Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, October 24, 1861, Image 1

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&OL. 6.
Tr ——— ee ———
NO. 41.
Select Ponty,
hese sweet delicious Autumn days,
“When all the days are filled with calm,
4nd all day lgng a purple haze
Hangs o'er the meadow and the farm.
These quiet, dreamy afternoons
} (Tagte quist dr Fick with eritason glow,
These soft refulgent harvest moons
Fill me with thoughts of long age.
In happy reverie my thought
Goes back to those dear times again,
And stenes and faces ne'er forgot
Come thronging to my musing brain.
However glad the present is
However swift the moments go—e
X cherish still these memories,
Remembrances of long ago:
~ Miscellaneous.
Mr. Frasier sat reading in his counting-
room. Ife was in the midst of & piece of
interesting news, when a lad came to the
door and said,—“Do you want a boy, sir?”
Without lifting his eyes from the paper,
Mr. Frazier answered “No,” to the appli-
cant, and in a rather rough way. Before
the lad reached the street, conscience had
vompelled the merchant to listen to a rebuk-
tng sentence.
“You might have spoken kindly to the
poor boy, at least,” said conscience ; this is
{8 an opportunity.” :
Mr. Frazier let the paper fall from be-
fore his eyes, and turned to look at the lad.
He was smali—not twelve years old, to ap-
poarance—poorly clad but clean. The mer-
chant tapped against one of the windows in
the counting-room, and the boy glanced
back over his shoulder. A sign from the
merchant caused him to return,
“Do you want a boy, sir?” The lad re-
peated the words he had spoken a few mo-
menty before. .
Mr. Frazier looked at him with a sudden-
iy-awaked interest. He had a fair, girlish
face, and though slender and dolicate in
appearance, stood erect, and with a manli-
ness of aspect that showed him to be al
ready conscious of duty in the world. But
there did not seem to be much of that
stuff in bim which is needed for the battle
of life.
“Take a chair,” said Mr. Frazier, invol-
untary respect for the lad getting posses-
sion of bia mind. The boy sat down, with
his large clear eyes fixed on tbe merchant’s
“How old you?
I was twelve, sir, last month,” replied
the boy.
“What splendid eyes!” said the mer-
chant to himself. “And I have seen them
before. Soft, dark, and lustrous as a wo-
Away back in the past went the thoughts
of Mr. Frazier, borne on the light of those
beautiful eyes ; and for some moments he
forgot the present in the past. But when
he came back into the present .again, he
bad a softened heart towards the strange
“You should go to school a year or two
longer,” he said. : :
“I must help my mother,” replied the
“Is your mother very poor?”
“Yes, sir; and she is sick.”
The lad’s voice shook a little, and his
soft, womanly eyes grew brighter in the
tears that filled them. Mr. Frasier had
already forgotten the point of interest in
he news after which his mind was search-
ing, when the boy interrupted him.
“I don’t want a lad myself,” said Mr.
Frasier, “but it may be that I could speak
a good word for you, you know. I think
you would make an honest useful lad.
But you are not strong.”
*Oh, yes, sir, 1 am strong!” replied the
boy, as he stood up in a brave and mauly
The merchant looked at him with a stead-
ily increasing interest.
“What is your name ” he asked.”
“*Charles Leonard. sir.” 4
There was an 1nstant change in the mer
shant’s mannes, and he turned his face so
far away that the boy's eyes could not see
the expression. For a long time he sat
still and silent—so long that the boy won-
dered, :
“Is your father living?” Mr. Frazier
id not look at the hoy, but still kept his
e away. His voice was low and not very
“No, sir; he died four years ago,” the
lad replied. if
“Where ?” the voice was quicker and
“In London, sir.’
“How long is if since you came to Amer-
“al? i
“Two years,”
“And have you been in this city ever
since ¥
No, sir; we came here with my uncle a
year ago; but he died in n month after-
“What was your uncle’s name”
“Mr. Hoyle, sir.”
- Then came another long silence, in which
the lad was not able to see the merchant's
countenance. But when he did look at him
again, there was such a new and kind ex-
pression to the eyes which seemed almost to
devour his face, that he felt an assurance in
his heart that Mr. Frazier was a good man,
and would be a friend to his*mother.
“Sit there for a little while,” said Mr.
