Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, November 14, 1861, Image 4

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    ot rts a tt ot. ptt Smee reer oe meme remem,
Many, since the gre © ny of Prof W nod? coD 2? IS THE 0) LY KNOWN REMEDY FOR i PILLS. A HEAVYSIMPORTATION OF 2 Bi, frien Et. al-
have attarspted not only te imitute his restorative Ces tadioaten, t = he > $ a > Ars you sick, feeble, and 9a ny "in ‘this section of outs
® Ts precisely what its
B while pleasant tu the taste, itis revivifying.
Are you out of
ord: wilh your systera de
yangud, and your
comfortable? These £5
tom flen the prelude to
» Serio ss, Sume fit of -
sickness is creeping upon you,
{ and should be averted by a
timely use of the right renr
edy. Tako Ayer's Pils,
cleanse out the disordered hu-
mors — purify the blood, and
let the fluids move on unob-
structed in health again.
They stimulate the functions
but profess te have discovered gomethivg thn
would produce results identical ; but they have
all come and gone, being earried away by the
wonderful results of Prof Wood's preparation,
and have been forced to leave the field to its re-
sistless'sway. Read the following :
"Bare, MAwNg, April 18th, 1859.
Pror ©.J. Woon & Ce: Gents: —The letter
Frwrote you in 1836, concerning your valuable
Hair Restorative. and which you have published
in this vicinity and elsewhere. has given rice to
‘siumerous enquiries touching the facts in the case.
It is a conveniently arranged Band, containing
a medicated nompound, tobe worn around tha
Waist, without injury to the most delicate per-|
sons, no change in habits of living is re uired, and |
it entirely removes the disease from the system |
withont producing the injurious effects arising, |
exhilarating, and strengthening to the vi- 0
tal powers. It also revivifies, reinstates
and renews the bloed in all its original pu-
rity, and thus restores and renders the sys-
tem invulnerable to attacks of disease. It
is the only preparation ever cftered to the
world in a popular form so as to be within
the reach of all. So chemically and skill-
fully combined as to ‘be the most powerful
tonic, and yet, so perfectly adapated to as
to act in perfect accordance with the laws
HARDWARE || Effin Sams
Who have just opened. in the Store Room on the
N. W. corner of the Diamond, in Bellefonte, for-
merly occupied by Wilson Brothers, their large
Their stock consists of ‘a general assor erat
Dry Goods,’ ne rimen
including a host ot other art
among which can be found an extensive i
selection of
The enquiries are, first, isit a factof my Labita-| ER of nature, and hence soothe the weakest trom the use of powerful internal medicines which | ec azo ous Ae ;
‘tion name, as stated in the communication. stomach, and tone up the digestive organs, wonken and destroy the constitution, and give Hore es atm a | oleudsd scirpare of Shelf Hanivare Howe uch 58 2 Td ie 4
the obstructions which make gs y Pp e Tugsts, period Cloths, Pe . Coburgs,
temporary relief only. By ihis treatment, the
medicinal properties contained in the Band. come i
in contact with the blood and reaches the disease,
through the pores of the skin, effecting in every
instance a perfect cure, and restores the parts af- |
flicted to a healthy condition This Band is also i
a most powerful ANTI-MERCURIAL agent, and will
entirely relieve the system from the pernicious ef-
fectsof Mercury, Moderate cases are cured in a’
fow days. and we are constantly receiving testimo- |
ninls of its efficacy in aggravated cases of long :
standing. |
Price $2.00, to be had of Druggists generally, |
or can be sent by mail or express. with full diree- |
{ions for use, to any part of the country, direct |
second. is it true of all therein coutained ; third:
dees my hair stillcontinue to be in good order tnd
of paturalcolor 2 To all I can and do answer iu-
variably yes. My hair is even better thanin any
:atage of my life for 40 years past, more soft, thrif-
ty, and better colored ; the same is true of my
whiskers, and thie only cause why it is not gener
ally true, is that the substance is washed off by
frequent abolution of the face, when if care were
used by Wiping the face in close connection with
the whiskers, the same result will follow as the
hair. I have been in the receipt of a great num-
Der of letters from all parls of New ‘England, ask
‘ing me if my hair still continues to be good ; as
‘there is so much fraud in the manofacture and
meres, Delai ay anitos )
French Merinoes, Plaids. fon 20
ae. fii Se
* Their gentlemen’s wear consists of a =”
sortment of Casimeres, Cloths, Satinets, Batin, >
Vesting, Tweeds, Hats and Caps And an exten= a
sive assortment of Boots and Ladies, 3
Gentlemen and Children, with almost every
article th fay be necessary to supply the wants
of theeo ty. he wv el
The pressure of the movey market having ae :
the effect of reducing the price of many articles *
of merchandise, the undersigned have been ena-
bled to buy their stock at such raves that they can
sell goods at giivesio gull the times. And as they * «
of every variety and price.
of the best manufacture.
of every description and the best quality.
of different kinds. .
and large and small PAD LOCKS.
