Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, June 20, 1861, Image 3
a we ee > _ iii on vn peat a EA ern + brim iit em Focal Departinent. BELLEFONTE, PENNA. +» Borr.— Ve would apprise our readers of the fact that this Physician will remain | _ ‘in this place a few days longer. Dr. Bort, by close attention to the details of his pro- fession, has won for himself a reputation second to none in his line. Thougands of ‘certificates of the most astonishing cures are in hig possession, bearing evidence of hs: superior skill in the treatment of all diseases incident to the human frame. Many per- sons who are suffering hesitate to apply, fearful that they may not be confiding in a thorough practition. None need for a mo- +. ment hesitate to repose the utmost confidence iH ‘made against him by the ‘a3itor of the Dem- known as Dr; ‘Bort. ‘companies have made appheation to. Mr. ‘State. The Union: Invincibles of this place ‘day, if their uniforms can. be procured in ‘ized for home protection, and, as such, has “Our citizens have observed. their progress | “contributing liberally toward their support, in the skill of Dr. Bort, whose long and successful practice is & guarantee that he fully understands the character of the many diseases afflicting humanity, and is able by his system to relieve and cite the most complicated, as well as cases of the longest standing, Men of the highest respectability have been under his treatment, and when others have failed to afford them relief, he has almost invariably proved successful.— Sufferers will therefore not hesitate to call npon him, and after & careful examination (free of charge) will undertake your case with a certainty of Success. “The Hemacrat, of this Week, makes an anmanly attack on the public and private ehdracter of Dr. Bort, becatise he saw fit to dispute the bill presented by the publisher of that’peper. Now, we re the last per. #ons whe would attempt to wield an impos- ter trom the scorn and contempt Of the pub- lie, but in justice to the Doctor we must say that he peid us for advertising and disitib- uijog bills as liberally as could be asked, snd we consider him an honest, upright busi- ness man, notwithstanding the charges ocrat, who did it to satisty &'mere personal samity, for he certainly could not have hop- +d to injure the reputation of man §o widely Wel— + 2. ‘New MiLiTArY OrGANIZATIONS —The ar- dor of the martial epirit seems to have suf- fered little abatement. since the opening of the war. We have been informed that four M'Clelland, the scting Brigade Inspector, to be organized under the militia iaw of the have made application, and, we have been informed, will be organized on next Satur- time. This company was originally organ. been drilling regularly for some two months. in military tactics with no tittle interest, and we pay the Invincibles no undae come pliment whea we say, (hey will now compare fevagably with many of our oldest and best drilled military companies. The Milesburg ‘Home Guads have 2lso made application and will be organized in a short time. The other companies referred io are being formed ‘n Philipsburg and Pine Grove. DrstRecTive TorNADpO.— This . vichuity was visited, on Saturday ovening last, with » terrific and, to some extent, destructive storm of wind, rain and hail, Tts path was marked by uprooted trees, some of which have withstood the blasts of, perhaps, cen- turies, unroofed barns and houses, many of then being prostrated to the ground by the violence of the wind. The windows on the weather side of houses, in some localities, were badly shattered by the hail, which fell in large quantities about three o'clock, P. M. The injury sustained by this place ia comparatively light, extending only to the destruction of some window glass and the trying of the frame of a new building on Fifth Avenue (Spring Street,) now in course of erection by Mr- Wm, Gabagan. The stars and stripes displayed at different points were torn to shreds, and the fragments were: flying in every direction. Tre CentRAL PARE Fair GROUND, AND TrorTING COoURSE.—Mr, Joseph G. M’Meen, an enterprising citizen of Milesburg, who, a short time ago, issued a splendid topograph- teal map of that place and environs, has sommenced the erection of a trotting course and fair ground a short distance from town. The projeat hag been in contemplation for some time, but being’ desirous of having it ‘arranged on the most improved plan, the commencement ‘of the work was delayed untill Mr. M’Meen could visit and examina the most celebrated courses at different places throughout the State. It will, no doubt, be gratifying to many of our readers to learn that, the proprietor having gettled pon the plan, the work will be completed ‘at the earliest practicable period. This will certainly lend an additional attraction to the already pleasant town of Milesburg. Reroexep Vorunteers.