Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, January 16, 1862, Image 4

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    STAT OF WAR. Ted, Tir oeTres
A HEAVY IMPORTATION OF BLOCD RENOVATOR, Many, sinco the great discovery of Prof. Wood,
Is precisely what its name indicates, T, have atterzpted not only to imitate his restorative,
4 8 uy cates but profess to have discovered somethi
2 nN 8 R while pleasant to the taste, itis revivifying. Nereo ng that
tr 5A BR ¥ ATA RE ¥ y : at and strengthening to the vi- 0 sould produce results identical ;. but ‘they have <
Sip 8 <5 AS SPY La
t also revivifies, reinstates alas sod gone, being carried yay Jy ithe
there should be such revision of the A TV A RD | A Y Hz & {
laws as will hereafter equitably appoe- | WILL BE PAID :
ton the burden among the various ‘interests FOR ANY MEDICINE THAT WILL EXCEL | S 11
row subject or that peers can he made COLBRT’S BALM IN GILEAD [1 § arsapar 1! - A
subject to taxation. The saving of fifteen | wasn oS ne
ar eent, to the people of the State by (he = FOR PURIFYING THE RLO(CD,
SD is ALA worthy of thought, HEALTH AND HAPPINESS And for the speedy cure of the fuilowing co :
but a more importan® consideration is that | SerefulnandScrofulous
© ic will enable you who represent all the var | 8s Tuners, Uisers, Sov
adache. Toothache, Rhen-
i back or
For the Quick cure of ITe
ntatism, Nenral Pi
h, Painte
. Pai
Cholie.or Creamy. Frosted Feet
¥ | H tal powers. TI 3
i Pimples, Pustules, 1 * view 3 s ie} onderfe! results of Prof. ‘Wood's pre aration
1d intercsts of the Commonwealth to ap- s, Burns, Fresh Cats, Spraing, Bruises. Di | Biaths, and ail shin b Loan and Eh GR RR and have been forced to leave the Bold to itr oy
po. tion the tax in such manner as to bear . and sore throat, and all similar eomplain's FOR THE FIRM OF Ts And Te tt ys g
: ! 2.4 sistless sway. Road the following :
a Toothache cured in ten minutes. Larache | g
cqually upon all. Our revenue laws had | J.C Aven & Co. Ge
tem invulnerable to attacks of disease. It Bara 31 1s Tos
: 1 : re fogove + Mave ri 50.
cured in five mi cadae red te | mp nag nT y, is the only preparation ever effered to the INE, Ap 4
imposed on real ard personal property as | syed In ro Dinms Hoping a ere | | B AX 1 RE SSE R § CRIST, > world in a popular form #0 as to be within Pror © J. Woop & Co: Gents: —Tha le ter
i's full proportion Lut little more than one- »s. , Neuralgia pains cured in five minutes — | { Se reach of all. So chemically and skill- Ifwrote you in 1856, concerning your valuable
third of the taxes needed for the ordina-y cured in ten minutes. Sprains relieved in Who have just opened. in the Store Room on the ully eo : 0 by ” 1 a i
expenditures of the Government. By the ten minutes. Sore throat relieved in ten minutes NW. ier of the Diamond, in Bellefonte, for- tonie, and yet, so perfectly adapated to as in this vicinity and elsowhere. has Siren rise to
v to act in perfect accordance with the laws numerous enquiries touching the ta
100 Cs ! 8
1ses have been cured by one Agent in a n the caso.
with one sore, which was pa
set of 15th May last. the tax on t species | I'M! : EH gle ey fd merly occupied by Wilson Brothers, their large of nature, and hence soothe the weakest The enquiries are, first, isit. a fact of m. habita-
«£ property has alveady been inoreased ons fis ny! a | Ley Ti and splendid assortment of Shelf Hardware, House stomach, and tone up the digestive organs, tion an I name, as stated in the SE is
sixth. Should the State refuse to assume | EVERY BOTTLE WARRANTED. | Tati, the sarder aren worse, At Trimmings of every description. and allay all nervous and other irritation. second. i8 it true of all therein coutained ; third;
POCKET AND TABLE-CUTTLERY 1tis also perfertly exhilarating in its effects,
of every variety and price.
of the best manufacture.
dees my hair still continue to be in good order and
combined as to be the most powerful H Hair Restorative, and which you have published
. : ris Thera TY Pye 4 ’ vir it 1! | to read In the Gos 1 Messenger
the United States tax the whole burden of it | Try it! Try atl! Try it 11! Trypit! 11! bury » oh i Sgt
vill fall upon these interests, interests too. | PRICE 25 AND 50 ck i
most unfavorably affected by the war. whilst |
and yet it is never followed by lassitude or
of natural color ? ~ To all T can and do answer. ine
depression of spirits. It is Sym posed en: variably yes. My hair iseven better than in any
tirely of vegetables and those thoroughly stage of my life for 40 years past, more soft, thrif
TS PER BOTTLE. | tion that any thit
t Cincinnati and got
it, as you advi
= A liberal discount made to Azen's. and one
it till it eure
es of a teas)
lishment ot a commission to frame and re. | DIRECTION
ty follows all attacks of disease, and lays H ing me if my hair still continues to be good; as
the unguarded system open to the attacks there isso much fraud in the manufacture and
Ringworm, Sore Eyes, Drdpsy.
