42 To balanes due Canvty, $6471 R By bill for boarding and washing for prisoners, $314,58 Dy bill suadries furnish- ed for prisoners, 21,63 By bill summoning jurors 119,00. By bill Sraling prisonsts, Court Proctamation, and re-arresting prisoners, 97,00 By bill fees & fines uncollected 243.06 ** ¢ balance due County, 54,71 according to law at Bellefonte, this 10th day of Janua; JEREMIAH Attest, Geo. Livingston, Clerk, Receipts and Expenditures Courty for the year If W, the Commissioners o ablv to an Act of Asscubly Raise County Rates and oy Commissioners of the sev ial of counties, uary, 1862, RECEIPTS. To an.’t from County cullect- ers and other sources, $26949,06 EXPENDITURES. By am’t paid W. W. Brown, ‘Treas’c’s som. on $25754,07 $1287,50 By am’t Commirsioners’ or- ders lifted, 31094,07 By am’t Paid for postage, sta- tionary, &ec., for Treas. Office, 10,00 COUNTY AUDITORS. By am’t paid 8enj Schrock as County auditor, $12,00 Ditto Jere, Mayes 12.00 Ditto Jas. C. Williams, 12,00 Ditto Geo. Livingston ag Aud- itars olerk, 12,00 ASSESSORSe By am’t paid township and boro’ Assessors for assese- ments and returns, 189,00 Am’t paid Thos. Hutehinson for s:rvice as Commissioner, $267,50 Am’t paid Ira Fisher, ditto, 210,00 de do John M’Calmont, 274,00 do do Amos Alexander, 10,00 do do 8.M. Irwin as clerk to Commissioners 2¥5,060 do do 8 M. Frwin for trans- Siting & correcting Treasurer's U. 8. T. Book, 40,00 Am’t paid 8. M. Irwin for carry- ing out U 8S. T. Tax 50,00 Am’; paid ssme extra serv. as cli. 20,67 Am’t paid Jas. H. Rankin for col- lecting and for five suits incourt 224,82 Am’t same as counsel to Commissioners, 25,00 Am’t paid George Livingston for blank books and stationary, 152,85 Ditto for making corrected copy of unseated lands for twp. use, 50,00 Am’t pd. Wm. Cook for postage and box rent, 14,09 COURTS. Am’t eid John Hoffer, Proth’ys foes, $ 109,00 Am’t paid W. H. Longwell cor- 40,00 recting & transc. Ad. Lec ure, Am’tpd. Grand & Trav. jurors, 2291 24 Am’t pd. for Com n’th costs, 347,64 Am’t paid John T. Johnston, Proth’ys fees, &o , 139,83 Am’t Ed. Blanchard for aud- iting locket & Proth’ys Register, 35,00 Am’t pd. J. 8. Parsons as Tip- staff, 50,00 Am’t pd. And. White as Court orier, 49,50 Aw’t pd. D. G. Bush for Rules of Court, 9,00 Am’t George Alexander for sum moning jurors, 50,00 CCURT HOUSE. Am’t pd. J. 8. Parsons as Court House Janitor, $150,00 Am’t pd. Wm. Iokhoff for coal for Court House, 115,00 Ditto F. P. Green for alcohol for metre, 4,50 Ditto John Yager fr painting, 15,00 Ditto Lyco. Ins. Co. for C. H. 14,00 Ditto S. D. Ti den, for Co. Maps, 10,00 Ditto B. Galbraith for repairing And their patronage has consequently been such as to justify the proprietors inan attempt io ex- ceed even themselves, in tomers a stock of FAL. CLOTHINt fered at any establishment in this or neighborin- towns by an enormous outlay They are pre ar- ed to exhibit un assortment which. for variety, exoellence of material, durability of roviding for their cus- | AN. WINTER (+, such as has never before been og uality, orkmanship cannot be excelled. They take this opportunity to return their Sauls for favors heretefore extended, und here- | y dence with which they have heretofore favore: them will be merited in the future. 