he TWatchman, t Here shall the press the people’s rights mais- tain Unawed by party or unbribed by gain ; Pledged but to truth to liberty and law, No favor sways us and no fear shall aie.” ALEXANDER & MEEK, Editors and Publishers. mimetics The Duties of Congress. Congress will assemble, according to the proclamation of President Lincoln, on the 4th of next July. It will assemble under circumstances such as no Congress ever before assembled since the days of the Rev- olution. Instead of sitting in deliberation over the affairs of a united and happy peo- ple, only twenty of the thirty four States will be represented, and their deliberations will be directed as to the best means of subjugating the balance of the States to submission to the Federal Constitution. It is only eighty five years since our ancesters threw off the yoke of British tyranny and laid the foundation of this, the best and greatest government in the world. Only eighty five years on the day that Congress will assemble since the old State House Bell told forth the glad tidings to listening millions, that the American colonies were a free and independent nation: Only eighty five years since the bravest and noblest men that ever lived watered the roots of the small and tender twig of liberty with their hearts warm blood, under whose nurturing influence its towering summit, but a few weeks since, seemed to tip the azure vault of heaven, and as the crowned despots on the other side of the mighty ocean looked upon its gigantic proportions, their thrones trembled beneath them, and they feared to contemplate its future. But alas, behold the prospect now. A venomous worm has gnawed its root, and already its bright foli- age begins to wear a sombre hue, and almost the one half is blighted as by the winters’ blast. Already now, while yet the silver tones of that State House Bell still linger m the air, and while the smoke of battle from the hot contested fields of Valley Forge and Yorktown seem to curl around the mountain tops. Already before the blood of patriots that flowed in the holy cause h:s cooled, and while yet the sufferings and privations of our fathers in establishing this government for us are still fresh upon the bright pages of memory, a dismal day has dawned upon us, of which none can see the end, but which seems to contemplate the undoing of that which has been done and sanctified by the blood of our fathers. And why ? The answer is plain but terrible.— The spirit of seventy six has slumbered, while the spirit of ruthless, villainous polit- ical avarice and ambition has held high court. The veice of patriotism has been hushed by the deafening thunder tones of political agitation. The blessings of civil and religious liberty have been forgotten amidst the tumalt of the race and clamor for office. Christianity bas lost its hold upon the consciences of men, while a seductive Devil has enticed them from the paths of honesty and virtue, after the allurements of public plunder. Politics have run away with our reason and left us a nation of crazy madmen, who seek and court our own de- struction, and already is the suicidal glit- tering steel raised aloft and with deadly aim we stand ready to plunge 1t to our na- tion’s heart. Stop it, O ye spirit of the immortal WasmiNGTOoN. Stop it Almighty (od by the interposition of thy hand if it be thy will, before another blow be struck for every drop of kindred blood that flows but makes us wilder, madder, and our fren- zy shall soon know no bounds. The surg- ing billows of civil discord already mountain high, increases every moment, and the hour will soon arrive when the last hope of peace will be swept by its maddening, rage into Eternity. Then woe betide us unhappy people. A war will wage as long as a bro- er’s arm can lift the sword to smite his brother, and although there can be but one side to the victory in the end, there is dan- ger of it being purchased at the price of liberty itself. 1tis under these alarming crcumstances, that Congress will assemble on the 4th of next July. May the glorious day on which they meet inspire them with a new patriotism. May they forget all parties, ignore all creeds and platforms, as the instruments in the hands of the Devil, that have so nearly ruined us. Let them forget the past position of political parties with all its jealousies and contentions. Let them forget everything but the awful pres- ent and our country ; then invoke the spirit of the immortal WasmiNGToN to hover ardund and direct their deliberation, and we feel confident that some way will open up whereby we may avoid the necessity of en- forcing, at the bayonet and the sword, that respect for the ensign of our country which every American citizen should render it.