mn ~ - LOCAL S. MATTER Bai ABsoTiNe Dawtsr, P BisLE.—The follow- ing-highty*compliméntary notice of our fel- - low towngiman, Daniel P. Bible, we find in a late number of the Harrisburg Telegraph, snd take plecgine in transferring it to oar columns: = : - While vieging a. Gress parade at Camp * Curtin, 18&t evening, we were pleased to no~ tice the soldierly and officézlike deportment of Adjutant Daniel P. Bible, of Col: Hart. ranft’s 51st Regiment. The whole country . knows of the gallant ' conduc’ of Col. Hart. -ranft at the battle.of Bull Run, and there- fore to be in a manner connected with him in the fature battles for the country, is an hon or which thust arouse the valor of tye hum. blest soldjer and stimulate the bravest officer +in his regimént. “Adjutant Bible appreciates this honor by, manifesting the possession of the highest qualities as a soldier, and while on parade last evening we noticed that he Soteugely understood the routine of his duty, was fully impressed with the im- portance of his position. He is a thorough and enthusiastic soldier, who will shrink no danger or lect no duty that im- poses & service for the defence of ‘his coun- - Itisto such men ‘ss Adjutant Bible, of strict and stern moral depgriment, of cultivation and refinement, that the profess sion of arms is to be elevated and ennobled. and the ranks of the armies of the nation are to be maintained in their manhood and strength, their attributes as well 2s moral “Courage. We bespeak for Adjutant Bible a bettiant and a useful career while coiinected with the regiment under the command of the gallant Hartraaft. Four CuiLbReN BURNT 10 DEartin.—6Gn Monday evening, the 21st ult.. a short time after dark, a most distressing accident occur- red in*Ferguon township, Clearfield county. It appears that Fr. Nicholas Tubbs and ‘his wife went to preaching at & school house, a short distance from their home, taking with them their yourgest child and leaving the ‘four older one at home. Some - time after their arrivel at the school house, the alarm was given that their house was on fire. On reaching the scene of conflagration. the raf- ters and other timbers were already falling in, and to their unutterable horror they dis- ‘covered that the four they had left at home “were in the burning building. The youngest ‘was three years of age and the oldest eleven “—two boys and two girls. The remains of ‘the children were afterwards taken from the “burning embers, two of whom were entirely consumed except a few of the large bones; while of the other two the limbs were only Burnt off, leaving their bodies a shapeless ‘mass of crisp human flesh, %oirible to be ‘hold. There was no fire in the house when the parents left. except a burning candle. - The origin of the fire is merely conjecture. ‘as it had so far advanced when it was dis .Covered that no one could tell in what part of the building 1t commenced ; but it ig presumed that the children had gone to bed, and whilst they were asleep the fire ‘originated from the burning candle by some ‘means. _ ‘CousiNgD ReaPdh xp ¥Awir.— We are happy to announce to the farming communi. ty that William Neff, of Centre Hall, this county has obtained a patent on his celebrat ec improved Combined Reaper and Mower, and intends having a number manufactured to supply the wants of the farmers of this + a He ¥8oining counties. We have seen _ Mr. Neft's machine work, both in grain and grass, and we consider 1t the bet machine we - ‘ever saw. and, having been raised oa a farm, we claim to know something about how a machine ought to work. The farmers who want to buy a reaper for next harvest will do well to see this machine before making . any purchase. Its advantages over other machines are numerous, among the most important of which is the simpleness of its construction, the lightness of its draft and its durability and cheapness. Any man car put it together when detached. It can be ‘changed from a reaper to a mower, or from & mower to a reaper in less. than five min- utes. Two strong men can mow witn it. and it-can be sold for less than any other ma. chine. Don’t buy, farmers, until you see this machine. “Wao Dar Say Harm.” —Obsersing an unusual degree of commotion amdng oir colored population on last Tuesday morning, We quired the cause, when a friend inform. ed us thata party was about starting for the * promised land” of the children of “Ham, Hayti, where the :oil ‘prodaces with. out labor, and where it is expected the negro will be elevated to degree of liberty and prosperity only parallelled by that enjoyed by the white population of this country.