SAWS, Broad, Hand and Chopping AXES.
tnd allay all nervous und other irritation.
1tis also perfertly exhilarating in its effects,
and yet it is never followed by lassitude or
depression of spirits. Tt is dup pogo en:
tirely of vegetables and those oroughly
combining powerful tonic and soothing a]
properties, and consequently can never in
jure. Such a remedy has long been felt
to be a disderatum in the medical world
both by the thoroughly skilled in medical
science, and also by all who have suffered
from debility; for it needs no medical
skill or knowledge even to see that debili- H
diseaso. A cold settles somewhere in the body, and ob-
structs its natural functions. These, if not relieved,
react upon themselves and the surrounding organs, pro-
ducing general aggravation, suffering, and disease.
While in this condition, oppressed by the derangements,
take Ayer's Pills, and see how directly they restore the
natural action of the system, and with it the buoyant
feeling of health again. What is true and so appavent in
this trivial and common complaint, is also true in many
of the deep-seated and dangerous distempers. The same
purgative effect expels them. Caused by similar obstruc-
tions and derangements of the natural functions of the
body, they are rapidly, and many of them surely, curs
by the same means. None who know the virtues of these
Pills, will neglect to employ them when suffering from
the disorders they cure.
Statements from leading physicians in some of the
ty follows all attacks of disease, and lays
the unguarded system open to the attacks
for example, as the
tion, Bronchitis, Indigestion. Dyspepsia,
etite, Faintness, Nervous Ir-
i d 11 this, it has, th td t ich 3
Es simi ia used, i a on from the Priniolt Tw AY, New ¥ principal cities, and from other well known public per- Drawing Knives, Hatchets.Chisels & Adzes. | intend to do their best to please their ¢ustomers,
following : _Consump- 0 Sov, 3 NEW FORS oe HAY,MANURE AND SPADING FORKS, EDGE | both in the quality ces, they
only without any good effect, but to absolute in
jury. I havenot used any of your Restorative of
any account for some months, and yet my hair is
as good as ever, and hundreds have exam ined it
@. SMITH & CO., Sole Proprietors.
N. B.—Descriptive Circulars Sent Free.
[5° Agents Wanted Everywhere.
From a Forwarding Merchant of St. Louis, Fb. 4, 1556.
Dr. Aver: Your Pills are the paragon of all that is
great in medicine. ‘fhey have cured my little daughter
of ulcerous sores upon hor hands and feet that had proved
of Joods, and
Sof TOOLS of every desirable variety. Xa © to fot a Feasbia le sh he} oF Jue
088 0 ad n want of p
Palpitation of the SADDLERS’ HARDWARE, Heir stock, =” : plese i A
B.—They Will keep bontiai] on hand, EX
ritability. Neuralgia.
Heart, Me'anchely, Hypocondria. Night A general assortment, and 50 per cent ®
i i i | 61 years old and nota
E hid gurprise asd = oo 8 Lr t and A prove Swents, Languor Giddiness, and all that Bellefonte, July 11, 761-13. incurable for years. or mother has bocn tong Rriew: lower than any place else. TRA FLOUR, which they will at the lowest
this fact, I send = a lock of wy hair taken off class of eases, so fearfully fatal if unattend- grily ation with blotches and plinpies 20 Loe SE08 Hed CARRIAGE MAKERS TRIMMING 3,CARPEN | cast oe i
the past week. T reecived your fariy a uleatoss and ELIXIR PR OPYLAMINE your Pills and they have cured her. : TERS’ TOOL» which cannot be surpassed Country produce of all kinds taken in’ ex-
for which I am very grate ? 2 TSA MORGRIDGE. | VICES, ANVILS. DRILLS, SCREW PLATES. | change for goods. ! 1 :
bottles last summer, 4
ful ; I gave it tomy friends and thereby indueed
them to try it, many were skeptical until after
trial and then'purchased and used it with univer
sal uccess. I will ask as a favor. that you send
me a test by which I can discover fraud in the
Restorative, said by many, I fear, without author-
sty from you. A pure article will insure success.
and I believe v here good effects do not follow. the
‘failure is caused by the impure article. which curs
es the inveutor of the good. I deem it my duty
as horetofore, 10 keep you apprised of the contin
wed effect on my hair, as I assure all who enquire
of me of my uushaken opinion of its valuable re-
gults. I remain, dear gir, yours.
ed to in time. called F
Irregularities. Also, Liver Derangement
or Torpidity, and iver Complaints. Dis- Dried Lumbef and Shingles constantly on
hand and for ssle. (EER
Bellefonte, March 28,1861.—1y.
For the Quick cure of Headache, Toothache, Rheu-
matism, Neuralgia, Pain in the side, back er,
stomach, Painters Cholic, or Cramp, Frosted Yooh
or Ears, Burns, Fresh Cuts, Sprains, Bruises, pi
arrhea, and sore throat, and all similarcom| laints.
a Toothache cured in ten minutes. rashe
cured in five minutes, Headache cured in tem
minutes, Burns cured from smarting in two min-
utes. Neuralgia pains cuted in fiye miautes.—
Cholic cured in ten minutes. Sprains relieved in
ten minutes. Sore throat relieved in ten minutes,
July 18. 1860.