Frazier, and turning to his desk he wrote a
note, in which, without permitting the lad
or three bank bills.
“Take this to your mother,” he said,
handing the note to the lad.
“You'll try and get me a place, sir, won't
you?” The lad lifted fp him an appealing
“Oh, yes; you shall bave a good place.
But stay ; you have not tcld me where you
“At No. Melon street.”
“Very well.” Mr. Frazier noted down
the street and number. “And now take
that note to your mother.”
The merchant did not resume his news-
paper after the lad departed. He had lost
all interest in‘its contents. For a long
time he sat with his hand shading his face,
#0 that no one saw its expression. If spo-
ken to on any matter, he answered briefly,
and witb.none of his usual interest in busi-
ness. The change in him was so marked
that one of his partners asked him if he was
not well.
“I feel a little dull,” was his evasive re-
Before his usual time Mr. Frazier left the
store and went home. As he opened the
door of his dwelling, the distressed cries
and sobbings of a child came with an un-
pleasant shock upon his ears. He went up
stairs with two or three long strides, and
entered the nursery, whence the cries
came. :
“What's the matter darling?” he said as
he caught the weeper in his arms, “what
ails my little Maggie?”
“Oh! papa, papa!” sobbed the child,
clinging to his neck, and laying her wot
cheek clase to his.
“Jane” said Mr. Frazier, lor’sing at the
nurse, and speaking with some sternness of
manner, “why is Maggie crying 30?”
The girl looked excited and mila.
been naughty,” was her ar
“No, papa, I haven't iien naughty,”
said the child indignantly. “I didn’t want
to stay here all alone, and then she pinched
and slapped meso hard! Oh! papa!” and
the child’s wail rung out again as she
clung to his neck sobbing.
“Has she ever pinched and slapped you
before?” asked the father.
“She has, almost every day,” answered
the little girl.
“Why haven’t you told me of this be-
fore ?”’
“She said she’d throw me out of the win-
dow if Itold! Oh, dear! don’t let her do
it, papal”
“It’s a lie,” exclaimed the nurse, pas-
“Just look at my poor leg, papa.” The
child said this in a choking, suppressed
whisper, with her lips close to her father’s
Mr. Frazier sat down, and baring the
child’s hip, saw that it was covered with
blue and greenish spots, all above the knee ;
there were not less than a dozen of these
disfiguring marks. He examined the other
leg, and found it in the same condition.
Mr. Frazier loved that child with deep ten-
derness. She was his all to love. Her
mother, between whom and himself there
never had been any sympathy, died about
two years before; and since that time his
precious darling-—the apple of his eye—
bad been left to the tender mercies of hired
nurses, over whose conduct it was impossi-
ble for him to have any right observation.
He had often feared that Maggie was neg-
lested—often troubled himself oa her ac-
count—but a suspicion of cruelty like this
had never entered his imagination as possi-
ble. Mr. Frazier was profoundly disturbed,
bateven in his passion he was very calm.
“Jane,” said he, sternly, “I wish you to
leave the house immediately,”
“Mr, Frazier—”
“Silence!” Hs showed himself go stern
and angry, even in his suppressed utterance
of the word, that Jane started, and left the
room immediately.
Mr. Frazier rung the bell, and to the
waiter who answered it he said—‘‘See that
Jane leaves the house, at once. 1 have
discharged her. Here is the money due to
her. I must not sco her again.”
As the waiter left the room Mr. Frazier
hugged the child to his heart again, and
kissed her with an eagerness of manner that
was unusual with him. He was fond but
quiet in his caresses. Now the sleeping im-
pulses of a strong heart were all awake and
to see what he was doing, he enclosed two-
Ina small back chamber sat a pale,
sweet-faced, patient-looking woman, reading
a letter which had just been left by the post-
man. 7
“Thank God !”” said she, as she finished
reading it, and her soft brown eyes were
lifted upward. “It looked very dark,” she
murmured, “but the morning has broken
again.” At length a quick step was neard
on the stairs, and the door was hastily
pushed open.
“Charles, dear!”
. The boy entered with an excited coun-
tenance. “I'm going to have a place
mother,” he cried to her, the moment his
feet were inside the door. The pale woman
smiled and held out her hand to her boy.
He came quickly to her side.
