THEONLY DISCOVERY WORTHY OF ANY, CONFIDENCE FOR RESTORING THE RALD AND GRAY. Mar) have ii pis rpted not only to fmitnic Lie restorative but profues wo have disenversd something tha would prodwese results identien! 1 but they have all owe nnd gone, being earriel away by the wonderfu! resuite of Prof Wood's preparation, and havo beou foreed to leave tho field to its re- sistless sway Rend the following : Barn. Mave, April 18th, 1859. Pror & J. Woon & Co: Gents:—The letter Fwrote you ix 1868, concerning your valuable Hair Restorative. and which you hive published i this vicinity and elsewhere, hus givon rise to mumerous enquiries touching the facts in the case. The enquiries are, first, isit « factof my babita- tion and name, as stated in the communication. seeond, is it true of all therein contained ; third; dees my bair still continue to be in good order and ef naturaleolor? To all [ean and do answer in- variahly yes. My hair is even better thanin any stage of my life for 40 years past. move soft, thrif- iy, snd better colored ; the same is irue of my whiskers, ahd the only eause why it i ally true, is that the substa frequent abolution of the fuce. when if care were used bv wiping the face iu close connection with the whiskers the ‘same result will follow as the hair. 7 hive héen in the receipt of a great num- ber of letters from all parls of New England, ask- ing me if my hair still continues to be good ; as there is go auch frand in the manufacture and sale of variotis compounds as well as this, it has, xo doubt heen basely imitated and been used, not eniy without any good effect, but to absolute in jury. I bave not used any of your Restorative of any account for some, months, and yet my hair is as good as ever, and hundreds have oxam ined it with surprise. as I gui now 61 years old and nota gray hair in my head or on my face ; and to prove this fact, I send you a lock of wiy Lair taken off the past week. I received your favor vo quart ‘bottles last summer, for which I am ver) ful ; I gave it to my friends and thereby in them to try it, many were skeptical until after trial and then ised and used it with univer sal uccesz. I k a8 a favor. that you send me atest by w enn discover fraud in the Restorative, sold by many. I fear, withont author- ity from you. A pure article will insure stccess. and I believe where gond effects do not follow. the “failure is caused br the impure article. which curs. es the inveutor of the good. I deem it my dnty ag horetofors, 10 keep yon apprised of the contin- ued effect on my hair. as I assure all who enquire of me of my uushaken opinion of its valuable re- sults. I remain, dear gir, yours : A.C. RAYMOND. Aanoxs Ruy, Ky, Nov. 20, 1858. _ Pror. 0. J. Woon : Dear sir. —I would certain- ty be doing you a great injustice mot to make known to the world. the wonderful, as well as the unexpected result I have experienced from u exe bottle of your flair Reatorative. After every kind of Reetoraiives ‘extant, but without success, and finding my head nearly destitute of hair, I was finally induced to try a bottle of your Hair Restorative. Now, candor and justi el me to announce to whoever may i ! Lew possess a new and beautiful head of hair, which I pronounce richer and handsomer then the original wes. I will therefore take occasion to re- sommend this invaluable remedy to ALL who muy tee] the necessity of it. I remain respectfully yours. REV. 8. ALLENBROCK. P. B.—This testimonial of my approbation for your valuable medicine (as you are aware of) is umsclicited :—but if you think it worthy a ‘place among the rest, insert if you wish; if not destroy and zay nothing. Yours, REV.S8.A.B. The Restorative is put in bottles of three size vis : large, medium and small ; the smnll hold balf a pint and retails for one dollar per bottle the mediums hold at least twenty per cent. mor in Droportion than the small, retails for two dollar a bottle , fhe large holds a quart, forty per cent more in proportion and retails for three dollars a wottle. 