3 reassure the public in general that the confi- OBSERVE THE STAND, In the DXADIOND, near the Court House: | oward townghip, all persons indebted to said Estate are a BL sd immediate payment all and you may rely upon itthat every articls and those having claims against it are required to | 00 purchase, he be presisely what it is | ns oannot be beat —, present them, duly auth NP MiToRELL. Feb. 27—6t. ‘WwW D. W. HALL, Adm’s. Ayer’s Cathartic Pills. Goone one and money, they will gell ¢ all and give them a call. heTove sapet than t he NBT" TE. Oct. 19, 81-1y. A. ReGt as ,aps08 Ayer’s Cherry Pectoral. | - C. H. feuce, 7.3 Ditto John Brackbill for mend- ju chairs, 2,00 Ditto N. Hillibish for bill furn. ished Co. 4,74 Ditto Daniel Derr keys for 4. H., i 04 Ditto J 8. Parsons bi!! furnish- ed Co. 0 Ditto J. D Turner water tax, 21,78 Ditto Felix Mu len for hauling soaffolding, 1,50 Ditto Beilefonie as Oh. fur (as bills, 53,20 Ditto sweeping C. H. chimneys, 5.00 COUNTY JAIL. Am’t pd. Geo. Alexander for boarding prisoners, $363.18 Ditto Potter & Mitehell at tending prisoners, 12,50 Ditto Wilson & Bro. merch- andige for jail, 208,00 Ditto furnace, repairs, mate- rial painting, white- washing, &o., for jail, 745,32 Ditto John Montgomery, elothing . for prisoners Ditto J. 8. Parsons for guarding prisoners, 22,00 Ditto D. Kline, Mayes & Pur- due wood for jail, 85,50 Collectors and other sources, $269049 06 To balance due Treasurer, 5442.71 CR. Jan 7—By am’t of Commis x sioners’ orders lifted, $31094,07 By am’t of I'reas’r’s com- mission on $25754,07, 1287,70 By am’t postage & stat’ry, 10,00 By balance due Treasurer, 5442,71 We, the undersigned, Auditors of Centre ty, having examined the accounts of W. Brown, Treasurer of said County, and of George Alexander, Sheriff, find them correct as above stated, and allow them to be presented and filed EPORT OF THE AUDITORS OF + CENTRE COUNTY FUR THE YEAR W. W. BRUWN, Esg., TRRASURER, In accomnt with Centre County, from Janusry 7th, 1881, tl Ja uary 7th, 1862, 32391,77 32801,77 W.W. BROWN, Esq., TREASURER, In account with Centre County Military Relief $10532,90 GEO. ALEXANDER, Esq., Hin SHERIFF, In account with Centre County, for the year 1861. $849,92 $849,92 ooun- Witness our hands at the Cousimione Office , 1862. AYES, JAMES C. WILLIAMS, GEORGE BUCHANAN, Auditors. Centre tet to requiring ihe counties of Commonwealth to pubiish aunuil' v a statement of the Receipts and Expenditnres of (heir respec: ive 0 report the following. viz: from the 7th aay of January, 1561, till the 7th day of Jan- 32391,77 $18,00 COMMISSIONE ..S’ OFFICE. 1623,93 $3121,21 $413.05 144250 this COUNTY PRINTING. Am't paid J. J. Brisbin, for Coun- ty Printing, 00 Ditto Seely & Barnhart for pub. Aud’s report, 40.00 Ditto Kurts & Btover, ditto, 46,00 Ditto J. J. Brisbin, ditto, 40,00. Ditto Fred. Kurtz, ditto, 40 00 Ditto Kurtz & Stover for assess warrants, 15,00 Ditto Kurtz & Stover for extra erders, &c, 20,00: Ditto Kurtz & Stover for print. relief report, - 8,00 Ditto Fred. Kurtz, pub. notice . to collectors, 4,56 Ditto J. J. Buisbin, ditto, 10,00 $317,50 PREMIUMS ON SCALPS. Am’t paid for scalps of foxes, wild cats, panther, wolves, &c. $157.75 INQUISITIONS ON DEAD BODIES. Am’t paid Wm. MecClosky, in- uisition on dead body, $7,12 itto Phil Sheneberger, dite, 10,50 Ditto Jona. Eckard, ditto, 13,75 Ditto Jona Eckard, on body of Poorman, Ditto H. Kinnie, on body of Flynn, Ditto H. Kinnie, on body of