AER TT BELLEFONTE, THURSDAY MORNING, SEPT. 26, 1861. - NO. 37. AFTER MANASSAS. BY CHAS. J. PETERSON. What though the rebel armies rage, What though the nations sneer, What though the ocean roar, and hearts Aro failing men for fear! Tho masts may go, the ship may drift, The waters overwhelm— Qut of the depths we'll triumph yet, Our God is at the helm. Our Fathers’ God at Plymoth Rook, The God of Bunker Hill, Ob! not in vain the beacon fire They lit—it blazes still ! And tempest-toseed, and faint to death, Out on the stormy realm, We catch its gleam, and lift the psalm, “Our God is at the helm.” The fountains of the deep are loosed. We drive through night and rain. Bhall neither sun. nor star, nor sky, Nor land be seen again? Take heart! This world of all our hopes, The deeps may overwhelm; Tut still our ark shall ride the flood, For God is at the helm. Gh! nation born of travail long, Of twice three thousand years: Mau-child of freedom! ’tis not thide To die in blood and tears. Through the Red Sea the chosen race Won to the promised realm; We bear the future of the world, And God is at the helm. a ON GUARD. At midnight, on my lonely beat, When shadows wrap the wood and lea, A vigion seems my view to greet Of one at home that prays for me. - No roses blow upan her cheek— Her form is not a lover's dream— But on her face, 80 fair and meek, A host, of holier beauties gleam For softly shines hor silver hair, A patient smile is on her face, And the mild lustrous light of prayer Around her sheds a moonlight grace. She prays for one that’s far away— The soldier iu his holy fight— And begs that Heaven in mercy may Protect her boy and bless the right. Tit, though the leagues lie far between, This silent incense of her heart Bteals o’er my heart with breath serene, And we no longer are apart. 80 guarding thus my lonely beat, By shadowy wood und haunted lea, That vision seems my eye to meet Of her at home who prays for me. «But ours is an infantry company, and we use smooth bores,” suggested the offi~ cer. « Wall, captin, if yeou don't calkilate to go in tew kill, I'm not yogr man. If yeov dew, you'd better take me and-my bar kill er.” «¢ Oh, its impossible that you should ap pear in our ranks with a dark barreled weapon—our muskets are all bright bar- reled. You must leave that weapon be- hind.” «“Qan’t dew it, captin. killer goes, there I go. without it. Yeon see its a sure thing.” +1 have no evidence of it beyond your word,”’ said the lieutenant, beginning to be interested in the somewhat uncouth indi- vidual. good shots as three sharp shooters in my corps. I'll engage to enlist you, bear killer and all.” «¢ Give us yer fist on that, Mister Officer,” returned the raw recruit, extending his rough, tan browned, and freckled hand.— «If you've got three men in your corps that hin outshewt Seth Stark, I'll goe hum agin, and help dad kerry on the farm.” The mach was forthwith got wp) and three of the privates of the Ethan Allen Rangers were selected for the trial. Each of thew were famed as sharp shooters, and particularly well skilled in the use of the rifle. A target, representing an Indian chief, was placed at one hundred rods distant ; at the appointed time, the three already re- cruited rangers and Seth Stark took their positions in {ront of the company of rangers to witness the apparently unequal contest. Two men were detailed to stand within six rods on either side of the painted Indian, to wake a record of each successive shot, and before they left the ranks, their comrades made many good natured, but slightly sa- tirical remarks at the expense of the cross eyed volunteer. « Bili Barton, be keerful where vou stand hen that chap blazes away,” said a ranger to one of the target markers; the safest p'ace will be behind it.” «¢ Better get under the bank, Bill, there's no calculating where the bullets may strike,’ said another. «1 think the only sure place isin the rear of the breech,” added a third. Almost every one of the corps volunteered a jocose opinion in reference to the crooked eyed, crooked formed, and otherwise uncouh looking backwoodsman, some of which Miscellaneous, SETH STARK, THE GREEN MOURTAIN SHARP-SHOOTER. BY HARRY HAZEL. «Its no use torking ’'beout it, ded, I'm goin’ to fite the enemy. The Union's in danger—Varmount’s in danger, and Hard scrabble in pertickler's in danger, and 1'm bound for to go. That’s wot I told the old man, Mister Officer, and that’s wot 1 tell you. If you won't 'list me, I'll find cout another ‘cruitin’ station, darned gnick.”’ This speech of a hard fisted, young Green Mountain Boy, with a ritle in his hand, was not long since made to the officer of a re~ cruiting station in Montpelier, Vt., who had interposed several objections to the stout 1ad’s enlistihg, to wit: that his visual or- gans presented a decided case of strabisums, that his body was slightly angular, that his style of speech and manner rather shocked the «ars and eyes of the gentlemanly, col lege cultivated lieutenant, who had thrown down Blackstone, Kent, Coke, and other faw commentators for a sword and apaul ettes ; and also because the applicant was incurably left handed. “ How old are you ?” asked the licuten~ ant. -¢ Twenty, last grass.” ¢ What's your business 2” «+ Cuttin’ logs and shewtin’ bars in winter, and drivin’ cattle and mowin, grass in sum- mer.” « Shooting bears, eh 2’ * Yeas, shewtin’ bars.” * Then I suppose yoa would take aim ata tree in one direction, and hit the bearin an- other,’ said the officer, derisively. “I am afraid, in battle, you would be much less dangerous in the enemy's ranks than in ours” “1 know I'm a little bit cock.eyed, Mis- ter Officer, but I've fotchéd many a bar at more’n a hundred rods, and at turkey shewts they allurs try to count me out.” ‘“Coun’t you out; what do mean by that 7’ « Wall, I amn’t so profertable to the tur- key match makers as some o’ the rest on em, for when I git this ere rifle o’ dad's on one o' the birds, you can reckon that he’s mine.” « Are you also a good shot with the mus- ket ¥' x “Don’t know notnin’ beout that kind o’ ~ shewtin' iron.” reached the ear of Seth, who, suddenly fac- ing the company, which were standing at ease, and pricking up his ears, said, ¢ Perhaps as haow some oa ye wud like to bet a small sum on them ’ere three sharp shewters,” said Seth, pulling out of his ca- ;acious looking pocket a greasy looking wollet, which seemed rather plethoric of bank bills, considering the coarse, seedy gear of the confident rifleman. I'll lay ye anything from a sheet o’ gingerbread to a tew dollar bill that I'll take the consait ont o’ you or your sharp shooters at rifle shewt- in,” wrasthng, hugging, or in a reg’lar knock deown and drag eout fight.” . “1'll bet yeu a dollar you don’t bit the board once out of three times.”” said one of the Rangers. r ¢* Done-- I'll take that ere bet, and doub- le the stakes,” replied Seth, drawing forth a one dollat note, and placing it ip the hands of the orderly sergeant, while the Ranger did likewise. “Tl go you a five that all you will be beaten at every round,”’ said another Ran- ger. «Plank your suet skin, said Seih. « [1] lay you a five that you don’t put a single shot within the outer circle of the bull's eye,” offered a third. ¢ Wal, I don’t mind taking that ere bet tew,’” replied Seth, producing the money. «I'll go you fifty cents you don’t hit the bull’s eye once,” said a more cautious mem- ber of the Ethan Allen corps. «Plank your money, gentlemen—I'm good for a dozen or two more jest sich wa- gers—hev ‘em all writ down, Mister Sar- geant, so there can’t be no mistake.” Seth’s invitation was responded to by nearly half the members of the whole com- pany, and on figuring up the aggregate of all the stakes, it amounted to nearly two hundred dollars, but at each successive wa- ger the chances fir his winning were made much smaller, as the last one that he had offered him required him to hit the bull's eye twice out of the three rounds, and to beat his three antagonists. « Naow, geutlemen,’’ said Seth, “I jest wanter make one more bet. dorlers that I'll hit the in treatin’ the company.” ¢ I'll take that wager,” said the com- mander of the - Rangers, stepping forward and depositing the stakes, ‘‘and if you win, I shall not only cheerfully disburse it in the manner you suggest, but receive you into ' somewhat startling. It was again exam- the corps, and furnish you with a uniform ! ined with keener scrutiny than before ; and ! free of expense. Where the bar Never go nowhcre «But I'li put your shooting skill to the test, and if you can make three as I'll lay ten bull's eye three times, pervidin’ that the winner shall go over to the tavern and spend the hull stakes ¢ Good on your head, captin ;” answered Seth, “and efI don’t win I'll be raound here to morrer and stand treat agin.” The three sharp shooters suggested the idea of having a rest for theirrifles, as the range was long, and the slightest variation of the aim would carry the shot wide of the mark, but Seth argued against it, and ap- pealed to the commander. You see, captin,”” said he, “its all very well at a turkey shewt, but it don’t do in the woods, when the bars and the wolves are abeout ; and I kinder guess twouldn’t dew on the battle field. “less every sojer cud kerry a nigger as they dew at the South to use as rests for their shewtin’ irons.” This argument prevailed. and he decided that the shots should be made off hand, and that ten seconds should be allowed mn tak. ing aim, after the piece was at the shoulder. The Indian chief was painted in gaudy colors, size of life, and the bull's eye was placed on the left side, in the region of the heart. with three circles drawn around it, and it was understood that from the centre of the bull's eye each shot should be meas: ured. The sharp shooters and the back- woodsman drew lots for the first fire, which fell to the lot of one of the former, who took his position, and ina ready and adroit man- ner opened the contest, and his shot together with the others were as follows, according to the report of the target markers : . Ranger No. 1.