Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, October 03, 1861, Image 1

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    i + ‘
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VOL. 6.
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a] :
NO. 38.
3 ? BY
TERMS :—81,50 cts. if paid within three month
$2,00 if delayed six months, and $2,50if not paid
within the year, These terms will be rigidly ad-
hered to. w
ADVERTISEMENTS and Business Notices insert
ed at the usual rates, and every deseription of
EXECUTED in the neatest manner, at the lowest
prices, and with the atmost despatch. Having
purchased a large collection of type, we are pre
pared to satisfy the orders of our friends.
+ Offlce in the Arcade, second floor.
Office, on the Diamond. one door west of the
Post. ce.
Offic e in the fcutl west carrer of the Diamo
“Office in the Arcade, second floor.
{Office formally occupied by the Hon. James Burn
cide. 3-2
"1s now prepared to wait upon all who may desire
bis professional services.
Rooms at his residence on Spring street.
Office on High Street (old office.) Wl attend to
professional calls as heretofore, and respectfully
offers his services to his friends and the public.
Will attend to professional calls as heretofore, he
respectfully offers his services to his friends and
the public. Office next door to his residence on
Spring street. Ae Oct 28-58-tf.
taken daily (except Suudays) from 8 o'clock, A.
M.,to3P. M;'by © $
‘at his Splendid Car on High Stroet, above the
Court Hcuse, Bellefonte, Pa.
Office in Reynolds’ Arcade on the Diamond.
Ira C. Mitchell has associated C. I, Alexander
with him in the practice of Iaw, and they will
ive prompt Attention to all business entrusted to
4) in Centre, Mifllin, Clinton apd Clearfield |.
counties, ; < 2
—OF —
Bills of exchange and Notes discounted. Col-
lections made and proceeds promptly remitted. —
Interest paid on special deposits. Exchangein the
eastern cities constantly onhand for sale. Depos-
{ts réceivea :
ar i]
,. Deposits Beceived—Bills of Exchange and No
igcounted—Interest: Paid on Satis! Deposits—
See Made, and Proceeds Remitted Prompt-
y—Exchange on the East constantly on hand-
' Will practice his profession in the several Courts
f Centre County, All business intrusted to him
ill be faithfully attended to. Particular attention
paid to collections, and all monies promptly re-
mitted. Can be consulted in the German as well
8 in the Boglish language.
“ag on High st, formerly occupied by Judge
« eona® and D. C. Boal, Esq.
Will attend promptly to all business entrusted tc
their care. Office in the building formerly occu
pied by Hon. Jas. T. Hale. -
‘Messrs Have & Hoy will attend to my business
during my absence in Congress, and. will be a2
sisted by me in the trial of all causes entrusted {.
them. James T. HaLe.
December I5, 1809.
"A. 0. FURST,
WILL Ractive in the several Courts of
Centre and Clinton counties. All Tegal
3 entrusted to his care will receive prompt
1 usin
ttgntion. - 3
HN FFIOE—On the North-west corner of tho Di-
"Margh 2, 1861.—1y" s
1 respe: teully offer myself to your consideration
Select Paetry.
How fell he ? by resistless ball,
Or rz bre cut or bursting shell ?
What matters it to him, to all,
Who meet their death in doing w ell ?
The good and brave,
Whe die to save
Their home and country, they can tell. ©
How sound he sleeps! in storms, the ur’
Rolls in long thunder on the shore ;
Each blade of grass that crowns his turf
Quivers before that earthquake roar ;
His deadened ear
No sound can hear ;
Trumpet nor dru. shall call him more.
The deep mouthed guns that frown above,
And proudly guard the subject wave,
Can stir no pulse of fear or love *
Can wake no echo in his grave ;
His race is run,
His prize is won,
God’s blessing on the sleeping brave.
“2uox tell me in what land to dwell,
The ladies fix their favorite spot ;”’
Said playful Will to thinking Bell,
And laughed to see her solve the ‘“‘knot.’’
¢ Tne riddle I cannot explain,’’
The puzzled Miss inquiring spake,
And bade him in impatient strain,
The 7restion odd to plainer make.
“Why can’t you guess it, its quite plain *
And settled by decisive Fates,
But one the honor proud can claim—
Where else but in United States I’
- Miscellaneous.
