Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, November 07, 1861, Image 4
1 TAE ONLY DISCOV2R iromirwvor ANY ODSPIDINO4 PO] APt ilia' AND GUT. many. ets.«) A.. 1201. Pr,( Wood' luvrwatlawr.pte4 wok/telt 'initiate hit WOtrifle, Out protege h tea alweosered foroothi...og that ....labels' pristine.. vivito Identical • but they have ' all edema slid soni, ',y the wonderful results 'or fr.( Wood's preparation, guingtre beau forteit to leave the Dail Its y • twattirfattartlll4 - : tarn Ilona, April Ifittb 1 , .59 pus+ la d La fiehte - the letter !wrote yon is 1856, cotter ming your •alontilo Rah. Restorative. and which you it ore puldishett le this vicinity and elsewhere hoe• giato rite to weiwerroue emiwiries touching the f-tots in the rail( The ettquiries are. first. la It a foot of toy helots and name, a stated in the ...mmunimet.. mead. la It true of all therein °n0w...4; third, dews my hair mill (million. to be 1. tt.."l Ardor nod 'fatterslcolort To all Icon anti , to at ewer n watinbly yes My heir is evett bet t^r than to cur ••• stage ot my life Inn 40 ytora. pail tru• re oifi 'brit iff, era b. tier ti,lored ; 11 e mete i n : rue ~f toy whiakervi, sad the only cause why it io not gruel, ally true, is that lb.. stilwtanee is 'ea.!, I IT by !mi t yen( eM,lutinn of the fare when it' inn' were tumid by wiping the fare tot close co 0,, yarn with 01111 wk ere the some recoil will Ito no the lair I have been le the me •int of r. gent num. bet of letters from e'l panto of New roglund tank lug me if heir still co,,'muesto be g ood , as there is an much fraud to the ninnufneture nod Mb of •nrious nompouodo as well so this It has, aro VIA been basely imitated and beehheed old 611IrMitti.111 any grated effect but to ebellute in jury I have tint used nil; or your Restorative of Soy sodount for some months and yet my lour to ws good as ever and hundred.. hove conic tiled it with eurptie• as I NM now 61 yea, old Rini not a gray hair in my head or on my face , and to prole Ole fact 1 wow rum n I,k of my hair ban ofT Om past week I reerired • , ..11; favor of two rail kettles laid /Minor for vilnTh I AM g rate fat , I wive It to my frirtolo and th•rehy rut aof ' dam to try it mar r ware skeptical (nisi al , rr trial and then purchased and wieil in wi t h u I tier sal epees. I will oak no a favor Hint are a lee lay witirl. I in the estoratise, sold ha mm l ,, I fear wit`iiiiit muffin, 1 1 7 trim you A p o re vi-lier 1.01 aid 1 believe where 6 (0..1 tninitli do non Gel low I f a lt er , Is n . iu sn i l In the it pill, to which our, no the inventor of the '''l I de, to it ini Its borelofore, ro keep y, o epprurd f the r it, ' effect on my hair. as I it...tiro all who enquire 411.. o f my uu.hukuu 4701 , 41 I its valuable era all.. I temais,yur sir your. . . •Aacola IQ ig 1.; Y , Nov 30, 1109 Pan? 0 1 Wont, Dear Fir I 'would ctirehin )y be doing you a great it juatlee no! to make known to the world the wonderful, well a. the unexpectinl remit I bare rzi.orienred ml.lll unng lasn bottle of rour Hair It Oiorat lie After wool, every kind of' Iteatorniivee natant, but without mem. and Bndu.g treatl ',Carty d•atitute of lair. 1 was finally a your Bair Rector slice Now candor and pintos ruin. to announce to who. Ter :n • t hat Ino po 88888 new and b, i I hair which I pronounce rwhiar at, ati the . eligi t ml a.. al{l Abort( Tr 411 • .1 Or r•• aweemend the ietaluable remedy sir .6o may Peal the neeevalt e it / remain respectfully yours REV fi A LLENEROCK P S —This teetininoi•l of my approbiltiog,,,,for 'stir valuable medicine ins you •re mare on' to tiasslirsted —but if you think it worthy • piece among the rest Insert if you wish & if not destroy sod say nothing Yours, REV t. A 11 iteitnrative le pat in h01d... of 11111, large medium and . the h,141 balf a pint and retails for onn tiolt•r per leads lb flall..itlny. bold at :Sail twenty per rent Ind. ti proportion than the small retails for Iwo dollar a kettle the large holds a Sou:, to.r ty f,. r f en' Wire to pro pnallon and rasa/la for [llene AL.llftes a battle 0 J woort, A i' let., 111 Illrosehroy, New York end 114 Market Ht reet of t e a l s, Mn And sold by alt good Druggists and /army Good. Declare John Hardie & Co., Agent.. nillernote. IlAillefonta,Jaly 11, '6l ly. ilLiall READ! GREAT ATM NEW ANL) CHEAP • CLOTHING STOll}, VII Tall( DIAIWIWNIII. SRLI f I .1 v . lily Braineh of Ketzenatetn liroth•re 1,, Third rttreet PhiLololi his IT be underwial.ed rt spectlitry &Maumee ~ 1. the inhabtteuo „r Centre County mud public ix general. that they hale opened at the sheets named Owe! , the moat extentoy• atoi best 'sleeted reta.• t of REA n P M. 117 N. (1.()TII TI!! V( sad geutt, menY furnishing "wale that hes ever been •allibtteul in this fron,ugh and which they will sell :10 pier cent cheaper than the cheapeta ' Cur Stock 1.111 tor 111 full Colt; plet• logroP. light Of F I 110. lilyrk Cloth lire,. an d Inch Cementer. /honoree Co•t•, Serino! Tweed Jean Partnere' and Mechanice'. Cusimere Fita-k red Sack Coeds Pea Jaeket• Ae de Surnmristats of ot. Cloth Pr...lent sod M., 5 ,. 