- GREAT OUR. DR. LELAND'S ANTI RHEUMATIC BAND, IS THE 0} LY ENOWN REMEDY FOR REEUATISY, COUT AND NEURALAL, AND A SURE CURE FOR ALL MERCURIAL DISEASES. he Orn 1 It wosuveniently arranged Band, containing | amedicated sompound, to be worn around ths Waist, withdetinjury to the most delicate per- sone, no change in habits of living is required. and it entirely removes the disease from the system _ without producing the injurious effects arising. from the use of powerful internal medicines which weaken and destroy the constitution, temporary relief only. By ibis t medicina vipesietsentainge tu he Ban in contact with the ends Ad ren the af through the paves of thi 84, tin instance a perfect ure. ad restored the Rieted to a healthy condition 8 Band is also a most powerful AxTI-MERCURIAL agent, and will entirely relieve the system frorythe peryicions ef- festsof Mercury, Moderate cases are cured in a fow days. and we are constantly receivin testimo- nials of its efficacy in aggravated cases’ of long standing. Prick $200, to be had of Druggists generally. or ean be gent by mail or express. with full diree- tions for use,to any part of the country, direct from the Princinal Office. No 409, BROADWAY. New Yokk. G. SMITH & CO, fole Proprietors. N. B.—Deseriptive Circnlars Sent Free, L¥° Agents Wanted Dverywhere, £71 Bellefonte, July 11, "61-13. ELIXIR PROPYLAMINE, THE NEW REMEDY FOR RHEUMATISM. During the past year we have introduced to the notice of the medical profession of this country the Pure Crustalized Chloride of Propylamine. [LR REMEDY FOR RHEUMATISH ; and having received from many sources, both from physiciane of the highest standing and from patients, the } Most Flattering Testimonials of its Real Value in the treatment of this painiul and obstinate dis- ease, we are induced to presont it to the public in a form READY FOR IMMEDIATE USE. which we hope will commend itself to those who are suf- fering with this aficting complaint, and to the medical practitioner who may feel disposed to test the powers of this valuable remedy. ELIXIR PROPYLAMINE, in tha form above spoken of, has recently been extensively oxperi: mented with in the PENNSYLVANIA HOSPITAL, and with MARKED SUCCESS (as will appear from the published accounts in the medical four- nals.) B&™ [tis carefully put up ready for immediate use, with full direotiona, and can be obtained from all the druggists at 75 oents per bottle, and at wholesale of y the the parts af- 3 BULLOCK & CRENSHAW, Droggia ts and Manufacturing Chemists, June 27, '61-1y. Puinapeurmia, Pa. LOGAN FOUNDRY. ASTINGS—THEUNDERSTGNE having leased THE LOGAN FOUNDRY in the Borough of Bellefonte, together with the pattercs, notify their friends and the public in general, that they arc prepared to make all kinds of Grist. Saw Mull. Forge, Furnare and Rolling Mill Castings. ns well as any other kind of wa- chinery Castings. They are also making a large variety of STOVES & PLOWS, including the Wortz Plow, tho Wortz Improved Plow, and reveral others of the most approved styles, and at the lowest rates for cash or prompt ay; or at fair rates for trade of ail kinds. Mr. yan being a practieabls workman he datters him- self that his work will give eatire gatisfaction.— They have now on hand COOKING STOVES, witable for either Coal or Wood. which they will -gall on reasonable terme according to size and atyle; also nine plate, air-tight. egg aud other soal'stoves. at reduced rates. They would call attention to a neat pattern of Coal Stoves exclu- sively of cast iron, which they are now makind and for neatne:s and durability cannot be excel- lad.—They have also on hand every size and kind of alad and sleigh soles, wagon boxes, kettles, Drice and Durkee wheels, &o. i They are niso prepared to make Iron Railing any kind and description. also Waterapd Blas Pipe of every size {rem a half inch bore top what ever size desired. All vrders from a distance will bo prom eatly a tonded to a8 heretofore, and they hope by care and a desire to please, to keep this, what it nowis, the leading establishment in the county A. RYAN & CO. Bollefon'e, August 1. 