other kinds of property and other sources of | wanted in every town, also a few good traveling month no mn ewe an “ combining powerful tonic and soothing I | ty, and better colored ; the same is true of my
revenue, i by our laws able to pay Agents. ? ga g 2 RIF 11 ris Soy er ro joeis Henan The my poe VERY
nearly two thirds of the present revenues of] TO THE SONS AND DA UGHTERS OF AF ne from ny i | MORTICE AND RIM LOCKS AND LATCHES to be a oi in the medical world frequent abolution of the face, when if care were
the Bae Toa 3 be oalled on 0, obit - FLICTION. - | you, that I hold you to be Sil the ss al of different kinds. b rid Doth by > a Son > a Sohn ining Wedus 2 oad aioli i
wie ane doll of addit ional tax. - | These things we prove on the spot and before | and remain ever gratefully. You ’ | CUPBOARD, CHEST BOX. AND TILL LOCKS. 0 on =o = > RE AER REEL Cdl Tn the room ok Lollow gether
is £4] a ; i. iu #15 ayn aily non on yonsaniy | St. Anthony's Fire, Ba : Ei H Ri tm ws Siler knovledgo Sen to sed thas debili- ber of letters from all paris of New England, po
Hr |
FOR USING | Letter and Salt Rheum, Scnld Head, #B8AWS, Broad, Hand and Chopping AXES,
LUTCHERS’ CLEAVERS AND CHOPPERS, of many of the most dangerous to which sale of various compounds as well’ as this, it has,
ori & system moie adequate to the exigen. | FI me ] \L | OF IF ) ns En . : ho s und
> of the times. > i, J } | A }! \ { { A ( or Dihere 32s Treify Sulies fron Su ed 3 i on Drawing Knives, Hatehets. Chisels & Adzes. poor humanity is constantly reliable. Such i bee basely imitated and been used, not
1 earnestly recommend to the Legislature | For Toothache apply it over the face and gums | Dropsy, which threatened to terminate fatally, by the | [TAY MANURE AND SPADING FORKS. EDGE for i oi bl Ts shins my wit SERA ol at 2 absolute in
that } rovision be made for the military in of the tooth affected, pressing the hand upon the persevering use of our Sarsapar Ios dul algo 8 Sinons TOOLS of every desirable variety. tion, Bronchitis, Indigestion, Dyspepsia, y- no any of your Restorative of
% a 08 10 same; Bay:
3 repeat if not eared. In extreme cases, wet | Malignant Erysipelas by |
struction of youth. The appointment of a | cotton with the Baim. and eover the tooth ang Be enves the common Lruption
it constantly
SADDLERS’ HARDWARE, ritability, Neuralgia. Palpitation of the as good as ever, and hundreds ‘have exam ined it
Loss of Appetite, Faintness, Nervous Ir- 8 any account for some months, and yet my hair is
wilitary instricior in the normal schools, gums For Headache, bathé the temp! Bronchocele, Goitre o general assortment, and 50 per cent [ tteart, ‘Me'ancholy, Hypocondria, Night with surprise, asl am now 61'years old and not a
would in a short period give toachers to the | ply to the nose ; and take from ten to thirty drops | Zebulon Sloan of Pros : any place else. Sweats, Languor Giddiness, and all that ara ny 150d A) a ny face ; and to prove
common schools, who would be competent | in half a tumbler of water sweet Four Sar y CARRIAGE MAKERS TRIMMING S.CARPEN class of eases, so fearfully fatal if unattend- 5 h nd you a lock of n hair taken off
aA] in Lo: For Croup and Sore Throat, take from ten to en ! vate TERS’ TOOL» which cannot be surpa ed to in time, called Female weakness and © past week. I received your vor of two quart
to train the boys in attendance on them. It] hire An 1 STI oh a frown dev doit over two yeu LATE lr mh ns Irregularities. Also, Liver Derangement bottles last summer, for which I am very. #
would in my opinion be wise also to provide | ey _. 1 hs Re throat fic i) ied on Yeusorthes or Whites, Ovarinn Tmo VIC ES, ANY Naam, SKEIN Z J i or Torpidity, and iver Complaints, Dis- il ; Deas to my friends and thereby J Gia
for the purchase or leasing by the Comnion- | 4 flannel. | sadache, Rheumatism. Neural Jierine Ulceration, ae aa Pfu L : cases of the Kidneys, Sealding or Incon- om to fry it, many were skeptical until after
itn aia aE IE [6 Uatmare | nt ere hos Saliouh Ruts sof Boss o tinuence of the Urine, or any goneral de- ¥© | trial and hen purchased and. used it, with unser
wes 3 I 4 ng 5 a J hhons tne ee tray am Ins 1 PRINGS. IRON AXELTRE BENT rangement of the Urinary Organs, Pain in sal uccess. I will ask ns a favor, that you send
and for employimg competent instructors at For Burns mix one part Balm in Gi-ead and two | ati i To p 1 LLOWS, HAMES, &e the Back, Side and between the Should- me a test by which I can discover fraud in the
the expense of the State, requiring the pu. of water and flour. to make «, paste, cover the burn Iv. but especially in Muate Diseases | PAINTS OILS, GLASS AND PUTTY. COAL ers, predisposition to Slight Colds, Hacking Restorative, sold by many, I fear, without author. :
ils to defray the other expenses. No pupil | Os > shins Wart) Tai ae i OLL AND LAMPS, VARNISH, FLUID. and Continued Cough, Emaciation, Diffi- ity from you. ‘A pure article will insure suce
} y pug with the same. For Cholic take from ten to forty + A L 1 »
i why it, and some where the
Y as caused by wleeitio swe The ule, ey xp S +
Plaing was enused by ulcerition of the utey Se ar WIRE of every size in abundance.