0.J. WOOD, & Cv. Proprietors, 144 Rroadway, New York and 114 Market Street St. Louis, Mo. And sold by all good Druggists and Foncy Goods Dealers. ; John Harris & Co., Agent, Bellefonte, Pa. Bellefonte, July 11, '61-1y. y READ! READ! GREAT ATTRACTION NEW AND CHEAP CLOTHING STORE. 3 THE DIAMOND, BELLEFONTE City Branch of Reizenstein Brothers, 124 Nort Third Street, Philadelphia. he undersigned respectiully announce to the inhabitants of Centre County aud the public in general, that they have opened at the above named place, the most extensive and best selected assortment of READY-MADE CLOTHING and gontlemen’s furnishing goods that has ever been exhibited in this Borough, and which they will sell 30 per cent. cheaper than the cheapest! Our Stock embraces a full and complete assort- ment of Fine Black Cloth Dress and Frock Coats, Cassimere Business Coats; Ratinet, Tweed, Jean, Farmers’ and Mechanics’, Cassimere, Frock od Back Coats, Pea Juckots. &e.. &c. Summreoats of fine Cioth, President and Moscow Beavers. Seal and Lion ekin, Union Cassimeres ribbed and plain. Paotaloons of fine Cassimere and Doeskin,black, silk-mixed, and other fancy colors, of the latest styles, as well as Sati and ‘Union Cassimeres; Pants of strong and substantial stuff, for the La- borer, Farmer and Mechanic. An endless variety of Vests, such as satin, gilk and silk-finiched Velvets, Grenadine, Valencia. Mattalese, Cassimere, Cloth, Satin, ete. A general assortment of Boys’ and youths’ Cloth- ng and Gentlemen's Furnishing Goods, Hats - Caps, Undershirts and drawers, Knit Jackets, fine white and faney-bosom Shirts, collars, neckties, handkerchiefs, stocks aud crayats, stocks and Fries trun ke, valiseg. carpet bags, umbrallas, and n short everything usually found in a well assort- ed stois of (ais kind. We also keep a fine assort- ment of Fancy goods and notions, such as Pocket books, porte-monnaies, pocket-kfiives and razors, eombs and brashes watch ehains, koys, and guards, finger-ritge and breasipiis, violin and guitar strings, pistols and revolvers, caps, spectacies, spy glasses. and ‘a great many other fancy and usefa! articles. téo numerous to describe, all of which w will sell at the lowest eash prices. We invito every person in need of Clothing o. any other of the above-mentione ticles, to favor us with a call aud view our ( and Prices, and we are confident that Wo can » satisfaction, and every person ‘shall fool inclined io tell his friends where Goods aud Cheap Clothing ean be t. We are constao'ly receivi 2351008 to our stock from Reizenstein Bros, Phi +. with whem we are connected, and ehall always be supplied with a good variety of all artic ii shi will surpass in style, cut, workmanship, and cheap ness, those of any other estabiishwcnt in this part of the country. A. BTERNBERG & Co. SNOW SHOE, [the udergigned having just open- 4d =n alarge and fresh stock of 3 DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, &e., = a the terminus of the Bell foute & Snow 8 ut Rail Road, invite the citizens of the urreunding country to eall and examine their stosk. [hey are determived to sell cheaper than the cheapest. and alway: Lave a full stock of everything in their live ef go BS business JOS. D. TIARRIS & CO. B. Desember 15, 1859. » O® ‘SEITZCORD SNOTATAQHL ‘HSI NEW HILLIRERY GOODS, MRS. £. GRAFIUS ESPECTFULLY informs the citizens of Bellefonte and vicinity that she has just re~ ceived from Philadelphia a splendid lot of LIV BONNETS, RIBBONS AXD TRIMMINGS, ° of all kinds, and a superior lot of SKELETON SKIRTS, to which she directs th) attention of the ladies. May 9tlh,1859-tf. Ayer’s Cathartic Pills. At ie . wine the grat quwsivery of Prof. nik Co ro PROX. woos RESTORATIVE CORDIAL, AND: , BLOOD RENOVATOR. 