Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, December 05, 1861, Image 2

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    @ he ToVatchman, |
CT ALEZANIZR, | Fditors,
tola-t there ic nntelling, Tomoye for
v fev months Longer or tt tay be for vears,
Wo pray for pesee. we topo for peace, we |
I ne for peace. But while this war dos the 16 h inst. the members of the First City | jug a direct movement 10 Sts uur 1
A Speech fion GC.» Patterson - Hal wheh all the commarders of divimions ani! A large amount of 12 miny he circulated a
| C-myan rn Deferced
Ar Philadelphia. on Satardav afternoon,
{ brizades, and chicis of atafl were po
SCaky | POT,
There is avery ronson to beliece that
| Cal. Stove, the junior ling offi or, spoke taice the Confiderate treasury noe is fast becom
and decidedly agains: an sovai ce advocal
wwii and
ire such a medinm
“The wegeisten, that these no es vhall Lae
carry s:fle:ing to other landsas w Il as our
+ In ‘he meantime we shall continne tnis
strnrgle io hum! le dependence upon P ovi.
donee from whose searshing seruting wa
JOE W, FURFY, ! last, we conceive 1t to be the daty of every | Troop met in commemoration of the forma | Charlestown. All ah fier an converte mo Confederate < ak boars 8 [cannot conceal the seercts of our hearts. and
= Rg ————=—= man to 1ally aroun our Constifution sud, ton of the company in 1774. After assem | #dvance, and all voted Gi dpe rant crest at the plawes of the J1o whose ru'e we confilently submit one -
BELL! FOXTE, DEC. 5th, 1861 3 futacrthe Gov | Bling at thie s ithe TT dod | ome day. he infirm te welt hodder toseres them againe: a depreciation | destinies —for the rest we shall depend upen
nn ? ve VEL. y * our flag, and help to preserve intact the Gov ling at ir armory, the Troop proreede yof ihe condition foie ue vial vy. acd Telos the valu of that stock ard no con |onrsclves. Litkerty 18 always won where the
. — |er as it was handed down to us bv our | to the Continental H tel. where they partock | proposed tha | (dd po to Chaills own +i cable fall in thar v.lue need be fiarcd, [nnconqueratle will to be free exists, and we .
The zeaders of the Warcnman, will. no
dant, bo somewhat surprived to see another
change in the editorial department of this
peper. It 1s extremely unfortunate that ro
wany changes have occurred within so short
a period of time, for there ean be no doubt
Bhat that the interests of the paper have been,
in some degree, injured by them. But it is
te be hoped that these changes are now
shout over, and that no oceasion may here.
after arise, when it will be considered neces-
sary that the editorial conduct of this journal
should be transferred to other hands.
In the present unsettled eondition of our
national affairs, we assume the pen editorial
with ‘fear and trembling,"’ conscious that,
at this time, the task we have undertaken,
becomes oneof no ordinary magnitude --
This is the third time during our short life,
that we have been called upon to fill the po-
sition of sn editor. and if we may only be
ensbled to get through as safely as we have
done heretofore, we shall, indeed, be gratifi-
In connexion with Mr. ALEXiNDER. we
hore to be ahle to make the WarcaMan a
firm ard reliable cxporen' of Democratic
principles : and shall labor with our whole
Beart in the work, forthe overthrow of that
odious. sectional party, whose detestable prin
ciples have been, to so great an extent, the
cause of our present unhappy d fil cities
with our Southern b ethren ; and whose bit-
ter denunciations of them snd theirs, have
been the fruitful source of so much conten-
tion an ill feeling between the inhabitants
of the two sections of our beloved country.
whch. but for them. might, perhaps. have
remained forever bound together in fraternal
sffection, by the silken cord of love and un.
fon. =
But we have no wish to cast reproacher.
