Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, June 13, 1861, Image 2

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    he TWH atcha.
‘ Here shall the press the people's rights main.
Unawed by party or unbribed by gain ;
Pledged but to truth to liberty and law, :
No favor sways us and no fear shall awe.
ALEXANDER & MEEK, Editors and Publishers.
Even in Defeat are the Principles of the
Democratic Party Triumphant.
If ever there was a day in which Demo-
crats should feel proud of the principles of
their party it is now, for even in defeat are
these principles triumphant. Notwithstand-
ing the success of the sectional principles of
the Republican party at the last election,
over the ever durable, conservative, and na-
tional doctrines of our fathers, supported
and ever upheld by the Democratic party of
the North, the conviction is already begin-
ning to enforce itself upon the minds of those
Republicans who honestly opposed those
principles, that they alone constituted the
true basis of this government, and that it
never can exist unless it is conducted upon
them. There is no doubt now in the minds
of all candid men, that if sectionalism had
not raised its monster head in the North,
upholding doctrines fundamentally opposed
to the Constitution of the United States, and
urging it as a duty of all christians to tram-
ple the Constitution under their feet in that
whereever it conflicted with their notions of
christian piety, that there never would have
been a pretext for rebellion of any part of
this Union, and we would to day have been
a happy, contented and prosperous people.
But when a sectional party arose in the
North, waging an unholy crusade against
the institution of slavery in the South, it
could not be otherwise than its counterpart,
(Secession) should there arrise to resist what
they considered an encroachment upon their
rights. It is always the natural conse-
quence of an ultra and dangerous doctrine
when promulgated and upheld by any man,
men, or party, that there should be arrayed
against it, a party prompted by the same
spirit to uphold the opposite extreme. Es-
pecially is this the case in a nation like ours
which is composed of men from all nations
on the earth, and-every part of the world,
and comprising every imaginable shade of
character. Tt is, therefore, NOU surpricing
that we nua —tewa men in the South arraying
themselves against Northern avolitionism. —
The Democratic party of the North has ever
opposed ultraism, and this accounts for the
South always heretofore having been so
nearly unanimous in supporttng the Demo-
cratic party of the North, as its doctrines
have always been opposed to the nefarious
Union destroying, hell-deserving theories of
abolitionism. They supported the faithful
observance of the Constitution of the United
States in letter and spirit, and which afford-
ed them the best hope cf security for ther
peculiar institution against the crusade of
Abolitionism. This, we believe, to be all
that a majority of the Southern people ever
asked or hoped for, but we will not pretend
to deny, but on the contrary are free to ad-
mit that from the earliest age of our govern-
ment there has been leading men among
them who in blackness of heart and evilness
of intention, have rivalled the Garrisons, the
Giddings, the Greeleys, and the Browns, of
the Northern abolition school. These men
took the alarm upon the first howling of the
abolition doctrines from the Northern pulpit,
and have ever since shaped their course so
as to assist (as though in league with the
abolitionists) in the destruction of our gov-
ernment. The Democratic party can not be
held responsible for the acts of these men
as they were no part or portion of 1t, any
more than is the other ultra Northern tribe
of disunionists, a part of the honest portion
of the Republican party. That party in the
South has labored as untiringly in sowing
broadcast the seeds of rebellion as have the
abolitionists of the North in promulgating
their nefarious doctrines, and the result for
which both these parties have long worked,
and prayed is upon us. The South almost,
as a unit, has become affected by the evil
mfluence of those representative men in
their midst, and being goaded on by the
taunts and threats of Northern Abolition
fools, have raised the mighto arm of rebel-
lion against the government, and hrve tram.
