ER TI fovea —— Ee — s - a erry — - he Utatchnm, BELLEFONTE, THURSDAY,JULYI1L «Tz Smit Lives. '—We are plea sed to say | that the reports put in cirenlation by i's po litical enemies, that Tur New York Dar | Book has been, or will be stopped, are false. Tta proprietors declare 'thut it is bound to | live us long as the principles of Jefferson and | survive. All who desire a sound, ante Standing Army. Onerous Taxation, National Banks, High Tarifls, the Suppression of Free Speech, and a Military Dictatorship, will find it just what they want, News, 3 The terms daring the war New York. ; : pies, Any person who will start a club and riud . will receive aw there {8 none wa for dl wade atl {tious to clubs can always be a1 each subsoriber. Specimen Address Vax Evmig, Horton & Co., an street, New York. 1: pies sent free. 162° SE RE TEE = A precnin THE NEW YORK DAY-BOOK. it has always stood, the United Sates, as its authorize ponent, the Su- t only because hy that de suhles hat with an F THE PEO 7 r to eotmmend (GR DAY-EGOK rent, giving an esale prices of all will be a valuab ants. ar daily report of an we tain th : report will e K fully unum TEEN W JN PAY-BOOIK has as great a variety of news as any simii nal sent out of New York, while its Apr 1 Articles. its Marker Keports of Oattie, Cotton tipuin, & , are curate ns any. le its terms eral, placing it within the reac American citizen. Its terms, are as follows : are wuch more lib exsh in edvance _ rrified” Union Democratic paper {froin | New York city, in favor of Peace, Justice | and Fraternity, opposed to Mob law, a! Tue WERRLY | Day Book has all the latest Telegraphic! 3 and as a pood report of Cattle, Grain, ! and other Markets as any paper seni out of at a post office where © sub- } tis law, hot aleo The refusal of the sion has . | disease i 5 | Lest we hinve, 1 of course valuo thei highly the | £ all €1Ti= | of your Pills. nd to sonal] which they cleanse at once. them to the | of the people wizh whatever { afterngon. and a scoond edition | s the latest telegraph- | Fol y g i$ te latest telegraph. | BN S00 oe of tha profs on. Dep. tog Wish pes lition | We have a'so made i the of the humblest AYER’S CATHARTIC PILLS, Are yn 1 i JRice MAWANK | B20 W ‘ edy- bills, and LR cleanse ouf tl dered hue Ns mers — purify the blood, and TR ; faids move ox unob- | Pg : tracted bn health agin, try 2 ctimulite the into v the chstructions w ¢ A cold settles somew in the bbe str its natural functions, renct upon themselves and the surrow MO. dicing general gggravation, suffering, and disease. | While in this condition, oppressed by the derangements, | take Ayer's Pills. and see how directly they restore the nataral setion of the systeny, and with it the buoyant feeling of health again. What is true and so apparent in ol tind common complaint. is also tre in nuany op-sented and drugorous distempers. Lhe samo olfeet expels thers, Caused by siueilar obstruc- nd der ments of tha nataral fanct of the ¢ rapidly, and muny of thew st \ who know the y them when suffering sievid, | this tol t Cur. : ts from leading physiciang in some of the and from other well Known public per dant of. Louis, Frb. 4, 1556, are the paragon of ail i | great in ge . They have caved wy little du af ra gores upon her hauds and feel that had p: d incurabla for {Tar mother has been long griev- ously afilicted with blotches and pimplos on ber skin and After our child was cared, she aise tried ' Pills, and they have cured hier, FORE i a dC AA MORARIDAE. As a Family Physic. From Dr. Ee We Cartwright, Nov Orleans. Your Pills are the prince of purges. ‘Thelr excellent qualitios surpass any cathartic we posecss. They aro | mild, but very certain and effectual in their action on the bowels, which makes them invaluable to us in the daily satment of disease. < | Headache,SickITendnche,Foul Stomach. { From Dr. Edward Boyd, Baltimore. From a Paar Dr. ATER PENNSYLV'A HOTEL HE SUBSCRIBER RESPECTFULLY informe the citizens of Centre county and the public in general, that