And all other kinds of Goods usually kept
ina well regulated Hardware Store.
should be admitted to
Laving passed a thicicn
mathematics and all fict
and I believe where good effects do not follow. the
failure is caused by the impure article, which eurs-
es the inveutor ofthe good. I deem it my duty,
debility following Chills and Fever, but as horetofore, 10 keep you apprised of the contin.
prevent all attacks arising from Miasmatic | ued effect on my hair, as T assure all who enquire
Influences, and cure the diseases at once, 0 of me of my uushaken opinion of its valuable re-
OIL CLOTHS.PATENT LEATHER, ROPE AND culty of Breathing, and indeed we might
a hoot 3 ol 2 ™ enumerate manly more stil, butwe have
space only to say, it will not only cure the
school without drops in hot water; bathe the bowels and apply
h examination on | wetflunnels. Inthe above. the smaller dose Ne
g suhjeets of in- Se i 2 larger adults ; vary accord- edie equals it for the s deat
x 3 eo he itary a ir. — | 18 to age and circum 28 { Edward 8. Marrow, of y, Ala,
LE pt ae Aan Jur prope Colhe alm in Gilead is harmless. Colbert's | gerous ovarian tumer on one of the for
respectiviiy urge this subject on your early | pat in Gilead ui tizfaction, which Lad defied all the remedies we
consticration, as one of wma crial perhaps vi.| Those who have used Balm in Gilead will not he = at length Leen eS
¢ cured hy you
: a entirely new one, comprising
thouzht nothing but ext
if already attacked. And as it acts di- sults. I remain, dear sir, yours,
: > withont it. saparilla, Our physi ut extipi- articles connected with the Hard- rectly and persistently upon: the biliary A. C. RAYMOND.
tal imporianee ie hal a ii | tion could afford relief. but he advised tie trial of yo their facilities for pur chasing system, arousing the Liver to action, pro. FSET X
I have taken measures to dircet the offi ; Sarsaparilla ns the last resort 1 cuttin 0 other cstablish- Aaroys Ruy, Kr., Nov. 30, 1858,
s not being excelled by a
, they here decl
to one hundred per cent. lower than any
moting, in fact, all the exeretions and se-
: i ol anak: Ting , C. S. COLLERT & Cu. proved effectual. After taking your ren
0 ny aes) Gavernm, 2 No. 123 South Fourth St. Philadelphia | ho symptom of the disease remins.
ic the fortifieation of the water approach ress (0 any part | Syphilis and Mercurial Dis
re the ves able to sell
Pror. 0. J. Woob : Dear sir.—I would certain-
cretions of the system, it will infallibly
be ly be doing you ‘a great injustice not to make
prevent any deliterious consequences fol-
x } 7 N. B., Ordersscentby I ther ablishment in 1 sOunt and invite Tho 0 change of climate and water : known to the world, the wonderful, as well as th
) SCH ardand the lakes, and arrs aL Le ate p 8 other 0 lis nt in le country = invite lowing upon chang mate a water ; ’ . 3 ul, ast @
on the ‘ shotdls 1 oh 2 i 5 pan €~ | of the United States at the shortest notice, | Pod 23th dud, 18 Bom Ants, And. all others in need of henas ail trav clers showld Hawa bottle unexpected result I have experienced from using’
Incite BIS if the Course Of being ofboted)] Ere dai TAY [anos comply Bi he oy Ve oNE bottle of your Hair Restorative. After using
which it is hoped will be satisfactory in| —— BY Ee a eh A pt ta vs truth of the cverykind of Restoratives extant, but without
their re. ult. JOXIIN IVECO AIT, T have cured witht, in my pra July/I8, 1860. vents costiveness, strengthens the digest. si ih my hast Best destitute ef
send with this messaze a WwW a DEALER IN plaints for which {#48 recommended, — ive organs. it should be in the bands of all I 1 Was finally induced to try a Hottle of your
! Sen with thi 2 copy of a 2 effects truly wonderful in tl ns of sedentary habits, students, min. Hair Restorative. Now, candor. and justice —
conn ; 3 ¢
wry men. And all ladies not
to much out door exercise,
should always wseit. If they will they
pel me to announce to whoever may read this, that
1 now possess a new and beautifal- head of hair,
which I pronounce richer and handsomer than the:
will find an agreeable, pleasant. and effi- original was. I will therefore take occasion to re- |
clint Teme BEAR (bore Phe hi oh comu nd this invaluable remedy to ALL who may
2 wmty 5 for beauty cannot feel the hecessity of It. 3 30 2 ik
wlth. 2nd Kealth cantot oa : I remain respectfully Jou,
P. 8.—This testimonial of my approbation fer
your valuable medicine (as you are aware of) is
mn : | [; y oor
on from General Totien, che (LOCKS WATCHES AD JEWELRY euriul I . One of my yi IHE CHEAP CASH STORE OT
Military Engineer Departnent at ty AULD) AL vin his throat, which wer i L Messrs Hoffer Lrothers
on. Lhave also represented to thie aving purchased the stock of Clocks, | top of his a 5 AUDIDED, SEULIRUL ©
ary of the Navy the nece sity for Hones Watches and Jewelry lately owned by Bible y symptoms in hi {FHIE Subse
ing defences on the Delaware, and have his | & Moran, and having made la additions to tre Pe Hemishisr a and full
ah oe be Ey Wo «o | sume, respectfully invites th ention ofthe pub- woule sob re foods. which. fk
assurance that gy y shall be prepared at the es sing now Tn peat of Gord aed Au Goods. which,
earliest uw.oment. i Silver Gold Guard and Fob Chains,
1 have had a correspondence with the an- | Gold & si
} r dracelews Gents’ Gol
tharities and some of the citizens of Erie on | studs, Wateh ‘er Pencils.