0u Beavers Seal and Lion skit., 1 td,.11 Cassimarce ribbed and plain P• ..1 fine Cassitnere and Donskin,black, silk mixed aril other fancy inter. of the latet's style., ma well u Satinet aid Union Cattrimeres, Pant. of atioug and soliotantial stuff, for the La borer Fenner and Meebstim An endless variety of Vests each as :attn. silk and ailk•liniebed Velvet. rirenadine. V•leonts et C. , 1115.01fr0, Cloth satin etc A general assortment of tiny, Mill youths' Cloth mg and Cientleswer'• Ftirnishin" Goode, Iles - Cape Und/eashirts ami drawer+ knit Jacketa.'lloe white and briny bosom Shirt. CAlkllars. neckti e . handkerchiefs sued. soil cravats stocks and gl ere" trut kte, cal lees ear u et hags, umbrellas, -nd In .6,0 trierytntug usually fOund In a well assort ed stun this kind also keep a fine assort ment , I Fancy . goods and notions •och as Poehet 10.411 poChel•hbhe• and razor, sombe and brush.. watch ehnin• kept, and • •• ,1,, finger-iiega and Itmatiliori. and getteo strip's, pistol. anri re•olyere, • raps. apectessieespy slaw.. and a grit many oilier (whey and useful arurin ? no eoth.troe. to 11....ribe all of which w will sell et the learnt cam), prices W. Invite err rr pereon to need of Clothing t, Say other of the ahove mad totted Articles, to rerOf as with • eel 11.1 , 11 anew n r e n d Pore. and we are esitedont that we au gi v e rati•fa, lion. - and every perwm shall feat I.t.ed to toll hi■ friends wham (lends and Chest clothing OW, lie got We an const.itolly rresivitic o-totmlotot to ton stook hoe liaisetist•in 800 Plulad'e with whom We are connected, and 'hall always b• roppl old with a good variety Of nit .1 , ..10•111 our line trtitnh will surpsm in et r le, rut workmanehlp, and cheap ails. thew, of any ether establishment lit punt el the mentry A ATERNIJEtt.O A Co forow BAGS. 6'4 TtUdersigneti having pint epen• I " . &large and fresh stook of ..! 4 4 tltl DRY GOODS. OROCERI EN, he., , 1 R the terminus of the Belt fonts A "' h , e, EAU lioad. Innis the citizens of the e l utruendleg country to cell and e eatntt, 0 their sleek. they are determined to Fell 0 eheapee k time the cheapest. end al wayirba re . stall 00elt of everytnw In their line of co t i bueineee to „Dr It 11Altitif4 A CO. e 4 Dezember 16,1959 !.4 CAP lara3ool.o ‘IOIOIIII A o}l4l lISI.I - -- 1 NEW MILLINERY GOODS. IBS. E. GRAFITM RZBPECTFULLY Bellefonte and vicinity salved front Philadelphia a eplenr, I t BONNETS, RIBBONS, AD TIMINGS, of 'Waage, sod s superior lot of SKELETON SKIRTS, tap wilts!' Om &nodal th) Millealdoo of the lobar. May 1te1b,p1694. 11.yees Cathartic Pile. PrXtCloar. WiCl)47)3=eiel RESTORATIVE CORDIAL, AND BLOOD RENOVATOR. Is precisely what Its 1101.111• Indicates. r, while pitman lit to the tore it Is revivifying, lllexhilarating, e, d etrengttraing to the vi- 0 dal powers It Moo revi•ifies. reinstates and renown the blued in tell its original pu -rsty7ann thus resintel and rend ere the ,ye• tem invulnerable to attacks of Mews It is the only Prepatntion ever cdpred to the world in a popular form so as to be within 61 the reach of ail chemically cod skill. " fully einubineil as to be the wont powerful I tonic end vet ea perfectly adapted to tee EWI rte et afro, do ore troth the lo tee of ,tatfl ,, . heotre .gooliot the trey/ref Atomitrit and tone Up the dleantive organs. end allay all nervous 'and other irritation ti It is also perfectly exhiliretlng in Pa effects, nod yet it in never followed by lansituds or . depression of spirit+, It is cow posed en tirely of vegetables and thrifts, thoroughly x_e comb'ning powerful lonic and F....thing ri Pproperties and consequeeily can never in ure :such a remedy hes long been felt to he a diseieratum i the m. diced world 0 both by the thoroughly chilled i merlient science, and also he ell who have !mitered from debility ; it nerds no tnisliael skill or kistwledge even .0 ore the de 61 lit v follows all attack. of license and !n ye tdl the unguftrded sereteen ripen to the atomic,. of tunny of the most diingerotas to which 11) poor humanity Ic ccontently reliable Such for example. as the following : Consump• lion. litsinciiitie, Indigestion. Dyspepsia, Los! of Appetite Faintness Nerromo fr a , ritetillity Neuseicia palpitation of the Heart, Metenrholy 111.1.0c.trine N ight Sweetie. Languor tioldioren end ell that elf'''. or pollen .0 r• ',Trolly total I r otintlend -14 ell to In time called Female '1,41W, I gut! 1,,,,,/ ~,or• A 1 ,,,, Dernog, ment or '1 orpidtt), and I,pr Coll'lstlntm in , tj .t . • the R l'lnr i Seal'', og Or Inc , ',, 11 , 111 • I er . r the I rine or Noy IC..nern l de jetignmeni of the 1 , tner% Urger, Peiu in th, f' unit Monet, the 'Enithl preillepoloti ' , g1,1 r„l,f. u ,k 0,11 i',•1,1111‘14,1 0,,.. I urn minim itol - qulty f Ilrentlo og we might eintenernte renly n ro Kill /Int We /texe ypere only tii -Ay, it will not iArtly cure the , ilebt , it i , ning l'ener hot pre.rl.l titinek• frontAitaFtwitic 1 til!luenerii ntnl ell!! :lie dievileee nt nurn , 0 attend) Iced Atid no it Cell di reelly and rierevotetille upon the t dint) A C RATVIoNC rye: vln a roue! og the Laver to net ion pro. 0 rooting, in Not all the ^lei I , if a and ee• erettone of the eytdetn la wall anfrallibly ',toren. nay delitertotn , eolooritrettres fol. towing upon ehange of rlintstle and Water . Itenee all trtlnclery should have a bottle with them and all should 'eke n table 0p...Mi11! at leflrt berms Paling Al. it pre. venth ,iellVtllP.l. at rength can the digest/1a ire "rgan• it atnauld be it. the !inn+. ~f all rer ~,,, a of Pedentary habitat. MIAOW,: stun a 1 ,,, literary men And all ladle. not aet union. I ill touch out Mum rueful,. 