— Within a few (days, a number of volunteEre have returned # this place, some on furlough and others with an honorable: discharge from military duty, being physically disqualified for the rigorous. discipline and service of the camp snd field. “Among the fitlodghed is Jamos Waddle, of this place, who had two of his’ fingers shot off at Camp Scott, while prac- tising target shooting. His furlough extends 40 the 10th of July, bit Hs will fetuurn sddner § wounds will perihit. Those finally ‘Auehatged are Joseph G. Stone, Charles Johnston, sud George A. Rodgers, members Roi or tae CaNTRE GuarDs.—The fol- lowing is the list of members of the Ceutre Guards, carefully copied from the muster toll of the company after their arrival at Harrisburg. We sero unable to secure it in time to publish it in connection with the no. tice of their departure in our last issue: BELLEFONTE, JB Eters, a C. Glenn, P Treziyuly, hos E. Flemming, no T Eters, Patnck Murray, acob Askey, MW: Barhes, hos Rass, Wm H Arnold, ohn H Beightol, 8 Hollabaugh, . K Hinton, no Osenwaltz, PHILIPSBURG, Ve I Mea B Rank, Gerge Fravel, Dayton Ennis, Wharton Eokly, John Shively, ‘'m Hinton, David Williams, Pat Gorman, Wm A Jackson, WasriNeToN Furmacs, George Parker, Robb John B Yarnel, ¥ ury Hebb, H Wiseler, Y !iJames Krebs, r Wm Dusenberry, SxowsHOE, i Jas Gill, Charles M' Laughlin, {iy RS Askey, James White, Joseph Mann. - Geo Robb, Park W Bullock, red Simmons, George Elliot, David Felmaloe, Wm M’Caman, W Shaffer, James Hughes, RAT amuel Green, Richard Muircony, as Bradley, may be retained in command. si Fo han, De Major Winthrop was ih by a Lonisiana David Neal, Allen Harnesh, rifleman while heading a vigorous charge, — J A Gillman, B R Hall, { He was buried by the Saemy, and his hero- Thos > 4a Hecra Furnace, | ism was greatly praised. His cap and spurd Levi Sweetwood, Irvia Delgo, Rave ust been brought hither from the Zou- { Avil ailon, a 3 ¥ Weaver, Wm Comer, a aitve prmoners died yesterday inj Nu Eis IL Qagtinn In the mbes Jey, j Theis paris Be Banja 5 : i i min ¥. Hopper ai ose . Taylor; the fe Peay, CY 5 Nes, latter a - ew of heey Taylor. 7 Jackson Bowes, Maréhall Cor, They represented that they had other psnyet Bowes H 5 Soon prisoners who they fere willing to ex- Wm Eters, Daniel Showers, VioLATING ThE SABBATH Wid IMPUNITY. —On last Sabbath afternoon we observed a number of persons, principally boys, coming from the direction of the ‘canal with large numbers of fish, Upon inquiry we ascer- tained that the water had been drawn from the canal, leaving immense ntmbers of fish in very shallow ‘quarters, which fact, when known in town, induced quite a number of men and boys to Fesort thereto, in order to capture the finuy prisoners, and asa reward for their afiameful desecration of the Sab. bath secured fish; a8 Ode was heard to remark, * by the bushel.’ This violation of morality and civil law nseds nd comthent from us, but we think the imsintain&hce of a decent respect for the Lord’s day demands the interferance of the borough authorities pearing as it were across a inland sweep is dotted with dences. . fee, independent of her late husband, of an acre and a half of ground. by her some years ago on account of tla beauty of site for a residence, and the fee in the ground Was at the eame time conveyed | to her. y the peculiar situation of the land, can never be obstrugted by buiidiags, is probably the finest in or near the city.. rary one, of brick masonry, reised only three Tag MoK aan; or {our feet above the curiace, 22d extending seven feet below it, =. . and five wounded in the Great Bethel affair’ and they express a wish that Gen. Pierce erence to the ame. the Baltimore Exchange (secession) informs that paper that— 128. are now in Virginia, and more are arriving at the rate of at least 2,000 daily. tleman arriving from Richmond reports that Bo great is the force that the idea of an at- tempt, on the part of the Federal troops, to march to that pla T For precaution’s sake, trenchments have been thrown up ir all quarters around the city. The Southern forces will undoubtedly sweep the Govern- ment