Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, January 23, 1862, Image 2

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BELBEFONTE, JAN. 23rd, 1862.
77 The Philadelphia Bulletin, of Tues-
day evening, says that Ex President Tyler,
who has been. reported lying ill at Rich.
mond, is dead.
PraLic LEcturs.—We have been request.
ed to announce that the Rev. L. M. Gard-
ner will deliver a lecture at the Corit House
on Tuesday evening, the 27 hinst. Subject
—4 Our National Troubles—Their Cause
and Cure.” Admittance—25 cents.
Barrie ix Kesvocer, —The latest advices
f om Kentucky state that a battle had been
fought on Saturday, the 19th inst., near
Somerset, in which the Confederate forces,
under Gen. Zollicofler, were defeated by the
Fuderal troops under Gen. Schoepfl. Gen.
Zollicoffer was killed in the engagement, as
was also Ballia Peyton, jr., son of Baillie
Peyton, sr., who was formerly a member of
the United States Congress, and Minister to
Brazil, under President Fillmore.
rn Ge i Apres.
{== Hon. Hexry D.MoORE, was re-elected
State Treasurer, on the third ballot. The
Union Democrats voted for Dr JoNas R.
McCraNTock, on the first and second ballots.
On the third, sufficient went over to Moore
toelect-him. Had the Union Democrats
stuck to McCriNtock, Mr. MOORE could not
have been clected’; but it was evidently as
much their determination to prevent the
election of Dr. McCriNTOCK as that of the
Democratic candidate, Wx. V, MAGRATH.—
The absence of one membar on the Demo-
cratic side—Mr. Ross, of Mifflin— rendered
itimpo sible to elect anybody over the Re-
publican candidate by a union’ of all those
who voted against him on the first and sec-
ond ballots.
The Government Robbers.
We publish to day, on our first page, an
extract from a speech recently made in Con~
gress, by a Mr. Dawes, which is an expose
of a namber of astounding swindling opera-
tions that have been perpetrated upon the
government by a number of unprincipled po-
litical thieves and pets of the party in pow
er, that, m Buchanan's day, would have
consigned any Democrat to eternal infamy.
Mr. Dawcs states that on the 21st of April,
there was organized, in New York, a corps
of plunderers upon the Treasury, who bave
been hanging on the Treasury like leeches
ever since, and have succeeded at last in
drawing from it almost the last drop of
Most of these robberies have been commit.
ted by particular favorites of the War De-
partment, who have granted contracts for
the furnishing of horses, supplies, &c., for
the army. Simon has said ‘wiggle waggle,”
and his pets, fully understanding his system
.of wiggling money out of the Treasury into
his own pocket, have succeeded amazingly
well in enriching themselves out of the peo
ple’s money. If Simon be honest himself—
(but nobody charges him with this) he has
been exceedingly unfortunate in the selec-
tion of the friends upon whom he has show-
ercd his patronage.
Horsc contracts, and beef contracts, pick-
cled herring and linen pants contracts, (such
as given Mr. Cummings) and contracts for
the furnishing of arms, have been given to
men whose patriotism has only displayed
itself in their readiness to swindle the people
and bankrupt the Government. Horse con
tracts have been given out to favorites, mem-
bers of the ring at $125 per head. The
chicf contractor would then sub-let to other
parties at $110 per head ; the sub-contractor
would then sub-let at $95 per head to «ther
favorites, and horse jockeys would go out
threugh the country and buy up old broken
down horses at from $50 to $80 per head,
and thus the Government would be actually
swindled, upon every horse it purchased, out
of from $40 to $80. These horses would then
be taken to Washington City, where a num-
ber were tied to posts and left to starve and
die. ’
Thus, then, the Government ir the first
place, was actually swindled in the purchase
of 60.000 horses, of not less than three and
a half millions ; and then a number of the
horses being entirely worthless, were tied te
posts and there starved to death, which
would be a total loss of the price paid for as
many as thus died.