in- ant, Ditto Jas. M’Haffy, on dead body, 11,75 15,21 12,68 £90.38 LOANS AND INTEREST ON LOANS. Am’t paid Dan’l E. Walker, in- terest on note, $ 31.00 Ditto B, Burket, Co. ordsr, 11,13 Ditto, David Kauffman, note, 27,00 Ditto ’L McBride, note, &o, 52,71 Ditto . Gi. Patterson, ditto, - 90,00 Ditto David Spencez, borrrow- ed money, 301 00 Ditto R. Wilson, inter. on note, 54,96 Ditto Thos. McCoy, interest on notes and orders, 63,82 Ditto J. I. Thompson, int. on orders, 38,95 Ditto W. W. Brown, int. paid on borrowed money, 93,84 Ditto Mxa. E. McKinney, for borrowed money, 85,00 Ditto Rev. Jas. Linn, interest on note, 42,00 Ditto Jacob Brumgard, money loaned Co. 200,76 Ditto Wm. Irvin, interest on order, 3,29 Ditto John Dauberman, intorest on note, 200,00 Ditto Jacob Pottsgrove, interest on order, 4,76 Ditto Rebecca Boggs, money loanea county, 233,98 Ditto M. Waddle. int. on money loaned county, 81,29 Ditto Abraham Sussmun, inter. on oder, . 68 Ditto J. H. McClure, interest on on order, 74 Ditto J. L. Test., in. on order. 1,68 $1813,99 ROAD VIEWS, Am't paid for road views, views of Township lines & views to as- sess damages, $157.00 CONSTABLE RETURNS. Am’'t pd Constables for ro- rns & mileage, $ 84,76 ELECTIONS. Amount i return judge ni in2essors, (ur putting up lists, aud attending elections, &o., $1173.71 MISCELLANEOUS PAYMENTS. Amount paid Geo. Livingstan in full for commission due him as Treasurer, $4006,00 Am’t paid John A. Wier, for insane paupers, 902,54 Am’t paid Isaac Buffington un- current funds, 80,00 Am’t paid view of State Road, from Lock-Haven to Snoweghoe turnpike, 226,50 Aw't paid J. J. Lingle costs of collections, 54,71 Ditto Isaac Buffington freight on soldiers’ clothes, 87% Ditto Thomas M'Coy part bal- apce at settlement 1000,00 Ditto A. B. Hutchinson trans- cribing U. 8. T. books, 85,00 Ditto Elijah Hughes for dupli- cates, 6,00 Ditto Jas. H. Rankin tzanacsib- ing Relief accounts, 6,50 Ditto Ira Fisher, time and ex- enses to Phil’a on Co. bus. 25,60 itto H. N. M’Allister dam- age in moving road, 45,00 Ditto D. Z Kline do do al,00 $23883,724 RELIEF FUND. Am’t of Relief orders drawn or : $13376,57 Am't of Relief orders lifted, 10031,34 do do do out standing, 3345,23 The Board of Relief has given orders to 425 families, embracing about 1,250 persons, and on the 1st of January, 1862, find themselves wholly destitute of funds, and compelled either to re- fuse Relief any further, or to issue orders that they have no immediate mesns of redeeming. LIST OF OUTSTANDING TAXtS. county do hereby certify that the foregoing is n full and correct “statement of the Receipts and Expenditures of the said county for the year A. Witneas our hands at the Commissioners Office, in Bellefonte, this 30th day of January, A. J, 1862. IRA FISAER, : JOHN MoCALMOUT, AMOS ALEXANDER, Attest 8. M Irwix, Olerk. Com'rs. Bellefonte. Feb. 6, '82-4t. 2 NOTICE I§ HEREBY given to the stockholders of the Belléfonte and hilipsbur> Turnpike Company, that an Election will be held at the office of Wm. P. Wilson, Esq., in Bellefonte, on the first Mon- day in March next, for the urpose of electing a Board of Managers for said Road fer the ensuing year. By Order of the Beard. Feb. 13. ,62-3t JNO. . HOOVER, Sec. TO THE PUBLIC! RESOLVED, That we, tho undersigned, Merchants of Centre county, believing thst « change in our present mode of