army from Virginia oil before a great while. Gen: Sott is perfectly aware of the | Wanted in every town, also a fow good traveling trie staae of affairs, and he as well ag the whi Te Cabinet, are very uneasy.” Tag Tous or Sexator Dovaras, — The Chi- cago Post says the spot chosen for the tomb of Senator Douglas is a high ridge or knoll at the Southeast corner of Cottage Grove, on the lake shore. Itis a point of land extend- ing much farther into the lakelthan any pore tion of the shore to the northwest of it. Standing on the. spot.where the tomb is located, a fine view is had of -the city, ap Bar, #hose noble ake shore resis On this spot Mra. Douglas is the owner in 1t was selected The viow afforded, and whieh, from The tomb now yrepared is only a tempo~ - THe secessionists report one .man killed ied the Fortress with a fiag of truce in ret- A SpecraL Washington correspondent of +* There is reliable information here that troops, well drilled and equipped, |* A gen- place is considered a farce.— wever, heavy en- yom in this matter. Accipexnt.—The hostler employed at the Franklin House, narrowly escaped being thrown from a sulky, near the Conrad House. | 0 The hore took fright at the flag suspended in the street between the Conrad House and | * Brokerkerbofl 's Row, and pitching into the alley in the direction of the Franlin House stables with ¢ arful speed, the driver was unseated and thrown to the ground with great force. Though somewhat bruised, no serious: injury waa sustained. Tre excitement occasioned by the enlist ment of volunteers for the army has entirely abated in our County,and the people are be: gining to speak calmly about the existing state of aftsirs : the public mind has again realy exist. But there is an excitement in town that can not be diminished as long as Baxrressegr & CHRrisT continue to sell Hard- ware as clieap a3 they have been doing papers of this morning state that a train of cars was despatched from Alexandria yes. terday afternoon, to Vienna, taking Col. MeCook’s First Ohio Regiment, accompanied by Gen. Schenck. They dropped companies along the line aad reached Vienna with only three companies, when a masked battery opened upon them killing and wounding, according to the Intelligencer, 200. Later and Correct Account of the Engagement On the Loudon Railroad. WasniNGTON, June 18. —An engagement took place last night on the Loudon Railroad, in Virginia. A masked battery, in a wood, opened fire on a train of cars containing four htindred of the Ohio First Regiment, Col. McCook’s. Before the troops could rally, several bats Gregg twp., CATHERINE seriously injured, a few “days ago, by being | cold efvds of the valiey chureh yard, hides from is now enjoying the riches of Heaven, faithful . become rational and can see things as they | F. J. HOFFMAN, Lewistown, Pa. lately. Nah Temp +$2.65, 3 ds wl ean est Duncanan, at $2.85, 3 kegs or more. - y Very Best Brown, at 71 ots. THE LATEST NEWS. syrup mottos rs NEW OR Ds A Donne. or Loverings, 50 ets. kh Engagement near Washington. ] NS, Bavmore, June 18.—The Washington MACKERAL® Rest, 40 ote per gel: GROUND ALUM SALT, BURNING FLUID, RED SOLE LEATH NJ OTICE. To Having disposed of the DeMocrATIC or the undersighed, will please come forward and make itamediate settlement of their accounts.— The business must be closed as speedily as pos- sible and all persuus neglecting this notice be- yond a reasonable time will find their accounts in the hands of a proper officer for collgction. undivided attention shall be given t¢ this business until it is settled. DIED. At the Yesidence; of her ‘son, r t Mooney, Consumption robed tis of our mother. and the Sinking Creek, dged 65. ? ur view thie one we loved, bui we know that she ting the weets of the Paridise prepared fir the finally o strife is o'er! The loved of years 6 whom ever yearning hearts had grown Hath. left us, with life’s gathering fears 0 Btraggle darkly and alone ; Gone with the wealth of lore which dwelt Heart kept. with holy thoughts on high Gone, ag clouds of even ing melt Beyond the dark and stlemn sky. g Reported for the Watchman] Bellsfonte Markets, io 12% 18 10 AR! WAR! Against High Prices by Extra No. 2, $9,50 per bbl. At $1.35 per Sack, er gal. Er, at 33t0 24 ets. per 1B. 3, 1861 54 ots. Best Red Lewistown, June | themselves WarcuuAx Office all pertons knowin, Barnhart, indebted either to the firm of Seely My May Oth 61. J.B. BARNHART. teries fired on the train in succession. “At least eight of the men