he has leased this Ho- tel, and is now ready and prepared to accomwmo- date travelers in a style, which he flatters himself will meet with public approbaticn and patronage. Peaple from the County during their sojourn at Bellefonte on wee ks of Court, will ind the Penn sylvania Hotel, an agreeable resting place. Tho Honse is spacions and furnished in superior THE TABLE of the subscriber wiil be supplied with all the substantial provisions, . delicacies and luxuries, which a productive Country can furnish or industry vigilance and exertion can procure. HIS BAR, will always contain a general assort- ment of the very best liquors, that the Eastern market affords, adapted to suit the most capricious THE STABLE, will be attended by an attentive and obliging Ostler, well qualified to discharge the duties pertaining to this important department of a public establishment, designed for the accommo- dation of travelers generally. Accommodating servants will always be in at- tendance to supply the wants and contribute to the comfort and satisfaction of those who may be dis posed to patronize the Hotel of the subscriber, by whom nothing will be omitted which will render hig customers comfortable and happy. From the attention and time. which the under- signed has devoted to this braneh of business, ard hig experience, he hopes to merit and receive s easonnble share of the patronage of the public. Aprit 12, 1860. PHILIP KEPHART. JOEIIN RMECOIIAIN, DEALER IN ? CLOCKS, WATCHES AND JEWELRY, Hine purchased the stock of Clocks, Watches and Jewelry lately owned by Bible | & Moran, and having made large additions to tre | same, respectfully invites the attention ofthe pub- | lio to his stock, eonsisting now in part of Gold and | | Gilver Watches. Gold Guard and Fob Chains, | | trold & silver Spectacles, Braceleis. Gents’ Gold | studs, Watch Keys d_ Cases, Silver Pencils, | Finger Rings, Ear gs, Breast Pins, Gold Pen- | cils and Pens, Gogales. Steel Bags, Silver Plated | Ware, &¢. Aleo, Bight-day and thirty-hour | Clocks, at the very lowesi prices. John Moran offers these goods to the publie,convinced that they will meet with satisfaction. He is determined #0 dispose of neither an inferior article. or offer for | rant. Pear Bio. Aver: [eannot answer vou what complaints iT have cored with your Phils better than to say afl thet ws | ever treat w itive madicine, 1 place geeat depen. | dence on an « mw, and b ving as I do that your Pills afford us the i TIrranung, I I Da. J. 0. ATR, | the worst eadac/e any body ean have by a dose It seers to arise from a foul stomach, Yours with great respect, ED. W. PREBLE, | Clerk of Steamer Cl¥¥ion, Billous Disorders — Liver Complaints. Prom Dr. Theodore Bell, of New York City. ly are your Pills admirably adapted to their pur- pose ns an aperient, but 1 find their beneficial effects upon the Liver very marked indeed. They have in my prac- tice proved more effectual for the cure of dilious coma ts thau any one remod 1 sincerely + that we have at length a porgative which is wore ion aud the people. |: Ne v 1 can mention. oF TE INTE D.C, Tth Feb, 1856, Sm: T have used your bills in my general and hospital | practice ever since you nado them, and ennuot hesitate to | say they are the best enthartic we employ, Lheir regn- int pon tho liver is guick and docided, conse 3 y ave an admirable remedy for derangoments t organ. lideed, I have seldom found a case of lions di 8 that it did not readily yield to { them. ALONZO BALL, 2, cian uf the Marine Hospital. 