TOEIIN MORAN, Li have been cured by one Agost in &
OLOCKS, WATCHES AND JEWELRY. | zey ies Tryout! Tryitti Try itt 4 i
aving purchased the stock of Clocks, - PRICE 25 AND 50 CENTS PER BOTTLE.
Watches and Jewelry lately owned by Bible | §55° A liberal discount nade to Agents, and one
& Moran, and having made large additions to tte | wanted in every town, also a few good traveling
During the past year we have introduced to the
notice of the medical profession of this country
the Pure Crystalized Chloride of Propylamine,
as a
EM. . Headache,SickHeadache,Foul Stomach.
R EDY FOR RHEUMATISM ’ Fron Dr. Edward Boyd, Bultimere.
and having received from many sources, hoth DeARBRO. Aven: I cannot answer you what complaints
ici i i 1 have cured with your Pills better than to say all that we
from Pa of the highest standing and from ever treat with a purgative medicine. I place great depen
patients, the
Gone on an i) tui io my malty Eonteat Xi
u . . isease, and believing as I do that your Pills afford us the
Most Flattering Testimonials of its Real Value | best wo have, I of course value them highly.
z 0: , ni 1 Th Prrrssure, Pa, May 1, 1855.
in the tycatment of this painiul and obstinate dis DE. 3.C. Axrn: Hirt 1 hove been deny oof
case, we are induced to present it to the public in | the worst keadache any body ean Lave by a dose or two
a form READY FOR IMMEDIATE USE, which | of your Pills. It seems to arise from a foul stomach,
4 : . y which they cleanse at once.
we hope will commend itself to those who are suf- ED. W. PREBLE,
fering with this afflicting complaint, and to the
medical practitioner who may feel disposed to test
the powers of this valuable remedy.
Yours with great respect,
Clevl: of Steumer Clarion.
Bilious Disorders — Liver Complaints,
FLIXIR PROPYLAMINE, in the form above
spoken of, has recently been extensively experi.
IRE of every size in abundance.
And all other kinds of Goods usually kept
ina well regulated Hardware Store.
Their stock isan entirely ‘mew one, comprising
all the leading articles connected with the Hard-
ware trade, and their facilities for pu: chasing
goods not being excelled by any other establish-
meat, they here declare themselves able to sell
from fifty to one hundred per cent. lower than any
other establishment in the country, and invite
Farmers, Mechanics, and all others in need of
Hardware, to call and satisfy themselves of the
truth of the assertion.
As a Family Physic. PIPE SKEIN & WAGON
From Dr. BE. W. Cartwright, New Orleans.
Your Pills are the prince of purges. Their excellent
qualities surpass any cathartic we possess. They aro
mild, but very certain and effectual in their action on tho
bowels, which makes them invaluable to us in the daily
treatment of disease.
eases of the Kidneys, Scalding or Incon- i
tinuence of the Urine, or any general de-
rangement of the Urinary Organs, Pain in
the Back, Side. and between the Should-
0 ers, predisposition to Slight Colds. Hackiag
and Continued Cough, Emaciation, Diffi-
n culty of Breathing, and indeed we might
[ion manly more still. but we have
space only to say, it will not only cure the
debility following Chills and Fever, but
wrevent all attacks arising from Miasmatie
nfluences, and cure the diseases at once,
if already attacked. “And as iv acts di-
rectly and persistently upon the biliary
system, arousing the Liver to action, pro-
moting, in fact, all the exeretions and se-
cretions of the system, it will infallibly y
Aarons Rex, Ky, Nov. 30, 1858.
Pror. 0.3. Woop : Dear sir.—I would certain-
1y be doing you a great injustice not to make
known to the world. the wonderful, as well as the
unexpected result T have experienced from using
ong bottlo of your Hair Restorative. After using
every kind of Restoratives extant, but without
Success, and finding my head routly, destitute of
hair, I was finally induced to try a bottle of your
Hair Restorative. Now. candor and justice cowa-
pel me to announce to whoever may read this, that
1 now possess a new and beautiful head of hair,
which t pronounce richer and bandsomer than the
original wes. Twill therefore take occasion to re-
commend this invaluable remedy to ALL who may
teel the necessity oe 3
emain respectfully yours.
P. 8.—This testimonial of my approbation for
¢ your valuable medicine (as you are aware of) is
unsoli ited :—but if you thnk it worthy a place
among the rest, insert if you wish; if not destroy
and say nothing. ~~ Yours, REV.E.A
The Restorative ie put in bottles of three size
viz : large, medium and small ; the small hold
half a pint and rotails for one dollar per bottle
the mediums bold at least twenty per cent. mor
in proportion than the small, retails for two dollar
a bottle , the large holds a qnart, forty per cent
more in proportion and retails for three dollars a
bottle. 0.J. WOOD, & CO. Proprietors, 144
Broadway, New York, and 114 Market Street St.
