Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, February 13, 1862, Image 3

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: -
. i Explanation of an Unfounded Rumor. RER0RT, OF THE AUDITORS OF COUNTY PRINTING. county do hereby certify that the foregoing ie a AYER’S
aq g man. PrLADELPHIA Feb. 8. rx COUNTY FUR THE YEAR! Amt paid J. J Brisbin, for Coun- Li 30d correct statement of the Receiptz end .
. . "ashi ont x ty Printing, $100.00 xpenditures of the eaid county for the year A. -
eran ads 0] \ yo The Washington correspondent of the | — Ditto Seely & Barnhart for pub. : D. 1861. 7 ¥ mm
W. W. BRUWN ? ia
? —— "= | New York Times says . by Hii ‘ > ey Tomaenes o Aud’s report, 10,00 b W es our hends at the Coromissioners Office, |
b, ! n ace wi entre ty, i 3 , di 3 in {onte, thi ) s ey -y es, - =~
oS LOCAL & OTHER MATTERS. Gr Denera) Hames a a 7th, 1861, till ty oi fdunary Plus Huds § Bovenanan Ba os ellofonte, this i AD ITI.
2s — ies selves lately concerning a DR. : Ditto Fred. Kurta, ditto, 40.00 JOHN McCAUMOUT Are you sick, fl] :
( 1n our issue of to-day will be found | prophesied change in the management of the | Jan. 7 —To amount received from Dilto Kurtz & Stover for assess ; AMOS ALEXANDER. coe Jo it So aT
a letter from the B roside. Expedition, Writ- army, and have asserted. amongst other Collectors and other sources, $26949 (6 warrants, 15,00 Attest 8, M Irwin, Olerk. Com’rs. order, with yu
te re mis > > 4 fri a M misstatements, that Secretary Stanton, in To balance due Treasurer, 5442.71 Ditto Kurtz & Stover for extra Bellefonte. Feb. 6, '82-4t ranged, wad
n by our merry, arge-! earted friend, Tr pursuance of a custom sanctioned by long |' eT orders. &o, 20,00 ——— ee ee ee mim
¢ 3 . ° 32301,77 | Ditto Kurtz & Stover for print.
Daniel P. Bible, of this place, now Adjutant | practice, isabout to assume the active man- CR : ; P NOTICE
» 5 - relief report, 8,00 jckness is
of the 51st Regiment Pennsylvania Volun- Sgerment oe me Sry saving gan oe Jon Fags. Jv of Camis Soibter Ditto Fred, Eurtz. pub. notes iy SER BEF given the Leillers of the at
i ellan and the power of the Sccretar os ers ited, 1094. o collectors, 4.50 ellefonte an lipgsburs Turnpike Company timely use
teers. We received another letter from our | “Til hg gy DS ens 3 By aw’t of [reas'r’s com- : Ditto J. J. Buishix, ditto, 10,00 that an Blection will be held at the office of Wa edy. Take A)
friend, the Adjutant. at the same time, but| “i \ week since. the staff of Gen. M'Clel- pi Sau7at er > 2287.70 FETT h Wises) Esq. in Bellofonte, on the first Mon. pid i Bie Host, ani
a ; 3 y ¥ a 0, ya ia ds ahr : — ou
as it is nearly the same in substance and we | lan were notitied to be in readiness for & 2 Yoslipe § siaiiry, on 2000 PREMIUMS ON SCALPS. $510.00 $F ra oF iin = ne | Be Sag
are crowded for room, we only publidh the | movement across the river. In consequence | ooo Lo B2BOLTT Apt paid for soalps of foxes, wild year, , By Order of the Beard. They stimulate the functions
da Besides, t ho® evidently boon hastily oF fe gts rite vasds they have not Be y balance due Treasurer, 0442.71 cats, panther; wolves, &o. $167.75 eb. 13. ,62-3t JNO. i HOOVER, Sec. of Hus oag pte vigor ae
. « : + ordered over, but they are ready to go—an W.W. BROWN, E T 5 INQUISITIONS ON 'D R 1 ; the obstruciions which malse
written and is somewhat hard to decipher. when they go Gen. MC’lellan wili turn over In account with Centre a “Military Relief Ant a HL T DEAD BODIES, TO THE PUBLIC! dicasce, A cold settles somewhere in the body, and ob-
So, rather than run the risk of printing it, | to the temporary charge of Mr. Stauton the Fund, for the year 1861. on ro A hina ir Strats Hie pained Sonor oi 17 how relieved,
= a . : : ’ > Po S LVE a: Cac elves 2 r 1 IL Organs, pro-
full of mistakes, we have omitted it alto- control of the entire army, with the excep: Tan. 7 : . DR. Sa Phil Sheneberger, dito, 1050 \insowveD, a we, fe undersivned a Pugs 8
th tion of the army of the Potomac. It will be - 7—To am’t received from Ditto Jona. Eckard, ditto, 13.75 TN elonan entre county, believing that a | While in this condition, oppressed by the deratge
gether. bored th het G S Coll ctors & other sources, $8285,79 Ditto Jona Eckard, on body of > change in our present mode of dolng business is | take Ayer's Pills, and seo how directly they
Dan is in extacies with the climate down remembere at when ¢ en. cott went to To balance due Treasurer, 9247 11 a y 15.21 necessary, therefore propose to eur friends and | matural action of the system, mi ith it the
. A : Mexico he pursued a similar course, thus et Ditto H. EKinnie, on bod » patrons, the foliowing terms, which we believe | feeliug of health again, What i 150 appa
in that region, and speaks of the boys going | leaving himself free to attend to the more y $10632,90 fol, Mines, oni hody ef will prove advantageous to both buyes and seller. this trivial and common compl true in many
7 By balance due Co. T 'r, 2247.11 : Flynn, 12,68 to wit: id * | of the deap-seuted and dangerous distempers, The sania
By ba:ance cueibe. trois, » Ditto H. Kinuie, on body of in- purgativo effect expe abstrog
them, Caused by similar
of tha natural func
23.28 A CREDIT OF SIX MONTHS tions and derange
to responsible parties, and on a'l running 2c- | body, they ave rapid
11.75 counts not satisfactorily settled for at the expiru. by the same means.