— Let them not hesitate to denounce their party to save their country. Let them ex- press a determination not to interfere with slavery in the States, or in the Territories, but leave it where the Constitution does— in the hands of the people. Let them say to the South, *¢ Come back erring brother, drop your arms, we do not intend to inter- fere with yout rights ander the Constitution, and if you come now, your transgressions shall be forgiven you.” In the ‘meantime, let the government prepare for the worst, and be prepared should the rebel States! spurn an honorable compromise, to visit upon them a terrible vengeance, cost what it will. But we believe if the olive branch is now held out it will gladly be accepted, and a peace, honorable alike to both North and South reestablished. Let the experi- ment be tried at all events, and even if it fails there will have been nothing lost, and if it prove successful, a nation will have been rescued from the horrors of a civil war. ee yl SA pin Christianity and the Times. In times like these when the tocsin of war is sounding through our unhappy country, and the cry * to arms’ is heard echoing from the mighty hills of Maine, to the sun- ny savannas of Florida, when brother stands arrayed agamnst brother, and the voice of monrning is continualy ascending from homes once happy as earthly blessings could render them, when civil war stands ready to clasp us in its hideous embrace, and spread destruction and death over our fair land, black and portentious clouds dar- ken the sky of our political horizen, threat- ning to leave our cities heaps of smouldering ruins, our brightest vallics desolate wastes, our mercantile palaces places for the ravin to build in, and our church steeples fit spots for the ‘owl’ to hoot from. Gloomy as may be the picture, fearfull as may be the scenes, which the most vivid immagina- tion may conjus up, the faintest idea cannot be formed, words are too weak to pant and the human mind incapable of comprchend- ing the horrors that we as a people will have to witness if the arm of Almighty God is not stretched forth for our deliverance. As a nation we boast of our civilization, and no language was sufficiently strong to express our disgust and indignation at the enormous attrocities perpetrated by the Scpoys in the Indian insurrection. Yet in a moment of excitement Brother prepares to meet Brother in deadly strife, the inventive genius of man is taxed to its utmost capaci- ty ; ingenuity exausts itsself in devising the most terrible and remorsless agencies for hastening and perfecting the awfull work of destruction, even our ministers (North and South) who profess to be called to preach the ¢ Gospel of Christ’’ arm themselves with weapons of death which they flourish with a pride that would well become the wildest barbarian. In weeks gone by we have heard nothing but war! war !! war!!! proclaimed with equal energy from the Pulpit, the Bar, the Rostrum, and the corners of the streets, un- til the mind of man has become morbid, and he thinks of nothing, dreams of nothing, prays for nothing but conquests, won at the expense of his brothers life. If we enter the Sanctuary of the Lord a Temple dedica- ted to the God of peace, the first thing we hear is a Supplication offered up to the God of Battles for the Success of our army, for the glory of cur cause, for the speedy de- struction of our fellow men. North and South such prayers are being offered up daily hourly. Christians, men who believe in the teachings of divino inspiration, men who profess the religion of Crist who has said « Peace on earth and good will towards men?’ do you know that the world is eyeing you sharply, that the Devil is laughing in his sleeve at your protended christianity, do you ever think that you are pleading with a God of mercy to hurry headlong into hell thousands of your unprepared countrymen, do you remember reading the sermon on the mount in which our Saviour says ** Bles- sed arc the mercifull for they shall obtain mercy.” Pause, reflect, and when you again feel like praying, pray to the God of peace, pray for the success and triumph of right, pray that peace and prosperity may speedily be restored to our land, and that we may again become a free, a united and a happy people. We know that amid all this din of conflict, this tumult and strife, that to hear the cry of peace would be but the “voice of one crying in the wilderness,” but peace must come sooner or later, and where is there a better place to make the first move than in the church. —————el il BB et. Mr. LovERIDGE, editor of the Troy (N. Y.) News, has beerr mobbed in that city. and for- ced to leave the country. lis offence was, expressing himself too freely on the causes of the present crisis, and a desire for peace, which brought a visit from a vigilance Com- mittee; and to avoid personal violence from the populace, he left, and has taken refuge in Toronto, C. W. He there publishes a statement of the transaction in the Toronto Leder, that paper