Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, December 19, 1861, Image 1
( man. VOL. 6) BELLEFONTE, THURSDAY MORNING, DEC. 19, 1861. NO. 49. ° The Bemoratic Watchman, ALEXANDER FUREY, Publishers. Per annum, in advance,) $1 50 “a Foot sly within 6 months. 2 00 « «if not mid until year is out, 2 50 Mo paper di ed until all back subscrip- tions are , and ¢f lure to notify a discontin- mance at the end of "0 time subscribed fi» will Be sonsidered a ne ent. TERMS §t ADVERTISING. } jutsrtion. 2 do. 8do. Bour lines or less, $ 2 3748 50 square—12 fines 50 75 100 To aro 2t lina 100 150 2860 Three squares—36lisy 160 200 250 C 8 mos. 6 mos 12 mos. Six lines or less, 150 $3008500 One square 2 50 400 700 Two squares, r 4p 1 600 1000 Three squares, dp 3 8 00 12 00 Four squares, ® Bye! 10 0u 14 00 Half acoluma, 10 00 14 00 20 00 One column, 4j16. 00 22 00 40 00 Over three weeks anhpless than three menths, 25 cents for each inser on Advertisements not yarked with the number of fnsertions desired, Willhe continued till forbid- den and cha" 8300TCng to these terms. Fire, pol’ | and Ilaneous notices charg- ed accordin, . he abog rates. Business not: 18, fiveben's per line for every snsertion No reports, resolutiolglor proceedings of any corporation, society or & giition, and no com- munication designed t0 §S attention to any mat- ter of limited or individitinterest, can be insert- ed unless paid for as an tertisement Obituary notices excel six lines. fifty cents a square. ra Communications recom€iding persons for of- fice, inserted at ten cenb | line; and the pay must accompany the comyjjeation. isgelmeous. THE THRE GHOSTS. A SKWLTCH FOR SUPHITIOUS PEOPLE. ? BY L. AUGE(S JONES. a “W hen shall we meet again— In thunder, lightng' or in rain ?”’ ! MACBETH. 1 wonder of any of'fe readers of the New York Weekly are sugititions ¢ I hope not. In fact, | don’t{live they are ! To speak the truth, I woll’t have the auda- cious impudence to i it or imagine such a thing. But notwit nding, there is a ®ertain class of people bse heads are filled with very fanciful . ideas, and whose power of imagittin is wonderful to sensible folks. | We have all of us, 8 gene period in our Jives, met with them 35¢have been editied by hearing some WODGey tale from their lips, about the “awfulip» Susan seen in the back kitchen, th gro night before grandfather died ; thegpinge noises” Pe- ter heard in the BAIT gop little Sis” had the measles ; 8040) old Giles, the village sexton, 8aW & ‘yj gure all dressed up in white,” dancing sg the graveyard gate. ; These superstitious \gj duals, who be- long to the Macbethia Gilpin, Tam O'Shanter school, are giging away fast. Thank Heaven for it, Di supertsition make progress as rapid, oon conse and knowledge, the Wor g 14 pave been in a horrible state by is time, and ihe days of Salem witcheral is pave been nothing to the presente pujwer pag truthfully said, “Know | power.” and knowledge will grow ang. i strength century by century as the world stands, while ignorance gio ciivion will vanish before 1ts triump|, i con as the darkness of night flip. the golden sun at morn «« A yery good beginn. 5» t reader may exclaim; “but thatis® op oo oo 0 ‘We are waiting patient] | riabodt the ghosts.” Very well, yepathonr about them. Four years ago [ took yj 45 gee a rich old uncle of mine, \| (wo nica farm on the outskirts of a ple, ge. Iar rived in the morning, sf; scant day. ate a hearty supper, a0¢nioy ahcomiort able chat with cousin Ki 3° evening. When the family clock Yok b my a unt and Kate rose to retire. «You had better go ‘bed rly,” my sunt remarked to me, “,p *t you to drive over to L—ville ,, tning with your cousin, and see ne So ie old schoolmates.’’ 1 «« He can’t go !”’ said Yancemphati- cally, “the boy don’t cq Tat once a year ; and the Giaion he takes must be with me. 20%81: on the Lake . to-morrow, and ol vo lobe here in a few minutes wi If Kate takes him off par ah have a chance to get a, slr 5 week, for he’ll be lugged canto anios 1 8 and the old boy only kn( i ins among a lot of women. & on 1, v8 argument was |, ladies retired rather ores) Joo Ze cle Ben and myself lon der «Ha! ha! ha!” L of ¥ainiols “never give in to women § ? Old Warren soon came... sols and after shaking hands \ begh oer haul our lines and hooks ; + «+ Tell us a good 8UOTY 1, wrenid ny uncle. «t Wal, I don’t care of y W’ rot the rising of ’bout a ghost T seed fourteen years ago in ‘That’s a ghost,’ sez I. ‘an I'm a goin’ in walked straight ahead until I cum within about paces from where it was ; an’ thar [ stood and looked at it. It was orful dark, but T want a bit skeered, although