in their shirt sleeves and bathing in the At- [important matter in “hand. Gen. M’Clellan 4
lantic in January. This is delightful, cer- LT needless to say: are nae ALEXANDEN Esq. Hua Susniry: Ditto Jas. M Haffy on dead
v 1 s.”” nt with Centre County, fort 1861. :
tainly, and to the inhabitants of these froz The ramors concerning Gen. Fremont as Hs Y, for the year body,
tion ef the time specified. INTEREST WILL | Fils will neglect !
the disordera thay
en regions, will, no doubt, seem like a dream | sume a definite shape, and it 1s now aserted A 7—To amount of fines & 00.33 | 81s CHARGED Toall of which we hereby | “statements from leading physicians i
of airy land. that, by the 15th inst., he will be assigned | Bes. ooo Sade LOANS AND INTEREST ON LOANS. | "Tio As Wop ¢ 208," Wates st principal eitios, and frou other well Kuo
We also publish a letter from Bardstown, |t0 8 command. : : 42 Am’t paid Dawl E. Walker, in- SAMUEL RRAGOR, Feberburs. | "a. a Diy
: ree — : : . ; rah hunt of SE honie 1
IP. $840,02 terest on note $ 31.00 Hosterman & Harper. do; R. Il. Forster, Cen- From « Forwayding Merchuut of Si Lovis, Ith.
Kentucky, from Mr. J.P Hughes ; Both of Sutra Intervention by Fikude: To Balinss dus Gonuty, $ 5471 I mitt 7. Boks a oat 17.9% tre MilE: 1. & ID. Shatter, Madiontore: D. &| Dr. Asn: Your Pills are the paragon of ;
these letters will be found interesting, and PAlLADRLRRIA Fob. 5B » CR Ditto, David Kauffman, note, 27.00 H. Shaffer, ditto ; John C Motz, Woodward ;| Ereat in medi ey have curud my litte daughter
W} , 2 : ’ 0 y bill for boarding and Ditto Dan’l McBride, note. &e 52.71 W., Hubler’s Place , D. 0. Bower. Aaronshurg; BE 1 ere Soros Ht fost that Lad proves
we presume they will be generally perused A special Washington dispatch to the | washing for prisoners, $314,568 Ditto Mar. G. Patterson, ditto, 90,00 Harper & Grimes, ditt); Gross & Yorrtor: do; ie Ty hihi
z — a0 Sund Bulletin says : Senator Cowan of Pensylva By bill sundries furnish- Ditto David Spencer, borrrow- Foote & Hartman. Millhoim: John V. Forster, | in Ler hair. After our chill was cured, she also tiled
RE.—We understand that on Sunday | nia, has received a letter from a well inform- ed for prisoners, 21,63 | ed money, 361 00 ditto ; D. A. Rhul, ditto; J. B Fisher. Centre- | your Pills, aud they have cured her. 3
night last, a house belonging to a Mr. Cain, ed and influential source in Paris. stating 4 5] Ji jurors 119,00 Ditto 5 Trim nr 54,96 vila RH. Dense Se Nite {Adan os ASA MORGRIDGE.