remarking as ullows ; «The letter we print this morning from the pen of a brother editor, tells a tale that should bring the blush of shame to the cheek of every Northern man and will be read with astonishment by those on the other side of the Atlantic, who imagine that mob law is peculiarly a Southern institution. Here is a case in which the conductor of a journal, for no other offence than the moderate expres- sion of honest views, is compelled to abandon his establishment and flee to Canada for safety ; the Mayor of the place Confessing his inability to protect person or property, and the whole community passively acquies- cing mn the outrageous proceeding of a Vigil- ance Committee. This occurs, remember, not in South Carolina, nor in Alabama, nor in far-off’ Texas, but in the State of New York and in the Northern City of Troy. And the refugee journalist is in Toronto to- day, a living exemplification of Republican despotism. ‘Who is Responsible ? In view of the difficulties to be surmounted in the hasty organization and equipment of the regiments from this State called iutd the service of the ‘Government, the public have been disposed to overlook minor faults and to attribute them to unavoidable causes. it was rot expected that everything would work from the start with the regularity of an estab- lished military organization. But the public ‘have exhausted forbearance towards the au- thorities having thése matters in charge, and canvot close their eyes to the fact that there is gross mismanagement, to use the very mildest term, somewhere. Many do not hesi- ate to say that there has been outrageous fraud and peculation, and that certain par- ties are lining their pockets at the expense of the volunteers who have shouldered their muskets and Jeft their homes to support the present Administrtion. These things aro too notorious to be overlooked or smothered. There are stubborn facts demanding explana- tion, and terrible abuses calling for repara- tion. It is a fact that the clothing furnished to the volunteers from this State is in many instances entirely worthless—made of the cheapest material, and often so rotten that it is ready to fall from the backs of the wearers. The shoes, too, are made of rotten leather, and the mner soles constructed of wood shavings. Pennsylvanians visiting Washington are pained and mortified beyond expression at the destitute condition of our troops, and are almost ashamed to acknowl. edge themselves natives of a State which provides for its volunteers so shamefully.— While the regiments from other States are comfortably clad and equipped, and march along the streets with a proud step, our poor fellows are ashamed to appear in public in their destitute condition. Many noble- hearted Pennsylvanians have been so moved at the sad plight of the troops that they have contributed liberally from their private means to alleviate this distress. These facts have been notorious long enough for the authorities to have provided a remedy ere this—and yet scarcely a day passes without having a repe- tition of the same distressing complaints. It is time that the fault was investigated, and the guilty authors exposed and punished. We do not desire tostrke in the dark or to blame those to whome blame is not justly attributable, but when we see the evil con- tinuing without abatement, without remedy, it becomes necessary to inquire why this is 80. Why are not the most enegretic measures adopted to ferret out the fraud? If Gov. Curtin refuses to investigate the subject, and satisfy the public upor whose shoulders the blame actually rests, we can tell mm that he will not be acquitted of complicity in this matter. If he has not encouraged rogues, he should not shield them from punishment. Whether quartermaster, or contractor, or other parties, are answerable we know not, but we want light. It is undeniable that frauds have been committed. Who commit- ted them? This is the point to be ascertain- ed. Who was so heartless as to speculate off tho necessities of soldiers, by sending them half-naked to the field—and why was not this clothing properly inspected before it was accepled and paid for # Not only ought peculation te be exposed and punished but the evils inflicted removed. It has been known to the public for more than two weeks that the clothing issued to the troops was in many cases rotten and worthless—utterly unfit to wear during a single campaign ; and yet we have not learned that good, sound garments have been substituted for this worthless trash. Why isthis ? Why, after Pennsylvania has appropriated three and a half millions of dollars for her troops, arc they not furnished with everything needful, as are soldiers of other States ? We also hear a great many complaints of the way things are managed in the Come issary Department, which should by this time be so organized as to work regularly and satisfactorily.