1 4 4 rhoul.l alai ii) a use it If they will they till will linil no agreeable vituasimi slid eth cirrit remedy agnne• thoite Ills whit rdb them lit t heir beauty . for beauty cannot ealat without health and health enonot ea 0 at while the II burr irregularities row t nue Theo main. the Colonial to a pert - eel:110th yea Relief Tnken a month or two before the final trial rh• will Now the drendiful liteeriort with perfect en, •rd enter) Dir., it no ono rtoie obont it , #l.,.(tordiot tiC all ler claim for it A lbo,h‘re t r y i t 1,10 or A I you we er ~p eni to detect the illtie. line not only or your rleugt. her.. it bil tun lute but •Iroymir /Ofr and hoe 11111111411 for while the former from fa1...1e1 C l ; leaey, (Men roe. dawn to a premature grave rather than lit their elDnii 'll,l be km,wq, in flint., the Is ter are "Peet .. tub 41 ed up with the rlelietliflll of burid Wa n( re lbw if it We e not for you they woulve' et the scans d.,itenwerd path until It.. late of arrest. their fated fall But the. moll er C.lelyi vigilant and to y, , u we oonfldent• appeal toy we royy your never f• , l , tig aereetron will unernngly polo( you Prof IVo,l'a R.olluratlYe e.rollal and hi. oil Renovator n the rem. dy which should elety• he on hand In time of need IVlttrlt Peoprielem ill Broadway New lock. end 114 Market or. et St Louts M. .mli Fold by all wool Drug glutei P Hee One Dollar per lh.ttle John Ilurri..l Cu , Alet,ll.llcf.mterl'a fitly lA 'AI ly F ASTiN I tS TOE 1 . ; I) E M I GN E. C Init Ing leased 1116 LINAPI F l /11 n the Bortugh of Bellefnute, together wttlt 111 r Mere', titotry their I and the 1.11.11•• general, 11 41 the) •e• pro pnre.l to Inalte ki4ole ,g,,„.; N„,, :If el I For,0•0.1.000,0 •0 .10•• I ie,•o 'I •0, 110 ('..1 I „ q , ../k well Ise au) ;Op f ktud , 01 1.0• bln,y Cttallt,4. They are oleo tusking • large variety ,4 italuding the Wortt Plow, th o W,, r t. Plow, ■ud .everAl others of the nowt rpl.r..sett ntyles and at Ibe lolrost r.i:oa for rash or I,,inpt ray, or at fair rate. fort r.ole of ci, kind, Mr IC being prAciii.luir wnrka, is (letter. hita self that his work wsill gi,e,entiro .n.:isfrettott lull have t.ow on hand '()()KiNG STO r FS. tunable for ei.lier Co.: or {Wood wllieh they will on reaw.nabir tonna according to Piac and ttyle, also nine plato, air-tight egg, and otlo.l ,a 1 moves at redu,ed rates They would call attention to e neat pattern of Coal Stove. eselu rival/ mf cast iron, which they are now tnakind ■nd for neat nen and durshilLty cannot be PA,' led —They have oleo on hand ever nine and kind of sled and Weigh des, wagon hoses, heath's, Uri . .. and Durkee wheels, A- They are also prepared to make Iron Hailing any kind and description also Wnier and lilac i'ipe of 'Vary sloe lions a half inch bore top what over sire desired All a:okra from a illwauee will ba prom aptly a t ended In MI heretofore, end they hope by nor• and desire to please to keep lb.. whit it horde, the leading estahliebment in the county Ilellefentet, August 4 1959 dry?, 7 PA YS the entire wet for Tuition in the 1 mon, r, v) . or and sueeers(ul enterverrial school in the errantry l'nward rwroftw )infr drsd tw, / 4 - ta , ht different States have been enlue•teil for business here within the pest three year. some of bare beeto amploy• ed as hook Keepers a' 11.11•1101 or $2000,00 Per Annum ! Immediately tipm gridustin. , who k new not hi, ix of account. elan, they entered the ': dlege L ir fdlnistera half trice Students enter at any time. and review when they 'lease, with ommtra charge yOr 00111.iglle of 88 pr Fr. 'linens of Prof Cowley. Business and i mammal Penmanship, and a large Engravin of the College. Ork110•11 twenty-llva Dents In Postage stamps to the Princi pals, J RN 1(11N8 & 13,111T11, Plitiburg, P• &larch, 11. 1861 LIME! LINE I ! LIME ! the subscriber respectfully informs ' the public tha , he has erected a Lime Kiln near •he Borough nr Bellefonte, where he Is making Lime of &superior quality -which is acknowledged te he ee white and pure as the Vermont lime MI be Writsa,giv'e It a trial, and he Is saddled the Pltionetor will enure back ■gain. Aid 12- 'lle. rf LHON MACK /1,1. MEE i'fABRABLE BARBER NHOP. MK• WILLIAM W. HARDINO,- having deed up rearm 04a-door north of Blob , '413411 Allegheny streets offers nls servieee to pabll heltng esengdeat boll he osp please the 1 mod portionless. Bair dressing shanopooning sad ell other brioche' of 1.0 profession proeOlood eo )w moot farrowed pier LOOAN FOUNDRY STOVES & %ti EM=I $36, 00 (211-IFLI7.ELT crrrrt 3n. DR LELAND'S 'ANTI RHEUMATIC BAND TITR 0? T.Y KNOWN Rpmitoy FIR RIUMATIMI, GOUT An NEURALI3 . n # ; 911. 