Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, November 21, 1861, Image 1

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VOL. 6.
“Selut Poetry,
'What'is Home Without a Mother?
What is Hou without a mother,
‘What are all the joys we meet,
‘When ker loving smiles no longer
Greets the coming of our feet
The day sect long, the nights are drear,
And time rolls slowly on!
"And oh! how few are childhoods pleasures,
When her gentle care is gone!
Things we prize are firkt to vanish
Hearts we love, to pass away,
And how goon, e’en in our childhood,
We behold her turning gray;
Hor eye grows dim, ber step is slow,
Her joys uf earth are passed :
Aud sometimes e'or we learn to know her,
Bhe bas breathed on earth her last.
Older hearts muy have their sorrows,
Griefs that quickly die away;
But a mother lost in ehildkood
Grieves the heart from ‘dey to day,
We miss her kind ard willing hand,
Her fond and earnest care,
And oh! how dark is life around as; :
What is Hous without her there.
What is Home Without a Father?
What is bume without a father,
In the dark and cloudy day ?
Xo it howe? oris ft rather
Bul the guest house where we stay?
Od ! his kindly voiee ean cheer ue
Is aflistiona sadest hour ;
And 43 Teel that he is near us
Robs distress or half its power.
Ah! yes: Buta Fomewithout a father,
In the dark And cloudy day :—
Ye fo home? or is it rather,
But the guest house where wo sthy.
What is home witheut a fsther,
When our daily race is run?
‘And around the hearth we gather?
"Tis a world without the sun:
8 there bei! wealth im treasure ;
Though its richest gifte we share f
Te there real joy in pleasare,
If his light le wanting there ?
Ab! ne: For a home without a father
When our daily race ie run;
And arennd the hearth we gather,
Isa wobld without the sun.
— Miscellaneous.
At the meme of Cale Meeks, what remin-
fecences pass before our mental vision ! vid
recollections come crowding upon us, and
we see an array of the “sold” pass before
onr mind’s eye, in the shape of the seekers
of the mythical Frank MecLalighlin, the vic-
tims of crotoh oil and jalar. and for the ad-
ministratjlin of which no
species of sell.
through & diurnal succession of sells ; in-
deed, his life was one great sell, composed
¥F a conglomeration of the infinitesimal seels
of fifty years’ duration.
Now. Nixby —Nathan Nixby— was one df
Cule’s truest and staunchest business ac-
uaintances ; but he hid never been intro
uced into the Aojliestle circle made glad by
the portly presence of | Mrs. Cale, who was
somewhat addited to jealousy. The reason
for this lack of &cquaintance was that he
lived a secluded life. in one of the little vi
lages on Long Island, and Nat Nixby lived
in our babel of New York. Well, one day,
Cale was hard puSied for an object upon
which to inflict & practical joke, and in his
Hilermma he selected Nat Nixby for his vic-
. The mimnnei {ii hich Nat was sold I do
not choose particularly to describe ; suffice
it to say that, under the play of Cale’s exu
berant fancy, Nat made a journey to Alba-
hy. and insisted thata lady there had sent
an amatoty epistle, which he produced.—
The lady became indignant, called in the aid
of her husband, who literally skinned Mr.
Nat Nixby, who thereafter returned to Goth.
am with a very adult flea in his auricular
This event happened in the early spring
ut a week
after Nat's return from Albany, he met Cale
The sell was disclosed by
Cale, and a hearty laugh was had over Nat’s
mishap, and at his still bruised features, in
| but those present noticed
that he didn’t laugh an inch below his chin ;
fndeed, 1t was generally believed that Nat's
time, and on a beautiful day, abo
at Sherwoods.
which he joined ;
mirth was entirely s' mulated.
. “Now, old fellow !”’ said Cale, *‘you don’t
hold any malice, do you ?”’
¢ Not a bit,” answered Nat, ‘and 1n to.
en of amity let us take a smile around.”
Which thing they did in the usual man-
8. iid .
«« And when will you return home 1’
« About si¥ o'clock this evening,’ said
Qale. i
Nat thereupon pleaded an engagement
and left ; but as soon as he wrs out of eye
shot of his jorker friend, repaired to \:ray’s
n Warren street, where he hi a
fast gorse and light vehicle, with which he
a by street to the residence
stable, in
star Sirongh
of his friend Cale on Long Island.
