v # Ta re = “a, age AT ¥ 7 ARNG RTE Focal Department, BELLEFONTE, PENNA: TracieaL OQCoRRENCE—AN UNKNOWN MAE Kirnep.—News reached this place on last Saturday mornicg that an unknown man had been shot and killed, on what is known as the Moshannon hill, on the western slope | of the first ridge of the Alleghenies, by a, bunter named Swab, and the report was soon after confirmed by the appearance of Swab himself, who surrendered himself to the authorities and was committed for trial. On Saturday morning Coroner Eceard pro- ceeded to the scene of the occurrence, and after a careful investigation of the case the jury returned the following verdict : ‘CENTRE COUNTY, 8S. S. An inquisition indented, taken at the house not occupied. near Hugh Adams’ hotel, in the County of Centre, and ta e of Penn- sylvania, on the 22d of June, 1861, before me, Jonathan Eccard, Coroner of said coun. ty, ipon the body of a man, the name un- known, there lying dead, and upon the oaths of Cornelius Campbell and John Emerheiser, the jury in tho case do decide that the de- ceased came to his death by a bullet, fired from a rifle gun, by Jotin Swab, on the turn. pike road leading froin Ilugh Adams’ hotel to Bellefonte, the wound being on the neck, near the windpipe, and causing instant death, Signed.) In addition to the above, Mr. Eccard gave us the following particulars, devcloped in the investigation. Mr. Swab and his on had started out on Friday evening for the putpose of capturing a deer, and the old man, having stationed his son 1 a position to command the entrance of a deer-path to the pike, proceeded a short distance into the brush to watcha lick. About eight o'clock, ‘he report of the son’s gun brough the old men to him, when the former informed his his father that, hearing a noise in the direc- tion of path, and supposing it-to be a deer, he had fired and shot a man, who was then Tying dead in the pike, a short distance from him. The father and son immediately has tened to Adams’ hotel ‘and annonnced it to the proprietor and those Present, whena party returned to where the then was lying and placed the body in a tédantlés house near by. On examination 1t was discoveted that tne ball, which weighed about one-half an ounce, had entered the neck on the night side and severing one of the main arteries, pa-sed out behind, carrying away the point of the shoulder blade. The deceased was | thirteen rattics, was killed on last Saturday, about eighty yards from the boy when shot, | On the ground occlipied on the previous day gy 4 y by the Public Schools fi their picnic excur- but ran forty six steps towards him after the ball struck him, as idicated Ly the blood un the ground, cach step decreasing in length until he fell. Nothing was found on the person of the man but an old ¢lay pipe and 4 piece of tobacto. A man, sapposid to be the same person, passed through this place on Friday, and solicited” alms of a number of our citizens. fy Free Scucon Proxic.—The common schools of this place, under their teachers, Messrs. James A. Rankin, Robert I. Crosth= waite, Mrs. Ruth Ward and Miss Jennie M'Bride, repaired to a beautifiil and pleas- ¢iit trood on the farm of Major Arthok, abot a mile {rom town, for the purpose of having a picnic, 21d. enjoying the invigorating air and healthfa exercise of the country, on last Friday. Everything that could contribute | to the enjoymetit of the children had been prepared by the parents and teachers, and immediately on their arrival on the ground the fun commenced, At about one o'clock dinner was served, ahd it was a dinner such as only the mothers, wives and daughters of Bellefonte can prepare, after which the amusements were renewed and joyously participated in by all present. The schools at intervals united in singing a number of patriotic songs appropriate to the occasion and the timee. The Brass Band, which was present, enlivened the occasion by some fine music. The time having arrived for their return to towh, the scholars were formed, in the order of their grade, and hedded by the Band, proceeded homeward. The procession halted in the Court House Yard, where the schools joined in singing * We arca Band of Yankees,” to the tune of Dixie, after which they retired to their homes, highly pleased with their day in the woods. A Pericous Ripe.