—Two inches from the out- er circle, grazing the left arm. Ranger No. 2.—Ball struck within one inch of the inner circle to the right—a fatal shot. Ranger No. 3.—But a half moon in the bull’s eye —fatal. Seth Stark.—Shot perforated the centre of the bull’s eye ! There was considerable huzzaing at the result of the first round, especially among the spectators, and those of the Rangers who had not risked any of their funds on the result. On the second round the three Rangers were scored as having made better shots than before, but no score for the young backwoodsman. It was now the turn of the betters to huz- 23, although several of them had lost by Se h's first shot. The third round resulted even better for the Rangers than either of the others, and the score was brought in acco dingly ; bat there appearing no score for the would be recruit, the shouting was terrific, and many rude jests were again made at Seth’s ex- pense. ++ Mought yeou not as well wait till the umpires hev decided, before ycou begin to larf at a feller 77 ejaculated Seth. *¢ I've seed many a turkey trial decided agin the scorers.” : * Why, vou dor.’t suppose you've hit the target but once ?” asked a Ranger who had staked a V on the result. «t Mebbe I don’t ’spose s0, and mebbe I dew,’ replied Seth. «I'll go ten to one,’ said the confident soldier. « Take my advice, and don’t yeou dew it,” answered Seth. « Oh, ho ! don’t dare, eh ? Can’t go one against ten ¢’ ejaculated the fellow. «« Wall, yeou kin put up as many ters as yeou please, and ef I don’t kiver um, why yeou kin pick up your change ag.” «Try him ! try him ! he’s only bluffing ! only coming the brag game !”” suid several of the Rangers. . «I'll go my pile on that,” said the confi- dent one, and he forthwith produced sixty dollars, which Seth cevered with only six ; but then 1t must be remembered that the odds were terribly against him, inasmuch as the scorers’ report, if confirmed, would of course, give the stakes to his antagonist. The umpires, consisting of one officer of the company, who had no especial interest in the result, and two civilians, who were experts in the sport of rifle shooting, forth- with visited the target, and examined the several hits, and on comparing them with the record of the scorers it appeared there were no mistakes. “ That hit in tke bull's eye,” remarked one of the civil umpires, *is a magnificent shot, but how so small a slug as that greeny’s rifle carries, could make so large an orifice as that, is” quite a mystery to me."’ «1 agree with you,” said the other civil- ian. ¢ Jt is & remarkable perforation, certain- ly,” addel the officer of the Rangers, exam- ining the hole with scrutiny, and then turn- ing the target around they all were struck with the fact that the shot of the smallest bored rifle had really pierced much the, largest hole through the board. ‘See here, 't00,”” he continucd, finding the correspond- | ‘ing hole in the trunk of the tree against which the ‘counterfeit semblance” of the savage chieftain had rested, “can it be pos sible that two bullets have passed through | tuis orifice ¥'’ The suggestion was improbable, but the matter, it was agreed to cut around the corresponding perforation in the tree, and to the depth of the spot where the bullet had lodged. A carpenter was forthwith sent for, with instructions to bring the proper tonls for the job. In afew minutes one was procured, and he went to work with a mor- tic ing chisel and mallet, under direction of the umpires, and after toiling some ten or fifteen minutes he removed a cube of wood from the tree of about five inches in depth, which, on being split open carefully, three slugs, pressed firmly against each other, with but little variation from a true line. weresaken therefrom to the wonder and surprise of the umpires. Seth Stark's bul lets had lravsrsed the same line, and had lodzed together ! The huzzas and the laugh were now upon the other side, but the contest was remarka- ble and decisive—the victory so complete— that even those who had lost money on the result, joined with the others in rendering all homage to the eccentric backwoodsman.