© Phe Watchman. THE IAT tJ EY TELEGE ATH. Frem Washirgron. Wasmyeron. Nov 30. A gentlemen from the Virginia side of the Potonae, erived to dav. statis that ‘he Fiftv seven h and S'gv firer New Y 1k regiments, the latter under command of Col Core made a reconnoesance trom Srrine fie'd which is nine mil 8 fom Alcxardria. Thursday and went three miles snd a half beyond ‘our pickets, towards Manassas, when they discovered a rebel force number- ng, it is supposed ahout 8 000 men. They re- turned to’ their starting point, reaching it ‘in good order, and without casualities. : * There are now confined in the buildings known as the Old Capital, seventy five pris- oners of war, “Senators and Representatives in great numbers arrived here to day. Information has been received here of the seizure, on the northeastern cost. of a Can. adian steamer. laden wih 10 000 muskets and with caps, powder and other contraband articles. i The steamer cleared from Canada, and ‘was consigned to parties in the Southern States, : Ex Senator Green, of Missouri, arivid here to day on paro e . IOCAL AND OTHE? MATTFRS. President Lincoln's meseage did not ar- rive in time for publication in onr paner this week. If not too lengthy we will try ard give it in our next. k TRNRSTVING DAY was generally. observ. «din this place. The places of business wero all closed, and services wepy held in the differept eharehes. ; on 3 TIARA ee ny E vowed pode ay Da. Buaiavoes. 0.8 Ac Brother of ane of the:editors of this paper. who'was wohn- ded iN §kivmih near Dramavilte, in Vir ginia has since, died. Owing to this sad afftiction. Mr.. Alexander is,necessarily com. pelled to be absent this week. ME RIND atin . Wa eall the attention of onr readers to the ad¥ertisement.of thé proceedings of the Brushgafley ‘ard, Pennavalléy merchants. which.may be found in another. column. of thig week's issne, We pronounce them a move in the fight disection. °° Coxarass met on Monday last. We have not. a2 yet. aren anv of the proceedings but understand that Stephens of th's. State and sone 0 hers of that ilk. have already hegan®ta préachitp) >! niger" pretty strong. We expect there will be quite a, smell in Congress this sessian. Sahel na eo Tosa » 3 T# onr readers will. glance over our adver: tining-oolumns. they will «heerve the adver- tisement of the Lewistown’ Mills, to which we direct “their attention, The pronrietor ofters the highest rash prices for all kinds of | grainand it may be to the interest of the! farmety in" this vicinity to know this: Interesting fiom Fort Pickars on Bairiore Nov. 30. T e Old Point hoat has arnived ard the passengers fur. ish a variety ot rumors of the most contradictory character in relation to the firht at Ponsacola. One reports that Fort Pickens had been taken, and anoher that the Federal forees had been victorions and thet General Bragg was killed. while a third report is, that afer two days’ fighting a great orm came on, which rendered a cessation of hostilities necessary. [8ECOND DIsPATOR | Barmidore, Nov 30. —The Amedican has received the following intelligence fiom the South: The Richmond Dispatch of the 29:h. gives the following particulars of the fight at Pensacola : From the Pensacola Ob-erver of the 221 and 23d inst.— The fizht commenced on Fri- day, and the Observer of the 22.1 thus an: nounces the beginning of the fizht: + Af five minutes past ten o'clock this morning heavy and continuous firing commenced on the forts below. What 1t is or cn whih side it commenced. we are yet anable to say Up to this writing (one o'clock) the firing still continues and we can oniv give it, and hope that the bombardisent has opened in good earnest. We shall give the news as fast us we get 1t , * Later - We learu from a nerson just from the Navy Yurd that the fire was open: ed by Fort Pickens uron the Coif derate steamer Tunes, aod was returned by our battcrjes and forts. The U. S. frigate