‘At dusk one evening, many long years
ago, an athletically-built hunter might have
been scen approaching a cabin, which was
located ia the depths of the western wilder-
ness. :
The hunter was called Gus Grayling, and
he was one of three or four who had cons.
structed, and now occupied, the cabin in
Th cabin was substantially built and
much larger than nsnal, zontaining ona daar
and window in front, and a door in the rear.
Several days previous, Grayliny and his
companions had started out into the forest,
and the former, as it appeared, was the first
to return again to the cabin.
Dropping his tifle and the bunch of ‘skins
which he had clung over his shoulder, the
hunter cried out : :
¢ Hullo, in thar! eny arriv’ yet, or am I
the fust back ¥”
No answer, and Grayling moved toward
the door, which was standing partially open.
* Why, how in thunder did this door cum
open!” he exclaimed the next moment.—
« (Guess somebody’s found out our trick with
the winder, an’ paid us a visit while we’re
The bar of the window was so placed that
it could be pulled out of position by a cord,
the end of ‘which hung outside, though not
in any way likely to attract any particular
attention. > Sng
(Glancing at the window, which was also
partially open, “1 thought so!” h¢ ex-
claimed. ¢‘ Sombody’s been here, and now
to see what somebody wanted.” ’
- The hunter stepped inside, just beyond
the threshold. :
«Jest as I expected!” he added, as he
surveyed the apartment, which presented
an appearance of the most delectable con
fusion. ; a
“«« Now, I'd jest like ‘to know whose bin
here, breakic’ an’ smashin’ things in this
way, an’ if I wudn’t teach ’em a thing or
two my name isn’t Gus Graylin’. What fur
the redskins and the robbers a feller can’t
live in peace; no how. Dog drat it? I on-
ly wish I had the varmmtby the har, an’ P’d
treat him wus than he’s treated our furni-
toor. I would, by jingo!”
Still giving vent to his feelings of indig-
ration, Grayling set himself to work to pick
up the pieces that were strewn around.—
‘That accomplished, he went out front to get
his rifle and his traps. As he emerged from
the cabin he uttered an exclamation of rage
and astonishment, for at the very moment
he made his appearance, a thieving despera-
do was in the act of stealing off with his
rifle 4nd the proceeds of his last excursion:
¢* Hullo, thar ! whar ye going with them
things 2’ cried Grayling in tones of thun-
der. . } b
¢ Whar d’ye ’spose?” yelled back the
us an Independent Candidate for the office of
County Treasurer, of Centre county, at the ensu- |
ing general Slvetion. Ifelected, I hereby pledge
myself to discharge the duties of the office to the,
Best of my abality, and to contribute the one half
of the usual per centage accruing to said officer
for his serfices, to the Soldier’s Relief Fund. For
the faithful performance of all which I am pre-
pared to render to the authorities the most ample
Security. : : Al N LEVY.
Milesburg, Aug. 15th, 1861.
H D. RUBLE, supplys the public, at
theConrad House Saloon, with all the freshments
the. season. Oysters. Sardines, Eels. Fresh
“Fish, Rabbit, Chicken Soup, Barbacued C hicken,
Pheasant, ete., ote., at all hours.
robber, as he stopped and faced round.
« Dunno,” rejoined Grayling, ‘but, as
they don’t belong to ye, I guess ye’d better
bricg ’em back at wunst.” ?
“« Ye don’t say so! Mebbe, if ye want
‘em you'd better come and take ’em !”’
«1 kin do that quicker’n a minnet !” re.
sponded the hunter, rapidly stepping for~
ward in the direction of the mendacious
outlaw. :
At the first movement Grayling made the
| T fight to death fur ’em !”’ responded he be-
{on ye!”
‘after Grayling. Evidently the same desire
gave a loud, shrill whistle, and the next mo-
ment three other desperadoes emerged from
hiding-places and placed (hemselves beside
their companion.
‘Cum on, feller,” tauntingly cried the
first, as he beckoned the hunter forward.
“I'm cummin’ !” respond:d Grayling,
pursuing his way without the least hesita-
tion, whatever his feelings may have been.
A moment later and the resolute hunter
stood face to face with the robber.
** Wal, now. what yer gon’ to do 'bout
it ¥/ demanded the outlaw that had stolen
the rifle and traps.
* I'm goin’ to have what lelongs to we if
tween his teeth. |
The robbers eliminated s lomd laugh.—
The idea seemed to strike them as particu-
larly amusing. ;
“ Wal, ‘spose yer gammence !”’ cried one.