3 i Dysentery, Diarrhea, Relax, Worms. Prom Di JG. Green, of Chicago. Your Pills hav hold them ine tive offoct np Jy, when given in small doses for od divrrkea, heir sugar-conting eplable and convenient for the uss wen and childven. Dyspepsia, Impurity of the Blood. Yom Revs J. V. Himes, Pastor of Advent Chierehy Boston, used your Pills with extraordinary A among those Lam called to visit ulate the organs of digestion and purify the blood, they are the very best remedy I have ever known, aud I can confidently recommend them to my friends, Yours, J. Vv HIMES. War ., Oct. 24, 1855. refully prepared, and as as- saw, Wyoming Co, N ‘ : 0) ue C ory. por Runnn, $3 20 Dear Sim: 1 ain using your Catl Pills in my prac- Two Copies to one P. 0 3 00 tice, nud find Lan ative to cleanse {he Vive Copies i 3 DO | yvitom and puri the | Vie Wood, Twenty-one Copies 20 00) JUIN G. MEACHAM, M.D. S88 — Lo “very Postmas 2 2s wane now, ard sent apyiies to oie Jove, ne exch offer, an elib of y. Bpecimen copies sent free. all who receive | vy Dvy-Book please distribute them eo mong the most activeand intelligent Democrat, in the uighborhood ? CLERGWIEEN and TUVACHERS wil boreafter bo furnis! Tue WeekLy Day-Boos for me Moilur per year, the lowest club rates. Moncey at our risk, if the exact date of send ing the letter is kept, so that it enn be furnished ach us. Address 5 HORTON & CO. i 1 St., New York. v8 en case it does not re: A NEW DEMOCRATIC MORNING PAPER. « THE UNION.” With @ view to meet o universally admitted ue on Mendny, the | want, the undersigned will i irr of July uwext, g Penny Paper, t 108, renders it cn. The pend witry than for the Perpetuntion of Dem | xpourded by J time by conn t adjourned, dead, save in its lessons of experience. The Democratic hosts have) tall share the gretni. The past 1s They have Bat the c n imposes other duties PERSSON who will start a club shseribers, we will send 5 offer, however only | eos a first who sends will be enticed to the t club is aiready formed, additions can al- wt one dollur exeh subscriber, be pecimen copres of Tur Democratic Party, wark of the Union this howe of e maintenance of a FERBON momentous results hang v (questions are for the shrunk from their in the responstbilities and dangers of rallied with one ne- sord around the standard of our co nmon country. ‘he Gov- . {hewmatism, Cont, Neuralgia, Drop- ny. Paraljsis, its, clic. anglon, Montreal, Genada, c the cure of Z| suid of Ifothers of our frateru i] ase wis as 1 have, they should join me in proelain ing it for the benefit of the multitudes who suffer 1 nplaint, which, although bad enough in ital, is prozenitor of others that are worse., I believe eos- a originate in the liver, but your Pills affect that ud cute the disease, From Mre. BE. Stuart, Physician and Midwife, Boston. doses of your Pills, talien at the promotives of the natiral secre- or partinlly suppressed, and also very the stomach and expel worms. They t physic we have that I recommend 5 x 1 find one or two Ii 51 I Lion when wh effactual to ele 1] ave so much tho hb c | no other to my patie From the Rev. Dr. Hu fe Methodist Epis. Church. r xi Hor: ar Jan. 6. 1856. Huxongp $1 should he for the relief your skill has brought me if 1 did not report my case to you, A cold settled in my limbs and bronght on excru- ciating nearalgic pains, which ended dn ehvonie vheuma- tism. Notwithstanding 1 had the best of ph inns, the ow und worse, until by the adv t agent in Baltimore, Dr. Mackenzie, I tr 3 Their effects were slaw, bot sure. By persevering in the use of thu, I nis vow entirely well, rR, Daton It : Dean entire matic Guul—a painful dis for years. hy BS Most of the Pills in market contain Mercury, £ rdy in skilful hands, ie me the dreadful conse~ neantions use. These stance whatever. 0 wi 5 tat fréquently folly 10 Merenry or finer s| Price, 25 cents per Box, orb Boxes for $1. Prepared by Dr. J. ©. AYER & C0., Lowell, Mass, 5 AYS the cutire cost for 'I'nition in the most popular and suceessful Commercial ernment will demand aud receive the v ngsup- | 3 v y part of every pat efforts tn vindieate the School in the conntry. Upward of Twelve Hun- ; but gi 1equisiie iu the present jume: Ti Is the puiposs of the F “PH UNION? Ir * oprietors to m ifwapeet a fir ous Metropolitan dai- ! to render « THE ient as a newspa went of the great princi- tic ‘partly have ever are now so unhappily im- p ail eX pl the Demoe af od, end whial ich arrange- ise, from the be- ginning, upon business basis, with abundant means to mal