“There is no necessity fcr your getting
8 place now, Charles. We shall go back to
England,” !
aglow with sunbeams.
“Here's a letter from a gentleman in New
York, who says he is directed to pay our
passage to England, if we return.—God is
good, my son. Let us be thankful.”
Charles now drew from his pocket the
note which Mr. Frazier had given him, and
handed it to his mother.
“What is this ?”” she asked.
“The gentleman who promised to get
me a place told me to give it to you,” he re-
The woman broke the seal. There were
three bank-bills, of ten dollars each ‘en-
closed, and this brief sentence written on
the sheet of paper: “God sent your son to a
true friend. Let him come again, to-mor-
“Who gave you this?” she asked, her
face becoming flushed with sudden excite-
“A gentleman. But I don’t know who
he was. I went into a great many stores
to ask if they didn’t want a boy, and at
Isst I came to the cne where the gentleman
was wo sent you this letter. He spoke
roughly at first; and then called me back
and asked me who I was, and about my
mother. I told him your name, and how
father died, and that you were sick. Then
he sat a good while, and said nothing ; and
then wrote the note, and told me he would get
me a place. He was a kind-looking man, if
he did speak roughly at first.
“Did you see what name was upon the
sign 2”
“I never thought to look,” replied the
boy. “I was so glad when IT came away.
But Lam very sure I can go straight to the
“I will write the gentleman a note, thank-
ing him for his kindness, and you must take
it him in the morning.—Ifow light it makes
my heart feel to know that we are going
back to England! God is good to us, my
son, and we must be obedient and thank-
Just a little before the evening twilight
fell, word came up to the woman that a
gentleman had called and wished to see
her. -
“Go and see who it is Charles,” said she
to her son. 4
“Oh mother | It’s the gentleman who sent
you the note,” exclaimed he, in alow tone
coming back quietly; and he wants you.
Can he come up?”
There was a hasty glance of the woman’s
eyes around the room to see if everything
was in good order, then a few changes in
attire. “Ask him to come up, my son,”
she said, and Charles went down stairs
A man’s firm tread approached the door.
It was opened, and the boy’s mother and
the boy’s new-found friend looked into each
other’s faces.
“Oh, Edward!” fell from her lips in a
quick, surprised voice; and she started
from her chair and stood strongly agitated
before him. Headvanced, hot speaking un-
til he had taken her band.
“Florence! I never thought to see you
thus.” He said it in kind, calm, evenly
modulated voice ; but ber ears were finely
enough chorded to perceive the deed emo-
tion that lay beneath. He said it looking
down into the dark soft brown eyes. “But
I think there is a Providence in our meet-
ing,” he added, solemnly. :
They sat down and talked long together ;
they talked of the times gone by, and of the
causes that had separated them, while their
hearts beat only for each other—of the
weary years that had passed for both them
since then—of the actual present of their
“I have a motherless child,” he said at
last, “a tender littte thing that I loye, and
to-day I find her body purple with bruises
from the hands of a crael scrvant! Flor-
ence, will you be a mother to that child ?
You have a noble boy that is fatherless;
let me be to him as a farther! Oh, Flor-
ence, there has been a great void in our
lives. A dark and impassible river has
flowed between us for years. But we stand
at last together ; and if the old lovefills your
heart as it does mine, there are golden days
for us in the future.”
“Oh mother!” The boy’s face was all
Aud go it proved. The lady and her son
did not go back to England, but passed to
the merchant's stately residence—she be-
coming mistress, and he finding a home and
a truer father than the one he had in
former years called by that name.
Letters from officers of the army to their
friends give a better side view of affairs on
the Potomac than cat be obtained from any
other source. The country has no correct
notion of the vastness of the great Union
army, that stretches out on both sides of
the Potomac, or of the extensiveness and
completeness of its appointments. At the
battle of Bull Run, the artillery was con-
fined to something like a half-dozen ligt
batteries. Now there are more than one
hundred, besides the guns in the fortifica-
tions ; so that in ease the rebels advance it
must be in the face of from fifteen hundred
$0 two thousand cannon, many of them the
best the world has yet seep. An officer
writes that there are nine batteries in the
single division to which'he belongs. They
are all in the hands of the regulars, to
whom the business is not new. I presume
that it is no secret now, that the recent
withdrawal ' of our companies of regulars
from Fortress Monroe was to create as ma-
ny new batteries, which now occupy an ad-
vanced position,
The country will be astonished at’ the
success with which the numbers of Gen.