—- Some twenty families have left this place for this Island Republic, and we understand that & quite a number more will leave early next ng, for the same destination. We feel datisfied that our citizens do not regret the eitiigration of the negroes from our midst, 44d ohly wish that Hayti may prove to be in agreeable and pleasant home to all that may migrate thither. RAILROAD Acoinent.—An accident occur red on the Rellefontk and Snowshoe Railroad near the juuctiofi of the wooden railway lefding to the comptiny’s lumber mills, a few days ago. A nuniber of loaded coal cars ~had been detached from the locomotive in order to “shift? sothe empty cars. when they started down fy wooden road with sith, ¥8locity as to ferider the, efforts of the A, breaksinan to check them fitile. When the jumped off and the track giving way soon after the ¢af's took to thé woods, and were 80on brought to stand among the trees.— No damage was done further thafi' the break- mg of a fow cars. ‘breaks weré found to be unavailing the man v. ADJOURNED Courr.—The adjourned court which has been in session this week has been attended with less than ofdinaty inter- est, no strangers being présent except those having business in court. Next week the regular court will be held, when the busi- ness will be'of more public interest, and we expect to see the town overflowing with vise tors. The trial list presents some highly important cases. SuPERIOR PICTURES. — Thomas J. Taylor, the skillful photograph and ambrotype artist, still occupies the summit of the hill in the rear of the Court House with his celebrated sky-light travelling gallery. Mr. Taylor stands ‘“ head and shoulders’ above any artist in this section of the State. IMPORTANT NEWS, THE REBELS DRIVEN BACK BY ROSECRANS, CiNoINNATTL. Nov. 16.—Advices from General Rosecrans’s headquarters state ‘hat on the 10th inst., Gen. Cox’s Brigade cross~ ed the Kanawha and New River and drove the rebels back three miles from all their po- sitions, s Gen. Schenck’s column intended attacking but were prevented from them in the rear, crossing the river by the high state of the water, ‘a Gen. Benham’s brigade moved up and be- gan torfeel their front, when a sharp. ‘skirm- 15h teok place, lasting from 4 o'clock P. M till dark. While Benham's force lay on their arms waiting for the morning, “the rebels began ‘their retrest, and were well on their way to Dilergh before the movement wa# discover. ed. as Gen. Benham pursued them twenty-five miles, amidst a drenching rain, but seeieg little chance of overtaking them, turned back. In, the skirmish with the rear guard, Col. Crogan, of the rebel cavalry and a few oth. ers. were killed. The loss on our side was two killed. A Battle Expected at Accomac County, Va. AN EXPEDITION TO PENSACOLA. Pickney Island, South Carolina, Taken Possession of. New York, Nov. 16. ~The special des patch to the Tribune says that there are be . tween four thousand ‘and five thousand Union troops in Accomac county, Eastern shore of Virginia, were there are eighteen hundred rebels in arms. Commodore Golds- borough sent a gun-boat there tosday. A regiment of cavalry is expected there in a few days. Fifteen thousand troops are now at Annap.. olis, ready to embark. The rumor 1s that they are to reinforce General Sherman. A fleet is undertood to have gone to Pen- sacola, and the news of another naval exploit may be expected soon. General Sherman is reported to have seiz- ed Pickney Island, and all the able-bodied negroes. No attempt has been made to land on. the mainland. : —————— ete MEWS FROM THE SOULE, BaLtiMore. Nov. 16. —Petersburg, Va., papers, of the 14th inst., have been received by fugitives arrived here by the boat from Old Point. The papers appear to be very much in the Jerk with rega:d to the operations of the eet. LyNonBuRG, Nov. 13th.—A despatch from Jonesborough, Tenn., dated to day, says that the Union men have a camp of 1000 to 1300 men at Elizabethtown. near the North Carolina line, and have also another of about 700, near Strawberry Plains, Their forces are increasing at both these places, and they threaten to take poss2ssion of the railroad and burn all the bridges. Tt is also, reported, but not confirmed, the they have taken possession of Bristol, Ten- nessee. The panic is so great at Savannah, that the men are running away. and the small ware merchants are packing up their goods to leave, but had been notified by the au thorities that they would not be pe: mitted to carry off their goods. The Reppblican is indignant at this cow- ardly desertion in the time of danger, and urges Gen. Lawton to issue an order pre~ venting any able bodied men under sixty years of age from leaving. Sr. Louis, Nov. 16.