s have just received a new
pply of Fall ond Winter
ave een equal-
ou of coun
of goods on
will continue
iluving 1
dof Mr. (
the busines
Then again, the Cordial is a perfect Moth-
Taken a month or two before
ist while the above irregularities continue. 7
+ subject of the defenceless condi Finger Rings, Ear R st Pins. Gold Pon. sitive to at on a damp day she Heros the final trial she will pass the dreadful unsolicited :—but if you think it worthy a place
the subject 2 gh dy oo in Goggles. Steel Bags. Silver Plated eruciating | 2 Jobs snd lid, Ritesh inp 1D Tain lde's A d td
that city, and the part of the State border ; . eured entirely weeks. T | INO. &, SYyNoLUS'S Arcade.
bs .
period with perfect ease aud safety. There among the rest, jusert if you wish ; if not destroy
ight-day and thirty-hour 1's no mistale.about it ; this Qordial is and say nothing. Yours, REV.S.A.B
tl and satisfy themselves of the with them. and all should take a table
srtion. spoonful at least before eating. As it pre-
ae a tHe very lowes: pioes John Morin So NI hy ts a great Their stook oc of a general assortment o all we elavm for it. Mothers. try it! The Restorative is put in bottles of three sizes.
that there are no defences on the lake, and thesa goods to the publi winced that they = remed consequently, these truly remarkable results | Dry. Goods. Groceries. Hardware, Queens avo And to you we appeal to detect the illness VI: Tiras otior mona ie roe sists,
tha! the ordnance at the city of Erie was | wil : fon. He is determined with it have not surprised me. and Glassware, i or decline not only of your daugters before I9E0 ren re enna] eli
J National Goverment in | 20 disp 1 inferior article. or offer for Fratecpally yours, G. V. LARIMER, M.D. including a host ot other artieles in their Ii it be too late, hut also your sons and hus- the i lola 0 ’
or ou Lovers in z r for y yours, including a host of other in their ine, hile the fi from false del the mediums hold at least twenty per cent. more
Tus POSIT yn es Pai 0 a oot he enn war Rheumatism, Gout, Liver Complaint, hich can be foucd an extensive and varied ants ih Te At Hg ng i She aly ei for tro dellam
3 : rect | rience $ DED oi of cacy, ofte § 0 1 ak a ¢ , the large holds a quart, forty per cent.
Marta ag vit fagendivcid dn The i | ISpEerny 3 NTR NOIR AY [i grave rather than let their condition be more i i 3 .
Tan of the Umted States steamer, Michigan ks ns Suen: 8 | LADIES? DRESS GOODS, g n proportion and retails for three dollars a
i ; Chron C dhienn L \
should not be disbanded. been usual, :
skill of physicians,
remedies I coul
bottle cured mo i
ed up with the excitement of business that
Broadway, New York, and 114 Market Strest St.
Louis, Mo. And sol
me dewnward path, until too late oy Fancy Goods Lu by ail 800d, Druggists and
fatal fall. But the mother ur H John Harris & Co., Agent, Bellefonte, Pa.
6l-ly. :
known in time, the later are often so mix- bottle. 0.J. WOOD, & C0.. Pro rietors, 144,
3 's »
Jloths, Debeiges, Coburgs,
5 1pacas,
if it we e not for you they would travel S1
and that vessdd will remain in the harbor of
Trice daring the Winter. Should the Na
tioral Government unexpectedly fail in its
duty providing adoguate defences at our
suiluble points East and West, I carne tly
reccommend that the Yeielats fits prompt 'tHerol a
neans for that parpo ¢ should he ad- | rp fe or : :
ny Ly AE indications from abroad TO THE WORLD AT LARGE!
to he prepared {or our own defence, as well
xs fur the supp on of domestic insurrees
tivit. :
In sch cling a site for
if the pubbe geod le
Pasa lvana will be preferre
nine a very fine lot of
vigilant, and to you we confident- Bellefovte, July 11, "61 y
ly appeal ; for we are sure your never
failing aficetion will unerringly point you
RE i re. od
id Caps And an exten- to Prof. Wood's Restorative Cerdial and READ! READ! GREAT ATTRACTION
wd Shoes{or Ladies and Blood Renovator as the remedy which NEW AND CHEAP 423
with almost every other should always be on hand in time of need.