Louis, Mg. And sold by all good Druggists and
Fancy Goods Dealers.
John Harris & Co., Agent, Bellefonte, Pa.
Bellefonte, July 11, '61-1y.
0 prevent any deliterious consequences fol-
lowing upon change of climate and water;
hence all travelers should have a bottle
with them and all shonld ‘ake a table
spoonful at least before eating. As it pre-
vents costiveness, strengthens the digest-
ive organs, it should be in the hands of all
persons of sedentary l abits, students, min-
isters, literary men, And all ladies not
accustomed to much out door exercise,
should always useit. If they will they
will find an agreeable, pleasant, and effi-
cient remedy agafnst those ills which rob
them of their beauty ; for beauty cannot
exist without health. and health cannot ex-
ist while the above irregularities continue.
Then agin, the Cordial is a perfect Moth-
er’s Relief. Taken a month or two before
the final trial she will pass the dreadful
period with perfect ease and safety. There
is wo mistake about it ; this Oordial is {
all we elavm for it. Mothers, try it! *
And to you we appeal to detect the illness
0 or decline not only of your daugters before
it be too late, hut also your sons and hus
From Dr. Theodore Bell, of New York City.
Not only are your Pills admirably adapted to their pur
pose as an aperient, but 1 find their beneficial effects upon
the Liver very marked indeed. ‘They have in my prace
ted with in th tice proved more effectual for the cure of dilious come
mented with in ine plaints than auy one remedy I cau mention, 1 sincerely
w rejoice that we have at length a purgative which is wor
PENNSYLVANIA HOSPITAL, thy the confidence of the profession and the people.
and with MARKED SUCCESS (as will appear La OF THE INTERIOR, t
3 ‘ Tn > ashington, D. C., 7th Feb., 1850.
from the published accounts in the medical four: rm 1 T have used your flon, 0 an ee eirtal oran d having mada args 2) on io wanted
nals. ractice ever since you made them, and cannot esi Loh arE 2 s
: > Iti full i i fay they are the hy Soin we di ih Toto mtn y - ‘part of Gold fund mp
I : 18 Gare un y put up ready for immediate lating action on the liver is quick aud de Silver Watches, Gold Guard Fob Chains, | TO THE SONS AND DA YGHTRRE OF AF
use, with full directions, and ean be obtained from FLICTION.
quently they are an admirable remedy fo 1 {gold & silver Spectacles, Br 1, Gents’ Gold
ull the druggists at 75 cents per bottle, and at of that organ. Indeed, I have seldom tound a case of ig ilver Pencils
wholesale of
| bilious disease so obstinate that it did not readily yield to | Finger Rings B 3. Gold Pen-
D. i J El x :
These things we prove on the spot and before.
your eyes, only bring on your cases.
For Toothache apply it over the face and gums
of the tooth affected, pressing the hand upon the
tace ; repeat if not cured. In extreme cases, >
cotton with the Balm-and cover the tooth
gums For Headache, bathe the temples and ap-
ply to the nose ; and take fioh ten to thirty drops
ip half a tumbler of water sweetened. Ri
For Croup and Soré Throat, take from ten
thirty drops internally, on sugar or in sweeter:
warm water : bathe the throat freely and bind:on
Fraternally yours, ALONZO BAL by cils nnd Pens, { S Silver Plated
% s , 2 di dais Hospital. {or va ko. Also, Light-day and thirty-hour
Druggists and Manufacturing Chemists, Dysentery, Diarrhoea, Relax, Worms. | Clocks, at the very lowese prices. John Moran
June 27. '61-1y. PuiLanenpniy, Pa. Evo Drs J. Gls cen, of Ciciyon
. - 2 {Your Pills have liad n long triad in my pi
Xr? hold them in estecin as one of the st sper
{ PENNSYL A HOTEL ever found. Their o \Livo effect vpon the Hyver makes
TA them an i when giv ) small for
will meet with satisfaction. He is determined
20 dispose of neither an inferior article. or offer for
sale anything in his line but what he can war-
rant. Considerable experience in business, and a
desire to please the public, will give him an ad-
vantage, which he intends to use to the utmost.