2 Is precisely what its name indicates, r, RH while pleasant to the taste, itis revivifying, . exhilarating, avd strengthening to the vi- tal powers. It also revivifies, reinstates and renews the bloed in all its original pu- rity, and thus restores and renders the sys- 4 b tem invulnerable to attacks of disease. It is the only preparation ever cftered to the world in a popular form #0 as to be within ~ the reach of all. So chemically and skill- fully combined as to be the most powerful . tonic. aud yet, so perfectly adapated to as to act in perfect accordance with the laws of nature, and hence soothe the weakest stomach, and tone up the digestive organs, and allay all nervous and other irritation. ‘A 1tis also perfertly exhilarating in its effects, and yet it is never followed by lassitude or depression of spirits. It is composed en- ._g tirely of vegetables and those thoroughly aire powerful tonic and soothing I= properties, and consequently can never in jure. Such a remedy haslong been felt to be a disderatum in the medical world both by the thoroughly skilled in medical science, and algo by all who have suffered from debility ; for it needs no medical skill or knowledge even to see that debili- ty follows all attacks of disease, and lays the vnguarded system open to the attacks of many of the most dangerous to which poor humanity is constantly reliable. Such 0 or example, as the following : Consump- tion, Bronehitis, Indigestion. Dyspepsia, am LOFS of Appetite, Faintness, Nervous Ir- ritability. Neuralgia. Palpitation of the Heart, Me'ancholy, Hypocondria, Night Sweats, Languor. éhiddiness, and all that class of cases, so fearfully fatal if unattend- ed to in time, called Female weakness and Irrezularities. Also, Liver Derangement or Torpidity, and ‘iver Complaints, Dis- eases of the Kidneys, Sealding or Incon- tinuenco of the Urine, or any general de- rangement of the Urinary Organs, Pain in the Back, Side. and between the Should- @ ers, predisposition to Slight Colds, Hacking and ned Cough, Emaciation, Diffi- os athing. and indeed we might ‘manly mors till, but we have £< gpace only to say, it will not only care the %., debility following Chills and Fever, but ~ revent all attacks arising from Miasmatie nfluences, and cure the diseases at once, {ica attacked. And as it acis iQ) rectly and persistently upon the biliary system, arousing the Liver to aciion. pro- moting, in fact, all the excretions and se- eretions of the system, it will infallibly prevent any deliterious consequences fol- d water; e a bottle ake a table ating. A®it pre- ¢ i ( lowing upon change of clim hence all travelers should with them and all should spoonful at least before e vents eostiveness, strengthens the digest- ive organs, it should be in the hands of all persons of sedentary habits, students, min- isters, literary men, And all ladie acenstomed to muck out door exercise, should always useit. If they will they will find an agreeable, pleasant. and efi cient remedy against those ills which rob them of their beauty ; I exist without health, and health cannot ex- ist while the above irregularities continue. Then again, the Cordial is a perfect Moth- er’s Relief. Taken a month or two before the final trial she will pass the dreadful JB} period with perfect ease and safety. There vs no mistake aboui it ; this Qordial is all we clavm for it. Mothers. try it! And to you we srpsal to detect the illness 0 or decline not only of your dangters before it be too late, hut also your sous and hus- A bands, for while the former, from false del- ot for beauty cannot icacy, often goes down to a premature grave rather than let their condition be known in time, the laiter are often so mix ed up with the excitement of business that if it we: e not for you they would travel si the same dewnward path, until too late oy arrest their fatal fall. But the mother ur always vigilant, and to you we confident- {ly appeal ; for we are sure your never failing affection will unerringly voint you to Prof, Wood’s Restorative Cordini and Blood Renovator as the remedy which should always be on hand in time of need. 143 0. J. WOOD, Proprietor, 444 