~ arding prisoners 08. } n ) r, Farmer’s Mills ; William Wolf, Centre Hall; A F 1 hysic.
at Hecla Furnace, was destroyed by fire.— the Be gad Napoleon would, at the meet-| Court Proctamation, and notes and orders, 63,82 Reuben Keller, Centre Hill; Wm. J. Thompson From - = pd ir iz Sms
We have not been made aware of the partic- i the Rrench Dhymia on tie 37th of | fo neting Disses 97,00 Dill. 1, Dioner, oh, oy & ror, Potteg’s Mills: Tl Swope. SKIT | your Pile are tho prigeo of purges, The exceltens
; ae uary, announce his intention of ivterve- y bill fees & fines uncollected 243.00 orders. . 38,95 Creek Mill; M. L. Seitzel, ditto; Daniel Heas, i : les or Lees Si
ulars, but it is supposed that the conflagra-| ning in the American troubles. Whether « "balance due County, 54,71 Ditto W. W. Brown, int. pu Linden Jun; p. viet a a er pe
tion was entirel accidental. the intervention is t ap : ed on borriwed money, » Geerge Jack, 3oalsburg ; John Hibler & Co , do :| bowels, which makes them invaluable to ug in the dail
3 Oris tile to the North = heel $849.92 pis an E. McKinney, for i Juomay pao Dale’s Mills; Alexander Sample | troatment of disease. any
% 4 v We, the undersigned, Auditors of Centre coun orrowed money, 4 63, c Co. , ine Grove Mills ; Henry Bridge, ditto ,| Headache,SickHeadache Foul St hh.
Tar EiorioN. We are requested by the EE as Cw, an “WW. | Ditto Bev. Jas Liun, interest Adee Renkin, Baileyville EE Zeallat ne, ul Stomach
Commissioners to give notice that the vari-| Ricamoxn, Feb. 5.—Generai Stirling Price | Brown, Lreasurer of said County, and of George | py; On 70te; i ee. 5, 1801.--3m. Dear Bro. Aven: J canno
ous township elections in this tv will | of Missouri, arrived here on official business .lexander, Sheriff, find them correct as above Ditto Jacob Brumgard, money a eee eee ee | T inva cured with your Pills
Pp i i is county wi iri, > 3 stated, and allow 4h loaned Co. 206,76 TR IT er treat with a pirgative
be held on Friday, the 21st inst., instead of last evening He desires to be confirmed he Lally em to be presented and filed | niyo Wm. Trvin, interest on THE FRANKLIN HOUSE ia Dt si
! Sa Major General, and sees pay clothing and, Wi our tsi de 3,2 THIS LONG ESTABLIS E disons Aoving as T do th
y Sends br itness our hands at » J order, ,20 SLONG ESTABLISSIED AND wer, | disoase, and helioving as I do tha
the 14th, as heretofore erroneously announce | supplies for his army mn the West. 2 at Bellefonte, his Toth id Ce fice | Ditto John Dauberman, interest Snown Hotel, situs Tha 1 eornar 2 best we have, I of course value th
- . . . . . i 3 ” i
ed. Of course dur own boro’ election will | A serious riot occurred in Richmond on JEREMIAH MAY «8 Bi Re sats 2005 fe by ut House, having | py 5.0, Aven. Sir: 1 havo
: : a Q § obs y e, pe 3 ol % rine . J.C. A , Sir: have
cone off on the same day. Tuesday night. which was so extreme and JAMES C. WILLIAMS, i 475 ny ed. ho ANDOU: | the worst Azaduche any hody cn ave by a dose o
ao > oO} tii 4 4 AN, : flapiiz ent and | of your Pills. It seer iva from a foul =to;
dangerous that it is feared the city will be Attest. Geo Lie ETRE BUCHAN aN. Ditto Rebecca Boggs, money ! to the ty ia oe el hh they cl SY toils a
. . i Attest, GEO. J, ork, Auditors. o B34 oat oo 3 vhicl py cleanse .