He particularly invites tlfe attontion of the la-
dies to his stock of Pins, Rings and Bracelets,
which are of the latest styles. And he also in-
vites the gentlemen to examine a very fine lot of
Watches now offered for sale.
bands, for while the former. from false del-
icacy, offen goes down to a premature
grave rather than Jet their condition be
Enown in time, the later are often so mix
ed up with the excitement of business that
if it we:e not for you they would travel sy
the same dcwnward path, until too late 0
arrest their fatal fall. But the mother ur
always vigilant, and to you we confident- H
offers these goods to the public,convinced that they
| rie
} y informs
| Sn}
| date tiay
will meet with pu
for wo are sure your never People from the C
ly appeal ; f
failing affection will unerringl poini you
ise 1am called to visit
: 1 1 y . 2 Ep Bellefonte on w ¥ digestio a
READ! READ! GREAT ATTRACTION to Prof. Wood's Restorative Cordial and 2 |'sylvania Hotel, a hi as pind | Nee Repairing and cleaning promptly attend | a flannel. For Headache; Rheumatism, Neural
NEW AND CHEAP Blood Renovator as the remedy which House is spacious ever known, and 1 can confidently recommend them to gia, Lame back or Side bathe freely with Balm fo
Gilead ; and generall
For Burns mix one
Shen bn rnd 1 to.
should always be on hand in time of need. THE TABLE of the subserib my friends. Yours, J. V HIMES. Bellefonte, Jan. 5, 1860.—tf. take internally.
v art Balm in Gilead and two
CLOTHING STORE. 0. J. WOOD, Proprietor, 444 Broadway with all the substantial fil SE % hake i 5 a Ela
Y Ys provisions, delicacies and | Wwansaw, W, ing Co., , Oct. 24, 1855. x
JN THE DIAMOND, BELLEFONTE New York, tnd 114, Market street, St. | Juxuries, which a productive Country al Duntm: Io ea ae TO- THEW ORLD AT LARGE ! | of waterand flout, to make & paste, oover the burn
i with the samo. For Cholic take from ten to forty
| tice, and find them an excellent purgative to cleanse the
| system and purify the Jountains of the blood.
tlon,Costiveness, Suppress fon,
sta, Gout, Neuralgia, Drop=
, Fits, etc.
vom Dr. JI. I. Vaughn, Montreal, Canada.
Louis, Mo., and sold by all good Drug-
n gists, Price One Dollar per Bottle. or industry vigilance and exertion can proc
| HIS BAR, will always contain a geno
hE ’ ment of the very best liquors. that the
July, 18, 61-17. ; market affords, adapted to suit the mo
LOGAN FOUNDRY. ar out ais Glen, mol} uanihod td
ania | RY. , well qualified to d
ASTINGS—THE UNDERSI GN ED | duties pertaining to this impertant dep: at of]
having leased THE LOGAN FOUND RK | a public establishment, designed for the accommo- |
City Branch of Reizenstein Brothers, 124 N ort en
Third Street, Philadelphia. !
he undersigned respectfully announce to
the inhabitants of Centre County aud the
public in general, that they have opened at the
ahove named place, the most extensive and best
drops in hot water ; bathe the bowels and apply
wet flannels. Inthe above, the smaller dose is for
Children and the larger for adults ; vary aceord-
pt age and Sircuifianges.
olbert’s Balm in Gilead is harmless. Colbert's
Balm in Gilead gives satisfaction.
Those who have used Balm in Gilead will not be
Tp subseribers having taken the Store
formerly occupied by Messrs Johnston & Kel
ler, beg to say to the people of Boalsburg and vi:
cinity that they will continue the
Harris & Co., Ag’t, Bellefonte, Pa.
selected assortment of . ch cannot bo said of your Pills for tho cure of
READY-MADE closing n the Borough of Bellefonte, together with th | dation of travelers generally & 1£olners of ony Sutenriy lave Band them PRY GOODS AND GROCERY BUSINES. without it. ¥ d
tlemien’ ishin, oods that has ever (7 : t o i ad HE. 4 J . | as efficacious as T have, they should join me n proclaim- | in i various branches, and will spare no pain? tc A ad
and gentlenen’s furnishing g patterns, notify their friends and the pnblic in| Accommodating servants will aiways be in at-| ingit for the benefit of the multitudes who He from | keep up a full RS etmont of Sveything uenally Agents wanok, Cort Ta
been exhibited in this Borough, and which they
will sell 30 per cent. cheaper than the cheapest !
Our Stock embraces a full and com lete assort-
ment of Fine Black Cloth Dress and Frock Coats
Cassimere Dusiness Coats; Satinet, Tweed, Jean,
Farmers’ and Mechanics’, (assimere, Frock na
Sack Coats, Pea Jackets. &e., &c.
Summreoats of fine Cloth, President and Moscow
Beavers, Seal and Lion skin, Union Cassimeres
ribbed and plain.
Pantaloons of fine Cassimere and Doeskin, black,
gilk-mixed, and other fancy colors, of the latest
styles, as well as Satinet and Union Cassimeres;
Pants of strong and substantial stuff, for the La-
borer, Farmer and Mechanic.
An endless variety of Vests, such as aatin, silk
and silk-finiched Velvets, Grenadine, Valencia.
Mattalese, Cassimere, Cloth, Satin, ete.