uewspaper second in i ability to no other wm the city nd he paper will bo foarlessly Demoeratit, it sly av il fuotien, us the deadlicst ry ef ney. z to the DEMOGBATIC MASSES for shall labor to make « THF UNION srthy their idence aud liberal ad afresh, readable und fearless Jour- patronnge, nal. i Pot Annum, Thres-Dollars, or serv- SIX CENTS PER WEEK. houid be addressed to JO. SLVERNS & €0., No. 130 Bouth Third St, Phildelphia, Pa. lefontc, June 27, 1347 National honor a ort the National anthor- z i rvation of Cestitutional Lit. seopls than with Con- e and Unity are ako r, class dred young men from twenty-etoht different States ave heen edaeated for business here within the nat three yo: some of whom have heen employ- ed as Book Kecpers at salaries of $2000,00 Per Annum! smediately upon graduating, who knew nothing ounts when they entered the College. Ministers sous half price. Students enter at any time, and review when they please, with- ont extra charge. Forfeatalogae of 86 pages. Epecimens of Prof. Cowley's Business and Ornamental Penmanship, and a large Engraving of the College, enclose twenty-five cents in Postage stamps to the Prinei- pals, JENKINS & SMITH, Pittsburg, Pa. March, 2i, i561. ANCY ARTICLES. -A SPLENDI1 lot of Fancy articles such as card cases, cages, Purses, Matoh Boxes. Bracelets, Pen Knives Hair and Tooth Brushes, Hom, Buffalo, and India | Rubber combs, vote paper and Bavelopes, Perfum | ory soups &c., juel recieved and for gale very ehoap y F. P. GREEN. THE CENTRE OF ATTRACTION, STERNERG & CO'S., cheap and fash @ joruble Clothing and Guontlemen’s Fur- i nishing Store, in the Diamond, Bellefonte, Pa. 1 Not. i868. Taw | SEREMIAH BUTTS, { Ponndry Proprietor, | i il cathartic in my daily eoutest with | } Gonstipation, Castiveness, Suppression, |. ho ve found them Considerable experience in business, and a desire to please the publi | vantage, which he te i Ho particularly invites the atte { which are of tho latest styles. Watches now offered for sale. [> Repairing and cleaning promptiy attend ed to. Bellefonte, Jan. §, 1860. —tf. CONRAD HOUSE, BELLEFONTE, PENN'A. J. B. BUTTS HY THE PLEASURE OF ANNOUNC- ing to his friends and the public in gen- eral that he has taken chargo of this well known hotel, lately under the supervision of J. H. Morri- son, ard is fully prepared to accommodate the traveling publiz ina style and manner commensu- rate with the progres spirit of the tunes. He is in possession of all the wodern improve. ments and conveniences, as to sleeping appart- mente, and has supplied his larder with the choicest the markets afford, and his Bar with the purest Wines. and attentive and skilful ostlers together with as- siduonz attention to business, he feels justified in 80 g a share of patronage and the -support his friends. Bellefonte, Oct. 8-'5 T-42-tf TO THE WORLD AT LARGE; AND | BOALSBURG & VICINITY IN PARTICULAR. ge subscribers having taken the Store formerly occupied by Messrs Johnston & Kel ler, beg to say to the people of Boalsburg and vi- cinity that they will continue the DRY GOODS AND GROCERY BUSINESS in its various branclies, and will spare no pains to | keep up a full assortment of everything usnally | kent in any country store, and will sell ut prices which wo trust will solicit a share at least of your | | patronage ! All kinds of country prodvee taken at fell mar- ites in exchange for oods. Bring along your sur Bacon, your Butter, yur Eggs your our Tallow, your Lard, your Hard Soap, Bees Wax, your Feathers, aud in ease you o nothing of this kind your cash will never be JOUN HIBLER & CO, rg, April 20, 1860—if, r T JOHN MONTGOMERY espectiully informs the citizens of Belle W fonte that hg still continues to garry on the Tailoring and Clothing business at his old stand in Brokerhoff’s Row, on Main street, where, he is prepared to make to order, ali kinds of Clothing in the neatest and most fashionable style. He keeps on hand a general variety of CLOTHS, CASSIMERES. AND VESTINGS, of the latest and most approved