—Generals Price and McCulloch’s armies have retreated into Ar- kansas. It is understood that they have gone to Fort Swith, where supplies have been col lected and winter garters are being built. Before leaving Missouri they fired all the hay stacks, corn cribs. &c., in their vicinity, in order to prevent our forces from obtaming forage in case we vursued them. The previous reports regarding the 1mmi- nency of a battle on the 2d (made at the time of Fremont’s removal) originated in a large foraging party of rebels on Wilson’s creek being mistaken for the advance guards of the enemy. Sr, Lous, Nov. 18. ~The Memphis (Tenn) Argus, of the 16th, has a despatch, dated Charleston, the 14th which says: — “The Federal forces have posession of Pickney Island, and have seized all the able- bodied nien on the plantations And taken them aboard tke Heet. They prevent the others from fleeing by use of force. They have made no attempt yet to effect a lodge- ment on the main land.”’ rE The Memphis papers express great alarm at our preparations for an expedition down the Mississippi, and demand that the entire reserve force of the country shall be brought to bear against it. . : The Arg us says Gen. Price has done much for Missouri but far more for Memphis. Pow oF Rocks, Noy. 15.—4A skirmish occurred in Loudon county, Va., opposite this point, yesterday. Col. Geary had re: ceived information of an attempt of the rebs els to crect fortifications in’ that neighbora hood. He crossed the river with Capt. Chapman and twenty five picked men of the Twenty-eighth Regiment of Pennsylvania olunteers, and reconnoi tred the vicinity. He discovered a force of the rebels, upon whom he quietly closed, and surprised them with a volley of shots. After firing two or three. volleys the rebels were routed leaving three men and one horse dead upon the fleld. BY TELEGRAPH. Reaction in North (Carolina, The Southern Confederacy Repudiated, INTELLIGENCE FROM VIRGINIA. Righteen Hundred Rebel Treops Lay Down their Arms, Tae following cheering intelligence has been received by telegraph just aswe are going to press : PrrLapeLriia, Nov. 21. North Carolina has set up for herself, A Convention representing forty-five Counties, assembled at Hatteras on Monday, acknowl edging the Constitution of the Usited States, deposed Goverrior Clark, and declaring Mor- ble Nash Taylor Provisional Governor. Intelligence has been received in Balti- mo-e, that 1800 Rebels in Northampton co., Va, havelaid down their arms. Thus the whole Peninsula is restored to the Union. Col. Hurtranft's Regiment will leave An- napolis on Saturday. Bee FROM FORTRESS MONROE. Fortress MonnoE, Noy. 15. —the flag of truce just brought over one hundred sup. porters of the Unon, including about twenty- five Union women. They tell a sad tale of -oppression A number of persons have re. cently beeu thrown into prison for not sup~ porting the rebellion, including Mr. Pendon, a Baptist minister. Tso victory at Port Roy«1 gr-atly ed the rebels, and -ncouraged the of wiom there are large numbers. The Merrimac is still in the dock, and it 1s the opinion of intelligent men that sho will never fl at. S.e is being encased with three layers of inh boiler jroa. Private advices represent that the capture of Port Roy 1 has produced the greatest ex~ citement throughout the South, and especial- ly along the seaboard, from the cities and villages of which the people are flecing;in the greatest precipitation. . ok A THANKSGIVING PROCLAYMA TTON PENNSYLVANIA SS : In the name and by the authority of the Com- monwealth of Pennsylvania, ANprew 3. Curtin, Governor of said Commonwealth. PROCLAMATION. WHEREAS, Every good gift is from above and comes down to us from the Almighty, to whom it is meet, right and the bounden duty of ever peo- Ps to render thanks for His mercies ; Therefore, , ANDREW G. CURTIN, Governor of the Com- monwealth of Pennsylvania, do recommend to the Fe of this Commonwealth, that the set apart HUR-DAY, 28ra OF NOVEMBER NE T, as a day of solemn Thanksgiving to God, for hay. ing prepared our corn and