Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, October 10, 1861, Image 2

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    The Watchman.
% Here shall the press the people’s rights main-
Unawed by party or unbribed by gain ;
WPledged but to truth to liberty and law,
WNo favor sways us and no fear shall awe.”
eee A pe
DEMOCRACY —‘A sentrment not to be appaled,
corupted or compromised. It knows nolbaseness;
it cowers to no danger ; it oppresses no weak-
mess. Destructive only of despotism, 1t is the |
sole conservator of lilerty, labor and prosperty
It isthe sentiment of Freedom, of cyual rights, !
of equal obligations—the law of nature perva-
ding the law of the land.”
C. 'T. ALEXANDER, Editor and Publisher.
Our subscribers will please tuke notice |
that two numbers more of this paper will
complete the first half volume since it chang - |
ed editors, after which time two do'lars will
In the District, however, we are less for-
tunate.. We are sorry to learn that Licut.
Blair will probably be defeated by about
three hundred votes. This defeat is attrib-
uted wholly to lozal questions in Clinton snd
Lycoming counties. While our victory, in
the main, is one in which we have every
reason for rejoicing, our Democratic breth-
ren bore their good fortune without any
particular enthusiasm. How very different
from that riotous and disorderly conduct
manifested last year by the Republicans !—
Democrats never have been imitators of Mob
Law and Violence, like the Republican prod-
igals. .
Teamsters Wanted.
The Quarter Master's Department adver=
tised yesterday for five hundred teamsters
—the pay is twenty five dollars per month
and rations. The men must have thorough
knowledge of horsea, color or age not taken
into consideration.— Phila. Inquirer.
We do not like to differ with the Admin:
istration in anything pertaining to the war,
and have passed by many flagrant errors it
has committed since its advent to power,
without a comment : but upon reading the
above article in the Philadelphia Inguirer,
it struck us that a little comment would not
be out of place, and that we would run the
risk of having another Grand Jury put on
our trail, in begging leave to differ with this
| Administration as 10 the policy of taking
into the service of the United States as
~ % i cers ep ters.” - 3 4 ars :
be.charged. Subscribers paying us within | <‘teamsters,” men without respect to their
two weeks from this date can save fifty cents
on the year’s subscription. Send us one
dollar and fifty cents and we willl save mon-
ey and so will you.
One year ago, the Democratic party in
this’county was fdefeated, by the combined
efforts of the Abolition and Republican par-
ties. We have long been disposed to look
upon these terms as identical —fanaticism
run wild. Nothing servedlto stay the tide
that threatened to overwhelm us. Demo-
crats who stood up in the midst of the ad-
verse circumstances, which surrounded us,
and warned the people of the danger to be
appftcignded from the triumph of sectional-
ism, were reviled and contemned by the very
people who have been so much exercised of
late for the welfare of the Union. Had these
persons then honored and revered the stars
and stripes, had they been regarding them
as a rich legacy, transmitted to them asa
priceless heritance, by the early founders
of this government, we should be rejoicing,
to-day, in the choicest blessings of peace
and prosperity.
We wish not to be odious in discriminat-
ng, but cannot dissipate the reflections
which are crowded upon us. as we take a
glance at the history of the past few
years, to behold the waving of a flag within
the peaceful precincts of this village, bear-
ing the impress of bat sixteen of our glori
ous national emblems upon it. We ask our
fellow citizens, with an honest and patriotic
fervor, if there were not deep and meaning
signification in the unfolding of that flag ?
The causes which to the overthrow of
the Democratic party well understood in
this county. The result of the recent elec-
tion fully justifies the declaration ‘that the
people did not understand the hidden designs
of Republicanism. They did not antici pate
the fearful consequences that would follow
the success of that party. They see them
Centre county is once mere redeemed, and
her citizens may rejoice in the triumph of
the Demogratic party. The election returns,
which may be found m another column, in-
dicate an old fashioned Democratic victory.