A general assortment of Boys’ and youths’ Cloth-
ng and Gentlemen's Pumiihing Goods, Hats,-
Caps, Undershirts and drawers, Knit Jackets, fine
white and fancy-bosom Shirts, collars, neckties
handkerchiefs, stocks aud ecravats, stocks and
loves, trunks, valises. carpet bags, umbrellas, snd
in short everything usually found in a well assort-
ed store of this kind. We also keep a fine assort-
ment of Fancy goods and notions, such as Pocket
books. porte-monnaies, ocket-knives and razors,
eombs and brushes. watch chains, keys, and guards,
finger-rings and breastpins, violin and guitar
strings, pistols and revolvers, caps, spectacies, spy
glasses, and a great many other fancy and useful
articles, too numerous to describe. all of which w
will sell at the lowest cash prices. ’
We invito every person in need of Clothing o.
general, that they are prepared to make all kinds | tendance to supply the wants and contri
of Grist, Saw Mill, Forge, Furnace and Rolling | comfort and Eaten of those gh
Mill Castings, as well as any other kind of ma- | posed to patronize the Hotel of the subscriber, by
chinery Castings. They are also making a large whom nothing will be omitted which will yonder
variety of his customers comfortable and happy.
From the attention and time, which the under-
including the Wortz Plow, the Wortz Improved signed has devoted to this branch of business, ard
Plow, and several others of the most approved
his experience, he hopes to merit and receive a
styles, and at the lowest rates for cash or prompt easonable share of the patronage of the public.
ay; or at fair rates for trade of all kinds. Mr. April 12,1860. PHILIP KEPHART.
yan being a practicable workman he fiatters hina-
self that his work will give eatire satisfaction.— T0 THE LADIES,
Purasss House. Savannah, Ga.. Jan. 6, 1856.
They have now on hand, i : : 5
COOKING STOVES, Having just returned from Philadelphia | Hosonsn Sin: I should be migtateful for the relief
with a new and splendid assortment o | your skill has brought me if I did not report my case to
~uitable for either Coal or Woud, which they will | you. A cold settled in my limbs and brought on excru
rd Pe you. ttle 3 S Hug! excru-
$i 0 i _ agsonling 10 Bize and MILLINERY GOODS ciating neuralgic puins, which ended in chronic rheuma-
style; also nine plate, air-tight. egg and other £ the latest styl dq 3 2 tism. Notwithstanding I had the best of physicians, the
‘oul stoves, at reduced rates. They would call { 0 1he 1d ey o es and fashion, we feel prepard to | diseaso grew worse and worse, until by the advice of your
attention to a neat pattern of Coal Stoves exclu- please all, both young und old, grave and gay, who | excellent agent in Baltimore, Dr. Mackenzie, I tried your
sively of cast iron, which they are now makind may see proper to give usa call. Our stock con- | Pills. Their effects were slow, but sure. By persevering
and for neatness and durability cannot be excel. | Sists in part of s in tho use of them, I am now entirely well.
led.—They have also on hand cvery size and kind SILK AND STRAW BONNETS, SENATE CHAMBER, Baton Rouge, La., 5 Dec. 1855.
of sled and sleigh soles, wagon boxes, kettles, PLAIN AND FANCY TRIMMINGS. | Dr Avir:l have been entirely envad, by your Pills, of
Brice and Durkee wheels, &3. and all other articles generally keptin a Millinery Rheumatic Gout==a painful disease that had ufilicted me
They aro also prepared to make Iron Railing Store. for years, VINCENT SLIDELL.
any kind and description, also Waterand Blas io We have procured the services of one of the A Most of the Pills in market contain Mercury,
Pipe of every size from a half inch bore top what most experienced Milliners in the city. Store on | Which, although a valuable remedy in ekilful hands, is
ayer size desired. Bigeop street, next door to the old stand. dangerous in a public pill, from the dreadful conse-
Bellefonte, May 3,’60. MARY SOURBECK.
Eb fiom n distance wil] ba prem cazly a quences that frequently follow its incautious use. These
ended to as heretofore, and they hope by care cd contain no mereary or mineral substance whatever.
a desire to please. to keep this, what it nowis, the Price, 25 cents per Box, or 5 Boxes for $1.
pectfully announce to the people of this
that complaint, which, although bad enough in itself, is
the progenitor of others that are worse. 1 believe cos-
tiveness to originate in the liver, but your Pills affect that
organ and cure the disease.
From Mrs. E. Stuart, Physician and Midwife, Boston.
1 find one or two large doses of your Pills, taken at the
proper time, are excellent promotives of the natural secre-
| tion when wholly or partially suppressed, and also very
| effectual to cleanse the stomach and expel worms. They
aro so much the best physic we have that I recommend
no other to my patients.
From the Rev. Dr. Hawkes, of the Methodist Epis. Church.
store, and will sell at prices
kept in any countr,
solicit a share at least of your
which we trust wil
All kinds of country produce taken at full mar-
ket prices in exchangetor goods. Bring along your
Grain, your Bacon, your Butter, your Eggs your
Rags, your Tallow, your Lard, your Hard Soap,
your Bees Wax, your Feathers, and in case you
have nothing of this kind your cash will never be
refused. JOUN HIBLER & CO,
Boalshurg, April 20, 1860—tf.
in the Diamond, and get a suit of Spring and Sum-
mor Clothing at Reduced Prices.