it kept a waltzin’ back and forth again the wall. — ‘I'm bound to hev a tussle wi’ ye enyhow,’ sez I. TI buttoned up my coat and took a step closter. Suill it waltzed away. T got mad, fur it did'nt ’pear tew mind me a bit. Finally I made a jump fur it, an’ as I jump- ed I got a blow right on my nose that sent me a staggerin’ ba %’ards, with the blood streamin’ down my face. I looked up. an’ the darned thing was hitchin’ about jest the same still. I got skeered an’ in tew the sexton’s house. I woke him +y/an’ he got a lantern an’ went back with me. ' We found the devilish thing dancin’ away still. The sexton went up tew it an’ began to laugh.” ** What was it ?” I inquired. * Why the sexton had been workin’ that arternoon about the ehurch. an’ he driv a nal in the wall an’ hung his old coat on 1t ; when be went home he forgot it. When the wind blowed 1t moved, an’ I took it for a ghost !” ¢ But what struck you on the nose ?" asked Uncle Ben. ** That's the funniest part of the story,” said Warren. © When 1 jumned to grab the darned humbug, wy right foot came slap on the teeth of a rake that lay on the ground. and the bandle flew up and hit me an orful slap right atween my eyes. I treated the sexton to say nothin’ about it ; but it leaked out somehow, an’ now I don’t care who knows it.”’ We laughed heartily aud emptied our glasses. “Tell us another, Mr. Warren,” said I politely. “Wal, Iwill, an’ then I muse be gettin’ along toward hum.” The humorous old gentleman helped him- self to the cider and begun : ‘I remember a thing that frightened me wuss than the other. Wheu I was a boy ’bout nine year old, I was settin’ in the Kitchen of my father’s farm house, waitin’ fur the old man to come home, so I coul) pat up his hoss in the stable an’ go to bed. He always went down to Rube Timon’s tav ern overy night after supper, to spend his evenings drinkin’. I had to set up to put Bess in the stable ; fur he was giner’ly drunk when he got back. Wal, this night I'm speakin’ about it rained an’ blowed tre- mendously. Twas past ten when I heerd the hoss a comin’ up the lane ; so I rubbed my eyes, an’ got ready fur my work. My father came staggerin’ in, an’ arter hittin’ me a cut with his ridin whip, he scz : “Go an’ put Bess in the stable, an’ mind the devil don’t ketch ye, fur 1 seen him in the yard.’ «I didn’t say a word fur fear I'd git an other cut. but I went out an’ led the hoss into the stable. Arter 1 finished rubbin’ Bess down I give her a good bed, took up my lantern, went out, and locked the door. The wind put out my light je t as I turned round ; an’ somethin’ black an’ cur’ous lookin’ come runnin’ rite up tew me an’ stop- ped all of a sudden. ¢ Thats the devil,’ thinks [5 an’ [ begun to shake an’ tremble with fear ‘I’m gone now,” sez [; and . tried tew thiok of my prayers. I hadn’t got mo-’'n three wo ds out afore the devil made a jump, an’ away he went tearin’ round the yard in circles like a skeered cat in a small kitchen. I started toward the house, but afore I got tew the door he was after me fast. Wal, ef I didn’t run [ must ha’ done some tall walkin’. I was faintin’ with fear fur T heerd him arter me. I throw’d down the lantern an’ sailed fur the door, an’ rush- in’ agm it, it flew open an’ fell head over heels into the kitchen, an’ fainted. When I come tew I found mother and one of the gals settin’ by my bedside. I asked ’em ef the devil had gone ; and they both bust out a laffin, ‘ ¢ Why, you foolish cretur, says my mother ; ‘ther’ ain’t no sech things as devils or ghosts on the airth- -the ghost ye get skeered at is in the kitchen now, dryin’ itself by the fire ; come an’ see it.’ ¢* Thinks I, ef the women ain't afeerd, I ain’t ; so I got up av’ follercd ’em. «<I can’t see no ghost,’ sez I, arter [ had peeped into the room, ‘whar is it ? ‘¢ ¢ Dew ye see the wmbrella settin’ thar by the fire ?’ sez my mother. ¢t.¢ Yes, sez I. «Wal, that's the ghost,’ sez she. ‘Sam put itout on the back stoop, 'cause it was wet ; an’ it was blowed off into the yard ; when you went out to put Bess in the sta- ble, it was blowin’ about still, an’ that’s what frightened ye’ * Wal, I didn’t say a word, I was so shamed I went rite tew bed, and I've never b’lieved in ghosts or dewifs since.” «My uncle and I laughed heartily, as we ell ye Wy - ~ filled our glasses with cider. the church yard. One night I was a comin’ home late, and jest as I was a passin’ the church, I seed sumthin’ white movin’ back- ’ards and for’ards agin the church wall. — and speak tew it.” So I opened the gate and We finished our cider, and old Warren rose to depart. He had just bade us ‘good