pled in the dust the noble ensign of our na-
tion's greatness. Thus the war has been
commenced, and the honest conservative
masses of the people must now throw them-
selves in the breach to save us from destruc-
tion, while those men in the North, who
have prayed for this very state of affairs
have discovered lately that it don’t suit them
to fight just now, and resting secure in their
Northern homes; urge 1t upon the admmis-
tration as its holy duty to carry on the war
until the shackles of slavery will fall from
off the limbs of every slave in the South, and
turn them forth u nation of free men. The
Administration, we believe, however, will
give them the cold shoulder, as it should ; if
not, rest assured the mighty masses will rise
and call them some day not far distant to
a fearful account. The Democratic party of
the North has had no part in bringing about
this sad state of affairs, as it haa never adro-
cated an unconstitutional measure, or up-
held a sectional doctrine. but on the contra-
ry, has always advocated the rights of the
people of all portions of the Union under the
Constitution. It is a consolation, therefore,
to Democrats, in these gloomy times, to
know that their [skirts are clean from all
blame in this matter, and well may they be
proud of the good old party to which they
But now, since the war has actually be-
gun, and, although we have long predicted
that it would come if sectionalism should
trinmph, we have a plain duty to perform.—
The South might have remedied her wrongs
within the Union, and she would have ever
found us of the North defending her rights:
But instead of doing this, she has been false
to us, was the chief cause of our defeat at
the last election, and has left us weak hand-
ed to battle against a powerful opposition.—
She is seeking to destroy that Constitution
which is the basis of our party platform, —
She has insulted our flag, and now musters
her forces under a banner composed of only
three stripes and seven stars and our duty
is to support the government in bringing her
back to her allegiance. Democrats, you all
know that ¢¢ the Union, the whole Union,
and nothing but the Union,” was our motto
ir. 1856. The banners we carried onto a
glorious triumph, had thirteen stripes and
thirty one stars ; one-star for every State
in the Union ; while the opposition said,
‘let the Union slide,” and had but sixteen
stars upon their banners, representing only
the Free States. That opposition now sees
its wrong, and many of them, with willing
hearts, come to our assistance in maintain-
ing our motto of 1856 —the Union, the whole
Union, and nothing but the Union. It must
and shall be preserved
me lA Apr e
[From the Dubuque (lowa) Herald, May 31.]
Peace Resolutions in the Senate of Iowa.
We are gratified in being able to lay be-
fore our readers the following resolutions
introduced into the Senate of this State by
Mr. Duncombe, and the vote by which the
Senate refused to lay it on the table. This
is an indication that there is still left a
healthy conservative constitutional sentiment
in Towa, which needs but a favorable oppor-
tunity to manifest itseif for the preservation
of at least a remnant of the Union, and some
of the political rights resulting from the ac-
knowledgement of the independence of the
United States.
The following are the resolutions referred
to :—
Whereas, At this time nearly one third of
the States of this Union, have taken upon
themselves the responsibility of withdrawing
their allegiance to the Federal Government,
and have established a confederate govern-
ment separate from the Government of -the
United States, and establishing a constitution
republican in form, and have sent Commis-
sioners to the Federal Guvermuent to nego-
tiate relative to the property and rights of
the bewgorent parties ; and
Whereas, 1tis nag only desirable but in-
dispensable to the security and welfare of
the people of the United States that terms of
peace be arranged between the portions of
the country now in a state of war, befor the
bitterness of fraternal bloodshed shall make
arrangement impossible ; and
Whereas, The necessary consequence of
such a war would be the ruin of thousands
of loyal citizens in the Stutes now seceded,
and in other portions of the Union, who are
in no way responsible for the fratricidal war
now commenced in our unforiunate country,
and believing, as we do, that the calm pa-
triotism and reason ol the American people
may yet settle upon honorable terms the ex-
isting troubles, and believing that civil war,
if persisted in and pushed with the maligni-
ty which characterizes universally all civil
war, will only terminate in an overwhelming
indebtedness, public and private, without
benefitting either of the parties to this con-
troversy, and a military despotism in which
the liberties of the people will be disregard-
ed, the butchery of the patriotic and innocent
citizens, as well as the guilty, and such a
war, if possible to be’ honorably avoided, is
unpatriotic, unmeasureable, and anti-christ-
ian ; therefore,
Resolved, That the Senate of the State of
lowa recommend to the Government of the
United States, in this, their most earnest
appeal, that while every preparation for the
defence of the Government shall be made, a
cessation of actual hostilities may take place
until Congress shall have time to actin the
2. That we recommend to Congress the
calling of a National Convention, for the set-
tlement of our national difficulties, and that
every possible, honorable means shall be
first exhausted by the National Government
before our prosperous people be plunged into
a civil war, the ultimate result of which the |.