Ni nears is trying 0 eross the har, for the pur pore of entering The excite ment in town 1s immense. The business houses are closed. and the house ‘ops are x h to Tae trial of Lipton and Hays for the murder of Poorman _if_August Tact, “after oceupvirg the fime of. the Court-the greater portion. of the week has resulted in the ac quittal of Ilays and the conviction of Lips ton of manslanghter, The connsel wer Hale and MAnlister” for ‘Defendants. and McManus, Wallace anid’ Kealsh tor the Con. monwealih! We did not hear it. but it is said that the argument of Mr' Wallace was a fine effort. We believe Lipton has not yet béen‘sehtenced, * h bh b Owixa to the pressof work incident to our first week in the office, we have been unable to devote as much attention to this issue as we conld have desired. But if our patrons will bear with us for-a week or two longer, we will endeavor to gut things int: first-rate workiitg order. « The press and materials of this establishment have been sadly ahused within. the last year of two, and r quire a good deal of fixmg up in order to make them issue a, presentable sheet. By and by, how- ever, we shal bg able to get things into some sort 3 shape, and shall then endeavor to give our subscribers the worih of their mon- eve 51 ae a 2 t Vv I 3 . he harbor. J be AsoirioN Preacuirs.—In speaking of Merehants of Centra anun v ehrrge it env present mote of dole hugs is necesgiry, tharefore nropees to potiore he f'iswioz ‘erms wil’ Drove advantageous to bath huves and # ler | to wit: { | | to resp rrihle ! eouyts not sisfue ori'y gett ed for at the exoire | here Creck MiV ; M. L Sei‘zel. ditto; Linden Hall; P. Kerlin & Son T fest working order. wi'l eontinue to pay the HIGHEST CAS * TRICES FO° WH AT Lewistown, Dec. 5, 1861. 3t. F FOR CLOMHING ' AND GREAT BARGAINS 48 tu justify the proprietors inau attempt to ex- ceed even themselves. in CLOTHING. such #8 has never before bien g tered ut any establishment in this or neighborin- towns hy an enormous outlay ed 10 exhibit an assortment which. for quality, workmanship eaunot be excelled. thanks for favors he'etefore extended. and here. by reassure che pu lic in gener] that the confi- dence with which they have heretofore favored |. them will he merited in the future Call ani you ne y rely upon i. that every artic e represented. Coune one and all und give them a ell. money. they witl soll chenver than the cheapest. TO THE FUBLIC! RFSOLVED "ht the nndersi ned beljaving that we nr friends and which we helieve A (RTDIT OF FIX MONTHS varies ord on « jurnirg ce. tirm ef the time snecifind. INTEREST WILL BE CHARGED Tonal of which we hereby pledge onrselves striotly 0 ad THOMAS WOLF #& SON, Walfz Store, BAMUEL FRAUCK. Rebershurg. Hocterman & Harper. dn; R. I. Forster, Cen- tre Mills; J. & D. Sheffir. Madisonbure; D & FH. Shaffer, ditto; John C W.. Hub'ar’s Place, D. O. Bower,’ Anronsbury ; > Harper & Grimes ditty: Grose t i Foote & Hartman... Millheim; Jorn V. Forster, | dissuse. A ditto ; D. A, Rbul. dito: J. RB Fisher. Centre: ville ; R. TT, Dnn+an Snoring Mills ; Adam Fish er. Farmer's Mills ; Willinm Wolf. Centre Hall ; Renben Keller, Centra Hi"; Wm J. Thompson Mote. Woo ward; Yenrrick, do; Swope, Sinking Davie! Hess, Chnrehyilla ; decree Jack. Boa shure ; John Hibler £ Co , dy: Bro. Potter's Mills: Em’! Thomas Dale, Dale's Mills; Alexander Sampl & Oo, Adam Rorkin, Ruileyville. Pine ‘rove Mills ; Henry Biidge, ditto, Dec 5 1851 —3m LEWISTOWN MILLS! Permanently 1 s*abl shed. PE Urdersigned bavin 1a el the Low | ietown Mi ls refited and pat them in per. AN» ALL KINDS OF GRAIN, r receive it or storage, at the option of those | »ving it for the market. He interds to give personal and close atrention | » the busiv esss. and invitesa sha e of custom and trade. and will labor to give satisfistion, PLASTER & SALT ALWAYS ON "AND. WALTER B. MCATEE. THIS WAY OR BARGAINS, | In appronccing the Punhic