It is a rebake to the vile slanders of the
Centre Democrat. Tt is a rebuke to Aboli-
tionism and its kindred allies. Ttis arebuze,
pointed and full of meaning, to the man
who would exclude preaching from the Court
House, which had been built by the people’s
money, and assumes to himself the arrogant
prerogative of doing the thinking for the
people. [tis a rebuke to the prejudices of
partisan leaders, who would proscribe others
for opinion sake, and a glorious vindication
of the people in favor of the Democratic
party. This result has been a lesson worthy
of remembrance to those who have been so
contemptably mean as to bring about the
criminal prosecution of the editors of this
paper, for sympathy with the rebles, when
those very prosecutions were instigated from
partizz. malice, and for partizan ends.—
Thro: times three cheers for this gloricus
viadication of the people:
Encroachments upon the freedom of the
press, for partizan purposes, and by partizan
Juries, will have their reward. The Repub-
lican “no party men” may weep in the bit-
terness of their own disappointment, at this
manifestation of public opinion ; but their
sighs and their tears must only bring down
upan them that contempt which their actions
have merited, Centre county is redeamed —
every man on the Democratic ticket in the
County being elected by a triumphant ma-
The wajorities will range from 400 to 900
Charles Ryman, Esq., and that very philo-
sophical Mr. Hutchinson have been the most
particular victims among the Republicans.
For some reason, the people did not seem to
appreciate tither Ryman's Nepenthe, or Un-
cle Fommy’s very economical deductions
from the pockets of the tax payer. Queer,
isn’t it # Perhaps the editor of the Centre
Democrat—Colonel Brown—may issue an-
ether extra, and.give us a little information
on the subject. It will be so edifying to
his readers. of
color. We have plenty of white men in the
Nor:h. who are actually in need of employ-
ment, and would be glad to accept the por-
tion of “tcamster.” Bat it appears “that
color as not to be taken nto consideration.”
That is, white labor is to be degraded to a
level with colored labor, and white men to
be made the associates of negroes. We have
no objection, as far as we are concerned, to
any person who desires to favor such an as-
sociation doing so. They have our full con-
sent, but as tar as we are concerned, if there
ourselves, we would prefer a little lighter
color, and less strongly perfumed mess
mates. :
In condemning the policy of accepting
Sambo in our army as a teamster, we do it
upon the ground that it is placing the Afri.
can race upon an equality with the white
man, or rather degrading the white labor to
the level of the negro. The Almighty has
created the African an inferior race of hu-
man beings, and any attempt of human
agency to elevate that race at one grand
jump, to the elevation of the intelligent Cau-
casian, must fall far short of its object. Tt
is further unjust to bring black labor thus
unceremoniously into competition with
white labor. White labor is now daily seek-
ing employment and cannot be supplied,
yet this Administration, which, before its
election, professed to be the poor man’s
friend now brings inta aampatition with hic
labor, that of the negro. Let us protect
white men first, and then if there be any
thing left, give it to the negro.
ata A Qe
Army Blankets and Socks.
While our fellow citizens have responded
mi a most Patriotic manner to the call of our
Government for men to fight, there remains
a duty, equally imperative, for those who
stay at home to perform. The Quarter-
master’s Department is deficient in Dlankets
and socks, and although every loom and
needle in the land seems to be employed, it
appears that the supply of these articles is
still incomplete, and the Department is com-
pelied to call upon private enterprises to as-
sist in supplying the demand. The follow-
ing address has been issued by the Ladies
Association of this county, inviting the
cooperation of every one posessing the facili-
ties for the manufacture of these articles.—
We hope there will be a response commens
serate to the demand and that every one
will exert himself and herself so that a com~
plete supply of these indispensible articles
of a soldiers wardrobe, may be speedily se.
\ cured. :
We are desired, by Gen. R. 0. Hale, the
Harrisburg, to notice the fact that the Gen-
errl Government have advanced the price of
Socks to 27 cents per pair, and Blankets to
$5,50 per pair. Robert Kendall having
signifiied his willingness to manufacture
blankets, a sample has been forwarded to
him by express with the assurance that the
Government will take, at $5,50 per pair, all
the blankets he makes coming up to the
sample. This seems to be a good price.—
Let all our Centre county manufacturers go
to work and thus bring money into the
county. We understand that Harvey Mann
has full force now engaged in the manufac-
ture or army axes. This is right. Let the
wool grower bring in his wool. He will no
doubt secure cash for it, Our soldiers must
have socks and biankets, and they must
have them before the cold weather comes on.
Let all be active. -
retested if
“Ryman’s Whiskey.”
We understand that C. G, Ryman the Re-
publican candidate for Treasurer, since the
election, intends changing the name of his
celebrated nepenthe to that of :¢ Repent-t/ee,”
and will limit its sale exclusively to Repub-
licans. A good idea Charley. A little more
Repentthee, judiciously administered, will
cure Centre county of Republicanism. You
had better bring up a bottle of it to town
and exchange it for that other bottle which,
on clegtion day, appeared on Edward
Brown's counter, labelled Ryman’s Whiskey.