God knows it is not a pleasant task We
believe that the “abomination of desolation’
- so far'as this country is concerned —has
been sect up in our midst; and may lleaven
forgive those evil minded men in ail parte of
the country, who have been instrumental in
bringing it to the very doors of the inhabi.
tante of the fairest land the sun ever shone
One yesr ago, and nothing was heard in
eur then happy land. but the hum of peace:
ful industry and the joyous laugh of a prose
perous and happy people. And thongh even
then, the political horizon was darkened
with portentious clouds indicative of the ap-
proaching storm. yet peace was hugeed to
our bosoms, grim forebodings were driven
sway, and all went ‘merry sss marriage
bell,” while: we secret'y hoped and praved
that Almighty God would avert the awful
ealamity which seemed to be impending over
us. But we had disregarded too many
warnings and “He who doth all things well”
withdrew the shield of his protection. leav
ing us toour fate. And now, aow changed
the scene! The North and South, hitherto
80 pesceful and happy. are put over against
each o'lLer in hostile array. and the mighty
tread of a million of armed men shakes the
earth to its centre. Nothing 1s heard thr'o- i
out the length and breadth of the land. but
the rosr of the deep mouthed cannon, and
the sharp rattle of musketry, while they who
should have been naught but friends and
brothers, stand ready to plunge the dagger
to each other's hearts.
What a spectacle for a Republican Gov-
ernment ! What a sight for a people who
have slways boasted of the power and se-
curity of their institutions.
And the cause of all this ? rye, the cause!
fathers. And in the end, we hope by tle
use of all the Constitutions! means ia our
power. to see the good old Union restored in
sllits pristine strength and glory. with ‘not |
a atripe-erased, nor a star obscured,” fo mar
the beautiful harmony of that perfect whole,
which for go long a time has been the pride
of America, and the wonder of the world.
Thus may it be, and in the rich blessings
which will inevitably attend sach a condition
of things, we may be able to forget, once
and forever, the unhappiness and misery of
the present hou .
Joe W. Furey.
Shall the Rights of the States be De-
stroyed ? 1
The class of extremists who clamor for the
immediate aud forcible emancipa ion f the
slaves, either take a very superficial view of
the contes: mn which we are engaged. or are
open enemies of the Government. Slavery is
80 entrenched in our system of Gover ment,
that it can-ot be reached without destroying
the Government. You must first destroy
the right of each State to enntrol i's own do
mestic institutions before assuming the pow
er to emancip- te the slaver—and when the
reserved rights of the States are once e-
stroyed. the Government created hy the
Constitution ix at an end. The emancipa
tionists, who urge the administration at
Washington to usurp a power which does
not beleng to it ander the Constitution that
the President and his Cabinet have sworn to
support, are endeavoring to undermine the
very foundations of our noble system of Gov
ernment. The justice or injustice of slavery
ir not the question—whether emancipation
wou'd weaken rebellion 18 not the question.
though ve firmly believe it would impart
strength and determination to the rebel
esuge. But the simple and plain issue is
this : Has the Federal Government power
under the Constitution of he United States
to disturb or destrov the domestic mstita-
tions of any of the S:eten 2 We can aupeal
to the Chicago Platform, which the R:puh.
: liean party profess to respect if they do not
regard the anthority of the Constitution. for
a satisfactory answer to this question.
The fourth resolution reads thus :
‘That the maintenanee violate of the
rights of the States and especially the rights
of each State 10 order and control its own
domestic institutions according to its own
jodgement exclusively is essential to the
balance of power on which the perfection and
endurance of our pohtical faith deponds, and
we denounce the lawless invasion by armed
force of any State or ‘Ternitory. ny» mat er
under ~hat pretext, as among the greatest
of crimes.”’
This resolution containg sound constitn.
tional doctrine, to which we most heartily
subscribe, and which the Rerubl'can narty
is hound in good faith to sespect. Indeed
had that party annonneed anv other doc.
trine previous to the Presidential election —
had it given the faintest intimation hat it
purposed in any contingency to interfi re
with the domestic concerns of the States irs
candidates wonld have received the support
: only of Abolitionists who denounce the Con
stitution of the United States as +a league
with death and an agreement with hell.”