were killed, and several were wounded. Among the killed is Mr. Barnes, the edit- or of the Cleveland Herald. : Some of the killed, it is beiieved, are left on the field. It is impossible to obtain the particulars of the engagement, although the scene of it is but ten miles distant. N° Administration on the Estatg of James Alexander, late of Potter township, dec’d., have to the, subscribers. who request all debted to #afd Estaté to make imm and all persons having claims against said Estate will present them duly authenticated for settle- ment to John Alexander, at his residence near 01d Fort, in said Township. TICE. Notice is hereby given that letters of been granted reons in- lath payment OHN ALEXANDER, _ June 13, 1861. JOHN BOOZER. It is reported that the battery is manned by South Carolina troops. : The Ohio regiment was taken up in the train for the purpose of proteéting the tele- graphic corps, which is ¢érecting wires along the road. : They were not aware of the existence of the batteries, which are on hills and in the woods. The Federal forces, not being suffi: cient to engage such works, retreated. : SECOND DESPATCH. 13 A. M.—All was quiet this morning at the scene of yesterday's engagement. Tho batteries are still there, but it js un- derstood that they are to be taker during the day. A Rumors are quite rife that the rebel troops have commenced a retreat froth Ma Gen. Patterson’s division, it is believed, ia ordered to Harper's Ferry, where it will re- tdi stationary. x : 12 m.—There 15 io truth whatever 11 the story abotit Col. Stone’s command being cut ? . There is not even a rumor of the kind ore. The President, wlio is buisy with his Mes. gage. will, it is said, recommend a call for 500.000 wen and an appropriation of $200, 000,000, as the shortest and cheapest mode of bringing the war to a close. There is every indication to-night that the nf the Uariin Guerds. : £3b Tagiman t will move towards Fairfax Oourt House before morning. testamentaryon the Estate of late of Walker Township, deceased, have been went, and al Estate, to present them them duly siithenticated for settlement. WM. MARTIN, Administration on the Estate of Adem Stem late of Potter Township ddceased, have ben granted to thé Stbseribers, who request all persons in- debted tosaid Estate diate and all those having demands against sdid to present them duly authenticated Hay 23-6t. . J XECUTORS NOTICE. : 3 Notice is here by gies that letters Andrew Martin, ranted te the subscriber, who reqests all those ndebted to 8aid estate. to make immediate pay- { these having demainds against said ay 10, 61.—6t, Ezecutor DMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that letters of Estato to make immediate payment Statd for settlement. ACOB STEM. ADAM STEM. - ore g CAvIeR. j I do hereby caution al persons from having anything to do or meddling with certain property sold at Constable’s sale and left in the fande of Elias Henney, as I have purchased the whole stock of 8 sod Shstiete 31 Save loaned them to the said Elizs Honney, edt to any or- der. BATS HENNEY. June 13th, 1861. : ASHABLE BARBER SHOP. F MR. Lian YN Jarpio; aving fitted up rea" one ddor no; f Bishop hy igen direst, offers his services to the public, feeling confident that he can please the most particular. Hair dressing, shampooning and all other branches of his profession practiced on face ; repeat if not cured. 3 gotton with the Pai id cover the tooth and gums e, drops in hot water ; Batlie the bu: ing olberts Balm in Gilead is his friends, he has concluded to at the day set forth. can be consul Liver and Lun; ing 1) the EY. the Ear; ‘can be have bafiled the LUTHERSBURG, Read’s Hotel, “UYRONE, at Mrs. Thomas’ At his INFIRMARY, from see the well known and justly celebrated those onl. pared ua graves. THINGS TO BE dog the services of a regular t gylvania: + Remember, that citi of ed g pleasure in recommending Dr. Bort - Ramember that be faithfully carried out. Ee Remamber, that Dr. Bort pays eve and FORMERLY PHYSICIAN AND SURGRON T0 .. ., TAL, OF LONDON, ENGLAN. Now of PITTSBURG, Pa., bogs te:annaunce to all Invalids, ” Remember that Dr. Bowl, wuts no patients but thé fally ca orohgh bred physician, from a paltry unlearned and : emember. Dr. Bort’s remedies and, treatment are @ntirely, ig to all others in this country ; repared from a Jife spent in the great hospitals of Eurepe and the : ‘Remember that Dr. Bort has a more extended practice than any other physician in Western Penn- our p to the afflicted. : Sy 1. Bort makes no false representations to gull the unfortunate, but all he says will BUROPEAN EE, ZAR, AND TUNG PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, DOCTOR BOR, ® MPTON LUNG HOSPI.