McClellan’s ‘army has been kept secret ;
how it has been augmented, and how, to-day,
it is'one of the largest armies that has been
brought together in modern times. Proba-
bly history does not furnish an instance of
so large an army being collected in so short
a time. :
It is a significant fact that they who can
speak most understandingly, and without
restraint, in their private letters to brother
officers, express the greatest confidence in
the preparation of Gen. McClellan to re-
ceive the rebels, should they advance, and
of complete success whenever he chooses to
advance on them. There has been no mo-
ment during the last two weeks that he has
not desired them to attack him. During
that time his army has grown nearly onc-
fifth, and is increasing in numbers, disoip-
line, courage and confidence every day, and
henes, to-day, he is Yeady for anything.
The news from Kentucky 1s cheering. —
The glorious old patriot, John J. Crittenden,
in spite of his advauced age, is the first pri
vate in the Frankfott Howe Guard, and has
declared his intention to go into camp and
remain there until every rebel is driven from
the soil of Kentucky. .
Judge Daniel Breck, of Richmon, Ky.,
although over seventy years of age, has en
listed as a private in the ranks of one of the
regiments being raised there for the defence
of the Union. Judge Breck was formerly a
member of Congress from Kentucky, and
has filled the highest judicial office in the
Our forces are constantly increasing, and
the rebels becoming discouraged.
Many of the rebel Buckner's men were
without arms and shoes, and only a few are
The enlisting for the United States service
is progressing rapidly, and Kentuckians are
coming up to the work manfully.
Judge Williams is rapidly filling up a reg-
iment in the First District—formerly a hot
bed of secessionism.
An engagement has taken place between
a detachment of Home Guards, from Hills.
borough, about fifty in number, under Lieut.
Ssdler and Sergeant Dndley, and 300 rebels,
under Captain Nicholas, in which the latter
were completely routed, with a loss of eleven
killed, twenty-nine wounded and twenty
two prisoners.
The Home Guard captured one hundred
and twenty-seven Enfield rifles, a large num-
ber of sabres, howe kmves and cavalry ac-
coutriments. Our loss was three killed and
two wounded.
Louisvire, Oct. 14.—The iron bridge
over Green river, at Maunfordsville, on the
Louisville and .\ashville railroad, was blown
up by the Rebels yesterday morning, No
Southern news or papers at hand.
A detachment of Captain Noleman’s Cav-
airy, twenty five in number, bad a skirmish
with the Rebel Cavalry, one hundred strong,
at Beckwith Farm, Missouri. The Rebels
were repulsed with one killed and five
wounded. The Captain of the Rebels was
A detachment of the Twenty ninth Iili-
nois Regiment seized a large quantity of
cornand a number of horses, mules and
cattle, and took two prisoners on Thomp
son’s fargy, yesterday.
Cairo, Oct. 10.—The pickets, six in num-
ber, of the 4th Cavalry Regiment, stationed
four or five miles from Paducah, were at-
tacked by a large body of rebels this morn-
ing. Two of them were mortally wounded,
and two taken prisoners, with all their
horses and equippage.
The enemy had divided their force, and in
the excitement fired on each other and then
fled, éach party taking the other for our cav-
A deserter from the rebel camp at Colum-
bus, Kentucky, who arrived here to day,
reports that their forces at that point num-
ber 30,000.
ee GQ pre e
AMONG the camps immediately on the line
of the Potomac there is much complaint of
fever and ague, typhoid and intermittent
foyer. They mostly yiold to medical treat-
ment. '
The next best thing after au honorable
victory that any party can desire as the re.
sult of an election, is an honorable defeat. —
The Republican party have suffered a sib-
stantial defeat at the late electicn, but with
what honor they have come out of the con.
test, let the facts’ determine. There was
scarcely a county inthe State where the
Democratic candidates were not charged
with secession and ' traitorous sympathies,
and the people implored not to elect men
whose elevation to office would indicate a
spirit of opposition to the Federal Govern-
ment in the measures which it had adopted
to suppress the Southern rebellion. The
Democratic organization was called the
“Breckinridge party.” Democratic leaders
were said to be engaged ina deep plot to
undermine the authority of the Government:
The Republican party leaders made the issue
of loyalty and disloyalty,confident that Dem
ocratic candidates would be crushed, and the
last vestige of the Democratic organization
efiectually wiped out. They have fallen into
the pit dug for their enemies. The means
used to defeat the Democratic party have
recoiled with fearful effect upon the Repub
lican leadcrs, and they must now either re-
tract their slanders and admit that the Dem-
ocrats elected to the Legislature are not Se-
cessionists and traitors, or contend for the
palpable absurdity that Pennsylvania has
declared for the Southern confederacy.