But while tew are so hold as to maintain
that the Federal Government Las power un
der the Constitution to decree the emaneipa
tion of the laves not a few urge this policy
on the ground of paramount public necesaty
which they assume is superior to the Con.
stitution and the laws. Tt is hardly neces-
sary to argue against a heresy like this—for
not to dwell upon so light an flence as per~
jury on the'part of 1ulirs sworn to respect
the Constitution, it is manifest that the use
of the anniversary dinrer.
some eniforme. were sea‘cd around the ta: |
the o'd flag of the treop. which sas bore
through the buttles of Trenton and Prince:
ton. 3 ta
his reasons for no intercepting Gen, John-
gon previous to the battle of Manassas
Junction. He #a'd that he was not in the
habit of giving reas: ns for anything he did
gn much intelligence —a part of his come
mand in the short camnaign in the valley
of Virginia, he consi lered it due to them as
During the latter jart of July, all August
and part of September, there was no slaw
der against him so g+ oss that it could not he
asserted and reiterated with impunity and
the Troop knew how false these slanders
were, [le had submited to them in quiet
although he had the documents in his poss
session to prove that he did all that he was
ordered to do. and u ore than any one had a
right 10 expect under the circumstances in
which he and his cocvmand were placed. and
he defied any man, high or low, to put his
finger on an order disvbeyed.
The gentlemen of the Troop were witness
es of what was don - and he asserted what
they knew to be trie, thar the column was
well conducted, There was not a false atep
mada, nor a blunder committed. The <kir-
m:shers were always in front, and the flanks
well protected, They were, caugh' in no
trap. and fell into no ambuseade. They re-
peatedly offered the enomy battle. and when
they accepted it they best them. There was
no defeat and no retreat with his column,
made this statement sooner 2° B:canse the
iu lication of the do ‘uments gooner. would
have ben wost detrimental to the publicin.
rerests, he pref reed bearing the odiim so
liberally bestowed 0+ him. rather thar clear
himself a the expen: @ of ‘he esuse in which
we were all engaged. The time * ad arriyed
When the matter cond without injury to the
service, be inquired into : and he was de
termined thar it should be done, and that
before long all the documents referred to
should be published, and spread hefore the
American prople, unless those whose du y
it was to do so shou d in the meantime do
him justice.
He would state a few facts. Cn the 3d of
une he took command at Chamhershurg, —
On the 4th he was ivformed by the General
in~Chitf that he considered the addin to
his furce of a battery of artillery and some
regular infantry indispensible. On the 8 h
of June a letter of instructions was sent him
1: which he was told that there must be no
reverse ; a check or a drawn battle would he
a victory to the enemy. filling his heart with
joy his ranks with 19en and h's wagazines
with voluniary contri butions : and. therefore
10 tke his measures circnmspectiv and at
tempt nothing witha a clear prospect of
success. Tnis was good instioction and
m st sensible advice. Good or bad he was
to obey ; and he did.
On Friday. tne 13 hb. he wasinfamed tha
on the sopposi io that be would cros. ha
eral MeDowddl wouls be migiruered to mak +
a demonstration on Mamnsssas Jun on, —
He was surprised at the order, bu promptly
obeyed On the 15 4 he enced Havers
town. and on the 16th. tvo thirds of his
forces had erossed th Poiomae The p vm
ised d. mors ration b General Mebowell in
the direction of Minasses Junction. was not
made; and on the 16 h jose three diys af er
he had been told h was expected to cross.
and occupy Har or.
had proposed, snd infoom d that
ble. At the further end of the. room Ung! ow yd fe nish 4 hy
33 the 13th }
SUOng ti ough 10 beat the enemy carly next
on Tuesday. the 16h —
was tdesiaphed: hi not
1 he
or did not do but in the presence of men of
w: ll a8 himself, to a short statement of
swallowed with avidity. The gentlemen of
| southeasterly direction.
Tt might be asked © why have you not
river on th next Mouday or Tu sday Gone |
week make demonatraiions soas to. detain
‘nm in the valley of Winchester.” He made
After there had been ably discussed, Gen. the demonstrations. and on the 16tb, the day
Patterson, m response to a toast and three
cheers, made a forcible speech explaining
Gen. Scott said he would attack Manassas,
he drove the enemy's picke s into his en.
trenchan nts a' Winchester. and +n the 17:h,
marched 10 Charlestown.
On th 18 h he telegraphed the General
iv-Chief that Johnston was ina positon to
have Ins strength doable © just as he could
reach him, and that he would racher lose the
chance of accomplishing somethi «2 brilliant
than by hazarding his column, to destroy the
fruits of he campaign hy def" at, closing his
telegram thus :—- If wrong let me be in
structed.” But no instructions came. This
was eight days before the battle of Manassas
On the 17-h General Scott telegraphed :—
* McDowell's first day's work has driven
the enemy beyond Fairf:x Court House.--
To morrow the Jonction will probably be
carried.” With this wformation he was
happy .—-Johuston had been detained the ap
p ted ume, ard the work of General Pat
terson’s column had been done.