We have no doubt that W. W. Brown will
give his consen: to the exchange as he feels
a little on the Repent-thee order since last
Tuesday. The whiskey did not have its de-
sired effect.
rr ee pr rrr
The following are the official majorities in
this County : Blair, 714 ; Barron, 582;
Mitchell, 846 ; Strohecker, 384 ; Alexan-
dor, 664; Buchanan, 549. Rush Township
aud the Army are to hear from.
head of the Quarter Master's Department at | P
Foreign Sympathy.
Our readers have all read in their youth,
the celebrated fable of the Lark and her
Young, who had made their nest in a wheat
field. As long as the owner relied on neigh-
bors or friends or relatives to reap the grain,
the lark felt safe, but so soon as fe told his
boys that they would rise at daybreak the
next morning and cut the crop themselves,
the lark mide arrangements for mov ng.
‘We have been altogether too much con-
cerned about foreign sympathy, and we are
heginning to learn the lesson—everything is
in the Bible and /Esop’s Fables—‘put not
your trust in princes.” ‘Against the insid-
ious wiles of foreign influence,” says that
which is next to the Bible, Washington’s
Farewell Address, (“I conjure you to be-
lieve me, fellow citizens) the jealousy of a
free people ought to be constantly awake.”
We have let down our watch, since these
words of Washington were uttered. So clear
was our course to us, 80 full of kindness tow-
ard all mankind were our own feelings, that
we could not believe that the right, the
truth, liberty, government itself would all
be as nothing to the old aristocracies and
despotisms of Europe in presence of their
self interest. Their travelers, their litera«
ture, their socicty had laughed at our jeal-
ousy of Europe, our simple attachment to
republican institutions, and our inherited
feeling as to the corruption and selfishness
of foreign courts. We had come at last al.
most to feel that these opinions in which we
were reared were mere prejudices, and that
Western Euorpe would judge of us in ac-
[cordance with the truth and righteousness
of the case : that if we deserved sympathy,
we should have it, and that in a great war
in which every right principle is on one side,
ard every wrong one on the other, we should
at least be cheered by warm words of en-
couragement from all civilized nations.
That it is far otherwise is now but too
apparent. The words of England have
struck cold to the very heart of America,
and never has there been, at any moment in
this country, so deep a sense of her inveter.
ate dishke and fear of us. We were taught
as school boys that the British” were our
natural enemies. We have all been trying
to unlearn it. We have persuaded ourselves
that our early prejudices were unworthy of
us, and that England wus the home of ev-
erything elevated and excellent. We shall
have to nike a sccond change, end come
back where we stscd when we read Weew’s
Life of Washington, and the Exploits~ of
Marion. England is not to be trusted. —
Washington says again—¢ Constantly keep
in view, that it is folly in one nation to look
for disinterested favors from another ; that
it must pay with a portion of its independ-
ence for-whatever it may accept under that
character. -
Wa hava rand with pain the IUCN waits
ten probably by a member of the suite of
Prince Jerome Bonaparte, butno doubt with
his approbation. They lean strongly to the
South, or rather against the power and unity
of the nation. As long as they speak of
traits common to our whole people, they are
acute and somewhat philosophic. But when
they come tothe question as between the
North and South the object becomes appar-
ent, it is to weaken the Union by lauding its
The enmity of Spain can scarcely be kept
within civil bounds. Less cunning than
England and France, they show their pro-
clivities so plainly that the Secretary of
State has been obliged to quire into the
matter, that we may see whether the caso
does not require something more than
Meanwhile we have an allied European
fleet—English, French and Spanish—taking
advantage of our circumstances to bully
Mexico and effect some kind of advantage
for themselves in that quarter. It reminds
us with painful vividness that Washington
and Monroe were far seeing men, looking
into the future from the watchtower of the
The trath 1s this, and our fellow citizens
of America must learn to lay it to heart :—
The wish which lies at the heart of Eng-
land, France and Spain, is the division of
onr Repeblic, Tt is the old principle : Di~
vide and conquer. They care nothing about
the South, per se. - The Secessionis are val
uable to them only as tools, but they fear
the greatness of this nation, and the secret
wish of them all isour weakness. They
would, if they could, break us up into petty
sovereignties like those of Germany, that
thev may be undisturbed in their career of
conquest, and that they may by intrigue
dictate such tariffs and laws of commercial
intercourse as would work to their own
profit. They cannot for a moment be trast-
The letter of the Emperor of Russia, has
far more significance than has yet been at-
tributed to it. Russa is the natural ally
of America. 1t does not seek empire in the
Western Hemisphere. Its field is. Europe
and Asin. Moreover, it desires to hold in
check the western powers of Europe, and
for this, America is the fitting ally. It does
not fear our strength, for that strength
weakens not Russia, but its enemies.