— Seth was forthwith enrolled in the ranks of the company, and though he appeared very awkward at first in the ranks, he is-fast ac- quiring the positions and bearing of a well drilled soldier. The greatest difficulty he has to encounter is his le ft handedness, while his crooked eye only troubles his drill officer. «Eyes front” appear always ‘eyes left,” and “eyes right” always seum to be “eyes front.” The Ethan Allen Guards have been re- cently mustered into the service of Uhele Sam ; and if they ever get into an engage- ment, woe be to the rebels who become tar- gets of Seth Stark, the Green Mountain Sharp Shooter ! NAPOLEON AND THE VETERAN. While in this city, there occurred one of those rare incidents in the progress of Prince Napoleon's tour through the United States which will not soon be forgotten by our illustrious visitor, albeit the tender recollec tions thereof may not be of long duration with one of the parties interested, whose gray hairs will soon be moistened by the clammy dews of death. Lorenze Harte, a relic of the Grand Army of the First Napoleon, now an inmate of the Cook County Poor House, and had an inter- view with Prince Napoleon. Hansen, learning the wish of the old soldier kindly conveyed him to the Tremont. His card was sent to the Prince’s apartments, and the old man, bowed down with the weight of eighty years, was ushered into the august presence, The Prince arose to receive his remarka- ble guest. There they stood for a moment looking cach other in the face—the second heir to the French crown and the scarred and bronzed veteran of a score of battles. — Advancing, the Prince grasped the old man’s hand, and conducting him to a seat, spoke to him so kindly that the veteran’s heart overflowed and he burst into tears. To those at all acquainted with the histo- ry of the Napoleonic: dynasty, neither the kindness of the Prince nor the emotion of the old* veteran will be wondered at, All such well know the remarkable power that the First Napoleon held upon the affections of his soldiers, as well as the wild and un- controllable idolatry manifested by the lat ter toward the former on all occasions, weth er in victory or defeat. In that interview the veteran ¢ fought his battles o’er again.” The Prince questioned him and listened with glistening eye to the recital of those thrilling incidents which ever had as their hero a Napoleon. The quick eye of the Prince noticed the ahsence of three fingers from one of the sol- dier’s hands. ¢¢ Where did you loss youp fingers ++ In the retreat from Moscow. I was at. tached to the cavalry, and in oneof the charges of those villanous Cossacks a stroke from a lance deprived me of three of my fin- gers. Dat,” and the old veteran's eye shone with the®old battle light, ¢¢ my sabre finish~ ec him, sire. Ah, those Cossacks were the most sjlendid horsemen I ever saw, but they were ofraid of Murat’s ‘cavalry afte all.” And the old soldier’s mind wandered back to that terrible retreat from the burn ing capital of the Russians. surrounded by the inflexible rigors of a Russian winter, and Larrassed day and aight by those furious onsets of Uossack cavalry—those wild and daring children of the plains. «This, sire, was done at Lodi,’ exhibit ing a terrible scar upon his left shoulder, made by a grape shot ¢* And this,” baring the calf of his left leg, showing the track of a bullet through and through it, ¢* was done at Arcola.” “This sabre cut on my head was received at Austerlitz, and so was this sire,” tenderly holding up the the Cross of the Legion of Honor bestowed upon him by Napoleon for special services on that bloody field. And thus the old battle-scared veteran whiled away two pleasant hours—hours fraught with proud and tender recollections to both Prince and soldier ; and when the veteran arose to go, he blessed the munifi- cence of the Prince which had pressed a well filled purse into his hand and gave him assurrance that la belle France had not for gotten her veterans, and that a liberal pew. sion should be provided for him.