Conspicuous among the politicians tho
endeavoree to defeat the Democratic party
using the two-edged secession sword, was
John W. Forney, editor of the Philadelphia
Press, formorly a, Democrat, but of late
years in the pay of the Republicans. With
the proverbial zeal of a renegade, this noto-
rious political trader labored in the columns
of his paper to defeat every candidate of the
Democratic party, and on the Saturday pre-
ceding the clection, addressed a meeting at
Frankford. in which he used the following
language :
“No man can read, with any care, the
proce=dings of the peculiar Democratic Cone
ventions throughout this State, and else
where, without perceiving that their design
is not merely to divide the people, but to
prepare for the creation of such an organiza.
tion as shall embaraass the Government and
assist the common enemy. The Republican
or People’s party has a ‘right to claim sin-
cerity for the Union and for the Government,
because it is equally their duty and their
interest to DE tor tha Administrations “TL
are, for the time being. me Administration
party, and, therefore, when a Republican is’
elected to office you can trust him, because
he must do right. So, too, in reference to
those who have performed the splendid act
of courage in presenting the Union ticket
which you are called upon to vote on Tues-
day next. These men, without money or
organization, selected a capital ticket, and
nominated to the Republican or People’s
party the thost of the ticket which is now
called the People’s or the Republican ticks
No man could have read the proceedings
of the Democratic Conventions throughout
the State, without forming a conclusion di:
rectly the opposite of this— that the Demos
cratic party was determined to uphold the
Government, and not to assist the common
But a purpose was to be subsurved by
this ralse accusation, and that purpose was,
to elect the Republican candidates who
could be trusted, and defeat the Democrats
who could not be trusted, because, forsooth,
they did not belong to the Administratioj
party. .
But hear him again :
«I have, with some care, since my return
from Washington, within the last three
weeks, looked over the exchanges that come
to my newspaper office, and I assure my
Democratic friends that the plot is a deep
laid plot —that these men hope, by various
sinister and ingenious efforts, to create such
a disvision among the people of the free
States as will demoralize the army, so as to
recognize the organized treason on the other
side of Mason and Dixon's line. There is
not one them that is not actively or secretly
at work. Take the county in which ex
Senator Bigler lives. The organization of
the Democratic party there is almsst openly
engaged in this infamous business. Take
the county of Berks, where Mr. Buchanan's
party continucd to grow strong until it was
smitten down in the defeat of his favorite
candidate—taie the county of Northa:pton:
indeed. wherever the leaders of this organi.
gation are to be found, there you will find
that they go as far as they can safely go to
assist the common enemy.’
Now let the reader imagine the effect of
words such as those upon a Southern rebel
when he learns that the counties of Berks,
Clearfield and Northampton have given
sweeping Democratic majorities. He would
conclude that if Forney ‘was to be credited.
the loyal counties have pronounced against
the war, and ia favor of Southern izdepend-
ence, and derive great encouragement there-
from—when in fact there are not more 'oyal
countiesin . the State. Thus are our own
citizens slandered, and the enemy furnished
aid and comfort at a time when there is the
greatest necessity for peesenting an unbrok-
en front against rebellion—and all to gratify
the malignant spite of a base renegade.
We might quote other passages of a simi-
lar character from this notable speech,’ but
enough has been given to indicate its general
terror, and to add to the already unsavory
reputation of its notorious author. It is
men like him, who by laboring to create di-
vision among the Northern people, have done
more to injure the Government, than all the
sesret traitors in the Commonwealth.
Associate Judges:
McReynolds, Dem: 278%
Baldy, Dem. 262
Doty, Union 169.