— Patriot and Union. etl ee. RESIGNATION OF THR ATTORNEY GENERAL. —The following letter from Attorney Gene eral PUrvIANCE we clip from the Telegraph, of the 24th inst., comment is unnescessary, it speaks for itself : ATTORNEY GENERAL'S OFFICE, Harrisburg, May 24, 1861. To ANDREW G. CURTIN, Governor of Pennsylvauia: For reasons which appeal to my self-respect I cannot consent to continue any longer in conneetion with your administration. I therefore tender you my resignation of the office of Attorney General of the State. SAMUEL A. PURVIANOE. tt MAPA Tramrors.—It is an easy matter for an inconsiderate talker to harp about “traitors” as if they were really in our midst. In most eases those who talk loudest on the subject do not even know what constitutes treason, and they are the last men who should men- tiowit. When ¢key begin their work of hang- ing those they call trators—men who will not pander to the hate of abolitionists—they will have thier hands full of business. If we have any real traitors in the North they are the abolitionists who sustain the uncon - stitutional laws on our statute books, and they must clear their own hands from blood before they talk of hanging citizens whose only crime is patriotic devotion to the laws and the constitution. They are the last men who should appeal to a lawless mob power. The quieter they keep the better.—Monroe National Press. VERY IMPORTANT.—The continuance of the war must create a great demand, in various ways, for well qualified young men, and as the Iron City Commercial College of Pitts- burg, so extensively known throughout the country for the superior advantages it affords, continues its sessions without inter- ruption throughout the year, young men would do well to prepare themselves at once for business by a course of training in this popular institution. For the WATGHMAN. Army Correspondence. QuARTERS, CoxMPANY H., 4th Reg. Pa. Vol. Ar WasmiNaron, B. C., May 11. Eprrors WarcaMaN :—In a rumber of your paper, which reached us # few days since, I noticed what purported to be a list of the members of the Eagle Guards. The list referred toscontained the names of many who are not now members, whilst the names of others were omitted. By request, I en- close a correct list of the 77 members now in service. Perhapsit would not be amiss for me in this connection, to give a brief statement of our departure from Annapolis. After a stay of two weeks at Annapolis, notwithstanding the beauties of the Naval grounds, and the ‘‘pleasurable exercise’ of making a railroad from the wharf to the de- pot, to convey provisions for the 5000 troops at that place, the thousands stationed along the line, and the 30,000 now in Washington, time began to hang heavy on our hands, and it was with pleasure that we heard the ans nounceinent to *¢ prepare for march ” ring forth from the stentorian lungs of Orderly Hughes, on Wednesday, 1 P. M. After some delay at the depot, our regiment en- tered the cars, and were soon enroute for the Capitol. Nearly all the soil is of = sandy nature, and consequently a very poor foundation for a road, cars running scarcely more than 8 or 10 miles per hour. At An- napolis Juntion we waited over an hour for the arrival of the Baltimore train. The |P! Junction is a hot-bed of Secessioniats, and nothing but fear keeps them in subjection. Thousands of acres ile between Annapolis, «worn out,” the result, no doubt, of the “peculiar” modus operandi of cultivation. Arriving at Washington by sundown, we took quarters in the First Congregational Church, where we still are. Thus, notwith- standing our detention at Perryville and Annapolis, we were the first Centre county troops here. Since our arrival, our time has been for rhe most part at our dispesal, which affords opportunity to ¢ see the sights.” — We know nothing about what our move- ments will be next. Reports are being constantly circulated to create sensation ar- ticles for the press. The feeling in Wash- ington is almost unanimous for Union. A gentleman from Western Virginia, tells me this morning that if Virginia did secede, Western Virginia would resist it with arms. Maryland will not go out of the Union. The U. S. troops passing through Baltimore were cheered vociferously and protected by a body of police 500 strong. All public build- ings, churches and many large private dwellings are used as quarters for troops.