night,” and was in thc act of opening the door, when a piercing scream rang through the house and hurried footsteps were heard in the hall. We sprung up. justas Bridget thc servant girl, rushed breathlessly into our presence in her night clothes, followed close- ly by my aunt and cousin, who were pale with fear. ** Bless me, what's the matter 2’ exclaim ed my uncle. ‘Is the house on fire 2” “Oh dear! oh dear!” cried Bridget, spasmodically, ‘‘there’s a ghost in—oh dear, Sir—in—in me room. Sure I seen ud before I- I went to slape, but I didn,t mind it till I woke an hard it breathing undher me bed. Sure its there sthill. Oh, murther! go hunt it some of yeez or I'll die dhis min- ute.” Leaving the trembling females in the kitchen ; ourselves, the valorous trio, armed with a poker, tongs and gridiron, the first weapons we could seize upon, lit another lamp, and quickly ascended to Bridget's chamber. The door was open. We paused and listened. All was still, ¢“ Go in and raise the bed valance with the poker,” whispered my uncle. I cautiously crept forward, held the light low, and placed the point of the poker under the hangings. Slowly | raised it, while Un- cle Ben grasped the tongs with both hands, and Warren brandished aloft his murderous gridiron. When I raised the screen, no ghost appeared ; there was nothing under the bed but an old cradle, in which was thrown a lot of old rubbish. I burst into a loud leugh, and my allies ground their arms. « Imagination !"’ said my uncle. *“ All nonsense !?’ exclaimed old Warren. *“ Hold on !”’ I returned ; “I have discov- ered the mystery, Come up close, and keep perfectly quiet. Bridget said she could hear the ghost breathe. Now stand still and listen.” I laid down on the bed, and turned slow- ly over. «I hear it breathe !”” said Uncle Ben. I turned over again. «1 can hear it too,” “Wha is it ¥’ <*T'll soon show you !”’ T replied, spring - ing from the bed. and I put my hand beneath it into the cradle and drew out—* What 22 methinks the reader exclaims—¢‘two blad- ders ! and threw them on the floor.” “ Them bladders was what she heard breathing !’ shouted old Warren. «When she turned over she pressed the wind out of ‘em. Bladders, coats, rakes, and umbrellas, turned into ghosts. Ha, ha, ha, I declare!” And the old fellow laughed so heartily we were forced to join in his merriment. The noise brought Bridget, my aunt, and cousin Kate ap * tairs to learn the cause of the uproar. When the mystery was ex» plained, they laughed almost as heartily as we did. Soon afterward they retired ; and Uncle Ren, Warren, and myself went down stairs to drink another glass, and pat away our warlike impiements. The clock struck eleven before the old man left us ; after locking the doors we put our ‘Fishing Tackle” in order, and retired for the night. I stayed with Unele Ben a fortnight, and enjoyed myself famously, WkLen I was oid- ding them ‘‘adivu,” as we stood ’'neath an old elm tree that guards the garden gate, like a mighty senttnel, I whispered in Uncle Ben's ear: *¢ You take the New York WEeekLY yet, Uncle ?’ muttered Warren.— “Oh yes my boy! we can’t get a‘ong without it. That paper is our most welcome visitor !? “Well, look sharp,” I replied; ‘and sometime you will find a sketch in its col. umns, entitled The * Three Ghosts.” Don't say a word about it to any one until it comes will yon ¢’ “Not to Cousin Kate, eh?” «No!!! «I won’t, then !”? The sound of the horn echoed far down the road. and in a few minutes the stage coach stopped for me. * When will come again 2” inquired my cousin. ** Next Summer, if God spares me!” | A Ongar BREAKFAST. —-A son of Erin, at Schenectedy, heard the breakfast bell ring on board a canal boat just starting out for Buffalo. The fragrance of the viands indu- ced him to go aboard. «Sure, captain, dear, (said he,) and what'll ye ax a man for travelin’ on yer ille- gant swand of a boat 2’ Only a cent and a half a mile, and found.’ replied the captain. An’ is it the vittels ye mean to find, sure 2” “Yes. And if you are going along, go down to breakfast.” «« Pat didn’t wait to be told a second time, but having descended into the Cabin and made a hearty meal, he came on deck and requested that the boat might be stopped. +* What do you want v0 stop for 2’’ inquir- :d the captain. « How far have we come 2" asked Pat. “Only a little over a mile .” Pat thereupon handed the captain two cents; and cooly told him that he believed he would not go any fu:the with him, as Judy would wait the breakfast, not knowing that he had breakfasted out. The joke was so good that the caplain took the two cents, ordered the boat stopped he ever have occasion to travel that way again he would be most happy to carry him. er How 10 Restore tie UNtoN.