*« Will yer give up my property an’ depart
in peace ¥’ demanded Grayling, in resolute
tones. :
“No!” yelled the robbers in concert.
*¢ Ef ye want 'em ye kin fight fur em !”’
added one, defiantly. St
The outlaws brandished their knives, and
threatened the kunter in the most ferocious
manner. Grayling stood firm, however.—
True, there were four to one, but he showed
no fear. His klood was up.
““Cuss yer thievin’ pictures!” he cried,
«I'll not back down for the likes of you, no
how! Cam on with ye, then, the whole four
With loud curses the out laws sprang at
the solitary hunter, but an ominous sound,
which suddenly broke upon the still air,
arrested their course. nd
¢Injuns !” yelled the desperadoes simul-
+ “Redskins !” cried Grayling at the same
time, *“ an’ a big partv uv em, too, judgin’
by the whoops!” he added as he quickly
wheeled round and struck off toward the
Whoop upon whoop now rent the air.—
The forest resounded with the terrible ciat-
ter. ; §
Quick as a flash the desp-radoes darted
actuated all alike—the desire to reach the
As the robbers started after Grayling the
redsking mad~ *heie apdearance. There
were a score or more of them, at least.
With loud yells tne savages rushed for
ward in pursuit of Grayling and the despe-
radoés. The hunter gallantly led the way.
Not far behind him came the outlaw who
had been detected in the act of stealing the
rifle and traps, and still further behind him
at various distances, the other three robbers.
Thé Indians were some distance behind the
latter. t!
In a few moments Grayling reached the
door of the cabin and dashed inside. Mean-
while, however, the first robber. by the
most terrible exertions, had contrived to gain
on the hunter’s steps—to gain so much that
he too dashed into the cabin almost at the
same ‘moment, and before Grayling could
close the doer. The hunter had no time to
put the desperado out, and consequently did
not make the attempt.
By the time Grayling had barred the door
of the cab the other three robbers were
thundering for admittance. 2
“Don’t open the door agin!” cried the
robber inside, “ the Injuns ar’ too clost !”
¢Idon’t intend to!” responded Grayl'ng.
«I wudn’t sheta friend o’ mine out that
way, but, ’siderin who it is, they may go to
the dogs far me. They may, by jingo!”
«« Every wun for his own self’s my mot~
to !”” was the sullen reply of the outlaw.
“Open the door! open the door an’ let
us in! the Injurs ar’ onto us!” yelled the
outlaws outside.
The sounds of the tumult increased. The
Indians had come up and seized upon the
robbers. Yells and shrieks filled the air.—
Grayling sprang to a loophcle and peered
out. Just at that moment the outlaws were
being put to the kmfe. The shrieks ceased
but the yells of the redskins still rang out
fast and forious.
«« Yer friends have lost their har,”
Grayling, to the robber inside.
«« Wal, that’s none o’ my bisness !” bru-
tally responded the man,
«Taint, hey !’
“No, ‘taint!” ;
There was a moment’s pause during which
the two beleagured each other with anything
but loving looks. Beneath the strong, fiery
glances of the hunter, however, the outlaw
quickly bent his eyes. Grayling was his
master, mentally and physically.
Meantime the Indians were battering away
at the front door and window. Af the back
of the cabin, however, no sounds were to be
heard. : ! .
« Look here, ye 7 - arderin’ willin’!” cried
Greyling suddenly. ‘I don’t like yer com-
take yer Sances with the redsking,
yel may gi\away—or I'll chuck yer blasted
carass out tw the winder right among em,
I kn do it, ews ye, an’ Iwill! Cum, thar's
no ime to wage in words !”
The robber caild see that Grayling was
justthe man to keep hia word,—just the
man to execute eviry threat he uttered. —
What should he do? The Indians appeared
to be around in front, and by the back way
there might be a chance—as much of a
chance, at all events, as there seemed to be
to remain in the cabin. He would venture
it, he thought, and trust to luck for the rest.
“ Wal !” cried Grayling, impatiently.
“I’lLtry the back door!” said the out.
law, sullenly. :
Without a word the hunter quietly un-
barred the back deor and opened it.
« Off with you then, quicker’n a minunet !”
he whispered, threateningly.
The mbber stealthily crept outside, and
without let or hindrance, succeeded in get-
ting some rods from the cabin, the darkness
of the night greatly favoring his escape.