— A New Jersey recruit was shot on Wednes- day by one of the mounted police. It is said that the act was unjustifiable and that the police will undoubtedly be hung. Two regiments left yesterday, for what purpose, 1t is not known. It is undoubtedly the ob- ject of the President to retake all the public property go that there will certainly be fight- ing done, though perhaps not for some time. We have received what is intended for our uniform. It consists of grey pants, Ken- tucky Jean blouse. clumsy shoes, the whole surmounted by a blue cap. Think we will change quarters this afternoon. Where, I do not know ; probably to a position a half mile out of the city, where they are erecting quarters for the troops the city cannot find room for, The health of our company has been remarkably good, with the exception of two members who have been sent home. Capt. Snyder is well, and is showing him- self toward his men a gentleman and sol- dier, as he is. Lieut. Blair is ever among us with his left hand in his pocket always ready and willing to assist us, and keeping a constant lookout for our welfare. It is impossible to write more on account of the tumult kept up by members of another com- pany. More anon. J. F. HoLABAN. NAMES OF THE EAGLE GUARDS. OFFICERS. Captain—AUSTIN B. SNYDER. 1st Liewt—Wu. H. Brag. 2d ¢ —Wm. L. Raphile. 1st O. S.—Jas. P. Hughes. 2d * —Evan R, Goodfellow. 3d ¢ —John 8. Boell. 4th « —Jos. A. Clark. 1st Corp.—Wm. OC, Davis. 2d ¢¢ —das. Dowling. 8d ‘ —Charles Glenn. 4th < —L. B. Holt. PRIVATES. Levi Bowers, Joseph Shelby, Robt. Hinton, Philip Bradley, Daniel Powers, J. F. Holahan, Stanley Keyes, Henry Sands, Alex. Drawker, Sam’l. L. Miller, John Sweiler, Calvin Waltz, John A. Wilson, Andrew Doyle, Wm. Clark, Joseph Funk, Thomas Helt, as. (I. Anderson, Micheal Laughlin, Edward Bland, Jas. D. Culp, G. W. Garner, T. B. Hamilton, F. T, Antis, Wm. H. Shultz, John Barger, Jacob Lehr, Constance Barger, Samuel Huey, G. H. Nicely, Wm. Wilson, Henry Twitmire, R. C. Hollabaugh, Hugh Martin, A E. Emminbhise, A. T. Schnell, Jas. B, Curtin, Geo. W. Funk, Jas. Barger, Wendel Swerd, Henry Kembolt, Daniel Swyers, James Hays, John C. Henry, Edward Dowling, G. G. Wyland, John Funk, Wm. I. Mackey, Wm, McLenahan, Wm. W. Wetsler, Ira Knoll, * Emery Hutton, Charles Fell, Simeon Bathurst, Edward Spears, Wm. Shirk, George Young, D. H. Parsons, Thos. Ammerman, James Powers, Richard Miles, Jas. E. McCartney, Frank Mullen, * C. P. Steel, George Uox, A. Harshbarger, * Discharged on account of sickness. eerie meeevemesers _ THe health of Heury A. Wise, of Virginia, is reported by the Richmoud papers to be very precarcious. ) THE LATEST NEWS. Importait from Baltimore and the South. Bavtimorg, May 26.—The three hundred troops which had been stationed on the line of the Northern Central Railway passed en route for Washington to-day. Gen. CADWALADER’S troops encamped here are doing well: They are visited by large numbers of the citizens. The best}information from Washington and points farther South represent that all the rumors of fighting near Alexandria and at Sewall’s Point are totally ufounded. Af- fairs in Washington are said to be quiet.—- A gentleman who left Wheeling list night says that the Unicn feeling there is intense and several preminent Secessionists have been driven from the City. The Western Virginians are determined to support the Union. From passengers who passed through Hat - per’s Ferry at noon to-day, I learn that all 1s quiet there. At the Point of Rocks, where the mails and passengers are daily transfer- red, the travel haa been obstructed by so mi- ning an immense rock that it overhangs the — and is ready to be toppled over‘on the track at any moment. The road is also guar- ded by the Virginians. Col. Wilcox, the commandent here, has is- sued a proclamation, instituting strict mar- tial law. Capt. Whittlesey, of the Michigan regiment, is appointed Provost Marshall, and Company H, of that regiment, selected as city police. The citizens are assured that they will be protected in their persons prop- erty and slaves. All public property will be respected, unless the United States forces are attacked. tThe citizens are not permitted to enter or leave the city, without a written ass. All outrages or cxcesses by the Fed- eral soldiers wil be promptly punished if reported. The pickets of the United States forces here were last night fired upon and the troops called to arms in consequence, but nobody was hurt. The Seventh New York Regiment will re- turn home, on Wednesday. Strong and extensive entrenchments are being erected by the United States forces on the Virginia Heights, which entirely com- mand the approaches to Alexandria. The body of Jackson, who shot Ellsworth, has been taken to Fairfax county for burial. All the furniture has been removed from the Marshall House, and itis now in the posses- sion of the United States troops. 