1859. PENNSYLV'A HOTEL HE SUBSCRIBER RESPECTFULLY : informe the citizens of Centre county and the public in general, that he Las leased this [lo- tel, and is now ready and prepared to accommo- date travelers in a style. which he flarters himself will meet with public approbation and patronage. People from the County during their sojourn at Bellefonte on weeks of Court, will find the Peun- eylvania Hotal, an agreeable resting place. The ouse is spacious and furnished in superior THE TABLE of the subscriber wiil be supplied with all the substantial provisions, delicacies and luxuries, which a productive Country can furnish or industry vigilance and cxertion can procure. HIS BAR, wiil always contain a general assort- ment of the very best liquors, that the Eustern market affords, adapted to suit the most capricious THE STABLE, will be attended by an attentive and obliging Ostler, well qualified to discharge (he duties pertaining to this important department of a public establishment, designed for the accommo- dation of travelers geoerally. Accommodating servants will always be in at. tendance to supply the wants and contribute to the somfort and satisfaction of those who may be dis poged to patronize the Hotel of the subscriber, by whom nothing will be omitted which will render hie customers comfortable and happy. Prom the attentioh aud time. which the under- pigned has devoted to this branch of business, ard hie experience, he hopes to merit and receive a easonable ghare of tho patronage of the public. April 12, 1860. PHILIP KEPHART. 00K STORE ? GECRGE LIVINGS. “N, at his well known stand on cho Nort.-castern eor- per of the public "square, Bellefonte, keeps stantly on hand a large aseortment of THEOLOGICAL, CraAssICAL, MISCELLANEOUS AND Senoon Also, a large variety of BLANK BOOKS AND STATIONERY of the best quality MATHEMATICAL INSTRUMENTS, PORT FOLIOS, &e. &e. = Books brought to order at a small advance co the city prices. JIn28-tf-8. GEO. LIVINGSTON. ROOPSBURG BREWERY. (NEAR BELLEBONTE.) HE UNDERSIGNED WOULD RES- pectfully announce to the people of this vicinity, and ti e public generally, that he is en- geged, at Roopsburg, near Bellefonte, in the man- utaoture of Ale, P rter. Lager and Table Peer, which +. © tuinrehed wholesale to purchasers in kegs or barrels, at desirable rates. These articles are manufactured pure and are warranted to be a good ascan be purchased in the State. ) BOOKS. - | Fresh Brower's Yeast-left daily at the Stare of} Maru 8lonein the borough of Beliehyme: for sale. Ba¥etsnte, July ¢ 39-17. give | and, come | oF insgvery | H$LOCO FL RWW AEFLID WiLL BE PAID FOR ANY MEDICINE THAT WILL EXCEL | COLBRT’S BALM IN GILEAD !! —— (Yin HFALTI AND HAPPINESS For the Quick care of Headacke. Toothache, Rhen- | matism, Neuralgia, Pain in the sida, back or | stomach. Painters Cholic. or Cramp. Frosted Feet | or Ears, Burns, Fresh Cuts, Sprains, Bruises. Di arrhea. and gore throat, and all similar complaints. a Toothache cured in tem minutes. Earache cured in five minutes. Headache cured in ten | minutes. Burns cured from smartingin two min- utes. Neuralgia pring cured in five misutes.— Cholic cured in ten minutes. Sprains relieved in ten minutes. Sore throat relieved in ten minutes. | 106 Cases have been cured by one Agent in a | single day! EVERY BOTTLE WARRANTED, | Tryit! Tryot!! Tryit!!! Tryat!!t! PRICE 25 AND 50 CENTS PER BOTTLE. or A liberal discount mude to Agen:s, and ane wanted in every town, also a few good traveling Agents. ee ome TO THE SONS AND DAUGHTERS OF AF FLICTION. These things we prove on the spot and before your eyes, only bring on y ur cases ere DIRECTIONS FOR USING CCLBERT'S BALM OF GILFAD. For Toothache apply it over the face and gums of the tooth affected, pressing the hand upon the taco ; repeat if not cured. n extreme cases, wet cotton with the Balm and cover the tooth ant gums For Headache, bathe the temples and ap- ply to the nose ; and take from ten to thirty drops in half a tumbler of water sweetened. For Croup and Sore Throat, take from ten to thirty drops internally, on sugar or in sweetened | warm water : bathe the throat freely and hind on a flannel. For Headache, lheumatism. Neural gia, Lame back or Side bathe freely with Balm in Gilead ; and generally take internally. For Burns mix one part Balm in Gi ead and two of water and flour, to make =. paste, cover the burn | with the same. For Cholic take from ten to forty | drops in hot water; bathe the bowels and apply | wet flannels Inthe above, the smaller dose is fr | Children and the larger for adults ; vary accord- ing to age and circumstances ' Colbert's Balm in Gilead is harmless. Colbert’s Balm in Gilead gives satisfaction. Those who Lave used Balm in Gilead will not be without it. Agents wanted. For ferms address C. 8. COLLERT & Cu, No. 123 South Fourth st:. Philadelphia p% N. B. Orders sent by Expressto any part of the United States at the shortest notice. June 13th, 