— Chicago County Agent for the purpose of solving the least doubt in Journal. GENERAL NATHANIEL LYON. HIS BIRTH-PLACEL AND HIS BURIAL. The funeral of Lieutenant E. L. Lyon, who was killed at Cockeysville, Maryiand, by a railroad disaster of last Sunday two weeks, took place at Eastford, Connecticut, on the I3th inst. He wasa nephew of Gen. Lyon, and was buried by his side. A Connecticut friend of the late General Lyon has published in one of the Hartford papers a column of interesting reminiscen- ces of the General. Of the several accounts given of his death, the most authentic, un- doubtedly. is that of his relative and brigade surgeon, Dr. C. G. Lyon, who was with him when he was shot. He says: i General Lyon had been wounded by a shot in the heel, a shot through the fleshy part of his thigh. and a shot which cut open the back of hig head to the skull bone, and and was covered with blood, when he saw him riding between the Kansas and Towa regiments to lead them to the charge. H begged him to retire to the rear and have his wounds dressed. General Lyon replied, *¢ No—these are nothing,” went forward, and was killed by a Minnie ball, which went through the breast and passed out at the back, severing the aorta, or principle blood vessel of the heart. He fell into the arms of Lehman, his body servant, and said, ¢ Lehman, IT am killed —take care of my body,”’ and instantly expired. These were his last and only words.” The following sketch of the General's character is given by the same writer : In private life, in the camp, by the fire side, or anywhere with his friends off duty, General Lyon was one of the most mild, genial and pleasant of men. Said ong of his intimate friends. * You wouldn't sup: pose he ever would get angry, or be roused to excitement.”” His favorite attitude was standing stroking or picking his long sandy beard. But on his splendid horse, at the head of his little army, he was literally “a tower of strength.” His form sYraightened up two inches taller, his eye dilated and blazed with excitement, and his comands were given in trumpet tones that were heard and obeyed through all the deafening din of battle, and he was incapable of fear.” His birth place and his grave ara dacorib- ed as follows : ¢ The old brown house in which General Lyon was born, stands about a mile and a half from his grave in Eastford, in a lonely desolate place, at the bottom of a valley, between two steep, rocky hills. The night before his last battle he slept on the grass between two high rocks, so wedged in with his companion, Major Scofield. that it was difficult to stir. He made light of the incon venience, remarking to his friend that * he was born between two rocks.” As has already been stated, Gen. Lyon willed his property—some $30 Q00-—to the country. His sword, chapeau and commis~ sion have been giver. to his native State, and Conngeticut will undoubtedly honor his memory by a monument, though Judge Colt of St. Louis, who was present at bis funeral, says that Missouri will claim the privilege of erecting the monument over his remains. The following address was made at the grave, by Judge Colt: ¢ It was not my good fortune to know General Lyon intimately. It was not my lot to enjoy for a number of years the rich fruits of his martial and manly spirit : but, like many of you in this vast assembly, I could learn him from history. I could watch him in a slave State, while in the service of the Government, with the more interest and care since he was a son of good old Con- necticut, winning golden opinions frow all martial men in the State of my adoption. ¢«« He was one of the active spirits of his age, a tried soldier, an honost and uncom.’ promisingly determined man, with a milita- ry genius and courage quite equal to the leading of the advance guard for universal emancipation. And we have come here to do him honor. Missourians of native birth who never before trod the soil of New Eng. land, his aids from other States, and his re lation by blood who served him in the field, and captain carrying the leaden messenger of death 1n his body, and brave soldiers all, are all here to do honor to his memory. «1 do not presume to speak for and in b half ot Missouri; I donot speak in behalf of that western star, now surrounded by storm, but I do say that she will claim Lyon as a part of her history. Take this cold body, all covered with wounds, ail that re. mains of the true hero, and hurry him in the ground. It is a fit birth and burial place for a great spirit. Bury him tenderly as one who lies down to sleep. He is not the first son of New England whose blood fat- tens southern soil in the: glorious cause of the nation. Inthe warof the Revolution, when the whole country possessed but a sparse population, Connecticut gave her bounty in men, money and forage. Anoth- er revolution is upon us. t We may change, and counter-revolution may be necessary, but the Government and the Constitution are quite equal to the eri- sis. The political cholera of secession will soon exhaust itself and yield to governmen-, task in energy and military organization.