On the 18:h at half past one in the morn.
ing he telegraphed General Scott the cond.
tion of the enemy’s force and of his own. re.
ferring to his letter of the 16th for full infor
matic. and closed the <'e-pa'ch by asking,
** Shali 1 attack #7 This was plain English
and could not be misunderstocd, but he
receivednoreply. Ie expected to be at
tacked where he wax, and if Manassas was
not to be attacked on that day, ns stated in
General scott's despatch of the dav previous,
he ought to nav+ been ordered forthwith to
join in the battle, and the attack delayed
until he came. [le woul? have been there
on the dvy tha the hattle was fonght. and
his assi-tan e might have produced a differ.
ent resalt.
OU: the 20:h he heard that Johnston had
marched with thirty five thonsand Con od
erate troops and a 1 rge artillery force. in a
He immediate
telegraphed the information to General S-ort
and knew that he received ir the ame day.
In accordance with instrnctions he came
to Uarper’s Ferry on the 21st. which ple:
he held until reliev. d.
General Patterson. during the course of
his remarks. was repeatedly applaaded, and
closed amidst repeated cheers.
Jeff. Davis’ Mes:age to th: Conf.d rate
Congr ss.
Wasnineron Nov 23
The Richmond papers of Wednesday res
ceive d here, contain the message of J: ff. Dae
vis to the Confederate Congress. After the
usual congratulations, he says :
+ That the operations of the ariny, =0on to
he partially interrupted by the approaching
winter, have aflirded a protection to the
country. and shed a lustre upon its arms
throagh the trving vicissitndes of more than
one ardnnus campaign, which entitled our
brave olunteers to our praise and onr
Further on he says :
«After more than seven manthe of war
the enemy have notonly fild t ex end
theirorcupunes of our 8.31, but new Sia es
and Territories have be. n add d to onr Con
federacy : while instead of heir threatening
{march of uachecked eo gaest. they have
i been drven at mare than ore onint to as.
isiome the de'vnsive. and noon a fair coma «
| won between the twa helligerents as to men,
mira means and financial condition, the
Confederates ave pelaively much stronger
now thin when the struggle fist commone-
He s:eaks in high terms of the people of
: M s<ouri who have conducted the war in
i the face of wlmost unparalleled difficulties,
| with a spirit and success alike worthy of
i themselves and of the great cause in which
they are struggling.
He says:
++ Finding that the Confederate States were
{he was telegraphed by the Gener lin Chief | sbont to be invaded thro gh Kentucky, and
Ferry a dasheatob:
so | ong as the interest chall be punciualle
Upward of eighty members. in their hand | i0f ried when he woul anak Manasses — ‘pid. The pu cul pavment of this inter
Q the 12 1 be wos dirceied 0 go Waere he | €st has been secured by the act passed hy
you at the last session imposing such a rate
of taxation as must provide sufficient means
for that purpose. !
For the successful prosecution of this
transporting troops and military supphes be
furmshed, as far as possible, in such manner
ss not to inte. rupt the commercial intercourse
between our people, no place a check upon
their productive energies.’’
In another part of the message he says:
** We have already two man systems of
through transportation from the North to the
South-—gne from Richmond, along the ses
hoard. and the other through Western Vir.
gmia to New Orleans. A third might be
xi cured hy completing 8 huk of forty miles
bgtween Danville, in Virginia and Greens.
borough, in Nortn Carolina. The construe
tion of this comparatively short Ink would
give us a throuch route fiom orth to South.
in the interiur of the Confederate States. and
gIVe us access ‘0 & jopulation, and to many
resources from which we are now in 8 great
measure debarred.”’