; IL RE *
fn New York, and 114, Market street, St. c OTHING STO :
Louis, wr
ars with an ¢
troyed my health. I tried
led to relieve me: and 1 haved
me years from no othe
Liver. My beloved
1 made wa
attend Their gentle ’s wear consists of a large as
Cloths, Satinets, Satin,
Bellefonte, Tan. 5.21860 tf. i
FZ The subseribers having taken the Store
ma! Armory i. formerly occupied by Mes Johrston & iol Schirrus.Cancer
Corcidess 1 er, beg to say to the people of Boa i
iin on cinity that they will continue the the Bones.
as she a Sy + STR TO
y Pint Ls in its vartuus brauelies, and will spare no pains
cr al undance of vale and skilled | i ep up a full assortment of everything usually
nel ar Ics, and a jeople of undoubted loy- | k in any conawry store, and will sell at prices
st will solicit a share at least of your furnish gratis to all who hem,
1 cone: d to to the attention of the Leg biota ol | Dyspepsia, Heart Discase, its, Epilep=
5 ; Spi Hr mtry prodree taken at full mar- | fr lancholy, © 3
isla wie Ue report of the Suparintendent of | A ain ai gas Sy, Hela ys
City Branch of Reizenstéin Brothers, 124 North
Third Street, Philadelphia, + CTR
gists. Priee One Dollar per Bottle.
John Harris & Co., Ag’t, Bellefonte, Pa.
July, 18. ’61-
ssary to supply the wants 0.J. WOOD, Proprietor. 444 Broadway, 0
Louis, Mo., and sold by all good ey N THE DIAMOND, BELLEFONTE
Ulceration, Caries and ixfolintion of | =o
uch rates that they
i And as t
1 undersigned respectfully announce te
the inhabitants of Centre County aud the
— 0
> public in general, that they have opened at the
/, above named place, the most extensive and best
selected assortment of A :
, they
are of patronage.
will please eall and exami
heen reported to us where
Haints i
mid in our American
How named are pleased to
and gentlemen's furnishing goods that has ever
Leen exhibited in this Borough, and which ‘they
will sell 30 per cent. cheaper than the cheapest?
Our Stock embraces a full and -complete assort.
itl keep constantly on hand, EX
A FLOUR, which they will sell at the lowest
untry produce of all kinds taken in ex $35, 00
nC : { ket pric IT Many rem 1 wes of the ment of Fine Black Cloth Dress and rock C i
the Public Scehcols. the flourishing State of | train, your Bacon, your Butter, your Ee you made |), » wer of thi che lor gnoas. TQ ire ¢ Taiti i Cassimere Busin et 3 3 oats, |
which snd the 1apid progress of cdueation | Rags your fa your Hard Sunp. | late into vigoror Dried Luusiber and Shingles constantly on | 32A YS the entire cost for Tuition in the Farmers’ and raw Sails Toad, he
Toni oii , ior ¥ vour Ba ; 4 in oiep ob | overcomes disurders which would be supy t hand and for sule. <. most popular and successful . Commercial ATO: re, Frock n
re subjects of just cong: tion. your Be 3 th and in ease yoy 98h i Sack Coats, Pea Jackets, &o., &
gc cul J ¢ i have nothing of this kind your cash will never ho Teach. Suchavemedy has long been reg 1 by the ne HOFFER BROTHESRS | School in the country. Upw rd of Twelve Hun- Summreo: ts of fi Cloth 510. 4p $11
a aon vs Uotin snital as | DY 5 Your © | eossities of the people, and we are confident that this will lata Mart a oh ; i ey Sh diHorert Sins reoats of fine Cloth, President and Moscow
The reports of the Lunatic Hospital at | refused JOUN HIBLER & CO pene Bellefonte. March 28, 1861. —1y dred young men from twenty-eight different States Beavers, Seal and Lion skin, Unt ;
Harristurg and of Western Pennsylvania | Boalsburg, April 20, 1860—tf ne a 0 thems al ft vents sin On Dave hoen educated for husiness Lave within the ! hn, am Quigg
yf, ) Tah « RATION AWAD BREDADL m ast three years, some of whom have been employ- | ribbed and plain. a Ohi
. ses of Refuge at Philadelphia au Ee ) ANY ION J ) D 99] pust three ye : Ploy Pantal g
Pith, of th Dt ons or the nt | LIVIN HOUSE, Tockavan pa AYer's Cherry Pectoral, | CESATION OF WAR PREPARNITONS!| itis ate oust imio Sm pe mers 4d Doshi lack,
§ Fs i + re 4 ? . | pt ey ] C88
u and for the Blind and the North. | ™/ The subscriber having leased the above FOR TIE RAPID CURE OF x : - nn ! styles, as well as Sutinet and Union Cassimeros;
2a i Children Ph. named Hotel fn the borough of Lock Haven, Clin Coughs a Soteainest) PEACE TERMS PROPOSED! $2000,00 Per Annum! Pants of strong and subs ntigl stuff, for the La-.