RETURNED — Weare glad to see our typo- placed under martial law. During the in : sili mn Sis county, 1 283,98 is a es ouet, op wr rip
SE Gwy Br Dynes eval eth sunt pisses wore hamid sheer Revepty, 0] npendiinrsg, of ioire em uum Ren a,
ing for the Union. | ; i ned y 81,24 tronage. No ; i ders Liver €
formerly of the Centre Democrat office, but a an aa TI Vid Canny for the year 1861. Ditto Avvaling Sus, inter. ‘ i" to the oe BHioHs Du eta Fives ¢ Opps
i 00s L sent S i , the Commissioners of Centre county, agree- on od fer, * 3 ¢ or cemfor his gue s stop with ron, diy. Rielare he SR
now in the army, on our streets once more. sey rapidly, to repel the advance of the | ably to an Act of Ass. ny titel n= Ditto J. H. McClure. interest on him will find ne Aliwby stop with}, Nor anly WIS gos Filia a nip] to
Bruce is home ona furlough, and is getting | Federel troops into the Cotton States. | Raise County Rates and Levies)’ requiring the on order, 4 XXXS CABLE fs i
5 s ~ Piet Amr to ry - uy 210 Teh T. Past. 4 5 . a Is Bt AS TH. 4 o Liver very ed indeed. They | in my prac
Commissioners of the several counties of this | Ditto J. L. on order. 1.63 abundant! Tied with the most sumptuons fire tice proved uitore effectual for is hits of b Br prec
There are but few soldiers to be seen in
plaints than any one edy I ean mention, I
rejoice that we have ab length a pu
quite copulent, as though the service agreed 5 Commonwealth to pubifsh annually eme P i r 8
i > s i i ally a ement of © murk i i
Norfolk now. As these tr 00ps are being the Receipts and Expenditnres of the ; $1813 99 the mari ord, done up in style, by. the
with him. He intends returning in a few 3 ; toi ir respectiv 08 expericnee: cs; whit 3 i
days. S ss to hi ie = sent as far South as Mobile, it is probable | counties, do report the following, viz: ae ROAD VIEWS ar an d cooks ; white HIS BAR will nl-| thy the confidence of the profissiin
ays. Success to him, . that the rebels have been misled as to the | 7th day of January, 1861, till the 7th day of Jan- fh : ea PS : )
0 designs of General Burnside, uary, 1862, Amt puid for road vi views : The Choicest of Liguors. Ww
Prcruvres | Pretures !—Our fiend Mr. Drafung will be commenced throughout Sri ol agineiip floes & views Lo us: $1273 on Saluny is best in town, and will always be pfiny Lire used
Jesse Gillespie has opened an Ambrotype | the South on the first of March. Great Dum- | po 2o ot rom ars. CONSTABLE E. RNS Attended oy the mon trustworthy and attentive | BG ESIE G0,
0 ry fo . Tieetnt Ea 3 i VATU = y 4 3 Nie nb = acti i :
Gallery, in T. R. Reynold’s big iron front bers of the soldiers express dissatisfaction | org and other sources, $26049.06 Am't pd Constables for re- Give him acall, one and all, and he feels con. Iatiog Jation on His i Isppinn
3 ,_| with the course which has been pursued CODEN IT ar turns & mileage, $ 84,76 fident that all will be satisfied with their accom- a, idthiruble vewedy | s
on Allehgany Street directly above Wagner's by the rebel government in this particular FXPENDITURES. ELECTIONS modution seeoml ef iad orenn. Indeed, 1 hive seldiin found of
: > : 5 she r ar. : Sw “ NN on. as hilious disease so obstir t it did not rear
Store next door to the Watchman Office. — pe By am’t paid W. Na 3 Amount paid election otiicers. AN EXCELLENT LIVERY them. Fraternally y« NEO BALL i
i : Sry ide Maicszl pao 2 . I s com. on $2575 1287,50 return judges, constables and is attached to this establishment, whi < :
We hope the public will give Mr. Gillespie Tue Tax ON COFFEE —The western papers | By am’ Commirsioners’ .r- ! assessors, for putting up lists, from abroad Will Aina SE Dysentery, Dinrrhea, It
a call, as he is a good operator. assert that the consumtion of coffee israp- | ders lifted, 31004,07 and attending elections, &e., $1173.71 . DANIEL GARMAN. | From Did. G. of
or idly diminishing in the West, owing to its| A a MISCELLANEOUS PAYMEN Bellefonte, Jan. 9, 1862 ’ )
EpiToRIAL Cuaxak.—Alem B, Tate, E-q., | exorbitant price. The high tax is having | HOY Sen BOF Treas Offes, 1000 Amount paid Geo. Livingston te
has retired from the cditomal chair of the he whe to i many Sabai for 39391.77 in fal for commission due him ii ; N. M'ALLISTER. JAMES A. BEAVER