And further on he says :
¢ If we husband our means and make a
judicious use of our resources. it would he
diffi-ult to fix a limit 10 the period during
which we could conduct a war against the
adversary whom we now encounter. The
ve y efforts which he makes to isolate and
invade us must exhaust his means. whilst
they serve o complete the circle and diver
sify the product ons of our industrial system
The reconstruc ion which he seeks to effct
by arms beromes daily more and more im-
possible. Not only dv the causes which in-
duced us to separate still exist in full force.
but they have been strenghtened. and what-
ever donht may have linge-ed in the minds
of any, must have heen completelv disp: lled
by subsequent events. If. instead of being
a dissvlu ion of a league. it were indeed a
rebellion in which we are engaged, we must
have ample vindication for the course we
have adopted in the scenes which are now
teng enacted in the United States. Or peo
ple now look with conremptuous astonish
ment on those with whom they have been so
recently associated. They shrink withaver-
sion from the bare dea of renewing such a
connection. With such a8 people we may
be content to live in peace, but the separ.
tion 18 final, and for the independence we
have asserted, we will except no alterna.
President Davis characterizes the nature
«f the hostili 1:8 on the part of the Umtel
States as ‘barbarous wherever it is under-
stool.” If they convert their soldiers into
incendiar es and robe: 8, and wvolve ug in
a si ecies of war which ¢larms non combat-
wnts, women and cioi'dren =: its victims
they must expect to be treated as ou'laws
and emes of mankind. There ore certain
rights of humanity which are entiled to re
speer, even in war, and he who refuses to
regard them torfeits his claim. if captured
10 ve considered asa prisoner of war hut
must expect to be dealt with ag ail offend: is
are against all law, both human and divine.
But not content with wviolating our
rieh's under the laws of naifons at home.
i th y have extended thee injuries to us
wi hin o her jurisdi tions. The distingnish-
ed gen lomen, who wih your approval at the
last xesslon, | commissioned to represent the
Confederacy at cer-ain foreign Cours. have
hein ecent'y seized by th« Captain of a
United States ship. on board a British steam
er. on t_eir voyage from the neutral Spanish
port of Havana to Fngland.
¢The Urited S ares have th s claimed a
general jurisdiction over the high seas. and
by entering a British ship, sailing under its
own country’s luz, wiolating the rights of
«mbassy, for t e most. part held sacred even
amongst baroarians, by seizing oar minis.
ters whilst they were uuder the protection,
and within the dominions of a neutral! na-
tion, These gentlemen were as much nnder
the jurisdiction of the British Government
upon that ship, and beneath its flag as if
they had been or: i's soil, snd a c's mon the
part of the United S a es to seize them in
the streets of London would have been as
well founded as that to 2p: rehend them | Regiment P. V. R. C., under command. of
where they were taken. ‘Had they been
malefactors. or even citizens of the United
have reason to know the strength that ig
given by a conscions sense, not only of the
magnitude, but of the righteonsness of eur =
cause.” .
} Aa SN b-— : be ) a
ox Crap provi Biorileo anp Fiuxos pos
wa AXD a PP the
rit is indispensible thap the .means of | A ch an. RMOR.—The success’ df “the
Lx Lave, 3a
Tonnsnte, ai
great navies of Europe which doesnot seem
16 stop short ofa comolete transformation.
the Emperor of the
seeing her superority over wooden vessels,
powerful rival
tie D fiance. the Resitance, the Warrior.
tire Blick Prince, four steel clad vasels, _— ?
afloat. Eleven vessels of that discription ape
said to have been ordered by the Admiralty
with-in the last sixty days, and an smount
of twelve and a half millions of dollars has
been voted by the English Parliament, for .
that purpose. But as evry oneof these vessels
cost ahout two millions, snd as the amount’
voted is merely suficient for the construction
of five of them, an additional sppropristion
Six remaining vessels.
The activity’ displayed by” France in’
renewing he- navy isnot less rems kable.
In a late English paper. we see that she has
commission, and seventeen building. The
construction of these vessels hat been dis-
tributed to the navy yards of Toulon, Brest .
or Rochefort. and if their power of resist.
ance is As great ag it is now fuppesed,
Frace will 300n have on the oresn a fleet of
unconquerahle floating fortresses, -The cree...
ation of this iron navy is due mainly to the
fear cansed to the French Empe or by the.
British naval review held a: Spithead, be
teeen five and six years since. and by the
baasting of the English. on this occasion,
tha: they would beat all the ccmbined nas
vies of the world. fF ie
ey. an old cavalier, looking st one of the
rew nieces. real this inscription on one side,
“Gnd be with us,” and an the other side.