1861. : JOEIIN IMIOEL ANT, DEALER IN CLOCKS, WATCHES AND JEWELRY. aving purchased the stock of Clocks, Watches and Jewelry lately owned by Bible & Moran, and having made large additions to tre | some, respectfully invites the attention of the pub- tie to his stock. consisting now in part of Gold and Silver Watches, Gold Guard and Fob Chains, told & silver Spectacles, Bracelos, Gents’ Gold studs, Wateh Keys, Card Cases, Si 1 Finger Rings, Bar Rings, Breast Pins. Gold Pe cils and Pens, Goggles. Bags, Silver Plated Ware, &e, Also, y and thirty-hour Clocks, at the very lowesc prices. John Moran offers these goods to the publie,convinced that they will meet with satisfaction. He is determined 80 dispose of neither an inferior article. or offer for | sale anything in his line but what he can war- | rant. Considerable experience in business, and # | desire to please the public, will give him an ad- | vantage, which he wutends to use to the utmost. 1 He particularly invites the attention of the Ia- dies to his stock of Pins. Rings and Bracelets, which are of the latest styles. And he also in- vites the gentlemen to examine a very fine lot of Watches now offered for sale. { {= Ropairing and cleaning promptly attend | 52 to. Bellefonte. Jan. 5, 1860 —tf. ’ TO THE WORLD AT LARGE! AND BOALSBURG & VICINITY IN PARTICULAR i The subscribers having taken the Store formorly occupied by Messrs Johrston & Kel ler, bey to say to the people of Doalsburg aud vi cinity that they will continue the DRY GOODS AND GROCERY BUSINES in its various branches aad wil re NO P-* 0 keep up a ful! assortment of e hing usually kept in any couatry store. and will sell at prices which we trast will solicit a share at least of your patronage Al kinds of country prodeee taken at fell mar- | ket prices in exchange lor goods. Bring along your | Grain, your Bacon, your Butter, your Eggs your Rags. your Tailow, your Lard, your Hard Soap. your Bees Wax, your Feathers, and in case you! have nothing of tis kind your eash will never be refused. JOHN HIBLER & CO, Boalsburg, April 20. 1860—tf. | YLINTCN BOUSE, LOCKHAVEN PA The subscriber having leased the above | named Hote! in the borough of Lock Haven, Clin- | ton county, Pa., takes this riethod of informing the | public generally thut he has made every necessary | preparation to entertain strangers and travelers in | the best possible manner. His table will always ec’ tain the choicest lux- ] uries that the country wi’ afford, and he is deter- | wined not to be surpassed in this department by any other Hotel along the West Branch. i iis Bar will contain the choicest liquors that can | be purchased in the cfty market. 1 davon and attentive Osilers will constantly be | on hand to take charge of horsesand see that they | are properly attended to. Trusting that he may receive a portion of the patronage of the traveling publie, he hopes by | cloge attention to be abie to rende r genoral satis | fation. ALFRED MANN, June 6, '61.-tt ProrrierTor | | IRE (NSURANCE COMPANY, Notice is hereby given that the Far! mers’ and Mechanics’ Mutual Fire Insurance | Company of Nittany and Sngar Valiies. is now | prepared to receive applicutions of insurance | against loss by fire. The business of the Compa- ny isconducted upon a mutual principle. exclu- sively agreeable to an act of incorporation. passed | the 18th of March, 1861, Within the borders of | Walker, Marion, »pring, Benner, Patton, and | Half Moon Townships, in Centre county. and La mar, Porter, ureen, and Logan Towuships, Clin- | ton county, an Agent has been appointed in each | Towushios within the bordersof the Company's eorporation. Persons wishing to bevome members | cau do so by making application to the agent re | “siding in his respective township. Persons wish. | ing any information concerning the bhsiness of | the Company will address the Secretary at lia- | blersburg Centreeco Applications of Insurance | on Property in incorporated towns will not be pe- cepted. HENRY BECK, A C. Geary. Sco'y. Pres't. * July 25, 1861-tf. PRY FOR SALE. The subscriber offers for sale his exeel- lent Farm, situate in Patton township. on the turnpike leading from Buffalo Run to Philips: | | filed to relieve 1 | and any t in Central Penusylvania { best materinis that ean be procured, and tor neat ness and durability is second to none. with tne de- termination to put his work up according to order, and sell lower than any county. tronage. AY HRS Sars apar illa FOR PURIFYING THE BLOOD. And for the speedy cure of the following complaints: Serofula and Serofulous Affection, such as 't'uamors, Ulcers, Sores, Nruptions, Pimples, Pustules, Blotches, Boils, Blains, and all Skin Discases, i QAKIAND, Ind., 6th June, 1850, J. C. Aver & Co. Gents: 1 feel it my duty to ae. knowledge what your saisapaiilia hay done for me. Having inherited a Scrofulous infection, I have suffered from it in various ways fur years, Sometimes it burst out in Ulcers on my hands and arms; sometimes it turned inward and disteossed me at the stomach. Two years ago it broke ont on head and covered my scalp and ears with one soe. whi i ond loathsome beyond description, 1 tried many medicines and several hysicinng but without much relief from any thing, Iu fact, the dizorder grew worse. At length I was rejoiced to read in the Gospel Messenger that you had prepared an alterative (Sarsaparitly), for 1 kaew from your reputas tion that any thing you made must be good. J sent to Cincinnati and got it, and used it tll it caved me. T took it, as you advise, in suitll doses of a teaspoonful over a month, and used almost thee bottles, New and healthy skin soon began to form under the seab, which after a while full off. My skin is now clear, and I know by my feelings that the disease has gone from my syste. You can well believe thit I feel what 1 am sayiug when I teil you, that I hold you to be one of the apostles of the age, and remain ever gratefully. Yours, ALFRED B. TALLEY. St. Anthony’s Fire, Rosc or Erysipelas, Tetter and Salt Ttheum, Scald Head, Ringworm, Sore Eyes, Dropsy. Dr. Robert M. Preble writes from Salem. N.Y. 12th Sept,, 1559, that he has cured an inveterate case of Dropsy, which threatened to termin fatally, by the persevering use of our Sarsaparilla, also a dangerous Malignant Erysipelas by large doses of the eame; says ho cures the common Eruptions by it constantly. Bronchocele, Goitre or Swelled Neck, Zebulon Sloan of Prospect, Pexas, writes : © Three bot- tles of your Savsaparilln cured mio from a Goilre — a hid- eons swelling on the neck, which I had suffered from over two years.” Leucorrhena or Whites, Ovarian Tamor, Uterine Ulceration, Female Diseases. Dr. J. B. 8. Channing, of New York City, writes; «1 most cheerfully comply with the request of your agent in saying T have found your Savsaparilln a most excellent alterative in the numerous complaints for which we eniploy such a vemedy, but especially in Female Diseases of the Nerofulons dinthesi 1 have enred many inveter- ate cases of Leneorrhoet by it, and some where the com- plaint was caused by wleevation of the werus. The ulcer- i ation itself was soon cured, Nothing within my knowl- edge equals it for ¢hese fenmle derangements.” Edward 8 Marrow. of Newbury, Ala, writes, “ A dan- gerons, “rian Lmao on one of the ferales in my funily, which aud defied all the remedies we could employ. has at length heen completely curved by your Extract of Sar- saparilin. Our phy un thought nothing but extispa- tion could afford relief. but he advised (he tri Sarsapmrilla as the last resort before cut proved effectual, After taking your remedy cight weeks no symptom of the disease remains.” Syphilis and Mercurial Discase, Sth Angst, 159, » vou some of the eflects is h your Sarsapurilla. 1 have cared with it, in my practice, most of the com- plaints for which it is recommended, sud have found its effects truly woirderful in the cure of Venerol and Mer- eurial Nisease. One of wy patients had 8 litic ulcers in his throat, which were consuming his top of his month, Your Sarsapavilla, steadily taken, cured him in five weeks. Another was attacked by sec. ondury symptoms in his nose, and the ulceration had eaten away a considerable part of § that 1 believe the il i ill him. Buti yielded 3 ulcers healed some distigiation to Lis £ treated for the same di frown this poison in he sitive to the weather the eruciuting pain in her ary way sufleri Lhiey had become so sen dip day she suliered ex- and bones. She, too, was cured entirely by your & wrilla in a few weeks, I know from its formula, w your agent gave me, that this Preparation from your luboratory must he a great remedy ; consequently, these truly remarkable results with it have pot surprised me. Fraternally yours, Rheumatism, Gout, CB, Die oY] G. V. LARIMER, M.D. Liver Comunlaint. Cua ¥ & y 11 beer matism fur a long ti inns, and stuck tou remedies 1 could find, until | tried y bottle caved mo in two weeks, and > am fav hey N= { Dafiled th ail the for some years f the Liver. My me to try he Knew yon, Ry the bless- a my bled mg again. The