patterns. “ALSO Ready made Clothing of all kinds whieh iho is selling at reduced prices. He feels thankful for the very liberal support heretofore extended, and hopes to merit a eontinuance of the same, ellefonte, Jan. 5th, 1860,-1y. 25¢ts WILL BUY ONE OF THE * best Worm Medici es orm liedicines ever brought before the public, namely F. P. GREEN'S ceLrerATED WORM EXPELLER, (formerly Geo. IL Miles’.) It is pleasant, safe and certain. need- ing no additional purgative, and will recommend itself where ever used Try a bottle and be con- vinced, Prepared by ’ F. P. GREEN. Druggist, N. W. Cor. Diamond. Bellefonte Pa. AaeNTs.—C. G. Ryman and Jos. Greon & Son Milesburg; Brew & Barlow, Stormstown; R Light Buffalo Run; Jno. Bing, Unionville; Chas. Sioan Henderson; Alex. Sample & Co., Pinegrove; John ston & Keller, Boalsburg; Wm. A. McCalmon Jacksonville: Jno. P. Pucker, Howard. apl 8.17-tf NEW MILLINERY GOODS. MRS. E, GRAFIUS E-VECTFULLY informs the citizens of -W Bellefonte and vicinity that she has just re- ecived from Philadelphia a splendid lot of In vs EMOOPS! fo which she direets thy attention of she ladies. May 9t1h, 1850-11. LIME! LIME!! LIME!1T | § the subscriber respectfully imforms the | the Borough of Bellefonte, where he is making | Lima of a superior quality —which is acknowledged | (o be as white and pure as the Vermont lime. All! he asks is to give it a trial, and he is satisfied the | purchaser will coms back again. . | Apl 12-760-tF. | NOTICE. Having disposed of the Devocrarie Warcnyan Office all persons knowing themsely indebted cither to the finn of Seely & Barnhart, ! or the undersighed, will please come forward and | make immediate settlement of their aecounts.— | sible and ull persons neglecting this notien he- | youd a reasonable timo will find their accounts in | the hands of a proper officer for collection. My | undivided attention shall be given to this business | until it is settled. | May Oth 61. H it ls per day —Price 250, at the Bailefonte ! September #, 00 With the most extensivestabling accommodations | sorted i which will be furnished wholesale to purchasers in public that he hag erected a Lime Kiln near | Martin Stone in the borough of Bellefonte, for sale. A PHINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. LEON MACKALL | Administration on the Estate of Adem Stem Ia te | of Potter. Township deceased, have been grante d | to the Subscribers, who | debted tosaid Estate to make immediate payment ! and al! those having demands against said Estate ©8 | to present them duly nuthenticated for settlement. The business must be closed as speedily as pos- | NAUTION, der. nas age, UNSICKERS IMPROVED CLOVER 10° 19h 1801. : (ONRAD HOUSE, BELLEFONTE, PA gherts SIFT. IIL warranted to clean from 25 to 30 | TNIQ4E3 nue Nea3dsia 14%, ‘NLIYNIC SINOL ALVIN INS V BO { ILE R OY aA aN ign guandd To the Citizens of New Jersey & Pennsylvania, APOTHECARIES, DRUGGISTS, GROCERS AND PRI- VATE FAMILIES. Wolfe's Pare Cognac Brandy, Wolfe's Pare Maderia, Sherry and Port Th Wolfe's Pure Jamnica aud 8t. Croix Ram Wolfe's Pure Scotch nnd Irish Whisky, ‘ALL EN BOTTLES. I beg leave to call the attention of the citizens of the United States to the above Wines and Li- quors, imported by Udelpho Wolfe, of New York, whose name is%amiliar in every part of this coun- tyy for the purity of his celebrated Sekiedam Schnapps. Mr. Wolfe, in his letter to me, #peak ing of the purity of his Wines and Liquors, says . «I will stake my reputation as a man, my stand- ing as a merchant of thirty years residence in the city of New York, that all the Brandy and Wines which I bottle are pure as imported, and of the Lost quality. aud can be relied upon by every purchaser.”” Every bottle has the proprietor’s name on the wax, and a fac simile of his signature on the certificate. The pnblic are respectfully in- vid to call and examine for themselves. For sale at Retail by all the Apothecaries and Gro- cors in Philadelphia. Gronge H. Asnuroy, No. 332 Market st.. Phia. + Sole Agent for Philadelphia. Read the following from the New York Ceurier: . Exonyovs BusiNess vor ovr NEw York MER- CHANT.