| Log: THE Head, and Discharges from reatment ; and many other Diseases that Agnin, Sept. 3d, 4th and 5th. ane 10th and 11th. Again, Sept 10th and 11th CLEARFIELD. Johnson's Hotel, from June 12th to 16th. Again, rr en cn. BELLEFONTE, Conrad House, from June 17th to 19th. Again, Sept. 12th and 13th. Hotel, from June 21st to 22d. Again, June 22d to July 17th LISTEN TO THE VOICE OF TRUTH AN The time has come that all who can escape the iron grasp of Mercury. lectio Basar, true and safe medicines, extraoted from the niost choice. Roots and Herbs, er his 6wn supervision, and therefore. avoiding the use of ali Minggay Poisons, which were | ever designed for the gystem, to take which many thousands have fallen victims and gone to early opt. 14th and 15th. Or D REASON AND PROFIT BY IT. by calling. withon delay, to R, BORT, who wil! administer which are pre- REMEMBERED. able of appreciating and distls uish- trifling quack. rst in the country. men are all well acquainted with, add take attention to diseases of a chronic nature, Certificates of Cures may be seen at his respective rooms. $1,000 mMEWARD ! WILL: BE, PAID , change, and Captaiti Phillips has to day vis- | FOR ANY MEDICINE THAT WILL EXCEL COLBERT’S BALM IN GILEAD!! age Qweres 2 = HEALTJ AND HAPPINESS . . For the Quick cure of Headache, Toothache, Rheu- mhatisny, Neuralgia, Pain in the side, back or Stomach, Painters Cholic, or Cramp, Frosted Feet or. are, Burns, Fresh Cuts, Sprains, Bruises, Di- arrhes, and sore throat, and all similar complaints. Toothache cured in ten minutes. arashe otired in five minutes. Headache cured in ten minutes, Burns cured from smarting in two min- utes. Neuralgia paifa cured in five minutes.— Cholfo cured in ten minutes. Sprains relieved in ten minutes. Sore throat relieved in ten minutes, . 100 Cases have been cured by one Agent in a Hingle day! : . Ea EVERY BOTTLE WARRANTED. Tryit! Try?! Tryall! Tryit!!!! PRICE 25 AND 50 CENTS PER BOTTLE. [55 A liberal discount nade to Agents, and onp gents. ; —pe TO THE SONS AND DAUGHTERS OF AF- FLICTION. * Those things we prove on the spot and before your eyes, only bring on your cases. re (eee DIRECTIONS FOR USING (SUSERPS Sl 0 AE, ar ope me ne ae. ts For Headache, bathe the temples and ap- ply tothe nose ; and take from ten to thirty drops in half a tumbler of water sweetened. .. For Croup and Sore Throat, take from ten to thirty d¥ops internally, os sigar or in sweetened warin water : bathe tHe throat freely and bind on a flannel. ¥or Headaclie, Riou atid, Newral- a, Late back or Side bathe freely with Balm in lead ; and generally take internally. . For Burns mix one part Balm in Gi ead and two of water and flour, to make fate, over the burn with the same. For Uholie.take fr Lu to forty 3 and apply wet flannels. In the above, the smuiler dose is for Children and the larger for adiilte ; vary accord- to age and circumstances. at harmless. Colbert's Beln in Gilead gives satisfaction, pu Those who have used Balm in Gilead will not be without it. Agents wanted, For terms address . Z C. 8S. COLLERT & CO. No. 123 South Fourth St., Philadelphia. N.B. Orders ¥ent by Express to any part of the United States at the shortest notice, June 13th, 1861. THE CHEAP CASH STORE OF Messrs: Hoffer Brothers, Tor Subscribers have just received a new and fall supply of Spring and Sumner Goods, which, for variety, huve never been efqual- ed by any establishment in this #ection of coun- try. Having purchased the stock of goods on ‘hand of Mr. George Jackson, they will continue the business at the old stand, No. 2, Reynolds's Arcade. Their stock conaists of a general assortment of Dry Goods, Groceries. Hardware, Quecensware, "15 and Glasyware, ? including a host ot other articles in their line, among which éan be found an extensive and varied gelsction of LADIES’ DRESS 600DS, suchas : pid Lily Ducals, Persian Cloths, Debeiges, Coburg, . Cashmeres, Delaines, Alpacas, French Merinoes, Plaids, Their gentlemen's wear consiats of a farge as- gortntent of 5, Heres, Cloths, Satinets, Satin, Vesting, Tweeds, Hats and Caps And an _oxten- sive t of Boots and Shoesfor Ladies and Gentlemefi and Children, with almost every ether article that may be necessary to supply the wants ty. : of thegommu a The pressure of the morey market having had the t of reducing the price of many articles of merchandise, the undersigned have been ena- bled to buy their stock at sui rawes that they can sell goods at prices to suit tho times. And as they intend to do their best to plese Alois, Gullometd, both in the quality of gdods, and prices, they hope to receive a reasonab'e share of patronage. All in Wet of goods will please call and examine thair stock. : . F. B.