On arvivin: be left his horse and wagon
ouse, and proceeded to the
aforesaid residence, where he inquired of
* | blank, ) yelled out tue enraged Cale, as
ing answered, as he knew he would, in the
at a public
the servant if Meeks was at home. On be
negative, he said :
t 1cdical reason ex-
1sted, and 4 long line of those who have been
humbugged generaliy, without any specific
Qale was the prince of dry
Jokers ; He lived, moved, and had his being
ner. - a :
a How did you come to town ?” asked
1 drove up in a light: wagon,” replied
« This is unfortunate. I wanted to pay
him some money. If I could see Mrs. Meeks
it would do as well ; she could give mea
receipt in the name of her husband.”
Mrs. M. was frugal and industrious, and
always attentive to her husband’s interests.
As the last remark fell from the lips of Nat,
a fine lookidg matron called from up the
stairs, to show the gentleman into the par-
lor, where she followed in a few minutes.—
Nat bowed and said:
“I desired to see Mrs. Meck, madam,”
she. |
¢ Pardon me, madam,” said Nat, with a
doubting shake of the head ; but this is a
matter of some importance ~ the payment of
money ; and you are not the lady that Mr.
Meeks introduced. to me as his wife, last
‘‘ Not the lady ? what !”" shrieked she ;
‘do you mean to tell me that—"
«I simply tell you, madam,” replied Nat,
with icy imperturability, ‘that Mr. Meeks,
last winter, in Broadway, near Leonard
Street, introduced me to a lady whom he
.|called Mrs. Meeks, and you are not the
“Indeed !” exclaimed Mrs, M., her eyes
flashing fire ; “how old was she 2”
«+ Well, about twensw five.”
ot Twenty five ; and how was she dress:
ed 1°
‘She wore her hair in ringlets, had dia-
mond ear rings—""
“ hamond ear rings 17’
¢ A heavy silk velvet dress. very large
gold bracelets, a magnificent watch and
“ Well, goon.” she said spitefully.
© k velvet hat, trimmed with magnifi
cent lace, and a muff'and boa.”
+ Boa !"” wrenched out the now thorough-
ly irate dame ; you had better bore your
way ont of this house, sir, mighty quick, or
else rome body will have a headache ! No,
git. I am not Mrs. Meeks, and I want you to
+¢ Oh, certainly.’ said Nat, who saw the
tallest kind of a squall brewing, and who
had good reason to fear that that the sturdy
dame might launch at his head a conch shell
or some other other of the heavy ornaments
which adorned the mantle. Nat, therefore,
teat a retreat from off the premises, and
plac d himself behind a stone fence, from
which he could commind a view of the
Brooklyn turnpike. le did not wait long
before he saw the amiable Cale driving down
the road all unconscious of the ambush of
Nat. The expression upon Cale’s face was
one of the grea‘est amiability, nd exempli-
fled that he was at peace with ‘all the
world and the rest of mankind ”
In a brief space of time Cale’s steed was
given into the charge of a stable boy. and
unconsciots and happy, he entered his domi-
cil and shut the door. The moment he en-
tered an attentive ear might have detected
the sounds of a voice in no way meilow or
expressive of endearment ; and in an ilistant
after Cale hurriedly came through the door,
with amaZement on his face and a mop in
his rear, the wrong end of which was under
the direct and personal superintendence of a
lady who was very red 1m the face aild very
sturdy in the arms, and who strongly resem-
bled Mrs. Meeks.
The battle had commenced in the passage
way. Cale’s castor, which had shone in the
ruys of the setting sun, as he drove down
the road, was very much bruised and ofit of
shape ; indeed, it was driven down over his
amiable physiognomy.
« What in thunder is out 2’ yelled Cale.
“Twenty five years old,’ shrieked the
infuriated dame, and bang, Cale caught the
mop over his shoulders. ‘Corkscrew ring~
lets’* and punk he got it in the back, with
all the strength which nature and anger had
given to the enraged lady.
« D—n it, don’t do that!”
But it was no use, he had to take it.
«Diamond ear rings !” punk. Silk vel.
vet dress, bang. Gold bracelets, whump.’.
«« Murder,” roared Cale.
¢ Watch and chain,” she shrieked, and
biff he took it over the head.
« Muff,” bang, slump, ¢ Boa,’ bang,
bhng, and down went Cale with a yell of
murder. 3
Now fell the blows thick and fast upon
the bruised haad back and face of the pros-
trate joker ; while the lady again rehearsed
the catalogue of the wearing apparel and
jewels of the other Mrs. Mecks, timing the
utterance of the name of each article with a
blow upon her prostrate, writhing and blee d-
ing lord. .