—The N. Y. Lrpress, in a reply to the Abolition ultraists thus forcibly and plainly puts the case: «If Abolitionism did not exist in the North in ninety days the Unionists of the South would reconstruct the Union. It is only the terror of No: thern Abolitionism that makes the South the solid column it is! Nor can slavery be trodden under foot unless the rep- resentative three-fifth principle of the Feder- al Constitution and the fugitive Slave com- pact article be trodden under foot too! To tread these under foot, is of course, to tread the Union under foot. This brief paragraph is a sufficient answer to all the twaddle about *¢ abolishing slavery ”’ in order to save the Union. To abolish ¢* slavery ?’ is to over- throw the Constitution at a blow, and not a State would be bound by that instrument, for its terms of union would be abrogated. But beyond this, even if we had the power to overthrow *¢ slavery,” it would be the ruin of the North to do it. We should be simply cutting off our own noses. ¢ Trem HARNESS.” —A poet says :— Oh, she was fair, but sorrow came and left his traces there.”” What became of the rest of the harness he don’t state.— Erie Dispatch. Ohno! Farther down the bill of poetry it says—* Come wi’ me, my lassie, and I'l take thee to thy hame.”” The balance of the harness is still missing, however. — La Cros~ se Democrat, You are mistaken about that,—The same poet, speaking of the lady says—¢And all the lines that sorrow left have faded out in joy.”” The rest of the harness is still miss- ing.— Exchange. No ;—stiil another piece has turned up; for further on, the ** poick” informs us, that —* loving hands with simple flowers had decked her for the bridal.” Nothing yet has transpired as to the whereabouts of the rest of the harness.—York Repubiican. Or Mgrs. EaToN, widow of Gen. Eaton, Secre ary of War under Jackson, the Wash- ington correspondent of the Ch cago Journal says: + This lady is now residing in this city, having recently married an Italian dancing master of the matured age of 26. The ac- quaintance sprang up through his teaching her grand children. The newly married pair are represented on canvas in their par- lor, her head reclining on his bosom in a very loving attitude, and as the artist hag given her * form and fatures,” one would not suppose her to be over 30 years of age. She is in affluent circumstances, is very fond of company, has fine conversational powers and disposes hospitality with a liberal hand.” ——— ea WarniNe. —It will be well if the public ever learns the truth of the following words, from Mr. Parton’s life of Jackson : ¢* The chief employment of a soldier’s life is Waiting. He waits his life time for the | A tear fell upon my cheeck, as I sprang | up beside the driver, and my heart was ope pressed with saduess as I looked back, and | waved my hand. [Iu fourdays I reached my home in this great bustling city, and once | { more [ sat myself down to tol for the com- | forts of life. I had been at home but three weeks, when I received a letter from Uncle Ben. It informed me that Cousin Kate {| was dead. She was killed by a fall from | her horse, For a long tim: I could not bear to write this sketch, but to afford others pleasure, I | have at last done so. even Punca thinks they had beier have stuck to the name ot Leviathan” for the Great Eastern, for ic seems that the share holders are doomed to blubber. breaking out of war. He waits for months after the campaign opens, for the day to ar- rive which decides its fate and his own.— Through the long hours of the day of bat- tle, he waits, comprehending nothing of the huily burly around him, till it comes his turn to advance and be shot. He is a man whose Jife-time’s work is done in a few thrilling hours or minutes, and the rest of his life 1s waiting for these hoars or minutes to come helped Pat ashore, and told him that should | THE PICKET GUARD. BY MISS NANCY PATTON. £57 The following lines, which we copy from the last Lycoming Gazette, are quite beautiful, and are said to have been written by a young girl only fourteen years of age—Miss Nancy Patton— of Ralston, Lycoming county. They were a part- ing gift to a soldier, and are certaitly highly cred- itable to their young authoress : Comrades, how goes the night without ? The wind seems wintry cold ; A weary watch ’twill be to-night For our pickets brave and bold ; A weary watch for our noble boys, But their hearts are brave and true, And they who wish a soldier's name, A soidier’s