—Dr. Elias Hale, of Mifflin connty, now visiting this place with his family, met with an accident on last Thusday, which nothing but his coolness prevented from resitlting in very serious personal injury, if hot death itself. He was seated in a two-horse buggy dt the corner ot Spring and High streets, when tht horses took fright and started up Spring street dt & tenific rate. The lines becoming entangled ationg the horses’ feet the Doctor was left powerless to stop them, and after passing up Spring street to the Friends’ Meeting House, wher the horses left the pike and passed down the road leading to the Burnt Mill; dnd on crossing ane of the bridges at this point, two wheels of the buggy missed the track, and the horses, tearing themselves loose passed on. Mr. Hale found Himself standing in water tp to his knees but en- titely unharmed. The only loss sustained was the injury done the harress. AN ENTERPRISING FiRM.—Business eners gy, always commendable; is particularly so in the case of young men. The firm of Gray & M’Kinney, of Stormstown, has for some time attracted much attention and ared largely in the patronage of (heir el As gentlemen and merchants they rank first among our business men, Their advertisment will appear next week. T Ter ORANIZATION OF TaE UnioX -INvINeI=] 3.88. — We last weck alluded, prospectively, to the organization of this compsny, and ‘expressed a desire that they might be able fo fulfill the requirments of the law relating thereto. At about 3 o'clock P. M., on Sat- urday, the necessary preliminaries having Leen gone through with, the company was officially organized at their armory, by Lieut. Wii. B. M'Clelland, acting Brigade Inspec - tor, under the title of the ** Union Invinci-. les.” The commissioned officers elected are is follows: —Capt., Robert A, Cassidy ; First Licut., Calvin Wilson: and Second Lieut., Harry M. Steel, Non.commissioned officers, Third Liout., Norman M. Hoover; First Sergeant, Geore B. Harris; First Cor- poral, James J. Brisbin; Second, William Graflus ; Third, Andrew Morrison ; Fourth, Jacob Roop. The officers, ds elected, are not if strict compliance witli the law, but the irregularities can be quickly obviated, if necessary. It is the intention of the com. pany {o commence i colirse of preparation for active duty, so that, if their services are required, they may be ready to enter their country's service on short ndtice. They have been regarded as the boy company by some of oir citizens, but when it wis dater- mined to have the company organized it was found that there were thirty-eight men on the roll, asailable and competent, as pre- srcibed by law, for any service that the |THE NEW YORK DAY-BOOK.| I8: 5 CHE : € vi Eo rt? w———— pa bE i 3 . THE DAY, BOOK stands where it hing alwaysitood, Messi Si Hoffer Brothers, F Subseribers-have just received a new apd full supply of Spring and Summer Goods, which, for variety, have ‘nefer been equal- ed by uy establishment in this section of coun “Having qurehased, the stock of goods on ‘Mr, ‘George Jackdon, they will continue the business at the old stand, 0. 2, Reynolds's Arcade. protection to their property of whatever hind — THE UNION, and as civiL wag will necessarily de- stroy it, we shall labor to commend them to the minds and consciences of the people wish whatever ability we may possess. is published every afternoon, apd a second edition at half past 2 o'clock. Tt hes the Intest telegraph- ic news from all parts of the country up to press. It also contains a Price Current, giving an acou- rate report of tue wholesale prices of all articles of merchandise. This will be a valuable addition £470 ements for a regnlar daily report of. the | ow heretofore given. closing sales and prices of each day, so that our market news will be as late as that given by the morning papers of the next day, and hence will reach olir subscribers several hours in advance of those pansrs, porto commercial review each day, will, we believe, render; Tig Evesixa Day-Book fully worth its subseription price, viz, $6 per annum, hes aa gheat 4 variety of news as any similar jourl ew York, while its Agricultura- | chan nal sent out of Articles, its Market Reports of Cattie, Cotton, countiy might require at their hands. Fire Ar toe BELLEFONTE FOUNDRY. ~- Considerable alarm tas occasioned in the viemity of Houpt’s foundry, on last Thurs- day morning, by the discovery that a stable connected with the foundry property was on fire. The workmen engaged abot the establishment were instantly suminoned, extinglishing the flames, but not until ones half of the roof had been consumed. cupola being in blast at the timg, it was sup- posed the fire had originated from the sparks arising therefrom. Tae Krrstone Srore.