watered our furrows, and blessed the labor of the hushandman, and crowned the year with his goodness, in the inerease of the ground, and the ar in of tha fruits thereof, so that our barns are filled with plenty ; :and for having looked abl on this Common - wealth, and strengthened the bars of her gates and blessed the children within her, and made men to be of one mind, and preserved peace in her bor- _ ders ; Beseeching Him a'so on behaM.of these United States, that our beloved country may have deliverance from those great and apparent dangers wherewith she is compassed.and that the loyal men now battling in the field for her life may have their arms made strong and their blows heavy, and may be shielded by Hiv Divine power, depress- uion men, perverse, violent, aid and rebellious people, and make them clean hearts, and renew a right spirit within them, and give them grace that may see ihe error of their ways and bring forth fruits meet for cepentence, and hereafter, in all godli- ness and honesty, obediently walk in His holy coumandments, and in submission to the just and manifest authority of the republic, so that we, leading a quiet and peaceful life, may continually | offer unto Him our sacrifice of praise and thanks- giving. lore "SEAL ) seal of the State, at Harrishur , thig \Z/sixteenth day of + otober, in the a: of our Lord, one thousand eight hundred and sixty- one, and of the Commonwealth, the Ir, CURTIN. Given under my hand and the great BY THE GOVERNOR : Evt Suirer, Secretary of the Cowumonwealth. MAR SKRIFED. On Thursday the 14th inst., at the resid of the bride's father, by Rev Thos. Sherlock, Mr. WiLLiax C. Davis and Miss Axxa E, McCurry, bo h of this place. or - DIIDI, On Sunday last, of hemorrhage of the lun, 8, which terminated in consumption, AquirLa H., son of Tasker J. and Jane L. Knox, aged about 17 years. Obituary will appear next week. SPECIAL NOTICES. Tae CHEMISTRY oF MepiciNe.—Bmong the spe cial delights which so richly repaid our visit to New England was the inspecticn, it was our priv- ilege to make of Dr. Ayer & Co.’s Laboratory, at Lowell. Although we knew by hear-say, that it was large, yet we were surprised when we came into view of its real magnitude, and style more by the extent aud complication of its truly im mense business. The whole mossive structure is in fact one vast chemical lab. ratory, in which the processes of this wonderful art are constantly go- ing on. Medico-chemical science has found that the curative properties of any substance exist in some one or more ef its component parts, Thus the remedial effects of npium are due solely to the morphia it containo, although this is but one- eighteenth part of its weight; the ether seventeen parts are gum, extractive and inert or effensive matter Dr. Ayer’s system separot s the medical properties o, each substance employed and we are here shown the prccesses by which the virtues of each remedial agent are chased throtgh the alem- bics until they come out completely pure at last. These concentrated. purified medical properties, or, virtues, -aré finally combined tagethe® to pro- duce the remedies which have made themselves a reputation for unrivalled excellence, all over the world. Not only doer the Doctor disclaim all se. crecy in his art and explain every proce.s and every particular bqt hs maintains that this is the only process by whicn the people can be supplied with the best possible remedies for the treatment of diseases. The Formula by which his remedies are made are published in the medical Journals and have been presented to a large part of the medical Faculty of the United States, and are constantly sent by mail to such physicians as ap- ply for them.— Daily Chronicle, San Francisco. 28 Prof. Wood's Restorative Cordial and Blood Renovalor, for the cure of genera Debility, or Weakdess arising from any cause; also, Dys- pepsia, Norvousness, Night Sweats, Incipient Consumption, Diver Compiaints, Biliousness, Loss of Appetite, Female Weakness ir. all stages ; also to prevent the contraction of disease, js certainly the Best and ‘most agreeable cordial tonic and Renovator ever offered to the afflicted, and so chemically combined as to be the most powerful tonic ever known to medical science. Reader try try it. Jt will do you good. We have ne hesita- tion in recommending it, since we know it to be a cafe, pleasant, and sure remedy for the diseases enumerated. See advertisement. 