We must prepare ourselves to fight out
this fight single banded, and to allow no in-
terference. No! not by a hair's breadth
must foreigners be allowed to dictate or in-
terfere. We cannot be too jealous of them.
Let them say what they please, and let us
mind it far less than we have ever done ;—
but the slightest overt act of interference
ought to be condignly visited. ‘Let us stand
together as one man against every onemy,
as many as choose to come, but asking no
favors and allowing no meddling.
Kentucky in Arms.
The sword of Kentucky has been flung in«
to the scale. The bugle-call of Holt, of
Prentice and their friends, has been respon-
ded to by a roused people. Volunteers, by
thoueands are pouring into Louisville, Frank-
fort, Camp Dick Robinson, Gen. Sherman’s| quarters that a young lady, lately a teacker
Camp, New Haven and Henderson. Gene-
ral Anderson, on the part of the United
States, and Gen. T. L. Crittendon, as the | It was discovered that the lady had stopped
State Commander, are enthusiastically at
work, and from every quarter their arms
sre strengthened. Thrilling war cries ring
through the columns of the loyal press, un-
til the perusal of the Louisville Journal and
its allies, is like standing on the battle field
and hearing the clarion voice of the hero of | that she may yet be taken prisoner should
Fort Sumter. Traitors are fleeing to their
rebel friends, and the armies approach each
other hourly. Every onc ieels that the war
on * the dark and bloody ground ” will be
desperate and sanquinary toa degree not
yet realized ezcept in Missouri.
The course of events in Kentucky has
been most singular. One would have
thought that if there was a spot from the
St. Lawerence to the Gulf of Mexico, where
white-winged Peace might rest, it would
have been Kentucky. 'Che grave of Clay
should have been holy ground. The home
of Crittendon should have been sacred. The | fax Court House on the plea of having a
memory of the hosts of fraternal peace-mak-
ers should have shed around influences se-
rene and strife~dispelling. In Kentucky,
too, slavery presents its most patriarchal
have been held as stainless.
save Delaware.
the stroke from Kentucky !
ing the streets of her metropolis ; with ev
ery brand of treachery upon her forehead,
escapes the schock of arms, the torch of the | duty , and four other regiments were called
incendiary, the ravages of *“ cow boys,” the
desolated fields and the ruined homes which | wise rebelled.
are the inevitable accompaniaments of civil
war; while old Kentucky, with her kindly
feelings, her love for the old ffag, and her
longing for peace, is on the verge of desola-
The hours may almost be numbered | and Lieutenant A, J. Sigler, First Virginia
which yet remain withous terrible strife.— | Cavalry, under command of Col. Stewart,
There will not be time to gather the crops . was brought into the city by Lieut. Martin,
With the realiza~' of Young’s cavalry.
tion of her duty to herself and to the Gov= gathering chesnuts from a tree about three
which are uncut to-day.
Nowhere is life on the plantation | Gen. Johnson, Beauregard, Lee and Jeff.
so easy, contented, happy. The chivalry of | Davis were at Fairfax Court House on last
Kentucky has ever been real ; the magnan-
imity, generosity, and honor of her sons
Some of the three entrenchments of batteries, one within
warmest champions of free labor have been
proud to be natives of her ‘borders, and
there has always been a latitute of opinion
on that question conceded by Kentucky, | ternoon, but he is possessed of little infor-
whith exists iz no other Southern Sfate, | mation relative to the strength of the rebel
Yet all this could not avert | army. He corroborates the statement of the
Sullen Mary- |
land with the blood of loyal soldiers crim«on-
BY TELEGRAPH, [Fis =o ae
OD ars. beific made of
” en 1 3
LATEST FROM WASHINGTON. | more hours, an irregular artillery five was
kept up occupying the enem; tear
Ding hye nterval, the Twenty fifth Ohio
and the Fifteenth Indiana regiments ren-
dered efficient service in scouting the gfoun-
tains. ie :
Before the close of the reconnoissance,
which was most satisfactory in its results,
the enemy received heavy’ reinforcements
at the residence of an uncle, at a house four om theit Sa Loni grey: making
, PS. eir strength al n thousand.