—They will keep constantly on hand, EX TRA FLOUR, which they will zell at the lowest cash price ; CR [37 Qountry produce of all kinds taken in ex- change for goods. : ie Dried Lumber nnd Shingles constantly on hand and for seule. : i a py HOFFER BROTHERS. - Bellefonte, March 28, 1861. —1y. JOHN MONTGOMERY espectfully informs the citizens of Belle- A fonte that He still continues to Shity on the ailoring and Clothing Business at Kis old stand in Brokerhoff’s Row, on Main street, where he is prepared to make to ordery all kinds ef Clothing kL tho neatest and juost Fashisnablofeyle, : He keeps on hand a general “variety of oTHs, CABSIMERES; AND VESTINGE, of the latest 2nd most ipioved patterns. Ready made Clothing of ali kinds which he is selling at reduced prices. He feels thankful for the very liberal support heretofore extended, and boyies to nierit a continuance of the same, ellefonte, Jan. 5th, 188 ly CAST IRON WAGON SPINDLES. Cast IRON SPINDLES with boxes, can now be purchased at the Bellefonte Foundry. They ure of four different sizes, as follows, seven, eight, ten and twelve inches. These spindles ean e either put on old or néw wagons and are man. tha mest improved prinoiples. fustured and for sale by Feb, 15, 1860. EB HAUPT; JR. & 00 CLOCK, WATCH, JEWELRY AND FANCY STORE. he subscriber is still at his old stand at ¥ Io. & Brokerhoff’s Row, on Allegheny street, where he has just received from the eastern cities, and is now offering for sale a well selected and beautiful assortment of a CLOCKS, WATCHES, AND EVEL in an sxsellont, sgsortment of FANC ¢S, of inds an ualities, SIL- VEL CARY, % qualities, 8 9... ” Notwithstanding the ‘“ panic” his stock is fully as large and complete 2s ever, and as his goods are selected with great care from the manufacturers of the eastern cities, of the latest styids, he feels confident of giving satisfaction to all. : His stock consists of fine Gold and Sliver open face and hunter case full jeweled English patent and detached Lever Watches ;—also, epines and Quartiers. Jewelry of everystyle which can be found in a good Jewelry Store, and Fancy articles of ry description. He bas also SPECTA- CLES, goo assortment, always on hand, to suit all ages. Also Pocket Books, Pocket Knives, Pistols, &ec. isi % 3 = Particular attention paid to repairing cocks Watches and Jewelry a short notice. vl a ln . STEIN. Bellefonte, April 7-'59-1y. BELEEFONTE FOUNDRY. FARMERS ARING ON YOUR THRESH- ING MACHINES. ‘ 8. HAUPT, Jzr., & 00., ESPECTFULLY informs the citizens of Centre sonnty, that they have disposed of the Foundry and Machine Shopsin Millheim ani ave leased the Foundry of J. D. Hairis & Co., at the Big Spring near Bellefonte, where they are Ipepared with material and experienced mechanics 0 do all kinds of repairing at Threshing Ma- chines, Clover Hullers and Grain Drills, at the shortest natice. . Li POILR & PEIR POINTS PAT- EN® SHAKERS, HORSE he best articles for its purpose now in uss, willbe kept constantly on hand. Ho iE Small jobs of repairing may be waited .on by those coming from a distanee, thereby saving the time and expense of a secon1 trip. 11 kinds of Verandas, and Fence made. The best models of modern taste will be duly consulted, and articles will be made to order in such a style of superior elegance As will remove all inducement to yisit the cities, Chargesimodarate. August 4, 1860. WNOTI ¢ ve ! i. B. 1. Snvéir ) In the Common Pleas of 1 Centre County. . vs. . E.S. Fron, No. 132 Apr. Term, 61. Al Ejectment for & tract of land situate in the township of Rush, in the county of Centre, con- taining three hundred and acres or thereabouts, bounded on the north end northwest by Moshano n Creek, on the east and northeast by a tract in the warrantee name of Paul Zantsinger, on the South and southwest by a-tract in the warrantee, name of Bebastiar. Graff, being part of a larger traot which the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania by letter patent, dated the 8th day of April 1281, granted and confined to Frederick Bates, scrive- ner, of Philadelphia. And now to wit: April 23d, 