1 )44 4.14 It le *conveniently arranged' Band, containing a mcdionted compound, to be worn amend lila Weld, without injury to the fltLt' P 11,110,044 per imnP, to, change in battle of living Is required end it entlYely remove, the dleemee from the sruem without producing the Injerfoup elfeota edging tram the use of powerful intern4ll modietnep whir+ weaken and destroy the conatitntlon. and Ave temnorary relief only By NA trectment, medicinal nrenertietteentelned in the Ilan& come in content with the Mood end re ,h ee th e through the per.. of the akin effecting Ir, "'yes Inatanrw perfect cure, and mimeos the trerts af• dieted to a hop Ith• condition - Thin qatitT I. oleo moat powerful Alert Battery! tt, agent and will entirely relieve the Avnlein from the no , ntrron feetsof liereury. Ilit , ntemte coin ore cared in o, few dove and we are onnatently reeetving ninlP aft@ efficacy in 'aggravated onsets of thne etending Pnteg $2OO, to imbed of Prnir•lPte generally, or eon he pent by well or with foil direr tine, the ore. to Any port of the anuntry direct from the PvineiMtl ()Mee. „,. No 400 BROADWAY NIM ' IN/Ilt O. SMITH & CO:, Pole Proprietors. :v It --liner , ph' , Orrnla rt Sent F - r j• )11 grysto Wanted liverywrhere. llullefonie July II 'III I y ELIXIR PROPYLAMINE, TOE NF:W ItEIIIDY FOR RHEUMATISM. Luring the plat 3e tr hu‘e Introduced to the ontioe 01 t he otrolleal profoooloo of thio Country the Po, ( 'r zed Chloral,. of Propylana tit a REMEDY FOR RHEUMATISM ; nod Ii ri irig rrem‘e.l from men♦ soureem, both from phymom. of the highest stentilng ■m! from imilente, the Nast Flattering Testimonials oeits Beal Value In the tent merit of this patnlul and obstinate tit, nine, we ore endured to present It to thn public in o form itycapy FoR IMMEDIATE tiSE. whiii we he well commend itty/f to those who aro suf. firing sitn - this alflictinf complaint, and to the tned,slprnedittollet whom., feel disposed to lent the mowers of thq valuable remedy Eli XLit Piton' LAMINF: in the form •hove 'Token of ht.' , reeently beet' eilenrilety expert. mentett with in the PENNSYLVANIA HOSPITAL, and with MARK ED SlTChkti out will appear from thefoibliehesl accounts in the medical four. nal. rie• enrefully put up really for immediate we, lentil full it ireettons. and eon be uhtelned from all the clrugiteta at 75 rent, per bottle. and at wholesale of 4 BULLOCK R CRESSIIA %V, Dr.tpoill• and MaDdfacturitig Cleelniate .Itnio 27 At ty l'Hir,ttga 1 . 11 I t, "a PENNSYLV'A HOTEEL rpm.; srmvitiolt RESPE(7II•II,I J. iliforma the cutlet), of Centre eimully and the 'Albin , in general that he has leased this 11, lel, and is rode reedy and prepared to aco , un .„. date twirlers in p •tyle, which he llotters himself will meet with ioiblic iippridietion and patron age People from the County dining their tosourn at Bellefonte fill weeks of Court will End the Penn sybarite Hotel, to agreeable renting Idiom The Ilona* re spacious end furnished in superior Till. TABLE of the suiveriber will he supplied e tilt all the auhatactial provisions deli cae i,„,l liturtec which a productive Country can furnish ti t 'oder/try , it/Alava, and exertion lan pro, ore 111. Bill, will al ways ciruhun a general assort. anent ofthe very best liquors that the E.oiern market istforde eilaptital to suit the most e•pricolue VIE STABLE will he attended b su t attentive and obliging tattler well ilu•ltfled toiseharg, the d is ....frt s i dues pert•ining to this importart epartment id • ',oldie establishment, designed toe th e li eeumie ,, tinuoit of true , let. •,:enernlly Accommodating iliirllaliii ii . ill always he in 111 ter thieve Ili atipfdy the wants and Onlir 11 FlUtii loth° din fort and set tsfiu tion of thou, who may lie die 1 ,.,,,,1 t o p e t roofs.. the Hotel of the nu herriber by Vilt.olli nothing wi I be omitted which will •+retler 1,,, i .,,q,,, eere comfortable and happy Prom the attention and time which the under ei gue d h am devoted to thin branch of I.aj nes. and his ,noel 101, he 11.1,V 1 1s merit and rircrois, a earionirtile Aare of the patronage of the ;milli , April 11, ISM) Pill LIP IKEPIIIA.It r TO THE LADIES. acr - tli.viu m Juni rt.tornod Inns l'hulanvipl i • "NIA litt ni•vt and splendl , l +n.,ri went o MILLINER Y GOODS, - Or the I•trot a rico end ft/shin!). feel prepard to idolise nil. hotit p•onic end oil. g en e e an d g ty. ho way see ;miter gin, um • c.lI 'Our stuck enn. /IMO w pnel of :Mat - A,Y TRAO' BONNE' 'Av. 1'1,4 IN AN 1) A Y Tli 1 M W;, and all ,tlier articles ever/01y kept in ■ 31111inery L i r We have proalared the eenieet of one-of the moot experienced Mllliners In the oil tiler. on Bishop etreet, next door to he old eland Ilellefont• May 3.W MARY SOURBELT - - BOOR STORE OF:URGE LIVINWITing, at his well known stand on ,he North-eastern net of the ,11/111 1 fl 11141afi. • • • atllly I $ll Laud n large aroettutent of TIIKOI.OOI , AL, (44111.11,AL 1.30(At3, 1 , 1111C111,1.411111011• gin SCHOOL Also, • large rudely of BLANK BOOKS AND BTATIONERY of the beat quellty MATFWVATICAL INNTRUMKNTB. ...... vollT FOLIOS, A.. h.c l air Book. brought or •t a small advance . on (be qty. priaota-- Janrit-ttit ( dEII—LIXING HT , !q - ROOPSBURO BREWERY (NEAR BELLEPONTH I T i rc,nti ..aOOO UNDERSIGNED unce t o the OUT of R t E h s- 1 vicinity, told to 'public generally, rhat, P h t e Is en 's . gaged, at ltoopsburg. near Bellefonte, In the Mai.. , I f t t Ale, P rer, Lager led Table Peer, which will be larourbed wholesale topurchaser' In kegs or barrels, at desirable rates There articles are manufactured pure and are warranted to be a good escort be purchased In the State Fresh Brewer's Yeast left daily at the Store of Martin Stone to the borough ci Bellefonte,- o:6* for sale . 