The cattle contracts ; contracts for the
equipment of cavalry ; contracts for the pur.
chase of arms—and hundreds of other fur-
nishing contracts have been given out at
such figures that the lucky pets have real«
ized, in c’ean profit, 50 per cent. on every
thing purchased for the Government ; or, in
other words, out of the three or four hundred
millions of money spent in this way since
the commencement of the war, the one half
has been stolon by these robbers.
Contractors have boen growing rich, while
the Government hag been growing poor.—
According to Mr. Dawes’s statement, it is
high time a move has been made in the right
direction, and Simon removed. Simon has
had the giving of most of these contracts,
and while he may not have made more than
four or five millions himself, he certainly
has been very unfortunate in the selection of
his friends ; while those friends, no doubt,
feel rejoiced that they had such a friend as
Simon, who taught them how to wiggle wage
- EO mene
Hus moderated-~The weather.
Expelling Members of Congress.
Both Houses of Congress, during the extra
session and at the present session, have been
occupied a considerable time 1n expelling
members for treason. Had these bodies,
years ago, shown their patriotism and ab-
horrence of treason, by the expulsion of Sen-
ators Hale and Seward, in the Senate, and
abolitionists in the House. who presented
petitions asking Congress to dissolve the
Unmion—had they expelled Banks «when he
declared that under certain circumstances he
was willing to * let the Uuion slide,” our
Union to day might have been in a prosper-
ous condition, and the present civil war
averted. At those times the on idea princi
ple governed the fanatics who arc now so
rampant for expelling members, Then if
Senators presented petitions for a dissolu-
tion of the Union and supported them by
speeches, it was all right, and no treason
was contained in such acts, because the ob-
ject of the petitioners was to get rid of slav-
ery. But now when the South proposes the
same thing—:. e. to go out of the Union and
take slavery with them, these original disun-
ionists vote for the expulsion of their mem-~
bers traitors. In our opinion both are equal-
ly guilty, and had a traitors doom been as-
sigoed to the first man in Congress, who
presented a petition for the dissclution of the
Union, and voted to have the matter of the
petition considered, the example would have
had a good effect, and the hydra heads of
Abolition disunion and Secession-disunion,
would never have raised their hands again,
to bring trouble, civil war and blood-shed up-
on the nation.
The Change in the Cabinet.
The resignation of SiMox CaM EBON and the
appointment of EnwiN M. StANTON to succeed
himin the office of Secretary of War, was pro~
bably not a very surprising piece of intellige~
nce to those who have closely watched the
current of events during the past few months.
The developments of the Van Wyck Investi-
gating Committee, the disposition manifes-
ted by Congress to dive to the bottom of the
frauds upon the Government, and the disap-
proval by the President, of the Abolition
portion of Mr. CAMERON'S report, were cir-
cums tances making his retreat from the Cab.
inet not only desirable, but absolutely neces-
sary to the maintenance of public confidence
in the Administration.— What precise cause
brought maters to a crisis we will not under.
take to indicate—but there is reason to be-
lieve that his withdrawal was not entirely
voluntary, and the reasons why he could no
longer act in barmony with the Administra
tion, may be found in some of the causes we
have indicated.
Mr. CAMERON'S special friends very inge
niously endeavor to break the force of his fall
by alleging that he accepted the office of
Secretary of War with great reluctance, and
that he has always declared his intention to
retire when the interests of the country
would allow, and he could have a proper
successor. This is all moonshine, Mr. Ca-
MERON was anxious to obtain a seat in the
Cabinet, used all his influence to secure some
position, and would not have retir.d so preci
pitately had circumstances rendered hiS
stay desirable or comfortable.
The retreat of Mr. CAMERON and the ape
pointment of sa able and conservative a suc-
cesgor as EpwiN M. Stanton, will impart
hope to the country. We accept it as evi-
dence that the President has determined not
to listen to the suggestions of the ultra poli~
cians who would destroy the Government and
the Constitution, by perverting the war from
its legitimate objects into a reckless abolition
crusade; and also as evidence that an era of
reform in public expenditure is about to com-
mence. — Patriot & Union.