—As significant as the title of « Keystone ” seems to be, re are glad to sce that there are those who Will adopt and vindicate it in their business transactions, as will be seeti by referritg ts the advertisement of Mercerau & Co., in another column. Their quotationa are suit ed to the times. Rirrimenake Kiniep.—A rattle s measuring about four feet in length, with sion. rr mA he TE Sen DIED. Wu. Rippre, aged 64 years sistent christian. Jas. ALEXANDER, aged 18 years, 6 mou 22 days. _ Grain, & , are as carefully prepared, and as ac- curate as any, while its terms, are much more lib- eral Ame can citizen. are £5 follows : Ome Copy °r annum, 3 $2 00 Two uo (“one P.O. 3 00 Five Copii» ‘. 25 00 Twenty-one Copies ‘© ter, or ANY OTHNR PESSON who will start a club at id se and with considerable exertion succeeded in | us five dollars jor five subscribers, woe will send CR a sizth copy Gratis. "| appliesto “nz club of five, at each officer, The | hence, where a club is dlready formed, additions can al- nas be made at one dollar each subscriber, be . a Weekny Dvy-Book please d mon, in the nighborkood ? hereafter be furnished Ine WEEKLY DAy-Book for One Wo. Inv per year, the lowest ‘club rates. ing the letter is kept, so that it can be furnished us sn case it does not reach us. EE apon the CONSTITUTION of * the United States; at interpreted. by ite autborized.exponent, the Su- frente Court, not only because it is law, but also ecause it ia right and just. The refusal of the Republican party to abide by that decision has been the parent of all our troubles; bounded confidence in the honesty of THE PEO PLE, however much thoy may be temporarily mis- led, we shall continue in the future. 2s in the past, to contend that this is a government of waite MEN ~ tha inferiority of -legal and social position for the negro is his proper one, and that all crit ZENS are entitled to equal rights and to equal |, As the adoption of these principles will PRESESYE (THE EVENING BAX-BOOX = | to the paper for merchants We have ali made ork Markets, much fuller than we have | This report will contain the! These features, together with a re- the Stock Market, and a carefully collated THE WEEKLY BAV-HOOK lacing it within the reach of the humblest | Its terms, cash in advance, | . : 20 00 LIBERAL OFFER 1s wery Postras: post office where there is none now, and send This offer, however only ant ¢ first who seiids will be entitled to the ey one or many. Specimen copies sent free. Will all who receive specimen copres of THE distribute them a- the most active and intelligent Democrats CILERGYMEN and Ti ACHERS will 80! Money at our risk, if the exact date of send Address "AN EVRIE HORTON & CO., No. 162, Nassau St., New York. tale A NEW DEMOCRATIC MORNING PAPER but with un- wy inoludin aos such as sortment of Casimeres, Vesting, Tweeds, Hats and Caps sive assortment of Boots and Shoes for Ladies and Gentlemen and Children, with almost every other article that may be necessar; of the community. Fiicou inthe. habit of tic TO. 4. STERNBERG & 00'S. ING STORE GASH STORE OF Thelr.apsl conifsts of a general “assortment of - and. Glassware, LADIES DRESS GOODS, Ducals, Persian Cloths, - | Cashmeres, Delaines; Alpacas, French Merinoes, Plaids, &e Debeiges, Coburge, Dry” Geads, Groceries, Hardware,. Queensware, Trans ‘ot other articles in their line, among’ whieh ean be found an extensive and varied selection of... : Their gentlemen's wear consists of .a farge as- 2 Cloths, Satinets, Satin, ‘And an exten- y to supply the wants The pressure of the money market having bad stack. the effect of reducing the price of many articles of merchandise. the undersigned have been ena- bled to buy their stock at such rates that they can sell goods at pricesto suit the times. intend to do their best to please their customers, both in the quality of goods, and prices, they hope to receive a reasonable share of patronage. All in want of goods will please call and examine thair And as they N. B.—~They will keep constantly on hand, EX- riC3. TRA FLOUR, which they will sell at the lowest cash : Country produce of all kinds taken in ex- e foy goods. hand and for sele. Bellefonte, March 28, 1861.