+‘ Now, fur my chance !” muttered Gray-
ling ; “fur, if anybody's to ’scape I think it
might be me an’ not that cut-throat villin,”
With the last word the hunter uttered a
loud cry. Then he closed the door, barred
it, and bent his head to listen.
- The redskins heard the sound and wildly
dashed around to the back of the cabin.—
Frightened at the alarm, the robber seemed
to lose his presence of mind, and started to
run, thereby betraying himself. With fierce
yells the Indians darted in pursuit of him,
probably not knowing and not imagining
that any one else was in the cabin.
All this was pafent to the keen seasibili-
ties of Grayling,
¢ Now’s my chance !"’ he muttered, as he
quickly and quietly unbarred the front door.
The next moment the hunter crept out-
side, and stole away in an entirely opposite
direction. On, on he went through the dark
forest, never stopping until he reached a
cluster of cabins two or three miles off —
Rousing up the fearless occupants, he called
upon the men to follow him, and backed by
a half dozen or more hardy. pioneers, he
speedily returned to the vicinity of his own
The Indians were at their work, busy as
bees pillaging and destroying the little house.
Fiercely, resolutely the hunters attacked
ther. A Dlovay cunillCt ensued, but the
redskins, what were left of them, were final-
ly driven away, and Grayling once more.
took possession of his home.
The fate of the outlaw who had been driv-
en from the cabin we need not describe.—
The next day his scalpless body was found
where he had fallen.
Grayling and his companions subsequent.
ly occupied the cabin the same as usual, one
spot in the wilderness being quite as dafe as
another, and none entirely free from the
depredations of the redskins and the desper-
a $n reen
AN Env 5 BENT INOmeENT,— At Newport,
R.1., T. - day, one of ihc compenies of
the new regiment was mustered in, but
several minors were rejected, because they
did not produce the certificate of consent
of their parents. One young man, whose
mother ic a widow, had enlisted and went
to his mother with his certificate for her
signature. But she not being willing for
him to go, withheld her consent, but finally
after much persuasion, said she would agree
upon one condition—that her son should
thrust his finper at random through the
leaves of the closed Bible, and the language
of the text upon which it rested should de-
cide her action in the matter. He did as
she requested, and his floger where the Bi.
ble was opened, was found resting over ths
two following verses :
2d Book of Chronicles, 29th chapter, 16th
and 17th verses :
« To morrow go ye down against them ;
behold, they come up by the cliff of Ziz ;—
and yeshall find them at the end of the
brook, before the wilderness of Jerusalem.
« Ye shall not need to fight in this battle;
set yourselves, stand ye still, and see the
salvation of the Lord with you. O Judah
and Jerusalem ; fear not, nor be dismayed ;
to-morrow go out against them ; for the
Lord will be with you.”
The mother read and consented.
a ——
¢ Swear Him aNp Ler Ht Go.”’—The
best piece of satire upon the leniency ob-
served by the authorities in this section, 1n
reference to rebels found committing depre-
dations, is in the shape of a story which is
told, we believe, by Governor Pierpont. As
the story goes, some of the soldiers in Gene-
ral Cox’s camp, down in Kanawa, recently
caught a large rattlesnake. The snake man-
ifested a most mischeivous disposition,
snapping and thrusting out hig. forked tongue
at all vho came nearit. ‘The boys at’ last
got tired of the reptile, and as nobody wan-
ted such a dangerous companion, the ques-
pany a bit, an’ I'm goin’ to git rid uv youin
a way uv my own. Ill giveye the choice
o’ two things, an’ nothin’ else, by jingo !—
I'm a bigger man, a stronger man, an’a&
better man than you ar’—conserquently I
kin dictate tarms. * Ye kin walk out o’ that
tion arose, ‘“ what shall we do with him ?
This question was propounded several times
without sn’answer, when a half drunken
soldier who was lying near upon his back,
rolled over upon his side, and relieved hig
companians by quietly remarking: ¢ Damn
| robber placed his fingers to his mouth and | thar ”’—pointing to the back entrance—** an’ :t, swear him and let him go.”
Tho vigor and promptness of the Govern-
ment in conducting the operations of the war
are day after day securing for it a deeper
and deeper hold upon the public confidence.