28~ Read tho adyertisoment respecting ¢ Dr Leland’s Anti Rheumatic Band,” in another ool- umn; According to the report of those who have tried it—and who have been cured of the most violent attacks of Rheumatism—there is no reme- dy extant equal to this in case of Rheumatism— and having no reason to doubt tlie staiements we have heard in favor of the “ Band,” we cordially reccommend its use to those who are afflicted with this disease. Be sure and read the advertisement most carefully. and that He will mercifully still the outrages of | by general be FOR CLOTHING AND GREAT BARGAINS dence with which they have heretofore them will be merited'in the futurc y In the DIAMOND, near the Court House. Call and you may rely upon it that $3ery article You purchase, will prove to be precisely wha represented. The bargains *Coone one and all and give them a call. money, they will sell THIS WAY FOR BARGAINS, In approaching the Public who have heretofore %0 generally encouraged the | Clothing Ewporiom BF AL 0F A. STERNBERG & (0. We take pleasure in informing thom that the ave now received a full stock.of FALL & WINTER CLOTHING, AND GENTLEMENS’ FURNISHING GOODS. After an experience of many years, the puble, consent, have decided the above to Dead Quarters And their patronage has consequently been such as to justify the proprietors in an attempt to ex- by reassure the public in general that the confi- favored OBSERVE THE STAND, tit is cannot be beat — To save cheaper than the cheapest. Oct. 19, *61-1y. A. STERNBT@ & CO. TO. A. STERNBERG & C0’S CHEAP CLOTH . ING STORE, in the Diamond, and get a’suit of Spring and Sur- mor Clothing at Reduced Prices. Finds of Mens’ and Boys’ clothing cheaper than at any other establishment in this vicinity. for Clothing, Hats, Caps and Parnishing Goods to cheaper than ever at ATTENTION COMPANY ! FORWARD MARCH! ““‘Hang the banner on the outer wall, “That the people may know where to call. A STERNBERG & CO. is the place to buy all THE WAR MOVEMENT is drividg numbors A. STER NBERG & Co. NEW GOODS received every week, and sold A. STERNBERG & CO. Bellefonte May 30, 1861. trut Cheap Clothin, Store), in the streets, and is now prepared to manufacture Sad- dles, Bridles, Harness, &¢.. &c., in. a style supetiop to any manufacturer in. Central Penysylvania best materials t ness and durability is second to none, with the de- termination to put kis work up according to order, and sell lower than any manufacturers in Centre county. He politely asks ashare of the public pa. t ’ 3 UP! UP!! UP!!! Store (above Livingston’s Boox iomond, Bellefonte. May 23, 1861 SADDIE AND HARNESS EMPORIUM, JEREMIAH TOLEN & CO. Has fitted up, the shop on the nogthyrest corner of Allegheny and Bishop the Trunks, Valises, Whips, sell . His work is made of the at can be procured, and for neat- ronage. August 8, 61-1y. Bon informs the citizens of Belle Tailoring and Clothing business at his old stand in Brokerhoff’s Row, on Main street, where he is prepared to make to order, all kinds.ef Clothing In the neatest and most fashionable of the latest and selling at reduced prices. joe very liberal support heretofore extended, and 0] A DMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. demands against the same will make known the same without delay to A DPMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Administration, dec’d, late of Burnside towship, have been to the subscriber, who'requests all persons ed tosaid estate to make immediate payment, and all persons haying demands against said estate to present them duly authenticated: for settlement. themselyes of cies there is now a rare opportunity offered by the undersigned, in breeding and rearing full-blooded Newfound- land Dogs midway A DMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Administration on the estate of Hannah Bettle- young, late of - Potter twp., de¢’d... have ‘been granted to the subscriber, who requests all per- sons knowing themselves indebted to said estate to make immediate payment, and all persons hay- ing demands against said estate to present them duly authenticated for settlement. Ridge about three miles South East of Stormstown a bag congealed in a hollow stump containing three peices of Muslindelane and one peice of Shall and three Cumforts 1 d by calling at the residence of the, undersigned in JOHN MONTGOMERY fonte that he still continues to carry on tha HARDWARE !! BAXTRESSER & CRIST, Who have just opened, in tho Store Room on the merly occupied by Wilson and splendid assortment of Shelf Hardware, House | "=== Trinirtings of every ‘description. 