No. 123 South Fourth 5t., Philadelphia.
N. B. Orde? sent by Express to an,
of the United States at the A notice. Fast
June 13th, 1861.
The subscriber having leased the abovs
named Hotel in ths borough of Lock Haven, Clin
ton county, Pa., takés this method of informing the
public generally that he has made every n
preparation to entertain strangers and travelers in
the best possible tanner. 3
His table will always co" tain the choioest lux-
aries that the cotintry wi’ afford, and he is deter-
mined not to be su: ed in this department by
any other Hotel along the West Branoh. ig
is Bar will contain the choicest liquors that can
be purchased in the city market. TOR,
areful and attentive Ostlers will constantly be:
on hand to take sharge of horses and see that they.
are property attended tor.” | «Jo ol a
i ng hat be Tay joseiie =» poriich the:
patronage of travelin c, he ,
close atiantion to be able s Frat r Je popu 3%:
action. ALFRED MANN, «
June 6, '61.~tf PROPRIETOR
~ ; *
Has fitted up the shop ges x
on the northwest corner
«Hang the banner on the outer wall,
«That the people may know wher to call.
A STERNBERG & CO. is the place to buy all
Finds of Mens’ and Boys’ clothing cheaper than
at any other establishment in this vicinity.
‘THE WAR MOVEMENT is driving numbers
for Clothing, Hats, Capsand Furnishing Goods to
NEW GOODS rersived every week, and sold
cheaper than ever at
leading establishment in the county. Prepared by Dr. J 1, AYER & C0., Lowell, Mass.
JO ly ’
Sold by J. Harris & Co.. Bellefonte, and by one
dealer in evry village in the county.
_ Dellcfonts, Augast 1, 1650.
any other of the above-mentioned article, to favor
us with a call and view our Goods and Prices
and we are confident thit we can give satisfaction.
and every person shall feel inclined to tell his
friends where Goods and Cheap Clothing can be
got. We are comstautly receiving accessions to our
stock from Reizenstein Bros.. Philad’a. with whom
we are connected, avd shall always be supplied
with a good variety of all articlos in our line, which
will surpass in style, cut, workmauship, and cheap
ness, those of any other establishment in this part
of the country.
oe udersigned having just open- 9
$4 alarge and fresh stock of =
oa the terminus of the Beli-fonte & Snow
A hoe Rail Road, iavite the citizens of the
urreunding country to call and examine ©
their stock. They are dctermined to sell g
cheaper than the cheapest. and always have
a full stock of everything in their line ef gn
$35, 00
Pa YS the entire cost for Tuition in the
most popular anf successful Commercial
School in the country. Upward of Twelve Hun-
dred young men from twenty-eight different States
have been educated for business here within the
past three years, some of whom have been employ-
ed as Book Keepers at salaries of
$2000,00 Per Annum!
Tiomediately upon graduating, who knew nothing
of accounts when they entered the College.
[5 Ministers sons half price. Students enter
at any time, and review when they please, with-
out extra charge.
2 December 15, 1839.
REFECLEULLY informs the citizens of
Bellefonte and vicinity that she has just res
ceived from Philadelphia a splendid lot of
of all kinds, and a superior lot of |
to which she directs th) attention of the ladies. |
May 9t1h,I859-tf.
Ayer’s Cherry Pectoral.
the Borough of Bellefonte, where he is making
Lime of a superior quality ~which is acknowledged
to be as white and pure as the Vermont lime. All
BONNETS, RIBBONS AND TRIMMINGS, i he asks is to give it a trial, and he is’ satisfied the
purchaser will come back again.
| for recording Decds. Mortgages,
all and settle the same during or
vember Court. 5
For catalogue of 58 pages, Specimens of Prof.
Cowley's Business and Ornamental Penmanship,
and a large Engraving of the College, enclose
twenty-five cents in Postage stamps to the Prinei-
re JENKINS & SMITH, Pittsburg, Pa.
March, 21, 1861.
§ §the subscriber respectfully informs the
public that he has erected a Lime Kiln near
Apl 12-'60-tF.
Persons indebted to the undersigned.
&o.. will please |
before the N o-
vicinity, and the public generally, that he is en-
gaged, at Roopsburg, near Bellefonte, in the man-
ufacture of Ale, Pcrter, Lager and Table Beer,
which +! © furnished wholesale to purchasers in
kegs or barrels, at desirable rates. These articles
are manufactured pure and are warranted to be a
good as can be purchased in the State.
Fresh Brewer's Yeast left daily at the Store of
Martin Stone in the borough of Bellefonte, for sale.
Bellefonte, July 9-29-1y.
Fp subscriber having put the Saw Mil
at the Bellefonte Mills in complete repair,
and having his logs boomed in the dam, is now
ready to furnish bills of SAWED LUMBER
feet. By having the logs in the boom a small bill
of any length can be got out axd sawed in one or
two hours.