Many important things are being dons, rap+
idly, skillfully, und efficiently, Adminiastra~
tive cnergy’and ability are displayed in all
branches of the public service. We are not
disposed to lavish indiscriminate praise upon
all who are prominently connected with the
management of important public affairs at
this aritical juncture ; but so much has been
seid in derogation of the action of the Ad-
ministration, so many groundless and unjust
complaints have been made, that, at one
period, there was danger that the feeling of
confidence which should exist in times of
peril botweon tho people and the Government
would be seriously shaken, and it is pecu-
liarly fortunace that this evil has been aver«
In times of peace, it matters eomparitively
little whether the authorities of the nation
command the confidence and secure the ear-
neat eupport of the great body of the citizens
of our country or not ; but in the hour of ex-
treme peril, when the very existance of our
nation is at stake, and when the destiny cf
the present generation and of unborn millions
hangs trembling in the scale, it is vitally im-
portant they those entrusted with the man-
agement of public afiairs should feel, on the
une hand, that they can securely rely upon
the faithful, zealous, and enthusiastic sup-
port of the loyal masses, and, on the other,
the American people should feel that the afs
fairs of the Government, in which they have
such a deep and imestimable interest, are
wisely, energetically, and properly adminis»
Tha vigor of our blows against the ebella
ion will be immeasurably increased by the
conciousness that they will be strengthened
and sustained, at all hazards, and in all con-
tingencies, by the unanimous sentiment of
the loyal States, If the general determina-
tion to overpowef the insurgents remains
unchanged and unwenkened, the supproasion
of the rebellion is inevitable, and those who
seek to undermine the efface this fesling are,
therefore, amongst the most dangerous. foes
of the Republic. Some journals, without,
perhaps, being animated by mischevious
designs, seem to habitually delight in pub-
lishing such parvcisivas of the current svents
of the day as lead unthinking readers to sup-
pose that, while the people are busy in pro=
moting the movements connected with the
war, the Administration alone, of all persons
not suspected of digloyalty, is comparitively
inatientive, idle, and indifferent to the suc-
cess of our armies. Such writers appear to
imagine that overything is going wrong, and
that nothing is being dene in a proper man-
ner. Beoanse the secrets of the Government
aro not ail blazoned forth so publicly that
every eye can read and every ear can hear
them, they suppose that few movements of
importance are being made. That such
ideas are clearly unjust any man who, for a
moment, considers the real condition of pub-
affairs, will readily perceive. The immense
army now in and around Washington is, day
aiter day, rapidly inereawing in strength and
efficiency ; and, while everything transpiring
in our camps is not described with minute-
ness, no one doubts that the activity and un.
ceasing vigilance of General McClellan have
been attended with highly important results,
ard that be has now under hie command one
of the largest and best armies ever aszembled
on this continent,
In Missouri, also, great activity bas been
displayed, snd all accounts agree in stating
that an ermy bas been organized that will
not only be able to defend the State, but
which, when proper hreparations are made
for a descent of the Mississippi, will be pow-
erful enough to overcome tho Seacssionists
in some of their mest important strongholds.
The aspect of agairs in Kentucky ia threat-
ening, but the loyal Union men of the State
are daily becoming more willing to aceep
the arbitrement of the sword as the only
possible means of settling our present nation-
al difficulties, and if war must break out
upon her soil, a large proportion of her eciti-
zens may be relied upon as brave and deters
mined defenders cf the Government. In
Western Virginia, Ceneral Rosecrans, nots
withstanding the numeroba sensation reports
that bave appeared, falsely declaring that he
had met with various serious disasters,
bravely maintains his position, holde his foes
in check, and prepares the way, we trust
for more brilliant victories,
At Fortress Monroe, under the skilful
management of General Wool, the dicipline
of our troops is constantly being improved,
and it cannot be doubted that in any engege-
ment in which thev may participate, they
will conduct themselves gallantly and effi-
Meanwhile the navy, about which so many
complaints bave appeared, is being strength-
ened to an extent which few appeeciate or
comprehend ; and it is evident that the Der
partment will soon have resources a its com-
mand which will enable it to follow up the
victory at Hatteras with other of a similar,
but still more important, character; to en-
force a comple'e blockade, to close every
important Southern inlet, and to sweep the
the rebel privateers from the sea.
The apprehensions at ons time expressed
about the National credit, nnd the fears that
the financial assistance necessary to secure a
vigorous prosecution of the war could not be
obtained, are rapidly dieappearing before the
evidence afforded by the prompt action of
the banks and the numerpue subscriptions
to the National loan, of the unlimited conf=
denee of capitalists in the integrity and per»
petaity of the Government.