2r a T AND lITHOL-$ LEWIS HAAS. STERING ESTABLISHMENT —• Bellefonte, July 9 29-I.S• The subscriber respectfully Informs ------ u J AI.----- his Menge and the public that he has commenced lIIPHOVEMENT IN DU . ' the Cabinet and Upholstering business in all its roe I dons branchei, and will be prepared to furnish ' T he 8.{b81:1 OW,' having put the Saw, Mil k that will compare with any made in the nest at the Bellefonte Mills in complete repair, pin our larger cities. Having had practical i and having his logo boomed In the dam, le now " r&rieooe in every branch of hominess, persons en ready to furnish bills of SAWED LUMBEII 'rowing work to him will be usured till/et will be on short notice, of any length not exceeding forty done In a satislowiory manner i feet By haring the logs In the boom a small bill OwItZPA/BlNG:Aromptly attended' , air any length tan be got but aid sawed In one orl PIffIEDIRICH SMYTH, two hours i Allegheny street, Bellefonte,la the shop forme 1 -pLASTERINg LATH of alleles. kept eon.' ecuhled by Mr ftembold. , sapid sitaitly en hand. ' --- lie will Also have a PLANING MIL L io i ' operation to supply carpenters and builders la tams for commeneing building next season. I Apr's Cherry Pectoral. . boa. 19, ISIN-Or. //AVM Ir. 11.001,te • . and ob. atm.VSlls rodursl h rilnetiona. lthese v , If nni. inirt upon thetufielrea suit the surronfoling organs. pro ducing stamens' inhirrsvatbin, aliffortil St, sun dowasie. WWI. lit this ronfhtl tttt t °pinpoint by tin. doraintaitionte, halm Aysee Pille, and two how dim tie tinny ram... the natural action of the SI.IOIII, and With 11. ban suit foaling or health again. Who! Is Iron and an opporent In ibis trivial and commrin on Is also ti na In loony, of the derenvoiwnel and ditoprono ghat...Toro. Th.. POMO "purgation effect owl* them. Coornol It, otinflor nbs h ac lions vend derangements of the Rotund tourism. of dm hate, they uric. apiJly, and many of thorn mirelt, cured by the oanno mean.. Nunn who know t h e lotion of them Pitts. will neglect to employ - omm when superloP nom tins dfoordiore they cin, Statemonto from leadlit; physicians In itiltrof the principal anise, and from other well known public. — flow."' sons. /iv.. a Aoloarttem tittrchant 4V. Lulus, A N I, VA. Da. Avis Tots, III!. are thr pat wt.. or all I hut I. great I. mettllclat, Thay Lure rurt.l tos r 11111. Jetty h t•r of aurae mato her haw!. sod rsa that hail pr.,' rtl 111(A/this Au - yen... I ler mutt... hat , Iter , long grl•r oruly .mime.! . PI, blotch* , and pimp!... in Ler ...1.111 la her lintr After our child ear cum! alto also turd your Ylllo, auJ they hi,. ho.r AS A AI Oft(Ill lIHIR A • a Family Thysle. Front /h. F. 11. (Ureteral/hi Arlo. or(•nnr. Tour rllle rp the priory, of porker Their totv,:lpoi Joy Th.. al, tn lld but •ery mut 0ff. , 1,131 their Akrtlon on the 11.•441 'Mph toolpoe them Ie eelwdd. to U•1lO the Maly to Moto,/ of diseftse . lic•datha,Slt kflead•ch•,Foul Stomach. tiron, lir J Pop!, 11.111.nre Past DIM A TIN I l•11(11.t alt.terToil what rornrlp.lnt• Larn CI41•1 your r than to any all 01 , f re. wore paroalt, mod ',rot I Flare Krena no or down nn olTortantl many - fir 10, rontrat laollyylaav no I .1. mat ,0111 ...• taa Ilia boat w• brawn. I or 0141,011 r+. %NV. I.l+t fir hato rapeato 111 v nor both , eats lo , o'a tiv a dn. or two to, &tin from a till at ow, ireal.lollpKt. Mt.! C. Arnt I the *oral lotries, ae or ,nnr 1.111, Il •bkl3 Iher I.•nnr. Y./uir with . En. W. I.IIP.PLIC, ()r r/ Blllone •ordere —Liver IComplalntl. Pr , m . notdo. • WI, of .Vrio Ynr.4 Cly Vol only n y to their nor. ro t I Ili I fl i • 1,11• ~k 1 Orr, Ir upon In. I irr nen/A.4 1ndr...1 In y Is•no In Inv pron. • n.. .• !nal lor of b./ ~.:0141.. tits.. mit 00. it I 1.311 isirlilitm I Ann Iry is.. Owl l• s•tit.,..i.••• rolilrls Irvf , 11tn ..uulnlontr I thy (lie v.. Vie. 1 Ile rsarasas nr snr 1 rya, aslainglnn U :IL ksh, 18.04 Ntl: 1 ladye nerd yd.r HII. o my grist .stl and Ina.i,ltsi prat tics / Maya ton matte tin..., and k 41111 4 . i h• .!,re t. NIT Oily are W. Les, •at Itarti.. ....II 1., lln If 'ro tating a. OH 0.10 liras Is 'L"' and 1.. hied rans•- •tavully thry IWO no 814.11111,11/10 j .or lienll4oll/0111111 of that n. , son I ndsad, I lulu Sol.l.nn found • t arn .of todsaut three... ao ntrattorthe that It dot not scr.ttly 'add to therm brat...l.lly poor. A Lot %AI I•A U, / 7/soslcian of 'ow Mrrl r /oral. Dysentery. Diorrikera, Relax. Worms. Jut Ile 1 u Uter n. ,efe.ervel. Your till. h • I.nd n Iti un pr•A Ire. nnel I nabl IN.. 111 I I.• • I it/6 10 • / et. r It • '111... I I I ../, 1 1 11 • 111,'11.' wt.., prod Ir. I re... 11 611,•,.,1dverolerq dr...rrher.. "11. II lII,M/11 •..r• .1,.,r40 r rho win W grow. mord Drapego•la, Impurity of the Dined. Prow hew. J. I". Ilahmi, (tub,' o t i Ad, net l 7.: 0,, 0,0,.^. Ut Aisf 1 LI" vd ,rmu l ull. wnll Vroordinary tufted. In My frourr4ll nod 'lttp.,nrr 110.