But all things must have an end. The
violent exercige of the arms and lungs, in
which Mrs. Meeks had indulged, had some..
what exhausted her. She had thrice run
through Nat’s imaginary catalogue, and,
feeling her strength departing, gathered her:
self for one grand and final effort. Cale
lyoked with horror upon the upraised mop ;
he heard the words, Oh, the huzzy,” shout-
ed 1n a vigofous tore ; he heard & hustling,
whizzing sound in the air, and the next in~
stant the poor fellow’s nose was as flat as
the other parts ot his face. His two tor-
mentors retreated intd the mansion and left
him alone in his gore, Slowly, and with the
most keen sensations of pain, he raised him
self into a sitting posture, and with many a
groan of agony, he proceeded to inspact his
personal condition.
« This arm's broke certain! Oh! and
this left shoulder must be dislocated ! Good
Lord, what a nose ! I shan’t be able to go
about fof a month} Oh, Lord, how sore I
am !
Now, Nat, with the most pleasurable emo-
tlons, had through the crevice of the fence,
observed the whole of the little family jar
mhich T have so freely described ; and he now
) | stood looking over the fence at the back of
his dear friend.
« Lsay, Uncle Cale,” shouted Nat.
«Hey !” said Cale, as he turned in some
little astonishment to loo upon his former
« | gay, Cale,” continued Nat, *“ how do
you feel about now ¥’
,w Oh! you———" (1 shall leave 3
sprang to his feet and made for the house,
“Pn fix your flint 1”
“Very ‘well, I am Mrs, Meeks.” replied |.
But, Nat didn’t want the flint fixed, and
therfore made his way, with gll celerity, up
the road, of
Soon after there appeared upon the green
sward, rendered sanquinary and sacred by
conjugal endearments, a. lame ‘man, whe
wore a shocking bad hat, and who had taken
posession of a fowling-piece loaded with
buek-shot, If the lame individual meant to
shoot Nat he reckoned without his host.—
That worthy, thanks to a long and thin pair
of legs. was ont of gunshot range.
Cale from that time forth, and untill he
filled the grave which he now occupies so
well, eschewed dry jokeing, and was always
sensitive on the subject of mops.
Between eighty.and minety years ago there
lived in Contecticut valley two farmers, one
of whom was named Liunt and the other
Clark. The former in early lite had beena
man of strong will and sowewhat hasty and
violent temper. Sometimes he had been
seen beating his oxen over their heads with
the handle of his whip, in a way to excite
the pity of the by .standers, and when ex~
postulated with excused himself by saying
that he had the most fractious team in town.
By and by an alteratlon took place mn the
temper of larmer Hunt. He became mild
forbearing, at equal pace with himself.
.In the course ofa few years the two far-
mers were chosen deacons of the church and
they both adorned their profession. About
the time of their election, a grievous famine
prevailed in the valley, and the farmers gen
erally were employed in laying up their corn
to plant the ensueing season. A poor man
ving in town, went to Deacon Hunt and
seid: ‘I have come to buy a bushel of
corn. Here '= the money ; it is about all I
can gather.” The deacon told him he could .
not spare a bushel for love or money. He
was keeping double the usual quantity for
seed corn the next year, and had to stint
his own fatnily. The man arged his suit in
vain. At last he said, ¢ Deacon if you do
not let me have the corn, I shali curse
you.” “Curse me'!”” replied the deacon,
“ how dare you do so 2’ ‘‘ Because,” said
the nan, ** the Bible says so.”” ¢: Nonsense’
exclaimed the deacon ; ** there is no such
thing in the Bible.” ¢ Yes, there is,” re
plied the poor man. “Well,” said the dea
con, ‘* if you can find anv such text, i
give ou a bushel of corn.”
They went to the house, when the poor
man went to the old family Bible, turned to
Proverbs 11:26, and read, ** He that with-
holdeth corn, the people shall curse him ;
but blessings shall be upon the lcad that
The deacon was fairly canght. ¢ Come
along, and I will be as good as my word.”