1t is reported hero that the troops now a the Relay House are to go up the road towards iri Ferry to-morrow, and that the Philadelphia regiments will go the Relay, whilst this post will be occupied by the recruits recently mustered here. The statements that the track has been torn up at Harper's Ferry are mot true, as trains are arriving from beyond that point. A regiment arrived over the Northern Central 10ad this afternoon, and marched through the western section of the city, tak- ing the road to Catonsville. Mr. MERRYMAN is still in custody at Fort McHenry. It is reported that there are several charges agrinst him. An effort will be made to-morrow to obtain a writ of ha- beas corpus, but 1t is said that this will be resisted by orders from the Government. Several heavy columbiads were mounted on Fort McHenry to-day, The Marshall House is the hotel in which Gen. Washington stopped, and Col. Ells- worth was shot near the door of the cham- ber that Washington occupied. Seargent Butterworth, of the New York Zouaves, was shot last night by M O'Neal, of the same corps, who was acting as sentry and receiving no reply to his challenge fired and instantly killed the former. Butterworth unfotunately was a stutterer, and his failing to answer was caused by this infirmity. There are now about 6.000 Federal troops within and camped in the vicinity of Fort- ress Monroe. E:citement in West Chester. West Crester, May 26.—Orders were received at Camp Wayne, yesteday, for the Ninth and Eleventh Regiments to hold them- selves in readiness to march at a moment’s notice and if other orders were not sent, for the Ninth to leave for Philadelphia at 5 A M on Sunday morning, and the Eleventh to follow the next day. These orders, coupled with the informa- tion of ths assassination of the heroic ELLs: woRTi, and the probable march on Norfolk and Sewall’s Point, created the most intense excitement throughout the camp. The men seemed ¢ eager for the fray,” and on all sides there was a hurrying to and fro. The men took a hasty glance at their muskets. Their traps were soon packed, guards were sent out to pick up the stragglers, and over the whole camp ran a murmur of satisfac- tion that they would soon have an opportu- nity to revenge the murder of Col. ELrs- WORTH. About noon a large lot of equipments were received * they comprised a complete outfit for the Eleventh, (except overcoats and pants,) caps and shoes for the Ninth. The uniform is that worn by the volunteers in the Mexican war, and similar to those pow used by the ¢ Scott Legion.” The pants and caps were distributed a- mong the Ninth, and are deserving of notice. They are well made, and of good material. The Eleventh are now pretty well rigged, and owing to the untiring exertions of their officers they will compare favorably with other Regiments. This morning the Ninth marched to the depot of the Media road, reached the city, and went immediately down the Baltimore road, bound for New Castle, Deleware. The Eleventh go to Havre de Grace to-day. Alarmat Alexandria. WASHINGTON, May 25, 1861.—The capi- tal, and indeed the entire country, was thrown to great excitement this forenoon, by the circulation of reports to the effect that a pitched battle was going on between the belligerent forces in the neighborhood of Arlington Heights. Annexed is a narrative of the events which gave rise to the reports alluded to: About eleven o’clock this forenoon the picket guard of the Twelfth New York regi- ment was attacked, half a mile beyond Ar- lington Heights. by about seven hundred and fifty infantry of the rebels. Only a few shots were fired by the rebels. The latter returned the fire, and hastened to the main body to give the alarm, when the Twelfth Regiment were called to arms. The Seventh New York Regiment being near the Twelfth, was also soon in marching order, having been fired upon by a body of cavalry without doing harm. The two regiments—the Sev- enth and Twelfth—were soon in line of bat- tle. As soon as the rebels discovered they were about to be attacked by the Iederal forces, they fled. Pursuit was made, but | the rebels being good runners, escaped. Testimonials to the Lamented Dead. New York, May 26.—The remains of Col. EvLsworTH arrived here early this morn- ing, and were received by a deputation of the fund Committe and two members of each company of the Fire Department. The remains were escorted to the Astor House and placed iu charge of the family of the deceased. 7 ~ Private funeral services were held therc in the afternoon, after which the body lay in state for two hours in the Governor’s Room in the City Hall, The remains were then escorted to the steamer Francis Skiddy, on which they left for Troy, by a proeession both large and impressive. The Eleventh, Fifty-fifth, First and Third Regiments, the two latter being dismounted cavalry, formed the escort, while the firemen turned out in great numbers.— The streets through which the funcral pro- cession marched were lined with people, who by uncovered heads and other demonstra- tions of respect, paid a heartfelt tribute to the deceased. In the midst of the procession was the banner of the New York Fire Department, shrouded in mourning. The flags all over the city are at half mast, and many are drap- ed in black. Union Vote in Western Virginia. Marierra, Ohio, May 26.