•., I bin. •llrd trart In &elm. l• I/1.. the ,ow.. 1/I arid Purify lb. bltnnl, arr. tin on, hrtirl I haws over known, sad I All WI, terrorist...l their h. toy friend. lion., J. c", • 1,11.1 11. 111!3. flab MI. I Ito •ttttt lel hat Ile 1 . 111. lee see y II e., nee sued 111, 1 11e ~ ,e ato ee • 11,11 pot gal 1 r eh-Alio.. 11,• pia., d purl/ ji Me • fie.. edema 0 I 110 , 1•14,4 .11.,11`. 1.. M D Co..llpa Cn.11..n..., Nap pre.lovo, It 1..., nit ...algid., ll•op. Paraly•la, 111., .1.. R.,,, ✓ I .114,0. or, .11 n Tno ni.l 1601.1 •ft ..1 I “11, - ritr• /4 c•••/$•••••o• 1/ I/ I to•nt g. , m , 1,,, % „ I ) lei, ill , , 11,, lit 11. .111 ,• i•o• mllll, I rr Ileat w l / 1 .11 all I, ~1, A.ll In ...It I. 111 . • 1.11, I.r r, ) ~ 1 . 111. all. 1 Mat Olga" sod roil • .i.« .11 .I/,,. Pm nod kitheo,4. I , • ~r l' , 11• I t 0.,, tba 1,11, t ..1 111. ~ bon rt.... I. .15 ..1 1 , 1 Octt al. i, J WT.. foal I. 11004. 1111. i ,rpol /WIN ff PI • an. r, ph, al• r. 1.•.. I se.oustioars,l Ott ult.. to at) pa,t.s,t. P.M the Ner thr 1 . 1 A 1... o•ontrt, torn tI .1 o I 1. ~.,„.„ , I„: Wow .1.11 le. row If I did • I ..rt to r.ll 4 04. 1 .1...11inJ Inlnv I I rot . v • I. ot.l IN 0. n, tom ithei...1.11....c1 1..1 11.• 1..1 .1 p1.).1 !1./ Alva. yr..* .. I .I 1.1 1., 11.0 •lovollent •,rent In 11411 'lwo , 11.1.,-nale. I Isl., 1 . 1110. 114.1 r etre. I. •• • or. Ity per...rind In U.. WO GI Ult., I sou o .1, urn awafa. Lab.n I n M 1 144 - 1,54 DP. A TMR • I bar. o • -. 1 /fronmorotritserr.—• pilalterul .logro. rie 100 ARM 1,1 me for p.m yINCV,NT Sir Moat of tb. fllla In market enotalo ..tfheury, althoutth • enloal.le reon,lr In elotrol 4tatts, danaerrota In • pu IL 101 l h Ihe 4,441111 ronaeo 1,411M1Y, that Arenooorttle lonotttoua Iheatt oont.ho 11 , 0 DWI o ~r mitten., 1111 , ..tatu t, hat Price, r Gents per Box, or 5 foxes for $l. Litepllrell bp Dt. I (1. Atilt & CO , Lowell, Mau. Id by 1 Harris ACo Bellefon.e, and by one dealer in eery village in Ina c ,unty CEFSATION OF II AR PREPARATIONS!! PEACE TERMS PRI )POSE[) ! i s /MOUT+ AITE HOME INDUSTRY. Our on' Is. r hate fur thou ware been In the habit of going In distant chic/ .for their Pugles and . ref, thus depreelating diseoun. lenancing our 11,100 manufs.,,ortes end &ring _NALCO natabliatuthongatha patronage, that should properly be extended to our own ihel neatness of the foreign gave It the preference, over the bump m•nuttetured rentals. end little mien ion was paid to their durability I imve Just ripened a manulactury on Penn street near Busing,. hen ing II" " """ 4 41R , -,.lnd "Pied expereanee at Coach malting In ail Ita department, feel confi. dent that I can turn out wort cow ~.g with finish equal to that of any city establishment a degree of durability never found In city work I respectfully invite Inspection of my work , by per sons desirous tc purehase. Repairing of all kinds done on the aborting no lice I May 30,1861 S A M'QUISTION. =WS FEO TEE OUT ON WAR. ANOTEMIt TIC sp A BEADY IMPORTATION OP de • mui l‘t eut I 1111 du mom 11 4• n 01p. 111 lit 4 , t 11 II 11 u, led by alit rrm. I di. and Ivied hip loud, mid uu th.. m littRDWAttE!! FOR VIE FIRM OF BAXTRESSER CRIST, Who have plot opehed. In the Store Room on the N W corner of the Dist:non& in Bellefonte, for merly occupied by Wl!eon Brotherg their large and rpr ndh nesnriment of Shelr nardware, House Trimming. iitevery ilesorttition 1111= POCKET Ictill 'ABLE CUTTLERY of every Vatic aild price CROSS CUT, MILL AND CfI,CIA AR SAWS nt the beat tuanufweturn RIFLES NSTOLS SHOT GUNS AND LOCKS at every deotert o ption end the beet quttlfty MORTICE AND HIM LOCKS AND LATCHES_ of,difforent kinds CUNIOA It D, CHEST BOX AND TILL LOCKS. and ling, and small PAD LOCKS. HAND PACK, IikAPTINO AND PANNRL „EA WS, Brunel Hand anti Chopping AXES PUT PLEA Vffitst AND CHOPPERS, Dreiring Koivea Ilatehets Close:s A Adzes HAY MANORE AND %WADING FORES.EDOE TOoLS of evory aoeirablo variety SADDLERS' 11All WV AR E. A grneral st,aoutulent. and 50 per cent lower ill., any pince else CARR! R MARTItS Tltllol I NO -.CA RPI:N. 1 E TOOL, Kb> h cannot be. II rpon.ed VICES ANVILS DRILLS SCREW PLATES VI LP'S HASPS, PIPE SK KIN & W AW/N ItOX STEEL SPIC NII 1111)5 A X ELTREES lILNT ELLI,IIs, '• Ac PAIN I' , S 11 I. A'.•••; IND PI TTY, ("AL )11. AND L k VIP, I AII N 'Ail rtrin TIIS I' %TENT LEATHER ROPE AND IS llt E ry Ott In abundance SIIIIh \1 11. hit A tol 01.11)4,1,1min of Hoods unitully boo in it W. " Irg ullteti Hard ware Store Their al ink is an entirely new one, comprising a ll t h e l en di ng a,lnd e ,, connected with the 11.ird of", Itad. nil t holt (.soils ten (it pus chasing g o od. not bess.g cruel led hs any lit her establish• ment. , they here des hero thema••ls es nide in sell from filly to tint hundred per cunt lower then any wirer establishment in the country ■nd Ills lie Fanners Mechanist nail nil o the r , In recd of 111,41,1 re, lo call anal satiety thclnsele. or the truth"! the nanertion July li.. I FitSo - - F IRE INSURANCE COMPANY. Horne to hereby gri en that the Par 1111r1 yterhnurr, Mutual Fire Insurawe Compiini . of N lit iii.y 'llllli Srlll prepare , } to r, ,a of 11,11r:woe againot Irene hi fire Ihe lou.mwe. of ti, w ny i. cowl neteil upon n mutual principle exelu civil, .IZIIIII.I IS to an act •.1 incorporation pas.eil the Ilith of March. N 1, Within the hordes of IValker tel :.pring, Rattner, Patton, and lielf Moon I own.hips, in Centrti'Aiinnly and La mar, P .rter,.i;reen, and Logan Townehlpii. ClIn• ton count) an Agent hail, been appointed in each Townohitie lA border. of the Coniflil , l etlrporllt IOC) I's • V/ I 01174: In Leonine members cin d • , 1 by malting application id 'he agent re outing in hi. ri /rect.,' lox larch ing any inform nti .11 rohe ern tng the lihai nese of the Comp' , y will addrei• •lir :-,reretary at 11u blur art; Centre 1 . 