Thus, with our treasury replenishe?
army and navy is a high siata of ¢ 3,
the loyalty and patriotism of the peopla an
diminishad, and the revival of business indi»
cated, the aspoct of affairs should inspire ul
good citizens with hops and confidence.
—— re, t
The history of our National flag is of ex-
ceeding inteross at this time, while traitors
are menacing its sacred folds. The banner
of St. Andrew was blue, charged with =
saltier or cross in the for of a letter X, and
was used in Scotland as early as the eleventh
century. The banner of £t. George was
white, charged with a red cross, and wa
used in England as early as first part of che
fourteenth century. By a royal proclama-
tion, dated April 12th, 1706, these two cros-
es were joined together upon the same flag,
forming the national flag of England. In
1801, when Ireland became a part of Great
Britain, the present national flag of Eng-
land, known as the Union Jack, was com-
pleted. The ancient flag of England formed
the basis of our American banner. Our
Colonial ancestors raised various flags, but
none of them were incorporated into our
present emblem. When Washington took
command ef the army at Cambridge, Mass.,
January 21st, 1776, he unfurled the new
flag of thirteen stripes of alternate red and
white, having on one of its corners the red
and white crosses of 5!. George and St. An-
drew, ona field of blue.) This was the
standard borne into the city of Boston by
the American army after the evacuation by
the British troops. It showed that the colo-
nies claimed to be part of the British Em-
pire, and yet made known the fate of the
thirteen colonies. (Congress, on the 15th
day of June, 1777, resolved, “ That the flag
of the thirteen United States should be thir-
teen stripes, alternate red and white, and
that the Union be thirteen white stars in a
blue field ;” but 1t was not till the 3d of
the next September that the resolutizr wag -
made public, and the first flag of the kind
was made. On this lag the stars were ar.
ranged in a circle. The battle of Saratoga
was the first action into vrhich it was borne.
Tn 1794, two States having been added to
the Union, it was voted that the alternate
stripes, as well as the circling stars, be fif-
teen in number ; and thus enlarged, the
flag was borne through the war of 1812.—
After the war was ended it was found that
if a new stripe was were to be added for
each new State, the flag would soon become
so Jarge as to be unwieldy, so in 1818 it
was enacted, that a permanent return should
be made to the original number of thirteen
stripes, and that the number of stars should
correspond to the number of States, thus
symbolizing the Union as it might be at any
period, and also as it was at its birth, At
the same time it was suggested that the
stars be made into a single slar—a sugges
tion which we occasionally see adopted at
the present time. As to the arrangement of
the constelation, no particular order scems
to be observed ; it is sufficient if all the
stars are there.
The stripes of white declare purity and
innocence, ‘he red gives forth defiance to
cruelty and vppression, the blue is embla-
matical of perseverance, vigilance, and jus-
tice, while the whole speaks for the Union,
“one and inseperable.” The rules as to the,
size of the flag are, that 1t3 length be one
and a half of 1ts breadth, and the blue jack,
with the stars, be square, occupying the
space of six stripes. Of all the national
flags in existence, it1s, to the unprejudiced
eye of taste, the most lovely banner that ever
floated upon the breeze. And long may it
wave, as it ever has since it was first un-
furled, uvsullied and triumphant.
me AD A est: .
YANKEE StRATAGEM.—During the Revolu-
tionary war, two ‘brothers from one of the
castern ports were commanders of privat-
eers ; they cruised together, and were emi-
nently successful, doing great damage tc
the enemy and making money for them-
selves. One evening, being in the latitude
of the shoals of Nantucket, but many miles
to the eastward of them, they espied a large
British vessel having the appearance of a’
merchantman, and made towards her ; bat
to their astonishment, found her to be a frig~
ate in disguise. A very high breeze pre-
vailing, they hauled off in different direc-
tions. Only one could be pursued, and the
frigate gained rapidly on him. Finding
that he could not run away, the commander
had recourse to a stratagem. , Ona sudden
he hauled in sails, and all hands were em.
ployed with setting poles, as if sheving his
vessel of a bank. The people on beard the
frigate, amazed at the supposed danger they
had run, and to save themselves from being
grounded, immediately clawed off, and lefc
the more knowing Yankee “to make himself
scarce,” who soon as night rendered 1t pru-
dent for him, hoisted sails at a sea two hun-
dred fathoms deep. — Naval Anecdote.