who have heretofore 80 generaily encouraged the Clothing Emporium OF A. ST.R\BIRG & CO. Wo tak+ p eusure in infor ning thaw that the uve now received a fall sock of ALL & WINTER CLOTHING, AND GENTLEMNS' FURNISHING GOODS. After an experience of many years, the puble, ! v generdl consent, buve decided the nbove to ead @uarters And their patronage has consequently been s: ch | for their cus- WINTER rovidir mers wn steckof FALL AN They are pre ar- arisiy. exc lence of material, durabiiity of They rake this opportunity to return their OBSERVE THE STAND, n the WA + MOND, near the Court Il use ou purchase wiil prove to be pire isely wnat it 18 Tre bargains cannot be beat. — To save Oct 18 "61 1v. A STFRNBT"G & CO. e causes which have produced aur present difficulties, the Louisville Journal iruthiu'ly says that, ** from the begning, the chief instrument of & duction hag been the sedis tious and unconstitutional utterane«s of un principled Northern preachers and editors, urging theif congergations aud their readess to cr-sade against the social order of the South These utterances have been eagerly seized and industriously used by the South. ern = ‘ducers to fasten in the minds of the whole people the conviction that this was the universal sentiment and purp- se.’ covered with the « xcited populace The Observer of the 23. has the fillowing: ** The firing. as we stated yesterday. te gan from Fort Pickens. ‘lhe whale of thew firing. during the morning. was directed ai the steamer Times. but with litle «ffect.— The Times came up last night, and wih the exception of two or three little holes made with rifle shot, she is unburt. This shows that their guns are of very inferior quality or that Brown and his Yaukees are all drunk —very probanl the latter. The Nelms went over to the main land and found the Fiorida regiment all right. In passing Billy Wilson's batteries she gave them a couple of hats which were returned. i a Tar Administration at Washington has appointed Hinron Rowan Herren Consul at Buenos Ayers. This is the notorious scoun TO. A. STERNBERG & CO'S CHEAP CLOTH in the Diamond. and get a su't of Spring and Sur- moar Clothing at Reduced Prices. for Clothing. Hats. Ca sand Furuishing Goods to chenper than ever at ATTENTION COMFANY! FORWARD MARCI! ING STORE, “Hang the bauner on the outer wall, ““That the people may know whee to call. A STERNBERG & (0. ig the place to buy all inds of Mens’ and Boys’ clothing cleaper than t auy other establishmert in this vicinity. THE WAR MOVEMENT is drivirg numbers A STEKNBERG & Co. NEW GOODS received every week, and sold A STERNBERG & CO. Bellefonte May 30 1861. The U. 8. Frigate Niagra tricd hard *o come in but the receptivn was too warm. and she had 10 back out. The only lass of lif we can hear of was a private of the Loniciana regu. lars, and the wife of the Sergeant of the marine ¢ rps. Both killed by the explosion ofa shell in the navy yard A great many shot and shell fell in the navy yard, bat did very little damage to the buildings. Our wuns were worked allday. and must have told with terrible effet npon the other side drel who wrote the Helper Book, which did more, perhaps. to alienate the South from the North than any other abolition publica tion ever issued. Itiss crying shame that such an infamous demagogue should be ap pointed to 80 important a position, especial. ly at the pre ent time: and ho greater in: sult could have been off red to the adherens of the Union cause who still remain to strug gle for it in the South. We hope Mr. Lin~ cold will not allow himself to be influenced i to make any more such disrepatable ap~ | We think that the greatest damage one was pointments a8 this, else he may as well at | f0 07¢ of the ~hips of war which ventured too once take his proper place in the ranks of | ear our batteries,” : the vilest abolitionists in the land. [STILL LATER.) The Richmond Dispatch says. “that an «ffi ial disp tech received on Tuesday night from General Bragg. states that cverything was quiet about Pensacola, and that the Federal feet keeps at a safe distance from his guns—he is fully prepared for a renewal of the ti ht.” The editor adds : * We have every confi dence that Gen. Bragg will give Haivey | Brown and his ruffia-is more grape than they | can digest.” | The above is all the information that can be gleaned from the rebels. No result of the tight is given | ———— een. Ix anticipation that the report of the Sec- retary’of War wili recommend the emanci- pation of slaves belonging to rebels, the Phil. adelphis Bulletin, among other arguments in favor of that policy, advances the follow. ing: : The most valuable property of the South. ern people is their negroes. They are rec- ognized as prowerty by the Constitution and laws of the United States. The admusion thet slaves are recognizea 88 property by the Constitution und laws of the United States is an abandonment of the whole Reputlican theory upon this subject, and a recognition of the principle of the Dred Scott decision, which the Bulletin has Excitirg Ruro:s. hitherto denounced. New York Nov. 30. a —— A London letter to the Times of this city 07" A letter from the Mclean Regiment says! “Today the Lol. o dered an inspection of some hard bread, or army crackers, to be made which : resulted in condemning forty-six barrels out of fifty. The crackers we ¢at are stamped, ++ 1810 *' and the buys say they have sven several marked *“B. C.”’ —~Etie Constitution: busy body labors without thanks, hot pi lives without love, and dies without tears. A et eA. snuff taker is irreverent; he looks wpon God's beautiful world merely as some thing ta he snsezed ot. wentions a rumor that a steam frigate had been sent to watch the U. S steamer James | Adger on her departure, in constquence of the belief that her errand was to ove, hanl the West India mai’ jacket and arrest Ma- son and Siidell. The letter says the chase was disisted from when 1t became obvious that she had other business. A Quebec l-tier also published by the Times. says that at a council of war. it had been determined to prepare for emergencies hy placing the fron ier of Lanads in a state of defence. There are also rumors that it had been resolved to call out ten thousand volunteers but there is nothing authentic. any way so that you get up to Cheap Clothing Store (abovs Livingston's Book Store) in tne Diomond, Bellefonte. *» streets. and is now prepared to munufacture Sad. dles Bridles. Harness, Trunks. Valises. Whips. &c . &c. in us yle superior to any manufacrurer in Central Penusylvania best materiale that ean be procured. and tor veat- termination to put’his work up acsording to order, county. He politely asks a share of the public pa tronuge Boor informs the citizens of Belle Tailoring and Clothing business at his old stand in Brokerhufl’s Row. on Main street. where, he is Jiepared to mike to order. all kinds of Clothing n of the latest and wost approved patterns. selling at reduced prices. i vere liberal support heretofore extended, and 0) N OTICE. for recordin all and settle the same vember Court. UPI UP!) U2 WALR UP, RULL UP TUMBLE UP STEP UP TUMP UP, CLIMB UP. RUN UP, SKATE UP. RIDE UP, RUSH U- SWIM UP, FLY UP, CRAWL UP, FIRK UP, v STEAM UP ¥ ATERNBERG & ¢0'S SAID E AVF EARVESS EN ICH, JEREMIAH TCLEN & CO. Has Hited up the shop ITT of Allaghony und iienen 4G TS His work is maae of (he es and durability is second to none. with tne de nd sell lower than any manufacturers in Centre August 8, 61-1y. i JOHN MONTGOMERY fonte that he still continues to earry on the the neatest und most fashionable style. He keeps on band a general variety of CLOTHS, CASSIMERES. AND VESTINGS, Ready made Clothing of all kinds which. he is He feels thankful for 8 to merit a continuance of the same, ellefonte, Jan 5th, 1860.