The Victories of Delay.
Alrcady the complaints are daily coming
up from the South, loud and deep, against
that Government ; the people begin to dis
cover that those who are great in raising a
whirlwind are not always g eat in conduct-
ing the affairs of a State. The people are
disappointed in the brilliancy of their Gov-
ernment. Their Secretary of State saw the
folly of attempting to carry out such a posi-
tion as his in sucha Confederacy as that of
Secession, and resigned his position. This
was a moral victory for the North. The
Postmaster General, after doing al! that mor-
ta' could do under his unfavorable circuma
stances, receives nothing but the condemna
tion and abuse of the people who cannot see
that it is a pleasant and convenient thing to
be without the assistance of the North in
carrying the mails, and be thrown into ante
revolutionary mail carrying times. Jeffer-
son Davis, the Dictator, President, Com-
mander in-Chief of the Confederate forces,
though first he was the deliverer of the coun-
try, is now the head and front of all its ca
lamities, and the people do not spare him in
their maledictions, Mr, Memminger, the
Secretary of the Treasury, is complained of
as possessing little foresight. knowledge or
capacity foc his position. by those who gave
him such honors at the beginning of the
And so, by the delay of the North, the-
South has had a taste of 1ts ability to sus.
tain a Confederacy, and the fruits are be-
ginning to taste bitter. It is daily a weak
ening to their cause, because it convinces
thew of their co mplete incapability to sus-
tain a government independent of the foster-
tering and kind care of the Union. The win-
ter of their discontent shows itself in grim
gray upon the horizon, and those little flur
ries of snow and cloud will soon be followed
by the fierce temptest that shall shiver their
miserable temple to atoms about their heads.
—Boston Post.
A Warning Voice
None of the statesmen of the past genera:
tion was more earnest in teaching respect
for and obedience to the Constitution, as the
duty, superior to all others of the American
people, than Daniel Webster. This was the
one great theme of all his speeches and
writings. As an example, here is an extract
from one of his specches, delivered in 1851,
which is so remarkably applicable to the
present time, tha it becomes invested ‘with
all the solemmty of prophetic warning :
«IfI have attempted to expound the
Constitution, I have attempted to expound
that which [ have studied with diligence and
veneration from my early manhood to the
present day. If 1 have endeavored to defend
and uphold the Union of the States, it is
because my fixed judgement and my unal-
terable affections have impelled me, and
still impel me, to regard that Union as the
only security for general prosperity and na-
tional glory. Yes, gentlemen, the Constitution
and the Union ! I place them together.—
If they stand they must stand together ; if
they full, they must fall togethe).”
Were Daniel Webster now alive, how
would his great intellect, rising superim to
all the sectional prejudices which dwarf the
minds of the would-be statesmen of our day,
confute and put to shame the miserable sub-
terfuges of the disguised Abolitionists, who,
under the plea of military and political ne=
cessity, would teach the American people to
believe that the Union can only be saved by
destroying the Constitution! While the Gov-
ernment is engaged in a righteous war for
the maintenance of the Constitution against
the deadly assaults of traitors who seek to
overthrow it, our nggro worshipping party
leaders are endeavoriog to rob the Govern-
ment of the moral power which attaches to
the justice of its cause, by forcing 1t into
measures that the Constitution nowhere
warrants, and so making it equally guilty
with the Southern Secessionists, of the high
crime of rebellion. At such a time, how
full of meaning are the warning words of
Webster, that the Constitution and the Un
ion must stand or fall together !—West Ches-
ter Jeffersonian.
Mr. Ely's Views of The War.
Mr. Ely, a member of Congress, recently
released from prison in Richmond, in ex
change for Mr. Faulkner, made a speech ou
his return in New York, which he concludes
as follows :
“Gentlemen, I am persuaded that the vast
army committed to the trusty hands of Gen.
McClellan has much to do. If I h ve learn
ed anything in theSouth, it 1s we fight a peo-
ple terribly in earnest. The cry ot Palatox
at Saratoga. **War even unto the knife,”’is
still their cry. Firm in the belief that we
sevk their subjugation, they have waxed
desperate, and neither life nor treasure will
be spared to prevent the advance of our army.