dolng business a necessary, therefore propose to our friends and patrons, tho foliowing terms, which we believe ill prov advantageous to both buyes and seller, owlt: A CREDIT OF SIX MONTHS to responsible parties, and on a'l running ec countr not satisfactorily scttled for at the expira- tion ef the time Secited, INTEREST WILL BE CHARGE To all of which ,we hereby plate ourselves strictly to adhere. THOMAS WOLF & SON, Wolfs Store, SAMUEL FRAUCK, Rebersburg, Hosterman & Harper, do; R. I. Forster, Ces- tre Mills ; J. & D. Shaffer, Madisonburz : 1. & H. Shaffer, ditto; John ¢ Mots, Woodward ; W., Hubler’s Place, D. 0. Bower, Aaronshurg ; Harper & Grimes, ditto; Gross & Yearrick, do; Foote & Hartman, Millheim ; John. V. Forster, ditto ; D. A. Rhul, ditto; J. B Fisher, Contre. ville ; R. H. Duncan, Spring Mills ; Adam Fish- er, Farmer’s Mills; William Wolf, Contre Hall ; Reuben Keller, Centre Hill; Wm. I. Fhompson & Bro., Potter's Mills: Em’l. Swope, Sinking Creek Mill ; M. L. Seitzel, ditto; Daniel Hess, Linden Hall; P. Kerlin, & Son, Churchville ; Gecrgo Jack, Boalsburg ; John Hibler & Co , do Thomas Dale, Dale’s Sih 3 3 er bample & Co , Pine tGirove Mills ; IT ge, ditto, Adam Rankin, Baileyville. Dee. 5, 1861. —3m. THE FRANKLIN HOUSE, THIS LONG ESTABLISHED AND weLE- known Hotel, situated on the Southeast corner of the Diamond, opposite the Court House, aving been purchassd by the undersigned, he amwuno. eg to the former patrons of this establishment and to the traveling ppt generally, that he iptends refitting it thoroughly, and is prepared to render, the most satisfactory accomm. dation to at who may favor him with their patronage. No pains will be spared on his part to add to the conveni- ence or comfort of his guests. All who stop with him will find HIS PABLE abundantly supplied with the moat aumptuous fare the raarket will afford, done up in on by the most experienced cooks ; while HIS BAR wikl al. ways contain The Choicest of Liquors, His Stabling is best in town, and will always be attended by the most trustworthy and attentive hostlers. . Give him a call, one and all, and he feels con- fident that all will bo satisfied with their ageom- modation. . AN EXCELLENT LIVERY is attached to this establishment, which strangers from abroad will find greatly to their advantage. DANIEL GARMAN. Bellefonte, Jan, 4, 1862. #4 N. M'ALLISTER. JAMES A. BEAVER. MPALLISTER & BEAVER, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, BELLEFONTE, PENN'A. JAMES H. RANKIN, ATTORNEY AT LAW, |. BELLEFONTE, PENN'A: Office, on the Diamond, one door west of the Post Office. J. D. SHUGERT, ATTORNEY AT LAW, BELLEFONTE, PENN" Office in the Court House, with the Treasurer. WM. J. KEALSH, ATTORNEY AT LAW, BELLEFONTE, PENNA. Office in the Arcade, second floor. EDMUND BLANCHARD. E. ¥. BLANCHARD E.& E. BLANCHARD, ATTORNEY AT LAW, BELLEFONTE, PENNA. Offive formerly ocoupied by Curtin & Blanchard on Main street. J. J. LINGLE, SURGEON DENTIST, BELLEFONTE, CEXTRE C0., PA. Is now prepared to wait upon all who way desire hig professional services. Rooms at his residence on Spring street. DR. 3. B, MITCHELL, PHYSICIAN & SURGEON, Mae ny Has, 1854, § 5 BELLEFONTE, CENTRECO., PA. osep! illiams. or! H 0.11 i i Thos. B. Patton, Porguton, 1655, 58,12 | Heuponttuly fore as ome als 88 horetofore, Le Gevige Sralam, Spouse, is R20 the public. Office next