-1y. Persons indebted to ths undarsigned Deeds. Mortgages. &o.. will please or before the N us | AYER’S CALJARTIU Pili. Are you i feeble. und compluin: Arc your order... with stem de ranged, aud your feehings unr contlortuble? These syinpe toms ure often the prelude to serious ilivess, Some lit I sickness is creeping upon you, and should be averted by a timely use of the right ren edy. Tule Ayers Pills, and | cleanse out the disordered hu- mors — purify the blood, aud ' let the fluids move on unob- | structed in health again, | 7 singe os Bin ; of t uto vigorous tivity, rigs: from: _ + the obstructions which make » somewlsare fui the body, and ob | structs, ita: natural functions. These, if uot relieved, | react upon themmelves und the surrounding organs. pro- ducing general wvation, suffering,” nud disense, While in this condition, oppressed by the derangeiucuts, take Ayer's Pills, and see how directly they restore the natural uction of the aystem and with it the buoyant feeling of health again, What is true amd so apparent in this trivial and common complaint, is also true in many of the dewp-s-uted and dangerous distempers, The same rgative effuct expels them. Caused by shmilar ms and derangements of the natural functic body, they are rapidly, and many of them surely, cu by the same means, None who Know ihe virtues of these | Pills. will neglect to employ them when suffering from | the diorders they cure. Statements from leading physicians in some of the principal «ities, und from other well known public pere sons. | From a Muwarding Merchant of St. Louis, Pb. 4, 1556, Dr. Aver: Your ills are the guragon of all that is great in medicine, They have cured wy little daughter of ulcerons sores upon her his ids und fe-t that had proved incurable for years. llor mother has been long griev- ously afflicted with blotches aud pimples on her skin and in her hair. After our chill ro cared, whe also tried d have cured her. JO Filla Sui ogy ints ASA MONGIIDGE. Ae a Family Phyasle. Fram Dy. KE. W. Curtwright, New Orleans. ! Your Pills are the prince of purges. Their excellent ' qualities surpass muy cathartic we possess. They are mild but very certuin and eff-ctual in their action on tha bowels, which makes thew invaluable to us in the daily trentment of disease, | Headache,SickHeadache,Foul Stomach. From Dr. dw od Boyd, Baltimore, Dear Bro. Aven: | cannot answer you what complaints T have cure! with your Pills batter than to say all that we ever treat with a purgative wedicine, 1 place great depen. dence on an effectual cathartic in my daily contest with disease, anid believine as 1 do that your Pills afford us the best we have, 1 of course value thew highly. ~ Pirranune. Pa. May 1, 1858, PR. J.C. Aver. Sir: T have been repentedly cured of the worst headache any body ean have by a dose or {we of your Pills. It seems to arise frum a foul stomach, which they clenns at ones, Yours with great respect, ED. W. PREBLE, Cleyl: of Steamer Clayion, Billous Disordurs — Liver Complaints, Foom Dr. Thewlove Bell, of New York Cly. Not only are your Pilla admirably sdapted to their pure Poss ax an aperient. but | find their beneficial effects upon the Liver very marked indeed. They have in my prac tice proved more effectual for the cure of bilious cme plaints than any one remedy 1 cau mention, 1 sincerely rejoice that we have at length a purgative which is wore Shy the contidence of the profession wid the people. DipARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR, Waslungton, D. C., 7th keh, 1856, Sim: 1 have used your Vills in uty general nud hospital praciice ever since you made shem, and caniot hesitate to say they are the best cathartic we employ. Their regu Juitug action en the liver is quick and decided, conve. : quently they aie un wdinivaide remedy for dersng ments of that wigan. Indeed, 4 have seldom Tound w case of bilinus disense wo vbwtiinte that it did not rewdily yield to thew. Brawrually