He took him to the corn house, measured
out a bushel of corn and helped the man
put it on his shoulder, and just before bis
departure, being somewhat of a wag, he said
with a twinkle of the eye, *¢ I say nejghbor
after you have carried this corn home, go to
Deacon Clark and corse him out of 2 bush-
——ee etl AAT TI
European governments, through their or-
gans, expressed the wonder with which they
contemplate the sudden military develop-
ment and organization of the American peo-
pls. History presents no parallel to these
movements, nor is there acything equal t>
our volunteer force in any of the govern-
ments of Europe, however proud and power»
fal they are in their military organization.—
While the governments of Europe are thus
awe stricken with the wonderful enthusiasm
and unanimity of the peopie of the United
States, on the subject of defending their na-
tional honor #nd maintaining their national
peace, our own government cannot fail to
bave discovered that the peofie of the loyal
gtates are in earnest in their determination to
put down this rebellion. This is tho case at
least with the people of Pennsylvacia, who
have now in the field and ready to march a
hundred and one thousand men! If this is not
earnest action, we are unable to comprehend
earnestness. If the government cannot see
in this demonstration, the will aud desire
and ability of the loyal people to suppress
rebellion, nothing that the people themselves
can do will convince the authoities that trea-
son must be crushed with blows instead of
compromises with concessions. All that we
now want is action on the part of ths govern
ment —a movement such as will encourage
the army to prepare for fight, and such a
ight, too, as will decide in a single batile,
the issue at stake.
amma ll A.
: 2 Some people keep their sterling viorth in
dll changes of fortune; others, if changed in condis
tion, lose their character ~ Bars of gold are less
prized than diamonds, but gold reduced to dust is
valuable ,while diamond dust is worthless
etl lA A
Somebody has discovered the art of extracting
gas from vegetables ; We expect seon to see car-
otts substituted for lamp-posts the latter producing
the gas and bost in one.
2% Wink at small injuries rather than avenge
them. If, to destroy a single bee, you throw down
the hive, instead of one enemy you have a thou-
a A ek or §
What a man has learned is of importance,
ut what he can do, and what he will do, are more
ignifennt things:
Full Particulars from Qur Own
Swords, Commissons and Corre-
spondence Seized among the
Papers of the Officers.
The Destination of the Fleet known te
be Port Royal by the Rebels.
The Whole Country Seised with a
The Plantations Occupied by No
One but Slaves.
Fortress Moxroe, Nov, 12.
The steamer Beinville has just arrived at
01d point from the great expedition.
She left Port Royal on Sunday and brings
cheering intelligence. She proceeds at once
to New York where she wil! be due to- mor-
row evening,
Capt. Steedman, however, left ber at this
place, and proceeds direct to Washington
with dispatehes and trophies —two braes can-
non and seeession flags. ;
le reports the gale encountered by the
fleat to have been very severe. The Union
and Osceola went ashere and were lost as
previously reported.
The Governor foundered at sea, but the
Isaae T. Smith succeeded in Saving all her
crew with the exception of a few marines.—
The fleet arrived at Port Royal on Monday,
the 4th inst,
On Tuesday the smaller gun boats rounded
and bouyed out the channel under a fire
from the forts which did no namage.
On Wednesday the weather prevented ac-
tive .oporations, but on Thursday morcing
the Tth the men-of-war and gun-boata advan-
ced to the attack. 3
The action commenced ot 10 a. m. and
was hotly carried on both sides and lasted
about four hours, At the end of which time
the rebels were combelled by the shower of
shells to abandon their works and beat a
hasty retreat. det
Our loss was eight men and an officer,
The Chief Engineer of the Mohigan was
killed, and about twenty wounded.
Rebel loss not known. Fifty bodies were
found by our men and were buried.
All their wounded except two were carried
Two forts were cattured—Fort Walker on
Hilton Head, mounting twenty-three guns
and Fort Beauregard on Bay Point, mounts
ing nineteen guns. The guns were of heavy
calibre, They were both new and splendid
earthworks of great strength, constructed in
the highest style of military science and pro-
nounced by our Engineers as impregnible
against any assault by land forces.
The final retreat of the rebels was a perfect
route. They left everything, arms, equip-
ments of all kinds, even to the officers swords
and eommissions.
All the letters and papers, hoth ~public
aod private, order books and documents of
all kinds, were left*in their flight and fell
into our bends, affording our officers much
valuable information. Among the papers
was a telegram from Jeff. Davis to the com-
mander of the post, informing him of the
sailing of the fleet and that he knaw their
destination to be Zort Royal. (Query ? who
was the traitor ?
The whole surrounding country wus seized
with a perfect panic. The day after the fight
the Seneca and two cther gunbouts under the
command of Lieut. Amman, proeeeded up
the Beaufort, and found but one white man
in the town, and he wes drunk.
All the plantations up the river seemed to
be deserted except by the negroes who were
seen in great numbere and who as the boate
passed came down to the vhore with bundles
in their hands as if expecting to be taken off.