door to his a Py he > onih, B56, Be Spring street. Oot 28-58-11. John Aske, Snowshoe, 1837, 56.08 | (ra c. MiTcHR : William ame, Taylor, w 63,21 12 MEVORELL & ALEXANDER, William Smith, Union, 4 75,47 ATTORNEYS AT LAW x? Daniel Beckdo:, Snowshoe, 1858, 75,4 Reusronry. ‘ B. V. Brishin, Union, = 1078] onion tn Haynoldy’ Aran nr ea William Marshall, Benner, 1859, 153.28 iT fp Ranand, John Robb Carti 30 715 Ira C. Mitchell has associated C. T. Alexander So > 0 5 Piped in, > : 1 with him in the practice of law, and they will abs re ussey, Loe, " 1,341 give prompt attention to all business entrusted to m. B. Qourster, dherte, 3:48 | thew in Centre, Midlin, Clinton and Clearfield Jolin R. Burkett, ites a 289.96 | counties Jini 2H b Hart . i 141,86 nk Piro Tie : Snowshoe, ££ 168,53 Ta 0. FURST, = Shi John Sweeny, Spring; “ 64,58 Cnr 1 J Abel N Russell, Union, “ 48,53 ATTORNEY AT LAW, Povey Norwen, ater, M 335,24 BELLEFONTE, PA eorge W . Kelley. orth, i 10,44 foo 3 A Has: J. M. Kepheart, Benner, 1860 415.29 hE Dractiee the Sever Charles Miller, Qdregg, o 317. entre and Sinton eountle Wm. L Solas Hays oe 50 1 1 18iness entrusted to his cure will re hss > « 4’ altention kd ed, “ 39 2 oF FICE—On the North-west corner of the Dia James. Kent, Milesburg, « mona. . T. Musser, enn, “ PME REST a James Barber, Potter, 4 ¥, Pe TES, id James Test, Suh, 5; . SURVEYOR, ohn Graham, nowshoe, ¢ £ ’ Yoanr ~ I Thana, iy . 396.90 | JACESONY ILLE, CENTRE Co., Pa. John Capenhaven, Taylor, “ 36, Hays recently located in Jacksonville, Cencre Elijah Fisher, nion, “ 49. courty, Pa., and would hereby inform the public Thomas Parsons, Unionville, © 8.7 gorerally that he is prepared to do all kinds of Elias Turner, orih, 49,73 | Surveying accurately, algo to fill out Beeds, make J. H McClure, Bellefonte, 186 744.90 | Plots, &c.,of Lands upon the shortest notice.— William Tyvin, Benner, “ 286,20 Ira elarges are very reasomuble Give him a Ch: 5 Bi 3 “ 704,50 | cal Ne aes Ain, 148'43| October 17, 61-6. Jacob Mann, Curtin, ‘ 100,12 = ® ALListoR ao Samuel H Stover, Ferguson, 1283'96 | B- C- HUMES. EH. 5. MALLISTER. J. 7. HALE. William Rarick, Gregg, « 485.68 4. @. CURTIN, Andrew Bell, Haines, “ 388 14 DEPOSIT BANK, Abednego Stephens, Ialfmoon; 381,4 —0F— St Wasson, Harris, “ 1668,39 | HUMES, McALLISTER, HALE & <q, J. Nelson Askey, Howard, “ 361,5 BELLEFONTE. CENTRE CO., PA. William Steel, Huston, 8 160,86 | Deposits Received—Billsof Exchange and No | Christian Beckdol, Liberty, “ 304,18 | Discounted—Interest Paid on Special De: 08its— | dames McCullough, Marion, 4 785,43 | Collections Made, and Proceods Remitted Pro pt- H. P Tas, Mise i 231 | y—Exchange on the East constsntly on Tol oy tater, A ly ll. | r—— eee mf, cob Gray, Patton, 4 235,77 BANKING HOUSE, Penn, t 555 5 OF Foster, ’ 350.67 WM. F. REYNOLDS & C0., usb, “ : : Boros, it 31883] BELLEFONTE, CENTRE C0., PA. Spring, “ 876,04 ' Bills of exchange and Notes discounted. Col iy am Maloy. Taylor, “ 124,07 leotions made and proceeds promptly remitted. — { Menry J ead, Union, . 150,84 Interest paid on special deposits. Exchange in the | Janob Pot8rs, Unionville, 91,73 eastern otties congtantly on hand for sale. Depos- 5 Rupert, Walker, i Jed ts receivea lias Turger, Worth, 3 364.87, mer es Total am’t of outstanding taxes, $18056,08 yer's Cherry Peotoral. We the undergigned Commiesoners of Contre |