“ ’ . 2 arley, ar By 5 mo RTC a nn as Treasurer, $ 0 aia ;
Berwick Gazette, and is succeeded by Mr. | poy oii akin EET. un ey suprions, Aw't paid John A. Wier, for A Te ks town vor
re : yt 2 . J y am’t paid Ben, chrock insan APeTS 2.5 : Avs 4 of women aud cf
J. 8. Sanders. from whose salutatory we in- | Dayton (Ohio) paper states that in that city | as Congty auditor, on $12.00 in Te Buffington un 902,54 ; of women and ¢
fer that the Gazette will be in no wise in [not one fifth as much coffee 1s now used as | Ditto Jere. Mayes 12.00 current fands, 80,00 TTT 3AMES BH. RANKIN, | & Dyshepein hy 7
jured by the ebange.® We wcloome him i pare was one year m. In the country or end Sin a 12,00 Save pid tow of Bue Hod, ATTORNEY AT LAW s SI (ies,
. . S PSS us . (+ ug ailiy : y o* 5 - rom Lock-aaven 0 Snowshoe Arh ’ RYsrd Fy
¢ 10 the‘ press.gavg,” hoping that the time~ Rey ney yi Toy itors clerk, 12.00 turnpike, 226,50 nS ts b JELLECENTE, TRATIA Taran Ton tion” and
ipl i tt al : Sn am’ paid J. J Lingle cos ‘fice, on the Diamond, one door west of the ie ostion an
honored principles ot Democracy which be! [pn fact it takes now several bushels of grain $48.00 il pty; A Sg 54,71 Post Office. re | ey 2 conte ect A Ay
has espoused will find in him an able and |io the West to buy a pound of-coffee | The ASSESSORS Ditto Isaac Buffington freight 3. D. SHUGERT | may friends.” Yours, J. V HIMES,
ariess te. W < heth. | western papers are also filled with com- alt wall townghi on soldiers’ clothes. 874 rer i Wins
eari vocate e do not know wheth pap By am’t paid hi 4 N
. : + | plaints of the injustice of this heavy direct 22 mir township and Ditto Thomas M Coy part bal- ATTORNEY AT LAW, Dear fm: da
er the gentleman has ever been inthe edito- | { > oe i Orc’ Assessors fur assess ance at settlement 1000,00 + ethan dag t nd find
sin hanes lioretosote : but he h tax of five cents per pound on tea. They | ments and returns, 189.00 Ditto A. BH atelinson trans: BELLEFONTE PENN : Te 3
eretofore ; but if he has not, | g1y it falls just as severely en the laboring COMMISSIGNE S' OFFICE eribing U. 8. 1. books, 85,00 __ Office in the Court House, with the Treasurer. : ACHA, M.D.
we have only to say that he wil be very | man as upon the man of wealth. In fact, | ym’t paid Thos. Hutehinson Ditto Elijah Hughes for dupli- TT wm. 3 KEALSH., TTT | Constipation, Cd pression
apt to find ** Jordan a hard road to travel.” the poor man with a large family is required | fors rvice as Commissioner, $267,50 : aates, + 8,00 ATTORNEY Brive Hhouantisg, 9 ia, Drop=
Nevertheless, if he keeps a ‘stifl’ upper to pay wore taxes to the support of the gov: | Am’t paid Ira Fisher, ditto, 210 00 Ditto das er i ig 6,50 g aw 2 gh er
hp” and is determined to hi “| ernment, than the rich man with a small de ‘do John M’Calmont, 274.00 Ditto Ira rt soo : SULLAFONTS, PENNA. oo
1p" AIA. ermined to ‘put hings | family. The only just taxation is really i) $ Jie Slesanden % 10.00 peusds to Phila on Co. bus. 25,60 Office in the Arcade, second floor.
through,” he may be able to keep his head | thet which compels each man to pay taxes a 275.00 Ditto H. N M’Allister dawm- : aan 2 : .
above water. At any rate, we wish him{in exact proportion to his means. But di | do do S M Irwin for trans: ph Ee rou; , 4,00 iawn ea pLaNCRARD. | gon ine
stiooaes: rect specific taxation is not made upon this cribing & correcting Treasurer's itto 2 ine do do 2 51.00 .& BE BLANCHAR the progenitor of others that
0 | basis, and henee is unjust and wnequal — U. 8. T. Book, : 50,00 $2883,723 ATTORNEY AT LAW, J the Jiv
. To show the injustice in a forcibl | Am’t paid 8. M. Irwin for earry- iA V ri SLLEFONT ' SHE
. AxorEER.—The Greensburg Republican Totes o i 3 EY oa ing out U ST. Tax 50.00 RE IEF FUND. BELLEFONTE. T
$ i atta Wy 1S BYE OD suppose the case of a man | Am’t paid ssme extra serv. as clk. 20.6 Am’t of Relief orders drawn
tas passed ig $e ands a Masai, G.W. | who earns one dollar per day. Ie goes Amt paid Fas i. Rankin for col. ’ : for 1861, $1337.57 i proper tin
Bonnin aud J. F. Campbell. The Republi- | home at night, buys a pound of coffee and beres i for five suits in court 224,82 ga; of Belin iy Heed, 10031,34 ds wt tian when