ha Pons, rai | ton county, Pa, ¢ uli 15 the | Cour, Bronchitis, Incipient Cons Immediately upon graluating. who knew nothing | POTer, Farmer and Mechanic. ~~
this method of
delplin. and of the Pannsylvania Training | public geseraiis > has made ever i : elie EE An endless variety of Vests ; ; »
1 . Mh ; generally that he has made every nec um ption, and for the Relief 5 4 accounts when they entered the College. A i variety of Vests, such as satin, silk
School for Hiotic and Feeble Minded Child | preparation to entertais re aR Patients :NCOURAGYE HOME INDUSTRY, en ey an © stadosts enter | and Silk-fniched Velvets, Grenadine, Valenein, =
ren at Media, show that the e me ritorions | the best possible man | in advance a Stages . A i Our cisizens have for many years been at any time, and review when they please, with- Mattalese, Cassimere, Cloth. Satta eto. :
charities are well administered, and ree< | His table will aly 1y the choicest lux- | of the Disease, in the habit of going to distant cities for their A general assortment of Boys’ and youths’ Cloth.
: xtra charge. .
| This is a remedy so universally known to surpass any | Buwies and Carring ing dise ou} oh 86 nadle WILLE ing and Gentlemen’s Furnishi; .
pms er IE | lia fee mind dh | Er ln 0 pus, Specs of pt | SRE ntomen, Fong oni Sn
Hi She pra all a a its truly n establishments the patronage that should and a large Engraving of the College, enclose white and faney-bosom Shirts, ‘collars, necktie ly
wonderful cures of pulmonary disease, have Jy-bo extended tour own. The noappess) 0 2 00 ote Postage stamps to the Prinoi- | handkerchiefs, “stocks aud rats, (flocks) mid
known throughout the civilized nations of the cartk the foreign gave it the preference, over the pals, . loves, trunks, ahi umbrellas, and
antly be | Few are the communities. or even families, among them | Lome manufactured vehicle, and little atten‘ion JENKINS & SMITH, Pittsburg, Pa. in short everything usually found in a well assort.
that they | who have not some personal experience of its eflects— | ic aid to their durability vi st. opened Mareh. 21. 1361. ed siore of this kind. We also keep a fino assoct-
| some living trophy in their midst of its victory over the | | nufactury orf Penn stre hav } ment of Fancy goods and notions, such ‘as Pocket
| uries that the
,» and be is deter-
department by
est Branch. y
Jar will contain the choicest liquors that ean
iin the efty m
d attentive
ommend that the coun'e ince and aid of mined not the san
the Commonwealth be continued to them. any other Hotel a
Under the joint rescduton of 16th May | ilis B
Jast, commissioners have been appointad to | be p
revise the rovenue laws whose names will] ©
be forihwith submitted for the advice and
consent of nate. Iris hoped that the vn. of the Suet Lid danas iso of the throat and jon i ¢ e: and 1 expereince at : . ) books. porte-monnaies, pocket:knives and razors, i
commissioners will Le able to report during: cling public, he Lopes by | ae the ¢ 1 making ind all its deg, tments, feel Wit _ The advertisers, having been restored qombs and brushes, watch chains, keys, and guards,
the present sess on of the Legislature. Con- attention to be able to rende r general do more than to assure thew it that I can turn out work combining with a to health in a few weeks bya very simple remedy | fiv
¢ nger-rings and breastpins, violin and guitar
. shegqual to that of any city establishment a | after having suffered several years with a severe | strings, pistols and revolvers, caps; spectacles, yt
won so strongly upon the confidence of mankind. | of durability never found in city work I'l Jung affection, and that dread disease. Consump- | glasses, and a great many other and eter
Prepared by Dr. J.C. AYER & C0., Lowell, Mags, | ctfully invite ectionot my work by per- | tion—is anxious to make known £o his fellow-suf- articles, too numerous to describe, all of which w
oy si o pu 1 AL ferers the means of Sr 1 : x cit XH vod of the lowest cash prices. fin Poanll
reel CADDIE mn oo Repairing of all kinds done on the shortest no To all who desire it, he will sen a copy of the e invito every person in need of Clothin, or
E 4 SALD K AX HARVESS FMPURIUY, tice es prescription used (free of charge.) with the direc- | any other of the above-mentioned article a A
a ee May 30, 1861. S.A. M'QUISTION. | tious for preparing fat este the same, which agi a call ite view our as var '
3 thread JERE AH TOLEN & CO. mm (ARTE Ta DRT ex | they will find a sure eure for CONSUMPTION, ASTH- | and we are:confi lent that we can give satisfaction.
of insurance | JERIMIAN 70LY y g ge 7% CABINET AND UPHOL- Ya, Broxciiras, &e. The only object of the ad- | and every person ‘shall feel inclined to tell’ his
of the Com | BB. Has fitted up the shop
i 38) on the northwest corner |
os YY of Allegh and Bishop "24
re ud .
i i : ‘RE 5 that it did he ures which have
sidering the great labor imposed on them, | fation. ALFRED M tues that it did h cure ¢ |
and thie vast importance at the present time phone o et
of an abide and ofl ient verformance of the | TIIRE INSURANCE COMPANY.
duties of the commissioners. I suggest that | 8, No is her iven that the
the compensation provided for by the joint | mers’ and Mechanics’ Fire
resolution s ou'd be inercased to an ‘ade. | Company of Nittany
j prepared to receive
quite amoun'. | against loss by fire.