—We have the following election returns from Western Virginia : UNION MAJORITIES. COUNTIES. Berkley, 700 | Morgan, 400 Wood, 1695 | Loudon, 1000 Ritchie, 378 | Wirt, 300 Jackson, 400 | Doddridge, 550 Pleasant, 158 | Taylor, 790 Barbour, 350 | Wetzell, 1 Marion, 450 | Cabell, 650 Mason, 1700 | Preston, 500 Kanawha, 1200 Harrison, 1000 | Total, 11,532 The office of the Parkersburg News, a Se- cession print, was completely demolished, on Friday night, by a crowd of Union men, who considered it their duty to stop its is- sue. The Southern Postal Service. WasmyGron, May 26.—Postmaster-Gen- eral BLAir has issued the following order: — All the Postal service in the States of Vir- ginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Geor- gia, Florida, Alabama, Mississippi, Louisi- ana, Arkansas and Texas will be suspended from and after the 31st instant. Letters for offices temporarily closed by this order, will be forwarded to the Dead letter Offico, except those for Western Virginia, which will be sent to Wheeling. ATTENTION COMPANY! FORWARD MARCH! TO. A. STERNBERG & CO’S CHEAP CLOTII- NG STORE, in the Diamond, and get a suit of Spring and Sura- mor Clothing at Reduced Prices. “ang the banner on the cuter wall, *‘That the people may know where to call. A. STERNBERG & CO. is the place to buy all kinds of Mens’ and Boys’ clothing cheaper than at any other establishment in this vicinity. THE WAR MOVEMENT is driving numbers for Clothing, Hats, Caps and Furnishing Goods to A. BTERNBERG & Co. NEW GOODS received every woek, and gold cheapar than ever at A. STERNBERG & CQ Bellefonte May 30, 1861. YT NOOURAGE HOME INDUSTRY. Our citizens have for many years been in the habit of going to distant cities for their Bugies and Carriages, thus depreciating diseoun- tenancing our home manufactories, and giving to foreign eatablishinents the patronage that should properly be extended to our own. The neatncss of tho foreign geve it the preference, over tho home manufactured vehicle, and little atten‘ion was paid to thoir durability. I have just opened a manufactury on Penn street near Bishop, hav- ing had an extensive and varied expereance at Coach making in all its departments, feel confi- dent that I can turn out work combining with a finish equal to that of any city establishment a degree of durability never found in city work. 1X respectfully invite inspection of my work by per sons desirous to purchase. Repairing of all kinda done on the shortest no tice. May 30, 1861. S. A. M'QUISTION. NOT ICI. S. T. SuvGerr ) In the Common Pleas of vs. Centre County. E. 8. Frrem, No. 132 Apr, Term, "61. Al. Ejectment for a tract of land situate in the township of Rush, in the county of Centre, con- taining three hundred and acres or thereabouts, bounded on the north and northwest by Mosisano n Creek, on the east and northeast by a tract in tho warrantee name of Paul Zantzinger, on the South and southwest by a tract in the warrantee name of Sebastiar. Graff, tbeing part of a larger tract which the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania by letter patent, dated the 6th day of April 1861, granted and confined to Frederick Bates, serive- ner, of Philadelphia, And now to wit : April 23d, 1861, on motion of D. G. Bush, Attorney for Peff. Rule, granted on Deft to’ appear and plead on or before next Term or Judgment, notice to be given by publication (describing the land) in ono newspaper published in Centre county for sixty days. Certified from Record this 3d day of May, A. D., 1861 JNO. T. JOHNSTON, May 16, 1861. Prothonotary. JJARDWARE. TO BUY CHEAP FOR CASI. HOFFMAN'S x is the store for Blacksmiths. HOFFMAN'S ia the store for Carpenters, HOFFMAN'S 2h fs the store for Baddlers. HOFFMAN'S is the store for Tinners. HOFFMAN'S is the store for Builde rs. For Bellows, Anvils, paints, Glass &e., &o., go to YES! Todsal > J. HoPrMAY. CANDIES! To dealers I3 cents per pound > BT. HOFFMAN. at May 10 61 Lewistown Pa. TRJoTIcE. . Having disposed of the DaMocrATIC WarcnMAN Office all persons knowing themselves indebted either to the firm of Seely & Barnhart, or the undersighed, will please come forward and make immediate settlement of their accounts.— The business must be closed as speedily as pos- sible and all porsons neglecting this notice be- yond a reasonable time will find their accounts in the hands of a proper officer for collection. My undivided attentionshall be given to this business until it is settled. May 9th 61. J.S. BARNHART. XECUTORS NOTICE. Notice is here by given that letters testamentary on the Estate of Andrew Martin, late of Walker Township, deceased, have been granted te the subscriber, who reqests (all those indebted to said estate, to make immediate pay- ment, and all Hiess liaving denpanis aysimgl oot Estate, to present them them duly au ato for sotilomont. WM. MARTIN. May 10, 61.—6t. Lzecutor. | Ayer’s Cathartic Pills. Ao