vant § ie & . | five cents 5 . 5 + | Am't pd same as counsel to 0 0... 40 oul ; PE effect
can is 8 good paper, and is sound on ihe | tive cents out of his one hundred are contri | go be 25.00 standing. Tr 3885.23 Loo ryey § SURGEON DENTIST
good old Democratic doctrine, We wish the Bated to the gatos i Yoo mi Am’t paid George Livirgston for The Board of Relicf "has given orders to 426 BRLLAFONT 4, CENTRE. CO... 4
oA ey Aa whose income is a thousand dollars per day, | blank books and stationary, 152.85 families. embracing about 1,250 persons, and on ; ELLY fe vin
new Sus success both pecuniarily and | pyy<a pound of coffee, and contributes five | Ditto for making corrected copy the Ist of January, 1862, find themselies wholly Lr upon all who may desire
politically. o cents out of one thousand dollars, just a 0 ysested Taney ip use. 50.00 fests of Muda empslied shiba fo Je Rooms at his residence on Spring street be aie
. fi : m’t pd. Wm. Cook for postage n ier, or to issue orders thal 5 > we if did not
= There are those in all professions wh thousand per cent less. according to hiS| a box rent, Postag 4.00 they have no immediate mesns of redeeming. TTT TIT in my Fibs anid bron
set themselves up to judge 2 te ary Means hen Be 0% Wer Tus is anh — LIST OF OUUSTANDING TAX:S PR.J EB, MITCHELL, 6 which ended in ean 1
Viel 1 otives, | festly unfair. at we want is taxation : ; a 3 qd “BON Ihe best of ph)
actions and feelings of others. It is evi wii shall make every person pay accord- COURTS. 1623,93| Mark G. Williams, Huston, 1834, $ 2,04 ER SRN excellent agent
dently so with the Watchman editor. He line to hi TL : - Am 0 y Joseph Williams, Worth, “ Se, ELLEFONTE TRECG., PA. Sonctlent ay in
po V7 passes judgment on or at ing us means. ren there can be no 4 span Hoffer, Proth Se i Thos. B. Patton, Ferguson, 1855 56.12 | Will attend to professional calls as heretofore, he iin Zhen ns ore
blishi i grinphng, ey ) George Graham, Snowshoe. ur 02 | respectfully offers his services to his friends and | ER
ublighing an article, then doubts them, and a al Am’t paid W. H. Longwell cor- Brenszor Re : ve, . * 7,02 | 3 1 L nd He sre. (ots ison A Thr or
b 3 ) a A A coord Worth the public. Office next d t s residenes on SENATE CuaMBER, Baton Rouge, La., § Dec. 1855.
nally, at the close of an article full of his | yorricorerr’s Remains. —We have re pis B& an OF: Yo mr Bobers Boyd, 7 Run J $4.00 Spring street. all PE i wl on Lilet
sculiar logic, leaves. off where he should : : 8 Jus 2 Ye- | Ample. rank ray. jurors, 22 John Askey. Snowshoe, 1857 | Tr eT Phcnutie Gott rainy ibn :
i ew mowiring of us regardios ceived, says the National Intelligencer, Am’ rd. for Comm th costs, 347.64 Willinen Sy Tastor 92, 1887, 85.0 IRA C. MITCHELL, CYRUS T. Al for years. VINCENT SLIDELL.
gan, by ng gO garding i's Am’t paid John T. Johnston, William ‘Smith Union, - i MEVCHELL & ALEXANDER | ga@~Most of the Pills in market contain Mercury,
what he knew nothing. This part we will from Mr. L. C. Houk a communication con- | Proth’ys fees, &: 139.83 Daniel Becledol Srraahoo, 1838 oy ATTORNEYS AT LAW, which, uithouzh a vahuabe ey in skilful hands, i
endeavor to answer, since he appeals to us| tradisting emphatically and circumstantially Amt pd Ed. Blanchard for aud- B.V Brisbin, Verte: 1908 ada TO agneronen. esx Ta ie drei)
in the name. of an editorial commodity.— ; "| iting docket & Proth’ys Register, 35,00 William Marshall, Beunor, 1850, 153, Offied in Reynakls! Aten: ont PHSSIS« Ol Gunnths Unt Sepiatl fons us
na «— 1 ag false and calawnies, a statement trans-| Am’t pd. J. S. Parsons as Tip- 2 ’ nen 1, (155,28 ? 20 Dintatd gE CORBI AE Oe ’
When we first saw the « remarkable proph | let P John Robb, Curtin, & 7.15} Ira C. Mitchell has 3 . T. Alexander | Pppj
ccy” we did not know how many chapters Mitted (© New York papers by Some ju pi nd. White as Court 20 Absolors Musser, , Greng, - © 61k | with him in the practice of uw, aud they will Erie Ho Conta Bes Box,
Haggai contained —but were convinced that | letter writer, alleging that the remains] ecrier. a 49,50 ye ¥ Courses; Tees > "0 I give promiyh dtkentiv to 2 pains stusied so Prepared by Dr. J. ©. AYER & C0., Lowell, Mass.