1881, on motion of ° D. @. Bush, Attorney for Peff. Rule, granted on Deft to appear and plead on or before next Term or Judgment, notice to be given by publisition (describing the land) in one newspaper published in Centre county for sixty days. _ Certified from Record this 3d day of May A. D., 1861 INO. T. JOHNSTON, - May 16, 1861. Prothonotary. TO THE WORLD AT LARGE; : VE UANPIURY ShEdEs BOALSBURG & VICINITY IN PARTICULAR. The sthueritiug having taken the Store . formerly occupied by Neots Johnston & Kel Ter, beg to say to the people of v oinity that they will continue the DRY GOODS AND GROCERY RUSINESS in its various branches, and will spare no pains to keep up a full assorttiont of everything usually any country store, and will sell at. prices which wo trust will solicit a share at least of yolr tronage a i All kinds of country prodves, taken at f11 mar- ket prices in eXchange tor goods. Bring along your , your Bacon, your Butter, your £ggs your Rags, your Tallow, your Lard, your :Hard Soap, {om Begs Wax, your See and in ca%e you oalshurg and vi- ave nothing of this kind your cas will ever be refused, +.» JOUN HIBLER & CO, Boalsburg, April 20, 1860—tf. JNcov AGE HOME INDUSTRY. . Our citizi 18 have, for many years been in the habit of going to distant cities for their Bugies and Carriages, thus depreciating discoun- tenancing oar home manufaotories, and givin to foreign establishments the patron properly be extended tg our own. of t home manufactures vehicle, and little atten‘ion was paid to their durability. I have just opened a factury on Peon street near Bishop, hay- ing had ar extensive and varied expereange at Coach making in, all its departments, feel, gonfi- dent that I oan turn out work combinin Jith a finish to that of any eity establi ment a degree of durability never found in city worl I respectfully invite inspection of my work by per- song desirous to purchase. gi : . Repairing of all kinds done on the shortest no tice that shoul he neatness that owing to the many solictitations of PE3 professional visits to the-following named places; aud by arriving ted by the affieted, both Male and Female, on Diseases, of the Heart, ; Cancer, Fits, serofuia. and all Diseases of the Blood. Also, all Diseases appertain- and EAR. PARTIAL DEAFNESS, Rin, ing Noisesin th speedily cared by Dr. BORT'S Scien‘ifio: skiil of the so called distinguished phyeisians. CL APPOINTMENTS: CLARION, ut Clark's Hote], from the 15th of May to the 1st of June. CORSICA, at Whitmore’s Hotel, June 1st. Again, Sept. 1st and 2d. BROOKVILLE, at the American House, from the 3d to 9th of June. pensive warehouse, Nos. 18, 20 and 22, o foreign gave it the preference, over the : \ oR Fo MA) IIL A SUPER LATIVE JONIC, DIURETIC, “Ar pyseertS INVIGORATING CORDIAL To the Citizens of New Jersey & Pennsylvania, APOTHECARIES, DRPGGISTS, GROCERS AND PR7~ . VATE FAMILIES. Wolfe's Pure Cognac Brandy, Wolfe's Pure Maderin, Sherry and Poet Wine. ; Wolfe's Pare Jamaica and Bt Rum . Wolfe's Pare Scotch and Irish Whisky ALELIN BOWTLEUS, . I Leg leave to call the attention of the oitizens of the United States to the above Wines and Ii quors, importedsby Udeipho Wolfe, of New York, whose name is familiar in every part of this eoun- try for the purity of his celebrated Sehiedmm Schnapps. Mr. Wolfe, in his letter tp me, speak ing of the purity of his Wines and Liguora, ays. wf win stake my reputation as a man, my stand ing as a merchant of thirty years residence in the city of New York, that all the Brandy and Wines which I bottle are pure as imported, avd of the best quality. and can -be jolied upon by every purchaser.”” Every bottla has the proprietors name on the wax, and a fac simile of his signature on the certificate. The public are respectfully in vited to cali anu examine for themselves. For sale at Retail by all the Apothecaries and Gro. gers in Philad®iphia. ; Guoree H. Asuroy, No. 332 Market 8t., Phia ol Sole Agent for Philadelphic Read the following from the New York Courier: ENorMOUS BusINESS FOR our NEW YORK MER- CHANT.