Willits, Union; 179
Levi L. Tate, Dem: £2659
George S. Tatton, Dem. 2580
Emanae; Lagarus, Union, 1858
Joseph T. Jenoings, Union; 1843
Levi L. Tate, Dem: Ma
George S. Tutton, Demi. 646
Emanue] Lagarus, Utiion; $08
Joseph T. Jennings, Uniohi; 308
Associate Judges.
James Degan; Demi. \ 840
Richard Bedford; Dem, S 471
William A. Mason, Rep. 412
William Colley, Rep. Coa
President Judges.
J. W. Maynard, Union, 708
| Alexander Jordan, Dem. 1316
Associate Judges.
D. N. Knownover, Union, 809
Philip F. Maus, Union, 858
Joseph Dean, Sr., Dam. 1167
Robert Moore, Dem. 1300
Levi L. Tate, Den, 1174
George S. Tutton, Dem, ° 1187
Emanuel Lazarus, Union, 018
Joseph T. Jennings, Union, 904
Columbia, Sullivan, Montour and Wyom~
ing make a Representative District, electing
two members to the House, We have no of-
ficial returns from Wyoming, but it is repor-
ted to have given the Democratic ticket abott
300 majority, so that Levi L. Tate and Geo.
8. Tatton, Democrats, are elected to the As~
sembly from that District,
President Judge.
Jobn Pearson, Union, (No opptsition.)
Associate Judges.
T, Allen Hamilton, Dem. 26090
Samuel Landis, Dem. 3056
Isaac Mumma, Rep. 2967
Moses B. Young Rep. 8038
Rudolph F. Kelker, U. ross on.
Lewis Heck, Dem. 2981
David C. Keller, Dem: 2543
Thomas G. Fox, Rep. 3588
James Freeland, Rep. 8098
Jobn A. Fisher, U. FR
Henry Weist, U. W..
President Judge.
UHL J Dossson 1. (Na onnasition. }
Jacob H. Bickler, Rep. 1591
Isaac Hoffer, Dem., Rep. and 0. 2299
In Lebanon there waa a singular union of
Republicans and Democrats agdinst the
straight Republicans. The Union ticket was
In Lycoming county there were two
Uuion ticket, in favor of sinking party until
the war is over, compossed of Douglas Dem~
ociaté and Republicans. The following ie
the official vote :—
President Judge.
John W. Maynard, Union, 2734
Alexander Jordan, Dem. 2830
Associate Judges,
H. B. Packer, Union and Dems. 5178
Bruner, Dem. a2
Ferguson, Union, 2013
Henry Johnson, Union, 9941
Wm. H. Blair, Dem. S861
Wm. II, Armstrong, Unjon 2720
James Chatham, Union, 2806
John 8. Smith, Dem. 2783
Pbaon Jarrett, Dem, 2588
Treasurer. :
W. S. Bennett, Udion, 2604
Ben: Strawbridge, Dem: 2006
Beeber, Union, | 2700
Taylor, Dem. 2759
Wm. Kinsey, the Democratic candidate
for State Nenator, is elected by a majority of
328. Jas B. Boiloau and L. B. Laber, Dem-
ocratic candidates for Assembly, are elected
by about 300 majority. Judge Chapman, the
candidate of the same party, is elected in the
judicial district composed of Bucks’ and
Montgomery, by a majority of about twenty.
seven hundred.
‘I'he Democratio ticket has gained largely
in this county over last year. The county
ticket of that party is elected, aud the ma-
jority for the members of Assembly is probs
ably about a thousand. Armstrong, which
forms a parr of the Legislative District, gave
John Covode, last year, a majority of 546.—
Unless it does better for the Republican can«
dates for the Legislature, Messrs. James A.
MceCallock, ‘Richard Graham and Samuel
Wakefield; the Democratic candidates, are
Meyers, Democratic candidate for the Legs
islature, is reported elected by a mall mae
jority ; also Zeigler, Damoorat, as Associate
Judges. no
This county is reported to have given from
150 to 200 for the Democratic ticket; = Perry
is a part of the Legislative District, and we
have no returns from that county,
The majority in this county is reported ab
from 1500 to 1800 for the Democratic candiv
dates. :
Thers is a reported Demoeratie Majority
in Bedford of from 109 ro 275.
Yr —— yA EE ——
ticketa—a straight Democratic ticket and a