0 App' o• tone iif I it•il • oli Properly in ineorporlied town. will 10.1 be ac II EN it 1 . 111.C1: A C Bean• fro y July 25 Iwll '1 TO TIIE WORLD AT LARGE! ANI) BOALPH1110; A VICINIT)" tAI PARTIeI lAU The itlisrribers having taken the Store forint rly weupied by M Job, ..ton Gel ler, beg to .. e e to the people of lb.elaburg nel rind? !het they will continue lime DRY 4101i1D8 AN ORCICEILY BUSINES in nn %arida* bruio..or awl will npere no pnin• i keep lip .1 till 11.01111, nt of eueryi hi rig nnunllt kept ii alivokotiniry P . re. and will p.ll Pi ',flee. which oo tt ua 0111 solirit a shaft at least of your p•t1.011/.., All 14ei,ila 01 ry prolece 1..6e0 nt hill mar let priet in I. or goods firing slung your Utak .ur !Inc( t your Flutter t .lir Egg. your Rag. v. tel " I allow your 1....41 ~ 41 r fiord Soap your Bs,. t 5 ny, your lent here dill in. re y.O buye nothing of this lyiu‘l lour will 1, It r be relioe.f ‘I N 11111 A CO, litokli•hurg April 20 l'l4o ATTENTION COMPANY mmo TO A STERN BEIM A t.:O'S CI.I.AI' CLOTH ISO 11014 E, In •, , piamond, and get a nun of Spring and Sum rust P•thing at Red 11.1.1 Price/ I;nag the banner on the outer wall That the people may know r .mere ta, call A STERN BERM A t,tt -la the place to buy •Il I Inds of M nt.n ■nd Boy elothlric tbrn ■t any idler establishment in this vicinity TILE WAN MOVEMENT IA drivirg number* (or Clothing, Hats, C•iialld lirnt•hiqU.,•lll;) A STEEN HY.IIO A Co NEW 1100ri reettived every week, and told cheaper than eveY at STERN FIERO A CO Bellefonte Map . CONR lD HOUSE, BEI LEPONTE, PENN' at. J. H. ■UTTA 13 AS 'r m., ri.EA.suitE or ANNOIINU hig to lkix friends All 4 the public in Kett eral that be has taken charge of this well known hotel lately under the supervision of J Ii Morn,. e., and Is fully prepared to Seeolltlllteiete the traveling puhlt • In it style and manner oneuneosu• tate with the progressive spirlt of the tunes Ile is In possession of all the jinodern improve• meats and conveniences, as It. sleeping appart meets and has supplied his larder with the ebullient the markets, affhtd, and his liar with the purest ines With the moat eateneive st a hl leg ■cootmundat lone and attentive end ekIINI ostlers together with as siduous attention to bunnies/. he Nebo Justified Ir eol rsng - atTre - DrysitronngVartb - C41140 - r1 hit triends. 11.414 t.. not 9 Wr 42-1( UP UP ! ! UP I! I WALK UP. ROLL ! P TUNISIA UP. STEP UP. SUMP UP. CLIMB UP. tip& .‘ 1 RUN /JP, SKATE UP RIDE (IP, RUSH UP SWIM UP, PLY UP, CRAWL UP, DIRE UP, STEAK UPI TAIL UP, PUSH UP. Goy way so Slot 'you got up to - A. STERNBERG A CO'S Cheap Clothing' Store (shore Llrlogiton i e Book Store} la the Diamond, Bellefonte, May 2.1861 NSW OPIPIOB. Mho undersigned is about opening New 019ee In connexion wilts hie Book &o re where Daily and Weekly pima may be had at nose wanly worreaponding with aueseriptio uprises, ewe mootetia• at Omitted vices. Verret St. 4/141. , OW. TOPIVITON - • 01000 ia.lllllrAarri F011.4%141" lihilDt I ENV " 'via. stair, COLBERT I S-DALIN GILEAD"! mutTaliiriAretrnala For Olt Qalek ours otjtormiaebe t Toathaohe, Rheu matism, Neuralgia, Palo In'pia aide, batik et ipotneeka, Painter, Cholla, or .1 .4 . p, Frosted ' " atrhea, •ttd morn throat, and al s 'Enamors',lalaln. * Toothache eared in ten minutes. Xaniaise cured in tire minutes. Headache eurei 111 us minutes. I,lurns oured from smarting In two min utes. Neuralgia piling cured In lire minutia..► Cholla cured in ten Minutes. Smiting ebillittd ha ten-minutes Bore throat relieved In ten minutia.. 100 Climes bare bairn °trod b oho Agent fro I single day' EVERY SUTTEE WARRANTED. Try it ! Try st !! Try a!! Try 11 , 1 / 4 PRICK 25 ANb tio/OENTB PER BOTTLE Ur A liberal discount made to Agen:s, and •st} wonted inanity town, also • few good ttaveliv Agents TO TOE SONS AND DAUOIITICRe Of AP Fl., ICT lON These things we prove on the spot aid ►drat• your eyes, only bring on y ur ORM, DIREtTIONS FOR USING COLBERT'S BALE OF GILEAD, ' • . *or Toothache apply It over the face and gums of the tooth affected, pressing the hand upon the taco ; repast If not eared In extreme oases, w el cotton with the Balm ■nd cover the tooth and gums For headache, bathe the temples sod ap• ply to the nose , end take from ten to thirty drops in half a tumbler of water sweetened . . • .. For Croup and 8.11 . 