—1y. : Dried Lumber nnd Shingles constantly on JIEEER BROTHERS. ns desirous to purchase. _ Repairing of all kinds done on the shortest no S. A. M’QUISTION. ow May 30, 1861. ATTENTION COMPANY ! "ORWARD MARCH! ’ CESSATION OF WAR PREPARATIONS! PEACE TERMS PROPOSED! RAGE HOME INDUSTRY. Our gitizens have for many years been ing to distant cities for their Bugies, ad Cartiages, thus depreciating discoun- tenancing our. home manufactories, and givin, to foreign establishments the patronage that shoul properly be extended to our own. Bratis copy. Atte: a club of five is formed, or | of the foreign. gave it the preforence, ovor the re a cli howe manufactarad vehicle, and little atten'ion was paid to their dizrability. 1 a manufactury on Penu street near Bishop, hav- ing had an extensive and varied expereance at Coach making it all its depa dent that I can turn out work ) finish equal to that of any city establishment a degree of durability never found in city work I réspectfully invite inspection of uy work by per- he neatness I have just opened rtments, feel confi. combining with a CHEAP CLOTH- $1,000 mMBEBW.ARD ! ’ oh [WILL BE PAID: . FOR ANY, MGDICINE THAT WILL RXCEL’ COLBERT’S BALM IN GILEAD! Dy mm Qe : HEALTH AND HAPPINESS - For the Quick cure of Headache, Toothache, Rheu- matism, Neuralgia, Pain in the side, back or stomach, Painters Cholie, or Cramp, Frosted Feet or Ears, Burns, Fresh Cuts, Sprains, ‘Bruises, Di- arrhea, and sore throat, and al simile complaints. Toothache cured in ten minutes. . llarache cured in five - minutes. Hoadache cured in ten minutes, Burns cured fropi smarting in - two min- utes. Neuralgia pains oured in five minutes.— Cholic cured in ten minutes. Sprains relieved in ten minutes. Sore throat relieved in ten minutes. : 100 Cases have been cured by one Agent in a single day | . EVERY BOTTLE WARRANTED. Tryit! Tryul!! Try!!! Tryit!!? PRICE 25 AND 50 CENTS PER BOTTLE. [37 Aliberal discount made to Agents, and one wanted in every town, also a few good traveling Agonts. ee ——t TO THE SONS AND DAUGHTERS OF AF- FLICTION. . These things we prove on the spot and before your eyes, only bring on your cases. —fpiie yA DIRECTIONS FOR USING COLBERT'S BALM OF GILEAD: For Toothache apply it over the face and guma of the tooth: affected; pressing the hand upon the face ; repeat if not cured. In extreme cases, wot cotton with the Balm.and cover the tooth and gums For Headache, bathe the temples and ap- ply to the nose ; and take from ten to thirty drops in half a tumbler of water sweetened. For Croup and Sore Throat, take from ten to. thirty drops internally, on sugar or in sweetened warm water : bathe the throat freely and bind on a flannel. For Headache, Rheumatism, Neural: gia, Lame back or Side bathe freely with Bali in Gilead ; and generally take internally. i For Burns mix one part Balm in Gi'ead and two of water and flour, to make & paste, cover the burn with the same. For Cholic take from ten to forty drops in hot water ; bathe the. bowels and apply wet flannels.: Inthe abova, the smaller dose.is for Children and the larger for adults ; vary accord- ing to age and circumstances.’ + fim Colbert's Balm in Gilead is harmless. Colbert's Balm in Gilead gives satisfaction. Those who have used Balm in Gilead will not be without it. > Agents wanted. For terms address . S, COLLERT & CO. No. 123 South Fourth bt., Philadelphia. {7™ N. B. Onders sent by Express to any part of the United States at the shortest notice, June 13th, 1861. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL HARDWARE STORE, BAXTRESSER & CRIST aye just opened, in the stdre room on the North West corner of the Diamond in Belle fonte, formerly vecupied by Wilson Brothers, thei: large and splendid assortment of Shelf Hardware: House Trimmings of every description. OCKET and Table Cutlery of every va- riety and price. ~ROSS CUT, Mill aud Circular Saws of the best manufacture, - IFLES, Pistols, Shot Guns, and Locks of On the 20th inst . at his residence in Héward, The deceased wad a Dative of Ireland, but for many years has been a citixen of the United States. He wad a true patriot, & good sitizen, and a con- € i tion, In Penn «wp., en the 25th Just. of UMAR PY he full hate in the responsthilities and dangers of “ THE UNION.” I 0 With a viel to meet a Sniversally admitted want, the undersigned