—We are happy to inform our fellow-oiti- zens that there is one place in our city where the physician, apothecary. and country werchant, can sale anything in his line but what he can war. | go and purchase pure Wines aud Liguors, as pure 8 1 } { us imported, ana of the best quality. will give him au ad- {jy tend to give an elaborate deseription of this mer- to nse to tho ntmost. | ghant's extensive husiness, although it will repay tion of the Ia- 4 quy stranger or citizen to visit Udolpho Wolf's ex | dics to his stock of Pins, Rings aad Bracelets, | taysive warchouse, Nos. 18, 20 and 22, Beaver And he alo iv- | (reet, and Nos. 17, 19 and 21, Marketfiold street. | vites the gentlemen to examine a very fine lot of | His stock of Schnapps on hand ready for shipmen. | could not have been less than thirty thousand east i e8; the Brandy, some ten thousand cases—Vin- ages of 1836 to 1856; and ten thousand cases of Madeira, Sherry and Port Wine, Scotch and Irish Whiskey, Jamaica aud St. Croix Rum, some very old and equal to any in thiscountry He also had three largs cellars, filled with Brandy, Wine, &e., in casks, under Custom-Houso key, ready for bot- tling. Mr. Wolf's sales of Schnapps last year amounted to one hundred and eighty thonsaud doz- en, and we hope in less than two years he may be equally suocessful with his Brandies and Wines. of his species. Private families who wish pure Wines end Liquors for medical use should send their orders direct to Mr. Wolf, until every Apoth- ecary in the land make up their minds to discard it with Wol['s pure Wines and Liquors. We understand Mr. Wolf, for the aceommoda- tion of smull dealers in the country, puts up as. ass of Wines and Liguos. and su his tens of theusands of opponents in the United | ) to human health and happiness. ale at the Drug Stores of F. P Green, and farris & Co.. Bellefonte, Ta. smber20, 1860.—6m. BELLEFONTE DISPENSARY. % &J. HARRIS HAVE NOWAND ARE 24 & constantly receiving the following ar- ticles, which they will #+il ascheap aa the clisapest and warranted good. rags and Medieine2. (wholesale or retail.) Var Oils, Paints, Dye stuffs, White Lead, Florence and Liquid. ng fluid. pina oil, iid and pine oil lamps | Dye and Resto Patent Med ford’s, &o., and in fact tho day. Bellefonte. 3 Physicians’ Proseriptions compounded with cor rectness and dispatch. has no rival, an together guor, General Debility, &e., &e. bottle. Solo agents for Centre Co., J. HARRIS & CO. J. Harris. ‘March 25 A: UE! UP!! UP!!! WALK UP, ROLL UP, “TUMBLE UP. STEP UP. JUMP UP, CLIMB UP, ’ RUN UP, SKATE UP, RIDE UP, RUSH UP SWIM UP, FLY UP, CRAWL UP, * FIRE UP, STEAM UP, any way so that you get up to A. STERNBERG & (0°8 Cheap Clothing Store (above Liringiton’s Book Store) in the Diamond, Pellefonte. May 23, 1861. ROOPSBURG BREWERY. (NEAR BELLEFONTE.) HE UNDERSIGNED WOULD RES- pectfully announce to the people of this vicinity, and the public generally, that he is en- gaged, at Roopsburg, near Bellefonte, in the man- ufaeture of Ale, Porter, Luger and Table Beer, kegs or barrels, at desirable rates. These articlea are manufaclared pure and ave warranted to be a good as oan he purchased in the State. Fresh Brewer's Yeast left daily at the Store of LEWIS HAAS. Bellefonte, July 9-29-1y. Notice is hereby given that letters of We do not His business merits the patronage of every lover tho poisonous stuff from their shelves, and replace Such a man merchant, should be sur tained against States. who sell nothing but imitations, rinous All ef which and a variety of others, you can got tn ! hy culling at the Drug Store in Brokeihof’s Row, For medical argos Lyons Catawba Brandy haslong been needed to super- cede the poisonous compounds sold under the name of Brandy. As a beverage, the pure article is al- superior, and a sovereign and sure reme- dy for Dyspepsia, Flatulency, Low Spirits, Lan- Price $1.25 por Humphrie’s Journal of