—We are happy to inform our fellow-citi- zens that there is one plige in our city where the physician, apothecary. aud country merchant, oan 80 aud purchase pure Wines aud Liquors, as pure a8 imported, ana’ of the best quality. We do not intend to give an elaborate description of this mer- chant’s extensive business, although it will repay any gtranger or citizen fo visit Udolpho Wolf's ex Teaver treet, and Nos. 17, 19 and 21, Marketfield street His stock of Schnapps on hand ready for shipmon. could not have been less than thirty thousand cast es; the Brandy, some ten thousand caces—Vin- ages -of 1836 to 1856; and ten thousand cases nf Madeira, Sherry and Port Wine, Scotch nnd Lrish Whiskey, Jamaica aud St, Croix Ruta, somg very old and equal to any in thiscountry Fe also had three largs cellars, filled with Brandy, Wine, &c , in casks, under Custom-House key, ready for bot. thing. Mr. Wolf's sales of Schnapps last “year amounted to one hundred and eighty thonsaud doz- en, and we hope in Joss than two years he may be equally successful with his Brandies and Wines His business merits tho patronage of every lover of his species. Private ‘amilies who wish purs Wines end Liquors for inedical use should send their orders direct to Mr. Wolf, until every Apoth- ecary in the land make up their mind: to disoard the poisonous stuff from their shelves, and replace it with Wolf’s pure Wines and Liquors. We understand Mr. Wolf, for the accommoda- tion of small dealers in the country, puis up as- sorted cases of Wines and Liquors. Such a man and such a merchant, should be su: tained against his tens of thousands of opponents in the United States, who sell nothing but imitations, rninons alike to hbman health and happinesa. . For sale. atthe Drug Stores of K. P Green, amd John Harris & Co.. Bellefonte, Pa. September20, 1860.—6m. .. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL HARDWARE STORE, x BAXTRESSER & CRIST He Just opened, in the store room oh the North Wast corner of the Diamond in Bolle fonte, formerly occupied hy Wilson Brothers, thety large and splendid assoriment of Shelf Hardware, Houge Trimmings of every description. OUKET and Table Cutlery of every va. riety and price. ROSS CUT, Mili and Uircular Sais of the best manufacture. z IFLES, Pistols, Shot Guns. and Locks of every description and the best quality. ORTICE and Rim Tocks and Latolies v of different kinda. UPBOARD, Chest Box, and Till Looks. Large anl Swall Pad Lacks. 1A D, Back, Grafting and Panael Saws, Broad, Hard, and Chopping Axes. UTCBEES’ Cleavers and Choppers, Drawing Knives, Hatohets, Chisels & Adzes. AY, Manure and Spading Forks, Edgo Tools of every desirable variety. ADDLER’S Hardware—a general assort. tient and 50 pereent.lower than any place alsy ARRIAG i Minkers' Trimmings, Carpen. ters’ Wools which can not be surpassed. VICE , Anvils, Drills, Screw Plates. Files, «Rasps, Pipe Skein, snd Wagon Boxes. STUEL Springs, Lion Axélrees, Bent Slows, Hames, &o,. : AINTS, Oils, Glass and Putty, Coal Oil and Lamps, Varnish, Fluid, &e. Oi CLOTHS, Patent Leather, Rope, dnd Wire of eyery size in abundance. ‘ HOEMARTRS’ Tools, apd all other kinda of Goods usually kept in a well reguluted Hardware Stare. Their stock is 2n entiroly new ona, comprising all the leadini articles connentod with tho Hard ware trade, and their facilities for perobasing goods not being excelled by any othor estabiih ment, they here declare themsolves ably to gal! from {gv to one hundred per cent. fower than any other establishment in the country, snd firvits Farmers, Mechanics, and all others in moed of Hardware, to call and salisfy themselves of ths t=uth of the assertion. Bellefonte. July 12, 1860.—-1y, PJ PU! UPI! WaALE UP, U . = TUMBLE UP, BTEP TP. JUMP UF. SLIME Up, UN SKATE UE. RIDE UF, Crow any way so that yau get up to : A. STERNBERG & (08 Cheap Clothing Store (above Livingiton’s Book Store) in the Diamond, Bellefonte, May 23, 1881. § ATTENTION COMPANY! * FORWARD MARCI! T0. A. STERNBERG & C'S CHEAP CLOTH : ING STORE, . d, and get a suit of Spring and Sur. May 30, 1561. 8. A. fUQUISTION. |... iE in the D: ARDWARE, . . . ... . rh TO BUY CHEAP FOR CASH. FMA fe pig wie Wis ia the store for Blaskemithe. A 2) mes i is the store for Carpenters. MAN’ a ri . is the store for Sadadlers. FMAN’S ali oi} ot : is the store for Tinners. HOFFMAN'S 3 Ba. gi for Builders Bellows, Arnvile, paints, Glass &c. : x PR. J. HOFFMAN. goto N ! Te a MAN 7 DIES! dealers gents per poun ay Oe eT HORPMAM. May 10 61. Lewistown Pa. mor Clothing at Reduced Prices. “Jang the banner on the suter well, “That the people may know where to eal. A. STERNBERG & 00. is the place to bay all Finds of Mena’ and Boys’ clothing cheaper than at any other establishment in this vicinity. THE WAR MOVEMENT js driving numbers for Cloth Haty, Copaand Furnishing Goods $6 oi A STERNBERG & Uo, NEW GOODS receive er: 5 week, ond sold Seager than ever A STERNBERG & 00 Bellefonte May 30, 188):