It was evident, long since, that it would | uy iscondy
Le ampossible for the banks to continue to | 8 RX
redeem their obhgations in coin, in the face !
of the large 1ssues of paper, the neeessity
174 04 TTR STLRING ESTABLISHMENT. — vertiser in sending the Prescription is to benefit | friends where Goods and Cheap Clothing can be
iple. excl F652 Tho subscriber respectfully informs the afflicted, and spread information which he | got. We are Sonstantly receiving accessions ti our
sand the public that he has commenced | conceives to be invalu:ble, and he hopes every | stock from Reizenste Bros, Phil ad’a, with whe :
ved to mare and Upholstering business in all its va- | sufferer will try his remedy, as it will cost them we are connected, and shall always be uy lod
ness, Trunks, Val branches, and will be prepared to furnish | nothing, and may prove a blessing. with a good variety of al artielosin our line, whic
ng, Benner, Patton
s, in Centre county,
A hich was i 5 “them 1 , Tn orrs lie i&e kc. i perior to any manufacturer oar wt are wiih ¢ ade in the hest | _ Parties wishing the prescription will please ad- | will surpass in style, cut, workmauship, and cheap
fo Mon 3 Bpjosed on Joon and the , and Logan : I Hynshi og, Clin- Ee er 1 13S work Bn ada ies that will compare with oy at if pos) le Rov! EDWARD A. WILSON, | ness, those of any other eta lhmens in this: al )
govanment by the exigencies of the time Sopot fhenon fl be procured, and tor neat SR eh Williamsburg, Kings Co., N. Y. | of the countrs !
No surprise, the cfore, was felt at the st borders of “the Cempany’s | best n 8 An San Ba pnsued, and fog neat. rience in every branch of business, persons en- Oct 31.—3mo. ’ ” Tis 4 AST RG & 5
Hs ry 2 banks, 1¢ wishing to become members | Hes and durability nd to none, with tne d | ing work to him will be assured that it will be c == uli AS ERNBE:! Ce.
be of Sper apy uo nis by Faliy is i pplication to the agent ro nat toput b A Spal i | done in a satisfactory manner. tad% IMPROVEMENT IN BELLEFONTE. = - 7 TT
which took place on Monday, the 30th o ve township. Persons maputasiurers sSL ire REPAIRING promptly attended to. ori i o i nN p
December last Under the” cirtumstances. | i : ar a t share of the public pu | BRERA "FREDERICK sMiTH, bh a Wp Sa CONRAD HOUSE,
at they be ved {1 all | Jeore tro 3. Alon! ot. Belle J ¥ at the Be onte J) 4 r : ; {
Lie CE ay a ( use from all I bt rare, Cent a ! eas 8,61-1y. ey Seek Dofisftie In diesen hranly and having his logs boomed in the dam, is now BELLEFONTE, PENNA.
pene - is hi thi 3 § hi {i ¢ {on Popsty in incorporaied towns wiil RA Joop MONTGOMERY : res TANI? 21303 3RIIVEIR]. 7 ol ETE ae LEE goB, BUEES .
! ot ne Yi 5 tang er ih a : : ” | Sal Geary. See'y es i SAS : NEW VILLINERY GOODS feet. By having the logs in the boom a small bill HY THE PLEASURE OF ANNOUNG
Epil dae Lovpinents She has geen Ing 3, 1861-11, ¥: eapeetinlly informs the a of Belle MRS. BE. GRAFIUS y of any length can be got out ard sawed in one or ing to his friends and the public in
more and better clothe d, and better equiped | ir as 7 ; z 2s fonte that he still e arry on the | ry SPI FUL I Y ile ady the citizens of] two hours. ; | 5 eral that he has taken charge of this well known
wen than any other State, and has far ex-| TARM FOR SALE {Tailoring and Clothing bos at his old stand | pa ESPECH si TUIOUIS L086 Claens Of | PLASTERING 7,47 H ofall sizes kept con- | hotel, lately under the supervision of J. H. Morri-
ceeded her quota of the military levies. Th F It iE offers for sale his oxael. | 10 Brokerho’s Row, of Mat staat, whet | Lg li 2 and vioipity that she has just re-| stantly an hand. sou, ard is fully prepared to accommodate the
3 r SE ) xcel- | ceived fron i
a splendid lot of { He will also have a PLANING MILI in traveling public in a style and manner commensu-
ialelphio ¢ } | v vo © PLAN 1 i i ? ] yo
BONNETS, RIBBONS AXD TRIMMINGS, | creession to sunniy spentors wnt busts in Ea mths mite
of all ii t
uate in Patton town
alo 1
and a halfm
sons of our best eitizens young men of ed {lent Farm, &
prepared fo make to order, all kinds of Clothing
ucation and weans {il the ranks of her vole turnp leading trom Bu
riety of
ip, on the ST a
n to Philips | in the neatest and most fashionabl
of the Bald He keeps on hand a general vi
unteer regiments, Th aallant conduct, | bure. and within tw . 1 Si Gra kinds. and a <uwpeiior lot of | “Dee. 1860-6m JACOB V, THOMAS. ménts and conveniences, as to sleeping appa