wool enough,” © ing of God it lias cure as to make a new ma best that can Le said of you is not ha Schivrus, Cancer Tumors, Enlargement, Ulceration, Carics and Exfoliation of the Bones. A greal viicty of cases have Leen reported to us where enres of these formid, complaiuts have resulted from the use of this rete 1h our space here will not adit them. of them pay be found in our American Alma tho agents below named are pleased to furnigh gratis to all who eall for them, Dyspepsia, Heart Disease, Pits, Eplléep= sy, Melancholy, Neuralgia Many rewarkable cures of these affections have been made Ly the aiterative power of this medicine. At stimu- lates the vital functions into vigorous action, aud thus overcomes disorders which would be posed beyond its réach, Such a remedy his long been fred by the ne- cessities of the people. we are confident that this will do for them all that medicine can do. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, FOR THE RAFID CURE OF Coughs, Colds, Influenza, Hoarsencss, Croup, Bronchitis, Incipient Cone sumption, and for the Iclief of Consumptive Fatlents in advanced Stages of the Disease. This is a remedy so universally known to surpass any other for the cure of throat and lung i is useless her publish the evide: umivalled eeellence for coughs and colds. aud its truly wonderful cures of pulmonary disease, have made it known thronghout the zed nations of th Few are the communities, or even families, amo 4 who have not some personal experience of its effects — some living trophy in their midst of its victory over the | subtle and dangerons disorders of the throat and lungs. As all know the dreadful fatality of these disorders, and as they know, too. the effects of this remedy, we uced not do more than to assure them that it has now all the vis tues that it did have when making the cures which Lave won so strongly upon the confidence ot mankind. Prepared by Ur. J.C. AYER & CC, Lowell, Maas, Sold by J. Harris & Co.. Bellefonte, aud by one dealer in evry village in the county S100 E AND HARNESS EWP: RIUM. JEREMIAH TULEN & CO. E.., Has iced up the shop on the northwest corner of Allegheny and Bishop * streets, aud is now prepared to manuf: dles Bridles, Harness, Trunks, Valises. Whips, &e . &c , in a style superior to any manufacturer His work is made of the manufacturers in Centre He polite'y asks ashare of the public pa August 8, 61-1y. JOHN MONTGOMERY espectiully informs the citizens of Belle {onte that he still continues to earry on tho Tailoring und Clothing business at his old stand burg. and within two and a halfmiles of the Bald | in Brokerhoff’s ow. on Main street. where, he is Eagle Railroad, containing about ove hundved acres 45 of which are cleared, and under a good state of cultivation; ten acres of meadow land and a bearing young orchard. There is also a new one and a halfstory houge, new bank barn, and outbuildingsof all kinds A never failing spring of water is atthe dcor. Persons wishing a desirable home, would do well to call on the un- dergigned, residing on the premises, or Edmund Blanchard, or at this office to suit the purchaser. July 11 th."61 3m H. J. CARTIN. FJOUsE AND LOT FOR SALE: The subscriber offers for sale a Stone House in the town of Baalsburg. two stories high Parlor and Dining Boom iu front, kitchen back. EWE LAAS A never failing well of wrter under coverjn the selling at raduced prices. Fe 0 | the very liberal support heretofore extended, Terms will be made | hopes to merit a enntinuance of the same, NOTICE for roeording Deeds. Mortgages. &o.. all and settle the same during or hefore the vember Court. prepared to make to order, all kinds of Clothing in the neatest and most fashionablestyle. ! He keeps on hand a general “variety "of CLOTHS, CASSIMERES. AND VESTINGS, of the latest and most approved patterns. JSC =i Ready made Clothing of ali kinds which he is He feels thankful fo Bellefonte. Jan. 5th, 1860.-1y. Parsons indehted to the undarsi will pl JESSE L TE! Bellefonte, Oot 81 ? ard, a good garden with a number of Jaaring Toit tress. Aisa a vacant lo: adjrining the JER RANK jand. Thetor ns will be made known by iis eub-! - 2 wsiber Jing ou tha premises. YE | A¥ ers Cher T y P 1 ’ pit? 8 NEWS FROM THE SEAT ANOTHER REQUISITION. A HEAVY IMPORTATION OF FOR THE FIRM OF BAXTRESSER & CRIST, Trimmings of every dssoription. POCKET AND TABLE CUTTLERY of every variety and price. ’ CROSS CUT. MILL AND CILCULAR SAWS of the best manufacture. sf every deseription and the best quality. MORTICE of diffe nt kinds and large and small PAD LOCKS. Drawing Knives HAY MAN TOULS of every desirable variety. SADDLERY’ HARDWARE, lower than any place glee. BOXES. FELLOWS, HAMES, &o. OIL AND LAMPS, VARNISH, FLUID. WIRD of every size in abundance. SHOEMAKER’S TOOLS, : And all other kinas of Goods usually kep! in a well regulated Hardware Store. all the leading articles connested with the Hu ware trade, and their facilities for putchasis goods not being. excelled hy any other establis meut, they here declare themselves able to sel Farmers, Mechanics, and all others in need © truth of the assertion. July 18, 1860. "THE CHTAP CASH STORE OF Messrs, Heffer Brothers, 4. and full supply of Full snd Winte Goods, which, for variety, have never been equal ea by any establishment in this section of eoun the business at the old stand. No. 2, Reynolds's Arcade Their stock consists of a general assortment Dry Goods, Groceries Hardware, Queergwar and Glassware. ee IS? DRESS GOODS, such as Ducals, Persian Cloths, Debeiges. Coburgs, Cashmeres. Delaines, Alpacas, Freuch Meriuoes, Plaids. sortment of Casimeres, Vesting. Tweeds. Hats and Caps of the community the eff: of mershindise. bled to bay their stock at such rags thut they ea 1 goods at © ces to suit the times on us (he end to do wneir best to please their both in the quility of goods, and prices, the hope to receive a reasonable share df baien All in want of goods will please eall afd ¢ their stock 7 ¥. B.—They will keep constantly or und TRA FLOUR, which they will seft at the low cash price change for goods. - Dried Lumber nnd Shingles constantly o hand and for gle. Biss HOFFER BROTHESRS Bellefonte, March 23. 1881,—1Ly+ PEACE TERMS PROPOSED! FINo0URAGE HOMY INDUSTRY, Qur citizens havo $or muny years bee inthe habit of going to dgsiant tenancing our home madpfictories. and giviy to fureizn esigblishments the pationage that shoul properly be extended to our own, the foreign gave it the preference, over th home manufictured vehicle, and little aiten‘io was paid to their dnribitity. Ihave just opens dent that [ ean tora out work combining with finish equal to that of any city establishment degree of durabi never found in city work respectfully invi sous desirous to purchase. tice May 30, 1861. CABINET AND UPHOL S. A. M'QUISTION. rious br wo.k that will compare with shops in larger ‘cities. is Ing yo done By A manner, Tad i LZ REPA G promptly attended to. = PERLDRRICK SMITH, ceupled by Mr Rembold aplh |” wo THE LADIES, “/ MILLINERY GUODS, of fhe latest styles and fashion, we feel prepard t ig Ly séw proper to give us a call. sjsts inpart of TLE AND STRAW BONNETS. Lore. £5 We have procured the services of one of th most enters Miltiners in the city. Bishop strect. next door to theold stand. Bellefonte May 3 '8l. MARY SOURBECK. OF WAR. HARDWARE !! Who have just opened, in the Store Room on the W. corner of the Diamond, in Bellefonte, for- _merly occupied by Wilson Brothers their large | and splendid assortment of Shelf Hardware, House ND RIM LOCKS AND LATCHES CUPBOARD, CHEST BOX. AND TILL LOCKS. HAND, B'CK. GRAFTING AND PANNEL SAWS, Broad, Hand and Chopping AXES. | LUTCHEKS' CLEAVERS AND CHOPPERS, | ehets Chisels & Adzes. | NDRPADING FORKS, EDGE | A general assortment, and- 50 per cent CARRIAGE MAKERS TRIMMING S,CARPEN TERS’ TOOL> which eannot be surpassed VICES. ANVILS, DRILLS, SCREW PLATES, TILES. RASPS, PIPE SKEIN & WAGON "STEEL SPRINGS, IRON AXELTREES, BENT PAINTS, OILS, GLASS AND PUTTY, COAL OIL CLOTHS. PATENT LEATHER, ROPE AND Their stock isan entirely new one, comprising from fitty to one hundred per cent. lower than any other establishment in the country, and invite Hurdware, to call and satisfy themselves of the «HE Subscribers have justreceived a new try. Having purchused the stock of goods on hand of Mr. George Jackson, they will continue including a host of other articles in their line among which can be found an exteusive and varied &e. Their gentlemen’s wear consists of a large as Cloths, Sadinets, Satin, And an ¢xten- sive assortment of Roots and Shoesfor Ladies and Gentlemen and Children, with almost every other article that may be necessary to supply the wants The pressure of the morey market having had set of reducing the price of many articles he undersigned have heen ena- cuglomers, | i Cy $7 Country produce of all kinds taken in ex v :s for their Rugies aud Carrisges, thus depreciating diseoun- The neatness a manufa tury on Penn street near Bishop hav ing had an extensive and varied expereance at Couch makingin ull its