+ The Commonwealth of England,” * 1 see,”
aaid he, * that God and the Commonwealth
are all on different sides.”
bt a—— *
'I'nr following inscription has been written
by Wa'ter Savage Landor. for Garibaldi’s
honse at Nice: ** In this house was born .
Garibaldi. a brave and daring soldier. a pra.
dent and sacacious General. 8 merciful cons
qneror, an unostentatious ruler, an honest
i pee
Ir is «aid that the average number of bate
tles that a sillier ges through is five. We
know an oli maid who has withstood foute
left for as many more.
Tae Northern debtasequestered in Peters.
burg. Virginia. are upwards of $600,000;
No sooner was La Gloire built by ‘order of
| teen engagements and has powder enough
sts "
bas been the signal ofa - revolution. in the * -
set he self to work, and tried to outvie bor
now eleven ron clad vessels “affoat or in ©
and in Richmond mare than $2000 000. Ra
On the 12th ult., by Rev. W. H. Groh,
Mr. James M. Ross and Miss Elizabeth M.
Seagrist. hoth of Harris township. 8 *
On the 10th ult.. by the same. Mr. Anna-.
HAM Ba1ep and Miss Mary BeNNiNGER, both.
of Harris township.
———= Mr, H. M. Lucas, of Snowshoe twp.,.
this county.
Mr. Epiton :—T herewith transmit to you. -
the death of Mr. H M. Lucas, who died in ..
the service of the Umted States. He enlints
i ed on the 25:h dav of July last, for the term 18
‘ot three years, lle was in Company E , 5th
{Col. Simmons, After an illness of two
| weeks, «ith Camp fever, he died in the hos. -
Siates, they could not have been arrested on
The result of that eompetitiot p uoed. i
of about fif een millions is necessary. for the. gut
Wasy Oliver Cromwell. first coined mon.
At Camp Pierpont, in the hospital, on the
pital at Camp Pierpont. His remains were
to send him = at once all the regular troops | that her peop'e after being driven into a
brought home to his family in Snowshoe, on
of powers not. granted hy that sacred instru.’ horse and toot, and the Riode [land Reg | mistaken scurity were unarmed and in
ment. and its infraction in so vital a part as! iment and Ba tery.”
Go ask H try Ward Beecher, who turns
his pulpit into 8 hustings frem which to %
a Br tish ship or on British coil unless un- |
the express provisions of a tr a'y and ac.
make Abolition speeches! Go ask William
Lloyd Garrison, who proclaims that the
the destruction of the rights of the § ates to | Strong enongh wi hout the reguars ard
= i k ep within limits until he could satisfy him
| forces, our armies were marched into that
‘State to rip-l the enemy. prevent their oc-
tradition of criminals.’
mud td chat be was aang r of being subjugaed by the Federal! sording to forms therein provided for the ex | the 28ih ot November. by his brother, 7. B. :
Lucas. a Volunteer in the ssme company,
«Constitution of the United States is a cov- Fata they domestis NBegYi =O ue ihe tas he ought ‘0 go beyond them On the | ey ation of certain sv agetic ponts, which ev Spents of Puihres as having been | and were interred in the Snowshoe grave: =
i atte: Wi py 0G of Lonstitutional Government, and. the | 17th he was again telegraphed. + We are | would have given them great advantages in| perfidiously arrested, and says : ard. on the 29:h, fol hy cons
Ansnt with desthiand » - Jes, ve wilh hell J beginning ofa solutism, which might te - | pressed here. “Send the ‘roons | have twice 5 ra a ; ¥ v, 28:5, followed hy a large. cons,
Go ask Horace Greely who aiivs **No union |
with slaveholders I’ Go ask Wendell Pail-
lips, the hoary headed traitor. who contends
for the equality of the races! Go ask An.
som Burlingame, who declares fur an * anti
slavery Constitution, an anti slavery Bible,
snd an anti slavery God !"" Go ask Salmon
P. Chase, whom the negroesof Cincinnati
presented with a silier pitcher in 1845. for
his advocacy of atolisionism ! Go a~k Hin.
ton Rowan Helper. the greatest villain of
themall ! See if they can lork you in the
face, and tell you the cause- aye, the
cause !