will issuc on Mosday, the ist of July uext, & Morning Penny Paper, to, be called * THE UNION.” The great mission of the Democratic Party, which has ever stoud as the bulwatk of the Union and the Champion of the ConamiTuTION, renders its entire unity and bold attitude in this hour of National peril a matter vital concern. The pend- ing sthggle is not less for the maintenance ¢f a United Country than for the Perpetuatioh of Dern. ocratic Principles, as expounded by JEesremsox and Jackson. Tho most momentous results hang. upon the issue. Mere party questions are for the time by common consent adjourned, The past is dead, save in its lessons of experience. The Democratic hosts have not shrunk fro their the emergency. They have rallied with one ac- cord around the standard of Sur co umon éountry. SOMBETEIING IN EY TO THE CITIZENS OF have led many country merchants to curtail thei “ things to eat and wear,” are obliged to tak old goods at old prices. or do without them, w deem {t of great interest To Every Pettin, dented advantages in this tinis of general PANIC AND WRECK OF PRICES, in the market, where with the cash we haye ob- tained many goods at : ONE-HALF THEIR VALUL! Confident that we can save every one 25 per cent. ve would most cordially invite all FROM EVERY SECTION, TO CALL AT TRE ERYSTONE, which is now crowded With new and desirable goods, consisting of Dress Goods, stich ds Mohurs, Poplins, Silks, Gray Goods, Lawns, &c., 5000 Yards Beautiful rints, 2500 yards Bro and Blea ..Muslins, Silk Mantillas, Lace Mantillas, Lace Points, Dusters Of Cloth and ay Goods, Shawls, Stella, Thibet, Broche, and French Lace, AT UNHEARD OF PRICES. ; We desire to call particular attention to our Groceries, consisting of “Sugar Loaf” and “Bee Hive” Syrups. White clarified Sugar; Coffees, Spices, &c., &0. Wo have s rare quality of BROWN SUGAR it 7 CENTS! OUR STOCR oF CARPETS is excollent, aud thé prices are very loW, as ill satisfactorily appear on examination. As our business is ’ EXCLUSIVELY. FOR CASH OR FARMES’S PRODUCE we havo unusnal facilities for doing & large busi- ness ata small profit, and we ask all to avail themselves of the great inducements we offer: Respectfully, MERCERAU & CO. THE KEYSTONE STORE; between the Fallon House and White's Hotel, Wa- tor Btreet, Look Haven. Bellefonte. Tuns 27, 5t Bellefénie and of Centre arid Clinton Counties. Ag Hard Times,” ard i Soarcity of Moiicy,” business very inuch, or even tc suspend making any fresh purchases at all, go that those who wish Rich or Poor, to know that we have mads lage purchases; availing ourselves of the immense and unproce- UNIO * both popular and efficient as a newspa per, and as a fearless exponent of the great prinois ples for which the Democratic party have ‘ever contanded, and which'are now so urhappily im: peritlod. ; ; Th’ Proprietors hate perfestod, fick. drénnge- in the Diariond, and get a suit of Spring éid Sum- mor Clothing at Reduced Prices. “Hang the banner on the outer wail, . “That the people may know where to call. A. STERNBERG & CO. is the place to buy all kinds of Mens’ and Boys’ clothing cheaper than at any other establishment in this vicinity. "THE WAR MOVEMENT is driving numbers for Clothing, Hats, Caps and Furnishing Goods to - NEW GOODS received every week, and sold choaper thanever at Bellefo ute May 30, 1261. Sri a rE et rR ea WAR! WAR!! WAR!!! F. J. HOFFMAN; Letvistown; Pa, RED SOLE LEATH Lewistown, June 13, 1861. FTARDWAKE of different kinds. Large and Smill Pad Logks, AND, Bac A. STERNBERG & Co. A. STERNBERG & CO. NARRIAGE Against High Prices by lows, Hames. &c. 2 Best Red, at 23 to 24 ets. por Ib. Farmers, truth of the assertion. Bellefonte, Juiy 12, 1860.-—~1y every description and the best quality. ML 'ICE and Rim Locks and Latches PBOARD, Chest Box, and Till Locks, , Grafting and Dannel Saws, :. Bréad, Hind, and Chopping Axes, ; BUTCHERS Cleavers and Choppers, Drawing Knives, Hatchets, Chisels & Adzes. AY, Manure and Spading Forks, Edge Tools of every degirable variety. ; ADDLER’S Hardware—a general assort- ment and 50 ME cent.lower than an place ole Makers’ Trimmings, Carpen. ters’ Tools which can not be surpassed, ICES, Anvils, Drills, Screw FP Rasps, Pipe Skein, and Wagon Boxes. Syren Springs, Iron Axcltrees, Bent lates, Files, ermine = | But the Sunny imposes other duties ho Gov- | warns Fun Oils, Glass and Putty, Coal Oil Rotated 4 ment will demand and receive the willing sup- A 8 2 85. 