7 POCKET AND TABLE CUTTLERY CROSS CUT, MILL AND CIRCULAR SAWS HAY,MANURE AND SPADING FORKS, EDGE SADDLERS’ HARDWARE, CARRIAGE MAKERS TRIMMINGS,CARPEN viens ANVILS, DRILLS, SCREW PLATES, 1 STEEL SPRINGS, IRON AXELTREES, BENT PAINTS, OILS, GLASS AN OIL CLOTH Ww SHOEMAKER’S TOOLS, ‘Their stock isan entirely new one, comprising all the leading articles connected with the Hard- ware trade, ‘goods not being excelled by any other: establish-. ment, they here declare themselves ‘able “to well from fifty to one hundred per cent. lower then any other establishment in ‘the country, and invite Farmers, Mechanics, and Hardware, to call and satisfy themselves of the July 18, 1860. Messrs, Hoffer Brothers. Their gaptlemen’s wear consists bf a large as sortment of Casgimeres, Vesting, Tweeds, sive assortment of Boots and Shoesfor Ladies and | Gentlemen and Children, with almost every other article that may be necessary to supply the wants of the community. T of merchandise. the undersigned have been ena- bled to buy their stock at such intend to do their best to please their customers, both in the quality of hope to receive & reasona All in want of goods will please call and examir their stock. I. B.—They will keep constantly on hand, EX TRA FLOUR, which they will sell at the lowest cash price E57 Country produceot all kinds taken in ex change for goods. Dried Lumber nnd hand and for sele. Bellefonte, March 28, 1861.—1y. NEWS FROM THE Seat OF WAR.| Gh Demorrafis Watchman ANOTHER REQUISITION. | A HEAVY*IMPORTATION OF FOR THE FIRM OF EXE - corner of the Diamond, in Bellefonte, for- Brothers, their large of every variety and price. of the best manufacture. ADVERTISEMENTS ed prices, and with purchased a largo pared to satisfy th Verena aiien PUBLISHED AT : BELLEFONTE, PA. EVERY, THURSDAY MORNING, OC. T. ALEX A NDR, TERMS :—$1,50 ota $2,00 if delayed six within the year, These terms hered : if paid within three month months, and 82.50if not paid will be rigidly ad- and Business Notices insort at the usual rates, and every deseription of . JOB PRINTING as] CUTED in the neatest manner, at the looks the utmost despatch. collection of type, we @ orders of cur friends to BUSINESS DIRECTORY. WILLIAM BX. BLAIR, ATTORNEY AT LAW. BELLEVONTE, PA, Drawing Knives, Hatchets. Chisels & Adzes.: TOOLS of every desirable variety. A general assortment, and 50 per cent lower than any place else. TERS’ TOOL»> which cannot be surpassed 5 RASPS, PIPE SKEIN & WAGON XES. on FELLOWS, HAMES, &c. re D PUTTY, COAL OIL AND LAMPS, VARNISH, FLUID. S,PATENT LEATHER, ROPE AND E of every size in abundance. Office side. And all other kinds of Goods usually kept. in a well regulated Hardware Store. A and their facilities for ‘pur chasing: all others in need of h of the assertion. Office £ ; offers THE, CHFAP CASH STORE OF Post 0 goed even themselves. in providing for their ous- | RIFLES, PISTOLS, SHOT GUNS, AND Locks | __0f¢e in the Arcade, second fooy. tomers a stockof FALL AND WINTER of every description and the best quality. BR. WALWISTER.. 45... JANES Arar CLOTHING, such as has never before been of: | MORTTOR AND RIM LOOKS AND LATCHES’ WALLASTER & mEAvE fered at any establishment in this or neighboring of different kinds. 5 CATTORNEYS a R, towns by an enormous outlay. They are pre ar- e 1 AT BAW. om Ly ity, | CUPBOARD, CHEST BOX, AND TILL LOCKS, BELLEFONTE, pry’ ed to exhibit an assortment which? for gualisy, al d small PAD LOCKS ARTS, a. variety, excell of material, durability of Sha 1arge and small P, ” JAMES I. RANKIN, workmanship cal o excelled. HAND, BACK, GRAFTING AND PANNEL ATTORNEY AT. LAW, - : They take th ortunity to return their| SAWS, Broad, Hand and Chopping AXES. aw, saz thanks for favors tefore extended, and here- BUTCHERS’ CLEAVERS AND CHOPPERS, om R, PuNx'a. ce, on the Diamond; one doop west of the fice. LP ifn. D. SHUGERT, re ATTORNEY AT LAW, BELLERONTR, PENN A Office in the Southwest corner of the Diamond WM. J. KEALSH, ATTORNEY AT LAW, BELLEFONTE, PENNA. ce in the Arcade, second floor. ret ret mena mess EVEN M, BLANCHAR ow, ATTORNEY AT LAW, BELLEFONTE, PEN'NA. formally occupied by the fon. James Bura- Pit wed UY J.J, LINGLE, , : SURGEON DENTIST, BELLEFONTE, CENTRE Co., pa. Is now prepared to wait upon all who nay desire bis professional services. s Rooms at his residence on Spring wtreet. DR. G. L. POTTER, PHYSICIAN & SURGEON, , BELLEFONTE, CENTRE C0., Pa, on High Street (old office.) “Will attend te ional calls as heretofore, and respectfully his seryices to his-frienda and the publio. DR. J.B, MITCHELL, PHYSICIAN & SURGEON, Cashmeres, Delaines, Alpacas, French Merinoes, Plaids. with _Cloths, Satinets, Satin, .