Broadway, New York, and 114, Market street, St. Louis, Mo,, and sold by all good Drug- gists Price One Dollar per Bottle. & John Harris & Co., Ag't, Bellefonte, Pa. July, 18, ’61-1y. . : LOGAN FOUNDRY. ASTINGS—THEUNDERSIGN ED J having leased THE LOGAN FOUND R n the Borough of Bellefonte, together with th patterns, notify their friends and the pablic in general, that they are prepared to make all kinds of Grist, Saw Mill, Forge, Furnace and Rolling Mill Castings, as well as any other kind of ma- chinery Castings. They are also making a large variety of STOVES & PLOWS, including the Wortz Plow, the Wortz Improved Plow, and several others of the most approved styles, and at the lowest rates for cash or prompt ay; or at fair rates for trade of all kinds. Mr. yan being a practicable workman he flatters him- self that his work will give entire satisfaction.— They have now on hand, ; COOKING STOVES, suitable for either Coal or Wood, which they will sell on reasonable terms according to size and style; also nine plate, air-tight. egg and other :0al stoves, at reduced rates. They would eall attention to n neat pattern of Coal Stoves exclu- sively of cast iron, which they are row makind and for neatness and durability cannot be excel- led.—They have also on hand every size and kind of sled and sleigh ecoles, wagon boxes, kettles, Brice and Durkee wheels, &a. They are also prepared to make Iron Railing any kind and description. also Water and Blas Pipe of every size from a half inch bore top what ever size desired. All erders from a distance will bo prom catly a ended to as heretofore, and they hope by care and a desire to please, to keep this, what it nowis, the leading establishment in the county. A. KYAN & CO. <7) ana : $35, 00 Ps YS the entire cost for Tuition in the £. most popular and successful Commercial School in the country. Upward of Twelve Hun dred young wen from twenty-eight different States have been educated for business here within the past three years, some of whom have been employ- od as Book Keepers at salaries of $2000,00 Per Annum! _ Bellefonte, August 4, 1859. -| Iwmediately upon gradusting, who knew nothing of accounts when they entered the College. [2 Ministers sous half price. Students enter at any time, and review when they please, with- out extra charge. For catalogue of 88 pages, Specimens of Prof. | Cowley's Business and Ornamental Penmanship, and a large Engraving of the College, enclose {ossiynve cents in Postuge stamps to tho Prinei- | pals, ¥ | JENKINS & SMITH, Pittsburg, Pa. | March, 21, 1861. { LIME! LIME!! LIME! ! §§%he subscriber respectfully forms the | public that he hag erected a Lime Riln near | the Borough of Bellefonte, where he is making | Lime of asuporior quality ~which is acknowledged | to be as white and pure as the Vermont lime. All | purchase vill come back again. if LEON MACK ALL "ASH ABLE BARBER SHOP. { MR. WILLIAM W. HARDING, | having fitted up rooms one door north of Bishop | and Allegheny streets. offers nis services to the! publi« ©eling confident hat he can please the! sinst Busticitar. Hair dressing shampooniigand | all other branches of his professisn practiced on | he mest improved prineiples. i GREAT CURE. DR. LELAND'S ANTI RHEUMATIC BAND, IS THE 0XLY KNOWN REMEDY FOR RIEUMATISY, GOUT AND NEURALGIA, AND A SURE CURE:FOR ALL MERCURIAL DISEASES. Orme It is a conveniently arranged Band, containing a medicated 2ompound, to be worn around tha 2 ar ae it entirely removes the disease from the system without producing the injurious effects arising. trom the use of powerful internal medicines which weaken and destroy the constitution, and give temnorar, medicinal properties contained in the Band. come in contact with the hlood and reaches the disease, through the pores of the skin. effecting in every instance a perfect cure, and restores the parts af- flicted to a healthy condition This Band is also a most powerful ANTI-MERCURIAL agent. and will entirely relieve the system from the pernicions ef- featzof Mercury, Moderate eases are cured in a few days. and we are constantly receiving testimo- nials of its efficacy in aggravated cases of long standing. Price $2 00. to be had of Druaggists generally, or can be sent hy mail or express. with full diree- tions for use. to any part of the country. direct from the Principal Office. No 409. BROADWAY. New Yoxk. G. SMITH & CO., Sole Propristors. N. B.