4 ore s, Varnish, Flui : . Reported for the Watehman.] POE of every patriot, in its efforts to AL A Best Duncauan, at $2.85, 3 kegs or more. and I ps arnish, I ei &e. L Markets, 93 ; SUGAR, IL CLOTHS, Patent Leather, Rope, and Bellefonte Markets. ational honor and re-assert the National author. Very Best Brown; at 74 ets. Vihio oc .avery size In thurdas White Wheat $1 10:Brton..... 10 |ity; but the Froservation of Constitutional Lib | gy p yp MOL ASSES ! HOB A RRR: T a I Si ther kind Red do......... 1.05;Bytfer... jo |erty rests more with the people than: with Con. |” "Best Penna. or Loverings, 50 cts. : Ie T9018, Bad ail ether kinds Ryo : 45E. 10 | gresses and Cabinets. Vigilance and Unity are | pw ORLEANS, i iy Rett 12 ‘a well roguisted Sor 40i Lard. | therefore specially requisite in the present junc- Very Bost, 40 ots per gal. Hardware Store. eo . w Hd 25 Tallow... Ie ture. MACKERAL.”- ! Their stock is an entirely new one, comprising Potatoes 75: It is the purpose of the Proprietors to make Extra No. 3. 39,50 per bil. all the leading articles connecte! with the Hard- - “TRE UN ON in every respect a first 018 | GROUND AT, UM SALT, ware trade, and their facilities for purchasing "TOGR HAVEN ADVERTISEMENT. |Loiios ot saree of tt vioh saci] | "0018 0 404 er Su rs ; + | the need of a bold and vigorous Metropolitan dai- 7 LUI h W10y heje. qeqls dense v 19.10 28; ly; and no effort will be spared to A “THE BURNING Fed iD: from fifcy to one hundred per cent. lower than any other establishment in the country, and invite hanies, and all others in need of Hardware, to call and satisfy themselves of the 10 BUY CHEAP FOR CASH. / 1 ments #8 will place the enterprise, froin the, be- it ok i3 1g NFP x r | 00 ; sae » ; aoe OFFMAN'S . TTCN., | ginning, vpon a substantial business basis, with |="? ii a ith. Jerck be BE 2 abundant means tomake a newspaper second in HOFFMANS is the store for Blacksmiths. | §, T. SiverrT In the Connors Pleas o interest and ability to no other mn’ the city; and : mye is the store for Carpenters, . Jus Centre ounty.. hg o | While the paper will bo fearlessly Democratit, it HOFFMAN'S : E. 8S. FricH, No. 132 4pr. Term, 61. © Then ra Tastion, 8 the denliion asd A fa the store for Saddlers. Al. Ejectment for a tract of land situate in the We look to te DEMOCRATIC MASSES for | 1OFIMAN'S fie Sh : townébip of Rush, in the county of Centre, con- support, and shall labor to make ‘ THF UNION "oe 3 ¥i is tho store for Tinners. taining three hundred and acres or thereabouts, ge per He le iE LL I MAN'S 1s thio store for Builders. | hounded on the ngrfh and Birra lies 6 8 88 Jo Ei the east theast by a0 Jijsenage, SRT) Teuably und fearless Jour- For Bellows, Anvil, paints, Glass &e., &c., Sone ee of a] BE South Pop A Fe relia da da tS go to He .. F.J. HOFFMAN. and southwest by a tract in the warrantee, name TERMS Per Annum, Three Dollars, or sery-| CANDIES! fo dealets 13 cents’ per pound of Sebastiar. Graff, being part of a larger trast ed by Carriers SIX CENTS PER WEEK 7 Orders should be addressed to *:. at. May 10 61. ° F.J.HOFFMAM. Lewistown Pa. JO. SLVERNS & €0i, "IMPROVEMENT IN BELLEFONTE. ner, of Philadelphia. which the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania by Iotter patent, dated the 6th day of April 1261, granted and confined to Frederick Bates, scrive- No. 13) South Third St, Phildciphis, Pa: Bellsfonte, June 27, 1861+ -% °° notice of the medical profession of this couniry the Pure Crystalized Chloride of Propylamine, asa and having teceived from many’ sources, both from physicians of the highest standing and from Most Flattering Tostimnials of its Real Value ELIXIR PROPYLAMINE, THE NEW REMEDY:FOR RHEUMATISM. During the past year we have introduced to the REMEDY FOR RHEUMATISM ; patibiits, thie . in the treatment of this painiul. and obstinate dis- ease, we aro induced to present it to the public in a form READY FOR IMMEDIATE USE, which | Old Fort, in said Township, we hope will commend itself to those who are suf feet. he subscriber having pit the Saw Mill at the Bellefonte Mills in complete repair, and having his logs hoomed in the dam, is now ready to furnish bills of SAWED LUMBER on short notice, of any length not exceeding forty By having the logs in the boom a small bill of any length can be got out ard sawed in one or two hours. PLASTERING