Alas, thatit should be so! But we fear
that the cause of all this contention is too;
much among ourselves. We very much fear |
minate in monarchy, despotism or any other | called for withou: dc ay,” This was impers
extreme departure from the system of Gov ative and the troops aere sent, leaving hin
ernment established by our matchless Con | (he time. single troop of cavalry. It was
stitution. If *-publia necessity’ is to usurp | a gloomy mght, but they were al brought
the place of the Constitution, and he the only Fovep the GT haan Without hs,
law upon which onr Goverr ment is admin. # pus or OrURATONY Pi POSED:
rt, what buna ck ae vn 200 J be was ld br he
to the power of the Administration ! When, a plan of operations. On tue 21st he sub
is the written code of ¢ public necessity ? — mitted to the General in<Chief is plan wich
How 1s it defined and limited 2 Tt is only | Was to anion the pr oo ne oo opera -
another name for arbitrary and unlimited ' 100% Move aU Supplies to Krederick, ocen-
power by means of which the Aholition ene- Be an Be Lo . Be Yories
y me Migs s heavy guns m e of infan r;
mies of our free Consiitutional Government to support them and with everything ny
hope to destroy the equality and rig ts of horse. foot and ar illery—to cross the Poto.
without a sinele piece of artillery. and, for!
the States and attain the object for which
they have heen plotting nd agitating durng
many 1 .ng years—vamely, the destruction of
mac at Point of Rocks. ani uuite with Col.
S res force at Leesturg from which point
he could operate as circumstances should
demand and the Gen 1al’s orders should res
the ¢ ntest—a step which was justiti d. not
only by necessities of sf defence on the
part of the Confederate Sates. bnt also by a
desire to aid the people of Kentucky.
© It was never intended by the Conreder-
ate Stats to conquer or coe ce that State.
the desire to res
free to express their opinions.
should end in giving to her people Itherty of
choice and free opportunity to dec de their
own destiny neeording to their own will
+» While the army has be: n chic fly ivs:ra-
++ In conducting this war we have sought Decen ¥
no aid and proposed no alliances, offensive or | ne of pebgle, _ h So hie born
defensive, abroad We have asked for a!®" 10% ay Oy arn aad. an died on
recognized place in the great family of nas’ the 231 of November. 1861, leaving a wile
tions. but in doing 80 we demanded nothing ' and thre small children to mousn his loss.
The following is an-extract from 8 letter, -
Mgrs. Lucas: —We do sincerely sympsa
above, freed from all this earth'y care, where
Davis also says @
¢* T have caused the evidence to be collect
ed which proves comple:ely the utter inefi
ciency of the procl:imed blockade of the
he can take up the crown that his heavenly
Master has prepared for him ad all his tola
lowers at that day. Truly, it is lamen ‘able
! for which we did not offer a fair (quivalent, ) ] hs KUSE
but on the contra vy 1t was declared hy our, The advantages of intercourse — mutual He was greatly lamented by al Whe knew, pis
Generals that they would withdraw “ther! among na‘ions, and in seeking to es-ablixh | »'™
troops if the Federal Government would do diplomatic relations we were only endeavors
A p oclamation was also made of ing to place this intercourse under the reg | written by a couple of his comrades, “to the
t the neutrality of Ken- : ulations of law. Perhaps we had the right | wife of the deceased. dated Nov. Sdth. 1861:
tucky. ad the intention to abide by the if we had chosen to exercise 248 Ww =k to
wishes of her people as soon as they were know whether the principal that blockades, | : 3 E :
= These dec | t he binding, must be eft-ctual, sos lomnly thise with you in your distress at being be-..
larations were approved by me, and | should announced ny the great powers of Europe at | reaved of a dear husband. bnt we humbly
regard 1t as one of the best off cts of the Paris. is to be generally enforced or applied | trust that he has goné to the better land
march of our troops into Kentucky. if it, to particular parties.”
that Abolitionism is at the bottom of it all— mental in prosecuting the great contest. the. g very gage, and shall direct it to be laid | but jou have one consolation; As yon were
that st is the primary and main cause of all
our woe. For while we lovk upon secession
as the immediate cause of the war, we can.
not but think that had it not been for abolie
sionism, secession could never have had sn
We are no apologist for secession. Na,
God forbid! On the contrary, we look upon
secession and abolitionism as twin evils, |
both born of their father—the Devil. And as |
such we think it the duty of every patriot to
avoid both extremes.