— You may be obliged to confiscate armories and powder magazines; do it, there is no danger. Ideas that direct the age are more important than physical things. These rug- ged hills and green fields were made to give energy to souls born for immortality. “Take these mortal remains and bury them tenderly, We yield them with relne- tance to a brighter and better claim. But while we do this, let me say that Missousd now in her day of tribulation still hopes fur a redemption beyond this fratricidal war are, that she still looks forward to peace and plnty from the abundancefof the rich harvest which nature has bestowed upon her. Ther she will begin to write her own history, thi: she will not forget the brave Lyon. then, remembering this day’s burial and where sleep his remains, she will claim the privi- lege of erecting his monument and writing Ais epitaph.” AMERICAN WOMEN. Mrs. 1. B. Stowe, ir her book of travels in Europe, makes the following sensible re marks about the comparative beauty of the women of England and America : A lady asked me the other evening what I thought of the beauty of the Enghsh aris- tocracy ; she was a Scotch lady, by-the by. so that the question wasa fair one. I re- plied that certainly report had not exaggor- ated their charms. Then came a home question--how the ladies of England com- pared with those of America? ¢ Now tor it, patriotism,” said I to myself, and invo- king to my aid certain fair saints of my own country, whose faces T distinctly remember ed, T assured her thatT had never seen more beautiful women than I had in America, — Grieved was I to add, ‘but your ladies keep their beauty much longer.” This fact stares one in the face in every company; one meets ladies past fifty, glowing, radient and blooming, with a freshness of complex- ion $d fullness of outline refreshing to con template. What can be the reason ? Tell us Muses and Graces, what can it be ? Isit smoke, the same which keeps the turf green, and makac the ivy and hally flonrish? Fox comes it that our married ladiec dwindle, fade and grow thin, that their noses incline t» sharpness. and their elbows to angularity just at the time of life when their island sis ters round out into a comfortable and be- coming amptitnde and fullness ? If itis the coal and sea fog, why then I am afraid we sball never come up with them. But perhaps their may be other causa why a country which starts some of the most beautifull girls, in the world produce so few beautiful women. Have not our close stove-heated rooms something to do with it Above all, has not our climate, with its al- ternate extremes of heat and cold, a tendency to induce habits of indolence ? Climate cer- tainly. has a great deal to do with it; ours is evidently more trying and more exhaust - ing, and because it is so, we should not pile upon its back errors of dress and diet which arc avoided by our neighbois. They ke p thelr beauty because they keep their besitu, It has been as remarkable to me as anything since I have been here, that I do not eco stantly, hear one and another spoken of 4 in miserable health, very delicate, &c — Health seems to be the rule, and not the ex- ception. For my part T must say the most favorable omen I know of for female beauty in Ameraca is the multiplication cf water cure establishments, where our ladies, if they get nothing else, do gain some ideas as to the necessity of fresh air; regular exer- cise, simple diet, and the laws of hygiene in general. re Delmer Curious Facts DiscovERED BY Ths FREXCH Censvs.—The French census recently taken discloses some curious facts. Among these is an excess of marriages in tho large towns and cities of France over those in the country, proportionately to population. It also ap- pears that but about seven widows in every hundred marry again, while twice that ratio of widowers re-enter the connubial state.— A majority of male childreu are shown to be born of parents of nearly the same age.— The average duration of wedded life, in 18- 56, was twenty-five years, against twenty- three yeas and two months 1n 1836. Ons third of the men and about one half of the women yearly married are unable to sign their names. This proposition, however, | does not hold in the department of the Seine, | where only one man in nineteen and one | woman in six are unable to write. In the | same department, also the proportion of children born out of wedlock and legitima. ted by the subsequent marriage of their | parents, is much greater than in the provin- | cial towns, and is smallest of all in the ru. | ral districts. i ean QA ite | A terrible fire occurred on thestageof the | Continental Theatre, Philadelphia, on Sat- faiay night, by which some fourteen per. | sons, mostly females, were dreadfully burn- led. Six of the ladies have since died. The fire took place during a thonder and lifiht- ning storm in the play of The Tempest. tal medicine. You must be equal to the. the conservative power of sea~-fog and coal