LATH of all sizos kept con- stajtly on hand. e will also Have 4 PLANING HfLE in! fering with this afflicting complaint, afd to the medical practitioner who may feel disposed to test the powers of this valuable remedy. ELIXIR PROPYLAMINE, in the foriii above spoken of, has recently been extensively experi- mented with in the ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Notice ig hereby given that letters of d all those having demands against said Administration on the Estate of Adem Stem late of Potter Township deceased, have, been granted to the Subscribers, who request all persons in- debted to said Estate to make immediate pe Jaen stat And pow to wit : April 234, 1861, on Jotion of D. G. i Attorney for Peff, Rule, granted on Deft to appear and plea’ on or before next Term or Judgment, notico to be given by publication (describing the land) in one newspaper published in Centre county for sixty days. : Certified from Record this 3d 37 of Me A. ., 1861 _ JNO. T. JOHNSTON, May 16, 1861.9 Prothonotary. UP! UP! UP!!! operation to supply carpenters and builders in| \wALK UP, time for commencing building next season. Eh Deo. 13, 1860-6m. ACOB V. THOMAS. TUMBLE UE, OTT 3 STEP. UP. OTICE. : ; Fart up, Notice is hereby given that letters of LIMB UP, Administration on the Estate of James Alexander, { RUN UP, lata of Potter township, dec’d,, have been granted SKATE UP, - to the subscribers. who request all persons in- RIDE VP, debted to said Estate to make immediate payment RUSH UP and all persons having claims against said Lstate IM UP, will present them duly authenticated for settle; PL : ment to John Alexapder, at his residence near CRAWL UP, : FIRE UP, . . JOHN ALEXANDER, STEAM UP June 13, 1861. JOHN BOOZER. TAIL UP, PUSH UP, any way zo that you get up tg, ‘ I A. STERNBERG & (O'S Cheap Clothing Store (above, Livingiton's Bock Store) in the Diamond, Bellefonte. May 23, 1861. PENNSYLVANIA HOSPITAL, > resent thom duly suthenficaled for asian] AUTION. i . 23-6t. M. us sd vith MARKED SUCOBSS (as wil apins| BREE 4 ii mt sei ai somes fom from the published accounts in the medical four- TRAY STEER propery Li) a a] silo and let fs ‘3 1. bunds of Elias Henney, as ye chased the halt) S '* Came to the residence of tho subscriber | wh iia stock ofg oods 4) chattels Sy havo loaned IZ Ii is carefully put up ready for ininiediats use, with full direotions, and can be obtained from all tho druggists st 75 cents per bottle, and At - ss the shoulders and one on the : ey Whslerale of ‘ BR ; wth the lower part, of the belly and part of ISTS MA BULLOCK & CRENSHAW, the hind fegs white. No other marks are visible, Druggists and Manufactaring Chemists, June 27, ’61-1y. ".. PuivADELPRIA, Pa. Ayers Cathartic Pills. ~— . i d to be about 2 years old. aad supposed to be Abou HAEL MEYERS. Bellaf: te, June 27, 3t. EE Ayer’s Sarsaparilla. bout a mile and a balf east of Boalsburg, some- Sein the latter part of Degember last, a Brindle Steer, with n star on its forehead, aud with white them to the said Elias onney, subject to any, or- or. y 3 TAVIS HENNEY. une 13th, 1861. ATERIALS for painting in White Col- ors, Oil Colors in compressible, tubes, Var nish for Grepian Oil Paintings, Silver Toil, Gold Leaf, Gold and Silver bronze, Camel Sable Hair Brughes, Paper, India Ink. superior English Pro- 3 AYERS FOR PURIFYING TEX BLOOD. And for Barra enty cure Of tie fullowimgicomplai te Serofais miid Serofulous Afections, such as ‘Lamors, Ulcers, Sores, Eruptions Pimples, Phutnles, Blotcehies, Boils, Blains, and ed Skin Disensen, . Dy Ind., 6th Jue, 1569, out in Ulcers cn wy hands and G00 5 Foelines jt turned inward and distressed me atthe stomach. 1 wo Fe go it broke out on my hed snd covered ny and cars with one spe. which was painful ano Tonthsom s beyond description. I tried tun y medicines anid sexeant phiysiciuns, bat without umch relief frow any iis ti fact, the disorder grew wore, At length I was edd to read in the Gospel Messetgor (hut You hud prepniat an alterative (Sursupnrillu), Flnew fiom yon repria tion that any thing you made mst bo good. 1 sent ta Cincinnati and got it, wind uscd it Lill it cured me. 1 took it, as vou wdvise, in sual! doses of a toaspoonin! over a wont, and used almost thiee bottles, New and Licalthy skin soon kegan to form under o scab, which after w while full ofl. My skin is now el d I know by av feelings that the disease has gone