0 Throat take fro6l 'tee t thirty drop, internally, on sugar or In SWO.U . I I / 4 14 worm water Mahn the throat Freely and bind on n v ilantiel Flo Ilen•lache, Rheumatism, Neural gia Immo back or Side bathe freely with Balm and generally take internally ir Ruins mix one part Balm In (II aid and two of water and flour, to make a. paste. ouver the burn with the same For Cholir take from Urn be forty drop+ h o t wator ; bathe the bowt Id and apply art Itnouel, In the above, the sunnier dose Is fee l'hildron and the forger fur adults , miry anon& tog to age and eirt mustances tug aII alin in tillead is harmlen Clolltere'S Holm to Oilead gives satisfaction 'rho... '1 ho have used Reim in Gilead will Awl Itai without it Agents wonted For terms address C. S. COLLMT & Cu., No 133 South Pouyth St Philadelphia jT N 11 Orders ant by Etre& to any pa* or no United States at the slimiest 'Male. Jaye 13111. THE CHEAP CASH STORE OP Messrs. Hoffer Brothers, • T "E,lll.scrilw•r. ln cr•rvrtanl w l ne nut full .apply which for, er1 0 1) ht.e r.ev nny rol/olighnuent I thu. ile•••tlon of coots try Ilsktlng porchaoed lb. et,lt n( goodie on hunt of Mr .1..040 Joicknon, they wilt OalliMII• the bun • •01 of t he oiti No 2, Reynolda's Arcade. Thnil *owl( ennlic,if a ger,r4l auortin•nt or Dry liuo4ld, litoorti•l llardMsn, Quigeoalriat. and lel•••warog select hrn ineln , lll • host "I other •rticlati In their I. :;:11 can be fauwl estontir• mad wArt.ll • LADIES ' DRESS GOODS, .rich Ducats Poulin Cloths, Debeiges. Coburn Coln:metes IMAltics A Ipmeas, Prenola Iderinota, MBI Thoir gentlemen's wear consists of a larg• we eorna•pl of Caeitner••, Cloth•, liatin•la. Vattittig Itweatle. Ilstle and C Ina and on a o t o .. • VI, 11.101.11110111 of Warta rind Shao•h.r I.adl•• and nut loosen nod Children with Ailnont every le that way be neaeraary to multiply Ih• •a• 4 of the ctpin munity The r.eamturn . d. the moray market haring had. the effect 4 red eing the 11/ Ills Of 111.11 I artiOISO of. nterehatnaline the tindereigned ham. been ena bled •/, ircy th e r Catch tit Ruch ream that they em roil g.otit at priers to Ault the timer And as alit; iutenti to 111/ thl'lr heel to pie sae their customers • bosh in the tiu Lilly of ends : and prices they hop: to receive at rrax ,, nab'e share of retronsi• Ai: I, terse t :I' ir,iori• will pl•sae call and 41412111 4 lb or ',twit U —They will keepcnnetently en heed. EX Tit A N1,01:1t., which they will sell at the lowest cash prlde JAC I"untry produce of ■II laud' t&k•a in •i -r{~,oKe for kr.orl. Dried Lumber sand •hl■{lh oionotantly aw hand and for sale HOPPER BROTH ISHII' Mareh V, 1861 --I y. • LINTuN HOUSE, LOCICHANFEN PA. V The subscriber having leased the sixty. nstn,d Hotel w the Iron nigh of Loch Haven, Clio con my I'e tab ihh method of informing the public generally that he Into. snails every necessary preparation, to entertain strangers and trwlersl.ll the beet possible manner Ills table will always no lain th•rtheleest !Ros aries that the country el' etroril, and he Is d•Olse mined sotto be surpassed in this departnmat by other llonel along the Wig,. Branch llis Bar will contain the chobeet liquors that eta be porch seed In the city market Careful a n d nit. wive Ostlers will constantly Ins not hand to take charge tif horses snd sss that they .1 , properly a,nsioled to. Trusting that he iu.ty receive a portion of the patron age toe the 11,1011[1g public. he hopes by close attention t04 . 1,e able to reside r general setts (Kelton MANN, lane 6, '6l -11 l'auentimaa SAUDI E ANA HAMM EMPIIRIUM, JEREMIAH TOLES & CO. • 1148 lilted up the shop , . los , l on lb.. northwest corner • Alt of Allegheny and Bishop streets, and Is now prepared to menufacture dles, Bridles, llerness, Trunks, Val.aes, Whips, ha , he , In a ells superior to any manufacturer In Central Pennsylvania file work Is made of the beet materials that can be pronured, and for o'so - and4durability is second ,to norm, with the de termination to put bit work up 'wording to order, and sell lower than any.. manufacturers In Centre county lie politely asks &share of the public pa. trourge August 8,61.1 y JOHN MONTGOMERY especttully informs the citizens of Bello- AV fonts that he Mal oontinuee to carry on the Titiloring and Clothing business at his old 'tend fo BrAterheire Row. oix Alain street, where. he la make to oral erl all kindest Clothing in the nettest and molt flahlonablestyle He kdbps on hand a general variety elf CLOTHS, CASSIMERES, AND VESTIIIO B .. of the latest and most approved patterns ALSO Ready made Clothing of all kinds which he b selling at reduced prices. Ile feels thankful fir the vortr liberal support heretofore extended, and hopes to merit kisontinuatme of the same. Bellefonte, Jap. Sib. /8416 1 13'. FARM FOR SALE. The subscriber offs for eals his exempt lent Farm, ,ludo in Patton tow aship, on the turnpike leading horn Buffalo Ran to Philipp+ burg, and within two and• a half tidies of the &see Rattroed. containing bout one huadred acmes 45 id which are °Marla, a and under a rod state of cultivation; um &ores of meadow 1101 end • hearing. , young orchard. There is also • new one and .1 halfstory home, tosw hank bans. and out buildings of all , A never failing ItittiOlf of water is Who dem% Persona wishing • desirobjekhomeurould do WOO to . call On tip! dorsigbk...`reisitlfeur or, the premises, or Zdm thzeohard, or at thfs 901•• . 'rams will $ ll 2 . bo silt the , purelteser. "Sy 114b,1111.111r. I 1. TIMM. -t