: yi ' pV : . | : . . 3 1 it an et & > is & 5 a
die TD heoy” could not be And in it. | of Zollicoffer were treated with certain bar. | Am D.@ Bush for Rules 00 Jacob Harter, ~ Penn. a 141.86 | counties : Is Tas So. Daliatinte, andy orn
and. 0 e assurance doubly sure,’ | parous indignities after the hatile i til Ah ree : : ) Edward Ide, Snowshoe, 168581 ——————— Tae oun e county.
looked in our bible, (we have one) and fourd | ho foil oe a - ype { a FoF SU 0h John Sweeny, Spring; lp 64.56 A. 0. FURST, THIS WAY . OR BARGAINS.
out all about it before we published it. As | our inability to invert entire said a he ? rn a iL fhe . hi ATTORNEY AT LAW. I ie h 7
foie ie \ } : wi 3 imal ’ | a achi e Public who have heretofor
we knew it would Bust no one to get the | yas on thegroun... and -peaks of his own COURT HOUSE $3121,21 | George W Kelley. Worth, © 1044] Sippy 50 es tbl Li
dust from their bibles, we cautioned them | knowledge, in the annexed statement, which, | xug pa. 1. 8. P USE. J. M. Kepheart, Beuner, 1860 415,20 ILL practice in the several Courts oi don ERE v
to turn and read. the chapter. Now, Mr. | gq an act of justice to our brave men, we PAR a $150,0 Tunis Willen Greg, 152,17 9 Dentrcand Clinton counties. All legal & | 0 tl tn Emporium:
Waschran yo Know how many shap. | Shain fi re Sian Thnk Elle eddie de yee jing Soup }
y- . - : all © : pd. . OWT ,83 | attention. i
isis kc o. re .. Zollicoffer was killed between 7 and 10 sol i out Hm a 115,00 Yi Syanay, Marion, 145,32| OFFICE—On the North-west corner of the Di | i STERNBE! GQ
2 0’ v y : itto F. P. Green for alcoho SE Milesh re . oh 3 3 or Of % ;
search therefor # - Was not that’* Abolition Ss 0x [Sense Os Ciena te for metre, : 4.50 P. T. Musser, Pon Pw 20649 jis TE — hit | tanger : fib 2 § ge
lie” the means of your reading one more | tp : 0CK IN | Ditto John Yager for painting, 15,00 James Barber, Potter, “ 189,77 Pm 1 | We take pleasure in informing then that the
iy BE a ever the evening. He was de ently cared for :| Ditto Lyco. Ins. Co. for C. H. 14.00 James Test, Rush, “ 64,24 | SURVEY : have now reveived a full stock of
an J a rN his clothes whizh were very much torn and | Ditto 8°D. Ti den, for Co. Maps, 10,00 John Graham, Snowshoe, 56.62 : BYR. FALL & WINTER CLOTHING
0! you not studi the New | ;puddy, being taken fi hi Re a Ditto B. Galbraith for repairing Rob. Thompson Spring « 3 JACKSONVILLE, CENTRE > LA Q + YU AN,
York News, Albany Ath irs im y, being taken from his person, and IH f pSiring pson, pring, 386,90 u LE, Centre Co., Pa.
7 ws, A1IARY as and Argus, and | his body nicely washed, His body was|p: tl Tues 7.25 John Capenhaven, Taylor. ;* 36,09 | Has recently located in nville, € AND GENTLEMENS' FURNISHING ~00DS.
kindred publications, more diligently than | then placed in a tent and a guard placed Ditto John Brackbill for mend- | Blijah Fisher, Union, « 49°27 | county Pa, and would herehy tthe EH . y
the book of Revelations ? These are ques- tos gua 2 : Spin, 2:00 “thomas Parsons, Unionville, "+ 678 gencruily th id. heshy infant the publish < Attes an exprienes of many, Jessy the, publ,
L Of kies ons q over it, to see that it was not molested by | Ditto N. Hillibish for bill farn- Elias Turner. Work iy LL I lo all kinds of | by general consent, have decided the above to
tions whiklr you oan answer at your leisure ; | he Hor of ished Co. 75 “I MoClure Lilo . wso infill out Deeds, make | by Ri aia
ba Ne: AS asts or anything of that character. as we . 4,75 J. H McClure, Bellefonte, 1861 { ils RBON : ee
t Hereaftdr before you accuse us of tell- | had no soldiers who would have thought of Ditto Daniel Derr keys for C. H., 1,00 William [rvin, Beuncr ‘ iis of pips anon SHOTLORE NoHN0 | NY
, please give us a chance of explain: | any such thing as these New York. letter | Ditt0d 5: Puomns bill furnish- | Chauncy Jones. Bogs. ei RS uMESY ATenvEy rossonable. [Give Bim af “Al g 1 »
our JY 's all.—Milto- ; 3 ed Co. 8,07 | Martin Long Rurnsids, $e Ootober 17, ’6 (a J) al nar ers
B.Qur honor That's all. —Milto writers have charged. Having no clothing | Ditto J. D Turner water tax, 21,78 I Jacob Macs Caron ve 100,12 Dujabor 1s i-8m <7 X i
titi iret L.” suitable in which to dress him, he was Ditto Felix Mu'len for hauling Samuel H. Stover, Ferguson, * 125396 © C. HUMES. H.N ALLISTER read
After the above frank acknowledgment | wrapped in nice new blankets until they | seaffolding, 1,50 William Rurick, Grog, “ 185.63 Norirt. a Tae POR CLOTHING AND GREAT BARGAINS.