PLASTERING LATH of allsizes kept con-
stantly on hand.
. He will also have a PLANING MILL in
operation to supply carpenters and builders in
time for commencing building next season.
Dec. 13, 1860-06m. JACOB V, THOMAS.
The advertisers, having been restored
to health in a few weeks by a very simple remedy
after having suffered several years with a severe ,
lung affection. and that dread disease. Consump-
tion—is anxious to make known to his fellow-suf-
ferers the means of cure
To all who desire it, he will send a copy of the :
prescription used (free of charge,) with the direc-
tions for preparing and using the same, which
they will find a sure cure for CoNsuxPTION, AsTH-
wa, BroNcHITAS, &e. The only object of the ud-
vertiser in sending the Prescription is to benefit
the afflicted, and spread information which he
conceives to he invaluable, and he hopes every
sufferer will try bis revaedy, as it will cost them
nathing, and may prove a blessing.
Parties wishing the prescription will please ad-
Williamsburg, Kiuge Co., N.
Bollsfanta, Ost. 31.
dress Rev. EDWARD A. WILSON,
Oct 3L.—8mo. iy
on short notice, of any length not exceeding forty |
Our citizens have
tenancing our
| was paid to their durability.
Coach makingin all its dep
degree of durability never fo
respectfully invite inspection
sons desirous to purchase.
May 30, 1861. S.
in the habit of going to distant cities for their
Bugies and Carriages, thus depreciating discoun-
home manufuctories, and givin,
to foreign establishments the patronage that Soe
! propery be extended to our own. 1
e foreign gave it the preference, over the
home manufactured vehicle, and little atten’ ion
a manufactury on Penn street near Bishop, hav
ing had an extensive and varied expereance at
dent that I ean turn out work combining with a
finish equal to that of any city establishment a
_ Repairing of all kinds done on the shortestno
for many years been
The neatness
I have just opened
artments, feel confi-
und in city work I
of my work by per-
shops in our larger cities,
done in a satisfuctory manner.
{REPAIRING promptly
Allegheny street. Bellefonte,
ecupied by Mr Rembold
Ayers Cherry
The subscriber respecuiully informs
| his friends and tho publie that
! the Cabinet and Upholstering business 11 all its va-
| rious branches, and will be prepured to furnish
wo.k that will compare with any made in the hest
Having had praetical
experience in every branch of business, persons en- work to him will be assured that it will be
he has commenced
attended to.
in the shop form ©
apl 6
Bellefonte May 30, 1861. .
ing to his friends and the public in gen
eral that he has taken charge of this well known
hotel, lately under the supervision of J. H. Morri-
son, ard is-fully prepared to accommodate the
traveling publi~ in a style and manner commensu-
rate with the progressive spirit of the times.
He is in possession of all the modern improve:
ments and conveniences, as to siseping appart-
ments, and has supplied hislarder with the choicest
in markets afford, and his Bar with the purest
With the most exteusivestabling accommodations
and attentive and skilful ostlers, together with as
siduous attention to business, he feels justified ir
soliciting a share of patronage and the -support
hie friends.
Bellefonte, Oct. 8-'57-42-tf.
UP! UP!! UP!!!
any way so that you get vp to
Cheap Clothing Store (above Livingiton's Book
Store) in the Diamond, Bellefonte,
May 23, 1861.
of Allegheny and Bishop
stroets, and is now prar~ = i
. ausss, Whips,
Yee; Brides; Ls yh
o., &¢., in a style superior to any man fac Ts
in Central Pennsylvania His work is ot ths.
best materials that can be procured, and for neat-
ness and durability is second to none, with the de-
termination to put his work up acsording to order,
and sell lower than any manufacturers int
county. He politely asks ashare of the
tronage. 5
Angust 8, 61-1y. a
espectfully informs the citizens of Belle-
fonte that He still continues to ‘carry on the
Tailoring and Clothing business at his old stand
in Brokerhoff's Bow, on Main street, where
repared to make _to order, all kinds of Cloth
’) tho neatest and most fashionable style. i Ae
He keeps on hand a general “variety of
of the latest and most sppioved patterns.
Ready made Clothing of all kinds which he is
gelling at reduced prices. Ho feels thankful for:
the very liberal support heretofore extended; and:
hopes to merit a Soitindange of the same,
ollefoute, Jan. 5th,1860,-1y.
¥ The subscriber offers for #ale his exoet-
lent Farm, situate in Patton tow 2 ship, on the
turnpike leading from Buffalo Run to P
burg, and within two and a half miles of the.
Eglo Railroad, containin
AS oD are sored of meadow
state of cultivation; nm \
and a bearing young orchard. There is also
new one and a aifstory house, Rew
and out buildings of al kinds.
ring of water is atthe door. Pl
esirablo home, would do well a i Bod oo
dersi, on the premises,
iv or at tl ofioe. Terms will be
t th es id ‘
op fi in H. J. CARTI¥. ;
Regi orm