miles above Langley 8. The individual sent Although this _reconnoissance partakes
to pass the lady within our lines was unable | 106 of the character of a regular gage-
to reach her for fear of the rebels in the vi~ | n.ent than any previous 3 Tegulas, estern
cinity of the house, and he returned to head Vig, our loss 18 but ten killed and elev-
i i en wounded. A
quarters without her. Fears are entertained Tt is impossible to ascertain the the ene-
my’s loss, but it cannot fall short of 500
killed and wounded, as our artillery did ter-
rible execution.
Their camp was situated on the slope
of the mountain, supported by a number of
WaAsmINGSON, Oct. 8.— This morning in-
formation was lodged at Gen. Smith’s head-
in a seminary in Tennessee, had escaped
from that State and come within our lines.
the rebels hear of her whereaboats.
The name of this young lady is Miss Har-
rict Morrison, and she has relatives residing
in Renseilaer county, New York. About a
year ago she left her home and went to We captured thirteen prisoners from the
Tennessee asa teacher. She is a lady of | enemy and also a lot of cattle and horses.
fine intelligence, and is said to be possessed | The reconnoissance proved entirely suc-
of complete information as to the Strength cessful, affording information relative to the
’s strength, whi 1 -
of the rebel army and its plan of campaign sneviy's Seng, Which, Gould wi be ob
tained from scouts.
in and about Manassas Junction and Fairfax | Oar troops acted nobly.
Court House. She has been six weeks n | General Anderson and Colonels Johnson,
effecting her escape. She was taken sick at Jackson and Oliver, were in command of the
the Junction, and was allowed to go to Fair-
| enemy's forces.
Exciting News from Lexington.
brother in the rebel army there. She knew
Beauregard «ell, having been introduced to
him. She walked from Fairfax Court House
to Fall’s Church, thus getting nto our lines.
St. Louis, Oct. 3.—The report contained
Tuesday in the despatches published in tnis after-
4 noon’s papers, that Gen. Fremont has been
At Manassas. she says the rebels havo | removed. created intense indignation among
the mass of the Unionists, and great rejoic-
ing among the Secessionists.
A recruiting rendezvous for an Irish regi-
ment was closed on receipt of the news.
A meeting in the Second Ward this even-
ing, for the formation of a Home (iuard,
adjourned without action.
A gentleman who visited Benton Bar-
racks that afternoon, reports that the great-
est excitement exists among the troops
thsre, amounting almost to mutiny.
A mass meeting has been called, to be
held on Saturday, for an expres<ion of pop-
the other.
A man nemed Hirst, a resident of Fairfax
Court House. came within our lines this af-
young lady relative to Davis and others be-
ing at Fairfax Court House on last Tuesday.
Last week, he says, there was a revolt in
the rebel army. One regiment refused to do
Col. McKinstry has been ardered to the
department of the Cumberland, in Kentucky
, i I A gentleman from Sarcoxie says Judge Che-
Colonel Finstemn, of Philadelphia, who nault had hung nine men for loyalty to the
was under suspension for two months, has | (pion.
been mustered out of service. i %
At eleven o'clock on Friday evening, Sec- Later and Important from Misspurl,
St. Louis, Oct. 4. —The following special
despatch has been received by the Demo-
cral :
Jerrersox Cry, Oct. 3.—Gentlemen who
have arrived this evening from Sedalia, con-
firm the report of the evacuation of Lexinge
upon to preserve thc peace, but they likes
He was taken while
ernwent, the pursuits of civil life are thrown | miles beyond Fall's Church, toward Fairfax | ton by the Rebels, and also bring intelli-
aside, and the entire force of the State is Court House.
concentrating to drive back the invader.—
No thought of peace now fills a singles Ken-
tuckv breast, and it is only such appeals a8 | troops they, with the other two under anoth-
this from Prentice that have any power to | er tree, fled without their horses.
enter the ea: and the heart of the roused
warriors :
¢ Kentuckians, it is Kentucsy that ad {lan is pleased to present his card for a brush.
dresses you! It is her voice not ours that
summons you to her defence in this hour of
You could'not if you
would resist the call of that magic voice;
and you would not if you could. By the,
sorrow and of peril.