yous, ALUNZO BALL, M.D, Laysician of the Nari Hospital, Dysentery, Diarrhoea, Relax, Worms, Foon Ur. J. G. Green, uf Cuicagn, Your Pills uve hud a long trial in my practice, and I | hold them in esteem as one of the bust upucients | have | ever found. ‘Their uiterative effect upon the liver makes them an excellent remedy, when given in small doves for bilious dysentery wd dinyrhea, ‘Hhic sugar-costing mukes them very aceeptalle sud convenient for the use of women and children, Dyspepsia, Impurity of the Blood. From Liev. J. V. Hanes, Luastor of Advent Chure., Boston, Dr. Aver: 1 have used your Pills with cxtranrdinnry success iu my family snd uinong those 1a cailed to visit | To regulate the organs of digestion and | the blood, they are the very best remedy 1 bave ever known, and 1 can coutidently recommend them to wy friends. Yours, J. V HIMES. Warsaw, Wyoming Co, N. Y., Oct. 24, 1888, Dear Sin: 1am wsing your Cathartic Pills in my prac- thee. and find them wa excellent purgative to cleauss the sytem und purify the fountains of the blond, JUIN GU. MEACHAM, M.D. Constipation. Costiveness, Suppression, Ro cumatism, Gout, Neuralgia, Drope by, Paralysis, Fits, etc. From De J. 1 Vaughn, MN. utrecd, Canada. Too much cannot be said of your Pills for the cure of enstivenrss. If others of our fraternity have fmnd then as efficacious az 1 have, they should join me in proclaim- img it for the benefit of the multitudes who suffer from that complaint, which, althongh bad enough in itself, js the prozenitor of others that are worse. 1 believe ens- tiveness to originate in the liver, but your Pills affect that organ ud cure the disense. From Mre. E. Stunt, Physician and Midwife, Boston, ne or two lurge doses of your Pills. tnken at the y ure exellent pro motives of the satural secre h wholly or partially suppressed, and also very effectual to cleanse the stomach and expel worms, They are so uch the Lest physic we have that 1 1 puri ! 2 r A Fh aa WHA BE FD Del ANY MeBbcIay THA? WHY (X06 L COHBET BL MIN GILEAD 1 — fp EEALYTI AND HAFPINE: For the Quick ours of Hord ene. Toothache, Rhew- matism, Neuralgia, Poin in tle fide. hack or gomach Paint.1s Cholie or Crump. Frosted Feet or Ears. Burns. Fresh Cuts. Spraine Bruises. Di arrhen. and sore throat. and aif miler cumplaits. a Teothache eured in ten minutes. Earache cured in five minutes. Headache cured in tem minutes. Burns cured from smartingin two min. utes. Neuralgia pains cured in five minutes — Cholic cured in ten minutes Sprains relieved ie ten minutes. Sore throat relieved in ten minutes. 100 Cases have been cured by one Agent ins single day! i EVERY BOTTLE WARRANTED. Tryit! Tryat!! Tryie!l! Tryst!!! PRICE 25 AND 50 CENTS PER BOTTLE. . «. E37 A liberal discoupt made to Agen:s. and pne zurted iu every town, also a few goed’ traveling gents PE 3 =» weet Qe ae Ba TO THE SONS AND DAUGHTERS OF AF | FLICTION. oT er These things we prove on the spet and before your eyes, unly bring on y ur onges. DIRECTIONS FOR US'NG CtLEERT'S PALM OF GILFAD, For Tuc: hache apply it over the fice and gums of the tooth affected, pressing the hand upon the tace ; repeat if not cured. In extreme cases, wet cotton with the Balm and cover the tooth and gums For Headache, bathe the temples and ap- ply to the nose ; and take from ten to thirty drops 16 hulf a tumbler of water sweetened. For Croup and Sore Throat, take from ten to thirty draps Internally: on sugar or in sweetened warm water : bathe the throat freely and bind on a flannel. For Headuche, Rheumatism. Neural: gia, Lame back or Side bathe freely with: Balm in Gilead ; and generally take internally. For Burns mix ove part Balm in Gi ead and two of water and flour, to make : paste. oover the burn with the sme For Cholic take from ten to forty drops in. hot water ; bathe the bowels and apply we! flannels Inthe above. the smaller dose is for Children and the lurger for adults ; vary accord- ing t age and circumstances Colbert's Balm in Gilead is harmless. Balm in Gilead gives satisfaction. : Those who have used Balm in Gilead will net be without it. Agents wanted. For terme address C. S, COLLERT & Cu. No. 122 South Four.h nt. Philadelphia 3” N. B. Orderssent by Expressto any part of the United States at the shortest notice, June 13th. 186!. JOEIN MORAN, DEALER IN 7 MUTI) " pr CLOCKS, WATCHES AND JEWELRY, aving purchased the stock of Clocks, Watches and Jewelry lately owned by Bible & Moran. and having made large additions to tre some, respectfully invites the attention ofthe pub. lic to his stock. consisting now in part of Gold and Silver Watches, Gold Guard and Fob Chains, tiold & silver Spectacles. Braceleus. tients’ Gold stuls, Watch Keys. Card Cases. Silver Pencils Finger Rings. Ear Rings. Breast Pius. Gold Pen- cils and Peus. Goggles. Steel Bags. Silver Plated Ware, &c. Also, Eight-day and thirty-hour Clocks, ut the very lowesc prices John Moran offers these goods to the public.convinced that they will meet with satisfaction. He is derermined #0 dispose of neither an inferior article. or offer for sale anything in his line but what he can wor. rant. Considerable experierce in business. and a Colbert's | desire to please the public, will give him an ad- vautage, which he witends to use to the urmost. He particalarly invites the attention of the la- dies to his stock of Pins. Rings a~d Bracelets, which ure of the latest styles. And he also in- vites the gentlemen to axa 8 very fine lot of Watches now offered for sate. £47° Repairing and cleaning promptly attend Bellefonte. Jan. 5. 1860 —tf TO THE WORLD AT LARGE! AND BOALSBURG & VICINIIY IN PARTICULAR €Y the suhseribers having taken the Store formerly occupied by Mesers Johrston & Kel ler, her to say to the people of Bualsburg and vi cinity that they will continue the DRY GOODS AND GROCERY BUSINES in its various branches wad will spare no pain « keep up a full assortmunt of everything usually kept in any couatry store. avd will sell at prices which we trust will solicit « shure at least of your patronage "IN All kinds of country prodice takon ot full mar- ket prices in exchunge or goods, Bring along your Grain, your Bacon. your Butter, your kggs your Rags your Tallow, yon Lard, your Hard Soap. your Bees Wax. your Feathers and in case you uve nothing of (Lis kind your cask will never be refused. JOUN HIBLER & CO, Boalsburg, Apri’ 20 1860—tf. . no other to wy patients, From the Rev. Dr. luwles, of the Methodist Epis. Church, Prrack: Hover, Savaveah Gu, an. 6 1856, Toworen Sie: 1 about be un fateful for your skill has bought me if} did no reg you. A cold mottled inom lmbsand bong citing neuralyic yu gy which ended in eh vheuma- tiga, Notwidistandi og 1 hud the Le tof physicians the disense grew worse und worse until by the advice of your | excellent acent iy Paltinire. Dr Mackenzie. 1 tried your Pills, “Their effets were slow sure. Ry persevering | in the use of them, 1 am now entirely well, | Seater CHAMBER, Paton Rouge, La, 5 Dec. 1985, Dr. AveRr: T have heen entirely carol, by your Pills, of | Rheumatic Gout ~u painful disease that had sflicted me | for years, VINCENT SLIDELL. |! &F= Most of the Pills in mariet contain Mercury, which, although a valualle remedy in skilful hands, is dan zerous in a public pill, from the dreadful conse- quences that frequently fll w its incautions use, These contain no mercury or mineral substance whatever. Price, 25 cents per Box, or 5 Boxes for $1. Prepared by Dr.J. ©. AYER & €0., Lowell, Mass. Sold by 4 Haris & Co. Bellefon e, and by one desler in eviy villageinthoo muy Fiza Came 10 the residence of the Subscriber. on Buffulo Run. about .4 weeks ago. # Steer of a pale red color, with a white face supposed to be about two years old next Spring Che owner ix r qusted to come forward JF ve property. and wake him awiy. oth erwise he wil’ b_di