departments, feel confi. insnectionof my work by per- Repairing of all kiuds done on the shortest no 5 STHRING STALE INENT. [i foe The/subseriber respectfully informs his friends apd the public that he has commenced the Gubinbt hd Upholstering business ww all its va- es, and will be prepared to furnish any made in the best Having had practical experiens in every branch of business, persons en- rk to him will be assured that it will be Allegneny strect. Beilofunte, in the shop formerly Having just returned from Philadelphia with a new and splendid assortment 0 Mase all, both young wnd eld. grave and gay, who Our stuek con- i PLAINAND FANCY TRIMMINGS. all other articles generally kiptin a Millinery | Store on Is precisely what its name indicates p while pleasant to the taste. itis revinfying b HH tal powers. It also revivifies, rei and renews the bleed in 2llits oj rity, and thus restores and r tem invalnerablo to attacks is the only preparation ever world in a popular form so as the reach of all. So chemical fully combined as to be the most powerful | tonic, and yet, 80 perfect y adapal ¢ to act in perfect accordan i of nature, and hence stomach. and tone uj loesipndd is comp those thoronghly y has long been feit to be a disderatuni in the medical world both by the thorou ‘LJ from debility; for it needs no medical skill or knowledge even to see that debili- ty follows all attacks of disease, and lays the unguarded system open to the attacks of many of the niost dungetous to which poor humanity i tly reliable. Such for exampl . a8 the following : Consump- tion, Pip Sndigestion. Dyspepsia, £ Loss of Appetite Fuintuess. Nervous Ir- ritability. a. Palpitation of the Heart, Me i Hypocondiia, Night Sweats, Li y* Giddiness. and all that class of eafses. 8 fearfully fatal if unattend- ed to in time. galled Female weakness avd Irregulggritis. Also, Liver Derang ment > ts, and iver Complaints. Dis- tinuen Kidneys, Sealding or Incon- of the Urine, or any general de- rangement of the Urinary Organs, Pain in the Back, Side and between the Should ers, predisposition to Slight Colds Hackiug and Coutinued ough. Emaciation, Diffi- wn culty of Breathing. and indeed we might enumerate manly more still. but we have space only to say, it will not only eure the t debiiity following Chills and Fever, but revent all attacks arising from Miasmatic ; nflnences, an ¢ the diseases at once. SAE already att And as it acts di- Seetly and pers st t a phe wiver to action, pro-. 1 moting, in fact, all the excretions and se- Ooo: of the system. it will infallibl lowing upon change of climate and water; fers should have a bottle f henee all trav Batt and ul} should ‘ake a table spoonful at least before eating. As it pre- vents costiveness, strengthens the digest. orsons of sedentary hubits, students, min- stars. literary men, And all ladies not accustomed to muck out door exereise, should always dseit. If they will they mw will find an agreeable. pleasant, and effi! 4 cient rethedy ngains' those ills which rub them of their beauty ; for beauty cannot exist without health. and health cunnot ex- 0 jst while the above irregularities continue. r Then ngnin, the Cordial is a perfect Moth. eir's Relief. Taken a month or two before the final trial she will pugs the dreadful period with perfect ense and safety. There is no mistake abot it ; this Qordial is all we clavm for it Mothers. try it! © And to you we appeal to detect the illness or decline not only of your daugters before it be too fate. hut also your sons and hus bands for while the former. from false del. fenev, often goes down to a premature. grave rather than let their condition be Lnown in time, the later are often 80 mix ed up with the exciiement of business chit 3 fir we e not for you they would travel si 0 the sane downward path. until too late 01 arvest their fatal fall. But the moti erus ly appen for we are sure your never failing affoetion will unerringly peint you to Prof. Woud’s Restorative Cerdial and = Blood Renovator sg the remedy which should always be on hand in {ima of need. 0 J. WoOD. Proprictor 444 Broadwny, New York, and 114 Market sireef, St. gists Price One Dollar per Bottle, John Harrie & Co., Ax’t, Bellefonte, Pa July. 18. '61-1y. I by skilled in medical b science, and also by all who have suffered bl upon the uC |: prevent any deliterious consequences fii- 5 1% ba Vg bait & ive organs, it shou'd be ir the hands wt 0) ant, and to you we confident = Tonis Mo, and sold by all good Prug- H ! of na or ? + ably yes. M i | stage of my life fo g in ty, and better colo RIFLES. PISTOLS, SHOT GUNS, AND LOCKS! aig amd Jonbing He ¥ hwiskers, and the & | ally true, is that tio: | sale of fii Bo doubt beets only without any j I have s Tguwvei them to try it, trial and thos us horetofore, 10 k _Jued effegt on my hair, | of me of my uushaken $0. rouiin, i es the inveutor Pro ¥y . unexpected ! 