renown you have inherited from your fath
He was with a cavalry picket goss of its partial occupation by General
gualy oor whom Jor under ie tree, Major Baker, of the Home Guards, who
3 g surprised by a squad of our |' wag among the prisoners taken at Lexing-
tou, and who refused to give his parole, es-
The Lieu- | caped from the Rebels on Monday night. —
teant says that the rebel army is good to | He arrived at Sedalia this mornin
: He says that all the Rebels left Fei
whip 300,000 of our men, whenever McClel- | Noy afternoon, and that their 5
guard as it left was fired upon with shells
by Gen. Sturgis, who just then appeared on
the opposite side of the river, and severa
Though not decidedly so expressed, his con-
versation indicated ciearly that Gen. John~
ston, now in command of the army, does not | Were wounded, A
propose to attack Gen. McClellan, but will | _ hen they first left Lexington, Major
| hold himself in readiness for an advance | Baker thinks it was the intention of Price
He says that our men were | tO march direct on Georgetown ; but infor-
| from our side.
ers, by the shining fame you have yourselves | within six hundred yards of a regiment of mation having been brought, to him that
won, by the liberty and independance which
constitutes the breath of your proud exist-
ence, by the kindling traditions of the past,
and the bright realities of the present, and
the thrilling hopes of the future, by what
you are and what you aspire to be, by all
that is sacred and binding in obligation. and
all that is touching in sympathy and exciting
in ambition, you are bound to answer the
call with the whole might and ardor of your
fearless hearts. And you will do it. As
well might sea or forest resist the wild spell
of the tempest as Kentuckians resist the
call of Kentucky when her life and honor
are at stake.”
In this crises of ker fate old Kentucky
possesses a claim on her sisters on the other I he.
bank of the Ohio, which 1t gladdens us to special despatch to the Cincinnati Commer.
The volunterrs of | ¢2al: .
see they fully recognize.
Indianna and Ohio crowd to her cities and
her camps, and join their bright bayonets to |
the arms now grasped in the stalwart hands | three Ohio regiments, (the Twenty fourth,
of the sons of Kentucky. We await the tri-
umph of their united forces with anxiety,
though inspired by cnnfidence. May that |
rebel Infantry. General Seigel was advancing with forty
ular opinion here relating to the reworal of .
thousand men, he moved westward, toward
Independence. j
Whether the main body of the Rebels
pursued this route for any distance, Major
Baker is unaware, as during the confusion
among the Rebels upon the reception of ‘the
news of the large force of Siegel, and the re-
ported pursuit by Sturgis in the rear,he made
his escape. ile thinks General Price’s ef-
fectual force numbers about 25,000, in addi-
tion to which he has some 15,000 irregular
troops, whose principal occupation is forag-
ing, but this portion of the army, had pretty
much left the main body before Baker es-
caped. Hg iw R nig wl
Gen. Siegel, who commands our advance
Guard, had all his preparations made for an
attack last night, and had the enemy made
his appearance, he would have met with a
Cugar Mounrtary, Va., Oct. 3.—This | warm recepti.n. wo! ia
merning, at 1 o’clock, a portion of Brigadier | Our forces are mostly stationed at Otter-
General Reynolds’ Brigade, consisting of | ville, Sedalia and Georgetown. The distance
from Otterville to Sedalia is twelve miles,
Twenty fifth and Thirty second) and por- [and from Sedalia and Georgetown four
tions of six Indiana regiments, (the Sev} miles. : _
enth, Ninth, Thirteenth, Fourteenth, Fif-! We have also something of a force under
teenth and Seventeenth) together with de- | General Pope, at Booueville, only twenty
CiNoiNNaTI, Oct. 4.—The following is a
victory soon crown their standards, and |tachments of Colonel Bracken’s Indiana | five miles northeast of Sedalia.
Peace and Union strike hands in Kentucky | regiment, Colonel Robinson’s Ohio regiment,
over the grave of rebellion, into which no Colonel Greenfield’s Pennsylvania Clvalry,
sound shall ever pierce of the trump of res
rts Al An.