—Desecriptive Circulars Sent Free. [55° Agents Wanted Everywhere. 5 | Bellefonte. July 11. ’61-1y. ELIXIR PLOPYLAMINE, . THE NEW REMEDY FOR RHEUMATISM. notice of the medical profession of this couniry as a REMEDY FOR RHEUMATISH ; from physicians of the highest standing and from patients, the Most Flattering Testimonials of its Real Value in the tpeatment of this painiul and obstinate dis- case, we are induced to present it te the public in wo hope will commend itself to those who are suf- fering with this afiiicting complaint, and to the medical practitioner who may feel disposed to test the powers of this valuable remedy. ELIXIR PROPYLAMINE, in tho form above spoken of, has recently been extensively experi- mented with in the PENNSYLVANIA HOSPITAL, and with MARKED BUCCI (as will appear from the published accounts in the medical four- nals.) {5 It is carefully put up ready for immediate use, with full directions, and can be obtained from all the druggists at 75 cents per bottle, and at wholesale of BULLOCK & CRENSHAW, Druggists and Manufacturing Chemists, June 27, ’61-1y. Parnaperpuia, Pa. PENNSYLV'A HOTEL HE SUBSCRIBER RESPECTFULLY informs the citizens of Centrs county and the public in general, that he has lcased this Ho- tel, and i3 now ready and prepared to accommo- date travelers in astyle, which he flatters himself: will meet with public approbation and patrenage People from the County during their sojourn at Bellefonte on weeks of Court, will find the Penn- sylvania Hotel, an agreeable restin place. The ouse is spacious and furnished in superior THE TABLE of the subscriber will be supplied with all the substantial provisions, delicacies and luxuries, which a productive Country can furnish or industry vigilance and exertion can procure. HIS BAR, will always contain a general assort- ment of the very best liquors, that the Eastern market affords, adapted to suit the most capricious THE STABLE, will be attended by an attentive and obliging Ostler, well qualified to discharge tho duties pertaining to this important department of a public establishment, designed for the accommo- dation of travelers generally. Accommodating servants will always be in at- tendance to supply the wants and contribute to the cowfort and satisfaction of those who may be dis posed to patronize tho Hotel of the subseriber, by whom nothing will be omitted which will render his customers comfortable and happy. From the attention and time, which the under- signed has devoted to this branch of business, ard easonable share of the patronage of the public. April 12,1860. PHILIP KEPHART. TO THE LADIES, with a new and splendid assortment o , MILLINERY GOODS, of the latest styles and fashion, we feel prepard to pedse all, both young und old. grave and gay, who may see proper lo give us a call. Qur stock con sists in part of SILK AND STRAW BONNETS, Store. [> We have procured the services of one of the most experienced Miliiners in the city. Store on Bishop street, next door to the old stand. Bellefonte. May 3,60. MARY SOURBECK. 0 0K TORE £3 GEORGE LIVINGSTON, = ° at his well known stand on che North-eastern ner of the public square, Bellefoute, keeps tantly ou hand a lnrgo assortment of THEOLOGICAL, CLASSICAL, MISCELLANEOUS _. AND ScrooL Also, a large varicty of BLANK BOOKS AND STATIONERY of the best quality MATHEMATICAL INSTRUMENT y ii at PORT FOLIOS, &ec. &e. .. 15° Books brought £6 order at a small advanes on the city prices. GEO. LIVINGSTON. jan28-t£-8. ROOPSBURG BREWERY. (NEAR BELLEFONTE.) Fp UNDERSIGNED WOULD. RES-