They seized all the lotters in the post office
af Beaufort. i
After the capture of the forts the whole
army about fifteen thonsand men, were safe-
ly landed and established on shore. .
The forts were but little injured, but the
rebels could not stand the explesion of our
big shells.
The fores of the enemy, as ascertained
from their papers was from three to four
thousand men under Gen. drayton, of South
Our vietery is complete the ‘enemy leaving
everything but their lives, which they saved
by running.
J. S. Bradford of the Gast Survey, bearer |-
of dispatehes aud Lieut, P. H Wyman, scm-
manding the Pawnes, also arrived in the
Beinville and take the boat ta-ight for Bal®
The boats from the Wabash were the first
to land after the fight, and Capt. John Rog-
| era was the first mam oa shore.
The boats returned loaded with valuable
trophies of all kinde. One of our officers
finding an elegant cavalry eword with solid
silver acabbard. Swords, pistols, &ec., &c.,
were scatiered about in every direction and
in any quantity.
But four prisoners were found, two of them
were wounded. All hands connected with
the expidition are represented as asting in
the mcst gallant manner. : ;
The reporters who accompanied the expe-
dition reture 0 New York ia the Beinville
with full details.
Latest from Washington,
Capt. Todd’s Company, Lincoln
Cavalry, in an Ambuscade.
Three Killed and One Wounded.
W asuiNaron, Nov, 12.
_ Six regiments of infantry, with two bat-
terriee, and three companiesof cavalry, under
command of Gen. Heintzolman, wade a re-
connoissanee to day as far as Occoquan ereek,
about twenty-8ve miles from Washington, er
eighteen miles from Alexandna, ia a sduth<
westerly direction.
They starbod at four o’cloek this morning,
and returned late this evening. The entire
force first went to Pohick Church, and there
divided—one portion taking the telegraph
road to Burke’s Station, en the Orange and
Alexandria Railroad, and the other the road
to a point on the Occaguan creek, about?
miles from the Potomae river. The Iiaiter
arossed Pohick “and Accotink creeks, and
reached the Occcquan without meeting with
any opposition.
Capt. Tood’s company of the Lincoln Cav
alzy, which was with the party that went in
the direction of Burke’s Station, were sent
out to make a reconneisrnce in the advance
of the Infantry. When several miles from
the other portion of the division, they were
suddenly surrouned by a large number
of Rebels who had been concealed in the
Their only bope of escape, therefore, was
by cuttiog there way through, A skirmish
accordingly ensued, and the cevalry effected
their purpose, but with a loss of three men
killed, one wonnied, and three takem prison
ers, including, it is supposed, in lhe last na-
med, Capt. Todd, who had veatared at
least a quarter of a mile in adanes of his com
The object of the reconnoissanze having
been accomplished, General Heintzelman or-
dered the troops to fall back to their encamps
It was ascertained that four hundred rebel
cavalry remained an Pohick Chureh last
night but left before the arrival of General
Heintgelman’s forces to-day.
Report credited here in offical oireles,
confirm the statement in late Norfolk papers
of the loyalists in East Tennessee having torn
up the railroad east of Knoxville end between
ihere and Virgina. This is the main, and in
fact the only, railroad communication with
Virgina and the Southwest. At the point of
destruction the road runs through a wild,
unesttled and mountainous region for 150
miles. This is, no doubt caused by the ar-
est of Parson Brownrow by the Rebels
Oidinance atid ‘Ordinance Stores
Ordered to Port Royal.
New York, Nov. 13.
Orders were recived to-day for the ship-
ment of ordnance and ordnanee stores to Port
Royal, to be fowarded immediately.
The rebles temer Nashville was at St. Georg:
es on the 26th Octeber, taking in eoal.
ree re eres
pa The Washington correspondent of
the Phila: Inguirer states thatat a recent dine
ner given by General McClellan, he remark-
ed to a guest that there was no power on earth
neither that of the Press or of politicians,
that should cause him to swérve a hairs
breadth from the policy which he had adopt-
ed in relation to the present policy which he
had adopted in relation to the present war.
Availing himself of all the military wisdom
that is in possession of the officers around
him, together with his own experience, he
has, to the best of his own ability, adopted
a plan of warfare to whieh he intends #0 ad-
here mowt wghdly.
rrr Mart sm.
We have heard many inquiries made how
i was that €en. M’Clellan becama the Comn
magrder-in-Chiof upon the resigaation of Gen.