DistiNGUIsSHED ForeiaN Orricers,—We
are having quite a run of foreigners to enlist
for the war as officers. . The Comte de Par-
is and the Duke de Chartress yesterday so-
liated permission to join our army. Their
servicess have Been excepted, bat pessitions
have not yet assigned them. They will
probably be attached to the Staffof General
of England, has been appointed a Lieuten-
ant Colonel, and attached
Staff. Major De Courcy commanded a Tark-
ish regiment in the Crimean war. He is re..| south slope of the mountian.
lated by marriage 10 M. Austado, the New
Grenadian Minister.
enweine, Engineer and Aid: de-Camp to Gar-
ibaldi, has been appointed Major of the Fif- | by an enemy concealed in the bash, who
ty eighth regiment. Obie volunteers. He,
came to the Government highly reccommen~
ded by Garibaldi.
Von Vegesack, of Denmark, has . been ap-
pointed a Captain, but not yet assigned to
duty. He came recommended by his sover-
eign. Lieutenant Oscar Hultman has been
appointed a Captain, and assigned to duty
on General Blenker's Staff. He served
through the French campaigns in Algeria,
and wears the insigma of the Legion of Hon-
or. Oscar Brabender has been appointed a
First Lieutenant, and attached to Blenker’s
Staft. He served with distinction in the
Prussian Royal Guard, and was recommen-
ded by the King®of Prussia.
Major John Fitzroy De Courey,
to McClellan’s
Major Valentine Baus- | Indiana regiment, opened the battle.
Captain Fanest Baron! ers.
Military Preparations in Kansas. i
and detachments of Howe’s Regulars, Loo- | * St. Lous, Oct, 6.—The Leavenworth cor-
mis’ Michigan, and Daum’s Virginia Artil- | respondent of the St. Louis Republican, un~
lery, numbering in all 5000 men, left that | der date of the 2d, gives the following infor-
mountain to make a reconnoissance in force | mation : ld ft
in front of the eniemy’s position on Green| A full battery of Iron six pounders has
Briar River, twelve miles distant. been presented to the Home Guards of Leav-
Col. Ford’s Ohio regiment was sent for- | enworth. : Skil
ward to hold an important road, the posses- | = They were cast in this city being the first
sion of which prevented the flanking of our | attempt at casting ordnance. Lae bs
main column. Eo) ’ After the fall of Lexington, General stur-
The ezpedition arrived in front of the en-|gis made a requisition upon Major General
emy'’s fortification at 8 o’clock, their pickets | Stone, of the Kansas militia, to call out the
retreating after firing an ineffectual volley. | mlitia of the eastern counties of Kansas —
Col. Kimball's Fifteenth Indiana regiment | The people responded warmly to the call
were immediately sent forward to secure a | and poured into Wyandotte in large num-.
position for Loomis’ Battery. pers. They were immediately sworn into
Col. Amming’ Twenty fourth Ohio regi- | the United States service and now compose
ment were deployed as skirmishers on the | part of General Sturgis’ command at Kan-
: sas City. The Second Kansas Regiment,"
Loomis’ Battery, after getting into posi- | under Major Cloud, is also at Kansas ' City.
tior, and being supported b the Seventeenth | Colonel Mitehell, its commander, is rapidly
i g recovering from his wounds received at the
battle of Sprinfleld.” "© +t HET
hare full
The shot was immediately responded to .
Nine regiments, most of whi
were soon rotted hy the Fourteenth Indiana | and the rest rapidly filling up, have been
regiment, with a loss of seven killed and |furnished by Kansas for the war. In addi-
a large number wounded and taken prison- tion to this we have twice responded to the
: : call of the authorities and furmshed thirty
Howe's battery, supported by the Thir- day men, when danger threatened.
teenth Indiana regiment, then moved for- [man in Kansas is now drilled, and ready to
ward, taking a position three hundred yards | fight if occasion, requires it... . ....
from the enemy’s fortifications, and opened | Major Prince is still the commander -of
a brisk fire. . the post at Fort Leavenworth, and is prose,
and likewise opened a brisk fire. ing and fortifying his position. A
* The firing on both sides was almost’ in- | of earthworks and entrenchments have been
cessant for an hour, our artillery doing good | thrown up on the west of Fort Leavenworth.,
execution, judging from the lamentable | The river side is protected by pickets, and,
shrieks of the enemy’s wounded. masked batteries... Such a thing ing
# The enemy’s batierics did comparatively | the Fort by surprise is now: out of the ques-
little injury, their guns being too much ele- | tion. ~ {ge yrvec ais ai shui }
. Every
Capt. Daum brought forward two pieces, | cuting, with vigor, the work of Sst
as taking