fi 1¥ system. You can well believe that feel whint Twin saying when T teit you, that I Lold yon to be vue of the uposiles of the aga, and remain ever gratefully. Fours, ALLRED B. yalamY., | St. Anthony's Fire. Hose or Esyhinelaa, etter and Seolt iiheun:, Sealad oud, Ringworin, Scere Eyes, Dropsy. Dr. Robert M. Preble writes fro Sept., 1359, that he has cured an inveterate case of Dropsy, which threatened to terminate fatally, by tha persevering use of our Sarsapar aud unlso u dungerous Malignant Erysipelas by large doses of the same; says ke cures tho common Eruplions Dy it constantly. Bronchocele, Golitre or Swelled”Neck. Zebulon Sloan of Prospect, Texas, writes : «Ihece tote tles of your Sarsaparilla cured me from a Guilre —n hid: eous swelling on tho neck, which I hal sullered fiviu, over two years.” if Lencorrheea or Whites, Ovarian Tumor, Uterine Ulceration, Female Diseases. Dr. J. B. 8. Channing, of Naw York Olty, write most cheerfully comply with the request of voy gait hi saying 1 have found your Sarsapariila a ist exceller © alterative in the numerons complaints for which employ such a vemédy, i : of the Scrofuloas diatl 1 have cured many inve paint was caus by ulceration of the ulerus. The uleer tion itself wag shon enred, Nothing within my kuow! eds equals it Tor these female derangements.” “Edward 8. Marrow, of Newbnry, Aln., writes, “A dan gerous avarian tumor on one of the females in my fiunily, which had ‘defied all the remedies we conld employ, has at length been completely cured by yonr Extract of Sar sapurillal © Our phy: n thought nothing but extirps ‘tion eould afford relief, but he advised the triak of yout Sarsaparilla as the last resort before cutting, and it proved effectual. After taking your remedy eight weeks no symptom of the disease remning,” Syphilis and Mercurial Discasc. NEW Onreans, 26th August, 1563 Dr. J.C. Aver: Sir, 1 cheerfully comply with the re- est of your agent, and report to you some of the eflects have realized with your Sursapurilla, T have cured with it, in my practice, most of the com- plaints for which it is recommended, «nd have fund its effects traly wonderful In the cure of Venerdel und Mer- curial Disease. One of my patients had Ryplilitic nleers in his throat, which were consifning is palats and the top of his month. Your Srvaparilla, stendily taken,. cured him in five weeks: Another was attacked by sac- ondary symptoms in his, nese, and the ulceration hand eaten uway a considerable part of it, so that I Lelieve the disorder would soon reach his brain and kill him. But {4 yielded to my administration of your Sarsaparilla; tle ulcers healed, and he is well ugnin, not of couse without seme disfignration to his face. A woman who Lad been treated for the same disorder hy mercury was suffering from this poison in ber bones, They had become so sen- sitive fo the weather that on a damp day she suffered ex- cruciating pain in her joints and bones. ‘Sho, tco, was cured entirely Ly your Sarsaparilla in uo fow weeks. Know from its forinuja, which your agent gave me, that this Preparation froma your Inboratory must be a great remedy; consequently, these ti uly remarkable results with it have not surprised me, } Apa enity) Fraternally yours, G. V. LARIMER, M. D. ee fo Flo 3a gto 4 Rheumatism, Gout, Liver Compl int. INDEPENDENCE, Preston Co., Vay, 6th July, 1859, Dr. J.C. Aven: Sir, 1 have been nfflicted wit): a paln- ful chronic Rheumatism for a lung the, whinh Luffled tha skill of physicians, and stuck to mb. in Bpite of all. the remedies I could find, until I tried your Sariaparilla., One bottle ciired me in two weeks, and restored my general Lealth go much, tliat 1 ath far bettsr than before 1 wa attacked. I think it a wotiderful medicine, J, FREAM. Jules Y. Getchell, of St, Louis, Writes: “1 Lave lison afflicted for years with an affliction of the Liver, ‘whioh destroyed Biy health, I tried avery thing, and every thing fafled to relieve me; and 1 Lave licen,a Lrojken or sala by BB t Bt pared Canvass, &c., can % had a 3s ongan | Bellefo15.'58-tnte, Apiilf san | Ayer’s Cherry Pectoral. efor ate eases of Leritorrhaea by it, and some whers the com Euch bottle, price ONg Dorr aR, hears the Gov, . ernment Stamp of Great Britain. Boware of coun aresure tobring on Miscarriage Sarsaparilla : Rochester, N. ¥. » N. B.—$1.00 and 6 postage stamp enclosed to PSGREEN, + ¢* Agent for Bellefonts .