whenever un opportunity has been afforded 4 containing about one hundred | CLOTHS. CASSIMERES, AND VI INGS, RELETON SKIRT S lat -— | ments, and has su; plied hislarder wi tho oh oy i
z % php) J \ rich are cleared, and under a good | of the latest and most NF 4 2 A DMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE the markets afore, and his Bar, the tb:
to thom, hay Gens honor to the Commons ite of cultivation; ten acres of meadow land | 20 | to he directs th: attention of the Indies. | ET o ivi hat XL: ttters of Wines n 40, ie, He with * Duras:
wealth, The universal movement among and a bearing youns orchard, There Also a Ready mada Clo of all kinds which he is 11961. ly. | . Noticais hereby given thus °F Si With th teRtenslt bli 0 d bs
our peapie, signifies that they are loval to | new one and ii halfsiory house, new bank hs | selling nt ile feels thankful for | a 2 " +————————— | Administration. on the estate of John Frazier, i © most extensivesta ng ecommodations
Aur Leahey Eiphiiies tab they are loeal to { and out buildings of ull kinds = A never fai a otdfort exiandod. aut TO THE LADIES, | dee’d, late of Burnside towship, have been granted | and attentive and skilful ostlers, together with as-'
the Government established by their fathers spring of water is at the door. Parsons oy he ye 7 HE : EL cme | | to the subscriber, who requests all persons indebt- | siduous attention to business, he feels justified iy
and are determined to quell the present in- Hout
ile home 0
Wi de well ts ag 7 { Having just returned from Philadelphia | 3 fosaid estate to make immediate payment, and | soliciting a share of patronage and the -suppert |
he : q ho er landl dt bo. 5 ; gainst said estate to | hie friends
surrection and preserve the Union, and that dersigned, residing on the premises, or Edmund es TS kr fet mre hfe peng it vith a new and splendid assortment O | all persons having demands against ai 5
+ Hab ART hit aes to Praoiaes, or ut H TEETER | resent them duly authenticated for settlement. Bellefonte, Oct. 8-57-42-tf.
t Wil ad emany pn Speier the iH na ay ; ¢ Terms wilt be made | ie F aay. £0 Bnd | MILLINERY GOODS, P on 0: 0 AC HINTON, . BY he ren ui i
ion or reconstruction of it. Frou tie pusaaser. NAME to the residence o he duhsen | tvlas ss mshi » feel prepar | dministrator.
; A. G. CURTIN July Ll th61 3m n.J 4 hee In Furausan township, hs Tast ogy ofthe Inteshsiylosiand fashion) wotseipropand to} 0 0 = 0 5 Jil oi Adwinistierer EN DOLLARS REWARD. ;
a N. ty Siar : r trguso in riety | pleascall, both young und old. grave und guy, who | TRATOR'S NOTICE 0 i A
Execrrivic CHAMBER : | September. a brindle mooley sift In righ : or 10 give all. Our stock con- | DMINIS Lath, ... Stolen from the residence of William:
> 9 4 Andi i | FJ OUSE AND LOT FOR SALE Ie sod to he 15 or ths ol Tho | 10 S HepaTonire nea on " Whereas, letters of Administration up- { Garbr “k, Sr. near Zion, on Sunday, September
bk fae Sri House in " a SH ; i: tare tt in a | RY, KAND STRAW BONNETS, | on ihe estate of William Price. late of Boalsburg, | 20th ne black cloth coat, black satin vest, caggi-
rg ret aa mee | HO t Joalshi wd take it awh. otherwis |
AIN AND FANCY TRIMMINGS, | having been granted to the subscriber, all persons | mer: pants, and two pocket hooks, containing |
and Thang 32 Langa aes, i indebted to the said estate are requested to make [nc es and due bills to Ls amount of about thirt
aid ouist axuney 8 | immediate payment, and those having claims or [# ven dollars. The above reward will be paid for
* We have procured the services of one of the | demauds against the same will make known the | ne apuvrehension of the thief. and. the return of
| Dining Room iu front, chen back
A never failing well of wrtor under cover in the |
to the undersigned. yard,
8 &e.. will please | © uit
sed of according lo law.
Dee. 12, 1861-5t- GEORGE ECKEL. |
nd garden with a number of bearing |
Also a vacant Int adjoining the
two stories high |
Ayer’s Cherry Pectoral. |;
rb ud ter ns will be made known by the sub Fexparionced Millian in thecky. | Sirs op ssmawihousdelap ty 1 0 pf GILLILAND, | the ey pas dujlass fox [Bs pedtoradonel
y Ea nad 8 Ww ) fide know y the sub. SET S d stand. A 4 IL. y is JH é :
Cor 1 THT. | pikes Urdu on tho TANT ey Many Sepak, | Kova. Administran, | Oct, 10, 701. 31 WM. GARFRICK,