Scott from aetive service, It oceurred in this
wise: At the outset of the rebellion we had
but two Major Generals, Winfeld Seott and
David Twiggs, the former of whom, by vir-
of his seniority, was the Commsnder-in-Chief.
The titls of Lintenant @eneral, conferred up.
on Sestt by Congress, gave ro sdditional
command, but increase of dignity and highs
er pay and rations were attached to it. Ile
was the oldest Major General, and as sweh
was the Commeader-in-Ghief of eur forees.—
Twiggs, on account of his defection to the
South, was dismissed from ths army. A nev
batsh of Major General were created short)y
after the war broke omt, consisting of Me-
Clellan, Fremont, Dix and Banks. Of these,
McClellan's sommission was first isatied,
which mode him the oldest Major General,
moxt to Scott, and Commander-in-Chief pon
his retiraey. Had McClellan never resign~
ed, but continued in the regular service, he
could hardly have been higher than Major,
and probably not higher than Captain. His
resignation was lwoky fer bim, for it gave
him a chancs to some in ahead of Wool, Har-
ney, Huuter and all the old Brigadier (ener-
als who have been in ths service for thirty er
forty years.— Harrisburg Telegraph.
5 :
Georas D. PrexticE.— Has praved bim-
self an incorruptable patriot. Among the
many schemes for carrying Kentucky out of
the Union was a persevering attempt to buy
Prentice, or, failing in that, to bay his pa-
per. He was first approached with the mod-
est offer of $25,000 which was, of course
prompily declined. The anxious buyers,
thinking perhaps their bid had been below
Prentice’s estimate of his henor, increased
his offer, and through an old pohtical friend,
since quartered at Fort Lafayette, he was
informed that fifty thousand dollars was is &
Louisville bank subject to the draft of George
D. Prentice, provided the Journal was henee-
forth conducted according te certain terms,
An inzreased severity upon the disunionists
in the columns of the Journal was the re-
sponee to this proposal. Next came a rails
road man from the far west, who eschewed
all politics, snd wanted ah influential paper
to support tne pacific Railroad enterprise.—
He would give Prentice $250,000 for the
Journal, This bid was two low, and George
D, Prentice remains unbought and unpureh-
TuporTaxt T0 RECRUITS AND Racruirize
Orricere.—Thers ale. numerous instances
where men have signed their names on en=
listment rolls, and afterwarde failed to go
into the service of the several companies
they had pledged themselves te. It appears
that these recrusants can be held secording
to a reeent military decision. “It has been
decided by competent authority, after a very
careful investigation, tkas a seldier is holden
from the time of signing his rame to the en-
listment roll, just as truly as though ke were
“sworn in;” and persons who have enlisted
and left the service without a proper dis-
charge, are to be considered deserters,
whether they have been ** sworn in’ or not.
” or : :
PERSoNAL SrouRITY.—* Will you do me a
favor ¥’ said young Georg: Brooks to hi
wealthy friend, Simon Hanson.
¢« What is it George ?"’ said Hanson.
«1 wish you to lend me a hundred dollars
«Call at my counting-house,” rejoined
Hanson. :
(George was not long in paying his respects,
¢¢ What security can you give me, young
« My own personal security, sir.’
¢ Very well, get in here,” said Hanson
lifting up the lid of a large iron chest.
« Get in here,” exclaimed George in as
tonishment. ** What for?" :
Why, this is the place where I always
keep my securities.”
re a ARR ——m :
CoNFEDERATE PusTack STaMps,—The firs
of the new Confederate States postal stamps
wero issued yesterday end ware eagerly,
bought up. Tke new stamp is green, with a
lithographic likeness of President Davis
within double oval border, sermounted with
the inoription, “Confederated States o
America.” Outside of the ¢ircle, mud at the
head of the stamp, in the word “postage,”
and at the lower edge its denominaiien’
“five sents.”’— Richmond Enquirer, 19th.
BS Gen. Beauregard has made his leng-
expected official report to the Seeretary of
War, of the battle of the 21st of July at Bull
Run. It ie said to be very voluminous, cave
ering shout & hundred pages ef feolscap.—
Jeff. Davis withholds its publication for the
present from prudential reasons.
Ix this world of disguise, we sometimes
walk among angels, and know them not
till some chance word or sign throws open
the whole spiritual free masonry of our
“Why, Charls,’’ said a yankey to a negro
preacher, can you tell who made the mon-
key?’ 7 Oh, yesI can masaa. Why mas-
sa’ de weme one make de monkey datmade