3 osm bottle of yous J ° | every kind of Restorative ! ! sugoess. and finding my hoa hair, I was finally indiged « Hair Restorative. No pel me’to announce to 1 1 now 3.8 new and * which I pr eo original will commend this invalu I teel the necessity of it, I remai ) respec PS. ~This testime i your valuable ii Y | unsolicited i—but if you th , among the rest, insert if you aud say nothing. ; . Yours, | 1 1 yf ive + half a pint and retai the mediums hold. in he / a bott'e , the large! b Toe BF Woo, | Fanveg Goods on ‘Harris 1 READ! R ¥ £35, 00 X most popalar and successful Schoo! in the cons try. Upward of Twelve He $2000,00 Fer Annum! Tiomediately upon graduating, who Knew rioth| of accounts when they entered the College. n| fog Ministers sous half price. out extra charge. g For catalogue of 86 and a large Evgravin o | twenty-five ceuts in P; n | pals, : a JENKINS & SMITH, Pi March. 21. 1861 7; 0 CUNSUMPIIVES, i a * L lung affection and that dread disease. Counsum tion—is anxious to make known to his fe ferers the means «f eure oY To nll who desire if. he will send a co preseription used (free of charge.) with tions for preparing and using the sa they will find w sure cure for CONSUMPTION, vertiser in sending the Prescription is to hene nothing, and may prove a blessing. dress Rev. EDWARD A WILSON, Ogt * 31. —3mo, tw ii IMPROVEMENT IN BELLEFONTE the subscriber having jut the Saw M ready to furnish bills of SAWED LUMBE on short notice, of any length not execeding eet. two hours stantly on hand. 0 He will also tiwe for commencing building next season. Dee 13, 1860-6 JACOB V. THOMAS. A DMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. i © dee'd, late of Burnside towship, have been gran to the subseriber, who requests all persons indeb NEW BILLINERY GOGTS, MRS. E. GRAFIUS ESPECTFULLY informs the citizens o £8 Bellefonte and vicinity that she has just re eeived from Philadelphia a splendid lot o pail iinds. and w superior lot of un ELETON SKIRTS, | to which he directs ths attention of the fadies, May 8d V f Lon | ETS, RIBBONS AND TRIMMINGS, rabies Co I bake | demands: Bi the same will ronke oon the ; present them duly authenticated for settlanient. Nov. 1 A. C. HINTON, 5 f A DMINY TRATOR'S NOTICE. i on he estate to the sub estate a same without delay to - QR 5 SAMUEL GILLILAND, Nov. 14 Adminsstror. n| £7AYS the entic east for Tiition in the Commereinl dred young men from twenty-eight different States: have been educated for business here within the, CESSATION OF WAR PREPARATIOND) vases nn tian ar + oe Students. ent at any time, and review when they please, wit ages. ipecimens of Prof. 4 | Cowley's Business and Urnamental Penmanship, = 2 of the College, evcloss stage stamps to the Prinei-’ itsburg, Pa. ‘The ad ertisers, haviig heen restored : gon 1} to health ina few weeks by a very simple remed; after haviog suffered several years with w severs the wufflicted. and spread information which he git. conceives to be invaluable, and he hopes cvery sufferer. will try bis reraedy. as'it. will cost them we a Parties wishing the preseription will please ad- Williamsburg, Kiogs Co, N. Y. at the Bellefonte Mills in complste repair, and having his logs boomed in the dum. is now forty By having the logs in the boom a small dl of any length can ba got out ard sawed in one or| PLASTERING LATH of allsizes keptoon- hive a PLANING MILL in! operation to supply carpenters and builders in - Noticeis hereby ziven that Lettters of | Administration on the estate of John JE raater, ed tosaid estate to make immediate payment, and all persons having demands against gaid estate to! Administrato ni, letters of Admivistration up- illum Price. late of Baaleburg. c, all persons requested to make f : ; ; 'T he inhabitants of - | public in general, that | ahove named Sr + selectod assortmantiof 1 ponies bir and gentlemen's h et bers exhibited in wiil per ee | Ng oa a fu | ment of Pino Black Clot! Cd iy Sack Coufs, Pi réoats of fine Ciot To bed ard plain. i s of f i 00 p= ul sTH-" and we are coal Ma. Broveniras &e. The only object of te ad- apd. gyery. : Are s fit friends wl m To f with a g will surp he those of the coun iD ke @ il