work must do. A weary watch the picket keeps. But his stout heart never fails, As his keen eye scans the distant hiils And intervening dales, Through long, dark hours that endless seem, Without one resting breath; For should he sieep upon his watch, The penalty is—Death! Death! Oh! how hard the thought must be At such a time and place, When danger’s ever threat'ning form to stares him in the face,— With naught to break the stillness That seems as of the grave, Except his own, firm, measured tramp, That seems the grass to pave. Perhaps some distant musket boom, From out some rebel lair, Or a comrade’s death-shot—who can tell ?2— Breaks on the midnight air. The sound excites a moment's thought— A moment's wonder slight— As soon forgot as echo sinks Back to the caves of night. He thinks of what? of war? ah, no! Home memories throng his mind, And he thinks of letters fresh from home And of dear ones left behind : Of loving ones beside the hearth, And a little form at prayer, And he, thinking, says, © Elsewhere forgot, They'll not forget me there." Thethours creep on, and daylight breaks— A comrade takes the beat ; And the guard, unfalteringly true, Dare rest—and rest is sweet Upon his lowly camping-bed He seeks from cares release, And dreaming still of frierds and home, The picket sleeps in peace. Ralston, Lycoming Co., Pa., Nov. 19, 1861. OUR ORDERS. 5" We do not know who wrote the following lines, but they possess a melancholy beauty very appropriate at the present time : Weave no more silks, ye Lyens looms, To deck our girls for gay delight ; The crimson flower of battle blooms, And solemn marches fill the night. Weave but the flag whose bars to-day Droop heavy o’er our early dead; And homely garments, coarse and gray, For orphans that must earn their bread. Keep back your tunes ye viols sweet. That pour delight from other lands! Rouse there the dancers’ restless feet— The trumpet leads our warrior bands. And ye that wage the war of wor ls, With mystic fame and subtle power, Go. ehatter to the idle birds, Or teach the lesson of the hour! Ye Sybil Arts, in one stern knot Be all your offices combined! Stand close while courage draws the lot, The destiny of human kind ! And if that destiny could fail, The sun would darken in the sky, The eternal bloom of nature pale, And God, and Truth and Freedom die! —eeser Affairs in Charleston and Richmond. A correspondent of the Boston Traveller, writing from Fortress Monroe, on Monday, says : . «1 have had a long conversation with a gentleman who ‘eft Charleston last Friday, and he assures me that the people of the North are much deceived about the true state of affairs at the South, if he can judge | from the tone of northern papcrs which he! has been enabled to peruse. Ile has been a | resident of Charleston the last two years, and is in every way entitled to credence.— Our forces had not occupied Beaufort when he left, and the Southerners were anxious for the Federal force to make an advance. He is confident that the Confederates greatly outnumber our troops, and this notwi h: standing that they have received no reinforce- ments of any moment from Virginia. He states that one company only had returned to the State. But one feeling and determi- nation seemed to animate the whole people. Fresh provisions were cheap, and so was Malice Qutwitted. The owner of a saw mill in the country, having a little enmity against a neighboring farmer, laid no less a plan of revenge than to get him arraigned as a thief. convicted. and sent to the penitentiary. But as the honesty of his neighbor afforded him no fair grounds of accusation, he resorted to the foul expedient of secretly conveying some of his own property upon the other's prem- 1ses ; 80 thu it being found there, it might be proof of his guilt. For this purpose he took a thousand feet of boards, having his own mark on, and at dead of night dumped them into the field near his neighbor's house. But the farmer did not happen to be as fast asleep as his enemy supposed. — He heard a noise, or thought he heard one, and getting up pretty soon after to satisfy himself on the subject by the help of a lan- tern he found a load of boards ‘with his neighbors mark vpon them. Tow they came there and why they came there flashed upon him at once. lis course was promptly tak- en. Allowing his enemy just time to get fairly home and into bed, so that the light of the burning pile might not be detected, he set fire to the boards, which, being well seasoned, were, ina few minutes, ecatirely consumed. Early in the morning, as the farmer had anticipated, the sawyer came with a consta- ble and search warrant, to look for his prop- erty. “ You are suspected,” said the «officer, “of having taken a thousand of boards from this man, and by virtue of this warrant I hold in my h nd, I must search your premises.” “Very well,” replied the farmer, ¢ yon are at liberty to search as much as you please. But if you find the boards, I'll en~ gage to eat them for my breakfast.” “ You'll have something harder to digest than that, I fancy,” said the sawyer, with a sneer. He then trinmphantly led the way to where he had dumped the boards, where he confidently expected to find them, and lo! there was nothing but a heap of ashes !