| give prompt attention to them ‘in counties. WALK UP \ . BELLEFONTE, CENTRECO., Pa. ROLL UP HE Subscribers have just recived a D8W | Will attend to professional calls as herétofore, hi TUMBLE UP. and full supply of Fall and Winter respectfully ne his services to his friends and STEP UP. Goods, which, for variety, have never been equal- | the public. Office next door to his residence om JUMP UP, ed by any establishment in this gestion of coun Spring street. Oct 28-58-f. CLIMB UP try. Having purchased the stock of goods on ; RUN UP. hand of Mr. George Jackson, they will continue AMBROTVPES, SKATE UP the business at the old stand, PHOTOGRAPHS, AND DAGUERREOTYPES + BIDE UP, » Jo? +f taken daily (except Suudays) from 8 o'clock, A. . eyiRusi Ue No. 2, Reynolds's Arcade. |i 4 in Sautay 8 FLY 1d ’ Tugr stook consists of a general assortmont o WILLIAM SCHRIBER, CRAWL UP,’ Dry Gouds, rooster, Hardware, Queensware | 44 1; Brlendid Car on High Street, above the FIRE UP, 3 enh th a. los in their lige, | COUrt Heuso, Bellefonte, Pa. nk TEAM UP including a hest ot other artic in their line, TALL UP > among w bn oan be found an extensive and varied [RA C. MITCHELL. CYRUS T. ALEXANDER. ! election 0 x ih wa MIVCHELL & ALEXANDER, PUSHUP, no ee Ne wo any way so that you get up to . LADIES DRESS GOODS, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, ‘ : BELEFONTE, PRNN‘A, A.STERNBERG & (0’S ee Persian Cloths, Debeiges, Coburgs, Office in Reynolds’ Arcade on the Diamond. Ira ©. Mitchell has associated C, T. Alexander him in the' practice of law, ‘apdsthey will all business entrusted to entre, Mifflin, Clinton and’ Clearfield Hats and Caps And an exten. he pressure of the morey market having had Bil effect of reducing the price of many articles } rares that they can 00ds at prices to mit the times. And as they — its ro BANKING HOUSE, - Lo QR — WM. F. REYNOLDS & CO:, BELLEFONTE, CENTRE C0., PA. 1s of exchange and ‘Notss'diseounted. Col- lections made and proceeds prom tly remitted.— nterest paid on special deposits. eastern cities constantly on hand for sale. Depeu- xchange in the ceivea Jiri 0ods, and prices, they le share of patronage. | &. C. Skingles constantly on HOFFER BROTHESRS. |7—F Deposits Recei Discounted—Interest Paid Collections Made, and Proc HUMES. HB. N.M'ALLISTER. J. v. magn. ‘A. @. CURTIN. DEPOSIT BANK, —OF—- HUMES, McALLISTER, HALE & CO. BELLEFONTE, CENTRE (0., pa. ved—Billsof Exchange and No on Speci] Deposits— eeds Remitted Prompt- xchange on the East constantly on hand- style. . He keeps oy. hand a general yarioty of CLOTHS, CASSIMERES, AND VESTINGS, most Sharava patterns. ALSO Ready made Clothing of all kinds which he is He feels thankful for 8 to merit a continuance of the same, ellefoute, Jan. 5th, 1860,-1y. Whereas, letters of Administration up- SAMUEL GILLILAND, Nov. 14. Administrator. van Notice is hereby given that Lettters of on the estate of John Frazier, granted indebt- | Wa CLOCKS, WATCHES AND JEWELRY, Hume purchased the stock of Clocks, & Moran, and having made large additions to the some, respectfully invites the attention of the pub- lic to his stock, consisting now: in part of Gold and Silver Watches, Gold Guard ‘end Fob Chains, Gold & silver Spectacles, Bracelets, Gents’ Gold studs, Watch Keys, Card Cases, Silver Pencils, Finger Rings, Ear Rings, Breast Pins, Gold Pen- cils and Pens, Goggles. Steel Bags, Silver Plated 80 dispose of neither an inferior article, or offer for sale Snyihing in his line but what he van war- rant. e! 0 in 16 desire to please the public, will give him an ad- He particularly invites the attention of the la- dies to his stock of Pins, Rings and Bracelets, which are of the latest stylos. vites the gentlemen to examine a very fine lot of [5 Repairing and cleaning promptly attend to. “ Bellefonte, Jan. 5, 1860.