A rebellion so extensive and zealous as that
which now reigns throughout the South can
only be overcome by the best and strongest
efforts of a united North. We must as one
man, shoulder to shonlder, heart to heart,
forgetful even of party. of prejudice, of all
but country, join with the Government in its
exertions for the preservation of the Republic.
So only may we, by God,s good help, restore
the national banner whence it has been
denly torn, and by conquest win enduring
peace aud establish our power to cobe with
traiiors at home as successfully as we have
with foes from abroad.”
eM prs
AN Arrack ON JEFFERSON Davis.—The
Richmond Whig, of the 4th inst.. in the
course of an article on the Dayis Administra
tion says:
from the Tomb at
Tf they have not subjugated us, they have
impigued upon cur soil, and they hold mili.
tary possession of a part of Virginia and of
the the three slave holding States. This, we
confess, has always been to us an unmixed
bitter. Aud what renders it sti'l more dis-
agreeable, we cannot divest ourselves of che
conviction, that it has been owing to the fault
of our own Administration. Our army com-
posed of the best material that ever shoul-
dered a musket, went to the field to fight,
and nothing else and has been panting for
an adnance from the moment of enlistment
to the present hour. Doomed te inaction,
and rotting on straw, we have lost more by
disease than a dozen victories have cost, and
we have lost the national reputation we en
joyed for dase and clan. Unless there is a
promise and one to be relied on, of a total
change in this policy of the great Cunctator
we shall have no more volunteers after the
expiration of the present term. Thisis a
vital matter, to which all our authorities
should at once direct their attention. Con-
gress, as well as the Executive, is entrusted
with the public weal. All should exert
themselves to the utmost for the common
safety and the common glory, for the for
tunes of us all are at stake.
Stel mee
following schedule will show the increase of
duty on these articles since the passage of
the tariff of March last:
Tariff of March. 61 July, 61.
Tea Free. 15 cents.
Coffee Free. 34 cents
Sugar (clayed) § cent. 2 cents. 3 cents.
Sugar (brown) { cent. 2 cents. 2} cents.
This addition, it is presumed, will yield
Dec. 23, 61.
20 cents.
5 cents.
seven or eight millions to the revenue of the |
Government for the present year. Ths will
defray the expenses of the Government four
days, according to the latest calculation. as
our expenses are two million dollars a day.
| stripes.
The Earl of Shaftsbury, who makes great
pretensions to Aloiitionism and Evangelical
Christianity, is reported by the Albany Ev-
ening Journal to have said :
“1, in common with almost every Engiish
statesman, sincerely desire the rupture of
the American Union. It has been the poli-
cy of England to brook no rivalry, especial-
ly in the direction of her own greatness.—
We justly fear the commercial and political
rivalry of the United States. With a popu-
lation of 30,000,000 now, thew will soon, if
not checked, overshadow Great Britain. — |
We cannot look upon such a monstrous!
growth without apprehension.” '
| same time, we would give ub nothing to the
The Southern Press on the Surrender of
Mason and Slidell.
[From the Richmond Dispatch.)
All Hell shall gape for this.—Shakspeare.
Among the many striking portraits which
the great dramatic has drawed, there is none
truer to nature than that of Ancient Pistol. —
His swagger, his bluster, his bold front, his
cowardly heart, his rant, his fustian, his
strange oatas, have in them Something in
imitably ludicrous. His bragadocia and big
talk impose for some time even on the men
such an army as that which Henry V. led in-
to France, and which won for him the ever
memorable fleld of Agincort. At last, grown
bold by long impunity, he ventures too far,
and his exposure is complete. A Welch
gentleman of dauntless courage, but odd de
meanor, becomes the subject of his insolence.
He laughs at his broken English and derides
his nation. The national plant—the leek—
becomes the subject of his scurrilous imper-
tinence. He finds that he has, to use an
American phrase, waked up the wrong pas.
The gentleman is a man who does not dn-
derstand jesting, especially at the expense of
his country. He puts up with the affront
when first received, because they are on the
eve of a great battle : but the victory once
won, his first step is to seek the aggressor,
and to call him to account. He finds Pistol,
presents him with a leek (the national emn-
blem which he has derided) and tells him he
must swallow it. The bully swears and
swaggers. The Welchman does neither.—
He 18 perfectly calm, but still presents the
leek, and tells Pistol he must swallow it.—
Upon further refusal, he proceeds to beat
him without mercy. This was more than
mine Ancient had bargained for. Neverthe-
less, he at last gulped it down, protesting
with thundering oaths that hereafter his per-
secutor should be made to pay the penalty.
He is treated with contempt, sneaks off, and
we hear of him no more.
If the Yankee Government have not en-
acted the part of the ‘Ancient Pist 1" to the
very life, in their embroilment with the Eng-
lish Government, then there is no suck thing
as imitation, and parallel cannot exist in na-
ture. When the piratical onslaught was
first made upon the British vessel, the yell
of exultation which arose in Yankeedom re-
sounded throughont the world. Vast meet-
ings assembled to testify their admiration of
the deed. City councils voted it unrivalled
in daring and sagacity since the days of
Bayard. , The press rang with applause.—
The Secretary of the Navy was not slow in
approving the deed. Congress hailed the
rising glory of the new hero, and test figd
their approbation of his exploit without a
dissenting voice.
¢. The city of Boston dined him, and wined
him. and listened to his narrative, and made
the welkin ring with its applause. The
newspapers vowed that they would see every
American ship burned, and every Yankee
own and city uprooted from the very foun
dation, before they would shrink from the
side of Wilkes, They were determined to
back him at all hazards and to the last ex-
tremity. Never was there such defiance as
they hurled at England. Never was there
as much insolence uttered upon any one oc-
casion. Never were such threats heard be-
fore, since the creation of the world The
Herald led the way in these’demcnstrations.
It was going to raise a million of men to
overrun and devour Canada. It was going
to fit out six thousand privateers to cruise
against English merchandise. It was going
to confiscate nine hundred millions of Eng-
lish property. It would not let Kngland
have a pound of cotton. It would get salt-
petre from the Mammoth Cave. If .ngland
dared to demand redress, it was determined
to raise an insurrection in Ireland.
Never was here anything like the ribald-
ry. gasconade, bully, bluster and defiance in
which the whole Yankee race—people, press,
public meetings, Congress, Secretaries, and
all—indulged. They have been compared to
the Chinese, and we think with wonderful
aptitude. But the Chinese never swaggerad
in this style, And after all what has been
the result # The Yankee fire caters have
drawn back from the first piece of live coal
pesentel them. The Yankee swaggerers
have been the first to eat their own words as
soon as it was ordered them, The Yankee
Congress, who unanimously approved of
Wilkes, abandoned him upon the very first
intimation that it might cost them something
to hold on to him, And Bennett, instead of
eating up Canada, instead of exciting an in-
surreetion in Ireland, instead of fitting out
81x snousand ships to cruise against British
property, coolly advises the Yankee Govern-
ment to knock under, and, in the very spirit
of Ancient Pistol, cries, ‘All hell shall gape
for this”’ hereafter. Wonderful people !—
wonderful press! wonderful Congress !—
wondertul Secretaries! wonderful Yankec-
dom ! Certainly the world never saw your
like before. Even Egypt, *‘ the basest of
kingdoms,” is respectable when compared to
re nl A AA
Tue Stars AND Stripes AND Hai Co-
LUMBIA.—An esteemed correspondent and a
gallant officer desires to know if the South
intends to giveup to the Yankee« notonly the
old flag, but Hail Columbia and every thing
good, to which we have as much a right as
they. As to the flag, we have already giv
en reasons why anything that resembles it
is likely to produce collissions in action be
tween our own solders ; apart from the
odium that belongs to what is now an em
blem of an inhuman despotism. It is no
longer the flag of the free ; it is the flag of
tyrant and oppressor, and is stained with
the blood of our sons and brothers. Let it
be henceforth the winding sheet of he
defunct Uniou. As the body without the
spirit is dead, so is the United States flag,
when it ceased to be the emblem of a free
Government, is dead also.
We have no partiality, however, for the
Confederate flag. Our objections to it are
that it resembles closely the old and now
hideous ensign of despotism. We want
none of its unnecessary stars aud sickly
The two flags of the two nations
ought to be as distinct and different as the
character and instincts of the two peoples.
As to “Hail Columbia,” we are willing to
say ‘Hail and farewell.” We think the
theme 1s played out. **‘Columbia’ is uolonger
a happy land. Columbia, we begin tosuspect.
is a humbug. We want to have a new coun.
try in its songs as well as its laws. At the
Yankees that is worth keeping. They are
by no means satisfied with any national
anthems, for they have offered a prize for a
new one ; but even thelr money cannot pro-
duce the music. Of what value will “rit
Columbia’ be to a people who prostrate
“‘Co'umbia” at the faint roar of the British
Lion? Of what value any national anthem
to a nation which has neither national spirit
nor national honcr.— Richmond Dispatcy.
Written for the Wea)
Soldier, Where Wilt Thou Die?
BY M. J. M.
Tell me, kind friend, where will it be,
Where will death’s shadows fall o'er thee?
Wilt thou die in thy home,
In the land of thy birth,
Where a few gentle loved ones
Still cling round the hearth ?
Or the hand of the stranger,
Will it turn down the sod,
When the silver cord’s loosed
And thy soul’s with its God ?
But if to the battle-field
Thou art hasten'd away
From the loved ones at home,
From a bright, sunny day—
If there thou must stop,
And there meet thy doom,
May the flag of our freedom
Be waved o’er thy tomb.
In the red tide of battle,
Where might marks the right,
If there—let it be
In the front of the fight.
If, in freegom’s loved cause,
Thou findest thy grave,
Oe'r its green, grassy sod,
Let her proud banners wave;
Let her eaglets look down
Erom their eyries on high,
When the soul of the stranger
Hath gone to the sky.
If thy body must lie
Where the enemy stood,
"Midst the groans of the dying,
In a river of blood,
May thy slumbers be sweet
And thy soul with the blest ;
May thy spirit be anchored
In that Haven of rest;
And o’er thy cold frame,
In the midst of the dead,
May the flag of our freedom
Be waved o’er thy head.
If thy death slumber be
Where no friends gather near,
Where no loved ones can meet
To weep o’er thy bier,
If thy body lie mouldering
In the heat of the sun,
Oh! may it ne’er be
Till the victory’s won.
When the conflict is ended,
If thou hast been kept
From a death in the field,
By Him who ne’er slept,
Then await the last war-sound,
Then turn to the dead,
And plant ye a banner
That will wave o’er their head.
Alas! then, how changed,
When the conflict iso’er,
When those who the banner
Of freedom hath bore,
And the voice that commanded,
In silence must lie,
How changed! How changed !
Each body will sigh,
Our heroes, brave heroes,
In silence must lie!
Then turn thee away
From the battle of dread,
When thy heart beats with sorrow,
To gaze on the dead.
Then may you ‘neath the shade
Of the Rep, WaITE AND BLUE,
Return to the friends
I'o whom thou bad’st adieu.
eee A Aen.
1 The Louisville Journal makes com.
ments justly upon tha various propositions
for new confiscation laws, and concludes as
follows : —
« Qur own conviction is opposed to any
new confiscation law whatever ; but if a new
law mus? be passed. justice and policy alike
demand that it shall be prospective and con-
ditional in place of retrospec ive and absolute
and that the confiscation of slaves be so de~
tined as to exclude the alleged effect of cman-
cipation. The sweeping confiscation of the
property of rebels whether they return to
their allegiance or not, sacrifices one of the
ost poter.t agencies of the Governmont in
bringing the rebels back. It gives the reb
els no chance. It shuts them up between
resistance and destruction. It drives them
further away from their allegiance in lieu of
nviting them to retorn. 1tis stupid as well
as cruel. A well guarded confiscation law,
however, taking effect a suitable time after
the rebellion shall be put down and the auth
ority of the Government reasserted, and de-
pending not on the departure of the citizen
from his allegiance but en his refusal to re-
turn thereto, might exert a very wholesome
influence. Still we question if the time has
yet come when such a law can be either
drawn with highest fitness or enacted with
the best effect. Cur decided conviction is
that for the present, at least, we have legis-
lation enough on the subject. We think
that Congress. for the time, may with great
propriety resign the war tothe army. And
we trust it will.”
eel lee.
Cost or THE ARMY.—The estimates to be
submitted to Congress for the fiscal year,
give the military expenses thus :
Cost of armv proper $343.600.275
Military academy 199.611
Fortifications, ordnance, &c. 16,160.100
Army militia 200,000
Total $360.159,986
That is upon the supposition that the ars
my 1s not to be increased on its present bas
S— .
Mr. RAReY IN SpaiN.—Mr. Rarey the
horse tamer has arrived at Madrid. A letter
from the Spanish capital says: “Mr. Rarey,
strange to say, does not appear to have
roused the curiosity of the Caballeros, who
possibly consider their knowledge of horse
flesh already superior to that of all others.
However, he did perform before her Majesty
Isabella and her Royal Consort, if report
speaks truly, in white kid gloves and a dress
coat, and having successfully calmed the
fiery temperaments of two half wild Anda-
lusian colts, recieved a donation of £200,
which must have sent him on kis way with
full purse and a light heart. Moreover ’tis
+aid he has challeeaged the lovers of the bull
ring to subdue, without the aid of matader
weapon or Toledo blade, the wildest bull
they cau produce.”
AA AA ——
A Bill has been introduced into the
City Counci} of Nashville to convert all c:t-
izens between the ages of 17 and 45 into
policemen, for the purpose of watching tho
city by night, all of whom shall take an oath
to support the Southern Confederacy. Pass.
Not v.ry good —The sleighing.
ed first reading and referred to the Police
Committee. °
CINCINNati, Jan, 20.— A batilé was fought .y
at Somerset, Ky., on Saturday, between the, _.
Federal troops under General Schaipff, aud -
the Rebels nnder General Zollicoffer. 2
The engage-aent was_commenced in the
morning snd Iested till nightfall. =~ :
General Zollicoffer was killed and his
army entirely defeated.
The loss is heavy on both sides,
LouisviLLe, Jan, 20.—Gen. Thomas tels~
graphs to hesd-quarters that on Friday hight -*
Gen. Zollicoffer came up to his encampment
and attacked him at six o'clock on"Saturday
morning, near Webb’s cross roads, in the
vicinity of Somerset. " Ehime
At half-past three o'clock on Saturday «fs
ternoon, Zollicoffor and Bailie Peyton, Jr. *" *
had been killed, and the rebels wére in full” °°
Springs. 38
The Federal troops were in hot pursuit.”
Two hundred and seventy-five (275) rebels
were killed and wounded, including Zolki.
coffer and Peyton. The dead were found on
the field. 2a 0A ed
The Tenth Indiana Regiment (oét séver-
retreat to their entrenchments at Mill
ty-five -killed -and’ wounded. "No “farther” ~~
particulars of the Federal loss’ has yet reach-
ed here. _ . :
Indiana Democratic State Convention.