But we have no desire to trespass any
the Union and the emancipation of the ne. quire. No rep'y was received ; but, on the
groes. + 27th, the Ganeral telegraphed him that he
ee in ¥ supposed he was that duy crossmg the river
Ar Dyrriras.—The 48 h Pennsylvania in pursuit of the encmy.
regiment Col Nagle, f om Schus lki'l eoun- THE FORCES.
ty. are now at Hatteras. and will be stat'on- | On that day the encine was in condition
ed at Fort Clark, which the Twentieth Tu. | t0 cross the river m his pmisuit. He had
diana recently occupied. Since the st rm. Over fifteen, thousa 1d men and from twenty
Fort Clark has teen entirely eut oft fran 0 twenty 1 ur guns. Gen Patte son had
Fort Hatteras hy a new inlet wh ch the wa about ten thousand men and six guns, the
ters mode throuzh the island, [tis thought later immovable for want of harness. On
tha in ease another storm as seve e as the the 23th he inform-d the General of the
one of the 21 mst. ghoa'd visit the coast, Strength of the eacmy and of his own force ;
Fort Hatteras would unless it is strengthen | that he would not, on his own esponsibility.
ed. he washed away, as there is now nothing ' attack without artillery, but would do so
Jeft between t e ges and the fo t. The in. cheerfully and promp ly if he would give him
tion to its means.”
tion of the country. on the re toration of
peace, but others by legislation.
And again :
As to the financial system. it has work-
ed well so far. and « rofiises good results for
the future to the extent that treasury notes
may he issued. The gov roment is enabled
t» borrow money without interest, and thug
facilitate he condunt of the war, This 1x:
navy has also been effective in full propor.
He speaks of the difficulties attending mail! vo
transportation, some of which can be over | the enforcement of this law. so soeamly de | ¥' 3 : ) i
come only by time and the improved condi clared by the great powers of Enrope, we are your companion where your family will
before such government as shall afford the Church members, live for (iod, and if you nd
means of beng heard. "ive for him, you will, after you are done y
¢ But although we should be henefited by th this unfriendly worid, only go to join
not dependent on that enf. reement for the make an undivided one around God's throne
successful prosecution of the war. As long |i, heaven. where there will be no more tears
as hostilities continue, the Confederate States | . : &
wiil exhihit a steadily increasing capacity to | © be shed ; and notwithstanding, though his
furnish their troops wich food clothing and heavenly Master has called him and has tak»
arms. If they should he forced to furego en a noble hero from cur side, to be lamented
eat sa 1 by tie wile otnpuny truly v vay bo sid
orts of 1 fo. the, i . - 4 f
eu dus hat they wore thus Of him. 88 of hurdreds of others. though
d ily beco ning more aud more independent dying far from home but not without his
f the rest of the warld.” | friends in this justcause that he was help.
. abitants s: " an explicit order to ti at effect. No oxder | tent is measured by the portion of the i-ld © s : Fp . . : I
longer upon the indulgence of our readers.— hai ny i nich. wor me oy was ib Un the 30h he received the | of circulation which these notes can he made! He concludes his message in the following ing, traly it my be said of him. he died ‘a os
We have already spun out our introduction | not he visited by a like deluge on this side harness for hs singie butte'y of six smooth [to occupy. The proportion of the fi-ld thus manner; ha | hero for his country, while engaged in this a
to a greater length than we had intended ;— | of the coast for many years to come. j bore guns. and on the 39 h gave the order to | occupied. depends again ppon the amountof + While the war which is waged to tike: glorious contest -in trying to uphold thig™ *
3. begging vard hall end ¢ er, {eross. On the 21 of July-he crossed met | the debts for which they arc receivable. and from us the right of «If government. can great and go verament. thik. our foilal
8nd, JgEIng vardan, Wo 5 CAVOF £0} Way do our soldiers need no barbers 7 — | tho enemy and whinped them. when due. not only to the Confed-rate and never attain that end, it remains to be seen | govd Go " )
close as briefly as possible. Bucause they are regularly shaved by the PROPOMITONS. State Government, but also to corporations how far it may work a revolution in the ine | fathers fought long and pn ns ay | 2
Haw long the present condition of things iu | governgent contragiors. i Cp the 9th of July a Council wae held 'st 'and individuals, are payable in this medium. | dustrisl systam of the world, which way D. Vautia ee