Specific Homeopathy for graryitous distribution at the Drug Store of J. & CLOCK, WATCH, JEWELRY AND FANCY STORE. he subscriber is still at his old stand at No. 4 Biokerhoff’s Row, on Allegheny street, where he has just received from the eastera cities, and ie now offering for sale a well selected and beautiful assortment of CLOCKS, WATCHES, AND JEWELRY, And an excellent assortment of FANCY "ICLES, of all kinds and qualities, SIL. VERWARE, &ec. Notwithstanding the *‘ panie’’ his stock ia fully as large and complete as ever, and as hiagoods nre selected with great care from the manufacturers of the eastern cities, of the latest styles, ho feels confident of giving satisfaction to ail. His stock consists of fine Gold and Silver open face and hunter ease full jeweled English patent and detached Lover Watches ;—also Lepines and Quartiers. Jewelry of everystyle which can be found in a good Jewelry Store, and Faney articlos of every description. He has slo SPECTA- CLES, goo assortment, always on hand, to suit all ages. Also Pocket Books, Pocket Knives, Pistols, &e. §37° Particular attention paid to repairing ¢ oks Watches and Jewelry at short notice. y WM. J. STEIN. Bellefonte, April 7-'59-1y. : BELLEFONTE FOUNDRY. FARMERS BRING ON YOUR THRESH- ING MACHINES. S. HAUPT, Jz., & CO, ESPECTFULLY informs the citizens of .&Centre county, that they have disposed of the Foundry and Machine Shopsin Millheim and have leased the Foundryof J. D. Harris & Co., at the Big Spring near Bellefonte, where they are prepared with material and experienced mechanics to do all kinds of repairing at Threshing Ma- chines, Clover Mullers and Grain Drills, at the ehortest notice. . HORSE POWER & PEIR' POINTS PAY- ENT SHAKERS, he best articles for its purpose now in use, will be kept constantly on hand. Small jobs of repairing may be waited on by those coming from a distance. thereby saving the time and expense of a seconi trip. All kinds of Verandas and Fence made. The best models of modern taste will be duly consulted, and articles will be made to order in such a style of superior elegance as will remove all inducement to visit thecities. Charges moderate. August 4, 1859. Saddle and Harness Manufactory. MILLHEIM, CENTRE CO., PA. MICHAEL ULRICH Respectfully informs the citizens of Centre County that he still continues to . manufacture to order at his old stand in Millheim, SADDLES, BRIDLES, HARNESS, VALISES, WHIPS. TRUNKS, ada, 4c. &c., Tu such a style of superior elegance that cannot he surpassed in this or the adjoining Counties. He makes his work of the very best material that con be procured, and has the consolation of knowiug that he in all cases renders gonoral satisfaction to those who encourare him. fle wiil deliver work in all points in the County if the encouragemant will warrant him in doing so. He has been supplying Harness to farmers in this County for a number of years, and has not heard one word of complaint as to its neatness and durability. Thankful for past favor he hopes to still merit a continuance of their patronage. Millheim, April 12, 2<60-tf. {LINTON HOUSE, LOCRHAVEN PA. LL} Tle subscriber having leased the above named Hotel in the borourh of Losk Haven, Clin. ton connty, Pa., takes this method of informing the public generally that ho has made every necsasa preparation to entertain strangers and travelersin the best possible manner. + Tis tablo will always ce ain the choicest lux- uries that the country wi’ afford, and he is deter- mined not to be surpassed in this departwent by any other Hotel along the West Branch. His Bar will contain the choicest liquors that can he purchased in the etty market. Careful and attentive Ostlera will constantly be : 4 sarnish brushng. “haiv, ¢ a Ba dd paral brushes, hair, eloth, tooth and | jy fund to take charge of hursesand soe that they Porta monias, packet books and wallets, 8) propariy nik nda bee a : ea . eX ? Trusting that he receive & portion of the HIE Punie Fo a Het patronuge of the tru iz public, he hopes by Ns i : :