The proceedings of the Indiana Democratic
State Convention have already been briefly
stated by telegraph. The details present
many features of interest. Thero was a grat-
ifying evdence in the Conventioa of 8 willing- ’ 4 a
ness to forget former divisions, and to unite =
for the sake of the Union; upon the consérv-
ative and patriotic principles of true Democ+!. ~~
racy. Among the resolutions adopted are’
the following : is
Resolved, That we are unalterably sttach-
ed to the Constitution by which the Uniomof © °°
the States was formed and established, .and °
that a faithful observance of its principles -
can alone continue the existence of the Un. .
ion and the permanent happiness of the peo- :
That the present civil war has mainly res
sulted from the long continued, unwise and °
fanatical agitation in the North of the ques-,
tion of domestic slavery ; the consequent ore
ganization of a geographical party, guided by
the sectional platforms endorsed at Buffalo,
Pittsburg, Philadelphia and Chicago, and the
developement thereby of sectional hate and
jealousy ; producing (as had long been fore-
seen and predicted by us) its counterpart in
the South, of secession, diSunion and armed
resistance to the General Government, and
terminating in a bloody strife between those
who should have been forever bound togeth-
er by fraternal bonds, thus bringing upon
the whole country a calamity which wé are:
now to meet as loyal citizens striving for the -
adoption of that mode of settlement best
calculated to again restore Union and har- -
mony. :
That in rejecting all propositio 1s likely to
result in a satisfactory adjustment of the
matters in dispute between the North and
South, and especially those measures which
have secured the border slave States to.-ghe
Union, and a hearty co-operation’ on ther
part in all constitutional and legal measures
to procure arcturn of the more Southern
States to their, allegiance, the Republican :
party assumed a fearful responsibility, and
acted in total disregard of the best interests
of the whole country.
That if the party in power had shown the °
same desire to settle by amicable adjust- :
ments our internal dissentions before hostil«
ities had actually commenced, thatthe Ad-
ministration has recen ly exhibited to avoid
a war with our ancient enemy, Great Brit-
ain, we confidently believe that peace and
harmony would now reign throughout all
our borders.
That the maintenance of the Union upon
the principles of the Federal Constitution,
should be the the controlling object of all
who profess loyalty to the Government, and
in our judgement, this purpose can only be
accomplished by the ascendency ofa Union
party in the Southern States, which shall, by
a counter revolution, displace those who con-
trol and direct the present rebellion. That
no effort to create or sustain such: a party:
can be successful which is not based upon:
a definite settlement of the questions at issue
between the two sections ; and we, therefor,
demand that such settlement be mainly sd
ditional Constitutional guarantees, either
imtiated by act of Congress or through the
medium of a National Convention. ;
That the total disregard of the writ of
habeas corpus, by those in authority over |
us; and the seizure and imprisonment of cit -
izens of loyal States, where the judiciary is ©.
in full operation, without wanant of law, . -.-
and without assigning any cause, or giving
to the party arrested any opportunity of de-~
fence, are flagrant violations of the Constitu-
tion, and most alarming acts of usurpation
of power, which should receive the stern re-
buke of every lover of this country, snd of
every man who prizes the security and bles-
sing of life, liberty and prosperity.
The liberty of speech and of the press are
guaranteed the people by the Constitution: ~~~ "©
and none but a’ usurper would deprive them’
of these rights ; they are inestimable to ‘the: «-
citizen and formidable to tyrants only ; and -
the attemps which have been made, since
our present unfortunate troubles, to muzzle
the press and free discussion, are exercises
of despotic power against which freedom ree"
volts, and which cannot be tolerated without
converting freemen into slaves.
Other resolutions, equally outspoken and .
manly, were adopted, denouncing the sor-,
ruption and incompetency of the Republican .
Administration and pledging the Democracy
to an earnest and vigorous prosecution of
the war for the preservation, and not for the
separation of the Union. The conven'ion
had in it the true ring of the Democracy and
will awaken an echo in every Democratic
heart in the Union.
———— Bee Ln
= The Kentucky House of Represents.
(ives, hasadopted unanimously the follow. -
ing resolution, offered some days ago:-
«t Resolved by the General Assembly of the :-
Commonwealth of Kentucky, that all state -
ments in the public prints, that Kentucky .
contemplated the emancipation of her slaves
are without truth. Kentucky is attached to
the institution of slavery, and can aod will
maintain it.” .
The Cincinnati Gasette expresses ite be. .
lief that there is not ap epandipationist in
the present Kentucky lature.