-- His disappointment, chagrin and morlifica« tion may be judged of. He sneaked away home ; and the secret of his foul plot get- ting wind in the neighborhood, the ghost from the ashes of the load of boards never ceased to annoy him; until, taking advan tage of the darkness of another night, he picked up his all and left the country. Om me : Strange Sight -Scventy Swarms of Bees at War. Ezra Dibble, a well known citizen of this town and for many years engaged ex‘ensive- lv in the management of bees, communicates to us the following interesting pariiculars of a battle among his bees. Ile had scventy swarms of bees, about equally divided on the east and west sides of his house. One Sun- day afternoon, about 3 o'clock, the wea'her being warm and the windows open, us house was suddenly filled with bees, which forced the family to flee at once to the neighbors, Mr D. after getting well protected against his assailants, proceeded to take a survey, and if possible, learn the cause which had disturbed them. The seventy swarms, appeared to be cut, and those on one :ide of the house were ar- rayed in battle against those on the other side; and such a battle was perhaps never before witnessed, They filled the air, cov- ering a space of more than one acre of groud and fought desperately for some three hours ~-not for ¢ spoils,” but for conquest ; and while at war no living thing could exist in the vicinity. They stung a large flock of Shangai chickens, nearly all of which died, and persons passing along the roadside were obliged to make haste to avoid their stings. A little after 6 o’clcck, quiet was restored and the living bees returned to their hives, leaving the slain almost literally covering the ground, since which, but few have ap- peared around the hives, and those appar- ently stationed as sentinels to watch the en- emy. But two young swarms were entirely des royed, and aside from the terrible slaughter of bees no other injury was done. Neither party was victorious, and they only ceased on the approach of night, and from utter prostration. The occasion of this strange warring among the becs 1s not easily accounted for; and those most conversant with their management never before witness. ed or heard of such a spectacle as here nara- ted, — Locneaut (Ohio) Reporter. ess SECRETARY CHASE is considered a pretty shrewd financier ; he corducted the affiirs of Ohio pretty well, and left the Gubernato- rial chair with a good d al of credit. Tt will be seen, however, that he is no match for the sharpers of Wall street. Tn his last negotiation for $50.000.000 the agreement rice. Flour was falling in price, tho’ still at $10. i There was no suffering among the poor of | round.” Pie emis eon iREAT talkers use their minds as spend- | thrifts their cash, bestowing it on all objects alike. — enh Way is John Smith likea badly colfked buckwheat cake ? Because he isn’t Brown, —————— SPURGEON is called the Barnum of the gos- pel by the London Spectator. the city, as they were finding ample employ- | ment in manufacturing articles formerly proce sed from the North. i “airs at Richmond are smd to be very Jivty, the meeting of the Confederate States | Corgress imparting a good deal of anima- | conto everything, and drawing a good deal | of gaiety to the Capital. To iilustrate it, a lawyers and politicians are was that they should take 6 per cent. bonds ata price that would realize them 7 per cent. on the equivalent. This was figured up by the Secretary at 904, when, in fact, 871 is all that he will receive, the bankers thus making $500,000 through Chase's inad~ vertance. It would take a lightning caleu- lator or a broker’s clerk, to find his way through the labyrinthian mazes of our be- wildering per cents, and though Western trained to young lady, just arrived by a flag of truce, | shrewdness. they are not quite up to the remarked to me—** Such nice times, I didn’t | practised keenness (to call it by no harder want to leave a bit.’ name) of Wall street.