an the part of our cotemporary, we do not could be procured, after which he was dress- Ditto Bersnnisdarde for 590 A : Haines 4 83 14 DEPOSIT BANK i And Jk ratenags has consequently been such
a ila oi , . % 3 Abednego Stephens, HH on “ 3131.43 = » as to justi i i x
foel disposed to press the matter any fur ed and provided for for ir a hansome man-| niyo sweeping C. I. chimneys, 5.00 So Ne pi AB a —op— LE 0 proprietors 1 an iatiomt lo ox
Jee: C18p0SEC T 3 y , § 5 39 MES. Mc TE eed even themselves, in providing for their ¢
ther ; and as we have had considerable fun re. ze si gps bad bien km —_— J Nelson Askey. Howerd 39 HUMES, MOALLISTER, HALE & CO. | tomers a stockof FALL AND WIN
§ a am ha » rom his-body. severa citizens as well as $413.06 William Steel. Huston, t 160,36 3 BELLEFONTE, CENTRE CO.. PA. \ CLOTHING, such has never before be =
out of the affair, we are quite willing to let | soldiers procured bits of them —they having COUNTY JAIL. Christian Beckdol Lil . sofas Donosits Received —Billscf Bxchango und No | fored ab any establishuout in this or neigh! din:
it drop just here, which is evidently the de been very much torn before he was killed prob Am’t pd. gu, Sjexender for $36 Suey Heguvngn Marton “ 785.4% eT gi] Deposits— | towns by an enormous outlay They ure pre
agar io . ‘ae os oarding prisoners, $363,18 | H. reziyulny. Mitesbure, * 118 10 Sc! ade, and Proceeds Rewitted P t.' ed to exhibit un assortment which, f 18
sire of our friend of the Miltonian. In an- sy riding through the woods out of| pny Potter & Mitchell at | B. F. Winter, Wiles. gg ¥—lxchange on the East constantly on hs [ varisty, Ea Sem Sh
swer, however, to his queries, we bave only which he emerged just previous to being | tending prisoners, 12,50 | Jacob Gray, ation, ¢ EE Ne Hoan. ! workmanship eannot be excelled.
10 say that we have read Bibl shot. Particular regard and unusual respect | Ditto Wilson & Bro. werch- | Geo. wv. Swartz, . 555 56 KING HOUSE, |” They take this opportunity to return
y havo read our Bible much | was shown his body by officers and men. andise for jail, 208,00 Geo. C. Zettle, Poiter, = 966,67 WM YNOLDS & | thanks for favors heretefora extended, and Los
ore than ever we did the New York Neys RA RR Ditto farnace, Tepsiss mate. James A, Rojo, Rus “ 156.32 M. F. REYNOLDS & CO., oy Te the public in general that the cooil-
. Disraeli. the Engli . rial painting, white- m. G. Haslett, Snowshoe, 378 83 BELLEFONTE, CENTRE €O. ence with which they have heretofore fuvored
onibédiituany Atlas avid Avgus. Wego nit wai is said to BE Ditto Joh palo oo = Ja 7A Win ey Haris: i £u3T804; Bl ofexehange; sad a || thom will be merited in the future e
cp Sod » . 7 it! 2 s i + William MeCoy. aylor i 2 fons mt i 80. Yon <
icon ord, Tage papers, and, down in mind and body, by the use of opi ids a. ts 6.00 Meury J nl Li , A ih % Sn prozaeds propily remitted. — OBSERVE THE STAND,
.l + : 3 " * ‘ od e 8 pacial de its. BE. a 1
3 quently, our 8 ort-comings are not |um, and is nearly imbecile. Ditto J. 8. Parsons for guarding ; Jhoeh pets 8, Jj onils, io 91.73 eastern cities Fh es Rhum he | n the DIAMOND, near the Court House.
cl hargeable to them. But we will Stop now, Serer re J StsD prisoners, 22,00 | Eins per . a 25 Y 87593 1s receivea 2 PO%- | Yall and you may rely upon it that every article
wit the that our © good friend” of the dr A pretty woman's soul sometimes Ditto D. %, Stine, Mazes & Pur- | ag Turner, Worth, 164.87 rn | ou purchase, wiil prove to be precisely what it is
Miifonsan will hereafter publish no more | 51 and looks out through a bright eye like de yeod fir Jail, Som | Totai ams of outstanding taxes 18055.08 9 C, prenniad, The barselss fesaucy tu bog)
«+ remarkable prophecies.’ a purring eat cut of a sunny window. Tn Rast r a Sisases) Ayer $ Cherr y P t 1 ie Lo Ds
. 442,50 | Wo the undersigned Commissonors of Centro : estoral. | - 37 wil sel sgoaper than % he NB
fn | ET Er
te Jo va1y. iw yilleGta 8