wisest cannot forsee.
3. That we are opposed to a war prose-
cuted for the subjugation of the seceding
States, while it 18 possible amicably to settle
the difficulties now existing.
4. That we are opposed to the prosecution
of a war against the seceded States, waged
under any circumstances, for the purpose of
emancipating the slaves of the Southern
slaveholding States.
5. That the Secretary of the Senate be
requested to forward a copy of these 1esolu-
tions to the President of the United States
and to each of our representatives in Con-
Mr. Hammer moved to lay them on the
table. Ayes 18 —nays 2I.
RerusLicAy editors may say what they
please, and charge the responsibility of our
present disgrace upon whom they have a mind
to, but the People will hold Gov. CurTIN,
in condemnation as the cheif perpetrator of
the outrageous frauds, committed on the sol-
diers and citizens of Pennsylvania, untili he
proves himself innocent, and even then will
the taint of corruption cling to his name.
— On
Peritions are being circulated through the
country, praying congresg when it meets in
July next, to pass a general Bankrupt Law.
Nonsense —friends what's the use in wasting
your time or paper. The Administration
is brisging about a nationa! Bankruptcy
Just as fast as possible.
Sketch of the Life of Hon. Stephen A.
Mr. Douglas was born in Vermont, in the
year 1813, and was, on the 23d of last April,
forty-eight years of age. Left early an or-
phan, he had only the advantages of a com-
mon school education. He was a farm boy.
an apprentice at the cabinet making trade,
a school teacher, a student at law, a prac.
tising lawyer in 1llinois in 1834, Attorney
General of that State, member of the Legis-
lature, Secretary of State, Judge of the Su-
preme Court, Member of Congress, and Sen-
ator of the United States. His carcer in
Congress was a remarkable one, and by his
untiring energies and powerful mind he soon
achieved national renown. He was identifi
ed with the Oregon controversy, taking side
against the claims of Great Britain ; advo-
cated the annexation of Texas ; as Chairman
of Committee on Territories, he reported
bills for the organization of all the existing
Territories, and bills for the admission of
the States of Iowa, Wisconsin, California
and Oregon. And on the question of slavery
he early took the position that Congress
should not interfere with the desires of the
people on that subject. Mr. Douglas re-
ported the Kansas Nebraska bill, in 1853-4,
notwithsranding tho excitement attendant
upon its passage, and the repeal of the Mis.
souri restriction, Mr. Douglas has always
and successfully maintained the correctness
of his position, and goes to his grave with
that conviction. Mr. Douglas was severa]
times a candidate for nomination to the
Presidency, and in 1856 stood next to Mr.
Buchanan, the latter gentleman receiving
168 votes, Mr. Douglas 121, and Mr. Cass 6.
In 1860, te Democratic Convention at Char-
leston having failed to nominate candidates
for the Presidency and Vice Presidency, and
being divided into two factions, the larger
portion met at Baltimore afterwards and
unanimously nominated Mr. Douglas as
their candidate for President, but owing
to the divisions in that party, he was de-
In the troubles that beset the country
since that time, Mr. Douglas was the earn:
est friend of the Constitution and the Un-
jon. All his energies were brought to bear,
during his last moments in Congress, to ef-
fect some measures for the settlement of the
difficulties, and his last public act was in
supporting the government in their constitu-
tial endeavors to maintain our integrity as
a people. He dies at a brilliant period of his
carcer, when the country least can spare
him, and when the constitution needs all the
champions who have achieved their greatness
under it. As a parliamentary debater, a
close reasoner, and for decisive, persuasive
argument, Mr. Douglas, at his death, stood
unrivalled. With all thie attributes of great-
ness, and the power to use them, Mi. Doug-
las disappears from our midst with the re-
grets of all.
Subscription to the Relief Fund.
The following card has been issued by the
Board of Relief of this county, and the
importance of an immcdiafje compliance
with its demands is apparent :
Bellefonte, June 12, 1861. }
It is imperatively necessary that the sec-
ond installment of the Soldiers’ Relief Fund
of Centre County be immediately paid over
to the County Commissioners, so that all
claims may be met promptly, as it is the
desire of the Board of Relief to make their
orders the same as money in all parts of the
county, so that persons buying out part of
an order, may ge! money in exchange for
the balance. Notes will be given, at any
time, to. persons who make immediate and
prompt payment, as the Clerk of Board is
authorized to receive the installments and
give notes for the same, whenever called
upon to do so. Persons not making imme-
diate payment will, of course, be at the
entire loss of the first installment. The
Board of Relief will meet on Tuesday, June
25th. By order of the Bard,
S. M, IrwiN, Clerk.
Those of your number who have not paid
the first installment of your subscription
will take notice that we will publish in the
next week’s papers a list of such, and in
ten days thereafler will place them in com-
petent hands for collection. We are to do
this in order to close up the duties of our
SamveL Lanw,
R. C. Homes,
sl AAA pe
Goon Apvice,—The Democratic Register
Mercy (Pa) gives some advice to the Demo-
crats of its own county which should be fol-
lowed by every county in the north, untill
the Adminstration shows 1ls determination
to ¢ obliterate party lines’’ by ceasing to
turn honest Democrats, out of offic2 :
+¢ It1s the duty of Democrats to stand firm
and pay no attention to any thing said about
¢ obliterating ’ party lines. We did not bring
the troubles on the country, and we should
not permit ourselves to be swallowed up in
a whirl of excitement. We are prouder of
the Democratic party to day than we ever
were before, and we shall never give it up
Let our County Committee fix a time for
holding a Convention to nominate a full tick-
et. and let us do nothing that will even look
like affiliating with Abolitionism. Let us
organize thoroughly and at once, and ere
long Democracy will triumph.”
—eee tl PA ree.
has appointed Jacob Fry, Jr. Benjamin Hay-
wood, and Charles R. Abbot Commissioners
to investigate the frauds connected with the
furnishing of supplies acd clothing to the
State for the volunteers. Very good, as far
as it goes ; bat ‘to a man up a tree,’ it seems
very much like locking the stable after the
horse has been stolen. Of course, the com~
missioners will not be able to ferret out the
real rogaes, and it wasn’t intended that
they should.
re AAP ee
Toe New York Seventh Regiment
\ desirous of returning to the waraagain.
For the WarcH¥AN.
Mgssrs. Fpitors :--Feeling deeply grieve
ed, on account of our National troubles, I
write (not to discuss the cause that has en-
gendered all this strife, and imaense cost to
our nation) but to say that, in my humble
opinion, the masses of the people, both North
and South, sincerely deplore our calamitous
situation ; and could their voices be heard,
as it ought to bein a Republican form of
Government, and their sentiments freely
expressed, and each others feelings and de-
sires properly understood, I believe the
deadly weapons of warfare would immedi-
ately drop from the hands of the multiiudes
North and South, and they would rush with
eagerness to embrace eachother, as members
of one common stock, bound together by one
general interest, and the jubilant exclama-
tions of peace restored, of harmony and good
will, would sound loud and long, from the
Atlantic to the Pacific coasts, and from the
great Northern Lakes to Mexico.
Whilst a very few political agitators, who
have brought upon us all this trouble, would
stand amazed at their desolation, and would
immediately tack about, and try perhaps
some other scheme to get their appetites for
political distinction satisfied, and their thirst
for blood satiated. But they weculd find it
hard work to deceive a second time, A
burnt child dreads the fire. But the mo-
mentous question to be solved is, how can
this be brought about ? In what manner
can we get the voice of the people? We
have looked to conventions past in vain.—
We have looked with the same anxiety to
Congress, and have been disappointed, and
we scarcely know which way ¢o look with
any prospect of hope.
Could there not be a convention of con-
servatives called from every State in the old
Confederacy (for I believe there is conserva-
tives enough in every State yet to save the
Union) to draft resolutions for the settlement
of all difficulties, and let those resolutions
be voted on by the people at large, at their
several places of voting in each State.
Let a call then be made through the public
papers, for conver.tions of conservatives in
each County, to appoint delegates to State
conventions, and State conventions aopoint
delegates to a United States convention,
whose business it shall be to draft resolutions
to be voted upon by the people.
N. B. If they cannot agree upon one set
of resolutions, let them draft another, and
let them all go before the people for their
adoption or rejection. 1 venture these re-
marks, 1m hopes that it may call forth some
abler pen, or some other peaceful mode of
settlement, and save the eftusion of blood
and the Union. J. A.
MiLESBURG, June 10th, 1861.
i Er
PresipeNt Davis arived at Richmond, on
the 30th alt., and was enthsiasticly received
Messrs. Wigfall and Toombs, accompanied
him. He made the following speech to the
southern soldiers :
“My friends and fellow citizens: I am
deeply imdressed with the kindness of your
manifestation. I look upon you as the last
best hope of liberty, and in our liberty alone |
is our constitutional government to be pre-
served’ Upon your strong right arm de-
pends the success of our country, and in as-
serting the birthright to which you were
born, you are to remember that life and
blood are nothing as compared with the
great interests you have at stake. (Cheers.)
¢¢1t may be that you have not long been
trained, aud that you have much to learn of
the art of war ; but know that there beats
in the breasts of Southern sons a detirmina-
tion never to surrender—a determination
never to go home but to tell a tale of honor.
(Cries of ‘never I’ and applause.) Though
great may be the disparity of numbers, give
us a fair field and a fair fight, and the South-
ern banner will float in triumph everywhere.
(Cheers. The country relies upon” you.—
Upon you rest the hopes of our people ; and
I have only to say, my friends, that to the
last breath of my life [ am wholly your own.”
(Tremendous cheers, )
WasAINGTON, June the 8th.—Several of
the Virginia prisoners at the Navy Yard
have petitioned to be allowed to take the
oath of allegiance to the United States.
The army resignations since the troubles
began amount to two hundred and six, leav-
ing between six or seven hundred officers
still faithfull to the fiag.
It is stated that the Government has infor-
mation that Austria declines to receive our
new Minister, Mr. Burlingame, on account
of the prominent part he acted in procuring
the prompt recognition of the new Italian
Kingdom. As Austria [* understood to fa-
vor our Government in its dealings with the
Southern rebellion, she may consistently
reject a Minister who has favored what she
regarded as a rebellion in her own dominion.
A man named Foley, a soldier, who killed
one of nis comrades last March, was to have
been hung to-morrow, under a sentence of a
court martial. Presiden Lincoln has, how-
ever, commuted his punishment to imprison-
ment for life,
Hundreds of letters are daily received
here, intended for the Southern States, but
they cannot be forwarded.
The Government has seized $30,000 ‘in
specie on the Baltimore and Ohio railroad,
as contraband of war. It is rumored that
it was intended for the pay of the soldiers
at Harper's Ferry.
The public buildings are draped in mourn-
ing to-day, out of respect for the late Sena-
tor Douglas.
A lady started to go out of the city yester-
day, alone ina buggy. She was stopped.
and her trunk on being opened, was found
to be full of caps— percussion eaps. They
were captured as contraband, of course.
This morning the Hariet Lane exchanged
about fifty shots with the Pig Point battery.
nearly opposite Newport News, on "James
river. She received two shots, wounding
five men, one of them severely. The Har-
riet Lane was about three fourths of a mile
from the battery, the seven embrasures of
which disciosed heavy pieces. Two of the
Harriet Lane’s burst tmmeciately over them.
Night before last five companies went
nearly to the Half Way House, between
Hampton and Yorktown.
A note from Gen Beauregard dated
Charleston may 22d, accompanied by a
iece of the flag staff of Fort Sumter, which
> presents as a memorial of the capture of
that Fortress tothe New Orleans Guards,
shows that the General was alive and as
rebellious as ever at that date, and that he
was not.fatally wounded at Fort Moultrie.
We have information from two gentlemen
of character, whose sympathies with the
cause of the Union we know to be reliable
one of whom is just from Mannassas Junc-
tion, and the other in the immediate vicini-
ty of Leesburg. The former assures us that
on Monday last General Beauregard arrived
certainly at the Junction. If so, we take it
for granted that he has assumed command of
the disunion troops in that quarter.
This gentleman further says that there is
an aggregate force of 20,000 troops at Man-
assas Junction, Centreville, Fairfax station
and Fairfax Court House.
This information, though differing widely
from that received by the government here,
comes to us under circumstances that cause
us to place some reliance in it.
Great Movement Toward Harper's Ferry.
WasHINGTON, June 9.—The Rhode Tsland
Regiments break up their camp at midnight
and leave per railroad, in the direction of
Harper’s Ferry, to-morrow morning. Their
marine battery was to-night brought into
the city, taken to the railroad depot, unlim-
bered and loaded on the train, together with
the artillery horses and those belonging to
the full staff, at six o'clock this evening.
Gen: Patterson’s regiment, one Rhoda
Island regiment, with the Rhode Island Bat-
tery, and onc New Hawpshire regiment will
go to the Relay House to join the forces to
march on Harper's Ferry, via the railroad.
It is reported that a brigade will march on
the Manassas Gap Railroad at a point north
of the Gap. To Morrow the New York and
New Jersey regiments will go. It has not
beend etermined yet, however, which of the
New York regiments.
The Rhode Island and Patterson’s regi-
ments, with the Battery belonging to the
former, leaveat3 A. M. The remainder
start at 6 A. M.
It is said that several other regiments arc
under orders for a movement at daybreak.
The Third, and Fourth and Fifth Batalions
of the District of Columbia Volunteers are
also under similar orders, They believe they
are to go to Frederick, Maryland.
The precise military movements contem-
plated from this point, and soon to be exe~
cuted, are of such a character as do not
authorize publicity.
The men in the regiments are in fine
spirits at a prospect of a fight. They are
cheering and singing as they are packing
up. Col. Patterson's regiment had a concert
by the band this afternoon, and after the
concert received the orders to march with
great enthusiasu.
Our Foreign Relations.
Secretary Seward is now da‘ly having
protracted consultations with the President
on the subject of our foreign relations, and
is busily engaged in preparing instructions
for the United States Ministers in Europe.
The people of the Morth may rest assured
that the dignity and integrity of the Repub-
lic will be fully maintained agamst any
duplicity of the English Government, should
such become apparent.
The New York Commercial says that
Austria serds assurances that she will give
no countenance to the Southern rebellion ;
France will aid the North if necessary, and
the English Ministry are better inclined
towards us.
Philip N. Dallas, son of ex-Minister Dal-
las, who was his Secretary of Legation,
arrived here to-day. Ile had a long interview
with Secretary Seward, during which the
latter expressed himself highly gratified
with the course of Mr. Dallas.
More Disclosures of Traitors.
There is a new source of information, sud-
denly opened, as if by accident, by which the
Government is obtaining a knowledge of
traitors at the North, who are giving aid and
comfort to the Rebels. The order of the
Postmaster Geaeral, closing the mail service
in the Rebel States, also ordered all letters
addressed to residents of those States lo be
forwarded to the Dead Letter Office, Many
letters so addressed were mailed after this
order was promulgated, Among these let-
ters is being found as much treason as the
telegraph disyatches disclosed.
The examination of the seized telegraphic
despatches has caused the disappearance of
certain persons who have heretofore stood
well in Washington. Among them are one
or two prominent correspondents of news-
Affairs at Harper's Ferry.
Desertions and disaifec tion among the
troops at Harper's Ferry continue, Persons
frown that vicinity reached the War Depart-
ment to-day who reported that the companies
of two of the regiments, posted between
the bridge and Knoxville, are constantly
being reduced in numbers —the men are
fleeing 1n small squads at every opportunity.
He reports the information already to hand
of the demoralization of the troops there,
and contirms previous reports of their Jack
of food and discipline.
No change in the position of the troops
has taken place. The number of troops is
put down, from haf a dozen sources, at
12,000, but the most reliable authority puts
it down at about 9000.
A Village Burned.
As the Mount Vernon came up on Satur-
day morning, the village of Evansport, elev-
en miles above Acquia Creek, was on fire
nearly the whole town having been consum.-
ed. When the steamer passed about 5
o’olock, the large storchouses were com-
pletely destroyed, and the wharves nearly
burned to the water's edge. Itis probable
the village was fired by the Rebels, as most
of the buildings are owned by Northern
men, and no effort towards ehecking the
flames was observed.
The same steamer reports that the steam-
er Cambridge was disembarking troops at
Fortress Monroe, and that another steamer
was landing a regiment at Pig’s Point.
Capture of Rebels
It is reliably reported that Gen, Braurn
GARD is at Harper's Ferry. Four Michigan-
ders, were out on a scouting expedition,
caught two cavalry, ane a sergeant and one
a private. They were uniforned and well
armed. They started to run, but bullets
whizzing by their heads they surrendered
and were marehed into camp. A detach-
ment of Pennsylvania men went to an offi-
cer’s house of the Rebel army, who came
home on a visit yesterday, and captured him.
He was not uniformed, but his horse had on
the trappings.
Rebel Scouts Captured.
Two Secession scouts were captured by
the pickets of the Michigan infantry on
Saturday within one mile of Berks Station,
on the Orange and Alexandria Railroad. —
They report one company of cavalry and
two or three of infantry encamped at that
place. They confirm the report of General
BeaUREGARD'S presence at Manassas June
tion, and say he has ten or twelve thousand
troops there. There are no troops of any
formidable number at Fairfax Court House.
The scouts were brought to Col. HeiNTzL-
MAN'S head quarters, and questioned by him
and afterwards committed {o the guard
house. One is a corporal, the other a pri-
A skirmish is reported at Hampton (va)
in which Col, Doryea’s Zouaves disperse
the rebels and captured one hundred stand
of arms. No loss on our side.
From Manassas Junction
.» The Rebel forces are yet congregating in
large numbers around Monassas Junction.—
General Scorr is daily apprized of all that is
going on in that vicinity by expert spies,
that are paying regular visits to the Rebel
encampment. The most efficient of these
is a distinguished army officer, who recently
spent nearly two days at the Junction. He
uses various disguises upon his dangerous
tours of observation, and has thus far been
most successful in deceiving tae enemy.—
It is stated positively, that when a forward
movement will be made on Manassas Junc-
tion, the advancing column will be thirty
five thousand strong. Gen. PATTERSON'S
corps d’urmee will be equally strong when
it crosses the Potomac.
Affairs in the 01d Dominion.
ArexaNpriA,June 9.—Two prisoners were
captured yesterday. by four privates of Com-
pany U. of Michigan regiment, a mile this
side of Berks Statian, on the Orange and
Alexandria Railroad, and thirtee miles from
this point. One of the prisoners was a cor-
poral in a cavalry company, and the othera
private in the Governor's Mounted Guard
from Richmond. The Michigan men while
scouting, approached Berks Station, when
they saw a number of stacks of mnskets, and
put back. They were seen by the two cav-
alry men, but sought refuge in ambush, and
succeeded in capturing their pursuers.
The prisoners were brought to town and
treated with exceeding kindness. Their
names are Dr. Thos. M. Fleming, and Sam'l.
Seven thousand yards of cassinet and other
military goods were scized at the Adams’
Express Office to day, consigned to the Point
of Rocks, via the Alexandria, Hampshire
and Loudon Railroad, valued at ahout ten
thousand Jdollars. The seizure of goods in
this viciniry belonging to the rebels will al-
most pay the expenses of the expedition.
Fugitives Coming In.
A number of ¢ fugitives from labor’ are
coming into the camp. On Saturday. a slave
of John A. Washington came in, and just as
he reached the picket. a man rode up and
demanded that the volunteers should catch
him and tie him. They told hun they were
not there to act as dogs for him, and request-
ed him to dismount. He was identified as
having been the man who was carrying let.
ters to and frow Alexandria. Ilis horse was
seized, and after some parleying, he was
released, but the horse retained. After he
had been gone ov short time, they considered
their action, and sent a company after him ;
but they have not yet caught him.
The Pennsylvania Fifth.
The printers of the Pennsylvania Fifth have,
‘occupied’ the printing office of the Alexan-
dria Gazette. A paper has been issued call
ed the Peancylvania Fifth. Tt is edited by
Lieutenant John P. Ely, of Lebanon.
The following dispatches were received
here this (Wednesday) morning, and handed
in for publication :
H. N. Mcarnister :—T regret to say that
the Federal troops met with severe reverses
near Fortress Monroe. Three Regiments at
least were engaged and were repulsed, and
retreated with a severe loss. The accounts
may be exaggerated. Itis to be hoped they
arc. Yours, &e.,
WasniNgron June 12, 1 o'clock P. m.—
An especial messenger arrived here bring-
ing the ntelligence that Gen, BrrTLER had
attacked Great Bethel and captured a bat-
tery of seven rifle cannon and also a masked
batters of frurteen twenty-four pounders
completely routing the rebel forces of
7,000 strong and taking 1.000 prisoners.
Against High Prices by
F. J. HOFFMAN, Lewistown, Pa.
Very Best Brown, at 7§ ets.
Best Penna. or Loverings, 50 ots.
Very Best, 40 cts per gal.
50.80 per bbl.
Best Duncanan, at $2.85, 3 kegs or mors.
Exira No.
: At $1,35 per Sack,
At 54 cts. per gal.
Best Red, at 23to 24 cts. per lb.
Lewistown, June 13, 1861.
Notice is hereby given that letters of
Administration on the Estate of James Alexander,
late of Potter township, dec’d., have been granted
to the subscribers. who request all persons in-
debted to said Estate to make immediate payment
and all persons having claims against said Estate
will present them duly authenticated for settle-
ment to John Alexander, at his residence near
01d Fort, in said Township.
June 13, 1861.
I do hercby caution all persons from
having anything to do or meddling with certain
property sold at Constable's sale and left in the
es of Elias Hennoy, as I have purchased the
whole stock of goods and chattels and have loaned
them to the said Elias Henney, subject to any or-
June 13th, 1861.
having fitted up rooms one door north of Bishop
and Allegheny streets, offers his services to the
public, feeling confident that he can please the
most particular. Hair dressing, shampooning and
all other branches of his profession practiced on
the mest improved principles. ¢
Ayer’s Cherry Pectoral.