—tf. TOXIN MOTELAIN, DEALER IN Watches and Jewelry lately owned by Bible | paid asin « Me: Considerable experience in business, and a tage, which he intends to use to the utmost. thers And he also in- tehes now offered for sale. To such persons as desire to possess afine speeiment of the caning spe- who has been for some time engaged Residence near the Red Barn, about and Milesburg PUILIP GRAEF. between this place fie ov. 14. Notice is hereby given that Letters of Oct. 17, '61-6t. A A. KERLIN. OUND. Company of Nittany and Sngar Vallies, is now prepared to receive applications of insurance against loss by fire. of t ny isconducted upon a mutual principle, exoclu- sively agreeable to an act of incorporation, passed Walker, Marion, Spring, Benner, Patton, and Half Moon Townships, in Centre county, and La mar, Porter, Green, and, Logan Townshi #, Clin- ton county, an Agent has been appointed in cach Townships within the" borders of the Company's corporation. 5 k can do so by making application to the agent re siding in his respective township. Persons wish- ing any information concerning the bhsiness of the Company will address the Secretary at Hu- blersburg, Centre co. ) on Property in incorporated towns will not be ac- cepted. HEN The business of the Compa- 18th of Mareh, 1861, Within the borders of Persons wishing to become members call Applications of Insurance Y BECK, - November 3d, 1861, near the Chestnut Any person ean see the goods poperty, i ill be isposed of acoording to law. ay charges and take it away, otherwise Nov. 81-3t. R. H. MEEK, athis well known stand on che North-eastern cor- ner of the public square, Bellefonte, keeps stantly on hand a large assortment of on ¥. oity prices. an A.C. Geary, Seo’y. Pres’t. July 25, 1861-tf. : - OUR BTORGE po GEORGE LIVINGSTON, land. Will practice his of Centre County, All business intrusted to him will be faithfully attended to. ‘code 8nd D. C. Boal, Eeq ok BER A bd ey CYARLES H .HALE. pied by Hon. Jas. T. Hale. during my absence in Corigress, sisted by we in tho trial of all ea AR 7 [LL practice in the ene: rr accurately, aiso toll eut Deeds, Plots, &c., of Lands upon the cLortest notice.— 18 ¢c J OUSE AND LOT FOR SALE seriber living on the promises. Oct. 17, '61-tf. 3. i. STOVER, ATTORN&Y AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW. BELLEFONTE, PENN'A. profession in the several Courts Particular attention to collections, and all monies promptly re. mitted. Can be consulted in the German as well the English language. . - ~e en High st., formerly occupied by Judye ADAM HoY. HALE & HOY, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, on the estate of William Price, late of Boalsburg, | Ware, &o. Also, Eight-day and ; thirty-hour Jobs haying been granted to the subscriber, all persons Clocks, at very lowest: prices. ‘John Moran Willattend ; BELLEFONTE, PENN’A, indebted to the said estate are requested to make | offers these Foods to the public,convinced that they alien pomp) y to all business entrusted to immediate payment, and those having claims or | will meet with satisfaction. He is determined | their care. Office in the building formerly osen ‘A CARD. ssrs HALe & Hoy will attend co my businers and will be as uses entrusted to . Jaues T. Haun. December 15, 1859. acc A. 0. FURST, ATTORNEY AT LAW, BELLEFONTE, PA. several Courts ef Nov. 14. A. C. HINTON, “Centre and Clinton counties. All legrl Administrator. IRE INSURANCE COMPANY. i Sion entrusted to his care will receive prompt ——e eee + is h b + that the Far- attention. : NEVE UNDLAND PUPPIES. rs and Nios barely Enea the Insurance | , OFFICE—On the North-west corner of theDi. amond: March 22, 1861.—1y- P.M TEATS, . ++ SURVEYOR, JACKSONVILLE, CENTRE Co., Pa; Has recently located in Jacksonville, Conve county, Pa. - 4nd would hereby inform the publis is prepared to do all kinds of inake rally that he harges are very rsasonabie @ive him a October 17, '61-6m. The subscriber offers for sale a Stowe House in the town of Boalsburg, two" storiss high, Parlor and Diving Room iu front, kitcheh back. A never failing well of wrter under cover in the yard, a good garden with a number of bearing tress. Also .a vacant lot adjoining the The ter ns will be made known by the sab- JER. RANKIN, ou 0. XC. Books brought to order at a small advance, GEO. LIVINGSTON. 28-t£-8. Ep ee A Ip mrviy Jono FEN DOLLARS REWARD. Nov. 21. JOHN CALDWELL. Misepul ates : . asic Se “Sunday, Soptamier Co to the residence of the subsoriber, H+ SATE Books ano STATIONERY lit zed pani and > kat, book, nosing ns, Se lhe SE a MATHEMATICAL INSTRUMENTS, OE lars a "uxe few] willl hoi fr The owner is requeste to come forward, prove PORT FOLIOS; & hae an so Hog fi r.the restoration of the property alone. Oct. To, 61-3t WM. GARBRIOK, &
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers