Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, May 30, 1861, Image 3

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Maso CENTRE “CouNty.—Our readers
will remember that a few months ago, we
called attention to the fact that some gentle:
men were canvassing the county for subseri-
bers to a map of Centre county, and very
many have doubtless been solicited and
perhaps become subscribers (o this map.—
It is now finished and ready for delivery.
Mr. Tilden, the publisher, and his assistant
arenow in the county, and have “already
commenced the distribution, and in the
course of a few days all the subscribers will
receive their copies. Of course all should
have the money ready for them, as they are
strangers ahd hardly wish the troubie of
coming again. The map, so far agit has
been seen, we believe pleases everybody.—
1t is all and more than we expected, both as
regards design and execution, although we
had made up our minds for something pretty
good. It is substantially and thoroughly
made, and shows taste in the arrangement.
The size of the map we do not remember,
put we believe 1t was some four or five feet
oach way. In the corners are designs of
our public buildings. About the margin are
cnlarged plans of all the villages that could
not be given in full on the county map itself.
In addition to these are business directories
of some of the villages, snd a table of dis-
tances, so that the map isin reality a sort
of geographical compendium of Centre coun-
ty. On the map itself, every road in the
in the county is given with accuracy, and
the name of every land owner, so that, by
the assistance of this, directions can be
given to find any place mn the county.
AupAcious Arreypr AT ROBBERRY..—An
attempt was made, on Tuesday night last,
between twelve and one o’clock, to perpetrate
a robberry on the residence of Mr. John
Bayard, on Spring street, near the Presby-
terian church. His wife, who was alone at
the time, succeeded in arousing the neigh~
bors, upon the appearance of whom the
villains beat a hasty retreat before they had
accomplished their nefarious undertaking.
Mr. Bayard having been engaged in the
lightning rod business at one time, had in
his possession a seit of superior ladders,
and for the double purpose of presering
them from thieves and the weather, had
placed them under the rear of his dwelling,
closing the opening between the floor and
ground with boards which were firmly nailed.
In order to secure the ladders it was neces-
sary to remove these boards, and in doing
$0 the noise occasioned thereby awoke Mrs.
Bayard. Whether the object of the thieves
was simply to obtain possession of these
ladders for their intrinsic worth, or that
they might facilitate the accomplishment of
some more extensive felonious enterprise it
is very difficult to determine. They were
~~ plainly scen by persons residing on the oppo-
site side of the street, and are said to have
had a small concealed light with them. Sus-
picion rests upon ccrtain parties, Eat no
arrests have been made.
A Snort SerMoN.—The object in this
brief discourse will be to disclose some
very important truths contained in a short
passage found among our Satin’s scribbling,
penned while under the inspiration of an
Jeo Cream treat, which the printers of this
office received a few days ago. * Beloved,
1 would not have you ignorant of the exhil-
arating qualities of a highly flavored dish of
Ice Cream.” Three points may be noticed
here with profit. First, when to get the
refreshment reccommended ; second, where
to get it ; and third, how to gett. Then,
first, it should be eaten during that season of
the year when the blood is likely to be heat-
ed to an unpleasant degree by an arid state
of the atmosphere. The second proposition
we answer by stating that the treat men-
tioned above was a gift from Mrs. Sourbeck,
who has just opened a splendid saloon in
the old Temperance House stand, on Bishop
street. ‘The third proposition, * how to get
it?” is easily answered. By paying twelve
and a half cents for one dish, and twent five
cents for a couple.
A Bricur Spor.—Amid the general gloom
which at present seems to be gathering over
and settling down upoc the business energies
of the country, there still remains a few
bright spots whose light and lustre retain
All their brilliancy. It is not strange that
They should draw to them the attention of
Ahe public, and be visited by those in search
the comforts and conveniences of life. One
of the oases to which we allude, as existing
$n the desert of popular depression extend
jng throughout the length and breadth of
dur land, is found near the south-east corer
of the diamond. The light emanating from
that point arises from a superb display of
goods and wares at the establishment of
Hoffer & Brother, the arrival of which was
hailed as the dawn of a new epoch in the
merchantile history of Bellefonte, and was
followed by a rush of a patronage unprece-
dented in the history of that establishment.
The merits and extent of their last arrival
can only be ascertained by paying them a
« A FiNg OuLp Time.’—The services of
Mr. Collins, the accomplished piper, having
been secured, an animated dance came off
at Simon 'Mulroony’s establishment, on
Bishop street, yesterday evening. The af-
fair was characterised by the most perfect
‘order, and was participated in by a large
days ago the citizens of Milesburg were
thrown into a sfate of great consternation
by hearing the alarm of fire in the dircetion
of, and seeing large volumes of smoke isu
ing from their beautiful, but unfimshed
public school building. The citizens were
soon on the ground, and with the assistance
of their town engine, with which they could
almost throw water into the second story
windows, soon succeeded in extinguishing
the flames. The plasterers were lathing the
lower part of the building at the time, and
the floors were covered with Shavings and
chips from the carpenters’ benches, which,
with some of their tool chests, were still in
the building. The fire originated from a
couple of little boys playing with fire in the
building. The loss was inconsiderable, ex-
tending to the destruction of some of the
lath on the wall and one of the tool chests.
Ramer Oarxovs. —The following notice
was found posted up in various quarters of
our town, on last Tuesday morning, and it
seems to puzzle our citizens to find out its
originators, the ¢ many citizens,” by whom
it is signed :—
« Norticr is here by given to all coloured
inhabitents of Bellefonte and vicinety to
leave the county within three days from
date and all those having property, it will
be sold to the best advantage and the money
paid over to to them. By order of
Berreroxts, May 25th, 1861.”
The above is a correct copy of the notice,
and its diction betrays too much of the
idiocrasy to bo the expression of the senti-
ment of even one citizen, a8 We question the
writers eligibilit, to citizenship.
Dear AT CaMp SLIFER.—A young man
named Charles Winters, a member of the
Curtin Guards, now statroned at Chambers-
burg, died in camp on Tuesday, the 21st
inst., of inflamatory rhumatism. His re-
mains were brought to Reebersburg, in this
county, where his friends reside, on Thurs.
day, where they were interred with appro
priate obsequies. Ie was only eighteen
years old, but prompted by a desire to serve
his country, he braved the perils of the field
to vindicate i‘s Constitution and laws, and,
thougl: dying of disease, deserves the honor
due a patriot and a soldier.
Tug Centre GUARDS. —This company have
received their orders to march on Thursday
next, the 6th prox. Their destination is
not certainly known, but after leaving here
they will proceed to Harrisburg, and there
receive their final orders. Tt will be no de-
preciation of the companies which have al-
ready left this locality to say that itis, in a
physical point of view, the most formidable
corps that has been enlisted in this county.
Their enlistment is for three years. Weare
requested to state that they will meet here
at 10 A. M., and leave precisely at 1 P. 3.
Fire IN Rernerspurc.— We have learned
from authentic sources that a very destrac-
tive fire occurred in Recbersburg, this coun-
ty, on Thursday last, consuming two dwell:
ings and the town school house. TEe names
of the property holders were unknown to
our informant, as was also the extent of the
pecuniary loss. The fire seems to have
originated, by accident, in one of the private
houses, and, there being no efficient means
available with which te sappress it, rapidly
extended to and destroyed the other build-
ings referred to above. ;
New Carriage MANUFAOTORY.—Mr. S.
A. McQuiston, who advertises in another
column of this week’s issue, has opened a
new carriage manufactory on Penn street
near Bishop, and in the vicinity of the stage
stables. He has been engaged in the busi-
ness in this place for some time, and has
established a high repntation for mechanical
skill and proficiency.
Pesry Larcexy.—Mr. Loder, residing on
Cheapside, was feloniously relieved of a
quantity of provisions, consisting of about
a quarter of veal, two or three loaves of
bread and about a half a bushel of potatoes.
Mr. Loder expresses a sense of satisfaction
at the charity of the thief in leaving him a
part of his larder, but has no desire that he
should return.
On the 24th inst., in Harris twp, Mrs, RACHEL
Brissy, aged about 40 years.
Cn the 23d inst., in Harris twp., Mrs., wife of
Jaues FosTER, aged about 23 years.
Rr ————————T—
Reported Yor the ‘Watchman. ]
Bellefonte Markets.
Cheap Clothing Store (above Tivingiton’s Book
Store) in the Diamond, Bellefonte.
May 23, 1861.
Notice is hereby given that letters of
Administration on the Estate of Adem Stem late
of Potter Township deceased, have bren granted
Whito Wheat...... $1 10;Bacon.... 10
Red di 1.05: Butter 12%
Rye 45K 10
Corn 40;Lard 10
Oats .. 25;Tallo 123
Potatoes 75!
UP! UP!'! UP!!!
DE }
his friends, he has concluded to pay profession
at the day set forth, can be consulted by ihe a
Liver and Lungs; Cancer, Fits, Serofula,
the Ear, can be speedily cured by Dr. BORT:S Scie
CORSICA, at Whitmore's Hotel, June 1st.
BELLEFONTE, Conrad House,
"YRONE, at Mrs. Thomas’ Hotel,
The time has come that all who can esca
see the well known and justly celebrated
pared under his own supervision, and therefore,
Remember that Dr.
Remember that Dr. Bort ma
be faithfully carried out.
Certificates of Cures may be seen 2
Messrs, Hoffer Brothers.
HE Subscribers have just received a new
and full supply of Spring and Suminer
Goods, which, for variety, have never been equal-
ed by any establishment in this section of coun-
try. Having purchased the stock of goods on
hand of Mr. George Jackson, they will continue
the business at the old stand,
No. 2, Reynolds's Azcade.
Their stock consists of a general [assortment of
Dry Goeds, Groceries. Hardware, Queensware,
and Glassware,
including a host of other articles in their line,
among an can be found an extensive and varied
selection of
Ducals, Persian Cloths, Debeiges, Coburgs,
Cashmeres, Delaines, Alpacas,
French Merinoes, Plaids,
Their gentlemen’s woar consists of 2 largo gs
sortment of Casimores, Cloths, Satinets, Satin,
Vesting, Tweeds, Hats and Caps. And an cxten-
sive assortment of Bootsand Shoes for Lrdies and
Gentlemen and Children, with almost every other
article that may bo necessary to supply the wants
of thecommunity.
The pressure of the money market having had
the effect of reducing the price of many articles
of merchandise, the undersigned have been ena-
bled to buy their stock at such rates that they can
sell goods at prices to suit the times. And as they
intend to do their best to please their customers,
both in the quality of goods, and prices, they
hope to receive a reasonable share of patronage.
All in want of goods will pleasp call and examine
their stock.
. B.—They will keep constantly on hand, EX-
TRA FLOUR, which they will sell at the lowest
cash price
£72" Country produccof all kinds taken in ex-
change for goods.
Bellefonte, March 28, 1861.—1y.
ROPERT KENDALL, in connection with
Samuel Houser, has commented business
anew at the old stand on Spring Creck, under the
firm of Kendall & Houser, where our highest am-
bition will be to render satisfaction to all whomay
favor us with a lock of wool or otherwise. Tho
public generally may rely upon obtaining goods of
a superior quality from our wagons, or at the es-
tablishment, as we ios not to be surpassed by
any similar concern in the country. Our long con-
nection and business transactions at this place
heretofore we trust will be a sufficient guarantee
for the future. You will all please remember
that our wagons will be around in due season ie
exchange goods for wool, of which we anticipate a
very generous pile. Cloth, Satinet, Flannels
Blanketing Carpeting, Shawle,Coverlets, Stocking
yarn, and some inoney always en hand to exchange
for wool and all marketable produce. Roll Card-
ing done well at 84 cents por pound.
The Senior partner would embrace this oppor-
tunity and make acknowledments to his numerous
friends and former customers, knows of no goo
reason why old friends should not meet again in
a coat of the same cloth.
Benner township, March 3-759-tf.
S. HAUPT, J&., & CO.,
ESPECTFULLY informs the citizens of
Centre county, that they have disposed of
the Foundry and Machine Shopsin Millheim and
have leased the Foundryof J.D. Harris & Co., at
the Big Spring near Bellefonte, where they are
prepared with material and experienced mechanics
to do all kinds of repairing at Threshing Ma-
chines, Cloyer Huilers and Grain Drills, at the
shortest notice. : :
he best articles for its purpose now in use, will be
kept constantly on hand.
mall jobs of repairing may be waited on by
those coming from a distanee, thereby saving the
time and expense of a second trip.
All kinds of Verandas and Fence made. The
best models of modern taste will be duly consulted,
and articles will be made to order in such a style
of superior elegance as willremove all inducement
to visit the cifies. Charges moderato.
August 4, 1859.
RR peanly informs the citizens of Belle-
fonte that he still continues to carry on tho
Tailoring and Clothing bysinets at his old stand
in Brokerhoff’s Row, on Main street, where he is
repared to make “to order, all kinds of Clothing
in the neatest and most fashionable style.
He keeps on hand a general variety of
of the latest and most Stpioved patterns.
Ready made Clothing of all kinds which he is
selling at reduced prices. He fecls thankful for
the very liberal support heretofore extended, and
hopes to morit a continuance of the same:
ellefonte, Jan. 5th, 1860,-13.
PB tcataly informs the citizens of Belle-
fonte and vicinity that he has opened a new
cheap cash
on Bishop street, one door west of the dwelling
owned by George Lonberger, which he intends
gelling from thirty to fifty per cent. cheaper than
the cheapest, Please give him a call before purrs
chasing elsewhere and find out the above fact.
Grain of all kinds taken in exchange for wares.
January 3, 1861.
to tho Subscribers, who roquest all p in-
dobted to said Estate to make immediate payment
and all those having demands against said Estate
to present them duly authenticated for settlement.
May 23-6t. JACOB STEM.
“number of our youfig dancing friends.
LOTHING CLOTH, Twee d,Cassime
and Satinet Coats, pants and vests. A large
assortment of Woolen and Cotton Drawers and Un
dershirts for sale by TONNER & SIELL.
Bellefonte, Oct. 14-'58-iF.
Now of PITTSBURG, Pa., begs to announce to all Invalids, that owing to the many polictitations of
1 visits to the fellowing Aamed
ioted, both Male and Female,
its and all Diseases of tire Blood. Also, 8
ing to the EYE and EAR. PARTIAL DEAENESS, Ringing Noises in the Head , and Discharges from
ntific Treattont ;
pave bafled the skiil of the so called distinguished physicians. ~
CLARION, at Clark’s Hotel, from the 15th shy to the Ist of Jane.
BROOKVILLE, at the American House, from the 3d to Yth of June.
LUTHERSBURG, Recd’s Hotel -June 10th and 11th. Again, Sept 10th and 11th
CLEAR FIELD, Johnsons Hotel, from June. 12th to 16th. nt
from June 17th to 19th.
from June 21st to 22d. Again,
At his INFIRMARY, from June 22d to July 17th.
: , T——O——
e the iron grasp.of Mercury, by
Electic ih Physician D i
tl ly tru d safe medicines, extracted from the moste oice Roots an s 2
A y avoiding the uso of all MINERAL POISONS, which were
never designed for the system, to take which many thousands have
» Remember that Dr. Bort wants no patients but those fully capable of appreciating and distinguish
ing tho services of a regular thorohgh bred physician, from a paltry unlearned and trifling quack.
Remember. Dr. Bort's remedies and treatment are entirely unknown to all others in this country ;
epared from a life spent in the great hos itals of Europe and the first in ountr
Db "Bort has ay extonded practice than any other physician in Western Penn-
that citizens of edueation and our popular men ato all well sequainted with,
1 i mmending Dr. Bort to the afflicted. yi
Br Ee that Dr. Bort ee no false representations togull the unfortunate, but all he says will
places; and by arriving
on Diseases, of the Heart,
all Disenses appertain-
and many other Diseases that
Sept. 1st and 2d.
Again, Sept, 3d, 4th and 5th.
Again, —
Again, Sept. 12th and 13th.
Sept. 14th and 15th.
calling, withou delay, to
DR. BORT, who will. 2dminister
Herbs, which are. pro-
fallen victims and gone to early
the country.
add take
Remember, that Dr. Bort pays Syoryientios to diseases of a chronic nature,
t his respeetive rooms.
City Branch of Reizenstein Brothers, 124 North
Third Street, Philadelphia.
TT undersigned reepectfully announce to
the inhabitants of Centre County aud the
pubiie in general, that they have opened at the
above named place, the most extensive and beat
selected assortnient of ,
and gentlemen’s furnishing goods that has ever
been oxhibited in this Borough, and which thoy
will sell 30 percent. choaper than the cheapest!
Our Stock embraces a full and complete assort-
ment of Fine Black Cloth Dress and Frock Coats,
Cassimere Business Coats; Satinet, Tweed, Jean,
Farmers’ and Mechanies’, Cassimere, Frock nd
Back Coats, Pea Jackets, &e., &eo.
Oyercoats of =e Cloth, President and Moscow
Beavers, Seal Lion skin, Union Cassimeres,
ribbed and pa
Paotaloons of fine Cassimere and Doeskix, black,
silk-mixed, and other fancy colors, of the latest
styles, as well as Satinet and Union Cassimeres;
Pants of strong and substantial stuff, for the La-
borer, Farmer and Mechanic.
An endless variety of Vests, such as aatin, silk
and silk-finiched Velvets, Grenadine, Valencia,
Mattalese, Cassimere, Cloth, Satin, ete.
A general assortment of Boys’ and youths’ Cloth-
ng and Gentlemen's Furnishing Gaods§ Hats,-
Caps, Undershirts and drawers, <nit Jackets, fine
white and fancy-bosom Shirts, collars, neckties,
handierchiefs, stocks aud cravafs, stocks and
gloves, trunks, valizee, carpet bags, umbrellas, and
in short every hing usually found in a well assort-
ed store of this kind. We also keep a fine assort-
ment of Fancy goods and notions, such jas Pocket
books, porte-monnaies, ocket-knives and razors,
combs and brushes, watch chains, keys, and guards,
finger-rings and bieastping, violin and guitar
strings, pistols and revolvers, caps, spectagles, Spy
glasses, and a great many other fancy ah {ute ul
articles, too numarous to describe, all of which w
will sell at the lowest cash prices. : :
We invito overy person in nesd of Clothing ox
any ‘other of the above-mentioned articles, to favor
us with a call, and view our Goods and Prices,
and we are confident that we can give satisfaction,
and every person shall feel inclined to tell his
friends where Goods and Cheap Clothing can be
got. We are constantly receiving accessions to our
stock from Reizenstein Broe., Philad’a, with whom
wo are connected, and shall aliyays be supplied
with a good variety of all articlosin our line, which
will surpass in style, cut, workmauship, and cheap
ness, those of any other establishment in this part
of the country.
Ri subscriber is still at his old stand at
No. 4 Brokerhofi’s Row, on Allegheny street,
where he has just received from the eastern cities,
and is now offering for gale # well selected and
beautiful assortment of
And an e¥ecellent assortment of FANCY
"JCLES,of all kinds and qualities, SIL-
Notwithstanding the ¢ panic” his stock is fully
ag large and complete as ever, and as his goods are
selected with great care from the manufacturers
of the eastern cities, of the latest styles, he feels
confident of giving satisfaction to all. ,
His stock consists of fine Gold and Silver open
face and hunter case full jeweled English patent
and detached Lever Watches oT and
Quartiers. Jewelry of everystyle which can be
found in a good Jewelry Store, and Fancy articles
of Srey description. He has also SPECTA-
CLES, goo assortment, always on hand, to
suit all ages. Also Pocket Books, Pocket Knives,
Pistols, &=.
i557 Particular attention paid to repairing
o3ks Watchos and Jowelry At notice.
Bellefonte, April 7-'59-1y.
Hardware, Saddlery & Coach Ware, Iron,
Steel and Nails, Leather and Shoe Find-
ings, Groceries, Confectionery, Drugs
Medicines, Paints and Wall Pa-
Red Sole Leather, vd at 23 to 24 cents,
Oak & £8 Extra city, at 30 cents
Shoe Pegs, 4 ots. per qt; Nails, 7 per pound;
Best No. 14 Thread, 56 cts.
Burning Fluid, 45 to 48 cents per gallon.
Coal Oil, Portland, $1, & best West. 88 pr. gal.
Flaxseed Oil, 85 ots. > the quantity.
Superior Soal Varnish $2 per gal. by quantity.
Nails, best Duncannon, at $3,10 by quantity.
Sugars, good Browns, at 6,7 & 8 ots.
« best A. White, at 9 cts.
post Crushed, &e., at 10 cents.
Rio Coffee, best, at 15% cts. by the quantity.
Best Syrup Molasses, Penn, at 50 cts. per. gal.
Dried Apples, at $1,50; Dried Peaches, large
halves, at $3 to $3,25.
Candies, 15 ots. ; good Raisins, 9 cts. by box.
Dried Migs, 7 cents ; Segars, very good German
Sixes at $4 per 1000 in boxes.
March 21, 1861. No. 12. F.J. HOFFMAN.
+ Lewistown, Pa.
he subscribers having taken the Store
formerly occupied by Messrs Johnston & Kel
ler, beg to eny to the people of Boalsburg and vi-
cinity that they will continue the
in its various branches, and will spare no pains to
keep up a full assortment of everything usually
kept in gny country store, and will sell at prices
which we trust will solicit a share at least of your
patronage .
All kinds of country produce taken at full mar-
ket prices in exchange {or goods. Bring along your
@rain, your Bacon, your Buttcr, your Eggs, your
Rags, your Tallow, your Lard, your Hard Soap,
yout Bees Wax, your Feathers, and in case you
aye nothing of this kind your cask will zever be
refused. : JOUN HIBLER & CO,
Boalsburg, April 20, 1860—tf.
Ayer’s Cherry Pectoral.
And for ‘the ‘needy cure of the following complaints:
Serofulaand Scrofulous Affections, such
as Tumors, Ulcers, Sores, Eruptions,
Pimples, Pustules, Blotches, oils,
Blains, and all Skin Discases.
. OAKLAND, Ind., 6th June, 1850.
J. C. Ayer & Co. Gents: I feel it my duty to aec-
knowledze what your Sarsaparilla has done for me.
Having inherited & Scrofulous infection, I have sutfercd
from it in various ways for years. Sometimes it Durst
out in Ulcers on my hands aud ans: som i
turned inward and distressed me at the stomach.
years ago it broke out on my head and overed mi
and ears with oue sore, which was pain and |
beyond description. I tried many medicines and
physicians, but withont much relief from any thi
fact, the diso) g
to read in the Gospel Messenger that you had props
an alterative (Sarsuparilla), for I knew fr x rep
tion that any thing you made must ba
Cincinnatiand got it, aud used it till it cv
it, as you advise, in small doses of a te:
month, and used almost three bottles, 1
gkin soon began to form under the sceb, which «
while fell off. My skin is now clear, and I know
feelings that the disease has gone from my system,
can well believe that I feel what I am siying when
you, that I hold you to be one of the
and remain ever gratefully. Yours,
St. Anthony’s Fire, Rose or Il ipolas,
Tetter and Salt Rheum, Scald ifead,
Ringworm, Sore Eyes, Dropsy.
Dr. Robert M. Preble writes from Salem, N. Y., 12th
Sept., 1859, that he has cured an inveterate case of
Dropsy, which threatened to ferminato fatally, by the
persevering use of our Sarsapurilla, and also a da ous
Malignant Erysipelas by largo doses of the so
he cures the common Eruptions by it constantly. |
Bronchocelé, Goitre or Swelled Nee
Zebulon Sloan of Prospect, Texas, writes: “11
les of youl Sarsaparilla cured we from a Go —
eous swelling on the neck, which I Lad suffered from
over two years.”
Leoucorrhen or Whites, Ovarian Tumor,
Uterine Ulceration, Female Disenscse
Dr. J. B. 8. Channing, of Now York City, wr “1
most cheerfully comply with tho request of your 1b in
saying I have found your Sarsaparilla a most excellent
alterative in tho numerous complaints for which we
employ such a remady, but especially in Female ‘
of the Scrofulous dinthesis. have cured many
ate cases of Lencorrheea by it, and some whers
plaint was caused by ulceration of tho ules
ation itself was soon cured, Nothing withi
edie equals it for these female derangenic
Edward 8. Marrow, of Newbury, Ala,
rons ovaria® tumor on one of the femal
which had defied all the remedies we
at length been complotely cured by your
sipariila. Our physician thought mothi
tion eould afford relief, but he advised the
Sarsaparilla as the last resort before cutti
proved effectual. After faking your veumed
no symptom of the disease remains.”
Syphilis and Mercurial Disease.
. 5 NEW ORLEANS, 25th Angust, 12
Dn. J. C. Aten: Sir, I cheorfully comply wiih ih -
quest of yonr agent, and report to you somo of the clleets
1 have realized with your Savsaparilla.
1 havo cured with it, in wy practice, most of the com-
plaints for which it, is recommended, and | fi
effects truly wonderful in the ewe of Fone
curial Disease, One of my patients had
in his throat, which were consuming his pal
top eof his mouth. Your Sarsapatilla,
cured him in five weeks, Another was at
ondary symptoms in his rose, and the ule
eaten away a considerable part of it, eo that 1
disorder would soon reach his brain and ki
yielded to my administration of your
ulcers healed, and he is well again, not of cours
some disfiguration to his face. A woman wh
treated for the same disorder Ly mercury was
from this poison in her bones. They had becor
sitive to the weather that on a damp day sho su
cruciating pain in her joints and bones. Shi
cured entirely by your Sarsaparilla in a few we
know from its formula, which your agent gavo 1
this Preparation from your laboratory inust be
remedy; consequently, these truly remarkable res
with it have not surprised me.
Fraternally yours,
Rheumatism, Gout, Liver Complaint
INDEPENDENCE, Preston Co., Va., 6th
Dr. J. C. Aver: Sir, IT have been aftlicte
ful chronic Rhewmatism for a long time, wl
#kill of physicians, and stuck to mo in
remedies I could find, until I tried your ¥
bottle cnred me in two weeks, and restored 1
health 53 much that I am far better than before J was
attacked. I think ita wonderful medicine. J. FREAM,
Jules Y. Getchell, of St. Louis, writes: “1 lave been
afMicted for years with an affection of the Liver, which
destroyed my health, Itried every thing, and every thing
failed to relieve me; and I have been a broken-down man
for some years from no other cause than
the Liver. My beloved pastor, the Rov. Mr. ¥ i
me to try your Sarsaparilla, because ho said he knew you,
and any thing yon made was worth trying. By the bloss-
fog of God it has cured me, and has so purifl
as to make a new man of me. I feel young #
best that can be said of you is not half good enongh,
Schirrus, Cancer Tenors, Enlargement,
Ulceration, Caries wud Exfoliation of
the Bones.
A great variety of cases have been reported to us where
enres of these formidable complaints have resulted from
the use of this remedy, but our space here will not admit
them. Some of them may be found in our Auiovican
Almanac, which the agents below named are pleased to
furnish gratis to all who call for them.
Dyspepsia, Heart Disease, Fits, Epilep=
$Y, Telancholy, Neuralgia.
Many remarkable cures of these affect have Deen
made by the alterative power of this medi It stimu
lates the vital functions into vigorous ac
overcomes disorders which would be supp
reach. Such un ijomedy has long been required Ly the ne-
cessities of the people, And wo are {onfident that this will
do for them all that medicine can do.
Ayer's Cherry Pectoral,
3 Buys
Croup, Bronchitis, Incipient Con-
sumption, and for the Relies
of Consumptive Patients
in advanced Stages
of the Discase,
This is a remedy so universally known to surpass any
other for the eure of throat and Jung complaints, that it
is useless here to publish tho evidence of its virtues. Its
unrivalled excellence for coughs and colds, and its tiuly
wonderful eures of pulmonary disease, have it
known throughout the civilized nations of tl
Few are the eommunities, or aven. families, anic
who have not some personal experience of its e
some living trophy in their midst of its victory over the
subtle and dangerous disorders of the throat and lunge.
As all know the dreadful fatality of these disorders, and
as they know, too, the effects of this remedy, we need not
do more than to assure them that it has now all the vir-
tues that it did have when making the cures which have
won go strongly upon tho confidence of mankind.
Prepared by Dr. J. C. AYER & €0., Lowell, Masa,
Sold by J. Harris & Go., Bellefouts, C G. Ry-
man, Milesburg, R. D. Cummings, Port Matilda,
J. H. Heter & co., Boalsburg, and by onc dealer
inevery village in the ¢ourty.
The high and envied celebrity which this
: pre-eminent medicine has acquired for its
invariable efficacy in all the diseases which it pro-
fesses to cure, has rendered the usual practice ot
ostentatious puffling not only unnecessary but un-
worthy of them. They are known by their fruits;
their good works testify for them, and they thrive
not by the faith of the credulous. In all cazes of
costiveness, fdyspepsia, billious and liver affec-
tions, piles, rheumatism, fevers and agues, obsti-
nate headaches, and all general derangements of
health, these Pills have invariably proved a cer-
tain and speedy remedy. A single trial will place
the Life Pllls boyond the reach of competition in
the estimation of every paticnt.
Dr. Moffat’s Phoenix Bitters will bo found
equally efficacious in all nervous debility, dys-
epsia, headache, the sickness incident to females
in delicate health and eyery kind of weakness: ot
tho digestive organs, = by Dr. W. B.
MOFFAT, 536 Broadway. and by Medicine Deal-
= and Dragglsts generally throughout the coun-
BE undersigned oifers for sale his Farm,
situated in Ferguson township, ne vil
lage of Pine Grove, containing ons fu nd
seventy-four acres, about one Si dred thirty
of which is cleared and in a state of good cultiva-
tion. The farm is pleasantly situated on the main
road leading from I owisburg to Spruce Creek,
and within ailing distance of the village of Pine
Grove. There is a fine young orchard growing on
the premises, and can truly be called the best
farm in the County. Any persoudesirous of pur
chasing a good farm would do well to call and
mako an examination beforo purchasing clso
where. For terms apply to
Conghs, Colds, Influenza, Hoarseness,
Nit i3 peculiarly suited.
To the Citizens of New Jersey & Pennsylvania,
Wolie’s Pure Cognac Brandy,
Welic’s Pure Maderin, Sherry und Poni
Wolfe's Pure Smmnica and St, Croix
Wolfe's Pare Scotch and Frish Whisky
I beg leave to call the attention of tho citizens
of the United States to the above Wines and Li-
quors, imported by Udelpho Wolfe, of New York,
whose name is familiar in every part of this coun
try for the Pay of hi Tebrated Sehied
Schnapps. Mr. Wolfe, in his latter to m
ing of the purity of his Wines and Liquor
« T will stake my reputation a s a man, my stand-
ing as a merchant of thirty yoars residence in the
city of New York, that all the Brandy and Wines
which I bottle are pure as imperted, and of tho
best quality. and can be r y
purchaser,”’ Every bottle
name on the wax, and a fac
on the certifies The pub
vited to call a
sale at Retail by
cers in Philadelphia.
Guonce H. ASHTON,
Read the following from the New York
Ixorwons Busivess ror ovr NEw Yo
CHANT. —W wy to inform our fellow
No. 332 Market st,
cent for Philadelphia.
for me
{r. Wo!
the poisonou
it with Wolf
oh a 1
8, ruinous
ores of I. P Green, sad
fonte, Ya.
& Co. B
20, 1860.—
T4ave just opened, in the store room on the
North West ¢
argo an
House Trimmings o.
riety and price.
ROSS CUT, Mill and Circular Saws of
t manufacture,
18, Pistols, Shot Guns, and Locks of
HA.d every description and the quality.
ORTICE and Rim Locks and Latches
of different kinds.
PBOARD, Chest Bo
Large and Small Pad Loc
D, Back, Grafting a
. , Hand, and Chopp
F3UTCHERS’ Cleavers
b Drawing Knives, I
"YAY, Manure and Sp
wate Tools of every desirable v.
CIADDLER’S Hardware-—a general assori-
nr ment and 50 por cent.lower than any placa else
£4 ARRIAGE Makers’ Trimm Carpen.
ters’ Tools which ean not be 1.
d Panne] Saws,
ing Axes.
and Choppers,
Pipe Skein, and Wag
i Iron Axel
5 and Putty, Coal Oi!
and Lamps, V Finid, &e.
0 11. CLOTHS, Patent Leather, Rope, and
Wire of every size in abundance.
ed with the If
¢ facilities for purch
lled by any other estab
re themselves abie to sell
ed per eent. lower than any
nd inviie
n need of
vos of the
Premeied from a prescription of Sir James
Glarke, M. I).. Physician Extraor-
dinary to the Queen.
This incaluable medicine is unfailing in the cur
of all those painful and dangerous diseases to w
the female constitution is subject. It mi ;
all excess and removes il obstructions, a
speedy cure may be rslied on.
It will, in a shor
bring on tho monthly x * with regularity.
Each bottle, price O DOLLAR, bears the Gos
ernment Stamp of Great Britain, Beware of coir
rong the IY
nancy, as the
but at any oth
Iu all cases
Pain in the Bac
exortion, Pa! tion of the Heart, i
s, thzse Pills will effect a, cur
ilad 1 al;
Sele Agent for the United ©
(Late X. C Bald
Rochoster, N.Y.
stamps enclosed to
a bottlo, cons
Agent for Bellelonio